We say that people are proud of being rich, or clever, or good-looking, but they are not. They are proud of being richer, or cleverer, or better-looking than others.
C. S. Lewis
Nebuchadnezzer was happy to have a head of gold, better than the inferior nations.
In The King and I, the King wanted everyone to be lower than himself.
Link to Paige’s lecture:
Icebreaker: Paige talked about how Daniel 4 is actually a letter from Nebuchanezzar telling how God humbled him. She said pride can be seen in the Christmas letters we write or how we respond to the Christmas letters of others. How do you feel about Christmas letters? What are some ways we might redeem them?
1. Read Daniel 4:1-8 and share what stands out and why.
2. Read Daniel 4:9-18 and share what stands out and why.
3. How does Neb describe himself before the dream? (verse 4)
4. Summarize the dream in a few sentences.
5. How is the collapse in this dream different than the collapse of His Kingdom in the first dream?
The Disease of Pride: Self-Deception
Listen to Paige until she gets to the subject of self-deification. (About 25 minutes — ending with the story of a slave who would ride in with the General to all the applause and whisper in his ear “You are only a man” to help with his self-deception)
6. What stands out to you and why?
7. Why did Paige say Nebuchadnezzar avoids calling for Daniel?
8. What was her point about her story of walking with a friend who wanted counsel but asked her not to get into the God stuff?
9. Why does Nebuchadnezzar call Daniel Belteshazzar?
10. What shape did Paige say her scotoma or blind spot was? What did she mean?
11. Share a time when God showed you mercy by disturbing you when you were comfortable. Or when He helped you see something you were blind to that was wrong or hurtful? How did He awaken you?
Pride is a deadly disease because it is a lie.
The Disease of Pride: Self-Deification
12. Read Daniel 4:19-30 and share what stands out and why.
13. Summarize Daniel’s interpretation in a few sentences.
14. What does Daniel tell Neb to do and how does he respond? (27-30)
15. Listen to Paige up to Deliverance from Pride (shortly after she talks about looking down from the roof of a palace) and share what stands out to you and why.
16. What was her point of walking in on her roommate recording her to-do list?
17. How does verse 30 show the heart of every sin?
The essence of sin is making myself, in a host of ways, the center of the universe.
William Temple
18. In what areas do you compare yourself with others? If you search your heart, where do you long for the fleeting praise of man?
The point is that each person’s pride is in competition with everyone else’s pride. It is because I wanted to be the big noise at the party that I am so annoyed at someone else being the big noise. Two of a trade never agree. Now what you want to get is that Pride is essentially competitive — is competitive by its very nature…Pride gets no pleasure out of having something, only out of having more of it than the next man. We say that people are proud of being rich, or clever, or good-looking, but they are not. They are proud of being richer, or cleverer, or better-looking than others.
C. S. Lewis Mere Christianity
19. Comments on the above?
Deliverance from Pride: Confrontation
20. Read Daniel 4:31-37 and share what stands out and why.
21. What did a voice from heaven tell Neb?
22. For what does Neb praise God in verses 34-35 and also 37?
23. Listen up to the 2nd point under deliverance: Abdication of Self. It begins after her fishing story with her Grampa. Share what stands out and why.
All pride is cosmic plagiarism — something has been created for us and we claim it.
Tim Keller
24. What was her point with the story of the tennis coach who plagiarised a letter when cutting kids from an article “Dear Almost Good Enough Hockey Player?”
25. Think about what you tend to have pride in — then think about what God has given you that made anything good possible. Share here if willing. (I loved the Muhammad Ali story — Superman don’t need no airplane.)
The Disease of Pride
6. What stood out to me was when Paige mentioned that this chapter was an open letter, comparing it to a Christmas newsletter. I had never thought about that, usually focusing on what happened to Neb (becoming like a wild beast, etc). It’s like I am going thru dull things to get to the exciting part, akin to fast forwarding thru a movie.
He was actually humbling himself, and I skipped over that obvious fact.
7,8. Neb avoided calling Daniel, because Daniel always delivered “bad news.” Paige’s friend avoided talking to Paige, because she knew Paige would speak about God, and the friend did not want to hear that.selfishness, etc.)
I have found myself at times avoiding the Lord for the same reason. I know what He will counsel, and I want to continue along my own chosen path (anger, self righteousness, selfishness, etc).
9. Neb calls Daniel by the Babylonian name, reminding everyone that Neb is in control, and it’s Neb’s god that is supreme.
10. My blind spot, just like everyone’s, is MYSELF.
11. I can remember when I used to get very angry with my husband because of something he said or did. I used the “silent treatment,” all the while thinking about what he’d done to me, building a federal case against him, so to speak. This became a habit with me until the Lord gently reminded me of Philippians 4:8 “Whatsoever thing are true…think on these things.” What was true about my husband? He loved me dearly and would never intentionally do or say anything to hurt me. I knew this, but instead was concentrating on MY VERSION of the truth
It did not happen automatically, but eventually that habit was broken. That’s why we need to memorize scripture. When we are caught up in a selfish behavior, we don’t see it, and avoid the Bible, BUT we cannot avoid our thoughts and the Holy Spirit’s conviction thru scripture that is already in our minds.
This is such a great point, Cheryl! “That’s why we need to memorize scripture. When we are caught up in a selfish behavior, we don’t see it, and avoid the Bible, BUT we cannot avoid our thoughts and the Holy Spirit’s conviction thru scripture that is already in our minds.”
Please read this wonderful testimony from Cheryl Ann!
I can remember when I used to get very angry with my husband because of something he said or did. I used the “silent treatment,” all the while thinking about what he’d done to me, building a federal case against him, so to speak. This became a habit with me until the Lord gently reminded me of Philippians 4:8 “Whatsoever thing are true…think on these things.” What was true about my husband? He loved me dearly and would never intentionally do or say anything to hurt me. I knew this, but instead was concentrating on MY VERSION of the truth
It did not happen automatically, but eventually that habit was broken. That’s why we need to memorize scripture. When we are caught up in a selfish behavior, we don’t see it, and avoid the Bible, BUT we cannot avoid our thoughts and the Holy Spirit’s conviction thru scripture that is already in our minds.
Oh Cheryl, loved your response in 11. I tend to forget what is in His Word, when I’m trying to make my case too.
Enjoyed your whole post and being so transparent in sharing your testimony…love Phil. 4:8😊
Icebreaker: Paige talked about how Daniel 4 is actually a letter from Nebuchanezzar telling how God humbled him. She said pride can be seen in the Christmas letters we write or how we respond to the Christmas letters of others. How do you feel about Christmas letters? What are some ways we might redeem them?
I don’t send Christmas letters, but I usually try to do a personal note on a card. I do enjoy receiving short Christmas letters, reading about families of friends and what they are doing. I don’t usually keep them, but they are enjoyable. I love and keep photo cards of close friends, as it is fun to watch their families grow up over the years.
I always love your beautiful cards — you have such a sense of beauty.
