I think you will find this week somewhat different — as Paige said, “No bang, and I like bang!” At first, I felt a bit lost, and you may too, but hang on, for she really sheds life-changing light on what even she calls a “weird” passage. I am eager to ponder this with you. She answered so many questions with her teaching — such as what Elijah meant when he told Elisha that if he saw him leave in a chariot, he would indeed receive a “double portion” of the Spirit given to Elijah.
You may want to move ahead days so as to not miss the end — just in case it doesn’t stay up.
I’m not sure if we will do a review next week during the break, but that is my thought as of now. If she leaves this up for two weeks, I may change my mind — so just stay tuned. Here is one of her golden nuggets to ponder:
Your purpose in life is not from finding what you are passionate about, it’s from finding what God is passionate about and pouring yourself into that.
Watch Paige here:
Thursday: Enter Elisha
1. Read 1 Kings 19:19-21
A. What was Elisha doing when Elijah comes to him?
B. What does Elijah do to Elisha to show him that he is being called to fill his shoes? (verse 19)
C. How does Elisha respond, and what evidence is there that he is not procrastinating but truly leaving and cleaving to Elijah’s call? (verses 20-21)
Enter 18 years later, after Elisha has been faithfully following and serving Elijah.
2. Read 2 Kings 2:1-6 and describe the pattern that repeats three times between Elijah and Elisha.
3. Read 2 Kings 2:7-15
A. What miracle did Elijah perform ?(verses 7-8)
B. What does Elijah ask Elisha and how does he respond? (verses 9-10)
C. How does God answer? (verses 11-12)
D. What evidence is given that Elisha understands and that God is with him? (verses 13-15)
Listen to Paige for about ten minutes on You-Tube from her beginning at 9:30 to 20:41 when she says “I want you to listen through these 5 stops.”
4. What stands out to you fro this opening and why? Did you catch the two purposes for studying these passages?
Friday: Receive – Part 1.
Listen to Paige from 20:41 to 32:53 when she says:
Your purpose in life is not from finding what you are passionate about, it’s from finding what God is passionate about and pouring yourself into that.
5. What is her point about Elisha initiating nothing?
6. What stands out to you about meaning and purpose in life?
7. How does Elisha demonstrate this?
8. She tells a story of working at Vanderbilt, and two weary counselors coming to them for help.
A. What was troubling most of the students that came to them?
B. What surprising thing did the professor tell them and how did they respond? (I found it surprising because it is the opposite of the way the world thinks.)
C. What did Paige tell the girl at Vanderbilt who was in a life crisis and saw no meaning in the direction of her life?
D. Did either of her quotes from David Wells or T. S. Elliot stand out to you? If so, why?
E. What are your thoughts on this quote:
“If we pour ourselves into what God is passionate about, we don’t have freedom but we do have purpose.”
F. What else stands out to you and why?
Saturday: Receive – Part 2.
Listen to Paige from 32:53 to 44 after she talks about the song “We Are A Promise”
9. I have heard this before, but find it very worth pondering — that it is an “overblown” thing to find our calling, for that is coming to Jesus, becoming holy, becoming like Him… what thoughts do you have on that?
10. She said too often we are looking for permission in our lives and not purpose. What did she mean?
11. Look again at 1 King 19:19-21 and share what new things you see as a result of listening to Paige.
12. What else stands out to you from this section and why?
God Hunt Sunday
13. How has God shown up in your life or time alone with Him this week?
Monday: Response and Starting Resolve
Listen to Paige from 44 to 52:41 when she says: “My life is not my own, I have been bought with a price.”
14. Paige said we want to the Lord to save us, love us, spiritualize our lives — but still want to be in control of our lives. True or false for you?
15. What do you see in Elisha’s response to Elijah that might be relevant to your life?
16. What does Jesus ask of us in Luke 14:29-33?
17. What else stands out to you from the above 9 minutes?
Listen to Paige from 52:41 to 58:56 when she says “Where do we find that anywhere?” (Then she starts talking about her husband.)
18. She talked about defining ourselves by what we don’t do, and how we need to have higher spiritual goals. What did she mean?
19. What do you learn about Elisha and what he was doing for the next 18 years? Significance?
20. Sinclair Ferguson said: “If faithfulness is not in small private things, then public faithfulness will be hypocrisy for the sake of the crowd and not for the Lord.” When you look at your faithfulness in private, how are you doing?
21. Paige said, “One thing Elisha was not doing was posting.” Thoughts?
Monday: Resolve, Request, Revelation!
Listen to Paige from 58:56 to 1:05:56 when she says: “Our commitment leads to obedience and fuels our commitment.”
22. What thoughts do you have on her story about her husband?
23. What stands our to her and to you about The Hiding Place?
24. Look at 2 Kings 2 again.
A. Why does Elijah keep giving Elisha the opportunity not to follow him?
B. How does Elisha respond?
C. How have you experienced the truth of: “Our commitment leads to obedience and fuels our commitment.”
Listen to Paige from 1:05:56 to 1:19:38 when she begins
25. What is Elisha’s request and what is he really asking for? How is this relevant to us?
26. How does God answer this request?
27. When Elisha is grieving, what is God telling him by allowing him to do the same miracle?
28. How does Paige point us to Jesus in this section?
Tuesday: Reward
Listen to Paige from 1:19:38 to the end
29. Elijah’s going home was spectacular, but Paige said every death of a saint is spectacular. Thoughts?
30. John Piper contrasted the lives of two missionaries from his church killed in Cameroon with Bob and Penny who took early retirement in Florida. What do you remember and why?
Wednesday: Take-A-Way
31. What’s your take-a-way and why?
We had a silent follower post at the end of the week — this was her question — how would you answer?
I’ve loved this study as I have others you have done. They make me think and fall deeper in love with God and Jesus. They make me want to worship them for all their goodness. The fable story I don’t get. I understand her comment about God keeping us uncomfortable about injustice but I don’t understand the comment made to the young man that the misery he feels now because he can’t compare it to the misery his comfort would have brought. Please help me understand
Hi Judy,
The way I understood it, the wicked witch would lure people to her place and would give them a nice comfy place to sleep and in the morning would turn them into stone. When the man was lured in, the maid gave him a bed that was very uncomfortable and made it impossible for him to get a good night sleep and was able to leave before the witch was able to turn him into stone. He was better off having a miserable and uncomfortable place to sleep than being comfortable all night and being turned into stone which would of been permanent.
Hi Judy,
I agree with Sharon. I think it is also such a good analogy about our desire to want the things of this world and sometimes our own agenda~ and the thistles and thorns come from God’s love, cause us discomfort ( guilt) on a choice or path, in order to lead us to His way~ which will take us to eternal life.
This verse helps me see that: 2 Corinthians 4:17, NASB: For our momentary, light affliction is producing for us an eternal weight of glory far beyond all comparison,
Hello Judy, I agree with the other comments that this fable is an analogy of the life we live in Christ. The “comfort” described is to me, equal to complacency in our walk with Jesus. What will we be motivated to do if we are so comfortable? As opposed to the thorns and thistles of “discomfort”, these represent conviction and seeing others through the eyes of Jesus. So we glorify His Name through our discomfort that we may achieve the higher purpose that He has called us to!
It really helps me to pray before studying the Bible or listening to podcasts like these…praying that this helps you too.
Love those thoughts, Lydia. Such a good idea to pray before doing the study and listening to the lessons.
Thank-you Patti! I loved your thoughts and scripture reference too.
Thank you Sharon, Patti and Lydia
I’m understanding it better. Comfort here can mean laziness or blind eyes to what is going on in my life or in the lives of others. God wants me uncomfortable at times to make me aware where sin or injustice is lurking. I know we thank God that this is not our home
You are welcome Judy…what you said is so good and questions make me think, thank you. I also got to thinking of what I read in Dee’s book Idol Lies and how comfort can be an idol. This is a quote from her book that really resonated with me…”God cares most – not about making us comfortable but about teaching us to hate our sins, growing up spiritually, and love Him. Seeing suffering as “a severe mercy” can open our eyes to our idols like nothing else can.”
1. Read 1 Kings 19:19-21
A. What was Elisha doing when Elijah comes to him?
Elisha was plowing with 12 pairs of oxen before him and he with the twelfth.
