The whole lesson is great — but do not miss the last half hour when Paige talks about why we don’t want to study the Bible! I’ll finish next Tuesday and let you chat and pray for one another until I post again on Sunday, October 29th.
Wednesday: Why Should Studying the Bible Be So Important?
Listen for about the first twenty-two minutes until she asks: “What Brings Jesus’ sharpest confrontation?”
1. In her opening, she quoted Psalm 119, Isaiah 55, Hebrews 4, and 2 Timothy. What are a few reasons Scripture says Scripture is important? (See if you can find at least 3!)
2. What are some ways God’s work is unique?
3. How can you see that the Bible was important to Jesus in:
The account of Him at 12?
The account of Him being tempted by Satan in the wilderness?
In His teaching (Sermon on the Mount) (In this section — what was her point about how she once reacted to wedding registries and how she reacted after getting engaged?)
In His dying
In fulfilling Old Testament prophecies
4. When Jesus came, what did He spend the majority of His time doing and why?
Thursday: The Misuse and Right Use of Scripture
Listen through her story of the smart friend who didn’t see the point of Scripture but then did, calling in the middle of the night from London.
5. What were some of the ways Jesus rebuked the Pharisees for their misuse of Scripture?
6. How have you responded when someone has used a Scripture to correct you? I want honest stories!
7. Why should we love to be rebuked in truth?
8. How did Jesus respond to John the Baptist’s question?
9. What stands out to you from her teaching on the walk to Emmaus and why?
10. What was the point of her Peach, Pear, Plum storybook?
11. She gave several examples from Scripture on why it should be important. Share one.
12. What was the point of the story of her friend from camp?
Friday: For Salvation and Sanctification
Listen up to “You are not secured by God’s Word unless you are ruled by God’s Word and story of friend who came to talk to her in 1991.
13. Why did she say, concerning the parable of the sower, when people wondered about the middle two soils: “I wouldn’t say it’s very hopeful.” What else stood out about this parable?
14. How is the parable of the wise man and the foolish man like the parable of the sower?
15. Are ruled by God’s Word? Be as honest as you can be.
16. What was her point about the friend who came to talk to her about deposits and withdrawals?
17. How does The Good Shepherd story of John 10 show Salvation, Sanctification, and Security?
Weekend: Catch Up!
Monday: Why Would This Not Be Important To Me?
Listen to the end.
18. She said His Word is not important when Jesus is not important to us. What do you remember and why?
19. What do you remember about what she said about us wanting Scriptures to revolve around me?
20. What do you remember about her saying we are exposed by our posture?
21. What is your purpose in studying the Bible? What should it be? (She reviewed the wedding registry story)
22. What is the point of the parable of the two sons?
23. Why did she recommend Nancy Guthries Praying through the Bible for our Children?
24 What do you remember about how we can make the Bible more important to us?
Just wanted to touch base and let you know I won’t be posting this week but I will find a block of time to listen to Paige’s teaching. I don’t want to miss that.
Our daughter and her husband and children from Montana are coming to stay for a week so we will have a very busy household. Our other two children and their families who live close by will join us often to make the most of our time together. So lots of activities and meals to prepare. We thank God they like to come home and we consider it a blessing to have them.
I just want to reiterate how much I appreciate my sisters in Christ on this blog.
1. In her opening she quoted Psalm 119, Isaiah 55, Hebrews 4, and 2 Timothy. What are a few reasons Scripture says Scripture is important? (See if you can find at least 3!)
Psalm 119 the beauty and benefit of God’s Word
Isaiah 55 The power of God’s Word
Hebrews 4 transformative
2 Timothy Because it is God’s Word
We study it because it is God’s Word. It has absolute authority.
2. What are some ways God’s work is unique?
Authoritative, Important, Personal (is it important to me personally?)
3. How can you see that the Bible was important to Jesus in:
The account of Him at 12? He was in the temple. He was discussing the Scriptures.
The account of Him being tempted by Satan in the wilderness? He was tempted by Satan and answered the Devil with Scriptures.
In His teaching (Sermon on the Mount) (In this section — what was her point about how she once reacted to wedding registries and how she reacted after getting engaged?) We battle by using the Scriptures; He came to accomplish Scripture.
What did He spend his ministry in? He is doing the script. Scripture is Jesus’ script; it is His roadmap.
In His dying The scripture was to be fulfilled; Psalm 22 Why have you forsaken me? He fulfills everything in the Scriptures.
3. When Jesus came, what did He spend the majority of His time doing and why?
Fulfilling everything in the Scriptures; He was always preaching and teaching.
He came to explain who He is “I am the fulfillment of all OT prophecies. I only make sense in light of the Scriptures.” He is a great teacher of the Scriptures.
I do want to make an observation of this last teaching of Paige. She is getting more and more like Tim Keller 🙂 in regard to always emphasizing Jesus. Her outline is so simple yet so much is packed in it!
