This is our last psalm for the summer. We will be doing Joshua and Judges with Paige next. I will reduce homework by reducing questions. If you have not signed up to get a reminder from Paige’s church about her teaching, please do so here:
This lesson will take you all the way up to Sept 3. Then listen to Paige on Sept 4 and watch for questions here on Thursday, Sept 5, early in the morning. If I have them ready sooner, I will post, so you may want to check — but the reminding e-mail won’t go out until Thursday morning.
Psalm 118 was one of those psalms I skimmed over, just thinking it was a lovely repetitive praise Psalm. I had no idea of its depth.
It is the final “Hallel” psalm as the Israelites proceeded into Jerusalem and entered its gates.
It is the most quoted psalm in the New Testament. For example, verses 22-23, about the chief “Cornerstone” is quoted 4 times in the New Testament and identified as Christ, “the stone the builders rejected.” The sermon and commentators contrast the false religion of the leaders that leads to crooked buildings, to the gospel, the true religion of God, which leads to a strong eternal building.
This made me think of something that happened with my son John this summer. He designs bridges all over the world. I asked him if he could build me a little deck for my Air B&B renters. He sweetly said he could do it in one afternoon. But then I worried, as the ground was uneven boulders.
“But will it be level?” I worried.
I guess bridge-builders know about the importance of that foundational plank, or the “cornerstone.”
It was so interesting to have both the sermon and commentators contrast the false religions of man, based on works, to be based on a faulty cornerstone and as doomed as this building on the right.
This psalm may have been sung at Passover, again when the disciples went out after the Last Supper, and today we sing different versions to remember the greatest victory of all: “The Resurrection.” One of my favorites is Horse and Rider which has a Resurrection Verse:
I will sing unto the Lord for He has triumphed gloriously,
the horse and rider fell into the sea!
I will sing unto the Lord for He has triumphed gloriously,
the grave is empty won’t you come and see!
Unsplash Photo by Thomas Shutze
Unsplash photo by Thomas Schutze
Another picture from this psalm is being hard pressed and then delivered into a spacious place. Paul LeBoutellier says salvation isn’t just eternal salvation but deliverance, as when the Israelites were bought through the Red Sea. I want you to think of a time when you thought there was no way out, yet God delivered you or a loved one.
The Seedbed Hymnal suggests singing this to the tune of
“I Sing the Mighty Power of God” to these slightly altered lyrics:
1 Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good;
his love endures forever.
2 Let Israel say:
“His love endures forever.”
3 Let the house of Aaron say:
“His love endures forever.”
4 Let those who fear the Lord say:
“His love endures forever.”
5 When hard pressed, I cried to the Lord;
he brought me into a spacious place.
6 The Lord is with me; I will not be afraid.
What can mere mortals do to me?
7 The Lord is with me; he is my helper.
I look in triumph on my enemies.
22 The stone the builders rejected
has become the cornerstone;
23 the Lord has done this,
and it is marvelous in our eyes.
24 The Lord has done it this very day;
let us rejoice today and be glad.
25 Lord, save us!
Lord, grant us success!
26 Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.
From the house of the Lord we bless you.b]
27 The Lord is God,
and he has made his light shine on us.
With boughs in hand, join in the festal procession
upc] to the horns of the altar.
28 You are my God, and I will praise you;
you are my God, and I will exalt you.
29 Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good;
his love endures forever.
Sermon Link and Transcript:
Sunday: August 25th
1. What stands out above and why?
2. Share a time you were in a hard place but God delivered you — or share a God hunt.
Monday: Psalm 118:1-9
3. Read Verses 1-7 and share the three specific groups mentioned that God has delivered.
4. In the sermon, Pastor LeBoultellier will say the disciples were a great example of the above on Easter Sunday. How, do you think?
5. Read verses 8-9. What is the warning? Whom might “princes” represent?
- Do you long for the approval of others?
- Are you devastated by criticism?
- Are you starry-eyed by celebrity? (Would you pay 2,000 to 6,000 for a Taylor Swift ticket?)
- Do you find a way to tell others of your accomplishments?
Tuesday: Psalm 118:10-14 and Acts 4
7. What word pictures show great distress? Comment on each.
8. In Acts 4, Peter and John quote Psalm 118 and Psalm 2. Find them and explain how the apostles use them.
9. In what ways are Psalm 118 and Psalm 2 similar? What does this teach you?
Wednesday: Psalm 118: 15-18
10. What is the main point of this passage?
11. Do you see a difference between being disciplined/chastened or punished? If so, what?
12. What does the psalmist say about being chastened? How is this similar to Hebrews 12:4-12.
13. Share a time the Lord disciplined you and you benefitted from it.
Thursday: Psalm 118: 19-26
14. What confidence do you see in verses 19-20? Do you feel confident God will open the gates of heaven for you? Why or why not?
15. How is this part of the psalm quoted in Matthew 21:9. Significance? (Sermon will tell more — but guess!)
16. Find references to the cornerstone in the New Testament. Meditate and comment.
Friday: Psalm 118: 26-29
17. What stands out to you from the benediction and why?
18. This is a quote from Miriam’s song, showing again that in this psalm salvation means deliverance. We are delivered so often! Think of a time this summer when you were delivered.
19. What is your takeaway so far and why?
Sunday: Sept 1
20. Share a God Hunt from last week.
Monday: 1st half of sermon
21. Listen or read Paul LeBoulettier’s message up to 10:12 and share what stands out and why.
Tuesday: 2nd half of sermon
22. Do the rest of the sermon and share what stands out and why.
Wednesday: Start Listening to Paige and Take Notes -I’ll post asap, and mail out a reminder tomorrow morning
Sunday: August 25th
1. What stands out above and why? – I love how John was so sure that what you had asked him to do, could be accomplished in an afternoon and still be level. To be that confident that my life is balanced in Christ on a daily basis let alone an afternoon would be amazing. I sometimes wonder am I doing what the Lord wants me to be doing or am I stepping out of bounds and doing what Julie wants to do because I think I know what’s right and after all it’s Christ centered, or is it.
2. Share a time you were in a hard place but God delivered you — or share a God hunt. – There are many hard spots that I’ve been delivered from and I’m grateful for them all. But I will speak of a God hunt today. We have a very lovely lady in our church who lost her husband a couple of years ago and they had recently moved to NE Tennessee. She has decided and felt God very much in this decision to move to South Carolina to be closer to her daughter and son-in-law. A packing party was put together to help her finish up and take out the items from her shed and basement and pack them up for her. Nine of us from the church showed up to help and she was very overwhelmed when everything came out of the shed. There was more in there than she realized but to her amazement when she came up from the basement, we had gotten the items she wanted packed up, a truck loaded with the garbage haul and a give away pile was started. Her emotions of anxiousness and be overwhelmed were changed to joy. It is such a great feeling to see the body of Christ come together to help a church family member get things done. God worked in a mighty way yesterday. He is faithful and true.
Oh what a blessing you were, Julie. I would do cartwheels (if I could) if someone did that for me. How like the Lord.
Wonderful God Hunt Julie…being the hands and feet of Jesus.
Wow, Julie! what a great example of being Christ to this lady. A “packing party”! Praise God!
What a lovely God hunt, Julie! Such a great gift of love you all gave this sweet lady!
1. What stands out above and why? How when you build on a crooked foundation, the building ends up crooked, or dysfunctional. Never being able to be used for the purpose it was made for.
2. Share a time you were in a hard place but God delivered you — or share a God hunt. I remember hitting a wall in my marriage, 23 years or so ago. Joe was very difficult, and I couldn’t see how I could go on. How I could move forward as a child of God or how it could be ok. I remember exactly where I was when I said to my sister that I felt like I was up against a wall, I could not climb or get over. That I had no idea how to go forward. I felt utterly helpless and utterly stuck. But God, but God brought me through. There was no red sea parted, or mighty miracle. There was waiting on Him in the full knowledge that there was nothing I could do and somehow minute by minute and day by day He gave me what I needed, when I needed it: wisdom, strength, humility, direction, repentance, endurance, and comfort. It reminds me of the story Corrie Ten Boom tells of her father when she experienced fear of death, “Corrie’s father reminded her of the train ride to Amsterdam. “”When you take a train trip to Amsterdam, when do I give you the money for the ticket? Three weeks before?”“No, Daddy, you give me the money for the ticket just before we get on the train.”“That is right,” her father said, “and so it is with God’s strength. Our Father in Heaven knows when you will need the strength . . . He will supply all you need just in time.”
Honestly I feel like thats how God so often delivers me, its not in some sudden miraculous way, but day by day, He has given me what I needed, as I trusted and obeyed, or didn’t and repented.
