It’s so rare for Christmas to fall on Sunday — but it’s perfect. This week I’m taking a break and will simply let you come on and share your reflections, God Hunts, prayers, and thoughts about a short video called “Meet the Nativity.”
Come on any time of the week and find fellowship here. Below is my little village. Today we bask in the realization that God “moved into our neighborhood.” (John 1:14 MSG) Immanuel! God with us. Glory!
(Photo courtesy of Dawn Volpe. This is the view from her parsonage!)
What’s ahead in 2023? I’m so excited that Paige Benton Brown begins streaming her 8 week James study on January 11th, and I will start posting questions on Thursday, January 12th. (Yes — a switch back to Thursdays.) There will be a downloadable format each week for some have asked for that for your small groups. If you want a weekly reminder on how to watch Paige, click here:
On the first eleven days of January, in preparation, I am eager to share some of the rich things about the book of James, and the person of James, the half-brother of Jesus, and the first of Jesus’ siblings. He did not believe Jesus was the Messiah until the resurrection — and then – a dramatic turn-around!
Also, for next week, New Year’s Day, be prepared to share a word or short phrase that you want to happen in your heart in 2023. For me, it will be “emptied.” I was really taken with our study on how Jesus was Almighty God but emptied Himself for us, and how we are to empty ourselves for others. When I’m with a difficult person or asked by the Lord to do something difficult, I want to empty myself as Jesus did.
To get a good discussion rolling this week — watch this 19 minute video from Glenn Scrivner who gave us “There’s a Dragon in Your Nativity.” He says: “to be effective in evangelism, we must aim for the heart.” He says we make decisions based more on the the heart than the mind, and to cast down hostility (or strongholds) we must fire up the imagination, and aim for the heart. (2 Corin. 10:4-5)
I will tell you the first time I watched I was mildly confused. The second time I started weeping with the second video and God melted my heart. I’m going to give this to you two ways, hoping at least one will work. If neither work, go to you-tube and type in Meet the Nativity. You may find the whole movie or you may find it in four parts.
I’d love your thoughts after you watch. Our own Diane Trail had this initial response:
“I watched these but am puzzled about the message. Can you explain? Why is the girlfriend getting pregnant an okay thing?”
Let’s talk about that. What you think Scrivener is trying to communicate with this video? Here he is — but see if you can figure it out first!
Merry Christmas — hope to see you and your thoughts here all week long. Much Love!
Christmas through New Year’s Eve — Share Freely!
Merry Christmas!
I really liked the video. It brought about belief in the unbelieving boyfriend, gave the girlfriend a different perspective to her circumstance, comfort to the stepmother and acceptance to the father. Our precious Jesus is so needed in this world and He can bring change in the unbeliever as well as the believer…belief, peace, comfort and love. I will continue to ponder this message and share more later.
I think you really caught it, Sharon. We all stumble about in our brokenness and then we meet the lover of our souls.
Sharon and Dee, I really liked the video, too and the actors did such a great job! I love how you used “stumble” Dee. Glenn S. did an awesome job incorporating that into the scene-how they all stumbled into where Jesus was! Like Sharon, I would like to ponder this movie with all its meanings and representation of the beauty of the gospel. I also loved his short movie “There’s a dragon in your nativity.”
Amen Sharon, Dee and Bing! How I stumble in my brokenness and meet the lover of my soul.
Wow! thank you for sharing this amazing clip Dee. It is true… a baby changes everything even the heart of a person. That’s what I’m hoping this Christmas. My daughter is expecting in March and now my husband (Manny) has asked for a divorce after 39 plus years. I’m hoping, trusting and believing God would cause a visitation in his life. Life’s tragedies have harden his heart and therefore his emotions are locked inside all of these years. I’m visiting with an attorney for a consultation this week. God knows this is not what I want or believe but, I must trust that if it’s not God that He would change the heart of my hubby.
Thank you for always sharing light. I love this group. I’m a silent participant but, that does not mean that you are not reaching my heart or others by my lack of response. God Bless You and all the ladies here who are a blessing to me.
Have an amazing Christmas and New Year as we enter into new horizons.
Serving Him, Judy
Thank you for this encouragement, Judy. I am so sorry about your husband. When we have an emptiness in our souls only the Savior can fill we often go in search of the wrong things — and that’s hurtful to ourselves and others. I too pray for a visitation.
Amen! Thank you and the ladies… I realize more and more that we are passing through and as we pass we grow from the inside out. I love how the Father was so mean, unbelieving until he beheld the baby. At that point I thought by faith that will be Manny. God changes everything and this temporary light affliction is and continues to prepare me for His presence. Don’t get me wrong it hurts but I’m trusting my eternal husband will continue to walk with me… amen !
I am praying for you, Judy. I am so sorry about your marriage ending. The Lord knows exactly what your husband needs and he will pursue him…pray, pray and pray some more!
Oh, Judy! I am so sad to hear about Manny. Praying as well for God to visit him and that his heart will be softened towards God and receive the truth.
Thank you Ernema!
Judy, I am sad about your situation with your husband. My husband can be harsh because of life issues too. I understand that. I will pray that you have good counsel and maybe Manny might reconsider. I think people don’t think too far in the future. Are they willing to forfeit the history; how you know each other SO well? Are they willing to (perhaps) be alone in the end?
Dear Judy, my heart cries for you as I read this. I will pray for a transformation of Manny’s heart. May God open his eyes and speak truth to Manny’s heart, so that he can see what a precious wife his has and what is could easily lose. I pray that you will continue to press in to Jesus, our Father, husband and lover of our soul. May God bless you and keep you in the palm of His hand and at peace.
Prayers for you, my dear, and for Manny. God does restore what the locusts have stolen. May God give you strength, peace and wisdom for every step.
Christmas through New Year’s Eve — Share Freely!
All of us have a journey to travel to “come and behold” Jesus. We can be the geeky, awkward, insecure boyfriend, the frightened, terrified young woman thinking of her future, the perfectionistic stepmom who thinks she is not enough and that her hands are “dirty”, the angry dad wanting the best for his daughter by wishing different choices were made by her.
