A Brand New Year, A Fresh Start!
Yet, we may have already blown it, or if we understand anything of the holiness of God, we know we will before the day is out. Still, I’d like you to reflect on how you are growing because of the power of Christ in you, and then give us a word you want to grow into in 2023. My word is: Emptied.”
This year I have grown through good preaching, books, and friends (like you!) The sermon on Jesus being Mighty God was so good, showing all He emptied Himself of in order to become flesh. And Paul tells us to do likewise. So when I am with a hard person, I want to empty myself and be to them what Christ would be, valuing them above myself, and really listening, really loving. them. I want to see this year a year of real growth in resisting temptation, living sacrificially, and trusting Him. And I do know that it isn’t enough to empty myself, but I must fall on Him in faith.
Let’s pray for one another to live into our words! If you don’t know your word yet, pray, and ask God to give you one.
Beginning January 12th, I will follow Paige Benton Brown here on her 8 week series on James. (See begins streaming January 11th. To be reminded, sign up here: https://westendcc.org/studies/paigebrown/
During the next 11 days we will get ready. I will not post again until Thursday, January 12th with questions for Paige’s first lecture on James. I hope you will stay here next Sunday through Wednesday to hear Nancy Guthrie’s fascinating lecture on the brother of Jesus: James.
There are those throughout the centuries that have protested the inclusion of this letter, saying, “Where is the Gospel?” My seminary professor at Covenant explained that some see James’ letter as being like the book of Proverbs, with many wise sayings on how to live. But actually, James is giving us the law, much as Jesus did in The Sermon on the Mount. By the end of the book of James we are screaming: BUT I CAN’T DO IT!
Photo by Simran Sood on Unsplash
That is exactly where we need to be to hear the Gospel.
Downloadable Document for Small Groups:
Preparing for James’ Study
New Year’s Day! God Hunt Sunday
1. How did you experience the power or presence of God during this last Christmas week?
2. What word will you ask God to help you live into in 2023 and why?
Monday: Where is the Gospel in James?
3. What does James finally tell us in James 4:6-7 and how can you see the gospel here?
4. What is the purpose of the Law according to Galatians 3:24?
5. Share how the Law helped you recognize your sin initially and made you realize your need for a Savior.
6. Share how the Law, on an everyday basis, caused you to fall upon Christ. How might this relate to living more victoriously in 2023?
Tuesday: What’s The Deal Between Faith and Works in the Book of James?
Read the following one page article by Courtney Doctor:
7. How does Courtney Doctor reconcile the controversial James 2:14?
8. What other comments do you have from the above article?
Wednesday: Should the Book of James Be in The Bible?
Perhaps you have heard the controversy about James’ letter — why is it in the Bible if it doesn’t contain the gospel? (Though we have already shown it does!) This tenet is based on a false presupposition that a group of men sat down and decided, among hundreds of books, which ones should be in and which ones should be out. That is not how the Canon came about. As R. C. Sproul explains, they didn’t decide which should be in, they accepted the books that had always been accepted, and did not include anything that had not always been accepted. He writes:
It’s one thing to make something authoritative, and it’s another thing to recognize something that already is authoritative. Those human decisions did not make something that was not authoritative suddenly authoritative, but rather the church was bowing, acquiescing to that which they recognized to be sacred Scripture.
9. How does the above understanding give you confidence in the Canon?
One truth that gives me confidence is that though the Bible was written over many centuries, by many men, from many cultures, who for the most part had no contact with one another, it is one story from Genesis to Revelation: the story of Jesus and His glorious gospel.
10. List some evidence that gives you confidence that the Bible is the very Word of God.
Thursday: James, the Little Brother of Jesus
There were books that people wanted in the Canon that had not always been accepted — and they are in a separate section in Catholic Bibles. That section is called “The Apocrypha.” In one section, it describes the boy Jesus turning clay pigeons to life. If that had really happened (which is so doubtful as Philippians 2:6 tells us he never used his power to his own advantage) then perhaps James wouldn’t have had such a hard time believing his brother was God incarnate. No — Jesus emptied himself. He had to learn to talk and walk. Jesus probably got colds, suffered acne…all of it so that He might sympathize with us.
11. Given this, why might it have been hard to believe that your older brother was God incarnate?
12. Read Mark 6:1-5
A. What do you learn about James from this passage?
B. How did people who knew Jesus’ family respond to Him?
C. How did Jesus explain it? (verse 4) Why, do you think?
13. What did Jesus’ siblings think about Him according to Mark 3:20-21?
When Lucy comes back from Narnia, her brother Edward tells their siblings she made the whole thing up. The Professor gives them three options: Either she is lying, or she is out of her mind, or she is telling the truth. Those were the same options that Jesus’ siblings had when considering Jesus.
