Last week I had an “aha” moment when I learned Mount Horeb, where God passed by Elijah, was the same as Mount Sinai, where God passed by Moses.
Same God. Same story. Same cleft, representing Christ.
This week I had an “aha” moment when I realized that the reason Naboth would not sell his vineyard was that it was part of the Promised Land, linking it to this Scripture in Isaiah:
As Paige said, this wasn’t like Scarlett in Gone with the Wind, clinging to “Tara,” her father’s land. This was covenantal. This was the Promised Land. Naboth was godly, Ahab and Jezebel so ungodly. Evil seemingly triumphed. But not so. For it is not the end of the story for Naboth.
I also thought she was masterful in showing the deepest idol in Ahab was self, as can be true of us. Her outline was beautifully clear so I’m going to use it and lead you less with questions. Let’s see how it goes!
At the close of her session, she mentioned the funeral of a young kindergarten teacher who was recently kidnapped and murdered in Memphis. There is a parallel to this week’s message, and you can read about it in this article from The Gospel Coalition:
Thursday: The Crime (The Scene)
Read 1 Kings 21:1-16 and summarize what happened.
Listen to Paige. On You-Tube she begins at minute 9:30. Listen up to 27:36 (18 minutes) when she talks about how people didn’t understand Naboth’s refusal to sell like they didn’t understand Eric Liddell’s refusal to run.
2. Share your notes and comments.
3. What particularly stands out to you and why?
Friday: The Crime: The Stench
Paige talked about the stench when people cloak their crimes in religion, as Jezebel called for a fast. Below is a picture of Hitler’s “German Church” which taught that Jesus hated the Jews, using His words to the Pharisees.
Listen to Paige from 27:36 to 38:22 (11 minutes) when she says “There is a third thing…”
4. Share your notes and comments.
5. What particularly stands out to you and why?
6. Starting with Jezebel and moving to today, what examples did Paige give of those using religion or twisting the truth for their own demonic purposes? Can you think of others?
Saturday: The Crime: The Source
Listen to Paige from 38:28 to 52 when she says the silence of God is not the absence of God. (14 minutes)
7. Share your notes and comments.
8. What particularly stands out to you and why?
9. The Two Tables of the Ten Commandments:
A. In the first table, (1-4) everything flowed from the first commandment. Why?
B. She said the second table (5-10) are the ethics or fruit that naturally flow from having God, and not an idol, as your God. Ahab illustrates this. Explain.
10. What was she getting at with her pregnancy illustration?
God Hunt Sunday
11. How has the Lord shown up in your life this week?
Monday: The Courtroom: The Sentence
12. Read 1 Kings 21: 17-29 and summarize what happened.
Listen to Paige from 52 to 59:22 up to “Jezebel is included in the sentence but that doesn’t lessen Ahab’s guilt.”
13. Share your notes and comments.
14. What particularly stands out to you and why?
15. I loved it when Paige said that we don’t know why God didn’t stop the crime. Why might this be important to acknowledge? Why might it be unwise to give reasons?
At the funeral last week of the billionaire’s granddaughter who was kidnapped and murdered, the pastor told those attending about a conversation he had with the victim’s mother, Adele:
“We’d studied Revelation in our church together, and I taught the congregation over and over—no matter what we don’t understand about Revelation, we understand this—Jesus wins.”
“It seems like Jesus lost this one,” Adele told him.
“I agreed,” Robertson told those at the funeral and watching online. “It does seem that way. When the Bible teaches us that Jesus wins, it means the great day. [But] it doesn’t mean that he loses now. The darkness has tried to overcome our little light, but the light pierces through. That’s Jesus.”
Tuesday: The Courtroom: The Shallowness of Remorse and The Surprise of Mercy
Listen to the end of Paige’s lecture.
16. Share your notes and comments.
17. What particularly stood out to you and why?
18. Paige said we feel so good when we feel so bad, but conviction is not repentance. Is there an application to your life and a need for prayer?
19. At the close she told of a fairy tale (which Keller also uses in Jonah Rediscovered). What was her point?
20. What is your take-a-way and why?
I loved this week — hope you do too.
My big God Hunt last week was a pickleball couple, Frank and Kathy, coming to Christ. Came to church Sunday. Want to be baptized. Exciting.
Oh, Dee! Praise God for Frank and Kathy coming to Christ. I love that connection with pickleball. That warms my heart! Exciting for sure!!
That is awesome!
Awesome God hunt!
How exciting!
1. Read 1 Kings 21:1-16 and summarize what happened.
Naboth lived near King Ahab. He owned a vineyard. King Ahab wanted to buy or trade the vineyard from Naboth. Naboth would not comply because the land was bequeathed to his ancestors. King Ahab complained to Jezebel. Jezebel came up with a wicked plan that involved stoning Naboth to death. She then, told King Ahab that he could have the land because Naboth was dead.
