Free Pexels Photo By Jonathan Bonatti
It seems whenever we start a new series, new sisters come on and then drop out because they feel like they don’t belong. Pray with me that we will make them feel welcome and that they will stick it out for a few weeks, even if they do feel like the outsider. Soon they won’t feel like that if they can just keep swimming with us.
]If you are brand new, just read, make a comment, and give your name and e-mail. (Your e-mail will not show up.) I must approve you the first time, but after that, I don’t need to unless you come on with a different device. Stick with us and participate, and you will soon feel part of us, for we want you!!!
This is a place where we can draw near to God on our own schedule, and then share our gleanings, and in so doing, enrich one another. We truly are stronger together. Proverbs 17:17 tells us we sharpen one another as iron sharpens iron. I love that about this rich fellowship.
As the calendar turns to 2025, we are going to turn toward the journey toward the cross finishing (Lord willing!) on Resurrection Sunday at the end of April. Did you know that well over half of each gospel takes place in the last week of Jesus’ life? That’s why a deep look will take us all the way to the end of April.
Important things are said when time is running out.
Free Unsplash photo by Nathan Dumlao
We will be doing the last half of the gospel of John with the help of Tim Keller’s sermons, a man who is considered the C. S. Lewis of the last century. He died last year, but left over a thousand sermons available online for free. I have also purchased his transcripts from Logos. However, I hope you listen to Keller, even if it is as you read the transcript, for he is so gifted as a preacher and his words penetrate our hearts.
We will also spend the following two weeks going through an essay by Francis Schaeffer called “The Mark of a Christian” based on Jesus’ prayer in John 17. It left an indelible mark on my heart, and I pray it will on yours as well. But for this week, we are doing Keller’s overview of John 17.
Here is the link to the sermon — if you download it you can listen even where you don’t have internet:
Here is the transcript:
Tweaked Glory of the Triune God
Sunday: WELCOME!
1. If you are not new here, please encourage our new sisters by telling them a specific way you have been helped, and why they should persist even if they feel a bit uncomfortable at first!
2. If you are new, tell us a little about yourself and why you have come!
Monday: The Opening Text: John 16:13-14 and John 17:1-5
Keller titled His sermon The Glory of the Triune God, though debated about calling it “The Deep Things of God.” This is so deep, so we need one another and definitely His Spirit. Pray now for understanding.
Do your best answering and the sermon tomorrow will help you fill in the blanks.
3. John begins with “After this,” which should lead us to ask, “After what?” Briefly, what happened in John 13?
4. Then, in John 14-16 Jesus tells the disciples that hard things are going to happen, but it is not the end of the story. He sums this up in John 16:32-33. What does He say?
5. How might what Jesus says in these two verses help you in facing whatever hard thing you are facing? Be specific. If we are honest, we worry about a lot of little things. Then speak the truth to your soul. Here is an example from me:
Dermatology appointments are terrible as I was way too much in the sun when I was young. I left one yesterday in pain and looking like a leper. But I am thankful to stop cancer in the bud, and I do know that I will get a new body, fresh and young one day. Last week, we looked at Jeremiah 31, where we are promised, in the new heaven and earth, to be like “a well-watered garden.” I will have skin eternally that is like a newborn baby – as soft and fresh as rose petals!
6. Read first John 16:13-14 and then John 17:1-5
A. Keller is going to show how these verses show a relationship between God the Son and God the Father from all eternity. Can you see it in the above two passages? If so, how?
B. Keller says glorifying another give them joy, and that the Father, Son, and Spirit have been doing this through all eternity, and therefore have been eternally happy. Other gods are not “happy.” What thoughts to you have on this?
B. When Jesus speaks of “the hour” what do you think He is talking about and why?
C. What authority has God the Father given Jesus (verse 2)?
D. Throughout Scripture there seems to be an “apparent” contradiction between free will and election. John 17:2 uses the phrase, “that he might give eternal life to all those you have given them.” It is possible here, that Jesus is talking about 11 of the disciples and excluding Judas. (See also verse 17) What are your thoughts?
D. What does He say eternal life is? (verse 3) What does “know” mean? How would explain what this means to an unbeliever or nominal (in name only) Christian?
E. What does Jesus say He has done? And now, what does He ask of the Father for what He faces next?
Tuesday: Beginning the Sermon
Listen up to “Secondly, we now know why God created the world” or Read up to Wednesday.
7. What stands out to you upon your first listening/reading and why?
8. What do you learn about why God created the world and us? Ponder this and share your thoughts.
9. What did you learn about what it means to glorify another? How might you apply this to your life right now? If possible, give an example. I’ll do one in red.
Listening between the lines to someone is a way to bless others and please God. I will draw someone who seems lonely out with questions after church today.
