I love this song for children (of all ages) by the Getty’s. Perfect for our Psalm this week. I want you to consider the stars some night this week and report back. Go out, lie on your back, and ask yourself the question that was the turning point for young Tim Keller at summer camp: Is the Maker of all this someone I should ask to be my servant?
Also, a friend I deeply respect, Warren Pfhol, founder, along with his wife Brenda, of David’s Refuge. In memory of their son David, they have provided a way for caregivers to have a respite. (See https://www.davidsrefuge.org). Warren journals his prayers using scripture, imagining God speaking directly to him.
I asked him to send me his prayer for Psalm 8 as a model for you and he graciously obliged. At first, I thought it a bit long and might overwhelm you, and then he graciously shortened it.
I’ll show you his prayer for Psalm 8 as a model on Monday, and then it will be your turn before we plunge into Keller’s sermon: Maker of Heaven and Earth.
Here is the link to Keller’s sermon and the corresponding transcript. I finally bought his transcripts from Logos so I could make it easier for you, with stopping points. (You’ll see.)
MAKER OF HEAVEN AND EARTH Transcript of Psalm 8 To Know the Living God
Sunday: God Hunt
1. Listen carefully to the lyrics of the Gettys’ song. Choose a phrase that is meaningful to you and explain why.
2. How have you experienced the “mindfulness” (Psalm 8:4) of God to you this week?
Monday: Meditating on and Praying Psalm 8
Read Warren’s prayer. He imagines God speaking to him.
Dear Warren… (Psalm 8)
v. 1. Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory
in the heavens.
Warren, when you think of me, what thoughts fill your mind? Do words like majesty, perfection, or timeless overwhelm you? I want you to remember that I am the one whose name is so sacred my chosen people refused to utter it. I am the Alpha and the Omega, ruler of all creation. Open your eyes and see the world I have created. Look at the heavens and see my glory.
v. 2 Through the praise of children and infants you have established a stronghold against your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger.
Warren, isn’t it amazing how the simple and innocent faith of a little child humbles and silences those who believe themselves mighty? How foolish are my enemies! As children sing of my greatness, their voices unwittingly silence opposition. Warren, join these children in song, proclaiming, “Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so!”
v. 3, 4. When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them?
Warren, perhaps you don’t realize how cherished you are to me. Not a day passes without you on my mind. Though at times you may feel insignificant against the vastness of the universe, remember this: you are a masterpiece, outshining the moon and stars.
v. 5. You have made them a little lower than the angels and crowned them with glory and honor.
Warren you were created to reflect my very image, a task not even my servant angels Gabriel and Michael could do. I have crowned you with glory and honor. Oh, how I sighed with delight when I created you, saying, “Oh that is very good!”
v. 6-8. You have given him dominion over the works of your hands; you have put all things under his feet, all sheep and oxen, and also the beasts of the field, the birds of the heavens, and the fish of the sea, whatever passes along the paths of the seas.
Warren, I have placed my creation in your hands, please care for it. I’ve bestowed upon you dominion, power, and stewardship over all I have created. Please take this responsibility seriously: from the great whales of the Antarctic to the deer of Wisconsin’s forests.
v. 9. O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!
Warren, I yearn to hear you praise my holy name, YHWH. To bow before the Great I Am, to fall silent in reverence, acknowledging that I alone am God, deserving of your praise and adoration. Will you call upon my name and declare, “Oh LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth”? Let Psalm 8 be your tribute to me.
3. Do the same for yourself here, either imagining, as Warren did that God is speaking to you, or by praying each verse back. Write the verse out, as Warren did, to help you meditate. (You can wait to the end if you prefer to study first, but don’t skip this!)
Tuesday: The Wonderful Thing David Saw Part I.
Read or listen to Tuesday’s section up to when he begins to talk about Jonathan Edwards.
4. Read Psalm 19:4. Why are people without excuse for believing in God?
5. Why does Keller say people feel the need to write books refuting that there is an intelligent Designer?
6. What does David see beyond just the reality of God?
7. What does this psalm tell us about God and us?
Remember to report on your thoughts after lying under the stars and contemplating.
Wednesday: The Wonderful Thing David Saw Part II.
8. What stands out and why from this section:
9. According to Jonathan Edwards, how is Christianity different than the world religions in explaining how the world was created?
10. When you meditate on “by his fingers” what do you learn about our Creator?
11. What did Edwards learn about God from the spider?
This is a tangent but for lovers of Narnia, a most interesting book recommended by scholars I so respect is “Planet Narnia” (The Seven Heavens in the Imagination of C. S. Lewis) by Michael Ward out of Patrick Henry College. He makes what I think is an indisputable case for Lewis being inspired by the heavens, and the myths they inspired, for being a basis for the Narnia books. For example, in The Lion and the Witch and the Wardrobe, Jupiter is the inspiration for the side of Aslan we see in this chronicle. The largest of the known planets inspired the myth about King Jupiter, the greatest of the kings. He was a bright and jovial King, bringing warmth (as Aslan chased away winter) and joy (as Aslan took Susan and Lucy for a wild romp). Ward cracked the secret Lewis code, though Lewis always denied, with a smile, that there was one. You can find Ward’s lectures about it on You-Tube.
12. God created two great books to reveal Himself to mankind: creation and His Word. Find one aspect of creation and explain how it shines light on God’s Word. We have already seen this in Psalm 1 and here in Psalm 8. But choose something other than a tree planted by the water, or the chaff, or the stars.
1. Listen carefully to the lyrics of the Gettys’ song. Choose a phrase that is meaningful to you and explain why. Beautiful song and video! Do not be afraid It’s a reminder with the video of the vastness of God and fear should not be my response to situations
2. How have you experienced the “mindfulness” (Psalm 8:4) of God to you this week? Answered prayer regarding my sister in law’s ongoing recovery from her stroke. She will fly to her son’s to enter a highly regarded nursing home in Illinois to continue rehabilitation. They feel fortunate they were able to get her into this place. Hard decision for them but they live in a small town on Gulf and access to the care she can get in IL vs southern Louisiana will be better and with son and wife to help.
Do not be afraid.
How we need to hear that. Glad about your sister-in-law’s care.
Judy, glad to hear that your sister-in-law’s care is being provided for.
Sunday: God Hunt
1. Listen carefully to the lyrics of the Gettys’ song. Choose a phrase that is meaningful to you and explain why.
“He who made all of this
And who holds all of this
Holds you in His hands.”
I am humbled and amazed that the God of creation cares so much about me and holds me in His hands.
2. How have you experienced the “mindfulness” (Psalm 8:4) of God to you this week?
In making decisions of little importance and significance, I found myself asking God what I should do. Even though they were no big deal, it was wonderful knowing that I could talk to Him about them and that He did care.
I love those lyrics too, Sharon. And so true about big and little decisions.
Sharon, yes, indeed! In big and little decisions, God does care.
Sharon, I like how you included God in all those decisions. Sometimes I just plod ahead forgetting to get the best counsel possible.
1. Listen carefully to the lyrics of the Gettys’ song. Choose a phrase that is meaningful to you and explain why.
Do not be afraid. I love this because pondering the vastness and the multitude of stars that we can see, and knowing there is infinitely more than we can see, can make me feel very tiny and afraid, also afraid to think of the power of the One who made all of this. Yet in His kindness, He says to not be afraid because His heart is tender towards us.
2. How have you experienced the “mindfulnes” (Psalm 8:4) of God to you this week?
I’ve been feeling ill starting last Friday, and Saturday took a home Covid test and it was positive. I was supposed to pick up my friend for church on Sunday, but I texted her and let her know I wouldn’t be going. She told me that she’d been thinking about me and that “Someone” seemed to tell her, “Susan won’t be picking you up Sunday – she’s sick”. Sometimes I think God has much bigger things going on in this world to be mindful of me in my family room talking to Him.
So sorry you have Covid. Lord, please be merciful to our Susan.
What a reassuring message of His mindfulness toward you.
Hope you feel better soon, Susan. Interesting how your friend “sensed” you were sick. God is amazing!
Oh Susan, so sorry to see this. Praying that you feel better soon.
Susan, praying for you and that you will recover soon without complications. He took care of your friend and was mindful of her and you.
Susan, I’ll be praying for you. God doesn’t have anything too big to be mindful of you!
1. Listen carefully to the lyrics of the Gettys’ song. Choose a phrase that is meaningful to you and explain why.
“…A dance floor of heaven…” I have an image of God, Jesus, and all the saints walking on this “dance floor” of beauty…looking through at the world below. I recently was privy to a beautiful display of northern lights too! That would be so beautiful as well, from the perspective of heaven.
2. How have you experienced the “mindfulness” (Psalm 8:4) of God to you this week?
My husband is waiting for some test results. I have prayed and been calm about what result the outcome may give us. He is here, in the storm because he is “mindful” to us. Thank You Lord. Always in His hands. ♥️🙏
Laura, Praying about those test results. Asking God for good outcomes.
I will be praying for your husband’s test results, Laura. I hope your eye is improving. Love that the “Dance floor of heaven” ~ perfect from you, the dancer! 🙂
Laura, so fitting to have the dance floor of heaven for you.
I will be praying for your husband to have the report of the Lord come back on all his tests.
Oh, Laura! A dance floor! So much joy in that picture. Praying your husband will have good lab results.
Sunday: God Hunt
1. Listen carefully to the lyrics of the Gettys’ song. Choose a phrase that is meaningful to you and explain why.
—“He who made all if this
says you are worth more than all of this, holds you in his hands.”
To stop and consider God and Who he is and to wonder at the reality of him as the Maker of Heaven and Earth almost takes your breath away. Even as I listen to and see a beautiful video like this one and consider the stars it is all so much bigger than I am and they are something I can’t take hold of. But when immersed in the beauty and wonder of the creation of the stars it takes hold of me. And in knowing my God and because of the dependent intimacy I have with him it is a deeply rich blessing to consider the One whose hands that made those stars values me and holds me. What a wonderful security.
2. How have you experienced the “mindfulness” (Psalm 8:4) of God to you this week?
—This past week I found the study of Psalm 2 to be particularly rich in the knowledge that Jesus Son of God has been installed as King over all in Heaven and on Earth. And He is firmly reigning even now. I wrote in one of my answers last week “Jesus is on the throne. “God himself has unilaterally appointed Christ to rule everything.” I love the reality and finality of that truth. There is no greater security in life or death than to know Jesus as Lord and Savior.”
