Link to Paige’s Study This Week and Transcription
Ice-Breaker God Hunt
How have you experienced either the holiness or the mercy of God recently?
Red letters are from Paige’s outline to help you move through the video and the questions. There is much material, and in small groups you may not be able to read all the Scriptures, but someone could summarize the story in a few sentences. This lecture is a lot, and I’m hesitant to give you more, but if interested, these 11.49 minutes from Keller are helpful for the whole of Joshua, and esp. Rahab.
Tim Keller on Rahab (less than 12 minutes)
Paige’s Opening: Biblical Survey of the Person and Purposes of God
Watch up until she gets to The Battle Survey, beginning with Jericho.
Paige opened by describing this scene from “Friends”
1. How does the video relate to the common feelings of violence in the Old Testament? What were some of the examples she gave from Genesis, Exodus, and Numbers 16 (Korah) that demonstrate the holiness of God and His desire to wipe out evil?
2. She said people think: “God is not that great and I am not that bad.” Thoughts?
3. The word “herem” means “devoted to destruction.”
A. Choose two examples she gives of this and write a sentence: (Sodom and Gomorrah, the Cannanites, Leviticus 18 and Deut. 18)
B. Why were they ordered not to take any of the plunder?
C. She said this was a unique work of God in history — point?
D. What is the intrusion ethic? Read Joshua 2:1-14 and describe how you see the intrusion ethic. What grabs you, resonates with you? How is the gospel illustrated by the story of Rahab? Be specific.
The Battle Survey: Jericho, AI, Gibeon, and South and North
Watch up to Spotlight on the characters in Paige’s outline.
4. Read Joshua 5:13-15. What grabs you, resonates with you? What is the point the commander is making to Joshua?
5. In Tim Keller’s message “Joshua and the General” he talks about our propensity to get God on our side, to do our bidding, instead of serving Him. How have you done that? Have you truly turned a corner of true repentance with that?
6. Who do you think “the man with a sword” really is? What did Paige mean when she said this episode between Joshua and “the man” is a prototype for the whole conquest? How does this apply to you in how you live your life?
7. Read Joshua 6:1-5. What grabs you, resonates with you? What do you learn from verse 2?
8. Read Joshua 6:15-22. What grabs you, resonates with you? How is the Lord speaking to you through this?
9. What did she say was the point of the parade with the Ark around Jericho for all who lived in Jericho? What was her point about people on the bleachers trash-talking during a victory for their team? 9.
10. Read Joshua 7:1-15 (If not familiar with story read all of 7) How did the people of God break faith with God? How did Achan? How is this like Psalm 2?
11. Read Joshua 8:1-2 What does God tell Joshua? How is this the intrusion of mercy?
12. Read Joshua 9:1-21 What did the Gibeonites do and why was it so stupid? How does God show them grace?
13. Read Joshua 10:8-14 What is God showing all of them? Showing us?
14. Read Joshua 11:1-6 What army does Joshua face and what does God tell him? What fears can you give to Him?
The Relational God: Focus on the Characters
15. Look again at Rahab in Joshua 2. Paige said, “True faith doesn’t stop with being convinced of the reality of God, but presses in to take refuge in Him.” (This reminds me of another lecture when Paige said God won’t be impressed with our sermon notes, but our action.) How did Rahab live this out? How have you and how are you living this out?
16. What was Paige’s point with the international woman with a hard history who came to her dad’s church?
17. Spotlight on Achan. How do you see Achan’s hard-heartedness? How does this historical incident show that God has no favoritism?
18. This is from me. Read Hosea 2:13-15. What is the purpose of the Lord’s discipline? What will happen to us if we truly repent? Application?
The Closing
19. How do you see growth in Joshua?
20. Paige (and Tim Keller in his sermon on Joshua 5:13-15) said ” Moses got a burning bush, and Joshua got a commander with a sword.” Both point to the holiness of God. They could either fight God or fall on their face. How is this speaking to you?
21. What did she mean when she said “Jesus was devoted to destruction for us?”
22. In her closing she looked at both Revelation 12 to see the holiness of God and Revelation 5 to see the mercy of God. How so?
23. She said everyone’s hearts will melt and they will either meet a warrior or a lamb who was slain with arms stretched out. Which one surprises us?
24. What is your take-a-way and how will you apply this? Paige gives these questions to ponder for application: What is the hard news my heart most needs to hear? What is the good news my heart most needs to hear? How am I being challenged to repent, obey, or love and serve others? What does this reveal about the immeasurable love of God?
Ice-Breaker God Hunt
How have you experienced either the holiness or the mercy of God recently?
—This past Sunday we sang a contemporary worship song at our church called “Echo Holy”. The words are a beautiful reminder of the holiness of God. It has continued to be in my mind this week keeping me mindful of God’s holiness. I was deeply blessed this morning and sweetly drawn into worship as I listened to it again.
Great song for this lesson, Bev.
What a beautiful song that reminds us how holy the Lord is. Thanks Bev.
Paige’s Opening: Biblical Survey of the Person and Purposes of God
Watch up until she gets to The Battle Survey, beginning with Jericho.
Paige opened by describing this scene from “Friends”
1. How does the video relate to the common feelings of violence in the Old Testament?
—There is an aversion to the reality of judgement carried out on a sinful people. Because we lack a perspective of the holiness of God we minimize Him. And then think we are better than we really are.
What were some of the examples she gave from Genesis, Exodus, and Numbers 16 (Korah) that demonstrate the holiness of God and His desire to wipe out evil?
—Adam & Eve banished from the Garden and death and decay coming upon them. The Flood and only Noahs’s family saved by the complete destruction of mankind.
Sodom & Gomorrah destroyed by fire because of not one righteous person there.
They were examples of God carrying out his judgment on blatant sin and rebellion against Him.
2. She said people think: “God is not that great and I am not that bad.” Thoughts?
—That was a very sobering part of her talk regarding the holiness of God. It is as people lose the understanding of Who God really is they begin to minimize Him. She said We have to start with the Holiness of God. And she referred to the “The Godness of God”.
His complete purity, perfection, otherness, transcendency, complete and perfect majesty, complete and perfect beauty, His infinity. Everything that is Him and not us!
It is a terrible thing to in anyway diminish God and think less of Him.
But frankly we are bad in our flesh and think too highly of ourselves. That is why we need the perfection of his mercy and grace that can save us from ourselves and our sinfulness.
3. The word “herem” means “devoted to destruction.”
A. Choose two examples she gives of this and write a sentence: (Sodom and Gomorrah, the Cannanites, Leviticus 18 and Deut. 18)
—Because of the blatant sin and rebellion that was entrenched in their nations God had decided on the destruction and Israel was to obey and it was to be carried out by them as God’s instrument.
B. Why were they ordered not to take any of the plunder?
—The devotion to destruction was because even the possessions of the sinful nations were condemned ahead of time. Those things, the plunder were unholy along with the people. Taking any of the plunder brought those who took it under judgement by just having it in their presence.
C. She said this was a unique work of God in history — point?
—The rebellious people were enemies of God and not enemies of Israel. God had determined and designated all things were to be destroyed and it was Israel’s job to obey God and carry out His judgement.
Very well done. No wonder you raised such a godly son!
Ice-Breaker God Hunt
How have you experienced either the holiness or the mercy of God recently? – I’m reminded every day of the holiness of God. I cannot function without Him. From every breath I take throughout the day to seeing the beauty around me that He created. It’s all his doing. His unconditional love toward me, even though I fail daily, is amazing. He has so much compassion, grace and mercy, that if I could have even a little of that, I would be moving in the right direction to show others, just who I belong to. He has helped me get out of myself and have eyes that are open for others. I’m not an outgoing person, but it’s because of Jesus and all he has done for me, that I’m able to open up more without fear. It’s all Him!
Paige’s Opening: Biblical Survey of the Person and Purposes of God
Watch up until she gets to The Battle Survey, beginning with Jericho.
Paige opened by describing this scene from “Friends”
1. How does the video relate to the common feelings of violence in the Old Testament? What were some of the examples she gave from Genesis, Exodus, and Numbers 16 (Korah) that demonstrate the holiness of God and His desire to wipe out evil? – Most people do not like violence, to see it happen, to hear about it happening, they tend to cringe. They want to not think of this world as a violent world. But sin has crept in and has made it violent. They don’t understand how God can allow such violent and proclaim his holiness and love. In Genesis she mentioned the flaming swords at the entrance to the Garden; Exodus had the plaques; in Numbers (Koran) there was rebellion and the earth opened up and swallowed up the people.
2. She said people think: “God is not that great and I am not that bad.” Thoughts? – I think people don’t like to think there is someone better than them. We tend to think what we do, is not that bad and justice needs to be served to other people for worse offenses than what we do. But God is holy and judgement is required because of his holiness. He doesn’t play favorites with sin. Sins big or small don’t have a size to God I don’t think. He sees disobedience to his Word the same and judgement will come because of our disobedience.
3. The word “herem” means “devoted to destruction.”
A. Choose two examples she gives of this and write a sentence: (Sodom and Gomorrah, the Cannanites, Leviticus 18 and Deut. 18) – Leviticus 18 – The people in the land did many vile things that were against God’s Word and so the people and the land became unclean. Their abominations to the Lord were not tolerated and God destroyed the people and the land they had. Sodom and Gomorrah, Genesis 19 – a very vile city and the people in it were wicked and didn’t care about anyone but themselves and their pleasures. Lot was rescued from it, but God threw sulfur and fire down on it and destroyed them.
B. Why were they ordered not to take any of the plunder? – They were told that because it all belongs to God. It was not theirs to take.