Thursday: The Misuse and Right Use of Scripture
Listen through her story of the smart friend who didn’t see the point of Scripture but then did, calling in the middle of the night from London.
I really enjoyed this section. How I wish I could save this video!
1. What were some of the ways Jesus rebuke the Pharisees for their misuse of Scripture?
He corrects them with Scriptures. You deny the commandments of God.
You have made void the Word of God. You search the Scriptures, and you refuse to come to me.
Paige did not use this as an example, but I was in Mark 2: 24-28 for a reading. The Pharisees asked Jesus why the disciples were doing something unlawful on Sabbath. And Jesus replied by asking them if they had never read what David did with his men when they took the consecrated bread from Abiathar. And He corrected their thinking by saying, Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.
2. How have you responded when someone has used a Scripture to correct you? I want honest stories!
A friend shared Matthew 6:34 with me when I was talking to her about my fears while waiting for the results of my MRI. I had a small lump in my neck that I thought could be malignant. This was several weeks ago. “Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”
I was so focused on this dreadful possibility that I couldn’t think of other things that could explain the lump. My friend’s rebuke helped me to see my situation considering God’s sovereignty and the help He could give me regardless of the outcome. As it turned out, the lump was a very small mass on my thyroid. The doctor wanted to keep it under observation. And the radiologist did not think it was anything malignant.
3. Why should we love to be rebuked in truth?
Truth points us to Jesus and keeps us from listening to the lies of the evil one.
7. How did Jesus respond to John the Baptist’s question?
John asked, are you the one? You tell John- the blind see, the poor had the good news preached to them, the lame can walk-a fulfillment of Isaiah 35:5-6
8. What stands out to you from her teaching on the walk to Emma’s and why?
The greatest Bible study ever! The walk to Emmaus.
Oh, so slow of heart. He explained the Scriptures. They have missed the road signs! He showed His love to the disciples is using the Scripture. Luke 24 is a classic example of Jesus’ explanation as a form of teaching His disciples.
9. What was the point of her Peach, Pear, Plum storybook?
This board book brings the reader to another character as you turn the pages. With each turn of the page of the Scriptures, you see Jesus. Amazing point: “Did not our heart burn when He opened the Scriptures?”
11. She gave several examples from Scripture on why it should be important. Share one.
John 15. When we abide in the Word, we also abide in Jesus, and He abides in us.
12. What was the point of the story of her friend from camp?
We must look at the Scriptures where we can meet Jesus. You can be anywhere in the world (London or Timbuktu) but you can meet Him in the pages of the Bible.
1. In her opening, she quoted Psalm 119, Isaiah 55, Hebrews 4, and 2 Timothy. What are a few reasons Scripture says Scripture is important? (See if you can find at least 3!) To show us what God is like. To point to Jesus. So that we may be equipped for every good work that God has planned for us. 2. What are some ways God’s work is unique? One is that no matter how much you study it, there’s always something new to learn. 3. How can you see that the Bible was important to Jesus in:
The account of Him at 12? He was in the temple discussing scripture The account of Him being tempted by Satan in the wilderness? He answers Satan with scripture. In His teaching (Sermon on the Mount) (In this section — what was her point about how she once reacted to wedding registries and how she reacted after getting engaged?) People who don’t follow the registry are disregarding what the creator of the registry wants. Jesus didn’t do whatever he wanted, but what the Father wanted, what was in the scriptures. In His dying Every single event leading up to and including his crucifixion and afterward was in accordance with the scripture. In fulfilling Old Testament prophecies Jesus’ whole life on earth was fulfilling Old Testament prophecies.
4. When Jesus came, what did He spend the majority of His time doing and why? Preaching and teaching the scriptures. Because this is what he came to do, introduce us to him to explain who he is and what he was doing to usher in the kingdom of God.
In her opening she quoted Psalm 119, Isaiah 55, Hebrews 4, and 2 Timothy. What are a few reasons Scripture says Scripture is important? (See if you can find at least 3!)
It gives us joy.
We will live in joy and peace.
We will rest.
2. What are some ways God’s work is unique?
It is really important and someone needs to know it.
It was important to Jesus.
3. How can you see that the Bible was important to Jesus in:
The account of Him at 12?
He was in the temple.
The account of Him being tempted by Satan in the wilderness?
He answers with scripture from Deuteronomy. He is the Messiah who has come to save.
In His teaching (Sermon on the Mount) (In this section — what was her point about how she once reacted to wedding registries and how she reacted after getting engaged?)
He came to fulfill the OT scripture, not abolish it.
The life of Jesus is weird. He didn’t give the people what they thought the Messiah would. He follows the will of the Father.
In His dying
The Passion accounts all explain what the Scripture wants fulfilled.
In fulfilling Old Testament prophecies
Jesus recites scripture! He reminds the people how what He is doing was written in the scripture.