10. Meditate on the whole concept of glorifying — giving honor — serving.
A. Keller says glorifying God and others gives us joy — have you experienced this? If so, share.
B. How is this opposite from what the world thinks?
C. Why does Keller say we were made to give glory?
D. What are some of the best ways you can glorify God?
Wednesday: The Closing of John 17 and More of Keller’s Sermon
11. Read John 17:20-26
A. How can you see this prayer is not just for the apostles?
B. What is the first thing He prays here and why? (verse 21)
C. What do you learn about oneness in verses 22 and 23?
D. What is the result of unity in the body of Christ according to verse 23? Have you experienced this?
E. What do you learn about the depth of God’s love for you according to verse 23?
12. Listen/Read the Sermon up to when he says: “The Ultimate Hour” or when you see Thursday.
A. What stands out to you after listening/reading this part and why?
B. Why does Keller say God created the world and how does He support this from this passage?
C. What does Keller say leads to true happiness for us? Have you experienced this? If so, explain.
Thursday: The Ultimate Hour
Go slowly – -so rich and transforming!
Listen/Read up to The Ultimate Glory or Friday
13. What stands out to you and why?
14. What does D. A. Carson say is the ultimate glory and why?
15. Can you think of an illustration of someone (other than Jesus) giving up his or her glory for the glory of another?
16. Why did the Puritan Joseph Flavel explain that the pain Jesus experienced in separating from the Father was so deep?
17. What does Keller tell us is going against the grain for which we are made? How is this the opposite of what the world, and we ourselves, sometimes believe?
Friday: The Ultimate Glory
Read or Listen to the end.
18. What stands out and why?
19. What did you learn from C. S. Lewis?
20. What is your take-a-way and why?
Wednesday: The Closing of John 17 and More of Keller’s Sermon
11. Read John 17:20-26
A. How can you see this prayer is not just for the apostles? – Jesus talks about others getting to know him through those that already know him. And he goes on to say he will continue to make God know so all can have the love that the Father gave to the Son.
B. What is the first thing He prays here and why? (verse 21) – That all may be one, like the Father and Son are one. And that all know the Father and Son intimately that they all become one.
C. What do you learn about oneness in verses 22 and 23? – Jesus is giving us glory, the glory that God gave to him. His love is unending that he shares himself completely with us. He wants us to have unity, as the Father and Son have so we can be as one with them.
D. What is the result of unity in the body of Christ according to verse 23? Have you experienced this? – The result is to know without a doubt that God sent Jesus to earth for all of us so we can be an heir to him. I believe at times I have felt as one with the Father and Son. When I can feel His presence around me, but other times I don’t feel their presence, but I know that he is always with me. I wonder if at those times, they have already made their presence known and everything is ok. That there has not been a need from me to them at those moments.
E. What do you learn about the depth of God’s love for you according to verse 23? – We are abundantly loved by God. As I read this, Jesus had to take my place in order to be in me, and that is the only way I could be in unity with them. If Jesus didn’t die in my place, I would be an outsider, looking in and hoping I could get close.
12. Listen/Read the Sermon up to when he says: “The Ultimate Hour” or when you see Thursday.
A. What stands out to you after listening/reading this part and why? – If God is not number one in my life, if he is not what I think of first thing, His Word, then he is not number one. If I’m not worshipping Him, I will worship something else. This is powerful. It’s so easy to say I will pray later, I will read the Bible after I’m done with this other book. Or I will do my Bible study the day of the study, if all these things come first to mind, I’m wasting my life. I won’t find the happiness in that other book, or another app on my phone or iPad. I will only be content with God as priority in my life, and that will show in my attitude, in my tone, and my actions. I need to reschedule my life and put God as my number 1 assignment/task.
B. Why does Keller say God created the world and how does He support this from this passage? – He created it so he would have someone to share his glory and love with. He had so much of it, he wanted to share it and creating us in His image was the only way to do that. Jesus says he wants us all to have the glory that the Father gave him, so we can be all one in unity.
C. What does Keller say leads to true happiness for us? Have you experienced this? If so, explain. – We are made to worship and to worship God. He has to be in first place. He has to be front and center in our hearts. If not, there will be something or someone else taking that spot. I definitely am experiencing this. I’ve grown so much in knowledge and knowing who He really is. I’m more faithful in doing daily work in His Word in some way. I am eager to learn and grow more. I am seeing the things of God around me much quicker and know without a doubt that He’s with me.
So good about what is first, Julie.
“I won’t find the happiness in that other book, or another app on my phone or iPad.” I have wasted so much time on things like this, too, Julie. What you wrote here is a timely reminder and wake up call for me.
