How often have we determined on Jan 1 to lose weight, to exercise more, to be kinder, calmer, purer… but by mid-January , we are screaming:
I CAN’T DO IT!!!!!!!
Stop screaming and listen to what you’ve forgotten.
Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.
John 15:5
We can’t bear fruit on our own. We must put Him first, above our idols, and abide daily. The whole purpose of this blog is to help us, together, to do just that.
Thank you for praying for wisdom along with me. I feel led to do nine weeks with Paige on Daniel 1-7. I have an Easier Green Path, and a Harder Black Path. If you end up somewhere in the middle, that’s okay too. You’ll be abiding and you will bear fruit. Just stay with it!Watch 10 to 15 minutes each weekday and share one thing that stood out to you. You may not finish the whole lecture, but you will still learn much and be blessed.
Black, More Challenging Level.
Watch 15 minutes each weekday and answer the questions in black.
Weekends are for God Hunts and/or catching up.
But before we start Paige on January 10th, we’re going to abide by reviewing highlights from the last year. Reviewing helps cement His precious truths in our hearts.
Then, on Wednesday, Jan. 10th, start watching Paige. Everybody does green on Wednesdays! On Thursday, Jan. 11th, by 9 Central Time, you’ll get a reminder in your inbox that my black questions for the week are up.
But for the next ten days, let us ponder, as Mary, the mother of our Lord, did, what we’ve learned about our God in 2023. Together, we can help each other keep the one commandment that will help us truly bear fruit in 2024.
Sunday: New Year’s Eve, 2023
1. As you reflect just on this last week between Christmas and today, what are you particularly thankful for and why?
2. What thoughts would you like to share on my opening and the plan going forward? Do you sense God leading you to stay with us? If so, what path will you take: green or black?
Monday: New Year’s Day, 2024
Early in 2023, we did a series on “Abba’s Child.” One portrait we considered, with the help of Henry Nouwan, was the Father in the story of the prodigal sons. (Read Luke 16:11-32.)
3. What stood out to you about this Father? How might you use this information to pray for your heart in 2024?
For me, I had a lightbulb moment for I’d always wondered if God backed away or ran toward me when I sinned. I see this Father doing both — allowing both sons to experience the pain of their choices, yet running for the younger son when he returned. I realized that even in allowing pain, He is running toward me, wanting me to come to my senses and repent. I pray that I will trust Him in hard times and be a quick and sincere repenter.
4. We considered Jack Miller’s question: “Do you live like an orphan or a child of God?” An orphan does not expect love whereas a child of God does.
A. Share at least two ways you have seen God’s tender love to you this year.
B. Do you think you live daily as an orphan or as a child of God? Pray for your heart here.
Tuesday: Abba’s Child.
We spent several weeks with Brennan Manning and his book Abba’s Child. He talked about living with a mask, as the Pharisees did, for the praise of others, or transparently, as one who can because he is confident of God’s love. (Read Luke 7:36-49)
5. What was Simon’s greatest concern? What was the woman’s? What is yours?
6. Do you wear a mask? If so, what does that tell you about your trust in God? If you are confident in God’s love, how might that help you care less about what others think?
7. Manning talked about experiencing the risenness of Christ in our lives. How have you experienced the risenness of Christ this year — for example, what answers to prayer have you seen, what changes in your heart or in the hearts of those for whom you have prayed?
Wednesday: Honoring Tim Keller
Tim Keller died on May 19th and we spent the summer doing the first six chapters of John with him. Because he has had such a big impact in all of our lives, I’d like you to ponder:
8. Is there a particular teaching from Keller that has profoundly impacted your life? If so, share what it is and why it impacted you.
For me there are so many, but here are a few:
- He has changed the way I preach and teach. I’m sad it came so late in life, but I am intent on glorifying the Lord and lifting Him up whenever I am given a chance to preach or teach. Keller almost always found a way to melt your heart with the gospel. One way of preaching is to go through a passage and then suggest ways to apply it. Keller was concerned listeners might never apply it unless their hearts had begun to melt during the teaching.
- He turned the light on for me with idolatry, helping me understand the sin beneath my sins.
- He’s helped me to better understand and pray Scripture, whether is the psalms, God’s prayer book, or any passage.
