Paige needed to cancel her teaching this week due to her father’s sudden decline. So we are going instead to do an overview of themes in Ruth drawn from my guide, A Woman of Love. Patti led us in a good prayer for Paige, but we will continue to pray for her and her family.
1. So many of the ways we “experience” the presence of God can be seen in Ruth: in God bringing someone across our path, in answered prayer, in sensing his “hesed” or unfailing love through another or through His Word, or even in nature, for the land in the book of Ruth parallels the hearts of God’s people. How have you experienced His presence in this last week?
2. What stood out to you from reading all of Ruth and why?
3. What questions did you have?
Tuesday: My Way or God’s Way
4. How were most of God’s people living in the days of Ruth which took place in the “days of Judges? See the last verse in the book of Judges.
5. Ruth is a little book of light sandwiched between two of the darkest chapters in Israel’s history: Judges and 1 Samuel. The book of Ruth contrasts individuals who go their own way versus those who risk going God’s way, and it is always a risk based on faith in God’s character. What risk did the faithful one take, and why do you suppose? Concerning question C, God decreed that the nearest relative should care for the widow, marry her, and raise up up the first son in the late kinsman’s name.)
A. Ruth versus Orpah (Ruth 1:4-18)
B. Elimelech versus Boaz (Ruth 1:1 and Ruth 2-4)
C. The unnamed kinsman-redeemer versus Boaz (Deuteronomy 25:5-10 and Ruth 4:1-10)
6. Share a time when either you failed to go God’s way or took a risk based on faith and obeyed. What were the results?
Wednesday: Prayer
7. The book of Ruth is saturated in prayer. Even when Naomi is in high-tide grief, she is both petitioning and lamenting. Find the following prayers and share how they were answered.
A. Naomi prays for Ruth and Orpah (Ruth 1:8)
B. Boaz and his workers pray (Ruth 2:4)
C. Boaz prays for Ruth (Ruth 2:11-12)
D. Naomi prays for Boaz (Ruth 2:19-20)
E. Boaz prays for Ruth (Ruth 3:10-13)
F. The elders and people of Bethlehem pray for Boaz and Ruth (Ruth 4:11-13)
8. Share a time when you were absolutely sure that God answered one of your prayers. What gave you confidence that He did?
Thursday: Two Themes (Hesed and Greeting & Parting Scenes)
“HESED LOVE” Sally Lloyd Jones translates this Hebrew word as Never Stopping, Never Giving Up, Unbreaking, Always and Forever Love” in her Jesus Storybook Bible.
9. “Hesed” love is like the love of the Lord as described in Lamentations 3:22-23. What does it say?
10. Find it in Naomi’s prayer in Ruth 1:8 – it is translated kindness, mercy, or unfailing love.
11. Find it in Naomi’s prayer in Ruth 2:20 concerning the Lord. (This is the turning point for Naomi
12. Find it in Boaz’ praise of Ruth in Ruth 3:10. What has he seen that is different in Ruth from other women?
13. Share a time when you were acutely aware of God’s unfailing love to you.
Throughout Scripture, you can see God zooming His camera in on the meeting and parting of friends, showing these are significant moments, for He does bring people together for a purpose, and how important things are said in parting when time is running out. We have several of these scenes in Ruth. Meditate on each and share what you see.
14. Parting Scene (Ruth 1:14-17)
15. Greeting Scene (Ruth 2:4-7)
16. Greeting Scene (Ruth 2:1-16)
17. Greeting Scene (Ruth 4:1)
18. Share a greeting scene or parting scene in your life in which you sensed God was involved.
Paige pointed out the theme of “returning” or “repentance” and the significance of Naomi returning to Bethlehem. Ruth also demonstrates repentance in leaving her gods, and clinging to the One True God.
What follows true repentance is redemption. Another significant term in Ruth is “Kinsman-Redeemer.” Boaz is a Christ figure pointing to the final Kinsman Redeemer, Jesus Christ. Boaz was Naomi’s kinsman, related to her, so had an obligation to take care of her in her distress. He was her redeemer in that he bought back the land she had lost and married her so that the family name would not be lost.