B. What does Elijah do to Elisha to show him that he is being called to fill his shoes? (verse 19)
Elijah passed over to him and threw his mantle on him. This was designating Elisha as his successor.
C. How does Elisha respond, and what evidence is there that he is not procrastinating but truly leaving and cleaving to Elijah’s call? (verses 20-21)
Enter 18 years later, after Elisha has been faithfully following and serving Elijah.
2. Read 2 Kings 2:1-6 and describe the pattern that repeats three times between Elijah and Elisha.
Elijah said to Elisha, “Stay here please, for the Lord has sent me as far as Bethel.” But Elisha said, “As the Lord lives and you yourself live, I will not leave you.” So they went to Bethel. This same pattern repeated when Elijah told Elisha that the Lord has sent him to Jericho, and a third time when Elijah told Elisha that the Lord has sent him to Jordan.
3. Read 2 Kings 2:7-15
A. What miracle did Elijah perform ?(verses 7-8)
Elijah took his mantle and folded it together and struck the waters, and they were divided here and there, so that he and Elisha crossed over on dry ground.
B. What does Elijah ask Elisha and how does he respond? (verses 9-10)
Elijah said to Elisha, “Ask what I shall do for you before I am taken from you.” Elisha answered, “Please let a double portion of your spirit be upon me.”
C. How does God answer? (verses 11-12)
As they were going along and talking, there appeared a chariot of fire and horses of fire which separated the two of them. Elijah went up by a whirlwind to heaven. Elisha saw it and cried out, “My father, my father, the chariots of Israel and its horsemen!” And he saw Elijah no more. He took hold of his own clothes and tore them in two pieces.
D. What evidence is given that Elisha understands and that God is with him? (verses 13-15)
Elisha too the mantle of Elijah that fell from him and returned and stood by the bank of the Jordan. He took the mantle of Elijah and struck the waters and said, “”Where is the Lord, the God of Elijah?” And when he had struck the waters, they were divided here and there; and Elisha crossed over.
Listen to Paige for about ten minutes on You-Tube from her beginning at 9:30 to 20:41 when she says “I want you to listen through these 5 stops.”
4. What stands out to you from this opening and why? Did you catch the two purposes for studying these passages?
Elisha didn’t just show up the Elijah did. Elisha was called in an unusual calling. We are studying God through the ministry of Elijah and Elisha.
1. The history of what God is doing through His people in the calling of Elisha; He is calling another one of His life history altering prophets; another historical milestone in God’s history of Redemption.
2. We have a visual aid in Elisha; of what is the pathway for God’s purposes in beautifully normative ways.
Good student Patti!
1. Read 1 Kings 19:19-21
A. What was Elisha doing when Elijah comes to him?
He was plowing.
B. What does Elijah do to Elisha to show him that he is being called to fill his shoes? (verse 19)
He cast his cloak on him.
C. How does Elisha respond, and what evidence is there that he is not procrastinating but truly leaving and cleaving to Elijah’s call? (verses 20-21)
He says he needs to say goodbye to his parents. He slaughtered the oxen and gave it to the people to eat.
Enter 18 years later, after Elisha has been faithfully following and serving Elijah.
2. Read 2 Kings 2:1-6 and describe the pattern that repeats three times between Elijah and Elisha.
Elijah tells Elisha to stay while he goes somewhere. Elisha says no, he goes where Elijah goes.
3. Read 2 Kings 2:7-15
A. What miracle did Elijah perform ?(verses 7-8)
He divides the river.
B. What does Elijah ask Elisha and how does he respond? (verses 9-10)
He asks what he can do before he is taken. Elisha says he would like a double share of Elijah‘a spirit and to become his predecessor.
C. How does God answer? (verses 11-12)
God takes Elijah.
D. What evidence is given that Elisha understands and that God is with him? (verses 13-15)
Elijah’s cloak is left for Elisha. He is able to divide the water.
4. What stands out to you fro this opening and why? Did you catch the two purposes for studying these passages?
We are witnessing the transition from Elijah to Elisha.
The scripture that says Elisha says “…let me kiss my mother and father and then I will come…” why is it okay to go say goodbye here but in the NT when Jesus asks the man to join him and he says he needs to go say goodbye to his parents, Jesus says never mind.
Elisha will not leave Elijah.
Elisha parts the waters just like Elijah.
Two things:
The history of what happened. How God calls His life altering prophet.
The pathway for God’s purpose for us.
Good question, Laura. Paige will answer it!
1. Read 1 Kings 19:19-21
A. What was Elisha doing when Elijah comes to him?
He was plowing with 12 others and he was with the 12th oxen, the last one.
B. What does Elijah do to Elisha to show him that he is being called to fill his shoes? (verse 19)
He threw his mantle on Elisha.
C. How does Elisha respond, and what evidence is there that he is not procrastinating but truly leaving and cleaving to Elijah’s call? (verses 20-21)
He runs after Elijah and asks to let him say goodbye to his family which Elijah agrees to. Elisha then slaughters a yoke of oxen, his livelihood, boils their flesh, gives the oxen’s equipment to the people, which is a sign that he is giving up his career so to speak and he has a farewell feast with his family. He then followed Elijah and became his servant.
Enter 18 years later, after Elisha has been faithfully following and serving Elijah.
2. Read 2 Kings 2:1-6 and describe the pattern that repeats three times between Elijah and Elisha.
Three different times Elijah tells Elisha to stay for the Lord was sending him t0 Bethel, Jericho and Jordan and each time Elisha says, “As the LORD lives, and as your soul lives, I will not leave you. Elisha’s response, “Yes, I know: keep silent,” to the prophets telling him about the LORD taking Elijah away, reveals that the Lord had already told Elisha.
3. Read 2 Kings 2:7-15
A. What miracle did Elijah perform ?(verses 7-8)
Elijah and Elisha standing at the Jordan, Elijah took his mantle, rolled it up, struck the water, and it was divided this way and that, so the two crossed over on dry ground.
B. What does Elijah ask Elisha and how does he respond? (verses 9-10)
He asks Elisha what he can do for him before he’s taken away.
Elisha responds, “Please let a double portion of your spirit be upon me.”
Elijah let’s him know that what he has asked is a hard thing, but responds, “ Nevertheless, if you see me when I am taken from you, it shall be so for you; but if not, it shall not be so.”
C. How does God answer? (verses 11-12)
Suddenly a chariot of fire appeared with horses of fire, separated the two of them; Elijah went up by whirlwind into heaven. Elisha saw it and cries out, “My father, my father, the chariot of Israel and its horsemen!” Elisha saw Elijah no more and tore his own clothes into two pieces.
D. What evidence is given that Elisha understands and that God is with him? (verses 13-15)
Elisha takes up Elijah’s mantle that had fallen from him, went back and stood by the Jordan, took the mantle, struck the water, and said, “Where is the LORD GOD of Elijah?” The water was divided and Elisha crossed over, this is the evidence. When the sons of prophets saw this they said, “The spirit of Elijah rests on Elisha.”
Listen to Paige for about ten minutes on You-Tube from her beginning at 9:30 to 20:41 when she says “I want you to listen through these 5 stops.”
4. What stands out to you from this opening and why? Did you catch the two purposes for studying these passages?
The 2 purposes for studying these passages are…
1. We’ve got the history of what the Lord is doing in His people through the calling of Elisha. The mantle has passed officially from Elijah to Elisha and the Lord will continue His pursuit of His people.
2. We also have a visual aide in Elisha of what is this pathway for God’s purpose, not in unique or extraordinary ways but in normative ways. We must remember though, that everything in the way that God does for His children is extraordinary and unique. We will be learning the path of purpose that the Lord calls each of us to.
I didn’t know giving the tools of the your trade was a sign you were giving up that career — though makes perfect sense!
Thank you for this, Sharon! I had not realized this: Elisha then slaughters a yoke of oxen, his livelihood, boils their flesh, gives the oxen’s equipment to the people, which is a sign that he is giving up his career so to speak and he has a farewell feast with his family. He then followed Elijah and became his servant.
Listen to Paige from 20:41 to 32:53 when she says:
Your purpose in life is not from finding what you are passionate about, it’s from finding what God is passionate about and pouring yourself into that.
