All Five Lectures are Live for Review! Hurrah! They will disappear next Tuesday evening. Review is powerful for our hearts. Let’s do this. You could download and listen to many this week as you multi-task. But even if you can’t listen, reviewing the passages and some fresh questions will help you go deeper.Thursday: Two Lectures In One! Never Alone.
Friday: How Long Will You Limp?
This was a fantastic lecture all about idols. Even the way we study the Bible can show our tendency toward idolatry.
7. What is the purpose of the Bible? Below is a memory cue!
8. Read 1 Kings 18:16-40 and share anything you remember from Paige or learned from this passage.
9. Define idolatry.
10. One way to discover our idols is to “follow the frenzy” (see 1 Kings 18:28-29) What tends to make you frantic and how can you speak to your soul?
11. The terms for idolatry in the Old Testament are replaced with the language of “desires” in the new testament. Look at 1 John 2:15-16. What is John warning against as a major barrier to our relationship with the Lord?
12. Look at 1 John 5:20-21.What is the reason in v. 20 (repeated 3 times) for them to keep themselves from idols in v. 21? Why would we need idols if He is “eternal life” (v. 20)? At the end of this letter about living in vital fellowship with Jesus, why is v. 21 his final word to them?
Link here for the lecture: Sept 14 Livestream
Saturday: Overcoming Despair
13. Read 1 Kings 19:1-18
A. Contrast this Elijah with the “Mohican” Elijah we have seen in the past.
B. As you read this passage, what do you remember from Paige’s lecture?
13. Identify seasons of your life of despair. What was in your foreground and what in your background:
14. Are you struggling with something right now? How could you speak to your soul?
Link: Sept 21 Livestream
God Hunt Sunday:
15. How has God spoken to you most profoundly through the lectures so far?
16. How has God shown up in your life this week?
Monday: Naboth’s Vineyard
17. Read 1 Kings 21 and share what you learned that is important.
18. What stood out to you from Paige and why?
19. What was surprising about God’s response to Ahab in the close of this chapter? What does this teach you about God.
20. Joel 2:1-13 describes the coming Day of the Lord as an assault by His army to bring His vengeance on wickedness. What hope is there in the face of this coming Day? Look at verses 12-13. Where is Ahab described here? What is the nature of his “rending”? What is the condition of the heart that receives grace and mercy? Will that heart ever NOT receive grace and mercy?
21. Was Naboth robbed of his true inheritance? See 1 Peter 1:3-5. How does this speak to you personally?
Link: Sept 28 Livestream
Tuesday: Elisha
22. Read 1 Kings 19:19-21 and share what you see or remember.
23. It is eighteen years later, after Elisha has served Elijah all that time. Read 2 Kings 21-14 and share what you see or remember.
24. Paige had some powerful quotes. Share one or more you remember.
25. God’s revelation to Elisha of chariots and horses of fire is more phenomenal than anything He has shown to us … or is it? The New Testament speaks of the prophets themselves longing to see what we see. Read 2 Corinthians 4:6. Can we even now see enough of God’s glory to be equipped for anything to which He has called us?
Link: Oct 5 Livestream
26. List three big take-a-ways so far.
How you study the Bible shows you a lot about you. What did Paige mean? How we approach the bible is it a reference book? Chicken soup for the soul? A verse for the day? Or do we study it to learn about God and what He wants to reveal to us?
What do you remember about the history of this time, what it shows about God, and what this should mean to you? That Ahab was the most evil king of all time. That the bible spends more time on the lessons about Him that are learned during times of evil leadership. The more evil the leadership the more God speaks through the prophets. God is always trying to get us to come (or come back) to Him.
Review 1 Kings 16:29 – 17:24 and share what from this passage is impacting your life. That God is always are provider even when the situation seems hopeless. The widow had faith enough to give Elijah bread first, then make the “last” meal for herself and her son.
The Greater Elijah: Look at Matthew 27:45-50. To whom was Jesus calling? God What was the answer? He turned His face away Why? So that through Jesus’ death we would have new life. Compare to our passage, verse 22. To whom was Elijah calling? God What was the answer? He answer what Elijah was asking. Why? To give the boy new life
How else do you see Elijah foreshadowing Christ in 1 Kings 17? (Memory clue: Stretching self out) Christ was stretched out on the cross. Elijah stretches himself out on the boy. He did this 3 times which is a sign of completeness.
Share one thing, if possible, from your notes. People like that the bible isn’t about what we can do for God, because they don’t want to do anything anyway. It’s also not about what we can get from God, but what He has done in order to get us.
Thank you for the excellent and concise first answer, Dawn! I went on a rabbit trail!
Starting us off right, Dawn!
Yes Dawn, great start that got me motivated😊. Thanks!!
1. How you study the Bible shows you a lot about you? What did Paige mean?
The Bible is What God has done to get us and what our lives are to be like once we belong to Him. It is the lengths He has gone to, in order to make us His own. It is what it looks lie to belong to Him. God is determined to reveal Himself and His purposes. Miracles are always pointers o the truth of His Word. All Scripture is to reveal God. God reveals Himself in the Old Testament through His covenant relationship with Israel. It is important to know the Historical context of any passage in order to know what it means. We need a theological evaluation: Do not base knowledge on a line of scripture, with out knowing it’s history and context.
The Bible is the infallible God authorized perspective on human history for that purpose ~ showing there is but ONE Living God. The ONLY ONE.
