This seems like a good sermon for between Easter and Pentecost, considering Peter and how Jesus groomed him to become the leader he was, and, how Peter responded. It’s rare for a person to respond well to criticism, but a wise man does.
I love doing this with you. You are such treasured sisters who sharpen me!
Ever since I read Michael Card’s book on Peter, entitled The Fragile Stone, I’ve had a new perspective on Peter. Just as we, who are evangelicals may fail to appreciate Mary due to seeing many Catholics worship her, I think we can also fail to appreciate Peter, due to most Catholics seeing him as the first Pope. Michael Card clearly showed how Jesus groomed Peter to be, in truth, the leader of the early church. He used his failures to teach him, but Peter also responded well to Jesus’ pruning. It is good to think about how we can learn from rather than be crushed or justify failure.
The Title of this Sermon is The Future Disciple, but the heart of it is how Jesus helped Peter deal with a character flaw that led to failure.
The writers of The Chosen did a good job in showing Peter’s character flaw of over-confidence. I showed this clip from the Chosen in the prisons last week and the women were clapping and so excited at Jesus’ power and the reaction of Peter and the others. Even if you have seen it, watch it again.
Here is the link to the sermon.
The Future Disciple
And here is the transcript:
1. Share a God Hunt from last week.
2. What do you like (or not) from the above clip from The Chosen?
Monday: The Over-Confidence and The Failure
3. Read John 13:33-38
A. What do you think Jesus is referring to in verse 33? (I had always thought He meant He was going to the Father, but Keller says He is speaking of the cross — and now I think, from the context, he is right.) What do you think and why?
B. Why do you think he repeats the command to love one another?
C. What does Peter think he can do? How does Jesus challenge Him?
D. Honestly, how well do you respond to criticism or rebuke? What does Proverbs 9:8 say?
E. If you can, share a time you responded well to criticism and are thankful.
4. Read Luke 22:54-62 This is a familiar passage, but what stands out and why?
Tuesday: The Resurrected Christ Confronting Peter
5. Michael Card pointed out that the resurrected Jesus visited Peter alone before the scene in John 21 where Peter jumped out of the boat. We know this from the following two verses. See if you can find it.
A. Luke 24:34
B. 1 Corinthians 15:3-5
C. We don’t know what transpired between the two, as we are not told. What do you imagine happened and why?
6. Read John 21:1-14 Describe Peter’s reaction here. (vs. 7) Does this give you any insight into what might have transpired in his private meeting with Jesus?
7. What did Peter tell Jesus in Matthew 26:33? And now, in John 21:15, what does Jesus ask Peter? Thoughts?
8. Can you share a time you failed and how the Lord brought you to your senses?
Wednesday: Pages 1-3 of The Transcript (or listen up to 11:27)
9. What stands out and why?
10. Keller says in his “side-bar,” “If your prayer life is weak, you are over-confident.” Thoughts?
11. One of the best tips I have ever been given on evangelism is “Be yourself and don’t hide.” You don’t have to preach, but you also don’t have to hide what is happening in your life because of Jesus. What do you think about this?
Thursday: Pages 4-6 of The Transcript (or listen up to 22:15)
12. In what did Keller think Peter placed his identity, and why did this make him weak?
13. What illustration did he give of students who came to an elite boarding school?
14. Read John 13:38
A. What is the first thing Jesus tells Peter? Why does Keller say Jesus tells Peter what he is going to do? (Read or listen carefully — I learned something new — see if you do too.
B. What is the second thing Jesus tells Peter? What does Keller think Jesus is really communicating to Peter? Do you agree?
15. Think about a failure that haunts you. How might you apply the above two truths Jesus spoke to Peter to overcome and get up and go on?
Friday: Read or Listen to the End
16. Read John 13:36. What does Jesus tell Peter? What does He mean? What do we know from history that this was fulfilled?
17. Keller talks about a shame and honor culture, where once you’ve failed, your life is basically over. How does Peter’s story show that failure when truly repented of, can actually make you the leader God called you to be?
18. What else stands out to you from this section?
19. What is your take-a-way and why?
First timer. I have alot to learn. Enjoyed the clip from “The Chosen”. Love how Jesus teaches lessons with love, humor and forgiveness.
Welcome Arlene Grace!
I love that clip from The Chosen too. I showed it in the Texas prisons last week and the women loved it sooo much.
Hope to see more of you!
Welcome Arlene Grace!
Welcome to the group Arlene
Welcome Arlene Grace. I’m glad that you have joined us!
1. Share a God Hunt from last week.
I am so grateful for friends who love the Lord and follow Him. Many suffering from loss of loved ones, children falling away, grandchildren turning from the ways of the Lord, yet their parents and grandparents are trusting in the Lord.
2. What do you like (or not) from the above clip from The Chosen?
I love the simplicity of Jesus’s words: Follow Me. Through doubt, chaos, bad behavior….and all He asks and all He wants is for us to Follow Him, Trust Him, Love Him, Obey Him and Grow more like Him.
I love your take away from the Chosen clip…so simple!
1. Share a God Hunt from last week.
Spring has sprung and it is showing off Gods amazing creation! This time of year always brings to mind 2 Corinthians 5:17, ”Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.“
2. What do you like (or not) from the above clip from The Chosen?
The evident love Jesus had for these men.
I’m envious of your spring, yet truly happy for you!
Sharon, what a perfect verse for Spring and for how Christ makes each of us a new creation in Him!
Many God Hunts during my trip:
The joy of believers in prison always makes me feel lukewarm.
Linda’s Parkinson’s has not shown symptoms yet — and I pray NEVER!
On the way on the plane sat next to a couple who were believers, in prison ministry in Canada, and listen to 3 Kellers sermons a week. 🙂 They told me about a fascinating Canadian interview with Keller and it is so good that is what we will study next week. I think you will learn so much.
Safety in traveling – -even driving home from the Green Bay airport in a blizzard. (Which is why I am jealous of Sharon’s spring)
All your God hunts are wonderful, except driving home in a blizzard but thankful you made it home safe…God is good!
“The joy of believers in prison.” That sounds like an oxymoron but yet Paul tells us in Philippians while he was in prison, “Rejoice in the Lord always.” I must confess that I have allowed my circumstances to dictate my joy rather than being thankful for who I am in Jesus Christ…please change my focus Lord.
Praise God for your safety (especially driving in a blizzard) and so grateful that Linda is symptom free! I love that God sat you next to believers, in prison ministry in Canada!! No coincidences here! Oh, this gave me good chills! So excited for next week! We serve an amazing God!
Thanks Patti and Sharon!
What great God shots Dee. I have the same feelings of new or newer believers, how excited they are to be near to Jesus. Something I need to remember and crave.
Monday: The Over-Confidence and The Failure
3. Read John 13:33-38
A. What do you think Jesus is referring to in verse 33? (I had always thought He meant He was going to the Father, but Keller says He is speaking of the cross — and now I think, from the context, he is right.) What do you think and why?
I always thought it spoke of the cross, His death, resurrection and going to the Father as He tells Peter in verse 36, “You can’t go with me now, but you will follow Me later.”
