This is a week to reflect on the amazing evidence of our faith. We’ll consider 4 post-resurrection appearances of Jesus. The first is to Mary Magdalene — one of my favorite Keller sermons. Did you know all the sermons at gospelinlife.com are free now? Hallelujah. Here is the link to “Mary!”
1. How did God meet you this last Holy Week?
2. We’d love to hear about your Resurrection Sunday — any praise you’d like to share.
3. What stands out to you from the Keller sermon on Mary?
4. Recently I had lunch with a new pickleball friend and she asked me, “How can we know the Bible isn’t “fake news?” A legitimate question! How would you have answered that?
5. It is one week after the first Easter Sunday when Jesus appeared to the disciples. But Thomas wasn’t there. Read John 20:24-31
A. How did Thomas respond to the disciples’ report? (verse 25) Why, do you think?
B. 7 days have passed. The doors are locked. Thomas is there. What happened?
C. How do you see kindness in Jesus toward his doubter?
D. Do you think Thomas actually did touch him or not? How do you see true faith?
6. What do you learn in John 20:30-31? Why so many post-resurrection appearances, do you think?
Between the time when Peter denied the Lord at a fire on that Good Friday, and the time when Jesus re-instated Peter at a fire on the beach in another post-resurrection appearance, there was a private meeting between Jesus and Peter. Michael Card, in his book A Fragile Stone, helped me to see it.
7. How can you see it in Luke 24:34?
8. How can you see it in 1 Corinthians 15:4-5?
9. We don’t know, but what do you imagine Jesus said to Peter in that private meeting?
I think, but I do not know, that Jesus forgave Peter at that meeting, or Peter would not have responded as he did in John 21:7: leaping out of the boat when he recognized Jesus on the shore.
10. What does it mean to you that Jesus is so tender to us when we are truly repentant?
11. Read John 21:1-14
A. Just as Mary Magdalene didn’t recognize the risen Lord, neither do the disciples. (verse 4) Why, do you think? (I don’t know the answer – -but am interested in yours!)
B. Why 153 fish? I think I do know this one. Keller says it was because there were 153 fish. 🙂 He said that there are irrelevant details in the Bible that do not contribute to the storyline because it is just a good factual report. Thoughts?
12. Read John 21:15-25
A. What do you think Jesus meant by his question to Peter in verse 21:15 and why? (Godly men disagree)
B. How do you see this as a full reinstatement of Peter?
C. What is Jesus telling Peter in verses 18-19?
D. What else in 20-23? Application to your life?
E. How does John close his gospel? Thoughts?
1. How did God meet you this last Holy Week? With a beautiful community Good Friday service where I got to see people that I used to go to church with and hadn’t seen in years. Getting to see my son do his first baptism as a pastor and it was his oldest daughter that got baptized.
Dawn, what blessings you have received from our Abba! We had good services here, too, in our community. Praise God!
Oh that is very special with your son and grand-daughter!
Dawn what a great thing for you to be part of. Getting to see your son baptize his daughter. I had that same privilege a few months ago when my son baptized his oldest daughter. Her momma was their helping. What a joy that is.
What a sweet blessing for you, Dawn. Praise God. So special to have your son as the pastor, doing the baptism.
I have a friend whose birthday fell on Easter. She is not a believer. Another friend and I planned a surprise bday party for her on Saturday; a brunch. She has always hosted us for bdays and we felt it was her turn (60th). She was none the wiser, and it was perfect! I was so happy to make her happy. She struggles with her family bullying her often. We had people from all walks of her life there who really care about her. It was a blessing and I do believe God had His hand on the event. Maybe one day she will understand.
Great to shower love on her, Laura!
What a dear friend you are, Laura. Your love spoke Jesus to her soul, even if she did not understand. Praying that one day she will.
2. We’d love to hear about your Resurrection Sunday — any praise you’d like to share.
We hurried to church because I had been asked to sing with the choir and we had our sound check at 8:30. Tough getting our crew there at that time! We had a wonderful breakfast after that; potluck, my favorite. And our pastor brought out his sand art sermon, another favorite of mine! He is so good with it. It was a beautiful day with sunny skies (thank You Jesus) and fairly warmish weather. Need my bones to thaw.
My heart is always moved in celebrating the resurrection of Christ. I loved the Mary! sermon from Keller and the sermon we heard at our church. The music is always fantastic too and brings me to tears.
2. We’d love to hear about your Resurrection Sunday — any praise you’d like to share.
This is small, but God is involved in the details of our lives. 🙂 It was brought to my attention that a legalistic couple in our church didn’t like that I stepped up to the plate and helped facilitate our study for no man would. At first I bristled because I hate legalism in any shape or form, and I think in this case, it’s twisting the scriptures to not let a woman lead a bible study with men present when I was just facilitating. How did Timothy get discipled??
At first I was mad, and hoped they would leave our study, and then God reminded me of His mercy on me for I believed that to an extreme degree as a new believer. I thought of our study here last week and how Jesus washed the disciples feet. We are all dirty, and satan works on us through the things we disagree about in order to divide us. He is risen and everything changed and so He lives inside believers and empowers us to love one another and show mercy to one another. I wasn’t showing mercy with the last couple who are legalistic who left our church due to the changes after our old pastor left, and I’m certainly not showing mercy to this new couple.
So God helped me see my sin in this and helped me to repent and turn on Easter morning. We had Easter sunrise service Sunday morning and he passed out verses for both women and men to read, then had both women and men pray (a courageous action our new pastor took). I’m so grateful our leadership is solid. God opened my eyes and empowered me that morning to turn. We all have dirty feet and Jesus wants us not to divide over things that don’t matter but to wash one another’s feet.
Appreciate your sharing something “small” that always has the potential to become “huge” if we let it. I have lived the legalistic thing and I really hate it as well. You are so right when you said “We all have dirty feet and Jesus wants us not to divide over things that don’t matter but to wash one another’s feet.” God bless you girl. 💕
So true, Rebecca. I am so glad to see that church start releasing women! Yet at the same time we must give grace. You are doing so well.
Dee, I ‘thought’ i gave grace more so than not, 😉 but this test just magnified He’s still working in me, and oh my lack of grace was exposed, but that’s good.
We can be mistaken about some things that aren’t the essentials, I know God will reveal areas I may be unintentionally putting others in chains due to my zeal for Him. I don’t think this oppression was intended, but came from a heart that sincerely loves God and wanted to obey Him. So I have to remember that!
Rebecca, you are such a testimony to me!
Dear Rebecca, I have not been able to participate this week, but just now reading all of these posts. Thank you for sharing this wonderful praise. It is truly much more than a small thing! You are a beautiful woman of God, filled with His grace.