2. What do you remember about the history of this time, what it shows about God, and what this should mean to you?
God had called His people out of Egypt ~ He said He would bless them; that the will worship Him only and have no other gods before them. A call to loyalty, relationship and an undivided devotion to God; so that the world would know God. 1 and 2 Kings describes the history of the kings of Israel and Judah in the light of God’s covenant. The books of Kings follow the interplay of the Northern and Southern Kingdoms. 400 years in 50,000 word. The worship of Baal is prominent. The dynasty of Ahab, the most evil of all kings, is the son of Omri. Ahab’s reign is so important to the History of God’s people. Enter Elijah followed by Elisha, the most important prophets in OT History. This means to me that it is a very important time to study, because God sends the prophets Elijah and Elisha to lead His people back to Him.
The Bible is What God has done FOR us and what our lives are to be like once we belong to Him. (correction)
Great summary of history!
Patti, your posts are always so meaningful and I love your own personal touches that you put in them!
Thank you, Sharon. I always see things a new way from your posts!
1. How you study the Bible shows you a lot about you? What did Paige mean?
How we study it shows what the Bible is to us. Is it just a reference book, finding at verse rather than going to the Bible to find Him. Are we studying it to just gain a head knowledge or a changed heart?
2. What do you remember about the history of this time, what it shows about God, and what this should mean to you?
Ahab is the king of Israel and is the worst king in biblical history and he is married to Jezebel. The people have turned their backs on God and are worshiping Baal. God uses Elijah to pursue his people, He’s not just going away. He is the same yesterday, today and forever…He hasn’t changed. God pursues me and He wants a relationship with me because He is the same.
3. Review 1 Kings16:29 – 17:24 and share what from this passage is impacting your life.
God’s faithfulness in providing for Elijah, the widow and her son during the drought. God is running towards me in mercy.
4..The Greater Elijah: Look at Matthew 27:45-50. To whom was Jesus calling? God. What was the answer? There was no answer. Why? Because Jesus had taken on the sins of the world. Compare to our passage, verse 22. To whom was Elijah calling? The LORD. What was the answer? The widows son was brought back to life. Why? Because of what Christ did on the cross.
5. How else do you see Elijah foreshadowing Christ in 1 Kings 17? (Memory clue: Stretching self out)
The boy wasn’t saved because of Elijah stretching out over his body, he is saved through the stretching of Jesus on the cross,
6. Share one thing, if possible, from your notes.
I get to live in the embrace and permanent joy of the Father because I am covered in Him and substituted for and by Him.
Love this: The boy wasn’t saved because of Elijah stretching out over his body, he is saved through the stretching of Jesus on the cross,
I love this, Sharon.
I get to live in the embrace and permanent joy of the Father because I am covered in Him and substituted for and by Him.
I’m relistening as I multi-task, and while I thought her last talk the hardest, I also think it the most heart changing.
Dee, I haven’t gone back and listened to all of them again (I’ve never been a good multi tasker 😜) but reading through my notes, I must agree with you.
It doesn’t work for me the first time, but I seem to be able to do it after I’ve taken good notes. I love her quotes and her illustrations. Perhaps because this passage is one I hadn’t really studied before it was interesting — never got the whole thing about “If you see me leave in the chariot” before — that was big.
3. Review 1 Kings16:29 – 17:24 and share what from this passage is impacting your life.
Elijah’s name means The Lord is my God and was the essence of his message. (footnote in my Bible). Elijah makes it clear that he is never standing alone. When Elijah predicted drought, the Lord sent Elijah to live by the brook Cherith, where God provided for him. The Lord later directed him to the area where the widow lived and the Lord provided for Elijah, the widow and her son. When her son dies Elijah cries out to the Lord. It is not because of Elijah’s deed that the boy is saved, but through Elijah’s prayer. God saves through Jesus’ stretching out over the boy.
What impacts me from the story and Paige’s words is God save through Jesus. A Holy God of truth and Justice, can only be a God of mercy because He is a God of Sacrifice. He is the God of Sacrifice because of His own stretched out Son .Jesus is the connection between truth and holiness; mercy and grace. This is at the center of every story. His stretched out Son took my place.
4. The Greater Elijah: Look at Matthew 27:45-50. To whom was Jesus calling?
Jesus was call out to His Father, God. What was the answer? Silence. God turned away. Why? Because Jesus had taken the cup of the sins of all of us and God could not look upon that sin. Compare to our passage, verse 22. To whom was Elijah calling? To His Father, God. What was the answer? The window’s son was raised from the dead. the first example of a life rescued from the power of death. Why? It demonstrated that Elijah was a man of God and his word was truth. It also is the story of Jesus giving His life to rescue us from the power of death.
5. How else do you see Elijah foreshadowing Christ in 1 Kings 17? (Memory clue: Stretching self out)
As Elijah stretched himself out over the boy, as he cried out to God; So God allowed His only begotten Son to be stretched out on the cross (over us) to die for our sins, if we only believe in Him.
6. Share one thing, if possible, from your notes. from my notes:
The Father turned away from His stretched out Son in my place. The real miracle for this woman is that she meets a God of Grace. Her faith is a greater result than the boy’s life; it is the true miracle. Because a relationship with God is life. What do you have that will go with you through the grave? A stretched out Savior.
I like your words, Patti. His stretching out was the connection between truth and holiness, mercy and grace. Praise God!
8. Read 1 Kings 18:16-40 and share anything you remember from Paige or learned from this passage.
From notes on Paige’s lecture: Elijah pushes God into the background. ( I need to read these daily!)
* The cause of our despair is always what our hearts see in the foreground and what they see in the background. If our self righteousness is in the foreground, our atonement and the forgiveness of God are in the background = despair.
The holiness and love of God and His provision for us are in the foreground = Peace, faith and hope.
Fix your eyes not on what is seen, but the unseen. Eyes of the heart are fixed on God. We can never look at the Lord through the lense of the situation ~ we must look at the situation through the lense of the Lord. The Lord must always be the focus. Do not take your eyes off of Him.
