Let me say right off the bat, this probably won’t be as winsome as many of the Old Testament studies we’ve done with Paige in the past, but it is going to be so good for our souls. It’s like the cough medicine that will quiet a child’s hacking cough so she can get some sleep and heal, but she refuses to receive it. She’d rather keep hacking than take the medicine.
Photo by Priscilla-du-preez from Unsplash
Oh Lord, may we not be like that, hacking along in life, wondering why we are not whole, but instead, come gladly to You, the Healer of our Hearts.
In visiting with a godly friend after listening to Paige, we both had the same reaction to her continually telling the people to put their heads down, to look at the Scriptures and not at her. She kept saying “Heads down!” We didn’t like it and felt scolded! But I think I know why she did it. She wants us to know that Bible study should be a place where you learn and receive what God says. This is important to remember in this stern letter, for, as Paige says, James has more commands than any New Testament book. You may feel pounded! But Paige wants you to know, “This is not Paige Brown telling you how to live, this is God! Therefore it is good wisdom from above, so receive it!”
So before you even listen (or re-listen) to Paige, pray for your heart to be like play-dough, receptive and malleable. For, in addition to the many commands in James there are beautiful PROMISES for those who receive. James is going to spell out how to live so that we are empowered to trust God and choose the daily path that eventually leads to light and not to darkness.
vladislav-babienko-KTpSVEcU0XU-unsplash photo
Pray here, now, for your own heart, silently.
Click here for Study 1:
I’ve divided Paige’s teaching into 5 parts, with a break on Sunday for you to share a “God Hunt,” a way God has worked in your life. This is to help you not be overwhelmed, but go at the pace that is best for you. I’ve not used the questions from Paige’s church, but feel free to do those in your discussion as well if you have time. If you are doing my questions, you can download and print off this document: Discussion Questions for Paige
Thursday: Paige’s Introduction
A. Share your name and why you’ve come. How have you been blessed in the past by doing Bible study in community?
B. What stood out to you from the introduction to this blog and why? (To see my opening go to this link: https://deebrestin.com/category/personal/
Watch the first 17 minutes (From when the video begins at about minute 9 to when she reads James 1:1-19 (minute 26:26). Take notes.
1. Name one thing that particularly stood out to you and tell why.
2. When she opens and welcomes those attending, she said that this was her family’s church “who have added our own dysfunction to this dysfunctional family.” Why might this be a helpful way of looking at our own hearts and our own church? (Matthew 7:3-4 – about the log in the eye)
3. Paige tells a story about her daughter’s reaction after her first track practice. What was it and what was Paige’s point concerning an authentic Bible study? How can this help you be discerning about Bible studies? About sermons?
4. What did you learn about the letter of James and about James himself?
Friday: Count it All Joy! How Trials Can Lead To Maturity
Watch from the time she reads the text (James 1:1-18) up to when she begins Part II (about minute 41:19 when after quoting Corrie ten Boom, she asks “What is the practice of this professed faith?)
5. Read James 1:1-18 slowly as an overview on your own. Find one thing that jumps out at you. Why do you think it does at this time in your life? (Be brief.)
6. Share one thing in particular that stood out to you from this section of Paige’s lecture and explain why.
7. Trials do not help unbelievers, but they can help believers to build muscles. (James 1:2-4) Explain.
8. Faith can be tested – what God tells us should be seen played out in life. Can you give one example concerning God’s hard instructions on sex, the tongue, money… actually play out as true in real life?
9. Can you give one example from your life of a muscle you have because you trusted and obeyed God in a trial?
10. You may have heard it said God will not give us more than we can handle, but James actually teaches the opposite. As Paige says, “This is all about our inability so we collapse upon the Lord.” How might that help you right now in a trial you are facing?
11. When does “imputed” righteousness happen? When will we be completely righteous? What will help us grow toward that now, according to this passage?
God will take you where you have not intended to go to produce in you what you could not produce on your own. (Paul Tripp)
You will never know the strength of the anchor until you feel the stress of the storm. (Corrie ten Boom)
12. Have you experienced the truth of the above statements from Paul Tripp or Corrie ten Boom? If so, share in one sentence with a specific example.
