Tim Keller does a masterful job of clarifying a text that we might, in the past, have not seen as terribly relevant, since we know believers cannot be demon possessed. But wow. He shows the relationship between the Father of Lies and our invisible heart idols.
Hence, the title of his sermon is “How To Change,” and it is based on this text:
For many of us, including me, understanding heart idols has been HUGE in being delivered from sins I either did not see or from which I could not seem to be set free. But I need to keep reviewing these truths, so coming at it from a fresh text is wonderful.
It was Keller who first opened my eyes to heart idols, something I had not heard taught before. I’d always thought of idols as being something external, like money or physical beauty, but not an internal drive that caused you to covet His gifts instead of Him.
For most of you, heart idols is not a new teaching, but if it is, you might want to watch my explanation of it in this interview – click and scroll down to “Worshiping Idols Without Knowing It”
In the past, I tried to simply stop a bad habit, but this sermon shows why that only makes the situation worse.
We must replace the heart idol with Jesus. For example, a sin I’ve been working on this year is my critical spirit toward people. I suspect both my control heart idol and my approval heart idol are at work. So when I begin to have negative thoughts toward someone, instead of just saying “Stop it, Dee!” I pray, asking God to help me see that individual as He does, and to give me the grace for that person. That is so much more efficacious than just telling myself:
This sermon is not free, and it’s not on his podcast, so you will have to buy it for 2.50. You can still do some of the lesson without listening by reading your sisters’ comments, but I hope you’ll buy it. Go here:
On a personal note, I’m praying about the fall study — between Paige and just a regular study here, perhaps Jonah. I’d love your prayers, and if God gives you wisdom, pass it on.
God Hunt Sunday
1. How have you seen God in your life this week — or the risenness of Christ, giving you power to change?
Monday: The Text
In the past, I tried to simply stop a bad habit, but this sermon shows why that only makes the situation worse.
We must replace the heart idol with Jesus. For example, a sin I’ve been working on this year is my critical spirit toward people. I suspect both my control heart idol and my approval heart idol are at work. So when I begin to have negative thoughts toward someone, instead of just saying “Stop it, Dee!” I pray, asking God to help me see them as He does, and to give me the grace for them that He has for me. That is so much more efficacious than just telling myself:
This sermon is not free, and it’s not on his podcast, so you will have to buy it for 2.50. You can still do some of the lesson without listening and I’l do my best to help you with questions, but you’ll have to listen for the “sermon” questions and I so hope you will. To get it, go here:
God Hunt Sunday
1. How have you seen God in your life this week — or the risenness of Christ, giving you power to change?
Monday: The Context
2. Read Luke 11:14-23 for the context.
A. What happened and to whom is Jesus speaking, according to verse 14?
B. What are the two reactions according to verses 14 and 15?
C. What reasoning does Jesus use in verses 17-19? (Bring in anything you remember from the message on the sin against the Holy Spirit.)
D. Why do you think some want to accuse him of demonic power?
E. Compare what Jesus says in verse 20 with Exodus 8:19. What is Jesus saying about The Kingdom of God?
F. What power does a believer have over the devil and his lies according to verses 21-22?
G. What warning does He give to His accusers in verse 23?
2. Because Satan is the Father of Lies, He will lie to us about our idols. For example, he will whisper, “If you go God’s way you will not be happy. But this will help you.” Share a truth you can use to overcome this strong man who wants to deceive you about a particular idol.
Tuesday: The Text
Prepare your heart with this:
3. For those of you familiar with the famous essay by Thomas Chalmers, “The Expulsive Power of a New Affection,” share in a sentence or two the main point and illustration of that essay. (Or look it up on the internet!)
4. Read Luke 11:24-26
A. Describe the story Jesus tells.
B. I’d like you to try to put this story in personal terms — I will go first, but then it’s your turn.
If someone has hurt me, my tendency is to back up from them, but that doesn’t solve the hurt. If I sweep my heart clean but do not run to Jesus, I will run to another idolatrous method, such as going over the wrong they did me in my heart, talking to others about them, and letting hate fester. Three demons instead of one. I must let it go and trust that Jesus will deal with that person, praying for both of our hearts.
5. If you have experienced some growth in an area where an idol used to reign, share your testimony here.
Wednesday: There Are Many Ways To Change
6. Imagine you are endeavoring to lose weight and keep it off. What are some ways, apart from God, that might work, at least temporarily? But how might they also lead to a worse situation? (Or choose another problem!)
7. Listen to the first 12 and a half minutes of the sermon and share your notes and comments.
Thursday: If You Use Any Other Way than Me You Will Be Worse Off
8. With idolatry, people tend to move from one idol to another, as in Chalmers’ essay. When you think back over your life, was that true of you in your pursuit of happiness? What happens when we take a good gift like ministry, marriage, or friendship and expect it to be our Savior?
9. Listen up to 24:30 of the sermon.
A. Keller says change only comes when you give yourself over to something. Do you agree? What point is he making?
B. What is the point of his story of how he, at 25, tried to help a depressed man without turning to God?
C. Why must we treat the root problem and not just the symptoms?
10. Think of a sin that trips you up. What do you think is the root heart idol? (Common heart idols are control, approval, and comfort — trying to get those things apart from God)
Friday: Jesus is the Only One Who Gives You Power for Permanent Change
11. Listen to the end of the sermon.
A. How does Ephesians 4:20-24 show it isn’t enough to put off bad habits?
B. Keller contrasts Pharisees trying to change from outside in, but we must change from inside out. What did he mean?
C. What did Jesus tell the disciples who were rejoicing they could cast out demons? What was his point?
D. How has Jesus succeeded where your idols failed in facing the greatest storms, including death?
This made me think of the Unitarian Church where I live and how they go to the bedside of the dying and sing about the ocean waves. So sad.
12. How exactly will you apply this?
1. How have you seen God in your life this week — or the risenness of Christ, giving you power to change?
Oh how some days are tiring. I am getting old! We are beginning a few weeks of people in and out of our house for the upcoming wedding vow renewals. Both families will be here and it will be exciting. However, I have worked my fingers and toes to the bone. I am exhausted. Painting, moving rocks, cleaning my house (I’m not much of a cleaner, so when I do it it is hard work) and more. I am hopeful for all to have a lovely visit. I am focused on serving others and showing the light to everyone. Thank you for prayers. The big day is August 13th! May God have the glory!
I’ll continue to pray for you, Laura. These things can be stressful!
Nothing like something like this to get your house in order — but yes, stressful. May it be a beautiful day giving glory to God.
I will pray that God will be glorified in all of your visiting and celebrating, Laura. Praying that all, including you, will be at ease, comfortable with one another, and that the days will be pure joy and celebration. Praying that you will be able to rest some before the big day. Amen, May God have the glory!