5. What is her point about Elisha initiating nothing?
Elisha didn’t just show up the way Elijah did. Elisha was called in an unusual calling.
a.) It shows us the beauty, glory, love and kindness of God. It is the history of what the Lord is doing in His people through the calling of Elisha.
b. God is calling another one of His life, history altering prophets. A visual aid in Elisha of what is the pathway for God’s purposes in beautifully, normative ways.
The principles of Elisha’s calling form a pathway to purpose. God is extraordinary and unique in dealing with His people.
6. What stands out to you about meaning and purpose in life?
The core meaning of every life of every person on this planet is their relationship to the Father through Jesus. You must receive the Lord Himself before you can receive a blessing from Him. In receiving Him, our first element of purpose is our being in Him.
What we are is more important than what we do. We are to be holy. We are to be obedient. We are to be Christ like. We are to have love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control….more and more as the Holy Spirit make us into Christ-likeness.
There is BEING before there is DOING. There is a calling OF our life, before there is a calling FOR our lives. God does not give you a mission before you are HIS. We don’s just receive Redemption from Him, we receive ultimate life direction from Him. If we give Him our life, it becomes His choice to direct our life.
7. How does Elisha demonstrate this?
Elisha is running after the Lord’s plans. He runs to his parents for permission to do that.
8. She tells a story of working at Vanderbilt, and two weary counselors coming to them for help.
A. What was troubling most of the students that came to them?
The students had no purpose of self; they did not know why they were here on planet earth.
B. What surprising thing did the professor tell them and how did they respond? (I found it surprising because it is the opposite of the way the world thinks.)
They were only looking inside…what would satisfy self…There is no meaningful purpose to life when we only look inside yourself. You need to stop, reflect; to find the reason you are here. You need to look outside yourself, not inside.
C. What did Paige tell the girl at Vanderbilt who was in a life crisis and saw no meaning in the direction of her life?
She said “I think that sounds accurate.” Every once in awhile we need to stop and look backwards at the road of life and where we are on the road. (Think of eternity and live backward from that) We will receive a purpose from outside ourselves.
D. Did either of her quotes from David Wells or T. S. Elliot stand out to you? If so, why?
Both of these quotes are so excellent that I wrote the whole quote out. These are a couple of highlights : “We have become T.S. Eliot’s hollow men without weight, for whom appearance and image must suffice. Appearance and image assume the functions that character and morality once had. It is now considered better to look good than to be good. The facade is more important than the substance and that brings the case, the substance has largely disappeared. In the center is only emptiness. ” ……”We have ended up with much more, but we, ourselves are much less.”
E. What are your thoughts on this quote:
“If we pour ourselves into what God is passionate about, we don’t have freedom but we do have purpose.”
I love this. If we follow what God is passionate about, it will hone our personal talents and give us great freedom and purpose. I think of Mama Maggie and how she was so happy once she used is talent for the Lord. God can give us a greater kind of freedom, joy and purpose, when we are His. He knows what is right for us.
F. What else stands out to you and why?
I have loved this entire study so much! So meaningful every day!
Thanks for writing this out Patti:
Both of these quotes are so excellent that I wrote the whole quote out. These are a couple of highlights : “We have become T.S. Eliot’s hollow men without weight, for whom appearance and image must suffice. Appearance and image assume the functions that character and morality once had. It is now considered better to look good than to be good. The facade is more important than the substance and that brings the case, the substance has largely disappeared. In the center is only emptiness. ” ……”We have ended up with much more, but we, ourselves are much less.”
What is her point about Elisha initiating nothing? Elisha has learned from watching Elijah all those years, that the power comes from God. We cannot work out our own purpose, we need God’s direction.
6. What stands out to you about meaning and purpose in life? If there is an Almighty God, I have to do what He says to do. I don’t have freedom, but I do have purpose. I exercised my freedom for a good portion of my life and made a total mess of things! Then I turned over everything to Jesus and He led me down the path of His choosing and never left my side in life’s storms!
7. How does Elisha demonstrate this? He doesn’t question God’s trajectory for his life, he obeys.
8. She tells a story of working at Vanderbilt, and two weary counselors coming to them for help.
A. What was troubling most of the students that came to them? They did not know the meaning or purpose of their lives.
B. What surprising thing did the professor tell them and how did they respond? (I found it surprising because it is the opposite of the way the world thinks.) He said they must begin to look outward to find their purpose and stop looking inward.
C. What did Paige tell the girl at Vanderbilt who was in a life crisis and saw no meaning in the direction of her life? After the girl told Paige that her life was basically meaningless while projecting what her future would be like. She told Paige, “you must think I’m crazy!” Paige said , “No, I think that sounds accurate.”
D. Did either of her quotes from David Wells or T. S. Elliot stand out to you? If so, why? The quote from T.S. Elliott “Hollowman” appearance is everything, substance is nothing. Now it is considered better to look good, than to be good. This makes me think if a dear Christian friend that retired from a very demanding carreer in law last year and has now put all her efforts into losing weight and looking younger. She badgers me about following her lead everytime we talk. I am praying for her to listen to the Lord and focus on Him and His calling on her retirement years.
E. What are your thoughts on this quote:
“If we pour ourselves into what God is passionate about, we don’t have freedom but we do have purpose.” See my answer to #6.
F. What else stands out to you and why? The words of Jesus ” Whoever finds his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life will find it.” Lord Jesus, let me be lost in You!
Now you have some good quotes to share with your friend! I pray she can hear.
Thursday question 4. What stands out to me from opening. We are studying God. I love that. What a great way to look at Bible study. It’s not just the history of Israel. I am studying God. I plan to keep that thought with me. the 2 purposes? It’s a historical account of what went on and it’s a visual aid to what is pathway for God s purpose.
Yay — Judy — you are with us! I love that too — we are studying God.
Thursday: Enter Elisha
1. Read 1 Kings 19:19-21
A. What was Elisha doing when Elijah comes to him?
He was plowing.
B. What does Elijah do to Elisha to show him that he is being called to fill his shoes? (verse 19)
He threw his cloak over Elisha.
C. How does Elisha respond, and what evidence is there that he is not procrastinating but truly leaving and cleaving to Elijah’s call? (verses 20-21)
He said he would go home and kiss his parents goodbye. He burned his plow equipment and killed his oxen and cooked the meat and gave them to the people to eat.
Enter 18 years later, after Elisha has been faithfully following and serving Elijah.
2. Read 2 Kings 2:1-6 and describe the pattern that repeats three times between Elijah and Elisha.
Elijah asked Elisha to stay where he was but Elisha declined and replied he is going where Elijah is going.
3. Read 2 Kings 2:7-15
A. What miracle did Elijah perform? (verses 7-8)
He rolled his cloak and struck the water of Jordan and it parted.
B. What does Elijah ask Elisha and how does he respond? (verses 9-10)
Elijah asked Elisha what he can for him before he leaves to be with God. Elisha asked for a double portion of Elijah’s spirit.
C. How does God answer? (verses 11-12)
God allowed Elisha to see Elijah being taken so therefore his request was granted.
D. What evidence is given that Elisha understands and that God is with him? (verses 13-15)
He returned to the bank of the river Jordan where Elijah stood, struck the waters, and parted the river so they could walk through.
Listen to Paige for about ten minutes on You-Tube from her beginning at 9:30 to 20:41 when she says “I want you to listen through these 5 stops.”
4. What stands out to you from this opening and why? Did you catch the two purposes for studying these passages?
a. to know what God is doing through history through the example of Elisha
Friday: Receive – Part 1.
Listen to Paige from 20:41 to 32:53 when she says:
Your purpose in life is not from finding what you are passionate about, it’s from finding what God is passionate about and pouring yourself into that.
Dee, the quote above from Paige is eye-opening. I feel like I have invested my life in training others for the workplace and teaching in the classroom. That has been a passion for me. And even now, I have gone back to teaching part-time. I am asking myself am I pouring myself into what God is passionate about? Did I have this in the wrong order? Much to ponder. Some things are clearer for me, though and I am painfully working through some things that I believe are things that God wants me to leave behind.
5. What is her point about Elisha initiating nothing?
Our calling is not from within us. Our calling must come externally.