Saturday: Practicing Faith: Counting, Asking, Receiving
Begin listening again at about 41:20 when she asks: “What is the practice of this professed faith when we are faced with these hard things?” Stop at 59:48 when she says “Number 4: Boasting”
13. What stood out to you from this section and why?
14. She said we will have genuine joy along with devastating sorrow, so we must count. What does this mean?
15. What does James tell us to do in the midst of trials and why? What do you learn about God here? (James 1:5)
Our weakness does not keep us from God, our delusions of strength do. (Sinclair Ferguson)
Application assignment: Right now ask God, in faith, for wisdom about a present trial. Receive it. Live into it. Be ready to report, if possible, how it worked out for you at the end of this study. Write the wisdom here and we’ll check back at the end.
“Thou art coming to a King, large petitions with thee bring, for His grace and power are such none can ever ask too much.” (John Newton)
16. Review James 1:6-8. What do you learn about receiving? How well do you receive just the commands we’ve had from James so far? How receptive are you to commands and criticism in general?
17. What illustrations did Paige give about the term James coined: “double-minded?”
18. Name a current trial or temptation in your life and describe what being double-minded would look like. What would single-minded or receiving look like?
God Hunt Sunday (And catch up if need be!)
19. How have you experienced God in your life this week through His presence, an answer to prayer, illumination from His Word, or unusual timing or circumstances?
Monday: Practicing Faith: Boasting, Remaining
Begin listening at 59:48 when she says “Number 4: Boasting” to when she finishes the Joni wheelchair story at about 1:08:11
20. What stood out to you from this section and why?
21. What should the brother in humble circumstances boast in and why? (James 1:9) What do you remember about Paige’s story of the Christian woman who cleaned for her?
22. What should the brother who is rich in this world boast in and why? (James 1:10-11)
23. Paige said we pray for wisdom about money but don’t receive it. Thoughts?
24. What promise is given in James 1:12. What did Paige think this meant?
I am not sure who she was quoting (Dr. Motyer?) but she wants us to remember this: We live about what we love. The shape of our lives is determined by the joy of our hearts. (C. S. Lewis and John Piper have said similar things.)
25. How does the above apply to you?
Tuesday: Principles of Temptation (It’s the Heart, Stupid)
Listen from after the wheelchair story at 1:08:11 to 1:18:19 when she says, “If this is who we are, then what do we need? Everything!”
26. What stands out to you from this section and why?
27. When we are tempted, who or what is the problem? Who or what is not? (James 1:13-14)
28. Paige goes to great lengths to show that we shouldn’t be blaming God, Satan, circumstances, parents, social media, or the culture. Why is this diagnosis important?
29. It is not wrong to be tempted, and every person (James 1:14), even Jesus, struggled with temptation. She quoted Douglas Moo saying “Temptation itself is not sinful –only when our hearts grab it.” We mature as we refuse to succumb to it! Give one example of muscle that has developed in your life because you have repeatedly resisted a particular temptation. (Talking about progress not perfection)
30. Cycle of Sin (She credits Sinclair Ferguson for clarifying this) Please make comments or give examples from your own life after listening to each.
A. Deception “Sin comes from things we believe that are not true.” Give an example.
B. Attraction “What insight does the word lure (as in fishing) give you?
C. Pre-occupation (Now we are enticed) That which was on the outside is on the inside. The word for desire is “epithumia” which means over-desire. (Can even be for something good – -turning it to ultimate)
D. Conception (Desire meets opportunity)
E. Subjection (Mastered)
31. Since Jeremiah 17:17 tells us our hearts are deceitful and desperately wicked, we must listen to someone besides our own hearts! And it’s not Woody Allen! (The heart wants what the heart wants!) Last week I gave you an action assignment to ask for wisdom in the midst of trial or temptation. Did you receive it? Give us a report.
Wednesday: Good Good Father
Listen to the end.
32. What do you learn about God from:
A. James 1:16-18
B. From Paige?
33. Do you believe you are God’s treasure? If so, why?
Jesus lived by what he loved, and the shape of his entire life and death was determined by the joy of his heart — which was us!
34. What is your take-a-way and why?
2. When she opens and welcomes those attending, she said that this was her family’s church “who have added our own dysfunction to this dysfunctional family.” Why might this be a helpful way of looking at our own hearts and our own church? (Matthew 7:3-4 – about the log in the eye) Because we are more able to love others rather than judge others.
