We are going from the comfort of Psalm 91 to the scream of 109, showing how “bi-polar” the psalms are, as life is “bi-polar.” I think it was Patti who said, “I must get used to the fact that life is a roller coaster.”
The “Imprecatory” Psalms are shocking. Derek Kidner says to view them as a “scream,” a scream for justice when great lies and injustices have been committed against you or your loved ones. Imagine how mothers in Israel felt recently when terrorists bombed a children’s hospital and their child died or was injured.
The two-volume commentary that has helped me the most with the Psalms is that of Derek Kidner’s: two small affordable paperback volumes that Keller so often quotes. In his introduction, Kidner says several things that are so helpful in interpreting these psalms:
- It is only fair to point out that the words wrung from these sufferers as they plead their case for justice are a measure of the deeds that provoked them. (He goes on to explain this is a plea for God to execute justice — but the psalmist doesn’t take it into his own hands.) Kidner also writes, concerning another psalm: “God knows what it is to be desperate.” We have permission to speak our honest feelings to God, for He knows them anyhow and wants honesty and intimacy.
- The gospel, to be sure, radically redirects our concern… partly by introducing the new situation created by the cross, and partly by clarifying what was barely visible at an earlier stage: the life to come.
- Kidner pointed out we are to come to him with honesty, but then also to forgive. He gives the example of Job, who without the knowledge of the cross and the afterlife, “spoke words without knowledge” yet also, concerning the lies of his accusers, “spoke what is right.”
How different, how compassionate, and how personable is our God than the gods of the nations!
Here is the short sermon from a good expositional preacher who has preached on every chapter of the Bible:
Heads Up: I will be doing Paige’s study of Joshua and Judges during September and October, but giving you fewer questions. So hope to see you then. You may want to invite friends to do it with you in a small group or a zoom group. Paige is at her best in the Old Testament. Our own Sharon told me once that Judges was her godly husband’s favorite book. I thought: WHAAAAAT? I’m hoping Paige will show me why!
1. Share a God Hunt from the week and give thanks.
2. Share two things you learned from Kidner about imprecatory psalms.
Monday: The Text: Psalm 109:1-20
3. What is the psalmist’s complaint according to verses 1-5?
4. We don’t know the occasion for David, for he had many that could justify this. How do you see what was done to Jesus foreshadowed in these verses?
5. Read verses 6-20, which is the imprecation.
A. What is your first response to this and why?
B. List some of the imprecations.
C. Peter quotes verse 8 in Acts 1:20. To whom does he apply this?
D. What is he really asking through the imprecations in 9, 10, 13, and 15?
It helped me to understand that the reason, for example, that God wanted all of the Amalekites wiped out, including women and children, was to blot out their influence from the earth.
Tuesday: Why We Must Run From Sin: Psalm 109:1-20
6. Alec Motyer, renowned scholar on Isaiah and the Old Testament, explains that one of the purposes of Psalm 109 is to show the great danger of sin. If possible, give an example of each, possibly from your own life, or the life of Cain. (Genesis 4)
A. How does verse 6 show us that giving into sin puts us under the dominion of the evil one? Example?
B. How does sin cloud how we pray and strip us of the Spirit’s power and opportunities to serve Him? (verses 7-9) Example?
C. How does sin affect those close to us? (verses 10-11) Example?
D. Cause poverty? (11) Example?
E. Leave us friendless? (12)
F. Affect his legacy and that of his family? (13-15)
G. Affect our spiritual and emotional health (16-20)
Wednesday: Psalm 109:21-31
7. Read Psalm 109:21-31
A. How does David’s tone and type of prayer change in verses 21-25?
B. What does David want his enemies to know according to verse 27?
C. What contrast do you find between verse 6 and verse 31?
D. Meditate on verse 31. What does it mean to you? Give praise.
E. What else stands out to you from this section and why?
Thursday: Sermon Part I.
8. Listen or read up to 7:34
A. What stands out and why?
B. What did he say David meant by let his wife be a widow and his children orphans? Have you ever asked the Lord to take someone out somehow?
C. He said, “Say little to man and much to God.” If possible, share a time when you applied this in an unjust situation and God answered. (For me it was when the Lord removed my daughter from an abusive and unfaithful husband and brought her safely home from Poland. Then he divorced her and she was set free. This summer she told me that after the wedding she told her best friend she had made the greatest mistake of her life, but she would have to live with it. Yet God rescued her.)
Friday: Sermon Part II.
9. Listen/read the rest of the sermon.
A. What stands out and why?
B. What is the one thing David does not do?
C. If possible, share a time when you brought someone to the Lord and left him or her there and then saw the Lord act.
D. Is there a situation you have been trying to fix but need to surrender to the Lord? If so, do it now.
10. What is your takeaway and why?
I just listened to this sermon by Paul Leboultier on Psalm 109. Both his message and the image of the woman screaming for justice hit me right where I am at.
Paul Leboultier says, “David was deeply wounded by the lies being said of him and he took his hurt and the injustice of it all to the Lord in prayer, rather than taking vengeance.” He pointed out how David’s accusers, “attacked me without cause” and , “in return for my love they accused me.”
A week ago this is exactly what our daughter experienced in a court room as she fought for her children in a custody case. The other side painted an inaccurage picture with lies and half truths. Our daughter has remained kind and composed through these past two years. In return for her kindness and love toward the people on the other side, she received a painful attack without cause. We await a judge’s decision as to where our grandchildren will live during the school year. We ask that the judge perceive the truth and we ask for mercy.
I am on somewhat of a silent retreat for a couple days as we await the judge’s decision. I do not trust myself to say very much for I am hurt and raw. Paul Leboultier said, “Say much to God and little to man.”
Dee, I listened to Tim Keller’s sermon, “Praying Our Tears” again early this morning. I needed reminding. Keller quotes Derek Kidner: “The very presence of these imprecatory prayers in scripture is a witness to His understanding. He knows how we speak when we are desperate.” Keller goes on to say, “these desperate things are sometimes incorrect things…. it is safe to pray like this.” He continues and says, “Your tears belong in the pre-reflective outbursts from the very depth of your being in the presence of God……. Speak and feel in His presence, it is safe.”
This song this morning. Lord from Sorrows Deep I Call (based on Psalm 42) Maybe someone else needs this too.
Oh Nila — I would feel like screaming. May the Lord fight for your daughter and give the judge discernment. So glad this ministered and so good you are listening to Keller on praying your tears.
Nils I love your post and such a hard time for all of you. Yet you remain calm and loving and wise. Praying for justice to be handed down.
Nila, your post brought comfort to me. I was at a raw place last week as well and couldn’t say much here for I was afraid I would sin with my words. Thank you for sharing your heart. Perhaps, I need to re-listen to Tim Keller’s “Praying Our Tears” again. “Speak and feel in His presence, it is safe.” Praying for you and your daughter.
You are such a testimony to me, Nila, in that you are remaining silent when your grief is so raw. Oh, if I had only done the same on countless occasions. I, too, love that sermon by Keller about praying your tears and also have that quote you gave imprinted on my memory, “God knows how we pray when we’re desperate.” God bless your simple faith and trust in Him, for after all, it is so sweet to trust in Jesus, just to take Him at His Word, just to rest….
Oh, Nila, how I pray for this judge to be wise and perceptive. I pray for him to have a heart of mercy for the well being of your grandchildren. I am praying for the twisted truth(lies) to be exposed. Lord, be with Nila and her daughter, and we pray that you will keep these sweet ones safe with their mother.
