This last week terrible images have flowed out of Afghanistan, looking like pictures from John’s visions in Revelation. How we need to pray for them, and also remember:
In Rev. 11, we’re shown the “crunch time” just before Christ’s return.
The world will seem to be winning. But as we look forward to this time for either ourselves or future generations, this is when we need to believe, more than ever, the promise. The 7th Trumpet will blow, judgment will come, and true believers will live forever with Christ in the glorious new Kingdom on earth.
Those who believe the pictures and numbers in Revelation are literal see this differently than those who believe the pictures and numbers are symbolic. The first group sees the actual temple in Jerusalem being rebuilt and two, and only two, actual men being the two witnesses. Those who see the pictures and numbers in Revelation as symbolic believe the temple and the two witnesses represent God’s people, the True Church.
Still, whichever way you believe, it does not change the final promise that His Kingdom is coming to earth and He will reign forever and ever. This is what we must hold onto when things get hard! Honestly, this week is a bit frightening, and I even had a nightmare after studying it, so I wish we could do next week right away to help, but that would be way too much work. So, just believe, it’s going to get much better!
Let’s jump into Revelation 11. We will spend two weeks here so as not to overwhelm you. The sermon is optional. Do what works for you. (It’s better to keep up as well as you can rather than to give up! You are almost halfway through Revelation!)
Thanks so much for your input on Romans. I heard from many of your privately as well as on this blog.
There are STRONG opinions both ways, with slightly more asking for a break. That told me that no matter what I did, since raising the option, was going to disappoint some. I don’t like that, but I did it! However, that forced me to seek God with all my heart. I did so appreciate how many of you said that you would be supportive of either decision. I do believe God has given me a compromise so that we neither miss Paige nor lose momentum in Revelation.
One of the things that always fills me with awe and gives me confidence in God’s Word is how it is one story from Genesis through Revelation. Revelation in many ways is a summary of the whole Bible. Even just last week Dr. Campbell tied Romans 16 together with Revelation 11.
So here is the plan about which God has given me peace. I don’t think it is coincidental that we are reaching Revelation’s mid-point as Paige begins her lectures. We will listen to Paige and answer questions about Romans here. But I will intersperse some review questions on the first half of Revelation that tie to the Romans passage each week, putting them in purple. I’m stepping out on faith that I can do this, but I truly think I can, for the Bible is one story, by one Great Author, and so we will learn Romans and review Revelation simultaneously. Those who are just joining us for Romans can skip the Revelation questions or get a review so they can stay with us when we plunge back into Revelation 12 in November and then keep going through the end and the new heaven and the new earth!
I know this isn’t what some of you wanted, and I am regretting that, but truly I don’t want you to miss Paige’s gifting for Romans, and I think we all will be so blessed. Please keep praying for God to guide me and us! Thank you so for your grace.
1. What stands out to you from the above and why?
Monday: Actual or Symbolic?
This seems to be the big question that separates the different views here. To me, and I welcome differing views, is that it would inconsistent to switch between a literal and symbolic interpretation of Revelation as we know some numbers and pictures must be symbolic, for there are more than 7 churches, more than 144,000 believers and the Lamb symbolizes Christ, and the New Jerusalem dressed as a bride symbolizes the true Church.
2. Read Revelation 11:1-6
A. What is John told to do in verses 1-2?
B. What will the Gentiles and the Two Witnesses do for 42 months? (verses 2-3)
C. To what are the two witnesses compared in verse 4?
D. What kind of protection and power will these two witnesses have? (verses 5-6)
3. How have you interpreted all this in the past, if you have?
4. In Mystery Explained, read everything under The Measuring of the Temple.
A. How do the futurists interpret this passage?
B. Why does Dr. Campbell think the olive trees and the lampstands support the belief that the temple represents the true Church rather than a building?
C. What view do you take and why?
Tuesday: The Forty-Two Months
5. Read Revelation 11:7-10.
A. What does John see happening in this passage?
B. Why might it seem at this point like the world has won?
6. Read in Mystery Explained, the paragraph under The Forty-Two Months.
A. When did John see this time beginning in contrast to Daniel?
B. Why does Dr. Campbell think the numbers in Revelation are symbolic?
C. How does Dr. Campbell see the witnesses of Moses and Elijah linked with the witness of the Church?
D. Dr. Campbell finds support from verse 8 that the tribulation began after Christ’s death. What is it?
E. What is your view and why?
Wednesday: The Two Witnesses
7. Read again Revelation 11:1-6 and also, in Mystery Explained, everything under “The Two Witnesses” up to “The powers given to the witnesses in verses 5-6”)
A. How are the witnesses protected according to this passage and Dr. Campbell’s first paragraph?
B. Why does Dr. Campbell believe these two witnesses are the true Church rather than just two individuals? How does he support this from this passage?
