One of the many reasons C. S. Lewis came to believe in Christianity is because it is so strange, saying: “Christianity is not the sort of thing anyone would have made up.”
Man-made religions all include a list of rules, which if you obey them, might appease their god. But the plotline of the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation is the lamb.
Photo: Unsplash — Bill Fairs
Palm Sunday
1. Brennan Manning talks about experiencing “The Risenness of Christ.” How have you experienced His power to change your heart of stone into a heart of flesh this week? To comfort you in your grief or sorrow? To open your blind eyes?
2. Read Zechariah 9:9-11
A. How does Zechariah 9:9 describe our Lord’s first coming? Why do you think Jesus chose to come this way?
B. In Zechariah 9:10, how did Jesus “conquer” in contrast to the Kings of the world?
Monday: One Story from Genesis to Revelation
Click below, and go to Study 6 (The Plotline of the Bible). Listen for 3.45 minutes.
3. Share what you learned from these three women and make any comments you like.
A. Laura
B. Kappa
C. Hope
4. Tim Keller, in his sermon “The Great Mentor,” says of sitting down with his boys to watch animated cartoons on Bible stories. The narrator attempted to summarize the Bible in one sentence: “The Bible is the story of man’s ancient search for God.” Keller said that is diametrically and completely and totally opposed to the true theme of the Bible. Why?
5. Share at least two reasons we could never save ourselves.
6. Read Genesis 22:1-14
A. What stands out and why?
B. What parallels do you see to Jesus?
7. Click below, go to study six, and watch from 3:45-6:15 . What stands out and why?
Tuesday: The Passover Lamb
8. Prepare your heart with this and share what stands out and why.
9. Our own Dawn said she couldn’t have seen her sin without God. (Denial ain’t just a river you know.) Share a time God opened your eyes to a sin you could not see.
10. Read Exodus 12:21-28 and share what stands out and why.
11. Click below, go to video 6, and watch from 6:15 to the end
A. What stands out from my teaching and why?
B. What stands out from Sally’s story and why?
C. What stands out from Hope’s testimony and why?
Wednesday: He Will Not Forget
12. Read Isaiah 49:13-16
A. First, this is a lament. How are God’s people feeling in verses 14-15?
B. Of what do they remind their souls in verse 15? How does this metaphor speak to you and why?
C. Of what do they remind their souls in verse 16? How does this speak to your soul and why?
13. Click below and listen to Julie and Kappa’s testimonies (up to 2.45 minutes) and share what stands out and why.(Lesson 12)
14. Now listen from 2:45 to 7:55 in the above and share what stands out and why.
Maundy Thursday: Oh Lamb of God
15. Our own Sharon’s father-in-law was my pastor as a young Christian. I always wanted to skip the Good Friday services, just as I don’t want to watch Jesus’ crucifixion in the movie The Passion. Yet meditating on His suffering can be used to turn our hearts of stone into hearts of flesh. Let’s do this together. Meditate on each of these passages and give thanks for what you see.
A. Isaiah 53:2-3
B. Isaiah 53:4-5
C. Isaiah 53:6
16. Listen to the end of lesson 12 from The Jesus Who Surprises and share what stands out and why.
17. Find all the prophecies that Jesus fulfilled on Good Friday from the following verses. Also, share any thoughts after meditating. Keller says to meditate until it becomes radioactive.
A. Isaiah 53:7
B. Isaiah 53:9 (How a grave with the wicked, how with a rich man in his death)
C. Isaiah 53:10 How is this a fulfillment of the promises made in Genesis 3:15 D.
D. The Dead Sea Scrolls translates Isaiah 53:11 as “Out of the anguish of his suffering he shall see the light of life.” What do you think this means?
18. Why did Jesus go through all of this? How is this different from other religions?
19. What is your take-a-way and why?
1. Brennan Manning talks about experiencing “The Risenness of Christ.” How have you experienced His power to change your heart of stone into a heart of flesh this week? To comfort you in your grief or sorrow? To open your blind eyes? I have been convicted of complacency in my life. Everything had been going pretty well and subsequently I had let my prayer life lapse. I lost the urgency to tell others about salvation through Jesus. This conviction has caused me to pray frequently and in earnest for everyone around me. He’s opening my blind eyes to the needs of everyone around me.
2. Read Zechariah 9:9-11
A. How does Zechariah 9:9 describe our Lord’s first coming? He is humbly coming in righteousness and having salvation. Why do you think Jesus chose to come this way? Because that is the model of how we are to come to our salvation, in humbleness and lowliness.
B. In Zechariah 9:10, how did Jesus “conquer” in contrast to the Kings of the world? He conquered by peace, not war.
Thanks for sharing that — amazing work of the Spirit. How did it happen? It always put me in awe of God when He does that. I love you, Dawn!
Thank you for always sharing your heart so openly, Dawn. I love how God speaks to our hearts.
Palm Sunday
1. Brennan Manning talks about experiencing “The Risenness of Christ.” How have you experienced His power to change your heart of stone into a heart of flesh this week? To comfort you in your grief or sorrow? To open your blind?
God has been doing a work in my life in all 3 of those questions. I am trying to keep my eyes on Him and know He is faithful and trustworthy.
2. Read Zechariah 9:9-11
A. How does Zechariah 9:9 describe our Lord’s first coming?
Humbling riding on a donkey’s colt.
Why do you think Jesus chose to come this way?
To show that He was different from worldly kings…He came to serve, not be served.
B. In Zechariah 9:10, how did Jesus “conquer” in contrast to the Kings of the world?
He conquered with peace rather than war.
1. Brennan Manning talks about experiencing “The Risenness of Christ.” How have you experienced His power to change your heart of stone into a heart of flesh this week? To comfort you in your grief or sorrow? To open your blind eyes?
I don’t know if this counts, but I had an encounter with another that was a kiss from the King!
I have been going to PT for a hip issue, an injury I had 10 years ago that is affecting me right now. I knew there was a therapist who was a dancer at this place because others had told me about her. Last Thursday night I was her “patient.” Short story is that I was the only one there with her; no one else in this huge room. We got talking about dance and she asked me about my current dancing. I told her I am a liturgical dancer. She wanted to know what that was so I explained the liturgy and how we are a part of that. She then revealed that she had been dancing for God as well! She made the comment that it was unusual for no one else to be in the place and she thought it was Gods plan for she and I to meet that night with no distractions! She asked to dance with our small group! It was such an encounter that I know He was present. We realized that we know certain people within the dance community and homeschool community as well. What are the odds that I meet not just a dancer, but another liturgical dancer, in the heathen NE??? Thanks be to God!
2. Read Zechariah 9:9-11
A. How does Zechariah 9:9 describe our Lord’s first coming? Why do you think Jesus chose to come this way?
He will come humbly, but righteous. To fulfill the prophetic scripture.
B. In Zechariah 9:10, how did Jesus “conquer” in contrast to the Kings of the world?
He gave the people the Way for eternal life. While kings conquer by their weapons, He conquered with love.
