This week’s teaching from Paige Benton Brown made me think of all the people I talk to, believers and unbelievers alike, and even how I myself can be when I face really hard circumstances. We forget what God is really like, forgetting He is for us, not against us. We forget how He has delivered us time and time again, how He has been with us in trials, and of the love that took Him to the cross for us. When we were filming “The Jesus Who Surprises,” a homeless woman “happened” to come. To her great surprise, she discovered the real God, so different from the god she had created in her mind.
Her testimony is a perfect set up for this week. This is Jennifer:
Whatever you are facing, or whatever you fear facing, you need this study.
So far in our study of Elijah, this hero of Scripture has had amazing unstoppable faith. He miraculously fed the widow, brought her son back to life, and defeated Baal. Paige compared him to Daniel Day-Lewis in “The Last of the Mohicans.” This man of men was running up mountains, swimming upstream, and rescuing the maiden from death.
In the parking lot afterward, one of her single friends fell to her knees, threw up her arms, and cried:
Where are the Mohicans?
And this week when we wonder:
Where is the Elijah we have seen?
He is despairing, wanting to die.
To watch this week, click below.
(Remember, it comes down Tues. night)
Thursday: Context of Despair
- Read 1 Kings 19:1-9
A. What does Ahab tell Jezebel and how does she respond? Why is this surprising considering what Ahab must have reported? (1-2)
B. How does Elijah respond when he hears this? (3-5)
C. What does God do? (6-9 )
D. The God who created us knows we need rest and food. How is His love evidenced here, and how does this speak to you?
E. How is Elijah demonstrating “selective memory?”
2. Watch Paige up to Minute 19 when she says: “We are not determined by our context but by our hearts.
A. What is Elijah focusing on, and what is he not focusing on?
B. How do you see the same thing happening in the time of Jesus? See John 3:19.
C. What is the punishment for not believing?
D. Paige said we are living in a time like that now, but we are not the first people to do so. Thoughts?
E. What else stands out to you and why? Application?
Friday: Cause 1: Pushing God to the Background
Many of you know the story behind my daughter’s painting of Aslan that is now in the Marion Wade Museum. She painted it to try to understand why God allows so much suffering. A mysterious lamb appeared in the painting, a lamb who looked as though he had been slain. But even Sally herself didn’t see it at first, she was so focused on the lion and how at times God could feel “not safe.” But in the background was a lamb. Once she saw that lamb, it was all she could see, and it comforted her, for she remembered that though there are times God does not feel safe, He is good, for He is the Lamb who was slain for us. (If you want to see Sally tell the story, click here and scroll down:
3. Watch Paige from minute 19 up to 32:13 when she is talking about the “Magic Eye” paintings and says: “Once you see it you can’t unsee it.”
A. What is the first cause of Elijah’s despair?
B. Paige says despair is understandable but not excusable. Why?
C. She emphasizes that the Bible never says this life will be easy. Why is this important to remember?
4. Read 1 Corinthians 4:7-12 and describe Paul’s perspective in hard circumstances. How could this help you?
5. Examples from Scripture:
A. When David was down, instead of listening to his downcast soul, he talked to it. Read Psalm 42 and explain what he did.
B. What mistake did Peter make when walking on the water toward Jesus?
C. When the twelve spies came back from scoping out the promised land, only two were confident. Why?
6. What does Colossians 3:1-5 tell us to do?
7. Are you facing something hard right now? How could you talk to your soul? Where is your focus?
Saturday: Two More Causes of Despair:
8. Watch Paige from minute 32:13 to minute 45. Out of Bounds and In A Box. Stop at when she says Elijah “believes he cares more about God than God cares about him.”
A. Many will accept God or God’s direction in their life as long as they can call the boundaries. How do you see this attitude in Elijah in verses 4?
B. What are some other examples Paige gave of people feeling “God is out of bounds!”
C. Was there ever a time when you felt God was asking too much of you? If so, how did you get past that?
D. John Newton said: “Everything is necessary that he sends, nothing can be necessary that He withholds.” Thoughts?
Imagine, Paige said, that the Metropolitan Museum of Modern Art Delivered a 20 by 14 foot Monet to your door and you tried to fit it into your small frame. That is what we do with God. We try to put Him in our small box.
9. If God shows up in your life, He will “blow up” your whole life (in a good way.) How has He done that?
God Hunt Sunday:
The reason we do this each Sabbath is to help us fight selective memory about God.
10. How has God been tender to you as He was to Elijah in helping him rest and eat?
11. How has He met you in your need as He met the widow, and as He met Elijah in defeating the prophets of Baal?
12. Why is it good that we remember these things and tell them to our children?
Monday: Cure for Despair
When we meet the real God we are undone by His beauty, His magnetism.
13. Listen to Paige from minute 45 to 57:30 when she tells of a woman in an ice cream store running into Paul Newman.
A. She said, Elijah didn’t need a sermon, he needed sleep and food. Have you ever despaired of life or God and then realized you were just hungry, tired, or isolated from fellowship? If so, share.
B. What was her point with her story of the little boy hiking with his grampa and saying, “I’m done. I used up my last pair of legs?”
C. Share a time when God carried you because you used up your last pair of legs.
14. Read 1 Kings 19:9-11
A. Where was Elijah and where did God invite him to come and why?
B. What was Paige’s point about inviting her sick little boy to come vomit on her?
C. She said Mount Horeb and Mount Sinai are the same mountain. How is Elijah’s experience similar to that of Moses?
D. Paige gave an illustration of when they had a power outage and her toddler daughter began screaming in her crib. What did Paige finally do that helped her daughter calm down? Her point?
15. Read Psalm 73:1-5 and Psalm 73:17 and explain how Asaph gained perspective.
16. Read 1 Kings 19:11-13
A. Describe what happened in this passage and where the Lord was finally to be found. What is He endeavoring to communicate to us? (Think of Jennifer’s testimony.)
B. How is Elijah approaching the Lord here? (verse 13)
C. God is holy, but through Jesus we can see what He is also like. What do you see in Jesus that shows how approachable and compassionate He is?
Tuesday: How God Communicates With Us
God primarily communicates to us through His Word, which is what He does now with Elijah.
17. Read 1 Kings 19:12-18
A. What is God endeavoring to communicate through verse 12?
B. He comes to us gently through His Word — but often our hearts are not ready to hear Him. What has helped you to prepare your heart when you are in His Word?
C. What is Elijah’s perspective in verse 14?
D. What does God tell Elijah in verse 18?
E. What does God also tell Elijah to do in verses 15-17?
18. Listen to Paige to the end.
A. Paige said “Despair comes from chasing our own plan. Delight comes from following His.” Have you experienced this? If so — how?
B. She gave examples of the above from both Elisabeth Elliot and Joni Erickson Tada. Choose one and explain.
C. Moses and Elijah were not destroyed because they hid in the rock. What does Psalm 18:2-3 say?
D. Who is the rock according to 1 Corinthians 10:4 say?
Sing along with this:
19. What is your take-a-way and why?
God Hunt Sunday for Dee
Radioactive passage. Reading from Keller’s “Rediscovering Jonah” in the night, he said the word “compassion” used of God has the idea of “being attached to” –
Keller explained that our attachments are involuntary — we simply love a child, a spouse, a friend, or a pet. But because God does not “need” us, He has voluntarily attached Himself to us. Somehow I was overwhelmed that He has chosen to do this with me, when I am so sinful. I felt so embraced.