9. Tim and Kathy went to listen to some young gifted preachers. When they were leaving he asked Kathy what she thought. She commented on their giftedness but said they did not yet have “the weight of glory.” That’s a phrase Lewis used to describe God and those who particularly reflect Him. I so saw that in Keller, and how He did not want to be the one in the spotlight. What did you see that you admired about him? How could you be likewise? Pray for your heart.
Thursday: Lord of the Wine and Lord of the Whips
(Review John 2:1-22)
10. Do you remember what the sign of turning the water in the ceremonial jars used for hand-washing into wine represented?
11. Do you remember how Keller connected this first miracle or sign with the clearing of the temple?
12. How well do you relate to Jesus as your Bridegroom? If this has helped you, explain how.
Friday: Jonah
This Fall we went through Jonah with Paige.
13. If you were with us, what was a key lesson that stood out to you? How could you apply it in 2024?
14. If you weren’t with us, here are a few of the key lessons that stood out to me that might also impact you:
Jonah’s national identity was more important to him than his spiritual identity. (See how he put his nationality first in Jonah 1:8-9, and how he never told them his occupation!) Putting being a Hebrew first led to his hatred of the Ninevites and his disobedience. I see many Christians so obsessed with their political party that it distorts their life and attitude toward others who don’t share their view. My prayer for myself is to give grace to others and not put my hope in political leaders. What about you?
Jonah seemed to realize he had a problem with idolatry, (Jonah 2:8) and yet we don’t see him breaking free. Where have you broken free or are breaking free from an idol that was hurting you? Where do you need prayer?
Paige ended her lecture asking, “Did Jonah ever get it?” She said, as the Puritans used to do with new believers, “We’ll see.” Why should we not give new professing Christians too much responsibility?
15. How have you experienced the risenness of Christ this week?
Monday: Thanksgiving Psalms
16. During November we prayed through various psalms, specifically: 46, 72, 106, and 42. Share some highlights that impacted you and then pray them into your heart.
Tuesday: Advent
17. During Advent we concentrated on the wonder of the Christmas story: the begats, the Word becoming Flesh, the many faces of the Christ of Christmas in the gospels, and Mary’s wonder. What do you remember in particular and why? How might you pray it into your heart?
Wednesday: Green Path
18. Paige begins Daniel today — if you are joining us, Wednesdays are always the green path. Listen to the first 15 minutes either sitting down or multi-tasking and share. I hope this link works:
This is what stood out to me and why:
15. How have you experienced the risenness of Christ this week? – He has been faithful in the opening of my heart and mind. I’m digging in more to His Word and He is revealing himself to me. The more I dig, the hungrier I get to find him in all I read.
Don’t you love that feeling, Julie? When you can’t get enough?
Oh, Julie. This gives me good chills. He is faithful!
Jonah’s national identity was more important to him than his spiritual identity. (See how he put his nationality first in Jonah 1:8-9, and how he never told them his occupation!) Putting being a Hebrew first led to his hatred of the Ninevites and his disobedience. I see many Christians so obsessed with their political party that it distorts their life and attitude toward others who don’t share their view. My prayer for myself is to give grace to others and not put my hope in political leaders. What about you?
I have to keep reminding myself that I am not of this world, just in it. I can be a strong defender of what I believe to be right. I think I am going to choose the word “quiet” for this year. I need to listen more and talk less. I know what I believe, but as Paige said in Jonah, God wants ALL of us.
2. Jonah seemed to realize he had a problem with idolatry, (Jonah 2:8) and yet we don’t see him breaking free. Where have you broken free or are breaking free from an idol that was hurting you? Where do you need prayer?
I have spoken of an idol that God has freed from me. I thank Him so much for that! I would like to have your pray (if you think about it) that I continue to see the senselessness of the idol and for me to be strong to continue to deny myself. Thank you!
3. Paige ended her lecture asking, “Did Jonah ever get it?” She said, as the Puritans used to do with new believers, “We’ll see.” Why should we not give new professing Christians too much responsibility?
It can be a lot to ingest. They need to have it be a slow burn so they “get it.”
We’ll, I did Friday but don’t know where it disappeared to 🤷♀️…up in the clouds I guess🙄😏
I guess so as I can’t find it either! : (
15. How have you experienced the risenness of Christ this week?
The grands and I planted a little ”garden” of lettuce. I ordered a UV plant light a couple of months ago, and my friend, a gardener, sent me lettuce seeds. When I was a child, my best friend and I planted a garden in our adjoining back yards. Lettuce was our main crop, and we were so successful! I’m am SO not a gardener! I kill every plant that enters my house, poor things.