Tammy, I love your deliverance testimony. It’s so hard at times to wait on God, but also so important to see the little changes along the way to keep our faith and trust in God strong.
Tammy, I have found His deliverance day by day to be so true in my life…thanks for sharing as it encouraged me so.
Such a good testimony — and I do think that is how God usually delivers!
Tammy, so true: I feel like that’s how God so often delivers me, it’s not in some sudden miraculous way, but day by day, He has given me what I needed, as I trusted and obeyed, or didn’t and repented. I love the story you shared about the Ten Booms.
Thank you for this great encouraging testimony, Tammy. I love the Corrie Ten Boom story too. Last night, I was praying about a wall in my life and your post is a great reminder to me that God has His timing and the best answers so often take time.
Sunday: August 25th
1. What stands out above and why?
First of all…Happy Belated Birthday, sweet Dee! 🎂🎈🎁
The deck your son built is beautiful and it makes me want to grab a cup of coffee, my Bible and have my quiet time in one of those chairs…such an amazing view. So nice of him to do that and in an afternoon…I’m impressed!
The picture of the leaning building reminded me of a beautiful hotel built in Nairobi in the latter 60’s that we called the “ Tilt’n Hilton” as it leaned. It was round and we always thought they were trying to imitate the Leaning Tower of Pisa, although it didn’t tilt as much!
2. Share a time you were in a hard place but God delivered you — or share a God hunt.
I have been in a hard place this last year. I have just been trusting God with the situation but it seems there are times I take three steps forward and two steps back. So, I just keep looking up and trying to learn what God is teaching me through it. The quote from last week spoke volumes to me, “Say much to God and little to man” and God has been getting an earful from me! What I know about the Lord is that He has delivered me through so much and I know He will again.
Sharon, a good reminder for me: What I know about the Lord is that He has delivered me through so much and I know He will again.
A great reminder Sharon of how faithful and loving God is to us.
I had to look at pictures of the Tilt’n Hilton in Nairobi. It does tilt a little — yet looks like it still thrives!
This was so good from you:
The quote from last week spoke volumes to me, “Say much to God and little to man” and God has been getting an earful from me! What I know about the Lord is that He has delivered me through so much and I know He will again.
We must be on the same page, Sharon! I have had that kind of year, too! Love this encouragement and I needed it today! What I know about the Lord is that He has delivered me through so much and I know He will again.
Sunday: August 25th
1. What stands out above and why?
I was kind of sad that this week is our last Psalm study! Dee, I appreciate your thoughtful preparation and leadership with this study and every study we have had. What Paul L. said about salvation as not just eternal salvation, but deliverance struck a chord within me, especially today.
2. Share a time you were in a hard place but God delivered you — or share a God hunt.
I realize today’s struggles pale in comparison to what grief and pain so many of you have encountered and shared here. But I did find myself at a “hard” place mentally today. I know it is a fight against the enemy who seeks to destroy us. But for some reason, I woke up with my mind being assaulted by a barrage of past hurts, disappointments, and fear for the future. A few things were also not in working condition at home and I still need a lesson for a Wednesday activity with our church kids. If I let them, these little foxes could “ruin the vineyard”. I feel like I could scream. I desperately needed relief, a way out of negative thinking.
It was a struggle to go to church. Thankfully, the Lord used the service, especially the praise time, to deliver me. This was a Sunday where the congregation could choose a hymn for us to sing. The 6 songs that were selected ministered to my weary body and soul. God’s timing! They all reminded me that God is faithful, and His deliverance is a promise to every “Red Sea” I encounter.
This song by Selah:
You are my hiding place,
You always fill my heart with songs of deliverance
Whenever I am afraid
I will trust in you.
God also used a friend at church to minister to me. She brought some Christian literature she thought we could use for the kids at church. And wouldn’t you know it? I found a lesson plan that I can use for Parents Night Out this coming Wednesday!
Bing, how good that God used your church service to deliver you today and you allowed it to! I love that song, You are My Hiding Place…brought back a lot of memories.
I’m a bit sad too — but we will always be returning to the psalms.
I vacillated about Paige because she is overwhelming, but a friend said, “I just watch her carefully — don’t even take notes the first time — and enjoy her.” I may try that!!!
I have loved doing the Psalms and they have each ministered to me. I think it will be so timely and a good challenge to do Paige’s study. In light of what is happening in Israel, it is so timely.
Oh those little foxes! I love HIding Place too.
Oh, Bing! I will miss the Psalms too. Your post is so encouraging too! Oh, I love this song and the words. And I love your answer to prayer for the kids at church! God is so good and He cares even about the details!
Bing I love your answer to #2. It’s so hard to go where we know we need to go so the enemy can’t come, but the weariness of it can be overwhelming for sure. Love how your congregation picks the songs. What a variety it must be.
Monday: Psalm 118:1-9
3. Read Verses 1-7 and share the three specific groups mentioned that God has delivered. Israel, the house of Aaron, those that fear the Lord
4. In the sermon, Pastor LeBoultellier will say the disciples were a great example of the above on Easter Sunday. How, do you think?
On the day of resurrection the disciples were mourning the death of Jesus. I don’t see how that is an example of having confidence in the Lord’s deliverance. They had difficulty believing that Jesus was alive until He appeared to them.
5. Read verses 8-9. What is the warning? Whom might “princes” represent?help.
It is better to put your full trust/confidence in the Lord than in men or “princes.” The princes at the time this was written would have been the rulers or nobles. Although they were is a position of power and could provide help, full trust should be with God, who controls everything.
Today a “prince” might be: someone with political influence, someone who is wealthy (known for generosity), royalty (ie UK, Monaco, etc)
Good for you for passing the test. It’s a hard one.
1. What stands out above and why?
I love the beautiful deck that John built for you. Such a gift from his heart. And, of course, it is level! 🙂 Your time with family this summer is so precious!
2. Share a time you were in a hard place but God delivered you — or share a God hunt.
This weekend was sad, yet God gave me some wonderful moments. My granddaughter has to put her sweet cat down. This cat had been with her through some difficult times and it was so hard for her. Her sister, Sara, was here visiting and staying with me. My vet was overbooked, but helped me find her a very loving and kind vet, who was so helpful and sweet. They were so compassionate with Krystie and her cat. Sara, who is a strong young woman and loves animals, drove Krystie to the vet and stayed with her. We all spent the day together and shared stories and comforted Krystie. Sunday afternoon, I took the girls to see the Issaquah Troll, which is one of six huge trolls created by a Scandinavian artist. It is all recycled wood. Then, we went to a lovely tea room and had tea and macrons. It is a rare treat to spend a whole day alone with these darling girls! We had such a great time of laughter and some tears. God is so good.
Patti, how sweet you had time with your granddaughters and the comfort you and Sara gave Krystie during the loss of her cat. Yes, God is good indeed.
The sadness of losing an animal that is family is so hard. We just had to do that the end of June. My goodness, I never knew it would be so hard. It sounds like you ended up having a wonderful time with the girls.
You were the perfect person to be with Krystie!
3. Read Verses 1-7 and share the three specific groups mentioned that God has delivered.
Israel, the house of Aaron, Those who fear the Lord.
4. In the sermon, Pastor LeBoultellier will say the disciples were a great example of the above on Easter Sunday. How, do you think?
Once Jesus appeared to them, after the Resurrection, He spoke to them, spent time with them. Death did not stop Him. In Acts 2, on Pentecost, the Holy Spirit filled them.
5. Read verses 8-9. What is the warning? Whom might “princes” represent?
The leaders of the world. The famous and popular people who try to sway us and charm us to follow them. Do not put your trust in confidence in those who have their own best interest at heart.
I passed the test. I pray that I can live a way that honors God not man. I definitely am thankful for grace and I know I deserve criticism. I have had no accomplishments that were not purely from God. My efforts without Him have failed. I am not starry eyed, as those who charm usually are self focused. I love those who give their lives for others in need. I pray that I can be more heavenly focused than focused on the fleeting things that often grab my heart. I am so thankful for people like Keller who help me to see the log in my own eye, because I do have it!!
Patti…may this be my prayer too…”I pray that I can be more heavenly focused than focused on the fleeting things that often grab my heart.”
Monday: Psalm 118:1-9
3. Read Verses 1-7 and share the three specific groups mentioned that God has delivered.
Israel, Aaron’s descendants, the priests and all who fear the LORD.
4. In the sermon, Pastor LeBoultellier will say the disciples were a great example of the above on Easter Sunday. How, do you think?
