One of the many reasons C. S. Lewis came to believe in Christianity is because it is so strange, saying: “Christianity is not the sort of thing anyone would have ...
For the next month, we will turn to Holy Week with Keller. The material is familiar but Tim Keller has a gift for taking us higher up and deeper in. ...
We don't usually picture Daniel as a tottering old man when he is lowered into the den of lions. And in looking at children's books, most of them do not ...
As you probably know, Paige was kept from giving her teaching on Daniel 6 by a broken water main in Nashville that blocked the way to her church. Pretty unusual! ...
It was 1988. Steve and I, and our 12-year-old daughter Sally, were at our first Christian Bookseller's Convention in Orlando. It was a huge arena with 350 booths. Many booths ...
Free Photo by Andres Daza on Pexels PRIDE IS ESSENTIALLY COMPETITION We say that people are proud of being rich, or clever, or good-looking, but they ...
A very familiar passage, but Paige is so great in helping us see how it applies to us. I suspect one powerful part this week is drawn from Tim Keller's ...
How delusional we are if we think we are in control. How delusional Nebuchadnezzar was to think he was in control. Any power he had was given to him by ...
Nashville got a record snowfall of over 7 inches that crippled the city and postponed Paige's lecture on Daniel 2 until next week. At first, I thought, Oh no! But ...
Here we go! On Wednesdays, everyone does the green path. You can move ahead down the mountain if you like. The weekends are free to catch up or move ahead. ...
How often have we determined on Jan 1 to lose weight, to exercise more, to be kinder, calmer, purer... but by mid-January , we are screaming: I CAN'T DO IT!!!!!!! ...
Before we move into Christmas Eve and Christmas Week, I'm excited to tell you how God has led me for January -- and thank you for your prayers. I really ...
I'm going to wade briefly into the deep water of the apocalyptic literature of Revelation this week, but just to capture one vision before I turn to the safer water ...
Pexels Photo by Andreas Resch The world celebrates a Christ-less Hallmark Christmas and it seems to be getting darker and darker, just as it did before the first time Christ ...