And I agree with you about letters — esp if they are short. And love it if they have a way to honor the incarnation.
I agree about having a way to honor the incarnation, Dee!
1. Read Daniel 4:1-8 and share what stands out and why.
The king seems humbled, as he mentions the most high God, yet when he speaks of Daniel in verse 8, he calls him Belteshazzar, which reflects the king’s god, not the God of all creation. The king seems filled with pride.
2. Read Daniel 4:9-18 and share what stands out and why.
He calls Daniel,” the chief of the magicians”, not acknowledging Daniel’s God. He did trust Daniel for a true interpretation of his dream.
3. How does Neb describe himself before the dream? (verse 4)
The king was quite content with himself and his life was flourishing.
4. Summarize the dream in a few sentences.
The tree represents the king, who appears to be flourishing, but he cut down to nothing, until he repents of his prideful ways, breaks away from his sins, shows mercy to others and acknowledges that there is One God, the Most High God, who rules over all of creation.
5. How is the collapse in this dream different than the collapse of His Kingdom in the first dream?
The first dream is about the collapse of the kingdoms. After the second dream, he has not had a change in his heart. He seeks out his previous interpreters first. He finally seeks out Daniel again, because he trusts that he will get an accurate interpretation of the dream. The collapse in the second dream of the collapse of the king, himself. His sovereignty will be removed from him.
Great summary to #5!
Icebreaker: Paige talked about how Daniel 4 is actually a letter from Nebuchanezzar telling how God humbled him. She said pride can be seen in the Christmas letters we write or how we respond to the Christmas letters of others. How do you feel about Christmas letters? What are some ways we might redeem them? – I started grinning when she was talking about this. I’ve gotten those kinds of letters in past years, and never really read them. I sadly thought I really don’t care what all happened all year, I would just skim them and then throw them away. I really don’t know how they could be redeemed, I’m eager to see what others say here.
1. Read Daniel 4:1-8 and share what stands out and why. – Right in verse 1 he is saying he hopes they all prosper greatly. He doesn’t or wouldn’t want that. He doesn’t care about the others having wealth, or if they do, it would need to be under the level of his. He is too puffed about himself to care about others wealth. And again, he doesn’t call Daniel first, I’m thinking he knows in a sense what this dream is meaning but doesn’t want to hear the truth.
2. Read Daniel 4:9-18 and share what stands out and why. – He didn’t seem to be worried about the dream since he stayed lying in bed. I think I would have gotten anxious at this point and gotten up and paced. Also, when he tells Daniel to tell him what the dream means that he knows Daniel will know because he had the ‘spirit of the holy gods in him.’ This doesn’t seem like King Neb thinks that God is with Daniel, he still thinks that his god is with Daniel helping him. How fast he forgets all that God has done so far.
3. How does Neb describe himself before the dream? (verse 4) – He was content and prosperous.
4. Summarize the dream in a few sentences. – There was a large tree that continued to grow even taller that it could be seen from anywhere and it continued to get stronger and the leaves were a covering for those beneath it. There was fruit enough for everyone. The messenger from heaven came and cut it down up to it’s roots. Everything and everyone scattered because there was nothing to plenish them any longer. The tree became as lowly as the animals below it and would stay this way until it realized the greed and pride that was inside of it. At that point it would be restored and released to grown again.
5. How is the collapse in this dream different than the collapse of His Kingdom in the first dream? – This dream was an attack against him personally. He was being cut down because of his pride and greed.
The Disease of Pride: Self-Deception
Listen to Paige until she gets to the subject of self-deification. (About 25 minutes — ending with the story of a slave who would ride in with the General to all the applause and whisper in his ear “You are only a man” to help with his self-deception)
6. What stands out to you and why? – I liked when Paie said that King Neb was not ignorant, he was numb, he just doesn’t care. The Lord is giving these dreams to King Neb as warnings to what will come if he doesn’t wake up and have some sense of care and love in his heart. Even though this was an attack against him personally, he still didn’t see what God was trying to do. He was so blinded by his wealth and prestige; he didn’t see or realize what was coming to him with this dream.
7. Why did Paige say Nebuchadnezzar avoids calling for Daniel? – Daniel would know the truth and King Neb didn’t want to hear that. If he didn’t call Daniel and get the truth, he could continue to say ‘he didn’t know’. Daniel never has happy news for King Neb.
8. What was her point about her story of walking with a friend who wanted counsel but asked her not to get into the God stuff? – Her friend didn’t want to be held accountable for her part in the story. She didn’t want to see what God or His Word said about it. I tend to not want to hear the truth about my faults either. When we hear it, we have to take what we learned and grow from it. We can’t have a blind eye to our ‘bad’ ways any longer. The truth hurts but it can also help us grow.
9. Why does Nebuchadnezzar call Daniel Belteshazzar? – He is not recognizing the true God that Daniel is following. He wants to continue to believe that his god has the power over Daniel. I’m thinking his god won’t hold him accountable, so he continues to hold on to him to have power over even his god.
10. What shape did Paige say her scotoma or blind spot was? What did she mean? – She said her blind spot was her, everything about her. She can see everything about others, but she can’t see what is wrong in herself. We all have a blind spot and it looks just like us, this was good. How I get in the way of seeing my own faults but can point out everyone else’s. My own conversation to the Lord, is for him to change ‘them’. Oh man, I need him to change ME.
11. Share a time when God showed you mercy by disturbing you when you were comfortable. Or when He helped you see something you were blind to that was wrong or hurtful? How did He awaken you? – I remember when I was dating my now husband, my kids were not there that weekend, but Kyle, my oldest came home sick and Joe was spending the night, though we knew it wasn’t the right thing. God used Kyle to make us both aware, but me at that moment of how I pointed out that his dad and the new girlfriend shouldn’t be living together, but yet I was doing it. It was very uncomfortable to be held accountable by my son, but it awakened us to know it wasn’t the right way to be handling our relationship. It changed how me, and Joe looked at what we were doing in a new way, and we stopped.
Pride is a deadly disease because it is a lie. – This is so true and never thought of it before like that. I false illusion that makes us feel good.
Icebreaker: Paige talked about how Daniel 4 is actually a letter from Nebuchanezzar telling how God humbled him. She said pride can be seen in the Christmas letters we write or how we respond to the Christmas letters of others. How do you feel about Christmas letters? What are some ways we might redeem them?
I love Christmas letters as it’s the only time I get caught up with what’s going on in the lives of people I never see. I also love cards and I hang them on my door during Christmas. I had a good friend who put all her received cards and letters in a basket and each day she would pick one out and pray over them. I also pray over mine but prefer to display them. I also enjoy getting Christmas letters/pictures through email as well. I never looked at them as being prideful. I used to send cards with just pictures and a greeting but that got spendy.
I love your idea to pray over the cards you receive, Sharon. I am going to start doing that.
Love your friends idea of praying over the cards she receives! I send cards with Cooper and Grace’s picture and I do receive cards, that I display.