—In light of those things knowing He is mindful of me and cares for me so satisfies my soul.
This summer I am immersed in the Psalms by being led in this study weekly. And along with that I am doing my daily Bible reading from Psalms and taking notes to highlight one verse each day that speaks to me from what I read. Then I added a short daily devotional by Paul David Tripp called “The Gospel One Psalm at a Time”. It is beautiful and amazing how they all dovetail together to bless and encourage me. Only God’s Holy Spirit does that. 😊💕
I could read this every day! Thank you, Bev! “Jesus is on the throne. “God himself has unilaterally appointed Christ to rule everything.” I love the reality and finality of that truth. There is no greater security in life or death than to know Jesus as Lord and Savior.”
Love this Bev and what a great idea to read through Psalms like that. I may have to do the same and get out of my comfort zone.
Jesus is on the throne. Powerful!
That sounds lovely Bev; your reading through the Psalms!
1. Listen carefully to the lyrics of the Gettys’ song. Choose a phrase that is meaningful to you and explain why. “And He holds you in His hands.” I love that sentiment. That He has me caught in His grace, protection, and love.
2. How have you experienced the “mindfulness” (Psalm 8:4) of God to you this week? God’s strength and grace in the midst of ministry.
Tammy, God has really big hands to hold us!
1. Listen carefully to the lyrics of the Gettys’ song. Choose a phrase that is meaningful to you and explain why.
There are so many meaningful phrases in this song, it is difficult to pick just one. This phrase keeps coming back to me.
“Who made all things, said you are worth more than this and holds you in His hand”
It is a reminder of Who God is and how immensely powerful He is that He spoke all of this into existence. Yet, He cares enough for me to hold me in His hand. He comforts my soul, even in the darkest times. He wants us to be to be filled with wonder at His creation. He sent Jesus to find us and save our souls. How foolish we would be to discount our amazing Creator that is beyond our comprehension, yet the world chose to despise His Son. I am so grateful that He is ever faithful in spite of our sin and foolishness.
2. How have you experienced the “mindfulness” (Psalm 8:4) of God to you this week?
I am always so thankful for answers to even the smallest prayers. Since I have been alone, it has been so hard for me to venture into the unknowns. After months of fear, I attended an adult Sunday School class at my church. I was warmly welcomed by so many in the class and was so thankful for the friend that prompted me to attend. She lost her husband a year ago, and since that time we have attended church together. I had prayed all week about going and I was so thankful that the Lord was very present and I felt at home.
Patti, I love your answers to both questions and I’m so happy you stepped in to welcoming arms. It’s hard for me too to step out of the comforts I know to find new ones that God set aside.
Patti, I am glad you attended an Adult Sunday School Class where you felt welcome and experienced the presence of God. He is with you!
Patti, What a wonderful answer to prayer. I have no doubt God will continue to bless you in the new Sunday school setting. Psalm 33 had words of real encouragement for me today.
“18. But the Lord watches over those who fear him, those who rely on his unfailing love. 20. We put our hope in the Lord. He is our help and our shield. 21 In him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in his holy name. 22. Let your unfailing love surround us, Lord, for our hope is in you alone.” Psalms 33:18, 20-22 NLT
Thank you for these great verses, Bev. Thank each of you for your love and encouragement.
Patti — so glad you went. So hard to attend functions as a new widow, but so important.
I know you are right, Dee. Your book has helped me so much. I was such a wreck, but thankful that the Lord prompted me to go.
Sunday: God Hunt
1. Listen carefully to the lyrics of the Gettys’ song. Choose a phrase that is meaningful to you and explain why. – “He who made all of this holds you in His hands.” And of course “Do not be afraid.”. This past week was a bit overwhelming. It started on Tuesday when we found out, my husband Joe’s PSA level has gone up. He had prostate cancer and back in January 2020 had it removed, but the number has gone up and will now have a Pet Scan to see if the cancer is anywhere in his body. Coming home from that, we found our lovable Gabe (our dog) with diarrhea in the house. He went down hill fast after and it was very unexpected when we were told all that was wrong with him. We made the very hard decision to put him down on Wednesday morning. I’ve been praying that Joe’s body shows no signs of cancer and that after Gabe left the Vet he was loved and taken care of. I sit back and think and cry out to God to let me know everything will be ok, to help me not be afraid, but I know deep down, that he is holding on to me and Joe during these upcoming weeks.
2. How have you experienced the “mindfulness” (Psalm 8:4) of God to you this week? – I do feel God’s presence in my life and I am always amazed as to why he chose me. I’m grateful he did, but I just wonder why me. He has brought people in to my life this past week and I’ve had hugs and kind words. The thoughtfulness of others that he is working through right now is such a wonderful blessing from him.
Julie, so sorry about your dog, Gabe. Praying Joe will receive good medical advice on how to proceed with his elevated PSA. The Lord is with you.
Julie, sorry about Gabe so hard to lose a pet. Prayers that Joe gets accurate, good results from scan and for peace for both of you as you wait for testing and results.
Oh Julie, So sorry about Gabe. God has given us wonderful sweet and delightful companions in dogs. Such a hard thing in the midst of Joe’s health scare. Praying for Gods peace for you both. I would just reiterate the verses from Psalm 33 that I shared above with Patti for you too.
“But the Lord watches over those who fear him, those who rely on his unfailing love. We put our hope in the Lord. He is our help and our shield. Let your unfailing love surround us, Lord, for our hope is in you alone.”
Psalms 33:18, 20, 22 NLT
A lot of sorrow at once, Julie. May His presence be palpable to you in comforting you.
Oh, Julie. I am sobbing just reading this. It is so hard when there is just too much at one time. I am so sorry for your loss of your beloved dog. I will be praying for God’s comfort for you and Joe right now. Praying for peace as you wait for test results for Joe. Praying for wisdom and discernment for the doctor’s concerning Joe’s elevate PSA. May our Mighty God surround you both with His love, peace and comfort.
What a week. It must be hard; your dog and waiting for the test results. I can really relate to that right now. Praying. 🙏🙏
Monday: Meditating on and Praying Psalm 8
3. Do the same for yourself here, either imagining, as Warren did that God is speaking to you, or by praying each verse back. Write the verse out, as Warren did, to help you meditate. (You can wait to the end if you prefer to study first, but don’t skip this!)
Dear Julie… (Psalm 8)
v. 1. Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory in the heavens.
Julie, do you truly believe I am above all things. Do you believe me when I say my plan is better and worth waiting for. I am in control of everything above and everything below. Everything I have created is mine, and that includes you.
v. 2 Through the praise of children and infants you have established a stronghold against your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger.
Julie, can you get back to having a mind of a child, when you weren’t afraid to ask questions and seek answers. When you were excited to know me and wanted to please me. This phase, this attitude will silence those who are against me.
v. 3, 4. When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them?
I love you Julie, and want the best for you always. Will you trust and believe me in this, that I have your best life planned out already.
v. 5. You have made them a little lower than the angels and crowned them with glory and honor.
I care about you so much, that I have set you just below my angels. I have given you everything you need Julie and crowned you with glory and honor, so others know that you are mine.
v. 6-8. You have given him dominion over the works of your hands; you have put all things under his feet, all sheep and oxen, and also the beast of the field, the birds of the heavens, and the fish of the sea, whatever passes along the paths of the seas.
Julie, you have everything I have created for your enjoyment. You are higher than it all, but you need to take care of my created things or they will be no more. Like I take care of you, I’ve assigned you to take care of my earth and all that is in it.
v. 9. O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!
Julie I see you. I see you struggle, I see you wonder and seek. But remember who I am, who holds you in his arms. I will never let you go, and when you are afraid, remember to cry out to me and lift up my Holy Name and peace that is unexplainable will come to you.
Love your Heavenly Father
Wonderful, Julie!
Sunday: God Hunt
1. Listen carefully to the lyrics of the Gettys’ song. Choose a phrase that is meaningful to you and explain why.
“Do not be afraid, The one who made all of this
Says you’re worth more than this…”
I am worth more than the brightest stars God ever made in the sky and the brightest human “stars” who ever lived on earth. The One who holds me in His hands has given me worth. And that is all that matters.
2. How have you experienced the “mindfulness” (Psalm 8:4) of God to you this week?
This is my third year as a novice gardener. I went out to my garden this past week and found my first produce and several flowers blooming. I have always thought of myself as one without the proverbial green thumb. Seeing my garden flourish gave me pause to acknowledge a heart of gratitude to God who was mindful of my desire to grow one. Reminders of my mom who was an avid gardener sweetened my time in the garden.
Bing, I am not a gardener but I am a true appreciator of the beauty and blessing of growing things. My husband loves to landscape but it was my mother-in-law who loved to garden and I saw the therapy it was to her soul to do it. I know it brought her closer to God.
This is so lovely, Bing. I love that your garden is flourishing. I love the colors of the garden and the aroma of the plants, like basil and more! I always think of the hymn “In the Garden” when I am in the garden. I am so excited for you.
Monday. Oh, Lord, our Lord how majestic is your name in all the earth. You have set Your glory above the heavens. Stop, pause, look up see My glory. It is evident to all. Don’t miss it or downplay how glorious I am. from the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise to silence the foe and the avenger. Lord, how wonderful that praise is built into us from birth and can be nurtured. Don’t let the world snatch it away. Father how wonderful you teach us that praise will silence the voice of the enemy. When I consider the heavens the work of Your fingers the moon and stars that You have set in place what is man that you are mindful of Him the son of man that you care for him? Lord, the mightiness of Your works amaze me. The work of Your fingers such a tender and intimate picture and when I think that You spoke things into being. But then You care for me in all Your vastness You care for me and are mindful of me. You’ve made us a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned us with glory and honor. You have set everything under our feet. All flocks and herds and beasts of the fields, the birds of the air, the fish of the sea and all that swims the paths of the sea, Lord who can be worthy of this, that You crown us with glory and honor when it should be me falling at Your feet and asking for You to be crowned with all the glory and honor. Father, let us be mindful to steward well that which You’ve given us to tend.Oh, Lord our Lord how majestic is Your name in all the earth. Father, help me be ever mindful of You and Your greatness and that all glory, honor and praise belong to You. My surrender is due You.