Friday: James, The Worldly Unbeliever
Tim Keller points to John 7:1-12 to show the unbelief and worldliness of Jesus’ brothers before the Resurrection when everything changed.
14. Read John 7:1-12
A. Why didn’t Jesus want to go to Judea and why did his brothers think he should? What worldly reason do they give?
B. Who do you think they thought he was?
C. Describe the differing opinions you see about Jesus in this passage.
We do know from Acts that James became a leader of the church in Jerusalem. We know from historical sources like Josephus that he was stoned for his faith. What converted James so dramatically? The resurrection of his brother!
15. What caused you to believe that Jesus is indeed who He claimed to be — God incarnate?
16. What’s your take-a-way this week and why?
I will not post until next Thursday — so here are four more days to keep going!
God Hunt Sunday:
17. How have you experienced the risenness of Christ this week?
Monday-Wednesday: Nancy Guthrie on James
18. Listen (or read) the above from Nancy Guthrie and share your observations and comments:
See you tomorrow as we begin listening and learning from Paige — watch for a Post in your in-box.
Tim Keller points to John 7:1-12 to show the unbelief and worldliness of Jesus’ brothers before the Resurrection when everything changed.
14. Read John 7:1-12
A. Why didn’t Jesus want to go to Judea and why did his brothers think he should? What worldly reason do they give?
Jesus (in John 6) discusses with his disciples that there are some of them who do not yet believe who He is and He knew that the Jews wanting to kill him. His brothers still did not perceive that He was the Son of God, but they had a worldly view and wanted Jesus to go perform miracles that could be seen by all ~ to show Himself to the world.
B. Who do you think they thought he was?
I think they thought Jesus was gifted, but did now understand the source. They were thinking in terms of Jesus gaining something in this world (and they would be part of it), yet Jesus came to give something to this world~ Himself, the Sacrifice for all of our sins.
C. Describe the differing opinions you see about Jesus in this passage.
The Jews were seeking to kill Jesus. The brothers were thinking of promoting Jesus. Not even His brothers were believing in Him. Some said He was a “good man”; others said He leads people astray.
We do know from Acts that James became a leader of the church in Jerusalem. We know from historical sources like Josephus that he was stoned for his faith. What converted James so dramatically? The resurrection of his brother!
15. What caused you to believe that Jesus is indeed who He claimed to be — God incarnate?
The faith of my parents, when I was a child always stayed with me. I knew in my heart, as a child, that I loved Jesus and that He was the Son of God. I strayed off the path in my teens. The prayers of my parents and the influence of godly people that the Lord brought into my life changed me. I felt that God put certain people in our lives, when we were young marrieds. It was then that my heart totally changed. It was like the scripture I had always known, came alive….I cannot explain it, but I knew that God had changed my heart forever.
Love this, Patti:
It was like the scripture I had always known, came alive….I cannot explain it, but I knew that God had changed my heart forever.
I agree wholeheartedly with Patti! It was like the scripture I had always known, came alive….I cannot explain it, but I knew that God had changed my heart forever.
14. Read John 7:1-12
A. Why didn’t Jesus want to go to Judea and why did his brothers think he should? What worldly reason do they give?
Jesus didn’t want to go because the Jewish leaders were plotting His death.
They wanted Him to go to Judea where His followers could see His miracles. How’s He going to be famous if He hides and if He could do such wonderful things He needed to show Himself to the world.
B. Who do you think they thought he was?
I’m not real sure. They didn’t believe in Him as God incarnate…maybe they too thought He was just a fraud.
C. Describe the differing opinions you see about Jesus in this passage.
There was a lot of grumbling among the people and some argued, “He’s a good man, but others said He’s nothing but a fraud who deceives people.
15. What caused you to believe that Jesus is indeed who He claimed to be — God incarnate?
I had always been taught about Jesus as long as I can remember and so honestly I took it in faith that He is God incarnate. I will say as I got older that when I lived the way I wanted to, I was miserable and I gained understanding of the importance of being in a right relationship with Jesus. That is where I found my joy and peace. I think God allowed things in my life to test my faith and draw me closer to Him…that’s how my faith became my own!!