1. Read 1 Kings 21:1-16 and summarize what happened.
Naboth owned a vineyard next to the palace and Ahab saw it and wanted it for a vegetable garden. Ahab offered Naboth a better vineyard or what seemed good to him to buy it. Naboth responded, “the Lord forbid that I should give you the inheritance of my fathers. Ahab went back to his house pouting, and laying down in bed with his face to the wall refused to eat. Jezebel asked what was wrong and he told her that Naboth refused to sell his vineyard. She responded, “do you now govern Israel? Get up, cheer up, I’ll get the vineyard for you.” She wrote letters in Ahab’s name and with his seal sent them to the leaders and elders who lived in the same city as Naboth, proclaiming a fast, to seat Naboth at the head of the people and put two worthless men opposite him who would accuse him of cursing God and the king, then take him out and stone him. They did what was written in the letter which worked out and they sent word to Jezebel saying Naboth has been stoned and is dead. She let Ahab know that Naboth had been stoned to death and to go and take possession of the vineyard. He arose and took possession of the vineyard.
2. Share your notes and comments.
I. The Crime
A. The scene
Ahab is lounging in his palace and decides he wants a vegetable garden. Naboth’ s response was a righteous one because his vineyard was an inheritance, land promised by God, God owns the land. The law prohibited ever selling or giving over your inheritance. It couldn’t be sold permanently but could be turned over to let it be used until the year of jubilee. The reason Ahab doesn’t argue is because he knows the law. Naboth is covenantal and has nothing to gain, just like Eric Liddell wasn’t trying to gain anything by not running on Sunday but rather looking to express what he already had.
3. What particularly stands out to you and why?
What really stood out to me is that in Deuteronomy 11 the word vegetable garden (the only other place in scripture it’s found) is used which says, the Lord had to pick them up out of Egypt which was a “vegetable garden” that had to be tended by man. God planted Israel in their own land where He tended them. The picture… Israel is a vine that the Lord has planted. Naboth not only had the right to turn down Ahab, he was right!
That is so interesting about Deut 11 and the vegetable garden.
Great answers, Sharon.
2. Share your notes and comments.
We are studying God and what He says, not a prophet.
The crimes are many here, in these passages.
God owes the land and has a plan for it. He had a purpose for the land. Naboth s relatives were supposed to care for it for God. It is righteousness.
The law clearly states that you are to never sell or give up your inheritance (Leviticus, Numbers, etc.). It belongs to the Lord. If you ever got down on your luck, you could sell (temporarily lease) the land to bring yourself back up. It would come back to you at the year of Jubilee.
King Ahab doesn’t argue with Naboth because he knows Naboth is right. He disregards the law when he asked. Naboth is right to say no. He is covenantal. God is Naboth’s treasure.
3. What particularly stands out to you and why?
The OT is all about Israel as a vine that God tends to at all times. It is just a beautiful imagery!
Laura, I too love the imagery of Israel being the vine. It made me think of John 15 in how Jesus is the vine, His Father is the gardener and we are the branches.
1. Read 1 Kings 21:1-16 and summarize what happened.
Naboth the Jezreelite owned a vineyard in Jezreel, close to the palace of Ahab king of Samaria. Ahab told Naboth, “Let me have your vineyard to use for a vegetable garden, since it is close to my palace. In exchange I will give you a better vineyard or, if you prefer, I will pay you whatever it is worth.”
Naboth refused because it was his inheritance. Ahab went home angry. His wife Jezebel asked why he was upset and he told her why. She replied “Is this how you act as king over Israel? Get up and eat! Cheer up. I’ll get you the vineyard of Naboth the Jezreelite.” She wrote letters in Ahab’s name proclaiming a day of fasting and a plan to kill Naboth.
When Jezebel heard Naboth had been stoned to death, she told Ahab to go get the vineyard, and he did.
*Not sure how much I’ll be able to post but I am following the lectures and love reading all of your insights. My husband and I are helping start a marriage ministry at our church (which is in the process of a new build so my job has seemed to double the last several months!), so I’ve had trouble posting here and keeping up with my own reading/studying, but always so thankful for the beautiful women here and the wisdom.
Lizzy, love seeing you here whenever you can and will be praying for the marriage ministry you and your husband are starting.
What a perfect couple to do a marriage ministry! Oh Lord, please anoint Lizzy and her husband with your wisdom and bring couples with hearts open to you.
Lizzy — did you see my news about Frank? You met him when you visit our church — he is the one who brought the soils for the parable but didn’t get the point!
OH DEE!! Love sweet Frank! That made my eyes tear up! I so remember him–what joy!
So good to see you here, Lizzy! What a wonderful ministry for you and your husband. Amen to Dee’s prayer for you both!
It’s always good to see you, Lizzy!
Read 1 Kings 21:1-16 and summarize what happened. King Ahab wanted a piece of land that belonged to Naboth. Naboth could not sell or give him the land because it was a covenental inheritance from his father. King Ahab pouted and was depressed because he couldnt talk Naboth into letting go of his land. Jezebel was disgusted with Ahab for not just taking the land from Naboth, afterall the King isnt subject to the law, he is the law! So Jezebel uses God and the laws to plot against Naboth by hiring 2 worthless men to testify against him in court and acuse him of blasphemy. So Naboth is stoned to death and Ahab gets the land.
Listen to Paige. On You-Tube she begins at minute 9:30. Listen up to 27:36 (18 minutes) when she talks about how people didn’t understand Naboth’s refusal to sell like they didn’t understand Eric Liddell’s refusal to run. 2. Share your notes and comments. Naboth is a covenental man of God. He cannot go back on his promise to honir God with the land. Just as Eric Liddell could not ignore His committment to honor God by keeping the Sabbath Holy, and not seeking his own fame and fortune by running the race on a Sunday.