B. Why do you think he repeats the command to love one another?
The first time He tells them to love one another. The second time He tells them how they are to love one another…”just as I have loved you.”
C. What does Peter think he can do? How does Jesus challenge Him?
Die for Jesus. Jesus responds, “Die for Me?” He tells him before the rooster crows tomorrow, you will deny Me 3 times that you even know Me.
D. Honestly, how well do you respond to criticism or rebuke? What does Proverbs 9:8 say?
Not good at all!
Don’t bother correcting mockers as they will hate you. But correct the wise as they will love you.
E. If you can, share a time you responded well to criticism and are thankful.
I can’t remember a specific time, but when I am criticized my first response is never good, but then after thinking on it my heart softens and I am grateful.
4. Read Luke 22:54-62 This is a familiar passage, but what stands out and why?
Peter’s brokenness when he realized that he had done just as Jesus said he would, deny Him 3 times.
I laughed out loud at “not good at all.” 🙂
3. Read John 13:33-38
A. What do you think Jesus is referring to in verse 33? (I had always thought He meant He was going to the Father, but Keller says He is speaking of the cross — and now I think, from the context, he is right.) What do you think and why?
I had also thought this meant going to the Father, because He says “you will seek Me”, yet it makes sense that He meant the cross.
B. Why do you think he repeats the command to love one another?
I think He meant it to make a point: how they need to treat one another; how that will be seen in the future as the “Mark of a Christian” and includes no hierarchy of the disciples over one another, or over other Christians, or others in general. It is also an eternal message to future Christians, that a most important part of the Christian message historically is how we love one another.
C. What does Peter think he can do? How does Jesus challenge Him?
Peter says that he will lay down his life for Jesus, but he failed to do that this time. Peter is always overly sure of himself. Perhaps his failures, help him to be humble in his ministry later.
D. Honestly, how well do you respond to criticism or rebuke? What does Proverbs 9:8 say?
I am inwardly crushed immediately. I usually shut down, but I will think about it and pray that I can correct it, especially if I have hurt someone. If I have hurt someone with words or an attitude, I apologize and I am very upset with myself for a long time.
E. If you can, share a time you responded well to criticism and are thankful.
I cannot think of a specific time, but I know there are many times that I have been corrected, yet it can hurt for sure. And I am always thankful (at some point) 🙂
4. Read Luke 22:54-62 This is a familiar passage, but what stands out and why?
The Lord looked at Peter. I think of this often and think that Peter must have been so devastated at that point. His fear over powered his loyalty to Jesus.
Yes, I think of what that look must have done to Peter. Because of Jesus prophecy, Peter had 3 times to repent.
The Lord looking at Peter really struck me too! I can’t imagine the shame Peter felt, but I also wonder if this look helped Peter towards repentance? I remember times my Mom or Dad would give me a “look” and that’s all it took, not always immediately but eventually😏.
Sounds like a tender hearted child. For some all it takes is a look!
Tuesday: The Resurrected Christ Confronting Peter
5. Michael Card pointed out that the resurrected Jesus visited Peter alone before the scene in John 21 where Peter jumped out of the boat. We know this from the following two verses. See if you can find it.
A. Luke 24:34
The two from Emmaus after meeting the resurrected Jesus returned to Jerusalem and found the 11 disciples and others gathered who were saying, “The Lord has really risen! He appeared to Peter.”
B. 1 Corinthians 15:3-5
Paul gives the gospel message and in verse 5 says, “He was seen by Peter and then by the 12.”
The fact that Paul used the number 12 intrigued me because when Jesus met with His disciples after He was resurrected Thomas was absent and Judas had killed himself which would have brought the number to 10. I looked to a commentary and David Guzik quotes Clarke, a Methodist Theologian. “Perhaps the term 12 is used here merely to point out the society of the apostles, who, though at this time they were only 11, were still called the 12, because that was the original number.”
C. We don’t know what transpired between the two, as we are not told. What do you imagine happened and why?
Jesus comforted and restored Peter.
6. Read John 21:1-14 Describe Peter’s reaction here. (vs. 7) Does this give you any insight into what might have transpired in his private meeting with Jesus?
Peter and the disciples went out fishing for lack of not knowing what else to do and Jesus called out from the shore asking if they’d caught any fish, they said no and He said throw out your nets on the right side and you’ll get some, to which they did. Obviously they didn’t recognize it was Jesus until the disciple Jesus loved said to Peter, “It’s the Lord!” When Peter heard this, he put on his tunic, jumped into the water and headed to shore.
It does give insight as Peter was is anxious to see Jesus and there is no shame. I think if he hadn’t been restored he wouldn’t of wanted to face Jesus.
7. What did Peter tell Jesus in Matthew 26:33?
”Even if everyone else deserts You, I will never desert you.”
And now, in John 21:15, what does Jesus ask Peter?
Do you love me more than these?
Jesus was challenging Peter to examine his heart. I think Jesus knew Peter loved Him but had his pride turned to humility?
8. Can you share a time you failed and how the Lord brought you to your senses?
Which time? What I always recall from my failures and the Lord bringing me back to my senses is His grace, love and forgiveness in response to my repentance.
1. Share a God Hunt from last week.
—I had an impromptu visit from my sister last week. She lives about 45 minutes from me and I had not had opportunity to be with her since getting back from Texas. It was as a deep time of sharing about what God had done. She is a very joyful person and walks closely with the Lord so I’m always blessed to be with her.
2. What do you like (or not) from the above clip from The Chosen?
—I love the the portrayal of the interaction between Jesus and Peter. What seems like a simple request from Jesus results in a powerful demonstration of Who He is and when Peter realizes the overwhelming truth of it his response is a lesson for me to humble myself and remember who I am and what Jesus did for me. A sinner saved by His grace.
I also loved the pure delight expressed by the men at their realization of the miracle and the delight it brought Jesus as well. We have the ability to bring delight to Jesus when we express joy in Him and worship Him.
Monday: The Over-Confidence and The Failure
3. Read John 13:33-38
A. What do you think Jesus is referring to in verse 33? (I had always thought He meant He was going to the Father, but Keller says He is speaking of the cross — and now I think, from the context, he is right.) What do you think and why?
—I have always thought the same as you (Dee) thought. That when He talked about being glorified in God his Father and God being glorified in him it meant them coming together in Heaven. I hate say it was because I think that is what I was maybe taught or more likely just assumed. I didn’t think further.
B. Why do you think he repeats the command to love one another?
—I think because we can’t be reminded enough. It is just so hard to do.
C. What does Peter think he can do? How does Jesus challenge Him?
—He thinks he can follow Jesus where ever He goes and would be willing to die for Him. Jesus questions him directly say in effect “Really Peter, you think you will die for me?” Then plainly tells him he will deny Him before the day is done. That had to be bewildering for Peter.
D. Honestly, how well do you respond to criticism or rebuke? What does Proverbs 9:8 say?
—I would say not that well. I hate the feelings it causes me to have. It often feels belittling but what helps or tempers criticism is if I know the person really loves me. Then I have to think about it. Being teachable is such an important character quality.