I look at this as to whom the disciples were…they were all Israelites, they were a royal priesthood (1 Peter 2:9) and they feared the LORD. They experienced firsthand that His faithful love endures forever and that His death on the cross and resurrection delivered them from their sin.
5. Read verses 8-9. What is the warning? Whom might “princes” represent?
It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust people or princes.
Princes represent those of nobility or in a position of power. The Message interprets princes as celebrities.
Do you long for the approval of others? I’d love to say not at all, but God has a way of showing me the times I fall into needing approval.
Are you devastated by criticism? It depends on how it’s given and of course how I receive it.
Are you starry-eyed by celebrity? (Would you pay 2,000 to 6,000 for a Taylor Swift ticket?). NO
Do you find a way to tell others of your accomplishments? I don’t think I “find a way” but I do if it’s part of the conversation.
I think this is all a part of “self-absorption “ and I am aware that God is working in my life in this area and many others. I am so thankful for His grace, patience and love for me, but it’s also important to have a truly repentant heart.
Sharon, I appreciate the reference to I Peter 2:9 of “royal priesthood” in your answer to #4. And also The Message used the word “celebrities” to denote “princes”. My, I couldn’t imagine spending thousands of dollars going to a concert for some celebrities!
Sharon, I love you answer that God has a way of showing me the times I fall into needing approval. I fall into this too…one of the logs in my eye…people pleasing can easily become one of my idols….I think we all fall into self absorption, another log in my eye….I don’t like my idols and I try to repent daily. So maybe I do not pass the test after all! haha!!
That is interesting that a celebrity used the word celebrities. So true, though.
Monday: Psalm 118:1-9
3. Read Verses 1-7 and share the three specific groups mentioned that God has delivered. – Israel; The house of Aaron; Those that fear the Lord
4. In the sermon, Pastor LeBoultellier will say the disciples were a great example of the above on Easter Sunday. How, do you think? – They were excited for his coming and praised his name and his teachings.
5. Read verses 8-9. What is the warning? Whom might “princes” represent? – We need to trust God over everyone else. I think the ‘princes’ can be the government, those in authority who take their role to a point higher than it ever should be.
Do you long for the approval of others? – If I’m doing something that I know is God appointed, I know I will not always have the approval of others and that’s ok, because God is directing my journey. But I do have to say, that I try to do my best in everything I do, that is just how I was brought up. To be recognized for that once in a while is nice, but I do my best whether or not I get approval and recognition.
Are you devastated by criticism? – Criticism is not fun, it hurts, but I try to get over the hurt quickly and look deeper in to what they have said to see if it warrants me to make a change in my life.
Are you starry-eyed by celebrity? (Would you pay 2,000 to 6,000 for a Taylor Swift ticket?) – I don’t think I am, I tend to think they are just people who have a different path than I do. I’m trying to remind myself their journey, though it looks like it’s being blessed by God, may be harder than it appears. I would not pay a high price to see anyone. I don’t even like paying $50 to see someone. My favorite price is FREE!
Do you find a way to tell others of your accomplishments? – I do not like to be in the center of anything. I like to stay in the background and be my introverted self that I am. I’ve started helping out in the church office and they keep thanking me for serving and helping. I get embarrassed about this and so I just reply with a ‘your welcome’. I believe deeply my gift is serving and helping, so that’s what I do.
Julie! I love this: My favorite price is FREE! Me, too!
I love this, Julie: If I’m doing something that I know is God appointed, I know I will not always have the approval of others and that’s ok, because God is directing my journey.
Monday: Psalm 118:1-9
1. Read Verses 1-7 and share the three specific groups mentioned that God has delivered.
Israel, the house of Aaron, those who fear the Lord.
2. In the sermon, Pastor LeBoultellier will say the disciples were a great example of the above on Easter Sunday. How, do you think?
The disciples were of the house of Israel (Jews), of the house of Aaron, and they all feared the Lord.
3. Read verses 8-9. What is the warning? Whom might “princes” represent?
Anybody who is of authority and has power. They rule the land, are affluent, and with clout.
Do you long for the approval of others?
It is an idol that I fight against daily, but God is helping me sift through my motives and heart. Time seems to be of the essence for me. If I wait on God and not make a hasty decision, He gives me peace and His approval becomes my heart’s motive. He uses His word to convict me.
Are you devastated by criticism?
At times depending on who is criticizing me. I am learning not to be easily offended. What we studied last week is good for me: Say much to God and little to man. He is the One who knows me and loves me and will show me the way.
Are you starry-eyed by celebrity? (Would you pay 2,000 to 6,000 for a Taylor Swift ticket?)
No. I am learning to appreciate what others can do without being starry-eyed. God has gifted me with other things for His glory. And I should be satisfied with that. I am a work in progress.
Do you find a way to tell others of your accomplishments?
I sometimes would offer what I can do to be of help to a certain group of people. I pray that my motives are pure and pleasing to God. I am very thankful for what God has allowed me to accomplish in my little corner.
Bing, your response “ I pray that my motives are pure and pleasing to God” is such a good reminder for me.
I like this too. It’s all about our heart.
Amen to Sharon! May my motives be pure.
3. Read Verses 1-7 and share the three specific groups mentioned that God has delivered.
Israel, Aaron’s descendants, those who fear the Lord.
4. In the sermon, Pastor LeBoultellier will say the disciples were a great example of the above on Easter Sunday. How, do you think?
They were faithful in that moment.
5. Read verses 8-9. What is the warning? Whom might “princes” represent?
To not have faith in man. To take refuge in the Lord. Princes might represent those in power.
6. The “test.”
I used to be more like this, but as I grow older and presumably wiser, I no longer am this way.
I have loved watching you grow, Laura.
Love this, Laura: I used to be more like this, but as I grow older and presumably wiser, I no longer am this way. How I pray this for my own soul. I realized after I answered that ‘test” question that I am confronted with the choice daily and it is a challenge always.
Laura, your perseverance on this blog and desire to grow spiritually is so inspiring to me…thank you😊❤️
Psalm 118:10-14 and Acts 4
7. What word pictures show great distress? Comment on each.
All nations surrounded me; There is no way out, yet the Lord will spare him. In the name of the Lord, I will cut them off. He is taking refuge in the Lord.
They surrounded me like bees. They were extinguished as a fire of thorns; He is calling on the name of the Lord, the Lord is his strength. (v14)
You pushed me violently so that I was falling. But the Lord helped me. Once again, he is depending on the Lord to help him. v 13b
8. In Acts 4, Peter and John quote Psalm 118 and Psalm 2. Find them and explain how the apostles use them.
Acts 4:11 quotes Psalm 118:22~ “The stone which the builders rejected Has become the chief corner stone.” When Peter and John were arrested and questioned by the high priests about their teachings the people of Jesus being their salvation (and many believed), Peter was filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke, quoting Psalm 118:22.
The chief priests observed the man who had been healed with them and all who lived in Jerusalem were aware of the healing. They threatened Peter and John, yet they released them.
When Peter and James returned to their companions and reported this, they Praised God, with Psalm 2. They were all shaken, a sign that their prayers had been heard and they were filled with The Holy Spirit.
9. In what ways are Psalm 118 and Psalm 2 similar? What does this teach you?
Both are Praise of the King of Heaven over the princes of earth. We trust in God the Father of Heaven and Earth.
The Lord of heaven and earth is our true Rock and Redeemer. He is the King of the Universe, of All Eternity. The earthly kings may surround us and threaten us, but they have only temporary power; they think too much of themselves. The kings of earth fail to acknowledge Jesus the Son, the Holy Spirit and God, the Father of all the Universe. God, our Father, is all powerful over them; His wisdom, counsel and protection is for all eternity. There is no power of earth that can match the power of God. The kings and princes of this earth are of vanity, and but a brief whisper. The thing of God are of Love, Redemption, Restoration and of Eternal value. Psalm 2:12 Do homage to the Son, that He not become angry and you perish in the way, For His wrath may soon be kindled. How blessed are all who take refuge in Him!” Psalm 118:28-29 “You are my God and I give thanks to You; You are my God, I extol You. Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; For His lovingkindness is everlasting.”
Such good thoughts on earthly kings.