Judy, This is so good. “Lord, the mightiness of Your works amaze me. The work of Your fingers such a tender and intimate picture and when I think that You spoke things into being. But then You care for me in all Your vastness You care for me and are mindful of me.” In my devotional reading this morning Paul David Tripp made this comment. “You are the object of his watchful eye because he loves you. He never takes his eyes off of us. The One who rules Heaven and Earth and holds it all together watches carefully his children.“. Again I refer to Psalm 33:18. “But the Lord watches over those who fear him, those who rely on his unfailing love. What comfort these Psalms bring. 💕
Thanks, Bev, what a beautiful quote from Tripp and what comfort that line from Psalm 33. His unfailing love watching over us.
Love the Paul Tripp quote, Bev!
Very good, Judy.
Love all your words, Judy. This is so good: Don’t let the world snatch it away. Father how wonderful you teach us that praise will silence the voice of the enemy.
Monday: Meditating on and Praying
Psalm 8
3. Do the same for yourself here, either imagining, as Warren did that God is speaking to you, or by praying each verse back. Write the verse out, as Warren did, to help you meditate. (You can wait to the end if you prefer to study first, but don’t skip this!)
Psalms 8:1-9 NLT
“O Lord, our Lord, your majestic name fills the earth! Your glory is higher than the heavens.
—O LORD! Our LORD! My LORD!Your name is the name above every other name! Your name is made known everywhere through out the whole earth. The glory of your name extends beyond the heavens and speaks to your majesty.
You have taught children and infants to tell of your strength, silencing your enemies and all who oppose you.
—You have made yourself known to children causing them to praise you and their praise silences your enemies and those who are against you. It makes them look foolish in light of the innocence of babes who praise the truth of your being.
When I look at the night sky and see the work of your fingers— the moon and the stars you set in place— what are mere mortals that you should think about them, human beings that you should care for them?
—Looking into the night sky I see what you have done by creating the millions of stars and the moon and putting them in place above in the endless expanse. The incredible magnitude of your our creative work is beyond comprehension. But yet you care deeply about small mortal man and you take care of us. You actually concern yourself with me.
Yet you made them only a little lower than God and crowned them with glory and honor.
—You made us in your image so that we can reflect the glory and honor of Who you are.
You gave them charge of everything you made, putting all things under their authority— the flocks and the herds and all the wild animals, the birds in the sky, the fish in the sea, and everything that swims the ocean currents.
—Created things are subject to the authority of us to care for and protect and to manage as would please you. Following your example of caring for your own for their own good.
O Lord, our Lord, your majestic name fills the earth!”
—Again, LORD, our LORD, my LORD The majesty of your name fills the whole earth with your presence and as I observe your magnificent Creation of the heavens above and earth below.
Wonderful, Bev.
Psalms 8 V1-2
“O Lord, our Lord, your majestic name fills the earth! Your glory is higher than the heavens. You have taught children and infants to tell of your strength, silencing your enemies and all who oppose you.”
Psalms 8:1-2 NLT
Laura, do you know how majestic I am? How I created everything? Even you. My glory is your focus. I placed that inside of your being when I created you. Even the smallest child knows my glory and represents me just as your grand-daughter does, with no reservation. That is how I want you to be as well.
“When I look at the night sky and see the work of your fingers— the moon and the stars you set in place— what are mere mortals that you should think about them, human beings that you should care for them?”
Psalms 8:3-4 NLT
Laura, are you not amazed by my natural creations? Can you believe a human cell and how it works? It is a work of art! And so tiny, with such important work. Can you believe the vastness of space? A star is 800 light years away and a light year is 10 trillion kilometers! That is fantastic wouldn’t you say? I am so pleased with my work, but even more so of you. You are my ultimate creation. I love you. You are incomparable to anything else.
V 5-8
“Yet you made them only a little lower than God and crowned them with glory and honor. You gave them charge of everything you made, putting all things under their authority— the flocks and the herds and all the wild animals, the birds in the sky, the fish in the sea, and everything that swims the ocean currents.”
Psalms 8:5-8 NLT
Since you are made in my image and I have given you glory and honor, I trust that you can honor my creations. I decided you should have the privilege of caring for these creations. I know you will respect me in this way. The Earth relies on you to help it.
V 9
“O Lord, our Lord, your majestic name fills the earth!”
Psalms 8:9 NLT
Laura, continue to love me and worship me. You will not be disappointed in the love that I pour over you. I gave my Son so you could be with me in heaven. That will be a glorious day, love. We will finally be face to face and I will hold you close to me.
Well done, Laura.
Love this, Laura! Laura, continue to love me and worship me. You will not be disappointed in the love that I pour over you. I gave my Son so you could be with me in heaven. That will be a glorious day, love. We will finally be face to face and I will hold you close to me.
Tuesday: The Wonderful Thing David Saw Part I.
Read or listen to Tuesday’s section up to when he begins to talk about Jonathan Edwards.
4. Read Psalm 19:4. Why are people without excuse for believing in God?
—Because the Heavens proclaim the glory of God through the evidence of Him being clearly seen throughout the whole earth for all the world to hear and see. God is not hidden in the natural world. Everywhere we look there is clear evidence of Him and his handiwork from the incredible majestic to the most minute detail and we can see a master mind creator behind all of it. The works of God speak for themselves.
5. Why does Keller say people feel the need to write books refuting that there is an intelligent Designer?
—Because quite frankly the evidence is so compelling for God that so many people see it and actually can pretty easily make a clear case for the reality of his existence as an intelligent designer. But people like a Stephen Hawkings who refuse to believe in God write books and have to try and make their case against that evidence. What an exercise in futility!
6. What does David see beyond just the reality of God?
—He sees the majesty of God. David speaks to the beyond what we can even imagine kind of things about God. God is far bigger and expansive beyond what we can see or comprehend regarding the entire universe that He created with his fingers.
7. What does this psalm tell us about God and us?
—It tells us about the amazing majesty of God shown us through his created works. But in the face of the magnitude of Who he is God made us in his image and values us and gave us special place in his glorious creation. And like the Psalmist David if we truly see God in his majesty it makes us wonder why would he care about us in our comparative smallness. But He does!!
Remember to report on your thoughts after lying under the stars and contemplating.
—We haven’t had a clear night yet to star gaze but the summer rains have been an incredible blessing to our ranching and agricultural area of the country.
Just a comment about the prayers that have been written so far as a response to Psalm 8. What a blessing to read! Each one reflects the personality of the writer and their relationship to the Lord and reveals a sweetness in that. I hope more of you will do that exercise and share it here. I could comment on something good from each one but I won’t. 😀
Amen! I so agree with Bev. Each one is so meaningful.
Bev — When you said the atheists books were an exercise in futility it reminded me of Psalm 2 and the meaning of God laughs.
4. Read Psalm 19:4. Why are people without excuse for believing in God?
God’s creation and the order of the Universe are everywhere for us to observe. David saw the Reality and the Glory of God. It is there for all of us to see. I love this footnote in my Bible: Paul refers to this Psalm in Romans 10:18: It is the heavenly proclamation in the Light of Christ; Paul applies it to “the gospel”: “The line has gone out through all the earth, And their utterances to the end of the world. ”
5. Why does Keller say people feel the need to write books refuting that there is an intelligent Designer?
There are so many compelling arguments for Intelligent Design, that an unbeliever feels he needs to refute those arguments. I see these writers as thinking they can compete with God or vault themselves and their beliefs up for purposes of power. Working hard to turn people away from God, seems like a dangerous endeavor. It always baffles me how great minds cannot comprehend a GREAT GOD!
6. What does David see beyond just the reality of God?
David sees that God is mindful of man, whom God created and has made him in the image of God, and granted him power over and care for His creation.
7. What does this psalm tell us about God and us?
Our magnificent and mighty God mad all things! He made us to care for His creation on this earth and He desires relationship with us. What a joy and privilege to have the Creator of the Universe desire to know us and to have us know, love and appreciate Him. He desires our friendship! He wants to be our King. That seems a small thing to ask of us from this Mighty and Amazing God. It is a huge blessing to serve Him, in whatever way He chooses.
Remember to report on your thoughts after lying under the stars and contemplating.
Our days are so long this month that it is hard to lie under the stars! I woke at 4am, just before sunrise and looked out my window and saw the morning star coming over the mountains and a huge crescent moon in the sky. The sky was dark, yet a pink glow came from behind the hills. Oh what a Mighty and Magnificent God we worship! How I see His handiwork everywhere. I love contemplating how His fingers created all of the stars, moons, planets, firmament, seas, vegetation and man. How can we not be in Awe of this Creator!
I would have trouble lying under the stars too — you are another early to bedder like me. 🙂
Yes! 🙂
v. 1. Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory in the heavens.
Dear Bing, Consider the heavens and do you know I made them just for you so that you may see a glimpse of my glory, the glory that I gave to my Son and now is yours because you have my Son in your heart. How would you define majesty? For that is my name. I am beyond description, but I have chosen you to be one of mine.
v.2 Through the praise of children and infants, you have established a stronghold against your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger.
Dear Bing, Do you remember the wonder you see in the faces of the children in your church when they say my name? God and Jesus? Do you remember eavesdropping on your daughter’s prayers to me when you thought you lost your ring and later found it after she prayed? Their innocence and childlike faith in me silenced the foes of doubt and hesitancy in your heart. Be like them and I will be your stronghold against your enemies.
v. 3 When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place,
Dear Bing, my fingers can do wonderful things and I made the moon and the stars and set them where they belong. Behold! I can work anything I want and you are a work of my fingers-wonderfully made, created in my image…
v. 4 What is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them?
Dear Bing, You are part of the mankind I have made. I made you, you. No one else is like you. And I care much about you, about who you are becoming. You are much, much worthy than all that I have made with my fingers.
v.5 You have made them a little lower than the angels and crowned them with glory and honor.
Dear Bing, I made you a little lower than my angels but crowned you with glory and honor. You are worthy of this crown because you are mine.
v. 6 and 7 and 8 You made them rulers over the works of your hands; you put everything under their[g] feet: All flocks and herds, and the animals of the wild, the birds in the sky, and the fish in the sea, all that swim the paths of the seas.
Dear Bing, and look what I gave you to have dominion over! Just like Eve and Adam, who were made in my image, and have blessed them with rulership over all the works of my hands, so do you. I give you a big responsibility in the care of all of my work. When you see them, remember. I created them, not only for you to rule over but to enjoy as part of my handiwork.