3. Paige tells a story about her daughter’s reaction after her first track practice. What was it and what was Paige’s point concerning an authentic Bible study? How can this help you be discerning about Bible studies? About sermons? They ran a lot. It was a lot of work for her to run track and she didn’t want to do that much running. The same is with Bible study. We need to immerse ourselves in the word and go deeper with careful study which takes time,
4. What did you learn about the letter of James and about James himself? The James who wrote this is Jesus’ half brother and he along with his sisters and brothers didn’t believe Jesus was God, until Jesus appeared to James after he rose from the dead. Jesus was the half brother of 7 siblings so a total of 8 children in His family.
Friday: Count it All Joy! How Trials Can Lead To Maturity
Watch from the time she reads the text (James 1:1-18) up to when she begins Part II (about minute 41:19 when after quoting Corrie ten Boom, she asks “What is the practice of this professed faith?)
5. Read James 1:1-18 slowly as an overview on your own. Find one thing that jumps out at you. Why do you think it does at this time in your life? (Be brief.) Steadfastness rather than endurance. Steadfastness isn’t just making it through the trial in a numb kind of way, it’s clinging to God steadfastly trusting in His character knowing He is going to grow me through this into maturity.
6. Share one thing in particular that stood out to you from this section of Paige’s lecture and explain why. It is part of what stood out again when I read James 1:1-18. The trials aren’t the focus in this passage, it’s how I respond that matters. The pain is there, but along side of that is joy in knowing that this is necessary for my growth. God desires for me to be closer to Him, and He desires for me to mature in my faith.
7. Trials do not help unbelievers, but they can help believers to build muscles. (James 1:2-4) Explain. We can’t get out of this life without trial. Trials help believers to grow in our faith and it helps reveal what’s really inside us. Resistance is what we need to build muscle and that’s what trials are because we don’t want them. They are painful but we need them to grow more dependent on God than ourselves because we are what’s holding us back from maturity.
8. Faith can be tested – what God tells us should be seen played out in life. Can you give one example concerning God’s hard instructions on sex, the tongue, money… actually play out as true in real life? If someone comes up to me at work or church and starts gossiping about someone else and everything they are saying about this person is true do I join in or hold my tongue?
9. Can you give one example from your life of a muscle you have because you trusted and obeyed God in a trial? God has built my muscle of dependance on Him in not doubting His character and in falling in His arms. He’s done this through recent trials in regard to betrayal and death which stripped me down to the bone. While these were the worst trials I’ve experienced in a long time, they were necessary for because of them He’s helped me to see my vulnerability, and inability to truly satisfy the need for comfort from the pain in anyone or anything else but Jesus Christ.
10. You may have heard it said God will not give us more than we can handle, but James actually teaches the opposite. As Paige says, “This is all about our inability so we collapse upon the Lord.” How might that help you right now in a trial you are facing? I stated how He’s helped me build muscle in the question above, but OH OH OH how I still need that muscle to be refined, for I can get a little out of shape when everything is going well. I’ve found I must be pretty stubborn, for trials are what it takes to break my (stubborn) muscle down in order to build it up.
So good from dear Rebecca:
God has built my muscle of dependance on Him in not doubting His character and in falling in His arms. He’s done this through recent trials in regard to betrayal and death which stripped me down to the bone. While these were the worst trials I’ve experienced in a long time, they were necessary for because of them He’s helped me to see my vulnerability, and inability to truly satisfy the need for comfort from the pain in anyone or anything else but Jesus Christ.
Dee, it was so hard to not be able to participate on the blog during those rough years of healing from betrayal and trauma. I haven’t been able to get on as much as I desire since my husband stopped his second job, my mornings have been fuller because healing needed to take place. I long long long for the deep well on this blog, first thing in the morning before the sun rises-such a sweet time to be with God and with everyone here. I’m asking God to help me get up earlier! I’m trying nights after work and so far it seems to be do-able, but I’m much better in the morning.
Rebecca, you continue to be an inspiration to me! I still think often of your video from Idol Lies, how you didn’t necessarily want to “sit in your pain” and wait for God to show up, but you did, and He did. You are so amazing, and I love when you’re here.
Susan, God was preparing me for greater trials ahead. Thank you for reminding me that! I forgot, but yes. His mercy!! Isn’t He good?! One baby step at a time and then whoa, we become more and more like Him-able to extend comfort and Grace to others in desperate situations like we’ve never been able to before.