Tuesday: Psalm 118:10-14 and Acts 4
7. What word pictures show great distress? Comment on each. – Vs 11, 12 & 13 seem to show signs of distress. When you are boxed in from every side with the enemy coming at you, it can be a bit overwhelming. A swarm of bees oh my. I had this happen to me last year, when I disturbed a nest in a blanket on my back porch. I was stung 3 times before I could get off the porch. I was scrambling to figure out what to do since the blanket was by the steps to get off the porch and the kitchen door was behind me I didn’t want to open the door and have them follow me in. A sense of falling is scary to me and can take my breath away. We live around the mountains of NE Tennessee and some of the roads are narrow and winding with no guardrails to stop you. I sometimes sense my nerves starting to go wild when we are on them, and I don’t like to look down at that moment. But God is there for us to call out to him in every instant that our nerves start to take over, or our heart beat is racing. He is our calm, our peace and we can have that when we are in Him and steadfast on His Word.
8. In Acts 4, Peter and John quote Psalm 118 and Psalm 2. Find them and explain how the apostles use them. – Vs 11 is quoting Psalm 118 and they are using it to remind the rulers and high priests who is responsible for healing. By the power of the Holy Spirit Peter reminded them that Jesus, who they rejected, is the only one who can heal and save. Vs 25 & 26 quote Psalm 2. This seems to me to be like they are lamenting of what their ancestors did. They are using it to remind God of the past and to bring their point across to what they think needs to be done. They are pleading with him to help.
9. In what ways are Psalm 118 and Psalm 2 similar? What does this teach you? – Each Psalm is a warning to people about who they put their trust in. The enemy will be enticing and it may all sound good and pull you in. But he sugar coats everything and leaves out the consequences of the wrath of God to all those who follow him and don’t put their refuge in the Only One who can save us and heal us, God. If we don’t put our trust in God, we will not be protected for the things of this world that will come against us. Satan can’t and won’t be there for us, his pride got in the way. God is our refuge and hope in this crazy, mixed up world.
Julie, your story of the bees stinging you distressed me just reading it!🥺 I can’t imagine how frightened you must of been and stung 3 times!! As we say in the south, “bless your heart!”
Julie, I like how you describe Satan’s method of sugar coating everything, spot on! Praise the Lord, he IS our refuge and hope.
I love your entire post, Julie! So many great insights! Scary story about the bees!
Such vivid personal word pictures, Julie!
Tuesday: Psalm 118:10-14 and Acts 4
7. What word pictures show great distress? Comment on each.
Hostile nations surrounded me…attacked me.” This reminds me of the great distress Israel is experiencing. The Psalmist response to this is: In the name of the LORD I will cut them off.”
Swarmed around me like bees. Blazed against me like a crackling fire. Both of these would put me into a panic mode. The Psalmist response to this is: In the name of the LORD I cut them off!.
I was pushed hard, so that I was falling. I want to share a time when I was around 10 and we were shopping in downtown Kampala, Uganda and there was a parade on the Main Street outside the store we were in. I ran out to see and it turned out that people were rebelling against being treated badly by the British and being a white person (innocent bystander) one of them came over, slapped me and pushed me so I fell down. It was a very scary situation and thankfully my father saw what happened, picked me up and rushed me back into the store. The Psalmist response to this is: But the LORD helped me.
8. In Acts 4, Peter and John quote Psalm 118 and Psalm 2. Find them and explain how the apostles use them.
In Acts 4:11 they quote Psalm 118:22. “This Jesus is the stone that was rejected by you, the builders, which has become the cornerstone.” Peter, being filled with the Holy Spirit addressed the rulers and elders of the people, that if they’re (Peter & John) being examined of a good deed done to a crippled man, that they need to know that Jesus Christ who they crucified and God raised from the dead is the reason this man is standing before them as well and Peter goes on to quote Psalm 118:22 which tells them they rejected Jesus, the cornerstone, a bulwark, who God exalted.
In Acts 4:25-26 they quote Psalm 2:1-2. “Why do the nations rage and the peoples plot in vain? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against His Anointed…” After Peter and John were let go, they went to their companions and praised God in one voice and part of that was Psalm 1:1-2. They saw the fulfillment of this Psalm in what happened to Peter and John.
9. In what ways are Psalm 118 and Psalm 2 similar? What does this teach you?
They are both a fulfillment of Scripture and this teaches me that the Word of God is true and trustworthy. It brought to mind Isaiah 40:8, “The grass withers, the flower fades, but the Word of our God will stand forever.”
OH, Sharon! How you have brought all of these words to LIFE! Wow, what an experience for a 10 year old! You have had some incredible experiences in your life!! Love this: They are both a fulfillment of Scripture and this teaches me that the Word of God is true and trustworthy. It brought to mind Isaiah 40:8, “The grass withers, the flower fades, but the Word of our God will stand forever.”
You have such vivid experiences as an MK!
Oh my goodness, to have that happen as a 10 year old and not even know why. So sad and scary. Also love your answer to #9.
Monday: Psalm 118:1-9
3. Read Verses 1-7 and share the three specific groups mentioned that God has delivered. Israel, those who fear Him, and me.
4. In the sermon, Pastor LeBoultellier will say the disciples were a great example of the above on Easter Sunday. How, do you think? Not sure for the disciples but I could see how Christ’s resurrection did that for all groups mentioned, the Israelites, the gentiles who would fear Him and for me personally.
5. Read verses 8-9. What is the warning? Whom might “princes” represent? The warning is not take refuge in men or princes. Princes maybe just signify those who are in authority.
Do you long for the approval of others? Yes.
Are you devastated by criticism? Not devastated but sensitive.
Are you starry-eyed by celebrity? (Would you pay 2,000 to 6,000 for a Taylor Swift ticket?) No.
Do you find a way to tell others of your accomplishments? Sometimes.
Tuesday: Psalm 118:10-14 and Acts 4
7. What word pictures show great distress? Comment on each. Nations surrounding him on every side: like being surrounded on every side by armies. Surrounded like bees: being harried by multiple places of pain, none enough to take your life but enough to be miserable. Surrounded like a fire among thorns: that the danger is chaotic and out of control. Feeling like being pushed hard and falling: that the threat feels like being physically shoved and the sense of falling which engenders the feeling of vulnerability and loss of control.
8. In Acts 4, Peter and John quote Psalm 118 and Psalm 2. Find them and explain how the apostles use them. They used the verse about the cornerstone being rejected as a proof from scripture to the high priests that Jesus is who David was prophesying about. The verses from Psalm 2 were the disciples seeing their present circumstances as being written about in the Psalms.
9. In what ways are Psalm 118 and Psalm 2 similar? What does this teach you? Both were prophetic about Jesus. This tells me that the plan was Jesus all along, and God is faithful in His steadfast love.
This is so good Tammy the sense of falling which engenders the feeling of vulnerability and loss of control.
As I was reading today’s comments (tuesday), I noticed mine were missing. I guess they are lost in cyber space.
I am not going to take the time to even try to recall my answers, except for the lesson I learned in comparing the two Psalms. What God has willed, will happen regardless of man’s/woman’s desire (or rage/ranting). Nothing can thwart the plans and purposes of God. How foolish to even try.
Oh Cheryl sorry your answers are out in space, but I love your take away of the two Psalms.
I don’t know what happened Cheryl — for I didn’t see them in the box that needs to be approved which happens sometimes for various mysterious reasons, but I know how frustrating that is. Love your main point about God’s sovereignty regardless of man’s ranting.
I filled in the boxes and clicked submit. When it didn’t appear on the blog, I clicked submit again. I got th meessage that those remarks had already been submitted, so I just logged out. Oh well, the initial amount of time I spent on that lesson really cemented it in my mind, well worth the effort.
1. What stands out above and why? That Psalm 118 is the most quoted Psalm in the New Testament. I don’t think that I ever paid it that much attention and I don’t know if I’ve ever heard anyone preach on it.
2. Share a time you were in a hard place but God delivered you — or share a God hunt. When I thought that we could possibly lose our house from getting behind on our mortgage. After we prayed continually and worried a little bit. We got an unexpected refund from an IRS mistake and a company that we had paid for their service had filed bankruptcy and we got a full refund. This got us caught up on everything.
Dawn, God’s ways are higher than our ways! What a testimony of His provision.
What a wonderful God hunt Dawn.
Love that story of God’s provision, Dawn!
Tuesday: Psalm 118:10-14 and Acts 4
1. What word pictures show great distress? Comment on each.
Being surrounded on every side
Swarmed around me like bees
Pushed back and was about to fall
There was a time in ministry when I felt hemmed in by people who we thought loved us. It was very distressing. I thank God for my husband who remained steadfast and trusting of God’s purposes and plans for our lives. The distressing situation led us to another church where we have been serving now for the last 16 years. I sometimes look back with a sense of loss but God always brings me to the awareness of his sovereign rule over our lives as a family. I can honestly say that I love the people at that church today. And when the enemy tempts me with wrongful thoughts, the Holy Spirit corrects my thinking through God’s Word.