Oh, Sharon! The joy and peace! Yes! That is what I was missing when I lived the way I thought would make me happy. And this is so so true in my life too: I think God allowed things in my life to test my faith and draw me closer to Him…that’s how my faith became my own!! When my faith is tested now, I trust that He is allowing it for a higher purpose.
Patti, in reading your answer to #15, our testimonies are quite similar!
Love this…”I cannot explain it, but I knew that God had changed my heart forever.” That’s a realization I came to as well❤️
Friday: James, The Worldly Unbeliever
Tim Keller points to John 7:1-12 to show the unbelief and worldliness of Jesus’ brothers before the Resurrection when everything changed.
14. Read John 7:1-12
A. Why didn’t Jesus want to go to Judea and why did his brothers think he should? What worldly reason do they give?
His time was not yet but His brothers think it is time for him to go so He can show himself publicly. They think that Jesus is hiding since their expectations of somebody who is the Messiah should be somebody who should be making himself known. They do not understand the upside-down kingdom that Jesus was bringing in.
B. Who do you think they thought he was?
Maybe they were thinking he is like the ones who have come before Jesus, and called themselves the Messiah, but has never been proven to be true. Crazy, mad, or a liar.
C. Describe the differing opinions you see about Jesus in this passage.
All the opinions of Jesus here are wrong. Nobody is seeing Him as He truly is. He is not what they expected. The Jews see Him as a threat to their position.
We do know from Acts that James became a leader of the church in Jerusalem. We know from historical sources like Josephus that he was stoned for his faith. What converted James so dramatically? The resurrection of his brother!
15. What caused you to believe that Jesus is indeed who He claimed to be — God incarnate?
The Word of God speaks of Jesus as God incarnate. Looking back at my life and seeing the triune God at work. The change from what I used to be is evidence of the truth of God’s Word. Jesus has saved me from my old self, and I have been made new!
This is so good and true! Amen to this, Bing! Jesus has saved me from my old self, and I have been made new!
16. What’s your take-a-way this week and why?
Good works are a natural result of being saved by faith in Christ Jesus. If I believe and abide in Christ, I will bear fruit in keeping with His life in me. Emptying myself should be a part of living the Christian life because Jesus emptied Himself and we are to follow His example.
I have been encouraged this week by how God is keeping me accountable to my word of the year, “emptied”. It is hard but not hard at the same time knowing He is the One who enables me to “empty” myself.
I’m glad we have the same word, Bing — you help me to remember to practice it.
16. What’s your take-a-way this week and why? The information about the book of James being in the Bible and that the books selected were those already accepted as God s word. Where would Christians be without the Bible that God has preserved generation after generation. So I love now knowing that from the beginning these are sacred and holy scriptures. How God has looked after them so that I can read them today.
Oh I love that you got that, Judy!
16. What’s your take-a-way this week and why?
I have been so encouraged by being here this week in reading each of your God hunts, one words and beautiful testimonies…my heart is full in knowing there are sisters in Christ who have such a love for our Lord and want to put that into action. Thank you Jesus🙏❤️
16. What’s your take-a-way this week and why?
As Sharon mentioned, I am thanking God for each of you dear sisters in Christ, who trust and love the Lord and want to live for Him daily. I Praise Him for each one of you, even the silent ones. This quote sums up my thoughts:
“Nothing else, I believe, comes close to being as important in life as knowing God. It’s what we are here for. We are created to glorify Him as long as we live on this planet, and to enjoy Him for the rest of eternity.” Elisabeth Elliot
love the EE quote, Patti! Copied it!
God Hunt Sunday:
17. How have you experienced the risenness of Christ this week?
Jesus died to himself every day of his 33 years of earthly life. That is a long time and a lot of dying! And to have his own family call him crazy and not even be able to “see” the change in their hearts that He continually prayed for before his crucifixion. Yet He fixed his face as a flint “Set your face like flint is the figure of speech the prophet uses to describe the Messiah’s unwavering determination to persevere in the excruciating task set before Him.” All because of His love for us.
And if I could include our “words of the year” (and I hope I did not miss anybody’s), His life, his example gives me hope and the ability to trust Him to make me humble, winsome, abiding in Him, growing in the Word, knowing that we are clothed with His righteousness, freed from sin and its penalty and power and to be able to be emptied of self and to extend grace to others while receiving grace daily from Him.
“For we know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body ruled by sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves to sin because anyone who has died has been set free from sin.” Romans 6:6-7
All our words for the year are available to us because of what Jesus has done for us. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!