3. What particularly stands out to you and why? Jezebel is accusing Naboth of the sin she herself is most guilty of. How twisted the human heart can be, calling evil good and good evil.
(Some of Paige’s examples of injustice were questionable. Ahmed Arbors murderers were tried and convicted and are in prison, she said there was no investigation of this shooting. This particular incedent was used as fuel to start the criminal BLM riots. I hope I am not reading “wokeness” into her commemts?)
Lydia, I felt the same way you did in some of her injustice examples…I think subconsciously I weeded them out because of the discomfort they caused me and gave her the benefit of the doubt.
I’m not understanding why you guys are having trouble with her examples? Can you elaborate?
Thank-you Sharon. I had my son listen to that portion of the teaching, he is much more saavy than I am. He got the same message…the lies are very insidious and pervasive. We must be wise as serpents, gentle as doves. Praying for truth to shine out brightly.
I doubt it, Lydia — but I think you should write the e-mail given at her church!
Thank-you Dee. I will pray about it.
I missed the Ahmed Arbors shooting statement, but the whole BLM riots are a perfect example of what she is talking about. And, the ”wokeness”’we are unfortunately enduring in our country today is as well. Why do you “hope you aren’t reading it into her comments?” I’m not understanding what you mean.
Paige stated that the murder if Ahmed Arbors had not been investigated. That is not true. BLM used this line of thinking to fuel their supporters into many criminal acts against our Federal buildings, Police and innocent bystanders.
I don’t know if this was in error or purposeful on Paige’s part. I am praying that it was an error.
I think the key word was “had.” It “…had not even been investigated.” That doesn’t mean it wasn’t.
Listen to Paige from 27:36 to 38:22 (11 minutes) when she says “There is a third thing…”
4. Share your notes any comments.
B. The Stench
The injustice done to Naboth ordered by Jezebel is the stench! She has accomplices to set the whole thing up, without which no injustice could be done. The order comes in Ahab’s name and seal, but everyone knows that Jezebel is behind it all. Naboth is stoned for the sin they are all guilty of…blasphemy.
5. What particularly stands out to you and why?
This statement from Paige especially stood out to me, ( “Jezebel acknowledges God for her own demonic purposes,”) because of what the governor of California, Newsome, did in putting billboards in states that are against abortion and using the scripture verse from Mark 12:31! I believe that Newsome is acknowledging God for his own demonic purposes. As Paige says, “Why bypass religion when you can use it for your own end. Irony, it’s like Satan quoting scripture to Jesus in the wilderness.”
6. Starting with Jezebel and moving to today, what examples did Paige give of those using religion or twisting the truth for their own demonic purposes? Can you think of others?
Isaiah being sawn in two.
Jeremiah being thrown into the pit.
Stephen being stoned to death.
Peter being crucified upside down.
John the Baptist being beheaded.
John being boiled in oil.
I also think of Jim Jones and the mass murder – suicide in Jonestown, Guyana and David Koresh who was the leader of the religious sect Branch Davidian’s of the Waco massacre…both drastic stories caused in using religion to twist the truth.
I didn’t know that about the governor of California and Mark 12:31. Great example of using Scripture for evil. I listen to the podcast Legal Docket and they just had a fascinating 2 part on overturning Roe. One point is that Scripture never uses the word fetus, only “with child.”
That governor is awful in many ways. I hadn’t heard of the billboards though. I hear he wants to run for President. God help our country.
Sharon, Thank you for sharing that info about the billboards. There is so much of using God for demonic purposes in our culture right now, it truly is a “stench”. Abuse in position and power~ugh. It hurts my soul to see what is happening.
4. Share your notes and comments.
Those who love God are righteous and may be persecuted because of their beliefs. We have experienced injustice too.
All idols are the “fronts” to worship ourselves.
Ahab has stopped “the charade.” No Baal here.
Your worship determines your ethics. They can’t be reversed or separated. It is about his self worship.
The 10 Commandments are the same. They can’t be reversed or separated. They are not a list.
No one sets out to hurt people, but it means that they are in the way of what they want. We are self serving people. Worship determines ethics. The fruit of the worship is ugly.
Ahab knew exactly what Jezebel would do when he told her. He was totally in control of the entire situation. He used her. He was not a happy, satisfied person. His misery and continued discontent is disgusting. Think of our kids at Christmas; not satisfied for a life time….
5. What particularly stands out to you and why?
The statement about the 10 commandments not being a list, but rather all related and in a specific order.
6. Starting with Jezebel and moving to today, what examples did Paige give of those using religion or twisting the truth for their own demonic purposes? Can you think of others?
Jezebel had a fast (ha)
Thomas Jefferson and his slave mama; he never set out to make those children slaves.
Pandemic money to feed children, stolen by 48 people who wanted nicer things.
P#tin taking Ukraine; he wants to own more of the world. They are in the way.
Parents hiring others to take tests for their children so they could get into good schools.
The whole “woke” culture of today comes to mind. People want what they want and to hell with what others want. It’s basically I get what I want at your expense. It’s not American at all, and certainly not Christian. How childish!
Abortion. Margaret Sanger was a racist. She established Planned Parenthood and put clinics in black neighborhoods. Sad. Because of her efforts any woman can now have an abortion. Some women have used it for birth control. My control means your demise (the baby).
The removal of historical statues around the country. It might “virtue signal” others by doing it, but it is trying to erase history which is wrong. When younger generations don’t know the history, the history repeats itself.