C. How does he explain, legally and scripturally, why God would use the number two?
8. Read Rev. 11:5-6 again and the rest from Dr. Campbell under “The Two Witnesses” and answer:
A. What does the fire the comes from the mouths of the witnesses represent?
B. How can you see verse 6 as identified with Elijah and Moses? (Campbell can help!)
C. Dr. Campbell refers to the incident in Luke 9 when the disciples wanted to call down fire on the Samaritans. What parallel does Dr. Campbell see with these witnesses at the end of time?
D. Does anything else from this section stand out to you? If so, what?
Thursday/Friday Sermon from Westside Church (optional)
9. Watch or listen to the above and share your notes and comments.
10. What is your take-a-way and why?
1. What stands out to you from the above and why?
The 7th Trumpet will blow, judgment will come, and true believers will live forever with Christ in the glorious new Kingdom on earth.
Though I am excited about the 7th trumpet blowing, I have never acutely felt the urgency of the times and the need to share the gospel with as many people as I can. With these emotions come the realization that God is sovereign. And He will bring about His will and purposes which include His divine judgment for unbelievers. Such a sobering thought.
Still, whichever way you believe, it does not change the final promise that His Kingdom is coming to earth and He will reign forever and ever. This is what we must hold onto when things get hard!
So thankful that Truth does not change no matter what I believe regarding Revelation. And that is a comforting thought! “This is my Father’s world, O let me not forget, That though the wrong seems oft and strong, God is the Ruler yet!” (coronavirus, Afghanistan, Haiti, etc)
Dee, I am thankful for the “compromise” that you have so patiently considered and prayed for. I like your idea and a review of the 1st 11 chapters of Revelation will definitely help me. I have experienced this principle working in the classroom as I see my students having light bulb moments because the subject matter was revisited and discussed.
I am sure I will pick up something new that I have not seen before. Campbell’s book is so “heavy” that a refresher would be good. And I love the fact you brought out that the Bible is one story-“how it is one story from Genesis through Revelation”. Scripture interprets Scripture.
Thanks so much, Bing — from a teacher’s point of view. And thanks for the birthday greetings too.
Happy birthday Dee, you are a blessing. This is all God’s timing for me. My son is over there serving now. He tried for 5 years to get in the military. He graduated in May from AIT. Very little training and off he went. All in God’s timing.
Thank you,
Oh Belinda — I am assuming you mean he is in Afghanistan and hasn’t gotten home? Is he a believer? Please tell us how we can pray.
Happy birthday to our dear Dee! Thanks for the FB prompt, Lizzy. The Lord bless you and keep you by John Rutter
Awww, thanks Bing!
Hi Dee and everyone, I have been following along silently and have learned so much about Revelation (and other studies with this group). I look forward to the study of Romans intertwined with the review of the first part of Revelation! I hope everyone has a blessed day and happy birthday Dee!
Thank you Liz!
Good to see you Liz! If you are from NH, I think of you often! If you are not that Liz, happy you are with us in this excellent place Dee has carved for us!
Dee- I think God has given you a great plan. We are studying God’s word either way!! Whichever way you would have chosen is a win-win! I will enjoy the study of Romans and the review of Revelation. I am looking forward to it.
Is there a fee to pay to watch Paige? I have heard so much about her studies but have never heard one, so I am thrilled to do so.
No fee for Paige. Says a lot about her! So glad to have you with us, Michelle — either silently or actively.
Welcome to our group Michelle!
Oh yes, this is my Father’s World… and the words are so true.That though the wrong seem oft so strong, He is the ruler yet!
We are truly in tough times and the study of Revelation is so good, so mysterious and so needed. But all of scripture is His story and
we need to remember that in every book from the O.T. to Revelation that Jesus is the one it is focused on. I sometimes get stuck in the
ways to interpret it and get funny feelings about other views, yet I know it is a mystery and we can try to understand and to explain, yet
I am not so sure which way to go. I like literal, but I know that God gives us symbols. I know we will learn so much by continuing to review
as well as to focus on Romans.