Susan! I too think of Rebecca’s video where she says she knew God would t let her sit in her pain. Thank you Rebecca! You continue to inspire me as well ♥️
11. When does “imputed” righteousness happen? When will we be completely righteous? What will help us grow toward that now, according to this passage? At the time I was born again (from above) – my salvation and that is sealed 100%, but since while here on Earth I still have my sin nature and so I am going through the process of sanctification until it is finished, when I am face to face with Jesus.
What will help me grow is if I ask God for wisdom in helping me to remain steadfast in the trials not doubting His character-who He is for He is generous and will give it to me no matter how many times I ask, or fail then ask again.
God will take you where you have not intended to go to produce in you what you could not produce on your own. (Paul Tripp)
You will never know the strength of the anchor until you feel the stress of the storm. (Corrie ten Boom)
12. Have you experienced the truth of the above statements from Paul Tripp or Corrie ten Boom? If so, share in one sentence with a specific example. When my storm grew stronger and I was weary, He held me up for I couldn’t – no way, and I can’t explain the strength and joy He gave me along side of the pain. Just like Paige described it. I experienced both-deep pain, yet deep joy in Him. Like Paige said, counting the joy instead of the trials.
I understand the joy and pain thing. I don’t know if I was spiritually mature enough at the time to recognize the joy though. I have definitely grown in that respect since that time.
Laura, Girl, you’ve grown by leaps and bounds. You are one of the most inquisitive, and honest believers I know, and I love how you are so hungry for God.
Love to see you back here Rebecca, your insight as been greatly missed!
Has been
26. What stands out to you from this section and why? Don’t be deceived about the source of temptation. For many years I believed that I had been a victim and therefore my bad choices were not really my fault.
27. When we are tempted, who or what is the problem? Who or what is not? (James 1:13-14) My heart is the problem. It is not God’s fault or the devils or the fault of my circumstances.
28. Paige goes to great lengths to show that we shouldn’t be blaming God, Satan, circumstances, parents, social media, or the culture. Why is this diagnosis important? I must accept responsibility for my bad choices and disobedience that leads to sin in my heart.
29. It is not wrong to be tempted, and every person (James 1:14), even Jesus, struggled with temptation. She quoted Douglas Moo saying “Temptation itself is not sinful –only when our hearts grab it.” We mature as we refuse to succumb to it! Give one example of muscle that has developed in your life because you have repeatedly resisted a particular temptation. (Talking about progress not perfection) I had a bad habit of embelishing stories, they were true enough real experiences…I just wanted them to be a little more interesting or entertaining. The Holy Spirit has really helped me to resist the impulse or need to exaggerate. I have learned to pray before I go to a public event and ask the Lord to keep me in check…I am doing much better at just telling the facts.
30. Cycle of Sin (She credits Sinclair Ferguson for clarifying this) Please make comments or give examples from your own life after listening to each.
A. Deception “Sin comes from things we believe that are not true.” Give an example. No one wants to hear what I have to say.
B. Attraction “What insight does the word lure (as in fishing) give you? enticed) That which was on the outside is on the inside. The word for desire is “epithumia” which means over-desire. (Can even be for something good – -turning it to ultimate) It makes me think of the deadly sins…lust of the eye.
D. Conception (Desire meets opportunity)
E. Subjection (Mastered)
31. Since Jeremiah 17:17 tells us our hearts are deceitful and desperately wicked, we must listen to someone besides our own hearts! And it’s not Woody Allen! (The heart wants what the heart wants!) Last week I gave you an action assignment to ask for wisdom in the midst of trial or temptation. Did you receive it? Give us a report. I asked for wisdom in how to talk to my grandson about his disrespectful attitude toward his Mother and Step-father. Caiden will be 18 this year and is graduating from High School, I am flying out to California for his graduation. His graduation gift was to be a trip with me to Washington DC and Historical sites on the way to my home in West Virginia. However, he has been very rebellious this year and has made some very bad choices…I need wisdom! I have tried to call and text him…he is not responding. I don’t really know if this is God’s way of protecting him or him ignoring my attempts to reach him. Waiting…🙏❤️🙏
The waiting is the hardest part Lydia. 🙏
Yes, it is. I am continuing to prayer and waiting for wisdom in what to say…and do.🙏❤️🙏
Lydia, what a hard situation with your grandson, Caiden. Hopefully when you see him in person at his graduation, you will have the opportunity to talk with him in person.
26. What stands out to you from this section and why?
The story of Joni Erickson-Tada. She is amazing to me. How she described holding Jesus’ nail scarred hands really moved me. How she said she would have a glorified body then. It made me think.