9. Define idolatry.
An idol is anything our heart puts in place of God. It is not about their value, but their place in our lives.
10. One way to discover our idols is to “follow the frenzy” (see 1 Kings 18:28-29) What tends to make you frantic and how can you speak to your soul?
From Paige: Where do I get my affirmation? The things I serve, for which I strive and determine me, give me my security, my significance? Without_____, my life has no meaning. Has something or someone other than Jesus taken title to my heart’s trust, preoccupation, loyalty and delight?~ I need to pray to the Lord! Read His Word and His promises. Philippians 4:6-7 “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.”
11. The terms for idolatry in the Old Testament are replaced with the language of “desires” in the new testament. Look at 1 John 2:15-16. What is John warning against as a major barrier to our relationship with the Lord?
1 John 2: 15 “Do not love the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.”
12. Look at 1 John 5:20-21.What is the reason in v. 20 (repeated 3 times) for them to keep themselves from idols in v. 21? Why would we need idols if He is “eternal life” (v. 20)? At the end of this letter about living in vital fellowship with Jesus, why is v. 21 his final word to them?
1 John 5: 20-21: “And we know that the Son of God has come, and has given us understanding so that we may know Him who is true; and we are in Him who is true, in His Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God and eternal life.” “Little Children guard yourselves from idols.”
Great notes, Patti.
7. What is the purpose of the Bible? Below is a memory cue!
To reveal God…it points us to God.
8. Read 1 Kings 18:16-40 and share anything you remember from Paige or learned from this passage.
God uses Elijah to have a showdown/contest with 45o prophets of Baal.
I. Reasons for the contest
A. To face the delusions of their claim. How long will they be hobbled at the crossroads? They thought they could worship Baal and keep God also. The theme of this passage is, who is the real God, not who is the god I like, which one is cool with me etc. Paige brings this passage into modern day context, it’s about a rival religion which is Christianity vs Worldliness.
B. To face the demands of the conclusion. If Baal is god, then follow him. If Yahweh is God, then follow Him. The reason they’re hobbling is because Baalism is destroying, it’s crippling them.
II. Rules of the contest. It was a very slanted contest and by all rights the 450 prophets of Baal should of won, but Elijah had God on his side.
9. Define idolatry.
Anything that we put in God’s rightful place.
10. One way to discover our idols is to “follow the frenzy” (see 1 Kings 18:28-29) What tends to make you frantic and how can you speak to your soul?
Finances can tend to make me frantic and I have to remind myself that God is faithful and He has always met our needs and because He never changes, He will continue to according to His will.
11. The terms for idolatry in the Old Testament are replaced with the language of “desires” in the new testament. Look at 1 John 2:15-16. What is John warning against as a major barrier to our relationship with the Lord?
Loving the world and the things it offers.
12. Look at 1 John 5:20-21.What is the reason in v. 20 (repeated 3 times) for them to keep themselves from idols in v. 21? The true God. Why would we need idols if He is “eternal life” (v. 20)? We don’t! At the end of this letter about living in vital fellowship with Jesus, why is v. 21 his final word to them? Keep away from anything that might take God’s place in your hearts.
Such a parallel to our lives with “they thought they could worship Baal and keep God also.”
Sharon~ I was just reading how much worldliness has crept into the church. How many believe in multiple ways to worship God. So much truth in this statement! The theme of this passage is, who is the real God, not who is the god I like, which one is cool with me etc. Paige brings this passage into modern day context, it’s about a rival religion which is Christianity vs Worldliness.
Dee, thank you for the review. I have been sick and also taken up with finishing up the women’s luncheon this past Sunday and trying to catch up here. I totally agree, this study has been the most powerful study for me as well. Especially the one on Elisha receiving the “cloak” of ministry from Elijah. I shed many tears through that session and even though it was mentally taxing for my poor Filipino brain, I felt refreshed and renewed in my calling from God.
Thursday: Two Lectures In One! Never Alone.
How you study the Bible shows you a lot about you. What did Paige mean? It’s either all about you and how you can get something from God instead of seeing it as the work of God in bringing His purposes through the lives of different characters.
What do you remember about the history of this time, what it shows about God, and what this should mean to you?
Ahab was the evilest of all kings but God is still the One in control.
Review 1 Kings16:29 – 17:24 and share what from this passage is impacting your life. God will provide for His called-out ones and we cannot underestimate what and who He would use to bring about His purposed in our lives.
The Greater Elijah: Look at Matthew 27:45-50. To whom was Jesus calling? What was the answer? Why? Compare to our passage, verse 22. To whom was Elijah calling? What was the answer? Why? Jesus was calling to the Father. The Father turned away from Jesus. Elijah was calling to God and God answered him by letting the boy live.
How else do you see Elijah foreshadowing Christ in 1 Kings 17? (Memory clue: Stretching self out). Elijah stretched himself out over the child and the child lived. The child lived but died physically later Jesus was stretched out on the cross for you and for me that we might live eternally.
Share one thing, if possible, from your notes.
I hope you are feeling better, Bing. This is gold:
God will provide for His called-out ones and we cannot underestimate what and who He would use to bring about His purposed in our lives.
Please feel better soon. You made me laugh when you said “my poor Filipino brain.” What about my poor Finnish-Dutch mixed up brain?! 🤣
Friday: How Long Will You Limp?
This was a fantastic lecture all about idols. Even the way we study the Bible can show our tendency toward idolatry.
7. What is the purpose of the Bible? Below is a memory cue!
The purpose of the Bible is to show God in the foreground; to point us to Him and not to ourselves.
8. Read 1 Kings 18:16-40 and share anything you remember from Paige or learned from this passage.
The showdown at Mt. Carmel showed me that God and one person fully committed to Him is a majority. We are not standing alone. No idol can ever win against God.