C. She said this was a unique work of God in history — point? – As I think about this and go back and read about what Paige said, I’m thinking that these destructive people and the lands they live in needed to be destroyed by God so others can see his judgement. They need to know when they disobey it won’t be certain people that come to destroy them, it will be God. Because their abominations are against Him and only Him and his Word he is the one that will destroy them.
D. What is the intrusion ethic? Read Joshua 2:1-14 and describe how you see the intrusion ethic. What grabs you, resonates with you? How is the gospel illustrated by the story of Rahab? Be specific. – If I’m understanding this correctly, it is God taking what is true or will be true in the future and giving a glimpse of what will happen, good or bad. I’m not really sure. Rahab had so much faith in God, that she knew all that he had done for the Israelites. She wanted to be a part of that. She didn’t let her occupation stop her. She knew she was unclean herself, but her faith in God outweighed all of that. The promising of the land was stated, it hadn’t come yet, but her faith made her believe so deeply that it was coming, she wanted to make sure she and her family were safe when it did. God is faithful, he protects those who love him if we obey.
Ice-Breaker God Hunt
How have you experienced either the holiness or the mercy of God recently?
The mercy of God: I have made commitments that seem to be overwhelming me right now. Only God’s mercies are keeping me afloat. Today, I have decided to say “NO” to something that I thoughtfully have said “Yes” to. God is telling me to slow down and not think too highly of myself (my presence is needed at an event). I want to support a young couple who are getting married on Saturday. He worked for my husband for a while and she was a former student of mine. But I am worn out and the logistics for Richard and me to get there together from 2 different directions is too much. I need to heed God’s voice showing mercy to this tired overworked body (I got myself) into this predicament) by telling me it is okay to say NO. There are other ways to support this precious couple.
Bing I’m glad you are heeding the leading of the Lord. Relax and rest up.
Julie, thanks for the encouragement. I want to be here and my priorities need to be re-ordered. I love the first section of this study so much-what a picture of these passages that has come alive through Paige. I have been confused about all these bloody conquests and after I listened, I am beginning to see the light from God’s perspective. Thank you, Dee! This is a hard study but so good.
On the second page of her notes, I thought the last article from The Gospel Coalition was helpful in understanding God’s “genocide”
Bing, I trust you will find a much greater peace of heart as you practice saying “No” to more things. A number of years ago I came to that same place of needing to say No much more than I had and I have found God settles my heart down and I am ok with doing that. He will be faithful to lead you in your yeses and in your nos. And the result is a greater peace of heart.
Bev, thank you for your kind words. My brain has been going in a thousand directions and I have been asking God to help me focus on His will for my life. “He will be faithful to lead you in your yeses and in your nos. And the result is a greater peace of heart.” Thank you for this.
How have you experienced either the holiness or the mercy of God recently? My 86 year old dad has been very sick for a long time and when we went to see him this weekend he was looking, feeling and acting much better. He is not saved and has little interest in spiritual things yet while I was visiting with him he turned on a country tv channel that had a guy singing gospel songs and my dad said, “This guy is really good. I like listening to him sing.” It brought a spark of hope. I’ve been praying that his eyes will be opened and he will accept Jesus as savior.
Oh wow Dawn, that is encouraging for sure.
That is encouraging, Dawn.
Oh how sweet Dawn! Praying for your Dad’s salvation. 💕
1. How does the video relate to the common feelings of violence in the Old Testament? Some people only want to see the “good” parts where everyone is happy and gets along. What were some of the examples she gave from Genesis, Exodus, and Numbers 16 (Korah) that demonstrate the holiness of God and His desire to wipe out evil? Adam and Eve were banished from the Garden of Eden. Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed. The plagues on Egypt. The Levites kill 3000 Israelites because they were worshiping idols. Venomous snakes invade the Israelite’s camp. The ground opens up and swallows Korah and his family.
2. She said people think: “God is not that great and I am not that bad.” Thoughts? We often underestimate God and don’t take His Word as seriously as we should. We tend to rationalize and justify our behavior. It’s our way of trying to find a middle ground that we can kind of live life for ourselves.
3. The word “herem” means “devoted to destruction.”
A. Choose two examples she gives of this and write a sentence: (Sodom and Gomorrah, the Cannanites, Leviticus 18 and Deut. 18) The Lord would have spared Sodom and Gomorrah if there had been even 10 righteous people, but the whole city was depraved and there was no good among them. In Leviticus 18 God was telling the Israelites to obey His laws and statutes and not to participate in the sexual sins, child sacrifices, witchcraft, etc. of the people of the Egypt or Canaan.
B. Why were they ordered not to take any of the plunder? Because it belongs to God.
C. She said this was a unique work of God in history — point? This was all God’s work. It wasn’t the Israelites battle. The conquest, people and plunder all belong to God for destruction.
D. What is the intrusion ethic? Read Joshua 2:1-14 and describe how you see the intrusion ethic. What grabs you, resonates with you? How is the gospel illustrated by the story of Rahab? Be specific. The intrusion ethic is where God takes a moment in time to show exactly what is going to take place in the future. He totally wipes out the entire city of Jericho except for the family of Rahab who was chosen for salvation. At the end of time the entire broken, dead world and all evil will be destroyed. Only those chosen for salvation will live forever in the new earth. What resonates with me is that except for the mercy and patience of God we should all be destroyed. There is nothing good in us. He has chosen to open our eyes and hearts to hear His word and be saved.
How have you experienced either the holiness or the mercy of God recently?
It’s been such a rough week this week. I have not had one minute to do the things I would like to do other than work and take care of the house/family. The court is putting us through so much paperwork because our daughter is wanting the guardianship to be terminated. Grace has been unusually hard to work with also. It’s like walking on eggshells sometimes.
Yesterday, I begged God to help me with her; to help me understand how to handle her outbursts. I’ve been reading books and trying new techniques to understand her temperament. Finally, when I picked the kids up from school, I cautiously began a new technique, and it seemed to work! thank You Lord for having my back. He must have known how frustrated I was (of course He did!).
Dee, I can’t get the Keller link to work.
Also, where are the links to Paige’s study? I don’t see them here.
I’ll work on the Keller link — but you can just google Keller Joshua to find it. Would you sign up for Paige’s e-mails here — they send you a reminder and a link, but I will try to do better at putting it in. It’s a lot and I miss things, but I am sorry.
Here is the link for you to sign up:
No problem! I can find both. I just thought you posted it usually. Take care!
I try to remember, but now you have a back-up.
The Battle Survey: Jericho, AI, Gibeon, and South & North. Read Joshua 5:13-15. What grabs you, resonates with you?
—Joshua’s submission to the authority of the Commander of the Lord’s armies. He immediately humbled himself and was ready to follow His commands.
What is the point the commander is making to Joshua?
—Who He really is as the Commander of the Lord’s army and Lord of hosts. He doesn’t take sides in this battle because he is over it all. He has supreme authority.
5. In Tim Keller’s message “Joshua and the General” he talks about our propensity to get God on our side, to do our bidding, instead of serving Him. How have you done that?
—There have been occasions when I have been hurt or offended and frankly I find in those situations I often want justice and would like to God to justify my case against those people.
Have you truly turned a corner of true repentance with that?
—Have I truly turned a corner from that? Well I try not to go down that path anymore because I have learned over the years that first it is fruitless and makes me the miserable person and it doesn’t please God. Hmmm, true repentance? I need to ponder that more with God.
Paige’s Opening: Biblical Survey of the Person and Purposes of God
Watch up until she gets to The Battle Survey, beginning with Jericho.
Paige opened by describing this scene from “Friends”
1. 1. How does the video relate to the common feelings of violence in the Old Testament? What were some of the examples she gave from Genesis, Exodus, and Numbers 16 (Korah) that demonstrate the holiness of God and His desire to wipe out evil?
We’ve taken only the happy, clappy parts of Scripture. And we pick and choose what we want to hear or read from the Word of God. “It takes the whole Bible to make the whole Christian. The conquest does not make sense unless we listen that the Bible makes sense of the Bible. We start with God for who He is particularly his holiness.”
She gave the examples of God raining sulfur on Sodom and Gomorrah, the plagues on Egypt, and Korah and his followers and families being swallowed by the earth.
2. She said people think: “God is not that great and I am not that bad.” Thoughts?
Whoa! Truth is, He is great and I am really, really bad.
This struck me- “Placing themselves before the God who has the right to judge. We are not to judge according to our reason. He MUST judge. ” The person of God is that He is holy. He cannot not judge. He cannot ignore sin. And I am thankful for that or else where would I be if it were not for his judgment, and the price paid for by Jesus and the resulting grace and mercy I have received?
1. 3. The word “herem” means “devoted to destruction.”
These are places of destruction. The word “devoted” is indicative of where the hearts of the people were.
A. Choose two examples she gives of this and write a sentence: (Sodom and Gomorrah, the Canaanites, Leviticus 18 and Deut. 18)
Sodom and Gomorrah- There were not even 10 righteous people in that city or God would have spared them.
Leviticus 18 There was much wickedness in the land sacrificing their children, having sex with animals-the filthiness is overflowing that the land is deemed unclean because of these practices.
A. Why were they ordered not to take any of the plunder?
The spoils are not for them but they were God’s. Joshua and Israel were instruments of God’s judgment. God was against his enemies not against Israel’s enemies.
I thought of the NT passage which talked about our struggles being not against flesh and blood but against principalities. Ultimately our enemies are enemies because they are God’s enemies. Our battle is spiritual in nature.
B. She said this was a unique work of God in history — point?
This is unique in the sense that this destruction was limited in time, intent, and geography.