Definitely a God connection, Laura!
Oh, Laura! This encounter gave me chills! I love the way God weaves our lives into the lives of others.
Wow, Laura! God-ordained encounter!
1. Brennan Manning talks about experiencing “The Risenness of Christ.” How have you experienced His power to change your heart of stone into a heart of flesh this week? To comfort you in your grief or sorrow? To open your blind eyes? I have in and out moments, hours, days of clinging to this world more than Christ and last week I sensed His comfort.
Last week I wanted to give up. life felt so empty and cold. I wanted to be with mom, to see her face all lit up in the likeness of Christ and rejoice with her. No one on earth understood me more than mom. BUT Christ is with me, here, now.. In full later, but He isn’t absent!! He is risen and lives in me. grieves with me, is with me.
Your mom was so beautiful. Is so beautiful. One day!
Oh, Rebecca. Our moms are our cheerleaders and it is so hard to be without them. So thankful for our Father, who is our great comforter.
1. Brennan Manning talks about experiencing “The Risenness of Christ.” How have you experienced His power to change your heart of stone into a heart of flesh this week? To comfort you in your grief or sorrow? To open your blind eyes?
The Lord is so amazing. I had a dear friend, that I had not seen for several years, contact me to get together. The Lord keeps bringing people into my life, when I lease expect it. I have felt the Lord’s presence so much, even during this time. The Jesus who Surprises!
2. Read Zechariah 9:9-11
A. How does Zechariah 9:9 describe our Lord’s first coming? Why do you think Jesus chose to come this way?
He came in a humble way on a donkey. Everything He is, was in a way people did not expect from the Messiah. He came not to take, but to give Himself totally.
B. In Zechariah 9:10, how did Jesus “conquer” in contrast to the Kings of the world?
He came, not to seek power, but to serve; He came, not to serve Himself, but to serve others; He came not to conquer with war, but with peace, love and healing.
So glad to hear this. You are such a blessing to so many, glad to hear you are getting blessed back. He who refreshes others…
Patti, God is taking care of you so well. Thanks for sharing with us-your blessings are ours as well.
Palm Sunday
1. Brennan Manning talks about experiencing “The Risenness of Christ.” How have you experienced His power to change your heart of stone into a heart of flesh this week? To comfort you in your grief or sorrow? To open your blind eyes? – The more Bible studies I do the more I’m digging in deeper and truly seeing just who Jesus is and how much He really loves me. The sacrifices he has made for me bring so much closer to him and I have a deeper respect for the life He has given me.
2. Read Zechariah 9:9-11
A. How does Zechariah 9:9 describe our Lord’s first coming? Why do you think Jesus chose to come this way? – He will come being righteous and having salvation, gentle and riding on a donkey. My Bible notes say this about the donkey…A donkey is a lowly animal of peace and it was also a princely mount before horses started to be more commonly used.
B. In Zechariah 9:10, how did Jesus “conquer” in contrast to the Kings of the world? – He will takeaway all the items of war from Ephraim and Jerusalem and break the battle bow. He will proclaim peace to the nations and his rule will extend to all over the earth.
Monday: One Story from Genesis to Revelation
Click below, and go to Study 6 (The Plotline of the Bible). Listen for 3.45 minutes.
3. Share what you learned from these three women and make any comments you like.
A. Laura – until we really know the Bible, both old and new testaments we won’t realize it’s one big love story.
B. Kappa – we can’t just start reading the Bible in the middle. We need to read it from start to finish so we see the ‘whole’ of who Jesus is. We would miss the hope, grace and mercy and the build up to the undeniable love that he has for us in the New Testament.
C. Hope – all 66 books show a picture of humanity running away from Gods and how Jesus’ love is always ours to have if we choose to grab it.
Good work, Julie!
3. Share what you learned from these three women and make any comments you like.
Laura – A great love story! I never knew that until about 20 years ago.
Kappa – I love how she compares starting to read in the middle of Gone with the Wind to not reading the OT. We would miss the persistence of God and His people. His love for them. How true!
Hope – 66 books of the Bible all written by different people at different times! The theme of the people turning away and the Lord pursuing them. I haven’t considered that.
Great, Laura!
Monday: One Story from Genesis to Revelation
Click below, and go to Study 6 (The Plotline of the Bible). Listen for 3.45 minutes.
3. Share what you learned from these three women and make any comments you like.
A. Laura – The entire Bible is one big love story…yes!
B. Kappa – Her analogy of not reading the OT and just reading the NT to starting the novel of Gone With The Wind in the middle rather than in the beginning was so good. We would miss so much of who God is and the recurring theme of His persistent love for us. Quoting her…”do not miss the richness of the OT that points us to His perfection expression of love in Jesus.”
C. Hope – It amazed her (and amazes me too) how there are 66 books of the Bible, written by different authors at different times and they all tell the same story. How God pursues people who have messed up and we see His love through every book.
4. Tim Keller, in his sermon “The Great Mentor,” says of sitting down with his boys to watch animated cartoons on Bible stories. The narrator attempted to summarize the Bible in one sentence: “The Bible is the story of man’s ancient search for God.” Keller said that is diametrically and completely and totally opposed to the true theme of the Bible. Why?
It’s not a story of man’s ancient search for God but rather a timeless story of God’s love and pursuit of man.
5. Share at least two reasons we could never save ourselves.
We can’t give ourselves the gift of salvation. That only comes by grace through faith in God.
We can’t save ourselves by our good works as we’re only made right with God by believing He sent His Son to die for our sins and is alive today.
6. Read Genesis 22:1-14
A. What stands out and why?
Abraham’s faith and the name Abraham gave the place, Yahweh-Yireh, the Lord will provide.
B. What parallels do you see to Jesus?
God provided Jesus, the ultimate and pure sacrifice to save us.
7. Click below, go to study six, and watch from 3:45-6:15 . What stands out and why?
I love that you pointed out Abraham’s obedience. I didn’t learn until much later in life that Abraham reasoned God would raise Isaac from the dead.
Amen to this, Sharon! We can’t give ourselves the gift of salvation. That only comes by grace through faith in God.
We can’t save ourselves by our good works as we’re only made right with God by believing He sent His Son to die for our sins and is alive today.
Wasn’t Abraham’s faith amazing? I was the same as you in learning that.
4. Tim Keller, in his sermon “The Great Mentor,” says of sitting down with his boys to watch animated cartoons on Bible stories. The narrator attempted to summarize the Bible in one sentence: “The Bible is the story of man’s ancient search for God.” Keller said that is diametrically and completely and totally opposed to the true theme of the Bible. Why? – I don’t think it’s that simple. Modern man is also searching, it’s not something in the past that has been forgotten. We continually keep searching to get more like Jesus every day.
5. Share at least two reasons we could never save ourselves. – 1. We don’t love ourselves enough at times to forgive us for doing wrong like Jesus can and does. We beat ourselves up too much. 2. We don’t have the power of eternity to save us. Only Jesus can save us from ourselves because he is sinless and died in our place.