Jesus meets us where we are at. He does not require a clean-up job before we come to Him. The boyfriend and the stepmom were shown to have held Jesus after some hesitation, the girlfriend asked if she could hold Jesus and the Dad had to do some thinking. I noticed, too that he was dressed in an ugly sweater at the end which made me think that he changed for good. As a matter of fact, they all looked changed because of their visit to the Nativity.
And so would we if we come, just as we are. Jesus will always receive us.
Dee, I cried when I saw your word, emptied” for the year 2023. I did not know that you will be asking us for a word, but last week’s study really got to my heart. And that is my word, too, for the year 2023.
This morning at church, I grabbed a copy of the Mature Living magazine. And what did I see? An article about selflessness was written by Karen Ehman. And the title was eye-catching! “Hang on a second: I gotta die! Although the back story made me laugh (a video game that the writer’s son had to finish a round of and that was his line before he gets out of the car when dropped off at school.) And Karen applied it to dying to self as a Christ follower.
These are her words: “I began to realize-when everything within me wants to react, to hurl a harsh word, to pass judgment, or to speak unkindly, perhaps I needed to take a deep breath…to say in a spiritual sense, Hang on a second! I gotta die! Die to myself; die to my flesh; die to my rights.”
Like this, Bing: “I gotta die.” Yet with every death comes a resurrection.
Such great thoughts, Bing. I love the quote~ how I need to take a deep breath….die to myself, my flesh, my rights…so powerful.
Great insight Bing, I love the story you shared, “I gotta die”! ❤️
I’m always behind the eight ball lately….I wished everyone Merry Christmas on last weeks post! I think it’s because I’m in EST and the post doesn’t come out until an hour after I finish my Bible study! So I guess I’m ahead of the eight ball! Hahaha!
Never the mind….Merry Christmas everyone!
Merry Christmas Laura!
I liked the video, I believe the message is “expectations”. The boyfriends expectations of his girlfriends parents, the parents expectations of the boyfriend, the un-expected pregnancy of the daughter, the step-mothers expectations for her Christmas entertaining, the fathers disappointment in his daughters boyfriend…in the presence of the newborn Jesus none of those expectations really matter…the focus shifts to our King of Kings and what we can give Him. Us!
That’s great, Lydia.
Amen, Lydia!
At first I was confused with the video — the pregnant girlfriend. Was that being condoned?
Then I thought about my firstborn grand-daughters unexpected pregnancy and how she went to one of my daughters — her aunt. I thought about how supportive my daughter was. Her husband was upstairs and heard a lot of sobbing and talking down stairs and when my daughter came upstairs he said, “What is going on?” She said, “________is pregnant and I just told her we’d adopt her baby.” Her husband said, “Of course.” (They already had several children and their hands full. But it was because they knew Jesus. That video unleashed lots of emotions in me — how Jesus can heal our brokenness and help us to really love. That grand-daughter decided to keep her baby — but has sooo much support from her family. Her baby is three now and my grand-daughter is half way through a pediatric residency. I may remove this comment –but I thought that truly what the world needs is the love of Christ — and that’s what I saw in that movie over and over again. And how we can love others into the Kingdom.
Dee, I love this post! Last year our pastors oldest son and girlfriend got pregnant out of wedlock and I know our pastor was embarrassed, but our church supported and loved his family through this time. They had a small family wedding which our pastor performed before the baby was born. In our last church our good friends daughter got pregnant in her senior year of high school. Our friend knew we didn’t condone it but my husband and I didn’t condemn either…we just loved and helped how we could. In fact Jim got the father a job where he worked in the maintenance department where he is the manager of that department today, they did get married and have a beautiful college age girl today and a young boy. I know many in the church didn’t have the response we did and that’s ok, but Jim and I felt we needed to just love them.
You are absolutely right, what the world truly needs is the love of Christ.
I know it was through the Holy Spirit that Mary became pregnant while only engaged to Joseph but I felt that when the daughter went into the nativity scene that Jospeh and Mary understood her fear and showed love and compassion.
Oh this made me cry. Jim reminds me of his dad!
And I hadn’t thought of this:
I know it was through the Holy Spirit that Mary became pregnant while only engaged to Joseph but I felt that when the daughter went into the nativity scene that Jospeh and Mary understood her fear and showed love and compassion.
I have not watched the movie yet. I see I need to watch it right now. Oh, what beautiful hearts not to judge, but to love. I love all of the comments I am reading and I love that you and Jim are not judging, but loving these dear couples to Jesus. What a testimony of your love of the Father.
Oh, Dee! I am so happy that you included this story of your beautiful great granddaughter. This so shows the love of Christ in the heart of your precious daughter and your grand-daughter. Who of us has done it all perfect. What a difference to the life of this precious child, to have her grow up with her mother and her family. This is truly the gift of Christmas. I cherish this story and the decision of your grand-daughter. The world truly needs the perfect love of Christ. A beautiful legacy of love. Life is manger messy, but Jesus makes all the difference.
Thanks, dear Patti!
I am living all of this out right now. It has been a long haul and I am a tired pup. But, the JOY! Jesus has taught me to love no matter what. When I do that, I am blessed. I have learned that it is not important to worry about what others think. They have their own struggles that I may not relate to or understand. Thank You Jesus for Your caring hand on our lives.
Amen! You are living it out and doing so well.
Amen! I appreciate and love your transparency Dee, thank-you for sharing! “How we can love others into the Kingdom”! No judgement.