11. Read John 17:20-26
A. How can you see this prayer is not just for the apostles? Jesus says He is praying not just for them but those who will believe in Him through their message
B. What is the first thing He prays here and why? (verse 21)for unity do the world will know that God had sent Jesus
C. What do you learn about oneness in verses 22 and 23? That Jesus had given them the glory that Hr’d received so they would be one. That Jesus is in us and the Father in Him so that we may be brought to complete unity
D. What is the result of unity in the body of Christ according to verse 23? Have you experienced this? That the world would know God sent Jesus and has loved us as He loved Jesus
E. What do you learn about the depth of God’s love for you according to verse 23? I am loved as the Father loves Jesus
12. Listen/Read the Sermon up to when he says: “The Ultimate Hour” or when you see
A. What stands out to you after listening/reading this part and why? Only way to be happy is to glorify God above all other things. Also that according to Edwards we are to live not for our own glory but for the glory of others. Also God’s approval is to be most important. I think I understand the points, but I miss that high bar in my life. There are times of selfishness and wanting to know I have a friend or family member approval. So I’m not acting in humility to the Trinity and following Their lead
B. Why does Keller say God created the world and how does He support this from this passage? To share the mutual communication of infinite happiness, joy and love the Trinity has Vs 22 I want them to have the glory we have vs we have unity and love we have vs 24 I want them to see the glory and love we have
C. What does Keller say leads to true happiness for us? Have you experienced this? If so, explain. Sorry I kind of answered in A. Living life to Glorify God and surrendering self and honoring others
11. Read John 17:20-26
A. How can you see this prayer is not just for the apostles? “I do not ask for these only…” its for us, too!
B. What is the first thing He prays here and why? (verse 21) For oneness for believers, so that the world may believe Jesus was sent by God.
C. What do you learn about oneness in verses 22 and 23? The glory given by the Father to the son, is given to believers, so they may be one as the Father and Son are one. This oneness is a testimony to others of the Father sending the Son.
D. What is the result of unity in the body of Christ according to verse 23? Have you experienced this? We should be perfectly one, believe Christ was sent by the Father, and loved by the Father, as the Father loved the Son. I can say I have experienced this, although COVID’s effects on our church were not pretty and I must say did not glorify God.
E. What do you learn about the depth of God’s love for you according to verse 23? God loves us as he loves Christ.
12. Listen/Read the Sermon up to when he says: “The Ultimate Hour” or when you see Thursday.
A. What stands out to you after listening/reading this part and why? Keller really hits the nail on the head! I love all of this. We all need to share our joy, our happiness and we need to experience it by glorifying God more-keeping our focus on Him!
B. Why does Keller say God created the world and how does He support this from this passage? He created the world to share it. V.22 “I want them to have the glory we have”
C. What does Keller say leads to true happiness for us? Have you experienced this? If so, explain. We need to glorify God above all other things. Each person does not live for his own glory but for the glory of others. I have definitely experienced not having true happiness, by focusing on myself too much. Keeping my eyes on Christ and glorifying him above all is my constant challenge and life goal.
Keeping my eyes on Christ and glorifying him above all is my constant challenge and life goal.
7. What stands out to you upon your first listening/reading and why?
I love the description Keller gives for the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit all being together, since the beginning. He describes them as joyful and loving; enjoying their company. It is sweet and carefree. I definitely like that feeling.
8. What do you learn about why God created the world and us? Ponder this and share your thoughts.
He wanted us to know what it was like to live like Him. He wanted to share it. It is fortunate for us that He wanted us with Him. We have a choice to participate and be able to be with our loving God forever. Wouldn’t we want everyone to know this?
9. What did you learn about what it means to glorify another? How might you apply this to your life right now? If possible, give an example.
We are made in God’s image so we are made to glorify others. If we aren’t glorifying God then we aren’t reaching our full potential and will not be happy.
I’ve always felt that helping others is important to my life. Getting the focus off myself and onto another person was something I realized as a teenager. It isn’t always the most natural way for humans, however. We slide. Think about giving a gift to someone. It makes us feel happy because the receiver is happy that we gave the gift. I think my family is in the midst of this right now. We have 7 extra people in our house. We have given up all of our routines, beds, etc. so they can be comfortable. We are all getting a bit tired now. Lots of sickness has come through the house as well. My husband in particular, has it bad. I hope he doesn’t have pneumonia. He won’t go get checked. Men! I pray we can make one more week.
Oh my, Laura, seven extra people AND sickness, too. I can see your loving heart. I pray that the stress you all might be feeling would be replace with peace and that your husband gets better (whether on his own or gives in and gets checked out).
Oh, Laura! I join Cheryl Ann in praying for you and your family. I pray for peace and wellness for all of you. What a gift you are to those you are hosting. May God be with you and give you strength and healing.
We are at the finish line and most of the crew is totally better. Yay! Even my husband. I did have to miss a wedding of a life long friend’s son though. Se la vie! First real snow of the year today, on my bday 😉. I decided we are all going roller skating to commemorate the event! It’s “disco weekend” at the roller rink! So fun. I’m hoping they play Disco Duck and all the silly songs I remember from middle school. Hahaha!
Happy Birthday, Laura! Hope you have a lovely day full of joy and memorable moments.
Happy Birthday Laura🎉
So glad all are feeling better…enjoy your special day!