9. Define idolatry.
Idolatry is anything that has taken the place of God in the center of our hearts.
10. One way to discover our idols is to “follow the frenzy” (see 1 Kings 18:28-29) What tends to make you frantic and how can you speak to your soul?
Anything that gets in the way of my life being comfortable. Concerns for my loved ones because of my idols of approval and comfort.
11. The terms for idolatry in the Old Testament are replaced with the language of “desires” in the new testament. Look at 1 John 2:15-16. What is John warning against as a major barrier to our relationship with the Lord?
The love of the world and its enticements-pride of life, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye. We are in the world but NOT of the world.
12. Look at 1 John 5:20-21.What is the reason in v. 20 (repeated 3 times) for them to keep themselves from idols in v. 21? Why would we need idols if He is “eternal life” (v. 20)? At the end of this letter about living in vital fellowship with Jesus, why is v. 21 his final word to them?
Jesus is the true God and the eternal life. When we keep Jesus central to our lives, our idols are displaced and replaced by Him. This song by Andrew Peterson:
I cannot explain the ways of loveLife cannot explain the grace of kindnessThere’s no reason that can satisfy enoughThe healing of this blindness
I’ve been seized by the power of a great affectionI’ve been seized by the power of a great affection
Amen to this, Bing.
The showdown at Mt. Carmel showed me that God and one person fully committed to Him is a majority. We are not standing alone. No idol can ever win against God.
13. Read 1 Kings 19:1-18
A. Contrast this Elijah with the “Mohican” Elijah we have seen in the past.
Elijah had his eyes fixed on God and his heart was trusting God on Mt. Carmel. He returned to Jezreel and expected Ahab and Jezebel to be thrown out and the people to return to God. No one was changed by the miracle and Jezebel’s heart was hardened; Elijah received a death threat. Elijah was is fear; he ran to Beersheba (130 miles) in the southern tip of Judah. He sat under a broom tree and asked the Lord that he might die. He had lost his confidence and was retreating. He lost his focus ~ Elijah took his eyes off of God.
B. As you read this passage, what do you remember from Paige’s lecture?
I loved her comment: We are not determined by our context, but we are determined by our hearts. The heart dictates our choice. Elijah’s despair is caused by the way he responds to God. God is now dealing with Elijah’s heart. Elijah has a plan on how God should act and respond. Elijah’s heart is limiting God. Elijah had big plans for God, but not big enough. When we think we have big plans for God, those plans make God too small. When God did not do what Elijah had planned Elijah felt letdown ~ equating God with his plans ~ which makes him think God is not working.
More from Paige: God is not our colleague, He is not our assistant or our partner ~ HE IS GOD. All of our problems are spiritual, we need to believe in God’s way. (From Tim Keller: God has not let Elijah down. His own plans have let Elijah down. )
He is not marching (like the Mohican), he is wobbling in weakness ~ he collapses and the Lord meets him right there. ( I SO RELATE TO THIS!)
13. Identify seasons of your life of despair. What was in your foreground and what in your background:
When I have gone through seasons of despair, I have to pray a lot to keep my eyes on Jesus. Sometimes it is an uphill battle, because I am trying to visualize a solution. Or, in fear, I see an outcome that terrifies me. Whether is it health, relationships or finance, I can feel overcome ~ yet God has never left me stranded, but sometimes I seem to dwell in the fear of that expectation.
14. Are you struggling with something right now? How could you speak to your soul?
This spoke to me from my devotional: “If you want to know how real you are, test these words ~”Come unto Me”. In every degree in which you are not real, you will dispute rather than come, you will quibble rather than come, you will go through sorrow rather than come; you will do anything rather than come the last lap of unutterable foolishness ~ “Just as I am.” As long as you have the tiniest bit of spiritual impertinence, it will always reveal itself in the fact that you are expecting God to tell you to do a big thing, and all He is telling you to do is to come.” Oswald Chambers
I need a broken and contrite heart that looks at every day through the lens of Jesus.
13. Read 1 Kings 19:1-18
A. Contrast this Elijah with the “Mohican” Elijah we have seen in the past.
The “Mohican” Elijah was focused and full of trust in God at the showdown at Mount Carmel. Jezebel’s threat weakened Elijah to the point of despair. When we lose sight and relegate God to the background, our idols loom in the foreground which can bring us to despair. We have to be taken back to our Mount Horeb to remind ourselves of the covenantal relationship we have with God and His promises that go with it.
B. As you read this passage, what do you remember from Paige’s lecture?
We are not determined by the context of despair but by the condition of our hearts. Elijah has surrendered to a different heart and God dealt with that accordingly.
We can be hard-pressed on every side but not crushed (Paul, the Apostle, 2 Cor 4:7-12). We have to fix our eyes on that which is unseen, our context may be hard (like the threat from Jezebel), but where are our eyes fixed condition of our hearts)
13. Identify seasons of your life of despair. What was in your foreground and what was in your background:
This was so applicable in my life last 2 weeks. I was responsible for 2 events, my daughter was having a crisis, several of our church members have been going through some major health issues, and I started feeling alone. I had to keep my Magic Eye! When I was losing sight of God in the foreground, I would pause and ask God to help me see Him. Then I got sick with strep. I had to keep on focusing on the Lord instead of my situation.
14. Are you struggling with something right now? How could you speak to your soul?
See my answer to #13. I am committing Scriptures to mind:
a. 2 Corinthians 4:7-12
But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body. For we who are alive are always being given over to death for Jesus’ sake, so that his life may also be revealed in our mortal body.
The power of Christ is revealed in me in every and any hard situation that comes to my life.
b. 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
The power of Christ renews me.