Dee, thank you for sharing from your heart and from your own family’s experience. I don’t believe the Nativity video was about what is, or is not, being condoned. The fact is, this is the times we live in now, and really, unmarried women have always been having babies, but in the past, it was often hidden because it wasn’t socially “acceptable”. But remember the sermon by Matt Menzel we listened to the other week? What is the Father’s response when we are trying to run our own lives? Compassion. Providing a way for us to come home. When the young woman in the video went into the shed, she wasn’t told to leave, she wasn’t told that she was undeserving or unworthy to hold the baby Jesus. She was scared at finding out she was pregnant; it wasn’t what she had planned. She was invited to empty her hands of fear and to hold the Hope of the world. Oh how I love your family’s story, Dee….one of love and support for your granddaughter and her child.
So true, Susan. Leave the light on! Bring them home!
Susan, this was golden for me: What is the Father’s response when we are trying to run our own lives? Compassion. Providing a way for us to come home. When the young woman in the video went into the shed, she wasn’t told to leave, she wasn’t told that she was undeserving or unworthy to hold the baby Jesus. She was scared at finding out she was pregnant; it wasn’t what she had planned. She was invited to empty her hands of fear and to hold the Hope of the world.
And Dee’s response: Leave the light on. Bring them home!
Some questions for myself: Do I provide “a way home” for those I come in contact with? Do I leave my light on (my own testimony and unconditional love)? We all come to Jesus from different places but His response would always be the same; open arms and just like Matt said, “Compassion”.
I just finished watching the video pondering it a bit and then just read all the comments so far. The video is very well done and I particularly love that it is British. It has a delightful quality to it with its humorous depiction of the boyfriend. But when Jesus and the Nativity come into play it takes on a different quality in that meeting Jesus changes everything. It really gets to the heart of what Christmas really is. Jesus came. And his coming changes everything. His coming in particular changes people. None of the characters were seeking Him but he unexpectedly showed up in their lives and everything changed. Each character was needy in some way. The bumbling confused boyfriend came empty handed with nothing to offer. The daughter had an unexpected pregnancy. The Stepmother feeling overwhelmed and trying hard to keep everything polished and shiny but had dirty hands. Then the father with his anger and control issues
I was particularly struck by Bing’s comments. “Jesus meets us where we are at. He does not require a clean-up job before we come to Him:”. And she added
“….they all looked changed because of their visit to the Nativity. And so would we if we come, just as we are. Jesus will always receive us.” For me that said it all and summed up the heart of the videos message.
The last thing I was struck by was first of all Dee’s testimony of her granddaughter’s unplanned pregnancy and how that sparked others of this group with their stories. I have my own stories with both of my two oldest children a daughter and a son and unplanned pregnancies. When you are known as “good church people” It is a humbling experience but God gave us his grace and as we chose to practice grace and acceptance over the years God in his amazing grace has given each their own testimony for his working in their lives. They weren’t easy years but on this side of it we can give praise and glory to God for meeting us in unexpected ways. I so love that thought by Bing. “He does not require a clean up job before we come to Him.”
I love all of this post Bev! Yes, we come dirty and He doesn’t care ♥️. My friends who are atheists don’t understand this AT ALL. They think they aren’t good enough to be a “Christian.” It’s hard to explain it to them. I tried to tell 2 of them that they just should be themselves, but the words came out all wrong. When they said they weren’t “good enough” I ended up telling them they didn’t understand Christianity then….I bumbled. I think The Chosen is the best way to get them hooked. Time.
I do think some young Christians choose abortion because of the shame — don’t you?
Yes, they do because of fear and shame. I have tried several times over the years to get Pastors to let me share my testimony about abortion in the church and their response is “our good Christian girls don’t get pregnant out of wedlock”! We need open discussion in the church with the youth (boys and girls) about these real life issues and choices.🙏
Oh my, Lydia. May the Lord open their eyes.
Amen, Lydia!! This is so needed. I agree, Dee, they choose abortion because of the shame…and it is becoming more common than we think.
Yes Dee I agree that is true and heart breaking when it happens. Their lives are often devastated by that choice. That’s why demonstrating the love of Christ is so important in those situations. We have to convey that life is precious to God. He cares deeply about the mother and the baby. And in doing so counter the lies of Satan. Lydia, It’s a sad thing to keep your testimony from being heard. I have a sister-in-law who recently shared her story of having had an abortion with the teen girls at her church and it had a powerful affect. One young girl came to her admitting she has had an abortion and my sister-in-law was able to minister to her.
Lydia, your pastors’ response really saddens me. I have had a few conversations with my now 22 year old daughter about how the church approaches sexuality. My mom never talked to me about sex, and I wanted to find a way to talk to my daughter when she was a young teen. At that time, I used some teaching and materials from what is known as the purity movement in the church. Now, looking back, I see the many flaws in that approach. Being a “good Christian girl”….wearing a “purity ring”….the brunt of responsibility being placed on the girl’s shoulders as to how she is viewed and treated by men, as in is she being modest in her dress so as not to tempt the man….a book I remember about telling the girl do you want to be “fine china” or a “throw-away cup”….what does this mean for a girl who is sexually assaulted or who does have sex – is she now “damaged goods”? And a lot of emphasis on how it is the wife’s “duty” to her husband to have sex, while neglecting to talk about sex is supposed to be pleasurable for both the man and woman….I could go on, but I think we’ve got a long way to go and have room for a lot of improvement in how we approach sex with our youth. Creating a climate of fear and shame is not the answer.
Susan, you bring up excellent points! I just bought a book for Grace called “The Princess and the Kiss” because I heard about it years ago from Nancy Demoss Wolgemuth. It is a sweet story of a princess who is given a “gift” of a kiss from God, when she was born. She has to protect the gift. When it’s time for her to be married, she waits for a man who will cherish the kiss as she has. She finds a humble farmer who was also raised that God gave him a kiss too when he was born. Of course this is the man she marries. It is a sweet book. I also bought her a little necklace that has a silver box where she can keep her kiss. It is especially for this book. I like the idea of saving your “gift” for the man you will marry. I actually know a couple, recently married, whose first kiss was at their wedding ceremony! So, maybe young couples are changing? The groom was raised by a very spiritual couple we know well. I’m going to have to ask the mom what they did to instill the beauty of sex to their children. So much more to learn!