4. When Jesus came, what did He spend the majority of His time doing and why?
Teaching scripture to fulfill it. He came to explain Himself and God’s will. He is explaining that He only makes sense in light of Scripture.
5. What were some of the ways Jesus rebuked the Pharisees for their misuse of Scripture?
By denying the Commandments of God, they hold the traditions of man, and teach them as doctrine. You have made void the Word of God.
6. How have you responded when someone has used a Scripture to correct you? I want honest stories!
My back would bristle! I can’t really remember anyone doing that to me.
This from Laura! 6. How have you responded when someone has used a Scripture to correct you? I want honest stories!
My back would bristle! I can’t really remember anyone doing that to me.
I do think we naturally get our back up, and it’s not the most effective way to confront for that reason. Better to point out a pattern, or the consequences they will suffer. For example, instead of saying the Bible says divorce is sin, it might be better to have them consider their lives in ten years, and their childrens’ lives
Laura - dancer
October 21, 2023
7. Why should we love to be rebuked in truth?
Because Jesus followed the scripture. It was His roadmap. Therefore we should do the same. The scripture brings transformation and healing to us. I need to apply it to myself, so as to apply to others.
8. How did Jesus respond to John the Baptist’s question?
He told the followers to go back and explain to John what they had seen. People were healed, hearts were changed.
9. What stands out to you from her teaching on the walk to Emmaus and why?
These are not 2 of the 12. It was almost comical. They are explaining to Him what happened. He basically teaches them a Bible study! He could have just shown them His hands and feet. He wanted them to get it “…according to the Scripture.” It was what they needed at that time.
10. What was the point of her Peach, Pear, Plum storybook?
Every time you turn a page in the Bible, you find Jesus! It really is amazing and so humbling.
11. She gave several examples from Scripture on why it should be important. Share one.
Jesus says it’s that important for me. It is essential to my salvation. A saving relationship. In union with Jesus Christ.
Cutting out parts means we cut out the scripture we love.
Luke 24 says their “hearts burned.”
Verse 32 says “Did not our hearts burn when He opened the Scripture to us?”
We get to experience Him in every piece of Scripture if we are looking!
John 8 – You are truly my disciples when you abide in my Word.
Luke 8 – all are my mother and brother when you hear and obey God’s Word.
12. What was the point of the story of her friend from camp?
Her friend met Jesus in His Word. It is that important to know the Word. It’s where we find Him.
Dee, I have just been so blessed by you including us in doing Paige’s study.,This week’s has made me teary just thinking about how it has been a truly great privilege to be a part of this blog.
am thankful that it is not too late for me to grasp the power of God’s Word for my life and to be more keenly aware of who Jesus is.
I love the Gospel of John 10!
my sheep’s hears my voice salvation
and follow me sanctification
and no one can snatch them out of the Father’s hands security
Busy weekend as we prepare for women for our luncheon-expecting 70 and ending with over 100! A pleasant surprise but we needed some adjustments. Pray for me-my nerves are fragile lol I have to really speak to my soul about the power and faithfulness of God!
I will keep you posted after the event! Pray for Marta- our speaker.
thank you!
13. Why did she say, concerning the parable of the sower, when people wondered about the middle two soils: “I wouldn’t say it’s very hopeful.” What else stood out about this
All 4 heard and received the Word. The thorns are the cares of this world and deceitfulness of wealth. They are choked.
It’s not about knowledge, it’s about action. Are you in an ongoing relationship with Jesus?
14. How is the parable of the wise man and the foolish man like the parable of the sower?
A picture of security of our responsiveness. You must be a person who hears the Word and plants yourself in it for life. Ruled by His Word. It may not be pretty but we will be standing.
15. Are ruled by God’s Word? Be as honest as you can be.
I think yes. I consider what God wants from me (mostly) before I act. It wasn’t always that way. He speaks to me. Our family had a very bad day yesterday. It would be so easy to give up.
Today, my verse of the day was about hope. The sermon at church was about hope. The little toy Grace picked for a birthday present for her friend had a name. Guess what it was? Hope. I asked Him last night to make it very clear what I personally should do. He made it clear. I won’t give up. I am secure in Him.
16. What was her point about the friend who came to talk to her about deposits and withdrawals?
She tells the story to explain security. Her friend had a baby and her husband diagnosed with cancer at the same time. She felt like her life was all good “deposits” from God up to that point. She then said she started writing checks. Her husband died. BUT, she never overdrew her account. That is security and abiding.
17. How does The Good Shepherd story of John 10 (27-28) show Salvation, Sanctification, and Security?
My sheep hear my voice and they know me and I know them. Salvation
They follow me. Sanctification
Nothing can snatch them out of my hands. Security
18. She said His Word is not important when Jesus is not important to us. What do you remember and why? The Bible is where we learn about Jesus and if we want to love Him we must learn about Him.