6. What stands out to you about meaning and purpose in life?
There is a being before a doing. My first calling is to be like Christ. And my meaning and purpose come from that.
7. How does Elisha demonstrate this?
When God called Elisha, there was no turning back. He gave up everything to do the lowliest of services and that is to assist Elijah in whatever the latter needs. No fanfare, no posting of accomplishments. He has set his face like a flint. Isaiah 50:7 “But the LORD God helps me; therefore, I have not been disgraced; therefore, I have set my face like a flint, and I know that I shall not be put to shame.” Jesus is the greater Elisha.
8. She tells a story of working at Vanderbilt, and two weary counselors coming to them for help.
A. What was troubling most of the students that came to them?
Why am I here for? Looking for meaning and purpose in life.
B. What surprising thing did the professor tell them and how did they respond? (I found it surprising because it is the opposite of the way the world thinks.)
They need to stop looking inward and instead, be looking outward.
C. What did Paige tell the girl at Vanderbilt who was in a life crisis and saw no meaning in the direction of her life?
The girl thought it was crazy and Paige replied, no, I think you are accurate.
D. Did either of her quotes from David Wells or T. S. Elliot stand out to you? If so, why?
We may have everything, but they might not mean anything. Façade without substance.
E. What are your thoughts on this quote:
“If we pour ourselves into what God is passionate about, we don’t have freedom but we do have a purpose.”
Doing what God is passionate about and pouring ourselves into it free us from self and make our purpose clearer. “Self” encumbers our purpose.
F. What else stands out to you and why?
Our calling is to belong, become like, honor, magnify, and follow Jesus. This is freeing to me to live a life daily asking myself,
Am I becoming more like Christ?
Do I honor and magnify Him?
Do I follow Jesus?
Bing — the quote is so worth pondering. I would say that we should care about what we are passionate (as believers) in that it shows us where our gifting is from God — but then we should use that gifting to pour into what God is passionate about. You are doing that — you are teaching others to be wonderful caretakers — and God cares about that!
I would love some more input into the above dilemma Paige’s quote brought up for Bing. I answered some below – -but would love to hear your answers too.
Dee and Patti, thank you for your encouraging words. I see where my thinking is getting sorted and clarified by them. I find nowadays that students are very minimal in their words of showing their appreciation. I know whatever I do, I only have One audience. and Patti, I like the butterfly effect you talked about.
Bing, I love Dee’s answer.
I believe that training others for the workplace and teaching in the classroom are two things so important in this world, especially coming from a wonderful Christian woman like you. You are investing your life and the love of Christ in others, who will in turn teach more to do the same. It is like the “butterfly effect” that you don’t always see the immediate results of what Jesus is calling you to do, but many will benefit. As Paige said, looking back on the road of your life is important (reflecting). I think you will find that you have made a great difference in many lives by showing them the love of Jesus in your training and teaching. Sometimes He also prompts us to let go of some of our activities, because there might be something else He desires us to do.
5. Elisha received his purpose from God. It came down from God to him. God determined it and he received it
6. That it is coming from God. It s not what we ascertain and determine. We look up receive God and look for Him to determine our purpose. It’s the opposite of what the world tells us. (Strive to be the best. Dream big. Follow your dream. Reach your goal)
7. He picked up and accepted Elijah s cloak. 8. A why am I here? They were striving and working towards a degree and yet didn’t understand the purpose of all of it. 8B. They would tell them to look outside and not inside for their purpose. I think it was kind of a reaction we’ve tried everything let s try your approach and have them look outside snd upward. 8c. She agreed with what the young woman said about how people live their life. But we need to look outward
8D. How sad. Appearance and image has taken the place of character and morality. I can look around and see so many areas where what we can physically see has taken center stage over qualities that used to be admired. Good character. Trustworthy. Faithful. Truthful Honest
8E. If we look for what and where God is working and work for Him we do have purpose. How can we not? Working for Him bring us closer to Him and His Spirit. Not sure I agree with we don’t have freedom. I’m likely not understanding quote, but where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom
8F. How easily we can be deceived by what we see around us. What I’ve listened to this far seems like I should just get it down in every part of my being that Jesus is the answer.
From our wise newcomer Judy:
How sad. Appearance and image has taken the place of character and morality. I can look around and see so many areas where what we can physically see has taken center stage over qualities that used to be admired. Good character. Trustworthy. Faithful. Truthful Honest
I love all of you thoughtful answers, Judy. Especially love this: 8F. How easily we can be deceived by what we see around us. What I’ve listened to this far seems like I should just get it down in every part of my being that Jesus is the answer.
Listen to Paige from 32:53 to 44 after she talks about the song “We Are A Promise”
9. I have heard this before, but find it very worth pondering — that it is an “overblown” thing to find our calling, for that is coming to Jesus, becoming holy, becoming like Him… what thoughts do you have on that?
I love Paige’s statement: We have such inflated views of our own lives, ourselves and our importance, and such anemic views of the beauty of the Lord Jesus. Your purpose is not finding what you’re passionate about; it is finding from the outside what God is passionate about and pouring ourselves into that. His greatest passion is that we become part of Him. I am here to belong to Jesus. I am here to become like Jesus. I am here to honor and magnify Jesus in WHATEVER I am doing. It is not so much about what we do, but how we honor God in what ever station we are in life.
We internalize Calling as a self discovery, rather than an obedience. We often “over-spiritualize” it as self expression. Seems like the word SELF is very much what we focus on, instead of JESUS.
10. She said too often we are looking for permission in our lives and not purpose. What did she mean?
W really want to do God’s will on our terms, in our time and in our comfort zone. God is only asking for obedience. We always want so much more, but the gift is truly found in “less in more”. I love the story of the man in New York, who gave up what the world viewed as the BETTER life. He moved into a small apartment and had an AIDS ministry. The Lord called him, he told the students, “because He had so much more for me. I know it looks like less, but trust me it is more.” Just as I am typing this, my daily verse popped up on my phone: “The world is passing away with its lusts, but he who does God’s will remains forever.” 1 John 2:17 This says it well.
11. Look again at 1 King 19:19-21 and share what new things you see as a result of listening to Paige.
This verse means more: 1 Kings 19:21 “Then he arose and followed Elijah and ministered to him.” He gave up a good life for a better life of serving God.
12. What else stands out to you from this section and why?
There are so many great points made by Paige. Why is God not giving us a purpose? Because it’s outside what we’re willing to do or receive. What looks like less, if done for Jesus, is so much more. It reminds me of Mama Maggie. The right question is not what you want to do when you grow up, but what great thing is God doing in us and through us as He grows us up. From Paige: I am a promise that I can be anything He wants me to be.
Such good notes, Patti. Thanks for capturing so many of her statements in print.
Loved this: His greatest passion is that we become part of Him. I am here to belong to Jesus. I am here to become like Jesus. I am here to honor and magnify Jesus in WHATEVER I am doing. It is not so much about what we do, but how we honor God in what ever station we are in life.
9. I wish I’d been introduced to that early in my life. I can only imagine the better choices I would have made and the things I would have learned to develop early a trusting relationship with God
10. I take it she meant we want to live life our way and hope it lines up close enough with what God would have us do. 11. Elisha didn’t ask any questions. He accepted the calling and went and “burned the ships” because he was all in.
12. I’ve stumbled through a lot of life just doing what’s to be done in front of me without seeking to know God and what His desire is for me to do.
So appreciate your vulnerability, Judy. I doubt there is any woman here who doesn’t have some of the same regrets — yet we can live differently going forward, knowing He covers it all.
Thank you. I’m so grateful to Him. He does come after us calling us every chance we let Him. ( I’m a very slow thought processor and also no very technical do it takes me a while to respond)
Thank you for sharing your sweet thoughts Judy. I agree, we all have regrets looking back, but so thankful He is with us going forward. I love the saying “Don’t look back, you are not going there.” So grateful for the love, mercy and grace of our Heavenly Father.
Patti, That is a great quote. It is all too easy to get trapped in shoulda woulda coulda and then miss what a right in front of us. … the God who forgives and the God who leads and guides us into green pastures.
5. What is her point about Elisha initiating nothing?
The receiving starts with Him receiving us. God is the one who chose Elisha, not the other way around.
