Puritan Preachers often gave messages on “The Magnificence of Christ,” but modern preachers rarely if ever do. It is such a loss, for as John Piper says, “Beholding is becoming.” That’s the promise of 2 Corinthians 3:18
This week there will be no sermon, but together we will meditate on Isaiah 9:6 and the passages that flow from it. I’m eager to behold Him with this group, learning from you!
This week we will consider how Christ is The Mighty God!
We are doing Isaiah 9:6 for Advent in my little home church, The Orchard. For this week we listened to a sermon on Mighty God from Norm Funk. (If you want to listen, you can find it at the bottom of our home page: https://theorchardefca.org) The most interesting thought for me from that sermon was how relating to each person of the Trinity could give us a more victorious walk. We can look to the Father for care, to the Spirit for wisdom and power, and to the Son for a model of how we should live. I am going to tell you one way I did this recently. Think about this and share how you are doing it this week — and elaborate on Friday.
I am always asking His Spirit to show me people who might be open to Him, and then, a way I can open a conversation. I have learned from the model of Jesus to reach out in love and to ask questions, listening to what is keeping them from God or is wooing them to Him. It takes courage to do this, but I lean on my Father’s care, knowing that even if I am rebuffed, He is pleased.
This summer I felt led to approach a winsome young woman at pickleball named Kristy. I asked her to tell me her story. She said she didn’t have one but later wrote me a long e-mail with her story of very hard things in her life. That led to an e-mail from me sharing the gospel. (I would have done it in person but she moves to S. C. for the winter.) I thought I’d blown it and come on too strong when I didn’t hear back for ten days, but I put it in my Father’s hands. And then! I got a long letter back saying she had read my letter over and over. Just before Thanksgiving she put her trust in Christ and says she is “giddy with joy.” I am discipling her now and it is SO FUN!
I really like thinking about the Trinity this way!
God Hunt Sunday
1. How have you seen the Mighty God at work in your life this last week?
Monday: Isaiah 9:6 as a whole and springboard for prayer
Prepare your heart with this:
- Why do you think today’s preachers rarely preach on the magnificence of Christ?
- How has beholding Christ changed you? Be specific if possible.
- Meditate on Isaiah 9:6. How can you see that Isaiah is prophesying on both the first and the second coming of Christ? Thoughts?
Read the above and use it as a springboard for your own prayer of both praise and petition.
Tuesday: Fully God and Fully Man
Prepare your heart by meditating on Luci Shaw’s Made Flesh:
4. What pictures Luci paints particularly stand out to you and why?
5. How do the following verses show Jesus is fully God?
A. John 1:1 and John 1:14
B. Colossians 1:19
C. Hebrews 1:3
C. How did the shepherds and the wise men know or show that Jesus was Mighty God?
6. Think about how Jesus was on earth. Name some of the ways He became like us that might seem surprising. We know for example that He had to go through the birth process — what else?
7. According to Hebrews 2:14-18, find at least three reasons why Jesus wanted to become like us.
Wednesday: He Emptied Himself
8. Philippians 2:2:3-11 is a key passage on how it was possible for Mighty God to become fully man. Meditate on it and share:
A. What it says:
B. What it means:
C. How, indeed, it is a model for how you should live. Ask the Lord to show you how this could apply to your life today – and share.
Thursday: Glimpses of Glory
Though He emptied Himself, indeed, there were times when we could catch glimpses of His Glory, of the hidden truth that He is Mighty God. I’ll give you a few of my favorites for you to comment on, and then I want to hear a few from you!
His Birth: Comments?
His Life: Comments? (This is a challenge question!)
His Death: Comments?
Your turn!
Friday: Walking in the Trinity
9. I gave an example of walking in the Trinity in the opening and asked you to think about it this week. Share how you are doing and give an illustration.
9. What is your take-a-way and why?
1. How have you seen the Mighty God at work in your life this last week?
My husband and I are in a marriage class, training to be leaders next Fall. Last week we shared some of our hard past and while it felt vulnerble, we were met with love and affirmation for sharing. I have also felt His care in things I’ve been reading lately and specifically last week a CCEF article that was very helpful for some of my current struggles. I like what Dee said here about the Trinity. It’s funny but that has been on my mind so much the last few months—how each part ministers to us uniquely. I may share more on that later, but it has been so vivid in my life recently.
1. Why do you think today’s preachers rarely preach on the magnificence of Christ?
I wonder if it’s that they so seldom preach about the Holy Spirit. And the Spirit’s role is to open our eyes to the glory of Christ. I like this from John Piper: ” His passion, the passion of the Holy Spirit, is to make much of the second person of the Trinity. He is sent into the world to open the eyes of our hearts that we might see the magnificence of Christ, and thus glorify Him.”
Earlier this year I went through the Bible and copied down every verse on the Spirit I could find (used Biblegateway, don’t want to make it sound too hard!). I’ve been reading through those passages, just wanting to know more of the Spirit because He does seem the least often mentioned.
2. How has beholding Christ changed you? Be specific if possible.
What I find in beholding Him is that the more I do, the more I want to. When I spend time reading Scripture, seeing Him in it, He gives me the desire, the hunger for more. It’s also changed how I see others, slowly I am giving others more grace when they disappoint me, less judgment.
3. Meditate on Isaiah 9:6. How can you see that Isaiah is prophesying on both the first and the second coming of Christ? Thoughts?
The first coming-Jesus is born into the world as a child. The second coming, He will reign forever over all (the government on His shoulder, Everlasting Father)
4. What pictures Luci paints particularly stand out to you and why?
“From his imprisonment my freedoms grow, find wings.”– Freedom has been a theme for me lately, freedom from bondage, guilt, shame, past pain.
“My life, as his, slips through death’s mesh, time’s bars, joins hands with heaven, speaks with stars.”—I love this picture of Heaven, Home.
Lizzy, I, too, loved what Dee said about the Trinity. I will be more on the Trinity Hunt!