13. What stands out to you and why? This has really opened my eyes to what Jesus gave up to come to the world to save us. I have known that He gave up His glory to save us, but I kind of equated it with to a rich guy that has had a life of comfort and luxury leaves to go live on the streets and endure the life of the homeless. It’s so much more than that.
14. What does D. A. Carson say is the ultimate glory and why? “There is no greater glory than to give up your glory to glorify somebody else.”
16. Why did the Puritan Joseph Flavel explain that the pain Jesus experienced in separating from the Father was so deep? Because from eternity He was in perfect happiness pouring out and receiving love, joy and glory. Being separated from that was the deepest pain.
17. What does Keller tell us is going against the grain for which we are made? When you live for yourself and are more concerned with your own success and happiness. How is this the opposite of what the world, and we ourselves, sometimes believe? We are consonantly told that the only way to true peace and happiness is to make sure that we are fulfilling our desires, looking out for our own best interests. Do what we need to do to make us happy.
11. Read John 17:20-26
A. How can you see this prayer is not just for the apostles?
Jesus refers to others:
““I am praying not only for these disciples but also for all who will ever believe in me through their message.”
John 17:20 NLT
B. What is the first thing He prays here and why? (verse 21)
He prays that we will be “one” with God so that others will know that the Father sent the Son to be with us on Earth.
C. What do you learn about oneness in verses 22 and 23?
It means we are given the glory and unity of God within us.
D. What is the result of unity in the body of Christ according to verse 23? Have you experienced this?
Having unity means we experience the love of the Father. Yes! I have felt this when we worship together in Christ as a body of believers.
E. What do you learn about the depth of God’s love for you according to verse 23?
We know this love when we are in perfect unity.
Wednesday: The Closing of John 17 and More of Keller’s Sermon
11. Read John 17:20-26
A. How can you see this prayer is not just for the apostles? John 17:20
Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word;
B. What is the first thing He prays here and why? (verse 21)
Jesus prays for unity among believers. As He and the Father are one, so might we have unity with them and each other. The purpose of this unity is to show the world that Jesus truly is the Son of God sent from heaven to earth.
C. What do you learn about oneness in verses 22 and 23?
The unity between Father and Son is perfect, they are One. Another logical statement, Jesus is in believers (thru the Spirit), the Father is in Jesus, therefore the Father is also in believers. The eleven, and all believers after them, are united with God. Glory, glory, glory!
Again Jesus states the purpose, that the world may know Jesus is the Son of God sent to earth. The love between Father, Son, and Spirit is shared with us, producing unity among us, as a witness to the world.
D. What is the result of unity in the body of Christ according to verse 23? Have you experienced this?
The Body of Christ is the ONLY place on earth that people of all nationalities, cultural and economic backgrounds are perfectly united. (This is only possible thru the love of God that is IN us because of the redemption Jesus provides.) This love/unity is proof that the gospel is TRUE.
I have experienced this unity whenever I’ve attended women’s retreats/conferences. There is an immediate bond with women who are strangers and from different backgrounds. Another example is here in Sc where we are for the winter. I walked into an unfamiliar church one Sunday and was greeted with warmth. I started attending the women’s study group and they welcomed me as a sister.
E. What do you learn about the depth of God’s love for you according to verse 23?
It’s beyond comprehension that the eternal love between Father, Son, and Spirit is shared with ME. To know that Christ LIVES IN ME (Gal. 2:20) that I can have fellowship with God (1 Jn. 1:3). The praise and worship rises up within me as I dwell on this, and the question I ask is the old hymn, “And Can it Be, that I should gain an interest in the Savior’s blood? Amazing Love!”
+2. Listen/Read the Sermon up to when he says: “The Ultimate Hour” or when you see Thursday.
A. What stands out to you after listening/reading this part and why?
“Why would a tripersonal God who already has this mutual communication of infinite happiness, joy, and love create a world? The answer is obviously not to get that mutual communication of love and joy, but to share it.” This thought is new to me. Sharing love seems to have a different meaning for me that giving love. I had always thought of God ‘giving’ love through Jesus, but ‘sharing’ love seems somehow more personal, a warmer feeling. I’m not expressing this very well, am I? It’s like I’ve been let into a relationship that was already complete, but They made room for me to also be a part of it.
B. Why does Keller say God created the world and how does He support this from this passage?
“He created the world to share it. You see it. Look in verse 22. Jesus is saying, “I want them to have the glory we have.” In the latter part of verse 22 and the beginning of verse 23, “I want them to have the unity, the love we have.” Verse 24, “I want them to see the glory and the love we have.”
C. What does Keller say leads to true happiness for us? Have you experienced this? If so, explain.
“…the only way you will have that infinite happiness is if you worship him and him alone and you give him glory.” Close communion with the Lord, when I truly feel His presence surrounding me and joy fills my heart, happens when I am signing a song. Using my hands and emotions only to worship him, give Him glory, is when everything else fades away, and it is just me and the Lord. I don’t know how to explain it, but it’s true joy for me.