The civil rights movement and BLM; on the outside it looks so “good,” however it is a nasty group of fraudulent people who MLK would be ashamed of due to their racist (whites) protocol. He professed love for ALL, not groups. It is divisive.
The whole climate change farce. It looks good on the outside but, trust me, there is evil in this one. Too long of a conversation for this short post. PM me 😉.
1. Read 1 Kings 21:1-16 and summarize what happened.
Ahab wanted Naboth’s vineyard to use as a vegetable garden because it was close to the palace. Ahab was desiring what he had no right to take. Naboth honored God, who had given the land to him through his Israelite family inheritance. The land was to be preserved by each family as their permanent inheritance of the promised land. Ahab’s motive were purely self serving. Ahab pouted and complained to his wife, Jezebel, because Naboth would not give him the land. Jezebel plotted against Naboth, found two worthless men to lie and testify against Naboth saying he had cursed God and the King, which resulted in Naboth’s death by stoning. Ahab, then took possession of Naboth’s land.
2. Share your notes and comments.
God’s Word forbid any selling of an inheritance. It was part of His promise to His people. Naboth is faithful to God’s covenant. Ahab and Jezebel are deceitful and using their position to harm a good and righteous man; they twist the truth into lies to achieve their desired land for purely selfish reasons. Naboth’s righteousness makes Ahab’s crime that much worse. He is going after one of God’s innocent children. The whole community becomes an accomplice of the injustice. No one speaks out against the injustice, so evil reigns and infects everyone. “The whole scene is filled with nauseating irony.” Naboth is stoned for the crimes that Ahab and Jezebel are guilty of = the Ultimate Irony.
3. What particularly stands out to you and why?
The first time that Jezebel acknowledges God is for her own demonic purposes. Using God for evil ~ using His name, His law, His credibility to harm an innocent person is the purest form of evil. The dark side says: “why bypass religion when you can use it for your own ends.” The irony is literally like when Satan is quoting scripture to Jesus.
Loved what stood out to you, Patti!
Thursday: The Crime (The Scene)
Read 1 Kings 21:1-16 and summarize what happened.
Ahab wanted to buy Naboth’s vineyard and offered to give him a better one, but Naboth refused. Ahab went home and pouted and wouldn’t eat, and Jezebel noticed it. During their conversation, Jezebel told Ahab to rise, eat up and cheer up and promised that the vineyard will be his.
Listen to Paige. On You-Tube she begins at minute 9:30. Listen up to 27:36 (18 minutes) when she talks about how people didn’t understand Naboth’s refusal to sell like they didn’t understand Eric Liddell’s refusal to run. 2. Share your notes and comments.
This was an aha moment for me, too-that Naboth’s refusal was because he was righteous in refusing Ahab’s offer as his vineyard is part of the Promised Land that God gave the Israelites. This place is a covenantal place for him.
2. What particularly stands out to you and why?
How power(self) has corrupted both Ahab and Jezebel to the point of heartlessness and ruthlessness to get what they want at all costs, including the life of Naboth.
Friday: The Crime: The Stench
Paige talked about the stench when people cloak their crimes in religion, as Jezebel called for a fast. Below is a picture of Hitler’s “German Church” which taught that Jesus hated the Jews, using His words to the Pharisees.
Listen to Paige from 27:36 to 38:22 (11 minutes) when she says “There is a third thing…”
1. Share your notes and comments.
“The king is the law” how places of power are dangerous places to be in.
There were accomplices in the crime-there was a fast and all proceedings were legal
There was no pushback from the community where Naboth lived.
2. What particularly stands out to you and why?
When we turn away from injustice, not say or do something, we are an accomplice to the crime. I am asking myself, have I stood up for what is right?
6. Starting with Jezebel and moving to today, what examples did Paige give of those using religion or twisting the truth for their own demonic purposes? Can you think of others?
7 men who escaped prison and posed as missionaries; Satan using Scripture; Jim Jones and the mass suicide in Guyana; mass shootings; fallen Christian pastors and leaders who used their position to abuse others.
Read 1 Kings 21:1-16 and summarize what happened. Ahab wanted to buy/trade Naboth’s vineyard to make a vegetable garden. Naboth refused the deal. Ahab went home, went to bed, refused to eat and sulked. Jezebel found out about it and sent letters to the elders to get 2 false witnesses to testify against Naboth then sentence him to be stoned. After that Ahab went down and took the vineyard.
I think the times on the video I watched was off. I jotted down the times on a paper (not the sentence that went with it), so I’ll just answer the questions for 2-5 as a whole.
Share your notes and comments. Naboth was following God and trying to keep Ahab from sinning. Injustice cannot grow without accomplices or people who say nothing. The fast that was called was for unconfessed sin, very ironic. Also ironic is Jezebel is having Naboth and his sons stoned for blasphemy. It’s the first time that Jezebel acknowledges God. The word of God was used for evil. The bible highlights people who suffer and are destroyed simply because they are God’s people.
What particularly stands out to you and why? Just the fact that these types of injustices still continue today. There’s nothing new under the sun.
6. Starting with Jezebel and moving to today, what examples did Paige give of those using religion or twisting the truth for their own demonic purposes? Joseph being sold by his brothers. Isaiah being sawed in two. Jeremiah being thrown into the pit. The death of Uriah. Satan tempting Jesus in the wilderness. The stoning of Stephen. James being killed by Herod. Peter being crucified upside down. Shooting girls in Afghanistan because they want to go to school.
