What is the Mark of a Christian?
Do you bear it?
Keller refers this week to one my 3 most influential books – so short you can read it in an hour or listen to it in an hour. If you have Amazon Prime, the audio is free.
Here is the link to Amazon:
Keller features it in this sermon, so I listened to it again this week and thought: I should listen every few months. I felt like I’d taken a good and so-needed shower.
Pexels courtesy of Taryn Elliot
Reading the above is optional, but a great preparation for Holy Week. This week we will do Keller’s The True Disciple. Click below for video or audio:
Also, !here is the transcript:
Sunday: God Hunt
1. How have you experienced the presence of God in your life this week?
Monday: The Passage
2. Read John 13:31-35 and share what stands out and why.
3. Important things are said when time is running out. What had just happened according to John 13:30-31?
4. What does Jesus now tell them in verses 31-33? What word, in different forms is repeated?
5. What is the new commandment he is giving, and what makes it “new?”
6. This is the mark of a Christian, and if you bear it, what will people know? (verse 35)
7. Keller and Schaffer also refer to John 17:20-23. Read it slowly and share what stands out to you.
Tuesday: What is Glory?
Listen for about 13 and a half minutes or read through the first paragraph on page 4.
8. If possible, share a time when “time was running out” and important things were said to you or by you. It could have been when someone was moving, or dying, or going off to war.
9. What stands out from this section and why?
10. What caused Jesus to know the clock had started ticking?
11. How have you usually defined glory? How does Jesus define it according to this passage? Is this new to you? If so, why?
Wednesday: Beholding is Becoming
Keller says it takes decades to appreciate the glory of the cross. Meditating, as hard as it is, on His agony, can produce something beautiful in us. Keller says: “When we suffer in faithfulness, looking to the one who suffered for us, it’s somehow producing a glory inside that’s going to last forever.”
12. Have you experienced strength in suffering from contemplating the suffering of your Lord? If so, share.
Listen up to about 24 and a half minutes or read through the 1st Paragraph on P. 7.
13. What stands out to you from this section and why?
14. How does Keller make fun of Peter? But how is Peter’s question actually related to what we need to know about love?
15. What insight does Keller give on why Jesus says this is a “new” commandment?
16. How does John 17:20-23 bring more light to what Jesus is saying in John 13?
Thursday: The Mark of A Christian
Listen for about 8 minutes or to the 32.16 minute mark. Or read through the 1st paragraph on page 9.
17. What stands out to you and why?
18. How does Keller define apologetic?
19. What is the very best case for someone believing Christianity is true?
20. Name a few Christians who have impressed you with this mark.
21. How is this mark related to Christ’s suffering?
22. What was his point with the Martin Lloyd Jones story?
Friday: Blest Be The Tie That Binds
THE WOMEN ON THIS BLOG bear the mark — you encourage one another, and when you disagree, express it, if you do at all, in love. I am truly so thankful for each of you.
Yet I know that, like me, you may find some believers in your world challenging. But if pray about it, and ask God to help me see them through His eyes, my irritation can turn to compassion, for I realize they may not be well, or have challenges about which I know nothing. When I contemplate how Christ suffered for me, should I not be willing to suffer for her?
Listen or read to the end.
23. What stands out and why?
24. Has maturing in Christ helped you cross over lines of class, education, or race? Explain.
25. How does Keller address the objection that loving one another in the body seems “tribal” or “exclusive.”
26. What is the mark of a Christian? How well do you think you are bearing it? Where do you need prayer?
27. What is your take-a-way and why?
This study looks intriguing and super convicting. I haven’t researched it yet, but instincts and knowing those cited passages makes it clear to me what the mark is. And this mark does not come naturally to me at all. Oh, God, have mercy on me, a deep sinner, for I often am peeved, annoyed, and downright hateful in my heart toward fellow believers. My son and I talked of this even today at the dinner table, of how we show grace to some but not to others. How it must grieve our Father’s heart. Jesus spoke of this new commandment often during His short sojourn here with us, and I’m quite sure He was often tempted to be peeved, annoyed, and hateful to the likes of me. How beautiful and pleasant it is for the brethren to dwell together in unity. I believe I feel a bit of His broken heart when I feel grieved when my own children are arguing amongst themselves. I want to run from this study, for it means I must turn over my right to be annoyed and peeved with those who are not living properly. Often, it boils down to how they are treating me. My son talked today of how we should not see them in light of how they are treating us, but in the light of how their actions show their brokenness. And we are all broken, and in need of grace and mercy and forgiveness which have been freely given to us by the One we have offended the most. How can we not forgive and love a fellow broken pilgrim? Thank you for this study. I may not be answering all the questions, but my heart is touched and convicted.
Oh Miriam — you shine among us in love yet you struggle too. I loved this from you:
I believe I feel a bit of His broken heart when I feel grieved when my own children are arguing amongst themselves.
Oh, Missy! I love seeing you here and your open honesty. I love what your son said! So true!
My son talked today of how we should not see them in light of how they are treating us, but in the light of how their actions show their brokenness. And we are all broken, and in need of grace and mercy and forgiveness which have been freely given to us by the One we have offended the most. How can we not forgive and love a fellow broken pilgrim?
You have a grace filled son. It was wonderful to read how beautifully he filters others.
Loved what you said her Miriam. And yes, it is so convicting. I think for myself as well, how can I love EVERYONE!
Also, can you please tell me how to listen to the book for free with Prime? I do have Prime but can’t figure out how to listen as I don’t have an Audible membership. I did find the book on my local library app, Hoopla, but couldn’t access it tonight as they stated the collective borrowing limit for everyone had been reached for today and asked me to try again tomorrow. 😩 Lately, I have no time for reading, which is heartbreaking, but I love to play audiobooks as I drive extensively for my job.
Miriam — try this.
This link no longer works for me as they tell me I already have my free copy — but hope it works for you.
I also have prime and I could not get a free copy unless I signed up for a “trial” of audio books…..
Missy, I found it at my digital library too. Hang in there! It will be available soon 😘
It must be different areas. I looked in all 3 libraries and I don’t see it anywhere or on Libby or Hoopla. Hmm.
I’m beginning wonder if the rapture took place because I’m not usually the first and only one to comment on the first day of the new blog!! 🤣
Miriam, I am still here and hope the rapture hasn’t come yet! LOL
I appreciate your honesty about being annoyed with people. I, too have those moments which would often come when least expected but at times with the same people. And then I realize I am suffering from a superiority complex. Ugh! Ugly but true and I need God’s help.
This made me smile! Thank you Miriam for sharing your heart…something I struggle with as well.
Oh, I love love love reading all that you dear friends have written! I think we all have those moments! 🙂
I am so thankful for our Lord and for this blog where iron sharpens iron!
