What a beautiful introduction to Joshua from Paige. Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever. The God who promised Joshua He’d never leave him is the same God who made the same promise to us.
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Wk1_Joshua and Judges Transcript
Introduction: 15 Minutes
1. Paige said we don’t study God’s Word because we feel we have what we need and now it is pointless. Be honest. Is there any measure of truth in that for you? Explain.
2. She said that if we feel that way we neither understand what God has said about His Word or about His Word’s relationship to knowing Jesus.
A. What do you know that God has said Himself about the value of His Word?
B. How has His Word impacted your relationship with Jesus? Be specific.
3. How does the story of Joshua follow naturally the story from Genesis to Joshua? (Paige summarized this. Now you do it in a few sentences.)
Different Guy — Same God (Next 16 minutes)
4. What do you know about Joshua that happened before this book?
5. Read Joshua 1:1-11 and share your gut reactions to the passage. (What grabs your attention, what resonates, what do you embrace?)
6. In Joshua 1:1-6 what does God tell Joshua to do and what does He promise him?
7. In Joshua 1:7-11 what does God tell Joshua to do?
There is never a moment that whenever a decision is made that the Word of God is not in the driver’s seat. (Alec Motyer — I think!)
8. How does the above expose your need, sin, and brokenness? How are you being challenged to trust and obey?
9. Paige told a story of why one college student responded to a request for help with a soup kitchen. What did you learn from this that applies to your life?
Different Symbol — Same God (Next 12 minutes)
10. Read Joshua 3:1-13 and share your gut reactions to the passage. (What grabs your attention, what resonates, what do you embrace?)
11. What is the symbol in this passage and what does it symbolize? (verses 10- 13)
12. Explain how the construction of the ark symbolized both the law and mercy of God.
13. How is it possible for God to have a relationship with a people who so often disobey or ignore His law?
14. Paige tells a story of her baby crying in the dark and how Paige waved the flashlight around the room but her baby didn’t stop crying until Paige shone the flashlight on her face. Why did the Israelites need to look at the Ark, but not at the river? How could this apply to your life right now?
Different Water — Same God (Next about 15 minutes)
15. Read Joshua 3:14-3:17 and share your gut reactions to the passage. (What grabs your attention, what resonates, what do you embrace?)
16. What did Paige mean by “God often opens his hand one finger at a time?” (She gave an illustration from Indiana Jones) How does this story illustrate this?
17. What did Jesus tell the disciples right after they let down their nets? What did he tell Peter when Peter asked how John would die? Application?
18. When we respond, we change. I was blind but now I see. I was one way and now I am another and in-between was Him. How is that true of you? Be specific.
The real threat is not infidelity but forgetting.
Ralph Davis
19. Read Joshua 4:11-24 and share your gut reactions to the passage. (What grabs your attention, what resonates, what do you embrace?)
20. What was the point of the stones? How long had it been since they started in the wilderness?
21. Why is it good to remember the parting of the Passover, the crossing of the Red Sea, the crossing of the Jordan? Why is it good to remember the Resurrection? What kept you up last night? Can God handle it?
Different Congregations — Same God (To the end)
22. Read Joshua 5: and share your gut reactions to the passage. (What grabs your attention, what resonates, what do you embrace?)
23. What does circumcision represent? How is this similar to baptism and communion?
24. Paige said it is spiritually significant that the men were all incapacitated after being circumcised. Why?
25. Why do we no longer need the spilling of blood according to 1 Corinthians 5:7?
Different Everything — Same God (To the end)
26. We are so different than the culture and the ways of the Israelites. We are all always in transition. Consider how our own culture has changed in ten years. Yet, what is the same?
“Aslan” said Lucy “you’re bigger”.
“That is because you are older, little one” answered he.
“Not because you are?”
“I am not. But every year you grow, you will find me bigger.”
― Prince Caspian
27. How has Jesus become bigger to you as you have grown?
Our little church is doing Paige for the first time. First time we’ve had a woman teacher. Pray our discussion goes well. Her message is longer than any we have done. In the past they have all been good about listening ahead of time.
I trust your discussion went well. Would loved to of been involved.
When Jim and I sat down to listen he asked how long it was and I said about an hour and if you want we can just listen to the first 30 minutes. We ended up listening to the whole thing at one sitting and his comment was, “that was so much so take in, but she sure does keep your attention.”
Prayer they will learn and like the depth of Paige’s lecture and are eager to hear more.
1. Paige said we don’t study God’s Word because we feel we have what we need and now it is pointless. Be honest. Is there any measure of truth in that for you? Explain.
I suppose so. The parts in the New Testament about women covering their hair seems strange for we Christian women. I’ve asked this question before; why don’t pastors preach on Jude, or Malachi? Why are some books studied more often than others? I think ever since I learned that the entire Bible is really a story about Jesus, I get excited to see how it truly fits. This has only come to me in the past 20 years or so.
2. She said that if we feel that way we neither understand what God has said about His Word or about His Word’s relationship to knowing Jesus.
A. What do you know that God has said Himself about the value of His Word?
It has integrity. The Lord does what He says He will do.
B. How has His Word impacted your relationship with Jesus? Be specific.
I have reflected on my actions because of my Savior. I do my best to behave the way He wants me to behave. I don’t lie.
3. How does the story of Joshua follow naturally the story from Genesis to Joshua? (Paige summarized this. Now you do it in a few sentences.)
The people were wayward. God punished and forgave. She said Deuteronomy is a preamble to Joshua.
Thanks for being the first, Laura. I know Keller has said all scripture is true and helpful, but some more helpful than others. You could go through the whole Bible with Paul LeBoulltier!
Hello sisters, I have an urgent prayer request.
My brother-in-law is in critical condition in the ICU. He was having surgery for internal bleeding, and his heart stopped. He was revived and now: sedated/ventilator, heart function 20%, AFib, and still bleeding internally (had to stop procedure). Doctors are trying to move him to a regional hospital.
We are waiting to see if he gets moved before we travel to see him, right now it would be a 5 hour trip. Wayne and Anne have two adult children who are there right now. The family are not believers.
Stabilized. Blood count goid, blood pressure is up.
Father, I lift up Wayne and ask for your mercy. Please give the doctors wisdom and the whole family to Yourself!
In Jesus Name I pray
Cheryl, praying. Lord, you are El Roi. The God who sees. And much more than physical well-being is our plea for Wayne’s and his family’s salvation. use this time to draw them to yourself and be with Cheryl Ann as she ministers to them. Your will is perfect and let it be so for this family. you are our Deliverer, Jehovah Mefalti. Deliver this family as you only can.
Prayers he continues to be stable and that all their hearts are open to the words of love and hope Jesus offers.
Oh Cheryl Ann, I will be praying for him and his family to see the power of pray and God’s love and healing upon his life.
1. Paige said we don’t study God’s Word because we feel we have what we need and now it is pointless. Be honest. Is there any measure of truth in that for you? Explain. I don’t know that I would use pointless, but there are books that portions are hard to understand even if I use a commentary. Then fortunately I will come to a portion that I get something out of it. Probably makes it about me then instead of about Him.
2. She said that if we feel that way we neither understand what God has said about His Word or about His Word’s relationship to knowing Jesus.
A. What do you know that God has said Himself about the value of His Word? He is faithful to what He promises. For no word of God will ever fail.
B. How has His Word impacted your relationship with Jesus? Be specific. Some days( not enough of them) I can write a few paragraphs about a particular section and verse. It makes me feel so close to Him. Other days I may write similar truths about Him but at least I’m repeating truths for my memory bank. It would be difficult to navigate the disappointments I some days face without being able to go to His Word and sense His comfort and find peace.
3. How does the story of Joshua follow naturally the story from Genesis to Joshua? (Paige summarized this. Now you do it in a few sentences.). What I wrote down is the book of Joshua is promises fulfilled. From the calling of Abraham to leave his country and the promises to him, then to Moses leading the Israelites out of Egypt to the 40 years in the desert, we now have the promise to Abraham fulfilled.
I remember Keller saying, Judy — that all of God’s Word is relevant, true, and powerful — but some passages more powerful and relevant than others. But He can surprise us, even with Leviticus or a genealogy! I do think integrating the psalms for prayer is helpful.
Good summary on promises fulfilled.
Thank you. You are corrext God does sometimes surprise us by what we read even the genealogies. Yes reading and praying the Psalms brings an emotion and tenderness and a reminder of Who is in control.