Can you think of others? Cain killing Abel. Christians being fed to the lions in Roman times. Zechariah being stoned to death in the temple. John the baptist being beheaded. The Salem witch trials. The Jim Jones massacre. People being killed for converting to Christianity.
7. Share your notes and comments.
C. The Source
Ahab is the source of the problem as he is no longer running to Baal, he is worshiping himself. Paige says your worship determines your ethics, not the other way around, nor can they be separated. Because Ahab isn’t following the first commandment, the rest aren’t followed as well and he has broken 4 of the last 6 commandments…coveting, bearing false witness, murder and stealing. He didn’t set out to commit these crimes but it couldn’t be helped when something gets in the way of what you’ve set your heart on.
8. What particularly stands out to you and why?
It seems at first reading of this story Jezebel is the problem, which she is but Ahab is the source of why it all happened. He used Jezebel to serve him.
9. The Two Tables of the Ten Commandments:
A. In the first table, (1-4) everything flowed from the first commandment. Why?
The first four indicate what our relationship with the Lord should be. He must be first place. The one leads to the other.
B. She said the second table (5-10) are the ethics or fruit that naturally flow from having God, and not an idol, as your God. Ahab illustrates this. Explain.
If our vertical relationship (with the Lord) isn’t right, then the last five (which is our relationship with others) won’t be right. It will all be about self-worship. The commandments aren’t a list but a trajectory. An ethical commitment comes from a relationship that then is experienced in other relationships.
10. What was she getting at with her pregnancy illustration?
When we’re joined to Christ, He has full claim, everything in our life has to do with Him. We never get to check Him out at the door. We can’t compartmentalize God, He is are all in all!
So clear from Sharon about the Ten Commandments:
If our vertical relationship (with the Lord) isn’t right, then the last five (which is our relationship with others) won’t be right. It will all be about self-worship. The commandments aren’t a list but a trajectory.
Amen! He is our All in All! Great notes and observations Sharon!
Thank you😊❤️
Saturday: The Crime: The Source
Listen to Paige from 38:28 to 52 when she says the silence of God is not the absence of God. (14 minutes)
7. Share your notes and comments. There is an emptiness and disconnect that “self” can never satisfy. What do we want so badly that we are willing to sin against others to get? As I listened to this I thought of my 9 year old Grandson, who obsesses over a “new collection” of baseball cards each week. There is never enough! That golden card is out there somewhere, just waiting. I am trying to get through to him by sharing God’s truths and stories like this one in the Bible.
8. What particularly stands out to you and why? The qoute from Ralph Davis ” this passage is not a guarantee of immediate safety, but one of ultimate justice.” There will always be injustice in this fallen world, but that does not mean God is impotent and will not extend judgement…there is coming a day for all people to be judged. He sees, cares, loves and judges.
9. The Two Tables of the Ten Commandments:
A. In the first table, (1-4) everything flowed from the first commandment. Why? If we do not place God first in our lives, self will reign on the throne and sin will follow.
B. She said the second table (5-10) are the ethics or fruit that naturally flow from having God, and not an idol, as your God. Ahab illustrates this. Explain. Ahab’s life is evidence of serving self instead of serving God. His desires will never be satisfied. His life produced rotten fruit, the fruit of selfishness.
10. What was she getting at with her pregnancy illustration? When you are pregnant, your life is all about the baby, everything you do, eat, drink is not just for you anymore. Likewise, when we are joined to Christ we cannot ” check Him at the door” and do our own thing. Jesus has full claim over my heart.
Love your answer to 10, Lydia!
Thank-you Dee!
I love and appreciate all of the dear ladies here and their thoughtful insights they share with us all. I’m honing in on Sharon and Lydia’s insights just now regarding Paige’s message regarding the 10 commandments not being a list but a trajectory. This really clears things up for me and I’ve written them in my notebook for more pondering. I so appreciate Dee hosting this study and introducing us also to the teaching of Paige. I’m benefiting so much even though I’m rarely on here lately due to the big pressures of life. Always hoping and longing for the day when I can join in more fully here with you all. But I do listen and read your comments and meditate on it all and am so blessed.
Amen to Missy! Good to see you here, Missy!
Lydia, I completely understand what you mean in regards to your grandson. We’re experiencing the same thing with our 8 year old grandson always wanting a toy…he never seems satisfied. We too are trying to share with him how much God loves him and we keep him in our prayers!
I will pray for your grandson too Sharon. His mom and I try to encourage him to focus on less selfish goals. His other Grandparents rarely see him and lavish him with gifts when they do come around. That has a tendancy to undo the ground rules his Mom and Step Father have established.
Thank you and I will pray for yours as well!
God Hunt Sunday
Sensing growing trust and unity on the steering committee for our little church!
Praise the Lord! Christian unity! They will know we are Christians by our love.
Thank you for your faithfulness to our dear Lord, Dee. Much love to you.
Dee, that is wonderful, so faithful is our God!
This is so exciting, Dee! Praising God for His care and faithfulness! I am so thankful for your love of God and faithfulness to Him. You make a difference in so many lives, dear Dee! Thank you for this Blog and the opportunity to know these lovely women of God. I am always inspired and encouraged by each of you!