27. When we are tempted, who or what is the problem? Who or what is not? (James 1:13-14)
I am the problem. Not God.
32. What do you learn about God from:
A. James 1:16-18
Anything good and perfect comes from God. He created the lights in heaven.
He never changes. He chose to give birth to us. He gave us His true Word.
33. Do you believe you are God’s treasure? If so, why?
Sometimes. I’m beginning to understand this idea more and more. But, I am a sinner and struggle that I am not living up to what He wants me to be as an imperfect person. I mean well, but I fail in so many ways. I think I am progressing with this idea though, because years ago I don’t think I could have even said “sometimes.” I am learning that it really isn’t about me, rather God did this for us. He chose to form us and He loves us. We are His creation! It is a beautiful thing and the last bit of this scripture reminds us of that.
“He chose to give birth to us by giving us his true word. And we, out of all creation, became his prized possession.”
James 1:18 NLT
It’s verses like these that help me remember my true worth to Him. I am His prized possession. Wow, chills.
Love the NLT paraphrase of tha t– and that you are beginning to believe it all the time!
Laura, I struggle with this too…because of past failures and the rebellion of my youth. Lord Jesus help us to see ourselves through Your eyes.🙏❤️🙏
Laura, we all struggle with not living up to what God wants us to be because yes, we are imperfect and fail in so many ways. It is so hard to grasp that we are the beloved of God! Love that you are making progress though in believing it!
Amen, Susan!
I struggle with this too! How can He love me with all of my flaws and failures. I love that verse! I love Lydia’s prayer! Lord Jesus help us to see ourselves through Your eyes.🙏❤️🙏
18. Name a current trial or temptation in your life and describe what being double-minded would look like. What would single-minded or receiving look like?
I can’t think of a specific trial or temptation to name right now (temptations are always around every corner), but in any trial or temptation, being double-minded would look like half-heartedness to me – half-heartedly seeking God and asking for His wisdom, half-heartedly wanting to obey what He might tell me to do, half-heartedly wanting to give up the temptation. Like Paige said, it’s facing two ways, sort of wanting to weigh my options….God’s option on the one hand, and my way of dealing with it on the other hand. So it’s not a full turning to face God. I guess a trial (not sure if I should call it a trial?) for me has been feeling lonely and lacking purpose due to my last child moving away from home. I feel directionless and lonely, even though I still go to work part-time and do some volunteer work and have my husband at home. And though I know God is “here” for me, I still feel these feelings. I feel like I lost the job I really loved – being a mother. I would love to be more of a grandma too, but my grandchildren live in another state. Perhaps being double-minded is when I try to escape my loneliness and feeling purposeless by doing things I know are not good for me, like eating sweets, entertainment, or some other means of escape in the moment. Practically speaking, I am not sure exactly what to “do” in this situation or what turning to God entirely would look like? Reading my Bible more? Praying more?
19. How have you experienced God in your life this week through His presence, an answer to prayer, illumination through His Word, or unusual timing or circumstances?
There is a prayer called St. Patrick’s Breastplate, and one line reads, “Christ in mouth of friend and stranger.” Last week, I had two really hard and trying days at work. I often beat myself up mentally, wondering what I could’ve done better, what I didn’t do right, etc… After giving report to the night shift nurse, one of the nurses said to me, “You’re a good nurse, Susan.” I don’t know him that well, but it meant a lot to me and really touched me that he said that.
20. What stood out to you from this section and why?
Paige shared a quote that said we live by what we love and the shape of our lives is determined by the joys of our heart. It reminds me of the verse in Romans that says don’t be squeezed into the world’s mold. I think of the little molds my kids would make shapes and things with when playing with play-dough. You’d pack in the play-dough into the hinged mold, close it and squeeze it, and then you had…Barney the dinosaur! It is sobering to consider that my life is being shaped by the joys and desires of my heart.
21. What should the brother in humble circumstances boast in and why? (James 1:9) What do you remember about Paige’s story of the Christian woman who cleaned for her?
James 1:9 says believers who are poor have something to boast about, for God has honored them. (NLT) Paige had a cleaning lady who was a believer, and Paige once gave her a gift from a wealthy woman (I think the gift was given to Paige but she didn’t need it and gave it to her cleaning lady) The cleaning lady asked if this wealthy woman went to Paige’s church, and Paige said no; she wasn’t sure this woman was a Christian. The cleaning lady said she felt sorry for this woman. Though she had wealth and could buy expensive gifts, spiritually she was poor because she didn’t have Jesus.