Sunday: God Hunt
1. How have you experienced the presence of God in your life this week?
I had a spring break this week and got to work on a few tasks that I had put off for a while. I am thankful to God for providing time to get them done while having a break from school.
I went on a girls’ day out (12 hours! Lol) with a couple of friends checking out stores in a nearby city. Browsing at a Hobby Lobby searching for gifts and checking out some shoe and craft stores and going out to eat together,
I had a blast though we were all tired. It is good to have some friends to hang out with occasionally!
My husband’s roommate for 2 years in the Philippines suddenly died this past week. We were very shocked as he was younger than us and were not aware that he was ill. Richard and I are thankful for a life well lived by James. Cecile, his wife, was my roommate and when they got married, Richard and I did the special music for the occasion.
In all of these, I have felt God’s presence and His nearness amidst the dailies, joys, and sorrows of life.
Love Hobby Lobby! Sorry to hear of your loss but thankful you and Richard were able to play.
Wow Bing…what a great reminder to keep our eyes focused on Him, knowing He’s present and faithful through all of life’s up and downs!
Oh, Bing. I am so sorry about your friend. Life can change in the blink of an eye. So thankful he knew the Lord and was ready to meet Him. A good reminder that I need to be ready every day.
Bing, I’m so sorry for your loss but grateful the presence of God is with you.
On a side note, you browsed Hobby Lobby, I can’t just browse, I always end up buying, LOL. My favorite store I think, or at least one of them.
Thank you friends for your thoughts on our friends, Cecile and James. I had another death in the family. My cousin, Marivic’s husband, passed away as well. It has been 2 years since he suffered from a stroke and he had multiple organ failure last week. His funeral is this coming Sunday. I am planning to fly to the Philippines in late May to the first part of June. It will be a bittersweet visit with all these recent losses.
1. How have you experienced the presence of God in your life this week?
I got to spend a bit of time with a dear friend who is suffering. A colleague of hers, had a son (13) who took his life. I felt like I needed to sit shiva with my friend, who has twin boys the same age. I think God was leading me to ask her to go shopping for a few hours. We got to sit at a local restaurant and chat as well. She needed encouragement; hope. I think I helped 🤷🏻♀️?
I’m sure you did, Laura!
Oh, Laura. I know that you being with her was a huge gift to your friend. It makes all the difference to just listen to one that is suffering.
Oh Laura, I know your loving heart was felt by her. How said for the family, so young to be gone.
sitting shiva with your friend is a big help to your friend, I ma sure, Laura. You are such a good friend.
2. Read John 13:31-35 and share what stands out and why.
He says the disciples can’t go where He is going. They are going to heaven, but is He specifically saying they can’t do it the way He will? Some of them are killed in horrific ways though. I don’t understand this statement.
I always think of this song when I read a passage like this. Oh the seventies! Sometimes I wish we could go back there!
That song came to my mind as well Laura, thanks for sharing and I’m sure His love shined through you in being there for your dear friend.
Thank you for the link, Laura. Love that song and had not thought of it for years.
I am taking care of grandchildren in Nebraska. Taking them on an overnight trip tomorrow to Omaha zoo. Pray they all survive and have a sweet time.
That sounds like fun! Prayers for a safe time and travels.
I will be praying for a sweet and safe time with your grandchildren, Dee. I pray that Jesus will be with you all each step of the way and that He will keep you safe and in His care! You will be making wonderful memories!
How fun! I am praying for a safe trip 🙏🙏🙏.
Dee, hope you all had a wonderful time and that you all survived.
O maha zoon-it has been a while since I have been there! Sounds like a lot of fun! May all survive!
what stand out and why: Jesus is talking about glory for the Father and for the Son (himself), and He talks about going away. From a human standpoint His calmness stands out,
Judas had just been exposed (to himself alone by Jesus) and left the room. “What thou doest, do quickly.” Betrayal
Glory is the word that is repeated in different forms. Jesus tells them it is time for glory, for: God, himself, himself in God, and God in him. Jesus then says he is going away. What strikes me here is that Jesus is speaking of GREAT glory, and there does not seem anyway the disciples would acquaint glory with death.
The new commandment is to “love one another, as I (Jesus) have loved you, love one another.” The Law had said to love the Lord, thy God with your whole being and to love your neighbor. Jesus is now saying that He is the example of how to love, and that they should love each other in the same manner. It wasn’t until after the death burial and resurrection that they understood the full extent of what Jesus meant by His love for them.
People will know we are Christians by our love and care for each other in the Body of Christ. People of different backgrounds, cultures, affiliations, occupations, “races,” united in Christ. The church which is His Body is the only place on earth where this is possible. I believe this is our witness to the world, and when there is strife and division within the church, that destroys the witness. This why Paul pleaded for unity in his epistles.
John 17 This entire chapter is a very personal prayer of Jesus, before all or them leave the room that night.Starting agin with words of glory and then moving into a petition for His disciples the love he had for them is so evident. Then in verse 20, he prays for me! My heart leaps in wonder and joy whenever I read this. And what is He praying for me? UNITY. Unity with Him and with other believers. Why this unity? So that the world would know the truth about Jesus.
Beautiful post Cheryl Ann
Dee, I really feel the Lord has been preparing me for leading the women’s study of “Falling in Love With Jesus,” back home in NY. Starting with the Daniel study, your questions have led me deeper into the Word, equivalent to deeper into His Love. Thank you.
That’s great, Cheryl!
I was just thinking of this same thing It wasn’t until after the death burial and resurrection that they understood the full extent of what Jesus meant by His love for them. How sad that we truly don’t see God’s love or anyone’s love and kindness until they are gone. I’m going to work on appreciating people NOW.
Yes, Julie! Appreciate people NOW!
1. How have you experienced the presence of God in your life this week?
Some weeks are harder than others right now is my life, but I love how the Lord brings unexpected friends and sweet surprises of encouragement every week. God is so so good! I feel very blessed.
Pray for you so much my dear friend.
Thank you, dear Dee. I am so thankful for you and this blog.
So glad He is the God who sees…oh how He loves you❤️
Continued prayers for you dear Patti🙏
Hugs and prayers from afar Patti. Fall in His arms when you need His strength.
2. Read John 13:31-35 and share what stands out and why.by this everyone will know you are my disciples if you love one another Just a reminder of how important how we treat fellow believers Everyone will recognize us as His disciples by our love
3. Important things are said when time is running out. What had just happened according to John 13:30-31? Judas had just left to betray Jesus
4. What does Jesus now tell them in verses 31-33? What word, in different forms is repeated? Now the Son of God is glorified and God is glorified in Him Glorify
5. What is the new commandment he is giving, and what makes it “new?” Love one another as I have loved you So you must love one another The sacrificial life of Christ’s love Makes me think of Philippians 2:3-8
6. This is the mark of a Christian, and if you bear it, what will people know? (verse 35) love
7. Keller and Schaffer also refer to John 17:20-23. Read it slowly and share what stands out to you. The need for unity among believers
3. Important things are said when time is running out. What had just happened according to John 13:30-31?
Judas left the room and Jesus says that the time has come for the Son of Man to enter His glory.