19. All this points to Christ. How is He our Kinsman? How is He our Redeemer? How did He cover us with His garment?.
20. How else do you see Jesus in the romance of this book?
21. Can you remember a time when you knew that you belonged to Christ as His own? (For some, they can remember a moment. For others, they may not remember the moment, but they do remember when they were assured they were His.)
22. What is your take-a-way and why?
[1] Sally Lloyd-Jones, The Jesus Storybook Bible, (Zondervan, Grand Rapids, 2007) p. 331.
Just as God’s hand was upon Naomi, Ruth and Boaz, His hand is also upon me and I have a confidence that He is continually working in my life even when there are times I don’t see it or He seems far away…He will never leave or forsake me.
Thursday: Two Themes (Hesed and Greeting & Parting Scenes)
“HESED LOVE” Sally Lloyd Jones translates this Hebrew word as Never Stopping, Never Giving Up, Unbreaking, Always and Forever Love” in her Jesus Storybook Bible.
9. “Hesed” love is like the love of the Lord as described in Lamentations 3:22-23. What does it say? The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
10. Find it in Naomi’s prayer in Ruth 1:8 – it is translated kindness, mercy, or unfailing love. May the Lord deal KINDLY with you.
11. Find it in Naomi’s prayer in Ruth 2:20 concerning the Lord. (This is the turning point for Naomi May he be blessed by the Lord whose KINDNESS has not forsaken the living or the dead.
12. Find it in Boaz’ praise of Ruth in Ruth 3:10. What has he seen that is different in Ruth from other women? You have made this last KINDNESS greater than the first…
13. Share a time when you were acutely aware of God’s unfailing love to you. BOY. Why does it seem that when in times of trouble and pain are the times his presence is most known? We have 3 babies in the cemetery from our family and though these times have been acutely painful they have also been the times the Lord’s faithfulness is acutely present in the faithfulness of his people. From the prayers, to meals, to just an outpouring of love and his supernatural peace. GREETING SCENES AND PARTING SCENES
Throughout Scripture, you can see God zooming His camera in on the meeting and parting of friends, showing these are significant moments, for He does bring people together for a purpose, and how important things are said in parting when time is running out. We have several of these scenes in Ruth. Meditate on each and share what you see.
14. Parting Scene (Ruth 1:14-17) the women weep over one another. Ruth expresses her love for mother in law and more importantly she makes an oath to Naomi and to the Lord of her devotion unto death. She has no concern over her family or their gods-she has already forsaken them.
15. Greeting Scene (Ruth 2:4-7) I’m sure a common greeting, The Lord be with you! And the Lord bless you!- between believers. Then he immediately inquires about Ruth, showing concern for her well-being.