Oh Lizzy– how your answers fill my heart. Thank you.
I too love:
From his imprisonment my freedoms grow, find wings
Oh, Lizzy, what joy to read that you received love and affirmation when you shared difficult things. Sharing can feel so vulnerable. You and your husband will be wonderful and compassionate leaders in marriage class. I love that you copied down every verse on the Spirit….I want to start that! Love Lucy Shaw’s words of heaven.
Oh Lizzy, you and your husband are going to be wonderful leaders in the marriage class. You have been through a lot together and have much wisdom to share, and I think being vulnerable and real makes you so much more relatable to others because you’re not wearing masks and pretending that everything has always been perfect.
Sorry to post so much but my weeks are so full now that I wanted to do this while I have some time today! All so good!
5. How do the following verses show Jesus is fully God?
A. John 1:1 and John 1:14—the Word is God, and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.
B. Colossians 1:19- all the fullness of God dwells in Jesus
C. Hebrews 1:3-Jesus is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature
C. How did the shepherds and the wise men know or show that Jesus was Mighty God?
The Spirit used them and led them. OT prophesied “a star shall come out of Jacob” Numbers 24:17.
6. Think about how Jesus was on earth. Name some of the ways He became like us that might seem surprising. We know for example that He had to go through the birth process — what else?
Hunger, thirst, being too hot or cold, tired. Wanting quiet, wanting deep relationships. Disappointment in relationships. Dirty feet and hair. Having a cold, a nagging cough. Aches and pains. Loneliness. Homesickness.
7. According to Hebrews 2:14-18, find at least three reasons why Jesus wanted to become like us.
1) Through His life and death, He destroyed the power of death over Believers.
2) He became a merciful and faithful high priest and made propitiation for our sins.
3) He is able to help us when we are tempted.
I never thought about Jesus having a cold, nagging cough. I bet He did! I was noting in Philippians 2:6 that He didn’t use His equality with God to His own advantage — so He probably would have suffered through the cold. To sympathize with us. You think?
How have you seen the Mighty God at work in your life this last week? In the kindness of people remembering my mom s 100th birthday and pausing to encourage me that she now celebrates in heaven
Judy, God shows up through His people, doesn’t He? I wonder if there are different kinds of cakes in Heaven? Smile.
Yes He does show up. I’m so thankful.
What sweet friends, Judy. I love thinking of the celebration of your mom’s birthday in heaven!
Yes they have been a blessing and it was wonderful to have them remind me of her heavenly celebration.
Dee your story about the woman from pickleball is so inspiring. I like how you thought you blew it, but realized that the Father is still pleased that you were obedient. I’m glad that you didn’t have to wait until heaven to find out how you impacted her life.
1. How have you seen the Mighty God at work in your life this last week? Even though this time of year calls for long hours and hard work at the surgery center, I have been overwhelmed with thankfulness for my job and my co-workers. I know that it’s the Holy Spirit that is keeping my mind focused on what God is doing in my day to day life.
Dawn, thankful for the Holy Spirit who keeps our minds “focused on what God is doing in my day-to-day life”.
May the Lord give you strength, dear Dawn, in this demanding time. I am sure you are such a blessing.
What love you are bringing to many in need and stress, dear Dawn. Lord, thank you for Dawn’s sweet spirit. Anoint her daily to bring Your love to those she cares for and works with.
Dee, what a sweet story of your witness to Kristy! I thought of a very young friend who needs the Lord, too. Your example has made me more prayerful for the same opportunity for this friend. She is a high school senior.
God Hunt Sunday
1. How have you seen the Mighty God at work in your life this last week?
Last week, I shared how God gave me wisdom and counsel as I sought Him regarding a switch in the textbooks we were using in the classroom. Although, in the beginning, we started using them for 2 separate classes, it became evident that we could use just one of them and still meet the requirements for each course. I had a lot of work to do in order to switch including starting a Google Slide lecture from scratch. But as I laid out the textbooks on the table before the Lord, the chapters fell into place and I knew that God was giving me His wisdom and counsel. Even the diverse enrichment activities found their proper places. I felt God’s Spirit guiding, and leading as I type my lecture notes. It was definitely, and continues to be above all I could ever ask or imagine! Ephesians 3:20
As for Him being the Mighty God, all I can say is that I am seeing a change in my attitude towards myself, others, and my circumstance that was not there even just a few months ago. It took a loving friend to tell me that I am too hard on myself and that I should quit doing that! My eyes were opened to some of my negative self-talk (hah! Even after I practiced talking to my soul)
“He’s still working on me, To make me what I ought to be, It took Him just a week to make the moon and the stars, the sun and earth, and Jupiter and Mars, How loving and patient He must be, He’s still working on me!
Love your whole post Bing! Yes, He is patient and still working on me. Thank You Jesus!
Thanks for the end of that great story, Bing!
What a beautiful example of the Holy Spirit leading! Chills! Love this: “He’s still working on me, To make me what I ought to be, It took Him just a week to make the moon and the stars, the sun and earth, and Jupiter and Mars, How loving and patient He must be, He’s still working on me! (think I might copy this quote and put it where I can read it daily!)
1. How have you seen the Mighty God at work in your life this last week?
The kids had their piano recital yesterday and it was so sweet! All the children played well and the teacher had the event in her home which was so cozy and Christmasy. I thoroughly enjoyed it and saw our Mighty God as Jesus, through the childrens faces. The teacher lives with her parents due to financial woes, and over time I have mentioned that we attend church (don’t believe they do). I hope we are being a light in their lives. While we were there we met a family who is going to Sight and Sound next week to see David! That was promising; the Holy Spirit seemed to be present as well! Here is a picture of Cooper and Grace.
They are so grown up and beautiful, Laura!
Wow, Laura! They are beautiful kids! And they look happy.
Cooper and Grace are darling! You are the light of Jesus’ love to this family~ I pray that they will desire to know the source of your joy!
Wow! Handel’s Messiah! How beautiful. I was just thinking how I should listen to it soon.