6. Read Genesis 22:1-14
A. What stands out and why? – on the third day Abraham so the place to sacrifice Isaac; Isaac had the wood placed on him to carry. The faithfulness of Abraham trusting God.
B. What parallels do you see to Jesus? – this to me shows the coming of Jesus as he walks to his death. A foreshadowing of a precious son who was sacrificing his life for others.
7. Click below, go to study six, and watch from 3:45-6:15 . What stands out and why? – one story that goes across so many countries that have never had any contact with each other but yet it’s the same story and applies to us all in the same way. We have not gotten together and devised a story for others to believe. It was put in place for us, by the One True God who loves us and wants to see us faithful.
3. Share what you learned from these three women and make any comments you like.
A. Laura ~The entire Bible is one big Love Story
B. Kappa~ The Old Testament is God’s persistent love for us and His plan of relationship. God’s stories of flawed and human characters, emotion filled poetry and songs, prophetic messenger of warning and reassurance, all pointing us to His perfect expressions of love in Jesus.
C. Hope ~ The Bible is 66 books, by various writers, telling the story of humans and God and the need for relationship. Humans turn their backs on God, yet God continues to pursue them.
4. Tim Keller, in his sermon “The Great Mentor,” says of sitting down with his boys to watch animated cartoons on Bible stories. The narrator attempted to summarize the Bible in one sentence: “The Bible is the story of man’s ancient search for God.” Keller said that is diametrically and completely and totally opposed to the true theme of the Bible. Why?
The Bible is God’s relentless pursuit of relationship with us; those He created.
5. Share at least two reasons we could never save ourselves.
We do not have the deep love in our hearts that God has for us; we will always be sinners, without Him; We can never on our own reach the perfection to get into heaven; Our hearts and minds constantly wander, we need Him to guide us; our own ways are the ways to destruction.
6. Read Genesis 22:1-14
A. What stands out and why?
Abraham feared God and was obedient and trusted that God would provide the lamb for the burnt offering. Yet, he bound his son and laid him on the altar, willing to give him up to God. God honored Abraham’s obedience and provided a ram for the sacrifice.
B. What parallels do you see to Jesus?
Jesus also came into Jerusalem on a donkey. The father led the son to be sacrificed. Is Mt. Moriah the same place that Christ was crucified? Isaac carried the wood to the sacrifice. Jesus carried His wood cross. Abraham was submissive to God the Father and Isaac was submissive to his father, Abraham. Isaac was to take the place of the lamb; Jesus took the place of the perfect and unblemished lamb to be sacrificed. Isaac and Jesus were both bound. Isaac was placed on the wood altar and Jesus was place on the wood cross. Abraham was obedient to God; Jesus was obedient to God. Abraham was willing to give his only son to sacrifice to the Lord; The Lord was willing to give His only son as sacrifice for our sins. Abraham said that he and Isaac would return to where the young men waited; Jesus said He would return in three days.
7. Click below, go to study six, and watch from 3:45-6:15 . What stands out and why?
Abraham was being tested and obeyed. He believed God would raise the dead and he trusted God. Jesus was the final Passover Lamb. He was sacrificed on Good Friday at the exact time Passover lambs were sacrificed.
Tuesday: The Passover Lamb
8. Prepare your heart with this and share what stands out and why. – Passover, so many different meanings it holds. We don’t want God’s judgement, but we want his mercy. Judgement can passsover us and His mercy can as well. All I need to do is be obedient and both those passovers can be mine. Lord help me to obey on the first request.
9. Our own Dawn said she couldn’t have seen her sin without God. (Denial ain’t just a river you know.) Share a time God opened your eyes to a sin you could not see. – oh man where do I start. I think the biggest one for me is my attitude, my tone of voice toward others. It is one I’m working on all the time. I think I’m there and then, nope, that ugliness comes right back out.
10. Read Exodus 12:21-28 and share what stands out and why. – Moses instructs them what they need to do to be spared and this time it appears they listened. Other times their obedience was not all that good.
11. Click below, go to video 6, and watch from 6:15 to the end
A. What stands out from my teaching and why? – the Passover lamb was done at the same time as the Final Sacrificial Lamb was crucified. god is a safe tower that we can run to.
B. What stands out from Sally’s story and why? – Wow! Sally was trying on her own to paint Allan, the lion as both king and being safe and just could not get it right. But when she stepped back and allowed the Holy Spirit to guide her she did what was needed but did not realize it still until someone else pointed it out the Lamb. All things come to completion when we allow the Holy Spirit to intervene in our lives.
C. What stands out from Hope’s testimony and why? – ”Aslan is not safe but he is good.” God may put us out there in this world and when he does, He will be there to protect us along the way. I’m finding more and more that I would not want to be in this crazy, unsettling world without Him.
Julie — I love your humble heart:
oh man where do I start. I think the biggest one for me is my attitude, my tone of voice toward others. It is one I’m working on all the time. I think I’m there and then, nope, that ugliness comes right back out.
4. Tim Keller, in his sermon “The Great Mentor,” says of sitting down with his boys to watch animated cartoons on Bible stories. The narrator attempted to summarize the Bible in one sentence: “The Bible is the story of man’s ancient search for God.” Keller said that is diametrically and completely and totally opposed to the true theme of the Bible. Why?
The Bible is God’s pursuit of man. People turn away and God runs after them over and over again.
5. Share at least two reasons we could never save ourselves.
I am a sinner who has to repent everyday! I am human, made by a Creator, God, who am I to know how to save myself?
6. Read Genesis 22:1-14
A. What stands out and why?
Issac carried the wood like Jesus carried the cross.
B. What parallels do you see to Jesus?
The father, Abraham, sacrifices his son. The Father, God sacrifices His Son. The ram is given by God as a substitute for Issac. Jesus is the substitute for us. Also my answer to 6A.
3. Share what you learned from these three women and make any comments you like.
A. Laura: It’s common for people to think the old testament God is a God of wrath but the new testament, God is a God of Love. I’ve heard someone say, and I don’t recall if I read about this or Keller said it, that even God’s wrath is wrought out of justice and Love and is directed toward sin. I’m not sure I’m stating it correctly, but I haven’t seen it that way before. I tend to picture God’s wrath like a horrendous punishment for sinning, and He’s angry a at the sinner, and then His love is just as fierce and passionate as his wrath, but it’s polar opposite. But His passion for us encompasses all of it. To try to put it in a nutshell, the only reason God’s wrath is on sin is because He is Holy so it separates us from him.
B. Kappa: I’ve never thought of Gone with the wind! This is my all time favorite classic movie, and was my mom’s too! Rhett Butler pursuing of Scarlet O’Hara even while she was pursuing her idols and didn’t want him. I love love love this!! Like God passionately pursued Israel, the harlot while she was in bed with another lover. I love how she went from book to book where God is passionate and sings over us..If we don’t read the old testament along with the new testament we are going to miss so much of who God truly is!