Also, a couple I’ve been praying for from pickleball a long time (Lizzy may remember “Frank”) invited me over for lunch because they have put their trust in Christ and came to church together for the first time yesterday and want to be baptized.
A Baptism celebration …awesome answer to prayer!!!!
Read 1 Kings 19:1-9
A. What does Ahab tell Jezebel and how does she respond?
All that Elijah had done and how he had executed all the prophets with the sword.
She sent a messenger to him, threatening his life.
Why is this surprising considering what Ahab must have reported? (1-2)
You would of thought she would of had a fear of Elijah and would of been amazed by what took place on Mt Carmel.
B. How does Elijah respond when he hears this? (3-5)
He runs for his life and prays that he might die, asking God to take his life. Then he fell asleep under the broom tree until an angel touches him and tells him to arise and eat.
C. What does God do? (6-9 )
Provides food and water two times. The 2nd time gives him enough strength for 40 days and nights and takes him as far as Horeb where he went into a cave, spent the night and the Lord went to him and asked what he was doing.
D. The God who created us knows we need rest and food. How is His love evidenced here, and how does this speak to you?
It is evidenced in the amount of strength and time the food sustained him…God was patient with him. It shows me what a merciful and loving God He is, even in our times of despair.
E. How is Elijah demonstrating “selective memory?”
He has forgotten what the Lord did in providing for him and the widow during the drought, how He raised the boy back to life and what happened on Mt Carmel and the rain He provided and is living in the moment, fearful for his life and thinking only of his present circumstances.
2. Watch Paige up to Minute 19 when she says: “We are not determined by our context but by our hearts.
A. What is Elijah focusing on, and what is he not focusing on?
He was focusing on all that has happened and how he thought everyone should respond rather than the heart.
B. How do you see the same thing happening in the time of Jesus? See John 3:19.
How Jesus, God in the flesh was performing miracles and instead of believing in Him they chose to remain in the dark. The condemnation was that Jesus, the light comes into the world and men loved darkness rather than light because their deeds were evil…the heart, stupid!
C. What is the punishment for not believing?
The punishment Paige says is, “light comes into the world and people love darkness and grope in the darkness rather than receive the light.”
D. Paige said we are living in a time like that now, but we are not the first people to do so. Thoughts?
I think she is exactly right. ‘There has never been a time when the whole world loved Jesus, where belonging to Jesus and following Him fit and was mainstream and comfortable.” I haven’t been alive a long time, but long enough to know that hardened hearts is nothing new.
E. What else stands out to you and why? Application?
We are not determined by our context but by the condition of our heart.
Getting us off to a great start, Sharon!
Thursday: Context of Despair
Read 1 Kings 19:1-9
A. What does Ahab tell Jezebel and how does she respond? Why is this surprising considering what Ahab must have reported? (1-2)
Ahab told Jezebel what Elijah did and how he has killed all the Baal prophets with the sword. She responded with more venom and issued a royal threat to kill Elijah. Jezebel has a hardened heart-she refused to acknowledge that God is God and all she can think was how to beat her opponent Elijah.
B. How does Elijah respond when he hears this? (3-5)
He got fearful and ran for his life to Beersheba and on to the wilderness.
C. What does God do? (6-9)
God sent an angel to take care of Elijah.
D. The God who created us knows we need rest and food. How is His love evidenced here, and how does this speak to you?
He does not only care for our souls but also for our bodies. God gives rest to His people. Psalm 127:2b
E. How is Elijah demonstrating “selective memory?”
He has forgotten that God brought fire to the sacrifice, provided for him and the widow, and raised a boy from death to life.
2. Watch Paige up to Minute 19 when she says: “We are not determined by our context but by our hearts.
A. What is Elijah focusing on, and what is he not focusing on?
He is focusing on the situation (the evil that is going on around and he wants justice served to them) and not on the God whom he serves.
B. How do you see the same thing happening in the time of Jesus? See John 3:19.
John 3:19, CSB: “This is the judgment: The light has come into the world, and people loved darkness rather than the light because their deeds were evil.”
C. What is the punishment for not believing?
People who do not believe continue to live in darkness.
D. Paige said we are living in a time like that now, but we are not the first people to do so. Thoughts?
There has never been a world where people always love Jesus. During the period of the kings, people wanted to do what was right in their own eyes.
E. What else stands out to you and why? Application?
That we should not have selective memory. So often I focus on the bigness of the problem rather than the faithfulness of God. I think that is why I should remember what He has done for me. The “Great is thy faithfulness” song by Sara Groves, the hymn, “Count your blessings”, the practice of God Hunt, journaling, and seeing the hand of God.
Never the context but looking into the condition of my heart.
I didn’t remember you were a Sara Groves fan too, Bing!
I love Sara and I think you were the one who introduced me to her songs a while back. Thank you so much!
Read 1 Kings 19:1-9
A. What does Ahab tell Jezebel and how does she respond? Why is this surprising considering what Ahab must have reported? (1-2) Ahab tells Jezebel about the contest that Elijah staged between Baal and God and everything that happe ed as a result. She responds by sending a messenger to Elijah to tell him she intends to kill him just like he killed her priests of Baal.
Her response is surprising because she seems fearless dispite the evidence of God’s power that was fully demonstrated.
B. How does Elijah respond when he hears this? (3-5) Elijah is afraid and runs for his life.
C. What does God do? (6-9 ) God sent an angel to care for and feed Elijah.
D. The God who created us knows we need rest and food. How is His love evidenced here, and how does this speak to you? God’s response to Elijah’s fear and weakness is very tender and merciful. He is truely the God of all Comfort.
E. How is Elijah demonstrating “selective memory?” He just gave up after calling down fire from God and killing all the priests of Baal. He wanted to die rather than be hunted and killed by Jezebel.
2. Watch Paige up to Minute 19 when she says: “We are not determined by our context but by our hearts.
A. What is Elijah focusing on, and what is he not focusing on? He is focusing on Jezebel’s threat, and not focusing on God
B. How do you see the same thing happening in the time of Jesus? See John 3:19. “Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of Light because their were evil.” People were still rejecting God and choosing evil.
C. What is the punishment for not believing? Death.
D. Paige said we are living in a time like that now, but we are not the first people to do so. Thoughts? Recorded history proves that indeed, history repeats itself. She may be referencing the days of Noah?
E. What else stands out to you and why? How weak our human nature is, even when we witness the unmistakable power of God in our lives, we still crumble under stress and forget all about what God has already done. Yet, God in all His wisdom, made us this way and loves us and redeemed us anyway.
From Lydia:
How weak our human nature is, even when we witness the unmistakable power of God in our lives, we still crumble under stress and forget all about what God has already done. Yet, God in all His wisdom, made us this way and loves us and redeemed us anyway.
1. Read 1 Kings 19:1-9
A. What does Ahab tell Jezebel and how does she respond? Why is this surprising considering what Ahab must have reported? (1-2)
Ahab tells her that Elijah has killed all the prophets of Baal. She vows to kill Elijah.
B. How does Elijah respond when he hears this? (3-5)
He runs! He prays that he should die. He lays down to sleep.