Also, Lydia, the way I approached the abortion discussion I’m my church was to be a part of a campaign called “40 days for Life” a few months ago. It might be a Catholic campaign 🤷🏻♀️. I did it with a friend from a Catholic Church. We tried to recruit members of our church to pray one hour of the campaign, one day of the week (for 40 days) outside a local Planned Parenthood. We saved at least one baby at that particular facility, and more around the country. I thought about giving the abortion testimony during the recruitment message, but then thought it was inappropriate with younger kids in the sanctuary. I decided to go with a more general (2 minute) message. But, it does start the conversation. You might try it and then the door would be opened to discuss it with the pastor, who in my opinion is extremely naive! You might save a baby by doing this!
Love your whole post, Bev! Love Bing’s comment too! “He does not require a clean up job before we come to Him.” Love “choose to practice Grace!.”
I just watched Part 1. I felt that this was such a powerful way to show that Jesus works outside the box. As Lydia stated, it involved everyone’s expectations. I see it as emptying ourselves of our “pre-judging” and seeing others through the eyes of Jesus. I loved Sharon’s story of loving those who don’t travel the path that we view as perfect, yet loving them right where they are: that is what Jesus does, He meets us where we are. Jesus’s earthly mother was not esteemed; she was not married, yet God used this very circumstance to introduce His Son to the world. How I pray that I can empty myself of my expectations and see others through the eyes of Jesus. God uses imperfect circumstances to introduce Himself to the seekers and those with open hearts. My prayer for the coming days and year is that I would empty myself of self and my expectations, and open my heart to others and love them where they are.
Patti…I like this, “ such a powerful way to show that Jesus works outside the box.” I’ve always had a tendency to put God in my neatly wrapped box with a pretty bow. I needed to be reminded that His greatest work is done outside “that” box! Thanks for sharing this.
I watched the 4 episodes and really loved them! Because of the confusion, it made it interesting to me. I thought it was weird that the girlfriend absolutely wouldn’t allow the boyfriend to go to church with them (?). But, because she didn’t, he had his own revelation!
To answer Diane’s question….the girlfriend represents our sinful ways. But she too is allowed to “participate.” She represents Mary too….kind of? I don’t want to be disrespectful, but it did “look” bad that she was pregnant too; even though it was by God.
The one that confused me the most was the stepmom. I guess she was too controlling? Another sin?
The dad was just a grump. I get that!
I thought the same thing, Laura…that the girlfriend did not want the boyfriend going to church? Love your answer to Diane’s question too. Since this was titled Episode 1, I am hoping to see the rest!
The girlfriend’s not wanting her boyfriend to go to church was interesting — showed it wasn’t something she was really proud of or wanted him to participate in…
I thought the stepmother wanted everything perfect but yet knew she wasn’t — had dirty hands — yet thrust out her hands for the baby.
I think you are right, Dee. The stepmother was a nervous wreck trying get everything perfect….and to figure out what to do and say.
I love how the baby changed each and every one! Jesus really changes hearts.
I love reading everybody’s comments!!!! Who would have thought that such a short movie can speak volumes to us? I thought of 2 of my previous students who were in my class several years ago. Both got pregnant during their senior year in high school. Both came to me about their situations before they became known. Although I felt I showed both of them, unconditional love, I don’t think I ever pointed them to Jesus. They both married their respective boyfriends and are still married today as far as I know.
One thing for sure is I have not been consistent in showing Jesus’ kind of love to some people in the past. I am grateful for this blog and for the continuous work of the Father in not giving up on me, the intercession of Jesus on my behalf when I have blown it, and the promptings of the Spirit in my life.
Our daughter went to church with us for the Christmas Eve service! she was still “shy” meeting new people but there were a few members who talked to her. She surely was welcomed by many. She was also able to help with the sound system as our regular sound guy was not there. A few more little steps!
That’s so great Bing!
Love hearing this good news about your sweet daughter.
Praise the Lord! That is wonderful that your daughter went to church with you.🙏
Oh Bing…wonderful answer to prayer about Ruth…Continuing in prayer for “our” Ruth’s 🙏
Bing it is good to hear and encouraging that Ruth seems to be drawn back to church. Your loving acceptance is an important part of that. One of our grandsons walked away from church when he graduated from high school a few years ago and has questioned his faith in God that he professed as a young teen. He is very introverted and he kind of holed up through 2020 during Covid. He was obviously unhappy and depressed. This past year he changed colleges and has seemed to come out of his depressed state. We have the sense he is rethinking some things in his life. A God hunt for us is that he went to the Christmas Eve service at our church with his Parents and sibling. His Mom (our daughter) and his Dad and my husband and I have been praying much for him over the last couple of years. He also has been spending much more time with us all when he has been home on break. We trust God is working in his heart.
Thank you, dear friends, for your encouraging words regarding Ruth. Bev, I also rejoice with you over your grandson’s little steps. Our Ruth is struggling with depression and seeing her come out of her shell at church gave me much joy. Some days, negative thoughts come to mind, especially after she went to college. But I am disciplining my thoughts and making them obedient to Christ. I look to the future with hope as He does new things in our family’s lives and not dwell on the past.
Yes Bing, the colleges have hijacked our kids. So sad about my extremely misguided son right now. I pray, but the situation remains in place. He has done something very hurtful to me and I am dumb founded by it. I need time to get over it. It may be awhile. “Disciplining my thoughts…” do you mean be more hopeful that God has “got it?” Can you elaborate for me?
I continue to pray for Ruth, that Jesus will draw her into His arms and bring healthy Christian friendships into her life. I have not chosen a word yet, but I cling to the word hope. I am starting my prayer journal for 2023 and I am praying for all of our prodigals.
Such good news about your grandson, Bev. How I pray for our prodigals.