D. What is the intrusion ethic? Read Joshua 2:1-14 and describe how you see the intrusion ethic. What grabs you, resonates with you? How is the gospel illustrated by the story of Rahab? Be specific.
There is a truth that will happen in the future but God gives a taste of it by breaking in time and history; For the people to see what God does because of the wickedness of the nations.
What grabbed me was when she said that there was no application for it today. There is no Holy War today.
Rahab believed in the God who would rescue her and her family. She took the risk by hiding the men and asked to be spared. She knew judgment was coming to the people and she clung to the knowledge that the God of the Israelites is the One who is leading His people. She asked to be spared from death, she and her family. The gospel here is that we can only come to God for salvation and no one else. It does not matter who we are, or what we have done.
From sweet Bing:
2. She said people think: “God is not that great and I am not that bad.” Thoughts?
Whoa! Truth is, He is great and I am really, really bad.
The Battle Survey: Jericho, AI, Gibeon, and South and North
Watch up to Spotlight on the characters in Paige’s outline.
1. Read Joshua 5:13-15. What grabs you, resonates with you? What is the point the commander is making to Joshua?
The man standing in front of Joshua replied that he was not on either side of the conquest but was the One who was the Commander. He is in charge and He will bring about His purposes and not of either people group.
2. In Tim Keller’s message “Joshua and the General” he talks about our propensity to get God on our side, to do our bidding, instead of serving Him. How have you done that? Have you truly turned a corner of true repentance with that?
Oh, so many times! I cringe when I receive a text from my co-teacher and my students asking a question that I already made clear to them. “Lord, I want these kids to do it my way!” Be still my heart and soul and come before the Lord, my loving, wise, and holy Commander!
3. Who do you think “the man with a sword” really is? What did Paige mean when she said this episode between Joshua and “the man” is a prototype for the whole conquest? How does this apply to you in how you live your life?
Jesus, the pre-incarnate God, the Son. I need to understand the position of God and do not necessarily need to know His plans. When we trust God to be with us in the battle, victory is good as done before it even starts.
The conquest of Jericho is a parade to escort the ark. We are with Him (the ark) so they can see; so Jericho can see. The ark is the weapon. The ark represented the very presence of God. That means for me to focus on who God is and not on the battle.
Something that brought a smile to my face and laughter: Hahaha Paige doing the muscle man, etc.
The walls fell flat from the top; no one can take credit. There is a difference between going to battle with God and without Him.
4. Read Joshua 6:1-5. What grabs you, resonates with you? What do you learn from verse 2?
That the gates of Jericho were securely barred. I think of how I can fall into using things or other people as my security rather than God. Deliverance/victory is already good as done before the battle even started. Jesus already has won the battle/s for me.
A few verses come to mind:
“It was not by their sword that they won the land, nor did their arm bring them victory; it was your right hand, your arm, and the light of your face, for you loved them” Psalm 44:3
“The Lord will march out like a champion, like a warrior he will stir up his zeal; with a shout, he will raise the battle cry and will triumph over his enemies”
Isaiah 42:13.
5. Read Joshua 6:15-22. What grabs you, resonates with you? How is the Lord speaking to you through this?
Obedience to what God has commanded Joshua to do. God’s ways may not seem right or workable. It is not what He has planned but His position as the Commander of the army or the Lord of hosts.
6. What did she say was the point of the parade with the Ark around Jericho for all who lived in Jericho? What was her point about people on the bleachers trash-talking during a victory for their team?
For Jericho to know that God is the One who brought their destruction and defeat. Victory is never ours to prance around for; we give God the glory because He is the one who gave the victory.
7. Read Joshua 7:1-15 (If not familiar with story read all of 7) How did the people of God break faith with God? How did Achan? How is this like Psalm 2?
They did not seek the Lord’s guidance before they went to Ai. And also when they went to Ai, only three thousand men went instead of all of them (12 tribes represented). Achan kept what was devoted to destruction.
8. Read Joshua 8:1-2 What does God tell Joshua? How is this the intrusion of mercy?
To take the whole army and go up and attack Ai. They were given a second “chance” and victory. They were also to take plunder and livestock.
9. Read Joshua 9:1-21 What did the Gibeonites do and why was it so stupid? How does God show them grace?
The Gibeonites deceived the Israelites by sending a delegation of men with worn-out sandals, and moldy bread. It is stupid because they ended with a curse and they were servants to Israel from then on and served as woodcutters and water carriers. God showed them grace by letting them live.
1 Read Joshua 10:8-14 What is God showing all of them? Showing us?
He can do the impossible so His purposes would stand. He responds to our impossible prayers. Joshua asked God to make the sun and moon stand still.
Read Joshua 11:1-6 What army does Joshua face and what does God tell him? What fears can you give to Him?
Joshua faced a coalition of kings with a huge army as numerous as the sand in the seashore. And from the directions where they were all coming from, it sounded like Joshua and Israel were hemmed in! But God told him that He had already given them to Joshua even before the battle began. God said to Joshua, “Do not be afraid of them; because by this time tomorrow, I will hand all of them, slain, over to Israel..”
I give you all my fears for the future, Lord. You know what is to come. I need to trust you wholly and obey what you want me to do. One day at a time.
Words to this song: The Battle belongs to the Lord
In heavenly armor We’ll enter the landThe battle belongs to the LordNo weapon that’s fashioned Against us will standThe battle belongs to the Lord
When the power of darkness Comes in like a floodThe battle belongs to the LordHe’s raised up a standard The power of His bloodThe battle belongs to the LordWhen your enemy presses in hard Do not fearThe battle belongs to the Lord Take courage, my friend Your redemption is nearThe battle belongs to the Lord
And we sing glory, honor Power and strength to the Lord
Sorry about the numbering of my comments. I don’t know why that happens after I submit.
Cyber mystery — no need to apologize, Bing.
Great news – the transcript is done and up at the top! Kathy has
struggled but says she has finally found an easier way. Pray for her!
Dee, please tell Kathy “thank you” once again! I could just imagine how challenging keeping up with Paige’s words! She has so much good to say that getting this study in 8 weeks is a marathon but so worth it. I think I have figured out something for me as well to keep in step.
Yahoo…thank you Kathy🙏
Thank you Kathy! I am struggling so much to get my study done. I need to get myself together for sure! Although I have answered only a few questions, I have listened to Paige several times this week. I’m just having a very hard time focusing because of everything going on in my life right now. I you think of it, could you please pray for me? I am sad with the state of our family and super busy with work and the grands who need such attention with school and activities. As my mom would say, “no rest for the weary.” Thank you for your prayers. 🙏♥️
Prayers for patience and peace and everything fall into place with time left over.
Thanks Judy. I need the reminder!
Oh yes, Encourage Kathy from me as well. The transcript is so helpful. God bless her richly for this gracious work that helps us. And Thankyou Dee again for the incredible amount of time and work you put into this blog study.
2. She said people think: “God is not that great and I am not that bad.” Thoughts?
It’s a rationalizing of the scripture. We are trying to make excuses for God’s “behavior.” We want to meet in the middle and deny what God is allowing to happen.
3. The word “herem” means “devoted to destruction.”
A. Choose two examples she gives of this and write a sentence: (Sodom and Gomorrah, the Cannanites, Leviticus 18 and Deut. 18)
Sodom and Gomorrah had no righteous people at all.
The Israelites were (potentially) being sexually immoral.
B. Why were they ordered not to take any of the plunder?
Because it is God’s plunder.
Paige’s Opening: Biblical Survey of the Person and Purposes of God
1. How does the video relate to the common feelings of violence in the Old Testament?
Ignore the violent parts and make up our own ending which really turns into…”in the OT He is a God of wrath and in the NT He is a God of love.”
What were some of the examples she gave from Genesis, Exodus, and Numbers 16 (Korah) that demonstrate the holiness of God and His desire to wipe out evil?
In Genesis, Adam and Eve were banished from the Garden of Eden and a mighty cherub was stationed to the east of the Garden and a flaming sword flashed back and forth to guard the way to the tree of life.
In Exodus, the last plague in Egypt was the killing of all the first born sins.
2. She said people think: “God is not that great and I am not that bad.” Thoughts?
In thinking this people can justify their sin.
3. The word “herem” means “devoted to destruction.”
A. Choose two examples she gives of this and write a sentence: (Sodom and Gomorrah, the Cannanites, Leviticus 18 and Deut. 18)
Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed because there weren’t even 10 righteous people found in the city.
In the Canaanite culture sin was rampant…sexual immorality and sacrificing children to Molech.
B. Why were they ordered not to take any of the plunder?
It belonged to God.
C. She said this was a unique work of God in history — point?
If memory serves me, she meant this won’t happen today.
D. What is the intrusion ethic? Read Joshua 2:1-14 and describe how you see the intrusion ethic. What grabs you, resonates with you?
How is the gospel illustrated by the story of Rahab? Be specific.
Rahab had faith in God, a heart knowledge and not just a head knowledge and therefore she was saved.
1. How does the video relate to the common feelings of violence in the Old Testament? What were some of the examples she gave from Genesis, Exodus, and Numbers 16 (Korah) that demonstrate the holiness of God and His desire to wipe out evil? We hate violence and don’t like the sadness it leaves us with. Sodom and Gomorrah. When Israelites left Egypt all firstborn died
2. She said people think: “God is not that great and I am not that bad.” Thoughts? We don’t want to face our own wickedness and that Creator God has the right to rule over us. We then diminish who He truly is and the honor and obedience He deserves.