Laura, I agree with these prayers for you. As someone who has had a very active household over the years and a number of “events” and relatives and friends stay in my home I understand the stress. Some advice would be to enlist and let others help you even though it might not be exactly as you would want something done and to just let some things go. In the scheme of things in the end they won’t matter really. You are right to put your focus on on “serving others and showing the light to everyone.“Praying for God’s good hand on your preparations but most importantly your heart. I ask him to protect and encourage you. We serve a faithful God and He will be with you in it all.
Laura, I am sure your efforts will be rewarded! Especially with your attention to being a servant and shining God’s Light on your guests. Praying for a beautiful, life enhancing visit.
Laura-you are such a light! Praying for God to richly bless the time and for your cleaning to go well! What a beautiful reason to clean! 😉
1. How have you seen God in your life this week — or the risenness of Christ, giving you power to change? God continues to teach me to be patient and calm in all things. One example from this week (among many), as I was leaving work I was digging in my bag for my car keys. I couldn’t feel them so I had to stop and devote more attention to actually looking in my bag. I was irritated and was grumbling to myself as this happens every day. I caught myself and reminded myself to relax and just look for them, of course this was not me, but the Holy Spirit. While I was looking for them I noticed that I didn’t have my work badge and locker key. They were still in the pocket of the scrubs that I had put into the linen bag. I was going to be off work for several days and had I not noticed and retrieved them right then, I would have been frantically searching for them, not remembering where I had last seen them.
It’s a very inconsequential event, but it was a clear reminder to me that God controls everything!
Oh Dawn! I so get this! Isn’t it wonderful that He is always in charge? If we stop, and focus, He “speaks.” I love that! I wish everyone could feel that feeling 😉. Have a super week!
Great illustration of His care, Dawn. In the little things!
Oh, I love this Dawn! His still soft voice directing you. Thank you for sharing~ It reminds me of some of the words from that old hymn:
When Jesus is my portion? My constant friend is He: His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me;
2. Read Luke 11:14-23 for the context.
A. What happened and to whom is Jesus speaking, according to verse 14?
Jesus cast out a demon from a man who couldn’t speak. He was speaking to a crowd, the Pharisees and the disciples.
B. What are the two reactions according to verses 14 and 15?
Amazement and He can cast out demons because He gets His power from Satan.
C. What reasoning does Jesus use in verses 17-19? (Bring in anything you remember from the message on the sin against the Holy Spirit.)
If anything is divided against itself it’s doomed, or falls, and can’t survive. If you say my power comes from Satan, what about your own exorcists? They’ll condemn you for what you’ve said.
Jesus is doing these miracles to show the religious people that they’re wrong about the Messiah, but they can only see the external and so they dig their heels in against the Holy Spirit who is trying to show them they are wrong about Him.
D. Why do you think some want to accuse him of demonic power?
Because then they would have to admit His power comes from God.
E. Compare what Jesus says in verse 20 with Exodus 8:19. What is Jesus saying about The Kingdom of God?
When the magicians tried to imitate what Aaron did and couldn’t, their response was, “this is the finger of God!” Pharaohs heart remained hardened and didn’t listen to them as the Lord predicted.
In the KJV it says, “But if I cast out demons with the finger of God, surely the kingdom of God has come upon you.” Jesus is saying He is the kingdom of God, He isn’t under Satan, He is stronger and over satan.
F. What power does a believer have over the devil and his lies according to verses 21-22?
The believer has the power of the One who is stronger, Jesus, who attacks satan and overcomes him, takes away his armor in which he trusted and divides his spoil.
G. What warning does He give to His accusers in verse 23?
Anyone who isn’t with Me opposes Me, and anyone who isn’t working with Me is actually working against Me.
2. Because Satan is the Father of Lies, He will lie to us about our idols. For example, he will whisper, “If you go God’s way you will not be happy. But this will help you.” Share a truth you can use to overcome this strong man who wants to deceive you about a particular idol.
I think of Jesus when He was in the wilderness and being tempted by Satan…His response was always, “It is written” and would quote scripture. I shared last week a verse from Hosea 14:8 that the Lord gave to me when confronted with my idol of control which really helped me. I also think of 1 John 5:21, “Dear children, keep from anything that might take God’s place in your hearts.”
Great answers. I think it is intriguing that John ends his letter with that — shows that actually, the whole letter was about that, I think. What do you think?
Dee, your question here is drawing me to read through 1 John again as I never thought about it in that light…thank you!
Sharon–I just want to say how much I appreciate your thoughtful answers and wisdom. I usually do my study on my own before reading others responses but tonight my mind felt so sluggish I just needed to glean from others and you made this all so clear for me! So thankful you are here.
2. Read Luke 11:14-23 for the context.
A. What happened and to whom is Jesus speaking, according to verse 14?
Jesus is casting out evil spirits from a man. He was speaking to the crowd of people.
B. What are the two reactions according to verses 14 and 15?
Some were amazed and some questioned the act by saying that He got His power from Satan.
C. What reasoning does Jesus use in verses 17-19? (Bring in anything you remember from the message on the sin against the Holy Spirit.)
He says that any kingdom divided by war will fall and any family feuding will fail. He makes the point that if He were from Satan that He would be fighting against himself, which doesn’t make any sense. How would his kingdom endure?
D. Why do you think some want to accuse him of demonic power?
They want to find something wrong with Him so He will be taken out.
E. Compare what Jesus says in verse 20 with Exodus 8:19. What is Jesus saying about The Kingdom of God?
They are being touched by the kingdom of God. He is the concierge! They need to wake up and smell the coffee 😉.
F. What power does a believer have over the devil and his lies according to verses 21-22?
The power of God!
G. What warning does He give to His accusers in verse 23?
You are either with me or you are not. Be forewarned. If you aren’t working with me you are working against me.
1. How have you seen God in your life this week — or the risenness of Christ, giving you power to change?
I have been really working on my heart attitude on many things. A friend recommended a book by Louie Giglio (it is a Bible study guide, but you can do it on your own) called Don’t Give the Enemy a Seat at Your Table. (It is based on Psalm 23) It has been very helpful to me in getting my mind and heart to continually focus on Jesus and to pray for those who have hurt me, or whose comments I have misinterpreted. I am really working on the “Self forgetfulness” that Keller talks about in his book, of the same name. It is a process, but I am noticing how much more relaxed I am, and how much more joy I have, as I do not allow my mind to dwell on the wrongs, or perceived wrongs of others.
2. Read Luke 11:14-23 for the context.
A. What happened and to whom is Jesus speaking, according to verse 14?
Jesus cast the demon out of the mute man and he was able to speak. Jesus was speaking to the crowds and the Pharisees.