V. 9 Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!
Dear Bing, I am Lord and there is no other. May the majesty of my name be your impetus for thanksgiving. May your heart be filled with it and you can’t help but share Me with others. May it remind you of my love for you as the apple of my eye and engraved in the palm of my hand. I have called you by name, You are mine.
Love your memories of God’s faithfulness, Bing.
Love your gift of words, Bing. This is lovely.
As I was pondering this verse, the chorus of this song started playing in my head. Shane and Shane has been my favorite worship as of late. This song is quite appropriate, if the link doesn’t work the song can be played on YouTube, Psalm 8, by Shane and Shane.
v. 1. Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory
in the heavens. Oh soul do you know it, do you know how Awesome your God is. You live as if He is small, or like a genie, something that can be held in your pocket, and pulled out in a moment of need. Behold the God who made the stars by His fingertips, who breathes life into dead bones. Only He is worthy, only He is eternal, Only He commands the seas, the earth, the heavens and they listen. Yet this same God who your heart and knees would tremble to see, says to you unworthy as you are, Do Not Be Afraid.
v. 2 Through the praise of children and infants you have established a stronghold against your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger. Do you hear that Tammy, the Lord silences the avenger and the foe, the lies whispered to you through the night, the curses spoken over you as a child, the plans of and purposes of an enemy far stronger than you, who plans your destruction, they are silenced by the ALMIGHTY GOD! God Himself is your stronghold, your safeplace your protection. Stop running to the false places of the world that offer safety, Stop running to your flesh. It is God who is your strong place in midst of war , in the midst of the chaos of your own emotions. v. 3, 4. When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them? Oh precious heart, do you see, do you understand He is mindful of you, He does care for you. Oh Tammy why can’t you believe Him. Oh God please heal, please transform this heart, that I would believe you, that I would believe not only that you are so mighty, so great that your power is beyond belief, and yet you care for this silly girl who runs constantly to other sources for peace and safety. That you care for this broken hearted girl who has learned from the cruelty of this world and pain of generational sin. God I must praise you as I pray this, for yes, I need your healing your transformation, but You oh God has made it so that I even know to ask. You have brought me to salvation, it may be a wrestling but I know oh God, that You will win, and bring victory for your purposes and plans and for my good.
So moving, Tammy.
Dee, I want to thank you for sharing about Warren. I am doing a daily Scripture Writing Plan for July and have applied what Warren shared. So powerful in my life right now.
I will tell him!
4. Read Psalm 19:4. Why are people without excuse for believing in God The heavens declare the glory of God. When we see the glory of creation the strength we find in a storm the beauty and mystery of new life, they are telling us there is a Creator.
5. Why does Keller say people feel the need to write books refuting that there is an intelligent Designer? To refute the evidence of the glorious Creator God and to try to convince people who believe in God as Creator that they are wrong
6. What does David see beyond just the reality of God? David saw in creation the magnitude, the majesty and magnificence of Godard He created all this with His fingers.
7. What does this psalm tell us about God and us? The magnificence of God is beyond human comprehension. We are not to think of Him as our assistant. He is to be our King and Center of life.
Remember to report on your thoughts after lying under the stars and contemplating. Yes, I get a lot of light from the town I’m near , but will check my planet finder and get out there and gaze upon His significance.
Pretty techy! 🙂
v1. O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is Your Name in all the earth,
Do you not know, Patti, that I desire to have you delight and be in awe in My creation. This is just a sample of what I have made.
v2. From the mouths of infants and nursing babe You have established strength, to make the enemy and revengeful cease
It is I, your Heavenly Father, who desires your praise, Patti, and the praise of my innocent children; this praise is a strong defense against the powers of the darkness.
v.3When I consider Your heavens and the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars, which You have ordained;
Do you know that I designed this for you, Patti, and for all of my children to show you how much I love you and to give you a glimpse of eternity and what will await you in my kingdom?
v.4 What is man that You take thought of him, and the son of man that You care for him?
I have created the world and I have made you, Patti, and all my children, in many varieties, in my image. Do you know how important each hour of your life is to Me?
v.5Yet You have made him a little lower than God, And You crown him with glory and majesty!
This confirms to you, Patti, that I have created all of my children for positions in this world, which are important in My eyes. What you do in your life is important, even though it may seem mundane. Every interaction you have, contains the responsibility of treating others the way I have taught you. Love others with My love, which is unconditional. You represent me in all you do and say.
v.6 You make him to rule over the works of Your hands; You have put all things under his feet.
I have given each of you care over parts of my creation. Do not worry about what you have or do not have. The tasks which appear small, may be of the utmost importance. Give mind that you are my child and I will help you when things seem overwhelming or impossible.
v.7-8 All sheep and oxen, And also the beasts of the field, The Bird of the heavens and the fish of the sea, Whatever passes through the paths of the sea.
It is a gift that I have given to all my children, to care for my creation; to be responsible and loving; to participate in caring for all that is here. It is a gift and a privilege to be in all of the beauty, yet it is a charge to show love and respect for all my creation. Consider these gifts to cherish and not rights to abuse.
v.9 O Lord, our Lord, How majestic is Your Name in all the earth.
Please know, dear child, that I desire your love and praise. I love you so that I gave you this world and even more, I gave you my only beloved Son. Believe in Him, as you believe in Me. Remember these things and honor your Lord, God and Creator. I pray that you will honor Me and glorify Me all of your days on this earth. If you love Me and show Me thanksgiving in your words and actions, you bring great joy to My heart. Remember above all that I AM your God and Creator; El Shaddai, God Almighty; Elohim, Creator, El Olam, Everlasting Father and your Abba, Father.
Beautiful Patti.
4. Read Psalm 19:4. Why are people without excuse for believing in God? Because the glories of the heavens go out for all of the earth to see.
5. Why does Keller say people feel the need to write books refuting that there is an intelligent Designer? Because when people see it and think about it, they think that there must be a God who created this. So these authors know that they have to try to convince people otherwise.
6. What does David see beyond just the reality of God? He
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sees the glory, magnitude, majesty and magnificence of God because He has created all things with his fingers.
7. What does this psalm tell us about God and us? God created the vastness of the heavens with His fingers. And we are a momentary blip on a speck of a planet. Yet He cares for and delights in us.
4. Read Psalm 19:4. Why are people without excuse for believing in God? Because the glories of the heavens go out for all of the earth to see.
5. Why does Keller say people feel the need to write books refuting that there is an intelligent Designer? Because when people see it and think about it, they think that there must be a God who created this. So these authors know that they have to try to convince people otherwise.
6. What does David see beyond just the reality of God? David sees God’s magnitude, power and majesty.
7. What does this psalm tell us about God and us? God created the vastness of the heavens with His fingers. We are a momentary blip on this speck of a planet. Yet He cares for and delights in us.
1. Listen carefully to the lyrics of the Gettys’ song. Choose a phrase that is meaningful to you and explain why. “He who made all of this, says you’re worth more than this.” I struggle to see myself as anything more than just another person who walked the earth for a short time. The song and the visuals really had an affect on me.
2. How have you experienced the “mindfulness” (Psalm 8:4) of God to you this week? I have been ill this past week, but thankfully not ill enough to stay home from work. My worst times have been on my days off and during the night. I also had committed to taking care of 4 of my grandkids (ages 1-6) Sunday through Monday. I experienced God’s mindfulness just in the fact that I was well enough to do what I had to do and able to enjoy it as well!
Oh my Dawn — as if caring for little ones isn’t challenging enough!
Praying you feel better. I have always loved your depth and obedience.
Praying for your health and energy to return, Dawn.
May God bring you health, and energy!
4. Read Psalm 19:4. Why are people without excuse for believing in God?
I’m not sure I understand this. His word goes to the ends of the world. Does it mean there is no excuse because they should know about Him?
5. Why does Keller say people feel the need to write books refuting that there is an intelligent Designer?
They want to write them because so many people believe there is a higher power.
6. What does David see beyond just the reality of God?
The glory, the magnitude, the majesty, and the magnificence of Him.
7. What does this psalm tell us about God and us?
God is powerful, He is mighty, He is our King. We are small and dependent on Him.
It does mean there is no excuse because creation so clearly tells of His majesty everywhere. People don’t seek God if they want to be their own god.
But in His mercy He opens eyes.
Hello, Sisters, The womens’ study I was leading finished yesterday, so I am just going to jump right in here starting with Psalm 8, Tuesday.
4. Read Psalm 19:4. Why are people without excuse for believing in God?
All of creation, heavens and earth, speaks of a Creator. It speaks in a universal language that can be understood by anyone, no matter where they live. This message about a Creator-God goes throughout the world and is heard everywhere.
I am reminded of Kathy Troccoli’s album, “Sounds of Heaven.” “..there is no language where You can’t be heard. Your song goes out through all the earth. Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah.”
5. Why does Keller say people feel the need to write books refuting that there is an intelligentDesigner? He has to write the book, you know, because even though he doesn’t agree with the argument, he knows there are an enormous number of people who do, which means, yes, the heavens tell us about the reality of God.
6. What does David see beyond just the reality of God?
He sees the magnitude, magnificence, and the majesty of God
7. What does this psalm tell us about God and us?
What I see is that I am just a speck, or even smaller, compared to God. In fact there is no comparison. I am left with the question of why. Why would God even bother with me, creating me, loving me, dying for me, saving me, adopting me, etc.? I bow before Him in humble adoration.
Love this and feel the same way!, Cheryl Ann: What I see is that I am just a speck, or even smaller, compared to God. In fact there is no comparison. I am left with the question of why. Why would God even bother with me, creating me, loving me, dying for me, saving me, adopting me, etc.? I bow before Him in humble adoration.
So glad to have you jump in Cheryl!
Wednesday: The Wonderful Thing David Saw Part II.
8. What stands out and why from this section:
—In his talking about Jonathan Edwards Keller describes how Edwards would go out into nature and experience and observe it. Keller said “In fact, there’s actually a very interesting place in one of his (Edwards) journals, a famous place, where he talked about what it means to be holy. To be a holy soul or a sanctified soul is to be a person who sees the entire world belonging to God and shot through with his glory.” Keller asks “Do you understand all the implications and applications of the fact that God made all things for his own glory?” And then he says
“I don’t. That’s the first thing David saw.”