We decided to grow a garden because of wariness of our food content and supply these days. It took about 4 days but wow! We have little plants! We are having fun watching them pop up.
I know this sounds funny, but watching the seeds burst through the soil reminds me that life is a blessing. Our lives are a blessing. Jesus is a blessing because He gave His life for us. Thank You Lord.
Sounds like fun — for you and your grands.
I can’t find the comments but I appreciated the answers given about Jesus first miracle. His looking ahead at the cost and eventually His own wedding as the Bridegroom. Where I have known God’s Presence the strongest was when I took my better half to doctor appointment and then was able to get him in immediately for lab work. He hates going to doctor and labs have been standing room only past few days. My hubby tolerated it all well. Song we sang in church today called abide
song abide
Judy, the first page of comments can be found at the bottom of the page here 👇. Just click on the #1. I hope that helps!
Thank you!
Love meditative song, Judy — all the ways we depend on Him!
Thank you for sharing this beautiful song, Judy. Love the visuals with it, too.
Beautiful song Judy,
Thanks for sharing it.
13. If you were with us, what was a key lesson that stood out to you? How could you apply it in 2024?
Jonah is a book about what we do not want to be like. Jonah had a temper tantrum. Jonah was intentionally rebellious against God. He turned his unrighteous anger toward God’s character. The attributes of God’s character were a problem for Jonah. We need to be obedient to God. Saying “yes” to me is saying “no” to God. Living in willful disobedience is distancing ourself from God and His will. It is not a matter of comfort with what God asks of us, it is a matter of Trust and Obedience to Him.
I must abide in God’s Word and follow Him, not what is “popular”. My confidence is in the character of God. My path must be simple obedience in a confusing world of many opinions and skewing of Biblical truths.
14. If you weren’t with us, here are a few of the key lessons that stood out to me that might also impact you:
Jonah’s national identity was more important to him than his spiritual identity. (See how he put his nationality first in Jonah 1:8-9, and how he never told them his occupation!) Putting being a Hebrew first led to his hatred of the Ninevites and his disobedience. I see many Christians so obsessed with their political party that it distorts their life and attitude toward others who don’t share their view. My prayer for myself is to give grace to others and not put my hope in political leaders. What about you?
Amen! I agree. My prayer for this year: Staying in God’s Word daily; attending my church that is grounded in His Word; Praying for God’s wisdom and direction in all my decisions. Having community with fellow believers. Not letting my view of God and His values be distorted by man.
Jonah seemed to realize he had a problem with idolatry, (Jonah 2:8) and yet we don’t see him breaking free. Where have you broken free or are breaking free from an idol that was hurting you? Where do you need prayer? I doing better with my idol of approval; I need to work on doing one day at a time and my idol of fear of the future….which speaks to trusting Him.
Paige ended her lecture asking, “Did Jonah ever get it?” She said, as the Puritans used to do with new believers, “We’ll see.” Why should we not give new professing Christians too much responsibility? Our commitment to Christ grows as we mature in studying His Word and living it out; letting go of our old selves…our old wine skins….and becoming more like Him and more obedient to His Word and grace.
Idol of fear of the future! Oh my — that’s another one. Praying for you and me.
Monday: Thanksgiving Psalms
16. During November we prayed through various psalms, specifically: 46, 72, 106, and 42. Share some highlights that impacted you and then pray them into your heart. – Psalm 46 God will be with us to the end. It doesn’t matter what happens, he is in control of it all. Psalm 72 Justice will come to the unjust and we will be provided with all we need. Psalm 106 Even though we are sinners, God loves us and will redeem us for we are His chosen ones. He will see us through all we have to face. Psalm 42 We will struggle and wonder where our God is, but we can believe, trust and have faith that he will always be with us. Our souls do not need to wonder, He is with us.
Thanks Julie, for the little synopsis of each Psalm mentioned. 👍🏻💕
Great highlights of each Psalm, Julie. Thank you!
Monday: Thanksgiving Psalms
16. During November we prayed through various psalms, specifically: 46, 72, 106, and 42. Share some highlights that impacted you and then pray them into your heart.
—I went back and did a cursory look at my notes from those Psalms.