Nila, we seem to be in a similar position with courts. Ugh. This is tough stuff. I am focusing myself on Him during this stressful time. He knows. Praying for your family. 🙏🙏
1. Share a God Hunt from the week and give thanks. – I’ve been eyeing a chair in a resale boutique and had thought thenprice was $100. I went in with a couple friends last weekend and the owner of the shop said it was $150. I was bummed but thought it was still a good price. I called her Friday to see how late they would be open and she remembered me. She was glad I called because she said she looked at the tag again, with her glasses on, lol, and said it is $100 and not $150. YAY!!! We picked it up the following day and found a foot stool to much and both were still under $150. I live finding deals.
2. Share two things you learned from Kidner about imprecatory psalms. – God knows what we are thinking, what’s in our hearts, but he wants us to own up to those things. If we make a mistake, if we say the wrong things, we need to speak our repentance out loud to him. He wants our hearts to be cleansed to show our honesty and our integrity. And my second thought is forgiveness. It’s the hardest thing to give away, quoting a line in a song Forgiveness by Matthew West. I just finished a book by Mitch Albom, Tuesdays with Morrie and he also was talking about forgiveness. Not just forgiving others, but we need to also forgive ourselves for things we’ve said, for things we wanted to do, but ended up being to late. It’s so hard to forgive when you’ve been wronged but we forget how we may have wronged others.
I’m looking forward to the September study with Paige Brown
I love your story, Julie, of the good find and price in the chair and matching foot stool! Thank you also for your thoughts on forgiveness. So much needed for me.
Fun God Hunt. And so excited you will be with us for Paige.
What a from God hunt, Julie. I love how God cares about the details of our lives.
I meant “what a FUN God hunt” 🙂
1. Share a God Hunt from the week and give thanks.
I have learned to reach out to a friend during her time of grief although she has rejected me for many years. I feared another rejection, but God gave me the courage to step out in faith and take the risk. Instead of being taken over by thoughts of what-ifs, I prayed as I drove to her place. When I saw her by her garage door, an overwhelming sense of peace washed over me, and God gave me His love to embrace my friend and express my sympathies sincerely. We visited and talked for about 45 minutes, and I listened to her express her feelings about what has been going on in her life. My fears were unfounded. I pray that this door of opportunity will lead to true reconciliation.
2. Share two things you learned from Kidner about imprecatory psalms.
a. God knows what it is to be desperate. We have permission to speak our honest feelings to God, for He knows them anyhow and wants honesty and intimacy. This is so comforting for me that I can come to Him and not have to censor my words.
b. To come in honesty but also to forgive. The above God hunt showed me that although I have told myself that I have forgiven my friend, it was just lip service for a time. God allowed me to see my real self and He extended His “scepter” of grace to me when I have come to my senses and repented of my unforgiveness and inability to let go and let Him redeem the past for my friend and me.
So much of what you wrote touches me deeply, Bing. I just love your sweet heart toward others, including me! I also love that I can speak to God without censoring my words.
What a great risk you took on faith – -loved hearing about that. And what He showed you about forgiveness from the heart too was great.
What a beautiful answer to God making a way for you with your friend. How I pray that her heart remains softened.
Bing, I’m so glad that the door has been open with your friend. God is working in your relationship. When I think about how you have tried many times to reach out, I wonder if we try to push things along and make God’s timing fit in to our own, which usually is never good. I need to remember this in all matters, and just wait.
Many years ago, I experienced some very unfair things. In my deep distress and pain, I questioned God’s love and care for me to a godly sister in Christ. To my surprise, she reprimanded me sharply and said she was walking away from me immediately and would never tolerate such talk about our dear Lord from me ever again. Her words burned deeply into my already pained heart. I’ve often thought how differently it would have gone if she had simply reminded me of the truths of Scripture that show His deep love and care for His children even though He often allows injustice and suffering in their lives. I’ve often thought of what Keller said, “God knows how we pray when we are desperate.” He basically said that He can take what we say when we are hurting. This has only strengthened my trust and love for the One who certainly doesn’t deserve our harsh words but doesn’t respond in kind. Instead, He so often has quieted my outbursts with His Words of love back to me. Only God!
Oh my, Miriam. What a sad story about how your friend responded to your pain! I love that quote too: “God knows how we pray when we are desperate.”
What a sad response from your friend, dear Missy. So thankful for the comforting heart of our Father in heaven!
WOW! Miriam, I’m so grateful that her words did not pull you in the opposite direction, but made you closer to God.
1. Share a God Hunt from the week and give thanks.
I know God knows everything in advance of it happening, but it is sweet when I know He knows….tomorrow we revisit the guardianship of our grands because our daughter has asked the court for this. A few months ago, I agreed to sing in the worship for yesterday’s service. The songs were all selected about a month ago. Here is the list:
Be Thou My Vision
House of the Lord
Goodness of God
Famous For (I believe)
Great are You Lord
I love how each of these points to God as my focus! I love how they were selected long before I knew I would need this focus to be laser “tight” this week. I know I should always have Him in sight, in everything I do, but this just seems to be an “extra special” time to make sure I am being on guard.
2. Share two things you learned from Kidner about imprecatory psalms.
They are about suffering. The Psalmist waits for justice from God.
Oh wow! I just read Psalms 109! It is so fitting for me for this week. Another God hunt 😉
I love your God hunt, Laura! He is so good. I am praying for your day today and the guardianship of your grands. May our Lord be with you.
Laura, praying for you and your family also, for the Lord to put wisdom in the minds of those who are making the decisions and to see the truth and motives of everyone.
Well, we got through another round of court yesterday. Such pain. I feel like the Psalmist of Psalms 109 now. Thank you all for your prayers. ♥️🙏
Monday: The Text: Psalm 109:1-20
3. What is the psalmist’s complaint according to verses 1-5? – He thinks God is being silent when around him, wicked people are accusing him of bad things and lying about him. They are unkind, hateful people.
4. We don’t know the occasion for David, for he had many that could justify this. How do you see what was done to Jesus foreshadowed in these verses? – Jesus was accused, attacked and beaten for things that were not true. For things he did not do, because of people not understanding His cause.
5. Read verses 6-20, which is the imprecation. – All of them seem to be imprecations/curses
A. What is your first response to this and why? – My first thought was these anccusations are very harsh. He’s acting the same way as the one he is accusing of being brutal toward him. He wants God to remember all of the sins of this man and his family, but I think he is forgetting that God is a just God and would than also remember his sins and those of his family as well.
B. List some of the imprecations. – May his days be few; May their sins always be before the Lord; May his children be wandering beggars.
C. Peter quotes verse 8 in Acts 1:20. To whom does he apply this? – He is referring to Judas after his betrayal to Jesus.
D. What is he really asking through the imprecations in 9, 10, 13, and 15? – He wants this man’s family to be hurt as well. He wants them to lose their salvation to pay for the father’s evil ways. He wants the man and his family to be wiped off the face of the earth.
It helped me to understand that the reason, for example, that God wanted all of the Amalekites wiped out, including women and children, was to blot out their influence from the earth. – Dee, thank you for this insight.
3. What is the psalmist’s complaint according to verses 1-5?
He is being persecuted by others. He wonders why God is silent.
4. We don’t know the occasion for David, for he had many that could justify this. How do you see what was done to Jesus foreshadowed in these verses?
Jesus was being persecuted and God was silent.
5. Read verses 6-20, which is the imprecation.
A. What is your first response to this and why?
He is quite angry and wants much punishment for the ones who have wronged him. I guess I wonder when is enough enough? It makes me uncomfortable because it goes on and on with suggestions of how these people should be punished.
B. List some of the imprecations.
“…years be few…”
“…children become fatherless…”
“…seize his estate…”
“…offspring die…”
C. Peter quotes verse 8 in Acts 1:20. To whom does he apply this?
He was speaking to other believers about Judas.
D. What is he really asking through the imprecations in 9, 10, 13, and 15?
Maybe if all is wiped out then no “infection” would contaminate others?
