I thought Paige's teaching magnificent, and as I often do, loved her closing. She zoomed in showing how mindful God is of ordinary people. Mindful of Ruth and Boaz in ...
Paige showed us the surgeon's hands of God in Ruth 1, where His knife was used for good, to remove stones from their hard hearts, for these were the days ...
Link to Paige's Study This Week and Transcription Ice-Breaker God Hunt How have you experienced either the holiness or the mercy of God recently? Red letters are from Paige's outline ...
How delusional we are if we think we are in control. How delusional Nebuchadnezzar was to think he was in control. Any power he had was given to him by ...
Here we go! On Wednesdays, everyone does the green path. You can move ahead down the mountain if you like. The weekends are free to catch up or move ahead. ...
How I loved Paige's closing last week, explaining that God sent the storm not to punish Jonah but to rescue him from his rebellious self. She read from the classic ...
pexels-photo by meпавел-гавриков-8716325 I am sure most of you have done Jonah before, perhaps many times, perhaps here! But I absolutely know there will be heart-melting encouragement and fresh insights ...
Although written nearly two thousand years ago, how relevant is Jude! False teaching still abounds inside the church. Paige tells how when she was ten, her older brother got her ...
This was my favorite of Paige's messages in James, for it so touched my heart, and was so relevant to my life, and to my relationship with my local church ...
Meward = Worldliness & Sorrow Godward = Godliness & Joy Each day we have choices between living meward or Godward. In The Missing Piece Lee Ezell tells of vascillating between ...
In addition to doing this study with you on the blog, I'm doing it with a group of new Christians. (I've questioned my judgment since, as James can be so ...
Paige's teaching this week on James 1:19-2:13 reminds me of what Tim Keller said about the fruit of the Spirit, those qualities that flow into our life because of our ...
It's Paige's last lecture in the Elijah/Elisha series, and I (and others I've talked to) agree it is the best! She's calling her last 3 teachings "wordel studies." Faith, Grace, ...
All Five Lectures are Live for Review! Hurrah! They will disappear next Tuesday evening. Review is powerful for our hearts. Let's do this. You could download and listen to many ...