Introduction: 15 Minutes
1. Paige said we don’t study God’s Word because we feel we have what we need and now it is pointless. Be honest. Is there any measure of truth in that for you? Explain.
There are parts of the Bible that I get bored with or do not understand. Like the naming of descendants, the begats, Leviticus. I guess that is what she meant by “pointless”. I know every word in the Bible is God-breathed but I haven’t given thought to the subconscious auto-response of indifference/lack of interest I have to certain parts of the Bible. I wouldn’t say that of Joshua and Judges, though on the personal front.
2. She said that if we feel that way we neither understand what God has said about His Word or about His Word’s relationship to knowing Jesus.
A. What do you know that God has said Himself about the value of His Word?
His word is perfect. Psalm 119 is a beautiful poem about the value of his Word. 2 Timothy 3:16 also is a fact that I hang on to.
B. How has His Word impacted your relationship with Jesus? Be specific.
I am seeing Him more clearly. That He cares for me and that His death was a personal gift to each one of us who believes and that He is with me yesterday, today, and forever. Claiming his promises, like wisdom for the classroom, how to deal with hurts and disappointments, crying out for help, and knowing he heard me and would help me.
2. How does the story of Joshua follow naturally the story from Genesis to Joshua? (Paige summarized this. Now you do it in a few sentences.)
The God who was in the garden and who made the promise of deliverance is the same God through the different generations of His people Abraham to Jacob, to Moses, to Joshua.
Love how you are seeing Him “more clearly,” Bing!
I got this from Wayne’s daughter:
Dad had his third scope done! He has three ulcers and when they went in there was no bleeding. So the ulcer and the antibiotics are working. The gastroenterologist signed off and now he is in the Cardiologist’s hands now. Now we find out why his heart stopped during the second scope procedure. That there was no damage done to his heart. He will slowly come off sedation around 5am tomorrow morning and then the ventilator. He should be awake when we get there around 8am. Very thankful!
Great news, Cheryl.
1. Paige said we don’t study God’s Word because we feel we have what we need and now it is pointless. Be honest. Is there any measure of truth in that for you? Explain. I don’t think that I’ve ever went so far as to think that it is pointless. I do sometimes feel like I’m rereading it, but getting nothing more, especially books like Numbers.
2. She said that if we feel that way we neither understand what God has said about His Word or about His Word’s relationship to knowing Jesus.
A. What do you know that God has said Himself about the value of His Word? The Word is God breathed. It is alive and active, sharper than any 2 edged sword. It is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path.
B. How has His Word impacted your relationship with Jesus? Be specific. It has been the way that I have come to know Jesus more deeply. When I learned that all of the bible points to Jesus, it has been like a treasure hunt to find Him in the passages that I read.
3. How does the story of Joshua follow naturally the story from Genesis to Joshua? (Paige summarized this. Now you do it in a few sentences.) Every story from Adam and Eve to Joshua tell of how the people of this earth were wicked and disobedient and how God redeemed them.
So glad to see you here, Dawn. Your input is so good.
I forgot to include a God Hunt in this week, but feel free to share them!
Introduction: 15 Minutes
1. Paige said we don’t study God’s Word because we feel we have what we need and now it is pointless. Be honest. Is there any measure of truth in that for you? Explain.
—Paige said “To some of us all of the Bible seems pointless. But to all of us some of the Bible seems pointless. “ I personally have a hard time agreeing with that comment and using the word pointless. I have never thought of any of the Bible as pointless.
When I was younger and thought I knew more than I really did about the Bible I was naive but I always revered it as God’s Words to us.
I have been blessed with a strong sense of respect for the Bible as God’s Word. That was instilled in my heart and mind as a child by my own dad’s hunger for and example of studying the Bible. And through the years I’ve been privileged to sit under good teaching and preaching from and on the Bible which has consistently reminded me of the high importance of God’s Word. The Bible has always been important to my own personal relationship and walk with the Lord. For me the word pointless and Bible just don’t go together.
2. She said that if we feel that way we neither understand what God has said about His Word or about His Word’s relationship to knowing Jesus.
A. What do you know that God has said Himself about the value of His Word?
—Two scriptures come to my mind immediately are 2 Timothy 3:16-17 NLT
“All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. God uses it to prepare and equip his people to do every good work.”
And Hebrews 4:12 “For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.”
B. How has His Word impacted your relationship with Jesus?
Be specific.
—The Bible has been key to my relationship with Him. It has been through reading, studying and hearing his Word taught that he has spoken to my heart and revealed the wonderful truths about himself and his promises for my life. When I have had doubts and fears it is the Bible that brings me assurance and comfort.
3. How does the story of Joshua follow naturally the story from Genesis to Joshua? (Paige summarized this. Now you do it in a few sentences.)
—In the beginning God created Adam & Eve in perfection then they
sinned. Now we are broken and death came. But redemption was promised. The pattern of sin continued with
Noah’s time and the Tower of Babel, With Abraham God makes a covenent and promises redemption.
Then Moses comes and after the Exodus God makes Israel a nation and they are his redeemed people. They don’t believe God and they sin. But God keeps showing up.
The book of Joshua is a book of promises fulfilled.
Particularly of the land.
But God the same God keeps showing up and provides eternal redemption for Mankind through Jesus. God and his promises are forever the same.
Introduction: 15 Minutes
1. Paige said we don’t study God’s Word because we feel we have what we need and now it is pointless. Be honest. Is there any measure of truth in that for you? Explain. – For me, there is truth to this statement. I tend to get lazy in praying, in thanking God when things are going good. But then I realize and remember I need to be talking to Him daily about everything, good or bad. Thanking Him and crying out to Him and if I don’t, I will not be able to function in this world.
2. She said that if we feel that way we neither understand what God has said about His Word or about His Word’s relationship to knowing Jesus.
A. What do you know that God has said Himself about the value of His Word? – His Word is a light to my path. I need to remember when I turn to Him with everything, he will lead and light the way.
B. How has His Word impacted your relationship with Jesus? Be specific. – By reading and understanding His Word, I have a picture in my mind of what Jesus has gone through and by watching The Chosen, it has brought it to me in a more realistic way. Jesus went through so much for me because he loves me. I try to have that in mind every day. But I fail him so many times and yet, He still loves me and is gracious with his mercy. And because of this, I try very hard to do what is pleasing to him in everything I encounter. I don’t want my actions or words to hurt him anymore than he already has been. I want Jesus to feel my love right back at him.
3. How does the story of Joshua follow naturally the story from Genesis to Joshua? (Paige summarized this. Now you do it in a few sentences.) – God created the whole world perfectly but Adam and Eve messed it up because they wanted to be God. Hearts were evil and judgement came through the flood. But it started all over again with people being evil. God then pulled Abraham out to bless the nation and it is the beginning of the redemptive story, though they were still not perfect. Fear and doubt came in to all the people thinking God was no where to be found. But God continued to be with them and Joshua is where the promises are fulfilled and the people participate in the promises.
Different Guy — Same God (Next 16 minutes)
4. What do you know about Joshua that happened before this book? – Joshua is the general and Moses’ aide, he was in the shadow of Moses until Moses’ death. He is one of the twelve spies.
5. Read Joshua 1:1-11 and share your gut reactions to the passage. (What grabs your attention, what resonates, what do you embrace?) – He’s reminding Joshua of what he had promised to his ancestors. It also seems to me that Joshua may be a bit afraid or cautious since the scripture in the first eleven verses is telling him to be strong and courageous three times. If God has promised us victory, we need to remove our fear as much as humanly possible and stay steadfast in God’s promises of victory.
6. In Joshua 1:1-6 what does God tell Joshua to do and what does He promise him? – After learning that Moses is dead, Joshua is reminded of the promises God made to his ancestors. He tells him to be strong and courageous and that he will be leading the people to the land they were promised.
7. In Joshua 1:7-11 what does God tell Joshua to do? – He tells Joshua to be strong and courageous. He is reminded to obey the law and keep the Word in his heart. To meditate on it daily and repeat it to himself all day.
There is never a moment that whenever a decision is made that the Word of God is not in the driver’s seat. (Alec Motyer — I think!)