19. What do you remember about what she said about us wanting Scriptures to revolve around me? We want the parts that encourage us, us the Bible isn’t about us it’s about Jesus. We want it relevant to us and about me. We like to read books but not necessarily the Bible because books are more about me.
20. What do you remember about her saying we are exposed by our posture? I’m not certain but I remember saying something about skipping over parts of scripture because we have read it before. I am guilty of this
21. What is your purpose in studying the Bible? What should it be? (She reviewed the wedding registry story. ) to finish the assignment. To know Jesus and be like Him.
22. What is the point of the parable of the two sons? Agreement isn’t obedience Knowledge isn’t holiness Important thing is obedience to what it says
23. Why did she recommend Nancy Guthries Praying through the Bible for our Children? Difference in what God says our prayers should be for our children and what we pray.
24 What do you remember about how we can make the Bible more important to us? By Jesus becoming more important to me, by reading and studying my Bible. We can’t heal ourselves Run to Jesus.
25. Point of the reading of The Hiding Place? To these persecuted women the Bible became more beautiful Fresh and new. They lived 2 levels the horrible situation in their flesh and yet the spiritual life of from glory to glory it was a description of heaven and hell and how God loves.
26. What else stands out to you and why? That God’s mercies are new every day and we find them in the treasure of His word.
27. Share three The Bible is where we learn about Jesus and how to become more like Him. We must not stop studying, learning and applying His truths. (I’m so thankful Sanctification is God’s work if I understand 1 Thessalonians 5:23 correctly. I’m also very very thankful for scriptures that call me , comfort me, strengthen me, give me peace and encourage me. Yes, that’s about me. There are days I feel like I’m the frog in the pan of water and the heat is being turned up.) I liked when she talked about the Lord using scriptures to make deposits and there are times when we will need to draw upon those deposits. We can never overdraw the account because God is faithful.
She quoted John 10. Salvation is hearing His voice, following Him is sanctification and nothing snatches us out of His hand. That’s our security.
Wow, Judy — you bring up a great doctrinal issue. Reformed people would agree with you, Arminians might not. I do think it is God’s work, just as salvation is of Him. Do we have a responsibility to respond? It seems so from other Scriptures that encourage discipline.
I trust Paige s and your teaching. Yes discipline of self is needed, but I think it comes from the love He s given us and the love He inspires for Him. For me that comes with the tenderness in the Bible for me.
18. She said His Word is not important when Jesus is not important to us. What do you remember and why?
Jesus is just not that important to me. But, to be with Him means to read the Word about Him.
Scripture tells us how much we matter but we are not the point. It’s not enough about me so I don’t want to read it.
I exist for Jesus, not the other way around.
19. What do you remember about what she said about us wanting Scriptures to revolve around me?
I can use the parts of scripture that are important to me. I can appreciate them because they are more about me.
We just need to know “enough.” We know the functional parts. But that’s not the way we relate to people.
20. What do you remember about her saying we are exposed by our posture?
The passages about hearing and receiving the Word are about our willingness. Are we submitting? Is our Bible a “prop?” Or, do we really use it?
We love coming to the scripture because we have a loving relationship with Him.
21. What is your purpose in studying the Bible? What should it be? (She reviewed the wedding registry story)
To have a relationship with Christ, to be Christ like.
Change is the reason to study also.
22. What is the point of the parable of the two sons?
Agreement is not obedience. They both hear but the one who says no, actually goes. He is obedient. The one who says yes, does not. He agreed but didn’t obey.
Jesus wants our obedience. Quick to listen, slow to anger, etc.
23. Why did she recommend Nancy Guthries Praying through the Bible for our Children?
It shows you what you need to pray for your children. Via Jesus!
24. What do you remember about how we can make the Bible more important to us?
If Jesus becomes more important to me! Read and study the Bible.
He makes no apology for the circularity of the Word. “You must come to Me through My Word. You must come to My Word through Me.”
25. Point of the reading of The Hiding Place?
They lived to read their Bible they snuck into the concentration camp.
Every time they (we) read it, it becomes new to us. Talking to Him is not enough. We have to have Him talk to us. He is the One running after us.