Love this from Cheryl.
I have experienced this unity whenever I’ve attended women’s retreats/conferences. There is an immediate bond with women who are strangers and from different backgrounds. Another example is here in Sc where we are for the winter. I walked into an unfamiliar church one Sunday and was greeted with warmth. I started attending the women’s study group and they welcomed me as a sister.
Sharing love seems to have a different meaning for me that giving love. I had always thought of God ‘giving’ love through Jesus, but ‘sharing’ love seems somehow more personal, a warmer feeling. I’m not expressing this very well, am I? It’s like I’ve been let into a relationship that was already complete, but They made room for me to also be a part of it.
This is exactly what was keeping me from wanting to invite my friend at Christmas! I was looking forward to having MY time with my family circle and enjoying the love we share, but opening that special time up to someone else who would take me away from my perfect love circle was hard-so yes! That’s definitely it, Cheryl Ann—-sharing love is more personal and a greater sacrifice than giving love.
Chris, what you said here makes perfect sense and said so well! So appreciate your honest transparency.
Oh Lord, forgive my selfishness.
Thursday: The Ultimate Hour
Go slowly – -so rich and transforming!
Listen/Read up to The Ultimate Glory or Friday
13. What stands out to you and why?
As Keller said, I had thought that the resurrection was the glory Jesus was talking about. To see that He meant the crucifixion was His glorification, (oh my, my human nature shies away from that) has changed my whole perspective. The loss of that eternal intimacy, I cannot comprehend.
14. What does D. A. Carson say is the ultimate glory and why?
There is no greater glory than to give up your glory to glorify somebody else.
15. Can you think of an illustration of someone (other than Jesus) giving up his or her glory for the glory of another?
Paul the apostle, who gave up everything (wealth, social/religious standing, etc) for the glory of God, to bring the gospel to Gentiles (for their glory). Hi
16. Why did the Puritan Joseph Flavel explain that the pain Jesus experienced in separating from the Father was so deep?
From all eternity the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit have been pouring love, joy, and glory into each other.. Then he said, “Now do you have any idea what happened when Jesus Christ lost all that on the cross?” Keller then goes on to give illustrations about rejection/loss of human love.
After my daughter died, I thought about the grief of the Father when Jesus was crucified, His Son, and I was comforted by the thought that He understood my own grieving. I now understand the eternal intimacy of God made the crucifixion even more immense than anything I have experienced. Again, my perspective has evolved.
17. What does Keller tell us is going against the grain for which we are made? How is this the opposite of what the world, and we ourselves, sometimes believe?
Going against the grain of the universe is when self becomes the most important thing. It’s when there is no authority or truth outside of yourself.
Jesus sacrifice shows us that “servanthood is the meaning of life,” living for God and for other people.
SO GOOD from Cheryl Ann and isn’t this what we all are after? A changed perspective. So sorry for the loss of your daughter 🩷 After my daughter died, I thought about the grief of the Father when Jesus was crucified, His Son, and I was comforted by the thought that He understood my own grieving. I now understand the eternal intimacy of God made the crucifixion even more immense than anything I have experienced. Again, my perspective has evolved
Cheryl, I am so sorry that you lost your daughter. Amen to Chris’s comment. Oh, He so understands our grief.
Thursday: The Ultimate Hour
Go slowly – -so rich and transforming!
Listen/Read up to The Ultimate Glory or Friday
13. What stands out to you and why? – Jesus’ death is so much deeper than what I had thought before. He suffered a brutal death, no doubt, but now I’m seeing that God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are like triplets. They can feel so much more as one being and take that pain upon themselves as well. We can feel the pain from the death of a loved one, but it hits the surface and penetrates a bit more, but Jesus’ death to the Trinity was cut into their ‘souls’ their inner being. The pain was so much worse, almost as if the death happened to them.
14. What does D. A. Carson say is the ultimate glory and why? – The ultimate glory is not the shame after the cross, but it’s displayed in the shame of the cross. WOW this is deep. The death on the cross wasn’t any sin that Jesus did, it showed His love for us. So, the glory is in that action. I think the cross is important, and symbolizes so much, but I think what is more important to remember is the action that Jesus took. He made himself ugly, his body was destroyed so ours could be beautiful and whole. I’m starting to see glory in a whole new way.
15. Can you think of an illustration of someone (other than Jesus) giving up his or her glory for the glory of another? – What jumps to mind is the father that put himself in front of his wife and daughter at the rally. He loved them so much he was trying to protect them from the harm. It took his life, his glory, but his action raised up the glory for those he loved.
16. Why did the Puritan Joseph Flavel explain that the pain Jesus experienced in separating from the Father was so deep? – Though they were separate they are one. So what happened to Jesus, was like it happened to them. The pain was to all of them. Like they lost one of their own limbs. The joy and happiness from the beginning of time, was so knitted together, that when Jesus died on the cross, the thread was pulled and it all unraveled. The three in one form was lost.