3. The word “herem” means “devoted to destruction.”
A. Choose two examples she gives of this and write a sentence: (Sodom and Gomorrah, the Cannanites, Leviticus 18 and Deut. 18)
B. Why were they ordered not to take any of the plunder? All of it belonged to God
C. She said this was a unique work of God in history — point? This was not their plunder and spoils. These were not his people
1. How does the video relate to the common feelings of violence in the Old Testament? What were some of the examples she gave from Genesis, Exodus, and Numbers 16 (Korah) that demonstrate the holiness of God and His desire to wipe out evil?
2. She said people think: “God is not that great and I am not that bad.” Thoughts?
3. The word “herem” means “devoted to destruction.”
A. Choose two examples she gives of this and write a sentence: (Sodom and Gomorrah, the Cannanites, Leviticus 18 and Deut. 18)
B. Why were they ordered not to take any of the plunder? This plunder and spoils were not theirs It was God’s and was devoted to Him for destruction God gave the people the victories They didn’t take it on their own
C. She said this was a unique work of God in history — point? It was all God’s work and belonged to and not Israelites
D. What is the intrusion ethic? Read Joshua 2:1-14 and describe how you see the intrusion ethic. What grabs you, resonates with you? How is the gospel illustrated by the story of Rahab? Be specific. The people already had heard about what God had done snd were quaking in fear. Their wickedness would bring God’s judgement on them. Rahab protected the spies before she had the promise Jesus died for my sins before I trusted Him for salvation
I am munching on your questions this week. They are coming slowly to me.
C. She said this was a unique work of God in history — point?
I’m not sure I understand this, but she said these types of holy wars would not happen today. I don’t get why? She said that they are of the past, and we have conflicts, geopolitically, but nothing like this. I guess God was setting things up? But, the Israelites are still, to this day, fighting over their land! Confused.
D. What is the intrusion ethic? Read Joshua 2:1-14 and describe how you see the intrusion ethic. What grabs you, resonates with you? How is the gospel illustrated by the story of Rahab? Be specific.
This is the idea that God previews the future for the people.
Rahab knows about God even though she was not an Israelite. She believes in Him because she has heard how He had annihilated other kingdoms. She believes He is Supreme. She acts based on this knowledge, and hides His spies. Because of her actions she is saved. This IS the Gospel.
Laura – she meant that God CLEARLY ordered these wars. Many claim that, such as the Crusades, but this was a one time event to bring His people into their promised Holy Land.
We may have wars feel are just, but we cannot claim God ordered us to do them.
Thanks for the clarifications!
Oh this makes sense to me. Thanks Dee.
The Battle Survey: Jericho, AI, Gibeon, and South and North
Watch up to Spotlight on the characters in Paige’s outline.
4. Read Joshua 5:13-15. What grabs you, resonates with you? What is the point the commander is making to Joshua? – The picture that comes to mind for the man that has his sword drawn. There must have been such a brightness to him for Joshua to fall to the ground and worshipped him. I think the point the commander is making, is to remind Joshua that this fight has nothing to do with them. It will be all God’s doing and outcome. There strength and the amount of people they have means nothing. God will be leading this battle and He will finish it and end it as he sees fit.
5. In Tim Keller’s message “Joshua and the General” he talks about our propensity to get God on our side, to do our bidding, instead of serving Him. How have you done that? Have you truly turned a corner of true repentance with that? – I would ask God to get me out of the mess I was or am in. But now I will reach out to him for help, but I also know now, more than I did before, that he is in control and will deal with the situation as he wants and I’m thinking as I write this, how he knows it will help me to learn and grow. He won’t just always make the ending fit my request, he will make it in a way where I learn the lesson.
6. Who do you think “the man with a sword” really is? What did Paige mean when she said this episode between Joshua and “the man” is a prototype for the whole conquest? How does this apply to you in how you live your life? – I think he is an angel of the Lord, a for telling of Jesus to come. I think she means that the ending has already been determined by God. Each battle has been in the control of God from the start. Joshua and his army just need to be obedient and do as God instructs them. They need to hear and do. For me I need to be obedient and not fear the unknown. Because God is faithful, and just as his promises of conquer came to pass for Joshua and so many others before me, He will conquer what comes my way as well. I need to hear and do and my victory will come.
7. Read Joshua 6:1-5. What grabs you, resonates with you? What do you learn from verse 2? – This was a new take on the scripture for me. I learned that Joshua really didn’t fight anyone in this battle. No one came out from behind the walls of Jericho. There was not threat to Joshua or his men. God had already subdued the mighty city and handed it over to them. Verse 2 shows that the battle was over before it even began.
8. Read Joshua 6:15-22. What grabs you, resonates with you? How is the Lord speaking to you through this? – God is in control and will judge those who he sees as wicked. I don’t need to worry that He doesn’t see what evil is going on in this world. He sees it and has overcome it all. I feel him telling me to not worry, he’s got this. He knows what is happening and what evil is in the world right now. He’s not going to let it overcome his light.
9. What did she say was the point of the parade with the Ark around Jericho for all who lived in Jericho? What was her point about people on the bleachers trash-talking during a victory for their team? 9. – The people who lived in Jericho could see the presence of the Lord with Joshua and his people. They weren’t stumbling around, they were walking with confidence because they were walking with the Lord. Her point with the bleacher story, I think was some take credit for things they don’t even have a hand in. It was the skill of the shooter, but yet they wanted a part to play for just sitting on the sidelines.
10. Read Joshua 7:1-15 (If not familiar with story read all of 7) How did the people of God break faith with God? How did Achan? How is this like Psalm 2? – They forgot the promised of God to protect them. They took devoted items that God said not to take and stole and lied about it. The people and Achan made themselves a people of destruction. Their sin was against the covenant God made with them. Psalm 2 is a reminder to keep our focus on the Lord and to not be swayed to do what is evil in the Lord’s eyes. If we stay focused God will always be with us, but if we sway from His teachings he cannot be with us because of our sin.
11. Read Joshua 8:1-2 What does God tell Joshua? How is this the intrusion of mercy? – He tells Joshua to not fear or be dismayed. Oh mercy was given for sure. God could have easily turned his back on him because of the sinful nature of his men and taking what was not theirs to take. But God gave Joshua a chance to redeem himself by burning all the plunder that was taken and idolized when God and told them not to take anything. We are fortunate that God is a merciful God and loves us enough to give multiple chances of redemption.
12. Read Joshua 9:1-21 What did the Gibeonites do and why was it so stupid? How does God show them grace? – They came up with a plan to try and deceive Joshua by telling them they travelled far and made it look like they had worn out clothing and worn out items. But it backfired because Joshua found out, and stood by the covenant that was made to not kill them and live among them, but he made them in to their servants and their lives were now cursed. God showed the Gibeonites grace by allowing them to live.
13. Read Joshua 10:8-14 What is God showing all of them? Showing us? – God showed them that their power and numbers do not matter to him. He sees the heart of everyone and will judge accordingly. I think what he is showing us in this section is that we can come up with our own plan, thinking we have the situation all figured out and can handle it our way. But God knows our hearts, he knows his children and will remove our plan and replace it with His own plan because he knows the outcome and most likely our plan is not a good one, it is faulty and most of all missing His blessing upon it.
14. Read Joshua 11:1-6 What army does Joshua face and what does God tell him? What fears can you give to Him? – He faces all the armies in northern Canaan, but God tells him to not be afraid of them. He will hand each person over to them that he slays. I can give God every fear that creeps in to my heart and mind. Nothing I fear is too little for him to take care of. My life is planned out by God already so I do not need to be afraid. He is in control and I need to let him have that control.
Great answers, Julie.
4. Read Joshua 5:13-15. What grabs you, resonates with you? What is the point the commander is making to Joshua? All of it. To me such a surprising event and then for the guy not to say he was for Joshua. Guess that’s why he took off his shoes.
5. In Tim Keller’s message “Joshua and the General” he talks about our propensity to get God on our side, to do our bidding, instead of serving Him. How have you done that? Have you truly turned a corner of true repentance with that? There’s unfortunately a bit of if I ask enough He’ll do what I’m asking particularly when asking for healing. I need to repent and keep asking but be at peace with His answer.
6. Who do you think “the man with a sword” really is? What did Paige mean when she said this episode between Joshua and “the man” is a prototype for the whole conquest? How does this apply to you in how you live your life? Pre-incarnate Christ. It starts with God and it starts with worship. When uncertainty comes turn to God, He knows the entire situation and how things will happen.
7. Read Joshua 6:1-5. What grabs you, resonates with you? What do you learn from verse 2? Because of Paige’s lecture I have delivered Jericho into your hands. That God is in control.
8. Read Joshua 6:15-22. What grabs you, resonates with you? How is the Lord speaking to you through this? The specific instructions about devoted this and it would bring trouble on Israel if they didn’t obey. Sometimes it’s easy to think in my mind a little sin is just a little thing, but it is not Sin and disobedience are a big deal and every sin matters.
9. What did she say was the point of the parade with the Ark around Jericho for all who lived in Jericho? What was her point about people on That it’s not saying God is with us it’s saying we are with Him. Jericho would see what was really going on. People on bench haven’t done anything. It’s exactly thing here. Israelites did nothing. God brought down the walls of Jericho.
10. Read Joshua 7:1-15 (If not familiar with story read all of 7) How did the people of God break faith with God? How did Achan? How is this like Psalm 2? They didn’t inquire if the Lord before proceeding to Ai. Achan took some of the devoted things. We think we can get along without God and God laughs at that
11. Read Joshua 8:1-2 What does God tell Joshua? How is this the intrusion of mercy? Bit to be discouraged. He’s delivered Ai into their hands
12. Read Joshua 9:1-21 What did the Gibeonites do and why was it so stupid? How does God show them grace? They tricked Joshua into thinking they weren’t an enemy be destroyed and make a treaty with them Israel then had to defend the Gibeonites against the Amorites. The treaty was honored even through the time of Saul mom
13. Read Joshua 10:8-14 What is God showing all of them? Showing us? That He is in control
14. Read Joshua 11:1-6 What army does Joshua face and what does God tell him? What fears can you give to Him? The northern kings. Not to be afraid, God would hand them over to Israelites. I should give Him all my fears future, how I manage what I put on my plate this week and what has been out in for me. He will make this work and I will have time left over.