Psalm 46 was a real highlight for me and based on verse 10 (which has long been a favorite of mine) that says “Be still, and know that I am God!” I was reminded of the exercise Reeves gave us to do of trying to be still and focus on nothing but God for 1 minute. It challenges me again to try and implement that more in my quiet time because it is such a struggle for me to concentrate and remain focused on God alone. An important part of his teaching was the meaning of “be still” which means to cease striving. To stop striving is such a good reminder for me as well. And the reason we can is when we “know” God. Oh the peace He can bring to my life if I just let Him.
I too remember that from Reeves — so good!
This is good Bev, thanks. I wasn’t on the blog for this at the time, but ‘be still’ love it.
15. How have you experienced the risenness of Christ this week?
I have found the beauty of teamwork with several church members as we all helped with the takedown of Christmas decorations. This task has been relegated to our spunky 88-year-old member who happens to be my bestie and our pianist at church! Although she loved doing this for many years, she is getting up there in age. Last year, another lady helped us and it took us a while to get it done. This year, 8 of us(!) showed up and made for a fast result with 3 young men going up and down the steps to the storage rooms!
And we all had a lot of fun visiting with one another, telling corny jokes, and bursting into songs once in a while!
Give thanks to the Lord for He is good and His love endures forever. Be still and know that I am God. I’m familiar with these verses but chewing on them, made me slow down and think about the depth of their meaning. By day He directs his love towards me and by night His song is with me. I think I sent that verse to a friend who is struggling Dear Lord, help me slow down, focus and appreciate Your love and kindness Keep me close to You In Jesus Name
16. During November we prayed through various psalms, specifically: 46, 72, 106, and 42. Share some highlights that impacted you and then pray them into your heart.
I’m already behind! I went through the blog posts for Psalms 46 and 73, to remind myself of our studies. I will go through 106 and 42 tomorrow.
A couple of things to reflect on:
Psalm 46 – God is my strength! He will protect me.
Psalm 73 – I need to keep my eyes on Jesus. He is all I need.
Lord, Thank You for loving me so much that You have me close to You at all times. It is so comforting to rest in Your presence. Thank You for reminding me in this Psalm that I don’t need the things of this world. I am Yours and You are mine. Help me to see You more clearly, love You more dearly, and follow You more nearly day by day. Amen.
Lizzy, thinking of you today and hope you are resting at night better these days. ♥️♥️
Praying for you today, Lizzy. Hope you are feeling much better. xo
Psalm 107 – Give thanks to the Lord, He is faithful and His loves endures forever! I will never forget this Psalm because of the lovely jazzy rendition of it by the Wendell Kimbrough group. Oh Lord thank You for being with me through it all!
Psalm 42 – We will have hard times in our lives. There is no guarantee of a life void of pain. BUT, God will be with us. He will guide, love, lift, and brush off the mess. It is our job to remember this. As I have been lifted out of a binding idol, He blesses me for being faithful to Him. Thank You dear Lord. Thank You for Your continual blessing to me. Amen.
Thanks for reminding me of Lizzy!
Tuesday: Advent
17. During Advent we concentrated on the wonder of the Christmas story: the begats, the Word becoming Flesh, the many faces of the Christ of Christmas in the gospels, and Mary’s wonder. What do you remember in particular and why? How might you pray it into your heart?
—Oh Wow, the lessons from the Advent studies were so rich in content. There were some rich teachings from Keller on the historical reality of the birth of Jesus and how that has truly changed the world. I remember that in the begats there are some women listed and that we saw the value of women in God’s eyes from those. We considered David sin and Bathsheba’s role which was enlightening. I feel I now have a more realistic view of her and her place with God.
This is something from Keller that I thought particularly good.
“Only humble people were invited to the stable. If we think God owes us anything we are not humble of heart. We limit what God can do in our lives. We hang on to other things in our lives. We need to treat him as God and give him everything. Then He will pour out his grace and blessing on our lives. “
From that I would want to pray for a humble heart.
Love the Tim Keller quote, so good.
Thank you for consistently leading us here. I stumbled onto this blog in 2014. So grateful that I did, for it has been consistently life-giving.
A few years ago on New Years you encouraged us to make only one resolution. I wrote it on a small piece of paper and it has rested beside my bed ever since.
“My only resolution ~ to keep communion with Christ.” Thank you for distilling it down to this, Dee, for I often need reminding.