17. What does Keller tell us is going against the grain for which we are made? How is this the opposite of what the world, and we ourselves, sometimes believe? – we need to lose ourselves, seek God and then we will find ourselves as God created us to be. We were meant to lift up and glorify others. The world tells us we need to lift ourselves up, to pat ourselves on the back for all our good deeds. Not to worry about other people, but to worry about us because now one else will.
Friday: The Ultimate Glory
Read or Listen to the end.
18. What stands out and why? – The world will not agree with us when we lower ourselves to lift others up. They will look at us as if we have lost our minds. And really that is what needs to happen. We need to remove our old thought process, our old mind and renew it with love for others. This is what we were created for. I am definitely a work in progress. I’m grateful that God has a lot of clay to keep molding me.
19. What did you learn from C. S. Lewis? – “The more selfish you get, the more unlike God you get, and the more like Satan you get, and the closer you get to hell.” Oh wow, this is penetrating deep into my heart. I need to be searching my heart daily, I need to get rid of the me, me, me attitude and make others more important than myself. I know I need to take care of myself as a temple of God, but when I put others before me, that is when I will show the creation God created. Until that time, I am just another person in this sad world.
This from Lewis reminds me so of the heart of 1 John:
“The more selfish you get, the more unlike God you get, and the more like Satan you get, and the closer you get to hell.”
What you say here, Julie, reminds me of Ephesians 4:22,23. We are told to “put off” the old man and be “renewed in the spirit of your mind..” As you said, we NEED to do this.
20. What is your take-a-way and why? – WOW, so much here. Glorify has a whole new meaning to me. It’s not just a radiant glow that signifies the holiness of the Trinity but now shows me it’s to lift another up. To appreciate another’s actions and love, to put someone else in the limelight above myself. Thanks Dee, for taking us deeper in the love of Christ. Thank you, Lord, for opening my eyes to what your intentions were when you created us.
Amen, Julie!!!
Listen/Read up to The Ultimate Glory or Friday
13. What stands out to you and why?
He emptied Himself of His Glory. It is amazing how many times I have read this, yet it did not truly resonate deeply in my heart. The ultimate expression of God’s glory is in the shame of His death on the cross.
14. What does D. A. Carson say is the ultimate glory and why?
When Jesus was beaten to a pulp and had lost everything and given up everything that was the ultimate expression of the Glory of God. There is no greater glory than to give up your glory, and give up your beauty to glorify and beautify someone else.
15. Can you think of an illustration of someone (other than Jesus) giving up his or her glory for the glory of another?
Right now I am thinking of the many fire fighters in California, who are risking their lives to save others.
16. Why did the Puritan Joseph Flavel explain that the pain Jesus experienced in separating from the Father was so deep?
Jesus, who had shared His love eternally in the love relationship with God and the Holy Spirit, lost that on the cross, when God had to turn His eyes away because Jesus had taken on all of our sin, it was devastating and infinite pain.
17. What does Keller tell us is going against the grain for which we are made? How is this the opposite of what the world, and we ourselves, sometimes believe?
Servanthood is the true meaning of life, not “being true to your self”….enlightenment thinking: the self must be Sovereign. This takes God out of your life and puts you in as your own god.
Friday: The Ultimate Glory
Read or Listen to the end.
18. What stands out and why?
—The welcoming glory that we as believers are invited into by Jesus prayer in verse 24 where he says “Father, I desire that they also, whom you have given me, may be with me where I am, to see my glory that you have given me because you loved me before the foundation of the world.”
John 17:24 ESV
As to why, this whole “thinking” or maybe better said “truth” of being welcomed to the heart of things is an unbelievable privilege of being a child of God. We have untold blessings because of it.
19. What did you learn from C. S. Lewis?
—The phrase “Welcome to the heart of things.” It is his summation of the fact that as Keller pointed out “Through faith in Jesus Christ you are going to get into the heart of things.”
I loved the thought that “every other person who is on the same journey into the heart of things is your brother or sister, so be one with them. Love them.”That admonition from Keller is a very healthy one that is much needed among the body of believers who separate themselves and refuse to practice love to others who are believers because of differences in theological ideas or quite frankly just because of petty personal differences as often happens in churches. I often try to remind myself that God loves that other Christian that I find to be so trying and offensive just as much as He loves me. The equality of God’s love brings a very real security to me personally. Because if He loved someone else more than others based on some merit or quality then I would certainly lose out on his love. But because of the perfection of His love we all have equal footing in Jesus. It goes back to God loving us just as much as He loves Jesus and I find that mind blowing. To be loved as much as His perfect Son !! That is getting deep into the heart of things!
Friday: The Ultimate Glory
18. What stands out and why?
The welcome we’ll receive in glory, into the very heart of love, is a wonderful promise.