Richard just reminded me today that we have been at our present church longer than we have been at the other one. I stay more alert nowadays to the promptings of the Spirit should there be red flags that the enemy is wielding his weapons to divide and destroy God’s Bride, the church. Praying to God to continue covering us and helping us resist him. And to focus on how we can honor God in our lives through service and love.
7. In Acts 4, Peter and John quote Psalm 118 and Psalm 2. Find them and explain how the apostles use them.
The stone you builders rejected has become the cornerstone Acts 4:11 to Psalm 118 v. 22 refers to how the rulers, elders, and the teachers of the law rejected Jesus who is the Savior.
Psalm 2:1-2 refers to nations raging against the anointed one, Jesus, in light of Herod and Pilate conspiring against Jesus.
8. In what ways are Psalm 118 and Psalm 2 similar? What does this teach you?
They are similar in that Psalm 2 talks about the people who are plotting against Jesus, the Anointed One, and in Psalm 118, the people are plotting against the psalmist or person who fears the Lord. In both cases, God will bring deliverance.
It taught me that whatever opposition I encounter in my life, Jesus has also experienced it and I can trust God to help me and deliver me.
Bing, thank you for sharing the story of your two churches. So thankful for God protection and direction for your lives. So thankful that the Holy Spirit speaks to our hearts and directs us.
7. What word pictures show great distress? Comment on each.
1 – Hostile nations surround him. We can also be in this position eve though it isn’t really “hostile nations.” It could be entities from all sides.
2 – They attacked him. We can be attacked from all sides by our enemies.
3 – They swarmed him and came close to harming him. We can have these brushes with death or at least feel like we are dying, in the process of trying to get rid of the problem.
4 – They did their best to kill him. We may have those who truly wish we would go away and even die in the midst of our engagement.
8. In Acts 4, Peter and John quote Psalm 118 and Psalm 2. Find them and explain how the apostles use them.
Funny, I was looking in Acts 2 by mistake and found verses 25-28 used to remind the people of David knowing a Messiah would come in the future. He says David knew he would always be with him.
They also spoke about David in Acts 4 quoting him on the nations rising against him., ready to kill him. They are showing the people that Herod and the “nations” rose up against Jesus and killed Him.
9. In what ways are Psalm 118 and Psalm 2 similar? What does this teach you?
Both discuss people/armies/nations rising up and trying to kill him. He is protected by God. No matter who is trying to harm me, because I am a believer in God, He is with me in all occasions. He will protect me.
Wednesday: Psalm 118: 15-18
10. What is the main point of this passage?
There was great rejoicing because the LORD had delivered David. David gave the LORD all the glory.
11. Do you see a difference between being disciplined/chastened or punished? If so, what?
From the perspective of a believer, yes, I see a difference. Jesus Christ bore the punishment for my guilt; He bore the wrath of God. The discipline/chastening I may now experience from the Lord’s hand is administered in love (to teach, guide and protect me).
12. What does the psalmist say about being chastened? How is this similar to Hebrews 12:4-12.
David is saying that all the distress he felt and the danger he was in were from the Lord, and David calls it severe (sore). He then adds that the Lord did not allow him to die, but live and David became king.
I think the “key” to the Hebrews passage is verse 11. No chastening is pleasant when it’s happening, but if we know it’s from the Lord and learn from it, it produces peace.
Psalm 118 begins with great distress, but it moves on to rejoicing and peace (David did not die, he became king).
13. Share a time the Lord disciplined you and you benefitted from it.
I don’t know if this could be called discipline, but I definitely benefitted from it. In 1994 I was diagnosed with a condition that affected my voice. I could whisper fluently, but speaking aloud was difficult. My voice sounded strangled, and singing was out of the question. I was then diagnosed with a brain disease affecting muscle coordination/balance (not MS). Being the mother of four children, an educator, and a soloist, this circumstance was practically intolerable.
I am not saying that this condition was discipline, but how I reacted to it was not good. I was angry and confused, and wasn’t shy about telling the Lord my feelings. It was only after I “let it all out” to the Lord, that I became quiet enough to listen to Him.
The benefits: I became an excellent listener (to other people), Ministry of interpreting songs thru sign language, more aware that my spiritual condition is more important than my physical condition, fuller trust if the Lord
What a great testimony you have, Cheryl. That had to be such a difficult time for you! Love this: The benefits: I became an excellent listener (to other people), Ministry of interpreting songs thru sign language, more aware that my spiritual condition is more important than my physical condition, fuller trust if the Lord
Cheryl love your last answer. I think when I’m not listening to what God wants, he will take over in whatever way I’ll finally understand.
Cheryl Ann, thank you for sharing your testimony. I love that you opened your life and hands to the Lord’s purposes, when loss was part of your portion.
Wednesday: Psalm 118: 15-18
10. What is the main point of this passage? – The righteous will have joy and see the power and goodness of the Lord.
11. Do you see a difference between being disciplined/chastened or punished? If so, what?- I don’t usually think of discipline as a harsh treatment, but it’s more of a softer corrective action to me. But when I look up chastened, it seems to be the same as discipline and one definition is to correct by punishment or suffering and lists discipline. I tend to think of punishment in a harsher way and maybe because of how I hear it used when someone has done something evil and they say ‘punishment by death’.
12. What does the psalmist say about being chastened? How is this similar to Hebrews 12:4-12. – That though we may be chastened by the Lord, he will not give us over to death. God disciplines us because he loves us and he wants us to learn from our hardships. He does it for our good, just like our earthly fathers did.
13. Share a time the Lord disciplined you and you benefitted from it. – What comes to mind, because it happens more than I’d like to admit, is when God brings to my mind that I’m a sinner and flawed, just like the person I am mumbling and grumbling or talking about. I do believe I have made progress though. I can tell a difference in how I respond or in what I might say. I try now to not give judgement, but to try and see what the person might be going through. I ask God to help me see people the way he sees them.
It is so good to ask God to help us see people as He does, Julie.
Wednesday: Psalm 118: 15-18
10. What is the main point of this passage? Praise to the Lord.
11. Do you see a difference between being disciplined/chastened or punished? If so, what? Discipline teaches, punished is pain inflicted in payment.
12. What does the psalmist say about being chastened? How is this similar to Hebrews 12:4-12. That his discipline was severe but did not lead to death. That discipline is given form a loving father God, and that it is for our good, and yields peaceful fruit of righteousness.
13. Share a time the Lord disciplined you and you benefitted from it. Through the years, there have been times when God has reproved me through situations and through people because my mouth kept speaking when it should have been shut. I have benefited from it, I have matured an learned some discernment and selfcontrol.
Tammy, I like your example in #11, “punished is pain inflected in payment.”
Wednesday: Psalm 118: 15-18
10. What is the main point of this passage?
The Psalmist is praising God for delivering him from death after being chastened by Him.
11. Do you see a difference between being disciplined/chastened or punished? If so, what?
I see discipline/chastened as responding to the wrong done…used in a way to teach a lesson. And punishment as reacting to the wrong done.
12. What does the psalmist say about being chastened?
That the LORD chastened him severely.
How is this similar to Hebrews 12:4-12.
If we’re children of God we will be disciplined and it won’t be enjoyable but rather painful.
13. Share a time the Lord disciplined you and you benefitted from it.
When I have wronged a person and I refuse to make it right by justifying my wrong actions…God makes me miserable. I have benefited from it in learning that I need to stop justifying and make things right much quicker…life and my relationship with God is so much better.
I feel so few people have learned what you expressed in 13, but it is so true!
Thursday: Psalm 118: 19-26
14. What confidence do you see in verses 19-20? Do you feel confident God will open the gates of heaven for you? Why or why not?
My thought immediately turned to heaven, but upon further study, “gates of righteousness” means more things than that. In Gill’s commentary David could be talking to the Levites to open the door to the sanctuary/tabernacle through which only the clean/righteous could enter. David could be referring to God’s chosen city of Jerusalem, which David entered as king after defeating his enemies.
“Moreover, these may be the words of the Messiah, requiring the gates of heaven to be opened to him by his blood, he having obtained redemption for his people; see Psalm 24:7 I will go in to them, and I will praise the Lord: at the gates of the tabernacle David entered, and praised the Lord for his deliverance and salvation, and for the many favours and honours bestowed on him; and in the church of God do the saints praise him, as they will do in heaven to all eternity; and where Christ, as man, is praising his divine Father, Psalm 22:22”
I am confident, because “the Bible tells me so.” I have the witness of the Spirit dwelling in me that “I am His, and He is Mine.” Nothing can separate me from the love of God (Romans 8:38,39). “…absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord.” (2 Co. 5:6-8)
15. How is this part of the psalm quoted in Matthew 21:9. Significance? (Sermon will tell more — but guess!)
As David entered the gates of righteousness (Jerusalem) in triumph, so does Jesus (Son of David) enter Jerusalem.