4. What does Jesus now tell them in verses 31-33? What word, in different forms is repeated?
He prepares them for the next phase in their journey with Him. He will not be there much longer.
The word “glory” is used over and over.
5. What is the new commandment he is giving, and what makes it “new?”
To love one another. It is new because Jesus is the One giving it. It is a different way to love. To love our enemies, for example.
6. This is the mark of a Christian, and if you bear it, what will people know? (verse 35)
They will know we are His disciples by our love for each other.
I have a friend (?) who couldn’t understand why we allowed our daughter and SIL to come live with us after everything she had done to us over the years. I know it is weird, hard, and probably not a good thing for our family. But, I can’t not care. Even a Christian psychologist has told us to not allow it. I just can’t kick her out.
7. Keller and Schaffer also refer to John 17:20-23. Read it slowly and share what stands out to you.
Jesus prays for the disciples! He asks that they are one with Him and God. He prays for their unity.
They are given the glory, as Christ has.
Dee, for some reason, recently, when I make my answers lighter (not bold), posting makes them bold. I can’t seem to change them back to lighter (with the html coding) when I go to edit the post. It’s really helpful to have your questions bold and my answers lighter. When you get a chance (I know you are busy with grandkids 😉), could you check it out? Thanks!! ♥️♥️♥️
I’ll ask, Laura. If it is a big fix you might have to hang on til April as I’m already over my March allocation of time with them and it gets pricey. But I’ll check.
Mine is doing the same thing. The enemy will not prevail!!
They have asked for me to show them an example if either of you can do that for me.
Monday: The Passage
2. Read John 13:31-35 and share what stands out and why.
Jesus is presenting a new way of loving and living to the disciples and that’s so the world will see them differently…is that true in my life?
3. Important things are said when time is running out. What had just happened according to John 13:30-31?
Judas left the room (to go out and betray Jesus) which put into motion what Jesus had come for…to be beaten, spit upon, hung on a cross and death, which is His glory and God will be glorified (honored, manifested) because of Him.
4. What does Jesus now tell them in verses 31-33?
“The time has come for the Son of Man to enter into his glory, and God will be glorified because of him. ”And since God receives glory because of the Son, he will give his own glory to the Son, and he will do so at once. “Dear children, I will be with you only a little longer. And as I told the Jewish leaders, you will search for me, but you can’t come where I am going.“
What word, in different forms is repeated?
5. What is the new commandment he is giving, and what makes it “new?”
”So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other.“
Jesus is the example of how to love. It is a sacrificial love.
6. This is the mark of a Christian, and if you bear it, what will people know? (verse 35)
”Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.”
7. Keller and Schaffer also refer to John 17:20-23. Read it slowly and share what stands out to you.
It’s for us believers today.
Sunday: God Hunt
1. How have you experienced the presence of God in your life this week? – I unfortunately got hit with food poisoning on Thursday last week, and I saw God in the care my husband had for me trying to make me comfortable, the friends that called to check on me and the prayers they lifted up. It brought healing to my soul as I fought through the few days I was down.
Ugh Julie…no fun at all but glad your husband was there to care for you!
So thankful you are better, Julie. What a sweet husband to give good care to you.
Oh no!! Food poisoning is the worst! Sorry to hear of your troubles. So sweet that your husband was your caregiver 😊. Take care!
That is the worst, Julie! So thankful for the body ministering toyou.
Monday: The Passage
2. Read John 13:31-35 and share what stands out and why. – I never noticed it before, but it took Judas leaving the room, for God’s plan to be in place. For Jesus to be glorified Judas had to be deceptive. Oh this is sad. For all Jesus did, to teach and train and he, Judas, put greed and money before it all.
3. Important things are said when time is running out. What had just happened according to John 13:30-31? – Judas took the bread from Jesus and then left the room. Once he left, Jesus, the Son of Man was glorified, and God was glorified in him.
4. What does Jesus now tell them in verses 31-33? What word, in different forms is repeated? – That he will only be with them a little while longer and then they will not see him and that where he is going, they cannot come. After following Him so long this had to be hard to hear and understand.
5. What is the new commandment he is giving, and what makes it “new?” – to love one another as he has loved them. My note says that though it was an old command, it was new to them now, because it was a mark of their brotherhood, created by Christ’s great love for them.
6. This is the mark of a Christian, and if you bear it, what will people know? (verse 35) – If we love one another, people will know that we are His disciples.
7. Keller and Schaffer also refer to John 17:20-23. Read it slowly and share what stands out to you. – We as believers have an obligation to live our lives in a godly way and to tell them just how much Jesus has done for us. By doing this, people may see His goodness in us and seek Him because of our testimony and our walk. He sacrificed so much for us, that we need to show that sacrifice to others. True love and acceptance to all.
Dee, I can’t get the link to Tim’s sermon to work. Is anyone else having this issue? I will try and find it by searching the title in the meantime.
I had the same problem, so I used the transcript.
I just tried it and it says Safari can’t find this page 😏!
I had the same problem. Type in this link: https://gospelinlife.com
Click on the square next to sermons and type in the title. It should come up.
Yes I found it by searching the sermon title and Tim Keller. Pulle it right up.
Thanks, Patti! I was having trouble, too!
2. Read John 13:31-35 and share what stands out and why.
God is glorified in Jesus, through Jesus’s sacrificial death. He is going where they will not be able to follow. The new commandment He gives to all is to love one another. Sacrificial love. I think we have to have sacrificial death to “self” before we can show sacrificial love. Jesus gave all that for us. Why is it so hard for me to keep that in mind when I love others?
3. Important things are said when time is running out. What had just happened according to John 13:30-31?
Judas has left with his heart darkened and a will to betray Jesus. This will bring about the sacrificial death of Jesus~ the Son of Man will be glorified, and God is glorified in Him.
4. What does Jesus now tell them in verses 31-33? What word, in different forms is repeated?
Glory. The glory of the Father in Heaven is tied to the glory of the sacrificial love and death of the Son on the cross.
5. What is the new commandment he is giving, and what makes it “new?”
It is an commandment from Leviticus, but it is new because this is a different love ~ through Christ, our love for one another is to be sacrificial. It may come with a cost.
