We'll take two weeks to do Paige's lesson as she is not teaching next week but the video will stay up. So, you can breathe a little! Watch about the ...
This was my favorite (so far) from this series, because it reminds me of what matters most. ("It's the Heart, Stupid.") Do we really comprehend God's love for us? New ...
Pareisa Safeia photo Unsplash As diamonds shine brighter on a black cloth, God's grace shines brighter against the dark background of the book of Judges. Paige ...
Share a God Hunt from the Last Week: Review: Paige opened by saying that Bible study is work and cautioned against "studies" that say "Just come, you won't have to ...
Link to Paige's Study This Week and Transcription Ice-Breaker God Hunt How have you experienced either the holiness or the mercy of God recently? Red letters are from Paige's outline ...
What a beautiful introduction to Joshua from Paige. Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever. The God who promised Joshua He'd never leave him is the same God who ...
This is our last psalm for the summer. We will be doing Joshua and Judges with Paige next. I will reduce homework by reducing questions. If you have not signed ...
We are going from the comfort of Psalm 91 to the scream of 109, showing how "bi-polar" the psalms are, as life is "bi-polar." I think it was Patti who ...
I've long loved the word translated "wings," or "covering" to describe the Lord's protective love for us. It's used famously in this psalm as "under the shadow of his wings" ...
This psalm shows us the key to a joyful Christian life. We are sinners from birth, it is in our DNA and leads to destruction and despair. But there is ...
What enormous work a shepherd must do to care for His sheep! I didn't know that as the dry summer season approached, he went before them into the high mountain ...
My mother loved Philip Keller's book, and asked that "The Lord is My Shepherd" be on her tombstone. That meant so much to me as Mother didn't come to Christ ...
I had trouble this morning so you may be getting two posts -- please don't work this one, but with the one that says: Beginning Psalm 23! If you have ...