E. If you can, share a time you responded well to criticism and are thankful.
—A few years ago my oldest daughter came with criticism she felt the need to express to me and my husband. It actually was a painful experience but I listened and tried to not respond in any way defensively. There are most always elements of truth to be heard in any criticism that is given. I think her need was to feel like she had been heard and I think we have a better relationship because it made me cognizant of some things I needed to change out of respect for her as my daughter.
4. Read Luke 22:54-62 This is a familiar passage, but what stands out and why?
—Verse 61. “And the Lord turned and looked at Peter. And Peter remembered…..”
That look from Jesus obviously cut deeply into Peter’s heart. Peter had been so brash and was still there in the thick of what was happening to Jesus. He had used his sword to cut off the High Priest’s servant’s ear in the Garden and now he was hanging close by to where at the crow of the rooster Jesus looked directly at him and he remembered. In remembering the weight of his failure it took him down so to speak.
Priceless from Bev:
—A few years ago my oldest daughter came with criticism she felt the need to express to me and my husband. It actually was a painful experience but I listened and tried to not respond in any way defensively. There are most always elements of truth to be heard in any criticism that is given. I think her need was to feel like she had been heard and I think we have a better relationship because it made me cognizant of some things I needed to change out of respect for her as my daughter.
3. Read John 13:33-38
A. What do you think Jesus is referring to in verse 33? (I had always thought He meant He was going to the Father, but Keller says He is speaking of the cross — and now I think, from the context, he is right.) What do you think and why? Only Jesus could die on the cross for our sin for He is the Lamb of God and the love He has for us that drew Him to the cross is ultimate love. Unconditional love, passionate love. Way more intense than human love.
B. Why do you think he repeats the command to love one another? The first time He just says love one another. I think the second time is significant because Jesus is telling them to love each other as He has loved them. He hadn’t gone to the cross yet and they didn’t understand the kind of love God has for them, but they will later, and will be empowered with His Spirit to love like He loves.
C. What does Peter think he can do? How does Jesus challenge Him? Follow Jesus and lay down his life for Him. Jesus challenges him with, will you really lay down your life for me? Then Jesus tells Peter he’ll deny him three times. That must’ve really impacted Peter because he was over-confident and didn’t see who he really was. His identity was in his love for Jesus, not Jesus love for him. (I love this Tim Keller sermon for I’ve never seen this passage this way.) The Love Peter has for Jesus isn’t any where near the love Jesus has for him. John 15:12-13. Human love is a taste of God’s love because He made us in His image, but I now think human love on it’s own is rooted in a different identity than resting in the identity of Christ’s love for us.
D. Honestly, how well do you respond to criticism or rebuke? What does Proverbs 9:8 say? I can easily get the flight response as my first response, and sometimes even hold onto it to justify my response! It stings at first because it puts a sword through my pride, but with His Spirit inside me, eventually He’ll help me see it. Sometimes quickly but most often not as quick.
E. If you can, share a time you responded well to criticism and are thankful. This is a few days ago at church. So a dear friend was subbing for our pastor and teaching in Haggai and while the history was important to understand, he got caught up in numbers and obedience. SO I texted a friend while the sermon was happening. first with “My ADHD is activating.” :-/
Then I followed that text with more over-confidence, “The bottom line is, re-building the temple wasn’t as important to them as caring for their own house. feeding their idolatry. Rebuilding the temple would’ve shown God their desire for Him as more, but they ignored Him, and God was upset. It’s all about relationship, and yes obedience, but to obey is a response to His Love for us. ”
She didn’t respond and I think that spoke loud enough. lol. I know her pretty well, and she knew I was being critical, and I felt convicted, yet I rationalized it. It was unloving of me to text while he was preaching. So I do need to apologize. God, help me!
I can see myself doing just what you did, dear Rebecca, and then feeling convicted!
1. Share a God Hunt from last week. – This past Sunday a friend who is a newer Christian woke up late and didn’t make it to church at the time we were going. She did come to second service and I loved how the other women in our church who knew her, stepped in and made her feel welcomed. They had her sit with them since we were leaving and showed God’s love to her.
2. What do you like (or not) from the above clip from The Chosen? – I love how through our doubts and unbelief, Jesus just stands and stares us down. Kind of like ok, you want to test me, I’ll (Jesus) will pass it. He never gives up on us. He is so patient that he waits for us to catch up.
What a lovely way to make your friend feel so welcome and loved. Pure Joy! You have a great church!
That’s my favorite part of that scene too.
1. Share a God Hunt from last week.
I basically told my dental hygienist about the Bible. She was raised Catholic and said they didn’t read the Bible. The Chosen has struck her heart and she was really longing for more. I told her that the Bible is one long love story about God chasing us! Every story leads to Jesus, and the 66 books were all written by different people at different times all about the same thing! Wow, she didn’t want to stop talking!
The second thing (I’m so fortunate to have 2!), is that I was filming a short segment about the eclipse with my students, and all but 1 was talking about their churches! Where they go, what they do, etc. They asked me where I go to church. It felt really good! For once, I felt like I have been blessed with the Christian students in my school! I anointed my room at the beginning of the year and I truly believe Cod gave me these students!
2. What do you like (or not) from the above clip from The Chosen?
I love when Jesus looks to heaven after the catch. I also love the laughter of the men! So good.
Awesome God hunts Laura❣️
Oh, Laura! These give me God chills!
WOW Laura so good on both God hunts.
Tuesday: The Resurrected Christ Confronting Peter
5. Michael Card pointed out that the resurrected Jesus visited Peter alone before the scene in John 21 where Peter jumped out of the boat. We know this from the following two verses. See if you can find it.
A. Luke 24:34
B. 1 Corinthians 15:3-5
C. We don’t know what transpired between the two, as we are not told. What do you imagine happened and why?
—After the rooster crowed Peter was completely emotionally undone. He had gone somewhere and wept uncontrollably. It’s hard to imagine what happened between them when Peter first saw the resurrected Jesus but Peter needed to see Jesus and I’m confident whatever Jesus said to him was affirming and restorative.
6. Read John 21:1-14 Describe Peter’s reaction here. (vs. 7) Does this give you any insight into what might have transpired in his private meeting with Jesus?
—The fact that Peter grabbed his tunic and immediately jumped from the boat to go see Jesus and be with him shows his relationship to Jesus was a restored one. Those actions indicate his desire to be with Jesus was the most important thing to him. There was no hesitation on his part even though before the Cross he sorely failed Jesus.
7. What did Peter tell Jesus in Matthew 26:33? And now, in John 21:15, what does Jesus ask Peter? Thoughts?
—Peter said “Even if everyone else deserts you, I will never desert you.” And in verses 34 & 35 even after Jesus told Peter in response to Peter’s claim that he would deny Him before the night was over Peter insisted he would die for Jesus and never deny Him.
—Jesus challenges Peter with the question of his love for Jesus saying “Peter, Do you love me?” I think it was an interaction needed to affirm clearly in Peter’s mind that his commitment to Jesus was real and it was settled. And that it was as a commissioning of what Peter was to do in the days ahead of leading, feeding and tending to Jesus’s sheep ( his chosen followers).
8. Can you share a time you failed and how the Lord brought you to your senses?
—Oh, Truly my failures are many from my younger days of being zealous for Jesus and thinking I had answers when I really knew very little. It was a work of time that the Lord showed me my complete inadequacies but I realize it came through his Word.