B. What are the two reactions according to verses 14 and 15?
The crowds were amazed, but some said He was casting out demons by Satan; others demanded a sign from heaven.
C. What reasoning does Jesus use in verses 17-19? (Bring in anything you remember from the message on the sin against the Holy Spirit.)
If Satan was giving power to Jesus, he would be working against himself ~ so that would make no sense. Jesus was demonstrating His power to heal the afflicted people; the spectacular healings are the Holy Spirit showing the people that He is the Messiah (per Tim Keller’s message)~ yet the Pharisees and some of the crowd rejected Him. The Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is the unforgiveable sin.
D. Why do you think some want to accuse him of demonic power?
They were jealous and their powers of evil were being overthrown by the One true Messiah, but would not acknowledge Him.
E. Compare what Jesus says in verse 20 with Exodus 8:19. What is Jesus saying about The Kingdom of God?
The magicians told Pharoah that the plague of gnats was The finger of God, yet Pharoah’s heart remained hardened. Jesus tells that that He casts out demons by the finger of God and the the kingdom of God has com upon them.
F. What power does a believer have over the devil and his lies according to verses 21-22?
Jesus is stronger than Satan and Jesus can overpower and disarm him. We can rely on Jesus in our personal lives to destroy the power and lies of Satan.
G. What warning does He give to His accusers in verse 23? There is no neutrality with Jesus. You are either for Him or against Him. Matthew 12:34 “Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.” When evil resides in the heart, it will be exposed in perverse speech, language contrary to the truth of God and to love. (
2. Because Satan is the Father of Lies, He will lie to us about our idols. For example, he will whisper, “If you go God’s way you will not be happy. But this will help you.” Share a truth you can use to overcome this strong man who wants to deceive you about a particular idol.
I pray that when a self serving thought or a thought of sorrow or hurt from something someone says to me comes into my head, that I will not hear the voice that says: ” You deserve to be angry, this person is sinning and you are right”….I pray that the Lord will say that it is His place to take care of all of this in His way….so do not get snarky and defensive. Leave it to Him. The Lord has a gentle and timely way that is far beyond my knowledge or understanding. He is the Jesus who surprises and does what is BEST.
Great prayer, Patti. We need supernatural help for this!
oh dear Patti–your wisdom, your humility-such a gift. You know how much I needed this reminder! “it is His place to take care of all of this in His way….so do not get snarky and defensive. Leave it to Him”
3. For those of you familiar with the famous essay by Thomas Chalmers, “The Expulsive Power of a New Affection,” share in a sentence or two the main point and illustration of that essay. (Or look it up on the internet!)
I just love that song!! I read the article on line and I think I got the main point but I will say a lot went right over my head…never had good comprehension 🥴. I’m going to post this article from desiring God that really helped me but first this quote from the article I think says it all…
“When told to shut out the world from his heart, this may be impossible with him who has nothing to replace it – but not impossible with him, who has found in God a sure and a satisfying portion.”
Beautiful, Sharon!
What a perfect answer, Sharon! This says it all! “When told to shut out the world from his heart, this may be impossible with him who has nothing to replace it – but not impossible with him, who has found in God a sure and a satisfying portion.”
4. Read Luke 11:24-26
A. Describe the story Jesus tells.
When an unclean spirit comes out of a person it wanders in the desert finding a place of rest and not finding any goes back to the person it came out of. Finding it all swept, in order and vacant it goes and finds 7 other spirits more evil than itself, goes back into the person and that person is worse off than when the one evil spirit left it.
B. I’d like you to try to put this story in personal terms — I will go first, but then it’s your turn.
If I have a critical spirit towards someone, I know it’s wrong and rather than seeking forgiveness and repenting I reprimand myself and just tell myself to stop it. Then, the ugly trait rears up again and because I didn’t seek Him for forgiveness, repent and fill my mind with His truth, the criticism goes beyond to justifying my actions which causes me to repeat the cycle!! I must stop the cycle by taking it to the Lord and making my heart right before Him, replacing my critical spirit with His love and grace.
5. If you have experienced some growth in an area where an idol used to reign, share your testimony here.
I have experienced growth in my idol of approval in that I am aware of it, which is a big thing for me, and then I just go to God in prayer, turning my eyes upon Him, thanking Him for His unconditional love for me and His approval is all I need. I will go to Psalms and spend time in worship and praise. I am slowly realizing that my critical spirit and idol of approval are closely related as the critical spirit comes to make myself look good…self approval 🙁
Great insight for all of us:
I am slowly realizing that my critical spirit and idol of approval are closely related as the critical spirit comes to make myself look good…self approval 🙁
2. Because Satan is the Father of Lies, He will lie to us about our idols. For example, he will whisper, “If you go God’s way you will not be happy. But this will help you.” Share a truth you can use to overcome this strong man who wants to deceive you about a particular idol.
Every time I follow God, I am a happier person.
3. For those of you familiar with the famous essay by Thomas Chalmers, “The Expulsive Power of a New Affection,” share in a sentence or two the main point and illustration of that essay. (Or look it up on the internet!)
“Such is the grasping tendency of the human heart, that it must have a something to lay hold of – and which, if wrested away without the substitution of another something in its place, would leave a void and a vacancy as painful to the mind, as hunger is to the natural system.”
I think this sentence gives a good feel for the essay. We will have a love of something.
From Laura
Every time I follow God, I am a happier person.
So true Laura!!
Laura, so good, convicting “We will have a love of something”
Just dropping in briefly this morning. I took a little time to read the comment section and get a feel for this weeks study. I was blessed by Peterson’s song this morning and getting familiarized with Thomas Chalmers message on The Expulsive Power of a New Affection. I read Piper’s brief article on it this morning and I downloaded the whole message by Chalmers and will try to find some to read it. I will try to check in again as I listen to Keller’s sermon and do some more reading between cooking at the condo and sightseeing with our troops here in Colorado. 5 kids 6 to 16 makes for a lively existence especially since they are a very verbal family. 😊
This is such good stuff and so practical to the Christian walk. Thanks Dee for taking us down this path. I find so much encouragement to keep on keeping on in the Christian walk from the richness of these studies.
Amen, Bev! So grateful for this great study, Dee! Enjoy your time with family, Bev!
3. For those of you familiar with the famous essay by Thomas Chalmers, “The Expulsive Power of a New Affection,” share in a sentence or two the main point and illustration of that essay. (Or look it up on the internet!)
I liked this quote by Chalmers: “The love of the world is not a duty one performs, it is a delight one prefers.” The world draws us in with promises of things that are fulfilling to self. God’s love is eternal, not temporal. If we love God more, it is as if our souls awaken to someone and something that displaces our love of the world. It rescues and recovers our heart from our love of the temporal pleasures with the deeper, wider eternal love of God. The bondage of sin is broken by a stronger attraction.