I love your thoughts, Sharon. I too like news from friends I love and usually pray over them but could do better. I love cards that foremost honor the incarnation — or have some fresh thought about it – a quote, a poem. And a short letter enclosed. I e-mail my letter and felt too self-focused so starting sharing my favorite book and movie of the year that was edifying — or a way the Lord has blessed or rebuked me that was so good. I have so many children and grandchildren that feels like too much — but I may share something about a few. I’ve been doing Thanksgiving cards to some that are personal giving thanks to them — would like to do more of that. Could probably do that at Valentines too!
Icebreaker: Paige talked about how Daniel 4 is actually a letter from Nebuchanezzar telling how God humbled him. She said pride can be seen in the Christmas letters we write or how we respond to the Christmas letters of others. How do you feel about Christmas letters? What are some ways we might redeem them? We now send few cards and we don’t get very many. I love Christmas letters. I think they are a wonderful way to catch-up. Because I may have only got one for 2023 I don’t know
1. Read Daniel 4:1-8 and share what stands out and why. I have never thought to think about this as a letter from Neb. It’s very clear that it is. It tells me I need to slow down and absorb more in my Bible reading. (Not just oh I’ve read this before and skim passage) Thank you, Dee, for doing this for us. I go deeper because of your questions and process of helping me study.)
2. Read Daniel 4:9-18 and share what stands out and why. The king tells Daniel to interpret the dream for him and that no mystery is too difficult for him. I do not know why king didn’t don’t ask Daniel first, but I know that there have been times pride has kept me from asking for the help I could have used. Also the time for his mind loss would not last forever. I’m so glad for second chances to get things right
3. How does Neb describe himself before the dream? (verse 4) At home, contented and prosperous
4. Summarize the dream in a few sentences. It’s has a tall huge tree reaching to the sky. Animals and birds found shelter there and every creature fed. A voice says cut down the tree and it was leaving stump with iron and bronze. He was told he’d not be of sound mind for 7 times. A holy messenger said that he must come to know God.
5. How is the collapse in this dream different than the collapse of His Kingdom in the first One was of him personally, the other was of his kingdom and reign. Also the kingdom was in sections. The dream about Neb was one swoop.
Thanks, Judy!
Amen to this, Judy! “Thank you, Dee, for doing this for us. I go deeper because of your questions and process of helping me study.”
Icebreaker: Paige talked about how Daniel 4 is actually a letter from Nebuchanezzar telling how God humbled him. She said pride can be seen in the Christmas letters we write or how we respond to the Christmas letters of others. How do you feel about Christmas letters? What are some ways we might redeem them?
I don’t do Christmas letters, but I’m not really good with regular letters or birthday cards either! I guess I don’t think I’m very proud of my family, to be honest. I wouldn’t have anything to report that anyone else would want or care about either! I like hearing about others families though; I dream that I could have a family like theirs 🤷🏻♀️. For whatever reason, God doesn’t have that in mind for me. Not a pity party either! It is just the way it is and I accept that.
1. Read Daniel 4:1-8 and share what stands out and why.
I love the way he calls all the groups again, and has the list of all the instruments too! What a narcissist he is!
2. Read Daniel 4:9-18 and share what stands out and why.
The friends are steadfast in their decision to not bow down to the king no matter what. I love how firm but polite they are. They are not budging.
Uh-oh! I think I was re-reading chapter 3! Ugh….too tired. Here are the answers again for chapter 4.
1. Read Daniel 4:1-8 and share what stands out and why.
The king seems to acknowledge God now. That is promising.
Why does he reiterate that Daniel is named after his god, but believes in God at the end?
2. Read Daniel 4:9-18 and share what stands out and why.
The tree reminds me of the tree of knowledge in Eden; the one that Adam and Eve were forbidden to eat. This tree has life abundant but it is then ruined (for some reason). It is only left as a stump. Adam and Eve ruined their lives by eating the apple and what remained was hardship to their lives (and ours!).
The king acknowledges that Daniel’s God will allow him to explain this dream just as the others. It is interesting that he knows about God but still refuses to accept Him. I think by this time I would be on His side!
3. How does Neb describe himself before the dream? (verse 4)
He says he is living in his palace in comfort and prosperity.
Love your, answer about the tree., Laura. Prayers for you and your family and you get restorative rest.
I agree with Dee. You have done so much for your own family, dear Laura. God bless you for all you do. May God restore all the families on this blog, that have wandering souls.
I agree with Dee as well…you are superwoman in what you have done for your sweet grandkids! Now, I expect a Christmas card this year😜🤣🤣🤣
I think you should be proud of how God has helped you rescue those two grandchildren! That’s such a great model. But I know you don’t want to toot your own horn. Proverbs 27:2 — so I’ll praise you! 🙂
Thank you Dee. I appreciate that!
1. Read Daniel 4:1-8 and share what stands out and why.
This is a letter from Neb and so I think the first verse is sincere as he goes on to reiterate in verse 2 that it seemed good to show the ppl the “signs and wonders that the Most High God had done for him.” And in verse 3 he gives praise to God. He then goes on to tell them what happened to him.
This was a humbling experience for Neb…one I wouldn’t write about in a Christmas letter!
2. Read Daniel 4:9-18 and share what stands out and why.
Neb’s confidence in Daniel to interpret his dream.
🙂 “one I wouldn’t write about in a Christmas letter!”
6. What stands out to you and why?
God is merciful to this king, who will not pay attention to Him or even acknowledge that He is God. The king is a happy self-deceived fool. How easy it is for us, in this contemporary society of instant gratification, to be all about self and self deceived about much of the world. Self deception is the great ingredient in our own pride.
7. Why did Paige say Nebuchadnezzar avoids calling for Daniel?
Daniel is honest with the king, but he does not sugar coat anything. The king knows that Daniel will be the one who will know the meaning of the dream, yet he never has happy news for the king.
8. What was her point about her story of walking with a friend who wanted counsel but asked her not to get into the God stuff?
Without including God, it is hard for a Christian to give good counsel. Without God, all you’ve got is “Yeah, bummer.”
9. Why does Nebuchadnezzar call Daniel Belteshazzar?
The king wants to maintain his delusion of his control. He has renamed Daniel, after one of his own gods, yet he summons Daniel because of Daniel’s relationship with the Mighty God.
10. What shape did Paige say her scotoma or blind spot was? What did she mean?
Paige says her scotoma (blind spot) is “me shaped”. We all have a blind spot that is shaped like us. I constantly pray to look away from my “self” needs and look at the good in and the needs of others. I am so thankful for your “deep” studies, dear Dee. This is always a reminder that we need to love and look to God first and then to each other. Our needs become less our focus when we focus on strengthening one another. Oh, how I pray to live in that perspective in this very “self oriented” world.
11. Share a time when God showed you mercy by disturbing you when you were comfortable. Or when He helped you see something you were blind to that was wrong or hurtful? How did He awaken you?
Sometimes, God has reminded me of being on the wrong or self centered path by waking me in the middle of the night and reminding me of words I had said that may have been hurtful or could be misinterpreted. And times when I am having a pity party, He reminds me to focus on all that I have, not on what I do not have. Abide in Him. I cling to this.