19. What did you learn from C. S. Lewis?
I learned that we all long for, or pine, for something more that can only be satisfied in Jesus. But even now I am still longing. I have known moments of pure joy, but they were just moments or maybe hours, but earthly joys don’t last. Sadness, loss, life, all interrupt our joy. “Welcome into the heart of things,” Lewis said, and that will be a loving presence and joy that fills each and every moment for all eternity!
Friday: The Ultimate Glory
Read or Listen to the end.
18. What stands out and why?
John 17:24, “Father, I want these whom you have given Me to be with Me where I am. Then they can see all the glory You gave Me because You loved Me before the world began.”
Quoting Keller…”What does that mean? I don’t know, but it means that is your future if you believe in God, if you believe in the Father through Jesus Christ.”
I appreciate that Keller says he doesn’t know what that means but he does know it has to do with our future and he surmises that one day we’ll be in the middle of the incredible love and joy of the Trinity.
What a day to look forward to…to see and be in all that glory!
19. What did you learn from C. S. Lewis?
We’re all on this journey together and so it’s important that we love one another and as Keller says in his prayer, “one day infinite happiness will be ours.” Amen!
Yes. Amen!
To Dee and my friends here on the blog who prayed for my grandson Ryan I just want to let you know an answer to prayer. Some of you remember that he just didn’t come home for Christmas and stopped communicating with my daughter and her husband. They had no knowledge of doing anything that might have caused him to shut them out. The worry was that he has suffered some severe depression in the past and he has shut God out of his life since going to college. He did acknowledge a text from his sister on Christmas Day and then he was willing to meet to meet with my husband and I as we traveled through Wichita on our way to Texas. He finally texted his mom a couple of days ago and then had an hour long phone conversation with her. She said the conversation was good and helpful and he had opened up quite a bit. He said he had been down but not nearly as much as before. He really broke his mother’s heart by shutting them out over Christmas and there are still unanswered questions about his life but we are trusting God to move and work for good in his life. I just appreciate your sweet prayers.
Oh Bev, Praise the Lord that Ryan has reconnected with family. God is faithful, and he will continue to work in this situation, Praying for peace and encouragement for you all.
Wonderful answer to prayer Bev and thanks for sharing! So glad Ryan is ok and will continue to pray for his mental, physical and spiritual health.
Thanks for the update on Ryan. That is good news—Such a difficult circumstance. I have a daughter struggling with mental health and it is heartbreaking to watch. Come, Lord Jesus.
That is good news, Bev. Lord, I thank You for restored communication and ask that You would continue healing in this young man’s life and his relationship with his family.
Praising God for this answered prayer for Ryan reconnecting with his family, Bev. So painful for your family. I will continue to pray for healing for his trouble soul. Lord, we know that You love this young man. May his heart be opened and may he turn his life over to you dear Father.
What a great answer to prayer. God is always at work and will continue to pray for Ryan.
13. What stands out to you and why?
14. What does D. A. Carson say is the ultimate glory and why? That Jesus request to be glorified was not after His death but glorify me now in the shame and cruelty of the cross. The glory of God was displayed on the shame of the cross. There is no greater glory than to give up your glory to glorify someone else
16. Why did the Puritan Joseph Flavel explain that the pain Jesus experienced in separating from the Father was so deep? He lost the deep relationship He had in the Trinity. It was the only relationship He had known. It was filled with love and joy and bringing the others love and joy. The relationship He had is incomparable to anything else. This His pain was unfathomable.
17. What does Keller tell us is going against the grain for which we are made? How is this the opposite of what the world, and we ourselves, sometimes believe? What is important is me and what I want. I’m more important than God.
20. What is your take-a-way and why?
Keller said that the Trinitarian love of God helps us understand two things. First is how deep the cost was to Jesus in experiencing his death on the Cross. He said only if we understand the inner workings of the Trinity do we understand what it cost Jesus to save us. Jesus suffered infinite pain and torture in being forsaken by God his Father Who could not look on the sin that was put on Him at the Cross. My sin.
Secondly he said that servanthood is the meaning of life. Keller’s comments: “The main point is the life of the Trinity shows self was meant to be abdicated. When I say, “I am not going to live for myself, but for God and for other people,” I find who I am. That’s why Jesus Christ says, “Lose
yourself to find yourself.”
—From this sermon I see in the true inner working of the Trinity to always be praising, appreciating and adoring each other therefore always serving and pleasing one another all within the context of perfect love. That is the meaning of glorify. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit have been glorifying one another mutually and eternally as Jesus said before the world began. This week’s sermon has truly been rich in deeper truths.
Bev, this! ” Jesus Christ says, “Lose yourself to find yourself.”
Wonderful take -a-way, Bev!!
Bev, I have gleaned so much from this study through your insight…such a rich take-a-way❤️
Friday: The Ultimate Glory
Read or Listen to the end.