I am struggling getting all the questions answered so I am going to listen to all the lectures and pull what I can from them.
The first day ended up being the third session (September 21). I love when she references 2 Cor 4….the disciples lived by what was UNSEEN, not seen. It is in the unseen where the light exists! Here’s why:
I am teaching about light in my classes right now. Most people would not know how light is actually formed, nor do they care really! It’s something that happens at the UN-observable level. It’s what happens at the subatomic level that forms the light we see. Here’s the science….electrons absorb energy and get excited. They can’t hold the energy though and they end up losing it. It is in the losing of the energy that produces the light we see.
I found it interesting that the way the light is formed is unseen, just like our faith depends on what we can’t see, our Lord.
Love this Laura! It gives me good goose bumps! Perfect example of the scripture!
Here’s the science….electrons absorb energy and get excited. They can’t hold the energy though and they end up losing it. It is in the losing of the energy that produces the light we see. I found it interesting that the way the light is formed is unseen, just like our faith depends on what we can’t see, our Lord.
Think of what the light of Jesus will look like when we seen Him face to face!
Laura and Patti, so good, indeed about the science. God is Lord over science. I just thought of Louie Giglio’s book which I would like to have one of these days called Indescribable. I believe He talks about science and faith and uses material things of this world to describe the creativity of God. It is a children’s book but the reviews said that adults like it, too!
That is such an amazing analogy of faith! Thank-you for sharing.
Wow, Laura! Feel free to give us more science lessons any time. I love to see God in His creation!
He is so perfect! It’s amazing if we open our eyes to see it 😉.
13. Read 1 Kings 19:1-18
A. Contrast this Elijah with the “Mohican” Elijah we have seen in the past.
Elijah is being confronted by God rather than confronting for Him.
He was so brave and running in excitement when the fire of God consumed his sacrifice…until he heard Jezebel wanted to kill him and he went into hiding in despair.
B. As you read this passage, what do you remember from Paige’s lecture?
I think what stood out to me from her lecture is that Elijah’s heart had to be dealt with. Did he really believe that God is who He says He is? Also, God provided for him, gave him bread and water…what a tender and loving God, so patient and faithful.
I underlined this from her lecture…”The only way we have proper biblical focus is we can never look at the Lord through the lens of the situation, we have to look at the situation through the lens of the Lord.”
13. Identify seasons of your life of despair. What was in your foreground and what in your background:
”Me” was always in the foreground and “God” was in the background.
14. Are you struggling with something right now? No. How could you speak to your soul?
If I were and when I do I would say to myself, keep the Lord as your focal point…Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus!
Good song to keep singing.
Amen, Sharon! If I were and when I do I would say to myself, keep the Lord as your focal point…Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus!
Oh such good points you brought out! Thank you as I didn’t have time to write notes like I wanted to do.
God Hunt Sunday:
15. How has God spoken to you most profoundly through the lectures so far?
The story of Elisha has spoken to me most profoundly and perhaps it is because God has brought to my awareness the cost of ministry that I have been pushing aside. He is most kind to allow the pieces of my messes to be cast aside and to pull the good pieces that are there all along and point the arrow to His purposes in my life. There is such peace in knowing that my life’s trajectory is in His hands and that I can trust Him in the light and in the dark.
16. How has God shown up in your life this week?
Since private donations support the institution I worked for part-time, I felt a need to help procure some of the supplies that are needed to fit our clinical lab. Through a series of providential circumstances, I saw God’s provision and he used the kindness of one elderly woman in our county to donate some key equipment to start us off with! Her donation was sizable considering how many and how much these supplies would add up to! And another beautiful thing about it is that my students got to meet her and were themselves pleasantly surprised that they will get to use what she donated. The timing was also beautiful as it just transpired yesterday after a hard week for me in the classroom. The verses I shared on Question 14 have been replaying in my mind. God is good. He is El Roi-He sees you and me.
A few mornings ago, God also used this verse from Psalm 94:19 to encourage my fledging heart. “When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me joy.” Paige has said something about our calling being external. I am applying that to trying to drum up consolation by picking up myself by the bootstraps. Literally, no one can, anyway. My true consolation can only come from outside of me-God alone. Because the Son already procured for me, what I couldn’t do for myself. He took my penalty for my sins and also gave me power over my sins.
Rabbit trailing here…
Such a good testimony, Bing. I find Paige really gets to my heart. There’s an area I’ve struggled with that seems to be gone. May it be!
Praise God for His provision for equipment for your class, Bing. His timing is always perfect.
Yes, Patti! Only god can do such a thing.
Oh Bing, God showed up big…He never ceases to amaze me and so happy for God’s provision😊❤️
He did, Sharon! I had to keep my tears from spilling in front of my students. The blessing happened so quickly, but it took me a while to really grasp the beauty of the moment. Such a few minutes of earthly time to cherish and give thanks!
“There is such joy and peace in knowing that my trajectory is in God’s hands and I can trust Him in the light and in the dark.” LOVE THIS!
15. How has God spoken to you most profoundly through the lectures so far?
I have loved every lecture and God has spoken to my heart each week. The heart dictates my choices. If I see through the lens of “self”, I miss Jesus and walk a path of despair when life is challenging. I need to see everything through the lens of Jesus and then He walks with me on the path when life is challenging and He brings mercy, grace and comfort.
God is determined to reveal Himself and His purposes through His Word. It is what He has done to get us and what our lives are to be like once we belong to Him. Miracles are always pointer to the truth of His Word, the surety of His promises, the genuine quality of His messengers, always showing His Redemption & His Restoration.