Bing, so awesome how you inserted everyone’s One word into a sentence…will copy that into my notes! Thank you ❤️
Yes Bing that is soooo good, your compilation of all our “Words for the Year”. I’m really blessed by that and your observation that it is all because of Jesus. Yes Praise God!
What a sweet blessing you are to us, dear Bing!
Bing–this is beautiful! You have the gift of encouragement!
I posted mine late. It’s “worthy.” Nice that you did that Bing 😉.
Amen Bing! You said everything so perfectly! Thank-you.🙏❤️🙏
Oh, Bing! What a beautiful blessing you have given us all with these words. I am going to save this, as a reminder this year. Thank you!
17. How have you experienced the risenness of Christ this week?
I have seen Christ this week in the life of a dear friend. A darkness that has been causing her sorrow, pain and suffering has been lifted. How I am rejoicing with her, as she feels new joy and relief and freedom from this burden. Praising Jesus for answered prayer!
What a joy to experience an answered prayer with a friend! You share with the burdens of so many and you do it so well, Patti!
I agree with Bing, Patti–you have such an amazing impact on the lives around you. You shine of Jesus and we are all so blessed by your faithful example.
2. What word will you ask God to help you live into in 2023 and why?
Three words.
Ruthlessly eliminate hurry.
Inspired by reading and listening to Dallas Willard.
Much needed if I am to learn to listen to our Lord… and if I am to contiuously have my soul restored.
Very good, Nila!
Nila, I needed to hear and see your three words! It seems like I am often in a hurry so your three words really resonated with me. I have read some articles by Dallas Willard before. There was one on “the darkness of the soul” which I now couldn’t find. I found this quote from a reference site from Frederick Faber about waiting on God:
I need to add your three words to my list next to your name. (Smile)
Thank you for these words, Bing. I am currently listening to an audio book, “The Relentless Elimination of Hurry” by Mark Comer.
There are so many things to distract us. So many……
Dallas Willard said, “cultivate that quiet inward space.”
I love this whole discussion. Love your words, Nila. And this is so good: continuously restore my soul…and “cultivate that quiet inward space.” And I love your Frederick Faber quote, Bing. Saving all of these. What a blessing you ladies are.
17. How have you experienced the risenness of Christ this week? I’ve tried to spend a little time focusing on what be still and know that I am God is to mean to me. I read this by Andrew Murray “the precious blood of Christ has opened the way for the believer into God s presence, and fellowship with Him is a deep spiritual reality. He who knows the full power of the blood is brought so near that he lives in the immediate presence of God and in the enjoyment of the unspeakable blessings attached to it.” I sat quietly (which I ve tried numerous times before and my mind wanders) and I thought of ocean waves that wash me closer to God and when the waves roll back part of God comes with me. Then the waves reverse and the waves roll out from God s throne to me bringing God to me and when the waves roll back I go with them closer to God. Those images have stayed with me and I recall them and drawing nearer to God. So what have I experienced because of the risenness of Christ this week – the new way to draw near to God.
Judy, I loved the wave picture image!
Judy–I love that quote and your thoughts. I love Andrew Murray’s book on Humility, it is one of my favorite books.
What beautiful images, Judy. What a wonderful way to draw near to God. Thank you for sharing this.
God Hunt Sunday:
17. How have you experienced the risenness of Christ this week?
—I shared on Wednesday my disappointment that the care home here in my own town was not willing to take my Mom after asking them again.
My sister and I committed to claiming Proverbs 3: 5 & 6 in regard to this situation and we both committed it to prayer as did a number of godly people close to our situation. But God said no again and I had to back out of my disappointment. Jesus was gracious and faithful to me. When the emotions are involved it can be hard to keep perspective of God at work. Faith is not a feeling. He used the encouraging voices from my sister and our two brothers as well as my very close friend in the Lord. But more importantly it was His Word that settled my heart. He is real and he is near. He has promised to direct our paths and he is doing just that whether It was the answer I wanted or not.
I started reading “The Prodigal God” by Timothy Keller. Reading anything he writes speaks to the risenness of Christ. It has served to encourage my heart as well.
Such a paradigm changing book, Bev!
15. What caused you to believe that Jesus is indeed who He claimed to be — God incarnate?
My mom was an excellent role model when it came to belief in God. She was a faithful believer until the end. I guess it was her belief that wore off on me? I trusted her to know best, I admired her for being such a strong woman, and I don’t think she would have lied to me about much of anything. She wasn’t perfect, but she was good.