Your teaching on idolatry was a turning point as well. Painful process and continues to be, but so helpful when it comes to identifying the ice beneath the tip of the iceberg. Thank you for the way you have woven Tim Keller’s teachings into this blog. I recently listened to “Praying Our Tears” again .
Discovered this song this weekend, titled Rahab’s Lullaby. Absolutely lifegiving. I have included a 10 minute link that provides the beautiful context for this song. Some of the lyrics:
I will tell it like it is
I was hanging by a thread
Pushed out to the furthest edge
And I wasn’t proud of it
From my house within the wall
Always face to face with dark
Oh, I wondered if I knew the light at all
I was sure my heart would melt with fear
But there was One who held me even there
He is God above, He is God below
He is God of everything between
There’s no place you’ll be where He cannot go
Look at my face, these eyes have seen
I know the Lord
Nila, Thank you for sharing this song and the link. I listened to the reading and the song. It made my day. Love this line: “Look at my face, these eyes have seen; I know the Lord.” I will save this link and listen often. Absolutely life giving is right.
A great resolution too~ To keep communion with Christ.
WOW!!! Thanks for sharing this with us Nila.
That is beautiful. Loved the thoughts before the song too.
Nila, thank you: He is God above and below and in between.
17. During Advent we concentrated on the wonder of the Christmas story: the begats, the Word becoming Flesh, the many faces of the Christ of Christmas in the gospels, and Mary’s wonder. What do you remember in particular and why? How might you pray it into your heart? The begats when I saw this struck a note because of the women found in His lineage. We are all welcome. Last week listened to Tim Keller preaching from Hebrews and he brought up the begats and that Christ is not ashamed to call us brothers and sisters. The Word became flesh such a glorious occurrence. Your reference to Philippians 2 which has the admonishment in all things to have the mind of Christ. Lord, You already know today’s challenges and what the year ahead will bring. In all things teach me to have the mind of Christ. In Jesus name.
Tuesday: Advent
17. During Advent we concentrated on the wonder of the Christmas story: the begats, the Word becoming Flesh, the many faces of the Christ of Christmas in the gospels, and Mary’s wonder. What do you remember in particular and why? How might you pray it into your heart? – What I remember that helped me the most was the family line of Jesus. His family was far from perfect, they were not from the rich and famous, they were every day, working class people and some that had a tarnished history. But it was all forgotten and didn’t matter to God, he still used them to bring about His plan for the world. This brought comfort to me, to know that the mistakes I have made in the past will not stop God from using me in a way he sees for me. We don’t need to lead perfect, wealthy lives, he will use us just as we are.
17. During Advent we concentrated on the wonder of the Christmas story: the begats, the Word becoming Flesh, the many faces of the Christ of Christmas in the gospels, and Mary’s wonder. What do you remember in particular and why? How might you pray it into your heart?
The begats – Jesus began the seventh generation, there were seven OT passages fulfilled with His birth and life, and there were four “questionable” women in His lineage.
The flesh – many people saw with their own eyes, Jesus’ miracles. John tells us that Jesus is the Word, and the Word has always been with God. This scripture is particularly impactful to me because of the dance I helped choreograph years ago (if you missed it, I did end up finding the link and posted it for that week. It’s down in the comment a bit).
The glory – This week we studied the four “faces” of Christ; the lion, the eagle, the man, and the ox. There are many interpretations. Matthew (lion) – the king, Mark (ox) – the servant, Luke (man) – fully man, and John (eagle) – fully God.
Mary – God chose a young, humble maiden to birth His Son. Mary follows faithfully through with His gift. The least likely are chosen throughout the Bible. Salvation is for everyone!
I forgot the prayer. Ugh!
Oh Lord, help my aging self! Boy am I feeling the aches and pains these days 😉. Thank You for caring about me. Thank You for life. The hard rain and now the beautiful sunshine! Thank You for caring for all of us, no matter the sins we have committed. Help me convey that (crazy to some) idea to others. In Your Holy Name. Amen.
“Oh Lord, help my aging self!”
Me, too, Laura! 😄
1. As you reflect just on this last week between Christmas and today, what are you particularly thankful for and why?
Christmas Day was a quiet one with me, my husband, our daughter, and my sister and her husband. I often find myself longing for “the way things used to be” when holidays included my now deceased parents, when our kids were younger…that sort of thing. However, I realize that all the places where I look and seek to fill the never-ending longings of my heart, I always come up empty. I am thankful that God, through Jesus, stepped down into our messy world and our messy lives. I was thankful that a small group of us showed up at church for the Christmas morning service, where we got to sit up by the altar where the choir normally sits because they had the day off, and it was an intimate and meaningful service.