16. Greeting Scene (Ruth 2:1-16) Boaz speaks to Ruth and sees to her every need.
17. Greeting Scene (Ruth 4:1) Boaz meets the redeemer and asks him to sit down.
18. Share a greeting scene or parting scene in your life in which you sensed God was involved. I have been present at the death of my grandfather, my father and my step-father. It’s a very privileged time to be present with someone. The contrast in experiences is really what stands out, the reactions of those present really show their sensitivity to spiritual matters and whether they have a relationship with the Lord. My grandfather came first, my mom’s dad. He spent his last days hospitalized and asked to be baptized at some point, which I was unable to attend. Later, I was called when he was dying and I made it to meet my family surrounding his bed (mom, grandma and siblings). After his last breath, my mom cried as desperately asked someone to please pray. I was the only one who offered and had never been in this position. My family didn’t go to church, but I did. I did’t know what to pray. I started the Lord’s Prayer when my mom’s phone rang and she answered, interrupting the prayer. That was the end of the moment. Next came my dad. He had dementia in his last days and I loved when I visited him to sing hymns with him, because he seemed to enjoy it so much and was not able to hold much conversation. I found him on his last day in the care facility in much pain and unable to converse. I called for a nurse who was on break so we waited for pain meds until her lunch was over. I rubbed his neck as it seemed to be the source of pain and he was unable to lie still. After an injection of morphine, he calmed down. At one point he sat up, looking and reaching up to heaven, and then laid down in a restful state. I went home for lunch and came back to find him past away. My step-dad was on hospice and unable to speak. As my mother and I sat in her living room, knowing he was dying, she watched her favorite western television show, while I sat praying and reading scripture. I knew he was in his last moments and alerted my mom when I thought he stopped breathing. It was a strange thing to experience as she seemed so oddly content to distract herself with a television show and I was desperate to hear from the Lord about how I could be of use in this moment. It was all very sad. She called hospice and they sent the funeral home to the house to get him and we went to bed. Next morning, I shared a hymn with her and prayed with her and family came. She has never had a memorial service for him as she couldn’t bring herself to bury his ashes. They remain on her mantle. She bought a stone and plot at the cemetery but refuses to bury him. His daughters are distraught over this and they have no relationship with her anymore. So sad.
Chris, it seems that, in all these different scenes, you have been the link to God for your family. How sweet that is! I remember when my mom died, feeling so helpless, as I was 1000 miles away and couldn’t do anything. My brother called me and put the phone to my mom’s ear. She couldn’t speak and I didn’t know if she could hear me. I was caught off guard and didn’t know what to say. It was awkward. I told her I loved her and was sorry I wasn’t there with her. Then I remember saying (to myself but also aloud), “This is awful!” So hard. Although I knew God, and should have prayed or said a verse, or something, in the moment I didn’t. I don’t know why. I regret that. I think I wasn’t prepared 🤷🏻♀️. I know she is with Him. We are human.
19. All this points to Christ. How is He our Kinsman? How is He our Redeemer? How did He cover us with His garment?.Christ is the only one who can cleanse us of our sin. He paid the price and wraps us in his righteous robe to cover our sin.
20. How else do you see Jesus in the romance of this book? Boaz is the father figure who rescues Ruth and Naomi. I love how this story points to Christ and what he did for us.
21. Can you remember a time when you knew that you belonged to Christ as His own? (For some, they can remember a moment. For others, they may not remember the moment, but they do remember when they were assured they were His.) For me it was Young Life camp in high school, although I remember as a child going to VBS with the neighborhood kids and deciding that I wanted to go to heaven, whatever that required.
22. What is your take-a-way and why? The sad and desperate state of Naomi and her DIL’S makes me think of myself currently in my struggle with my loss. Their desperate clinging to faith, to God, to whatever it takes to bring them back to him and under his wings of protection-that’s me. Desperately seeking him.
Thank you, Bing. I do love that song. I’m okay unless I think about my loss too much. Just had a conversation with my husband as I’m struggling to reconcile the suffering of facing this everyday for the rest of our marriage. I was feeling very disheartened at this thought and feeling desperate to find peace about it. My husband offered to read our devotion for the day. We have been reading a chronological bible since the start of the new year. It was the story in Genesis of Abram and Sarai and the Lord giving them a child in their old age. And then also, Lot, and how Abram prayed for the Lord to save even 10 people from Sodom. We both cried at the depth of God’s faithfulness to his people. We know, but in the pain it we can’t always FEEL his faithfulness. I’m sure this was true for Naomi, too. And so, like Naomi, we weep and we seek refuge under his wings. Thank you for your encouragement. It means so much.
Father, I do ask that You would comfort Chris and she would sense Your deep deep love for her.
Cheryl Ann
February 2, 2025
I’m praying for you, Chris.
February 2, 2025
Thank you, Dee and Cheryl Ann. Seeking his purpose and trusting his sovereignty as I wait on his peace.
Laura - dancer
February 2, 2025
19. All this points to Christ. How is He our Kinsman? How is He our Redeemer? How did He cover us with His garment?.
Jesus brought us into His home (heaven) when He died on the cross for us. God recognizes us now because Jesus took all the sin that we have onto Him. That is the covering. We are now allowed to be in the presence of God because we are part of Him.