1. Why do you think today’s preachers rarely preach on the magnificence of Christ?
I’m not sure. Isn’t that the point? To give us the full glory of Him? So we will want to be with Him? To whet our appetites? Maybe they think it would give us too much hope? It seems too good to be true?
2. How has beholding Christ changed you? Be specific if possible.
I have a different attitude toward my life now that I know Jesus. He is the most important to me. He sits in representation of me to God. That to me is sweet. He came for me and holds my place. Thank You Jesus!
3. Meditate on Isaiah 9:6. How can you see that Isaiah is prophesying on both the first and the second coming of Christ? Thoughts?
A Child is born and a Son is given. He mentions the government. A baby isn’t going to have “dealings” with the government, but a man would. Also, the “Everlasting Father” makes you think of an older person as well.
I love this scripture! I love the Messiah (music) too! It is absolutely amazing.
1. Why do you think today’s preachers rarely preach on the magnificence of Christ? I don’t know. Maybe they haven’t felt led to preach it. Maybe they don’t think the flock would listen to the message.
How has beholding Christ changed you? Be specific if possible. I was headed in wrong direction, sad and negative. Beholding Jesus lifted my sight to Him and allowed Holy Spirit to make changes in me
Meditate on Isaiah 9:6. How can you see that Isaiah is prophesying on both the first and the second coming of Christ? Thoughts? A Son was given to us. The government will be fully on Christ s shoulders when He returns and is fully brings His reign of peace
1. How have you seen the Mighty God at work in your life this last week?
We had a wonderful phone call from our grandson, Jack! We had sent him his birthday card, a gift and a text! We both spoke with him for about 30 minutes. It was truly the highlight of our week! He is going to come visit in the Spring. This is a huge answer to our prayers of the past year. God is so good!
That’s great, Patti!
I had the same experience this week. I’ve been awakened many times during the night and felt the need to pray for my granddaughter who is going through a tough time right now. With prayers answered she has reached out to me (nothing big) and I have been able to have some communication with her. I know there’s still a long road ahead, but one thing I have learned in the past year is that God is always at work even when I don’t see it. For that I praise and thank Him!!!
Oh, Liz! Praise God! Isn’t our Father amazing that He wakes us and nudges us to pray for our dear ones in need. He is so good!!
1. Why do you think today’s preachers rarely preach on the magnificence of Christ?
Many churches in our area focus on the Christmas story, simplifying it so that it appeals to those who only attend church a few times a year. I love Lizzy’s quote from John Piper. I would love to hear that in many churches!
2. How has beholding Christ changed you? Be specific if possible.
I am much more focused on Jesus and desiring His presence in my life daily. He is the first thought in the morning and the last prayer at night. Praying the Psalms has helped me to focus more on His will in my life, letting go of my stress because He knows my future; letting go of judgment, because that is not my job; praying to see others with the eyes of Christ; having the compassion of Christ. I love Dee’s words of relating to each person of the Trinity. I desire to know Him more and in a deeper way.
3. Meditate on Isaiah 9:6. How can you see that Isaiah is prophesying on both the first and the second coming of Christ? Thoughts?
He will come as a child given to us; His Name will be Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God: His birth and earthly life; Luke 1: 31-32
Eternal Father, Prince of Peace: Isaiah 65:17-18 ” For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth; An the former things will not be remembered or come to mind. But be glad and rejoice forever in what I create”……Christ’s return…
Patti, I also find it so helpful to pray through the Psalms, using the words of the psalmist to talk to God! I also saw last week in one of your posts that your husband’s health is failing and wanted to tell you that I’m so sorry and will be praying for you.
Thank you for your prayers, Susan. I appreciate them so much.
Hi! I just heard your program with Dr. Dobson on Family Talk!
Welcome Echo-Leigh! You have found a good place here 😉.
Welcome, Echo-Leigh! Tell me about that name!
Welcome Echo-Leigh!
Listening to your link to Handel. It truly is a conduit to behold the magnificance of Christ. I remember reading about his process of composition so I refreshed myself and found this:
Handel composed Messiah in just 24 days without getting much sleep and or eating much food. While writing the ‘Hallelujah’ chorus Handel’s servant discovered him with tears in his eyes and he exclaimed, “I did think I did see all Heaven before me, and the great God Himself seated on His throne, with His company of Angels.”
I just finished reading a book by Dallas Willard entitled “Life Without Lack” based on Psalm 23. It is a beautiful book about practicing the presence of Jesus and an encouragement to recognize him in small ways throughout the day (and night) so that we can experience His magnificance. (Dallas’s daughter and a friend took some old Bible study notes of Dallas and put them into this book form years after his death. It is a treasure and easier to read than “The Divine Conspiracy”, which he also authored.)
Nila, Thank you for sharing about Handel and the Hallelujah chorus! It love the vision of what he saw! It gives me goose bumps whenever I listen to it at Christmas. I always wonder what the performing musicians are thinking as they play.
Thank you for the book recommendation! I so desire to experience more of His magnificence.
1. How have you seen the Mighty God at work in your life this last week?
I am still completing last week’s lesson and He is working in me through that! Keller’s sermon and the challenging questions from last week are really making me ponder and think. The Mighty God seems to always come through to lift me up from my overwhelm and despair. I had laryngitis last week and completely lost my voice after working two days and straining my voice. Thankfully, it’s back, but I didn’t feel up to speed last week, and also learned that my daughter will be moving to Florida next summer to continue her education. That, on top of our one son will be moving to South America as well. I slipped into feeling very depressed and sad for myself, as I will miss them terribly, yet I understand that they must live their own lives and follow their own pursuits. I am thankful that He keeps holding onto me, and sending me encouragement in various ways and through various people in my life. If He wasn’t really real, and if He wasn’t really mighty enough to hold everything together, including me, then I wouldn’t have any hope at all.
It is so good to have you here, Susan. It is hard to have our children so far away, but I love the way you talk to your soul.