Rabbit trail ~
Seeing life through the lens of God makes all the difference. God provides for us in His mercy. Our faith wobbles and He draws us back to Him. He is so full of grace. God chooses the weak, lowly and unlikely for His favor because they are the people that see their need and forgo their pride; they serve God only; they look to God only to provide. I see the importance of letting go of my idols daily; I don’t want to be of the world, but I wobble. Baal is the generic term for Master ~ Whoever is my Master is my Lord ~ I know all these things, but Paige’s lectures really put light on my idols! It is not about their value, but their place in our lives. What gives my life meaning and significance? Only God. I need to constantly identify my idols and their wrong place in my life. Jesus and only Jesus is my life. He is the lens through which I must see my life daily. The heart dictates our choices.
Oh, Patti! For sure-the heart dictates our choices. May His heart be our hearts!
Such a good post, Patti, beginning with:
If I see through the lens of “self”, I miss Jesus and walk a path of despair when life is challenging.
Oh, such very very good commentary, dear Patti! Thank you for taking the time to write them down for us all.
15. How has God spoken to you most profoundly through the lectures so far?
It’s not about me. I know that sounds immature and why haven’t you gotten that already, but the thing is putting it into practice. I tend to get caught up in what I want or how I feel, that my focus becomes about me. This study has caused me to stop and ask myself, what is your motive, why are you doing or not doing something. Is God going to be glorified in your thoughts and actions and am I about my Father’s work which will last for eternity?
16. How has God shown up in your life this week?
A lady from church approached me about a decision she was trying to make about her business, feeling like the Lord was leading her in a different direction but just didn’t feel it was real clear. I shared the story of Elisha and how he dropped everything and followed Elijah and how when Elijah was taken away that what he wanted most was the Lord, to serve Him. She came back to me yesterday and thanked me for what I shared and that she is backing off from the business so she can be available to do what God has for her. I thanked the Lord for this study and His word and the word He has given through Paige.
Sharon, that lady was blessed to have you share about our study. I, too, have been very touched by this study and it has re-ignited my passion for the Word and to share it with others. I need to back off from some things and I am praying for God’s leading and clarity. Thanks for your encouraging words!
Wonderful, Sharon. Lord, please help that woman follow through and sense Your pleasure!
What a blessing that the Lord spoke through you to this lady. God will be glorified by your words to her! Lord, I agree with Dee’s prayer, help this lady to follow through.
Such soul-searching thoughts you write, Sharon!
1. Interesting point and I don’t remember
2. All the northern kings didn’t worship God. God remembered His covenant and preserved a remnant. God is filled with more mercy than I can understand
3 one version The Lord heard Elijah s prayer. Another version The Lord listened to the voice of Elijah. Unfortunately I’ve been questioning my prayer life and why I continue praying with other people for our church and other area churches. 4. God. Christ returned to the Father after paying my sin debt 5. Elijah stretched himself on the boy. Jesus willingly stretched Himself out on the cross to wash away my sin.
7. To learn about God
8 God accepted the sacrifice Elijah offered and the Israelites weren’t consumed Just as God has accepted Christ s sacrifice for son and I am not consumed. His mercies never fail. Great is His faithfulness 9.Putting anything first place in our hearts over God. 10. Family relationships Hand them over to Jesus
11. love for the world
12 being short sighted looking at the here and now for satisfaction Calvin said our heart is an idol factory. Even God s blessing and gifts can become an idol
13 Mohican brave bold even taunting their god Fearful ran for his life, defeated, tired
13b Elijah allowed Jezebel to be in the foreground instead of God
c Elijah wasn’t destroyed in the wind earthquake or fire because he was standing on the Rock
d just getting through the day sometimes thinking of lack of help and support I thought I needed instead of concentrating on the honey on the Rock
15 God is full of mercy wanting NO ONE to perish
16 I’ve seen Him breakthrough a woman s despair during prayer
17/18/19 She discussed no Elijah miracle but the real miracle was God s mercy towards Ahab And that God is just God has to judge but He doesn’t always save
20 Repentance, return to the Lord will all our hearts with fasting weeping and mourning Ahab tore his clothes put on sackcloth and was despondent One that is humble before God, is willing to admit sin, has genuine sorrow for sin and repent NO
21 No his inheritance was kept for him in heaven where it is imperishable and undefiled
22 Elisha was wholeheartedly going to apprentice with Elijah
23 Elisha saw Elijah disappear in a whirlwind and took the mantle and parted the Jordan as Elijah had done God is so good
24, that Elisha served for 18 years and was just known as Elijah s servant He didn’t seek his own attention and was willing to wait Then he asked for inheritance as firstborn son of Elijah after seeing the hard life Elijah had He asked Where is the God of Elijah God then showed him He was with him in power
25 The Savior, the Son of God, who sits at the right hand of the Father became flesh and and died for my sin He s now given us the Holy Spirit We have Christ in us the hope of glory So the answer should be yes
26 The absolute goodness and mercy of God which is offered to all no matter what
that we must carefully guard are hearts because the are idol factories even of what God has given us
I’m here on earth to follow God s purpose for my life and not end life with just a shell collection
Judy, wasn’t that so sad to end your life with a shell collection to show for it? God is good to call us to Himself and for a purpose. Not sure if I have said, welcome to you! So here it is, WELCOME to the family of God in this blog.
Ernema, thank you. Everything about this study is good. The thought provoking lectures and questions and the answers the ladies give
That shell collection is a clincher!
Judy, Amen to the shell collection! I have thought of that so many times this week too!!
. Read 1 Kings 19:1-18
A. Contrast this Elijah with the “Mohican” Elijah we have seen in the past. This Elijah has run away from the danger and challenge. He has definately lost his nerve and his faith is floundering.