2. We’d love to hear about your Resurrection Sunday — any praise you’d like to share.
We had a wonderful Resurrection Sunday. We have been planning a large family Easter dinner for family and friends that live in the area here. Last week we decided we should ask my husband’s twin brother and his wife to join us. He is the only immediate family member my husband has left outside of a few nieces and nephews. My husband texted his brother to invite them. When he heard back they gladly accepted and then his brother asked about our church services. They said they would like to join us. This was huge. They are not church people and had never been to our church and had never heard our son preach before. They have lived a very worldly life style. Terry shared Christ with his brother a number of years ago a couple of times and both times was brushed off with the attitude I’m ok and I don’t want to talk about it. So Terry had taken the posture he would just be a friend to his brother and love on him. Since that time Jerry’s life became a train wreck with a divorce, alienation from his children, financial problems and now in the last couple of years some serious health problems. The door has really opened and we have been developing a much closer relationship to he and his current wife. They seemed really moved by our son Tyce’s message and spoke highly of what he shared. All of our interactions yesterday were in large group settings but when they got ready to leave in the afternoon from our home we stood in the drive way saying goodbye and his brother was emotional but trying to hold it back. We feel he is very afraid about his health and is starting to open up in his need for the Lord. God is obviously at work. There were many others things about our day that we felt very blessed by and I could praise God for as well but we have prayed for many years for my brother-in-law and believe now we are seeing answers to our prayers for him. God greatly encouraged us yesterday.
Bev, I will be praying for Jerry and that he will continue to be drawn to the Lord.
Wow Bev — that is huge!
Praying for your BIL. 🙏🙏🙏 sweet story.
What an encouraging story, Bev! Praying for Jerry.
1. How did God meet you this last Holy Week?
He met me with this study, a devotional series on the heart of Christ and attending a Good Friday service at a church near us. It was one of the more “intentional “ Holy weeks I’ve had in preparing for Easter…definitely felt His presence.
2. We’d love to hear about your Resurrection Sunday — any praise you’d like to share.
Easter Sunday was wonderful and my preparation for it made it all the more special. My son, daughter-in-law and two grandsons came to church and our pastor gave a great gospel message…praying it impacted their hearts as much as it did mine. We just continue to pray for our family, that their hearts will be soften to the good news of Jesus Christ.
Wonderful report dear Sharon!
Praying, Sharon!
1. How did God meet you this last Holy Week? With kindness and mercy, He gave me the strength to complete things I needed to do for others though being under the weather and gave me peace while completing
I’m sorry you were not feeling well, Judy, but thankful God gave you the strength you needed to even serve others in your weakness.
2. We’d love to hear about your Resurrection Sunday — any praise you’d like to share. Was blessed to spend time at son’s and family and dil parents. Biggest blessing was church. Church was packed and that’s a praise. Pastor offered chance for people to be baptized and 3 people professed faith in Christ and were baptized. What a praise to God! I was crying
3. What stands out to you from the Keller sermon on Mary? I’m not good at technical stuff. I keep downloading. I log into my account but can’t find. I sent them a message to see if they can help me figure out
Judy — I suspect you are making it too hard. For me, I click on the link above and I see it downloading in my lefthand corner and can just click on that. I also can find it on my downloads on my computer and can click there. See if this helps!
4. Recently I had lunch with a new pickleball friend and she asked me, “How can we know the Bible isn’t “fake news?” A legitimate question! How would you have answered that?
Tough question! I have questioned this as a teen and was redirected by my mom. I said, “How do you know the Bible was translated correctly, and not just like the game of gossip?” She said, “Don’t you think God would have made sure it was translated correctly?”
To answer your friend, I guess I would say that even if it is fake news (haha), it gives me hope. It keeps me grounded because I have a higher power to answer to, and it is the most sold book in the world every year. These were the accounts of the people of long ago. Why would they lie? What reason would they have for that?
Good answer from your mom — yet there is sooo much more evidence. Eager to hear from others!
3. What stands out to you from the Keller sermon on Mary?
She was completely blind even though she was passionate for him. She loves Jesus but she’s spiritually blind in this situation, like God has abandoned her. She doesn’t know the real Jesus. He didn’t wait for her to figure it out, he came after her. He said, “woman why are you crying?” “Who are you looking for?”. He is saying, Mary you love me but your understanding for me is too small. He opens her eyes, she doesn’t open her own eyes. His salvation is only by Grace, it’s by what he did on the cross. Believing in His Grace that salvation is by Grace alone, then you can love others even if they don’t believe what you believe.
This sermon is PACKED!! So good. I was able to listen to most of it, but will listen to the last 5 minutes today.
3. What stands out to you from the Keller sermon on Mary?
—I think it was the reality of the grace of Jesus in his ways of seeking out Mary. His point that she was seeking Him. But she was looking for the wrong Jesus and He had to break in.
I think of my brother-in-law as I feel he is hurting and seeking. It encourages my heart that because of that Jesus will break into his life as well.
And Keller’s point that He works through love. In doing so He called her by name. And when she found Him she found life.
There was much more but oh so good.
4. Recently I had lunch with a new pickleball friend and she asked me, “How can we know the Bible isn’t “fake news?” A legitimate question! How would you have answered that?
—I would say I think it takes an honest examination of the Bible and what it saying as a whole. Not just sound bites. I have become convinced through a study of the Bible it’s not “fake news” and over time I have come to see that it is a very accurate book. I guess the only way to see for yourself it is not fake news would be to examine it yourself.
The reason I would answer this way is that my very dear and close friend and prayer partner Lynda came to Christ through reading the Bible. As a professed atheist her goal when she started reading was to prove to the little old ladies is the Bible study that her mother-in-law had invited her was to prove to them it was just a book of fables. But she met Jesus in the Word and found it to all be true. In it she found the Way the Truth and the Life. It didn’t take man to convince her. God himself did through his own words.
5. It is one week after the first Easter Sunday when Jesus appeared to the disciples. But Thomas wasn’t there. Read John 20:24-31
A. How did Thomas respond to the disciples’ report? (verse 25) Why, do you think?
—He said ….“Unless I see in His hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and put my hand into His side, I will not believe.””
Thomas is known as the doubter but I would say even more so he was a skeptic by nature. He was a questioner. On several occasions in other passages he was the one asking questions of Jesus. Like in the upper room when he asked Jesus “Lord, we do not know where You are going, and how can we know the way?” John 14:5
Great question that got a great answer.
“Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.”
John 14:6
B. 7 days have passed. The doors are locked. Thomas is there. What happened?
“…..”Jesus came, the doors being shut, and stood in the midst, and said, “Peace to you!”
“Then He said to Thomas, “Reach your finger here, and look at My hands; and reach your hand here, and put it into My side. Do not be unbelieving, but believing.” And Thomas answered and said to Him, “My Lord and my God!””
C. How do you see kindness in Jesus toward his doubter?
—He gave Thomas exactly what he needed. He came and personally let Thomas see him, hear him and touch him. He gave Thomas what he needed to believe.