6. This is the mark of a Christian, and if you bear it, what will people know? (verse 35)
They will know we are Christ’s followers by our love for one another. We are to love one another as Christ loves us. This is a very high bar and it is a constant battle of the soul, to rise above “self love” to love others. We can say it, but to do it takes prayer and consistency. SO SO HARD!
7. Keller and Schaffer also refer to John 17:20-23. Read it slowly and share what stands out to you.
This is for all of us ~ then and now~ the unity of believers sends a message of God’s love to those who observe it. Our character counts and we need to be followers who have great humility, great love and serve others. Only then, will others see Jesus in us. The message is in our words, but as important are our actions and behavior.
Loved this Patti, I think we have to have sacrificial death to “self” before we can show sacrificial love. Jesus gave all that for us. Why is it so hard for me to keep that in mind when I love others? Yes, WHY is the question in my heart as well.
Tuesday: What is Glory?
Listen for about 13 and a half minutes or read through the first paragraph on page 4.
8. If possible, share a time when “time was running out” and important things were said to you or by you. It could have been when someone was moving, or dying, or going off to war. – What comes to mind here is a call I received from my older son right before he went on a mission while in Afghanistan. He said quickly, “if you don’t hear from me in about an hour or so, I want you to give Justin (his brother) part of his life insurance and to tell his dad the same thing. I love you, gotta go.” Click, the phone went dead. All I had time to say was I love you. I was hysterical and by myself when that call came in. Thankfully and praise God, I did not have to carry out that request. He was safe and called to let me know. Thank you, Jesus, for your covering over Kyle for those 4 years.
9. What stands out from this section and why? – Something so awful and tragic as the crucifixion is a thing of beauty, a sign of God’s highest glory. I’ve seen the Passion of Christ and oh my! It was tough to watch on screen, I can’t even imagine having seen that in person. To be right there watching the one you trusted, loved and followed being beaten, mocked and tortured to death on a cross. Watching The Chosen has also brought this to life even more. To see the anguish that Jesus is carrying and how the disciples follow Him but don’t understand can only bring more pain to Jesus. But we are to find joy in all things, even His death on the cross. I never thought about glory being beauty before. WOW! Just having the word GLORY explained more has made me think differently. I guess I’m like those modern people Tim was talking about. Glory a word that you think you know what it means, but you can’t explain it in words. Glory = Value and Worth; Brilliance and Beauty. Jesus’ actions on the cross showed us just how much he loved us. His words are powerful, but the actions on the cross stand out so much more.
10. What caused Jesus to know the clock had started ticking? – Jesus knew that when Judas took the bread and left that His time was near over. He knew at that moment the soldiers would be coming to arrest him.
11. How have you usually defined glory? How does Jesus define it according to this passage? Is this new to you? If so, why? – I’m not sure I ever have defined glory. I never really thought about it before to this extent. Jesus defined it by letting his disciples know the minute Judas left, he was glorified, and God was glorified in Him. I would have to say this detail is new to me. I never dug into what this passage really meant. It was a passage I read, and I knew of the sadness it was bringing, but never want this deep into it before.
Oh, Julie! That must have been so heart wrenching to get that call from Kyle. Praise God for His protection in Afghanistan!
I typed my lengthy response, then hit a button on the keyboard and erased it all. Lol, the woes of the technically challenged. Here is version #2.
8. “time is running out” My father was dying in the hospital from cancer, drugged for the pain, hallucinating at times, whe he clearly said, “Do you know Jesus? That’s the most important thing.”
9. What stands out. I understand what Keller is saying, but I still view the crucifixion with great sadness. It’s only when I think of the entire event (death, burial, resurrection) that I see the glory of it.
10. Jesus IS God, knowing all things. He started the clock ticking when He sent Judas from the room.
11. I think of God’s glory as His majesty displayed in His power over all things. Jesus spoke of glory in other passages (miracles, His coming again in power and glory) and angels proclaimed “Glory to God” at the birth of Jesus.
Keller says of Jesus in this passage, “And he’s talking about the fact that the greatest possible manifestation of the glory of God is right now going to happen when he goes to the cross.” This brings to mind the lyrics from “El Shaddai,” “His most awesome work was done through the frailty of His Son.” I recall Ephesians 1, “to the praise of His glory of His grace” “to the praise of His glory” “the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory.”
Oh, Cheryl Ann your Dad’s response to you. Love this so much. Is concern and love for you showed so much with that one question.
Wonderful story of your dad, Cheryl.
Beautiful last words from your father, Cheryl.
Monday: The Passage
2. Read John 13:31-35 and share what stands out and why.
3. Important things are said when time is running out. What had just happened according to John 13:30-31?
Judas went out into the night to carry out his betrayal of Jesus. Jesus knew His time had come.
4. What does Jesus now tell them in verses 31-33? What word, in different forms is repeated?
God is glorified through Jesus and the Father glorifies the Son.
5. What is the new commandment he is giving, and what makes it “new?”
Love another. This love will be based on how Jesus has loved them. It is new because they have never loved one another in Jesus’ name and His example.
6. This is the mark of a Christian, and if you bear it, what will people know? (verse 35)
People will know that we are Jesus’ disciples if we love one another.
7. Keller and Schaffer also refer to John 17:20-23. Read it slowly and share what stands out to you.
It is through our unity with each other forged by our love for Jesus that tell the world that we are Christians. And that we are one with God the Father and Jesus the Son.
I like to play the video so that I can see Tim Keller speaking, but I also have the transcripts up because with no closed captioning I sometimes don’t understand what he said. This week I found that the transcripts follow the audio, not the video. I guess they are not the same.
Now I can get the message twice and see if he says something in one that he doesn’t say in the other.
I didn’t know that!
Tuesday: What is Glory?
Listen for about 13 and a half minutes or read through the first paragraph on page 4.
8. If possible, share a time when “time was running out” and important things were said to you or by you. It could have been when someone was moving, or dying, or going off to war.
When my father was dying he said many things but one thing that really impacted me was, “you may not be rich as the world determines wealth but because of your faith and love in the Lord you are far richer.” There is a back story as to why he made that statement which I won’t go in to but he knew I needed to hear it.
9. What stands out from this section and why?
One thing I love about God’s word is that no matter how many times you may have read a story, you continue to learn new things. To think of the cross as being the glory of Jesus is something I never connected in reading this passage…wow! This from Keller’s sermon, “you could just say to someone God is love. That’s just a proposition. But if you show God willing to go the cross to die for our sins, the love shines more gloriously, doesn’t it?”
10. What caused Jesus to know the clock had started ticking?
When Judas walked out the door.
11. How have you usually defined glory?
Something of worth and honor.
How does Jesus define it according to this passage?
His death on the cross and all the events that led up to that.
Is this new to you? If so, why?
Yes, because I never put the two together.