16. Find references to the cornerstone in the New Testament. Meditate and comment. My mind filled with scripture when meditating on the cornerstone. This song, sung by Larnelle Harris, expresses my thoughts exactly.
10. What is the main point of this passage?
The Lord disciplines those that He loves to teach them humility and godliness. Our hearts know joy when we commit our lives to the Lord.
11. Do you see a difference between being disciplined/chastened or punished? If so, what?
I see discipline as loving guidance and direction to a godly life. Being punished is something negative, that I usually bring on myself, from intentional disobedience to God’s Word.
12. What does the psalmist say about being chastened? How is this similar to Hebrews 12:4-12.
Discipline is painful, yet God chastens us to make us aware of our faults, so that we can rejoice in Him for His loving care and know that He is teaching us to be better representatives of Him. Discipline is more sorrowful than joyful, but it brings about righteousness and peace in our hearts.
13. Share a time the Lord disciplined you and you benefitted from it.
When I said something “snarky” to one of my daughters, the Lord called me on it quickly and I apologized for my words. Words are so hurtful and you can’t fully take them back. The Lord taught me that I always need to filter my thoughts before I speak.
Thursday: Psalm 118: 19-26
14. What confidence do you see in verses 19-20? Do you feel confident God will open the gates of heaven for you? Why or why not? The confidence to enter the gate, the gate that the righteous go through. Yes, I do believe the gates will be open to me, due to the fact that I am covered with the righteousness of Christ.
15. How is this part of the psalm quoted in Matthew 21:9. Significance? (Sermon will tell more — but guess!) Jeus entering the gates in righteousness?
16. Find references to the cornerstone in the New Testament. Meditate and comment. I mostly focused on Mat 21:42 and the surrounding verses, the parable that it is a part of and the follow up. Its like he tells the story of the Israelites. God had prepared an environment for the people he leased to, to be fruitful, they did not want to tithe what was rightfully his as the owner of the land and vineyard. So he sends messengers (prophets) and eventually he sends his son. Then Jesus uses scripture to say I am that son, I am that cornerstone rejected. Then Jesus is plain and says the kingdom will be take from you and given to people who will be fruitful. Then clarifies there are 2 relationships with this cornerstone, one where you fall on Him and know Him as Savior and the other where He falls on you in judgement and you are ground to dust. This does make me pause and ask myself, am I producing fruit, and is what He has freely given to me offered back freely to to my Lord and Savior. Whether that is the time, provisions, or good works.
Tammy, Your comments made me pause, too, and ponder what I am freely (and joyfully) offering.
10. What is the main point of this passage?
Celebration of God and all He does for us is what I am gleaning from this passage. He is protected and does not die.
11. Do you see a difference between being disciplined/chastened or punished? If so, what?
Well, discipline/chastened happens when we are out of line and need correcting. Punishment is just a negative result after a disobedience.
12. What does the psalmist say about being chastened? How is this similar to Hebrews 12:4-12.
He says God has done this, but he is still alive.
In Hebrews, the writer is comparing God’s discipline with that of a loving Father. We should appreciate the discipline even though it is painful at the time. If He didn’t discipline us then we would be like illegitimate children.
13. Share a time the Lord disciplined you and you benefitted from it.
I think having idols and being relieved of them is a benefit. I’m not sure God disciplined me for having them, although I suppose the unhappiness they have brought me might be the “discipline” incurred.
“I’m not sure God disciplined me for having them, although I suppose the unhappiness they have brought me might be the “discipline” incurred.” This makes me think that God’s discipline could be allowing us to suffer the consequences of our behavior, instead of His ignoring the behavior or rescuing us from the consequences. I had not considered that before.
Laura and Cheryl, both of you are making me think today on the answer and comment for #13. Thank you both for your insight.
Laura, I love all of your comments on #13. I have to be cautious about falling into that sin. I love your wisdom and insights. Cheryl, this is such a good way to look at it….God can allow us to suffer the consequences of our behavior. Golden! This is a struggle at times in my life.
14. What confidence do you see in verses 19-20? Do you feel confident God will open the gates of heaven for you? Why or why not?
The writer knows he will be in heaven with God.
I believe so. I believe in Jesus. I have done my best to love others (humanly this is SO hard sometimes!). I have a personal relationship with Him. I don’t deny Him. He is my King and Savior. Thank You Lord for Your sacrifice.
15. How is this part of the psalm quoted in Matthew 21:9. Significance? (Sermon will tell more — but guess!)
During the procession of the palms, people are shouting praises to Jesus. They said, “Blessing to the highest who comes in the name of God!”
Hmmm…..a foreshadowing of Jesus and this time?
Friday: Psalm 118: 26-29
17. What stands out to you from the benediction and why?
Right away I recognize verse 26a as similar words the crowd spoke on Palm Sunday to greet Jesus in Mt 21:9, Mk 11:9, Luke 19:38, John 12:13. As I was looking to find the Palm Sunday quotation, I found it again the Matthew 23, but this time Jesus is quoting it. In this chapter Jesus is talking scathingly to the scribes, Pharisees, and hypocrites ending his rebuke with “Ye shall not see me henceforth, till ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord.”
My point being that it was used to greet David, used to greet Jesus on Palm Sunday and will be used again when “every knee shall bow and every tongue confess…”
18. This is a quote from Miriam’s song, showing again that in this psalm salvation means deliverance. We are delivered so often! Think of a time this summer when you were delivered.
I really struggled with this, Dee. I cannot recall any example of physical deliverance, but I can recall spiritual protection. Would that be a kind of deliverance? Maybe reading other comments will clarify this for me.
That would be a kind of deliverance, Cheryl!
Thursday: Psalm 118: 19-26
14. What confidence do you see in verses 19-20? Do you feel confident God will open the gates of heaven for you? Why or why not? – If we follow Jesus and have a relationship with Him, we will be able to enter through his gates of heaven. I am confident that I will be able to enter and God will open them for me and be waiting for me there. I’m a sinner working toward perfection (which will come once I enter His gates) but he still loves me and is waiting for me there.
15. How is this part of the psalm quoted in Matthew 21:9. Significance? (Sermon will tell more — but guess!) – “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord” this is quoted in both. It is a reminder to all who follow Him that the righteous will be blessed and be able to enter in through His heavenly gates. David knew the importance of following God and all that followed Jesus in his ministry came to know the same thing.
16. Find references to the cornerstone in the New Testament. Meditate and comment. – I like the hope that comes from Isaiah 28:16 “…a precious cornerstone for a sure foundation: the one who trusts will never be dismayed.”The Lord, the capstone, is my hope. I don’t have to ask him to provide the hope I need because if I’m a child of God, He is my hope. I already have it, I have Him, I don’t have to ask for it. For my life to be strong and in Christ, I have to build it on the most precious cornerstone there is. Jesus Christ!
Thursday: Psalm 118: 19-26
14. What confidence do you see in verses 19-20?
He’s confident that the gates where the righteous and godly enter to be in the presence of the LORD is where he will go.
Do you feel confident God will open the gates of heaven for you? Why or why not?
Yes! I have put my faith in Jesus and we’re saved by grace through faith. His death and resurrection is what makes me righteous, not anything that I have done.
15. How is this part of the psalm quoted in Matthew 21:9. Significance? (Sermon will tell more — but guess!)
In Matthew 21:9, is Jesus’s triumphant entry on the donkey and the multitudes are going before Him crying, “Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest!”
In Psalm 118:25, 26a it says, “Save now, I pray, O Lord; O LORD, I pray, send now prosperity. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the LORD!”
I looked up the word Hosanna from Matthew and according to Thayer’s Greek Lexicon, in form the word seems to be the Geek reproduction of an abbreviated pronunciation of the Hebrew “save us.”
This passage in Psalms is fulfilled in Matthew…wow!
16. Find references to the cornerstone in the New Testament. Meditate and comment.
“Jesus said to them, “Have you never read in the Scriptures: ‘The stone which the builders rejected Has become the chief cornerstone. This was the Lord’s doing, And it is marvelous in our eyes’?”
Matthew 21:42 NKJV
“Have you not even read this Scripture: ‘The stone which the builders rejected Has become the chief cornerstone.”