22. What should the brother who is rich in this world boast in and why? (James 1:10-11)
He should boast in his neediness – his need for God. Though he may be rich, the wise rich man will understand that his wealth cannot buy him acceptance by God, and he will understand that spiritually, he is poor and needs God.
23. Paige said we pray for wisdom about money but don’t receive it. Thoughts?
I think we can forget that God gives us our money, even though we may go to work and think, I did the work, and I earned my paycheck, and so it’s my money.
24. What promise is given in James 1:12? What did Paige think this meant?
The one who perseveres under trial will receive the crown of life that God promises to those who love him. She said it’s more like the laurel wreath given to an athlete who won his race.
25. I am not sure who she was quoting but she wants us to remember this: We live about what we love. The shape of our lives is determined by the joy of our hearts. How does the above apply to you?
I answered some of this above, and I also think this touches on idolatry and on what I worship. If I truly place God first in my heart and life, then my life will take shape around Him, and I also believe He will shape me into the person He created me to be. But I can resist His shaping by putting other things or people first in my heart and shaping my life accordingly. I admit that much of the past three decades has been with my children being the joy of my heart, and much of all that I did was focused around them. One example is, when my daughter got into high school, she liked to come with me to my adult Sunday school class rather than go to the high school group, because she has issues with anxiety and didn’t like the high school room where loud music was playing and lots of kids were in there. But most Sundays, after the Sunday school class, she’d want to go home to start on her homework, and so we’d go home together, and I didn’t stay for the worship service. I told myself that going to Sunday school, where we did study Scripture together, was enough.
Wednesday: Good Good Father
Listen to the end.
32. What do you learn about God from:
A. James 1:16-18
—Do not be deceived. Don’t believe any lies about God because the truth is he gives us good and perfect gifts. He is the Father of all creation and he never ever changes. And the ultimate good gift is that of his own will and choosing he brought the word of truth into our lives so we would become his.
B. From Paige?
—Every good thing we need comes from God. He is a giving God who gives perfect gifts and they are individually perfect for me.
He is the Father of Heavenly Lights.
Everything is in motion in the Universe but He never changes.
God always is everything he is.
33. Do you believe you are God’s treasure? If so, why?
—Yes I do. He convinced me through the study of his Word, the Bible. That and through good Bible teachers and preachers I have come to understand who God really is as my Heavenly Father. It came by gaining a greater personal knowledge of Him. The studies on this blog have served in great measure to teach and ingrain this truth in my heart.
Also He has impressed upon my heart in prayer times and meditating on his Word that he loves me.
“Jesus lived by what he loved, and the shape of his entire life and death was determined by the joy of his heart — which was us!”
—I remember learning this truth that we are the joy that was set before Jesus in going to the Cross. It was from the very first teaching I heard from Paige. It deeply impacted my heart and I have never forgotten it.
34. What is your take-a-way and why?
—Oh my! Where to begin. This week has been incredibly rich but I think the importance of seeking and gaining God’s wisdom and that he is a giving God. If we ask he will give it generously to us his own children.
His wisdom will lead us to live a steadfast life and not be deceived about our trials or in our temptations.
27. When we are tempted, who or what is the problem? Who or what is not?
Any temptation to sin or to give in to evil comes from us. God is never the one trying to tempt us to sin.
28. Paige goes to great lengths to show that we shouldn’t be blaming God, Satan, circumstances, parents, social media, or the culture. Why is this diagnosis important?
This is interesting because I recently listened to a Christian man on a podcast explaining about how demons or evil spirits have “assignments” to plague us; for example, with lust or envy. And he talked about having the authority to name the spirit and rebuke it. So if I have a serious problem with jealousy, there is a demon of jealousy causing this. I just need to send it away. Not sure I understand that, but I’ve heard that kind of stuff before in Christian circles. I do know that the Bible warns us not to give the devil a foothold because he can then build strongholds in our life. But I am thinking that if we have Christ in us, we have the power to say no to sin and temptation, and so the buck stops with us. We really can’t blame others or the culture for our problem.