He spoke to me through the Scriptures and through them clarified in my mind the greatness of Who he is and the depth of love He has for me.
Wednesday: Pages 1-3 of The Transcript (or listen up to 11:27)
9. What stands out and why?
—This teaching gives such clarity to what was really going on with Peter. The two reasons for Peter’s failure.
Overconfidence — Peter thought he was brave and didn’t really know himself.
False Identity — Peter is proud of his faithfulness. He thought he loved Jesus more than the others.
But what really stood out was that I had never heard the explanation of what it really meant for Peter to call down curses when he denied knowing Jesus. The depth of his failure was beyond what I had ever understood and so the depth of what Jesus did in his restoration of Peter is all the greater.
I learned a lot in this short segment of teaching.
10. Keller says in his “side-bar,” “If your prayer life is weak, you are over-confident.” Thoughts?
—Oh my what a challenge to consider and what a powerful reminder of my need to cling to God in prayer. To be reminded to never cease to pray.
I loved Keller’s transparency and humor about misery loves company and so by sharing what he was being convicted about he could cause of other people to be miserable with him in what he was preaching here about Peter. 😊
11. One of the best tips I have ever been given on evangelism is “Be yourself and don’t hide.” You don’t have to preach, but you also don’t have to hide what is happening in your life because of Jesus. What do you think about this?
—I appreciate this as being true. I also think most people who get to know us for any time at all are watching us and have a sense of whether we ring true or not. So transparency and being honest is the better thing. We all have a story to tell that reveals what we really think about Jesus and whether he is real to us or not.
I loved Laura’s comments on sharing with her dental hygienist about the bible and how it reveals Jesus throughout its entirety. It sounded like an easy conversation for her to have as it should be.
I love that too about Keller. I think you are going to really like what I’m going to do next — at least I hope so!
5. Michael Card pointed out that the resurrected Jesus visited Peter alone before the scene in John 21 where Peter jumped out of the boat. We know this from the following two verses. See if you can find it.
A. Luke 24:34 – The eleven who were gathered with others exclaimed Jesus has appeared to Peter!
B. 1 Corinthians 15:3-5 – Paul is relaying that Jesus showed himself to Peter, then His closest followers
C. We don’t know what transpired between the two, as we are not told. What do you imagine happened and why? Maybe it brought Peter to his knees for Jesus had to have melted his heart, and maybe any over confidence, or identity in self salvation was demolished because Jesus opened his eyes to the Gospel. Maybe Peter didn’t have words because he finally got that he couldn’t merit his salvation and truly humbled himself before Jesus.
6. Read John 21:1-14 Describe Peter’s reaction here. (vs. 7) Does this give you any insight into what might have transpired in his private meeting with Jesus? When Peter found out it was Jesus he dived into the sea and swam. He didn’t want to wait for the boat to come in like the others. He went as fast as he could swimming to shore. I’m sure he was transformed upon his private meeting with Jesus before this happened because there was NO hesitation in responding like the times before when he hesitated, or was compelled to tell Jesus how faithful he was. The penny dropped.
7. What did Peter tell Jesus in Matthew 26:33? And now, in John 21:15, what does Jesus ask Peter? Thoughts? In Matthew 26:33 Peter told Jesus that even if all fall away from him, he won’t. In John 21:15 – Jesus asked Peter if he loved Him and if so, then feed His lambs. Before the resurrection Peter “said” he loved Jesus more than anyone, then denied Him 3 times. His identity before was in his love for Christ, not Christ’s love for him. He was blind, but Jesus gave Him eyes to see via His resurrection.
8. Can you share a time you failed and how the Lord brought you to your senses? Thinking of failure from the perspective of Peter’s life, I’ll have to say it’s hard to pick just one time! I’ll have to say mine was spiritual pride and this was a huge wake up call as a new believer.
As a new believer what was amazing is how God protected me via surrounding me with godly people, and one was a Navigator who was discipled under Daws. There were certain methods I learned to memorize and study scripture and as I grew, God brought new believers in my life and I used those methods to disciple them. There is nothing wrong with the methods. They are wonderful! However, it can become legalistic if a new believer in her zeal is lacking grace toward others who may have other ways they spend time with God in His word. For years in our church’s singles group I used to think in overconfidence, “I can’t believe it, no one here memorizes scripture, and no one leads anyone to Christ. how can they not want to do that??” God brought me to my senses when I encountered a courageous and mature believer who confronted me in love. 🙂 He said, God didn’t say the only way to memorize scripture is with cards that have one or two verses on them. 😉 That was all I needed to hear. 🙂
I remember that experience you had — yet you took the good and let the bad go!
Loved what you wrote about the secret meeting with Peter.
Monday: The Over-Confidence and The Failure
3. Read John 13:33-38
A. What do you think Jesus is referring to in verse 33? (I had always thought He meant He was going to the Father, but Keller says He is speaking of the cross — and now I think, from the context, he is right.) What do you think and why? – I thought he was referring to the cross, which in the end is to His Father. The cross was his purpose, his appointment in place of us. A place, that if we went to, would not lead us to eternal life with the Father.
B. Why do you think he repeats the command to love one another? – We have a tendency to forget what he tells us. He wants to make sure that we need that ‘mark’ upon us so others will know that we stand apart from the world.
C. What does Peter think he can do? How does Jesus challenge Him? – Peter wants to know why he can’t go with Jesus at that time. He tells Jesus he would lay down his life for him. Jesus challenges back, would you really lay down your life for me.
D. Honestly, how well do you respond to criticism or rebuke? What does Proverbs 9:8 say? – Constructive criticism I’m ok with for the most part, especially if I’m learning something new. But if someone criticizes me when I know what I’m doing or saying is right, I can get a bit defensive. Proverbs 9:8 says – Do not rebuke a mocker or he will hate you; rebuke a wise man and he will love you…Well I guess I need to work on letting all criticism roll off of me without being offended.
E. If you can, share a time you responded well to criticism and are thankful. – When I was learning a new process at my job, I was grateful for all instruction/criticism that helped me do that process in a more efficient way.
4. Read Luke 22:54-62 This is a familiar passage, but what stands out and why? – How easily I can forget what I have promised to someone. When it comes to my own life or someone else’s, I can tend to back away from getting involved and admitting the truth if I think others will judge me for saying what is right.
Julie — I often promised to pray and forgot so now I pray on the spot, and hopefully again later too!
I have gotten in to that habit too Dee. Whether it is a prayer on a facebook post, text etc. It helps me to do it right at the moment it is needed or asked for.
Tuesday: The Resurrected Christ Confronting Peter
5. Michael Card pointed out that the resurrected Jesus visited Peter alone before the scene in John 21 where Peter jumped out of the boat. We know this from the following two verses. See if you can find it.
A. Luke 24:34 – As the disciples were talking about it, they mentioned that he appeared (past tense) to Simon. This shows that it had already happened and they knew about it.
B. 1 Corinthians 15:3-5 – In this verse it shows that he appeared to Cephas/Peter THEN to the twelve. Peter was mentioned alone and was before the others.