Love Judy’s application to give everything to the Lord she has on her plate and trust Him.
The Relational God: Focus on the Characters
15. Look again at Rahab in Joshua 2. Paige said, “True faith doesn’t stop with being convinced of the reality of God, but presses in to take refuge in Him.” (This reminds me of another lecture when Paige said God won’t be impressed with our sermon notes, but our action.) How did Rahab live this out? How have you and how are you living this out?
She knew that she had nowhere else to go except God. Not much is said of her except what we see in the Scriptures but what was said of her is enough. Instead of being angry or confused, she boldly expressed her desire to press into God.
Every day, I have the choice of whether to act on my knowledge that God is real. Regardless of success or failure in how I live out the Christian life, I realize there is nowhere else to go besides Him. It would be foolish of me to live without Him.
16. What was Paige’s point with the international woman with a hard history who came to her dad’s church?
She thought she was not “qualified” to be a part of the church. Nothing we do or not do can earn our way to God. It is all of Him.
17. Spotlight on Achan. How do you see Achan’s hard-heartedness? How does this historical incident show that God has no favoritism?
He acknowledged his sin but did not repent of it. Achan belonged to Israel and Rahab belonged to Canaan. The gift of faith is open to everybody and we all have a choice to make regardless of our background, experience, goodness, or badness.
18. This is from me. Read Hosea 2:13-15. What is the purpose of the Lord’s discipline? What will happen to us if we truly repent? Application?
The Lord allows the wilderness in our lives so God can comfort us and woo us back to Himself. He will open a door of hope for us if we truly repent and heed his call.
Look again at Rahab in Joshua 2. Paige said, “True faith doesn’t stop with being convinced of the reality of God, but presses in to take refuge in Him.” (This reminds me of another lecture when Paige said God won’t be impressed with our sermon notes, but our action.) How did Rahab live this out? How have you and how are you living this out? She hid the spies not knowing what the outcome would be. My church has had a mess and I kept thinking we need to pray outside for our church, another church that is nearby and the school in between us I mentioned to 2 ladies and we agreed to meet and pray. I wondered if I was overreacting God in His mercy showed up. The school resource officer joined us for quite a bit and a teacher at the school joined us briefly. One of the ladies and I were still talking at church today about what a special prayer time the Lord had for us. Mo
16. What was Paige’s point with the international woman with a hard history who came to her dad’s church? Her weeping “Me at the Lord’s table” That’s what I am fortunate and blessed to be at the Lord s table
17. Spotlight on Achan. How do you see Achan’s hard-heartedness? How does this historical incident show that God has no favoritism? Achan didn’t repent. God have His Son so I can go to heaven v
18. This is from me. Read Hosea 2:13-15. What is the purpose of the Lord’s discipline? What will happen to us if we truly repent? Application? To draw us back to Him. He will speak tenderly to me. The door is open for me to humbly and earnestly change my ways.
What a great prayer meeting!
How do you see growth in Joshua? After the defeat at Ai he complains to God, but then he goes on and keeps agreement with Gibeonites. He stays steadfast and asks the Lord for the sun to stand still. His leans into that God is with Him and won’t leave him.
20. Paige (and Tim Keller in his sermon on Joshua 5:13-15) said ” Moses got a burning bush, and Joshua got a commander with a sword.” Both point to the holiness of God. They could either fight God or fall on their face. How is this speaking to you? Makes me marvel at how God works in such ways that some men are able to surrender to Him and lead others.
21. What did she mean when she said “Jesus was devoted to destruction for us?” Jesus death on the cross as the pinnacle of God’s war against evil
22. In her closing she looked at both Revelation 12 to see the holiness of God and Revelation 5 to see the mercy of God. How so? God’s righteous judgement and wrath on rebellious people. Then we have the new song to the Lamb who was slain for my sin and people from every tribe, language, people and nation.
23. She said everyone’s hearts will melt and they will either meet a warrior or a lamb who was slain with arms stretched out. Which one surprises us? I want to see that lamb who was slain with arms stretched out.
24. What is your take-a-way and how will you apply this? Paige gives these questions to ponder for application: What is the hard news my heart most needs to hear? What is the good news my heart most needs to hear? How am I being challenged to repent, obey, or love and serve others? What does this reveal about the immeasurable love of God? My take away is that God goes ahead and takes care of me. He wants me to let go of situations and allow Him to work things out
Sorry ladies that my participation with this group has been so wonky. Well lets face it, I am always a bit wonky. (; With school just starting I have been subbing in classrooms/schools I have not been in previously, and I haven’t gotten used to this unpredictable schedule.
God hunt: Today in church we were singing songs about God’s holiness and when we sang “Holy Forever”, my heart was really focused on His Holiness.
1. How does the video relate to the common feelings of violence in the Old Testament? What were some of the examples she gave from Genesis, Exodus, and Numbers 16 (Korah) that demonstrate the holiness of God and His desire to wipe out evil? The common reaction to God’s wrath and the violence He calls for in the bible is repugnance. None of us like it and it doesn’t match up well with the loving God we have myopically created. It shouldn’t surprise us because God has done it before, in Eden, in Egypt, and amongst the Israelites themselves.
2. She said people think: “God is not that great and I am not that bad.” Thoughts? Oh my gosh, totally, honestly that’s me, I mean really down deep, it’s a little more like, God’s holiness isn’t that severe, and my sin doesen’t look that bad, I mean I am not sacrificing children to my idols. All the while playing down, ignoring that my resistance to, at times, doing the hard thing, or the uncomfortable thing means that others will reap the lack or consequence of my disobedience.
3. The word “herem” means “devoted to destruction.”
A. Choose two examples she gives of this and write a sentence: (Sodom and Gomorrah, the Cannanites, Leviticus 18 and Deut. 18) The Lord did not destroy for 400 years, the Canaanites, He gave them 400 years until their sin was complete. The Lord in Leviticus 18, made it clear that He did not want the detestable practices of the people to be repeated by the Israelites. Practices like child sacrifice, and sex with animals.
B. Why were they ordered not to take any of the plunder? Because this was not their judgement, or their victory. It was all the Lords.
C. She said this was a unique work of God in history — point? It’s a limited time, a limited amount of nations, He is not going with them to defeat Israel’s enemies, this is that they are God’s instrument of judgement.
D. What is the intrusion ethic? Read Joshua 2:1-14 and describe how you see the intrusion ethic. What grabs you, resonates with you? How is the gospel illustrated by the story of Rahab? Be specific. The intrusion ethic, is when God gives us a glimpse of a thing that will happen in the future. The destruction of these nations is a glimpse of the final judgement that will happen in the future as described in Revelation. I see the intrusion ethic in Joshua 2 in this glimpse of what is to come, just as justice and judgement will still come, those who have faith in the Lord God and who surrender their lives to the truth of God will be saved from that judgement.
So good you are here, at all! We love you Wonky Tammy! Good answers too.
4. Read Joshua 5:13-15. What grabs you, resonates with you? That the commander answered no when Joshua asked him if he was on his side or the enemies. God is on God’s side. What is the point the commander is making to Joshua? That the battle is the Lord’s to accomplish His agenda.
5. In Tim Keller’s message “Joshua and the General” he talks about our propensity to get God on our side, to do our bidding, instead of serving Him. How have you done that? Have you truly turned a corner of true repentance with that? When work situations aren’t going the way that I want them to, I want God to step in and change the situation instead of changing my reaction to the situation and accepting His will in the situation. I think I catch myself earlier and it helps me to stay focused on doing what pleases Him and not me.
That’s good, Dawn — hard, but good!
4. Read Joshua 5:13-15. What grabs you, resonates with you? What is the point the commander is making to Joshua?
I think the falling to the ground in reverence to the man stands out to me. It reminds me of how I stand a bit straighter when in the presence of someone in a uniform. He might have been putting Joshua in his place to keep him humble? I’m not really sure. After reading the transcript and reviewing, I see that the commander is actually God. The falling down is Joshua in worship. She says it’s where he starts.
5. In Tim Keller’s message “Joshua and the General” he talks about our propensity to get God on our side, to do our bidding, instead of serving Him. How have you done that? Have you truly turned a corner of true repentance with that?
I never got to Kellers sermon this week. I think perhaps I have done that before in the past. I don’t think I am that way any more. I never thought of it as something to repent for though. I think I should make a point to do that right now!
6. Who do you think “the man with a sword” really is? What did Paige mean when she said this episode between Joshua and “the man” is a prototype for the whole conquest? How does this apply to you in how you live your life?
The man is God. It’s how we should be in everything, in worship to Him. To be honest, sometimes I begin this way and sometimes I don’t. I need to always begin in worship.
7. Read Joshua 6:1-5. What grabs you, resonates with you? What do you learn from verse 2?
I, as I’m sure everyone does, find it hard to believe the walls come tumbling down just by walking around the city. I learned that God has already given Joshua the city.
Good answers — always appreciate your honesty, Laura.
The Battle Survey: Jericho, AI, Gibeon, and South and North
Watch up to Spotlight on the characters in Paige’s outline.