That question Do you understand all the implications and applications of the fact that God made all things for his own glory? is a very profound question. The implications and applications are boundless with our eternal God.
9. According to Jonathan Edwards, how is Christianity different than the world religions in explaining how the world was created?
—World Religions in their writings always present creation accounts that depict a battle or struggle of some kind. As something cataclysmic happening. But in the Bible we are told that God created and made all things with his fingers shaping them like an artist. God was absolutely “hands on” when he created the world.
10. When you meditate on “by his fingers” what do you learn about our Creator?
—First of all He was very intentional and as I said very hands on. It reveals a very personal God intricately involved with the details of his creative work.
11. What did Edwards learn about God from the spider?
—I have a love / hate relationship with spiders. I would have said I hate spiders. They are scary to me but yet to observe one at work and see the webs they create they is amazing. I always have to back myself up and remind myself of the very thing we are seeing here in that they too are an amazing part of creation by God. I do like how he said they show us “The wisdom of God. The joy of God. The humor of God”. But I still would rather they stay outside. 🥴
12. God created two great books to reveal Himself to mankind: creation and His Word. Find one aspect of creation and explain how it shines light on God’s Word. We have already seen this in Psalm 1 and here in Psalm 8. But choose something other than a tree planted by the water, or the chaff, or the stars.
—Light. One of the very first acts of creation was bringing light into the darkness.
“Then God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. And God saw that the light was good. Then he separated the light from the darkness.”
Genesis 1:3-4 NLT
So literally and physically God created light.
Then we go to John 1 and are told “The Word gave life to everything that was created, and his life brought light to everyone. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it.”
John 1:4-5 NLT
This of course is Jesus Who is the Word and the Bible is his word speaking to us and brings the light of spiritual truth into our lives and dispels the darkness of sin. In many ways Light is the theme through out the whole Bible. Because God is Light.
This is so good, Bev! I am loving all these great thoughts! “So literally and physically, God created light”!
Your paragraph about spiders made me smile. I agree.
Tuesday: The Wonderful Thing David Saw Part I.
Read or listen to Tuesday’s section up to when he begins to talk about Jonathan Edwards.
4. Read Psalm 19:4. Why are people without excuse for believing in God? – God is everywhere. Everything we see is or was created by God himself. There is no getting away from the beauty and magnitude of God. When I stand in my backyard and see the mass amount of starts, it amazes me and I thank him for it all. I don’t remember much of what I learned in science, but I don’t know how anyone can think there isn’t a God. With as intricate as just the human body is, someone much higher and much more knowledgeable than a scientist has to have made this world and all that is in it.
5. Why does Keller say people feel the need to write books refuting that there is an intelligent Designer? – He mentioned Stephen Hawking as one that feels the need to write a book. He has said, that the “universe created itself. You don’t have to believe in God.” But because others write and argue against his thought, and know that there is a real God out there, the books need to be written. A mass amount of people do believe God created the Heavens and the Earth so he will continue to write the opposite.
6. What does David see beyond just the reality of God? – David see the magnitude and magnificence and the majesty of God when he looks at what all He created.
7. What does this psalm tell us about God and us? – If everything God has created is for His glory, and we were created by him, then we are part of that glory. We have been set above the heavens. To think of making something with your fingers, is to very detailed and precise. We are not just a blob of clay, we are intricate bodies, created by God and he made us all for his glory and enjoyment.
Remember to report on your thoughts after lying under the stars and contemplating. – I’ve always been fascinated looking up in to the sky and seeing all the stars. How bright they must have to be for the human eye to see them from so far away. I enjoyed taking Gabe out at night because I could stand in awe at all the stars while he was out.
It is hard to understand how people cannot see there must be a Divine intelligence behind creation. To me it just shows that the heart is deceitful.
4. Read Psalm 19:4. Why are people without excuse for believing in God? The beauty and majesty of God’s created handiwork communicates the knowledge and presence of God the creator.
5. Why does Keller say people feel the need to write books refuting that there is an intelligent Designer? Because God’s creation speaks for itself.
6. What does David see beyond just the reality of God? That everything magnificently made, and mightly made was made by His finger tips.
7. What does this psalm tell us about God and us? That He is large, mighty, and in charge. Foolish man, no wonder why He laughs.
Wednesday: The Wonderful Thing David Saw Part II.
8. What stands out and why from this section: – How intricate everything is. Nothing God created is massed produced. We are all unique in our own way. The leaves on the trees, the snowflakes that come down, all different when looked at closely. We don’t have to worry about what others look like, God created us as he wanted us to look and the same goes for everything in the heavens and on earth.
9. According to Jonathan Edwards, how is Christianity different than the world religions in explaining how the world was created? – God created everything with his fingers so the small details could be made. He made it all as an artist. Other religions had struggles and battles and someone had to die with violent force. God made it all because because he loved doing it and it shows his inner being as an artist.
10. When you meditate on “by his fingers” what do you learn about our Creator? – He cared about what he was creating. He didn’t just throw it all together and say here it is. Everything he creates takes time to develop into what He wants it to be. Even our salvation, our love for him grows in time. Plants take time to come from seed, and eventually turn in to something of beauty. God’s artistry cannot be rushed, it takes time for perfection.
11. What did Edwards learn about God from the spider? – In it he could see the wisdom of God, the joy of God and His humor. God wants us to enjoy his creations too and to stop and find him in it all.
12. God created two great books to reveal Himself to mankind: creation and His Word. Find one aspect of creation and explain how it shines light on God’s Word. We have already seen this in Psalm 1 and here in Psalm 8. But choose something other than a tree planted by the water, or the chaff, or the stars. – The wind and the waves…Matthew 8:27 …”even the winds and the waves obey Him and Ephesians 4:14 “Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of men in their deceitful scheming.” How powerful is our mighty God. To be able to command the wind and the waves, something we can’t even see coming until it’s there. To see how powerful His waves and winds can be helps me to see now that forces from the outside are strong and I need to be prepared at all times to be able to stand up against them. It may not be the actual wind and waves he created, but worldly ‘waves and wind’ will try to stop us from being steadfast in His Word.
Oh, Julie! I love the wind and the waves!!
What stands out and why from this section: Edwards studying spider’s web and all the joy and delight he found in God by doing so. I realize I miss too much
9. According to Jonathan Edwards, how is Christianity different than the world religions in explaining how the world was created? God is an artist! The other religion creation accounts has world’s creation was result of a battle with violent forces coming at each other God created because of love and He loved doing it.
10. When you meditate on “by his fingers” what do you learn about our Creator? I think of tenderness and intimacy. He touched me and now I an no longer the same.
11. What did Edwards learn about God from the spider? Spiders webs looked like they were flying from 1branch to another He saw it with delight and the wisdom, joy, and humor of God
12. God created two great books to reveal Himself to mankind: creation and His Word. Find one aspect of creation and explain how it shines light on God’s Word. We have already seen this in Psalm 1 and here in Psalm 8. But choose something other than a tree planted by the water, or the chaff, or the stars. I think of being at the ocean and the endless amount of water coming towards us I like to think of them as waves of love to us from God To be in an airplane on a cloudy day and go through the clouds and be able to marvel at either a sunrise or sunset makes me think of the glory of God. Then there is the human body with all its intricacies and systems that work together. There has to be a Creator!
Love all the ways you see His creation, Judy!
“waves of love” I’ll remember this Judy during the winter, when we are down south near the ocean. The thought of His love coming at me like the waves, is a beautiful image.
From Judy: When you meditate on “by his fingers” what do you learn about our Creator? I think of tenderness and intimacy. He touched me and now I an no longer the same.
Love that line about His tenderness and intimacy.
8. What stands out and why from this section:
Very early writers, looked at Creation as the result of a battle. I love that Jonathan Edwards saw God as an artist! I so agree! I love that Jonathan Edwards had an “ecstatic view of creation”! He saw God’s wisdom, joy and humor in His Creation. The artistry of God spoke to him. I love that “a picture is truly worth a thousand words.”
9. According to Jonathan Edwards, how is Christianity different than the world religions in explaining how the world was created?
Jonathan Edwards was in awe of God’s creation. He saw God as an artist, who made the world simply for the love and delight of doing it! He wrote: “Great art always show you the inner being of the artist.”
10. When you meditate on “by his fingers” what do you learn about our Creator?
It means He is an artist, who created , simple for the joy of creating! I thing this is what gives humans joy, when they express their inner selves, in music, dance, writing, painting and more. God’s love of beauty is so overwhelming, when you meditate on any of His works.
11. What did Edwards learn about God from the spider?
He studied the way they made their webs.in a very scientific way and how they used them to fly, or appear to fly, from one branch to another. The spider web, in itself is a work of art. I love to photograph them.
12. God created two great books to reveal Himself to mankind: creation and His Word. Find one aspect of creation and explain how it shines light on God’s Word. We have already seen this in Psalm 1 and here in Psalm 8. But choose something other than a tree planted by the water, or the chaff, or the star.
I love seashells and they are one way to see God’s math and artistic creation. So many are based on the “fibonacci” spiral. All of creation is based on the Golden rectangle, the Golden triangle and the Golden spiral. Besides, seashells, there is the center of the daisy; the way your hair grows on your head and much more! Seeing God’s consistent artistry (and math) in all of His creation, is truly like reading a beautifully illustrated book! We see Him; we hear Him; we feel Him; we touch Him; we smell the scents and aromas of Him; we read Him. He is everywhere! How I Praise Him! We can read His Word and experience it many ways with all of our senses! What a God we have!
From our artist, Patti:
I love seashells and they are one way to see God’s math and artistic creation. So many are based on the “fibonacci” spiral. All of creation is based on the Golden rectangle, the Golden triangle and the Golden spiral. Besides, seashells, there is the center of the daisy; the way your hair grows on your head and much more!
8. What stands out and why from this section: I love the spider analysis. It is so true!
9. According to Jonathan Edwards, how is Christianity different than the world religions in explaining how the world was created?
God was an artist. He made the world with His fingers. Christianity believes this while all other religions believe the world was made out of a battle of some sort, where everyone dies and he who is left is the victor.
10. When you meditate on “by his fingers” what do you learn about our Creator?
They are strong, but soft and gentle. They can touch and caress. They can wipe away tears and wipe on protection like sunscreen. They can pinch, scratch, rub, and press. They can pick things up and pull things apart.
He must have used many of these actions to create us, and because we were made in His image, He has these attributes as well.