2. What thoughts would you like to share on my opening and the plan going forward? Do you sense God leading you to stay with us? If so, what path will you take: green or black?
I laughed about the New Year’s resolution thing because I don’t even make it until mid-January; I’m already failing by January 2nd! Yes, I need to be here. My excuse is always that I don’t have time. I’m too busy. But I do have time, and most likely I will do the black because of my personality, it will bother me if I don’t answer the questions lol. I also liked the beautiful reminder about abiding in Jesus. The other day I found a little bookmark with a picture of artwork and that very passage from John about abiding; it was given to me at a retreat I attended a few years ago and that was the topic: Abiding in Jesus. I’m using it to mark my place in a book I just started called Days of Deepening Friendship by Vinita Hampton Wright. It’s about developing an authentic life with God.
3. What stood out to you about this Father? How might you use this information to pray for your heart in 2024?
Oh how I love Henri Nouwen’s powerful writing on Rembrandt’s painting. I have read his book on the Prodigal Son, and now when I look at the father and son in the painting, I think of Henri’s reflections on how that embrace is completely still, and it is an eternal embrace. The son’s face almost looks like the face of a baby, and Henri used many metaphors such as a baby re-entering the womb, and the son with his tattered shoes and clothes is so exhausted from running and running and now he is finally home in that embrace. Henri wrote how for so much of his life, he was like the observers in the painting, never daring to step up onto the platform and let himself be held. For many reasons, I am tired; physically, emotionally, and mentally, and even spiritually. I don’t want more “information” if it doesn’t lead me into that embrace. That’s how I need to pray for my heart in 2024. I need and want to be held in the Father’s embrace.
4. We considered Jack Miller’s question: “Do you live like an orphan or a child of God?” An orphan does not expect love whereas a child of God does.
A. Share at least two ways you have seen God’s tender love to you this year.
I have seen how God has knitted me together in fellowship with other believers at church, and given me joy in serving Him by helping at our weekly community meal. I know God sustained me in the painful time when our daughter moved far away to Florida last July.
B. Do you think you live daily as an orphan or as a child of God? Pray for your heart here.
I cannot say that I live daily as a child of God. I often fear, like Dee’s thoughts above, that God might back away from me when I sin and turn His back on me. I can’t say that I live every day “living loved”. Now that I see that in writing, it’s kind of an oxymoron because the truth is, I do live every day, “living loved” by God, but I often don’t feel or experience His love.
Lord, please deliver me from my unbelief. Lord, like the father in the Bible said to Jesus, I believe; help my unbelief! I know I am wayward and sinful and I fail constantly, but I can never earn your love by my performance or good behavior. Help me to abide in You and rest.
How I love your reflective postings. And Paige’s talk is so on target for when we say I just don’t time to be in the Word!
5. What was Simon’s greatest concern? What was the woman’s What is yours?
Simon invited Jesus for lunch at his home, but it seems like his concern was perhaps to test and grill Jesus during that time, to find out what sort of person he was or if he was really a prophet. He was totally unaware just who it was who was sitting at the table. Simon didn’t offer Jesus the customary hospitality shown to guests. The woman’s greatest concern was to be close to Jesus, and though she didn’t speak a word, her actions showed her heart, that she was worshipping Him and seeking forgiveness. My own concerns can be getting caught up in busyness and all the things I have to do to work, keep the home….necessary things to be sure but I can let them override my deepest need and concern and that is to get to Jesus. I will often start to have this gnawing inner anxiousness and a desire for time alone with God.
6. Do you wear a mask? If so, what does that tell you about your trust in God? If you are confident in God’s love, how might that help you care less about what others think?