4. Read Joshua 5:13-15. What grabs you, resonates with you?
Joshua’s reaction to the man with the sword was so human as he was in commander mode. He went up to him demanding to know “are you friend or foe?” The response the man gave, “neither one,” must of put a question mark on Joshua’s face but then when he said, “I am the commander of the LORD’S army,”…Joshua knew and fell in reverence on his face. I think of the many times I go to God demanding and am reminded to fall down before Him in worship…that’s where it starts.
What is the point the commander is making to Joshua?
He’s only on one side, really the only side there is and that’s Gods side and it’s about Joshua fitting in with God’s purposes not God fitting in with Joshua’s purposes.
5. In Tim Keller’s message “Joshua and the General” he talks about our propensity to get God on our side, to do our bidding, instead of serving Him. How have you done that? Have you truly turned a corner of true repentance with that?
I haven’t listened to Keller’s sermon but I feel I turn corners every day. I am reminded more quickly as God gets bigger in my life of the areas that I need to die to self.
6. Who do you think “the man with a sword” really is?
Christ incarnate.
What did Paige mean when she said this episode between Joshua and “the man” is a prototype for the whole conquest? How does this apply to you in how you live your life?
Joshua is going into a battle against Jericho that is more important to recognize Gods position, who He is rather than His plan.
I must live my life the same way…focus on who God is rather than having to know His plan. That statement just brings a peace into my life as I can depend on Him to know what is best for me.
So good from Sharon:
Joshua is going into a battle against Jericho that is more important to recognize Gods position, who He is rather than His plan.I must live my life the same way…focus on who God is rather than having to know His plan. That statement just brings a peace into my life as I can depend on Him to know what is best for me.
Sharon, How easy it is for me to focus on God’s plan, but this encouraged me, “to focus on who God is rather than having to know His plan.” Definitely brings peace because He knows what is best for me.”
Thank you for reminding me to look to God in all situations.
The Relational God: Focus on the Characters
15. Look again at Rahab in Joshua 2. Paige said, “True faith doesn’t stop with being convinced of the reality of God, but presses in to take refuge in Him.” (This reminds me of another lecture when Paige said God won’t be impressed with our sermon notes, but our action.) How did Rahab live this out? How have you and how are you living this out? – Rahab knew without a doubt who God was. She didn’t let her occupation stop her from doing what she knew she needed to do for the spies. She trusted God and believed in him so much that she risked being found out, just to get closer to him. She didn’t just say she knew and trusted God, she acted on it, by hiding the spies and then asking for her life and her family’s life to be spared. In the past I cried out to God and trusted and waited on him to provide my needs for me and my boys. And today, God’s faithfulness back then continues on now in my life and I’m more at peace to wait for Him to provide.
16. What was Paige’s point with the international woman with a hard history who came to her dad’s church? – This made me tear up, it was so sad she felt that way about herself. So many people think they are too far gone and could never have the love of God or His presence in their lives. They don’t realize that their sins can be forgiven, if they just reach out to him and ask him into their lives. God doesn’t see what we see. He sees a lost sheep that needs to be found and taken in. He’s just waiting for them to cry out. And how selfish for us, for me, to look only on the outside and walk away instead of seeing ourselves in the person in front of us and give them the hope of Jesus that they need to step through the doors and be welcomed in to the arms of Jesus. We need to make a point to let the lost sheep know that it is ok to come as you are. Your current life is only one chapter of the rest of your life, just turn the page and change the story.
17. Spotlight on Achan. How do you see Achan’s hard-heartedness? How does this historical incident show that God has no favoritism? – I see Achan’s hard-heartedness as greed and being prideful. Thinking that God hasn’t provided what he needed so he takes it upon himself to steal. To God I think sin is sin. I don’t think he sees them on any sort of scale, maybe he does. If I think of any sin as going against God and not put a name to them, then it’s just sin and God has a legal right to judge our sins as he sees fit. I’m doing an Exodus study in our Monday Night Ladies Bible Study at church and we just talked about the midwives who lied to Pharaoh when they didn’t kill all the baby boys. The question was did they sin. I think in a sense they did by lying but they were also probably speaking truth or like Paige says ‘facts’. God blessed them and did not bring judgement against them. Is there a fine line and does God have different degrees of sin? I think judgement comes from God in degrees and he determines the consequences. But in the end God is a fair and just God. He gives us so many chances to redeem ourselves. Thank you Jesus!
18. This is from me. Read Hosea 2:13-15. What is the purpose of the Lord’s discipline? What will happen to us if we truly repent? Application? – God will woo us back to him, because he loves us enough to not give up on us. He will restore our heart, soul and mind to the things of Heaven and remove any remembrance of the world. WOW!
Julie made the comment that she doesn’t think God sees sin on some sort of scale. I’d love us to talk about that!
I so agree no one is too far gone — God’s grace wipes us clean.
It is also true that all sin is serious and deserves death.
However, John 19:11 makes me think some sins are more grievous than others. Thoughts? Is that important — perhaps — though I think we might weigh differently than God! The list of sins in Proverbs that He hates are not what we might come up with – of course He hates all sins. You have provoked a good discussion, Julie — would love others to weightin.
Wow-I am not sure myself. God has a different kind of scale? Like obviously 1 pound is not 2 pounds but one is heavier than the other. So in terms of the weight of sin, there is a bigger sin but whether it is smaller or bigger, the judgment is the same? But Jesus took all forms of weights and died for them. Rabbit trailing. and perhaps too simplistic?
The Closing
19. How do you see growth in Joshua? – I see him being fearful and reminded many times by God to not be afraid, do not fear, I will never leave you or forsake you. And then, he opens up his heart, removes himself and brings God in. He learns to trust and obey, he sees the promises of God being fulfilled right in front of him and he lays down to worship Him. His faith is now with God and not on his army of men. He walks with God and lets God lead him.
20. Paige (and Tim Keller in his sermon on Joshua 5:13-15) said ” Moses got a burning bush, and Joshua got a commander with a sword.” Both point to the holiness of God. They could either fight God or fall on their face. How is this speaking to you? – I surrender ALL! Why would I want to fight on my own. I don’t have the power to do that on a daily basis and win the battles. I need God in my life to walk before me and remove the obstacles that I face so I can walk upright and show the glory of God to those around me.
21. What did she mean when she said “Jesus was devoted to destruction for us?” – The Cross tells the story. Jesus didn’t lay down his sword, he held on tight, for those who believe and who give themselves wholly to Him, so we could drop ours. He took on our destruction, our slaughter, so we could be free to walk eternally with God. He did it all for love!
22. In her closing she looked at both Revelation 12 to see the holiness of God and Revelation 5 to see the mercy of God. How so? – I think this is Revelation 19 they tell of his power and authority, how he comes boldly on white horse and is faithful and true and full of righteousness. He will judge those who fall away and he goes before us in battle. He is our King of Kings and Lord of Lords. In Revelation 5 He took our place to be slaughtered, he saved people from every corner of this world and placed them where they are to reign in this world. We all continue to praise and glorify His name because of the sacrifice and love he had for us on the cross.
23. She said everyone’s hearts will melt and they will either meet a warrior or a lamb who was slain with arms stretched out. Which one surprises us? – I’m surprised by the number of people who still turn away from God. They can see his goodness in front of them, and yet, cannot take that one step toward him and fall in his arms. They hold on to their pride and think they are better and stronger than the One True God. I choose the Lamb, who went to the cross for me, a sinner that is not deserving of His love, but he saw me in a whole different light.
24. What is your take-a-way and how will you apply this? Paige gives these questions to ponder for application: What is the hard news my heart most needs to hear? What is the good news my heart most needs to hear? How am I being challenged to repent, obey, or love and serve others? What does this reveal about the immeasurable love of God? – God’s love and protection are endless…IF…I lay myself at his feet and surrender my control, my pride and my fear to him. My heart needs to release it all to Him. I need to get myself out of His way and let him work and guide me down the paths of my life. I’m so glad that his promises are true and forever. He hasn’t forgotten what they are, he remembers and is waiting to fulfill them in my life. I need not fear my enemies. I’m reminded daily of the wrongs I do, but I struggle with letting them go. I need to cry out boldly for God to take these things from me. I need his help but shy away from asking for it at times. I’m learning to break out of my comfort zone to love and serve others and not be afraid to put myself out there. God has always wanted the best for me and used His Son to bring the best to me. It’s unending love, compassion, mercy and grace that amazes me. It’s just unthinkable that He can love like this.
7. Read Joshua 6:1-5. What grabs you, resonates with you?
The people of Jericho were afraid of the Israelites.
Joshua’s trust in God that He would give Jericho, it’s king and all it’s strong warriors to him.
What do you learn from verse 2?
The LORD was giving Jericho to Joshua.
8. Read Joshua 6:15-22. What grabs you, resonates with you? How is the Lord speaking to you through this?
Verse 17 stood out to me…”Jericho and everything in it must be completely destroyed as an offering to the LORD….
This verse brought to mind Romans 12:1,2… “And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice—the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him. Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.”
God wants my best and all of me.
9. What did she say was the point of the parade with the Ark around Jericho for all who lived in Jericho? What was her point about people on the bleachers trash-talking during a victory for their team?
It is all about God and and the people were with Him. They were to be quiet so that it didn’t become about them. The trash-talker during a victory puts the focus on them rather than those actually playing…what did the trash-talker do?
10. Read Joshua 7:1-15 (If not familiar with story read all of 7) How did the people of God break faith with God?
They trusted in their own ability rather than God.
How did Achan?
He took what belonged to God.
How is this like Psalm 2?
The kings come together to fight against Gibeon who had made a treaty with Israel and Gibeon called on Israel to help them and these kings bring the fight to Israel. Their hearts are hardened and they’re plotting in vain against the LORD Almighty. I love this quote from Paige, “God has turned this crazy deception of the Gibeonites into an opportunity for further conquest.’