Love these words from your father, Sharon. Truth.
So good from Sharon:
When my father was dying he said many things but one thing that really impacted me was, “you may not be rich as the world determines wealth but because of your faith and love in the Lord you are far richer.” There is a back story as to why he made that statement which I won’t go in to but he knew I needed to hear it.
12. “have you…strength in suffering…” In the agony of my grief when my daughter was killed, I drew comfort from looking at the cross. To know that the Father had willingly sent His Son to die a horrific death and knew EXACTLY how I was feeling, when no one else knew my heart, was so comforting. When Jesus hung on the cross there was darkness and the earth shook. God knows grief. God gave me strength to survive the grief.
13. “what stands out..” Jesus is holding Himself up as the example of how to love. The disciples aren’t aware yet of what’s going to happen, but they have a practical example from earlier that night, when Jesus washed their feet.
14. Keller makes fun of Peter, saying that Peter is changing the subject, but I don’t agree with Keller ‘s analysis, ” And Jesus should have said, stop changing this subject. I’m talking about love, Peter.” Being told that Jesus was leaving, that no one could follow, would have been a HUGE thing to Peter. Peter was focused on Jesus, not his relationship with the other disciples. His question shows devotion to Jesus.
“..need to know..” My relationship to Jesus is the source of my love to the members of His Body and others.
15. “..insight…’new’..” In the OT the commands were just to love (in their own strength). NOW Jesus is saying to love as He loves.
16. In His prayer in John 17, Jesus talks about His oneness with the Father and prays the disciples will have this same unity with Him and each other. The reason for this unity (only supernaturally possible) is that the world may know that Jesus is the Son of God. He is real, not a fairytale.
Wow Cheryl — unimaginable pain, yet you trusted Him.
1. How have you experienced the presence of God in your life this week? I don’t know how to say this and yet keep it private, but this week I felt unseen in marriage counseling. Though I experienced an overflowing river of comfort from God! He assured me that He sees me, that He’s sees everything. That’s all I needed to hear to calm down. 🙂
Thank you for sharing, Rebecca. Praise the Lord that He met you when you needed Him.
What a wonderful praise, Rebecca. Our God is a personal God, who knows all the details and knows the truth~ even our unshared pain. It reminds me of my favorite Nicole Mullins video “The God Who Sees”.
So true, Rebecca.
8. If possible, share a time when “time was running out” and important things were said to you or by you. It could have been when someone was moving, or dying, or going off to war.
For the past two years, as my husband’s illness increased and his body decreased, we told each other, numerous times a day how much we loved each other. He continually thanked me for taking good care of him, even when he felt really cranky and wanted to eat a ton of sugar….and I would not let him. I am so thankful for all of those moments.
9. What stands out from this section and why?
Holy week is always a huge time of reflection for me. Keller’s words of the Ultimate beauty Christ gave up to save each of us; the Ultimate love that He was willing to take the horrific punishment, beating, disfigurement and pain for each of us and each of our sins. For my negative, evil and sinful thoughts; for my lack of showing love, for all my sins, self centeredness, mistakes, blunders, unkind words, judgmental attitudes ….every thing from every day of my life, He took all of my punishment for all of it. How can I not love Him and give my life to Him, for all that He did for me. What looks like judgment to the world, is Glory to the believer. What am undeserved and wonderful eternal gift.
10. What caused Jesus to know the clock had started ticking?
Judas left
11. How have you usually defined glory? How does Jesus define it according to this passage? Is this new to you? If so, why?
I have usually defined glory by a beautiful sunrise over the ocean on Easter morning….a glorious sky that brings thoughts of the return of Christ. Jesus defines Glory as the whole process of torture, pain, judgment, justice, disfigurement, and taking all of my sin to the place on the Cross where He paid the price I owed. Even knowing that He died for me, reading that He saw it as Glory, changes how I will forever see it in the future. It is Jesus giving up His rights for my wrongs.
You had such a long bittersweet good-bye — so glad for moments you treasure.
I lost some of my previous answers (my fault) and I don’t want to back track since I’m already a day behind
8. If possible, share a time when “time was running out” and important things were said to you or by you. It could have been when someone was moving, or dying, or going off to war. I’ve watched my 2 grandmothers and my mom pass away. Unfortunately, all of them were unconscious when I got a chance to say what I wanted to so I just whispered in their ear all of the ways they were important to me and how much I loved them.
9. What stands out from this section and why? When he uses Queen Elizabeth at her coronation as an example of glory. That isn’t the word I would have used. Regal, awe inspiring, historical, but not glorious.
10. What caused Jesus to know the clock had started ticking? Judas left to go betray him.
11. How have you usually defined glory? Beautiful, radiant, extraordinary. How does Jesus define it according to this passage? The shame of the cross. Is this new to you? If so, why? Yes. I thought He was referring to His resurrection.
12. Have you experienced strength in suffering from contemplating the suffering of your Lord? If so, share. Yes, especially since I have gotten away from the prosperity gospel and I don’t see suffering as some failure on my part and that God’s not pleased with me. Regardless of what I suffer here on earth, nothing compares with having God turn away from you. He has never turned away from me.
13. What stands out to you from this section and why? That it takes decades of contemplating the glory of Jesus to even get a glimpse of it. That’s a lot of contemplating.
14. How does Keller make fun of Peter? He laughs at how Peter changed the subject when Jesus was telling us to love one another. But how is Peter’s question actually related to what we need to know about love? Peter asked Jesus where is he going. Jesus is going to the cross, the ultimate act of love.
15. What insight does Keller give on why Jesus says this is a “new” commandment? Because no one has ever done what Jesus is about to do. Jesus was about to show us the ultimate in love.
16. How does John 17:20-23 bring more light to what Jesus is saying in John 13? The new commandment to love one another is to be one with one another, Jesus and God.
So glad God rescued you from the prosperity gospel!
8. If possible, share a time when “time was running out” and important things were said to you or by you. It could have been when someone was moving, or dying, or going off to war.
I’m not sure this counts, but I remember when my mom was passing my brother called me. I happened to be in the middle of teaching a class and had to take the call I’m the hallway. He said you need to say what you want to say because it won’t be long now. I was 2000 miles away and not prepared at all. I remember telling her I loved her and I was sorry I was not there. I felt at a loss for words. I was caught off guard. It was sad. I remember saying to myself, “This is awful.” I meant that I had to speak to her over the phone, not being able to hug her or hold her hand. 😢
9. What stands out from this section and why?
Probably that I have never thought much of the word glory! How Keller dissects the word and gives examples. It makes it more confusing to me.
10. What caused Jesus to know the clock had started ticking?
Judas leaves the room.
11. How have you usually defined glory? How does Jesus define it according to this passage? Is this new to you? If so, why?