God Hunt…
This song…as I listened while walking the dog it just resonated with me and especially with what we’ve been studying!! May we praise Him in the storm!
“I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.”
Psalm 121:1-2 ESV
Thank-you Sharon, I love this song! I can’t help but think of the victims of Hurricane Ian, praying they will find it in their hearts to praise Him in the storms wake and hold on to hope.
Thank you for sharing this amazing song, Sharon! “As Your mercy falls, I Praise the God who gives and takes away…..Every tear I cry , You hold in Your hand…” Love the Psalm 121: 1-2 verse too! So true! Amen to: May we praise Him in the storm!
God Hunt
This week God answered a big prayer request! My son has been looking for a job with oportunities for more than a year. We have been praying and trusting God for the right job. He got a call last Wednesday and offer of a job with possibilities for advancement. Friday was his first day and everything went well dispite his lack of sleep due to anxiety. Praise the Lord!
That is big and so glad for your son…now, may he be able to get some rest!
Wonderful answer, Lydia.
Praising God for this wonderful answer to prayer, Lydia!
7. Share your notes and comments.
Our hearts were made to grasp something. Anything but the Lord will not satisfy us.
The test for your heart is to check your ethics. What do we want so badly that we are willing to sin against others to get it?
An ethical commitment comes from a relationship. Out of that is what is experienced in our other relationships.
8. What particularly stands out to you and why?
The trajectory of the Ten Commandments. I always thought of them as a list of rules to follow. I never saw them as she explained them. Very cool.
9. The Two Tables of the Ten Commandments:
In the first table, (1-4) everything flowed from the first commandment. Why?
No other gods before Me. It is absolute. The other 3 fall naturally from the first. These say what it means to have no other gods in our hearts before Him, the purity of His worship, His name, and His day.
B. She said the second table (5-10) are the ethics or fruit that naturally flow from having God, and not an idol, as your God. Ahab illustrates this. Explain.
Ahab’s self worship in the end bears the fruit of coveting, lying, stealing, and murdering. He did not set out to commit these crimes, but it is inevitable when you set your heart on something.
10. What was she getting at with her pregnancy illustration?
Being joined to Christ. You can’t do anything without affecting the baby. You can’t “check” Christ at the door when you do anything.
11. How has the Lord shown up in your life this week?
Cooper was awarded student of the month for respect! So proud of him 😊. God continues to bless us with the grandkids. Thank You Lord for taking care of us.
I also was moved as my husband and I went to the local planned parenthood to pray as part of the “40 days for life” campaign.
Love that Cooper got a respect award! Good job, Laura.
I love these illustrations of God’s care in your lives, Laura! Thank you for sharing!!
12. Read 1 Kings 21: 17-29 and summarize what happened.
God told Elijah to go seek Ahab and tell him how he had sinned so badly against the Lord and how the Lord was terribly angry and would make his family suffer and die because of it. Especially awful was they would be eaten by dogs and vultures. Jezebel would be consumed by them at the plot of land in Jezreel. The worst crime was the worshiping of idols.
When Ahab heard this, he tore his clothes and put on sackcloth (another instance of him trying to be like the Jews who did this when they were praying to God), fasted and prayed to God. Because he did this, and showed humility, God said he would not kill Ahab’s family in his time, but later, to his offspring. His dynasty would be destroyed.
Side note…wasn’t Ahab in the lineage of Christ somehow? I can’t remember.
Well, that would be something if Ahab were in the line of Christ! But no. Maybe you are thinking of Rahab? 🙂 Got me to wondering if there is anyone in the line without some redeemable qualities.
I was thinking that poor bishop hooper included him in the song “Christ.” I need to go back and listen.
Let me know!
I am wrong! Sorry for the confusion.
I’ve loved this study as I have others you have done. They make me think and fall deeper in love with God and Jesus. They make me want to worship them for all their goodness. The fable story I don’t get. I understand her comment about God keeping us uncomfortable about injustice but I don’t understand the comment made to the young man that the misery he feels now because he can’t compare it to the misery his comfort would have brought. Please help me understand
Welcome Judy! I answered you by e-mail in case you don’t see this — so I’ll give others a chance to answer!
Courtroom: The Sentence
12. Read 1 Kings 21: 17-29 and summarize what happened. God tells Elijah to go and confront King Ahab with his sin of Naboths murder. God says that in the same place that Naboth died the dogs will lick up his blood. Ahab is not repentant but addresses Elijah as his enemy. Elijah responds with I have found you because you have sold yourself to do evil in the eyes of the Lord.
Listen to Paige from 52 to 59:22 up to “Jezebel is included in the sentence but that doesn’t lessen Ahab’s guilt.”
13. Share your notes and comments. Great remorse but not repentance. Ahab hated being caught in his sin, he did not hate his sin. He mourned over not getting the vineyard and being found out for his sin. There was no fruit produced from Ahab’s remorse; no seeking the Lord’s face, no restoring the vineyard to it’s rightful heirs. He experienced momentary conviction. CONVICTION IS NOT REPENTANCE! (Paige said if you don’t hear anything else I say tonight here this.)
14. What particularly stands out to you and why? In the midst of this mess, we see God’s Mercy. Everytime we act with humility, God responds with Mercy. God is only changing the timetable with Ahab’s ” momentary humility” with “momentary mercy”.