29. It is not wrong to be tempted, and every person, even Jesus, struggled with temptation. She quoted Douglas Moo saying “Temptation itself is not sinful – only when our hearts grab it.” We mature as we refuse to succumb to it. Give one example of muscle that has develped in your life because you have repeatedly resisted a particular temptation. (Talking about progress not perfection)
Didn’t Martin Luther say something like we can’t stop the birds from flying about our heads, but we don’t have to let them make a nest in there? I have always had a tendency to daydream and fantasize, especially when I’m home alone and say, cleaning the house. Maybe it’s boredom? But I am making progress to bring myself back to where I am and what I am doing and try to think about God, or something I’ve read in the Bible or a spiritual writing.
Susan, so good: “But I am thinking that if we have Christ in us, we have the power to say no to sin and temptation, and so the buck stops with us. We really can’t blame others or the culture for our problem.”
Susan, I agree wholeheartedly with what you said as quoted by Susan!
Susan, The very same comment that Rebecca noted stuck out to me as well. I think that is good insight. I also think your practice of trying to control your thoughts in a spiritually productive way is very good.
32. What do you learn about God from:
A. James 1:16-18 Every good gift is from God who doesn’t change like shifting shadows. It is He who gives us birth through the word
B. From Paige? We have the provision of God and the generous giving of God. Everything He gives us is good and what He gives me is perfect for me God never changes and so He is our constant. He gives us new birth and new birth is the whole story. We have the same relationship with the Father that Jesus has with the Father What Jesus did for us at Calvary was to give us a new relationship with God we are His bondservant and child
33. Do you believe you are God’s treasure? If so, why? In my head I know that is what I am to believe but I don’t always have heart knowledge of this. I love how Jesus called the woman with blood issue daughter. That touches my heart of His kindness and compassion towards a woman who was unclean. So maybe I should remember His reaction to her when my heart isn’t lining up
Jesus lived by what he loved, and the shape of his entire life and death was determined by the joy of his heart — which was us!
34. What is your take-a-way and why? The heart is deceptive above all things I need to guard my heart and seek to understand in my heart how God views me – not how He loves and treasures everyone but how He feels about me
Judy, I like how you said that you need to remember not how Christ loves and treasures everyone, but that he loves and treasures you individually. That’s what I need to keep reminding myself as well.
Monday: Practicing Faith: Boasting, Remaining
Begin listening at 59:48 when she says “Number 4: Boasting” to when she finishes the Joni wheelchair story at about 1:08:11
20. What stood out to you from this section and why?
Wealth and money are the biggest threats to our unwavering devotion to God.
I went out to eat at a Mexican restaurant with my daughter. On our way from her apartment, we drove through a few miles of a rich neighborhood and I was open-mouthed with the largeness of some of the houses. Then when we arrived at the shopping area where the restaurant was, I saw several high-end stores. Though my heart was content at the moment, I couldn’t help thinking about why wealth and money can threaten our devotion to God. They can offer a lot of pleasures and indulgences, pleasing to the eye, and the flesh and to the pride of life.
21. What should the brother in humble circumstances boast in and why? (James 1:9) What do you remember about Paige’s story of the Christian woman who cleaned for her?
He can boast of his riches in Christ. He has everything in Christ.
I remembered when the cleaning lady accepted the gift and asked if the giver was a Christian, Paige said no. And the cleaning lady said that she was sorry. She might have been poor but she was rich in Christ and the giver of the gift was spiritually poor.
22. What should the brother who is rich in this world boast in and why? (James 1:10-11)
He should acknowledge how needy he is. His riches cannot bring him satisfaction-only Jesus can.
23. Paige said we pray for wisdom about money but don’t receive it. Thoughts?
Perhaps we have our own limit to what we want to give and refuse to receive his instructions. We want to give at a level that is comfortable to us.
24. What promise is given in James 1:12. What did Paige think this meant?
I am not sure who she was quoting (Dr. Motyer?) but she wants us to remember this: We live about what we love. The shape of our lives is determined by the joy of our hearts. (C. S. Lewis and John Piper have said similar things.)
Whatever we love gets the time, resources, and effort from us. If I love my work, my hobbies, etc more than I love God, then I will spend and be spent for them.
25. How does the above apply to you?
What are the joys of my heart? Are they of Jesus’? I want to have His joys-people, joy in the Father, and joy in the Father’s purposes and provisions. How am I using my resources? Do I honor God with them?