C. Hope: Every book tells how humans turn their backs on God but God chases them and helps them turn back. That thread throughout scripture is so true. Just hearing this is a balm.
I loved Kappa telling about that with her deep southern accent!
Yes, I noticed her accent too. I can tell Kappa is deeply in love with Jesus.
4. Tim Keller, in his sermon “The Great Mentor,” says of sitting down with his boys to watch animated cartoons on Bible stories. The narrator attempted to summarize the Bible in one sentence: “The Bible is the story of man’s ancient search for God.” Keller said that is diametrically and completely and totally opposed to the true theme of the Bible. Why?
Because it’s the story of God’s relentless pursuit of us! Our natural human instinct because of the fall is to back away from God, not to search for him. In the flesh, our nature is always centered on what can I do to get goodies from God, or God fix my problems.
5. Share at least two reasons we could never save ourselves.
1. Since God is Holy, our sin separates us from Him. We can’t do enough good to cover our sin, because we ARE sinners. He IS Holy.
2. We can’t earn salvation because we can’t be good enough. It’s impossible.
What’s beautiful is that God wanted us to be one with Him so fiercely that he passionately pursued us and came in the flesh and became the sacrificial lamb. No matter how many times the priest made sacrifices in the temple, the veil remained, but oh when Christ died on the cross, the veil tore! We can now, through Christ enter into God’s presence! After we’ve entered in, we struggle with sin still, but we are positionally 100% Holy before God because of Christ’s blood, and when He sees us, He sees Christ. So it is by His Grace through faith that we are saved, not by anything we’ve done.
6. Read Genesis 22:1-14
A. What stands out and why? That Abraham told Isaac that God will provide the lamb. I’m not sure why yet!
B. What parallels do you see to Jesus? God told Abraham to take his only son-Isaac-the son he loves to the mountain and to sacrifice him there as a burnt offering. I had to stop there. This is a picture of God taking Christ, the son He loves, to the cross. God was willing to give His only son, the son he loves as the ultimate sacrifice to bring us into the dance. Abraham was willing to do this because he was in wonder of God. He loved God. I also think there might be something to this regarding the trinity maybe?? Probably a stretch.
Palm Sunday
1. Brennan Manning talks about experiencing “The Risenness of Christ.” How have you experienced His power to change your heart of stone into a heart of flesh this week? To comfort you in your grief or sorrow? To open your blind eyes?
The quote from C.S. Lewis about Christianity being strange caught my eye. We have a situation at our church that has brought my husband and me many conversations, musings, and prayers. Indeed, Christianity is strange in that there is no “one size fits all” answer to a complicated situation.
The tendency of my heart toward legalism has been softened to a heart of flesh regarding this situation. This week, my heart has been warmed by the deep compassion of Jesus. as I read the story of Palm Sunday and the Triumphant entry of Jesus to Jerusalem. He wept for Jerusalem before entering the city where He will be mocked, tortured, and crucified. “While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”
2. Read Zechariah 9:9-11
A. How does Zechariah 9:9 describe our Lord’s first coming? Why do you think Jesus chose to come this way?
Lowly and riding on a donkey, the foal of a donkey. Jesus chose to come this way to set an example for His disciples to see, then, and also now. He showed true humility with quiet confidence and strength.
B. In Zechariah 9:10, how did Jesus “conquer” in contrast to the Kings of the world?
Instead of chariots, warhorses, and the battle bow, Jesus will proclaim and bring His peace. And whereas earthly kingdoms will only rule a certain geographical area, Jesus’ rule will extend from “sea to sea” and to the ends of the earth.
That realization that one size does not fit all is a great antidote to legalism.
This is so true, Bing… how I pray daily to be more like Jesus: He showed true humility with quiet confidence and strength.
Tuesday: The Passover Lamb
8. Prepare your heart with this and share what stands out and why.
I like that the song tells the Passover story and this is my favorite part…
“Lord, let your judgment Passover us Lord, let your love hover near. Don’t let your sweet mercy Passover us. Let this blood cover over us here”
There’s power in the blood!
9. Our own Dawn said she couldn’t have seen her sin without God. (Denial ain’t just a river you know.) Share a time God opened your eyes to a sin you could not see.
He opened my eyes to see an attitude I had towards someone as jealousy…He named the sin clear as day and I wasn’t seeing it…ugh! Why is sin so much uglier when it has a name???
Why is so sin so much uglier if it has a name?
Reminds me of Keller saying how we justify, “I’m not greedy, just prudent about the future; I’m not driven, just providing for my family; I’m not racist, that’s just how they are….
This is so true Dee!
Monday: One Story from Genesis to Revelation
Click below, and go to Study 6 (The Plotline of the Bible). Listen for 3.45 minutes.
3. Share what you learned from these three women and make any comments you like.
A. Laura The books of the Bible are one big love story.
B. Kappa She mentioned the movie “Gone with the Wind” and how absurd it would be to start on page 600+ of a 1000-page book! You would have missed out on a lot. We will miss out on many rich things from the Old Testament if all we read are the books of the New Testament.
C. Hope 66 books with a continuous theme of God chasing after His people.
4. Tim Keller, in his sermon “The Great Mentor,” says of sitting down with his boys to watch animated cartoons on Bible stories. The narrator attempted to summarize the Bible in one sentence: “The Bible is the story of man’s ancient search for God.” Keller said that is diametrically and completely and totally opposed to the true theme of the Bible. Why?
The Bible is the story of God chasing after man.
5. Share at least two reasons we could never save ourselves.
Salvation is by grace alone. No amount of good work can save us. Only one sacrifice is perfect and that is of Jesus alone.
6. Read Genesis 22:1-14
A. What stands out and why?
I wonder how Abraham felt when he and Issac were walking toward Mount Moriah. Did he have second thoughts? Or did he remind himself of the miracle of Isaac’s birth and faithfully believe that God knows what He is asking of him and will carry him through the task?
B. What parallels do you see to Jesus?
Jesus willingly climbed up the mountain with the Father. He was bound as was Isaac.
Isaac laid on the wood and Jesus did, too. But whereas Issac was spared and a lamb was sacrificed in his place, Jesus was the Lamb.
7. Click below, go to study six, and watch from 3:45-6:15 . What stands out and why?
One story throughout the 66 books of the Bible!
7. Click below, go to study six, and watch from 3:45-6:15 . What stands out and why?
66 books of the Bible and all different authors! Same theme. It has to be God!
Issac was an only son and so was Jesus. So interesting! I had forgotten this comparison.
8. Prepare your heart with this and share what stands out and why.
Live the chorus! “Lord let Your judgement Passover us….Lord let Your sweet mercy Passover us…”
It’s a comfort this morning to me.
I can see you dancing to that, Laura.
7. Click below, go to study six, and watch from 3:45-6:15 . What stands out and why?
Abraham is being tested and he obeys. Why does he obey? He reasoned that God could raise Isaac from the dead. This stood out, and Dee, I miss you! These study videos are SO impactful, and so well done.