C. We don’t know what transpired between the two, as we are not told. What do you imagine happened and why? – I would think Jesus would have talked to Peter and made it known that he was forgiven for denying Jesus. I can just see Peter weeping and falling at Jesus’ feet and Jesus lifting him up and pulling Peter in to his outstretched arms.
6. Read John 21:1-14 Describe Peter’s reaction here. (vs. 7) Does this give you any insight into what might have transpired in his private meeting with Jesus? – Could he have jumped in once he realized it was Jesus to cleanse himself and be worthy to be in front of Jesus? He loved Jesus and knew that he did wrong by denying him, so he jumped in to wash away his sinful nature.
7. What did Peter tell Jesus in Matthew 26:33? And now, in John 21:15, what does Jesus ask Peter? Thoughts? – In Matthew 26.33 Peter tells Jesus he will never fall away even though the others might. In John 21.15 he asks Peter if he loves him more than these. I also noticed that Jesus used Simon Peter and not just Peter. I wonder if this was to make sure we knew that Simon Peter was not the solid believer he was when Jesus changed his name to Peter, (the rock). That Simon Peter had fallen away from being completely faithful and trusting in Jesus.
8. Can you share a time you failed and how the Lord brought you to your senses? – When I meet someone new and don’t know all there is to know about them, I sometimes tend to think differently of them when they are more bold and outspoken than I tend to be. I’ve been shown by the Lord a side of them that he sees them as, and he pulls me back in. I’m praying now about a new person who joined our life group, because I currently see them thinking that they are better than the rest of our group. I need the Lord to show me who he sees him as and remove my thoughts of this man if I am wrong.
What a sweet and honest sharing about your life group, Julie. Yes, it is difficult to read people sometimes….
Wednesday: Pages 1-3 of The Transcript (or listen up to 11:27)
9. What stands out and why? – Oh WOW! Well I just got convicted. So much in this 11 minute section. Being overconfident, hinders us from seeing who we really are in Christ. Thinking that prayer is boring and not making it a priority everyday, is not helping me prepare myself for the trials that are coming my way.
10. Keller says in his “side-bar,” “If your prayer life is weak, you are over-confident.” Thoughts? – I would agree with this. He made it a bit more clear just how important prayer is. We are told to put on the full armor of God in order to fight what comes against us. I have to say I’m not doing that very well.
11. One of the best tips I have ever been given on evangelism is “Be yourself and don’t hide.” You don’t have to preach, but you also don’t have to hide what is happening in your life because of Jesus. What do you think about this? – We need to be genuine. Others, including myself, don’t like when people puff themselves up. It doesn’t help any one, especially those who are thinking they have too much wrong with them for Jesus to accept and love them. I need to make sure people know that I am a sinner and Jesus is still walking along beside me as I grow and mature in His Word. He accepts us all and has come for us who are broken.
Good way to pray, Julie.
1. Share a God Hunt from last week. Almost everything that has been weighing in my heart as an area that I need to work on has been brought up in various ways from various people this past week. It affirms to me that God wants me to deal with these issues and that He knows and cares.
2. What do you like (or not) from the above clip from The Chosen? I love this clip. It helps me see that these were real people. They had their doubts, limitations, and antipathies, yet they did what Jesus asked and got abundantly more than what they were expecting.
Dawn, it’s amazing how God pushes what we need right in our faces. Like OK God, I got it. 🙂
3. Read John 13:33-38
A. What do you think Jesus is referring to in verse 33? (I had always thought He meant He was going to the Father, but Keller says He is speaking of the cross — and now I think, from the context, he is right.) What do you think and why? I haven’t listened to Keller’s thoughts on this, but Jesus says in 33 that He is going away, then in verse 36 He tells John that he (John) will follow afterwards, so I always thought that Jesus was referring to going to the Father.
B. Why do you think he repeats the command to love one another? To emphasize the importance of the command.
C. What does Peter think he can do ? Peter thinks that he can withstand everything and always remain loyal to Christ. How does Jesus challenge Him? Jesus tells Peter that he will deny Him 3 times before dawn.
D. Honestly, how well do you respond to criticism or rebuke? My knee jerk reaction is always to explain why I’m right and how the other person doesn’t know the details of what’s going on. Which of course means that I’m not doing anything wrong. What does Proverbs 9:8 say? That if you hate reproof you are a scoffer. If you accept reproof you are wise.
E. If you can, share a time you responded well to criticism and are thankful. I’ll have to give this one more thought.
4. Read Luke 22:54-62 This is a familiar passage, but what stands out and why? That Jesus knew exactly where Peter was and looked at him the moment that the rooster crowed. Even in the midst of His trials and sufferings, Jesus wasn’t thinking of Himself, but Peter and how He wanted Peter to realize the truth of who He is.
This from Dawn made me laugh out loud. I love her honesty:
. If you can, share a time you responded well to criticism and are thankful. I’ll have to give this one more thought.
3. Read John 13:33-38
A. What do you think Jesus is referring to in verse 33? (I had always thought He meant He was going to the Father, but Keller says He is speaking of the cross — and now I think, from the context, he is right.) What do you think and why?
I think He is saying that the process He is facing is one that no one else could ever go through. None of them could die and save others from their sin so they would be able to enter heaven. It’s only something He could do.
B. Why do you think he repeats the command to love one another?
Because it’s important.
C. What does Peter think he can do? How does Jesus challenge Him?
He wants to go with Him. Peter says he would die for Christ. Jesus says he won’t even act as if he had ever known Him.
D. Honestly, how well do you respond to criticism or rebuke? What does Proverbs 9:8 say?
It’s hard for me. I get embarrassed. I can feel my face turning red.
The Proverb says to not correct those who mock, for they will hate me, rather to correct those who are wise for they will love.
E. If you can, share a time you responded well to criticism and are thankful.
Recently, my boss told me I was too late getting my attendance into the computer. We are supposed to record it in the first 5 minutes of class. It’s hard! You have kids “in your face” and you are trying to start class. Plus, for 27 years I have recorded it on paper for my record. I always have it there, correct. I would eventually get it to the computer during class. So, after the initial embarrassment of her correction, I decided to tackle the habit. I changed how I recorded. I went to my computer first and then to my paper. It was difficult, but I did it! She actually complimented me after a month or so. I don’t think I have ever had a compliment directly from a boss like that before, sad to say!
Great story of responding well, Laura.
4. Read Luke 22:54-62 This is a familiar passage, but what stands out and why?
I didn’t realize that Jesus was with Peter when he denied Him. He actually denied Him in front of Him! Crazy! I would not think he could do that face to face.
”At that moment the Lord turned and looked at Peter. Suddenly, the Lord’s words flashed through Peter’s mind: “Before the rooster crows tomorrow morning, you will deny three times that you even know me.”“
Luke 22:61 NLT
I also thought it was weird that they were at the High priests house. I thought they took Jesus to some sort of prison.
”So they arrested him and led him to the high priest’s home. And Peter followed at a distance.“
Luke 22:54 NLT
Wednesday: Pages 1-3 of The Transcript (or listen up to 11:27)
9. What stands out and why?
Kathy was absolutely right…”that’s more like a knife in the back.” What Keller says about Peter here really puts into perspective his humanness and how much like Peter I can be…overconfident and having a false identity.