6. What stands out to you about meaning and purpose in life?
It is all centered around Jesus Christ, it’s our relationship with the Father through Jesus Christ. The first element of purpose is our being in Him.
7. How does Elisha demonstrate this?
He gave up everything, his family and his livelihood to be obedient to the calling of God…Jesus was the center for He is the incarnate fulfillment of all the promises of the OT of God.
8. She tells a story of working at Vanderbilt, and two weary counselors coming to them for help.
A. What was troubling most of the students that came to them?
Why they were “here.”
B. What surprising thing did the professor tell them and how did they respond? (I found it surprising because it is the opposite of the way the world thinks.)
That he would tell them to quit looking inside as to why they’re here, they’ve got to look on the outside of themselves for why they’re here.
The response was, “well, that may be what they need to hear.”
C. What did Paige tell the girl at Vanderbilt who was in a life crisis and saw no meaning in the direction of her life?
The girl took Paige through her life of going to grad school, working, marrying, having kids, getting old and then dying, which she felt had no meaning. Paige’s response was, “I think that sounds fabulous and accurate. We need to reason backwards from looking down the road of our lives from where we are on the road. There are probably more things you wish you could have or whatever it is, but the Lord has us reason backwards from that because we will receive a purpose from outside ourselves.”
D. Did either of her quotes from David Wells or T. S. Elliot stand out to you? If so, why?
I have to be honest, I get a little lost when it comes to philosophy. I think I got more from her quote from Keller…”we now have all the cans and none of the shoulds”…Purpose isn’t about what I can do, but what I should be doing.
E. What are your thoughts on this quote:
“If we pour ourselves into what God is passionate about, we don’t have freedom but we do have purpose.”
It’s not about me.
F. What else stands out to you and why?
I’m so glad you wrote out that Keller quote — I thought she was talking about a physical can and I couldn’t make out the second word. 🙂 She did wax very philosophical in the opening, but it becomes clearer as she applies it to the text.
5. What is her point about Elisha initiating nothing?
He has not bowed to Baal. He had received the Lord.
He is willing to step back and consider the aim of his life.
He received an external calling and God brought it to him.
Calling comes from outside of us.
6. What stands out to you about meaning and purpose in life?
The entire point of studying any part of the Bible is to learn about Jesus.
Relationship with the Father through Jesus.
We need to receive Him. We do this by “being” Him. Fruits of the Spirit.
We need a meaning in our lives to be fulfilled completely.
7. How does Elisha demonstrate this?
He had eyes and ears to see and hear God’s call.
8. She tells a story of working at Vanderbilt, and two weary counselors coming to them for help.
A. What was troubling most of the students that came to them?
They wanted to have a purpose in their lives.
B. What surprising thing did the professor tell them and how did they respond? (I found it surprising because it is the opposite of the way the world thinks.)
They needed to look outside themselves for the answer.
C. What did Paige tell the girl at Vanderbilt who was in a life crisis and saw no meaning in the direction of her life?
That she was right about her views about how life progressed. You work your brains out in school, you climb the ladder, you work so hard, get married, exhausted from raising your kids, kids leave, you stop working, and finally you become a bitter old person and then die.
We need to reflect back on the path of our lives every so often.
D. Did either of her quotes from David Wells or T. S. Elliot stand out to you? If so, why?
The Wells quote stands out to me. We are people with no substance anymore. Hollow men. The facade is better than what is within. It comes from us having the freedom to be whoever we have decided to be. However, I can’t give myself meaning. God gives us that meaning.
E. What are your thoughts on this quote:
“If we pour ourselves into what God is passionate about, we don’t have freedom but we do have purpose.”
It’s an eye opener for me. I have always wondered what the purpose (my purpose) of life is. I have learned that it’s to show the light of Jesus. Elisha being willing to drop everything and become the prophet God wanted him to be, on the spot, encourages me to do the same. Where can I, in my daily life, do this? I have recently been disappointed that I don’t have anyone at church who wants to dance. I don’t really want to dance alone. I reached out to another liturgical dancer who has a group in her church, with specific times of practices, the music, exactly what I needed, but she hasn’t gotten back to me. Again, disappointment. Then, during announcements at school this week, I heard that there was a dance group being started by another teacher. I’m wondering if God wants me to join it to shine the light there? I will see. Can I bring a spiritual, gospel piece to this group for them to dance? I wonder how it will be received? It is a very cool piece. Very modern. Lots of drums. I will let you know!
F. What else stands out to you and why?
Find what God thinks is important and pour ourselves into that.
Become like Jesus. Magnify Him.
51 instances of calling in the Bible. 46 of them are about becoming a Christian. 4 of them are about living a holy and sanctifying life. Only 1 of them is about the “station” in our life. Stay in the station and see how you can change how you honor God in that station.
We internalize calling. We are not suppose to. All the calls in the Bible are external. Outside of ourselves.
Keller says we have all the “cans” instead of the “shoulds.”
Elisha isn’t running around looking for his calling. He did accept the cloak when it was given.
We rule things out because of timing or trajectory. God comes when He comes. We don’t downsize our lives or life styles. God’s trajectory doesn’t match mine that I have set for myself. We aren’t looking for the cloak.
Saturday: Receive – Part 2.
Listen to Paige from 32:53 to 44 after she talks about the song “We Are A Promise”
9. I have heard this before, but find it very worth pondering — that it is an “overblown” thing to find our calling, for that is coming to Jesus, becoming holy, becoming like Him… what thoughts do you have on that?
We make it more like calling is from our perspective and finding what is inside of us and expressing it. Instead, it should be of being more like Christ in his holiness.
10. She said too often we are looking for permission in our lives and not purpose. What did she mean?
We ask God, “can I do this or that?” It is as if we want Him to sprinkle fairy dust on what we can do instead of seeking His purposes.
11. Look again at 1 King 19:19-21 and share what new things you see as a result of listening to Paige.
God can call us during times when we are just doing the ordinary daily things of life. We then have a choice of whether to follow or not. When we follow, there is no turning back.
12. What else stands out to you from this section and why?
That Elisha served Elijah for 18 years! Wow-that is a long time of the lowly and non-fanfare type of service. Well, at least, nothing was said about Elisha receiving an MVP trophy.
I believe the beautiful thing about faithful servanthood is the voice of the Father that says, “well done, good and faithful servant”. He does not require success, though He can give it to us; God desires faithfulness on our part no matter the task. And the other beautiful thing is He establishes the work of our hands so all things are made possible through Him.
Love this, Bing:
We make it more like calling is from our perspective and finding what is inside of us and expressing it. Instead, it should be of being more like Christ in his holiness.
and this! It is as if we want Him to sprinkle fairy dust on what we can do instead of seeking His purposes.
God Hunt Sunday
13. How has God shown up in your life or time alone with Him this week?
That He is in control. Our household has been in a whirlwind of activities in the culmination of several things that we are involved in our community, church, and family. Though I tested negative for covid, I have felt run down since last Sunday. But God has seen me through the week with lots of help from others. Even our maintenance manager manned my classroom setting up a zoom meeting for me and my students! Thankful for “help in doing God’s work”!
So thankful you are getting so much support Bing. Praying that you feel much better soon!
13. How has God shown up in your life or time alone with Him this week?
A dear friend of ours was riding her horse in a show and was thrown from the horse. She broke the C5 in her neck, but her spinal cord was not damaged. Praising God that she was kept immobile by a friend until medics arrived and she will recover fully.
Wow Patty!!! So glad she is going to be ok.
Whoa, Patti! The Lord was watching over your friend. And medics-God’s helpers in emergencies.
Oh my. He certainly was watching over her!
It truly is a miracle.