From Patti: Sometimes, God has reminded me of being on the wrong or self centered path by waking me in the middle of the night and reminding me of words I had said that may have been hurtful or could be misinterpreted. And times when I am having a pity party, He reminds me to focus on all that I have, not on what I do not have. Abide in Him. I cling to this.
12. Daniel 4:19-30 What stood out to me was that God was warning the king as He had warned the Israel and Judah and their kings, and Neb was a Gentile. It reminded me of Noah and Jonah.
13,14. Daniel is hesitant about giving his interpretation, he had compassion for the king. The great tree that grew up to the heavens and spread its branches far and wide represented Neb and his kingdom. By God’s decree it would be cut down and the stump preserved, Neb was going to be an outcast but the kingdom would be preserved and restored to him later. Daniel’s advice is that the king turn from sinful behavior and live righteously (It’s amazing to me that God gives him another year to respond). Neb ignores Daniel’s advice.
15. Pride is putting self first. Pride is not success; it is self. The comparison she draws between Neb and David was revelatory. Both were high atop their palaces LOOKING DOWN.
Jesus did not look down, He CAME DOWN.
18. I am 68. It pleases me when someone says. “Your hair looks nice,” “that’s a cute dress.” “you certainly don’t look your age,” etc. I don’t long for compliments, but I appreciate them.
19. I don’t think pride is always about competition. For me pride creeps in when I give myself credit instead of praising the Lord. A good example was when I was a young mother of two, ages 4 and 2. We lived on a dairy farm and had very little money. I prided myself on being able to shop frugally, sew clothes for the children, make nourishing meals, etc. “Look at me and what I can do.” It was as if I wore my low income as a badge of honor! How foolish I was.
From Cheryl:
The comparison she draws between Neb and David was revelatory. Both were high atop their palaces LOOKING DOWN.
Jesus did not look down, He CAME DOWN.
Also — interesting thoughts about pride not always being about competition.
6. What stands out to you and why Neb has no fear, not even impressed and was becoming increasingly numb. To be careful not to become numb to truth and warnings.
7. Why did Paige say Nebuchadnezzar avoids calling for Daniel? Daniel never had happy news for the king.
8. What was her point about her story of walking with a friend who wanted counsel but asked her not to get into the God stuff? I think her point is that if someone wants counsel without God, there is nothing for a Christian to say because He is the source of wisdom,
9. Why does Nebuchadnezzar call Daniel Belteshazzar? It’s after his own god. He didn’t recognize the one true God.
10. What shape did Paige say her scotoma or blind spot was? What did she mean?The blind spot is shaped exactly like me. I need to be cautious that I face the truth about self not looking at the speck in my brother’s eye but the log in my own.
11. Share a time when God showed you mercy by disturbing you when you were comfortable. Or when He helped you see something you were blind to that was wrong or hurtful? How did He awaken you? Once I mouthed off to 1 coworker in front of another about something that I can’t remember. The next day I heard a sermon that failure to do the right thing is sin. That day I apologized to the coworker in front of the other coworker. (Yes tail between my legs)
Pride is a deadly disease because it is a lie.
So good from Judy:
Once I mouthed off to 1 coworker in front of another about something that I can’t remember. The next day I heard a sermon that failure to do the right thing is sin. That day I apologized to the coworker in front of the other coworker. (Yes tail between my legs)
Read Daniel 4:19-30 and share what stands out and why. Daniel’s reaction to the dream. He’s troubled and terrified and says if only it applied to your adversaries It always surprises me when I read it I think if I was captive to someone I don’t know if something bad was going to happen to them I’d be that concerned
13. Summarize Daniel’s interpretation in a few sentences. The dream applied to the king. He had a vast kingdom but he would be wandering in the land because of his mental status for 7 periods. He would be restored once He acknowledged God as supreme
14. What does Daniel tell Neb to do and how does he respond? (27-30) to repent, renounce his wickedness and be kind to the oppressed He ignored it
15. Listen to Paige up to Deliverance from Pride (shortly after she talks about looking down from the roof of a palace) and share what stands out to you and why. Neb’s desire wasn’t just evil it was desire for divinity I may be thinking of the political realm and wondering if that is behind some behavior
16. What was her point of walking in on her roommate recording her to-do list? That we can feed ourselves to become prideful?
17. How does verse 30 show the heart of every sin? I have built, by my mighty power for my glory. Taking all the credit and not recognizing who is behind every good gift being from above
The essence of sin is making myself, in a host of ways, the center of the universe.
William Temple
18. In what areas do you compare yourself with others? If you search your heart, where do you long for the fleeting praise of man? When in a group and we are praying Whose prayer sounded effective and on target Whose touched hearts forgetting who really is our audience. Recognition that I’m doing best I can with the challenges at this time of my husband’s health. Other times I would like to hear from kids you are a good grandma Thank you
19. Comments on the above? I think it is easy to get caught up in the comparison trap. Particularly if I’m feeling bad about self ..at least I didn’t do whatever so and so did. And it easy to get trapped when complimented to think it’s me and not through God’s grace and goodness. It can make me feel better about myself. I like how Lee Strobel used CS Lewis quote that pride is the mother hen through which all other sin is hatched.
I had not thought about praying aloud, Judy. I realize now I do that same thing. The last quote is very a propos, the hen and chicks.
Sin and pride can be so sneaky. I sent in the next questions, but have realized since that my take away could also be the sin of recognition which is pride. There are sometimes situations or chance encounters that I’m looking for approval.
20. Read Daniel 4:31-37 and share what stands out and why. my sanity was restored, my honor and splendor were restored to me for the glory of my kingdom.. I became even greater than before. So easy it would have been self crediting, but Neb exalts and praises the King of heaven.
21. What did a voice from heaven tell Neb? This is what is decreed for you, king. Your royal authority has been taken from you.
22. For what does Neb praise God in verses 34-35 and also 37? He lives forever., His dominion is eternal, His kingdom endures from generation to generation. He does as He pleases with heaven and earth. No one can hold back His hand or question Him, what have You done. He does what is right, all His ways are just, He will humble the proud.
23. Listen up to the 2nd point under deliverance: Abdication of Self. It begins after her fishing story with her Grampa. Share what stands out and why.
All pride is cosmic plagiarism — something has been created for us and we claim it.
Tim Keller
24. What was her point with the story of the tennis coach who plagiarised a letter when cutting kids from an article “Dear Almost Good Enough Hockey Player?” The coach was feeling pretty good about herself and the first responses until someone pointed out the plagiarism.
25. Think about what you tend to have pride in — then think about what God has given you that made anything good possible. Share here if willing. (I loved the Muhammad Ali story — Superman don’t need no airplane.)
3. How does Neb describe himself before the dream? (verse 4)
Being at ease and prospering.