20. How else do you see Jesus in the romance of this book?
The fact that Ruth is a Moabite speaks to me. She is not “one of them.” God wants her too.
22. What is your take-a-way and why?
Just as God’s hand was upon Naomi, Ruth and Boaz, His hand is also upon me and I have a confidence that He is continually working in my life even when there are times I don’t see it or He seems far away…He will never leave or forsake me.
I love this, Sharon. Perfectly said and I so agree.
Yes, Sharon so good of a lesson to remember: He will never leave me nor forsake me.
Thank you for the reminder Sharon.
Thursday: Two Themes (Hesed and Greeting & Parting Scenes)
“HESED LOVE” Sally Lloyd Jones translates this Hebrew word as Never Stopping, Never Giving Up, Unbreaking, Always and Forever Love” in her Jesus Storybook Bible.
9. “Hesed” love is like the love of the Lord as described in Lamentations 3:22-23. What does it say? The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
10. Find it in Naomi’s prayer in Ruth 1:8 – it is translated kindness, mercy, or unfailing love. May the Lord deal KINDLY with you.
11. Find it in Naomi’s prayer in Ruth 2:20 concerning the Lord. (This is the turning point for Naomi May he be blessed by the Lord whose KINDNESS has not forsaken the living or the dead.
12. Find it in Boaz’ praise of Ruth in Ruth 3:10. What has he seen that is different in Ruth from other women? You have made this last KINDNESS greater than the first…
13. Share a time when you were acutely aware of God’s unfailing love to you. BOY. Why does it seem that when in times of trouble and pain are the times his presence is most known? We have 3 babies in the cemetery from our family and though these times have been acutely painful they have also been the times the Lord’s faithfulness is acutely present in the faithfulness of his people. From the prayers, to meals, to just an outpouring of love and his supernatural peace.
Throughout Scripture, you can see God zooming His camera in on the meeting and parting of friends, showing these are significant moments, for He does bring people together for a purpose, and how important things are said in parting when time is running out. We have several of these scenes in Ruth. Meditate on each and share what you see.
14. Parting Scene (Ruth 1:14-17) the women weep over one another. Ruth expresses her love for mother in law and more importantly she makes an oath to Naomi and to the Lord of her devotion unto death. She has no concern over her family or their gods-she has already forsaken them.
15. Greeting Scene (Ruth 2:4-7) I’m sure a common greeting, The Lord be with you! And the Lord bless you!- between believers. Then he immediately inquires about Ruth, showing concern for her well-being.
16. Greeting Scene (Ruth 2:1-16) Boaz speaks to Ruth and sees to her every need.
17. Greeting Scene (Ruth 4:1) Boaz meets the redeemer and asks him to sit down.
18. Share a greeting scene or parting scene in your life in which you sensed God was involved. I have been present at the death of my grandfather, my father and my step-father. It’s a very privileged time to be present with someone. The contrast in experiences is really what stands out, the reactions of those present really show their sensitivity to spiritual matters and whether they have a relationship with the Lord. My grandfather came first, my mom’s dad. He spent his last days hospitalized and asked to be baptized at some point, which I was unable to attend. Later, I was called when he was dying and I made it to meet my family surrounding his bed (mom, grandma and siblings). After his last breath, my mom cried as desperately asked someone to please pray. I was the only one who offered and had never been in this position. My family didn’t go to church, but I did. I did’t know what to pray. I started the Lord’s Prayer when my mom’s phone rang and she answered, interrupting the prayer. That was the end of the moment. Next came my dad. He had dementia in his last days and I loved when I visited him to sing hymns with him, because he seemed to enjoy it so much and was not able to hold much conversation. I found him on his last day in the care facility in much pain and unable to converse. I called for a nurse who was on break so we waited for pain meds until her lunch was over. I rubbed his neck as it seemed to be the source of pain and he was unable to lie still. After an injection of morphine, he calmed down. At one point he sat up, looking and reaching up to heaven, and then laid down in a restful state. I went home for lunch and came back to find him past away. My step-dad was on hospice and unable to speak. As my mother and I sat in her living room, knowing he was dying, she watched her favorite western television show, while I sat praying and reading scripture. I knew he was in his last moments and alerted my mom when I thought he stopped breathing. It was a strange thing to experience as she seemed so oddly content to distract herself with a television show and I was desperate to hear from the Lord about how I could be of use in this moment. It was all very sad. She called hospice and they sent the funeral home to the house to get him and we went to bed. Next morning, I shared a hymn with her and prayed with her and family came. She has never had a memorial service for him as she couldn’t bring herself to bury his ashes. They remain on her mantle. She bought a stone and plot at the cemetery but refuses to bury him. His daughters are distraught over this and they have no relationship with her anymore. So sad.