It helped me to understand that the reason, for example, that God wanted all of the Amalekites wiped out, including women and children, was to blot out their influence from the earth.
I think it makes us all uncomfortable, Laura — yet here it is in Scripture. An interesting psalm to study. We sang it in church and that felt a little weird! May the Lord guide us into why He has it here.
I agree, Laura. It does make us uncomfortable….It feels like he is vented his deepest anger at what has been done to him…
6. Alec Motyer, renowned scholar on Isaiah and the Old Testament, explains that one of the purposes of Psalm 109 is to show the great danger of sin. If possible, give an example of each, possibly from your own life, or the life of Cain. (Genesis 4)
A. How does verse 6 show us that giving into sin puts us under the dominion of the evil one? Example?
Not sure I’m getting this…the verse says to “…get an evil person to stand against him,” and “an accuser [in trial].” I guess the wicked one is Satan?
In my own life sin takes over and bad things come of it. For example, words can hurt people. We have a son who won’t speak to us anymore because of heated words.
B. How does sin cloud how we pray and strip us of the Spirit’s power and opportunities to serve Him? (verses 7-9) Example?
Again, not sure how the scripture is telling me this 🤷🏻♀️. The author is just throwing out “wishes” of punishment on the wicked one. Maybe he should be praying for himself to forgive instead of wishing ill on the person who has wronged him?
Sometimes, when in sin, I even forget to pray! That’s a great example of how sin draws me away from what is right and true.
C. How does sin affect those close to us? (verses 10-11) Example?
In these verses, the author is (again) praying for bad things to happen to his nemesis. Especially for the persons home and family.
Sometimes our sin can affect others. If there is an addiction, it might kill you.
D. Cause poverty? (11) Example?
Sin can be expensive if it’s an addiction. If sin happens to be those heated words of which I spoke above, then”poverty” could be a lack of relationship.
E. Leave us friendless? (12)
In this case, the Psalmist asks God to take the accusers closest people from him.
Others may not want to be around us in our sin, depending on what it is. Harsh words, too much spending, drugs, alcohol, bad habits are not always places that our friends wish to spend their time. In my life, time is precious. The activities I do are those that are very important to me. For example, I hardly watch any TV. In fact we really don’t have a TV in our home. If I watch a movie, since it takes a large chunk of time, it must be a good one!
F. Affect his legacy and that of his family? (13-15)
These verses ask for the entire family, generations, to be forgotten.
In our family, the harsh words were spoken 4 years ago. Because of this, we have never met our youngest grandson.
G. Affect our spiritual and emotional health (16-20)
The Psalmist asks God to make the curses the wicked one gave out to come back to him.
The harsh words have led to pain in our family for many people, on both sides of the family. We are sad that we don’t know our grandson. Our families have no relationship with the sons family. My husband and son both (the two who caused the situation), are mad, irrational, and stubborn.
Laura, I can feel the sadness your answers show. I pray for peace and joy to come to all of you. Hugs.
Laura — truly praying for you. This psalm is challenging, but I do think that it both true that God understands when we are desperate but also calls us to the higher ground of trusting Him and forgiving.
Monday: The Text: Psalm 109:1-20
1. What is the psalmist’s complaint according to verses 1-5?
People lying about him and being deceitful. They return evil for the good that the psalmist has extended to them.
2. We don’t know the occasion for David, for he had many that could justify this. How do you see what was done to Jesus foreshadowed in these verses?
He was despised and rejected, and people spread lies about Him and twisted His words.
3. Read verses 6-20, which is the imprecation.
A. What is your first response to this and why?
What a harsh response to another person, but this wicked person must have done great harm to the psalmist and was asking for vindication that only a righteous God can give.
I was asking myself what God has in store for the wicked. I thought of Psalm 1:4-6
“Not so the wicked! They are like chaff that the wind blows away.Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous. For the Lord watches over the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked leads to destruction.”
The wicked made a choice and it will only lead to their destruction.
B. List some of the imprecations.
Condemnation, death (his days be few), his ancestors being forsaken (as fatherless and widow), judgment, no prosperity for what he does, his children begging for bread.
C. Peter quotes verse 8 in Acts 1:20. To whom does he apply this?
To Judas Iscariot who betrayed Jesus.
D. What is he really asking through the imprecations in 9, 10, 13, and 15?
Be cut off from the earth and leave no impact.
It helped me to understand that the reason, for example, that God wanted all of the Amalekites wiped out, including women and children, was to blot out their influence from the earth.
Yes, Bing — must have been something so harsh. I often think of Miroslav Volf saying in his country children are being murdered and raped and they want justice, not grace.
1. Share a God Hunt from the week and give thanks.
I see God in so many details of each day, working to heal my heart and direct my path. Some days are hard, but praying for others in need and doing for others in need is so healing to my own pain. I am so thankful for you, dear Lord, for taking the emptiness and loneliness in my heart and filling it, one day at a time, with your loving care in so many ways.
2. Share two things you learned from Kidner about imprecatory psalms.
“Say much to God and little to man”. Pouring our heart out to God is good, for He knows our hearts. Yet, we need to bring the person who harms you to the Lord and leave him there. Trust that God is able to take care of this person in His way and His time. This is so hard, yet only God can make it right. I should rely ONLY on Him and not compromise my own heart. Our vengeance takes the Lord out of the picture. Leave it all to Him.
Love this post Patti.
Leave it all to Him. Thank you for the reminder, Patti. It is so hard to quench our desires to be right.
Love say much to God and little to man.
3. What is the psalmist’s complaint according to verses 1-5?
He has others spreading lies and words of hate about him. Those to whom he has shown love, have repaid this love with evil.
4. We don’t know the occasion for David, for he had many that could justify this. How do you see what was done to Jesus foreshadowed in these verses?
Jesus was a man of sorrow. He was a perfect man, who was hated because He represented His Father, God. Jesus never showed hatred, vengeance or any intent to strike back when He was mistreated by those who hated Him.
5. Read verses 6-20, which is the imprecation.
A. What is your first response to this and why?
David has quite a list of ways he wanted the Lord to avenge him, yet he was venting his feelings to God and in the end, gave it all over to God. David let all his feelings out to the Lord, yet he never acted on his feelings. My response is that I think David made a wise choice not to compromise himself, with returning evil for evil. Letting God handle evil people is the best way. It is so so hard to let go of things of the world that are so evil and unfair, yet it is what we are commanded to do. It is healthier for our souls, minds, and bodies to follow God’s way.
B. List some of the imprecations.
Let his days be few; Let his children be fatherless; let the creditor seize all that he has; let none be gracious to him.
C. Peter quotes verse 8 in Acts 1:20. To whom does he apply this?
Peter is speaking of Judas, who betrayed Jesus.
D. What is he really asking through the imprecations in 9, 10, 13, and 15?
That the one who is the slanderer be the last in his lineage.
It helped me to understand that the reason, for example, that God wanted all of the Amalekites wiped out, including women and children, was to blot out their influence from the earth.
A. How does verse 6 show us that giving into sin puts us under the dominion of the evil one? Example?
When one of our family members hurt all of us deeply, it was so painful, yet we need to leave it with the Lord and not defend ourselves. It is so hard when you are in the middle of a situation, where love and forgiveness are returned with hatred, angry words and revenge. Yet, as followers of Christ, we are called to give this person to the Lord and leave this person there in the hands of Jesus.
B. How does sin cloud how we pray and strip us of the Spirit’s power and opportunities to serve Him? (verses 7-9) Example?
We have a great desire for justice and to be right. These desires can quickly spin into sin. It is honoring to God to leave things at His feet.
“We have a great desire for justice and to be right. These desires can quickly spin into sin. It is honoring to God to leave things at His feet.” – Oh how true this is Patti. We get in God’s way when we want justice served because we think we are right. Oh my!