4. Summarize the dream in a few sentences.
A tree with beautiful leaves and abundant fruit that reached to heaven in the the middle of the earth. It provided shade and food for all the birds, beasts and flesh. A holy one from heaven came down and said chop down the tree but leave a stump bound with iron and bronze. He’ll be wet with dew, his portion be with the beasts in the grass and he’ll have a mind of a beast for 7 periods of time.
5. How is the collapse in this dream different than the collapse of His Kingdom in the first dream?
This collapse is personal.
The Disease of Pride: Self-Deception
6. What stands out to you and why?
Last week we saw that “God’s word comes to the disturbed and this week we see that God’s word disturbs.” His word is comforting and full of wonderful promises but it is also, “living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit…” (Hebrews 4:12)
7. Why did Paige say Nebuchadnezzar avoids calling for Daniel?
Daniel never has happy news!
8. What was her point about her story of walking with a friend who wanted counsel but asked her not to get into the God stuff?
She wanted to hear things that just tickled her ear, gave her the warm fuzzies rather than godly counsel.
9. Why does Nebuchadnezzar call Daniel Belteshazzar?
It’s the name he gave Daniel after his god.
10. What shape did Paige say her scotoma or blind spot was? What did she mean?
It’s shaped exactly like us. We are our own blind spot.
11. Share a time when God showed you mercy by disturbing you when you were comfortable. Or when He helped you see something you were blind to that was wrong or hurtful? How did He awaken you?
There are times when I insert foot in mouth and I realize it right away or it takes awhile (blind spot/pride) but God in His mercy always shows me either through the prompting of the Holy Spirit or His word that I need to make things right. I can remember times where I have done that, gone back and apologize and the person doesn’t even remember and accepts the apology. BUT, God and I knew, which caused turmoil within me until I was obedient in making it right…then I was at peace.
Pride is a deadly disease because it is a lie.
Great to bring in the Hebrews 4 verse. A two-edged sword is scary!
Sharon, I love your point in about “BUT, God and I knew”. There are times I have said something that made me wake in the night and pray for God’s mercy and forgiveness. It was something that came out the wrong way and sounded prideful. I knew I needed to apologize. Like, you the person did not take it that way, but I knew that God wanted me to make it right. I so need to listen to His voice. How I pray to be obedient to him and take my eyes off of myself.
Icebreaker: Paige talked about how Daniel 4 is actually a letter from Nebuchanezzar telling how God humbled him. She said pride can be seen in the Christmas letters we write or how we respond to the Christmas letters of others. How do you feel about Christmas letters? I used to look at them with an attitude that the sender was just using this as a platform to brag about themselves and their families. I came to realize that I was also a bit jealous of other people’s supposedly successful lives while my life was pretty mundane. Nowadays I get very few Christmas letters and they are pretty much just some updated pictures and a short recap of the person’s year, no bragging involved. (I think social media has pretty much squashed the need for a yearly update. We see people’s lives on a daily basis now). What are some ways we might redeem them? Using them as a way to show what Christ has done in our lives throughout the year.
Like this idea from Dawn on Christmas letters:
Using them as a way to show what Christ has done in our lives throughout the year.
And maybe a little of Neb wouldn’t hurt too — how he humbled us!
Dawn, Amen to Dee. such a good idea to show what Christ has done in our lives through a Christmas letter.
26. Listen to the end and share what stands out and why. My only worth is what God was willing to pay for me. We aren’t nothing not even the lowliest because we are everything to Him. (Song line, my life is worth dying for What an honor and how undeserving I am)
27. Why is it a mercy when God breaks through our delusions of grandeur? Because we our focused on self, but the true value on our life is God. We are nothing without Him. We sink to ugliness and cruelty without His guidance.
28. What was her point about the priest blowing out the lone candle on a coffin at Notre Dame? There is only One who is great and it was king Louis and the priest was pointing that out.
29. Paige said: “Reason doesn’t return to Neb because he despairs of self but because he looks to God.” This is similar to “Idols cannot be removed but only replaced.” Have you been able to apply this in your life and experience victory? I can only trust that God will santify me through and through I can’t do it myself I agree praising God lifts my focus of me and my problems.
30. What was the cost to God to transform us? How can we sing the Lord’s song in a foreign land? Jesus Christ Jesus came to earth and made Himself nothing for my sins and my sake. He started singing first. Zephaniah 3:17 He will rejoice over us with loud singing. His song is first so we must always look up and see His beauty.
31. What is your take-a-way and why? To be set free from the lies about self and understand how greatly I am loved. Celebrate who I am in Him. I am the Lord’s treasure because He says so and His love is better than life.
Icebreaker: Paige talked about how Daniel 4 is actually a letter from Nebuchadnezzar telling how God humbled him. She said pride can be seen in the Christmas letters we write or how we respond to the Christmas letters of others. How do you feel about Christmas letters? What are some ways we might redeem them?
Hmmm…I haven’t thought of this question about Christmas letters. I have always thought of them as sharing news about our family updates. I always try to include a special verse meaningful to me the past year. And pictures of us. I know that I always look for a picture that is “decent”. Ugh.
Paige has a way of pointing out things in my life that I am often too busy to notice. I love her studies because God has changed me from the inside out. I wish I were not this old and had learned this sooner! Thankful God is full of grace and mercy.
1. 3. How does Neb describe himself before the dream? (verse 4)
He was contented and prosperous.
4. Summarize the dream in a few sentences.
The dream showed a large luxurious tree that served as shade for many, but it was cut down to the stump. And there was a shift in the use of words, from a stump to a “he/him/his” who lived outside and became beastlike. The tree represented Nebuchadnezzar.
5. How is the collapse in this dream different than the collapse of His Kingdom in the first dream?
This is more his collapse than his kingdom.
The Disease of Pride: Self-Deception
Listen to Paige until she gets to the subject of self-deification. (About 25 minutes — ending with the story of a slave who would ride in with the General to all the applause and whisper in his ear “You are only a man” to help with his self-deception)
6. What stands out to you and why?
7. Why did Paige say Nebuchadnezzar avoids calling for Daniel?
Because he knew Daniel did not have happy news for him.
8. What was her point about her story of walking with a friend who wanted counsel but asked her not to get into the God stuff?
We want God on our terms.
9. Why does Nebuchadnezzar call Daniel Belteshazzar?
Belteshazzar is the Babylonian name Neb gave to Daniel. He named Daniel after his god.
10. What shape did Paige say her scotoma or blind spot was? What did she mean?
Her scotoma is CALLED, “me!” I am often oblivious to my blind spots. I only see others in my periphery and their “specks” but do not see mine (log).
11. Share a time when God showed you mercy by disturbing you when you were comfortable. Or when He helped you see something you were blind to that was wrong or hurtful? How did He awaken you?
He has awakened me through His Word and a friend.
Pride is a deadly disease because it is a lie.
Bing, I like your idea of putting a verse or something meaningful in your Christmas letters.
Hope all is going well with your job…continue to pray for God’s wisdom and strength.
Bing, did you see my reply to you last week about transcripts for Paige’s sermons?