4. Read Luke 11:24-26
A. Describe the story Jesus tells.
When the unclean spirit goes out of a man, it looks for other places to rest. If the man has only sent out the unclean spirit, but not replaced it with a clean spirit, the unclean spirit will return with other, more evil spirits, to occupy that space.
B. I’d like you to try to put this story in personal terms — I will go first, but then it’s your turn.
One of my idols is the idol of approval. I pray to give each day to the Lord and ask for His leading in the way I use my time. Time is the most important thing we have to spend and I want to spend it in putting God first and living each day for His kingdom, not my kingdom. I want my treasure to be in Him only.
5. If you have experienced some growth in an area where an idol used to reign, share your testimony here.
When I begin each day with my focus on Jesus, it helps me to see that the woes of this world are temporary. The loved ones I pray for are His, not mine. I pray more in His will and not my own desires. I now see I need to fill the empty air filled beaker of my heart each day, with my love of God. (Loved that analogy from Chalmers) It is like training for a marathon; it is a discipline of love; it is daily; I also pray the 23rd Psalm each day. Loved: The bondage of sin is broken by a stronger attraction.
“Begin each day with my focus on Jesus, it helps me see the woes of this world are temporary.” What a wonderful thought and a great way to start each day…thanks for sharing. So much good stuff in this post Patti😊
Amen! Patti, you have such wisdom. Thank-you for your testimony.
I like what you said Dee about 3 demons instead of one. It is all about trusting Jesus to see what he will do and letting go to surrender to his will. My husband and I are going through a situation with his family that is leading us to trust Jesus more and to see what he has in store instead of what we want to happen. Of course my tendency as a woman is to go over and over the situation in my head and to talk poorly about his family and reading this this morning makes me realize that I need to pray more, trust Jesus to deal with the family members and believe that he is in control and has something different in store for us. It is all a growth process. I am a sinner in need of a savior.
Angie — so good to have your vulnerable precious input here! I can so identify.
Oh, Angie. I so relate. I am a sinner in need of a savior.
1. How have you seen God in your life this week — or the risenness of Christ, giving you power to change? My only answer can be, through this Bible Study, and learning through God’s Word and the comments of my Sisters in Christ. And of course the wonderful, gentle work of the Holy Spirit.
Monday: The Context
2. Read Luke 11:14-23 for the context.
A. What happened and to whom is Jesus speaking, according to verse 14? Jesus had driven out a mute demon and the man was healed and began to talk. Some of the people there (probably Jewish leaders) questioned what authority Jesus had to drive out demons and accused Him of using Satans power.
B. What are the two reactions according to verses 14 and 15? “the crowd was amazed.” ” By Beelzebub, the prince of demons. He is driving out demons.”
C. What reasoning does Jesus use in verses 17-19? (Bring in anything you remember from the message on the sin against the Holy Spirit.) “Any kingdom divided against itself will be ruined and a house divided against itself will fall. If Satan is divided against himself, how can his kingdom stand?”
D. Why do you think some want to accuse him of demonic power? “They were jealous of His authority and skill and afraid they would lose standing as spirirual authorities among the people. They wanted to discredit Jesus.
E. Compare what Jesus says in verse 20 with Exodus 8:19. What is Jesus saying about The Kingdom of God? Jesus is saying that He is the Kingdom of God and He has come to them.
F. What power does a believer have over the devil and his lies according to verses 21-22? As believers we not only have our own power, but we also have the Power of God at work in us. It is by God’s Power that we can defeat the lies of the enemy.
G. What warning does He give to His accusers in verse 23? ” He who is not with Me is against Me and he who does not gather with Me, scatters.”
2. Because Satan is the Father of Lies, He will lie to us about our idols. For example, he will whisper, “If you go God’s way you will not be happy. But this will help you.” Share a truth you can use to overcome this strong man who wants to deceive you about a particular idol. “Greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world.” “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
It ministers to me that God whispers to you through this Bible study and the wonderful sisters here, Lydia.
2. Because Satan is the Father of Lies, He will lie to us about our idols. For example, he will whisper, “If you go God’s way you will not be happy. But this will help you.” Share a truth you can use to overcome this strong man who wants to deceive you about a particular idol.
My struggle is mostly that when I have been repeatedly faced with the same sin (returning to an idol). I don’t come to God about it because my thoughts are (the father of lies speaking) this keeps happening over and over so you are obviously not serious about quitting it. God knows this and isn’t going to take you seriously or do anything to help you.
The truth is that His mercies are new every day. Sin shall not be my master because I am under grace. If I confess my sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive my sins and cleanse me from all unrighteousness.
Dawn-thank you for this honesty and this beautiful truth “The truth is that His mercies are new every day.”
6. Imagine you are endeavoring to lose weight and keep it off. What are some ways, apart from God, that might work, at least temporarily?
Will power in following a diet and exercising. Having support from friends and family.
But how might they also lead to a worse situation? (Or choose another problem!)
Doing it to get approval and becoming prideful.
7. Listen to the first 12 and a half minutes of the sermon and share your notes and comments.
I have never looked at this passage as Keller interpreted it so it was quite an eye opener and refreshing. In the first 12 minutes he goes over his first point which is, “There’s many ways to change, to get your demons out and get power.” The major point Jesus is making in this passage is that you don’t have to either use demon power or Gods power to handle your problems. Jesus makes the distinction in scripture between people who are sick , or sad and possessed. The Pharisee’s were helping/delivering people without using demonic power or God’s power. God has made us multidimensional and that means we are physical, social, spiritual and psychological and as a result there are many powers. A person can be helped in many different ways. Because there are sources of power which social beings, psychological beings can get help doesn’t mean it must be true. Christianity is not true because it works, it works because it’s true. Just because you’ve been helped doesn’t mean that what you have is the truth.
Great summary, Sharon. Our whole family is loving this sermon!
6. Imagine you are endeavoring to lose weight and keep it off. What are some ways, apart from God, that might work, at least temporarily? But how might they also lead to a worse situation? (Or choose another problem!)
When I was younger and tried to lose weight, I have usually gained it all back…and more… I, instead, had to create new habits and routines. Without God, I could not stick with those routines. I want to depend on the Lord for everything, every day. If I start with Him, my attitude for the day and my day is so much better. It is a daily walk. That does take discipline and life gets busy and messy, so it does not always work perfectly. Yet, if He is always my first priority, though I trip and fall and fail so often, He is always waiting when I return.
7. Listen to the first 12 and a half minutes of the sermon and share your notes and comments.
Keller speaks about the Power to Change.
I.) There are many ways to change. (To cast out demon, to get power etc).