You are living this hard thing out, Patti.
Tuesday: Why We Must Run From Sin: Psalm 109:1-20
6. Alec Motyer, renowned scholar on Isaiah and the Old Testament, explains that one of the purposes of Psalm 109 is to show the great danger of sin. If possible, give an example of each, possibly from your own life, or the life of Cain. (Genesis 4)
A. How does verse 6 show us that giving into sin puts us under the dominion of the evil one? Example? – For me it happened when my older son caught me in a sin that I was saying was wrong. I put myself above them and told myself that what I was doing was ok, but the same act in another was wrong. Sin is sin. None of us are exempt from the consequences it brings. If it’s wrong for others, it’s wrong for us too.
B. How does sin cloud how we pray and strip us of the Spirit’s power and opportunities to serve Him? (verses 7-9) Example? – If someone has sinned against me, I tend to not want to pray for them. But I’ve learned over time, and it speaks it in The Word, that we are to pray for our enemies. A very good and close couple I know had some heavy financial issues come up, not due to anything they did, except trusting the another couple to do right. The deal fell through and my friend, who is like a sister to me, had to sell her dream home and move in to the home that the deal fell through on. She was bitter and depressed, and ended up going to counseling. She told me the best advice she got was to pray for them and then she wouldn’t be able to be mad or upset with them. She took that advice and was free from her sin of anger against them. I have never forgotten that.
C. How does sin affect those close to us? (verses 10-11) Example? – Sin is just not a personal thing. Those around me are affected as well. My first marriage fell apart, it wasn’t just against me, but my two boys were affected as well. It hurt my oldest son the hardest and both boys lost their relationship with their father as they grew up and some bad things came to the surface. There was anger all around the three of us who had to carry on the best we could. We had to sell the home my boys knew and move to an unknown place. My oldest was good at lying and hiding things and got in to some major trouble. It was heartbreaking to see what one wrong move did to all of us. We have recovered, we grew closer as mom and sons, but it was hard still to see their father die alone. I pray for my boys still to not have any deeper wounds than what I can see on the surface. I can still hear in their voices some anger. I can only pray for peace in their hearts and forgiveness to come.
D. Cause poverty? (11) Example? – Oh my gosh, these are hitting home and stirring up some feelings again. Back to my broken marriage. Lust and infidelity, I could not get over it. I could no longer trust my husband at the time and our marriage ended. I tried to keep our home that my boys knew, but I just couldn’t. I lost a lot. I pawned what good jewelry I had to get money to pay my bills. I kept it a secret how hard it was on me, to not burden my parents. We sold our home and lost the people/friends who we knew because we moved. We had to start all over in a strange place. I lost my jewelry and we lost our family. My oldest son felt ashamed, my youngest was only 3 so he didn’t realize what really was happening. We struggled financially and mentally. I think poverty can be in any form. At one point you are flourishing in many ways and in an instant, it all changes. You lose your sense of worth, you lose what you are familiar with, you lose who you used to be and you let in doubt.
E. Leave us friendless? (12) – My boys and I lost the friends we had made, the bond was not strong enough to continue after moving away, but God blessed us with other friends who cared. They reached out and helped when they good. We became close with new friends and we continue to grow together, even a few states away. It is so important to make time for family and friends. We can’t live this life by ourselves. We need companionship and friends who we can count on and that they know they can count on us. God made us to love.
F. Affect his legacy and that of his family? (13-15) – Legacy – Something transmitted by or received from an ancestor or predecessor or from the past. A legacy can be good or bad. How we live our lives will determine that. My family legacy is one of kindness and helpfulness. One, my boys would rather have. Neither of my boys want what came from their father. My youngest tells me he wishes he could change his last name to my maiden name. He looks a lot like his dad and I have to remind him a lot that he is not like his dad at all. It saddens me to know that they are thinking they may have a part of him, a part of the bad that came out. I’ve learned from this past journey that it really matters how we live our lives. What we do can hang around a long time, whether it be good or bad.
G. Affect our spiritual and emotional health (16-20) – Sin can cause so many things to change. It can bring about doubt, depression, hurt, anger, withdrawal from others and from God. I had all of these feelings. I felt like an outcast at times when groups of people, even my family were together. I had to stop. I had to get my life, for my boys, back on track and back to God. I had to learn how to trust again and find peace. I had to learn how to forgive someone who hurt me. Our minds need to be steadfast on God, or the enemy with the sin will pull us away. He’s waiting for us to open the door so he can pour more negative thoughts in to our minds. I stopped him and told him to leave us alone and go back to the pit of hell where he belongs. God has and still continues to carry me. He continues to provide the peace and joy I need and can’t always find. I trust, believe and depend on God to be with me.
Oh, Julie. My heart aches for what you have gone through. This is such a difficult kind of loss~ losing trust is so so hard. Thank you for sharing this from so deep in your heart. This whole post is so much a story of things that were so unfair, yet God gave you His redemption. So thankful that God’s family is the family that we choose. we cannot always control the family we inherit. My girls have struggled with these things wanting to escape their birth mother’s traits. It has been a long journey, but they now have peace with who they are in themselves. Thankful that we are all ultimately God’s children.
Julie, thank you for sharing your testimony. What a journey you and your boys have had and my heart ached as I read through your answers. You have a great witness to the faithfulness of God and how He has kept you safe throughout years of your sufferings and is in a closer relationship with Him today.
You have been through so much. Thank you for your words here tonight.
Great testimony from your friends to encourage you in your great pain.
Julie, your testimony here is such an encouraging true example of God’s faithfulness.
I also appreciate how you admitted earlier about a sin that you frowned at in others, yet excused in yourself. We have such a hard time seeing that in ourselves.
C. How does sin affect those close to us? (verses 10-11) Example?
A person who is not a good steward of his time, money, and/or intelligence can make foolish and selfish decisions, which cause adverse situations for his entire family.
D. Cause poverty? (11) Example?
The sin of greed, gambling or keeping up with showy appearances, can cause a person to overspend and get in debt, eventually losing everything.
E. Leave us friendless? (12)
Treating others well is a good way to go through life. If one is self centered and only cares for his/her own needs, it will be hard to build trusting relationships, even within your family. Putting God first in your life, and putting others needs over one’s own needs, naturally builds bridges and relationships.
F. Affect his legacy and that of his family? (13-15)
Having a poor reputation, can destroy the legacy of an entire family. The way we behave, the way we treat and care for others, determines our legacy. If a family member is a disgrace in his/her behavior, it affects the entire legacy of the family.
G. Affect our spiritual and emotional health (16-20)
People who do evil things to others, may not show guilt, but I think hatred and anger are not good for a person’s soul.
Tuesday: Why We Must Run From Sin: Psalm 109:1-20
1. Alec Motyer, renowned scholar on Isaiah and the Old Testament, explains that one of the purposes of Psalm 109 is to show the great danger of sin. If possible, give an example of each, possibly from your own life, or the life of Cain. (Genesis 4)
A. How does verse 6 show us that giving into sin puts us under the dominion of the evil one? Example?
I am thankful for this verse as a deterrent for me to give in to sin. Yes, there will be temptations but I should cry out to God to help me not let Satan have a foothold in my life. To resist the devil, to flee from him for once I am in his dominion, he will take over. Thank God for Psalm 91, God will deliver me from the fowler’s snare.
I remember last week’s struggle against wrong thoughts about a friend. I had to cry out to God many times as the enemy tried to make me rationalize them. I am thankful for 2 friends who prayed for me. It was such a relief when I finally got to steady my thoughts Godward instead of the gravity of my friend’s “sin” against me. I think I am rabbit-trailing here.
B. How does sin cloud how we pray and strip us of the Spirit’s power and opportunities to serve Him? (verses 7-9) Example?