Surrounding myself with others who believe is important too.
I would also say that the hope I have is because of Him. I don’t know what non-believers do when hard times hit them. I need Him to give me hope that things will be better eventually. Hope in living in eternity with Him.
17. How have you experienced the risenness of Christ this week?
We had a guest pastor speak today at church. He is a passionate man for Christ. It was not the first time we have heard him. He is from Western Africa and it is sometimes hard to understand him, however he really blessed me today preaching on Romans 1:15-16. Some takeaways…”The word impossible is not in God’s lexicon,” and “God’s GPS is gospel, power, and salvation.” He reminded us to always be ready to talk about Jesus because it is because of the cross that we get to be with Him for eternity. Thank You Lord for this man and his message.
What a great message, Laura! Love these: ”The word impossible is not in God’s lexicon,” and “God’s GPS is gospel, power, and salvation.”
17. How have you experienced the risenness of Christ this week? The sermon today at my church was titled “Influence”. My son and I began discussing who we are influenced by and whom we influence. We have been following the series “The Chosen” for the past 2 years and we have been so influenced by this annointed production! I text our Pastor this evening to ask if we can start showing Seasons 1 and 2 at the church. He was very open to it eventhough he has not seen it. I am praying for the Lord to allow us to use this to “wake up the church” and draw new believers to Him. We need to be the influencers and love others to Christ.
That’s great Lydia and could lead to some great discussions!
Amen! Now we are praying for Jesus to lead the way in His perfect timing!🙏🙏🙏
What a wonderful idea, Lydia. It is a well done series and a wonderful way to share Jesus with others!
Lydia, I have been watching The Chosen as well and yesterday’s episode was just so impactful!
Love The Chosen! “Get used to different…”
10. List some evidence that gives you confidence that the Bible is the very Word of God.
I remember my grandma talking to me about the discovery of the Dead Sea scrolls. I remember her excitement over this. They were able to piece together documents to account for every book in the Hebrew Bible except for Esther and Nehemiah. My grandma would tell me how the Dead Sea scrolls served to confirm the authenticity of scripture.
The glimpses we get in Isaiah of the suffering Messiah and that very prophecy fulfilled are just one example of the one continuous scarlet thread of the gospel through the Bible.
I found a way (smile) to incorporate Laura’s and Nila’s words (in bold). As long as there is no Grammar police lol who would say my sentence is too long? Here we go!
And if I could include our “words of the year” (and I hope I did not miss anybody’s), His life, his example gives me hope and the ability to trust Him to make me humble, winsome, abiding in Him, growing in the Word, able to ruthlessly eliminate hurry, knowing that we are clothed with His righteousness and thus made worthy, freed from sin and its penalty and power, and to be able to be emptied of self and to extend grace to others while receiving grace daily from Him.
That is beautiful. I’m adding to bottom of prayer list for these ladies and words.
Wow! What a testimony of Faith!🙏❤️🙏
Love this! Will copy to my prayer list too! Thank you, Bing.
Bing! You are amazing! No worries about run on sentences, because the Bible is full of them 😉….no grammar police here!
Wow, Bing! 🙂
Bing, you are one of my Barnabas’s on this blog 😊. I have a question …”growing in the word” belongs to ?, don’t have that on my list! Also, I would request you add “Surrendered” as that was Echo-Leigh’s one word. Thank you!!
Sharon, thanks for asking. I have that for Kim Yvette. She was new. her comment was one of the first few on page 1 of the thread. She did not really say it was her word of the year-I just presumed that. (Smile) and glad you caught Echo Leigh’s one word-surrendered. Hmmm… (Smile again)
Take 3! I’ll get this one of these days if somebody else adds something.
And if I could include our “words of the year” (and I hope I did not miss anybody’s), His life, his example gives me hope and the ability to trust Him to make me humble, winsome, abiding in Him, growing in the Word, able to ruthlessly eliminate hurry, knowing that we are clothed with His righteousness and thus made worthy, freed from sin and its penalty and power, and to be fully surrendered to His will and purposes, willing to be emptied of self and to extend grace to others while receiving grace daily from Him.
Now you all, ladies, are such Barnabettes (my female version of Barnabas) to me by your kind words. Thank you so much!
Thank you, Sharon and Bing for Kim and Echo-Leigh’s words! I have added to my list. Such a good way to pray for each of you! I love “Barnabettes”!