11. What did Edwards learn about God from the spider?
He learned about wisdom, joy, and humor of God.
12. God created two great books to reveal Himself to mankind: creation and His Word. Find one aspect of creation and explain how it shines light on God’s Word. We have already seen this in Psalm 1 and here in Psalm 8. But choose something other than a tree planted by the water, or the chaff, or the stars.
I supposed since I am at the beach, I could talk about the waves of the ocean. They are loud and powerful, but also quiet and rolling at times. They come and they go. They are small and gentle, and huge and crashing. Water is mentioned a lot in the Bible. Ocean water is salty. We are to be the “salt” of the Earth. Minerals are retrieved from the ocean. Water is life. We couldn’t have our planet without it. We couldn’t live without it. A large percentage of our body is water. We fish from the ocean. This brings us food. Medicinal cures come from the ocean. We travel on the ocean to get from one place to another. Oh Lord, how amazing You are! You thought of everything, every tiny detail. I am grateful for You!
“They are strong, but soft and gentle. They can touch and caress. They can wipe away tears and wipe on protection like sunscreen. They can pinch, scratch, rub, and press. They can pick things up and pull things apart.” What a thorough description, Laura, and we can all identify those actions with how the Lord loves us.
I agree with Cheryl!
Wednesday, Part II 8. What stands out and why from this section: How Edward didn’t just glance at the natural world but really looked at It as evidence of God’s creative power. Edwards thought about how creation reveals God’s attributes.
I have seen the majesty and glory of God in creation, but never considered what else it reveals about Him.
9. According to Jonathan Edwards, how is Christianity different than the world religions in explaining how the world was created? All other accounts of creation are centered around some kind of conflict or battle, and he is correct. Christianity describes creation as a gentle work of art.
We know from the Bible that God spoke the world into existence fashioning everything down to the molecular detail.
10. When you meditate on “by his fingers” what do you learn about our Creator?
He was concerned about every detail of His creation and took great delight in the finished work. Just look at Genesis 1 and how often God “saw that it was good” upon completion of each phase in the creation of the world. Satisfaction with the work, and He did it for His own pleasure.
11. What did Edwards learn about God from the spider?
The wisdom, joy, and humor of God.
12. God created two great books to reveal Himself to mankind: creation and His Word. Find one aspect of creation and explain how it shines light on God’s Word. We have already seen this in Psalm 1 and here in Psalm 8. But choose something other than a tree planted by the water, or the chaff, or the stars.
This may sound silly, but have you ever thought about how many different shades of green there are in the natural world? I have, often. God could have made just one green, but He did not. Instead we see an infinite number of different shades creating beauty in the world around us.
How could this possibly happen without design? God is the original artist, an artist of wisdom who took great delight in revealing His power and glory.
Revelation 4:11 Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.
I think green is His favorite color. 🙂 Second runner up: blue
Thursday: The Frightening Thing David Saw
13. What question does the Psalmist ask in verses 3 and 4? How did Warren, when he prayed it, interpret it? – He asked ‘what is a man that you are mindful of him, the sons of man that ou care for him?’ Warren interpreted it as him not realizing how much God loves him and that he is always on God’s mind every day.
14. Keller sees it as a rhetorical question. Atheists have answered that as we are so small in comparison that we are insignificant. What did you learn from this section about that? How do we know we are significant to God? And how do you personally know this? – If we think we are insignificant and have no purpose, what’s the point of moving forward. In the end it won’t matter what we did, how we live, what we thought. It will all be wasted away in a landfill. We must be significant to God for him to take his time in creating not only us, but the world we live in. He designed it all for us. We are created in His image and so we must matter. If he loves himself, and we are created like him, he must love us too. I’ve seen through the years as a believer and I guess as a non believer that he loves me so much, he takes care of me. He watches over me and listens to my cries and comes to my aid. He always wants what is best for me and will always be there for me.
15. What stood out to you from this section? Why? – Samuel Beckett’s play Breath. Life is not all rosy and fun. Life is hard, but if we have no purpose, no Creator to follow, our life is just like what it portrayed in Breath. It’s waste, meaningless and ends up in a landfill somewhere where birds, crows, just pick away at us. I don’t want that. I want a heavenly home that I know will bring my life to a complete circle in the end with a loving Father waiting for me.
8. What stands out and why from this section: Oh my the concept of understanding God through His creation. To look at the beauty of creation and ask the question what does this tell me about God, what a delightful way of viewing God.
9. According to Jonathan Edwards, how is Christianity different than the world religions in explaining how the world was created? Most religons have the birth of the world though conflict and war.
10. When you meditate on “by his fingers” what do you learn about our Creator? That He created the world by His fingers implies that He created it like an artist.
11. What did Edwards learn about God from the spider? That the spider and its web shows us the wisdom, humor and joy of God.
12. God created two great books to reveal Himself to mankind: creation and His Word. Find one aspect of creation and explain how it shines light on God’s Word. We have already seen this in Psalm 1 and here in Psalm 8. But choose something other than a tree planted by the water, or the chaff, or the stars. A seed. A seed that appears to have no life of its own, reveals how God delights in bringing life what appears lifeless. When a seed goes through a time of being buried, needing water, and eventually sun, shows how ordered God is, how there is a time for every season. The great science and biology involved how the plant finds its nourishment to grow from both the sun above and ground below, revealing what an intricate intelligent mind He has. Is this where we get our passion for discovery, puzzles, and mysteries? Lastly the plant’s purpose of bringing forth flower/fruit that sustains the life of animals/insects around it, reveals a God who has compassion and a nurturing heart towards creation,
What a thorough and brilliant answer in choosing seed
Agree with Judy!
Amen to Judy and Dee, Tammy! This is a brilliant example! I saved this to my notes! I hope everyone reads this!!
Love the seed illustration, Tammy. Thanks for sharing!
Tuesday: The Wonderful Thing David Saw Part I.
Read or listen to Tuesday’s section up to when he begins to talk about Jonathan Edwards.
1. Read Psalm 19:4. Why are people without excuse for believing in God?
No words or no sound from the heavens but their voice goes out into all the earth…and to the ends of the earth. There is no place on earth that do not have the evidences of God’s fingerprint through His creation.
I have a question that came to mind: how about those who are both blind and deaf how do they “hear and see” the majesty of God?
I also remembered Louie Giglio’s explanation of how they came up with the background music for a praise song using the sounds that were amplified (whale sound, the turning of the planets, etc-it was beautiful but cannot find the particular video!) This is an older video ( 7 minutes +) where he talks about the magnificence of God’s creation, and I am not sure if it will open for everybody: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FGxsI8ksX8Q
5. Why does Keller say people feel the need to write books refuting that there is an intelligent Designer?
Because thy know that there are people who believe there is an intelligent designer, and they want to refute it. He gave the example of Stephen Hawkings.
6. What does David see beyond just the reality of God?
He saw “ the magnitude and the magnificence and the majesty of God when he sees what God has created.
7. What does this psalm tell us about God and us?
That He is BIG and we are small. How do we regard God? We should regard Him as King, Center of our lives instead of seeing Him as our assistant and calling on Him only if we need something.
Remember to report on your thoughts after lying under the stars and contemplating.
I haven’t done it yet. We have had cloudy and rainy days. Stars are yet to come out.
Thank you for sharing this video, Bing! It is amazing!!! I don’t know how the blind and deaf “hear and see” the power of God, but He is God and I feel that He has ways of communicating with our souls.
What an amazing description of the immensity of God, our star breathing God!
Good question, Bing. I guess through the other senses of smell and touch — and then, God’s merciful Spirit.
Thursday: The Frightening Thing David Saw
13. What question does the Psalmist ask in verses 3 and 4.
—He basically asks “in light of what I see from the wonder and magnitude of creation what is mere man that you should think about him or human beings that you should care for them?
How did Warren, when he prayed it, interpret it?
—He said “Though at times you may feel insignificant against the vastness of the universe, remember this: you are a masterpiece, outshining the moon and stars.” That is beautifully said. 💕
We may feel insignificant in the scheme and magnificence of creation but we are not to God.
14. Keller sees it as a rhetorical question. Atheists have answered that as we are so small in comparison that we are insignificant. What did you learn from this section about that? How do we know we are significant to God? And how do you personally know this?
—That was a very involved section of ideas from the ungodly and secular mindset. Their thinking is so futile and gives absolutely no meaning to life in the end of things. In fact it encourages despair. Keller quotes Bertrand Russell and he says “you cannot possibly live your life without building it on what he called a foundation of unyielding despair”.
—But for God! Yes we can know we are significant to God. In verses 5-8 he tells us what God thinks of us in how he made us a little lower than Himself and crowned us with honor and glory. We are made in his image. And He gave us charge over the rest of creation. We definitely have place and value in God’s eyes.
—I personally know from reading and studying God’s Word. It is the Scriptures that have convinced me I am significant to God. Just this morning as I read my devotional from New Morning Mercies he says “When you’re weary and feeling weak, run to the Psalms; there’s grace to be found there:” Then he quotes Psalm 121. And then if that isn’t enough he gives Psalm 91 as the Bible reading that accompanies the devotional today. Those Psalms alone are so encouraging as to validate my significance to God. Both are chock full of promises for a believer.
15. What stood out to you from this section? Why?
—it prompted me to think that atheists and secularists are a sorry lot of people. So very empty of meaning and hope when the answer to the whole meaning of life is right square in front of their eyes. The God of all Creation has revealed Himself.
I had similar feelings to your answer to 15, Bev.
Amen to you and Dee. Auch a sorry lot of people.
Wednesday: The Wonderful Thing David Saw Part II.
8. What stands out and why from this section:
9. According to Jonathan Edwards, how is Christianity different than the world religions in explaining how the world was created?
Christianity explains that the world was created by the Creator and Artist God. He created it for sheer joy and for the love of doing it. Other world religions espouse that the world was created out of a battle or a struggle.
10. When you meditate on “by his fingers” what do you learn about our Creator?
He is an Artist. Fingers move with fine motor skills and the artist takes all the effort and time to do his art until He is satisfied. “Good!”
11. What did Edwards learn about God from the spider?
“What does it show us about God? All sorts of things. The wisdom of God. The joy of God. The humor of God. “
I don’t like spiders although the book “Charlotte’s Web” really fascinated me.