We can start having doubts about God answering our prayers. When we doubt, our confidence can be eroded and our joy half-hearted. I go back to Psalm 51 knowing that God can restore the joy of my salvation when I come to Him acknowledging my sin and asking for forgiveness.
C. How does sin affect those close to us? (verses 10-11) Example?
We cause pain and bring grief to them.
D. Cause poverty? (11) Example?
Spending our energy time, and money on that which will drain our resources. Addictions?
E. Leave us friendless? (12)
Because we are not trustworthy, nobody wants to be our friend.
F. Affect his legacy and that of his family? (13-15)
Our sin’s consequences can follow our children and their children.
G. Affect our spiritual and emotional health (16-20)
Lose the joy of Christ.
3. What is the psalmist’s complaint according to verses 1-5? That people are against him. They are speaking evil to him and about him. They are repaying evil for good.
4. We don’t know the occasion for David, for he had many that could justify this. How do you see what was done to Jesus foreshadowed in these verses? His enemies spoke evil about Him without cause. He came with nothing but love for them and they hated Him.
5. Read verses 6-20, which is the imprecation.
A. What is your first response to this and why? It sounds kind of bad to wish evil on other people, but it is totally understandable.
B. List some of the imprecations. That he won’t be remembered. That his wife and children will suffer. That creditors will take all that he has. That no one will extend kindness to him or his family.
C. Peter quotes verse 8 in Acts 1:20. To whom does he apply this? Judas
D. What is he really asking through the imprecations in 9, 10, 13, and 15? That this person be totally forgotten.
7. Read Psalm 109:21-31
A. How does David’s tone and type of prayer change in verses 21-25?
He begins to soften and focus on himself and his relationship with God.
B. What does David want his enemies to know according to verse 27?
He wants them to know that God saves him; it is His doing and he is blessed.
C. What contrast do you find between verse 6 and verse 31?
The “accuser,’ that is evil in verse 6, is God in verse 31!
D. Meditate on verse 31. What does it mean to you? Give praise.
It means I have God with me at all times. I am faithful and need Him, and He is there.
Then, because I have been here for so long now (!) I am questioning if it might be a reference to Jesus? The prior verses talk about being skin and bones and humiliated. Verses 27 and 28 especially could point to Jesus. Hmmmmm….
“Let them see that this is your doing, that you yourself have done it, Lord. Then let them curse me if they like, but you will bless me! When they attack me, they will be disgraced! But I, your servant, will go right on rejoicing!”
Psalms 109:27-28 NLT
E. What else stands out to you from this section and why?
I think he is funny (maybe not the right term?) thinking about God’s reputation right in the middle of his lament! It just seems odd when he is so distraught. I get that we want God to shine through our troubles, but he is so upset. I’m in the midst of troubles right now. I’m not sure my prayers have included having God shine through. I have asked Him to have His Way, and to bless the judge, lawyer, etc.
Would love prayer for tonight when I’m hosting my own 80th birthday party and inviting unbelievers from pickleball. My dear friend Sylvia is here to help me and is telling me to keep it light and just love on them when I want to tell them all about Jesus!!!! May I love them well and they see Jesus! Looks like we will have a beautiful night and asking for a great sunset as well. I’ve been a little MIA here with all the visitors, but I love you all.
Happy Birthday a day early, dearest Dee! How wonderful that Sylvia wis there with you! I will be praying for your party to be a blessing to all who come to celebrate! May the love of Jesus glow in you and Sylvia, as you enjoy the company of believers and unbelievers! May Jesus be very present. May all conversations be edifying and filled with love!! Jesus loves each and every one of them! xoxo
Happy, Happy Birthday Dee! May your day tomorrow be as lovely and wonderful as you.
I will be praying for all to go well and for the Spirit to lead in word, thought and deed.
Prayers for delightful memorable party. Where everyone senses your love for the Lord and all who don’t know Jesus desire to know more about this Jesus who has changed your life. Happy birthday! May you be refreshed by the party.
Happy birthday, Dee! I’ll be praying for everyone at the party.
Happy birthday, dearest Dee! 80th-wow! You look great at 80 years young what with the love of Christ that is evident in your face! May it be very special and your unbelieving friends would be drawn to Jesus through you and Sylvia. Sending my love and prayers.
Happy Birthday Dee!! I can’t believe it’s the big 8-0!! I hope you had a wonderful day and it went well that night! 🎂🎈💃🎉💐😘♥️🙏🎁
A. How does David’s tone and type of prayer change in verses 21-25?
He leaves his anger and turns to God for deliverance.
B. What does David want his enemies to know according to verse 27?
David wants his enemies to know that God is his deliverer.
C. What contrast do you find between verse 6 and verse 31?
He turns from asking the Lord to deal with them for their malice and focuses on Praising God for deliverance.
D. Meditate on verse 31. What does it mean to you? Give praise.
He is with us and stands by us, when we are in need and when others are intending harm on us. He is present in the midst of our pain and struggles. He is stronger and more powerful than those who come against us. He is on our side. It is He only, who judges our souls. The words of man have little power, compared to the great power of our Great God.
Praise You Almighty God and Father. Thank you for being with each one on the Blog, who has been unfairly accused, who is are the recipient of cruel words of hatred, unjust accusations, and who are unappreciated by family or acquaintances. Lord, we Praise Your Holy Name and ask that You would go before each one who is suffering through a time of trial, of family disunity, of those with intent to harm with words, deeds or withholding kindness. I pray that You will be with family members who do not know You. I pray that You will bring peace where there is none right now. I pray for healing of memories, words misspoken, and hardened hearts. I pray that you will keep all children involved in situations safe and give them safe, peace filled and joy filled homes, where You are present and in charge. I Praise You for protecting all of us from the hand of the evil one. Thank you for hearing all of our prayers of hope in You. To You alone is all power, glory and honor!!! I love You and Praise You our Father God! In the Name of Jesus I pray.
Beautiful prayer. Amen to it.
Amen, Patti.
Amen to Patti’s prayer.
Wednesday: Psalm 109:21-31
7. Read Psalm 109:21-31
A. How does David’s tone and type of prayer change in verses 21-25? – It is a much softer tone, but than goes to pitiful. A woe is me sound. It seems like he is making excuses of why he acted and sounded like he did in the previous verses.
B. What does David want his enemies to know according to verse 27? – He wants them to know that God was the one who applied the judgement against them.
C. What contrast do you find between verse 6 and verse 31? – Vs. 6-20 are accusatory and he’s pointing out to God all the bad that was done to him. Vs. 21-31 seems to be more of an awakening to how he sounded previously and without saying it, is maybe apologizing for his words of anger.
D. Meditate on verse 31. What does it mean to you? Give praise. – God will always be with us in our time of needs. He will see what others are saying or doing to us and will be judge and jury when he sees fit to do so. Lord, thank you. Thank you for always being my advocate and bringing justice where justice needs to be served. You see the wrong that is happening, it has not gone unnoticed. Your timing for justice needs to be my timing. Soften my words against my enemies and help me Lord to pray for them instead of praying for evil to come to them. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.
E. What else stands out to you from this section and why? – From this Psalm I can see how easy it is for me to make my case to God. To have my pity party and explain why I said or did what I did. It’s so easy to think that we have the right to avenge, to judge those who hurt us in some way, when the true judgement comes from God. If I speak words in anger, I am no better than those I’m trying to accuse. My sin and judgement should be the same. Oh Lord, help me to watch my mouth.
7. Read Psalm 109:21-31
A. How does David’s tone and type of prayer change in verses 21-25? He’s asking God to handle it and isn’t going to take matters into his own hand.
B. What does David want his enemies to know according to verse 27? That it is from the Lord’s hand that retribution comes.