13. How has God shown up in your life or time alone with Him this week?
We had a guest preacher this morning from Massachusetts who gave testimony on how he answered the call of God in his life. Ok, Lord, You have been talking through Paige all week about this and now this message? I would definitely say this is a God Hunt and God is trying to get my attention! He had a calling from God to go into the ministry at a very young age but ignored it over and over again until one night he sat up straight in bed and God told him…I’m going to give you one last chance to accept this call from Me and if you decide not to, I will leave you alone…this man was 43 at the time! He woke up his wife to give her the news and her response was, “I know.” He told his boss at the time that he was going to be leaving in a year to go into the ministry and he got fired on the spot. He received a job in the radio business which he knew nothing about but when they moved to be close to the seminary, he was offered a job in the radio business! Who knew? God did! One thing he learned is that when answering God’s call – take the first step and He will guide you. Three truths he learned in responding to the call,,,
1. When you’re in the center of God’s will – He will supply all your needs. Not all your wants, but all your needs. The house they moved from was their dream home, big and spacious. The one they moved to was 1/2 the size but God provided. He provided both he and his wife jobs and their teenage boys with a good high school experience.
2. Satan is a liar and the father of lies. John 8:44. So many times right after he committed to the call, Satan would get in his ear and say things like, you have a fear of getting in front of people, you can’t leave this nice house, your teenage boys will rebel and so many more.
3. When we’re in the center of God’s will we can go boldly to Him in prayer with anything. It was coming on the season of Christmas and they had no extra money to give the boys gifts. Not that they ever made a big deal out of gifts but that was still his desire and so he told God, I’ve done everything you have told me to, how about some extra money for a few nice gifts for the boys. That was on a Saturday night, he didn’t tell anyone about his prayer and Monday morning a check came in the mail from some friends back home and many other checks continued to come in after that as well which made it possible to buy some gifts.
He said that God may not be calling you to the ministry but He does have a purpose for you…listen and obey.
Sharon, love your whole post! What a great testimony of obedience leading to commitment and commitment to more obedience!
Same Spirit says the same thing!
Wow! What a great testimony, Sharon! Thank you for sharing this. Such a perfect example of the importance of listening to God’s voice, of abiding in Him and His Word., and Obedience to His voice! This gave me good “chills”. I love that you heard it during this study!
So funny because I call New England the “heathen” Northeast! Hard to compare this place to the Bible Belt. But, here’s another story about a Christian in NE! Yay!
9. I have heard this before, but find it very worth pondering — that it is an “overblown” thing to find our calling, for that is coming to Jesus, becoming holy, becoming like Him… what thoughts do you have on that?
I have been pondering this whole idea for the past few days. My true purpose is to become like Him. I have not always thought that. I thought that I was to search for my purpose. But what if you don’t feel drawn to anything? What if God doesn’t seem to let you know (like He did with Elisha) outright. We could get very discouraged I would think; kind of like the college students of whom she spoke. So we go ahead with our plans and maybe, someday He will pluck us up for a job like Elisha? Or do we just settle into becoming like Jesus and that is enough? I think that is what she meant.
10. She said too often we are looking for permission in our lives and not purpose. What did she mean?
We ask can I have this? We need to be more concerned with what we should be doing.
11. Look again at 1 King 19:19-21 and share what new things you see as a result of listening to Paige.
Elijah threw his cloak onto Elisha. He allows him to go back to his parents but he tells him to think about what he did (throwing the cloak). Apparently he realizes that he was being called and slaughtered the oxen and gave up his work.
12. What else stands out to you from this section and why?
Lord when do you need me? It needs to be now. I’m still not sure about this.
We don’t know how to down size our lives. This is very true. Less is more.
We do not need to be told that we can be anything we want to be. We need to be anything He wants me to be. Again, I have never thought of this before. Sadly! He is part of every bit of our lives if we are true Christians. We think of Him in every aspect of our lives.
I do think the most important thing is to become like Jesus. I also loved how she said to look at what God is passionate about and pour yourself into it. I see you doing that Laura with your grandchildren, your students, and how you make His glory known through dance. He is passionate about people.
And He shows us in His Word how He is passionate about the poor, the prisoner, the lost, the foreigner. And so much more.
I love your honesty, Laura. I know that I have often thought, “am I doing what the Lord has called me to do?”
You live in a Mission field ~ teaching and raising your beautiful grandchildren~ teaching kids in school~ being active in your church. I see you from the outside and you have one of the greatest callings in the world. God has given you a passion to teach and while teaching your subject, you are teaching the love of Jesus, the integrity of Jesus, the values of Jesus. You are doing all that with passion for the Lord! Who you are often speaks louder than what you say.
9. I have heard this before, but find it very worth pondering — that it is an “overblown” thing to find our calling, for that is coming to Jesus, becoming holy, becoming like Him… what thoughts do you have on that?
I totally agree…we can get so caught up in this idea of being called that we forget that we have been called…called to be His child, called to sanctification, to live holy and peaceful lives and in whatever our station in life is, we shouldn’t change it but rather think how we can honor God in that situation.
10. She said too often we are looking for permission in our lives and not purpose. What did she mean?
Before we ask, Lord, what are you wanting me to do (permission), we should ask what we’re willing to do (purpose). Am I willing to to do what God has called me to do? Do I want Him or what satisfies me? I don’t need permission, I just need to receive it and be obedient.
11. Look again at 1 King 19:19-21 and share what new things you see as a result of listening to Paige.
The calling of Elisha was sudden. He was just doing his job plowing, but when Elijah threw his cloak on him he had eyes to see and ears to hear to receive it. It was also strange in that it wasn’t a path that led to better pay or a more prestigious position, it was actually the opposite, a step down. He was leaving his family to go where? He didn’t know. He didn’t rule out the call because of the timing or trajectory.
12. What else stands out to you from this section and why?
Our pre-commitments and non negotiable ’s have made us numb…we’re not looking for the cloak.
Amen, Sharon! “I totally agree…we can get so caught up in this idea of being called that we forget that we have been called…called to be His child, called to sanctification, to live holy and peaceful lives and in whatever our station in life is, we shouldn’t change it but rather think how we can honor God in that situation.”
God Hunt Sunday
13. How has God shown up in your life or time alone with Him this week? I was invited to attend a Forest Festival Ball last week. My daughter’s step-daughter finally got to wear the Princess gown I made for her in August. It was fun getting all dressed up for a special event, but I felt like God was showing me an example of what focusing on appearances and not substance was all about. I asked several people if there was a benevolant cause this event supported or what the purpose of the festival was? No one seemed to know…for all accounts it appears to be “much ado about nothing”! It was one of the most boring events I have ever attended. From the looks on many other faces, I was not alone in this evaluation. Very sad for many disappointed young ladies. How can we make a difference in such a superficial world?
Lydia — I do think God made beauty out of it as you showed your stepdaughter how much you loved her.
Thank-you Dee, for seeing a positive aspect to a disappointing time.
I can see how you would be disappointed, but it shows that the world misses can miss out on the substance of real joy, by concern with appearance only. You made a difference for your step granddaughter and that might be a baby step in a relationship for you and her in the future. She will see God in the love you showed her by making her the beautiful gown.
Thank-you for your encouraging words, Patti. That is certainly my prayer,for her to see God in my actions.
13. How has God shown up in your life or time alone with Him this week?
I’m stealing this from another one of my answers. But, I have an addendum.
It’s an eye opener for me. I have always wondered what the purpose (my purpose) of life is. I have learned that it’s to show the light of Jesus. Elisha being willing to drop everything and become the prophet God wanted him to be, on the spot, encourages me to do the same. Where can I, in my daily life, do this? I have recently been disappointed that I don’t have anyone at church who wants to dance. I don’t really want to dance alone. I reached out to another liturgical dancer who has a group in her church, with specific times of practices, the music, exactly what I needed, but she hasn’t gotten back to me. Again, disappointment. Then, during announcements at school this week, I heard that there was a dance group being started by another teacher. I’m wondering if God wants me to join it to shine the light there? I will see. Can I bring a spiritual, gospel piece to this group for them to dance? I wonder how it will be received? It is a very cool piece. Very modern. Lots of drums. I will let you know!
Addendum…I went to church and wouldn’t you know I met a new woman who just moved here 2 months ago and she is a dancer! She wants friends too ♥️ Things might be coming together…..
BUT, like Bing has proposed above. Is this what God wants me to do in my own little realm?
Exciting, Laura!
He is working through you and your gifts!!
My God Hunt was the baptism of my pickleball friend Frank and his wife Kathy at my house yesterday. So much joy!
Thank you Jesus for the commitment of Frank and Kathy!! Joy!!
Listen to Paige from 44 to 52:41 when she says: “My life is not my own, I have been bought with a price.”