10. Keller says in his “side-bar,” “If your prayer life is weak, you are over-confident.” Thoughts?
This is really convicting as my prayer life is weak. The reasons he gives…wow! The reason for overconfidence is, you find prayer boring, you’re busy and not really getting to it, you don’t know who you are and you don’t believe tests are coming. I have never thought of the root causes to a weak prayer life, but Keller gets to the nitty gritty.
11. One of the best tips I have ever been given on evangelism is “Be yourself and don’t hide.” You don’t have to preach, but you also don’t have to hide what is happening in your life because of Jesus. What do you think about this?
I have never heard this before but I really like it. I find that I’m not myself around certain people and tend to hide…probably as result of a weak prayer life😔
Your answer to ll made me smile.
Sharon, your answer to number 10 was how I felt too. WOW, I never put that together with praying.
Love all of your answers, Sharon. I have felt so convicted about my prayer life, as I have done this week’s study!! I don’t find prayer boring, but my mind tends to wander! I wake in the night after falling asleep praying! I fall asleep again when I start praying! I also find that I am not myself around certain people…..are we related? 🙂 I do feel that I need a more disciplined prayer life.
“Are we related?” This made me smile 😊…we’re both daughters of the King!
Thursday: Pages 4-6 of The Transcript (or listen up to 22:15)
12. In what did Keller think Peter placed his identity, and why did this make him weak?
—Keller said Peter saw himself as the most sold out disciple who would go to death for Jesus and was proud of his faithfulness and his obedience to Jesus so his identity was rooted in his performance and his great love for Jesus instead of from Jesus unmerited love for him. It made him weak because his identity was in himself and who he thought he was when in reality without an understanding of Jesus as his Savior and his unmerited love for Peter. As a result Peter was trying to be his own Savior and it set him up for failure.
13. What illustration did he give of students who came to an elite boarding school?
—Where each of them came from they had always been the smartest kid in the classroom but in the new elite school only one could be the smartest kid in the room and it left all the rest of them wrecked in what had been their identity. They would melt down either angry at the teacher who didn’t give them grades to maintain their position or angry at themselves for failure to be what they thought they were as the smart kid in the class. It robbed them of their identity.
14. Read John 13:38
A. What is the first thing Jesus tells Peter?
—”Jesus answered, “Die for me?
Why does Keller say Jesus tells Peter what he is going to do? (Read or listen carefully — I learned something new — see if you do too.
—Keller feels it was ironic that Peter was making claims of dying for Jesus when in reality Jesus was on his way to the Cross to die for Peter.
He said “I think what Jesus is saying is, Peter, do you really think that you will lay down your life for me and that will save the day? No, I’m about to lay down my life for you and that will save the day and will save you and will save the world. In another way Jesus is saying, Peter, lay down the melancholy burden of self-salvation, basing your identity on your love for me and your faithfulness and your sold outness.” “Peter relax. I’m going to die for you.”
B. What is the second thing Jesus tells Peter?
—“…I tell you the truth, Peter—before the rooster crows tomorrow morning, you will deny three times that you even know me.“
What does Keller think Jesus is really communicating to Peter?
—Jesus made it plain to Peter he would fail completely and have no excuses whatsoever for his actions. It therefore would require repentance without any excuses. Keller said in repentance we have to recognize “I don’t have what it takes. I’m powerless over my problems. I’m helpless. I don’t have the resources in myself. I’m going to have to look outside of myself.
Do you agree?
—Yes I do agree. I don’t think we see true repentance practiced very much at all. We hear a lot of saying “Sorry” but very few examples of having absolutely no resources to help ourselves. Repentance is often described as turning around and going the other way away from our sin and that needs to be true but I think it begins first in the heart. The heart has to feel the weight of its failure and an inability to make anything right again without the help and work of Jesus. An acknowledgment of powerlessness.
15. Think about a failure that haunts you. How might you apply the above two truths Jesus spoke to Peter to overcome and get up and go on?
—The list of my failures is longer than I like to admit or even want to begin recalling to mind but these two truths of the power of the Cross and the reality that Jesus died for me and I bring nothing to the table is very satisfying to my soul. I pray that God would grant me repentance where needed in my life so I can move ahead and live in the freedom of Jesus.
So many rich answers from Bev — I particularly liked this:
Repentance is often described as turning around and going the other way away from our sin and that needs to be true but I think it begins first in the heart. The heart has to feel the weight of its failure and an inability to make anything right again without the help and work of Jesus. An acknowledgment of powerlessness.
Thursday: Pages 4-6 of The Transcript (or listen up to 22:15)
12. In what did Keller think Peter placed his identity, and why did this make him weak?
His performance. It made him weak because his identity wasn’t rooted in Jesus’s unmerited love.
13. What illustration did he give of students who came to an elite boarding school?
Kids going from being the smartest in the class to not being the smartest have to either find another identity or have meltdowns.
14. Read John 13:38
A. What is the first thing Jesus tells Peter? Why does Keller say Jesus tells Peter what he is going to do? (Read or listen carefully — I learned something new — see if you do too. (This is confusing)
”Truly, truly.” (Repent)
Peter isn’t going to fall down just once but three times and the first thing he’ll need to do after is repent without excuse, blame shifting or self pity.
B. What is the second thing Jesus tells Peter? What does Keller think Jesus is really communicating to Peter? Do you agree?
This is actually the first thing Jesus tells Peter, “Will you really lay down your life for Me?” (New infusion of Christ’s love)
Jesus is telling Peter, actually I’m laying down My life for you and will save you and the world. He’s telling Peter to “lay down the melancholy burden of self-salvation, basing your identity on your love for Me and your faithfulness and your sold outness.”
15. Think about a failure that haunts you. How might you apply the above two truths Jesus spoke to Peter to overcome and get up and go on?
Repent without excuse remember my identity is rooted in Jesus’s unmerited love for me.
Sooo good, Sharon. So good to have you here.
I’ve been beating myself up over a failure — and I just needed to hear the truth again:
Repent without excuse remember my identity is rooted in Jesus’s unmerited love for me.
Thursday: Pages 4-6 of The Transcript (or listen up to 22:15)
12. In what did Keller think Peter placed his identity, and why did this make him weak? – Peter was placing his identity on himself and his performance. We will never be able to measure up to greatness when we put ourselves in the driver’s seat. God is the only one that will be able to help us. When we don’t put Jesus in our life first, we don’t have his power and strength we need to get through each day. We will continue to struggle and feel weighed down in our life.
13. What illustration did he give of students who came to an elite boarding school? – The kids that were able to get in to this elite school, were all the smartest on the outside. But once they all got in to this school, in the same class, they didn’t know how to function in a new reality that they may not be the smartest. This is such a great eye opener for me. If my identity is in how I do things, I will never be where I want to be. But when I put my identity in Jesus, He will take me to where I should be, where He wants me to be.