Bing that is amazing and delightful. Thank you for the encouragement your sentence brings with a little piece from everyone. 💕
18. Listen (or read) the above from Nancy Guthrie and share your observations and comments:
So interesting as Nancy Guthrie read from ancient historical documents about James. That he was known as James the Just. That as he suffered a martyr’s death, one observer, after hearing James pray for his murderers, cried out that they stop this injustice for a just man.
This message by Nancy really helped me understand James’ humanity, his humility and his God given authority as a leader in the early persecuted church.
I so appreciate Nancy’s time and study on James and sharing it with us, too, Nila.
18. Listen (or read) the above from Nancy Guthrie and share your observations and comments: I like the broadening on my info on James and pointing things out I hadn’t thought about. How hard it must have been on their mother Mary to have all this going on between siblings. They weren’t even with her at Jesus death. Then Nancy pointed out that James and Jude went from wanting to silence their half brother to being His servant and declaring Him as their Savior. James became bold for Jesus and was martyred after being thrown off the temple and surviving he prayed for them to be forgiven and they stoned him, James was buried on the spot at the temple. I hope the monument was a constant reminder for all
I love how Nancy Guthrie took us on a journey through the Bible to describe who James really was. So interesting!
Monday-Wednesday: Nancy Guthrie on James
The presentation by Nancy Guthrie was very interesting in light of us having just spent this past week considering some of these things about James the half brother of Jesus. We are in many ways only left to wonder what it was like to grow up with Jesus as your older brother and much is left to speculation. But one reminder for me from her talk was that it was a thoroughly Jewish home that knew and practiced their faith in God in the traditional ways. Two things that stood out to me were one about Joseph and one about Mary but both in regard to their knowledge of God and the practice of that in their lives.
We tend to think they were just poor and therefore uneducated colored by our perspectives of education.
Actually in a good Jewish home there was a great deal of teaching going on in regards to Jehovah and the Old Testament Scripture. Joseph would have sat under a Rabbi as a boy learning and memorizing much of the Old Testament by the time he was 12 And it would have been the same for all his sons Jesus, James and the other sons. But it was a good reminder that Joseph lived out his faith in God and His Word by the way he responded to pregnant Mary.
The other thing that I had never had pointed out so that I understood it before was that in the Magnificat Mary had a very solid theology based in her knowledge of the Old Testament Scripture as well. She makes numerous references to the scripture in her song. Guthrie said Mary was a “biblical theologian”.
She too would have grown up in a home where she was hearing and learning from all the Jewish traditions being practiced and celebrated and she along with Joseph would have been teaching and practicing them in her own home.
I look forward to what Paige Brown has for us in her teaching on James.
But I need to let you know I will probably be hit and miss with my posts over the next couple of weeks. Tomorrow morning (Thursday) I am having my first cataract surgery and then will have my second eye done a week later. But I will at least be listening to the teaching and contribute as I can.
May the Lord be with the surgeon and you, Bev!
I loved listening to Nancy Guthrie too! I appreciate you bringing our these points of the teaching that went on in the good Jewish homes. I also love what you point out about the Magnificat and Mary.
Praying that your cataract surgery goes well, Bev.
Praying for your surgery Bev. Thank you for your thoughts.
Bev-praying for God to bless the hands of the surgeon and for His complete protection over you.
Praying Bev for all things to go well. My husband have had it done and he told me he was so glad he did!
Prayers all goes well for both surgeries and vision is completely restored with no complications.
18. Listen (or read) the above from Nancy Guthrie and share your observations and comments:
I read the transcript and what Nancy had to say gave me some rich insight into why James hit more on the works part of our salvation than Paul did. He saw it lived out with his mother and father and then later gained understanding of the life his half brother Jesus lived as well.
Thanks for sharing this from Nancy.
Dee, I never got a post in my mailbox….are we starting Paige’s study today? I have listened to about 31 minutes of her lecture. Should I start the study questions she sent in my mail?
Laura — I don’t know why you didn’t — I’ll make sure your e-mail is in with the 6,000 others! Can you just go to my website at deebrestin.com and click on Come Away and you’ll find this week’s study questions. Let me know if you can’t find them.
Ms Dee: I found your book “Falling in Love With Jesus” in a box of books and decided to read it. From there I decided to find a picture picture of you and your husband, Steve. I found pictures and realized your husband has passed. I’m so sorry. I have enjoyed and am curious about your blog and teachings. I’m in need of some help with my daily studies and think this may work. Thank you so much for all you do! I’m so looking forward to getting to know My Savior more deeply through your writings of the Word.