C. What does God do? (6-9 )
God sends an angel to feed Elijah. He gives him enough food to travel to Mount Sinai to meet with God.
D. The God who created us knows we need rest and food. How is His love evidenced here, and how does this speak to you?
He takes care of Elijah at his lowest point.
E. How is Elijah demonstrating “selective memory?”
He is forgetting that God saved him before with food and shelter.
2. Watch Paige up to Minute 19 when she says: “We are not determined by our context but by our hearts.
A. What is Elijah focusing on, and what is he not focusing on?
He was focusing on himself, what Jezebel would do to him, not God.
B. How do you see the same thing happening in the time of Jesus? See John 3:19.
He was the light, but the people only focused on and wanted the darkness.
C. What is the punishment for not believing?
Death is the punishment. The darkness. No eternal life.
D. Paige said we are living in a time like that now, but we are not the first people to do so. Thoughts?
Oh yes! People would rather focus on themselves and their immediate needs instead of their future and their ultimate life; God. We have hardened hearts. We are a part of a crowd who is what I call so “human.” Over the centuries we have repeated the same mistake. It probably makes us feel ok to be one of the crowd. We typically, as humans, don’t like to stand alone. Loving God means we stand out compared to others. And, so often it seems like we have to prove Him to others, but we aren’t like Elijah, we cannot show the evidence. We know the power of Him, but we concede because we are weak.
E. What else stands out to you and why? Application?
The picture of Elijah sprinting through the downpour. He has “picked up his robes” so he can run. The reminds me of the prodigal son story and the father running to meet the son. Didn’t he pick up his robes too? He was running to meet his son. Success! Let’s “pick up our robes” and run in excitement to Him!
How could Elijah not believe in God instead of focusing on Jezebel? He has seen God perform miracles, with his own eyes! We don’t have that advantage. I can remember what God has done for others in the past. I can remember what God has done for me in the past.
Our hearts dictate our actions. I need to clean up my heart.
Laura, that is a great word picture of Elijah running!
When you wrote about how it makes us feel okay to be one of a crowd I thought about the verse: Though hand join in hand the wicked will not be unpunished. (Pvbs. 11:12)
Laura, I like the word picture of Elijah running to pick up His robe-no impediment in his joy at that moment. Such mountaintop experience. and oh how I wish to change the story of what happened to Elijah next instead of his despair. I have found myself in similar situations where I have a mountaintop experience and then, all of a sudden an onslaught of the enemy takes my eyes off the foreground where God is and relegates him to the background!
So thankful that God does not leave us there but meets us there with His faithfulness and love.
3. Watch Paige from minute 19 up to 32:13 when she is talking about the “Magic Eye” paintings and says: “Once you see it you can’t unsee it.”
A. What is the first cause of Elijah’s despair?
Elijah responds by pushing God into the background and putting Jezebel in the forefront because of her threats.
B. Paige says despair is understandable but not excusable. Why?
In my humanness I can easily be discouraged in my circumstances, getting caught up in the moment but as a Christian full of the Holy Spirit I have a remembrance of God’s faithfulness in my life and a guarantee that He will remain faithful, I have a hope and therefore if I turn my eyes upon Him, the things of this earth will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace.
C. She emphasizes that the Bible never says this life will be easy. Why is this important to remember?
It keeps me focused on Him rather than my circumstances.
4. Read 1 Corinthians 4:7-12 and describe Paul’s perspective in hard circumstances. How could this help you?
Dee, I think you meant 2 Corinthians?
That no matter what is going on on the outside – conflict, persecution, being hard pressed…God doesn’t abandon me, I never stand alone, I’m not destroyed…my heart is being renewed on the inside so that the life of Christ is evident in me. I pray that when I am in the midst of a hardship that I don’t make it about me, but rather about God and what He has done for me. Those are words that are so much easier said, but it is my desire.
3. Watch Paige from minute 19 up to 32:13 when she is talking about the “Magic Eye” paintings and says: “Once you see it you can’t unsee it.”
A. What is the first cause of Elijah’s despair?
He pushed God into the background.
B. Paige says despair is understandable but not excusable. Why?
When circumstances are hard (context), it is easy to despair. But we should not stay there because we have a God who can do the impossible. And His will for us is always good so we need to focus our eyes on Him. Despair is not excusable because God is with us.
C. She emphasizes that the Bible never says this life will be easy. Why is this important to remember?
It is not about easy, or hard-it is about the condition of my heart and where my eyes are focused.
4. Read 1 Corinthians 4:7-12 and describe Paul’s perspective in hard circumstances. How could this help you?
“…Hard pressed but not crushed, perplexed but not in despair, persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed…” We are never brought down by our circumstances because Jesus was already crushed, despaired, abandoned and his body destroyed-He took all of these for us so we are not crushed, not in despair, not abandoned, and not destroyed.
5. Examples from Scripture:
A. When David was down, instead of listening to his downcast soul, he talked to it. Read Psalm 42 and explain what he did.
He goes back and forth expressing his troubles and talking to his soul and remembering where to put his hope and that is in God.
B. What mistake did Peter make when walking on the water toward Jesus?
He took his eyes off Jesus and looked at the waves.
C. When the twelve spies came back from scoping out the promised land, only two were confident. Why?
They remembered God’s promises to them and did not look at the “giants” of the land.
6. What does Colossians 3:1-5 tell us to do?
Set our minds on things above.
7. Are you facing something hard right now? How could you talk to your soul? Where is your focus?
I would use God’s Word, especially in Psalms to talk to my soul. I have several friends and a few loved ones dealing with serious ill health. I use God’s word to pray for them knowing that He sees them (El Roi) and whatever they need He will provide (Jehovah Jireh). I am encouraged by what Paige said about putting God in the foreground (then I can have the Magic eye and won’t unsee God) and let these hard circumstances be relegated to the background. I have a God who is bigger than any hard circumstance.
Love this: “I can have the Magic Eye and won’t unsee God.”
Dee, this past weekend, I have to remind myself of the Magic Eye. I seemed to have many moments of God fading into the background and I have to repeat “Magic Eye” to myself those many times and He keeps coming back to the foreground. He does come when we call on Hi m wholeheartedly. I think of our study on Song of Songs.
5. Examples from Scripture:
A. When David was down, instead of listening to his downcast soul, he talked to it. Read Psalm 42 and explain what he did.
David is honest with God in that he longs for Him, he thirsts for Him even when he is discouraged and shares his feelings. He remembers and even though he is downcast he puts his hope in God, he praises Him. He knows the Lord loves him and continues to pray, crying out to God with his problems and yet he still hopes in Him and praises Him.
B. What mistake did Peter make when walking on the water toward Jesus?
Takes his eyes off of Jesus and looks at the waves.
C. When the twelve spies came back from scoping out the promised land, only two were confident. Why?
They were confident because the Lord said it was theirs, take it. They put their trust in His promise.
6. What does Colossians 3:1-5 tell us to do?
Set our sights on the realities of heaven, think about the things of heaven and put to death the sinful, earthly things lurking within us.
7. Are you facing something hard right now? How could you talk to your soul? Where is your focus?
I can cast all my care upon Him and lay all of my burdens down at His feet and remember He cares for me, will never leave or forsake me. Put my hope in Him and fix my eyes upon Him rather than my circumstances.