Laura, what I meant by disciplining is that when I have negative thoughts, I tell my heart and soul, “stop right now and think TRUTH”. Like Philippians 4:8 whatever things are true…etc. think about these things. Making my heart and soul obedient to Christ is just my way of reminding myself of 2 Corinthians 10:5 “We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” In a way, yes, God has got it. If I know that God has got it then, those negative thoughts should not linger because I have replaced them with His truth. It is not easy, as at times it takes a while for me to “arrive” at the truth. The enemy is about sowing confusion so the discipline part of meditating on God’s truth and hanging on to it can take time. I believe reading the Bible, meditating on the Scriptures, and praying are important in this regard.
I am struggling with selecting a word to focus on for the New Year. I’m considering “worthy,” as in “I am worthy in His eyes,” “patience,” and “Emmanuel.” I guess I should pray that He reveals what I need….
Laura, I feel your struggle and yes…pray. I have the book on how to pick your one word and one thing he points out is pick a word that forms your character, a moral /heart change not behavioral. And also think about those you are around the most and how living out your word could impact them for Christ. A good question to ask is, “What kind of person do I want to be at heart?” Choose several words off that question, pray over them, then work down your list to 10 or less, continue to pray. Look up the meaning of the words in a dictionary and also check what the Bible says about them. Thru prayer, God will clarify which word is the right one.
I hope this helps and take your time…I’ve been doing this over the last 3 days and still praying😌
Sharon Thankyou for this bit of good instruction on selecting a word for the year. I needed to be reminded to think heart change and not behaviorally. I always pick a verse for the year and I am looking to the Lord for a word too for this year.
Read this from Sharon before choosing your word!
Laura, I feel your struggle and yes…pray. I have the book on how to pick your one word and one thing he points out is pick a word that forms your character, a moral /heart change not behavioral. And also think about those you are around the most and how living out your word could impact them for Christ. A good question to ask is, “What kind of person do I want to be at heart?” Choose several words off that question, pray over them, then work down your list to 10 or less, continue to pray. Look up the meaning of the words in a dictionary and also check what the Bible says about them. Thru prayer, God will clarify which word is the right one.
Thank-you Sharon for explaining the choosing of a word. Two nights ago while praying, the words “fear not” came to mind…but considering “what kind of person do I want to be at heart?” I believe a better word is winsome!
Lydia, this made me smile because that was one word I considered as well, but did go with a different one…love your word!!
Laura, I agree with Sharon. Give yourself time to pray about your word. I have chosen “emptied” as I have felt God drawing me to that word ever since we had the Advent Study in this blog. Or perhaps, even before that. A few circumstances in my life have given me God’s perspective about how pride is still very strong in me. I desire Jesus’ humility and I want to be able to see when my pride is getting in the way. I want God to open my eyes and my heart. Hence, the word, “emptied”.
Laura, my heart aches for your son treating you poorly. I experience that and it is so painful. Sharon, Thank you for the advice on selecting a word. This is a perfect way to find a meaningful word. I love the heart/moral changing. You ladies are such a blessing in my life, daily.
What I saw was that each one of them came to Christ unexpectedly, with whatever was going on in their lives at the moment. They came alone which is the only way we can come to Christ. Everything changed for them when they took him and looked into his face. Their hearts were instantly changed. They wanted others to experience what they did.
I haven’t watched the behind the scenes video yet, but my thoughts on the unmarried couple having a baby is that the child is precious, made in the image of God regardless of under what circumstances they were conceived. All of us have sin in our lives, it’s just that some sins are easier to hide or are more obvious than others.
Although I had to replay it several times because the CC wasn’t accurate, the line that stuck out to me was when Mary said to the girlfriend “We make our plans, but in the end life is what we are given.”
There’s a lot that went unexplained and I suspect that was intentional.
Dawn! So true how they came alone and we have to do the same. Thank you for that thought!
Yes, I suspect that was intentional too, Dawn. Good for discussions! I liked that line too.
What great insights, Dawn. Your entire post is so meaningful. They each came alone. The only way. Everything changed when they saw Him and looked into His face. I also love what you said about the baby~ we are each made in the image of God, regardless of circumstances. All our lives have sins, some are easier to hide. This is so so profoundly true. How people react to this circumstance, may be the bigger sin~ our response to one who has sinned can be to condemn or to help heal ~ my first question to self is: How would Jesus react?
I loved your comment on the video, Dawn! Great insight. “They came alone which is the only way we can come to Christ.” And “We make our plans but in the end, life is what we are given.” I need to watch the video again and pray first.
Last night I was praying about what word the Lord has for me…”Fear Not” is what I got. As I prayed and pondered more a short clip of the important crossroads of my life played in my memory…my choices were mainly based on fear. Okay Lord, Happy New Year!
Hi! I enjoyed this short film. Wonderful message for all! A reminder that God’s timing is perfect and His message is love. The simplicity and beauty of Christmas. Thank you for sharing! I would pick the word, “Surrendered” as a reflection of where my heart is moving in relation to fully embracing Jesus, Abba Father and the Holy Spirit.
Thanks for jumping on Echo-Leigh!
Love the word Surrendered, Echo-Leigh!
Somehow, my husband was agreeable to watching The Nativity on Christmas Day (I didn’t tell him it was on my Bible study blog!). I just said that “somebody” had told me about it. We watched it with our daughter. My husband watched and laughed and after it was over said that it was funny but it didn’t make a lot of sense to him. Later that afternoon when my sister and her husband were over, we were sitting around talking when my husband brought it up and said that he thought they’d like to see it too. So we watched it again. He watched it all again, paying attention. I was surprised that he wanted to see it again. I thought it was well done. The boyfriend who wanted so badly to be accepted by his girlfriend’s family but was left out of going to church found acceptance in the stable, and it was significant that he had not brought a gift; his hands were empty. He had nothing to offer. The girlfriend; who knows what was going through her mind when she learned she was pregnant? She was certainly shocked and unsettled. But she was reassured in her encounter with Mary and the baby Jesus. Ruth, the stepmom, was trying so hard to make everything perfect, and especially for the vicar’s visit. She laid down her perfectionism and held out her dirty hands to hold the child (after at first feeling that this was just one more thing being piled on her plate; to watch the baby). The dad was outwardly very cool towards the boyfriend, but inside, he was angry. He perhaps felt threatened that his daughter was being taken away and he couldn’t control her life; he didn’t want to let go. He was invited to lay down his anger, which maybe was a mask for being afraid of losing his daughter, and Joseph told him that it is hard to let go. I wondered if, when at the end of the video, the boyfriend steps outside and sees all those stars shining down in various places in the town, if other families were being visited by the Nativity too?