This is a tangent but for lovers of Narnia, a most interesting book recommended by scholars I so respect is “Planet Narnia” (The Seven Heavens in the Imagination of C. S. Lewis) by Michael Ward out of Patrick Henry College. He makes what I think is an indisputable case for Lewis being inspired by the heavens, and the myths they inspired, for being a basis for the Narnia books. For example, in The Lion and the Witch and the Wardrobe, Jupiter is the inspiration for the side of Aslan we see in this chronicle. The largest of the known planets inspired the myth about King Jupiter, the greatest of the kings. He was a bright and jovial King, bringing warmth (as Aslan chased away winter) and joy (as Aslan took Susan and Lucy for a wild romp). Ward cracked the secret Lewis code, though Lewis always denied, with a smile, that there was one. You can find Ward’s lectures about it on You-Tube.
12. God created two great books to reveal Himself to mankind: creation and His Word. Find one aspect of creation and explain how it shines light on God’s Word. We have already seen this in Psalm 1 and here in Psalm 8. But choose something other than a tree planted by the water, or the chaff, or the stars.
The Leviathan first came to mind and how it is written about in the Psalms and in Job. Reading its description usually sends shivers through my spine just imagining its features. Whether literal or metaphorical, it creates a picture of a seemingly insurmountable and powerful earthly creature. But no creature, beast, or human, (can it refer metaphorically to world systems?) can surpass or withstand the power and glory of God. “ Isaiah 27:1 Leviathan is a serpent and a symbol of Israel’s enemies, who will be slain by God. In Job, it is a sea monster and a symbol of God’s authority over creation.”
I am not sure if I am off-tangent with my answers.
Interesting thoughts on the Leviathan, Bing.
Friday: What David Learned
16. How do verses 5-8 recapitulate Genesis 1-2?
—Keller says Genesis 1-2 it tells us that human beings are made in God’s image and that when he created us he made us rational, moral, self conscious and with a soul and precious to God. In verses 5 to 8 he ascribes words like glory, honor, dominion and crowned to us all which are attributes of God in the Bible where our image comes from.
17. What is Keller’s point about the story of the doctor and the question the female resident asked?
—The doctor was pushing the residents to consider any reason why to convince the depressed suicidal patient he was valuable or that any human beings are worth while from a scientific perspective. The Christian resident was able to establish the reason the man had value and was not just junk was that he was made in the image of God. Creation is the core truth of what God thinks about human beings and he does care in the fact that he put his image on us.
18. Why do we know every individual no matter their age, gender, race, religion, or ability is of great value and has dignity?
—The way we were created in God’s image is a major evidence that God cares because he put his image on us. That includes every single human being.
19. What does the Psalmist mean when he says God visited us — and how is this echoed in Zechariah’s song? (Give reference)
—The later translations of the bible use the word cares but the meaning in the Hebrew means to go out and find so to use the word visit indicates to visit someone means you care enough to go out and find them.
I see this as Jesus revealed in this Psalm. A foreshadowing of Christ the Savior coming as man and dwelling among us (visiting) us in human form. So it begs the question in Psalm 8:4 what is man that God would create humans with his image on them and then become one of them?Zechariah’s song Luke 1:68 ““Praise the Lord, the God of Israel, because he has visited and redeemed his people.”
This speaks to the fact that Jesus the Messiah was coming and was soon to be born in the flesh.
All to say that God created and cared for humanity so much, He the Son of God came and became human flesh himself and lived a perfect sinless life so that he could sacrifice his life for our sinful flesh and redeem us for his own and give us new and eternal life. It’s the glorious Gospel! It is with awe we have to ask “What is man that You should think about him??
13. What question does the Psalmist ask in verses 3 and 4? How did Warren, when he prayed it, interpret it?
What are mere mortals that you should think or care for them?
He wondered how cherished he was. He says God thinks of him all the time and he is a masterpiece.
14. Keller sees it as a rhetorical question. Atheists have answered that as we are so small in comparison that we are insignificant. What did you learn from this section about that? How do we know we are significant to God? And how do you personally know this?
He says it’s a cry from the heart. He says that it is more relevant to us today than it was back in those days. This is because if we view the universe with no God, then there is no meaning to our life. I struggled with his explanation, as it was quite long and I couldn’t follow his train of thought. I did get that we have significance programmed inside of us and that if there is no God then it doesn’t matter if we have significance or not.
15. What stood out to you from this section? Why?
Sad that less people are following God these days. Sad that people think this is all there is.
I so agree that it is sad that people think this is all there is. Sad that this thought is pushed.
13. What question does the Psalmist ask in verses 3 and 4? How did Warren, when he prayed it, interpret it? The question asked: In view of the glory and vastness of Creation, what is the role/purpose of man, seemingly insignificant? In Warren’s prayer, God’s response was that Warren is cherished and a masterpiece that outshines the moon and stars.
14. Keller sees it as a rhetorical question. Atheists have answered that as we are so small in comparison that we are insignificant. What did you learn from this section about that? How do we know we are significant to God? And how do you personally know this? I learned that the life of a devout atheist is bleak and depressing in comparison to a Christian. It was depressing just to read about the futility expressed by those philosophers. Unlike David, we have the completed scripture telling us of the salvation given through Jesus. I know I am significant to God, because Jesus DIED for me, was buried, and rose again in power and glory. I personally know this, because CHRIST LIVES IN ME. I am acutely aware of His presence.
It has always been a marvel to me how old testament saints lived their whole lives without the indwelling Holy Spirit and stayed faithful to God.
16. How do verses 5-8 recapitulate Genesis 1-2? David uses the words glory, honour, and dominion in reference to man, These are words that are descriptive of God. Genesis 1-2 tells us that man was stamped with the image of God, so man also has attributes of God to a lesser degree, but still evident.
17. What is Keller’s point about the story of the doctor and the question the female resident asked? Every human being is significant and worthy of being treated with dignity.
18. Why do know every individual no matter their age, gender, race, religion, or ability is of great value and has dignity? We know this because we believe the Bible, that all people have the stamp of God’s image.
Just a comment about the word image from a conference I attended: In OT times, when the bible was written, there were many kingdoms. Markers were made in the likeness of the kings and placed throughout the kingdom (sometimes vast in area) to show whose kingdom it was (under their rule, reign, and protection). In a like manner we are the image of God here on earth. Our existence shows who rules, reigns, and protects His creation, and we are His representatives.
19. What does the Psalmist mean when he says God visited us — and how is this echoed in Zechariah’s song? (Give reference) There is a dual meaning here, one of present reality for David, and one of prophecy (inspired by the Holy Spirit). David’s reality was that God had taken notice of man, endowing him with glory and granting him with dominion over all created things. The prophetic meaning is that God actually COMES here. In Luke 1:15-17 Gabriel tells Zechariah about the birth and ministry of his son, John the Baptist, how John would go before the Messiah to prepare the way. In verses 67-70 Zechariah echoes David by praising the Lord who has visited His people, prophesying the birth of the messiah.
And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth. John 1:14
reply to myself, why is it that I take such care to type my responses, then copy/paste them, and they turn out so messy on the blog. Frustrating.
Thank you for sharing about the word image from your conference, Cheryl Ann. So interesting.
I have also had my answers and spacing crazy when I try to cut and paste. 🙂 Yours is still easy to read. 🙂 Love all your thoughtful answers.
Cheryl Ann, I love this! “In OT times, when the bible was written, there were many kingdoms. Markers were made in the likeness of the kings and placed throughout the kingdom (sometimes vast in area) to show whose kingdom it was (under their rule, reign, and protection). In a like manner we are the image of God here on earth. Our existence shows who rules, reigns, and protects His creation, and we are His representatives.” WOW!
So interesting about images of kings, Cheryl!
13. What question does the Psalmist ask in verses 3 and 4? How did Warren, when he prayed it, interpret it?
The Psalmist is asking how a mere man, rebellious at that, could mean something substantial to our great God, who has created such magnificence as this Universe. Warren answers that we are a masterpiece, made in the image of our God, that outshines the stars and moon.
14. Keller sees it as a rhetorical question. Atheists have answered that as we are so small in comparison that we are insignificant. What did you learn from this section about that? How do we know we are significant to God? And how do you personally know this?
Atheists do not value themselves or others; they are not able to see or embrace the beauty and glory that God has created. They can not even fathom the incredible mind that it took to create the Universe. They are negative and do not seem to have any depth of thought; no interest in others or any value in how they spend their time on this planet. It makes me sad to read about them.
We can see God’s glory everywhere, in the expanse of the the Universe, the stars, the sun, moon, weather, seasons, animals, humans and on and on to the smallest cell. I love the book “Signature in the Cell” by Dr. Stephen Meyer!
Most of all, we can experience our Father! What an amazing God! He sent His Son to take on all of our sins. The pieces of the puzzle all fit together, when we know Jesus and study His Word. I see His power in the way He heals my spirit daily, when I know I would be sitting in a constant puddle of depression in this year of my life, except for Him. He is faithful daily, hourly and every minute! I see Him in others and in how He brings little miracles my way daily!
15. What stood out to you from this section? Why?
I feel that people have a choice in life. Bertrand Russell chose to look at despair and took the negative path. This seems to be a very self serving way to live. It saddens my heart for people who choose to live in the negative. Jonathan Edwards took a different path that filled his soul. Love that he sensed the trees singing to him. Love this from Keller’s sermon: “To be a Holy or Sanctified soul, is one who sees the whole world belonging to God and shot through with His Glory.” “What calm ecstasy does Holiness bring to the soul.” This is from the section just before Bertrand Russell, yet an important point. God reveals His Glory to those who seek Him first. We do have a choice in how we live and see the world. This is part of the beauty that God included in creating man. He has a soul and a choice.
Maybe too many rabbit trails….
” I see His power in the way He heals my spirit daily, when I know I would be sitting in a constant puddle of depression in this year of my life, except for Him. He is faithful daily, hourly and every minute! I see Him in others and in how He brings little miracles my way daily!” May you continue to be covered by His love, Patti.
Thank you, Cheryl Ann.
Patti, I so appreciate your thoughtful answers here. Even the rabbit trails….. 😊
“The pieces of the puzzle all fit together, when we know Jesus and study His Word. I see His power in the way He heals my spirit daily, when I know I would be sitting in a constant puddle of depression in this year of my life, except for Him. He is faithful daily, hourly and every minute! I see Him in others and in how He brings little miracles my way daily!”