8. Watch Paige from minute 32:13 to minute 45. Out of Bounds and In A Box. Stop at when she says Elijah “believes he cares more about God than God cares about him.”
A. Many will accept God or God’s direction in their life as long as they can call the boundaries. How do you see this attitude in Elijah in verses 4?
He tells the Lord that he has had enough and to take his life.
B. What are some other examples Paige gave of people feeling “God is out of bounds!”
Inviting someone to church, they finally come and can hear the gospel and the sermon is about finances.
C. Was there ever a time when you felt God was asking too much of you? If so, how did you get past that?
Oh yes! It always involved time, talks with God, turning into myself, going to the word, anger and finally working through it.
D. John Newton said: “Everything is necessary that he sends, nothing can be necessary that He withholds.” Thoughts?
I have learned that things God sends into my life and the things He has withheld have caused growth in drawing closer to Him. He is sovereign and I think of Romans 8:32, “Since He did not spare even His own Son but gave Him up for us all, won’t He also give us everything else?”
9. If God shows up in your life, He will “blow up” your whole life (in a good way.) How has He done that?
I guess I have a simple mind in that He has blown up my life in what He has done for me…I have a hope, eternal life and His love!
3. Watch Paige from minute 19 up to 32:13 when she is talking about the “Magic Eye” paintings and says: “Once you see it you can’t unsee it.”
A. What is the first cause of Elijah’s despair?
He was afraid of being killed by Jezebel. He is downplaying God. She should not be in his foreground, only God.
B. Paige says despair is understandable but not excusable. Why?
It’s how he responds to God…we have to look at the situation through God’s eye. God is the focal point.
C. She emphasizes that the Bible never says this life will be easy. Why is this important to remember?
We are people with hope. Don’t focus on our circumstances! Our eyes are fixed on God. He wants to go through the despair with us. The earthly life needs to be in the background, not the forefront. God needs to be in the foreground not the background of our lives.
4. Read 1 Corinthians 4:7-12 and describe Paul’s perspective in hard circumstances. How could this help you?
He laments how the apostles were treated. They are ridiculed, beaten, and look like fools because of their love of Christ. They have no homes or clothes. He seems to be implying that the Corinthians are whining. The apostles would, I think, do their “job” without complaining (he does seem to be annoyed here though).
It helps me to remember that even the apostles had hard times. We will manage through especially by keeping our eyes on the prize.
5. Examples from Scripture:
A. When David was down, instead of listening to his downcast soul, he talked to it. Read Psalm 42 and explain what he did.
David was in despair. He wondered where God was. He didn’t leave it there though, he decided to turn it around and praise God. He remembers God’s love of him.
B. What mistake did Peter make when walking on the water toward Jesus?
He focused on the water instead of Jesus.
C. When the twelve spies came back from scoping out the promised land, only two were confident. Why?
They were afraid. There were too many scary people who might hurt them. Their eyes were not focused on God.
6. What does Colossians 3:1-5 tell us to do?
We are to set our sights on heaven. We are to not focus on this world, but on Christ seated next to God.
7. Are you facing something hard right now? How could you talk to your soul? Where is your focus?
I am in a mostly peaceful time right now. Honestly, ever since I have put God as my focus, this life doesn’t seem so “important” (?) anymore. I have to admit that I have chosen to limit myself from many venues that could be a distraction though; social media, news, etc. I am focused on Him mostly.
When life is hard (it will come again), I speak to myself to reassure myself of His love for me. I say things like, “You have always loved me. You spoke to me when my father was dying, You have kept me out of harms way, You have always provided, etc.”
Love this from Laura:
I am in a mostly peaceful time right now. Honestly, ever since I have put God as my focus, this life doesn’t seem so “important” (?) anymore. I have to admit that I have chosen to limit myself from many venues that could be a distraction though; social media, news, etc. I am focused on Him mostly.
When life is hard (it will come again), I speak to myself to reassure myself of His love for me. I say things like, “You have always loved me. You spoke to me when my father was dying, You have kept me out of harms way, You have always provided, etc.”
Saturday: Two More Causes of Despair:
8. Watch Paige from minute 32:13 to minute 45. Out of Bounds and In A Box. Stop at when she says Elijah “believes he cares more about God than God cares about him.”
A. Many will accept God or God’s direction in their life as long as they can call the boundaries. How do you see this attitude in Elijah in verses 4?
He thinks he has reached his limit and he might as well die. He feels that things are just too much.
B. What are some other examples Paige gave of people feeling “God is out of bounds!”
I do not remember her examples.
C. Was there ever a time when you felt God was asking too much of you? If so, how did you get past that?
Helping others and I start feeling taken advantage of. Then, I come to the Lord and ask Him to look into my heart and reveal why I feel that way. Often, it is not that He is out of bounds. I just made my own boundary. I forget He is much because He is the One who will provide what I need to do what He asks of me.
D. John Newton said: “Everything is necessary that he sends, nothing can be necessary that He withholds.” Thoughts?
A matter of perspective. Romans 8:28 comes to mind.
Imagine, Paige said, that the Metropolitan Museum of Modern Art Delivered a 20 by 14 foot Monet to your door and you tried to fit it into your small frame. That is what we do with God. We try to put Him in our small box.
9. If God shows up in your life, He will “blow up” your whole life (in a good way.) How has He done that?
His goodness to me; I feel very undeserving.
The longer I serve Him, the sweeter He grows.
The more that I love Him, more love He bestows,
Each day is like heaven my heart overflows, The longer I serve Him, the sweeter He grows.
Dee, first of all, and again, thank you for introducing us to the practice of God Hunt.
God Hunt Sunday:
The reason we do this each Sabbath is to help us fight selective memory about God.
10. How has God been tender to you as He was to Elijah in helping him rest and eat?
I remember being too worn out on a Friday and the weekend after that. I was dreading going back to school to teach on Monday and that Sunday evening, the school was canceled for Monday because of the weather. Yeah, Lord-you are a BIG God!
And another was when I was flying to the Philippines and I had a bad cold, God provided a business class seat for me when I paid for coach only; coming back and I was nauseous and threw up in the public restroom in Japan and nobody (I kid you not!) came into that bathroom for 15 minutes! So, I got to rest my head against the bathroom stall which by the way, Japan got right. The bathroom floors were pristine! I don’t know how they did it then, but it was so clean, I could have eaten there in the stall! hahaha
11. How has He met you in your need as He met the widow, and as He met Elijah in defeating the prophets of Baal?
His provision so I can finish 5 years of nursing school in the Philippines, meeting all requirements to be able to practice as a nurse here in the U.S. It felt insurmountable at that time but God provided. Thank you, God!
12. Why is it good that we remember these things and tell them to our children?
God has commanded us to teach the Word of God to our children and they can only grasp the truth of God’s word and His promises if we remember them and tell them to our children.
Great God hunts Bing! So thankful for the pristine floors!! I think it was on Jeopardy but one of the answers was, ..This country produces the most nurses. The correct question was…What is the Philippines? I automatically thought of you!
That is so correct, Sharon! I did not know that that is a Jeopardy question.