8. How does the above expose your need, sin, and brokenness? How are you being challenged to trust and obey? – When trials come my way, I need to always go to God and lay them at this feet and ask him to take control. I don’t always start out this way. I take the trial and see what I can do to correct it and control it. It never works. I need to constantly remind myself that God has set my path before me and knows what I will be going through. Jesus was sent by God to take that path for me. I need to obey God’s Word and trust that Jesus will open up that path for me and walk beside me on it.
9. Paige told a story of why one college student responded to a request for help with a soup kitchen. What did you learn from this that applies to your life? – Obedience. I need to get back to my first Love. I need to be excited again that God chose me to be one of his own. I need to act like a new believe and be obedient to God’s Word because he loves me and that’s why I live.
Wayne is awake and off the ventilator. They acknowledge and are thankful for all the prayers. Being from a Catholic background there is a belief in God, but no real relationship with the Lord.
I want to thank you for the support and encouraging comments. It’s a blessing to know you all. Love, Cheryl
Praise God, he is off the ventilator and awake. continued prayers, Cheryl especially for Wayne and his family to have a relationship with the Lord.
Oh Cheryl Ann, I’m so glad to see.
Thank You Jesus!
The transcript is up for this week. See above. Thank you, Kathy Houts!
Wow! Thanks, Kathy Houts! Praise the Lord!
Please tell Kathy, thank you, thank you, thank you…how wonderful! Listening to this with my husband, I was unable to take notes which was a blessing in disguise as I really just enjoyed listening and we had a good conversation afterwards.
Bing and Sharon — I e-mailed Kathy your thanks!
Dee, the transcript was my extra push to continue participating. At my first listen, Paige was sounding too much for me and I told myself, “Uh, oh! Not sure if I want to do this.” The second time around was a better listen and I seemed to have grasped her words better. Only God can do that when we listen to His Word. So the transcript is a real blessing. And Paige is such a blessing, too. I love her spunk!
Thanks to Kathy! It helps so much to be able to listen and then go back and catch nuances. I do love Paige though…
4. What do you know about Joshua that happened before this book?
Joshua was always in the shadow of Moses.
5. Read Joshua 1:1-11 and share your gut reactions to the passage. (What grabs your attention, what resonates, what do you embrace?)
It reminds me of when Moses crosses the Red Sea after being released by the Pharaoh.
I think the part about being strong and courageous resonates with me today. I definitely need to be strong and courageous right now in my life.
6. In Joshua 1:1-6 what does God tell Joshua to do and what does He promise him?
God tells him to take the people to the promised Land. He says He will give him the land and He will always be with him.
7. In Joshua 1:7-11 what does God tell Joshua to do?
He says to be strong and courageous. He says to obey the Bible and to follow Moses’ instructions. He says to not be afraid.
There is never a moment that whenever a decision is made that the Word of God is not in the driver’s seat. (Alec Motyer — I think!)
8. How does the above expose your need, sin, and brokenness?
If this is true, then I am blessed for sure! It means that I can be assured that God is in control no matter if I make a good or bad decision.
How are you being challenged to trust and obey?
Oh boy! I am trusting that He is protecting our family right now. I am also fearful for the state of our country. It seems as if we are running the path of Venezuela; scary stuff for sure. Our citizens are not those invested in understanding how government works. They are not what I would think the Founding Fathers meant when they developed the Constitution. They intended for an educated populace, which I am not seeing presently. People need to study the candidates policies not them as a person. Americans are too emotional! I need to trust that God is in charge.
9. Paige told a story of why one college student responded to a request for help with a soup kitchen. What did you learn from this that applies to your life?
The student offered to help at a soup kitchen where no one else had offered. Paige asked why she did this. The girl said that she heard the message a couple of weeks prior to “help people.” When it was requested, she didn’t hesitate because it was what she thought she should do as a Christian.
Laura — I listened to Keller on this too and he said it isn’t enough to tell ourselves to be courageous we must tell ourselves what God has done in our lives and in history so we can be courageous.
Thank you. Yes we must remind ourselves what God has done.
Introduction: 15 Minutes
1. Paige said we don’t study God’s Word because we feel we have what we need and now it is pointless. Be honest. Is there any measure of truth in that for you? Explain.
It had been at one point in my life, but then I got into studying His word and realized how wrong I was.
2. She said that if we feel that way we neither understand what God has said about His Word or about His Word’s relationship to knowing Jesus.
A. What do you know that God has said Himself about the value of His Word?
Deuteronomy 30:10, “The LORD your God will delight in you if you obey His voice and keep the commands and decrees written in this Book of Instruction, and if you turn to the LORD you God with all your heart and soul. ‘
Psalms 19:7-11, “The instructions of the Lord are perfect, reviving the soul. The decrees of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple. The commandments of the Lord are right, bringing joy to the heart. The commands of the Lord are clear, giving insight for living. Reverence for the Lord is pure, lasting forever. The laws of the Lord are true; each is fair. They are more desirable than gold, even the finest gold. They are sweeter than honey, even honey dripping from the comb. They are a warning to your servant, a great reward for those who obey them.”
Psalm 119:105, “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.”
B. How has His Word impacted your relationship with Jesus? Be specific.
I have heard His word since I was little, hiding it in my heart and then went through a phase of thinking it was pointless to realizing how much I needed to be in the word to grow in Christ. All that to say it has greatly impacted my relationship with Jesus as it all points to Him!
3. How does the story of Joshua follow naturally the story from Genesis to Joshua? (Paige summarized this. Now you do it in a few sentences.)
The fall of man in the garden > The Tower of Babel > Abraham, whom God blessed to be a father of many nations > Joseph, through whom God brought the Israelites to Egypt where they became slaves for 400 years > Moses, whom God used to bring the Israelites out of Egypt, through the Red Sea and into the wilderness > Joshua, who was Moses’s right hand man and led the Israelites into the promised land.
Different Guy — Same God (Next 16 minutes)
4. What do you know about Joshua that happened before this book?
He was put in charge to choose men to go out and fight the Amalekites, Exodus 17:9
He kept watch while Moses went up to Mt. Sinai. Exodus 24:13
He was one of the 12 spies sent to scope out the promise land and only he and Caleb brought back a good report. Numbers 14
5. Read Joshua 1:1-11 and share your gut reactions to the passage. (What grabs your attention, what resonates, what do you embrace?)
I embraced how God encouraged Joshua…that He wouldn’t fail or abandon them and to be careful to obey all His instructions. As Paige said…He’s the same God today.
So glad you are here, Sharon — and Jim behind the scenes. You are doing exactly what I just told Laura we must do to be strong and courageous.
Looking forward to your questions along with Paige’s in the Joshua & Judges study !
Oh Dana Marie — so great to see a new face. I think I have lost many for a while as Paige is so much, so this is heartening to me. Please stay and participate! I just posted the transcript as well.
6. In Joshua 1:1-6 what does God tell Joshua to do and what does He promise him?
He tells him to lead the Israelites across the Jordan into the land He’s giving them and to be strong and courageous. He promised that wherever he set foot he’d be on land He has given him, no one will be able to stand against him as long as he lives for He would be with him, would not fail or abandon him.
7. In Joshua 1:7-11 what does God tell Joshua to do?
Be strong and courageous, be careful to obey all the instructions Moses gave him, don’t deviate from them. Study the Book of instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything in it. Be strong and courageous! Don’ be afraid or discouraged for the LORD your God is with you whoever you go.
There is never a moment that whenever a decision is made that the Word of God is not in the driver’s seat. (Alec Motyer — I think!)
8. How does the above expose your need, sin, and brokenness? How are you being challenged to trust and obey?
As the old hymn says, I need Thee every hour. I think of the leader that Joshua had become, he could of been very arrogant but he wasn’t and God saw that even Joshua needed to be encouraged and Joshua was humble enough to see he needed God as well. This shows me how important it is to be right before God, in constant communion with Him as He is my strength and His word reveals my weaknesses, my sin and my brokenness.
9. Paige told a story of why one college student responded to a request for help with a soup kitchen. What did you learn from this that applies to your life?
Just as this college student responded in obedience to being taught from God’s word to help the poor we need to have the same response of obedience to all His word.
Different Guy — Same God (Next 16 minutes)
4. What do you know about Joshua that happened before this book?
—Joshua was like a right hand man to Moses in doing the business of God. He was always there doing his job. Always supporting and faithful no matter what the circumstances were. It is apparent that he believed in Who God was and what God said.