May God continue you sustain you in his faithfulness. 💕
3. Do the same for yourself here, either imagining as Warren did that God is speaking to you, or by praying each verse back. Write the verse out, as Warren did, to help you meditate.
O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory above the heavens.
Lord, I’m in my special place where I like to meet with You in the morning, looking out my window at the tall, silent trees with their fullness of green leaves standing before me. I see and hear the lone chickadee in the little tree right outside my window. And this is only a tiny speck, what I can see from here, of Your majesty and glory in what You created. I watch these trees change from season to season, and in a few months they’ll be colors of fiery red, orange, and yellow. In the early morning it’s like everything is holding its breath, awakening to the new day, and proclaiming Your glory. My heart is filled and I say to You, Lord, You have done all things well.
From the lips of children and infants You have ordained praise because of your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger.
Lord, it is not only nature and creation that praises You, but even beholding a new baby and marveling at the tiny limbs, toes and fingers – that praises You, too.That You came hidden in a tiny, helpless baby was and is a praise. And You have done all things well.
When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars which You have set in place, what is man that You are mindful of him, the son of man that You care for him? You made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honor.
Against the backdrop of all the magnificent things You have created, and the immensity of space with stars and galaxies beyond number, who am I, God, that You see me in my home right here, and notice me? Care about me? Love me? I am surely a lot lower than the heavenly beings and angels. God, I can see out my window what You have made. And it is all speaking of Your glory without a word, nature proclaims You without a single shout or sound. God, I was reading Psalm 19 this morning and it all fits in with this Psalm The heavens tell of the glory of God.
You made him ruler over the works of your hands, You put everything under his feet; all flocks and herds, and the beasts of the field, the birds of the air, and the fish of the sea, all that swim the paths of the seas.
Lord, help me to be kind and responsible to what You have created. And I know that it is Jesus, the greatest King in all the universe, who You have truly placed everything under His feet and into His hands, because You, God the Father, and Jesus, the Son of God, have done all things well.
O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is Your name in all the earth!
Lord, I praise You and love You because You have done all things well!
(I watched the final episode of season 4 of The Chosen last night, and what stuck with me is when Mary, Lazarus’ sister, anointed the Lord’s feet, looking at Him and saying, “You have done all things well.” I can’t seem to get away from that today.)
Love all your imagery, Susan. Love the seasonal changes you see from your window.
I also loved that episode (well, all the episodes!) from The Chosen. That was a beautiful scene.
Beautiful! Susan, I too love your imagery and insights. Yes He has and does all things well. 💕
Susan, love this: You have done all things well. And I like The Chosen, too! That was a significant scene when Mary anointed Jesus’ feet and tied in with the Passover lamb in OT.
I trust that you are feeling much better and recovered from the virus.
I am back to normal Bing! Season 4 was so powerful in The Chosen! I loved too how they portrayed Mary anointing Jesus’ feet and the different reactions in the room to that.
Love “nature proclaims You without a single shout or sound.
16. How do verses 5-8 recapitulate Genesis 1-2? Humans are made in God’s image and and being made in His images we have access to His attributes.
17. What is Keller’s point about the story of the doctor and the question the female resident asked? That without believing we are made in God’s image we have difficulty believing we have worth and value
18. Why do we know every individual no matter their age, gender, race, religion, or ability is of great value and has dignity? Because God created us in His image
19. What does the Psalmist mean when he says God visited us — and how is this echoed in Zechariah’s song? (Give reference) Luke 1:68 after the birth of his son, John the Baptist, Zechariah filled with the Holy Spirit praised God saying blessed be God who has visited His people and redeemed them
20. If you haven’t prayed Psalm 8, do it here. Don’t skip this!
21. What is your take-a-way and why?
—As I went back to review this week’s lesson Warren’s Prayer stands out to me. The beauty of how he took the Psalm and personalized it as if God is speaking directly to him is just so rich with meaning and comfort and encouragement of Who our Heavenly Father is. He is truly a majestic and amazing Creator whose fingers shaped me and loves me so much he cares for me. And as we learned from Keller teaching on verse 4 He “visited” us. Who am I against the backdrop of all that God is and has done. He created me to have a relationship with himself and to be a voice that praises him for all eternity. Warren’s prayer on verse 9 says “Warren, I yearn to hear you praise my holy name, YHWH”. That speaks volumes.
I believe to regularly praise God is crucial to my health spiritually and for my total wellbeing.
16. How do verses 5-8 recapitulate Genesis 1-2?
We are made in God’s image. Glory, honor, dominion, crowned! These are all the traits He gave us. We are caretakers of the planet. He cares for us and we are precious to Him. He made us moral, self-conscious, rational, and with a soul.
17. What is Keller’s point about the story of the doctor and the question the female resident asked?
The student was trying to justify the worth of the patient without evidence. The doctor called her on it. It was not what the students expected at all. However, the Christian student could give evidence because he knew that we are made in God’s image, therefore we are worthy.
18. Why do we know every individual no matter their age, gender, race, religion, or ability is of great value and has dignity?
See my answer to 17. We are all made in God’s image.
19. What does the Psalmist mean when he says God visited us — and how is this echoed in Zechariah’s song? (Give reference)
God sent Jesus to us. In Zechariah’s song he says the Lord visited us.
““Praise the Lord, the God of Israel, because he has visited and redeemed his people. He has sent us a mighty Savior from the royal line of his servant David, just as he promised through his holy prophets long ago. Now we will be saved from our enemies and from all who hate us.”
Luke 1:68-71 NLT
20. If you haven’t prayed Psalm 8, do it here. Don’t skip this!
Oh Lord! Thank You for being mindful of us, of me. Thank You for sending Jesus to us. Thank You for making me in Your image so that I know I am worthy of something more than this world. Thank You for reminding us in Your Word that every human is made in Your image and to be respected and loved. How hard! When people are horrible to us, hate us, betray us, we still must remember this. Ugh! So hard. Your majesty, Your world, everything beautiful and purposeful. I love You Lord. Amen.
My takeaway is that more than the majesty and power of God is revealed in His creation of our world. I want to look at more details, like Edwards, and see attributes of God (delight/joy, humour, etc).
Friday: What David Learned
16. How do verses 5-8 recapitulate Genesis 1-2? – From the beginning, God had His plan set in place. We were created with that purpose of taking care of his land and tending to his animals. In our earthly form, we cannot be right with him like the angels, so we are right below them until our last breath. He loves us so much, he takes care of us here on earth and holds us close after we leave our temporary home.
17. What is Keller’s point about the story of the doctor and the question the female resident asked? – We need to remind people that they were created in God’s image for a purpose. That their life has meaning to it. We may not always see what our purpose is at a specific moment, but if we are here on this earth still, we still have a purpose. God is not done with us until we have taken our last breath. We need to make our life count, someone is watching us.
18. Why do we know every individual no matter their age, gender, race, religion, or ability is of great value and has dignity? – Because God created us in His image, and there is no one on this earth that does not have value. We are all the same in our Lord’s eyes, so we need to see everyone through his eyes, in order to see their worth.
19. What does the Psalmist mean when he says God visited us — and how is this echoed in Zechariah’s song? (Give reference) – I’m not sure here, but I think that God comes to us, visits us in many forms. In Zechariah’s instance, God came as John the Baptist to open the way for the true Messiah. He showed them hope that One was coming to take care of them and love them. The scripture that comes to mind is Matthew 25:35-36 “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.” We have so many opportunities to see God in our life, but we have to have the eyes that are willing to see him. He’s waiting for us to love him, by loving those he created.
20. If you haven’t prayed Psalm 8, do it here. Don’t skip this! – I did this back on Monday, and it really made me see the love God has for me and how he just wants my heart to be open to see Him and that love he has for me.
21. What is your take-a-way and why? – God is in charge! He created everything on earth. He will care for us and love us because we are created in His image and we are His. I also like on Friday when Tim Keller talked about infants being used. WOW, yes Jesus came as an infant and was used mightily in my place. We should not underestimate anyone who God chooses to use. I need to start keeping my eyes open for a visit from God.
Love your last line, Julie.
Julie, I love this line too: “I need to start keeping my eyes open for a visit from God.” Michael W. Smith singing, “Open the eyes of my heart, Lord; I want to see you.”
Lord visit us!
13. What question does the Psalmist ask in verses 3 and 4? How did Warren, when he prayed it, interpret it? What is man that you are mindful of him. Wow seeing himself so cherished that he was made to outlast/outshine the moon and stars.
14. Keller sees it as a rhetorical question. Atheists have answered that as we are so small in comparison that we are insignificant. What did you learn from this section about that? How do we know we are significant to God? And how do you personally know this? That to not believe in a God, definitely makes us insignificant, nothing we do or hold valuable matters without a God who gives value and worth definition.
15. What stood out to you from this section? Why? The true emptiness and worthlessness of life without a God who brings beauty and value to this life.
16. How do verses 5-8 recapitulate Genesis 1-2? It’s a retelling of how God has given man dominion over all He has made.
17. What is Keller’s point about the story of the doctor and the question the female resident asked? That we innately desire for people to be valuable, but when we follow current worldly wisdom and belief the natural conclusion is that man doesn’t matter and has no true value, but the intern understood that we are valuable because we are made in His image.
18. Why do we know every individual no matter their age, gender, race, religion, or ability is of great value and has dignity? Because we have all been made in His image.
19. What does the Psalmist mean when he says God visited us — and how is this echoed in Zechariah’s song? (Give reference) God found us and came to us, entering into a relationship with us.
20. If you haven’t prayed Psalm 8, do it here. Don’t skip this!
v. 5. You have made them a little lower than the angels and crowned them with glory and honor.
Teach me Lord what it means that you have made me a little lower than angels and crowned me with glory and honor. Teach me to believe the value you have placed on me and the value I should extend to others.
v. 6-8. You have given him dominion over the works of your hands; you have put all things under his feet, all sheep and oxen, and also the beasts of the field, the birds of the heavens, and the fish of the sea, whatever passes along the paths of the seas.
Lord help us to be aware of our responsibility to your creation. That corporately and individually I would have a caregiver’s heart towards the beauty of all you have created.
v. 9. O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! God may my whole life reflect my submission to your majesty giving you glory above all, above my own sense of self preservation, above my own fleshly desires, above honor due to man, above all things made and created.