D. Do you think Thomas actually did touch him or not? How do you see true faith?
—Yes I do because Jesus instructed him to do so. Keller even made the point “They saw Him, heard Him and touched Him.”
Thomas’s true faith is demonstrated in his response.
“My Lord and my God!” He responded with worship.
6. What do you learn in John 20:30-31? Why so many post-resurrection appearances, do you think?
—It says that Jesus did many more signs in the presence of his disciples that aren’t written in John’s account but what he did write was so that those reading might believe and have life in the name of Jesus.
I think he was affirming and solidifying their faith. It built a strong body of evidence to the resurrection of Christ. Evidence that demands a verdict! 😊
That is such a good point about how reading the Bible yourself reveals its authenticity. Nicky Gumble was one.
3. What stands out to you from the Keller sermon on Mary?
Keller brings out that our faith and salvation rest in truth, grace and love. Jesus told Mary several times the truth that He would raise from the dead in three days and yet she didn’t grasp it. She went to the tomb looking for His body, but rather found the living Jesus who pursued her and called her by name. He showed grace by choosing the least likely person to reveal Himself to first. He chose a woman who were looked at as 2nd class citizens and therefore not considered good witnesses. A woman who had been demon possessed and an outcast. When He asked Mary not to cling to Him and as Keller put it He was saying, “ouch,” He said that as He hadn’t ascended yet and when that did happen He would send the Holy Spirit. This is where the love comes in because He had something better to give to Mary and all believers…the Holy Spirit, Who is always with us!
There is so much more to this sermon so I really encourage y’all to listen to it…so rich!
You loved so much in that sermon that I did.
4. Recently I had lunch with a new pickleball friend and she asked me, “How can we know the Bible isn’t “fake news?” A legitimate question! How would you have answered that?
I think of Lee Strobel’s book Case For Christ when I see a question like this. Lee was an atheist journalist who interviewed several experts to prove that the Bible and Christianity were not true and rather came away with proof that it is true. Some of the things brought out in the book were the many prophesies written in the Old Testament that were fulfilled in the birth, life, death and resurrection of Christ. The fact that He appeared to a woman first would have been a disaster in proving His resurrection as they weren’t believed, but yet that’s what He did! He appeared to several eye witnesses after His resurrection, I believe Keller said about 11 times before He ascended. This quest for Lee Strobel to disapprove the Bible led him to become a believer.
”The truth is this. Jesus resurrection isn’t a legend. Not mythology, not make believe, it’s not a fairy tale. It’s not wishful thinking. Rather it is historical reality, fueled by the power of the Holy Spirit. This handful of rag tag disciples has managed to revolutionize the world with their message of hope and grace. One transformed life at a time. Certainly my life has never been the same since I reached my verdict on November 8, 1981.” ~ Lee Strobel
”If Jesus rose from the dead, then you have to accept all that He said; if He didn’t rise from the dead, then why worry about any of what He said? The issue on which everything hangs is not whether or not you like His teaching but whether or not He rose from the dead.” ~ Tim Keller
Great quote, Sharon.
It is one week after the first Easter Sunday when Jesus appeared to the disciples. But Thomas wasn’t there. Read John 20:24-31
A. How did Thomas respond to the disciples’ report? (verse 25) Why, do you think?
He was the scientist! He needed evidence to believe. I’m sort of that way…In those days it must have been preposterous to think of resurrection. Jesus raised Lazarus so the disciples would have a viewpoint they hadn’t before. He was preparing them to accept His resurrection. If Jesus wasn’t there, who would resurrect Him?
B. 7 days have passed. The doors are locked. Thomas is there. What happened?
Jesus appeared!
C. How do you see kindness in Jesus toward his doubter?
He allows him to touch His body. He doesn’t admonish him for not believing.
D. Do you think Thomas actually did touch him or not? How do you see true faith?
I used to think he touched him. I was probably swayed by the Caravaggio painting. But after reading again, I bet he didn’t. He just believed. The fact that Jesus offered was enough for him.
I could have given your same answer to D — painting and looking again.
5. It is one week after the first Easter Sunday when Jesus appeared to the disciples. But Thomas wasn’t there. Read John 20:24-31
A. How did Thomas respond to the disciples’ report? (verse 25) Why, do you think?
He wouldn’t believe unless he saw the nail wounds in His hands and put his fingers into them and place his hand into the wound in His side.
He wasn’t present when Jesus first appeared to the other disciples for whatever reason and refused to believe that it was actually Jesus.
B. 7 days have passed. The doors are locked. Thomas is there. What happened?
Suddenly Jesus was standing among them, then turned to Thomas and said, “Put your finger here, and look at My hands. Put your hand into the wound in my side. Don’t be faithless any longer. Believe! Thomas exclaimed, “My Lord and my God!” Then Jesus told him, “You believe because you have seen Me. Blessed are those who believe without seeing Me.”
C. How do you see kindness in Jesus toward his doubter?
He never belittled Thomas for not believing and for not being there the first time He appeared. He just suggested to Thomas to do exactly what he said he wanted to do to believe. Jesus wanted to move Thomas from unbelief to belief.
D. Do you think Thomas actually did touch him or not? It doesn’t say, but I think with Jesus’s response and saying exactly what Thomas told the other disciples he wanted to do in order to believe, I don’t think he needed to touch Him…Maybe Thomas realized that Jesus is always with them, even when they can’t see Him. How do you see true faith? Hebrews 11:1, ”Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.”
6. What do you learn in John 20:30-31? That Jesus did many other signs in the presence of the disciples. Why so many post-resurrection appearances, do you think? According to verse 31, so that many would believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and by believing may have life in His name. I think also to provide proof of the resurrection,
3. What stands out to you from the Keller sermon on Mary? Mary loved Jesus and was searching for Him but was blind to spiritual realities. Mary didn’t know real Jesus. Makes me wonder if I’m missing something and have blindness yet to be healed. Thankful pointed out Jesus chase her and chooses her. Can only imagine the joy that flooded her when she heard her name Mary.
I think we keep getting to know Him better, Judy!
1. How did God meet you this last Holy Week?
The week was especially meaningful to me this year as I meditated on the last days of Jesus here on earth. Everything in my life, little or big, seemed to have coalesced to one truth: His great love for me at the cost of His life.
2. We’d love to hear about your Resurrection Sunday — any praise you’d like to share.
Richard and I hosted an Easter breakfast at our church after an early service and there were 30 of us who gathered. I looked around (as I was flipping pancakes) and my heart just welled up with love for these families God gave us. A couple came early that morning to help prepare the sausages, bacon, ham, and potatoes. Then later, a guest (!) helped one of our ladies clean up. Aahhh…sweet fellowship among the body of Christ. The second service was a blessing as well. My husband/pastor gave a message based on a hymn written by Alfred Henry Ackley, “He lives”. The hymn took on a new meaning for many of us.