Oh, Susan! My heart aches for you. It is hard to have our children move away, but I pray that God will uplift you and encourage you and show you that your relationship with them both will thrive and grow, wherever they are.
Kate Henderson here from Harare, Zimbabwe. I have listened to your podcast with Dr James Dobson today. Thank you. Kind regards Kate
Welcome, Kate!
How fun to hear all the way from Zimbabwe! Why are you there?
Welcome Kate! This is a very sweet place. Glad you found us ♥️.
4. What picture Luci paints particularly stands out to you and why? The white hot beam of annunciation fused heaven with dark earth Reminds me of s Genesis 1:2 -3 empty darkness over the surface of the deep, Spirit of God hovering, God said Let there be light. John 1:4-6 In Him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it. The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world. From early childhood I carried sadness inside of me and I just thought everyone must feel this way Then I would hear the scripture or read a scripture about Light and I would be drawn to it
5. How do the following verses show Jesus is fully God?
A. John 1:1 and John 1:14 The Word was God The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us (John eye witness account) we have seen His glory
B. Colossians 1:19 God was pleased to have His fullness dwell in Him
C. Hebrews 1:3 The Son is the radiance of God s glory and the exact representation of His being, sustaining all things by His powerful word after purification of our sins He sits at the right hand of the Father
C. How did the shepherds and the wise men know or show that Jesus was Mighty God? Angels came and told the shepherds and they went and worshiped Him The wise men followed the star and gave gifts and worshiped Him
6. Think about how Jesus was on earth. Name some of the ways He became like us that might seem surprising. We know for example that He had to go through the birth process — what else? He submitted to earthly parental authority The King of kings and source of Wisdom Was a toddler and had to learn everything how to eat, crawl, walk, toilet, bathe, chores, learn a trade.
7. According to Hebrews 2:14-18, find at least three reasons why Jesus wanted to become like us. By His death break the power of devil’s over death; free those whose lives were enslaved by fear of death; become merciful and High Priest making atonement for the sins of the people and to help those who are tempted.
Well done, Judy!
Just heard you with James Dobson. Looking forward to your Bible Studies. Thank You ❤️
Hey Peggy,
Thanks for jumping on. Would love to hear more from you!
Welcome Peggy! You won’t regret being here with Dee.
8. Philippians 2:2:3-11 is a key passage on how it was possible for Mighty God to become fully man. Meditate on it and share:
A. What it says: Do not be selfish or self-centered. Love others above yourself with humble service.
B. What it means: Die to yourself and your own ways. Submit to God, poured out in humility and service for others. Live like Christ.
C. How, indeed, it is a model for how you should live. Ask the Lord to show you how this could apply to your life today – and share.
Forgiveness to those who have deeply hurt me and show no remorse.
Serve my family without looking to get thanks or appreciation.
Being faithful to my job, serving humbly.
Thursday: Glimpses of Glory
* I had pasted the lesson into a Word doc to answer and just realized I didn’t have the pictures you have here with each section, so I don’t think I answered as you meant, but oh well!
His Birth: Comments?
Virgin birth.
Though born in flesh, He is eternal, Alpha and Omega.
His Life: Comments? (This is a challenge question!)
He lived a sinless life.
His Miracles.
Wisdom beyond anyone (Matth 24:46).
Demons feared Him and recognized His authority (Mark 1:24).
He offered and granted forgiveness of sin.
His Death: Comments?
Death could not contain Him!
Your turn!
He promised to prepare a room for us to come and join Him.
He offers new life through birth of the Spirit.
9. I gave an example of walking in the Trinity in the opening and asked you to think about it this week. Share how you are doing and give an illustration.
God as my Father-I have felt like an earthly orphan these past several months, and functionally I am. But as I think and meditate more on God as my Father, I am embracing it in a much deeper way. Because of the stripping down of my earthly family, I feel Him nearer and my identity as His daughter and not my earthly parents’ has been healing for me.
Jesus my Savior, my Brother-knowing Jesus walked where I walk, He lived this life on earth, with all its relational difficulties and physical pain, I feel His comfort, His understanding, and empathy. And it gives me strength to know that even though I look around me and no friend on earth shares my circumstances, all seem to have family…He understands my pain.
The Holy Spirit-all throughout the day I am desperate for His guidance. I need His wisdom about conversations and decisions. I also feel His gentle nudge when I’m “venting” to my husband and it has turned to complaining or gossip—that check within me, it is Him, nudging me to repent and walk in the Light.
Such good illustrations on the Trinity! I’m praying next week on “Everlasting Father” will be helpful to you in your abandonment from your earthly mother, dear, dear Lizzy.
1. Why do you think today’s preacher’s rarely preach on the magnificence of Christ?
I think a lot of churches today do “series” and give sermons that address specific problems in our lives, and of course the sermons will incorporate specific passages from Scripture. For example, I have always enjoyed listening to Chip Ingram and I think he is a good preacher. If you browse his podcast, it says”Chip will take you to God’s Word for advice on topics like strengthening your marriage, understanding love and sex, raising children, overcoming painful emotions.” There’s nothing inherently wrong with this, but I suppose because we’re all pretty needs and even messed-up in many areas of our lives, many preachers focus on helping their congregation to deal with life’s problems, giving biblical advice, and helping them to live the Christian life. I think too, that we are people who want a solution to our problems; we want “5 steps to overcoming your anger”….we turn to sermons, podcasts, self-help Christian books, thinking that we will find something to help us.
2. How has beholding Christ changed you? Be specific if possible.
Recently, I had an experience in which because I was surrounded by and beholding the beauty of God’s creation, which led me to think about how beautiful He is, and therefore how I was created to reflect His beauty, and so I started thinking about my life and all the things that have marred that beauty. Some of those things were not my own fault but rather things done to me by others sinning against me and marring my beauty. Other things that have marred my beauty have been because of sinful choices that I have made. I had this strong desire to just be done with the things over which I have control that mar and distort the beauty that I have because of Him; to get rid of the “ugly” things in my life, such as having a critical spirit, being judgmental of others.