Dawn, what a blessing to find the transcript! I was not aware of that feature all this time! Boy, that so eases my anxiety about keeping up! Every time I am discouraged by my seeming inability to do so, God sends relief. I have not clicked on the box where I can receive feedback on my comments, so I did not see your reply to me from last week! Thank you so much for this and for inquiring if I have received it.
Sharon, all is well in the Lord, for me at work. I have seen Him working graciously despite my maneuverings (ugh!) and providing help when needed. I am also reminded of my word for the year-abide. and also from last year-emptied. He is so gracious when I am not abiding by Him. I am ever grateful for His kind promptings. Thanks for your prayers.
6. What stands out to you and why?
”Bummer,” in response to her friend who didn’t want her to listen and give God advice. I can’t understand how people live life without God. I’m struggling right now with a huge family issue and finding a hard time understanding and I love God!
7. Why did Paige say Nebuchadnezzar avoids calling for Daniel?
Nothing good ever happens when Daniel shows up!
8. What was her point about her story of walking with a friend who wanted counsel but asked her not to get into the God stuff?
Her point was that you get what you get if you don’t lean on Him.
9. Why does Nebuchadnezzar call Daniel Belteshazzar?
He is desperate. No one else knows, and he knows Daniel will know.
10. What shape did Paige say her scotoma or blind spot was? What did she mean?
Herself! Meaning that she needs to be more humble and see her own flaws (as we all do).
11. Share a time when God showed you mercy by disturbing you when you were comfortable. Or when He helped you see something you were blind to that was wrong or hurtful? How did He awaken you?
Probably right now. I know what needs to be done but I do not know how to complete it without pain for many including myself. The same things happening over and over again with the same results. I need to break the chain.
12. Read Daniel 4:19-30 and share what stands out and why.
Daniel pleads with the king to stop behaving as he does, so that he may be saved. Why would Daniel even care?
13. Summarize Daniel’s interpretation in a few sentences.
The tree represents the king and his kingdom, all honky-dorey. It ends up being cut down except the very base of the trunk and roots. The trunk is bound in chains. He would then be living with the animals in the fields for 7 periods of time until he admitted that God was supreme ruler. At that point he would gain his kingdom back.
14. What does Daniel tell Neb to do and how does he respond? (27-30)
He tells him to change his evil ways. He still believes he was the one who built the empire of Babylon.
The Disease of Pride: Self-Deification
12. Read Daniel 4:19-30 and share what stands out and why.
Daniel not only interprets the dream but tells the king to “stop sinning, do what is right, break from your wicked past and be merciful to the poor.” This took me back to Paige’s example of her friend not wanting any godly advice but rather just affirm how I’m feeling and don’t point out my sin or what God has to say. I pray that God opens my eyes to sin in my life…remove the blind spot.
13. Summarize Daniel’s interpretation in a few sentences.
Neb will be driven out of society, live in the fields like a beast, eat grass and drenched with dew. He will learn that the Most High rules over the kingdoms and like the stump was left with its roots he will receive his kingdom back.
14. What does Daniel tell Neb to do and how does he respond? (27-30)
It’s what stood out to me in #12 and Neb has no response. It doesn’t faze him and he is numb to what Daniel told him. And of course he takes pride over the beautiful city he built that displays his majesty and splendor.
12. Read Daniel 4:19-30 and share what stands out and why.
Daniel was appalled for awhile. Daniel probably had great anxiety and sorrow about how to report the meaning of the dream to the king.
13. Summarize Daniel’s interpretation in a few sentences.
The king, who had become great, would lose his kingdom, be driven away from mankind and would dwell in the fields with the beasts. He would be eating grass and drenched with dew from heaven. He would be like this until he acknowledged that the Most High God is the true ruler over all of mankind and the earth and that God is in charge of all.
14. What does Daniel tell Neb to do and how does he respond? (27-30)
Daniel pleaded with the king to repent from his sin and to treat the poor with righteousness and mercy.
The king reflected, but he did not turn from his sin. He continued to be prideful and went to the roof of the palace and looked down on the kingdom, taking credit for all of it. He was above it all and filled with pride.
16. What was her point of walking in on her roommate recording her to-do list?
We are authentic when we are by ourselves.
17. How does verse 30 show the heart of every sin?
It is the king being prideful.
18. In what areas do you compare yourself with others? If you search your heart, where do you long for the fleeting praise of man?
Definitely in how I look compared to others. UGH. I recently posted on my high school fb page a couple of pictures of me and my husband and friends at a New Years Eve party. I love the dress I wore and was feeling confident of the post. I forgot about it because I rarely go on fb anymore, but happened to be there a few days ago. I relished (UGH) in all the very positive replies to my post. I felt awkward in the moment, realizing how fawned over I felt. Won’t be doing that again any time soon!
I don’t think it is a sin to be encouraged by compliments, as long as you know in your heart where any beauty, talent, strength, or goodness comes from.
19. Comments on the above?
Definitely the truth. It’s one reason I don’t go on Facebook or social media anymore. When I “happen” on there I end up looking at others’ lives and comparing to my own. I am wasting precious time by doing that! Since our greatest work is spreading the Good News, I’ve decided to go on fb once in awhile and post something about Him. Yesterday I posted our sermon: it was SO good!
20. Read Daniel 4:31-37 and share what stands out and why.
It seems as if the book should close here since the king is finally put in his place, but we haven’t reached the lions den yet, have we?
I think the long hair and the fingernails like birds claws are icky! It kind of reminds me of John in the wilderness.
He finally gets it!
21. What did a voice from heaven tell Neb?
He was no longer the ruler.
He would be driven from society.
He would live with animals and eat grass.
Seven periods would pass.
22. For what does Neb praise God in verses 34-35 and also 37?
He praised Him for His everlasting life and rule, His eternal kingdom, His just and true acts, and His ability to humble the proud.
23. Listen up to the 2nd point under deliverance: Abdication of Self. It begins after her fishing story with her Grampa. Share what stands out and why.
Wow, “same disease, different symptoms.” “Any pride claims to be the creator or cause of that which is a gift.”
24. What was her point with the story of the tennis coach who plagiarised a letter when cutting kids from an article “Dear Almost Good Enough Hockey Player?”
She took credit for something she didn’t write! She literally copied and pasted from the internet and did not change it to fit her situation! We do not like people who plagiarize! We have to “deify” ourselves. You have to plagiarize to have pride. We want control and credit. We did it, it’s by me. I’m not sure I follow her line of thinking here 🤷🏻♀️. God gives us everything.
25. Think about what you tend to have pride in — then think about what God has given you that made anything good possible. Share here if willing. (I loved the Muhammad Ali story — Superman don’t need no airplane.)
This is hard because I tend to self-deprecate; harder on myself than others. I guess I would say I am persistent and disciplined when I finally decide I’m going to do something. He gave me this personality.
1. Read Daniel 4:1-8 and share what stands out and why. The part where he praises God. It seems like a genuine conversion.
2. Read Daniel 4:9-18 and share what stands out and why. That the king didn’t go to Daniel first. I think that he would have known by now that his “wise” men are useless.