Chris, it seems that, in all these different scenes, you have been the link to God for your family. How sweet that is! I remember when my mom died, feeling so helpless, as I was 1000 miles away and couldn’t do anything. My brother called me and put the phone to my mom’s ear. She couldn’t speak and I didn’t know if she could hear me. I was caught off guard and didn’t know what to say. It was awkward. I told her I loved her and was sorry I wasn’t there with her. Then I remember saying (to myself but also aloud), “This is awful!” So hard. Although I knew God, and should have prayed or said a verse, or something, in the moment I didn’t. I don’t know why. I regret that. I think I wasn’t prepared 🤷🏻♀️. I know she is with Him. We are human.
Such a difference in deathbed scenes. Thanks for sharing, Chris.
19. All this points to Christ. How is He our Kinsman? How is He our Redeemer? How did He cover us with His garment?.Christ is the only one who can cleanse us of our sin. He paid the price and wraps us in his righteous robe to cover our sin.
20. How else do you see Jesus in the romance of this book? Boaz is the father figure who rescues Ruth and Naomi. I love how this story points to Christ and what he did for us.
21. Can you remember a time when you knew that you belonged to Christ as His own? (For some, they can remember a moment. For others, they may not remember the moment, but they do remember when they were assured they were His.) For me it was Young Life camp in high school, although I remember as a child going to VBS with the neighborhood kids and deciding that I wanted to go to heaven, whatever that required.
22. What is your take-a-way and why? The sad and desperate state of Naomi and her DIL’S makes me think of myself currently in my struggle with my loss. Their desperate clinging to faith, to God, to whatever it takes to bring them back to him and under his wings of protection-that’s me. Desperately seeking him.
Oh, Chris! Hold on. The Father has you in His grip. “He will hold me fast” by Selah
Thank you, Bing. I do love that song. I’m okay unless I think about my loss too much. Just had a conversation with my husband as I’m struggling to reconcile the suffering of facing this everyday for the rest of our marriage. I was feeling very disheartened at this thought and feeling desperate to find peace about it. My husband offered to read our devotion for the day. We have been reading a chronological bible since the start of the new year. It was the story in Genesis of Abram and Sarai and the Lord giving them a child in their old age. And then also, Lot, and how Abram prayed for the Lord to save even 10 people from Sodom. We both cried at the depth of God’s faithfulness to his people. We know, but in the pain it we can’t always FEEL his faithfulness. I’m sure this was true for Naomi, too. And so, like Naomi, we weep and we seek refuge under his wings. Thank you for your encouragement. It means so much.
Father, I do ask that You would comfort Chris and she would sense Your deep deep love for her.
I’m praying for you, Chris.
Thank you, Dee and Cheryl Ann. Seeking his purpose and trusting his sovereignty as I wait on his peace.
19. All this points to Christ. How is He our Kinsman? How is He our Redeemer? How did He cover us with His garment?.
Jesus brought us into His home (heaven) when He died on the cross for us. God recognizes us now because Jesus took all the sin that we have onto Him. That is the covering. We are now allowed to be in the presence of God because we are part of Him.
20. How else do you see Jesus in the romance of this book?
The fact that Ruth is a Moabite speaks to me. She is not “one of them.” God wants her too.