11. Read Joshua 8:1-2 What does God tell Joshua?
Do not be afraid or discouraged, attack Ai for I have given you the king, his people, his town and land.
How is this the intrusion of mercy?
Joshua dealt with the sin of Achan and Israel was given another chance to fight Ai and God gave them the victory.
12. Read Joshua 9:1-21 What did the Gibeonites do and why was it so stupid?
They deceived Israel into making a treaty with them so they wouldn’t be destroyed. I don’t know why it was stupid other than they did it without faith but rather their own smarts.
How does God show them grace?
Because they had sworn an oath with Israel in the presence of the LORD, they could not be touched.
13. Read Joshua 10:8-14 What is God showing all of them? Showing us?
That He is in control and to trust Him.
14. Read Joshua 11:1-6 What army does Joshua face and what does God tell him?
He faces many kings and their combined armies which had horses and chariots that covered the landscape like the sand on the seashore.
What fears can you give to Him?
All of them.
Any chance we can get your husband Jim to join us when we get to Judges since it is his favorite book? That piques my curiosity.
The Closing
19. How do you see growth in Joshua?
From being doubtful, and insecure to being confident in how God is leading and obeying His commands without hesitation.
20. Paige (and Tim Keller in his sermon on Joshua 5:13-15) said ” Moses got a burning bush, and Joshua got a commander with a sword.” Both point to the holiness of God. They could either fight God or fall on their face. How is this speaking to you?
I do not want to fight God; I want to fall on my face. I can think of some points in my life where I have minimized the holiness of God because I have taken for granted His mercies. A recent situation brought this to the surface once more and made me realize I need to stand for the truth because God is holy and there is no compromise with His Word when it comes to its truth. Again, the tendency to please my idol has been at work.
21. What did she mean when she said “Jesus was devoted to destruction for us?”
He destroyed everything that destroyed us but it meant he would be destroyed for our sake. He was broken for me so that I will not be forever destroyed.
So good, Bing.
1. How have you experienced either the holiness or the mercy of God recently? I’ve experienced His mercy in just waking up this morning. I don’t deserve to wake up after the state of my heart this past month. 🙁 I’ve behaved like a toddler having a tantrum because everything I’ve ever wanted since coming to Christ in 1988 has turned upside down. I was crying and telling God that “I give up!” “I don’t care anymore” “I’m done!”. A marriage that I longed to be godly was torn apart (though the Lord is working on that now, but it isn’t easy) and children that follow and desire the Lord (the Lord is working on them but they are still so blinded by the world, it’s tough to see them believing lies.). So it’s the posture of my heart that, by His mercy, is changing. I cried out to Him and stopped to listen to hear Him and he gave me Matthew 11: 28-30..I told him, “but”…then he’d reiterate, Rebecca, you are very weary and heavy laden, and I’ve been here all along. I’m here, hold onto me. I’ll take your burden.
So instead of remaining in a posture of, “I’m done”, I’m pressing into Christ and embracing His mercy, but this is daily for the desire of the flesh is against the Spirit and the Spirit is against the flesh. So I must be in the word and communing with Him often if not every second of the day!
Prayers you continue daily to rely on His carrying your burdens and you find rest and peace. Asking God that you see glimpses of what He is doing in each situation. In Jesus name.
Oh, Rebecca, so praying for you. The posture of pressing into Christ instead of a posture of “I’m done”. I’ve been there not in the same situation, perhaps, but the feelings are real. I am glad we have a God who we can go to when we are so heavily burdened and weary and He can take our tantrums and hold us close.
Gosh Rebecca, life is just plain hard but for God. After all these years I realize it is just as you say
“I’m pressing into Christ and embracing His mercy, but this is daily for the desire of the flesh is against the Spirit and the Spirit is against the flesh. So I must be in the word and communing with Him often if not every second of the day!” Yes so we must daily be in God’s Word and always in prayer. We will never arrive in this flesh and just coast to the end of life. But He promises to never leave or forsake us. 💕
Thank you Rebecca, for reminding me to not give up. We are in a hard time of trial in our family too. I am exhausted. I am depressed. I am sickened also, by the world. I just said to my husband that I give up. It’s too hard. BUT, God. Thank You Lord for holding my arms up like Aaron and Hur did for Moses. I am weak but You are strong.
Oh Rebecca — you have had such a struggle — so glad to see you here so we can lift up your weary arms by praying. I love you.
Father, please help Rebecca press into you, trust You, even though the battle is long. Give her the faith she needs and how we would love to see You give her hope too. In Jesus Name I pray.
I love you too and am so thankful for your faithfulness.
Thanks so so much, sweet sisters, for lifting me up before Christ. I’m so glad that God is with us, and this blog continues to be a life-giving well. He shows up here all the time.
Oh Rebecca…so much you have shared and my heart breaks…all I can say is hang in there for He cares so much for you and that’s every detail!! Many prayers and hugs🙏💗
The Relational God: Focus on the Characters
15. Look again at Rahab in Joshua 2. Paige said, “True faith doesn’t stop with being convinced of the reality of God, but presses in to take refuge in Him.” (This reminds me of another lecture when Paige said God won’t be impressed with our sermon notes, but our action.) How did Rahab live this out? How have you and how are you living this out?
God knew that Rahab’s faith was in Him…her knowledge of God had gone to her heart and that is why the spies go to her home where she hides them (active faith) and declares to them her confession of faith in verse 11 of chapter 2. I think what really stands out to me is, Rahab isn’t a perfect person, she’s a prostitute and a liar but she isn’t saved because of her works but because of her faith in God and she trusted in Him for her life.
I too am a sinner saved by grace through faith. Knowing this and knowing who God is, I too can trust in Him for my life. I am not saved by good works but unto good works and my motive in doing good works must come out of my love and desired obedience to God. As we have studied in the past regarding works-righteousness, it can easily become convoluted in our lives.
16. What was Paige’s point with the international woman with a hard history who came to her dad’s church?
We’re all messed up people who just need Jesus.
17. Spotlight on Achan. How do you see Achan’s hard-heartedness? How does this historical incident show that God has no favoritism?
I see it as self-absorption (Keller sermon).
It didn’t matter that Achan was an Israelite, it was his sin that God couldn’t tolerate and needed to be punished.
Self-absorption. Oh Lord, deliver me. Deliver us! Thanks, Sharon.
Keller’s commentary on Judges is short and fabulous. Do you have it?
No, I don’t have his sermon on Judges. I remember in one of the sermons you gave us when studying Psalms that Keller quoted Jonathan Edwards as saying “self absorption” being the root cause of all sin and it just really hit me and stuck with me!!
8. Read Joshua 6:15-22. What grabs you, resonates with you? How is the Lord speaking to you through this?
I guess the unimaginable way it could have happened is what resonates with me. It seems that things that humans can’t fathom God can provide. He speaks to me because we are going through some thing that is hard and unimaginable too. It tells me that he could be working it all out for good as we speak.
Oh Laura,
I truly believe God is still in control of your awful family situation because of prayer and your trusting Him. And the prayers of others. God cares deeply about all of you and those grandchildren of yours. I continue to pray He will show Himself strong on your behalf when all is said and done.
Has Grace been sleeping better? Been praying for her.
Bev, tears. I won’t lie, I am in a battle with evil that includes my own daughter. I am trusting Him to work for good, whatever that may be. It is tempting to give up. Why is life so hard? My mom left us many handwritten messages and prayers to God when she passed. One was, “Lord, some days I want to throw in the towel. Give me perseverance and courage.” I need such encouragement right now. I relish those thoughts of hers from long ago.
Laura, I am glad you have the handwritten messages and prayers of your mother. God has heard those prayers and I believe that part of your perseverance right now is an answer to her prayers of long ago. It must be very painful to have to battle against your own flesh and blood. just like what Bev says here, God is in control. Hugs, dear friend.
4. Read Joshua 5:13-15. What grabs you, resonates with you? What is the point the commander is making to Joshua? What stands out to me is the angel did not tell Joshua to not worship him. The point is that the commander is not on anyone’s side, He is the Lord’s.
5. In Tim Keller’s message “Joshua and the General” he talks about our propensity to get God on our side, to do our bidding, instead of serving Him. How have you done that? Have you truly turned a corner of true repentance with that? Maybe a little more like ‘get God in line with my plans’ If true repentance is not repeating the sin, then no. I would like to think I straighten out quick when I recognize it.
6. Who do you think “the man with a sword” really is? What did Paige mean when she said this episode between Joshua and “the man” is a prototype for the whole conquest? How does this apply to you in how you live your life? I think its possible that the angel is Jesus. Jericho is the prototype for the whole conquest because, its not even really a battle, its God bringing judgement, and Israel is the tool. There is no battle its basically God handing them Jericho.
7. Read Joshua 6:1-5. What grabs you, resonates with you? What do you learn from verse 2? Marching around the city has no earthly value, other than to scare the inhabitants. So what was the purpose of God asking them to obey, was it obedience. We learn that God was handing over Jericho and all its warriors to Joshua and the Israelites.
8. Read Joshua 6:15-22. What grabs you, resonates with you? How is the Lord speaking to you through this? Man, it’s the verse that talks that every man, women, both young and old were devoted to destruction. That’s tough to imagine. The Lord speaks to me through this verse about the seriousness of sin and its consequences.
9. What did she say was the point of the parade with the Ark around Jericho for all who lived in Jericho? What was her point about people on the bleachers trash-talking during a victory for their team? That it was to point out that it was God who was leading, and the Israelites who were following. Its God who is the encouragement, its God who is the threat, its God who is the weapon, as represented by the ark.