A.) Jesus cast out demons. Demons are supernatural, evil beings. They need to dominate a soul. They are a malignant evil.
B.) Jesus taught that you are naive if you think evil has only one form. Jesus was angry at the Pharisees because they were self righteous, twisted, legalistic in their spirituality. They were absolutely Spiritually pathological, toxic~ yet they produced deliverance. Any cult can produce people who say their lives have been changed.
C.) Christianity is not true because it works; Christianity works because it is true. Just because you have been helped does not mean you have the TRUTH.
II.) If you turn to any power but Jesus to get self control, to get power over your problems so you can change, you will be worse off than before.
Love this from Patti:
When I was younger and tried to lose weight, I have usually gained it all back…and more… I, instead, had to create new habits and routines. Without God, I could not stick with those routines. I want to depend on the Lord for everything, every day. If I start with Him, my attitude for the day and my day is so much better. It is a daily walk. That does take discipline and life gets busy and messy, so it does not always work perfectly. Yet, if He is always my first priority, though I trip and fall and fail so often, He is always waiting when I return.
4. Read Luke 11:24-26
A. Describe the story Jesus tells.
He says that if a demon is in someone and leaves and then tries to come back it will find a clean place, so it can’t enter. It goes and gets “reinforcements” and then can enter. I think?
B. I’d like you to try to put this story in personal terms — I will go first, but then it’s your turn.
I’m not sure but maybe something that takes over your life (food, alcohol, etc.) that you ban from your body for awhile, and then it creeps back to you in full force?
5. If you have experienced some growth in an area where an idol used to reign, share your testimony here.
I have denied myself an idol all summer. It has been good. I have instead, filled my life with some reading and trying to get more sleep. Also good. God has been right there with me for it all! I especially am thankful for Rebecca’s reminder from Idol Lies that God won’t let me sit in my pain. It has helped me so much!
6. Imagine you are endeavoring to lose weight and keep it off. What are some ways, apart from God, that might work, at least temporarily? But how might they also lead to a worse situation? (Or choose another problem!)
If you begin going to the gym to help the body, you might get addicted to that as an idol. It could take over your life just as the food did.
Great testimony from Laura:
I have denied myself an idol all summer. It has been good. I have instead, filled my life with some reading and trying to get more sleep. Also good. God has been right there with me for it all! I especially am thankful for Rebecca’s reminder from Idol Lies that God won’t let me sit in my pain. It has helped me so much!
8. With idolatry, people tend to move from one idol to another, as in Chalmers’ essay. When you think back over your life, was that true of you in your pursuit of happiness? What happens when we take a good gift like ministry, marriage, or friendship and expect it to be our Savior?
Jesus is no longer first place.
9. Listen up to 24:30 of the sermon.
A. Keller says change only comes when you give yourself over to something. Do you agree? Yes.
What point is he making? You’ll only have power to change when you give yourself over to something because it gives you motivation to make that change. The best example I can give from my own life is and I think it answers #8…back in 2008 I lost 75 pounds because I gave myself over to dieting and exercising. It took a good year to lose it but it was my life, my idol and I was in control! It motivated me and it was a time I was the least closest to God. I also gained it back after 4 years.
B. What is the point of his story of how he, at 25, tried to help a depressed man without turning to God?
He realized in counseling this man, who made it clear that he wanted no religious answers in solving his problem, that he made the mistake of not getting down to the root cause. He’d helped him temporarily but hadn’t gotten him ready for the future.
C. Why must we treat the root problem and not just the symptoms?
As his doctor friend told him, until you know what is causing the pain you don’t just want to throw pain pills at the patient as he may be walking around with a bomb ticking inside and has no idea when it may go off.
10. Think of a sin that trips you up. What do you think is the root heart idol? (Common heart idols are control, approval, and comfort — trying to get those things apart from God)
My biggest root idol is control but is also connected to approval. I am learning day by day to remember as Keller told this man… God loves me! He needs to be my source otherwise I’ll be worse off than when I started. When I was losing my weight and feeling I had control, that’s when God was not Lord of my life…why did I need Him and I came to realize just how much I needed Him!
Tuesday: The Text 3. For those of you familiar with the famous essay by Thomas Chalmers, “The Expulsive Power of a New Affection,” share in a sentence or two the main point and illustration of that essay. (Or look it up on the internet!) When letting go of our former life in the world of fleshly conquests. One must be completely filled with the “new affection” of the regenerative power of God through the free gift of Salvation in Christ Jesus.
4. Read Luke 11:24-26
A. Describe the story Jesus tells. He is describing what happens when an evil spirit returns from where it was thrown out. If a stronger presence (like the Holy Spirit) has not come in to take it’s place, the evil spirit will return with 7 more spirits worse than itself.
B. I’d like you to try to put this story in personal terms — I will go first, but then it’s your turn.
If someone has hurt me, my tendency is to back up from them, but that doesn’t solve the hurt. If Isweep my heart clean but do not run to Jesus, I will run to another idolatrous method, such as going over the wrong they did me in my heart, talking to others about them, and letting hate fester. Three demons instead of one. I must let it go and trust that Jesus will deal with that person, praying for both of our hearts. I can certainly relate to your example, Dee. I have learned the hard way, not to let the root of bitterness grow in my heart. I can’t think of a better way to put it, but just to say, “take it right to the Lord and leave it there”.
5. If you have experienced some growth in an area where an idol used to reign, share your testimony here. Eventhough I was brought up in the church, I had an uncle that abused me in the worst way. It took many years and good Christian counseling, as an adult to heal all the damage. I tried drugs and alcohol as a teenager, to numb out the thoughts. I was so angry and rebellious at the Lord, the church and my parents for not protecting me. Looking back, I can see the demonic presence that existed in me…but God began a work in me and healed me if all of the scars of abuse. It took many years to let go and let God take complete control of “the years the locust had eaten”. He is still working on me, helping me through the gifts of other Christians like you Dee. Your wonderful healing books and blog.
Oh Lydia — your story is so like the way The Chosen portrays Mary Magdalene. I’m so sorry for that childhood and so glad you have been set free.
I am so grateful to the Lord for His Almighty Deliverance! I could have chosen a very different path…but God.
Lydia, What a powerful testimony. Thank you for sharing this. I ache for you and for the pain you have endured. Way too much for any child to endure. It would be so easy to be bitter and angry, but so grateful that God’s love released you. So thankful that God has filled your heart and life with His love.
Amen Sister! I am Forever Grateful!
8. With idolatry, people tend to move from one idol to another, as in Chalmers’ essay. When you think back over your life, was that true of you in your pursuit of happiness? What happens when we take a good gift like ministry, marriage, or friendship and expect it to be our Savior?