14. Read John 13:38
A. What is the first thing Jesus tells Peter? Why does Keller say Jesus tells Peter what he is going to do? (Read or listen carefully — I learned something new — see if you do too. – He asks Peter if he really would lay his life down for him. Peter was so full of himself, he didn’t realize what Jesus was saying. The three chances Peter had was something I never realized before. I’ve seen and read it before, but never put it in to context that three times Peter could have repented and he didn’t. He continued to put himself first and worried more about his life than what Jesus was about to do for him.
B. What is the second thing Jesus tells Peter? What does Keller think Jesus is really communicating to Peter? Do you agree? – He tells Peter that before the rooster crows, he will deny knowing Jesus three times. Tim Keller thinks Jesus is telling Peter he needs to realize what he’s done and repent from deep down in his heart with no excuses and no finger pointing. I would agree with this. There are times when things happen because of someone or something out of our control, but I think if we place ourselves in the right places, with the right people, we wouldn’t be putting ourselves in hard to handle situations. We have to own up to our choices and take the consequences that come along with the choice.
15. Think about a failure that haunts you. How might you apply the above two truths Jesus spoke to Peter to overcome and get up and go on? – Right now my attitude is my biggest failure. I need to ask God to forgive me, I need to repent of what I know I’m doing and that it is wrong. And I need to ask Him to help me overcome that bad attitude. I need him to interrupt my thoughts, and words and replace them with a kind tone and loving words. I need to be praying more to remove my overconfident identity. Lord Jesus, help me please!
Love how you are just falling on Jesus for help. Me too, Lord.
Me too Julie! Appreciate your transparency.
Amen to Dee and Sharon! I need Him every minute.
C. We don’t know what transpired between the two, as we are not told. What do you imagine happened and why?
I’ve been thinking about this question all day today. I really can’t imagine. Did he go back to fishing, thinking he was done with evangelizing because he denied Christ? He was back on the boat with the others when Jesus came after the initial visit.
6. Read John 21:1-14 Describe Peter’s reaction here. (vs. 7) Does this give you any insight into what might have transpired in his private meeting with Jesus?
He was excited! He yelled, It’s the Lord!” He put on his tunic, jumped out of the boat and ran through the water to shore. Perhaps they reminisced about the first time they caught the huge load of fish under Jesus’ guidance?
7. What did Peter tell Jesus in Matthew 26:33? And now, in John 21:15, what does Jesus ask Peter? Thoughts?
He said he would never leave Him.
In this passage, He asks Peter if he loves Him more than the others do.
Here’s another place I don’t understand things. I’m not sure why Jesus asks him, when He knows Peter loves Him. And then continues to ask, almost insultingly. I guess he is pointing out that it is not humanly possible to perfectly love? Peter can love as much as he can, but he faltered as humans do, by denying Him three times. The others loved Jesus too. Did they deny? Even if it wasn’t outwardly, where people would know, did they internally deny? We don’t know this.
Jesus asks and each time encourages Peter to love, feed, and take care of others. Oh my! I am overwhelmed by this scripture this morning. We have family living with us who really “abuse” is in many ways. My husband is so defensive and hurt as well. We need to remember this passage to stay “sane.”
I’m not sure if this song fits, but I am reminded of it this morning with reading the scripture.
Laura — once I realized Jesus had met with Peter individually, I believe to show him forgiveness, I understood better the three times “Do you love me?” That was for the other disciples even more than Peter — showing what matters most. But also a good reminder for over-confident Peter. And I don’t think it was wrong for him to fish, just as it isn’t wrong for us to provide for ourselves with work. What do you think?
Oh, that is an interesting thought , Laura….maybe it was for the other disciples …showing what matters most.
Oh that makes sense! Thanks!
I always thought Jesus’ three questions was to cancel out Peter’s three denials. Interesting passage for sure.
Oh, that is good too! Never thought about that.
I love that Jesus met with Peter to show him forgiveness. Thank you, Dee.
5. Michael Card pointed out that the resurrected Jesus visited Peter alone before the scene in John 21 where Peter jumped out of the boat. We know this from the following two verses. See if you can find it.
A. Luke 24:34 ” The Lord has risen and He appeared to Simon.”
B. 1 Corinthians 15:3-5 “He appeared to Cephas, then to the twelve.”
C. We don’t know what transpired between the two, as we are not told. What do you imagine happened and why?
I feel like the Lord may have wanted to tell Peter that He understood Peter’s response and failure and that He truly knew Peter’s heart. He knew Peter was impetuous and human, he was over confident in his commitment and yet his fear overwhelmed him and he failed to stand up for Jesus; yet Jesus still loved Peter and knew his strengths.
6. Read John 21:1-14 Describe Peter’s reaction here. (vs. 7) Does this give you any insight into what might have transpired in his private meeting with Jesus?
It seems Peter did not understand the scripture totally (v 9). If they thought He had risen, they may have thought He went to heaven and they would not see Him on earth again or he, like Mary Magdalene, thought he had been taken away.
7. What did Peter tell Jesus in Matthew 26:33? And now, in John 21:15, what does Jesus ask Peter? Thoughts?
Peter denied Jesus 3 times and He asks Peter the question “do you love me?” 3 times. This was also the 3rd time He appeared to the disciples after He was raised from the dead. My Bible footnotes state the the word for love in the first 2 questions is agape love (of the entire personality, including the will is involved) and in the 3rd use of love phileo, referring to natural affection in which the emotions are center. I am not sure why.. Is this because Peter, claimed in Matthew 26:33 that he would be the one who would not fall away? Even though, in Matthew 26:31-32 Jesus tells them that they will be scattered….and Jesus will go ahead of them to Galilee after He has been raised.
8. Can you share a time you failed and how the Lord brought you to your senses?
Too many times to count. ….it has usually been my tongue that gets me in trouble. Lord, stop the words in my mind before they get to my tongue!!
Friday: Read or Listen to the End
16. Read John 13:36. What does Jesus tell Peter? “Where I am going you cannot follow Me now, but you will follow afterward.”
What does He mean? Jesus is telling Peter that He is going to die for him but Peter needs to learn/realize that unless Jesus dies for him, all his self righteousness, self strength etc. will never bring him to a place where he can follow Jesus afterward, so this is telling us that Peter’s heart did change, that repentance took place.
What do we know from history that this was fulfilled? Peter, learning through his failures and realizing his identity in Jesus became a leader in the church and did die for Christ. He was hung upside down on a cross as he didn’t feel worthy to be crucified like His Lord. What a big difference from where he was…is that true of my life?
17. Keller talks about a shame and honor culture, where once you’ve failed, your life is basically over. How does Peter’s story show that failure when truly repented of, can actually make you the leader God called you to be?
Peter was no longer over-confident. Through his failures and repentant heart he came to understand that his confidence had to be in the work that Jesus Christ did for him on the cross. “By His stripes/wounds Peter and we are healed.” Is. 53:5d
18. What else stands out to you from this section?
When our identity is in the unmerited love of Jesus, when we fail, we’ll run to God rather than away from Him.
From Sharon:
When our identity is in the unmerited love of Jesus, when we fail, we’ll run to God rather than away from Him.
10. Keller says in his “side-bar,” “If your prayer life is weak, you are over-confident.” Thoughts?
Absolutely! It means you are leaning more on yourself than God.