5. Read Joshua 1:1-11 and share your gut reactions to the passage. (What grabs your attention, what resonates, what do you embrace?)
—First, God in speaking to Joshua reiterates his promises that he made to Moses. He then promises to be with Joshua just as he was with Moses. Also 3 times He encourages Joshua to be strong and courageous.
Joshua had a history with Moses that was a history of God at work in mighty and powerful ways. It is the faith of Joshua that stands out to me. He took God at his word. And he moved out and acted on that faith believing God for the things to come ahead of him.
6. In Joshua 1:1-6 what does God tell Joshua to do and what does He promise him?
—God instructed Joshua to embrace and know the Book of the Law which were the scriptures that Moses had written down. He was to talk about them, think about them and live them out by doing them. Then God would give him success in what he did meaning God would enlarge and bless his endeavors.
7. In Joshua 1:7-11 what does God tell Joshua to do?
—Basically to be strong and courageous and to move ahead and act on the promises He had given him.
8. How does the above expose your need, sin, and brokenness? How are you being challenged to trust and obey?
—Apart from God I have nothing and I am weak in my flesh, fearful, prone to wander and doubtful. But when I look to God and take hold of the many promises from his Word He brings hope and encouragement into my life.
I realize right now in life I could become discouraged. I have felt a pull of sadness as I look around and consider my own circumstances and the problems of others close to me let alone the condition of the world in which we live. At 75 the aches and pains of arthritis and some physical issues that accompany age (not fixable) tend to wear a person down. But mine are small compared to the two women in my life who are my closest and deepest friends. One is my sister who lives with a colon condition that has weakened her considerably. The other is my close friend in Christ who has serious kidney issues and horrible gout. She has suffered a great deal. I suspect she is not long for this world. That is hard for me to think about. I consider that God in these verses tells Joshua 3 times to be strong and courageous. Part of that had to be about the fact that his very close friend and mentor Moses was dead. Yes Joshua had to be strong and courageous for the future but it was going to be without Moses. I think of Patti, living with deep grief this past year and needing to be strong and courageous in the Lord. Thank God for Moses like examples (the Dees of this world) who have lived the hard stuff help encourage us to trust and obey God.
In these things I am challenged to continue to trust and obey my God as the best I can because for me like with Joshua God has proven himself over and over again and his promises to me are real and can be trusted. I have to add that both my sister and my close friend are women who have deep relationships with Jesus and find their joy in life in Him. They both encourage me to keep trusting and obeying God.
Bev, I hear you. Getting older is hard and it does make me long for Jesus to come soon. Yet, God seems to want me to just put one foot in front of the other and do it with joy. Although I am retired, I still enjoy part-time teaching and ministering at church. So I know God still wants me here for now. Praying for your two closest friends. Those physical conditions must be wearing down on them. But so glad they both have a deep relationship with Jesus.
Love this from Bev:
—Apart from God I have nothing and I am weak in my flesh, fearful, prone to wander and doubtful. But when I look to God and take hold of the many promises from his Word He brings hope and encouragement into my life.
I am sorry to be taking up space with my concerns, but Wayne has developed an infection and will be moved to a larger facility. I have been writing my prayers to his daughter.
Prayers for quick healing of the infection and for hearts to be open to what God is doing.
Cheryl, praying for Wayne and for the infection to clear. You have a safe space here and I love hearing how God is working out his purposes in the lives of your loved ones.
I agree!
Different Symbol — Same God (Next 12 minutes)
10. Read Joshua 3:1-13 and share your gut reactions to the passage. (What grabs your attention, what resonates, what do you embrace?) – It seems that Joshua has settled in to his new role and is now more comfortable and not in such fear. He has taken God’s promises and believed that he would provide all that he needs to move forward with the promises of God.
11. What is the symbol in this passage and what does it symbolize? (verses 10- 13) – The ark is the visible symbol of the living God and his reign and depicts our relationship with God.
12. Explain how the construction of the ark symbolized both the law and mercy of God. – I’m not really sure on this one, but the seat at the top of the throne was there it represents the meeting place. A substitution where Jesus removes himself and we are put because of God’s love. His sacrifice gave us preference over himself.
13. How is it possible for God to have a relationship with a people who so often disobey or ignore His law? – We are saved because of the mercy seat that sits upon the throne. We are able to be a part of God because of it. He gave up his seat for us.
14. Paige tells a story of her baby crying in the dark and how Paige waved the flashlight around the room but her baby didn’t stop crying until Paige shone the flashlight on her face. Why did the Israelites need to look at the Ark, but not at the river? How could this apply to your life right now? – They had to stay focused on the ark so they could keep God’s promises in front of them at all times and not look at what was driving their fears. I need to also stay focused on the one and only person who can bring me through my trials. God is the only one you can provide and satisfy my needs. No matter what is placed before me, God will always be in front of them all.
Julie — I added a picture of the Ark to show how the mercy seat covers the law inside the ark – mercy and truth! grace and justice!
Thanks Dee!
10. Read Joshua 3:1-13 and share your gut reactions to the passage. (What grabs your attention, what resonates, what do you embrace?) I had never noticed before that the Israelites were to keep about half mile behind the Ark I guess this is what Paige was referring that their focus would be on the Ark My focus needs to be on God not the situations and how they will resolve. God is the same God He will see us through.
11. What is the symbol in this passage and what does it symbolize? (verses 10- 13) the Ark of the Covenant.
12. Explain how the construction of the ark symbolized both the law and mercy of God. Ten Commandments were inside and the mercy seat is where once a year the blood was sprinkled for the payment of sin that has occurred in the last year.
13. How is it possible for God to have a relationship with a people who so often disobey or ignore His law? Jesus. His death on the cross is the place we were given mercy so we can approach Him.
14. Paige tells a story of her baby crying in the dark and how Paige waved the flashlight around the room but her baby didn’t stop crying until Paige shone the flashlight on her face. Why did the Israelites need to look at the Ark, but not at the river? How could this apply to your life right now? If they looked at the river they would see what seemed to be impossible. If they looked to God, the God to whom nothing is impossible their focus would be Him and not fear. My dil had a liver biopsy last week to look for an autoimmune disease that attacks the liver. She has another week wait for results. I’m praying for a miracle that they find nothing just an oops just what we wanted to confirm. So we need to look at what God can do and not stress over what is yet unknown,
Different Guy — Same God (Next 16 minutes)
1. What do you know about Joshua that happened before this book?
Joshua is the general during the battle with Amalekites in Exodus. He was Moses’ aide, He was one of the spies sent to Jericho. He was mentioned 27 times in the Pentateuch. He lived in the shadow of Moses.
2. Read Joshua 1:1-11 and share your gut reactions to the passage. (What grabs your attention, what resonates, what do you embrace?)
I can be in the shadow of a great person but it does not preclude God’s calling to my life if I stand on His promises of his presence and His provision. God will use me in His time and no one, not me, gets the credit. He is the same God yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
3. In Joshua 1:1-6 what does God tell Joshua to do and what does He promise him?
God told Joshua to lead the people to cross the Jordan. God promised Joshua every place he set his foot on, His presence, success as no one could stand against him. He will be the leader of God’s people.
4. In Joshua 1:7-11 what does God tell Joshua to do?
To be strong and courageous and to meditate on the law and follow it.
There is never a moment that whenever a decision is made that the Word of God is not in the driver’s seat. (Alec Motyer — I think!)
5. How does the above expose your need, sin, and brokenness? How are you being challenged to trust and obey?
Rather than trust and obey, I hesitate at times to do so. There is often a tendency for self-preservation and to seek comfort instead. I need God’s courage and strength to do the right thing even though it might be a difficult road.
6. Paige told a story of why one college student responded to a request for help with a soup kitchen. What did you learn from this that applies to your life?
When the Word of God is clear to me, I should obey. Torah means instruction. Careful, full obedience,
What is the only guarantee in this life? The promises of God to you. We can be certain of nothing else. This is the most sensible thing for him to do. J Jackman, “We want to wait for further light rather than acting on the light that he has given us but what I must know is that all I need for my heart to harden is to do nothing.” “All I need for my heart to harden is to do nothing.”
Simon says and you do it-I like this example.
Simon says made me smile.
Me too!
10. Read Joshua 3:1-13 and share your gut reactions to the passage. (What grabs your attention, what resonates, what do you embrace?)
It is similar to when Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt. Except this time Joshua is the leader. The way the river stood up like a wall is just like the Red Sea.