I have let my idols get in the way of Jesus in my desire for happiness. It can be so subtle ~ creating idols of your husband, children, friendships, staying in shape, success in your job, general happiness. It is good to desire these things, yet Jesus HAS to be your HEART’S FIRST DESIRE. If I let anything take FIRST place, he defaults to the back seat. Jesus needs to be in charge of all of my life, at the Center at all times, then the other things fall into the proper order.
9. Listen up to 24:30 of the sermon.
A. Keller says change only comes when you give yourself over to something. Do you agree? What point is he making?
You can sweep your house, but you cannot leave it empty. You have to give yourself over to something. Unless that something is Jesus, the void will be filled by something else ~ and you will be worse off than before.
B. What is the point of his story of how he, at 25, tried to help a depressed man without turning to God?
Treating the pain (the symptom) is lowering your standard and a superficial power which is short lived. It still leaves us with “The Big Lie” that we are in control.
C. Why must we treat the root problem and not just the symptoms?
We need to lose our need of self control. We each need to see our need for God. Treating the source of your problem is digging deep down and realizing that we all need to know we are loved by a caring God. Only His standards count and make a difference in one’s life. Only God can properly fill the vacuum in our hearts.
10. Think of a sin that trips you up. What do you think is the root heart idol? (Common heart idols are control, approval, and comfort — trying to get those things apart from God)
I think approval is my worst heart idol….I am working on being pleasing to God first and most importantly.
I so identify with that approval idol!
2. Read Luke 11:14-23 for the context.
A. What happened and to whom is Jesus speaking, according to verse 14?
Jesus was casting out a demon who was mute, speaking to the crowd.
B. What are the two reactions according to verses 14 and 15?
They were amazed at His power, some said He cast out demons by Beelzebub and others kept seeking a sign from Heaven.
C. What reasoning does Jesus use in verses 17-19? (Bring in anything you remember from the message on the sin against the Holy Spirit.)
Jesus said- Every kingdom divided against itself is laid waste, and a divided household falls…if they say He is casting out demons by Beelzebul, then how do those among them cast them out?
D. Why do you think some want to accuse him of demonic power?
They are threatened by His power, jealous of Him and want to somehow make it wrong/sinful.
E. Compare what Jesus says in verse 20 with Exodus 8:19. What is Jesus saying about The Kingdom of God?
He holds the power. By His finger, He has God’s power.
F. What power does a believer have over the devil and his lies according to verses 21-22?
As believers, we have the power of the Holy Spirit over the battle of Satan’s lies.
G. What warning does He give to His accusers in verse 23?
Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters.
2. Because Satan is the Father of Lies, He will lie to us about our idols. For example, he will whisper, “If you go God’s way you will not be happy. But this will help you.” Share a truth you can use to overcome this strong man who wants to deceive you about a particular idol.
He showed me this a few months ago-His words about me must be louder, stronger, outweigh, the words that others speak about me. So simple but I so need to remind myself daily as I battle with fear of man and being crippled with rejection from others, judgment, shame. Jesus says there is therefore now no condemnation for me. I am chosen, I am loved, I am His.
3. For those of you familiar with the famous essay by Thomas Chalmers, “The Expulsive Power of a New Affection,” share in a sentence or two the main point and illustration of that essay. (Or look it up on the internet!)
I remember loving that when you first showed it to us years ago and it has stuck with me. I will try reading again later but what I remember from before is that we cannot just give up our idols, they must be replaced by a greater love.
4. Read Luke 11:24-26 A. Describe the story Jesus tells.
When the unclean spirit has gone out of a person, it looks for rest and if it doesn’t find it, it goes back to the person, more in number and stronger than before.
B. I’d like you to try to put this story in personal terms — I will go first, but then it’s your turn.
When I get my feelings hurt, or feel left out or not fully accepted, I tend to turn inward and just get busy working, “doing”, independent mode. But the pain and loneliness only grows. I feel isolated, and the enemy builds his case for why I am not really loved, liked, wanted. Whispers of I’m too serious or I just have too much heavy…and it eventually becomes a deep pit. But honestly, when I go to Jesus with the pain, and seek His words for promises, I see clearly again. I know I am His, and I can believe I am loved.
5. If you have experienced some growth in an area where an idol used to reign, share your testimony here.
Daily process, but yes, seeing some growth-praise Him!
6. Imagine you are endeavoring to lose weight and keep it off. What are some ways, apart from God, that might work, at least temporarily? But how might they also lead to a worse situation? (Or choose another problem!)
I think you could focus on diet, or exercise, but either can easily be obsessive—checking labels, tracking miles, weigh-ins on the scale…pride if it’s going well, self-blame and covetousness if it’s not…it all becomes a new and bigger idol.
Great truth, Lizzy: I think you could focus on diet, or exercise, but either can easily be obsessive—checking labels, tracking miles, weigh-ins on the scale…pride if it’s going well, self-blame and covetousness if it’s not…it all becomes a new and bigger idol. We need to have a balance for sure! Thank you!
I agree Patti. Reminds me of what Lewis said about gluttony in Mere Christianity…
From Lizzy:
He showed me this a few months ago-His words about me must be louder, stronger, outweigh, the words that others speak about me. So simple but I so need to remind myself daily as I battle with fear of man and being crippled with rejection from others, judgment, shame. Jesus says there is therefore now no condemnation for me. I am chosen, I am loved, I am His.
Lizzy, such a helpful and insightful post for me. So much of what you said I can relate to!! But this really stood out to me… “As believers, we have the power of the Holy Spirit over the battle of Satan’s lies. “
7. Listen to the first 12 and a half minutes of the sermon and share your notes and comments.
Power to change. There are many ways to get power.
There are personal, supernatural evil beings. When cast out, they are looking for complete devastation in people to possess. Teaching is the malignantly of evil. They are only comfortable around absolute devastation.
Jesus doesn’t treat all people the same when it comes to evil and our problems.
Evil is human and un-human, natural and supernatural.
Jesus points out that the Pharisees also cast out demons just like Him. If He comes from the devil then so do they.
Why does someone get depressed? Many thoughts on why. Physical, social, spiritual could be the reason. There are all kinds of ways to heal someone. Just because you have cast out demons doesn’t mean it’s the truth. There are many sources and places to get help, but just because you have been helped doesn’t mean it is the truth. Completely contradictory religions and philosophies can help you. Christianity works because it’s true.
The Pharisees were the one group He yelled at. They were legalistic, and their spirituality was toxic. He didn’t want them near anyone!
Love your last insightful sentence, Laura.
7. Listen to the first 12 and a half minutes of the sermon and share your notes and comments.
There are many ways to change; if you use any other way than Jesus you will be worse off than before; Jesus is the only One who can give you power to change thoroughly and completely. There are other ways to change, other things that have power over us but the change is not complete.