5. What were some of the ways Jesus rebuked the Pharisees for their misuse of Scripture? That they are experts in the law of Moses, but they don’t do what it says. They pile burdens on the people, but won’t lift a finger to help. They are show offs. 6. How have you responded when someone has used a Scripture to correct you? I want honest stories! I once injured myself and the first thing that popped out of my mouth was a swear word (I used to swear all of the time and made a concerted effort to clean up my language after becoming a Christian). I said, “Oops! Sorry!” My sister-in-law replied, “Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.” All that swirled through my head at the time was all of her faults and how she fails as Christian role model sometimes. I didn’t say anything, but even almost 40 years later, I remember it. 7. Why should we love to be rebuked in truth? Because if it’s the truth it should melt our hearts. It keeps us humble. 8. How did Jesus respond to John the Baptist’s question? Look at all of the things that I am doing. The blind see, the lame walk, the dead are raised. All of these were prophesied in the scriptures. He points John to the scriptures. 9. What stands out to you from her teaching on the walk to Emmaus and why? Jesus could have done (and we probably would have) all kinds of things to show Pilate, the Sanhedrin and those that crucified him that he was still alive, instead he chose to walk 2 basically unknown people through the scriptures. His love for us is more important than proving himself to others. 10. What was the point of her Peach, Pear, Plum storybook? On every page of the scripture you find Jesus. Every account, every story points to our brokenness and our need for him. 11. She gave several examples from Scripture on why it should be important. Share one. The number one reason is that it is essential for our salvation. It is only through scripture that we learn who Jesus is and what he did for us. 12. What was the point of the story of her friend from camp? After years of knowing about Jesus, she finally met him in his word.
Thanks for sharing that true story about swearing and your sister-in-law. I honestly think we are best rebuked by the word itself whether in our time with Him, through sermons, or when He brings a verse to remembrance.
Just wanted to touch base and let you know I won’t be posting this week but I will find a block of time to listen to Paige’s teaching. I don’t want to miss that.
Our daughter and her husband and children from Montana are coming to stay for a week so we will have a very busy household. Our other two children and their families who live close by will join us often to make the most of our time together. So lots of activities and meals to prepare. We thank God they like to come home and we consider it a blessing to have them.
I just want to reiterate how much I appreciate my sisters in Christ on this blog.
And we appreciate you, Bev! Have a great week with your extended family!
Have a great family time, Bev! I will miss reading your posts!
Have fun with your family, Bev!
How fun for you to have your family together! I hope the week is absolutely lovely for you.
1. In her opening she quoted Psalm 119, Isaiah 55, Hebrews 4, and 2 Timothy. What are a few reasons Scripture says Scripture is important? (See if you can find at least 3!)
Psalm 119 the beauty and benefit of God’s Word
Isaiah 55 The power of God’s Word
Hebrews 4 transformative
2 Timothy Because it is God’s Word
We study it because it is God’s Word. It has absolute authority.
2. What are some ways God’s work is unique?
Authoritative, Important, Personal (is it important to me personally?)
3. How can you see that the Bible was important to Jesus in:
The account of Him at 12? He was in the temple. He was discussing the Scriptures.
The account of Him being tempted by Satan in the wilderness? He was tempted by Satan and answered the Devil with Scriptures.
In His teaching (Sermon on the Mount) (In this section — what was her point about how she once reacted to wedding registries and how she reacted after getting engaged?) We battle by using the Scriptures; He came to accomplish Scripture.
What did He spend his ministry in? He is doing the script. Scripture is Jesus’ script; it is His roadmap.
In His dying The scripture was to be fulfilled; Psalm 22 Why have you forsaken me? He fulfills everything in the Scriptures.
3. When Jesus came, what did He spend the majority of His time doing and why?
Fulfilling everything in the Scriptures; He was always preaching and teaching.
He came to explain who He is “I am the fulfillment of all OT prophecies. I only make sense in light of the Scriptures.” He is a great teacher of the Scriptures.
I do want to make an observation of this last teaching of Paige. She is getting more and more like Tim Keller 🙂 in regard to always emphasizing Jesus. Her outline is so simple yet so much is packed in it!
That’s what I love about her. She was mentored by him!
Thursday: The Misuse and Right Use of Scripture
Listen through her story of the smart friend who didn’t see the point of Scripture but then did, calling in the middle of the night from London.
I really enjoyed this section. How I wish I could save this video!
1. What were some of the ways Jesus rebuke the Pharisees for their misuse of Scripture?
He corrects them with Scriptures. You deny the commandments of God.
You have made void the Word of God. You search the Scriptures, and you refuse to come to me.
Paige did not use this as an example, but I was in Mark 2: 24-28 for a reading. The Pharisees asked Jesus why the disciples were doing something unlawful on Sabbath. And Jesus replied by asking them if they had never read what David did with his men when they took the consecrated bread from Abiathar. And He corrected their thinking by saying, Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.
2. How have you responded when someone has used a Scripture to correct you? I want honest stories!
A friend shared Matthew 6:34 with me when I was talking to her about my fears while waiting for the results of my MRI. I had a small lump in my neck that I thought could be malignant. This was several weeks ago. “Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”
I was so focused on this dreadful possibility that I couldn’t think of other things that could explain the lump. My friend’s rebuke helped me to see my situation considering God’s sovereignty and the help He could give me regardless of the outcome. As it turned out, the lump was a very small mass on my thyroid. The doctor wanted to keep it under observation. And the radiologist did not think it was anything malignant.
3. Why should we love to be rebuked in truth?
Truth points us to Jesus and keeps us from listening to the lies of the evil one.