11. What is the symbol in this passage and what does it symbolize? (verses 10- 13)
The symbol is the Ark of the Covenant. It symbolizes the covenant between God Himself and His people.
Different Symbol — Same God (Next 12 minutes)
10. Read Joshua 3:1-13 and share your gut reactions to the passage. (What grabs your attention, what resonates, what do you embrace?)
The day they crossed the Jordan, God began to make Joshua a great leader in the eyes of all the Israelites…it was nothing Joshua did.
11. What is the symbol in this passage and what does it symbolize? (verses 10- 13)
The Ark of the Covenant.
It symbolizes the Lord’s reign over all the earth.
12. Explain how the construction of the ark symbolized both the law and mercy of God.
The law is inside the Ark and the mercy seat is on top of the Ark. Once a year on the day of atonement the high priest would go into the holy of holies and put the blood of a sacrificed animal on the mercy seat to atone for all the sins of the people which God received as a substitute and their relationship with Him was formed.
13. How is it possible for God to have a relationship with a people who so often disobey or ignore His law?
It’s possible because of His great mercy.
14. Paige tells a story of her baby crying in the dark and how Paige waved the flashlight around the room but her baby didn’t stop crying until Paige shone the flashlight on her face. Why did the Israelites need to look at the Ark, but not at the river? How could this apply to your life right now?
God wanted the people to focus on Him and their covenant relationship they had with Him.
I need to keep my focus on Jesus, who made atonement for my sins by dying on the cross and is my righteousness. I need to do this with finances, our grandchildren, our health, etc, as it puts all these situations into perspective when Jesus is my focus.
From Sharon:
I need to keep my focus on Jesus, who made atonement for my sins by dying on the cross and is my righteousness. I need to do this with finances, our grandchildren, our health, etc, as it puts all these situations into perspective when Jesus is my focus.
12. Explain how the construction of the ark symbolized both the law and mercy of God.
He reigns over everything! He is the universal God. The second thing is His covenant with His people. He loves His people.
The law was kept under the mercy seat. The first thing for us (thank You Lord!) was His mercy. Then came the law.
13. How is it possible for God to have a relationship with a people who so often disobey or ignore His law?
The mercy seat!
14. Paige tells a story of her baby crying in the dark and how Paige waved the flashlight around the room but her baby didn’t stop crying until Paige shone the flashlight on her face. Why did the Israelites need to look at the Ark, but not at the river? How could this apply to your life right now
They needed to remember God and His promises, not the physical nature of the problem ahead of them. God would take care of that for them.
Different Water — Same God (Next about 15 minutes)
15. Read Joshua 3:14-3:17 and share your gut reactions to the passage. (What grabs your attention, what resonates, what do you embrace?) – It was the priests, carrying the ark of the covenant, that stopped the Jordan river from flowing from upstream. This allowed the rest of the people to cross over on dry ground. The water just stopped, and piled up in that spot. That had to be something to see and if you weren’t a true believer at that point, I would hope that would make you turn and become a follower.
16. What did Paige mean by “God often opens his hand one finger at a time?” (She gave an illustration from Indiana Jones) How does this story illustrate this? – We need to have faith in God that he will be with us and never leave our side. So we need to step out in that faith and believe that God is covering our path, one step at a time, is all that God expects of us. He knows what emotions we have, he created us and he will walk that path, that journey with us.
17. What did Jesus tell the disciples right after they let down their nets? What did he tell Peter when Peter asked how John would die? Application? – Jesus told them to follow Him. He let them know what was to come, but to not lose sight of him or the cross and follow Him.
18. When we respond, we change. I was blind but now I see. I was one way and now I am another and in-between was Him. How is that true of you? Be specific. – Before I changed, there were things I did, things I listened to or watched that I thought were ok. I didn’t think they could hurt me in any way. But once I gave my life to the Lord, I learned that those things, the things of the world, would easily open up the door to the enemy if I was not careful. I started to stop doing the things I knew were wrong, quit watching and listening to worldly things and started to open my heart to the things of heaven. I focused more on Godly things and grew my relationship with Jesus.
The real threat is not infidelity but forgetting.
Ralph Davis
19. Read Joshua 4:11-24 and share your gut reactions to the passage. (What grabs your attention, what resonates, what do you embrace?) – God doesn’t hide is power and love from anyone. He didn’t just want the Israelites to see how powerful he is, he wanted all the peoples of every nation to see and know that he reigns over everything and everyone. He gives all people from every nation, every opportunity to see his goodness and turn to him for salvation.
20. What was the point of the stones? How long had it been since they started in the wilderness? – It is a symbol for everyone who sees them to remember how God went before the Israelites and they passed through the Jordan River on dry ground. It’s a symbol of God’s love to his people. It’s His signature to everyone.
21. Why is it good to remember the parting of the Passover, the crossing of the Red Sea, the crossing of the Jordan? Why is it good to remember the Resurrection? What kept you up last night? Can God handle it? – To me these are all signs of God’s love and power. His unending love has never stopped. It shows that his children will always be safe in Him. He has never left them and it’s a great reminder that He will never leave us or those to come after us.
1. Paige said we don’t study God’s Word because we feel we have what we need and now it is pointless. Be honest. Is there any measure of truth in that for you? Explain. Not a measure of truth in that I feel I have what I need. But I do struggle with how to interpret and apply, which makes me feel less certain. For instance why do we take it as prescriptive that only men should be elders, but not part of women needing to be silent or wearing head covering? I have tried to research that but have not come across a satisfactory answer. Like I get we also take into account the type of literature it is, historical books are after all, a telling of history, but not necessarily prescriptive. We are not to ensnare our father in law when he doesn’t give us his youngest son, after we had been married to his other sons and they passed away.
2. She said that if we feel that way we neither understand what God has said about His Word or about His Word’s relationship to knowing Jesus.
A. What do you know that God has said Himself about the value of His Word? His word is true, it’s the way of eternal life,
B. How has His Word impacted your relationship with Jesus? Be specific. It reveals His nature to me, it reveals what I should do in following Him, It has corrected me.
3. How does the story of Joshua follow naturally the story from Genesis to Joshua? (Paige summarized this. Now you do it in a few sentences.) It’s the culmination of the previous history of God with His people. It’s God’s promises being fulfilled.
Those are hard questions, Tammy. It helps me to remember to look at the whole counsel of God with passages that seem contradictory, but actually it is only an apparent contradiction for God’s Word is without error. For example, we know women were teaching men (Deborah, Priscilla, Philip’s daughters) yet 1 Timothy 2:12 says I do not permit a womanto teach or to exercise authority over a man” so which is it?
I have been helped by John Stott on this one who says the main issue is authority and that there are 3 eternal principles and 3 cultural examples —
Eternal principles: Cultural Examples (can but do not have to be followed)
Men should pray Lifting holy hands
Women be modest Not braid hair or wear gold, pearls, costly attire
Women should submit Not teach men
to authority
If we seek to please Him, He knows our hearts. If our conscience bothers us, we should pay attention to our conscience. These are not easy.
These are great tips to keep in mind. Thanks for posting Dee.
We are having this very conversation in our church lately. People have left because of some interpretation. I’m sad. Thanks for this, Dee.
Can you share the John Stott book where he talks about this?
4. What do you know about Joshua that happened before this book? That the out of the 10 spies who spied out the land he was one of only two who had the faith to believe God could make them successful over the inhabitants.
5. Read Joshua 1:1-11 and share your gut reactions to the passage. (What grabs your attention, what resonates, what do you embrace?) It grabs my attention, that God made it clear what He expected of Joshua, but He also encouraged Joshua. Assuring Joshua that He was with him.
6. In Joshua 1:1-6 what does God tell Joshua to do and what does He promise him?
To arise, go over Jordan and lead the people into the land God has given them. He also tells him to be strong and courageous and to do all the law says. He promises that that no man will be able to stand against him, that God Himself will be with Him and never leave nor forsake him,
7. In Joshua 1:7-11 what does God tell Joshua to do?
There is never a moment that whenever a decision is made that the Word of God is not in the driver’s seat. (Alec Motyer — I think!)
He tells him to be strong and courageous and to do all the law says, that He should meditate on the Law day and night, to not frightened.