So, if it were me, I would have thought, but what if God doesn’t raise Isaac from the dead? I don’t think I would’ve sacrificed my son and I have to be honest, even if I knew God would raise him, I couldn’t do it.
I think Abraham remembered that God established his covenant with Isaac for his descendants in the future. Isaac would have to be alive in order to have descendants, but that doesn’t mean it was easy for Abraham. I think he was spiritually mature because there is a huge element of faith going on here.
When Abraham told Isaac that God will provide the lamb, that also was a statement of faith.
God did provide the lamb to take the place of Isaac. Maybe there is something to that? The Lamb was provided for us. Jesus took on God’s wrath in our place.
I could not have done what Abraham did either, Rebecca. Oh, to have that faith!
I agree he must have reasoned with the covenant too.
And yes, the ram is huge!
9. Our own Dawn said she couldn’t have seen her sin without God. (Denial ain’t just a river you know.) Share a time God opened your eyes to a sin you could not see. I so relate to Dawn and Julie and also to Sharon’s words about sin is uglier when it has a name. I need to start my day with God’s Word and prayer. Then, when the enemy puts one of his thoughts in my head, I have my defense with the Word of God (hopefully before I speak!). The enemy is subtle and knocks at our door daily, (UGH!!) I have to put on the armor of God and pray in the Name of Jesus!
10. Read Exodus 12:21-28 and share what stands out and why?
This always gives me chills when I see how God ties all the Bible together. The foretelling of the perfect Lamb of God, whose blood was shed “and will not allow the destroyer to come in to your houses and smite you.”
11. Click below, go to video 6, and watch from 6:15 to the end
A. What stands out from my teaching and why?
I always love this reminder from C.S. Lewis: “Of course He is not safe, but He is good.” I love that you point out that His ways are not our ways. He sees all things in an eternal perspective.
B. What stands out from Sally’s story and why?
I love that the Lord anointed Sally, as she painted Aslan. How He had a plan and the perfect message and Sally was the vessel to write/paint the message, totally unaware, in her painting. The Lamb Who was slain is part of God ‘s plan, in the Old Testament, also foretelling the Lamb of the New Testament, Jesus. Look at His heart. You can trust His heart.
C. What stands out from Hope’s testimony and why?
“The Lord is good through everything. He is going to put me out there to be fierce for Him, but He will protect me through that. ” God’s Word is trustworthy and He is good.
He will put me out there to be fierce for Him but then protect me.
Tuesday: The Passover Lamb
8. Prepare your heart with this and share what stands out and why.
Lord, let your judgment Passover us
Lord let your love hover near
Lord let not your sweet mercy not Passover us
Let your blood cover us here.
9. Our own Dawn said she couldn’t have seen her sin without God. (Denial ain’t just a river you know.) Share a time God opened your eyes to a sin you could not see.
I justified my critical spirit as a cover-up for “I just want the best for her/him”. God allowed me to see that I have idols of control, comfort, and approval.
10. Read Exodus 12:21-28 and share what stands out and why.
The shedding of the blood of the Passover lamb is needed to “mark” God’s people so the angel of death will Passover their houses. Jesus’ blood was needed so the last enemy, death, would never be; rather, eternal life in Christ.
As John Stott has said, “God’s purpose of love was to save sinners, and to save them righteously; but this would be impossible without the sin-bearing death of the Savior.”
9. Our own Dawn said she couldn’t have seen her sin without God. (Denial ain’t just a river you know.) Share a time God opened your eyes to a sin you could not see.
Probably making idols of my kids. They were more important than He was.
10. Read Exodus 12:21-28 and share what stands out and why.
The reading mentions hyssop being the branch type that would be used to spread the blood over the door frame. Wasn’t hyssop what was used to life the vinegar wine to Jesus’ lips? Just found that connection.
Our family went to a Seder meal at our church last Sunday. It is interesting that, that tradition stills remains….telling the story of the Passover. It has lasted the generations, just as the people were told to do.
I’ve missed being here. Such beautiful encouragement as I read through all the comments and discussion ~(My time is often needed elsewhere as we have had two small grandchildren living with us these past almost four years.)
May I recommend Andrew Peterson’s Resurrection Letters Album as we contemplate this week ~
This is one song on that album that is helping me to consider some of Jesus’ final words, “Father forgive them for they know not what they do.”
So good to see you here, Nila. Thank you for sharing this lovely song. It is beautiful and gentle, perfect for Holy Week. I loved another one that you shared one time of you and your daughters singing harmony. It was so good.
SUCH a good recommendation from Nila!
11. Click below, go to video 6, and watch from 6:15 to the end
A. What stands out from my teaching and why?
Chronicles of Narnia: Aslan was a lion. He is a lion? Safe? He is not safe! but He is good.
B. What stands out from Sally’s story and why?
I love this story and hearing her testimony about the painting. I think of truth and love going hand in hand. How can I balance the truth (an “unsafe” place to be in the situation I shared above for fear of man) with the love of God? He has provided the courage for us to step into the situation knowing that He is with us and His love will conquer our fears. There is no fear in love when we walk with the Lord.
C. What stands out from Hope’s testimony and why?
Mr. Beaver’s quote from answer A. “I may not be in a “safe” place, but Jesus will always be with me to protect me.” Oh, what a comforting truth!
Wednesday: He Will Not Forget
12. Read Isaiah 49:13-16
A. First, this is a lament. How are God’s people feeling in verses 14-15?
They felt forsaken by God.
B. Of what do they remind their souls in verse 15? How does this metaphor speak to you and why?
A mother cannot forget the child on her breast. I am just a prayer or a cry away from God. He is quick to respond when I am in distress.
A. Of what do they remind their souls in verse 16? How does this speak to your soul and why?
I am engraved in the palms of His hand. Forever stamped. Never taken out of His hands. His hands are so incomparably big to include everyone who belongs to Him. Smack center as the apple of his eye.
13. Click below and listen to Julie and Kappa’s testimonies (up to 2.45 minutes) and share what stands out and why. (Lesson 12)
Julie found God in unexpected places because she was looking for Him. He is always in control. Her testimony of how she was able to deal with her mother’s condition and death comforted me as I thought of the death of my mother several years ago.
Kappa we are “engraved (with a chisel hammer, spike) the spikes that crucified Jesus”. Because of his nail-pierced hands, God sees my whole being clothed in righteousness and loved and accepted fully by him.
14. Now listen from 2:45 to 7:55 in the above and share what stands out and why.
Isaiah 54 I shared this passage with my mom when my Dad died at the young age of 54. My mom was a widow for 30 years before she passed away. Whenever I think of her being a widow and with me thousands of miles away, I think of this chapter. And I am comforted that He was caring for my mom as her perfect Husband.
Oh Bing! You and I have something in common…my dad died at 50 and my mom never remarried for 37 more years! I didn’t know this about us all these years.