So much truth in this statement, Bing! Though my heart was content at the moment, I couldn’t help thinking about why wealth and money can threaten our devotion to God. They can offer a lot of pleasures and indulgences, pleasing to the eye, and the flesh and to the pride of life. These temporary things can entice us away from God, if we are not grounded in His Word~ yet there is not lasting joy in them….Only Jesus can truly bring joy to our hearts!
Tuesday: Principles of Temptation (It’s the Heart, Stupid)
Listen from after the wheelchair story at 1:08:11 to 1:18:19[0p-,l2w when she says, “If this is who we are, then what do we need? Everything!”
26. What stands out to you from this section and why?
27. When we are tempted, who or what is the problem? Who or what is not? (James 1:13-14)
It is me who is the problem. I cannot blame anyone or anything!
28. Paige goes to great lengths to show that we shouldn’t be blaming God, Satan, circumstances, parents, social media, or the culture. Why is this diagnosis important?
We need to know and acknowledge that we made the choice. We cannot blame anyone or anything. We are held accountable to God.
29. It is not wrong to be tempted, and every person (James 1:14), even Jesus, struggled with temptation. She quoted Douglas (Moot?) saying “Temptation itself is not sinful –only when our hearts grab it.” We mature as we refuse to succumb to it! Give one example of muscle that has developed in your life because you have repeatedly resisted a particular temptation. (Talking about progress not perfection)
God has been helping me develop the muscle of sincere love for the brethren instead of giving in to my tendency to judge somebody or make assumptions about their situations. The latter sends me spinning to the galaxy of either inferiority or superiority; AKA in my own personal vocabulary, pride.
30. Cycle of Sin (She credits Sinclair Ferguson for clarifying this) Please make comments or give examples from your own life after listening to each.
A. Deception “Sin comes from things we believe that are not true.” Give an example.
I am only good if I do not rock the boat or stir the waters so others would approve of me. I know that at times I must speak the truth even if it rocks my boat.
B. Attraction “What insight does the word lure (as in fishing) give you?
Very enticing, and attractive and caters to my human proclivities.
Having the approval of people is attractive.
C. Pre-occupation (Now we are enticed) That which was on the outside is on the inside. The word for desire is “epithumia” which means over-desire. (Can even be for something good – -turning it to ultimate)
I start thinking of ways I can get people’s approval.
D. Conception (Desire meets opportunity)
People want to be my friends because I am popular like I wrote this, I won this award, etc
E. Subjection (Mastered)
I get prideful and would see accomplishments as my way to feed my idol of approval and significance. And a small failure can easily get me into a downward spiral.
31. Since Jeremiah 17:17 tells us our hearts are deceitful and desperately wicked, we must listen to someone besides our own hearts! And it’s not Woody Allen! (The heart wants what the heart wants!) Last week I gave you an action assignment to ask for wisdom in the midst of trial or temptation. Did you receive it? Give us a report.
I asked for wisdom on how to lead my chapter as president at our first meeting this year. I meditated on James 3 (the kind of wisdom that is from above) as I wrote my agenda and work through some sensitive issues with a couple of officers. The meeting went with a few hitches but I felt God’s presence and direction as we moved along. There were some “unhappy people” but I left with God’s peace in my heart.
My youngest daughter Lindie & her husband Adam and their two boys ages 6 & 10 are flying to Brazil today and tomorrow to spend some time with close friends Peter & Linda who are serving as missionaries in Porto Velho. Peter is a missionary pilot who flies into the jungles serving Bible translators. Our kids fly from Kalispell to Denver to Chicago. Then have a 13 hour overnight flight to San Paulo and then a 3 1/2 hour flight to Porto Velho tomorrow. So that is 5 flights over 32 hours. I would appreciate your prayers for them as they travel to a troubled country but God has opened the doors for this trip. We are praying it will be a time of blessing and encouragement for both families.
Prayers for protection, no flight snares, the kids enjoy the adventure, a time of encouragement & refreshment for all
Praying for them, Bev.
Bev, praying for Lindie and Adam and the boys to have a wonderful time with Peter and Linda. I usually have 4 flights going to the Philippines so I can relate some! Yes, for a time of blessing and encouragement for both families!
🙏 Praying for His hand of protection over your family in their travels and their time in Brazil.
I have gotten emails from you before. I am teaching James right now. Love this!
Welcome, Barbara!
My takeaway:
That I am God’s treasure and Jesus’ joy! This is a truth that feels like a warm hug!
I am interesting in the study of James. Thank you!!