10. Read Joshua 7:1-15 (If not familiar with story read all of 7) How did the people of God break faith with God? How did Achan? How is this like Psalm 2? Achan through taking things that belonged to God and was devoted to destruction, broke faith with God.
11. Read Joshua 8:1-2 What does God tell Joshua? How is this the intrusion of mercy? To go back to Ai, and that God will give Ai over to Joshua and the mercy was that God gave them victory after their disobedience, He also gave them the spoil and livestock.
12. Read Joshua 9:1-21
What did the Gibeonites do and why was it so stupid? How does God show them grace? It was stupid of the various nations to come against the nation of Israel, because if they had instead came to the God of Israel and repented, they could have been saved. The mercy towards the Gibeonites is that they were not destroyed due to their deception.
13. Read Joshua 10:8-14 What is God showing all of them? Showing us? That He is God of all creation, and nothing is too hard for Him.
14. Read Joshua 11:1-6 What army does Joshua face and what does God tell him? What fears can you give to Him? A horde of an army that numbered the grains of sand, God says ‘do not fear, I will give them over slain to you’. Oh God I believe that I can give you all my fears, help my unbelief. Give me courage to believe You.
Such good point on answers, Tammy.
Over the weekend I just got behind on answering the questions and I haven’t been able to get back into the blogging but I have tried to read most everyone’s answers and comments. I find there are always some great nuggets of truth and encouragement. This morning I finished listening to Paige’s teaching. Her teaching on Rahab brought me to tears. And the teaching about judgement and mercy is some of the best I’ve ever heard. The surprise is mercy! She ends on such a hopeful note and clearly honors Jesus in how He was devoted to destruction and carried it out on the Cross so we wouldn’t be devoted to destruction.
I loved her prayer at the end. It is worth reading again.
Let’s pray. Oh Lord that’s a lot. I feel tired and I feel sad and I feel convicted and I feel overwhelmed and I feel so hopeful at the same time. Lord, I pray that you would take the crowbar of your love and Lord remove those things from us that keep us from you. And Lord that we might know nothing but the warmth of your embrace. Melt our hearts today in confidence and hope and security in your great love for us. May we be Rahab who lets go of all to run to you instead of Achan who runs from you to grab everything for ourselves. May we understand we are never so far off that we cannot be brought in. And Lord, we’re never such an insider that if we do not belong to you, we can’t be cast out. Lord, may we understand that you are holy, holy, holy and yet the shepherd who carries us close to your heart. Make all of these things true to us because they are true of you and true of us. Put our faces in your word. Put your spirit in our hearts. And put joy and transformation into our lives. We pray it in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Thanks for repeating her good prayer, Bev.
9. What did she say was the point of the parade with the Ark around Jericho for all who lived in Jericho? What was her point about people on the bleachers trash-talking during a victory for their team?
For the people of the city to see that they (the Israelites) were with God.
I’m not sure about the bench show offs? I don’t watch sports! Maybe that the other team members are wanting to be noticed so they stand when the players make the shots? Don’t get this…how did it relate at all? The people of Jericho are watching to be noticed?
Laura, Paige mentioned that the bench show-offs were not even part of the scoring team. They were just observers and they did nothing. So in the same manner, there wasn’t anything that the Israelites could take credit for. The walls fell from the top not crumbled on the bottom and the rest fell just like we would normally think. Nobody could take credit for the Jericho walls to come down. No show-offs offs possible. They were just to obey and walk. Only God did that. I hope I am making sense here.
Great sense, Bing! Don’t you love Laura’s questions? And how I love you coming around her to pray.
Thanks Bing!!
22. In her closing she looked at both Revelation 12 to see the holiness of God and Revelation 5 to see the mercy of God. How so?
Revelation 12 He is coming on a white horse! Judgment because He is holy and righteous!
Revelation 5 He is the Lamb who was slain in our place. We obtained mercy by the shedding of His blood.
23. She said everyone’s hearts will melt and they will either meet a warrior or a lamb who was slain with arms stretched out. Which one surprises us?
The Lamb who was slain for me with his arms stretched out.
His Mercy is More by Matt Papa and Matt Boswell
“ What love could remember, no wrongs we have doneOmniscient all-knowing, He counts not their sumThrown into a sea, without bottom or shoreOur sins they are many, His mercy is more.
Praise the Lord, His mercy is more (stronger)Stronger than darkness, new every mornOur sins they are many, His mercy is more.
What patience would wait as we constantly roamWhat Father so tender is calling us homeHe welcomes the weakеst, the vilest, the poorOur sins thеy are many, His mercy is more.
What riches of kindness He lavished on usHis blood was the payment, His life was the costWe stood ‘neath a debt we could never affordOur sins they are many, His mercy is more.”
24. What is your take-a-way and how will you apply this? Paige gives these questions to ponder for application: What is the hard news my heart most needs to hear? What is the good news my heart most needs to hear? How am I being challenged to repent, obey, or love and serve others? What does this reveal about the immeasurable love of God?
My heart needs to know that Jesus died not only for me but for others as well. And that when a brother or sister hurt me, I should remember we are all just walking toward our eternal home in this temporal world filled with all kinds of evil. We need each other’s sincere love and support. My love and service to others should be motivated by the mercy I have received from God instead of the judgment my sins so deserved.
Thank you, Lord, that though my sins are so many your mercy is more.
And I love her prayers, too!
“Oh Lord that’s a lot. I feel tired and I feel sad and I feel convicted and I feel overwhelmed and I feel so hopeful at the same time. Lord, I pray that you would take the crowbar of your love and Lord remove those things from us that keep us from you. And Lord that we might know nothing but the warmth of your embrace. Melt our hearts today in confidence and hope and security in your great love for us. May we be Rahab who lets go of all to run to you instead of Achan who runs from you to grab everything for ourselves. May we understand we are never so far off that we cannot be brought in. And Lord, we’re never such an insider that if we do not belong to you, we can’t be cast out. Lord, may we understand that you are holy, holy, holy, and yet the shepherd who carries us close to your heart. Make all of these things true to us because they are true of you and true of us. Put our faces in your word. Put your spirit in our hearts. And put joy and transformation into our lives. We pray it in Jesus’ name. Amen.”
Bing, what a beautiful and encouraging post!! Brought me to tears as it met me right where I’m at…thank you for sharing ❤️
Sharon, I was brought to tears, too as I wrote the comments above. The realization of God’s immense love for me brings so much joy and tears. “My sins they are many, His mercy is more.”
15. Look again at Rahab in Joshua 2. Paige said, “True faith doesn’t stop with being convinced of the reality of God, but presses in to take refuge in Him.” (This reminds me of another lecture when Paige said God won’t be impressed with our sermon notes, but our action.) How did Rahab live this out? How have you and how are you living this out? Rahab lived this out, because she gave her whole wellbeing into God’s hands. If God was not who she believed Him to be, and the Israelites lost the war, then her life would be forfeit. Surely the men of Jericho would kill her for being a traitor. Imperfectly I am living this out. But I am living this out. Every time I go up to pray instead of turning to social media/videos, everytime I choose love for my husband, everytime I choose God’s hard request instead of flesh’s easy way out, I am putting my wellbeing into His hands.
16. What was Paige’s point with the international woman with a hard history who came to her dad’s church? Her point is that ‘why did you choose me’ the life she had have lived, the sin in her past, she was an outsider, and God chose her.
17. Spotlight on Achan. How do you see Achan’s hard-heartedness? How does this historical incident show that God has no favoritism? Yes, he could have repented, fallen on his knees and pleaded for forgiveness in humility. It shows that that being devoted to destruction after repeated hardness of heart and sinning, will bring death irregardless of whether you were an insider or outsider.
The Closing
19. How do you see growth in Joshua? We see him on his face in worship, to getting it wrong but taking it to the Lord, and again and again we see him being obedient.
20. Paige (and Tim Keller in his sermon on Joshua 5:13-15) said ” Moses got a burning bush, and Joshua got a commander with a sword.” Both point to the holiness of God. They could either fight God or fall on their face. How is this speaking to you? It reminds me of that verse in Job “Though He slay me, I will hope in Him; yet I will argue my ways to His face.” Actually I was only remembering the first part, but as I read the second, it also reminded me of how Joshua took his complaint to the Lord and how Paige said its good to take our complaints to the Lord, but not to complain about the Lord,
21. What did she mean when she said “Jesus was devoted to destruction for us?” The destruction we deserved, He took for us.
22. In her closing she looked at both Revelation 12 to see the holiness of God and Revelation 5 to see the mercy of God. How so? In Revelation 12, we see Him as mighty warrior with the armies of God coming for judgement. In Revelation 5 we see Jesus as the slain lamb whose blood ransomed the people for God.
23. She said everyone’s hearts will melt and they will either meet a warrior or a lamb who was slain with arms stretched out. Which one surprises us? The one who fell on the sword and was slain so that we could be redeemed from this are sin and the sin and devastation of this world.
24. What is your take-a-way and how will you apply this? Paige gives these questions to ponder for application: What is the hard news my heart most needs to hear? What is the good news my heart most needs to hear? How am I being challenged to repent, obey, or love and serve others? What does this reveal about the immeasurable love of God?
This weeks study is a multifaceted learning journey. My take-a-ways include, The truth that God’s judgement is hard, harsh, and brutal. His mercy to those who surrender to Him whole-heartedly is equally tender, kind, and compassionate. He will respond to me and hear me if I run to Him with my complaints, but that’s not the same as complaining about Him. Applying it means that when I face something (marriage) that ticks me off or where what happened is unfair to me I need to run to God!