tthinPsalm 22 |
Matthew 27 |
Future (Praise)
v. 1: My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? |
v. 46: And about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” that is, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” |
v. 7: All who see me mock me; they make mouths at me; they wag their heads. |
v. 39: Those who passed by derided him, wagging their heads. |
v. 8: “He trusts in the Lord; let him deliver him; let him rescue him, for he delights in him!” |
v. 43: He trusts in God; let God deliver him now, if he desires him. For he said, “I am the Son of God.” |
v. 16: “they pierce my hands and feet” |
(Crucifixion) |
v. 18: They divide my garments among them, and for my clothing they cast lots. |
v. 35: And when they had crucified him, they divided his garments among them by casting lots. |
18. Explain how this psalm show that we have a companion in suffering. There is no better example of handling suffering Jesus never sinned but carried mine. He didn’t complain but instead continued to love, honor and obey God.
19. Have you ever felt abandoned by God? you handle it? What happened? Sometimes I don’t think I feel abandoned I just don’t understand why I don’t sense His Presence. I prayed with a person this eeek and someone prayed for me this morning and both times there was kind of an emptinsss in me and not a sense of my spirit responding
20. What have your learned from this psalm about what to do when you feel that way. Keep seeking Him in private. He is with me.
21. Give one illustration of how God has redeemed your suffering. I have more good days than sad days,
22. What is your take-a-way and why?
Jesus is my companion during times of suffering. I am never alone. There is a redemptive element in my suffering. I think of Romans 8:28. always for the good, for my good, and at times for many others. Thank you, Lord!
and these words comforted me: “Jesus got the abandonment we deserve; therefore, God will never truly abandon you at all.” I may feel apparantly abandoned but feelings are not reliable.
So when you are only apparently feeling deserted by God, why can’t you just keep loving him? Why can’t you just hold on, obey, read your Bible, pray, come to church, help somebody else, and do the next thing? And he’ll be back, in your feelings, because he’s never left you, objectively.
15. How does Jesus’ cry show the absolute holiness and the absolute love of God? Crying ‘My God, My God, shows His love, but the ‘why hast thou forsaken me’ shows that He was so holy that He was the only one who could have died for us.
16. What would you say to someone who believes that Jesus will forgive everyone because He is absolutely loving? They are missing God the Father’s holiness.
17. How does this help you to hate your sins but not hate yourself? My sinfulness is made all the clearer through God’s holiness, but God’s sacrifice makes His love all the clearer.
18. Explain how this psalm show that we have a companion in suffering. God has suffered and God does suffer.
19. Have you ever felt abandoned by God? How did you handle it? What happened?Never I think in the long term. But I fear it in the short term, I fear it. I lean more into Him, I cry out to Him. So many various trials. Probably mostly in my marriage where my husband for 22 years followed his flesh and the world. Sometimes when reflecting on my childhood .
20. What have your learned from this psalm about what to do when you feel that way? That I can feel abandoned but that Jesus was abandoned so that I only ‘feel’ abandoned.
21. Give one illustration of how God has redeemed your suffering. He has taught me, and carried me through marriage difficulties, childhood difficulties, and now He has made me compassionate to come along side of others.
22. My take away, is how encouraging and redemptive this Psalm is. I have been greatly encouraged.