3. How does Neb describe himself before the dream? (verse 4) At ease and prospering.
4. Summarize the dream in a few sentences. A large tree that helped all the beings on the earth was ordered chopped down to a stump and that the stump would endure 7 periods of time with the mind of a beast.
5. How is the collapse in this dream different than the collapse of His Kingdom in the first dream? The collapse of the first kingdom would happen after his death, the collapse of the second would happen in his lifetime.
Deliverance from pride
I can’t help but think that Neb’s story is my own. It wasn’t until I saw God for who He is and say myself for I am, that I truly was saved. I knew all the bible stories, spent almost eighteen years going to Sunday school and church, knew Jesus had died for my sins (we recited the apostle’s creed every week}. I believed everything, so I was a Christian, right? Wrong.
I thank God that He broke thru my religion and revealed Himself to me.
Sorry I didn’t do the questions for this part, but I’m kind of overwhelmed at the thought of my salvation right now.
Oh, Cheryl Ann! Thank you for this post! This is so true in my life too. I was raised in a Christian home, but once I realized I was nothing without Him, my entire perspective on life changed…and it is a daily prayer that I keep my focus on Him. As I have aged, looking back at my life, I see His hand on every moment. In my failures, stress and pride…He even used these to turn my eyes toward Him. I feel shame for the pride in my life. I pray to rely only on Him and to be “other minded”. Every good thing in my life has been a gift given from the Father. The hard times that He allowed have taught me dependence on Him alone. I praise God for my parents, pastors and friends who have continued to show me that He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. I am nothing without Him.
Love this post, Cheryl! Praising God with you!
Amen to Dawn!
I too get this post very well. 40 years of going to church and thinking I was a Christian. When my world fell apart and I had nothing left to give, I found Him! Thank the Lord!
Such a common story! Often our evangelistic field is the church!
6. What stands out to you and why? The whole part about self deception. Like she said, I think to myself, I wouldn’t be as stupid as the king to ignore the warnings that God has, in His mercy, given to Neb. But in reality where am I being self deceived?
7. Why did Paige say Nebuchadnezzar avoids calling for Daniel? Because Daniel never brings him good news.
8. What was her point about her story of walking with a friend who wanted counsel but asked her not to get into the God stuff? We have nothing to offer anyone who is having a hard time if we leave God out of it. The wise men in the king’s life had nothing to offer him when he was having troubling dreams.
9. Why does Nebuchadnezzar call Daniel Belteshazzar? Because he still wants to be in control. His gods are still most important even though he needs the one true God to interpret his dream.
10. What shape did Paige say her scotoma or blind spot was? It’s Paige shaped. What did she mean? That she is blind to her own faults.
11. Share a time when God showed you mercy by disturbing you when you were comfortable. Or when He helped you see something you were blind to that was wrong or hurtful? How did He awaken you? I used to think that I was helping to educate people about things, but it was brought to my attention in a pretty hurtful way that I was just being a know-it-all. God opened my eyes to the fact that I was taking pride in my knowledge, when the truth is that any ability that I have comes solely from Him and not because of me or anything that I do.
Love what God has done in your heart, Dawn.
The Disease of Pride: Self-Deification
12. Read Daniel 4:19-30 and share what stands out and why. – I’m reading this section again, and what I see now is how blinded we can become when we have the riches of the world in our hands. We don’t see the deadly grip it all has on us. We see if with rose colored glasses on.
13. Summarize Daniel’s interpretation in a few sentences. – Oh King, you don’t know how serious this is. You are a rich and powerful man, but not as powerful as the hand of God that is coming down on you. You will not see riches again until you repent and atone of your greed. You will live among the lowly and poor until you see His ways.
14. What does Daniel tell Neb to do and how does he respond? (27-30) -He tells him to take his advice and renounce his sins by doing what is right in the sight of the Lord. He doesn’t see, he goes right back to thinking he accumulated his wealth all on his own. He doesn’t recognize the power of God and his wealth came from the Lord.
15. Listen to Paige up to Deliverance from Pride (shortly after she talks about looking down from the roof of a palace) and share what stands out to you and why. – Pride gets us to think that what we have was obtained by ourselves, our own doing. Paige made the point that everything we have is a gift from God. It is because of Him that I have what I have and I’m in the place that I am. She said to think about what we have and decide where it came from. This was an eye opener for me.
16. What was her point of walking in on her roommate recording her to-do list? – We are different when others see us. But when we are alone, we are more ourselves and do things that we would never do in front of others. We are more real by ourselves and fake in front of people.
17. How does verse 30 show the heart of every sin? – It is the heart of pride, we do it all our self. We don’t need any help from anyone. I deserve and did it all by myself. We see ourselves above everyone. We compare ourselves to others and see their pride and not ours. We are competitive.
The essence of sin is making myself, in a host of ways, the center of the universe.
William Temple
18. In what areas do you compare yourself with others? If you search your heart, where do you long for the fleeting praise of man? – I tend to look at the successes of people and think why them and not me. But when I dig deeper in to this, I see the work they put in to it. They are obedient to making step toward the success. I look for praise from man in how good I do something. I do things to my greatest ability, but I have learned that my only praise will be so much better when it comes from God and not man.
The point is that each person’s pride is in competition with everyone else’s pride. It is because I wanted to be the big noise at the party that I am so annoyed at someone else being the big noise. Two of a trade never agree. Now what you want to get is that Pride is essentially competitive — is competitive by its very nature…Pride gets no pleasure out of having something, only out of having more of it than the next man. We say that people are proud of being rich, or clever, or good-looking, but they are not. They are proud of being richer, or cleverer, or better-looking than others.
C. S. Lewis Mere Christianity
19. Comments on the above? – This C.S. Lewis quote “Through pride the devil became the devil. Pride leads to every vice, it’s the complete anti-God state of mind.” – WOW I never really thought about this before. The devil fell because of his pride. How easy it is for all of us to think we are who we are because of our own doing. I think we have to work hard and be diligent to the work God has put before us, but we are given our daily needs by God. We have to be obedient to His Word and know that what we have and who we are is all from him. What looks like success in one person’s life, may not really be success in God’s eyes. How did it come about? Did it come in a Godly way, or did they take from others to get what they have. Was it all because of pride and status or because we want to live a life pleasing to God.
Deliverance from Pride: Confrontation
20. Read Daniel 4:31-37 and share what stands out and why. – God is patient with us. Twelve months he gave King Neb to renounce is sinful nature and he didn’t think anything of it. But immediately, God showed him. Right after he was patting himself on the back, God took it all away from him. His power was like dust blown away in the wind. We really need to search our hearts all day long to make sure we are living in the ways of God. Are we grateful or prideful. Are we living a joyful life or one of death that can be snatched away in an instant. I need to really watch my ways.
21. What did a voice from heaven tell Neb? – That is royal authority has been taken from him and he will be driven away from people and now live with the wild animals. He won’t be eating like a royal any longer.