Mark 12:10 NKJV
“Then He looked at them and said, “What then is this that is written: ‘The stone which the builders rejected Has become the chief cornerstone’?”
Luke 20:17 NKJV
“This is the ‘stone which was rejected by you builders, which has become the chief cornerstone.’”
Acts 4:11 NKJV
“Therefore it is also contained in the Scripture, “Behold, I lay in Zion A chief cornerstone, elect, precious, And he who believes on Him will by no means be put to shame.””
I Peter 2:6 NKJV
“Therefore, to you who believe, He is precious; but to those who are disobedient, “The stone which the builders rejected Has become the chief cornerstone,””
I Peter 2:7 NKJV
I hope what I say here makes sense…this points out to me that having faith in Jesus Christ is a firm foundation and no matter how many may reject Him, He will always be the Cornerstone. Romans 8:31-39…I can count on the truth that His love is everlasting.
Great references — thank you, Sharon.
Wow, Sharon! That is quite a few references to Psalm 118! Thanks for sharing.
Thank you for the great references, Sharon. Love that Hosanna means “Save us” ! That is a wow!
Friday: Psalm 118: 26-29
17. What stands out to you from the benediction and why? – God chose us. We need to accept that invitation and be part of His family. Once we do, and once we work toward showing the fruit of his spirit, we will be blessed by him. We will have all that he is offering to us and it all comes by a simple YES.
18. This is a quote from Miriam’s song, showing again that in this psalm salvation means deliverance. We are delivered so often! Think of a time this summer when you were delivered. – With all that is happening with Joe and his PSA level, I’ve at times gotten mad and upset in my heart and mind with him because it was suggested back in 2020 that radiation would be a step he should take since the level never went to zero. He chose not to and now we are dealing with a higher level than back then. I’ve had multiple people set me straight and remind me that he has to process this in his own way and he is most likely already thinking what I am. I truly believe these godly people were in my path at that time and sent to me by God.
Friday: Psalm 118: 26-29
17. What stands out to you from the benediction and why? :Bind the festal sacrifice with cords up to the horns of the alter!” That stood out because I don’t understand the direct correlation to the other verses or the message.
Ok I looked up some commentaries, and they said that this Psalm was one that was one that was sung at Passover and that Jesus would have sung this with His disciples the night before He had given His life as a sacrifice. They say that not only is this a reference to Him, but also a reference “As we follow Jesus our forerunner, we also bind ourselves with cords to the horns of the altar of living sacrifice to Jesus (Romans 12:1-2)”Which brings my mind back to the parable Jesus tells in Matthew 21:42, where we produce fruit from our lives that are a sacrifice to Him.
18. This is a quote from Miriam’s song, showing again that in this psalm salvation means deliverance. We are delivered so often! Think of a time this summer when you were delivered. So I didn’t see the quote of Miriam’s song? But the truth is I was delivered from my anxiety as well as severe consequences. On July 4th we host a party. We usually light off fireworks, this is never something I look forward to as I always fear an incident of someone getting hurt. This year a firework went off in the crowd of guests and one guest in particular received abrasions on his face and a punctured ear drum and another guest complained of changed hearing. One my fears had come true. In the beginning you don’t know the severity of the injuries or how people will respond. As several people people were upset that evening. God was so kind to me guys, it was like He was trying to say to me, even in this thing you have feared, I am with you. The first thing He gave me as I went to bed after midnight was the verse of the day “For I have not given you a Spirit of fear but one of power, love and self discipline”. Then as the tortuous wait unfolded to see how people would heal and react, God week by week spoke truth to me and showed up in my time with Him, as multiple times a day I need to go up (my quiet space is upstairs) and release sometimes fear, sometimes emotions. I HATE that people I care about got hurt, I so value safety. But God was saying even when you don’t know if people are ok, even when you wait, I am with you. Not everything is copacetic just yet, but God has brought healing. For me He has definitely brought increased faith, This trial was one specific to me as I do a lot of work to try to take danger or fear out of circumstances. I think that comes from childhood trauma, if I just do everything right, cover all my bases bad things won’t happen. I don’t ever want to go through that again, but God showed me that even when bad things happen and I am scared, and I don’t know how its going to turn out He is with me. “I sought the Lord, and He answered me, and He delivered me from all my fears. Those who look to Him are radiant, and their faces will never be ashamed.”
Oh Tammy, How upsetting and frightening that must have been! I love the way God ministered and delivered you during that time. Your trust in Him shines through.
I loved God said, “Even from the thing you feared I saved you.” Reminds me of the lyric “joy that seeketh me through pain”
Tammy, I don’t like fireworks as well. One of my cousins got burned one year when we had a family gathering on New Year’s Eve. We have fireworks annually during that time in the Philippines. He almost lost an eye! We share the same fear about bad things happening especially for our loved ones. I love this verse you shared to combat my fears: “I sought the Lord, and He answered me, and He delivered me from all my fears. Those who look to Him are radiant (wow!), and their faces will never be ashamed.”
The difference between discipline and punishment to me is that discipline is to help us grow, punishment is a payment for sin, and all that fell on Jesus. So I don’t see God punishing us, but rather disciplining us. I could be wrong, but that is my thought, influencing by Keller saying God never punishes a believer, for it was finished at the cross.
This is good Dee…thanks for sharing!
Oh, Dee, I love this explanation!
I, too, love this explanation, Dee. Discipline brings growth.
Love this explanation. WOW!
19. What is your takeaway so far and why?
So many takeaways for me this week: David’s total confidence in God; wise words about trusting God instead of men/women; double interpretation of the Psalm, meaning for David in His circumstance/Prophetic for Jesus; God’s sovereignty in the face of human rage
There is application for me in all these. I can have total confidence in God through Jesus, He can be trusted completely. God’s purpose and plan will come to pass, it’s happened again and again, proven by fulfilled prophecy, and I am part of His plan!
Sunday: Sept 1
20. Share a God Hunt from last week.
I made a quick trip to a local store, just a few miles from my house, on a spur of the moment decision. I had to pick up a single item. At the checkout I saw a man whom we had been praying for (his wife undergoing chemo for pancreatic cancer).
When he saw me, he came right over and started talking. He shared many things in a very short amount of time. It was obvious he needed to talk. As we finished, he said, “Thank you for praying, I’ll take a hug.”
I was in the right place at the exact right time. Only the Lord can orchestrate that.
Cheryl, love your huge God Hunt! Your selflessness of taking time to listen is a good reminder for me…thanks for sharing. 😊
Oh how I love this story, Cheryl.
I love this sweet God Hunt, Cheryl!! Thank you for sharing!
God-ordained meetings are such a sweet blessing from Him.
16. Find references to the cornerstone in the New Testament. Meditate and comment.
“Didn’t you ever read this in the Scriptures? ‘The stone that the builders rejected has now become the cornerstone.”
Mark 12:10 NLT
“Jesus looked at them and said, “Then what does this Scripture mean? ‘The stone that the builders rejected has now become the cornerstone.’ Everyone who stumbles over that stone will be broken to pieces, and it will crush anyone it falls on.””
Luke 20:17-18 NLT
“Together, we are his house, built on the foundation of the apostles and the prophets. And the cornerstone is Christ Jesus himself.”
Ephesians 2:20 NLT
He is our firm foundation. If we reject Him we fail. Our house fails. We are lost and broken. Oh Jesus help me to always be bound to you. Protect me from the outside world.
Laura…love the new picture! You have such a beautiful, love of Jesus smile!
Amen to Sharon! I love you new picture, Laura! beautiful!
Laura, I agree with Sharon! What a beautiful picture of you!
Friday: Psalm 118: 26-29
17. What stands out to you from the benediction and why?
”God is the LORD, and He has given us light; Bind the sacrifice with cords to the horns of the altar.”
Dear Lord, thank You for giving me Your only Son Jesus Christ, the Light of this world, my Savior and Deliverer! I thank You Jesus, for sacrificing Your life, dying on the cross for my sin so that I might have eternal life. I pray, “by the mercies of God, may I present my body a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is my reasonable service.” (Romans 12:1) In the name of Jesus, amen.
18. This is a quote from Miriam’s song, showing again that in this psalm salvation means deliverance. We are delivered so often! Think of a time this summer when you were delivered.
In returning from a vacation in the mountains we hit a rain storm that made it next to impossible to see while driving. I immediately became very anxious and nervous for there was a lot of traffic, my husband was driving and I wasn’t in control. The only thing I knew to do was pray and boy did I pray…God, please stop the rain, help Jim to see and not be anxious, protect us from other drivers and let me trust in You. The rain didn’t stop, Jim was having a hard time seeing and was anxious, but…He did protect us, He did give me a peace that He would see us through and He did deliver us in His time. I often wonder if God doesn’t put us in situations like this to test our faith in Him as our Deliverer and to trust in how and when, He will deliver us.