C. What contrast do you find between verse 6 and verse 31? In 6 he asks for an accuser to stand at his enemy’s right hand. In 31 he says that God stands at the right hand of the needy one to save his soul from death.
D. Meditate on verse 31. What does it mean to you? Give praise. I am the needy one and the accused. Also the people that I encounter in my daily life who I have trouble with are needy and accused. All of us are needy and accused. I give praise to God that He is able to rescue all of us from the evil one and restore justice and peace in all of our lives.
E. What else stands out to you from this section and why? The truth that we don’t bring our situations with people before the Lord because we don’t think that He’ll do anything about it. If we truly trusted Him we would bring the person before the Lord and leave him there for God to deal with.
Insightful comment from Dawn: The truth that we don’t bring our situations with people before the Lord because we don’t think that He’ll do anything about it. If we truly trusted Him we would bring the person before the Lord and leave him there for God to deal with.
Great post Dawn!
Amen Dawn, to Julie and Dee!
Thank you all for your birthday greetings and prayers. Sylvia suggested we make it a low key night, just loving on them, which is what we did. Most seem so far away, yet I know God can find them.
So glad all had a wonderful time. I think God’s love was abounding. Happy birthday!
Oh, I know you both planted lots of seeds of love. They will remember your love and being in a place of great comfort and peace. Happy Birthday dear Dee!
Wednesday: Psalm 109:21-31
7. Read Psalm 109:21-31
A. How does David’s tone and type of prayer change in verses 21-25?
The focus turns to God rather than man.
B. What does David want his enemies to know according to verse 27?
Whatever happens or results from David’s situation, he acknowledges that it is by God’s hand.
A. What contrast do you find between verse 6 and verse 31?
In verse 6, it is the accuser/the evil one who stands at the right hand of the wicked and deceitful. In verse 31, it is the Lord who stands at the right hand of the psalmist (The needy) who calls on and trusts God.
B. Meditate on verse 31. What does it mean to you? Give praise.
“For He stands at the right hand of the needy, to save their lives from those who would condemn them.”
It is God who stands by me.
His right hand denotes power and righteousness. Isaiah 41:10b “I will uphold you with my righteous right hand…”
He saves me from those who condemn me.
I can trust God to be my defense.
E. What else stands out to you from this section and why?
This section is a reminder to “be still and know” that God is God. This song by Matt Maher, Lord, I Need You. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e37m3I5eH8g
“Lord, I need You, oh, I need YouEvery hour I need YouMy one defense, my righteousnessOh God, how I need You.”
Oh how true Bing that we need the Lord in every hour.
Bing – -I sing that song daily!
Dee and Julie, isn’t this the truth? I woke up this morning with some sense of dread and I have to shake it off with God’s help. I think I had a pity party and that is not what God wants me to have! It is good to be reminded we need Him every hour, every minute, every second of breath!
It is so good to come here and sense God’s love through the body of Christ.
Thursday: Sermon Part I.
8. Listen or read up to 7:34
A. What stands out and why?
When people spread lies about you, take it to the Lord and don’t exact vengeance. “For vengeance is mine, says the Lord; it is mine to avenge.”
A prayer came out of listening to this section: “Lord, when people accuse me and my heart is pained especially when they come from people I have been good to and loved, let me give myself to prayer. Let me not cry out following my flesh. Let me choose the higher road of Jesus. I want to come to you in all honesty since you know what’s in my heart already. Thank you that you will incline your ears to my “screams” against injustice and let me look to Jesus as my example and to you as the one who avenges righteousness and justly.”
B. What did he say David meant by let his wife be a widow and his children orphans? Have you ever asked the Lord to take someone out somehow?
Let him die. I think the injustice I have seen on the news through the years has made me pray for God to take some people out.
C. He said, “Say little to man and much to God.” If possible, share a time when you applied this in an unjust situation and God answered. (For me it was when the Lord removed my daughter from an abusive and unfaithful husband and brought her safely home from Poland. Then he divorced her and she was set free. This summer she told me that after the wedding she told her best friend she had made the greatest mistake of her life, but she would have to live with it. Yet God rescued her.)
As a pastor’s wife, there are ways that people treat my husband as a pastor that I would consider unjust. I know we cannot please all people, so I often have to remind myself to bring these concerns to God rather than dwell on them. After reading Idol Lies, I have to watch my tendencies to give in to the idols of approval and comfort. Although I still cry and lose some sleep over certain things, I know that God sees me and He wants me to come to Him with these hurts and to trust and to wait on Him.
Beautiful prayer and beautiful post, Bing!
Happy birthday dear Dee. Have a beautiful day.
Thursday: Sermon Part I.
8. Listen or read up to 7:34
A. What stands out and why? – Well a new light has opened my eyes on this after listening. David talked angry accusations against his accuser, but Pastor Paul pointed out that David never took things in to his own hands. He did not retaliate.
B. What did he say David meant by let his wife be a widow and his children orphans? Have you ever asked the Lord to take someone out somehow? – He wanted the man dead. He didn’t want him living to do more harm. I don’t remember ever asking the Lord to take some in a bad way. I’ve told people when they have said it, that it’s not a nice thought and they don’t really mean that. I did ask God to take my dad from his pain if he wasn’t going to heal him, but I think this question is more in a deceitful way.
C. He said, “Say little to man and much to God.” If possible, share a time when you applied this in an unjust situation and God answered. (For me it was when the Lord removed my daughter from an abusive and unfaithful husband and brought her safely home from Poland. Then he divorced her and she was set free. This summer she told me that after the wedding she told her best friend she had made the greatest mistake of her life, but she would have to live with it. Yet God rescued her.) – What is unjust to me, may not be the same for someone else. I can recall feeling saddened after my divorce and thinking that I want to be married, but I’m now single and my ex had another wife already. It wasn’t fair. These were words I would cry out to God with. But God knew what I needed to be taken from. It ended up he was getting abusive, so I was spared from that. I now have a wonderful husband and friend in Joe. He definitely was God appointed and we met when I moved to a strange unknown place with no friends. I truly believe if we let God lead our journey, we will reap His blessings on our life.
I am so thankful that God brought Joe into your life, Julie. God knew just who you needed.
Thankful for Joe!
I love this Julie….
I truly believe if we let God lead our journey, we will reap His blessings on our life.
8. Listen or read up to 7:34
A. What stands out and why?
David vented his thoughts to God about all of the abuse he and others had experienced because of the accuser. He is pouring his heart out to God for God’s justice in avenging the pain that has been caused by this person. He took his grievances to God in prayer and did not retaliate against or answer the accuser. I love that Paul Leboutillier pointed out that “Jesus gave us a higher road to walk.” Take it all to Jesus and leave it in His care. His is just and trustworthy.
B. What did he say David meant by let his wife be a widow and his children orphans? Have you ever asked the Lord to take someone out somehow?
It means let him die. No, but I do try to avoid people that are cruel and unhinged. Becoming like the person who is destroying you will only make you just like him and it is not of God..
—I just want to touch base here today since I haven’t had time to enter into the study this week. We traveled down to Texas the first of this week. (It’s a two day trip 1000 miles) and we are spending a couple of weeks with our son and daughter in law and the adult grandchildren and their babies. We are being kept pretty busy.
I read the sermon by Paul Leboutillier earlier this week and have been taking time to read the blog comments and I just want to make some comments. There is so much personal and meaningful content here this week.
Nila and Laura you both have been on my heart and in my prayers this week. Asking and trusting God to carry you through such hard times.
Julie, thank for being transparent and sharing your heart about your past heart break and struggles. You have a strong testimony for the Lord in what he has done for you.
Patti, I have taken one of your answers and shared it with my granddaughter who is in a big struggle with her alcoholic mother in law. I will add those comments at the end of this.