15. I loved it when Paige said that we don’t know why God didn’t stop the crime. Why might this be important to acknowledge? Why might it be unwise to give reasons? God’s ways are not our ways, we do not see the whole picture, as He does. We must accept His plan by faith, knowing and trusting in His infinite Grace.
12. Read 1 Kings 21: 17-29 and summarize what happened.
The Lord tells Elijah to go see Ahab in the vineyard of Naboth that he is claiming as his own and give him this message…wasn’t it enough that your killed Naboth and now you’re robbing him too? Because you’ve done this dogs will lick your blood in the very place where they licked the blood of Naboth. Ahab responds, “so you’ve found me my enemy?” Elijah says, “yes, I’ve come because you’ve sold yourself to what is evil in the Lord’s sight.” So the Lord says He will bring disaster on you, consume you, destroy every one of your male descendants, slave and free alike, anywhere in Israel. He will destroy your family for you’ve made Him angry by leading Israel into sin. Dogs will eat Jezebel’s body at the plot of the land in Jezreel. The members of your family in the city will be eaten by dogs and those in the fields will be eaten by vultures.
But when Ahab heard this, he tore his clothes, dressed in burlap and fasted. Even slept in burlap and went into a deep mourning.
Elijah got another message from the Lord saying, “do you see how Ahab has humbled himself before Me? Because he’s done this I won’t do what I promised during his lifetime. It will happen to his sons; I will destroy their dynasty.”
13. Share your notes and comments.
A. The Sentence
The Bible doesn’t tell us that if God saw it all why didn’t He stop the killing of Naboth? This can only be answered in the next life. She gives examples of God’s mysterious ways that we don’t have answers to…Why was Moses rescued when all other Jewish babies were killed. Why was Jesus swept away when other boys were killed by Herod. Why was Peter busted out of prison while James was killed by the sword?
The Lord gives and the Lord takes away all for the greater purpose of His undeniable and unfathomable love for His people.
Nahoth’s name is mentioned 17 times in this passage. He is God’s priority and He will destroy the king and queen for this one man. Paige puts it this way, Ahab says, “how dare you deny me a vineyard and the Lord says, how dare you lay a hand on My child. The obituary of Ahab is said by the Lord, “No one sold himself to do evil line Ahab has done.
14. What particularly stands out to you and why?
God sees, God cares, God loves and God will bring every bit of righteous vengeance on the wicked.
To give ourselves to do evil means we have no will against it…it has total free reign!
15. I loved it when Paige said that we don’t know why God didn’t stop the crime. Why might this be important to acknowledge? We don’t understand God’s mysterious ways. Why might it be unwise to give reasons? It’s unwise because we don’t know and that’s ok. God knows and He is a just and loving God. To try and explain God and why He does things is beyond my little pea brain but I know He is faithful and He loves us so much!
I agree. We discussed this in church and one man said he tells people who are suffering that it is because God loves them. I said I would have kicked him had he said that to me. But then I had to apologize for saying that!
I know exactly how you feel, Dee. LOL! I had family misquote scripture to me ( “God will never give you more than you can bear”) during a time of great suffering, I told them to leave.
I think we need training in helping those who are hurting. I know they are trying to help, but they push that knife further in.
16. Share your notes and comments.
B. The Shallowness of Remorse
Before we scoff at the fact that Ahab humbled himself before the Lord we need to think about our present leaders…would they admit guilt, take responsibility or tear their clothes? This is just a “slight “ moment of sincerity from Ahab. The judgment has shaken him up but he doesn’t hate the sin that it caused. He wants to change the consequences not his heart! He has remorse but not repentance. Being confronted made Ahab mourn but so did being denied a vineyard. Ahab had a momentary conviction but conviction is not the same as repentance.
C. The Surprise of Mercy
Every time we respond with humility God will respond with mercy. It’s only a token humility but it’s only a token mercy…a delay, not a cancellation! Paige asks, “why bother with the momentary mercy? Because it’s showing God’s mercy.” It’s opening a door for Ahab to come running through it to deep life changing mercy…trying to lead Ahab into repentance.
III. The Consequences
Justice is always the consequence for every evil. Every sin will be known and punished. Our paradigm is that God should save and not judge, but the reality is, is that He should judge and there is no reason for Him to save other than His own great heart.
Ahab got what he wanted, a vineyard and an eternity without God.
Naboth got his treasure, it was not what he deserved, it was so much bigger, an inheritance kept in heaven with his name written on it.
17. What particularly stood out to you and why?
There was so much that stood out to me but I am so thankful for the grace of God, that He extended through sending His Son to die for my sin. This statement from Paige brought tears to my eyes…”When Jesus suffered all the judgement, looks up and says why and we know the answer, because He loves me. But He says, why God do You turn Your face from Me? And God says because We love them.” 18. Paige said we feel so good when we feel so bad, but conviction is not repentance. Is there an application to your life and a need for prayer?
I need prayer for my critical spirit…the conviction is there but I’m realizing the repentance is not.
19. At the close she told of a fairy tale (which Keller also uses in Jonah Rediscovered). What was her point?
The suffering and hard times that we experience come from God’s love to keep us from become hardened, turning into stone if you will. “Lord, keep us uncomfortable with injustice and with ourselves until we go running to Your heart.”
So good from Sharon: And God says because We love them.”