3. Meditate on Isaiah 9:6. How can you see that Isaiah is prophesying on both the first and the second coming of Christ? Thoughts?
“For to us a child is born” would be the prophecy of the birth of Jesus Christ. I’m thinking as to the second coming of Christ the words from the Nicene Creed, about Jesus, which say, “He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and His Kingdom will have no end.” That this child to be born, this son, is also called Mighty God and Everlasting Father speaks to His glory. And the fact that the government will be on His shoulders alludes to His reign which will be forever. So the beginning of 9:6 has Jesus in the manger, and His titles and the part about His authority seem to speak of His risen-ness, who He is in all His glory and position at the right hand of the Father and what He will accomplish. (?)
I always love your depth, Susan. Yes, I know Jesus weeps for the sinful things done to you. I hope that is a comfort. I do love how you press into Him.
4. What pictures Luci paints particularly stand out to you and why?
I love the opening line about the white hot beam of annunciation fused heaven with dark earth. We think of dark, darkness as representing fear, gloom, death, evil….darkness being a place where God is absent; we, the people of earth who dwell in a land shadowed by sickness, sin, evil, war, death. Though God is really not absent from our world, though it can seem as if He is. But this idea of heaven being “fused” with dark earth speaks to me of God refusing to abandon His people to the darkness; instead He fuses Himself to our world and our situations and our crises and our sins and our heartaches.
5. How do the following verses show Jesus is fully God?
A. John 1:1 and John 1:14
In the beginning was the Word (beginning taking us all the way back to Genesis 1:1 to where God was before there was anything else)….the Word (Jesus) was there. John explicitly states that not only was the Word there with God, but that the Word was (is) God. Jesus IS God.
The Word became flesh. John says Jesus is the One and Only, implying again that Jesus is God.
B. Colossians 1:19
God was pleased to have all His fullness dwell in Him (Jesus).
C. Hebrews 1:3
Not only is the Son the radiance of God’s glory, but He is the exact representation of His being, and He sustains all things by His powerful word. Only God has the power to sustain all things.
C. How did the shepherds and the wise men know or show that Jesus was Mighty God?
The angel announced to the shepherds that a Savior had been born to them in the city of David, and that He is Christ the Lord. An entire company of angels appeared, announcing glory to God in the highest. The shepherds didn’t just go back to watching their sheep; they hurried off to Bethlehem to find Jesus. After they had seen him, they spread the news.
The wise men showed in their diligent search for the one who was born King of the Jews that Jesus is Mighty God, and when they found Him, they worshiped Him and presented Him with costly gifts.
6. Think about how Jesus was on earth. Name some of the ways He became like us that might seem surprising. We know for example that He had to go through the birth process – what else?
He had to go through all the human stages of growth and development. He had to be nursed at his mother’s breast until He could learn to take solid food. He had to have his diaper changed until He was potty trained. His mother had to clean and wash him until he could do that on his own. He had to learn to walk and talk, read and write. I’m sure he caught the viruses going around, viruses that cause colds, vomiting and diarrhea. He likely went through that awkward adolescent stage. Maybe his voice cracked before it deepened. Perhaps he had acne. Maybe he had a first crush on a girl. Just because He was celibate doesn’t mean that he didn’t have human sexuality, the normal longings and awakenings as he matured, though He was without sin in that area.
7. According to Hebrews 2:14-18, find at least three reasons why Jesus wanted to become like us.
1. Because we are “flesh and blood”, Jesus had to also become flesh and blood in order to share in our humanity.
2. Jesus had to fully experience death in order to break the power of Satan, the one who holds the power of death. I think this means that Satan was able to, before Jesus, hold death over our heads, keeping us prisoners living in constant fear of death. But because Jesus really, truly died a real death, and then came to life again (this was not “pretend death”), we can look at this and say if Jesus could go through death and come out on the other side, so can we, because He makes that possible for us and promises us that death is not the end.
3. Jesus had to be made like us, fully human in every way, so that He could be for us a faithful and merciful high priest. I think I remember in Gentle and Lowly that it was said that Jesus was the perfect high priest because He didn’t need to make atonement for his own sins.
4. Jesus, being made fully human like us, understands what is like to be tempted (yet without sin). He co-suffers with us. He fully identifies with us, and therefore is able to help us when we are tempted.
Before this week, I’d never thought of Jesus getting sick — but I’m sure he did. And since Philippians says he didn’t use his power to his own advantage, he probably just suffered through, like we do!
I love the depth of your descriptions, Susan.
1.Why do you think today’s preachers rarely preach on the magnificence of Christ? Todays preachers are concerned about popularity and pleasing their audience. Most of my Christian friends are awkward with Intimacy with Christ, they look at me like I am crazy when I speak if His desire to know us so completely.
How has beholding Christ changed you? Be specific if possible. In His presence I feel new and so alive! He doesn’t give me the “label” that the world does. “I am my Beloved’s and my Beloved is mine”!
Meditate on Isaiah 9:6. How can you see that Isaiah is prophesying on both the first and the second coming of Christ? Thoughts?”For to us a child is born, to us a son is given” this refers to Jesus’ birth. “The government will be on His shoulders” this speaks of a future time where He will reign supreme as Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. In the new Heaven and new Earth. It seems like evil is getting more powerful each day, my son and I have been praying for Jesus to return soon. I can’t bear to watch the news…so many lies, we don’t know what the truth is anymore. I do believe we are very close to His second coming.
Well, we surely love you here, Lydia!
Thank-you Dee! I love you all too! This fellowship has been very encouraging to my heart. The Lord has been healing my wounds through His Word and the love and encouragment of my Sisters in Christ here. I pray that my words and insight have been used by the Lord. God bless.❤️🙏❤️
I am thankful for your presence here, Lydia. I pray that Jesus to return soon, too. I am so thankful for Jesus, for we know He is truth! ( I don’t care for the news either) 🙂
4. What pictures Luci paints particularly stand out to you and why?
So… you know how I feel about poetry Dee! But, I’ll try….