2. What stands out to you from the Keller sermon on Mary?
I was struck by Keller’s thought on Mary being blind to the real Jesus. She thought that Jesus was the gardener. It was not until Jesus called her by name, that Mary recognized Jesus. He initiated; she responded. Everything is still GRACE.
Bing, I can just imagine you looking out at the attendees as you flipped pancakes and smiling! I just wish I could have been one of the attendees. I’m sure you’re one of the sweetest loving pastor’s wives ever!
Aawww…Missy. Thank you so much for your kind words. I so wish I can be consistent in my joy in my service to others.
How do you see kindness in Jesus toward His doubter? I am happy to answer this question for this is exactly what the pastor of the church I’m attending preached about this Easter Sunday. Most of us would’ve chided Thomas severely. “WHAT??!! How dare you not believe what I told you before and insist on seeing and touching my wounds. If that’s how you’re going to be, I really want nothing to do with you!” I listened with a growing conviction that this is how I would’ve responded to Thomas. Instead, Jesus met Thomas right in the midst of his doubting and tenderly showed him His wounds and admonished him to not be faithless, but believing. The pastor said Jesus is not afraid of our doubts, and invites us to be open with Him in our struggle to believe. Oh, I so much want to be like Jesus instead of me. Let the beauty of Jesus be seen in me in regard to how I respond to those who are going astray or have doubts and fears.
“Oh, I so much want to be like Jesus instead of me.” Oh me too, Miriam.
Amen! I love this Missy!
Between the time when Peter denied the Lord at a fire on that Good Friday, and the time when Jesus re-instated Peter at a fire on the beach in another post-resurrection appearance, there was a private meeting between Jesus and Peter. Michael Card, in his book A Fragile Stone, helped me to see it.
7. How can you see it in Luke 24:34?
—It states in that verse that the Lord had appeared to Simon (Peter). The disciples were telling the two from Emmaus that Jesus had risen indeed because he had appeared to Simon.
8. How can you see it in 1 Corinthians 15:4-5?
—It states here again that he appeared to Cephas, then to the twelve.
Cephas being Peter.
9. We don’t know, but what do you imagine Jesus said to Peter in that private meeting?
—without a doubt he was granting Peter repentance and forgiveness. The depth of what Peter had done in betraying Jesus would have left him in complete despair. But we know that Jesus extends his love and acceptance regardless of the sin to anyone and he would have been able to affirm to Peter the purpose and power of the cross in forgiving his sin. He would have set Peter free.
I looked up and reread what Michael Card wrote about Jesus meeting with Peter. There is absolute silence in the scripture on the content of that reconciliation but this comment stood out to me at the end of Card’s comments.
“If Jesus had not been raised, Peter would have never known such forgiveness. And neither would, neither could, we.”
10. What does it mean to you that Jesus is so tender to us when we are truly repentant?
—If there’s ever a time when I need to feel love and acceptance it’s when I have sinned and guilt and shame take it’s toll on my heart. To have Jesus tenderly demonstrate his love and offer his complete forgiveness and acceptance and offer me restoration means everything.
I think of John 8:36
“So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.”
4. Recently I had lunch with a new pickleball friend and she asked me, “How can we know the Bible isn’t “fake news?” A legitimate question! How would you have answered that? I think Keller gives a great example. That in biblical times, the culture was extremely patriarchal, and women were noted as unworthy, and without credibility. If they were trying to fool people into thinking Jesus rose from the dead they wouldn’t have a woman be the first eye witness. Even if women were relevant back then, why, as part of her eyewitness testimony, would they have relayed that she said, “who took him?” as her first impression. She would’ve said, “He’s risen as He said!” Also, why weren’t all the disciples there at first? If it were made up, they would’ve been there.
The bible is full of God moving through and using broken, sinful, men and women. His chosen people were a mess! That is not the story line the Jews would’ve made up. It would be, what must I do to be good enough for God to take me to heaven or reward me when I die. God would’ve sent a messiah who came to save them from the Romans and became their king. Jesus was not born in lavish-ness, nor did He come riding on a horse with a crown on. He came in riding on a donkey. He came as humble and lowly. That is not the narrative they would’ve created. It would not have been about a God who came to die for our sin so that He could have us. We would have to atone for it somehow.
Also, there are many authors who wrote many books in the bible over many centuries and all of them have the same thread and are consistent throughout. The same theme. Also, none of the books contradict one another.
5. It is one week after the first Easter Sunday when Jesus appeared to the disciples. But Thomas wasn’t there. Read John 20:24-31
A. How did Thomas respond to the disciples’ report? (verse 25) Why, do you think? He didn’t believe they saw Jesus. He wanted proof via seeing Him himself and not only just seeing Him, but touching his hands where the nails were and his side. I think he, like the disciples, didn’t understand what Jesus meant when He said he will die then rise on the third day. Thomas had a skeptical disposition anyway.
B. 7 days have passed. The doors are locked. Thomas is there. What happened? Jesus appeared even though the doors were locked, then asked Thomas to touch his hands and his side and told him to stop doubting and believe. Thomas said, My Lord and My God!! It humbled him for he didn’t just intellectually believe, he was in awe!
C. How do you see kindness in Jesus toward his doubter? He didn’t appear and say, be-rid of Thomas the doubter! He didn’t reject Thomas for doubting either. He didn’t appear and ask him questions making a mockery of him. He showed him mercy, and kindness by asking him to touch him instead of brow beating him for not believing. Also, I see kindness in Jesus letting Thomas know he heard him when he told the disciples he doubted and that he must touch Jesus hands and side first before believing. That Jesus would give him what he needed or wanted so that he would believe, instead of crushing him.
D. Do you think Thomas actually did touch him or not? How do you see true faith? I’ve never seen this before!! I always assumed he did touch Him, but no where does it say he touched Jesus. At Jesus appearance and in knowing Jesus knew what he said, that alone crushed any doubt and so I think he didn’t need to touch Him. I don’t think it was even a thought anymore. Instead, he fell to his knees inside in awe. It doesn’t mean he didn’t touch him, but if he truly didn’t that is even more glorious than if he had touched him in order to believe! Actually, now that I see this, I think he most likely didn’t.
6. What do you learn in John 20:30-31? Why so many post-resurrection appearances, do you think? Jesus did that so that He would have eyewitness testimonies, but also so that He could show them that He is going to give them a counselor, the Holy Spirit. They wouldn’t have understood what is happening if Jesus would’ve not had any post resurrection appearances and yet He gave them His Holy Spirit. Also, If Jesus wouldn’t have appeared so many times, they wouldn’t have eye witness testimony and scripture wouldn’t be reliable, or wouldn’t have been written about His resurrection. Mary and the Disciples had no clue what it meant and wouldn’t have believed it had Jesus not appeared to them after He rose. Without the resurrection, our faith is worthless, we would die in our sins.
“Without the resurrection, our faith is worthless, we would die in our sins.”
Rebecca, That is a very profound and true statement.
I too loved the Keller example of Mary!