Judy, what a beautiful prayer from August 21st. Thank you.
Dee, Trusting you had a sweet time on your birthday. I am trusting God did a good work planting his own seeds in people’s hearts as you shined his love through your actions of inviting them into your own home to celebrate your milestone of 80! God bless you!! 💕
Bing, your prayer from yesterday is so so good. I’ll be sharing it with my granddaughter.
From today Patti, I love it too that Leboutillier said “Jesus gave us a higher road to walk.” And we all know we don’t walk that road alone. He walks it with us.
Patti’s comments::
“Say much to God and little to man”. Pouring our heart out to God is good, for He knows our hearts. Yet, we need to bring the person who harms you to the Lord and leave him there. Trust that God is able to take care of this person in His way and His time. This is so hard, yet only God can make it right. I should rely ONLY on Him and not compromise my own heart. Our vengeance takes the Lord out of the picture. Leave it all to Him.
So like you, Bev, at a busy time to still be so intentional.
Bev, thank you for being intentional as Dee has commented here. Your comments were very thoughtful. Enjoy time with your family. That is a long way to go!
Bev, thank you for all you posts, I love reading them.
Amen to Dee, Bing and Julie. So good to see you here, Bev. Enjoy your time with family.
Bev, thank you for your kind words for me and everyone else. You can’t imagine how warm it makes me feel. Our journey is just beginning (again). Continued prayers would be so welcomed. Thank you! I hope you have a marvelous trip!
Friday: Sermon Part II.
9. Listen/read the rest of the sermon.
A. What stands out and why?
B. What is the one thing David does not do?
He did not retaliate but brought his pain to God. He also did not ask for a resolution because he is good but for God’s sake. That it will bring glory to God and based on His steadfast love.
At times there is a tendency in me to think that God owes me something so He will take care of my pain. It is a fine line between asking God for my own sake rather than His sake and His glory. The enemy is tricky.
C. If possible, share a time when you brought someone to the Lord and left him or her there and then saw the Lord act.
A student of mine was in a difficult situation and could have received a reprimand from the school. Waiting on God and keeping her in His care gave me peace and an opportunity to be a peacemaker between the parties involved. I could have pushed the issue but all circumstances within a certain time pointed to a “God pause” and I am glad I waited on Him.
D. Is there a situation you have been trying to fix but need to surrender to the Lord? If so, do it now.
Lord, I am a fixer at heart. And I realize that it is because of pride. And the desire to not be uncomfortable. When I am uneasy, I think I need to do something to fix it. And when I can’t, I struggle and lose my peace in you. Help me to not go “fishing” when I have cast my care on the vast ocean of your grace. Help me keep it cast upon you because I know you care for me and those I want to fix. And let this surrender be for your glory and not just for my comfort.
Love your prayer in your answer for D, Bing.
A big Amen to Julie. I love your prayer, Bing.
Friday: Sermon Part II.
9. Listen/read the rest of the sermon.
A. What stands out and why? – The questions and the sermon have made me see a different way of things with Psalm 109. I guess what jumps out at me in this section is that, though God knows are thoughts, by speaking them out like it was mentioned here, isn’t that kind of acting on them? I mean, thinking the sinful thoughts and actually doing something physical are different. It seems like to me, that we would still be sinning in a sense. I Chronicles 28:9 …for the Lord searches every heart and understands every motive behind the thought; Matthew 15:19-20 For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery…vs 20 These are what make a man unclean; I’m going to have to keep digging on my thoughts and how they are seen by God.
B. What is the one thing David does not do? – He said he didn’t act on them, but gave the suggestions to God and let him handle it.
C. If possible, share a time when you brought someone to the Lord and left him or her there and then saw the Lord act. – The one that comes to mind here, is my son Kyle. He was going down a bad road, getting in trouble and not listening. Causing me a lot of grief and anguish. I tried my best, but I got tired and weary so I cried out to God and said, “Here, he’s yours now. You take care of him. I will provide food and shelter, but you will have to protect him now. I’m done.” And oh my goodness did God take over. The Lord kept him safe and alive and spared his life twice in Afghanistan. I still worried about something happening to him, but my fear was so much less, knowing I left him to God to be taken care of. Kyle is now a hard working father and has changed so much in his attitude about things. Thank you Jesus!
D. Is there a situation you have been trying to fix but need to surrender to the Lord? If so, do it now. – These studies are so timely. My youngest son Justin, and his wife Jessica are struggling a bit in their marriage. Their communication about household decisions and about the kids has dwindled. He has called to talk and ask for advice and I’ve tried to help him. But I have also been lifting them and their marriage up to God to step in. For God to help them see what things should be overlooked and what healing needs to take place. Lord, you are a God of restoration and love. Help everyone Lord that is struggling in some way today and continue to help us all feel your presence in our lives. Help us to remember to seek you first and leave it all at your feet. In Jesus name I pray, amen.
Love your faith and your story about Kyle, Julie. Love this: And oh my goodness did God take over.
I too loved that!
Thank you for all of your encouragement here. The judge ruled in our daughter’s favor.
So grateful.
Thanking God for His mercy and care, dear Nila. May He continue to keep your daughter and her children in His Mighty Hand! Thank you Lord for answered prayer!
Praise God, Nila! Only God can work all things together for the good of those who love Him.
Oh Nila that is wonderful news. Thank you Jesus!
9. Listen/read the rest of the sermon.
A. What stands out and why?
Give the person who is hurting you to God. Leave this person with God. Do not try to fix anything or avenge anyone. I need to ask the Lord to deliver me and may angry and hurt heart. It is not my job to do God’s job….I would not even begin to have the job qualifications! I love that David wrote all of his feelings out, as it is such an example of how one’s heart feels when someone tramples on it. Of course, God knows our heart anyway, but the reader sees that David is human and has human reactions. I love that he chose to then turn to God. Lord, humble my heart and always remind me to turn to you.
B. What is the one thing David does not do?
David does not take things into his own hands. He gives it to God.
C. If possible, share a time when you brought someone to the Lord and left him or her there and then saw the Lord act.
When my husband went through a very difficult time in his career and it caused him huge health problems. We were both miserable, yet we gave it to God and waited and waited and waited. We were not wanting revenge, just peace and direction. God opened up a wonderful door to something so much better than we ever expected. We could not see it when we were in the middle, but after we got through that door, life changed dramatically in a very good way. We have Praised God for that answered prayer so many times over and over. It is often easier to see, looking back.
D. Is there a situation you have been trying to fix but need to surrender to the Lord? If so, do it now.
I have given my son’s anger and his desire for vengeance, to God. I do continue to pray always for his soul and for the scales to fall from his eyes, yet I know that Only God can change a heart.
I so admire how you are handling your most horrible of situations, Patti.
I am praying constantly for the Lord’s to guard my heart, soul and mind.
10. What is your takeaway and why?
Give it all to Jesus. He is the Great Healer. He has His time. His purposes are above my purposes. Trust. I it so hard to let God handle things, but that is what we are called to do. Pray for God’s help and deliverance to let go of what is not ours to control.
Romans 8:28 “And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.”
Proverbs 3: 5-6″Trust in the Lord with all your heart. And do not lean on your own understanding.”
10. What is your takeaway and why?
I am learning to turn to God more and more to take care of any circumstance that touches my life. Imprecatory psalms such as this were hard for me to grasp in the past and doing it here as a study has been enlightening. It is okay to bring everything to God. He knows all of them. Bringing them to the One who is ever true to His character of love, justice, and righteousness, to the One who never changes gives me comfort and peace.
When Richard and I were dating, he introduced me to this winsome singer, Evie. Two of my favorites were “Praise the Lord, He never changes” and “Give them all to Jesus”.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NUbpNYMWhO8 Praise the Lord
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-3Nj9lWP14 Give them all to Jesus
Love Evie so.