I did Monday’s questions, but I fell asleep before posting. When I woke up, I shut down my computer and didn’t realize that I eliminated all of my answers.
8. Prepare your heart with this and share what stands out and why. I guess what most stood out was that I was expecting to hear Andrew Peterson singing.We all need the Lord’s judgement to pass over us and have His love hover near.
9. Our own Dawn said she couldn’t have seen her sin without God. (Denial ain’t just a river you know.) Share a time God opened your eyes to a sin you could not see. I could write a book, but I’ll just share one. I had finally gotten to the point in my life where I didn’t complain about my husband especially to my children (after one of my sons said, “You complain about everything Dad does and he complains about everything you do.” What an eye opener!) But God opened my eyes to the fact that I still thought those complaints and recited them to myself. Allowing myself to dwell on the negative things was still violating the command to do all things without complaining or disputing and wasn’t very loving to my husband. I also was not giving him the grace that I wanted him to give me.
10. Read Exodus 12:21-28 and share what stands out and why. All of the other plagues only affected the Egyptians. This is the only one that the Israelites had to do something to prevent it from happening to them. Maybe it was because this plague pointed to Jesus and His salvation and it affects everyone.
11. Click below, go to video 6, and watch from 6:15 to the end
A. What stands out from my teaching and why? I think for the first time I got the “He’s not safe, but he’s good.” Not safe, always makes me think to stay away, don’t get near, be afraid. I couldn’t reconcile that with being good. You explained it pretty well.
B. What stands out from Sally’s story and why? How she couldn’t seem to get Aslan to be what she wanted to convey, the safe AND good. Even though she completed the painting and was satisfied with it, she didn’t see the lamb. until it was pointed out. Jesus is the lion and the lamb.
C. What stands out from Hope’s testimony and why? We are not always going to feel safe and protected, but God is good and no matter what happens to us we can trust in that goodness.
I’ve done the same with my computer, Dawn — so frustrating.
11. A. What stands out from my teaching and why?
His ways are not our ways. In His time, He will do all things well. When we feel as if He is not safe, we need to remember that His ways are not our ways. He sees everything. He protects us through it. This is comforting to me.
B. What stands out from Sally’s story and why?
God was SO in charge with Sally’s painting! She allowed God to lead. She felt that she wasn’t hitting the mark. In the end, she had painted EXACTLY what she wanted, including the “safe” part she thought was lacking. Isn’t it true, that He is in charge? How we humans quickly forget that.
C. What stands out from Hope’s testimony and why?
I’m not always going to be safe but I will be protected. Thank You Lord Jesus!
Love your last statement.
Wednesday: He Will Not Forget
12. Read Isaiah 49:13-16
A. First, this is a lament. How are God’s people feeling in verses 14-15? – they felt forgotten and unloved.
B. Of what do they remind their souls in verse 15? How does this metaphor speak to you and why? – they reminded themselves that as mother can’t forget a child at her breast, Jesus won’t forget us, his children either. We are close to his heart and will be there for eternity.
C. Of what do they remind their souls in verse 16? How does this speak to your soul and why? – that they are engraved in his palms. I’ve never noticed this before, but every time now I know that when Jesus looks at his hands he will remember me, the child that he washed away my sins by taking my place on the cross.
13. Click below and listen to Julie and Kappa’s testimonies (up to 2.45 minutes) and share what stands out and why.(Lesson 12) – Julie’s testimony is a great reminder for me that I can’t just open my Bible and check the box that I read it, I need to be looking for Him in whatever I’m reading. He’s there, his grace and love, but I need to be seeking after it. Kappa’s testimony made my new found thought in engraved palms even more alive when she mentioned the definition of engraved and it meaning spikes. This is a picture of so much more. The deeper love he had for me and how close I am to him now. The holes in his hands, He will never be rid of, but show his love for me as he reaches them out to hold me.
14. Now listen from 2:45 to 7:55 in the above and share what stands out and why. – the more I grow in His Word, the more I will be held accountable. And though I will fail, and he will correct and discipline me, his love still is there and his loving arms are ready to hold me each time. If we look deep in to His Word, we will see picture after picture of His unconditional love.
10. Read Exodus 12:21-28 and share what stands out and why.
The blood of the lamb provided protection and salvation from the plague of death.
11. Click below, go to video 6, and watch from 6:15 to the end.
A. What stands out from my teaching and why?
Proverbs 18:10, “The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous man runs into it and is safe.”
Using the above verse in explaining Lewis’s interpretation of, “God is not safe but He’s good.” There are so many times in our life when God does not feel safe because His ways are not our ways…but our vision is limited and He sees and know all things and wants what is best for us…He is good! Love this…”when you don’t understand what God is doing, look at His heart as He was the Lamb who was slain before the foundation of the world (Revelation 13:8).
B. What stands out from Sally’s story and why?
I just love that the lady at the church saw the lamb in Sally’s painting of Aslan, the lion.
C. What stands out from Hope’s testimony and why?
“The Lord is good in everything but it doesn’t mean I’m going to be safe in my little corner. He’s going to put me out there to be fierce for Him but He’s also going to protect me through that.”
Love this, Sharon: Proverbs 18:10, “The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous man runs into it and is safe.” and this: Love this…”when you don’t understand what God is doing, look at His heart as He was the Lamb who was slain before the foundation of the world (Revelation 13:8).
12. Read Isaiah 49:13-16
A. First, this is a lament. How are God’s people feeling in verses 14-15? Forsaken and forgotten.
B. Of what do they remind their souls in verse 15? That just as a mom cannot forget her nursing baby, God cannot forget them. How does this metaphor speak to you and why? One of the strongest bonds that I have experienced is with my sons when they were babies. God loves us even more than that.
C. Of what do they remind their souls in verse 16? That they are engraved into the palms of His hands and are continually in front of Him. How does this speak to your soul and why? I am a permanent part of him and cannot be forgotten.
13. Click below and listen to Julie and Kappa’s testimonies (up to 2.45 minutes) and share what stands out and why.(Lesson 12) They reinforce how we are shown in different ways that each of us are important to God.
14. Now listen from 2:45 to 7:55 in the above and share what stands out and why. No matter how insignificant and forgotten we feel, we are NEVER out of God’s love, mercy and compassion.
Wednesday: He Will Not Forget
12. Read Isaiah 49:13-16
A. First, this is a lament. How are God’s people feeling in verses 14-15?
They feel the Lord has deserted and forgotten them.
B. Of what do they remind their souls in verse 15?
That a mother can never forget her nursing child and feel no love for the child she has borne.
How does this metaphor speak to you and why?
It gives me a confidence of who I am in Christ…He’ll never leave or forsake me and His love is unconditional.
C. Of what do they remind their souls in verse 16?
That their names are written on the palms of His hands.
How does this speak to your soul and why?
I can confidently say, “He gives me eternal life, and I shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch me out of His hand.” John 10:28
12. Read Isaiah 49:13-16
A. First, this is a lament. How are God’s people feeling in verses 14-15?
They feel forgotten.