B. As you read this passage, what do you remember from Paige’s lecture? “God’s quietest whispers communicate how He is present with us.” Why wasn’t Elijah destroyed by the wind, the earthquake and the fire? Because he was hidden in the Rock! Psalm 18 …The Lord is my Rock. 1 Cor 4… The Rock is Christ. “The only cure for despair is that our hearts might see, His Heart for us!”
13. Identify seasons of your life of despair. What was in your foreground and what in your background: The season of widowhood…my aloneness was in the foreground. My identity in Christ was in the background.
14. Are you struggling with something right now? How could you speak to your soul? Yes, I am experiencing some seasonal depression and lack of confidence in my abilities to make a meaningful contribution for the Lord at church. I can relate to Elijah, for I seem to have lost my nerve. In getting older, I have some health issues that will make me a burden to my family in a few years…I really dread that.
I could read Psalm 19 to my soul.
Link: Sept 21 Livestream
Oh, Lydia! I would like to hear more of your story. I can tell that you have a deep walk with Jesus, most likely deepened by your deep sufferings. May He draw ever so much closer to you and press you to His loving breast where you can hear His heart beating in love for you. The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms.
“Both thine arms are clasped around me, and my head is on Thy breast, and my weary soul hath found Thee such a sweet and perfect rest. Precious Jesus! Now I know that I am blessed!” (Copied)
Praying for you, dear sister. Be not dismayed whate’er betide. God will take care of you. Beneath His wings of love abide. God will take care of you.
Oh, thank-you dear Sister, for such kind and loving words! I am encouraged by you. God bless you.
Lydia, I echo what Missy so aptly said in her reply to you. God sees you and He loves you and I am praying you will experience the fullness of His joy and peace as you navigate the “older” years. Thank you for your testimony here and your willingness to share and be vulnerable.
Thank-you dear Sister, I really appreciate your caring and encouraging words! God bless you!
Lord, thank You for Lydia. Please give her Your peace and assurance today. I ask in Your name.
I can identify, dear Lydia. Thanks for sharing here.
Thank-you so much Dee! I really do appreciate all of your efforts on our behalf. You are an encourager!
Lydia, I join the others here in praying for you right now. Love the sweet quote from our dear Missy. Lord, please hold Lydia close to your heart and keep her safely under Your wing of protection. Give her the peace, joy, and confidence that You hold her future and You will be by her side every step of the way. Help her to see that being such a light of your love to all of us on the blog and all those who know her, is the most beautiful contribution. We ask this in Your Son’s name.
Thank-you so much for this beautiful prayer, Patti. I have had a wonderful day with the Lord today, baking special ginger cookies for my sister, who has been so ill for so long and for my 90 year old Aunt whi has pneumonia. Their care packages are ready to ship!
What a sweet way to use your gifts to show your love and God’s love.
Seems I’m often the “Johnnie come lately” but I’m so glad for the opportunity to listen to the messages once again and also to hear some I had missed, like the very first lesson! I listened tonight after a grueling week and weekend at work. I was intrigued by the story of the poor widow woman that helped to sustain Elijah. Though I knew the story well before, it is always good to be reminded and to learn new truths to sustain the soul. I often feel forgotten of God and an outsider, a single mom who doesn’t quite fit into most settings. I think I want to do a study of the widows mentioned in the Bible and how God showed special love and care for this marginalized group of people. And as Paige says, Elijah had to learn that he was no better than a widow woman and that God’s mercies extend to all races, genders, and socioeconomic groups of people. None are marginalized from His great grace and mercy. I was also encouraged afresh to pray for my children to the Giver of life, that He would incline His ear unto me and give them spiritual life. Thank you, Dee, for the insight and wisdom you have in choosing our Bible studies. God bless you and keep you and cause His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
Missy, 1:15 on Saturday. Thank you for coming on here to remind us afresh of the beautiful story God is writing in your life. I do love your idea of wanting to do a study of the widows mentioned in the bible. I am sure you will find nuggets of wisdom to share and some magnificent character traits of our God! Yes, we shall pray afresh for our children!
My faithful praying friend! So thankful for you. 11:22!
Amen Missy! God sees and knows each of our needs at all times. I am praying for you and your children today. Great thought, to do a study of the widows of the Bible.
So good to see you here dear Missy. None are marginalized — such an encouragement for you who look to those the world marginalizes.
Such beautiful thoughts from your precious heart for God and His people, Missy! Yes, our world is quick to marginalize others for reasons that are so foolish in the eyes of God. Such a good lesson in your words! You live His grace and mercy in your life daily! And the reminder to pray for our children, the future of God’s world. Amen to Dee’s wisdom and insights in these studies! I join you in your prayer for her.
16. How has God shown up in your life this week?
After weeks of heavy smoke, due to forest fires in Eastern Washington and Oregon, the temperature has dropped and soft breezes are clearing the skies. We can go outside and breathe again. We have had no rain since early July, but the forecast says rain later this week! Thank you Lord!
no rain since early July???? Oh, my! Rain, come down on the state of WA, and may the forest fires be contained.
Thank you Bing, Missy, Lydia and Dee, for the prayers for rain. It has been a difficult summer for so many in this area. We are fortunate that the fires are not close by, but two nights ago we could see the refection of flames from one large fire that was over the mountain ridge .
Sounds like you are living another Elijah story in your own life, Patti! Praying showers of blessings will fall soon! Praise God for clear air to breathe after all that smoke!
I have been praying for rain for the Western US all year! Most of my family live in California. Some in SE Washington. We have had record rainfall here in West Virginia, why can’t someone figure out how to pipe the excess water out to the drought stricken states? Praying for a wet winter for you.
May it be that God will bring the rain!
. Read 1 Kings 21 and share what you learned that is important. Naboth was not afraid to refuse the Kings offer, because he knew what the law said about his own inheritance. Naboth took a stand for what was right, eventhough he must have known what the consequences might be.