18. What stands out and why?
“I want them to be in the circle, in the middle, of this incredible love and joy we’ve had forever. I want them to see our glory, my glory. I want them to receive that glory. I want them to have all that!”
It also struck me when he said that we don’t even know in some cases what we are searching for. “Welcome into the heart of things. These are the deep things of God, and they’re all ours in Jesus Christ.”
That the God of the Universe desire for me to be in the circle with them and to share in the glory they have is a beautiful thing. What a future to look forward to and a comfort in the now.
19. What did you learn from C. S. Lewis?
Welcome into the heart of things.” Through faith in Jesus Christ, you will get into the heart of things. That’s your future.
See my answer to #18
20. What is your take-a-way and why?
Somebody is crying, I am not crying (in this section)
Indeed, Dee! This section is so rich and transforming. Tim Keller at his finest once again but always pointing me to Jesus. I love everything about this week’s study. It was like eating a pomegranate. It seems to take forever to get into those arils but boy! Once you do all the steps, you can enjoy every taste.
Every day’s questions built into the next and I couldn’t help but feel the swell of love God has for me by today’s question. I would say, my takeaway is everything from Sunday to Saturday. Thank you, Dee, for leading us through this study.
I also have a deeper awareness of each sister’s needs and devotion to Christ. Something about the 228 comments ( as of this point of writing) made me think this study resonated deeply with each of us.
Amen, Bing! I agree! The comments are all so rich and deep and meaningful. Such a powerful lesson. (Love the comparison to eating a pomegranate. 🙂
Bing, loved the word picture of the pomegranate…so good!!
13. What stands out to you and why?
Serving the needs of others. How important. I know that when I am doing so, I feel right with God. When I am not, I am empty.
14. What does D. A. Carson say is the ultimate glory and why?
There is no better glory than to give up your glory for another and glorify them.
15. Can you think of an illustration of someone (other than Jesus) giving up his or her glory for the glory of another?
I would say John the Baptist did so. He glorified Jesus.
16. Why did the Puritan Joseph Flavel explain that the pain Jesus experienced in separating from the Father was so deep?
It was so deep because the Trinity is so entwined that it was like losing your spouse of 40 yrs. He was being rejected by the other parts of the Trinity.
17. What does Keller tell us is going against the grain for which we are made? How is this the opposite of what the world, and we ourselves, sometimes believe?
By not focusing on God, rather ourselves, we are going against how we are made. We are made to lose ourselves to Him. Self is meant to be abdicated. Our (western) world promotes being true to yourself. If we succumb to this way of living then we are growing closer to evil and hell. Selfishness must go!
Is it your birthday today, Laura? I thought I saw that on Facebook. If so, happy birthday — you are very loved.
20. What is your take-a-way and why?
This study and Keller’s sermon gave me a deeper and new perspective of the Trinity. It not only showed me the relationship of love and joy between the three but that was extended to include me, Wow! As Chris put it, “they made room for me to also be a part of it.” Their relationship is all about glorying one another which according to Keller’s sermon means to, a) praise, appreciate and adore someone, b) serve and please someone and, c) it’s done all out of love. My relationship with others needs to be the same.
John 17:22 says, He’s given us the glory the Father gave Him. Why? So they may be one as We are one and verse 23 goes on to say, “may they experience such perfect unity that the world will know that You (the Father) sent Me (Jesus)…” Am I being an effective ambassador for Christ in this? I am under conviction.
Beautifully stated, Sharon!
Love seeing a student like Sharon see something new!
18. What stands out and why?
I love the importance that is stressed on letting go of self. Our life is full when we empty ourselves to lift another. It is so hard to grasp this thought, as our hearts are so filled with want and desire for things we want to have, to feel, to see, to own. These things we get, do not last, the only thing that does lasts eternally, is what we give away, what we share, when we give up self to service of others. Lord help me to get this in my heart and to live it!
19. What did you learn from C. S. Lewis?
“In self giving, if anywhere, we touch the rhythm of not only all creation, but of all being. ”
“The more selfish you get, the more unlike God you get, and the more like Satan you get, and the closer you get to hell.”
20. What is your take-a-way and why?
This entire lesson and sermon are so powerful! The ultimate expression of God’s glory is the shame in His death on the cross. Oh, I have never seen this as clearly as I do now. How I need to be more of Him and less of self.
Within the Trinity, Jesus had been seeking, not His own glory but the glory of others. When Christ went to the cross, He was showing us something about the Heart of God, that had been there forever. To give up your glory for the glory of others, to give up your joy for the joy of others. Even in the heart of God, the way up is down. The way to get joy is to seek the joy of others. Do not care about your needs at all, but care about serving the needs of others.
The Trinitarian love of God helps us to understand the death of Jesus on the Cross. The infinite cost of what Jesus Christ did for me should speak to my heart forever. Lord, I pray that You will help me to retain this lesson in my heart daily.
“I pray that You will help me to retain this lesson in my heart daily.”
Amen Patti!!!❣️🔥