14. Paige said we want to the Lord to save us, love us, spiritualize our lives — but still want to be in control of our lives. True or false for you?
True for me!! Control can be a comfort zone that we fear to leave. I left my Art business of many years to work at the school where my husband taught Drama. It was like jumping off of Dee’s dock into the cold water of Lake Michigan! (and I have not been to her dock, but can imagine that cold water on a very warm day!)
15. What do you see in Elisha’s response to Elijah that might be relevant to your life?
I was totally terrified, but felt the timing was right and felt the Lord’s prompting. It gave me more time with my mom, who lived with us, which was a blessing. I knew very little about anything of how a private Christian school functions. I learned so much and built the most wonderful relationships with staff and students. I grew in my trust level of Jesus….looking back, I can see He had a plan for me that I had never considered.
16. What does Jesus ask of us in Luke 14:29-33?
If we would come after Him, we must love Him more than anything. We must pick up our own cross and carry it; sacrificing all of self and life for Jesus. It is different for each of us. I love seeing it in each person on this Blog, as I read the comments daily.
17. What else stands out to you from the above 9 minutes?
We may not be asked to give it all up, but we are commanded to give it all over, wherever we are, what ever we have; Giving up our control. Giving up our agenda. We may not have a change of position, but we need a change of heart in that position. A full release.
Interesting and true:
Control can be a comfort zone that we fear to leave.
And good image! 🙂
This lesson from Paige has been so timely for me and so good! I have pages of notes! Love all she said on purpose and pouring out our lives…seeking to be like Christ. This really spoke to some things I’ve been wrestling with and confirmed some things He has been teaching me lately. God has so gifted her. Whenever I take the time to listen I ALWAYS glean something…because she is always teaching the Word!
Lizzy — I’m so glad you got to listen. So glad. So good for our hearts.
Amen, Lizzy! I love your entire statement! Amen, Dee! It is so good for our hearts!
14. True
15 he responded with action and following
16 Jesus wants us to be willing to give up everything
17 No amount of piety will do harm if there is not action to follow it up
18 we are satisfied with our relationship with God if we are trying not to sin instead of seeking holiness and finding out what He wants us to do and doing it
19 Elisha was a servant doing the lowliest tasks. He was not seeking significance he was just serving
20 I’m just ending 1 season and will beginning another. I need to be open to God leading me to what I can do for Him
21 He wasn’t touting himself not making things about him but doing what God wanted
22 Love his heart just willing to serve
23 story of ordinary people being willing to surrender all no matter what and serve God
24a Elisha had the opportunity to see how hard Elijah s life had been and Elijah was giving Elisha the opportunity to not follow
24b Elisha s commitment did not waiver. He stayed with Elijah
24c when we are following God in obedience, He draws nearer to us and that spurs on continuing commitment
25 a double portion of Elijah s spirit. He wanted to be the firstborn heir. Elisha was asking for God Himself
26 God allowed Elisha to see Elijah taken up then confirmed that He was with Elisha as Elisha performed the same miracle of parting the Jordan river. 27 it’s not just Elijah s uniqueness but Elisha had the same uniqueness
28 wow. Jesus stood in the Jordan river 900 years later. He came as the Father s son and heir. His purpose was to do the Father s Will which he did perfectly He came to lived died and rose for us. God s whirlwind of justice didn’t lift Him up but crushed Him for my sake. 29 When I am taken home, I enter my eternal home as holy because of Jesus. That is pretty spectacular but then add the thought s that we can read about in heaven. 30 Do we want to come to end of our life and have a shell collection to offer God? Don’t waste the days God has given me. Follow His lead.
Love your responses, Judy. Yes — this: Do we want to come to end of our life and have a shell collection to offer God?
This is Golden, Judy!! Thank you!
30 Do we want to come to end of our life and have a shell collection to offer God? Don’t waste the days God has given me. Follow His lead.
13. How has God shown up in your life or time alone with Him this week? A woman from my church who I don’t really know was planning a mini-retreat for the ladies of the church at her cabin home on a lake. It was a 24 hour thing. I wasn’t going to go because I don’t know these people that well and would be very uncomfortable. A couple of weeks after the sign up sheet was out, I saw that my daughter-in-law was the only one signed up so I signed up because it looked to be very small and I felt bad for the lady giving it. Well it turned out to be 12 women (which for my church is a lot). 9 of whom I’ve never talked to and didn’t know the names of most of them. Honestly, if I had known this beforehand I would have backed out.
As it turned out I had a really good time and I now have more Christian women that I will be more comfortable talking with. Hopefully they will continue to go to our church. Having my daughter-in-law there helped too because she is a more outgoing person and it was easier to be part of her group chats.
This is awesome Dawn! I’m so glad you went and now have more Christian women in your life ♥️.
Yay. Cartwheels from me for you. Good for your daughter-in-law providing the incentive.
Oh, Dawn! This is so exciting!! So happy you be with Christian women, who you felt comfortable talking with. That is huge.
Amen! So happy that you chose to let God enlarge your circle of Christian Fellowship!🙏❤️🙏
14. Paige said we want to the Lord to save us, love us, spiritualize our lives — but still want to be in control of our lives. True or false for you?
Not any more!
15. What do you see in Elisha’s response to Elijah that might be relevant to your life?
Elisha takes an action; he moves. “I love heirs!” Elijah doesn’t even want the job, but Elisha says “yes!” He wants to kiss his parents and means that he is cutting lose because he is eager. He burns his plow and mills his oxen. He is sacrificing that which is essential to his former life. He is true to his pledge; no turning back. His attitude is positive and he wants to participate!
For me, I think I am “all in,” but how do I leave my family behind? What will this look like? We are commanded to give it all over. I think we should be willing to step into situations we may not be comfortable with or don’t think we have time for because then we are showing our commitment to Him. I’m not sure I really want to join this new dance group at my school, but I am willing to try to see if I can shine the light for Him there.
16. What does Jesus ask of us in Luke 14:29-33?
He asks us to count the cost of following Him before we decide to do so.
17. What else stands out to you from the above 9 minutes?
The Screwtape Letters quote. “…keep him from any action…”
Not any more! 🙂
Thank You Jesus! I am falling behind….
Listen to Paige from 44 to 52:41 when she says: “My life is not my own, I have been bought with a price.”
14. Paige said we want the Lord to save us, love us, spiritualize our lives — but still want to be in control of our lives. True or false for you?
Very true.
15. What do you see in Elisha’s response to Elijah that might be relevant to your life?
His heart…he wanted God so much that he was willing to say goodbye to his family and livelihood.
16. What does Jesus ask of us in Luke 14:25-33?
If we want to be His disciple, we must, by comparison, hate everyone else- father, mother, wife, children, brothers and sisters-yes, even our own life. We must carry our own cross and follow Him. But don’t begin this process until you count the cost. We can’t be His disciple without giving up everything we own. I like this from Paige, “Every call to Jesus for every follower is fully renouncing all and sacrificing of self and life for Jesus. It is a real call, a real comprehensive sacrifice. I use the word release because I don’t know what it will look like for you to release.”
17. What else stands out to you from the above 9 minutes?
This comment really resonated with me from Paige, “We might not be asked to give it all up, we are commanded to give it all over…we are giving up our rights to all of it, giving up our control, giving up our agenda for all of it. It’s not necessarily a change of position…it is at least a call to a change of heart in that position…a full release.”
Listen to Paige from 52:41 to 58:56 when she says “Where do we find that anywhere?” (Then she starts talking about her husband.)
18. She talked about defining ourselves by what we don’t do, and how we need to have higher spiritual goals. What did she mean?
We are not defined in our relationship with the Lord by what we don’t do. We don’t have a relationship with the Lord to just get by but to respond, to be faithful and to be active. Totally committed to the new.
19. What do you learn about Elisha and what he was doing for the next 18 years? Significance?
We learn that Elisha was a man of humility as he served Elijah for 18 years and there is no mention of him during that time period. The significance is, God was doing exactly what God designed to do in his heart and his life.
20. Sinclair Ferguson said: “If faithfulness is not in small private things, then public faithfulness will be hypocrisy for the sake of the crowd and not for the Lord.” When you look at your faithfulness in private, how are you doing?