B. Of what do they remind their souls in verse 15? How does this metaphor speak to you and why?
He will not forget. He created them, how could He forget them?
It helps me think back on how He has been there in my weakest hour. He loves me.
C. Of what do they remind their souls in verse 16? How does this speak to your soul and why?
Their names are written on the palms of His hands (I think? It’s hard to know who is speaking here). I mean something to Him!
13. Click below and listen to Julie and Kappa’s testimonies (up to 2.45 minutes) and share what stands out and why.(Lesson 12)
Julie’s mom was hospitalized. It was a comfort to know that God was in control. I have been there too. When you know there is nothing else you can do, and you give your whole being to Him. He takes the reigns and you get to lean on Him. It is a comfort!
Kappa reflects on how loved she feels because of her name being engraved in the palms of God. It reminds me of a song I sang in a choir a very long time ago. Here is a link and the words:
Write Your Blessed Name upon My Heart
Write your blessed name, O Lord, upon my heart,there to remain so indelibly engraved,that no prosperity,no adversity shall ever move me from your love.Be to me a strong tower of defense,a comforter in tribulation,a deliverer in distress,a very present help in troubleand a guide to heaventhrough the many temptationsand dangers of this life. Amen.
Source: Thomas à KempisSource of this version: Freely modified from Prayers of the Middle Ages, edited by J. Manning Potts, 1954.
This reminds me also of a children’s book called “The Kissing Hand,” where a momma raccoon kisses the palm of her baby when he goes off to school. It makes me cry every time. Grace and I sometimes do it for fun.
14. Now listen from 2:45 to 7:55 in the above and share what stands out and why.
“Comfort ye.” Yes, please! For those who much is given, much is required. Oh yes, Lord.
Isaiah 42 comforts us, in that when we are bruised He is with us. Isaiah 49 comforts us by proclaiming the love for us. We are forever in His mind. We are engraved on His hands.
I am so thankful for your prayers. Today I am speaking in “Protective Custody” — women are put there who have done famous crimes or crimes with children and are in danger from other prisoners. These women have all come to know the Lord, except perhaps for a few — gospel penny may not have dropped. Thank you for your prayers.
Praying for you today, dear Dee. May the Lord be with you and keep you in His care. Praying for all tech to work and most of all for receptive hearts.
Lord be with Dee as she goes where others won’t. Help her be the vessel you want her to be. Give her the words these women need to her and keep her safe while she is there. In Jesus name I pray, amen.
Amen, Julie.
Maundy Thursday: Oh Lamb of God
15. Our own Sharon’s father-in-law was my pastor as a young Christian. I always wanted to skip the Good Friday services, just as I don’t want to watch Jesus’ crucifixion in the movie The Passion. Yet meditating on His suffering can be used to turn our hearts of stone into hearts of flesh. Let’s do this together. Meditate on each of these passages and give thanks for what you see.
A. Isaiah 53:2-3 – From the beginning, before his time on earth, Jesus was rejected and yet he did not throw in the towel or give up. His love for us was so strong from the beginning of time that he endured the rejection and pain for us.
B. Isaiah 53:4-5 – well this hit me hard. We thought that the pain put upon Jesus was from God himself, but in reality it was our sin, our iniquities that made him suffer pain that was not his to suffer.
C. Isaiah 53:6 – Even though I have turned away from Him many times thinking I know better or have the ability to control my own life, He never left. Jesus has been there from the minute he chose me and will never turn his back on me. His pierced hands will always be outstretched waiting to pull me right back in to his grip.
16. Listen to the end of lesson 12 from The Jesus Who Surprises and share what stands out and why. – there are so many glimpses of Jesus throughout scripture that if I’m looking I will see His love, grace, mercy and forgiveness in all of it. His love for me is so strong that it saddens me now to have these pictures in my head of my disobedience. All he wants for me is to be near him and be with him in eternity.
17. Find all the prophecies that Jesus fulfilled on Good Friday from the following verses. Also, share any thoughts after meditating. Keller says to meditate until it becomes radioactive.
A. Isaiah 53:7 – Jesus cam to save us from our sinful ways and he did that by being rejected, bruised and crucified on the cross.
B. Isaiah 53:9 (How a grave with the wicked, how with a rich man in his death) – Jesus’ death should have been one of honor, but because he took on my sin, he died a sinners death with no honor at all, only rejection.
C. Isaiah 53:10 How is this a fulfillment of the promises made in Genesis 3:15 – this was the plan from the time sin entered the world. Because of our greed and pride from the start, God had to sacrifice His son. We messed up so bad from the beginning yet God with his unconditional love still wanted us with him forever. Like a parent today who never gives up on their children, God never gave up on us.
D. The Dead Sea Scrolls translates Isaiah 53:11 as “Out of the anguish of his suffering he shall see the light of life.” What do you think this means? – Because of many, One had to die. Jesus had to go through this so the darkness would be put to death. There would be no light without His sacrifice.
18. Why did Jesus go through all of this? How is this different from other religions? – Jesus went through this because of his love for His Father and us. His obedience, his suffering and death brought us light and eternal life with Christ. Other religions have gods who think they are above all, but still sin like the ones below them do. Jesus knew no sin and was righteous. No one, none of us can claim that right.
15. Our own Sharon’s father-in-law was my pastor as a young Christian. I always wanted to skip the Good Friday services, just as I don’t want to watch Jesus’ crucifixion in the movie The Passion. Yet meditating on His suffering can be used to turn our hearts of stone into hearts of flesh. Let’s do this together. Meditate on each of these passages and give thanks for what you see.
A. Isaiah 53:2-3 – The tender root comparison, (tender roots are not desirable, not useful, and vulnerable. Easy to be trampled on and easy to die via the impact of the weather. ) This reveals that God at His incarnation made Himself vulnerable, lowly, and not desirable by men. The Jews were looking for a military type savior who would free them from Roman oppression. Yet God came as the lowly and humble savior who is here to save them from the oppression of sin, not the Romans, and to bring them into the dance.
B. Isaiah 53:4-5 – The punishment that brought us peace was on Christ. He was stripped of peace so that we could have peace (Christ is our peace). So much here. So in awe.
C. Isaiah 53:6 – We like sheep have gone astray – we have turned our backs on God and gone our own way. This means every sin that a human has done or is capable of, we are all guilty of. We deserved wrath for our sin, but Jesus who knew no sin became sin and took on our wrath because He wanted us. So that we could have His righteousness, so that God will never turn His back on us.
16. Listen to the end of lesson 12 from The Jesus Who Surprises and share what stands out and why. Israel was said to have despised and rejected the lord and if we are honest we know we do as well. So what does Jesus do? He comes to be despised and rejected by men. A man of sorrows. He does it because he wants a bride. He wants us!