8. How does the above expose your need, sin, and brokenness? How are you being challenged to trust and obey? What is true for Joshua is true for me. Ineed to meditate on God’s law day and night. My need to be fully focused on Him. I need to stop running to numbing activities, like reading for pleasure, or social media and pursue the good deeds God has for me.
9. Paige told a story of why one college student responded to a request for help with a soup kitchen. What did you learn from this that applies to your life? If I hear God’s word telling me to do a thing, then when opportunity arises I should do that thing. There are a couple of women who are hurting in my life that feel like they would be hard to come alongside of, but I would rather keep my distance then take risks and draw near.
I resonate with hesitating on high-maintenance people. I do pray for wisdom for you.
Oh it would be hard for me to stop reading for pleasure, but I do try to put my bible studies first and my pleasure reading last. I also hold back from the high maintenance people. UGH help me Lord to not be afraid to reach out.
15. Read Joshua 3:14-3:17 and share your gut reactions to the passage. (What grabs your attention, what resonates, what do you embrace?) that the feet touched the water’s edge and the water stopped. What do I miss in life by not taking the first step of faith?
16. What did Paige mean by “God often opens his hand one finger at a time?” (She gave an illustration from Indiana Jones) How does this story illustrate this? He tells us to take the first step and wants us to obey. He will then give us the next step. Indiana Jones came to a huge chasm. He was saying leap of faith and had to take the first step to have the bridge appear to get him safely across,
17. What did Jesus tell the disciples right after they let down their nets? What did he tell Peter when Peter asked how John would die? Follow Me. follow Me. It’s the first step at the begining of our faith walk and every step after that is to follow Jesus. He wants our trust and obedience that He will lead us where we need to go.
18. When we respond, we change. I was blind but now I see. I was one way and now I am another and in-between was Him. How is that true of you? Be specific. I must never forget that God will take care of me. Right now I’m struggling, unknowns .. will I be able to handle the change if it comes. Will I remember He will take care of me no matter what. My church is struggling do I just find another church?
The real threat is not infidelity but forgetting.
Ralph Davis.
Praying for wisdom for you, Judy.
Judy praying that you feel the Lord’s presence in your decisions.
Thank you, ladies.
4. What do you know about Joshua that happened before this book? Joshua is a general. He goes up as Mose’s aid on the mountain. He is one of the 12 that scouted out the land, and one of two that gave a true account of what the land and people were like. He is a faithful servant of the Lord.
5. Read Joshua 1:1-11 and share your gut reactions to the passage. (What grabs your attention, what resonates, what do you embrace?) God told Joshua 3 times to be strong and courageous. When God does anything in 3’s it’s the most important. Joshua should know that he was going to face some things that would require him to be strong and courageous.
6. In Joshua 1:1-6 what does God tell Joshua to do and what does He promise him? He tells him to go into the land and take possession of it. God promises Joshua that He will not leave him nor forsake him.
7. In Joshua 1:7-11 what does God tell Joshua to do? To study and meditate on the Word day and night and to do everything that it says.
There is never a moment that whenever a decision is made that the Word of God is not in the driver’s seat. (Alec Motyer — I think!)
8. How does the above expose your need, sin, and brokenness? It doesn’t matter how steadfast that I think that I am. It is is only God’s strength that holds me up. I need Him every moment of every day. How are you being challenged to trust and obey? My life has already been planned out by God. Nothing happens outside of His sovereignty so I don’t need to do anything, but trust and obey.
From Dawn – this gives such peace:
My life has already been planned out by God. Nothing happens outside of His sovereignty so I don’t need to do anything, but trust and obey.
Love you answer to number 8 Dawn.
“My life has already been planned out by God. Nothing happens outside of His sovereignty so I don’t need to do anything, but trust and obey.”
Dawn that is so profoundly simple and true!
Different Water — Same God (Next about 15 minutes)
15. Read Joshua 3:14-4:10 and share your gut reactions to the passage. (What grabs your attention, what resonates, what do you embrace?)
The priests stepping into a river that was moving fast and overflowing took a step of faith, not blind faith but faith in God…that He would do what He said He would do. (I love in her teaching how she could see them discussing over who would take the front of the Ark and another saying, “I’ll get in the back.”)
16. What did Paige mean by “God often opens his hand one finger at a time?” (She gave an illustration from Indiana Jones) How does this story illustrate this?
In the third Indiana Jones movie he found himself in a dark cave trying to get to the Holy Grail and when he took a step off the the cliff a ladder rung appeared for each step that he took across the gorge. I thought of Psalm 119:105, He gives just enough light on the path for each step we take so we keep trusting in Him as we take the next step, which correlates to Him opening one finger at a time.
17. What did Jesus tell the disciples right after they let down their nets? What did he tell Peter when Peter asked how John would die? Application?
Follow Me. He wants a responsive relationship. What He calls us to do, we do out of faith…trust and obey. It’s not based on feeling.
18. When we respond, we change. I was blind but now I see. I was one way and now I am another and in-between was Him. How is that true of you? Be specific.
I see it in my life right now in how I’m responding to things going on in our church. Normally I would rush into a decision, but this time I am bathing the situation in prayer and trusting God to guide me in the right direction. I’ve got to trust in Him (not feelings) to get me from one side to the other…He has before.
The real threat is not infidelity but forgetting.
Ralph Davis
19. Read Joshua 4:11-24 and share your gut reactions to the passage. (What grabs your attention, what resonates, what do you embrace?)
This is a scene I would have loved to of seen in person. I can’t imagine those priests standing with the Ark while everybody crossed which would of been approximately 2.5 million people and then wait while a man from each tribe picked 12 stones from the river and set them up by where they camped and then Joshua took 12 stones and set them up where the priests were standing in the river with the Ark…whew! Do you think different priests took turns?
20. What was the point of the stones?
As a memorial to what God had done.
How long had it been since they started in the wilderness?
40 years
21. Why is it good to remember the parting of the Passover, the crossing of the Red Sea, the crossing of the Jordan? Why is it good to remember the Resurrection?
Ralph Davis, “…these are all explosions of Gods power that are meant to color the whole horizon of the believers life in order to assure us that the God who so mightily handles great emergencies is surely adequate for the smaller crises and anxieties that beset us.”
What kept you up last night? Can God handle it?
From Sharon who makes it so real!
This is a scene I would have loved to of seen in person. I can’t imagine those priests standing with the Ark while everybody crossed which would of been approximately 2.5 million people and then wait while a man from each tribe picked 12 stones from the river and set them up by where they camped and then Joshua took 12 stones and set them up where the priests were standing in the river with the Ark…whew!
Different Congregations — Same God (To the end)
22. Read Joshua 5: and share your gut reactions to the passage. (What grabs your attention, what resonates, what do you embrace?) – A couple of things are making me wonder in this chapter. The kings hearts melted when they heard that God had dried up the Jordan so the Israelites could cross on dry ground. Did they feel so deflated because of what they had done, that they couldn’t reach out and accept him as their Lord and Savior? I would think we all have that choice to change and accept Him. The other thing is that it took 40 years. I see God’s love in this. He could have struck them all down dead in an instant because of their disobedience, but he gave them 40 years to change their ways. What grace and mercy we are provided in our lives by God on a daily basis.
23. What does circumcision represent? How is this similar to baptism and communion? – It’s a sign that they belong to God. All the sacraments are an outward sign and seal of inward grace from God. They are covenants between God and us. It’s our way of showing we have taken our relationship with the Lord seriously. We want others to know who we belong to and who saves us.
24. Paige said it is spiritually significant that the men were all incapacitated after being circumcised. Why? – It shows the power of God on their lives and that God is in control of all situations. God would walk before them in their need and protect them.
25. Why do we no longer need the spilling of blood according to 1 Corinthians 5:7? – Because Jesus has been sacrificed in our place. And because of this we can become new creatures in Him. His sacrifice changed everything for us.
Different Congregations — Same God (To the end)
22. Read Joshua 5: and share your gut reactions to the passage. (What grabs your attention, what resonates, what do you embrace?)
It’s amazing to me that without tv, internet or social media that the Amorite kings and Canaanite kings heard how the LORD had dried up the Jordan River so the Israelites could cross…definitely a God thing! And then it says “they lost heart.” They had heard the stories of how God time and again had delivered the Israelites but for them that was in another country, now it’s close to home and they know the power of the Israelite God and that He is the same God.
23. What does circumcision represent?
It represents Gods covenant that He made with Abraham as a sign that he belonged to God.