I suppose I would say that glory is a highness of someone.
It’s defined as “doxa” which is where the word doxology comes from. It means value and worth.
Jesus says its beauty. That God’s love will be glorified in the cross. The ultimate love shown there.
I think the cross was a terrible thing. I’m not sure really, what Keller is saying about the glory of the cross.
Wednesday: Beholding is Becoming
Keller says it takes decades to appreciate the glory of the cross. Meditating, as hard as it is, on His agony, can produce something beautiful in us. Keller says: “When we suffer in faithfulness, looking to the one who suffered for us, it’s somehow producing a glory inside that’s going to last forever.”
12. Have you experienced strength in suffering from contemplating the suffering of your Lord? If so, share.
I can’t say that I have experienced strength in suffering from contemplating the suffering of the Lord. My strength has come more from knowing He is there with me, but I will look at my suffering from now on through the lens of His suffering…so good.
Listen up to about 24 and a half minutes or read through the 1st Paragraph on P. 7.
13. What stands out to you from this section and why?
It is very convicting to think of the amount of people in our country who are turning away from Christianity and Keller says we should first look at ourselves.
14. How does Keller make fun of Peter? But how is Peter’s question actually related to what we need to know about love?
Instead of Peter focusing on the love Jesus was talking about, he was more concerned about where Jesus was going!
Peter didn’t understand what Jesus was saying, that His glory was His death on the cross. Love is sacrificial and Jesus was going to set that example.
15. What insight does Keller give on why Jesus says this is a “new” commandment?
The new commandment is, “love one another as I (Jesus) have loved you…” Keller says that in all the history of the world, love like this had never been seen, not this level or magnitude of sacrifice.
16. How does John 17:20-23 bring more light to what Jesus is saying in John 13?
If the quality of our relationship with other believers is marked by sacrificial love (loving others as Christ loved us), then that is how the world will know that the Father sent His Son.
I always love your insights, Sharon. I can’t say that I have experienced strength in suffering from contemplating the suffering of the Lord. My strength has come more from knowing He is there with me, but I will look at my suffering from now on through the lens of His suffering…so good.
Thursday: The Mark of A Christian
Listen for about 8 minutes or to the 32.16 minute mark. Or read through the 1st paragraph on page 9.
17. What stands out to you and why?
All of it…it strikes deep and has caused me to do some examining of my heart.
18. How does Keller define apologetic?
To give an offense to defense, to make a case.
19. What is the very best case for someone believing Christianity is true?
To see our love relationships as compelling, easy to account for and incredibly attractive.
20. Name a few Christians who have impressed you with this mark.
My grandfather who was a missionary in the Congo for over 40 years…his love and compassion for all people.
My father-in-law, Don, a pastor in many small churches…a fine example of a shepherd pastor.
My husband, who is so much like his father, shows such love and grace towards others.
21. How is this mark related to Christ’s suffering?
1 Peter 2:21 came to mind…”For God called you to do good, even if it means suffering, just as Christ suffered for you. He is your example, and you must follow in His steps.”
22. What was his point with the Martin Lloyd Jones story?
His confirmation that he was a Christian (he had the mark) was his love and the bond he had with all of God’s people.
I’m so glad Jim is like his father!
17, What stands out…why When Keller said, “because the love relationships inside our church is the ultimate final apologetic..”it really stood out to me. There are a lot of people and organizations engaged in good works to help others, and they are not Christians, So what makes believers different, what makes me different, in the eyes of the world? Keller says the world isn’t going to ask questions about our faith, but will instead view our actions WITHIN our church assemblies. I see and hear about so many scandals and in fighting. It’s only as we truly love each other (Eph. 1:15), regardless of differences, that we stand out as different.
18. Apologetics is defined as “making a case,” legal term.
19. “the love relationships inside our church is the ultimate final apologetic”
20. The pastor at my home church who treats everyone with the same love and concern in our assembly. My mother who was always reaching out to others. Dee Brestin, whose love and concern for women in the church shines brightly.
21. Christ’s suffering was for sinners (past, present, future) and is the ultimate example of a love relationship for believers. It’s our relationship with Him that enables us to love each other (the mark of a Christian).
22. Keller’s point with the Lloyd-Jones story is that the love between believers is sweeter than what the world has to offer. It is more ,joy to study and talk about the Lord with other believers, than any worldly entertainment or opportunity.
Cheryl, you are absolutely right about Dee…she is a jewel!
So appreciate your thoughtful answers here❤️
Cheryl and Sharon — you encourage me, not just with kind words, but with your depth and love.
Amen, to you, Cheryl and to Sharon. Such thoughtful answers, Cheryl. And I totally agree about Dee and her love for all.
12. Have you experienced strength in suffering from contemplating the suffering of your Lord? If so, share.
I’m beginning to get this as I get older in my life. I think of Him more often. When I do, then I realize my suffering is insignificant compared to what He went through, for me! I stop and remember to be thankful in all situations.
13. What stands out to you from this section and why?
I’m also trying to understand the glory and holiness of God. It is difficult to wrap my head around for some reason.
His suffering produced glory. My suffering will produce glory. He modeled it for us so we would stand firm and mimic His actions so we could receive that glory in the end.
When we obtain the glory then it leads to love. This love is a new one. It is one that I have modeled. You love your enemies.
It helped me when Keller said that greatest glory is love and the greatest love is when a man lays down his life for another. That suffering for us melts our hearts, makes us what to love too, though that love may be costly and involve suffering, but that too produces glory.
Amen! I love this, Dee!
13. What stands out to you from this section and why?
Our relationships with one another demonstrate the depth of our relationship with Jesus. From Keller, this really says it well: ” Before you become a Christian, your race, your class, your education and your politics are crucial to who you are ~ but when you become a Christian and really know Jesus, He unites you to God, through the cost of His own life, and now you have unconditional love…no longer about performance…you are out of the box..”
15. What insight does Keller give on why Jesus says this is a “new” commandment?
Others learn about Jesus by observing Christians and their relationships with one another. And by what is important to us….is it being popular, brilliant, rich, successful, well educated, famous, of just loving others………….
16. How does John 17:20-23 bring more light to what Jesus is saying in John 13?
John 17:20-23 is more explicit and not just implications.
Friday Blest be the tie that binds
23. “..if you put your roots down into your Christian identity so that it gets you into connection with other brothers and sisters who are very different from you, racially, socially, culturally, politically, in every other way, the spillage from that will actually enhance and empower all your other relationships.”
“Go and do likewise until our love inside the church is such that the world says there must be some supernatural reality ..”
It’s all about Jesus and our relationship to Him, isn’t it. My identity is in Him. When I look at other believers, and acknowledge that they are just as loved and precious to the Lord, His love is ignited in my heart. I am looking through His lens.