I like the white hot beam fusing heaven to Earth at the beginning. It’s a connectedness.
I also like the line, “ he is my open door to forever.” It reminds me of why He went to the cross.
5. How do the following verses show Jesus is fully God?
A. John 1:1 and John 1:14
It says it….“He was God,” in John 1. “The Word became flesh…” verse 14.
B. Colossians 1:19
All the fullness of God was in Him.
C. Hebrews 1:3
He is the exact imprint of His nature.
C. How did the shepherds and the wise men know or show that Jesus was Mighty God?
They traveled to see Him. They bowed to Him.
6. Think about how Jesus was on earth. Name some of the ways He became like us that might seem surprising. We know for example that He had to go through the birth process — what else?
He got angry at the market in the temple. He had a job with carpentry. He didn’t listen to His earthly parents (when He couldn’t be found and was eventually found at the temple!). He had to get water to drink (at the well).
7. According to Hebrews 2:14-18, find at least three reasons why Jesus wanted to become like us.
To experience what we, of flesh, experience.
To break the power of the devil.
To set free those enslaved to the fear of dying (us).
Good job, Laura.
8. Philippians 2:2:3-11 is a key passage on how it was possible for Mighty God to become fully man. Meditate on it and share:
A. What it says: It stresses humility, considering others better than self, and uses Jesus as the perfect example Being God Jesus humbled Himself, made Himself nothing and obediently died on a cross He is now exalted to the highest place and one day every knee will bow and tongue confess that Jesus is Lord
B. What it means: it means that Jesus put my needs and the needs of the world above being the Son of God in heaven He came to earth as a baby and showed us what it means to serve, be obedient and care for others
C. Jesus lived in touch with the Father and was obedient to the Father s will no matter the cost. Get over myself and put others first in my life
Prepare your heart by meditating on Luci Shaw’s Made Flesh:
4. What pictures Luci paints particularly stand out to you and why?
He loved us so that He made Himself so much less, to give us so much more. Luci’s words paint such an amazing visual picture of His splendor as God, coming to earth as a baby. Light coming through the darkness.
After the white-hot beam of annunciation fused heaven with dark earth, his searing, sharply focused lightwent out for a while, eclipsed in amniotic gloom: his cool immensity of splendor, his universal grace, small-folded in a warm, dimfemale space—
And the gift He gave through His sacrifice, eternal life for all who believe in Him.
My life, as his, slips through death’s mesh, time’s bars, joins hands with heaven, speaks with stars.
5. How do the following verses show Jesus is fully God?
A. John 1:1 and John 1:14
He is the Word, The Word was with God and the Word was God. The Word became flesh and dwelt among us.
B. Colossians 1:19
He was totally God with all His attributes.
C. Hebrews 1:3
He is the radiance of God’s Glory; exact representation of His nature; His power; He was pure; He sat at the right hand of God.
C. How did the shepherds and the wise men know or show that Jesus was Mighty God?
An angel of the Lord appeared to the shepherds. Luke 2: 9-13. “Where is He who has been born King of the Jews? For we saw His star in the east and have come to worship Him. Matthew 2: 2
6. Think about how Jesus was on earth. Name some of the ways He became like us that might seem surprising. We know for example that He had to go through the birth process — what else?
He was human in every way, so he functioned like we do ~ He was tempted, yet He did not sin. So many things to wonder about with His childhood, yet He desired to be in the Temple. In Luke 2: 41-52 is the story of Jesus ( 12 years old) going to Jerusalem for Passover. They journeyed for a day to return home, before they realized Jesus was not with their group. They must have been so stressed! They returned to Jerusalem and found Him in the temple. He wanted so to learn of His heavenly Father that He lost track of time and place. Makes me think He was not really disobedient, just distracted with His desire.
7. According to Hebrews 2:14-18, find at least three reasons why Jesus wanted to become like us.
He lived like us, so that He could experienced death as a sinner, like us~ yet being sinless. He rendered death powerless. He rendered the devil powerless. He was human, not an angel, to experience life like us. Because He became a man, He could represent us to His Father. He took on our sins, so that we may have Eternal life~ Yet, He never sinned. He paid the price for our sins. He was tempted, so that He would understand our temptations.
8. Philippians 2:3-11 is a key passage on how it was possible for Mighty God to become fully man. Meditate on it and share:
A. What it says: It’s a contrast between living for yourself and living for others. When we are driven by self, we do things out of selfish ambition and vain conceit, we are full of pride and indifferent to the interests of others. The opposite of that is to follow Jesus’ example: He, though He was God, didn’t go around acting like God. Instead He went around serving and looking out for others, being humble and obedient to the Father. He even submitted Himself to death on the cross. He didn’t need to exalt Himself because God the Father exalted Him.
B. What it means: I don’t think it means that because we are Christians, we let others abuse us. This passage has sometimes been used to tell people that they must accept mistreatment and abuse. I think we must carefully assess our motives behind our actions, even our best actions, because they can be tainted by pride or self-promotion. This passage doesn’t tell us not to take care of ourselves, but not to do so to the exclusion of caring about anyone but ourselves.
C. How, indeed, it is a model for how you should live. Ask the Lord to show you how this could apply to your life today – and share.
I think this could apply to serving in my family, at work, in the community, and even in church. I know that my motives can sometimes be selfish; I may want to be seen, to be appreciated, to be loved. Jesus always had pure motives because He didn’t have to promote Himself. He placed himself in the Father’s hands and trusted him with the outcome.
Susan — I think you’d really like Keller’s book on Forgiveness. He does address abuse. But I also think it might be helpful to you in your really hard living situation. Honestly, I don’t know how I would do married to a hostile unbeliever. Only God! But that book has helped me better forgive one in my life, and I thought it might help you too. And I do pray for you, and I so love your heart.