8. With idolatry, people tend to move from one idol to another, as in Chalmers’ essay. When you think back over your life, was that true of you in your pursuit of happiness? What happens when we take a good gift like ministry, marriage, or friendship and expect it to be our Savior?
Yes. I moved from trying to be the perfect wife and find my identity in that to trying to be the perfect mom…then as other relationships failed I saw how much I had placed my value in family in general. It can be hard to find the balance after being stripped. I know the answer is not to turn inward and “independent mode” or to try to care less. I always knew that answer in my head but now I am having to live it. I really have to wake up and go to bed, rooted in being His daughter—not an earthly parents’ child, not a sister or wife or mom or friend. Far before any of those roles, my identity is as His child. It’s a battle for me, but in a good way, I’ve had no choice but to embrace and learn it. He has been merciful and gracious to keep my heart soft, keep me close to Him, while stripping me bare of other idols.
9. Listen up to 24:30 of the sermon. A. Keller says change only comes when you give yourself over to something. Do you agree? What point is he making?
Change happens when we give ourselves to something but lasting change only comes when we give ourselves over to Jesus. We must give ourselves over to Jesus and believe that only His standards matter.
B. What is the point of his story of how he, at 25, tried to help a depressed man without turning to God?
He helped the man get a support system, schedules, things to do—it worked on a surface level but didn’t get to the root.
C. Why must we treat the root problem and not just the symptoms?
Don’t treat the symptoms before finding out the cause. If we numb the pain before getting to the root of the pain, nothing really gets healed, it’s all superficial. If we don’t treat the root with the Gospel and believe we are loved and forgiven, then we will continue to fall back to our old ways and idols. We can clean up on the outside, do a lot of activity, be organized and self-controlled, but none of this is real change.
The more self-control we get, the more we have submitted to other masters. Lose self-control to see your need of Him.
10. Think of a sin that trips you up. What do you think is the root heart idol? (Common heart idols are control, approval, and comfort — trying to get those things apart from God)
I’ve got a bit of all 3 idols but definitely approval is the biggest for me. My sin is how I elevate anothers’ opinion of me above God’s. I’m going to say this enough times that the truth gets solid in my head! 😉
11. Listen to the end of the sermon.
A. How does Ephesians 4:20-24 show it isn’t enough to put off bad habits?
We must put on something new.
B. Keller contrasts Pharisees trying to change from outside in, but we must change from inside out. What did he mean?
We can try to clean up our habits and look good on the outside but real lasting change only happens in our hearts, when we surrender all to Him.
C. What did Jesus tell the disciples who were rejoicing they could cast out demons? What was his point?
Rejoice that your names are written in the book of life. He saw them getting confidence in their power, their performance. He says don’t do that, it will crush you. Live off seeing the glory in what Jesus has done for us.
Made me smile:
My sin is how I elevate anothers’ opinion of me above God’s. I’m going to say this enough times that the truth gets solid in my head! 😉
11. Listen to the end of the sermon.
A. How does Ephesians 4:20-24 show it isn’t enough to put off bad habits?
You must put on the new self.
B. Keller contrasts Pharisees trying to change from outside in, but we must change from inside out. What did he mean?
Only Christ coming in on the inside, possessing us, can real change take place. We need to examine ourselves and ask, is this what Jesus wants?
C. What did Jesus tell the disciples who were rejoicing they could cast out demons?
Not to rejoice that the demons were subject to their name but that to rejoice that their names were written in heaven.
What was his point?
Their confidence was in themselves, exalting themselves and relishing in their power…He’s basically telling them, you do that and they’ll get crushed and not to let it energize them.
D. How has Jesus succeeded where your idols failed in facing the greatest storms, including death?
He is the One who gave me inner peace and joy…something my idols could never do!
12. How exactly will you apply this?
I think what brought all of this together for me was Keller speaking of the man in his church who had cultural baggage and realized he needed to examine himself. He became renovated from the inside out and put off the old self. Many in the church were saying they were Christians and bringing all their culture into the church, they would live for Jesus but would not let Him possess them. “I need to continually rejoice in who I am in Jesus and let that be the thing that energizes me.”
One question I’m still struggling with is, what does this look like? Where is the balance of of doing something and not allowing it to become an idol and keeping Jesus as Lord of your life? I know we have to put off the old and put on the new, but it isn’t that simple!! I sometimes feel that replacing my idols with Christ becomes an idol in itself. I am actually doing it in my own strength and have I really gotten to the root of the problem! Just some thoughts that have come from this study for me…still trying to figure this all out. Just because I may not be doing an idol doesn’t mean that I’ve replaced it with Christ…it’s just avoidance. Would love to hear how y’all do it…what does it look like in your life? Maybe I’m overthinking it…ugh!
Not overthinking at all, Sharon. Very insightful. I thnk about how Keller emphasizes that the gospel delivers us not just from penalty but power.
I think what helps me overcome idols best is my fear of quenching the Spirit’s power and reminding myself of God’s great love to help take away my fear that if I say no to my idol that it will bring pain. That’s the lie. Maybe temporary pain, but then, great joy. Trying on a blouse in a store yesterday I got lipstick on it. My first reaction was denial, but I knew I did it. So I took it to the woman who owned the store — she was so nice, told me not to worry about it, though I truly was willing to buy it. I thought later how good I felt about doing the right thing, and would have still had I had to pay for it. If I had given into my idol of fear, it would have haunted me.
8. With idolatry, people tend to move from one idol to another, as in Chalmers’ essay. When you think back over your life, was that true of you in your pursuit of happiness? What happens when we take a good gift like ministry, marriage, or friendship and expect it to be our Savior?
I suppose? I don’t lament about times’ past usually. The happier times were when I felt I had overcome something; I had succeeded. The performance went well, I made the 4.0 in class, or my kids won the game/made the grade/did the best at something. I was self-focused and immature. I was a Christian, but not a mature one by any means. Since I have learned to lean on Christ, I know that none of those things truly made me happy. I didn’t have the peace or joy I have now. Oh if I had only known! A friendship, marriage, or other gift that is looked upon as a Savior will let us down time and time again. It can’t withstand the pressure, something will happen that will make it weak or even die. I once had a friendship that I totally relied on; we were way too close. I was devastated when she ended up moving to an island in the Pacific Ocean. Our friendship basically ended for several years. Even when she moved back to the States we were distant (physically as well as friendly). I eventually got over it. One year, probably 7-8 yrs later, she realized that she missed our friendship. She called and we repaired the connection. This time, I think the tables have been turned somewhat; God is my focus. He is my best friend. He is my rock on whom I stand firm. No one else but Him.