24. “crossing lines..” I don’t see it as crossing lines per se, so much as seeing everyone as equal, “..for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.” Galatians 3:28 I am no better than anyone else, and no one is any better than me.
25. “being tribal” Loving other believers, studying, worshipping, and praying with them helps us grow in grace. That love then naturally overflows to others.
26. The mark of a Christian is our love and concern for our brethren. I keep Philippian 2:3,4 in mind, “Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than themselves. Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.” I try to establish relationships by asking questions and being a good listener. I let sisters know that I am praying for them, sending cards/messages with words of encouragement.
Another thing I try to remember is not to take offense. What does it really matter what a sister or brother might say or do to me? Jesus did not take offense, even when being beaten, tortured and crucified by his enemies. Who am I to take offense by something committed by my brethren? True that some things need to be addressed, but the majority of the time they’re inconsequential. I don’t want to be controlled by my emotions.
So good from Cheryl Ann:
Another thing I try to remember is not to take offense. What does it really matter what a sister or brother might say or do to me? Jesus did not take offense, even when being beaten, tortured and crucified by his enemies. Who am I to take offense by something committed by my brethren? True that some things need to be addressed, but the majority of the time they’re inconsequential. I don’t want to be controlled by my emotions.
Wednesday: Beholding is Becoming
12. Have you experienced strength in suffering from contemplating the suffering of your Lord? If so, share. – It definitely helps me to see my suffering in an easier way. When I remember what trials I’ve been through, they are nothing compared to what Jesus suffered for me on the cross. My pain and hurt cannot be compared to anything Jesus went through.
Listen up to about 24 and a half minutes or read through the 1st Paragraph on P. 7.
13. What stands out to you from this section and why? – What a visual I got when Tim Keller said that someone of infinite beauty, voluntarily put himself up to be beaten to an unrecognizable state, to the point of losing his beauty. And that Jesus was strong enough to be weak. This got deep for me. How lightly I sometimes take what Jesus did for me on that cross. Oh, I’m grateful to Him and I love him with all my being, but I don’t always love him enough to tell others of his sacrifice all the time. I worry about rejection to me, and that rejection is nothing compared to the rejection Jesus receive.
14. How does Keller make fun of Peter? But how is Peter’s question actually related to what we need to know about love? – Peter jumped in and asked where Jesus was going, he skipped over the LOVE that Jesus was talking about. I’m not sure on this 2nd point. Is where Jesus is going, meaning that, until we truly get the glory of the cross, that Jesus had to go there and be rejected and humiliated and die a terrible death, we won’t truly have the love in unity he needs us to have. We won’t have the true mark of a Christian?
15. What insight does Keller give on why Jesus says this is a “new” commandment? – The new is when Jesus says to “love one another as HE HAS LOVED US.” He wants us to have our love for others fueled by the glory of the cross. He wants us to remember the magnitude of his sacrifice, what he gave up, what he went through to be our model and that will be our power to love others.
16. How does John 17:20-23 bring more light to what Jesus is saying in John 13? – He wants unity among believers. He wants us to all come together so others can see the glory of the cross through us. We cannot be divided in essential items.
From Julie:
What a visual I got when Tim Keller said that someone of infinite beauty, voluntarily put himself up to be beaten to an unrecognizable state, to the point of losing his beauty. And that Jesus was strong enough to be weak. This got deep for me. How lightly I sometimes take what Jesus did for me on that cross. Oh, I’m grateful to Him and I love him with all my being, but I don’t always love him enough to tell others of his sacrifice all the time. I worry about rejection to me, and that rejection is nothing compared to the rejection Jesus receive.
14. How does Keller make fun of Peter? But how is Peter’s question actually related to what we need to know about love?
Peter misses the point. He is focused on where Jesus is going, not on how we are to love. The cross is demonstrating love.
15. What insight does Keller give on why Jesus says this is a “new” commandment?
The love is beyond what they have been taught in the past. It is the glory of the cross. They are to show each other love as He had shown them love. They were to love their enemies.
16. How does John 17:20-23 bring more light to what Jesus is saying in John 13?
He wants us to experience the oneness of Him and the Father. He wants us to be in Him.
Thursday: The Mark of A Christian
Listen for about 8 minutes or to the 32.16 minute mark. Or read through the 1st paragraph on page 9.
17. What stands out to you and why? – WOW, to think that others are really, really watching us to the point they are looking at how our relationships with others are. What am I portraying to others. Their salvation, their connection to come into a church to learn and be in the presence of God, may all depend on how they see me live my life on the outside of that building.
18. How does Keller define apologetic? – It’s more than just saying I’m sorry which is what most of us today think, but it is deeper than that. It’s to give an offense to defense, to make a case for something. In the case for the glory of Jesus, is to show the quality we have in our relationship.
19. What is the very best case for someone believing Christianity is true? – To show a love to everyone that is unexplainable. To those on the outside it would be impossible to love certain people, but if we show that unconditional love to everyone, as Jesus did to us, they will know that Christianity is true. We need to love those who are different from us in the same way we love those of like kind.
20. Name a few Christians who have impressed you with this mark. – In my time, my friends Gail and Helen. Their love for others is amazing. In earlier times, I would say Elizabeth Elliott and Corrie ten Boom. To love those who attached and tortured ones they love truly showed they have the glory of Jesus, the glory of the cross in their hearts.
21. How is this mark related to Christ’s suffering? – He loved the sinner, the believer and the non-believer. He erased all nationalities, races and religious beliefs and died for every one of us, because he loved us that much.
22. What was his point with the Martin Lloyd Jones story? – That woman who could not read or write, could give nothing to him, but he loved talking to her just the same as those who were on the same level of him. He didn’t push her away, because of her class, but he pulled her in and loved her as if she was on the same level as him. He removed all of that from himself and saw himself just like her.
He loved the sinner, the believer and the non-believer. He erased all nationalities, races and religious beliefs and died for every one of us, because he loved us that much. This needs to be on my refrigerator! Truth!!
Friday: Blest Be The Tie That Binds
Listen or read to the end.
23. What stands out and why? – I need to get to the point all the time that I don’t see myself higher than anyone else. I need to remove my non-essential identifiers and make sure the Mark of a Christian is my mine attribute.
24. Has maturing in Christ helped you cross over lines of class, education, or race? Explain. – At times it has, but I know I still need to work on removing all forms of ‘classes’ that I think I’m in and others aren’t. I tend to back away and I’m cautious of certain people I come up along on the street. I know we need to still have discernment and be aware, but I know what my heart is thinking, and it’s not right.