Dear Susan, Amen to Dee. I am loving the book Forgive by Keller. It can be so so hard, as a woman in a difficult home situation. There is no escape. I pray that you can find joy, in spite of the behavior of others, whose behavior you cannot control. You give so much love and care to others in your nursing career. How I pray that that love comes back to you fully.
Oh Susan, my heart hurts for you. I was married to a hostile, unfaithful, emotionally abusive unbeliever for 31 years. He did ask God’s forgiveness and accepted Jesus as Savior 6 months before he died. He had ALS and FTD, so I had to give him total care the last 2-3 years of his life. I was not a practicing believer when we met and married. So, I could understand his anger at my huge life change in Christ. He would always tell me, “you put Jesus in my place in your heart”! God had a plan, eventhough it was so difficult and painful to live unequally yoked, I am forever grateful that God answered the dearest prayer of my heart, for Michael to be saved. I am praying for you and your husband.
Susan, I am joining Lydia’s prayer for your husband. May he come to know real joy in his life by coming to know Jesus.
Oh Lydia, 31 years, and then being your husband’s caregiver the last 2-3 years. That was a difficult time, I am sure. I think where I really struggle is my husband not loving me and cherishing me like I want to be. His job requires him to work lots of hours, and he doesn’t have anything left for me. In response, I often find myself lashing out at him, being critical or “harping” on him, which I know I shouldn’t do. I so desire closeness and intimacy, but that’s not a part of our marriage. As far as spiritually, he does support me in my going to church and is pleased that I have found a supportive community there. He just has no interest himself in God. We’ve also been married over 30 years.
Susan, I understand your feeling of not being cherished. One thing that has always helped me, is to know how much Jesus does cherish me! He never tires of hearing me and He loves me just the way I am! I pray that your husband will see the jewel he has in you and treasure his time with you. Blessings to you my Sister in Christ!
8. Philippians 2:2:3-11 is a key passage on how it was possible for Mighty God to become fully man. Meditate on it and share:
A. What it says:
It says that we need to strive to be like Christ in our own lives. We are to live humbly and for others, not for our own selfish reasons. We are to “not be offended”. This phrase sticks with me, because we live in a society, where we all seem to be so open to being offended by the behavior of others.
B. What it means:
Jesus left His place in heaven, laying aside His deity, to become a servant, obedient to the Father even to the Cross, for the sake of each of us. We need to view our own purpose as first, serving God and others. Being a servant to Christ is our calling, no matter our occupation.
C. How, indeed, it is a model for how you should live. Ask the Lord to show you how this could apply to your life today – and share.
I need to serve others humbly and to treat others as I would treat Jesus, if I met Him in any situation I face. Do I truly treat others, as I would treat Jesus if He were a family member, the mailman, doctor, store clerk or other driver on the road? ouch 🙂
Though He emptied Himself, indeed, there were times when we could catch glimpses of His Glory, of the hidden truth that He is Mighty God. I’ll give you a few of my favorites for you to comment on, and then I want to hear a few from you!
His Birth: Comments?
There were so many confirmation before His birth that He was the Son of God. The glory filled the earth, but did they really understand?
When the angel of the Lord spoke to Joseph: Matthew 1:20 “do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife; for the Child who has been conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit.”
His Life: Comments? (This is a challenge question!)
He led a humble and sinless life. Those who observed Him and were close to Him could see that He was different, but it took some time before they really perceived that He was the Son of God. So much like when we suddenly figure it out and say “I get it!” The giddy joy of your friend, Kristy!
Luke 9:20 “And He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?” And Peter answered and said “the Christ of God.”
Luke 3: 22 “and the Holy Spirit descended upon Him in bodily form like a dove, and a voice came out of heaven, “You are My beloved Son, in You I am well-pleased.”
His Death: Comments?
He took our sins and suffered a criminal’s death, so that we could be with Him in heaven.
John 8:28 “When you lift up the Son of Man, then you will know that I am He, and I do nothing on My own initiative, but I speak these things as the Father taught Me.”
John 18:37 ” You say correctly that I am a king. For this I have been born, and for this I have come into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice.”
John 19: 11 “You would have no authority over Me, unless it had been given you from above;”
Yes, the giddy joy of Kristy!
Though He emptied Himself, indeed, there were times when we could catch glimpses of His Glory, of the hidden truth that He is Mighty God. I’ll give you a few of my favorites for you to comment on, and then I want to hear a few from you!
His Birth: Comments? What a magical night for the shepherds An angel, God s glory, the awe of that night and then To be able to see the newborn
His Life: Comments? (This is a challenge question!) I’m certainly challenged Jesus came to save sinners and I am one This passage references that he who has been forgiven much loves much I guess I see it as a challenge to recognize what sinners we are and how much each of us has needed His work on the cross and how much we should worship and love Him. Only God can forgive sinners so Jesus paid the price for my sin,
His Death: Comments? The power that were in those words Yet a Mighty God chose obediently to stay the course to purchase our freedom from sin and death
Matt 1:21 She will give birth to a Son (The Lord is salvation), for He will save His people from their sins.
Mark 10:21 Jesus looked at him and loved him.
John 19: When Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, “It is finished” and He bowed his head and gave up His spirit.
Great insights, Judy!
Amen to Dee! Beautiful and concise insights!!
8. Philippians 2:2:3-11 is a key passage on how it was possible for Mighty God to become fully man. Meditate on it and share:
A. What it says:
We need to be like Jesus! He humbled Himself, He didn’t pull His “card,” He looked after others and was not selfish. For this, He was rewarded by God.
B. What it means:
Jesus is the Way to God for us. We will follow in His path.
C. How, indeed, it is a model for how you should live. Ask the Lord to show you how this could apply to your life today – and share.
Tonight, by being a little less selfish, I helped my husband through a rough week.
Love this:
Tonight, by being a little less selfish, I helped my husband through a rough week.
His Birth: Comments?