Have I said it is so good to have you back? 🙂
I’m so happy to be back! ❤️
6. What do you learn in John 20:30-31? Why so many post-resurrection appearances, do you think?
I learned that the disciples as witnesses to the events and many more events that were not written down. The ones written were so that we would understand and believe.
I guess if lots of different people saw the same thing then they would know it was true.
7. How can you see it in Luke 24:34?
The two that were on the road to Emmaus met up with the disciples in Jerusalem who told them, “The Lord has really risen! He appeared to Peter.”
8. How can you see it in 1 Corinthians 15:4-5?
Paul, giving the gospel message says, “Christ died for our sins, He was buried, He raised from the dead on the 3rd day just as the scriptures said. He was seen by Peter and then by the 12.”
9. We don’t know, but what do you imagine Jesus said to Peter in that private meeting?
Jesus knew Peter’s heart, how sorry he was and He knew He needed forgiveness, comfort and reassurance in his faith after the denial.
I think, but I do not know, that Jesus forgave Peter at that meeting, or Peter would not have responded as he did in John 21:7: leaping out of the boat when he recognized Jesus on the shore.
10. What does it mean to you that Jesus is so tender to us when we are truly repentant?
It means so much to know that He is full of grace and love for every time I mess up, to know that He is always there with open arms to forgive and receive my repentant heart. It also makes me realize how I need to respond to others when I’ve been wronged…with grace and love.
“ It also makes me realize how I need to respond to others when I’ve been wronged…with grace and love.”
Good point Sharon.
8. How can you see it in 1 Corinthians 15:4-5?
It says that He appeared to Peter and then the 12. Wasn’t Peter one of the 12?
9. We don’t know, but what do you imagine Jesus said to Peter in that private meeting?
He probably reassured him, reminded him that he told them what would happen as it would happen, as per OT scripture, and that because of the events all Christians would have eternal life.
I think, but I do not know, that Jesus forgave Peter at that meeting, or Peter would not have responded as he did in John 21:7: leaping out of the boat when he recognized Jesus on the shore.
10. What does it mean to you that Jesus is so tender to us when we are truly repentant?
He forgives us unconditionally.
1. Recently I had lunch with a new pickleball friend and she asked me, “How can we know the Bible isn’t “fake news?” A legitimate question! How would you have answered that?
66 books all pointing to Jesus. I have been listening to Keller’s series on “ Discovering the gospel in every book of the Bible”. Where the gospel is, Jesus is.
His spirit testifies with our spirit that we are children of God.
And we are witnesses to these things, and so is the Holy Spirit, whom God has given to those who obey him.”
All Scripture is God-breathed…
Nobody can refute my own testimony of God’s work in my life. Too much evidence of answered prayer that can only be explained by the work of God in my life and the fulfillment of His promises.
4. It is one week after the first Easter Sunday when Jesus appeared to the disciples. But Thomas wasn’t there. Read John 20:24-31
A. How did Thomas respond to the disciples’ report? (verse 25) Why, do you think?
Thomas wanted evidence. For him, to see is to believe.
B. 7 days have passed. The doors are locked. Thomas is there. What happened?
Jesus showed up!
C. How do you see kindness in Jesus toward his doubter?
Jesus acknowledged Thomas’s belief upon seeing Him.
D. Do you think Thomas actually did touch him or not? How do you see true faith?
I have never thought of this before but I think Thomas did not have to physically touch Jesus’ wounds. Jesus invited Thomas to touch His hands and side. Thomas would have realized that Jesus knew all along what kind of evidence he would be looking for. He took Jesus’ words as is and showed his faith. He acknowledged that Jesus was his Lord and his God.
2. What do you learn in John 20:30-31? Why so many post-resurrection appearances, do you think?
Evidence of his resurrection as well as impactful last conversations with those He loved.
John 8:17 In your Law it is written that the testimony of two people is true.
And there were more than 2. And some were women! In biblical times, testimonies of women were not given much credit. But the Word included their testimonies honoring them. It is a fact that happened though its mere mention might be irrelevant to some readers.
How can you see it in Luke 24:34? I’m a little confused on this one. It’s after road to Emmaus encounter, they found the eleven (which Peter was one of the 11) and travelers on road said Lord has risen indeed and has appeared to Simon!
8. How can you see it in 1 Corinthians 15:4-5 to Cephas
9. We don’t know, but what do you imagine Jesus said to Peter in that private meeting? I think Peter expressed despair, humility and need for forgiveness . Jesus gave him love, 100% acceptance, forgiveness and strengthened him.
I think, but I do not know, that Jesus forgave Peter at that meeting, or Peter would not have responded as he did in John 21:7: leaping out of the boat when he recognized Jesus on the shore. He heard the Savior s voice and knew he didn’t have to grovel, he was forgiven.
10. What does it mean to you that Jesus is so tender to us when we are truly repentant? Everything. I sin and will sin again but I can always go back for forgivrness
I think Luke mentioned Simon separately because Jesus first had a separate meeting with him.
11. Read John 21:1-14
A. Just as Mary Magdalene didn’t recognize the risen Lord, neither do the disciples. (verse 4) Why, do you think? (I don’t know the answer – -but am interested in yours!)
—I don’t know either but I do think I am no different than Mary and the disciples in that at times I am slow to recognize Jesus is near. Very near. But I am distracted by what is troubling me or perhaps engrossed in the business of whatever is demanding my time and attention. I often have to remind myself of the need to focus on Jesus.
B. Why 153 fish? I think I do know this one. Keller says it was because there were 153 fish. 🙂 He said that there are irrelevant details in the Bible that do not contribute to the storyline because it is just a good factual report. Thoughts?
— Hmmm? That is an interesting comment by Keller. I think you are saying he would consider this detail as irrelevant to the storyline?
I guess in my mind it was relevant some how because it was definitely relevant to John who wrote the account. I would think that might be because it was a large number of large fish to them and amazingly the nets didn’t break this time under the load of so many as had happened the first time back in Luke’s account of Jesus instructing Peter to let down the nets into the deep in Luke 5.
I also think the number of 153 would have been significant to the early readers of that culture. After all true fishermen are all about numbers and size 😁
I do think we in our day and cultures don’t have a good frame of reference for the significance of this story. We are used to seeing large fishing boats with major equipment in a modern world. This was their livelihood practiced at a whole different level.
The experience must have impacted them greatly as a repeat of the first experience fishing all night and catching nothing only to have Jesus show up and do the same miracle of bringing them fish. Lots of fish. 153 fish.
There would seem to be a significant spiritual lesson here of what can and does happen when Jesus shows up in our lives. He’s always here in our lives but there are times He shows up in spectacular ways.