We have a wedding this afternoon in a cute little town in Vermont. When looking for places to stay overnight, we decided to forgo the $250/ night and go for a “luxury tent” which was “yurt-ish.” It was absolutely amazing, stepping outside in the middle of the night to view the stars in the middle of nowhere! God created such a beautiful universe. Wow! It has been sweet too; my husband and I alone. It has been awhile.
Laura, that sounds so wonderful and what a special time for you and your husband.
I woke up this morning with an attitude that made it hard for me to even want to go to church, to be around people and worship, but I forced myself into the shower and I knew I needed to pray but it was more of justifying my feelings to the Lord. I used to own a few of those Magic Eye books and one thing that I learned in seeing the picture in a maze of dots was focusing on what was beyond the dots, but sometimes it didn’t always appear right away and I’d have to try later…in other words, it took time. It wasn’t until we got to church and we sang, Lord, I Need You, that I realized I needed to adjust my focus and keep trying…God never stops amazing me. He pursued me, He knew just what I needed…Him!!!
Focusing beyond the dots!
Sharon, I can relate! I began having depression and a negative attitude since last Thursday…not sure why? By Sunday, I realized it was definately an attack from the enemy. I had lost my confidence to play my guitar for worship Sunday morning. I did get up and sing with the worship team though, and felt God’s presence very strong! He lifted me up!
Sharon, I have had those times but I have never regretted going to church afterward. God meets me there and it is always a humbling experience.
Read 1 Kings 19:1-9
A. What does Ahab tell Jezebel and how does she respond? That the prophets of Baal were put to death. She responds by saying may the gods do the same to her if she doesn’t kill Elijah the next day. Why is this surprising considering what Ahab must have reported? (1-2) Because the gods were proved powerless (non existent).
B. How does Elijah respond when he hears this? (3-5) He gets up and runs as far as he can before he runs out of energy, lays down and waits to die.
C. What does God do? (6-9 ) Sends an angel multiple times with bread and water.
D. The God who created us knows we need rest and food. How is His love evidenced here, and how does this speak to you? He knows my needs and will always provide.
E. How is Elijah demonstrating “selective memory?” He “forgot” the time that God miraculously provided for him, the widow and her son during a time of famine.
2. Watch Paige up to Minute 19 when she says: “We are not determined by our context but by our hearts.
A. What is Elijah focusing on, and what is he not focusing on? He’s focusing on the what’s going on in world around him, not on God and what He has and is doing.
B. How do you see the same thing happening in the time of Jesus? See John 3:19. Jesus himself God incarnate stood among the crowds performing miracles and there were still unbelievers.
C. What is the punishment for not believing? Eternal condemnation.
D. Paige said we are living in a time like that now, but we are not the first people to do so. Thoughts? There has never been a time when the world loved God and people were good to each other. The “good old days” never have existed.
E. What else stands out to you and why? Even believers can lose their focus. Application? Just before I sat down to do this study I was starting to focus on some unpleasant circumstances in my life that have be going on for the last couple of weeks with no resolution in sight. I need to focus on God and what He is doing and will continue to do.
The “good old days never existed.” :-0 Selective memory!
3. Watch Paige from minute 19 up to 32:13 when she is talking about the “Magic Eye” paintings and says: “Once you see it you can’t unsee it.”
A. What is the first cause of Elijah’s despair? He has surrendered himself to a different heart. He put his situation in the foreground and God in the background.
B. Paige says despair is understandable but not excusable. Why? Because despair is not caused by our circumstances, but how we are responding to God.
C. She emphasizes that the Bible never says this life will be easy. Why is this important to remember? So we will not despair and keep our focus on Him regardless of our circumstances.
4. Read 1 Corinthians 4:7-12 and describe Paul’s perspective in hard circumstances. How could this help you? The apostles themselves suffered greatly and they were never in despair.
5. Examples from Scripture:
A. When David was down, instead of listening to his downcast soul, he talked to it. Read Psalm 42 and explain what he did. He reminded himself that even though he was feeling hopeless that God is faithful and his (David) joy would be restored.
B. What mistake did Peter make when walking on the water toward Jesus? He took his eyes of Jesus and started to focus on the wind and waves.
C. When the twelve spies came back from scoping out the promised land, only two were confident. Why? Because the knew that God was mightier than all of the giants in the land.
6. What does Colossians 3:1-5 tell us to do? Keep our eyes fixed on Jesus and remember that our lives are hidden in him.
10. How has God been tender to you as He was to Elijah in helping him rest and eat? He has shown me grace this week at a time when I least deserved it.
11. How has He met you in your need as He met the widow, and as He met Elijah in defeating the prophets of Baal? He has strengthened me to make some difficult changes in my life this week. In getting rid of some of my idols, not just trying to manage them.
12. Why is it good that we remember these things and tell them to our children? Because they are going to face trials, temptations and failures in this life and the more they hear of Gods faithfulness the more they will keep their eyes on Him.
Dawn, I love this- In getting rid of some of my idols, not just trying to manage them.
God Hunt Sunday:
The reason we do this each Sabbath is to help us fight selective memory about God.
10. How has God been tender to you as He was to Elijah in helping him rest and eat? I have been having fitful sleep for 10 years or more, this week I have been blessed to have 2 nights if peaceful sleep! It is definately a gift from God. I thought if the 23rd Psalm just now, “I will make you to lie down in green pastures”!
11. How has He met you in your need as He met the widow, and as He met Elijah in defeating the prophets of Baal? 2 years before I moved from California to West Virginia, I prayed for enough money to prepare my house for sale and enough money to buy a home here with some left over for other needs. When I sold my home I made more than enough money to pay for everything and continue to help my son. The timing was all of the Lord and His provision!
12. Why is it good that we remember these things and tell them to our children? It is important to pass on the stories and miraculous events of our lives to build a foundation of faith in future generations. Plus the grandchildren love to hear the stories we tell!
Great provisional story, Lydia.
Thank-you Dee!
8. Watch Paige from minute 32:13 to minute 45. Out of Bounds and In A Box. Stop at when she says Elijah “believes he cares more about God than God cares about him.”
A. Many will accept God or God’s direction in their life as long as they can call the boundaries. How do you see this attitude in Elijah in verses 4? Elijah said enough, just kill me now.
B. What are some other examples Paige gave of people feeling “God is out of bounds!” We finally got them to go to church and the pastor talked about money. She’s finally found a Christian boy to date and he broke up with her. He found the perfect job and got fired or demoted.
C. Was there ever a time when you felt God was asking too much of you? Yes If so, how did you get past that? I cried out to Him a lot and told him what I wanted, but followed it with not my will, but yours. I had to trust Him because it was the only hope that I had.
D. John Newton said: “Everything is necessary that he sends, nothing can be necessary that He withholds.” Thoughts? This is a good thing to keep in mind when things aren’t going the way that I’d like.
9. If God shows up in your life, He will “blow up” your whole life (in a good way.) How has He done that? I am 100% not the same person that I was before I became a Christian. He changed everything.
From Dawn:
I am 100% not the same person that I was before I became a Christian. He changed everything.
8. Watch Paige from minute 32:13 to minute 45. Out of Bounds and In A Box. Stop at when she says Elijah “believes he cares more about God than God cares about him.”
A. Many will accept God or God’s direction in their life as long as they can call the boundaries. How do you see this attitude in Elijah in verses 4?