It made me think about our discussion in church when the man said he tells people that they are suffering because God loves them. I think that should not be said to anyone in high tide grief, and I thought, “God wouldn’t have said that to Job, or to Peter about his martyrdom — but He might say I need you to do this because it will help the corporate Bride.” But of course, He couldn’t tell Job that or Job would have been suffering for something and God needed him to be willing to suffer just because he loved and trusted God.
17. What particularly stood out to you and why? The fact that when God shows mercy to the someone who is reacting to conviction, but not truly repentant, He is trying to draw them to Him. His mercy is giving them a chance to seek Him and get true repentance. I am always wondering when people who are in the spotlight say that they got saved and are now a follower of Jesus. Is this a true conversion or just a publicity stunt? Now I can look at it a different way. Even if it is temporary, God is giving them a chance to make it real and true.
18. Paige said we feel so good when we feel so bad, but conviction is not repentance. Is there an application to your life and a need for prayer? Yes, there is, but I don’t want to put it out there for the whole world to see. I am seeing that I have conviction, but not repentance. I am turning to God for relief from the consequences, but not changing the behavior.
19. At the close she told of a fairy tale (which Keller also uses in Jonah Rediscovered). What was her point? That the bad thing that one experiences may be what saves him from an indeterminable amount of suffering.
Love this from you, Dawn: Even if it is temporary, God is giving them a chance to make it real and true.
13. Share your notes and comments.
Remorse is “you” centered. I am the reference point. We are mad at ourselves and need to alter our performance. Repentance is the exact opposite. God is the reference point. I hate my sin. I can’t alter my performance. I run to Him for His love.
Elijah held up a mirror to Ahab and he did not hate what was seen. He hated that is was seen. The source of his remorse was the exact same source as the crime. It’s what is serving his heart at that moment.
There is no trajectory. In the next chapter he is up to the same shenanigans.
Conviction is not repentance. Ahab has momentary conviction (rearranging furniture on the Titanic!).
In the midst of this we see the surprise of mercy!
What is up with God? Why is he showing mercy? Is God being inconsistent? NO. Every announcement of judgement is an expression of grace. When anyone responds with humility, God responds with mercy. It is only a delay though for Ahab, not a cancellation. God is changing the time table. He is opening a door for Ahab to come running in.
14. What particularly stands out to you and why?
The story of the girl who might have had the sexually transmitted disease…as soon as she was out of the “woods,” she was no longer interested in being close to God. It’s just so human of us to do this. I have been there. I am glad I am not there anymore.
15. I loved it when Paige said that we don’t know why God didn’t stop the crime. Why might this be important to acknowledge? Why might it be unwise to give reasons?
It is important because Jesus loves us. Naboth is tortured and killed for doing nothing just as Jesus did. But Jesus’ death accomplished everything for US. God is so much bigger and better than us. We do not know the answers, but we need to just believe (Job).
16. Share your notes and comments.
Full judgment is only coming 2 times.
17. What particularly stood out to you and why?
There are no miracles in this story. The grace of God extended to this man.
If there were no hope for Ahab, then there would be no hope for us.
Ahab got what he wanted, a vineyard and isolated from God.
18. Paige said we feel so good when we feel so bad, but conviction is not repentance. Is there an application to your life and a need for prayer?
Absolutely, I could use prayers for not believing I sin; I am okay with what I see in the mirror. I am not willing to change. Please pray that I change.
19. At the close she told of a fairy tale (which Keller also uses in Jonah Rediscovered). What was her point?
The thorns and thistles and discomfort are present to keep us from “turning to stone.” The discomfort allows us to live. Keep us uncomfortable to be aware of the injustice.
I too liked “full judgment is coming only two times.”
Lots of take-a-ways:
Why does God allow evil: I DON’T KNOW! (I think that is the best answer for truly we don’t. But we know what the reason is not — it is not that He doesn’t love us.)
Also loved that when Ahab took baby steps of repentance God came running in mercy.
Full judgment only comes twice. At the cross or final judgment. All experience one of them.
20. What is your take-a-way and why? This was such a good study! I’ve heard of (famous and infamous) people who have had conversions and became believers and I wonder if it is real or if it is a show. I also read about people in the bible that seemed like they were repentant, but it didn’t last and I wonder why God in His infinite wisdom bestowed blessings on them when they ultimately are going to go back to their old ways. Now I see that God is giving them mercy and trying to draw them back to Him. The “jailhouse conversion” can be as shallow as Ahab’s or as real as the thief on the cross. It’s not my place to determine the sincerity, it is God’s. As for myself, I have had many occasions where I know that I have done wrong and I asked for forgiveness, but I wasn’t 100% convinced that if I was faced with the same circumstance that I would choose differently. At this point, I am always concerned that I am going to hear the words, “Depart from me because I never knew you.”
My first thought when I read the scripture for this week, before listening to the study, was why did Naboth die when he did everything right and Ahab got a reprieve when he did everything wrong? I thought it, but didn’t write it. Paige clarified it with, “I don’t know.” Ultimately I know that for Naboth to die was to gain so we should know that no matter what happens to any believer in this world, no believer who has passed from this life ever wants to go back or thinks that it wasn’t worth it or they should have been allowed to stay on this fallen earth. They have received their ultimate reward. Naboth is the story of Jesus.
I also liked how the tablets of the 10 commandments were explained.
So good, Dawn!