12. Read John 21:15-25
A. What do you think Jesus meant by his question to Peter in verse 21:15 and why? (Godly men disagree)
—I’m not aware of what the disagreements are regarding this interaction between Jesus and Peter. But there are some seemingly obvious points in that Jesus was impressing on Peter his new role as a shepherd now to the flock (Jesus’s followers). But it would require of Peter an unconditional love for Jesus. The point is often made that Jesus was using the Greek word agape for love meaning an unconditional love but Peter was responding with the Greek word phileo for love meaning a brotherly friendship kind of love. The love of God is key to all ministry and work we do for Him. No other motive is legitimate for the work of God. We have to love the Lord our God with all our heart and with all our soul and with all our mind and with all our strength. Then in turn we will love our neighbor as ourself. We just simply can’t do it without Jesus and neither could Peter.
B. How do you see this as a full reinstatement of Peter?
—I have read where it is often pointed out that Peter denied Jesus 3 times and Jesus had Peter publicly affirm his love for Jesus 3 times.
C. What is Jesus telling Peter in verses 18-19?
—How he would die on a cross as well. It says telling Peter what kind of death he would die but he would glorify God by his death. Fascinating it says that his death would end in glorifying God. And then he said “follow me”. I think that meant not just in life but to the death.
D. What else in 20-23?
—Peter concerned himself with what would happen to John. It has always seemed to me that commentators are critical of Peter for asking that question like it was none of his business. But I would have thought Peter had a genuine concern for his younger brother in Christ and after being told how he would die the thought of John suffering the same might have been a very hard thought for Peter. But Jesus was clear to Peter he should not let himself be distracted with that concern but just simply follow Him.
Application to your life?
—I think we often concern ourselves with the lives of others spiritually in ways that are not ours to handle. And mothers are probably the most distracted by worry and wanting to control circumstances regarding our children and their lives. But there is a point where outside of prayer (taking them to and trusting Jesus) we have to let go and let God have his way in their lives.
E. How does John close his gospel? Thoughts?
—“Now there are also many other things that Jesus did. Were every one of them to be written, I suppose that the world itself could not contain the books that would be written.”
John is saying to completely write down all that Jesus did would be impossible. With Jesus absolutely every interaction and every moment of his life mattered.
This made me smile. True fishermen are all about numbers and size!
11. Read John 21:1-14
A. Just as Mary Magdalene didn’t recognize the risen Lord, neither do the disciples. (verse 4) Why, do you think? (I don’t know the answer – -but am interested in yours!). I’m not sure! Maybe he didn’t look the same because He was in His resurrected state, or God blinded them until it was time to recognize that it was Him?
B. Why 153 fish? I think I do know this one. Keller says it was because there were 153 fish. He said that there are irrelevant details in the Bible that do not contribute to the storyline because it is just a good factual report. Thoughts? That makes sense, and is more proof that scripture is a factual eye witness testimony.
I noticed the first miracle of the fish before Jesus’ resurrection the net tore, but after His resurrection it didn’t tear even though it was holding 153 fish. Also, He was already cooking fish on the fire and had bread ready before He asked them to bring in more fish to cook. Not sure if there is any significance in that, or if it is like the 153 fish where it is just details, but am wondering.
12. Read John 21:15-25
A. What do you think Jesus meant by his question to Peter in verse 21:15 and why? (Godly men disagree) He is asking Peter to feed His lambs (Babes in Christ? Also, in the next verse he wants Peter to lead or feed His sheep which are more mature people in the faith? But he must love Christ in order to be able to do this, but he can’t do this in his own strength. The only way he can truly love Christ and lead His lambs and sheep is if he has Him living inside.
C. What is Jesus telling Peter in verses 18-19?
So this is a stretch! Don’t laugh too loud but you should know me by now. 🙂 I am real excited about this because I think there might be something to it and I didn’t look up commentary first, so if there is, then it’s His Spirit opening my eyes, if not, then it is just me totally misinterpreting it. 😉 (pride alert!! ugh) So anyway, I looked up what the difference is between a lamb and a sheep is. A lamb isn’t ready to have his wool removed yet, so he is dressed and goes where he wants, but as he matures he is led to have his wool removed (a sheep?). This may be a stretch but Jesus explains what He meant in verses 18-19 which seems to indicate Peter is the lamb as a young believer who wavers in His faith (when he denied Jesus and so he went as he wanted to), but as a Sheep in the future he will be more mature and instead of running away at the threat of martyrdom, and denying Jesus like he did before, he will let them capture him and put him to death for his love and faith in Jesus has grown and he will be ready to let them have him in the name of Jesus. Also, he will be the leader of the church and will be able to be patient and love the lambs and sheep for he has been rebellious yet still loved and in the future will know the great maturity that comes from persevering in persecution.
B. How do you see this as a full reinstatement of Peter? Peter didn’t have to ‘do’ anything to be fully reinstated after denying Jesus. Jesus knew his heart and his future, but through v18-19 Jesus was encouraging him that he has been forgiven, and has been reinstated.
D. What else in 20-23? Application to your life? That i have doubted my faith, but as I grow in maturity I will become more and more in love with Jesus and able to extend more love and Grace to those He puts around me. Also, more and more growth to stand firm when hard persecution comes. Denying Jesus can come in many forms in our culture and I do think in the future we will endure heavy persecution. As of now it is light compared to the believers who are martyred in other countries.
E. How does John close his gospel? Thoughts? That Jesus did tons more than what is written in scripture. So much more than we could ever dare to imagine. John must have witnessed more than what is written in scripture, and so maybe that is why our faith confounds the angels for we have not seen what the disciples saw yet still believe. Even Peter, he saw miracles yet still denied Jesus. That tells me that we are fragile and His Holy Spirit inside is how it is possible for us to not have seen yet still not only just believe but are able to grow and mature in our faith where Jesus becomes more and more our all in all.
I think you may be onto something with the lamb versus sheep!
11. Read John 21:1-14
A. Just as Mary Magdalene didn’t recognize the risen Lord, neither do the disciples. (verse 4) Why, do you think? (I don’t know the answer – -but am interested in yours!)
They had been out all night fishing and hadn’t caught any fish…tired and discouraged, they were still floundering as to what to do so they went back to what they knew, fishing.
It was dawn when Jesus appeared standing on the beach…a time of day that is hard to make out who someone is.
This was the 3rd time that Jesus just appeared to them after His resurrection…His appearances were unexpected and this one was no different.
I love this encounter because it really shows the humanness of the disciples and how much like them we are…we get tired, discouraged, flounder in what our purpose is, hard of seeing (physically and spiritually) and forget that Jesus is always with us.
B. Why 153 fish? I think I do know this one. Keller says it was because there were 153 fish. 🙂 He said that there are irrelevant details in the Bible that do not contribute to the storyline because it is just a good factual report. Thoughts?
I think it is relevant because it is a good factual report…more proof of the encounter with Jesus after His resurrection.
I like this quote from Tenney…”One hundred and fifty-three fish plus a wet net would probably weigh as much as 300 pounds or more. The observation of the exact number of fish and the fact the net did not break reflect both an eyewitness account and a fisherman’s perspective.”