Susan! I am so happy your husband watched with you and then was the one who brought it up later! He watched again! Yay!
Today, my husband started to break down a situation with our oldest son. He has been unwilling to discuss this situation for over a year, with our son. I too, showed him the videos. I wonder if that made him rethink his words of a year ago? I told him that someone needed to be the adult and that a simple “I’m sorry” means everything. Wow, God is working!
Wow Laura! It sounds like the video impacted your husband too! I don’t think it’s coincidental that after seeing it, your husband was willing to rethink this situation with your son. Yes, God is working!
So yes, God is on the move! Last night we were having a cat problem in our house; the two don’t get along (welcome to my world!). I had a cat with Cooper in my bedroom and there was another on the outside of the door wanting to come in the room. I was holding the door shut because sometimes it opens on its own. I asked Cooper to use my phone to call my husband to come get the other cat. He pushed the button to “ask Siri” and said, “call GP.” Someone picked up the phone but didn’t answer. I said, “Can you come get the cat so we don’t have a fight?” The person on the other line said, “Mom.” That’s when I realized it was our oldest son on the line, not my husband (they have the same name)! He had unblocked my number! I said, “oh! Sorry, we have 2 cats that don’t get along and I needed dad’s help. Cooper must have dialed the wrong number. Did you have a nice Christmas?” He said they did, but didn’t want to talk. I said, “ok, love you.” That was that. I can’t believe he answered the phone. I was not prepared for any sort of deep conversation and I’m glad it went the way it did. This is a job for my husband to take care of, not me. But, as in my post above to Susan, my husband is considering the situation, and now our son seems to be willing too! Thank You Lord for softening hard hearts. ♥️
Oh Susan — I sense God is really working in your husband’s heart! Wow. We must keep praying.
Susan! Wow-little steps for your husband, too! I love your thoughts on the end of the video. “If other families were being visited by the Nativity, too”. So many stories about the Nativity at Christmas time and yet so many miss the meaning of it! I hope that many. many people have visited the Nativity this season and their hearts have been changed. So excited to read about your husband.
Wow! It gave me chills to read this, Susan. So excited your husband watched it! I will keep praying for your husband! and for your husband, Laura. God is working in this group! I see more in this short film, each time I watch it. Love the thought of other families being visited by the Nativity too.
I have been going through Ann V.’s one thousand gifts since November and today was about gifts lingering. I know she is a very creative person so I just went with my gut and looked up the word “linger” and found Habakkuk 2: 3 ESV For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end—it will not lie. If it seems slow, (linger) wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay.
I think of all the promises of God that have come to fruition already like the promise of the coming of Jesus, our Messiah. And many others. I am waiting for a few things to happen and it seems slow and lingering. This verse thus brought me so much comfort to think that everything has an appointed time.
My husband got a call yesterday that one of our beloved men, John, passed away at the nursing home. He has not been well for almost a year now. He and his wife have had their share of ill health. My grief was intense upon hearing the news; yet, it was quickly replaced by peace. It can only come from our Prince of Peace. Everything has an appointed time.
Thank you for sharing this word “linger” and the verse from Habakkuk, dear Bing. It is so encouraging: “For still the vision awaits its appointed time.” In His time. I will pray for John’s wife and family. So thankful for our Prince of Peace.
Bing — I was just reading to my grandchildren this morning about what Ann VosKamp saw in the story of the Ten Lepers. So good. That book is a classic.
Yes, lingering.
I watched the Nativity yet again. One of the lines that Mary (in the manger) says: “We make our plans, but life is what we are given.” Then scenes with anxiety, control, fear of letting go in the father: fear, perfectionism, broken dishes/broken lives in the stepmother; Love the line of the stepmother in the manger: Acceptance~ “Welcome to the mess”. So many messages about the true source of love and contentment of our hearts, once Jesus takes charge of them.
I loved that line too, Patti. And welcome to the mess.
My God hunt happened Christmas Eve when our family opens gifts. Our tradition since our kids were little is having pizza, finger foods and a birthday cake for Jesus and most importantly we read the Christmas story from Luke before opening gifts. Our older grandson kept asking his Dad, our son, when we were going to open presents. His response, which thrilled both Jim and I was, after we read the Christmas story from Luke. This has not been his response over the years, but rather we’ve had to remind him! God is doing a work in our sons heart❤️
I have so enjoyed reading everyone’s comments regarding the video…such insight! You opened my eyes in what you have shared, thank you!
What a wonderful response from your son! God is working on his heart. Thank you, Father.
Yay, Sharon! little steps, too, from your son!
Sharon, we do a similar regiment, however I have usually had the cupcake/cinnamon roll on Christmas morning. I like the idea of the Christmas Eve birthday celebration and of course the reading of the Christmas story. I will suggest this for our family next Christmas Eve! I hope you don’t mind if I steal your idea?
Laura, don’t mind at all😊
That’s great Sharon. It’s in his heart!
Jesus changes the heart of every one who held Him and even the Dad s heart changed when he realized the gift of a child. What a touching film.