22. For what does Neb praise God in verses 34-35 and also 37? – He honored and glorified the God of heaven. He praised him for his mighty power and his dominion that lives on from generation to generation. He will do as he pleases and complete it in His time. He will humble the proud in his ways.
23. Listen up to the 2nd point under deliverance: Abdication of Self. It begins after her fishing story with her Grampa. Share what stands out and why. – It doesn’t matter what we believe, it only matters that we believe the truth. When we think too highly of ourselves, we will become deceived of who we really are. God will need to bring us to our knees, he will humble us and release us from the circumstances in our lives that can lead to death from pride. When we get to this point on our knees and look up, is when true humility has entered our heart. We are nobodies without God in our life and if we don’t believe that, our successes can come crashing down all around us.
All pride is cosmic plagiarism — something has been created for us and we claim it.
Tim Keller
24. What was her point with the story of the tennis coach who plagiarised a letter when cutting kids from an article “Dear Almost Good Enough Hockey Player?” – She wanted credit for being a person who showed she cared and had empathy for those who didn’t make it on the team and by looking for credit, she ‘shot herself in the foot’ so to speak. All her caring was wiped out because of the additional letter that was included. Trying to be who we aren’t never works. Somehow it will fail and the real us will come out.
25. Think about what you tend to have pride in — then think about what God has given you that made anything good possible. Share here if willing. (I loved the Muhammad Ali story — Superman don’t need no airplane.) – Oh man, that Muhammad Ali story was great! I love having a nice, organized house, things in their place, less clutter. I’m proud of how our home looks. If I’m thinking of this 2nd part of the question right, God gave me that gift of organization. It wouldn’t be this way if I wasn’t given that from God. I need to not take pride in how my home looks, but be grateful to God he gave me first the home, and second my organizational gift.
Love your teachable heart, Julie.
15. Listen to Paige up to Deliverance from Pride (shortly after she talks about looking down from the roof of a palace) and share what stands out to you and why.
I’m just going to be blunt and share that I’m struggling with a prideful person in my life and am reluctantly asking the Lord to show me pride in my life.
16. What was her point of walking in on her roommate recording her to-do list?
We are our true selves when we’re by ourselves.
17. How does verse 30 show the heart of every sin?
“Pride claims to be the creator of that which is a gift.”
I could identify with your opening statement! Help us, Lord!
Amen Sharon and Dee! Pride is sneaky and comes disguised in unsuspecting ways. Lord help us all to keep our eyes on You! This lesson is waking my soul to my own pride.
The essence of sin is making myself, in a host of ways, the center of the universe.
William Temple
18. In what areas do you compare yourself with others? If you search your heart, where do you long for the fleeting praise of man?
Body image, knowledge, accomplishments etc.
I will admit this is one I’d rather not share but God has shown it to me…I long for praise of man in my knowledge of the word…ugh, that was painful! I’m ready for Chapter 5 now…maybe?!
19. Comments on the above?
I never thought of pride as being competitive but it really is.
27. Why is it a mercy when God breaks through our delusions of grandeur?
If we elevate ourselves and forget who is truly in charge, then we forfeit our eternal life with Him.
28. What was her point about the priest blowing out the lone candle on a coffin at Notre Dame?
There is only One true light to honor. Jesus.
29. Paige said: “Reason doesn’t return to Neb because he despairs of self but because he looks to God.” This is similar to “Idols cannot be removed but only replaced.” Have you been able to apply this in your life and experience victory?
Yes! God has saved me from myself! Thank You Lord Jesus! I Need Him Every Hour, however 😉.
30. What was the cost to God to transform us? How can we sing the Lord’s song in a foreign land?
His Son on a cross, was the cost to transform us. We can sing the Lord’s song in a foreign land by knowing this love and not forgetting how much we owe Him because of it. We can become Daniel’s ourselves by respecting His sacrifice.
I tried to click on the link to watch the video, but it is marked private. I’m hoping to be added.
Thank You!
You can see the video on youtube, search paige brown bible study or wecc media
She speaks live on Wednesdays and the video stays up until the following Tuesday.
A new one starts today, 2/14, at 11 am.
The Disease of Pride: Self-Deification
12. Read Daniel 4:19-30 and share what stands out and why.
13. Summarize Daniel’s interpretation in a few sentences.
The tree is King Neb and he has grown great and powerful. His dominion had expanded to distant places of the world.
14. What does Daniel tell Neb to do and how does he respond? (27-30)
To pursue righteousness and kindness to the oppressed. Hmmm… not transformed.
15. Listen to Paige up to Deliverance from Pride (shortly after she talks about looking down from the roof of a palace) and share what stands out to you and why.
16. What was her point of walking in on her roommate recording her to-do list?
We want to give ourselves a pat on the back. I thought of the verse: Proverbs 27:2 “Let another man praise you, and not your own mouth; A stranger, and not your own lips.”
17. How does verse 30 show the heart of every sin?
…by my mighty power and for the glory of my majesty?” Self is the heart of every sin.
Deliverance from Pride: Confrontation
20. Read Daniel 4:31-37 and share what stands out and why.
21. What did a voice from heaven tell Neb?
Your royal authority has been taken from you. You will be driven away from people and will live with the wild animals; you will eat grass like the ox. Seven times will pass by for you until you acknowledge that the Most High is sovereign over all kingdoms on earth and gives them to anyone he wishes.”
22. For what does Neb praise God in verses 34-35 and also 37?
His dominion, kingdom, and God does what He pleases.
23. Listen up to the 2nd point under deliverance: Abdication of Self. It begins after her fishing story with her Grampa. Share what stands out and why.
All pride is cosmic plagiarism — something has been created for us and we claim it.
Tim Keller
24. What was her point with the story of the tennis coach who plagiarised a letter when cutting kids from an article “Dear Almost Good Enough Hockey Player?”
We want others to have a good impression of us; we do things we think we would never do but end up doing. We are plagiarizing and using some other person’s original idea. We do the same with God; we take credit for what He has gifted us.
25. Think about what you tend to have pride in — then think about what God has given you that made anything good possible. Share here if willing. (I loved the Muhammad Ali story — Superman don’t need no airplane.)
I tend to have pride in whatever I have done especially being “firsts” in accomplishing something. I will not enumerate them here as my heart trembles, thinking that every “first” was a gift from God and I contributed nothing to them. Without His enabling, I know I could never have done what I have done.
31. What is your take-a-way and why?
I did not get to take notes for the last part of Paige’s message. I was able to listen to the end, though.
The quote from C.S. Lewis: pride is the anti-God state of mind. I don’t want to have an anti-God state of mind. This verse came to mind: “What is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him?” Psalm 8:4 All I have and ever do, I owe it to Him who loves me and who died for me. May I always sing His song in this foreign land!
My takeaway is just how insidious pride is. We can never be totally free from it, and if we think that we are then we are self deceived. As Paige quoted, “If you are self deceived, would you know it?” We can only ask for the Lord to open our eyes to it because it is impossible for us to see for ourselves.