18. What stood out to you from Paige and why? After reviewing my notes from Paige’s lecture, the questiin of why does God allow Naboth to be unjustly killed? Her quote from Ralph Davis “This passage is not a guarantee of immediate safety, but it is one of ultimate justice.” Is the answer she gives. Also the shallowness of Ahab’s remorse. He dresses in sackcloth and ashes to demonstrate remorse…but his heart is completely unchanged. He hates being caught in sin, but he does not hate the sin. He just wants to change the consequences.
19. What was surprising about God’s response to Ahab in the close of this chapter? That God relents in His punishment for Ahab, because of the show of remorse Ahab is demonstrating. What does this teach you about God. That He is watching and waiting for us to demonstrate repentance and will reward even the shallow beginnings of a changed heart. He desparately wants us to do what is right in His sight…He loves us so!
20. Joel 2:1-13 describes the coming Day of the Lord as an assault by His army to bring His vengeance on wickedness. What hope is there in the face of this coming Day? God’s Mercy is our hope!
Look at verses 12-13. Where is Ahab described here? “Rend your hearts, not your garments…”
What is the nature of his “rending”? Ahab rends his garments in a show of remose.
What is the condition of the heart that receives grace and mercy? This heart is humble, sincerely repents and returns to the Lord with weeping and mourning over the sin comitted.
Will that heart ever NOT receive grace and mercy? No.
21. Was Naboth robbed of his true inheritance? No,because his true inheritance was the Lord. See 1 Peter 1:3-5. How does this speak to you personally? My inheritance is sealed in Christ, it will never perish, spoil or fade. I am shielded by God’s power until Christ returns. Hallelujah!
Lydia, Love all of your responses! This is so good: Her quote from Ralph Davis “This passage is not a guarantee of immediate safety, but it is one of ultimate justice.” Is the answer she gives. Also the shallowness of Ahab’s remorse. He dresses in sackcloth and ashes to demonstrate remorse…but his heart is completely unchanged. He hates being caught in sin, but he does not hate the sin. He just wants to change the consequences.
Thank-you Patti, but I must give all the credit to Paige. She really shines the spotlight of truth into deeper issues!
22. Read 1 Kings 19:19-21 and share what you see or remember. I see Elisha’s sold out to God attitude, he gives up everything even destroying the tools of his trade ( killing the oxen and roasting them for the people and using the plow to build the fire to cook with) he does not intend to return home. God allowed Elisha to witness Elijah being Taken up to Heaven in a firey chariot, to build Elishas faith in God’s power. Elisha can’t take the place of Elijah until he sees where his power comes from, from God alone!
23. It is eighteen years later, after Elisha has served Elijah all that time. Read 2 Kings 21-14 and share what you see or remember. ???
24. Paige had some powerful quotes. Share one or more you remember.
25. God’s revelation to Elisha of chariots and horses of fire is more phenomenal than anything He has shown to us … or is it? The New Testament speaks of the prophets themselves longing to see what we see. Read 2 Corinthians 4:6. Can we even now see enough of God’s glory to be equipped for anything to which He has called us?Yes, indeed we have the power that raised Jesus up from the dead, living inside of us! It’s all about Him and His father.
Thank-you Patti, but I must give all the credit to Paige. She really shines the spotlight of truth into deeper issues!
I barely got through 4 of the lectures for the review! I just felt overwhelmed and couldn’t get to questions. I tried to listen to number 5 this morning but alas! They are gone 😔.
22. Read 1 Kings 19:19-21 and share what you see or remember.
Elijah gives his cloak to Elisha. He allows him to go home to say goodbye and tells him to think about “…what I did.” Elisha slaughters the oxen and has a party!
23. It is eighteen years later, after Elisha has served Elijah all that time. Read 2 Kings 21-14 and share what you see or remember.
Elijah wants to go places alone but Elisha won’t allow it. He stays with him wherever he goes. At one point Elisha watches Elijah part the water of a river. He asks to have an inheritance to be just like Elijah. Elijah says that is a big thing to ask. He is then taken to heaven by a horse drawn, fiery chariot. His cloak is left. Elisha is stunned but picks up the cloak. He then realizes that he can part the water of the river too!
25. God’s revelation to Elisha of chariots and horses of fire is more phenomenal than anything He has shown to us … or is it? The New Testament speaks of the prophets themselves longing to see what we see. Read 2 Corinthians 4:6. Can we even now see enough of God’s glory to be equipped for anything to which He has called us?
We have been given the light in our hearts if we have accepted Christ as our Savior. This gives us the backbone to stand up against the world. I would say though, it is probably the most difficult thing I have ever done. Just yesterday, I mentioned to a lady that I was okay with dying because I am a Christian and know it will be a better place than here. She said, “oh not me, I have so much I still want to do here.” That is sad to me. I wonder if she is thinking about why I said what I said? It was prompted because she told me she had a friend who still won’t come out of the house because of covid. So terrible! They need to know Jesus ♥️.
So good you listened to four, Laura.
26. List three big take-a-ways so far.
God has a specific purpose/calling for my life. I do not have to covet somebody else’s calling. My calling is between me and God. My first calling is to be like Jesus and from it comes the trajectory of my life.
Nobody can take my eternal inheritance away from me. My place in Heaven is as sure as God’s love for me. All that I have and ever hope to be, I owe it all to Thee, Lord.
I may leave this earthly place without worldly fanfare but I can still live a life of faith experiencing the peace, power, and pleasure of God.
26. List three big take-a-ways so far. 1. It’s not about me!
2. God has called me.
3. He will equip me and He has already gifted me to serve Him in whatever capacity He desires.