It isn’t what I’d always like it to be. I have honestly been struggling with making things about me and in my heart I know that isn’t right…such a battle.
21. Paige said, “One thing Elisha was not doing was posting.” Thoughts?
That was a stab in the heart, so self serving and the idol of approval rears its ugly head.
It’s good to reflect on posting, to consider our motives. How we want to be loved and praised by man!
18. She talked about defining ourselves by what we don’t do, and how we need to have higher spiritual goals. What did she mean?
At least I haven’t really messed up. He had given up his life for the Lord. He was committing himself to the new life.
19. What do you learn about Elisha and what he was doing for the next 18 years? Significance?
He was Elijah’s servant for that time. He was serving the Lord. He was assisting. He didn’t need recognition.
20. Sinclair Ferguson said: “If faithfulness is not in small private things, then public faithfulness will be hypocrisy for the sake of the crowd and not for the Lord.” When you look at your faithfulness in private, how are you doing?
I am doing what I can. I am on the children’s church team and trying to encourage dancing. I would like to sing, but don’t want to step on anyones toes.
21. Paige said, “One thing Elisha was not doing was posting.” Thoughts?
We need to do our Christian work without worrying about anyone recognizing us.
Listen to Paige from 58:56 to 1:05:56 when she says: “Our commitment leads to obedience and fuels our commitment.”
22. What thoughts do you have on her story about her husband?
He saw a need and he met it. Not because of his position, but it was the Christian thing to do. I will say though, that I would of discussed it with my spouse first.
23. What stands our to her and to you about The Hiding Place?
What Paige said at the beginning…”They were ordinary people, not missionaries or ministry people.” They, like her husband saw a need and knew they could meet it, no matter the cost.
24. Look at 2 Kings 2 again.
A. Why does Elijah keep giving Elisha the opportunity not to follow him?
I think Elijah was testing Elisha to see if he would waver, was he really devoted.
B. How does Elisha respond?
”As surely as the Lord lives and you yourself live, I will never leave you!”
C. How have you experienced the truth of: “Our commitment leads to obedience and fuels our commitment.”
I have experienced it but it rings more true when I’m committed to something that I am passionate about. Right now I am in a ministry I do have a passion for, but not sure if it’s for this specific ministry and all it entails or just the fact it has to do with missions. Not sure if I’m making sense…this study has really made me do some inventory of my heart and my motives.
Listen to Paige from 1:05:56 to 1:19:38 when she begins
25. What is Elisha’s request and what is he really asking for? How is this relevant to us?
He’s asking for a double portion which doesn’t mean let me have twice as much as what you have but I want to be His heir, I want to be like your first born son, to give me double of what the Lord has given you which is just Himself.
It’s relevant to us as we should be asking for the same thing…Just give me Jesus. The awesome thing is we do have Jesus but is He first place, is He my all in all?
26. How does God answer this request?
He allows Elisha to see the horseman and the chariot fire that takes Elijah up and it’s not that the horseman and chariot aren’t always there, it’s when the Lord gives us the heart to see it.
27. When Elisha is grieving, what is God telling him by allowing him to do the same miracle?
God doesn’t want Elisha to say wow, look at Elijah and what the Lord made him to be but rather to look at His own sameness. I’ll be just as near to you, Elisha as I was to Elijah and I’ll do the same things with you. Elisha striking the Jordan as Elijah did with the cloak is done by the same God, same power.
28. How does Paige point us to Jesus in this section?
900 hundred years later a man stood in the Jordan, not taken up in glory but He came down from His rightful glory. He wore the cloak of our flesh willingly gave up the glory and came and wore our cloak. He doesn’t ask to receive the Spirit or be an heir but the Holy Spirit comes down in the form of a dove shouting that this man is the Father’s One and only Son, the King, the Heir. His purpose was He would live, die and rise in order to have the Father and us. Jesus came out of that river and fulfilled it all and fulfilled it perfectly. The horrible hand of God’s wrath and God’s justice came and did not lift Jesus up, it crushed Him.
Love to get your thoughts here, Sharon. I do agree we are to pour ourselves into what God is passionate about (like missions!) but it is also important to look at our passions for they reveal His gifting in us. I can’t see myself being a nurse as I get so queasy, or working with pre-schoolers, as I get bored — but I know He is passionate about both. Thoughts?
I totally agree Dee! And I so appreciate your words of wisdom here.
I don’t know if I made myself clear. I am passionate about missions but sometimes churches put ministries in a box in accordance to how they want them done and that can squelch the passion. So, I keep my dilemma in prayer, asking God to get me out of the way and see what He would have me do.
I love this Sharon and Dee. I love this, Dee: I do agree we are to pour ourselves into what God is passionate about (like missions!) but it is also important to look at our passions for they reveal His gifting in us. God gives us each different gifts ~ I do think it is so important to look at our passions that God has given us, and use them to bring others to Him. I could never speak publicly, yet I love the Lord and can share what He has done in my life in a “one on one” situation. And I love this, Sharon: asking God to get me out of the way and see what He would have me do.
He can open doors for us that we had not considered ~ and it may be a perfect fit!
Listen to Paige from 1:19:38 to the end
29. Elijah’s going home was spectacular, but Paige said every death of a saint is spectacular. Thoughts?
It is spectacular to think of spending eternity with our Lord and Savior and all because of what He did for us.
30. John Piper contrasted the lives of two missionaries from his church killed in Cameroon with Bob and Penny who took early retirement in Florida. What do you remember and why?
The 2 missionaries at a very old age were still serving the Lord by serving the poor, they were making a difference and glorifying the Lord and then they died in a car crash while in Cameroon. Many would think that was a tragedy, but the life of the retired couple in Florida was really the tragedy. They chose to live for themselves, cruising on a 30 foot trailer, playing softball and collecting seashells. To come to the end of your life and let the last great work before you give an account to your creator to be, here it is Lord, my seashell collection.
18. She talked about defining ourselves by what we don’t do, and how we need to have higher spiritual goals. What did she mean?
We are not defined by must “obedience to rules” in our relationship with the Lord. It is about change, receiving, responding and doing. Not in a noisy “look at me” frenzy, but in the quiet responding to serve where and when He asks us.
19. What do you learn about Elisha and what he was doing for the next 18 years? Significance?
Elisha simply served God by serving Elijah; nothing showy, but assisting him in serving others.
20. Sinclair Ferguson said: “If faithfulness is not in small private things, then public faithfulness will be hypocrisy for the sake of the crowd and not for the Lord.” When you look at your faithfulness in private, how are you doing?
I don’t like being the center of attention, I prefer to serve behind the scenes. I don’t know if that hampers what God wants me to do ~ maybe I am being selfish staying in my comfort zone.
21. Paige said, “One thing Elisha was not doing was posting.” Thoughts?
I enjoy inspirational posts. But serving the Lord is a totally different thing. Love: “We do not need to let our left hand know what our right hand is doing. “Do what we do for the Lord, be known by the Lord….no need to trumpet our service. Service is a privilege of our calling.
22. What thoughts do you have on her story about her husband?
He was all in.
23. What stands our to her and to you about The Hiding Place?
I have not read this book. “A purposeful life is a poured out life.”
24. Look at 2 Kings 2 again.
A. Why does Elijah keep giving Elisha the opportunity not to follow him?
Maybe because he wants to insure Elisha means what he says and does?
B. How does Elisha respond?
He continuously follows.
C. How have you experienced the truth of: “Our commitment leads to obedience and fuels our commitment.”
Because we are committed we are then obedient. It is like a cycle that continues.
Listen to Paige from 1:05:56 to 1:19:38 when she begins
25. What is Elisha’s request and what is he really asking for? How is this relevant to us?
He asks for God. He wants as much of God as he can get; the fullness of the Lord’s spirit.
He will fill us when we fill ourselves with Him.
26. How does God answer this request?
He answers him. The fire and the chariots are there.
27. When Elisha is grieving, what is God telling him by allowing him to do the same miracle?
He will be like Elijah. He will have the same experiences as Elijah had.
28. How does Paige point us to Jesus in this section?
She reminds us that He is always with us. Jesus stands in the same river where God touches him.
We have the cloak of Jesus’ beauty, righteousness, and His love. Where will we wear it in this world?