Maundy Thursday: Oh Lamb of God
15. Our own Sharon’s father-in-law was my pastor as a young Christian. I always wanted to skip the Good Friday services, just as I don’t want to watch Jesus’ crucifixion in the movie The Passion. Yet meditating on His suffering can be used to turn our hearts of stone into hearts of flesh. Let’s do this together. Meditate on each of these passages and give thanks for what you see.
A. Isaiah 53:2-3
Thank You Lord, for sending Your servant Jesus Christ who was perceived as weak in the eyes of men but full of humility in Your sight. Because He came out of dry ground, Galilee, (“Surely the Christ, the Messiah is not going to come out of Galilee, is He? Does the Scripture not say that the Christ comes from the descendants of David, and from Bethlehem…?” John 7:41-42) He had no stately form or majestic splendor (“Man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” 1Samuel 13:14) and was rejected, despised, a man of sorrow, pain and acquainted with grief. I am so thankful that I have a Savior who because of what He endured knows exactly what I’m going through and has mercy and compassion.
Amen to your beautiful prayer, dear Sharon.
15. Meditate on each of these passages and give thanks for what you see.
A. Isaiah 53:2-3
Thank You for modeling humility. Thank You for caring to be like me even when You didn’t have to do it.
B. Isaiah 53:4-5
Thank You for taking my sin.
C. Isaiah 53:6
Thank You for running after me when I am lost.
Maundy Thursday: Oh Lamb of God
15. Our own Sharon’s father-in-law was my pastor as a young Christian. I always wanted to skip the Good Friday services, just as I don’t want to watch Jesus’ crucifixion in the movie The Passion. Yet meditating on His suffering can be used to turn our hearts of stone into hearts of flesh. Let’s do this together. Meditate on each of these passages and give thanks for what you see.
A. Isaiah 53:2-3
Thank you, God, for sending your Son who took on the form of a lowly man. The simplest of human beings, Taking scorn and being despised, familiar with suffering and pain and we did not esteem Him as we could have. Forgive me, Lord, when I take you for granted. Today, my heart overflows with the magnificent love you have for me.
B. Isaiah 53:4-5
You were crushed for me, you endured much suffering beyond what I would ever know. you healed all of my wounds. Your sacrifice brought me peace with God and the peace of God.
C. Isaiah 53:6
Forgive me when I have gone astray, harping after the world’s enticements, choosing my way and not yours. And through it all, you bore my sins on the cross.
16. Listen to the end of lesson 12 from The Jesus Who Surprises and share what stands out and why.
He was despised and rejected by men…but He kept on pursuing them.
Isaiah 53 He was satisfied with his death because He wanted you and me. Death was not a cost to Him-it was a gift He gave to you and me.
17. Find all the prophecies that Jesus fulfilled on Good Friday from the following verses. Also, share any thoughts after meditating. Keller says to meditate until it becomes radioactive.
A. Isaiah 53:7 He remained silent on his way to the cross.
B. Isaiah 53:9 (How a grave with the wicked, how with a rich man in his death) He was crucified with the wicked and buried in a rich man’s tomb.
C. Isaiah 53:10 How is this a fulfillment of the promises made in Genesis 3:15? It shows the enmity between Satan and mankind, that runs throughout the bible.
D. The Dead Sea Scrolls translates Isaiah 53:11 as “Out of the anguish of his suffering he shall see the light of life.” What do you think this means? There was a purpose to Jesus’ crucifixion and Jesus knew it.
18. Why did Jesus go through all of this? So that justice could be served once and for all. Jesus was the perfect man/perfect sacrifice. God no longer requires sacrifices for sin, the debt is paid in full. How is this different from other religions? In no other religions does God become man or allow himself to be killed. All other religions require people to sacrifice (through giving up things or doing rituals) to appease their gods and their salvation depends on their performance.
From Dawn:
n no other religions does God become man or allow himself to be killed. All other religions require people to sacrifice (through giving up things or doing rituals) to appease their gods and their salvation depends on their performance.
17. Find all the prophecies that Jesus fulfilled on Good Friday from the following verses. Also, share any thoughts after meditating. Keller says to meditate until it becomes radioactive.
A. Isaiah 53:7
Jesus was oppressed and afflicted, led to the slaughter but He did not open his mouth.
I think of the verse, “Who for the joy (me!) set before Him endured the cross”. I think of Paige sharing about how Jesus would say, “How about Paige? How about Bing?” I cry when I think that Jesus had me on His mind even before I was born and even before He faced Calvary! Not one word of complaint all for my sake. I was so worth it in His mind and heart,
B. Isaiah 53:9 (How a grave with the wicked, how with a rich man in his death)
I did not know that ordinarily, those who are crucified are buried near where they were crucified. Jesus’ grave was assigned to him, the place of the skull (Golgotha) but Joseph of Arimathea asked for Jesus’ body and he and Nicodemus took the body, prepared it, and laid him in the tomb that Joseph owned.
C. Isaiah 53:10 How is this a fulfillment of the promises made in Genesis 3:15 D.
“…he will crush[b] your head, and you will strike his heel.”
Yet it was the Lord’s will to crush him and cause him to suffer, and though the Lord makes[a] his life an offering for sin,he will see his offspring and prolong his days, and the will of the Lord will prosper in his hand.
A. The Dead Sea Scrolls translates Isaiah 53:11 as “Out of the anguish of his suffering he shall see the light of life.” What do you think this means?
Jesus’ death was followed by His resurrection (light of life) which He gave to all of those who believe in Him. I will have a physical death, but I will be raised to life when Jesus comes again!
18. Why did Jesus go through all of this? How is this different from other religions?
Because He loves me! All other religions say, “You must work toward love and acceptance’. Jesus said, “You are already accepted-you do not have to work to earn it.”
In a nutshell from Bing:
Because He loves me! All other religions say, “You must work toward love and acceptance’. Jesus said, “You are already accepted-you do not have to work to earn it.”
Thank you for praying and please continue through the weekend. I am so impressed at what Discipleship Unlimited is doing, yet the enemy is on the prowl. I can’t share details, but would love prayer for God’s protection.
Today and tomorrow I’ll be at the Ranch (the half-way) house and in the prisons.
The tapestry of your life in Christ is an encouragement to me, Dee. Praying for you this weekend.
Praying for you through these days, dear Dee. Praying for God’s protection for you and for hearts to be open to the Word of God. Much love to you.
Dee, I will be praying for your protection. Yes, the enemy is on the prowl.
19. What is your take-a-way and why?
The words to this song as I contemplate the questions for this week:
“He Left The Splendor Of Heaven,Knowing His Destiny.Was A Lonely Hill Of Golgotha,Where He Laid Down His Life For Me.”
Jesus loves me this I know!
17. Find all the prophecies that Jesus fulfilled on Good Friday from the following verses. Also, share any thoughts after meditating. Keller says to meditate until it becomes radioactive.
A. Isaiah 53:7
He didn’t say a word. He was beaten and then crucified.
B. Isaiah 53:9 (How a grave with the wicked, how with a rich man in his death)
He was crucified with criminals and buried in the tomb of Joseph, a wealthy follower of His.