8. Listen or read up to 7:34
A. What stands out and why?
The part where he talks about how David was verbally assaulted and how it made him feel stood out to me. Why? I get it all too well. Because we just went through a day in court with our daughter, who did this very thing to us. It wasn’t in a hateful way, but it certainly hurts to have your kid tell lies about you. We felt like getting justice ourselves. Especially for my husband. I had to calm him down with reminding him that God is the judge, not us. We don’t repay evil with evil.I thought about this Psalm all week. It was a perfect one for me for this week!
B. What did he say David meant by let his wife be a widow and his children orphans? Have you ever asked the Lord to take someone out somehow?
He meant for him to die. I don’t think I have ever wished someone dead, rather to just go away. I know someone who has done this though, and is a fairly miserable person about it.
C. He said, “Say little to man and much to God.” If possible, share a time when you applied this in an unjust situation and God answered. (For me it was when the Lord removed my daughter from an abusive and unfaithful husband and brought her safely home from Poland. Then he divorced her and she was set free. This summer she told me that after the wedding she told her best friend she had made the greatest mistake of her life, but she would have to live with it. Yet God rescued her.)
See my answer to A 😉.
Listen/read the rest of the sermon.
A. What stands out and why?
I learned that we don’t take hardships to the Lord because we don’t think He will handle them. We need to have faith that He has “got it” and doesn’t need our help.
B. What is the one thing David does not do?
He didn’t take the situation into his own hands. He prays.
C. If possible, share a time when you brought someone to the Lord and left him or her there and then saw the Lord act.
He has been with us all week! It’s amazing how He has worked with our family. There is more to accomplish, but I know He will prevail.
D. Is there a situation you have been trying to fix but need to surrender to the Lord? If so, do it now.
Thank You Lord, for taking care of us. There is nothing more I can do. I give this situation to You. Thank You for the timing of Dee’s lesson for us this week. You are the one who is charge and I am comforted by this. In Your Holy Name. Amen.
1. Share a God Hunt from the week and give thanks. Thank you Lord for the time with my sister, and the time we had to focus on you.
2. Share two things you learned from Kidner about imprecatory psalms. That God desires us to come to Him with honesty, because there is no intimacy without honesty. Also equally true is that as much as God desires our honesty that does not make us exempt from obedience. That whatever we are feeling must come under His authority whether that is forgiving our enemies, or not seeking revenge ourselves but letting justice be in His hands.
Monday: The Text: Psalm 109:1-20
3. What is the psalmist’s complaint according to verses 1-5? People they have loved, and given good to, have spoken against them with lying tongues, and words of hate. They attack without cause.
4. We don’t know the occasion for David, for he had many that could justify this. How do you see what was done to Jesus foreshadowed in these verses? The Israelites that He served, healed, preached to, they spoke the words ‘crucify Him’.
5. Read verses 6-20, which is the imprecation. That the curses he loved would come upon him, that cursing would be like clothing or a coat that soaks into his body like water.
A. What is your first response to this and why? Holy moly like that’s just the poetic words that kind of grab me.
B. List some of the imprecations. His prayers be counted as sin, his days be few, children be fatherless, wife a widow, children beg, creditor seize all he has, no kindness, no pity for his children, his posterity cut off, name blotted, and the iniquity of mother and father not be forgotten,
C. Peter quotes verse 8 in Acts 1:20. To whom does he apply this? He applies this to Judas.
D. What is he really asking through the imprecations in 9, 10, 13, and 15? His death.
Tuesday: Why We Must Run From Sin: Psalm 109:1-20
6. Alec Motyer, renowned scholar on Isaiah and the Old Testament, explains that one of the purposes of Psalm 109 is to show the great danger of sin. If possible, give an example of each, possibly from your own life, or the life of Cain. (Genesis 4)
A. How does verse 6 show us that giving into sin puts us under the dominion of the evil one? Example? There were times through the years when my at the time unbelieving husband would call me out something that was sin in my life. He was always sassy though, ‘would Jesus want you to do that’.
B. How does sin cloud how we pray and strip us of the Spirit’s power and opportunities to serve Him? (verses 7-9) Example? Sin can cloud our vision and what we pray for as has happened to me, I can be so focused on me, and not direct my focus to where God would have me in prayer.
C. How does sin affect those close to us? (verses 10-11) Example? I mean one does not have to think hard to understand how parents sin, affects children. For me as a child my parents sin left me with out an engaged mom and dad.
D. Cause poverty? (11) Example? Our sin can show a lack of self control that easily can put us in a debtors bind.
E. Leave us friendless? (12) Our sin of gossiping can turn friends away.
F. Affect his legacy and that of his family? (13-15) Our sin can so damage those around us that it becomes generational and ruins any good message that comes through our lives.
G. Affect our spiritual and emotional health (16-20) When we choose sin we step out from God’s protection and help.
Wednesday: Psalm 109:21-31
7. Read Psalm 109:21-31
A. How does David’s tone and type of prayer change in verses 21-25? It changes from focusing on curses towards his enemies to focusing on the Lord and on his current struggle personally.
B. What does David want his enemies to know according to verse 27? That David’s salvation comes from God.
C. What contrast do you find between verse 6 and verse 31? In verse 6 David is asking that God would allow lies be told of his enemies and be given an unfair judge. In verse 31 David says that it’s the Lord who stands at his need, and is able to save his soul from death.
D. Meditate on verse 31. What does it mean to you? Give praise. In the message it is translated “For he’s always at hand to take the side of the needy, to rescue a life from the unjust judge.” So it means to me that in the areas of my need He will meet me, and He will defend me from the false accuser, and unjust judges of this earth.
E. What else stands out to you from this section and why? That He is surrendering his life, and the places where he was done wrong all to the Lord.
Thursday: Sermon Part I.
8. Listen or read up to 7:34
A. What stands out and why? The point he makes that instead of taking up his weapons, he took up prayer. Its just such a good reminder that when we feel attacked, that is what we are suppose to do .
B. What did he say David meant by let his wife be a widow and his children orphans? Have you ever asked the Lord to take someone out somehow? To let his enemy die. Uh, not so directly.
C. He said, “Say little to man and much to God.” If possible, share a time when you applied this in an unjust situation and God answered. (For me it was when the Lord removed my daughter from an abusive and unfaithful husband and brought her safely home from Poland. Then he divorced her and she was set free. This summer she told me that after the wedding she told her best friend she had made the greatest mistake of her life, but she would have to live with it. Yet God rescued her.) Yes, I have but I almost always say much to people, I say much to God as well, but far to often I want people to know how I was unjustly treated, and receive confirmation that it was as bad as I thought. I can give myself some grace on this, the house I grew up in I was consistently told that what I had experienced was not real that I made things up. Just the same this is still an area I need work in, saying little to man and much to God.
Friday: Sermon Part II.
9. Listen/read the rest of the sermon.
A. What stands out and why? That we should leave a person who is hurting us in the Lord’s hands. Instead of running to our fleshly weapons, we should run to prayer.
B. What is the one thing David does not do? To make it right or make them pay.
C. If possible, share a time when you brought someone to the Lord and left him or her there and then saw the Lord act. My husband, there have been times that instead of coming back with a sharp retort, or even at times a immature insult, I have gone to the Lord in prayer. There have been occasions where he has had a change of heart or even an apology.
D. Is there a situation you have been trying to fix but need to surrender to the Lord? If so, do it now. I can’t think of an active one now, but in general anything that is troubling my husband, or daughters. Maybe through prayer and the occasional comment, maybe more of a heart attitude than active movement on my part.
10. What is your takeaway and why? We should run to God with people that are hurting us. Run to prayer. Its to easy to run to others to verify that what the other person did was actually bad, or for affirmation.