11. One of the best tips I have ever been given on evangelism is “Be yourself and don’t hide.” You don’t have to preach, but you also don’t have to hide what is happening in your life because of Jesus. What do you think about this?
Agreed. I think people know I’m a Christian. Hopefully I am acting like it! Some Christians seem to want to hide themselves. I have been there, no judging! In the past few years, however, I have given in to my faith. My job here is to tell others about Jesus. That’s what I am doing.
Friday: Read or Listen to the End
16. Read John 13:36. What does Jesus tell Peter? What does He mean? What do we know from history that this was fulfilled? – He tells Peter that he cannot go where he is going but he will be able to later. There is only one person who can fulfill the scriptures on the cross and that one, perfect person was Jesus. Peter would not have been able to take on our sin like Jesus, because Peter himself was a sinner like us. Peter did follow Jesus to death later when he was crucified along with many other Christians in Rome under Nero.
17. Keller talks about a shame and honor culture, where once you’ve failed, your life is basically over. How does Peter’s story show that failure when truly repented of, can actually make you the leader God called you to be? – Peter finally got rid of his personal identity and put on the identity of Christ. When we do that I think we can finally see what Jesus had always been doing in our lives and it had nothing to do with what we were doing. When we remove our personal identity, Jesus then has the room he needs in our hearts and minds to make us strong in Christ.
18. What else stands out to you from this section? – It’s amazing that Christianity is the only true forgiving ‘religion’. I love this. I don’t have to pretend I’m strong or have it all together every day. I can be real and let others know I’m struggling and that my God, Jesus, is carrying me at those times. And when He does, I’m in a much better place. Thank you Jesus!
Julie, I love your response to 18. You are so real and I am so grateful for your loving and honest responses. You are a blessing! I am so thankful that He carries us through our struggles!
9. What stands out and why? I have had computer issues this week….lost all the answers to this, so I hope these stay. 🙂
Keller’s sermon is so good. Loved these points:
Over confident~ you (I)don’t know yourself or who you are, or the depth of your capacity for dishonesty, cowardice and cruelty. Wow! Ouch!
False Identity~ Your (My)identity is not in Jesus love for you (me), but in my pride of who I think I am…the most obedient, passionate, and surrendered follower of Jesus.
Humility: ( who I want to be) You (I) receive Christ’s love, it is unmerited, undeserved, and has nothing to do with anything I have earned. It is His gift to me and He paid with His life. The greatest gift every given.
10. Keller says in his “side-bar,” “If your prayer life is weak, you are over-confident.” Thoughts?
Truth. Well, I never feel over confident…. I mean well, I pray, my mind wanders, I come back to my prayer, or I may fall asleep if it in the night. I love praying the Psalms, because it gives me a pattern, by which to pray.
11. One of the best tips I have ever been given on evangelism is “Be yourself and don’t hide.” You don’t have to preach, but you also don’t have to hide what is happening in your life because of Jesus. What do you think about this?
Jesus knows my whole life; the good, the bad, and the ugly….He knows my heart. I just need to always come to Him on my knees, with no excuses. I fail at so much, but I pray for my heart to be honest and true. I pray to behold Him, to know Him. I am so grateful that He accepts me as a continual work in progress. His Grace is what I need constantly.
I truly feel His face smiles upon you, dear Patti.
Friday: Read or Listen to the End
16. Read John 13:36. What does Jesus tell Peter? What does He mean? What do we know from history that this was fulfilled?
—”Simon Peter asked, “Lord, where are you going?” And Jesus replied, “You can’t go with me now, but you will follow me later.”“
Jesus meant that He was going to the Cross to die and Peter wasn’t ready now or in the right place personally to do die. Jesus was going to die for Peter and all of mankind. But the day would come when Peter would follow and die on a cross like Jesus. Asher Keller says there are many historical accounts if that happening.
17. Keller talks about a shame and honor culture, where once you’ve failed, your life is basically over. How does Peter’s story show that failure when truly repented of, can actually make you the leader God called you to be?
—Keller makes the point that people who fail miserably if they let their failure drive them to Jesus He will make them great. Their identity cannot come from their performance but has to come from and be based in the love of Jesus.
This is Keller’s final statement from this sermon and it is wonderfully powerful.
“Now you get that identity so that every time you fail, you run to him and you fall more deeply into his arms. And you base your life more in his love than ever. And you’ll become greater and greater as you plunge your failures into his grace.”
What wonderful encouragement! 💕
18. What else stands out to you from this section?
—This comment by Keller:
“And the way that that Christian identity grows, unfortunately, I wish I didn’t have to say it. Generally speaking, the liberating knowledge that I am in Christ and loved by him, the Christian identity is so liberating. But almost the only way to get through it is through failure. Because only through failure do we finally pull our fingers off of these other things we identify with and really rest in Christ
19. What is your take-a-way and why?
—It has been wonderful teaching on failure and its place in my life to shape me and give me my identity in Christ and Christ alone. It is not a matter of who I am but rather Who He is and what He has done. As always He is life. And life abundant.
Thanks for pulling out this quote, Bev.
“Now you get that identity so that every time you fail, you run to him and you fall more deeply into his arms. And you base your life more in his love than ever. And you’ll become greater and greater as you plunge your failures into his grace.”
Bev, Amen to Dee!
Hello, all! Thank you for all the comments and I love reading them all.
I have been sick this week but am slowly and hopefully recovering from a viral infection. It has placed a damper on what I wanted to accomplish including participating here! But after listening to Keller three times and finishing just now, I am reminded of my tendency to rely on my strength to power through responsibilities. I still struggle to rely on God fully and to accept consciously that I do not have what it takes.
I love what he says about “letting failures draw you to the grace of God”. And to “lay down the melancholy burden of self-salvation”. Help me, Lord!
So hope you are feeling better dear Bing.
Thank you, Patti and Dee! Meds helping and feeling better. Glad it wasn’t Covid or the flu.
I’m so sorry you’ve been sick, Bing. Pray that you are better soon.
12. In what did Keller think Peter placed his identity, and why did this make him weak?
Peter’s identity was in his love for Jesus. He thought he was the best of the disciples! He was identifying himself with himself. He needed to build his identity in something he had not earned, so it could not be lost. If I am brave, then I can’t even acknowledge cowardice. It destroys my existence. I need to base my identity on the unconditional love of Jesus. Then, there is nothing to lose.
13. What illustration did he give of students who came to an elite boarding school?
The students have meltdowns because they are “the smartest kid in the class.” At the boarding school they are all with “the smartest kids in the class!” It has become their identity. It is false therefore it’s unstable. Any identity makes you too emotional. Jesus was Peter’s teacher but not his Savior.He was his own savior. He was a coward. It was all about him, not Jesus. He needed to repent and change. He had a false identity.
14. Read John 13:38
A. What is the first thing Jesus tells Peter?
Is there more scripture I should be reviewing to answer these questions? I’m not sure I answered correctly.
He says that He is telling the truth.
Why does Keller say Jesus tells Peter what he is going to do?
To help him lay down the self-serving attitude. Rest in Jesus’ love.
(Read or listen carefully — I learned something new — see if you do too.
B. What is the second thing Jesus tells Peter?
He says Peter will deny Him three times before the “rooster crows.”