7. How did Jesus respond to John the Baptist’s question?
John asked, are you the one? You tell John- the blind see, the poor had the good news preached to them, the lame can walk-a fulfillment of Isaiah 35:5-6
8. What stands out to you from her teaching on the walk to Emma’s and why?
The greatest Bible study ever! The walk to Emmaus.
Oh, so slow of heart. He explained the Scriptures. They have missed the road signs! He showed His love to the disciples is using the Scripture. Luke 24 is a classic example of Jesus’ explanation as a form of teaching His disciples.
9. What was the point of her Peach, Pear, Plum storybook?
This board book brings the reader to another character as you turn the pages. With each turn of the page of the Scriptures, you see Jesus. Amazing point: “Did not our heart burn when He opened the Scriptures?”
11. She gave several examples from Scripture on why it should be important. Share one.
John 15. When we abide in the Word, we also abide in Jesus, and He abides in us.
12. What was the point of the story of her friend from camp?
We must look at the Scriptures where we can meet Jesus. You can be anywhere in the world (London or Timbuktu) but you can meet Him in the pages of the Bible.
With all on your plate, Bing, I’m impressed at the thoroughness of your answers!
1. In her opening, she quoted Psalm 119, Isaiah 55, Hebrews 4, and 2 Timothy. What are a few reasons Scripture says Scripture is important? (See if you can find at least 3!) To show us what God is like. To point to Jesus. So that we may be equipped for every good work that God has planned for us.
2. What are some ways God’s work is unique? One is that no matter how much you study it, there’s always something new to learn.
3. How can you see that the Bible was important to Jesus in:
The account of Him at 12? He was in the temple discussing scripture
The account of Him being tempted by Satan in the wilderness? He answers Satan with scripture.
In His teaching (Sermon on the Mount) (In this section — what was her point about how she once reacted to wedding registries and how she reacted after getting engaged?) People who don’t follow the registry are disregarding what the creator of the registry wants. Jesus didn’t do whatever he wanted, but what the Father wanted, what was in the scriptures.
In His dying Every single event leading up to and including his crucifixion and afterward was in accordance with the scripture.
In fulfilling Old Testament prophecies Jesus’ whole life on earth was fulfilling Old Testament prophecies.
4. When Jesus came, what did He spend the majority of His time doing and why? Preaching and teaching the scriptures. Because this is what he came to do, introduce us to him to explain who he is and what he was doing to usher in the kingdom of God.
Great start. You are always so clear with your answers, Dawn.
In her opening she quoted Psalm 119, Isaiah 55, Hebrews 4, and 2 Timothy. What are a few reasons Scripture says Scripture is important? (See if you can find at least 3!)
It gives us joy.
We will live in joy and peace.
We will rest.
2. What are some ways God’s work is unique?
It is really important and someone needs to know it.
It was important to Jesus.
3. How can you see that the Bible was important to Jesus in:
The account of Him at 12?
He was in the temple.
The account of Him being tempted by Satan in the wilderness?
He answers with scripture from Deuteronomy. He is the Messiah who has come to save.
In His teaching (Sermon on the Mount) (In this section — what was her point about how she once reacted to wedding registries and how she reacted after getting engaged?)
He came to fulfill the OT scripture, not abolish it.
The life of Jesus is weird. He didn’t give the people what they thought the Messiah would. He follows the will of the Father.
In His dying
The Passion accounts all explain what the Scripture wants fulfilled.
In fulfilling Old Testament prophecies
Jesus recites scripture! He reminds the people how what He is doing was written in the scripture.
4. When Jesus came, what did He spend the majority of His time doing and why?
Teaching scripture to fulfill it. He came to explain Himself and God’s will. He is explaining that He only makes sense in light of Scripture.
5. What were some of the ways Jesus rebuked the Pharisees for their misuse of Scripture?
By denying the Commandments of God, they hold the traditions of man, and teach them as doctrine. You have made void the Word of God.
6. How have you responded when someone has used a Scripture to correct you? I want honest stories!
My back would bristle! I can’t really remember anyone doing that to me.
This from Laura!
6. How have you responded when someone has used a Scripture to correct you? I want honest stories!
My back would bristle! I can’t really remember anyone doing that to me.
I suppose my mom probably used some scripture on me…
I do think we naturally get our back up, and it’s not the most effective way to confront for that reason. Better to point out a pattern, or the consequences they will suffer. For example, instead of saying the Bible says divorce is sin, it might be better to have them consider their lives in ten years, and their childrens’ lives
7. Why should we love to be rebuked in truth?
Because Jesus followed the scripture. It was His roadmap. Therefore we should do the same. The scripture brings transformation and healing to us. I need to apply it to myself, so as to apply to others.
8. How did Jesus respond to John the Baptist’s question?
He told the followers to go back and explain to John what they had seen. People were healed, hearts were changed.