Elijah is in despair and asks the Lord to take his life. Things didn’t work out the way he thought they should.
B. What are some other examples Paige gave of people feeling “God is out of bounds!”
She gives examples of getting someone to go to church (finally) and then the pastor preached on money. She finally got asked out on a date with a Christian and then he broke up with her. He finally has integrity at work and then he gets demoted.
C. Was there ever a time when you felt God was asking too much of you? If so, how did you get past that?
Yes, raising our two middle children. I gave up because nothing I did worked! I gave it to Him and what do you know? All is well now.
D. John Newton said: “Everything is necessary that he sends, nothing can be necessary that He withholds.” Thoughts?
What I think I need might not be what God thinks I need. He has the plan. I do not.
When we meet the real God we are undone by His beauty, His magnetism.
13. Listen to Paige from minute 45 to 57:30 when she tells of a woman in an ice cream store running into Paul Newman.
A. She said, Elijah didn’t need a sermon, he needed sleep and food. Have you ever despaired of life or God and then realized you were just hungry, tired, or isolated from fellowship? If so, share.
My husband, Richard, often can tell if I am tired because I complain a lot and start talking incessantly. Lol, He would jokingly ask, “have you eaten yet?” On a serious note, yeah. I have been there. Especially at work in the past. A small thing can snowball quickly because I have been working too many hours. Then I start accusing God and talking like Elijah: you know I have put in these many hours and my students don’t really appreciate what I do, I do this for you, Lord and nothing’s happening…etc
Magic Eye from now on-putting God in the forefront and consciously putting the rest in the background and letting it fade away. Keeping my eyes on Jesus.
Turn your eyes upon Jesus
Look full in His wonderful face
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim
In the light of His glory and grace.
B. What was her point with her story of the little boy hiking with his grampa and saying, “I’m done. I used up my last pair of legs?”
That when we are on our own last pair of legs, God will carry us with His legs.
C. Share a time when God carried you because you used up your last pair of legs.
When I was riding the ambulance carrying my husband to a bigger hospital because he was bleeding somewhere. I literally felt my knees starting to give way but somehow, I kept going through the three days we were in the hospital. Thankful to God for saving my husband’s life through the expertise of an excellent doctor.
14. Read 1 Kings 19:9-11
A. Where was Elijah and where did God invite him to come and why?
He was inside the cave and God invited Him to come out and stand on the mountain (Horeb) because He was about to pass by.
B. What was Paige’s point about inviting her sick little boy to come vomit on her?
That we can come and “vomit” out everything that is inside of us and throw it up on the Lord. Every yucky thing, every complaint, every hurt that is building inside, and God can handle it because He loves you and me.
C. She said Mount Horeb and Mount Sinai are the same mountain. How is Elijah’s experience similar to that of Moses?
They both experienced the passing of the presence of God and both were not destroyed though both have to cover their faces.
D. Paige gave an illustration of when they had a power outage and her toddler daughter began screaming in her crib. What did Paige finally do that helped her daughter calm down? Her point?
She pointed the flashlight to her face and her toddler calmed down because she saw the face of her mother. We need to adjust our vision and focus on the light where the face of God is. Where Jesus is/
15. Read Psalm 73:1-5 and Psalm 73:17 and explain how Asaph gained perspective.
He saw the wicked prosper and his heart is going in the wrong direction of envy. In his eyes, the wicked do not have any trouble at all. He realized in vs 17 that upon entering the presence of God, he understood where the wicked is destined to eternal separation from God.
16. Read 1 Kings 19:11-13
A. Describe what happened in this passage and where the Lord was finally to be found. What is He endeavoring to communicate to us? (Think of Jennifer’s testimony.)
The hurricane, earthquake, and fire came but God was not there. God came in a whisper. He wants to communicate to our very hearts.
Thank you for sharing Jennifer’s story again. I trust she is well and growing in the Lord.
B. How is Elijah approaching the Lord here? (verse 13)
He covered his face with his cloak.
C. God is holy, but through Jesus, we can see what He is also like. What do you see in Jesus that shows how approachable and compassionate He is?
Jesus communicates with us through His word. “Come to me all those who are heavy laden and I will give you rest. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
Oh Bing — what a story with your husband! I had that with Steve.
Dee, whenever I look back on this experience, I remember feeling afraid yet at peace. When my mind took me to Satan’s territory of guilt, fear, and paralysis, I would pray and God was faithful to bring His face to the foreground.
13. Listen to Paige from minute 45 to 57:30 when she tells of a woman in an ice cream store running into Paul Newman.
A. She said, Elijah didn’t need a sermon, he needed sleep and food. Have you ever despaired of life or God and then realized you were just hungry, tired, or isolated from fellowship? If so, share. Life always seems to be tedious and depressing when I’m tired.
B. What was her point with her story of the little boy hiking with his grampa and saying, “I’m done. I used up my last pair of legs?” Even when we are at the end of our strength, God is there to carry us through.
C. Share a time when God carried you because you used up your last pair of legs. The last time that I went through a bout of deep depression. I honestly wanted to stay in bed all day, but I had to work. God got me through the day moment by moment and brought me through it.
14. Read 1 Kings 19:9-11
A. Where was Elijah and where did God invite him to come and why? He was in a cave. God invited him to come out and He would pass before Elijah.
B. What was Paige’s point about inviting her sick little boy to come vomit on her? That God is not pushing us away when we are “sick”. He invites us to come to Him and give Him all of the nastiness, bitterness and sickness that is in our hearts.
C. She said Mount Horeb and Mount Sinai are the same mountain. How is Elijah’s experience similar to that of Moses? God showed Himself to them in their time of great despair and gave them a perspective of who He is and His power.
D. Paige gave an illustration of when they had a power outage and her toddler daughter began screaming in her crib. What did Paige finally do that helped her daughter calm down? Her point? Paige shined the flashlight on her own face and when her daughter saw her, she calmed down. God won’t change our situation, He will show us Himself.
15. Read Psalm 73:1-5 and Psalm 73:17 and explain how Asaph gained perspective. At first he was envious of the seemingly blessed life of the wicked, until he saw the real truth that their short days of bliss on earth were nothing compared to eternal separation from God.
16. Read 1 Kings 19:11-13
A. Describe what happened in this passage and where the Lord was finally to be found. What is He endeavoring to communicate to us? (Think of Jennifer’s testimony.) He was found in the still gentle voice. He isn’t the storms and disasters, He’s the quiet calm.
B. How is Elijah approaching the Lord here? (verse 13) Fearful, with his face covered.
C. God is holy, but through Jesus we can see what He is also like. What do you see in Jesus that shows how approachable and compassionate He is? He is gentle, humble, merciful, patient, always forgiving.
I have gotten behind this week so I am trying to catch up with a Paige before the video is taken down. Such pressure! I will go back and answer the questions that don’t rely on the video after that.
13. Listen to Paige from minute 45 to 57:30 when she tells of a woman in an ice cream store running into Paul Newman.
A. She said, Elijah didn’t need a sermon, he needed sleep and food. Have you ever despaired of life or God and then realized you were just hungry, tired, or isolated from fellowship? If so, share.