25. How does Keller address the objection that loving one another in the body seems “tribal” or “exclusive.” – Jesus has directed us to love EVERYONE and we need to get to the point that we love them all in a supernatural way. This will show that our love is rooted in our Christain relationship with Jesus. If and when we do this, it will enhance and empower our relationships with others who are different.
26. What is the mark of a Christian? How well do you think you are bearing it? Where do you need prayer? – I just got my Mark of a Christian book and can’t wait to read it. Thanks, Dee, for telling us about it. A true mark of a Christian is to love everyone like Jesus has loved me. To not pick and choose who I want to love. Everyone I meet should get the same dose of love from me each time. I know I’m growing more toward this mark, but I also won’t deceive myself thinking I’ve made it, because I haven’t. I need prayer to not get frustrated when someone is out of my comfort zone. I need to be able to push away my ‘class identity’ and work on my Christian identity in Christ.
Friday: Blest Be The Tie That Binds
Listen or read to the end.
23. What stands out and why?
Christ was a servant, His death led to a resurrection, He died to happiness, power, influence, wealth and it brought more. May I go and do likewise.
24. Has maturing in Christ helped you cross over lines of class, education, or race? Explain.
I would love to say yes, but there are times I feel like I’m better or I feel inferior. One thing I really try to remember is everyone is made in the image of God.
25. How does Keller address the objection that loving one another in the body seems “tribal” or “exclusive.”
He goes to the greatest commandment which is to love the Lord your God with all your heart…and then the 2nd is love your neighbor as yourself which talks about loving everyone. So Christians are to love erveryone.
26. What is the mark of a Christian? How well do you think you are bearing it? Where do you need prayer?
To love everyone as Christ loved us.
I could do better.
I need prayer with those who are challenging and make this difficult to do.
We can pray for one another with this!
Saturday “take-a-way”
The effects of how we interact with fellow believers is far-reaching, “because the love relationships inside our church is the ultimate final apologetic.
Before I thought of apologetics as something spoken or written word (RC Sproul, Ravi Zacharias, Francis Schafer, etc). Now I understand that my ACTIONS are also an apologetic. The majority of unbelievers probably won’t listen or read anything theological, but they will see me, us, His Body.
Amen, Cheryl!
I definitely needed this, especially this week. Even before I got to Friday’s questions, there was something said earlier in the week or maybe last week about how if you think about how you feel when other people criticize your children even if it is an accurate assessment, imagine how God looks at it when you are unloving to and critical of your Christian brothers and sisters. I was already starting to realize that there are people in our church that I avoid and have negative thoughts and feelings about them and how they act.
I love them on the surface as far as I wouldn’t want to see anything bad happen to them or their families and I don’t do anything mean to them, but I have discussed with my husband things that I find unlikable about them.
I really need to be praying instead. Praying for them, yes, but more importantly for God to change my heart about them and to give me love for them. How can I say that I love God if I don’t love his people?
Such a good point, Dawn! me too!. Praying for them, yes, but more importantly for God to change my heart about them and to give me love for them. How can I say that I love God if I don’t love his people?
I love that analogy in your opening Dawn. Turns the light on!
17. What stands out to you and why?
The quality of our church relationships should be such that those non-Christians looking in see the love that Jesus portrayed within the body of Christ. Boy oh boy, that is tough thinking. Sometimes we don’t show the love to all, right? I know I am guilty as charged. Making me think today….
18. How does Keller define apologetic?
To make a case, or defense.
19. What is the very best case for someone believing Christianity is true?
To see the compelling love of the body of Christ.
20. Name a few Christians who have impressed you with this mark.
A woman from the church we used to attend had/has such a light about her that radiates! My mom was also a woman who loved all. In our current church, a woman who was Cooper and Grace’s preschool teacher shows her love to all with a quiet demeanor. I wish to be like all of them.
21. How is this mark related to Christ’s suffering?
Christ gave Himself up because of us. His love for us. His suffering saved us. He loves us.
22. What was his point with the Martin Lloyd Jones story?
MLJ found more joy, more connection with God because he left the medical world and found service in a small fishing community in Wales. He pastored the community and realized that this was what life is really about, or anything that he attained in the world, by himself. He figured out that he really did love everyone, unconditionally, and that voice that had asked himself if he was really a true Christian was answered with a “yes!”
Love the Martin Lloyd Jones story too, Laura!!
23. What stands out and why?
Ephesians 1:15….Evidence that you are a Christian: Faith in Jesus Christ and your of for all God’s people.
24. Has maturing in Christ helped you cross over lines of class, education, or race? Explain.
I think when we become “cliquey” it can be hurtful to Christ and His mission for us. As a Christian, I need to focus on Him and who He is. We humans are so vulnerable and insecure, even with churches and God’s people, feeling superior by these things such as class, education or race. I need to learn to always love others, as Christ loves us. I don’t deserve His love and sacrifice, but I am so grateful for it and I need to learn to love others, totally unconditionally.
25. How does Keller address the objection that loving one another in the body seems “tribal” or “exclusive.” It is love and the nature of the loving relationships within the church that demonstrate who Jesus is. If people show compelling love to one another, they draw others to Jesus.
26. What is the mark of a Christian? How well do you think you are bearing it? Where do you need prayer?
The Mark of a Christian is to love others as Jesus loved us. Keller adds this:
When you see the Glory of the Cross, you see: The way up is down. The way to rule is to serve. The way to become is not to seek your own happiness, but the happiness of others. The way to get power and influence is not to seek power, but to serve others as Jesus did. Seek reconciliation and peace in this world.
Sounds so easy, but I need to work on all of this.
From Patti:
Keller adds this: When you see the Glory of the Cross, you see: The way up is down. The way to rule is to serve. The way to become is not to seek your own happiness, but the happiness of others. The way to get power and influence is not to seek power, but to serve others as Jesus did. Seek reconciliation and peace in this world. Sounds so easy, but I need to work on all of this.
23. What stands out and why?
“Until you see in Jesus Christ, the way up is down. The way to rule is to serve. The way to become happy is not to think about your own happiness, but just work for the happiness of others. The way for power and influence is not to seek power and influence, but just simply serve other people. That’s what Jesus Christ did.”
Wow, just wow. It is difficult.
24. Has maturing in Christ helped you cross over lines of class, education, or race? Explain.
Absolutely! I thought my children would grow up, go to good colleges, marry similar people to us, etc. Boy oh boy did that not happen….
25. How does Keller address the objection that loving one another in the body seems “tribal” or “exclusive.”
Jesus says we first love God with all our heart, soul, and mind. To love our neighbor as ourselves. That means everyone.
26. What is the mark of a Christian? How well do you think you are bearing it? Where do you need prayer?
To love. Everyone. All the time. I’m better than I was. I need prayer with those in my family and those who I cannot understand politically, at all. Thank you for prayer in advance!