I have spied God through the situation with my husband and our son. I have also spied God in a sad story in our community this week. A daughter of a famous Red Sox pitcher has lived homeless for many years in a city north of us (her choice). She is drug addicted (as many are here in our state), and has mental health issues. Apparently she was pregnant (says she didn’t know, but people question that). She had her baby on Christmas Day in the woods in her tent. She left the baby and called 911, but misled the rescuers as to where the baby was. She finally told the truth and they found the baby! He only weighs 4 pounds but is in the hospital and alive. He stayed in the tent for 2 hours with no clothes or blankets in 15-18 degree temps. Emmanuel! God with us! Her parents have tried for years to help her but she would never comply. They would allow her to be home as long as she was in a drug rehab program. She wouldn’t do it. Please pray for this young woman and the baby. She has been charged with several counts of child abuse and such. Her mother thinks it’s the best place for her to have a chance now. Thank You Lord for giving the baby a chance to live. Thank You Lord Emmanuel, God with us!
Oh, Laura! So thankful that God is working on your husband and son’s relationship! Praise Him! What a story about this young woman! So thankful that the baby is alive and will be cared for! I will pray! Thank you for sharing. Amen to this: Thank You Lord Emmanuel, God with us!
Laura, “Her mother thinks it’s the best place for her to have a chance now.” A hard place in life can be the best place for anybody to meet our compassionate Savior. Praying for this young woman and the baby.
Hi, everyone. I have been following along silently this week and am grateful that Dee responded to my comment on her FB page about the Nativity video. It’s good to read all your comments and ponder your stories. I am glad to hear that God is using that video to touch the hearts of husbands here (Susan’s, Laura’s) We each have our own stories, often within our own families about unexpected pregnancies and how our response affected many lives. Giving other’s grace during their failures and struggles is so important!
My sister got pregnant as a teen and it changed her life. My parents (my Dad was a pastor) totally accepted her. She got married and kept the baby. It was a struggle but God was in it. Her husband was not a Christian at the time, but became one later. That baby is now a wonderful mother of four and studying for her Master of social work. We all need grace and need to give grace. We are all sinners!
I voiced my concern about the video condoning of unwed pregnancy because today in our culture it seems sex before marriage is seen as totally normal. It is assumed that everyone will do it. Pregnancy, often, is seen as an inconvenience to be aborted. Somewhere, someone needs to at least say “This is sin!” I am not suggesting for a minute that we don’t love and give grace to others, but if someone does not know what right and wrong is, then giving people grace is also meaningless, but there is no “sin” to forgive. It is only because of sin that Jesus needed to come to die. If anyone does not recognize their sin, they will not see their need of a Savior! Does this make any sense??? I am feeling that I am not making myself clear here. This is just an issue for me – that no one seems to be acknowledging that sin is sin anymore. We just explain away sin as other mental issues or something. eg. If someone says nasty thing to others, they are just “speaking their mind” or they don’t “have a filter”. I hesitate to post this as I do not want to be seen as argumentative, but I am hoping you all will “give me grace” and help me think through this issue.
Diane. You are correct. Sin is sin. But, when it has already occurred and you have no opportunity to change it before it occurs, what do you do? I think it is a timing issue. I can talk to my kids about the pregnancy before marriage situation, hoping they comply, but when it happens then what? Do I poke at them to remind them they are sinning? Or, do I love them through the awfulness? With our family we have tried to love them without the judgment. It is hard. When Sarah got pregnant she texted me, “I’m pregnant.” I said, “Do you want help?” And she said, “I’m sorry.” Although I was upset that she was pregnant, I also knew she knew she messed up. She acknowledged the sin. Not all do, but some know the right from the wrong. I think that was the young mothers issue I described above. She knew it was not ok and wanted to leave the baby, pretending it hadn’t happened. There was a feeling of guilt for her. You are correct that our current societal views are ok with birth then (maybe) marriage. It is not right. But then again, if it means a baby is born versus aborted, I am all in.
Diane — I do understand what you are saying. It makes me sad that Satan has so deceived our world and believers too. I have heard that Christian young people are sexual atheists. And thanks for sharing the story about your parents response to your sisters untimely pregnancy. I was pretty disappointed with my niece, yet I also knew that especially in this culture of abortion, that support and grace were so important. I do know so many Christian women abort rather than face the church and their family, which is so sad. I loved that you were willing to get the ball rolling for a really good discussion.
Diane, yes fornication is sin. Unplanned pregnancy is often the result of sin. How did Jesus address this issue? What did he say to the woman caught in adultry and her accusers? I am sure you know this story well. Jesus is our example in dealing with these issues, that is why He came to die for all sin, once and for all. We, as Christians need to extend His Love, Mercy and Grace to others that are caught in sin. We all have sinned and fall short of God’s glory, no one is qualified to point an accusing finger at their brother or sister. I pray that God will speak to you about the issue you are having and give you a heart of love and grace towards others.
I love your grace filled heart, Lydia!
Diane, I appreciate you sharing your story and the acceptance your Dad showed your sister when she got pregnant. My upbringing was legalistic, very pharisaical and so I too was legalistic, except for myself (that’s what I saw in others). It seems that many churches have moved from that to being more liberal. There has to be a balance and I think that comes from grace and truth. I knew what the truth said in regards to sin, but my response to it lacked grace! I share that being married to my husband, knowing his parents and doing studies under Dee I have learned grace. I’m so grateful that our Lord and Savior has shown me grace through my many sins. The truth with that is, we must repent and ask for forgiveness because if we don’t our relationship with Him is broken and we’ll be miserable.
I love Bings words…”Jesus meets us where we are at. He does not require a clean-up job before we come to Him.“ I will add to that, that once we do come to Him, accept His love and grace He desires our obedience to His truth.
Please know, I didn’t see your post as being argumentative but bringing the other half to the discussion that I too felt was missing…just didn’t know how to approach it. Thank you.
I always appreciate your posts so much, Sharon!
I want to thank those of you who have responded graciously to my pondering about the video. I only let Dee post my question because I have a long history with this blog and felt it was a safe place to push the issue of grace versus judgmentalism (or legalism). When we read the prophets and psalms and sometimes even Jesus, they clearly condemn some actions. We as Christians sometimes set aside the parts of Scripture that make us uncomfortable. I am really uncomfortable with confrontation, so tend to let fear silence my questions. Thank you for providing a safe space.