How is this similar to baptism and communion?
They’re both an outward sign and a seal of inward grace.
24. Paige said it is spiritually significant that the men were all incapacitated after being circumcised. Why?
It showed their trust in God and that He was in control.
25. Why do we no longer need the spilling of blood according to 1 Corinthians 5:7?
Christ became the Passover Lamb and His sacrifice satisfied the spilling of blood for all time.
15. Read Joshua 3:14-3:17 and share your gut reactions to the passage. (What grabs your attention, what resonates, what do you embrace?)
I think water running into the Dead Sea itself resonates with me. I would love to go there one day! It’s so salty that floating is not a problem at all. I tried to find the town of Adam on the map, but could not. Being a scientist myself, I am curious about the terrain around this area.
16. What did Paige mean by “God often opens his hand one finger at a time?” (She gave an illustration from Indiana Jones) How does this story illustrate this?
We are to follow God’s plans one bit at a time. We wait. He guides. We wait. He guides.
17. What did Jesus tell the disciples right after they let down their nets? What did he tell Peter when Peter asked how John would die? Application?
Follow me. Be patient and listen to Him.
18. When we respond, we change. I was blind but now I see. I was one way and now I am another and in-between was Him. How is that true of you? Be specific.
I love The Chosen! Mary! Yes! I used to be a Sunday church goer. Then, I got to actually know Jesus and I am who I am now because of our relationship.
Read Joshua 4:11-24 and share your gut reactions to the passage. (What grabs your attention, what resonates, what do you embrace?) That God parted the waters at Jordan River and the Red Sea. That we must remember all that God has done. It’s too easy for me to get caught up in the day to day stuff and forget all that God has done
20. What was the point of the stones? How long had it been since they started in the wilderness? A remembrance of what God had done for them. 12 stones 12 tribes from the middle of the river. 40 years.
21. Why is it good to remember the parting of the Passover, the crossing of the Red Sea, the crossing of the Jordan? Why is it good to remember the Resurrection? What kept you up last night? Can God handle it? God is at work to redeem His people. Yes God can more than handle what concerns me.
Different Congregations — Same God (To the end)
22. Read Joshua 5: and share your gut reactions to the passage. (What grabs your attention, what resonates, what do you embrace?) The circumcision Made me think of the passage with Moses that I don’t understand when his wife had to circumcise him. Both instances tell me how important it is to God that they would be set apart
23. What does circumcision represent? How is this similar to baptism and communion? It was a sacrament a symbol of the covenant God made with Abraham. Baptism is a sacrament with the washing of water communion is a sacrament that remembers the blood that was shed for me
24. Paige said it is spiritually significant that the men were all incapacitated after being circumcised. Why? All the kings were there knowing they came to take their land and they then incapacitate themselves It was all up to God not themselves They celebrate Passover a remembrance of when they were freed in Epypt through God’s hand Now they are to enter a new land for which they will need God’s hand to conquer.
25. Why do we no longer need the spilling of blood according to 1 Corinthians 5:7? Christ our Passover lamb has been sacrificed. Once and for all our sin obligation has been covered by the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.
15. Read Joshua 3:14-3:17 and share your gut reactions to the passage. (What grabs your attention, what resonates, what do you embrace?) That they passed over dry ground, just as their ancestors crossed the red sea over dry ground. God didn’t just part the waters, or stop their flowing but He made the ground dry as well.
16. What did Paige mean by “God often opens his hand one finger at a time?” (She gave an illustration from Indiana Jones) How does this story illustrate this? He often does not reveal His whole plan, telling us all the details, He often just reveals the next step of obedience.
17. What did Jesus tell the disciples right after they let down their nets? What did he tell Peter when Peter asked how John would die? Application? ‘Follow me’, and ‘follow me’. Follow Jesus, take the step He has asked you to take, even when you don’t know where He is taking you or how you will get to the destination.
18. When we respond, we change. I was blind but now I see. I was one way and now I am another and in-between was Him. How is that true of you? Be specific. Sometimes I cannot articulate the changes in me that God has brought forth through my obedience, sometimes I just know I used to be over there afraid of that (event, possibility, trust step) and now I am over here and have been brought through to the other side.
The real threat is not infidelity but forgetting.
Ralph Davis
19. Read Joshua 4:11-24 and share your gut reactions to the passage. (What grabs your attention, what resonates, what do you embrace?) “so that all the peoples of the earth may know that the hand of the Lord is mighty” It just resonates in me the power of the Lord and how I can trust in this mighty God who hems me in before and behind.
20. What was the point of the stones? How long had it been since they started in the wilderness? To remember and to show God’s mighty hand as they were stones from the middle of the Jordan. They had been in the wilderness 40 years.
21. Why is it good to remember the parting of the Passover, the crossing of the Red Sea, the crossing of the Jordan? Why is it good to remember the Resurrection? What kept you up last night? Can God handle it? Its good to remember that nothing is to hard for my God. It is good to meditate on how powerful and good He is, even when our circumstances are real and legitimately intimidating.
This week I have had a hard time getting back into the swing of things here at home after being gone for almost two and a half weeks. Because of that I have struggled to get into answering the questions here but I listened to Paige’s teaching and have been incredibly blessed by it. I so appreciate having the transcript to go back to and reflect on and to be able to highlight comments that stand out to me. It is a wonderful thing Kathy does to prepare and provide for us.
Different Everything — Same God (To the end)
26. We are so different than the culture and the ways of the Israelites. We are all always in transition. Consider how our own culture has changed in ten years. Yet, what is the same?
—Our culture has made unbelievable changes very quickly in the last ten years. Several people I have been with recently have made that very comment saying if you had told them it would happen so quickly they wouldn’t have believed it could. We are now a culture of death in great measure in the unrelenting push for abortion. Gender identity and confusion is rampant and harming many innocent young people. Social media is cruel and ruthless in many ways with people always on the attack against others. Right is wrong and wrong is right and seemingly sane people accept it. God and Christians are now openly mocked and discredited. Respect for others and dismissal of their opinions now labels us as not just wrong but as bad and hateful. Civil discourse is no more. But having laid out all those negatives as a believer I still rest and stand on solid ground because of the very fact that God is the same!
What great comfort is found in knowing Jesus personally and in experiencing a relationship with Him that encourages me in my heart daily as I spend time with Him in his Word and in prayer. We get up every day facing an enemy of our souls and entering into a battlefield but for God there is victory to be found and it is all be a of Jesus and the Cross. He is the same yesterday, today and forever!
“Aslan” said Lucy “you’re bigger”.“That is because you are older, little one” answered he.“Not because you are?”“I am not. But every year you grow, you will find me bigger.”
― C.S. Lewis, Prince Caspian
27. How has Jesus become bigger to you as you have grown?
—When I shift my focus off the distractions of this world and all is troubles and if I look for him and focus on Him I see He is magnified in the many wonderful works that he does. He becomes bigger in my life and I see He is still saving souls and changing lives. We live in a dark culture now but He is still light and darkness cannot and will not overcome the light.
Just this past year through the hard time of my Mom’s last year of life on earth Jesus was faithful in his love and care for her and my sister and myself. He was tender and understanding of us. He grew bigger in our lives during that time. Now it is so very good to have Mom with Jesus. We didn’t lose Mom. We know exactly where she is. And the beautiful thing is we will see her again.
He is unbelievably bigger in my life in how He saved and healed our daughter-in-law by working an out and out miracle last March. She and I visited a couple of weeks ago about her accident and I asked her to reiterate to me the experience of God speaking to her. I was by her side praying and crying out to God. She was knocked out cold and severely injured when He asked her if she was going to continue in her darkness or would she give it all to Him and let Him have her life. She said in those moments she knew she had to choose Him and he miraculously healed her spiritually, physically and took away the alcoholism. Yes He is much bigger as I have prayed and seen him answer. If I have a message for anyone it is to never stop praying. No matter how bleak it looks just keep praying.
Oh Bev, your thoughts on 27 brought tears to my eyes. We serve such and awesome God, I can’t understand how some can think he doesn’t even exist. Hugs.
Bev, thank you for sharing again the story of your dil Stephanie and the reminder to pray. God is in the business of miracles.
19. Read Joshua 4:11-24 and share your gut reactions to the passage. (What grabs your attention, what resonates, what do you embrace?)