9. What stands out to you from her teaching on the walk to Emmaus and why?
These are not 2 of the 12. It was almost comical. They are explaining to Him what happened. He basically teaches them a Bible study! He could have just shown them His hands and feet. He wanted them to get it “…according to the Scripture.” It was what they needed at that time.
10. What was the point of her Peach, Pear, Plum storybook?
Every time you turn a page in the Bible, you find Jesus! It really is amazing and so humbling.
11. She gave several examples from Scripture on why it should be important. Share one.
Jesus says it’s that important for me. It is essential to my salvation. A saving relationship. In union with Jesus Christ.
Cutting out parts means we cut out the scripture we love.
Luke 24 says their “hearts burned.”
Verse 32 says “Did not our hearts burn when He opened the Scripture to us?”
We get to experience Him in every piece of Scripture if we are looking!
John 8 – You are truly my disciples when you abide in my Word.
Luke 8 – all are my mother and brother when you hear and obey God’s Word.
12. What was the point of the story of her friend from camp?
Her friend met Jesus in His Word. It is that important to know the Word. It’s where we find Him.
Happy people know the Scripture!
Dee, I have just been so blessed by you including us in doing Paige’s study.,This week’s has made me teary just thinking about how it has been a truly great privilege to be a part of this blog.
am thankful that it is not too late for me to grasp the power of God’s Word for my life and to be more keenly aware of who Jesus is.
I love the Gospel of John 10!
my sheep’s hears my voice salvation
and follow me sanctification
and no one can snatch them out of the Father’s hands security
Busy weekend as we prepare for women for our luncheon-expecting 70 and ending with over 100! A pleasant surprise but we needed some adjustments. Pray for me-my nerves are fragile lol I have to really speak to my soul about the power and faithfulness of God!
I will keep you posted after the event! Pray for Marta- our speaker.
thank you!
Bing — you are such an encourager!
13. Why did she say, concerning the parable of the sower, when people wondered about the middle two soils: “I wouldn’t say it’s very hopeful.” What else stood out about this
All 4 heard and received the Word. The thorns are the cares of this world and deceitfulness of wealth. They are choked.
It’s not about knowledge, it’s about action. Are you in an ongoing relationship with Jesus?
14. How is the parable of the wise man and the foolish man like the parable of the sower?
A picture of security of our responsiveness. You must be a person who hears the Word and plants yourself in it for life. Ruled by His Word. It may not be pretty but we will be standing.
15. Are ruled by God’s Word? Be as honest as you can be.
I think yes. I consider what God wants from me (mostly) before I act. It wasn’t always that way. He speaks to me. Our family had a very bad day yesterday. It would be so easy to give up.
Today, my verse of the day was about hope. The sermon at church was about hope. The little toy Grace picked for a birthday present for her friend had a name. Guess what it was? Hope. I asked Him last night to make it very clear what I personally should do. He made it clear. I won’t give up. I am secure in Him.
16. What was her point about the friend who came to talk to her about deposits and withdrawals?
She tells the story to explain security. Her friend had a baby and her husband diagnosed with cancer at the same time. She felt like her life was all good “deposits” from God up to that point. She then said she started writing checks. Her husband died. BUT, she never overdrew her account. That is security and abiding.
17. How does The Good Shepherd story of John 10 (27-28) show Salvation, Sanctification, and Security?
My sheep hear my voice and they know me and I know them. Salvation
They follow me. Sanctification
Nothing can snatch them out of my hands. Security
Love your hope story — all designed to give you hope!
18. She said His Word is not important when Jesus is not important to us. What do you remember and why? The Bible is where we learn about Jesus and if we want to love Him we must learn about Him.
19. What do you remember about what she said about us wanting Scriptures to revolve around me? We want the parts that encourage us, us the Bible isn’t about us it’s about Jesus. We want it relevant to us and about me. We like to read books but not necessarily the Bible because books are more about me.
20. What do you remember about her saying we are exposed by our posture? I’m not certain but I remember saying something about skipping over parts of scripture because we have read it before. I am guilty of this
21. What is your purpose in studying the Bible? What should it be? (She reviewed the wedding registry story. ) to finish the assignment. To know Jesus and be like Him.
22. What is the point of the parable of the two sons? Agreement isn’t obedience Knowledge isn’t holiness Important thing is obedience to what it says
23. Why did she recommend Nancy Guthries Praying through the Bible for our Children? Difference in what God says our prayers should be for our children and what we pray.
24 What do you remember about how we can make the Bible more important to us? By Jesus becoming more important to me, by reading and studying my Bible. We can’t heal ourselves Run to Jesus.
25. Point of the reading of The Hiding Place? To these persecuted women the Bible became more beautiful Fresh and new. They lived 2 levels the horrible situation in their flesh and yet the spiritual life of from glory to glory it was a description of heaven and hell and how God loves.
26. What else stands out to you and why? That God’s mercies are new every day and we find them in the treasure of His word.