Diane, I am grateful you let Dee use your comments for the discussion regarding The Nativity video. I too struggled with where the video was coming from when I first watched it. I didn’t get it right away and it took some researching the background and the intent of the producer along with the early comments on here for me to get a feel for what it was all about. I totally understand your views and we do live in a world that has everything so twisted now that basic values are spurned and truth for many is just simply what they want it to be. To take a stand for truth and what is right is not easy today. The reality of sin and it’s consequences are suppressed but yet the Word is clear. We live in a culture that has invaded Christian thought with the idea of just wanting a “loving, forgiving” Jesus. Judgement has become a dirty word when in reality as Sharon pointed out “The truth… is, we must repent and ask for forgiveness…” No one is forgiven apart from Jesus and his death on the Cross. We have to acknowledge our sin to be forgiven and it is a gracious Savior who shows us the reality of our sin and grants us repentance. Judgement was involved. He judged our sin on the Cross and it was a very high price He paid. And he did it out of love. Sin should make us sorrowful and the awful reality of it and as a result we should magnify Jesus for what he has done. I kind of feel like you did in your earlier comments. Am I making sense here? Judgement isn’t always legalism. Sometimes it is an honest evaluation of a situation. But how we respond with the love of Jesus is important.
Anyway appreciate you Diane.
Thanks, Bev. I appreciate your words. I agree with everything you say. And you’re right! Judgement is often equated with legalism, but, though it can be, in Christ it definitely is not. God is a righteous, holy judge. His judgement is justified. We deserve death, but by grace he gives us life.
Bev and all, I appreciate all the discussion and comments here. And as Diane has said, this is a safe place to ask questions that we struggle with. Bev, I was struck by what you said above-judgment isn’t always legalism. Sometimes it is an honest evaluation of a situation. My husband said the same thing when I would seek his advice about some issues I struggled with with my friends. He would often say, “what is in your heart, Bing? If you are just looking at it to evaluate from a biblical standpoint, that is not legalism. But if you are being prideful and look down on others, then that becomes legalism and is a sin.” Not exactly his words verbatim. I have many former students who are living with their boyfriends/girlfriends and it seemed like marriage is a thought AFTER to some. It is often hard for me to see them and to know how to respond when they say they are living with such a person. If Jesus were here now, I am wondering how He would deal with all these flagrant sins that so abound. I know He would know what to do. Lord, help us to balance truth with love and grace.
Thanks to all for the discussion this week. Diane — thanks for being willing to stick your neck out and get the ball rolling, and to respond with such grace. Thanks to all who watched, gave their thoughtful input, and listened to others. We are the richer for being in this body. A few of the comments of many I liked were:
How Mary understood the woman’s fear
How each person was changed just by holding the Christ
How judgment is not necessarily legalism — we need both truth and grace
Your stories of how some unwed mothers were met with grace through the body of Christ
How the stepmother with dirty hands still reached out for the baby
How sin does affect the innocent, but people like Laura and Sharon’s husband Jim have and are bearing the burden and changing ashes to beauty
We make our plans but in the end it is what we are given
Susan’s story on how her husband wanted to watch the video again even though he didn’t understand it. I see Christ wooing him. So I pray!
The whole discussion on balancing truth with mercy – -which met at the cross!
Sharon’s advice on how to choose your word for 2023: I have the book on how to pick your one word and one thing he points out is pick a word that forms your character, a moral /heart change not behavioral. And also think about those you are around the most and how living out your word could impact them for Christ. A good question to ask is, “What kind of person do I want to be at heart?” Choose several words off that question, pray over them, then work down your list to 10 or less, continue to pray. Look up the meaning of the words in a dictionary and also check what the Bible says about them. Thru prayer, God will clarify which word is the right one.
“Welcome to the mess!”
By the way, the third episode of The Chosen has been released on the app! I think it is a good way to end the year by watching it 😉
I loved the third episode of Season 3, as well! Heart wrenching! Love “Welcome to the mess!” I can so relate to that!
Thank you to Diane for sharing her thoughts that started this discussion. It is wonderful to be in a place where we can share and discuss our experiences, values and views. I love this safe place filled with beautiful, caring souls. I have been following silently, but I have loved so much of what has been said. Thank you, Dee for summing this up and I love balancing truth with mercy – -which met at the cross!
The values of our country have changed and I am so thankful to be able to worship freely and have good and wholesome exchanges with one another. I love what Bing’s husband said to her. He would often say, “what is in your heart, Bing? If you are just looking at it to evaluate from a biblical standpoint, that is not legalism. But if you are being prideful and look down on others, then that becomes legalism and is a sin.” How I need to remember these words.
Blessings for the new year to each of you, silent or speaking, on this blog. I appreciate each of you so much. Thanks be to God for all He has given us.
God’s Blessings in the coming New Year to a special group of women and friends in Christ!
Proverbs 3:5&6 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.
Thank you for this perfect verse for the new year, Bev. One of my favorites. Enjoyed all your comments in the discussion.
I have been reading The Prodigal God by Timothy Keller. It is a short book, but a great discussion of the younger and older brother in the parable. This short paragraph struck a chord with me. “The choice before us seems to be either turn from God and pursue the desires of our hearts, like the younger brother, or repress desire and do our moral duty, like the older brother. But the sacrificial, costly love of Jesus on the cross changes that . When we see the beauty of what He has done for us, it attracts our hearts to Him. We realize that the love, the greatness, the consolation, and the honor we have been seeking in other things, is here.”
In the film The Nativity it is the seekers: the boyfriend in fear, wanting acceptance; the daughter want love and acceptance from her boyfriend, ; the father wanting his version of the “proper” best for his daughter; the stepmother trying to do and be everything perfect (acceptance). Each of them only really find that love and acceptance when Jesus becomes the true center of their life.
Great summation, Patti!
Happy New Year all!
Happy and Blessed New Year to you as well!🎊🙏❤️🙏🎊