Yes and no. Sometimes, I have a real fear of letting other people in; that if they see the real me, they will reject me. I fear loss of approval and rejection and so I will play nice and go along, when perhaps a difficult truth needs to be said. But, I did have one small victory that sticks in my mind. A couple months ago at work, I had a student nurse with me and we were getting report from the night shift nurse. The patient’s IV had come out during the night, and that nurse didn’t restart it. I was irritated by that and when that nurse walked away, through my facial expression and a bit of grumbling, I expressed it in front of the student. I was convicted, and I later pulled the student aside, took a deep breath, and said I have something I need to say to you. I then told her that I had jumped to conclusions about why the night nurse hadn’t restarted the IV, and that my attitude had not been right, and that our unit has a good team of nurses and we all work well together. We don’t “eat our own” and I didn’t want her to think it was that kind of an environment. I apologized to her for my grumbling, and said in fact, that the patient was going to be discharged today and had I waited to learn that fact, I would’ve known that another IV was unnecessary.
I thanked God for giving me the courage to admit to the student that I was wrong.
7. Manning talked about experiencing the risenness of Christ in our lives. How have you experienced the risenness of Christ this year – for example, what answers to prayer have you seen, what changes in your heart or in the hearts of those for whom you have prayed?
Well, some of us in our family have sure needed Jesus to show up and help. Our daughter who moved away to FL has moved back home. She had moved to go to med school; however, it proved to be not for her, and her mental, emotional, and physical health took a real beating. She is now exploring pursuing a master’s degree in her original degree which is psychology/neuroscience. She had wanted to be a psychiatrist and is passionate about mental health. I believe she will make a wonderful therapist. She has suffered a lot, and she really has the gift of empathy. She has been on a spiritual journey with God and has grown closer to Him through all of this. I’ve always believed that no matter how we raise our kids, they come to a point as adults where they have to figure out their own relationship with God and make the faith their own. I prayed a lot of prayers for her; God is answering but just not in the way I thought it would be.
I am also experiencing some growth in my relationship with my husband. One of our biggest things has been that we are so different and not very compatible, and we are often very divided in our opinions, especially when it comes to our adult children. I am making some small steps in the right direction to work on us being on the same team.
So love this small victory from Susan!
But, I did have one small victory that sticks in my mind. A couple months ago at work, I had a student nurse with me and we were getting report from the night shift nurse. The patient’s IV had come out during the night, and that nurse didn’t restart it. I was irritated by that and when that nurse walked away, through my facial expression and a bit of grumbling, I expressed it in front of the student. I was convicted, and I later pulled the student aside, took a deep breath, and said I have something I need to say to you. I then told her that I had jumped to conclusions about why the night nurse hadn’t restarted the IV, and that my attitude had not been right, and that our unit has a good team of nurses and we all work well together. We don’t “eat our own” and I didn’t want her to think it was that kind of an environment. I apologized to her for my grumbling, and said in fact, that the patient was going to be discharged today and had I waited to learn that fact, I would’ve known that another IV was unnecessary.
I thanked God for giving me the courage to admit to the student that I was wrong.
Amen! So happy that you are experiencing the results of prayer in your family! God is so good!🙌🙏💗🙏🙌
8. Is there a particular teaching from Keller that has profoundly impacted your life? If so, share what it is and why it impacted you.
I would say it was our study here on idolatry, when Dee was working on writing Idol Lies, that I was first introduced to Tim Keller. His sermons that we listened to opened my eyes as to the meaning of idolatry. His many examples, like the Rocky movies (If I only have ____, then I’ll know I’m not a bum) and the idea that when you see the idols, don’t despair; it’s when you’re awake that you know you’re winning the battle (the danger is when you’re asleep and you don’t see them) and as Dee said above, learning to look deeper and underneath my sin for the root cause/idol, and so many more examples have stuck with me. But really, that’s only the tip of it; I am sure for all of us, we could write pages about the influence of his teaching in our lives. At our women’s Bible study group last year, we went through his books on Jonah and on Forgiveness.
9. I admired Tim Keller’s intelligence and eloquence, and his way of making hard truths easier to grasp. When you listen to his sermons or read his books, you have to think and ponder. It’s not fluff. He wasn’t afraid to make you feel uncomfortable with the truth. I believe it was from him also that I understood at last that the story of the prodigal son was really about two sons – one was lost in his blatant rebellion and the other was lost in his religious goodness. That has stuck with me as well.
Susan, I love all of your posts here. I am hankful for your daughter’s journey and your growth in your relationship with your husband. I love the example you shared about the incident with the outgoing nurse and the student’s nurse. This is a good reminder as I prepare to take my high school students to clinicals for their CNA training. I am sure that the student nurse took note of your humble acknowledgment of your attitude and apology.