Great answers, Judy!
27. Share three The Bible is where we learn about Jesus and how to become more like Him. We must not stop studying, learning and applying His truths. (I’m so thankful Sanctification is God’s work if I understand 1 Thessalonians 5:23 correctly. I’m also very very thankful for scriptures that call me , comfort me, strengthen me, give me peace and encourage me. Yes, that’s about me. There are days I feel like I’m the frog in the pan of water and the heat is being turned up.) I liked when she talked about the Lord using scriptures to make deposits and there are times when we will need to draw upon those deposits. We can never overdraw the account because God is faithful.
She quoted John 10. Salvation is hearing His voice, following Him is sanctification and nothing snatches us out of His hand. That’s our security.
Wow, Judy — you bring up a great doctrinal issue. Reformed people would agree with you, Arminians might not. I do think it is God’s work, just as salvation is of Him. Do we have a responsibility to respond? It seems so from other Scriptures that encourage discipline.
I trust Paige s and your teaching. Yes discipline of self is needed, but I think it comes from the love He s given us and the love He inspires for Him. For me that comes with the tenderness in the Bible for me.
Well put, Judy.
18. She said His Word is not important when Jesus is not important to us. What do you remember and why?
Jesus is just not that important to me. But, to be with Him means to read the Word about Him.
Scripture tells us how much we matter but we are not the point. It’s not enough about me so I don’t want to read it.
I exist for Jesus, not the other way around.
19. What do you remember about what she said about us wanting Scriptures to revolve around me?
I can use the parts of scripture that are important to me. I can appreciate them because they are more about me.
We just need to know “enough.” We know the functional parts. But that’s not the way we relate to people.
20. What do you remember about her saying we are exposed by our posture?
The passages about hearing and receiving the Word are about our willingness. Are we submitting? Is our Bible a “prop?” Or, do we really use it?
We love coming to the scripture because we have a loving relationship with Him.
21. What is your purpose in studying the Bible? What should it be? (She reviewed the wedding registry story)
To have a relationship with Christ, to be Christ like.
Change is the reason to study also.
22. What is the point of the parable of the two sons?
Agreement is not obedience. They both hear but the one who says no, actually goes. He is obedient. The one who says yes, does not. He agreed but didn’t obey.
Jesus wants our obedience. Quick to listen, slow to anger, etc.
23. Why did she recommend Nancy Guthries Praying through the Bible for our Children?
It shows you what you need to pray for your children. Via Jesus!
24. What do you remember about how we can make the Bible more important to us?
If Jesus becomes more important to me! Read and study the Bible.
He makes no apology for the circularity of the Word. “You must come to Me through My Word. You must come to My Word through Me.”
25. Point of the reading of The Hiding Place?
They lived to read their Bible they snuck into the concentration camp.
Every time they (we) read it, it becomes new to us. Talking to Him is not enough. We have to have Him talk to us. He is the One running after us.
God answers, Laura.
5. What were some of the ways Jesus rebuked the Pharisees for their misuse of Scripture? That they are experts in the law of Moses, but they don’t do what it says. They pile burdens on the people, but won’t lift a finger to help. They are show offs.
6. How have you responded when someone has used a Scripture to correct you? I want honest stories! I once injured myself and the first thing that popped out of my mouth was a swear word (I used to swear all of the time and made a concerted effort to clean up my language after becoming a Christian). I said, “Oops! Sorry!” My sister-in-law replied, “Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.” All that swirled through my head at the time was all of her faults and how she fails as Christian role model sometimes. I didn’t say anything, but even almost 40 years later, I remember it.
7. Why should we love to be rebuked in truth? Because if it’s the truth it should melt our hearts. It keeps us humble.
8. How did Jesus respond to John the Baptist’s question? Look at all of the things that I am doing. The blind see, the lame walk, the dead are raised. All of these were prophesied in the scriptures. He points John to the scriptures.
9. What stands out to you from her teaching on the walk to Emmaus and why? Jesus could have done (and we probably would have) all kinds of things to show Pilate, the Sanhedrin and those that crucified him that he was still alive, instead he chose to walk 2 basically unknown people through the scriptures. His love for us is more important than proving himself to others.
10. What was the point of her Peach, Pear, Plum storybook? On every page of the scripture you find Jesus. Every account, every story points to our brokenness and our need for him.
11. She gave several examples from Scripture on why it should be important. Share one. The number one reason is that it is essential for our salvation. It is only through scripture that we learn who Jesus is and what he did for us.
12. What was the point of the story of her friend from camp? After years of knowing about Jesus, she finally met him in his word.
Thanks for sharing that true story about swearing and your sister-in-law. I honestly think we are best rebuked by the word itself whether in our time with Him, through sermons, or when He brings a verse to remembrance.
I agree!
My take away is that I don’t love Jesus enough. I must get to know Him by reading my Bible.
That was the thought that pierced my heart!