I would probably have tried to control the situation, asking him to stop. Good for you!
Dee, I feel like I would do the same and ask Richard to stop if I were in Julie’s situation. Driving is one skill here in the U.S. that makes me anxious even on a better weather day. I pray a lot when I drive.
Sunday: Sept 1
20. Share a God Hunt from last week.
Richard and I went to Lincoln, NE to buy materials for church and school. Since we live about 70 miles from the city, I try consolidating my shopping to make it worthwhile and save money. To find things I needed at the store on the first visit was a blessing. And to see them on sale is always a plus. It is often a treat to be able to visit my husband without being distracted by other tasks while I ride in the car with him.
I did not participate much last week as I dealt with some difficult issues I needed to come to the Lord for. What was shared last week namely, “Say much to God and little to man”, really resonated with me. It seemed like a daunting task for a particular issue but God is disciplining my thought life of which I am very thankful.
17. What stands out to you from the benediction and why?
I guess the part of taking the sacrifice and binding it on the altar stands out to me. I know it’s what they used to do to worship, but in the middle of this praise section it seems weird to me!
18. This is a quote from Miriam’s song, showing again that in this psalm salvation means deliverance. We are delivered so often! Think of a time this summer when you were delivered.
I’m struggling with this one. I suppose I have been delivered from back pain earlier this summer….not sure what you want here? I am dealing with it again now, however. I know there are a couple of family situations I would love to be delivered from, it doesn’t seem like God is interested in doing that at this time. Maybe there are seasons of deliverance? We are in a season where deliverance is scarce. We are learning patience? We wait.
There are definitely winter seasons.
Yet there are little deliverances all the time too — just waking in the morning, a sense of His love in down times, mercies of friends… but I do pray for a full deliverance form your back pain, Laura. So hard.
True, true Dee! Waking in the morning! Having a roof over my head and (expensive!) food to eat. We have jobs, my husband and I both have 2 each (!). Thank You Lord!
Love your positive heart!!!
Laura, praying for your back. I had a season where I was troubled by that and still deal with it occasionally. Yes, we learn patience by waiting. The Lord finally has gotten a hold of me and freed me from wrongful thinking the past few weeks. Deliverance comes when we wait on Him. Maybe not the way I thought it should be or the timing of it but He will come. My verse for today is from Hosea 6:3:
Let us acknowledge the Lord, let us press on to acknowledge Him
As surely as the sun rises, he will appear; he will come to us like the winter rains
like the spring rains that water the earth.
Thanks Bing! You are kind 😉♥️
Praying that God will delivery from your ongoing pain, dear Laura. (I am still praying for your ongoing family situations too). Praying for the Lord’s peace, even through these troubling times.
We begin Paige this week. She has asked us to read Joshua 1 and 3-5. If you want to start reading and sharing insights here from that, please do!
I’ll be taking a break from this study. My church women’s study resumes next week. I am the leader/facilitator. I’m excited to see what the Lord will do! We’ll be using Deeds book, Woman of Joy, 1,2,3 John.
I am going to listen to Paige, but I won’t be making comments.
I will miss you insights and comments, Cheryl. You will be a blessing to so many with all of your gifts. May God bless you as you lead your group with Dee’s Woman of Joy.
Oohh…women of joy! That sounds good, Cheryl. I will miss you here as well.
I love those letters. Will pray for you, Cheryl!
Thank you, Dee. ❤
I will miss you Cheryl Ann! Good luck in the study.
Thank you, Laura. I’m excited to see what the Lord will do!
Cheryl Ann, you will be a blessing to all those who come to the study. You will be missed here but look forward to all the God Hunts you will be able to share with us.
19. What is your takeaway so far and why? – I’ve seen through this Psalm study this summer, that it doesn’t matter about all the gimmicks out there, all the enticing ads we see or hear about that try to pull us in to a better way of life. There is only one person, our God and Savior who matters. He’s the only one that can give us a better life, if we choose to follow him. He’s all about choices and won’t push himself on us. He wants us to choose so our hearts are open to Him and His Word fully.
Sunday: Sept 1
20. Share a God Hunt from last week. – This past week Joe had two oncology appointments at the VA and anxiety and fears were running high. Both doctors were very nice. They were detailed and gave us so many things to think about. The praise is that the PET scan shows no signs of cancer anywhere else. They are still confused as to why the PSA level is rising, but I know we serve a God that is mighty powerful and performs miracles. His case will go before the Oncology Board for suggestions on the best way to treat it. So much peace has come since those two appointments and we believe and know that God is in control.
So thankful for no signs of cancer elsewhere, Julie. Praying for continued peace and trust in your hearts. These unknowns are always so hard.
I agree with Patti. Praying for you, Julie.
I am so glad to hear this Julie!
Thankful for this news!
Seems like good news — Lord, may it be!
Monday: 1st half of sermon
21. Listen or read Paul LeBoulettier’s message up to 10:12 and share what stands out and why. – The Lord is my salvation = He’s my deliverer. This made things clearer. When I think about this, it seems that salvation is a noun, and deliverance is a verb. I never thought about them as the same word before. The context of scripture is so important to really understand what God wants me to know. Thinking back to the one question about deliverance, I can see after reading the posts and listening, that God has and continues to deliver me from me and my ‘better’ ways. I’m so grateful that God does not stop delivering me, disciplining me and walking with me. I need to start looking deep in to my journey and what happens along the way to see what God is showing or teaching me. Good or bad, there is a lesson in it all.
Sunday: Sept 1
20. Share a God Hunt from last week. I had an unexpected visit from a neighbor with advanced Parkinsons. He showed up at my husband’s workshop when I was there with my dog. I know he had been housebound for quite a while but did not feel right visiting him. It was God’s set up, and I was able to share the gospel with him, He did not receive it as he says he doesn’t believe in God, he but knows a part of him wants it to be true, and he let me pray for him at the end. I know of at least one other neighbor who has shared the gospel with him, but I was glad to be able to plant more seeds.
Monday: 1st half of sermon
21. Listen or read Paul LeBoulettier’s message up to 10:12 and share what stands out and why. What stands out to me, was that reminder to not trust in men, but in the Lord.
Tammy, Your GH was indeed a divine appointment!
If a part of him wants it to be true, that’s a start!
Oh Tammy, you and your neighbor are breaking down that wall. God is working in his heart.
Monday: 1st half of sermon
21. Listen or read Paul LeBoulettier’s message up to 10:12 and share what stands out and why.
Endure hardship as a discipline from a Father who loves you. Do not give up when you are suffering. Do not quit even though discipline can be painful. We have a God whose hand of strength does valiantly on our behalf.
I was doubly blessed today to have found a sermon by Dr. Charles Stanley on “The Courage to Keep Going”. It was very timely.
Tuesday: 2nd half of sermon
22. Do the rest of the sermon and share what stands out and why. – Knowledge is a good thing for the most part. But too much knowledge of the wrong thing can hinder our hearts from opening up to Jesus. The Jews and the religious leaders were so stuck on keeping all the laws that they could not keep and rejected Jesus because he didn’t go along with their plan. Others waiting for Jesus to come in to Jerusalem knew that Jesus was their savior, but the religious leaders and Jews could just not accept that. They saw all that Jesus had done, but the knowledge of the old, past laws would not let the truly see Him as their savior. This has made me stop and think about the knowledge I’ve obtained. What part is going to help me get closer to Jesus. What parts can I keep in the back of my mind and pull out if needed, so I can make room in the forefront of my mind of those things that are heavenly benefits. Oh there is so much to process in this Psalm.
Thanks Dee for leading us through the Psalms this summer. So much insight in all of them that we studied.
22. Do the rest of the sermon and share what stands out and why.
What stood out to me was actually part of his prayer at the end, that for me pulled dtogether the sermon nicely. It was that God foretold what would happen and framed it for us, to give us greater understanding but also that we would know that He has gone before us in a sense. It reminds me that even in my life circumstances God sees, and knows what is ahead and He is already there. It also reminds me of the verse in Psalm 139:5 You hem me in, behind and before, and lay your hand upon me.
Great work on the psalms, my sisters.
I’m excited about beginning Joshua with Paige. Read Joshua 1 and Joshua 2-5 before you listen to her please. I hope to see many of you.Watch today if possible and I’ll post tomorrow and try not to overwhelm you. Just do what you can!