10. Do you remember what the sign of turning the water in the ceremonial jars used for handwashing into wine represented?
Jesus is the Lord of Hosts. Keller said that at this wedding, Jesus was thinking about His “wedding”. At this wedding, they had no wine. Jesus told his mother that his hour had not come, when she asked him to do something. That meant He was thinking about the hour of his death. He would have to die to create the “wine” for His wedding feast. He would have to die to be united with His Bride.
11. Do you remember how Keller connected this first miracle or sign with the clearing of the temple?
Keller said both signs are connected. On the surface they look different, but they are two different ways of doing the same things. They show Jesus’ authority over all things. One day, Jesus might bring joy and happiness and the next, He might turn over your tables.
Wednesday: Green Path
18. Paige begins Daniel today — if you are joining us, Wednesdays are always the green path. Listen to the first 15 minutes either sitting down or multi-tasking and share. I hope this link works:
This is what stood out to me and why: – WOW so many good things today in her teaching…But what I thought was helpful was how Nebuchadnezzar wined and dined them to his richly, kingdom food. How easy it is for us to take the bait in this world. What looks good, what tastes good, is not always the route we should follow.
Why do people teach about God as though he is our boyfriend? When the Bible talks about the BRIDE of Christ, That is referring to the whole church, not just the women.
He’s certainly not our boyfriend, and it is a metaphor, but in the Song of Songs you will he speaks to both as an individual, but also corporately (you are more beautiful than an army of banners.)
18. Paige begins Daniel today — if you are joining us, Wednesdays are always the green path. Listen to the first 15 minutes either sitting down or multi-tasking and share. She referred to psalm 137. How will they sing the Lord’s song in a foreign land. We are looking for them for this. They do it because of their relationship with the Lord. They have a true view of true God and we want to share this view. I think she may have said that is what we see throughout the book of Daniel. When I think of Daniel I think of the prophecy, the fiery furnace, the lion’s den and Daniel’s interpretation of dreams. Not how will we sing. I’m excited to hear how she brings this out.
I too love the concept of “singing in a foreign land.”
Wednesday: Green Path. Listen to the first 15 minutes either sitting down or multi-tasking and share.
This is what stood out to me and why:This was God’s plan…in verse 2 it says, “The LORD gave them.” It wasn’t about Nebuchadnezzar but rather the purpose of God. God’s purpose always prevails and sometimes that’s hard to swallow when it doesn’t turn out or go the way I thought or expected it should.
So good. I loved the repetition of God gave — gave them into the hands of the Babylonians but also gave them favor, wisdom, and knowledge!
Green path:
I listened up to the 28-minute time stamp and these are the things that stood out to me:
1. The scenario- this is the first deportation of the Israelites from their land during the reign of Nebuchadnezzar. There will be 2 more (?).
Lesson: We can be amid a national crisis though not because of our faults like Daniel and his three friends were and be reminded that God is still supreme and in control.
2. The quote from Andrew Murray
“I am here by His appointment, in His keeping, under His training, and in His time.”
Lesson: I can trust God ALL THE TIME.
So good from Murray:
“I am here by His appointment, in His keeping, under His training, and in His time.”
“This is what stood out to me and why.”
In Daniel 1:1-2 God gave the King of Judah over to King Nebuchadnezer.
It’s rather shocking to realize that even the “bad things” are in God’s control and a part of His plan. Because He is a just God, justice will be measured out by Him when it is necessary. Trusting in Him through the good times and the bad, knowing that He is the same yesterday, today and forever. (I know I have read this passage before many times, but this never stood out to me.)
Yes — shocking, but also comforting! So glad you are here, Lydia.
Glad to be here too! I heard you interviewed on Family Talk! Your prison ministry sounds amazing! What a Blessing you are Dee! Your message, tone of voice and demonstration of God’s Love is indescribable. A Truly devine appointment and Holy Spirit filled. Praying for God to return the blessing to you this year dear Sister. 🙌🙏💗🙏🙌
This is what stood out to me and why:
God is faithful to us. The Israelites had rebelled and God told them they would be conquered. He turned the sons of Judah over to Nebuchadnezzar as He said He would in the second exile. It was unfortunate for them but faithful of Him, nonetheless.
Daniel is faithful to God. He would not ever consider disobeying his Lord. Even to the point of being put in a fire to die.