The only times I remember bring in such despair was when I was at the end of my rope with our two middle children. Many of you were here when we struggled with our daughter. She was a mess. I was a mess. Our family was a mess. It was despair for sure. I think if I knew someone else had been through what I was going through, it would have helped. So maybe I was “isolated from fellowship?”
B. What was her point with her story of the little boy hiking with his grampa and saying, “I’m done. I used up my last pair of legs?”
The grandpa picks him up an says, “I have legs for both of us.” God will have the legs for us.
C. Share a time when God carried you because you used up your last pair of legs.
When Sarah lived in Staten Island, she moved 3 times and each time we went to help her move. She always had trouble and was unwelcome after awhile. It was hard going down and cleaning her mess up (literally and figuratively). He had my back.
14. Read 1 Kings 19:9-11
A. Where was Elijah and where did God invite him to come and why?
He went to a cave to sleep. God told him to stand outside by the mountain. He shows up to him with a mighty storm. But, God was not in the storm. He wants to show Elijah His strength so Elijah knows he is not alone.
B. What was Paige’s point about inviting her sick little boy to come vomit on her?
We get in the nastiest places and God says “come throw up on me.” God is calling Elijah.
C. She said Mount Horeb and Mount Sinai are the same mountain. How is Elijah’s experience similar to that of Moses?
Moses also saw God at Mount Sinai.
D. Paige gave an illustration of when they had a power outage and her toddler daughter began screaming in her crib. What did Paige finally do that helped her daughter calm down? Her point?
She put her light on herself so her daughter could see her face. He daughter needed to see her to be comforted.
It is pressure. Maybe someday she will explain why she does that!
13. Listen to Paige from minute 45 to 57:30 when she tells of a woman in an ice cream store running into Paul Newman.
A. She said, Elijah didn’t need a sermon, he needed sleep and food. Have you ever despaired of life or God and then realized you were just hungry, tired, or isolated from fellowship? If so, share.
B. What was her point with her story of the little boy hiking with his grampa and saying, “I’m done. I used up my last pair of legs?”
Just like grandpa picked up this little boy and said, “I’ve got legs for both of us.” God is also there for us when we become weary and tired and meets us right where we’re at and sustains us in our time of need.
C. Share a time when God carried you because you used up your last pair of legs.
He carried me through the night of hurricane Florence. I was at my wits end, so tired and anxious, but He brought me peace and sleep to sustain me and get me through the night.
14. Read 1 Kings 19:9-11
A. Where was Elijah and where did God invite him to come and why?
He was in a cave. He invited him to go out and stand on the mountain so he could clearly see the Lord, not to change his situation but his site.
B. What was Paige’s point about inviting her sick little boy to come vomit on her?
That no matter what our circumstances are, how nasty they/we may be, God doesn’t turn away, He says, tell Me about it, give is it all to Me…He is reaching for us.
C. She said Mount Horeb and Mount Sinai are the same mountain. How is Elijah’s experience similar to that of Moses?
They were both hidden in the cleft of the rock when God presented Himself so they wouldn’t be destroyed.
D. Paige gave an illustration of when they had a power outage and her toddler daughter began screaming in her crib. What did Paige finally do that helped her daughter calm down? Her point?
She took the flashlight and put it on her face so her daughter would focus on her. God puts the spotlight on His face so we will focus on Him.
15. Read Psalm 73:1-5 and Psalm 73:17 and explain how Asaph gained perspective.
He gained by going into the sanctuary of God, then he understood the end of the wicked.
I like this from Paige, “He invites us into the sanctuary, His presence so that we can not only see Him, but so we can see ourselves, that we can be completely honest about what is going on. God is not afraid to hear our heart.” This is what I experienced this past Sunday.
16. Read 1 Kings 19:11-13
A. Describe what happened in this passage and where the Lord was finally to be found. What is He endeavoring to communicate to us? (Think of Jennifer’s testimony.)
The Lord passed by the cave and a great strong wind tore into the mountains and broke the rocks in pieces before the Lord, but He wasn’t in the wind, the earthquake or the fire. But after the fire there was a still small voice. When Elijah heard it he wrapped his face in his mantle and stood in the entrance of the cave and the Lord asked him, what are you doing here Elijah?
B. How is Elijah approaching the Lord here? (verse 13)
He is hesitant to stand before the Lord.
C. God is holy, but through Jesus we can see what He is also like. What do you see in Jesus that shows how approachable and compassionate He is?
My first thought was Isaiah 61:1-3
”The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because the LORD has anointed Me to preach good tidings to the poor, He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound. To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord, and the day of vengeance of our God. To comfort all who mourn. To console those who mourn in Zion, to give them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness, that they may be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the LORD, that He may be glorified.”
This certainly makes her vomiting illustration clear from Sharon:
B. What was Paige’s point about inviting her sick little boy to come vomit on her?
That no matter what our circumstances are, how nasty they/we may be, God doesn’t turn away, He says, tell Me about it, give is it all to Me…He is reaching for us.
17. Read 1 Kings 19:12-18
A. What is God endeavoring to communicate through verse 12?
As Paige puts it, “God is no longer revealing Himself to prove anything. He is lovingly coming to one shaky, discouraged child to whisper to his heart.”
B. He comes to us gently through His Word — but often our hearts are not ready to hear Him. What has helped you to prepare your heart when you are in His Word?
What helps me, is to find a place without distractions, to sit quietly and ask Him to free my mind also of distractions and pray that the Holy Spirit will give me wisdom.
C. What is Elijah’s perspective in verse 14?
His focus is on himself, his circumstances. All that he did and none of it made any difference. He’s still alone and they seek to take his life.
D. What does God tell Elijah in verse 18?
He has reserved 7,000 in Israel who have not served Baal.
E. What does God also tell Elijah to do in verses 15-17?
Return to the wilderness of Damascus and anoint Hazael as king over Syria, anoint Jehu as king over Israel and Elisha as prophet in your place. Whoever escapes the sword of Hazael Jehu will kill and whoever escapes the sword of Jehu, Elisha will kill.
18. Listen to Paige to the end.
A. Paige said “Despair comes from chasing our own plan. Delight comes from following His.” Have you experienced this? If so — how?
For many years Jim and I wanted to live in Eastern Oregon and each time we chased that plan it was always met with despair. No job opportunities would open up and doors were always closed. Delight came in following His plan when He moved us to NC instead…God literally plucked us out of place we are so glad now that we didn’t move to and put us in what turned out to be the perfect place for raising our children, a job provided by God that allowed Jim not to travel and be away from his family for 2 weeks at a time but rather 2-3 days instead, I think what was really good for both of us was coming to an area where the denomination that we grew up in was non existent and we really had to depend on the Lord to direct us to a church, It also built our faith where it became our own.
B. She gave examples of the above from both Elisabeth Elliot and Joni Erickson Tada. Choose one and explain.
Joni because paralyzed at 17 and after asking Him to heal her she realizes that He did answer her prayer, He said no and she was glad because her character was strengthened, being in the wheelchair has made knowing Christ better.
C. Moses and Elijah were not destroyed because they hid in the rock. What does Psalm 18:2-3 say?
“The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my savior; my God is my rock, in whom I find protection. He is my shield, the power that saves me, and my place of safety. I called on the Lord, who is worthy of praise, and he saved me from my enemies.”