I guess the part that resonates here is where the people revere Joshua as they did Moses. God made Joshua a great leader. I did not know that about Joshua. I barely know much about him to be honest. Only Jericho! “…And the walls came a tumbling down.”
20. What was the point of the stones? How long had it been since they started in the wilderness?
The stones from the middle of the river were a memorial to God. They were to remind the future generations of how their ancestors crossed the Jordan River with God’s help.
21. Why is it good to remember the parting of the Passover, the crossing of the Red Sea, the crossing of the Jordan? Why is it good to remember the Resurrection? What kept you up last night? Can God handle it?
As Ralph Davis said something like, “…The God who handles many great emergencies like these, can handle our small ones…”
What keeps me up can be handled by God; I know this. It’s His timing that make me somewhat nervous though.
I struggled yesterday to explain to Grace why she keeps being scared at night even though she prays and asks God to take away her fear. I explained how I was also afraid sometimes at night when I was about her age. I told her that the things she is afraid of are afraid of God. I explained that sometimes prayers aren’t always answered when we want them to be, and that God might want us to struggle first so we can learn or grow. Here she is again, in our bed, in the middle of the night. So frustrating! She didn’t “buy” much of anything I said, by the way. I’m exhausted with her!
Awww Laura. Grace in bed with you again, not buying anything you said to calm her fears.
Prayers for Grace to be able to sleep through the night without fear. She is blessed to have you.
Oh Laura, I’m so sorry exhaustion is setting in. I’ve found while my grandson Logan was with us for two weeks, that he did hear me. I think it takes them a bit to process what we say. Keep praying for her to have a sweet sleep and feel the presence of Jesus’ arms around her.
Laura, I too will pray for little Grace to be freed from her fears and find her comfort in Jesus. And strength for you.
Thanks everyone. We are in a rough patch right now with our family. Thank you for your prayers ♥️.
Different Everything — Same God (To the end)
26. We are so different than the culture and the ways of the Israelites. We are all always in transition. Consider how our own culture has changed in ten years. Yet, what is the same? – Oh wow, this is a loaded question…where to start with the changes. Just a couple of things I’ve noticed that has changed, 1. people have become very soft, so easily offended by words and things that they will do anything for revenge and justice. 2. I want to start out saying I would never intentionally hurt an animal, but some people care more about the well being of animals than they do of humans, from the unborn to the aging adult. But GOD! Thankfully he has not changed at all. He sees everything that is being done and I can’t even imagine how upsetting it must all be to him. A perfect world created by God, ruined by those who want power and prestige.
“Aslan” said Lucy “you’re bigger”.“That is because you are older, little one” answered he.“Not because you are?”“I am not. But every year you grow, you will find me bigger.”
― C.S. Lewis, Prince Caspian
27. How has Jesus become bigger to you as you have grown? – I am more aware of His presence in my life. I don’t just think things happen because of luck or bad luck. I know that everything that happens in my life is because of God. The sacrifice Jesus made for me on the cross has opened my heart more to feel empathy and sadness for others. It has made me more aware of my surroundings and the people around me. Jesus loves me so much that he took my place and gave me help from the Holy Spirit. He is teaching me daily how to grow in the fruit of the spirit. He’s made me excited to learn about Him and His Word and to find my purpose in this life.
Beautiful response to #27, Julie.
Yes Julie, Beautiful. Such good thoughts. 💕
Different Everything — Same God (To the end)
26. We are so different than the culture and the ways of the Israelites. We are all always in transition. Consider how our own culture has changed in ten years. Yet, what is the same?
So much has changed, some good & some bad, but the message of the gospel is the same and God is the same yesterday, today and forever!
“Aslan” said Lucy “you’re bigger”.“That is because you are older, little one” answered he.“Not because you are?”“I am not. But every year you grow, you will find me bigger.”
― C.S. Lewis, Prince Caspian
27. How has Jesus become bigger to you as you have grown?
Less of me and more of Him…All to Jesus I surrender day by day
From Sharon:
How has Jesus become bigger to you as you have grown?
Less of me and more of Him…All to Jesus I surrender day by day
26. We are so different than the culture and the ways of the Israelites. We are all always in transition. Consider how our own culture has changed in ten years. Yet, what is the same? God still reigns. Jesus is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.
“Aslan” said Lucy “you’re bigger”.“That is because you are older, little one” answered he.“Not because you are?”“I am not. But every year you grow, you will find me bigger.”
― C.S. Lewis, Prince Caspian
27. How has Jesus become bigger to you as you have grown? He becomes bigger as I learn more about Him. He isn’t a distant Savior but what one is coming closer and more into focus for me.
From Judy:
He becomes bigger as I learn more about Him. He isn’t a distant Savior but what one is coming closer and more into focus for me.
Judy, I am convinced it is so important where we put our focus.
22. Read Joshua 5: and share your gut reactions to the passage. (What grabs your attention, what resonates, what do you embrace?)
I guess the entire passage about the circumcisions resonates, as it goes into more details than I would like to hear! I suppose they were trying to follow God’s law, but it’s fairly uncomfortable reading!
23. What does circumcision represent? How is this similar to baptism and communion?
I think (?) it’s a covenant with God. I’m really not sure about this though. Baptism is a covenant also in that you are agreeing to follow God by washing away the sin of the past. Communion is a repeated acknowledgment of Jesus. I’m not sure it’s considered a covenant though.
It was a celebration of their relationship with God.
24. Paige said it is spiritually significant that the men were all incapacitated after being circumcised. Why?
She says the covenant was way more important than the battle. They were showing outwardly that they were part of God’s family. They had to recuperate before they could fight.
25. Why do we no longer need the spilling of blood according to 1 Corinthians 5:7?
Christ died for our sins. We no longer have to sacrifice the physical lamb, because it’s been done for us. Our old self with all of our sin has been replaced with a new self, clean and fresh.
Laura — you often make me smile. More details than you wanted to hear.
I resonate with Paige’s point that the men were rendered helpless recovering, so they had to rely on God.
You might find this podcast interesting on communion and covenant:
26. We are so different than the culture and the ways of the Israelites. We are all always in transition. Consider how our own culture has changed in ten years. Yet, what is the same?
God is the same God. As in these points brought about by Paige (she is so good!), same God different….
“Aslan” said Lucy “you’re bigger”.
“That is because you are older, little one” answered he.“Not because you are?”“I am not. But every year you grow, you will find me bigger.”
― C.S. Lewis, Prince Caspian
27. How has Jesus become bigger to you as you have grown?
He is everything to me.
Hello, Dee and friends here!
I am so behind although I have listened to Paige twice. There is so much good she has to say. My takeaway from this study:
Different guy, symbol, water, congregation, everything BUT SAME GOD!
Today, 9/12/24 I found a website that teachers can use as shared by a teacher coach I follow periodically, and made a song about the integumentary system through AI! Different everything but the same God. I do not know what to make of it but the song is so catchy and I know my students would love it as they learn about this body system.
Technology is coming at us so fast it makes me dizzy and if I am not careful can feel distressed and overwhelmed. Different everything but the SAME GOD! Praise the Lord!
22. Read Joshua 5: and share your gut reactions to the passage. (What grabs your attention, what resonates, what do you embrace?) The encounter of the commander of God’s army. How if it was an angel, I feel like the angel would have told Joshua to not worship him. Also how Joshua asked if the angel was for them or for their enemy and the angel was like no to both.
23. What does circumcision represent? How is this similar to baptism and communion? It represents an outward act that connects us to Christ and an inward grace He has bestowed on us.
24. Paige said it is spiritually significant that the men were all incapacitated after being circumcised. Why? They were in complete reliance on God, it showed that they obeyed Him, and their faith in God. That was more important than military might or concerns.
25. Why do we no longer need the spilling of blood according to 1 Corinthians 5:7? Jesus.
Different Everything — Same God (To the end)
26. We are so different than the culture and the ways of the Israelites. We are all always in transition. Consider how our own culture has changed in ten years. Yet, what is the same? The emphasis on gender identity, God is the same.
“Aslan” said Lucy “you’re bigger”.“That is because you are older, little one” answered he.“Not because you are?”“I am not. But every year you grow, you will find me bigger.”
― C.S. Lewis, Prince Caspian
27. How has Jesus become bigger to you as you have grown? This summer’s struggles really revealed to me God’s love and ability to sustain me when I don’t know how things will go. In my struggle this summer, Jesus grew bigger.