12. Read John 21:15-25
A. What do you think Jesus meant by his question to Peter in verse 21:15 and why? (Godly men disagree)
After breakfast Jesus asked Simon Peter, “Simon, son of John, do you love Me more than these?” ’Yes, Lord,’“ Peter replied, “You know I love you.” ‘Then feed My lambs,” Jesus told him.”
It’s interesting that Jesus addresses him as Simon, son of John rather than by Peter, which meant “the rock.” I think He’s asking Peter if he loves Him more than the other disciples do because before Peter denied Him 3 times he says in Matthew 26:33, “Though they all fall away because of You, I will never fall alway.” Jesus is asking Peter, have you really counted the cost of following and loving Me?
B. How do you see this as a full reinstatement of Peter?
Jesus goes from telling Peter to “feed my lambs, take care of my sheep,” to “feed my sheep,” which indicates putting him in a place of leadership…shepherding His children.
C. What is Jesus telling Peter in verses 18-19?
How he’s going to die.
D. What else in 20-23? Application to your life?
That the plans that God has for me are unique and different from others and I need to focus on His will for my life and glorify Him in all that I do.
E. How does John close his gospel? Thoughts?
The number of things that Jesus did can’t be contained in all the books in the world…amazing!
Good quote from Tenny. And did you see Bev on this, Sharon? Interesting!
11. Read John 21:1-14
A. Just as Mary Magdalene didn’t recognize the risen Lord, neither do the disciples. (verse 4) Why, do you think? (I don’t know the answer – -but am interested in yours!)
At first, I think he was far away and it was dusk. Later though, they are on the beach cooking fish. They know it’s Him because He had performed the miracle of the fish with Peter prior to this. Only He could do this. But, as they sit around the fire they are afraid to ask if it is Him even though they know it is. Is it because He looks different or because they can’t believe what they are seeing? Does He look ethereal?
B. Why 153 fish? I think I do know this one. Keller says it was because there were 153 fish. 🙂 He said that there are irrelevant details in the Bible that do not contribute to the storyline because it is just a good factual report. Thoughts?
I was surprised to read that number as well. I would tend to agree that it was a true observation.
12. Read John 21:15-25
A. What do you think Jesus meant by his question to Peter in verse 21:15 and why? (Godly men disagree)
Hmmmm….Peter had denied knowing Jesus 3 times just prior to that. Maybe He was trying to remind Peter of what He had taught him so that Peter would continue the work that Jesus started.
B. How do you see this as a full reinstatement of Peter?
Jesus is showing Peter that he is forgiven for his blundering.
C. What is Jesus telling Peter in verses 18-19?
That he will suffer for following Christ.
A. Just as Mary Magdalene didn’t recognize the risen Lord, neither do the disciples. (verse 4) Why, do you think? (I don’t know the answer – -but am interested in yours!) Jesus didn’t want them to. Just as he slipped through crowd when they wanted to throw Him off cliff or another group wanted to make Him king.
B. Why 153 fish? I think I do know this one. Keller says it was because there were 153 fish. 🙂 He said that there are irrelevant details in the Bible that do not contribute to the storyline because it is just a good factual report. Thoughts? I guess there s all these fish and the net didn’t rip. To fishermen at that time they would have understood the immense catch and its significance
12. Read John 21:15-25
A. What do you think Jesus meant by his question to Peter in verse 21:15 and why? (Godly men disagree) it was a public announcement just as there had been public denial.
B. How do you see this as a full reinstatement of Peter? Jesus is entrusting the sheep into Peter’s care.
C. What is Jesus telling Peter in verses 18-19? When you are old indicating Peter had years ahead of him. Another will carry you where you don’t want to go – martyrdom
D. What else in 20-23? Application to your life? To stay in my own lane. What God has for others isn’t to be my focus, my focus is to be what He asks of me.
E. How does John close his gospel? Thoughts? Many other things Jesus did. The world isn’t large enough to contain all the books books. It will be exciting to sit around in the evening and hear the stories that aren’t in the Bible.
Between the time when Peter denied the Lord at a fire on that Good Friday, and the time when Jesus re-instated Peter at a fire on the beach in another post-resurrection appearance, there was a private meeting between Jesus and Peter. Michael Card, in his book A Fragile Stone, helped me to see it.
7. How can you see it in Luke 24:34?
The 2 disciples who were walking the road to Emmaus mentioned that Jesus showed himself to Simon.
8. How can you see it in 1 Corinthians 15:4-5?
He appeared to Cephas who is Peter.
9. We don’t know, but what do you imagine Jesus said to Peter in that private meeting?
I think, but I do not know, that Jesus forgave Peter at that meeting, or Peter would not have responded as he did in John 21:7: leaping out of the boat when he recognized Jesus on the shore.
I agree with you, Dee. Jesus knew Peter would need that personal encounter to confess, repent, and receive the forgiveness that he needed to move forward and become the great man he was meant to be for the Lord.
10. What does it mean to you that Jesus is so tender to us when we are truly repentant?
Jesus loves me and there will not be any scolding or penance to pay. I think of how the father ran to meet the prodigal son. Instead of waiting till the son reaches his door, the father threw embarrassment and shame to the wind. He loved his son so much that he did not care how he looked. He wanted the son to feel and see his love demonstrated. Jesus will pull us to His arms, and shhh…all is well; you are forgiven.
There is in a sense a true acknowledgment between the father and the son of the gravity of the son’s/our sins and the unconditional love of the father/Jesus. Both characters know but the love of the father covers all of the son’s sins.
No scolding or penance to pay. I always try to reconcile that with our having to give an account for every word spoken. Thoughts?
I agree that with Jesus there will be no scolding or penance to pay. I think of the “Prodigal God” Keller’s book and the lavish love demonstrated toward the wayward son. But how to frame Jesus’s comment that we will give an account for every careless word we have ever spoken does make a person take pause. I wonder if it means at that time when we each stand alone before our Creator the complete account of our lives and how we lived them and all that we said will be laid bare before Him and it will be apparent of who we were and what we were like in this life. The contrast to that will be the perfect finished work on the Cross by Jesus for my salvation. And a very deep appreciation on our part for what He did in light of our human sinfulness.
Perhaps it isn’t about examining every word I have said and why but over all in the end what I said about Jesus Christ will confirm or deny that I knew Him as my Savior.
The context of the verse deals with the heart. “You brood of vipers! How can you speak good, when you are evil? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. The good person out of his good treasure brings forth good, and the evil person out of his evil treasure brings forth evil. I tell you, on the day of judgment people will give account for every careless word they speak, for by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.””Matthew 12:34-37 ESVFrom that last verse it is an issue of my own words that will justify or condemn me in my relationship to Jesus Christ. So it is important to have a testimony of speaking about Jesus and my love for Him and what He has done for me.
Good to look at context. Makes me wonder if this was for unbelievers.