Psalms 18:2-3 NLT
D. Who is the rock according to 1 Corinthians 10:4 say?
Jesus Christ
God primarily communicates to us through His Word, which is what He does now with Elijah.
17. Read 1 Kings 19:12-18
A. What is God endeavoring to communicate through verse 12? God wants to communicate to us that He is a gentle God, His love and tender mercies are made known by this gentle whisper.
B. He comes to us gently through His Word — but often our hearts are not ready to hear Him. What has helped you to prepare your heart when you are in His Word? Praying scripture has always helped me to prepare my heart when I am seeking His voice through His Word. “Search me oh Lord…”
C. What is Elijah’s perspective in verse 14? Elijah tells God that he is the only one of God’s people left and they are seeking to kill him too.
D. What does God tell Elijah in verse 18? God tells Elijah that He has reserved 7,000 in Israel that have not worshipped Baal.
E. What does God also tell Elijah to do in verses 15-17? God tells Elijah to anoint Hazael King over Aram, anoint Jehu son of Nimshi King of Israel, anoint Elisha son of Shaphat to succeed you as prophet.
18. Listen to Paige to the end.
A. Paige said “Despair comes from chasing our own plan. Delight comes from following His.” Have you experienced this? If so — how? Many times I made choices without considering God’s plan for my life. Most of them ended in despair. The only exception was being married to an unbeliever, that was a difficult journey…but God changed his heart 6 months before he went home to Heaven!
B. She gave examples of the above from both Elisabeth Elliot and Joni Erickson Tada. Choose one and explain. Joni Erikson Tada accepted God’s “No” answer to her pleas for healing. She gratefuly chose to follow Him, eventhough the path He took her on was more than most could bear.
C. Moses and Elijah were not destroyed because they hid in the rock. What does Psalm 18:2-3 say? “The Lord is my Rock!”
D. Who is the rock according to 1 Corinthians 10:4 say? ” The Rock is Jesus Christ”!
God primarily communicates to us through His Word, which is what He does now with Elijah.
17. Read 1 Kings 19:12-18
A. What is God endeavoring to communicate through verse 12?
His plan for us.
B. He comes to us gently through His Word — but often our hearts are not ready to hear Him. What has helped you to prepare your heart when you are in His Word?
Music and praying over a certain character of God.
C. What is Elijah’s perspective in verse 14?
He was so engrossed in his own despair that he exaggerated! He said he was the only one left and the other prophets have been killed. And he was very zealous for the Lord. and that they are also after him to kill him.
D. What does God tell Elijah in verse 18?
There will always be a remnant (This time 7,000) who has not bowed down to Baal or kissed him.
A. What does God also tell Elijah to do in verses 15-17?
For Elijah to go back the way he came and to anoint three people. One (Elisha) of whom will be his successor as a prophet.
18. Listen to Paige to the end.
A. Paige said “Despair comes from chasing our own plan. Delight comes from following His.” Have you experienced this? If so — how?
In conversations with people, I love: if I follow my plan, I end up ruining a conversation by my lack of patience snowballing into anger and frustration. When I let God guide me and I sincerely seek His wisdom, I often find the conversations end on a good note and though there might be some disagreement, I have felt that I have kept the relationship intact and have honored God in my speech and ways. The peace and joy and thanksgiving that comes afterward is a delight. It would be crazy not to follow God.
B. She gave examples of the above from both Elisabeth Elliot and Joni Erickson Tada. Choose one and explain.
Joni pleaded with God for healing but after many, many years, she has come to the point of accepting her God-given purposes and sharing her joy in the Lord. I have 2 of her devotionals and they are treasures written by one who knows how to suffer well.
Her song, Joni’s Waltz
Though I spend my mortal lifetime in this chair, I refuse to waste it living in despair
And though others may receive gifts of healing I believe that He has given me a gift beyond compare
For heaven is nearer to me And at times it is all I can see
Sweet music I hear coming down to my ear And I know it is playing for me
For I am Christ the Savior’s own bride And redeemed I shall stand by His
And he will say shall we dance And our endless romance Will be worth all the tears I have cried.
C. Moses and Elijah were not destroyed because they hid in the rock. What does Psalm 18:2-3 say?
My God is my Rock.
D. Who is the rock according to 1 Corinthians 10:4 say?
It is Christ.
Thank-you for sharing Joni’s Song, beautiful! What an example of faith and trusting in God her life has been!
I agree with Lydia — so good from Joni.
15. Read Psalm 73:1-5 and Psalm 73:17 and explain how Asaph gained perspective.
Asaph was jealous of the wicked who seem to always gain in life when he had troubles. By verse 17, he realizes they will pay in the end because of their wickedness.
16. Read 1 Kings 19:11-13
A. Describe what happened in this passage and where the Lord was finally to be found. What is He endeavoring to communicate to us? (Think of Jennifer’s testimony.)
Elijah is hiding in a cave and is afraid. A storm comes, an earthquake, and a fire. God was not in those events, however, after the fire, there was a gentle whisper of God. Elijah took his cloak and wraps his face in it as he stands at the cave opening. God wants us to know just how much we are loved by Him.
B. How is Elijah approaching the Lord here? (verse 13)
C. God is holy, but through Jesus we can see what He is also like. What do you see in Jesus that shows how approachable and compassionate He is?
He is loving.
17. Read 1 Kings 19:12-18
A. What is God endeavoring to communicate through verse 12?
His love and care.
B. He comes to us gently through His Word — but often our hearts are not ready to hear Him. What has helped you to prepare your heart when you are in His Word?
Slowing down and studying.
C. What is Elijah’s perspective in verse 14?
That he is the only one who cares about God.
D. What does God tell Elijah in verse 18?
He will save His people for their faithfulness.
E. What does God also tell Elijah to do in verses 15-17?
He is to go back to Damascus and annoint Hazeal as king of Aram. Annoint Jehu as king of Israel, and annoint Elisha to replace him as God’s prophet.
18. Listen to Paige to the end.
A. Paige said “Despair comes from chasing our own plan. Delight comes from following His.” Have you experienced this? If so — how?
Certainly! Every time I listen to Him I am pleased.
B. She gave examples of the above from both Elisabeth Elliot and Joni Erickson Tada. Choose one and explain.
Joni always prayed to be healed. She saw herself at the spring where the sick would go to be healed in Israel. She reflected on the man who was healed by Jesus after waiting 30 years. He picked up his mat and walked. 30 years later she and her husband stumbled on the spring on a vacation to Israel. She was overcome with the irony and that God didn’t heal her on the outside but He did on the inside.
C. Moses and Elijah were not destroyed because they hid in the rock. What does Psalm 18:2-3 say?
The Lord is my rock and protection.
D. Who is the rock according to 1 Corinthians 10:4 say?
19. What is your take-a-way and why?
I should not despair of life if I keep God in the foreground of the eyes of my heart. What is the condition of my heart? I must guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life.
Even the Apostle Paul despaired of life but, the sentence of death made him look to and rely on God, confident that God can do much more than he could ever imagine.
We do not want you to be uninformed, brothers and sisters,[a] about the troubles we experienced in the province of Asia. We were under great pressure, far beyond our ability to endure, so that we despaired of life itself. Indeed, we felt we had received the sentence of death. But this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God, who raises the dead. 2 Corinthians 1:8-9