I’m not sure what you want here, but I’ll give it a go. How does His birth show His might? He was born of a virgin! No one does that! That’s impossible.
His Life: Comments?
He healed people! And, He walked on water! I sure wish I could have been there to see someone healed. That has supported the story from ancient times until today.
His Death: Comments?
The curtain ripped, the thunder roared, the earth quaked. God was not happy.
I think the fact that the entire Bible is about Him shows His might! From Genesis to Revelation you can see Jesus in the stories. That shows awe or imposing on us (as the definition of mighty states in the dictionary).
““Escape to the hill country,” she told them. “Hide there for three days from the men searching for you. Then, when they have returned, you can go on your way.” When we come into the land, you must leave this scarlet rope hanging from the window through which you let us down. And all your family members—your father, mother, brothers, and all your relatives—must be here inside the house.”
Joshua 2:16, 18 NLT
“And they sang in a mighty chorus: “Worthy is the Lamb who was slaughtered— to receive power and riches and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and blessing.””
Revelation 5:12 NLT
Your comment on His Birth made me smile.
9. I gave an example of walking in the Trinity in the opening and asked you to think about it this week. Share how you are doing and give an illustration. This is hard question for me I try to start my morning acknowledging God Frequently from psalm 95 I then try to lay my concerns at Jesus feet and ask Him to guide me I’ve also been following a listening guide this month that primos me to just sit and wait on Him Holy Spirit the last two days has been guiding my prayers (things I would not have thought to pray on my own) for a friend’s extended family that there has been a tragic fatal car accident
9. What is your take-a-way and why? My take away has been to think about mighty God. He is with grieving families even when we can’t understand why horrible things happen. He spoke the world into creation. Jesus is the Light of the world and the darkness will never overcome it. His faithful love endures forever.
Interesting you often use Psalm 95. What is about that particular psalm that helps you, Judy? (I think it is great to use the psalms as a springboard for prayer.)
Gee, you ask hard questions! I thought about this while getting ready for church this morning and the word positioning came to me. In this psalm I see God s position – Rock of our salvation, the great God, great King above all gods, He holds the depths of the seas, He formed dry land. The Lord our Maker, our Shepherd. It then instructs us about our positioning – come (3x) sing for joy, shout aloud, to have thanksgiving, extol Him, bow down, kneel before Him. Listen for His voice and not harden our hearts. It’s a great praise psalm.
Friday: Walking in the Trinity
9. I gave an example of walking in the Trinity in the opening and asked you to think about it this week. Share how you are doing and give an illustration.
I planned a get-together to honor a friend. I thought it would be an encouragement to her and an opportunity for our women friends to get together. As the date drew near, I had some unsettled feelings, so I prayed to God for clarity and direction. God, the Father, whispered “you are doing a good thing, Bing. And though it may not come to fruition, you are A-okay with me.” Sure enough, my friend canceled at the last minute. The initial disappointment was there, and the idol of approval reared its ugly head. But Jesus helped me to speak to my soul, “you are loved no matter how it may seem like someone rejected you.” The Holy Spirit then guided me to the appropriate response which was to be gracious in my response. He also gave me insight into the personality of this friend and be accepting of her.
9. What is your take-a-way and why?
I did not get to comment here until today. Wednesday’s title “He emptied Himself” struck me as so filled with degradation. Yet, from what the Scripture says, He did it for us (made himself nothing) in humble submission to the will of the Father. Oh, what love Jesus has for us to do so!
Emptying oneself is so foreign to the world and could be to us as Christians. I just had a conversation with my daughter over the phone, and it was such a temptation to give her a scolding or a lecture over what I perceived as her lack of faith. To empty myself at that moment was to let go of my pride and desire to control, and to really hear her cry for help behind the façade of independence. When Jesus is in the foreground of my mind, my self fades into the background. With Jesus, nothing is impossible.; He provides the willingness for me to obey His voice, the right words to say, and the peace that passes all understanding.
Golden from Bing:
Emptying oneself is so foreign to the world and could be to us as Christians. I just had a conversation with my daughter over the phone, and it was such a temptation to give her a scolding or a lecture over what I perceived as her lack of faith. To empty myself at that moment was to let go of my pride and desire to control, and to really hear her cry for help behind the façade of independence.
Love your entire post, Bing, with your specific examples! I can relate to your conversation with your daughter. It’s so easy to want to rush in and say something back, to lecture, etc….love how you heard her real heart’s cry behind the facade.
I love this Bing! That’s such wisdom from the Lord, I am going to try to practice this too…with God’s help. “When Jesus is in the foreground of my mind, my self fades into the background. With Jesus, nothing is impossible.; He provides the willingness for me to obey His voice, the right words to say, and the peace that passes all understanding.”
THURSDAY (commenting on glimpses of His glory.
His birth: Jesus’ arrival in this world was mostly hidden; only his parents and some animals in a cave were there. A very “quiet” arrival, until some angels appeared to shepherds out in the field watching their sheep, proclaiming the news of a Savior born in Bethlehem. This angelic announcement was a glimpse of this seeminingly unremarkable newborn’s glory.
His life: One time, when being confronted by the Pharisees, Jesus made the astounding statement that “before Abraham was, I AM”. There was also the transfiguration on the mountain when His glory was revealed.
His death: At the moment of His death, the temple curtain was torn in two, from top to bottom. No human could have done that; it was supernatural. There were also earthquakes and darkness that covered the land.
9. I gave an example in the opening of walking in the Trinity in the opening and asked you to think about it this week.Share how you are doing and give an illustration.
I don’t have a specific example, but I am trying to think about it like this: You know how a little child is doing something, and they look back at their parent to see the expression on mom or dad’s face? They are looking for a smile, not a frown; for encouragement and approval. I can “turn to look” at my Father’s face and see His smile of encouragement, even when my efforts are weak. The Holy Spirit helps guide me into truth and brings to mind God’s Word to help me. Jesus gives me examples from His life about how He handled difficult people and situations, and how He trusted His Father.