9. Listen up to 24:30 of the sermon.
A. Keller says change only comes when you give yourself over to something. Do you agree? What point is he making?
I would agree with his statement.
The root lie is that “I’m in charge, I’m in control. I don’t need any help.” His point is that without Jesus the evil will enter back with greater force. If you give yourself over to something, it possesses you, then you can change. But, it just transfers to something else. You are always relying on something else (you) to help you overcome.
B. What is the point of his story of how he, at 25, tried to help a depressed man without turning to God?
He recognized the physiological need, the social need, and the need to spend his time wiser. It didn’t help the real problem which was a need to keep up with his family ideals. TK treated the symptoms, not the root of the problem. The man needed Christ. He needed to know he was loved and only Gods standards count. No other master will suffice.
C. Why must we treat the root problem and not just the symptoms?
You will never change.
10. Think of a sin that trips you up. What do you think is the root heart idol? (Common heart idols are control, approval, and comfort — trying to get those things apart from God)
Comfort or control. Just trying to manipulate the way things are. And when it doesn’t work, I suffer.
All so good, Laura.
I just took some time to read through all the comments and something that stood out to me was how many of us have struggled with the idol of approval. I too have felt it’s control and dominance in my life. It takes constant reminders from God’s Word and to be in prayer and to let Jesus remind me of his complete approval and love for me. To replace the lie and it’s control with his truth. To let Him fill up my beaker. I got a good sense of Keller’s sermon from comments here but have not had time to listen. I will make it a priority to do so. If I can get my technology figured out I will try to do that on the long ride home tomorrow. Here is something I read this week from Oswald Chambers. It is from his writings called Biblical Psychology. He refers to Christian Science teaching which I think was very prevalent back in the late 1800s and early 1900s when he would have written this. Dee I think maybe it is similar to the Unitarian thinking you referred to.
“Happiness depends on what happens; joy does not. Remember, Jesus Christ had joy, and He prays “that they may have My joy fulfilled in themselves” ( John 17:13). I want to give one warning concerning Christian Science. There is no objection to what Christian Science does to people’s bodies, but there is a tremendous objection to its effect on people’s minds. Its effect on people’s minds is to make them intolerably indifferent to physical suffering, and in time it produces the antipodes of the Christian character, that is, a hardness and callousness of heart. All degrees of joy reside in the heart. How can a Christian be full of happiness (if happiness depends on the things that happen) when he is in a world where the devil is doing his best to twist souls away from God, where people are tortured physically, where some are downtrodden and do not get a chance? It would be the outcome of the most miserable selfishness to be happy under such conditions; but a joyful heart is never an insult, and joy is never touched by external conditions. Beware of preaching the gospel of temperament instead of the gospel of God. Numbers of people today preach the gospel of temperament, the gospel of “cheer up.” The word blessed is sometimes translated “happy,” but it is a much deeper word; it includes all that we mean by joy in its full fruition. Happiness is the characteristic of a child, and God condemns us for taking happiness out of a child’s life; but as men and women we should have been done with happiness long ago, we should be facing the stern issues of life, knowing that the grace of God is sufficient for every problem the devil can present.”
Taken from “Biblical Psychology” by Oswald Chambers
I related this to the power of God to fill me with his joy and with his grace which overcome the stern issues of life. Being reminded He truly is available and sufficient to fill my heart and meet it’s needs.
Interesting on Christian Science, Bev.
12. How exactly will you apply this?
For years I was pretty good at cleaning up on the outside, looking organized, pulled together, self-controlled. Then God brought a “quake” into my life that had a domino effect into other relationships and I’m still feeling it. But even with the hurt I still feel, I see Him. I see how He has used all of it for good, to shape me, re-make me. As much as I grieve, I cannot possibly say it has not been used by Him for His good purpose. He stripped me of my idols and He is letting me realize nothing but His standards matter. I used to believe if I was nice enough, helpful enough, if I babysat for free and never said no to serving others, then surely my family would love me. I was depending on my own ways, finding power in my “goodness”. I was possessed with people pleasing and being liked. And then it all fell apart and nothing I did could make it better.
I still have a long ways to go. It’s a daily battle not to just want to be seen as nice and pulled together. The part where Keller said that boys are often taught not to cry, be a man…and how they learn to be self-controlled over their emotions but it doesn’t deal with the feelings. I was taught not to need, that having a need was weakness. I learned to be very helpful to others but strived to never be needy myself. There have been many times others have told me this is a problem in our relationship because I want to help them but I never ask for or allow help. I try to be self-sufficient. But God didn’t create us to live that way. He desires us to live in community, serving and supporting one another. When I admit I need help, admit I am weak, then I can truly rely on Jesus and Him to provide, not on myself.
Parts of the sermon also reminded me of the little tract booklet called “My heart Christ’s Home”. I first saw it in high school and we used that a lot with our kids. We must let Christ into every room, every corner, completely take over. We can’t try to clean up certain areas on our own, serving idols of organization and responsibility. We need to let Jesus in, as we really are, messy and broken, and let Him fill every crevice and bring healing.
Great parallel with Christ’s home. I thought of you often when writing the lesson for this next week, Lizzy.
11. Listen to the end of the sermon.
A. How does Ephesians 4:20-24 show it isn’t enough to put off bad habits?
We must put away the old self and put on the new; righteous and holy in God. Our old self is corrupted and deceitful. The new self is created in the likeness of Jesus. I like the way the AMP translation says to live in a way that expresses gratitude to God for my salvation.
B. Keller contrasts Pharisees trying to change from outside in, but we must change from inside out. What did he mean?
We can look good on the outside and still be dirty inside. It’s what is in our hearts that is important.
C. What did Jesus tell the disciples who were rejoicing they could cast out demons? What was his point?
He knew they were getting self-control, power. He wanted them to rejoice that their names were written in heaven, instead. He told them to relish that their names were written in heaven because of Him. They would be presented to Him as a blameless soul. That is what should be our focus.
D. How has Jesus succeeded where your idols failed in facing the greatest storms, including death?
Jesus conquered death. Idols can do nothing for us. He can help us sing in the worst of the storms (like the plumbing problem our home is currently having in the midst of the houseful of visitors we are having this week. Ugh.). Thank You Jesus that we have a home and money to fix the problem.
Dee, not sure I understand the statement you made about the Unitarians and ocean waves. You mean they think ocean waves will save them???
12. How will I use this weeks study in life? Well, this particular week is quite stressful with getting the house and yard ready for our upcoming wedding. I am also in the midst of taking a class that I need to work on but alas! My babysitter cancelled this week and my quiet time to work is effected. I need You Jesus! Right now. To calm my storm. These are earthly problems that will pass away. You are my King! Thank You for that. I will keep focused on You through it all. Amen.