11. Read John 21:1-14
A. Just as Mary Magdalene didn’t recognize the risen Lord, neither do the disciples. (verse 4) Why, do you think? (I don’t know the answer – -but am interested in yours!)
Grief is too great, perhaps? God, the Father preventing them from recognizing Jesus at first? Keller said they were blind to the true Jesus.
I think at times I have done that. I knew this thing about Jesus, let us say, He answers specific prayers. Then when He does, I find myself second-guessing if it was really Him. Not sure if I am off the left field.
B. Why 153 fish? I think I do know this one. Keller says it was because there were 153 fish. 🙂 He said that there are irrelevant details in the Bible that do not contribute to the storyline because it is just a good factual report. Thoughts?
One of the disciples must be the mathematical one (Thomas or Matthew?) I can just hear one of them saying, “I am going to count this so there will not be any doubt that there were 153 fish caught!” That will actually be pretty important to me. (Smile)
12. Read John 21:15-25
A. What do you think Jesus meant by his question to Peter in verse 21:15 and why? (Godly men disagree)
I often wonder why Jesus asked this of Peter. Could it be more for Peter’s sake? And if there were other disciples around, it could also be for their sake. At times, it is easy for me to say I love Jesus but when He tells me, “to feed my lambs”, I may start thinking of the ones that I may have difficulty loving or “feeding”.
B. How do you see this as a full reinstatement of Peter?
Peter denied him 3x, and Jesus asked Peter 3x as well.
C. What is Jesus telling Peter in verses 18-19?
Peter will die in excruciating pain as history has mentioned that Peter died crucified upside down. (?)
D. What else in 20-23? Application to your life?
Peter asked about John’s future. Jesus replied that shouldn’t matter. The important thing is that he follows Jesus. For me, this means that each of us has our own calling and perhaps even how we will die. What matters is following Jesus where He leads us.
E. How does John close his gospel? Thoughts?
There will not be enough room in the world for the books that would tell of what Jesus had done while He was here on earth. His life affected all people and His story, whether they believed him or not, would be intertwined with their own stories. The song, “what will you do with Jesus” came to mind.
Bing wrote “When he says feed my lambs I think of the ones I have difficulty feeding.” So true.
2. We’d love to hear about your Resurrection Sunday — any praise you’d like to share. My brother and his wife attended church for the first time that wasn’t funeral or wedding related. My daughter in law has been instrumental in getting my niece (their daughter) to church and Awana. My brother and sister-in-law came to church because their daughter was involved in a children’s presentation that was being given. I pray that this is the start to Christ drawing them to Him.
3. What stands out to you from the Keller sermon on Mary? “I thought that I was a doorstop and found out that I was a bell.” 99.9% of the time I feel like a doorstop, not really contributing to the overall scheme of things.
I laughed at the doorstop comment too!
Dawn, In a bell choir all the bells matter to make beautiful music and in the scheme of things you are one of the bells in God’s bell choir needed to complete the music being played by the Master. Each bell from very small to very large is important and needed. None is more important than another. Be assured you are a contributor. 😊
You are no doorstop, Dawn!
—Oh how I love Sara Grove’s music. This was a wonderful reminder of my place as one of God’s creations who has the privilege of being one of his children to think on the beauty of Who Christ is. He is beautiful and He brings beauty into everything He touches. All the works that God does are beautiful. So I need to be mindful of my place and my part in experiencing and sharing that beauty to all who are around me. Beauty matters.
The Francis Schaefer quote speaks to me personally. Especially the last sentence.
“No work of art is more important than the Christian’s own life, and every Christian is called upon to be an artist in this sense.
He may have no gift of writing, no gift of composing or singing, but each man has the gift of creativity in terms of the way he lives his life.
In this sense, the Christian’s life is to be an art work. The Christian’s life is to be a thing of truth and also a thing of beauty in the midst of a lost and despairing world.”
~ Francis A. Schaeffer
Some Perspectives on Art
13. Share your thoughts and also how you can use your gifts well.
—A life that is “a thing of truth and a thing of beauty” has purpose and affects others for good.
When I try to consider my gifts I struggle to define them. But to go a step farther in describing how to use them just isn’t simple for me. I feel there is natural giftedness and there is spiritual gifting which are different. Spiritual gifts are dependent on the work of the Holy Spirit. Natural abilities aren’t really that valuable in the end unless they are used by God to glorify Himself. So I have to relinquish control over and any claim of glory for myself to God to use my gifts well in a way that is pleasing to Him. Any beauty that shines out of my life is only a reflection of his beauty within me.
Schaeffer’s comment “….each man has the gift of creativity in terms of the way he lives his life.” makes me ponder and begin to think how I can actively be creative in the way I am living my life. I kind I feel I have been bumbling along for much of my life. Just letting life happen around me.
There are a lot of good thoughts here and I am encouraged by them.
I also like what Andrew Peterson said in his comments.
“The world knows darkness. Christ came into the world to show us light. I have seen it, have been blinded by it, invaded by it. I will tell its story.”
I pray my life will tell the story of the Light by how I live it. I know I have to live it in the light of His grace and glory.
beautiful Schaeffer quote!
12. D. What else in 20-23? Application to your life?
Jesus was not going to “reprimand” Judas for his betrayal. It was none of the disciples business. It is none of our business to judge what others do or don’t do. God has the right, not us. I need to worry about myself and my relationship with God.
E. How does John close his gospel? Thoughts?
There are many other stories and books that could have been written, but there would be too many to note. It’s amazing that Jesus made such an impact on the people of that time and even now.
Sara Groves song:
I like the last quote by Francis A. Schaffer. It made me cry.
“No work of art is more important than the Christian’s own life, and every Christian is called to be an artist in this sense. He may have no gift of writing, no gift of composing or singing, but each man has the gift of creativity in the way he lives his own life. In this sense, the Christian’s life is to be an art work. The Christian’s life is meant to be a thing of truth, and also a thing of beauty, in the midst of a lost and despairing world.”
So if I can’t find any “reason” for my life, I have one now. I am to be like Christ to the world, so people will know Him and so that my life is what He wanted me to be in the first place; a blessing to others. It is not an easy feat.
Laura, I felt the same way about Francis Schaeffer’s quote. We are a gift of creativity in the way that we live our lives. What a beautiful thing!
14. What is your take-a-way and why? The people not immediately recognizing Jesus. Where am I missing how He s working and who I’m to make an extra effort to connect with.
14. What is your take-a-way and why?
Last Easter Sunday was a wonderful Resurrection Sunday for me personally and to take some time this week and relish the realities of our Risen Savior has been a blessing spiritually. The study this week of looking at the appearances of Jesus after the Resurrection has been enlightening and encouraging. He showed up in wonderful ways to his own friends and followers. It made me more aware to look for Him in how he shows up in my life and the lives of those around me. The power of his resurrection means everything as a Christ follower.