Although written nearly two thousand years ago, how relevant is Jude! False teaching still abounds inside the church. Paige tells how when she was ten, her older brother got her ...
This was my favorite of Paige's messages in James, for it so touched my heart, and was so relevant to my life, and to my relationship with my local church ...
Meward = Worldliness & Sorrow Godward = Godliness & Joy Each day we have choices between living meward or Godward. In The Missing Piece Lee Ezell tells of vascillating between ...
In addition to doing this study with you on the blog, I'm doing it with a group of new Christians. (I've questioned my judgment since, as James can be so ...
Just continue with last week's questions -- it is such a good teaching, they left it up so you can listen again or tell friends about it. And Lord willing, ...
Revival Through Truth! I remember how amazed I was the first time I really saw what Paige taught so powerfully this week. It was from a Tim Keller sermon on The ...
Paige's teaching this week on James 1:19-2:13 reminds me of what Tim Keller said about the fruit of the Spirit, those qualities that flow into our life because of our ...
A Brand New Year, A Fresh Start! Yet, we may have already blown it, or if we understand anything of the holiness of God, we know we will before the ...
It's so rare for Christmas to fall on Sunday -- but it's perfect. This week I'm taking a break and will simply let you come on and share your reflections, ...
Puritan Preachers often gave messages on "The Magnificence of Christ," but modern preachers rarely if ever do. It is such a loss, for as John Piper says, "Beholding is becoming." ...