Thank you, Dee for this place to study and to explore. There is so much deception around and we need to know the truth, which sets us free.
Thank you for these affirming words, Shirley — and for your heart.
1. What stands out to you from the above and why?
The awful current event stories, and the This is my Father’s World lyrics, one of the things that is staying with me from the sermon last week is the angel standing on the earth and on the sea establishing that God is in control.
That too is bittersweet, it is bitter when we cannot understand and sweet when we come to that point of surrender and trust.
Clinging to the belief that that God will make all things new is the truth that makes enduring a possibility.
I appreciate your concern for our preferences about the study Dee, I pray that you will feel led in clear ways as you tie truths together. I hope you are having the happiest of birthdays 🥳
Thanks so much, Chris. I appreciate you so. I have been loved well — and this group is a big part of that!
Happy Birthday Dee! Sorry to have missed it. I hope your day was sweet 😘
1. What stands out to you from the above and why?
I am nervous about this week because last week hit me SO hard that I have had a “revelation” of my own in my life! It was exhausting. I am not disclosing this shift of mine, but let’s just say that God has spoken to me, and I am convicted. Praise God! I’m not sure I can take anymore, so I am fine with the Romans study for sure! Thank you Dee, for caring about us all and how it would affect our lives.
I do think when we get to the seventh trumpet it is so very hard. I’m glad God led to take a break in the way we are. So grateful for all your prayers and a way forward.
1. What stood out in the introduction and why.
It is interesting that you referred to Revelation 11 as ‘crunch time’. My mind is mulling that. When I have experienced such times, it is either that I haven’t prepared well and I’ve run out of time, or that the circumstances didn’t allow for an orderly transition. But I don’t think of God like that. I’ve always believed He is never in a hurry, never rushed, and that while it may look to us that He isn’t going to be ‘on time’, He always, always is. So the phrase has me working at wrapping my mind around it.
The world certainly does seem to be winning. With verses that say God gives authority for the saints to be conquered, it is not uplifting. Makes it so, so terribly important to keep our eyes on Jesus. It looked like He was losing also. But it was that ‘loss’ that gained our eternal victory. So if we have to ‘lose’ and be conquered in the eyes of the world, we know that even then, He is worthy of our trust and praise.
I love that however we look at Revelation now, we can hold loosely to our thoughts while we hold tightly to Truth, which is Jesus.
Thank you, Dee, for the compromise. I am looking forward to it.
Hi, Mary B! I was so excited when I found the Life Change Series on Revelation that you referred to last week! I thought we had several books of the Bible on one of the shelves at our old house. But I found one only and it was the study on Revelation, 1989 print. Wowza!
I think is borrowed “crunch time” from Campbell, and that’s what is is for unbelievers who have put off thinking about eternity. And perhaps for the Jews. It is a mystery.
Mary, I wanted to tell you how much I appreciated your post from last week about your talking to God about your sin, and He said, “So repent”…..and you acknowledging that repentance is being willing to agree with Him about your sin, and then He said, and will you agree with the rest of it….the part about how His blood gives you redemption. So often, I stop before that part, and am left still feeling guilty. You are right, we need to agree about both parts!
if we have to ‘lose’ and be conquered in the eyes of the world, we know that even then, He is worthy of our trust and praise. I love that however we look at Revelation now, we can hold loosely to our thoughts while we hold tightly to Truth, which is Jesus.
Mary, you have me thinking about a situation-I’ve been in a deep personal struggle over the past few years. My personal struggle is one which God has allowed. It is a great loss in this life, but would not effect my eternal perspective, except in the way I respond to it. Over the last five years, I have experienced many losses and times of deep stress. I now have found myself struggling with depression over all of it and though I know God is still worthy of my trust and praise, I find it so hard at times when the pain cuts so deep. I know in my head that I truly have many things to be thankful for and a wonderful family trying to love me through it. I want desperately to escape this hard time and yet feel stuck here unable to rise above my own despair. I know that many have suffered much greater loss and I feel ashamed for not handling this in a way that gives God glory. Though your words were referring to our study, they jumped out at me as applicable to my situation. I need to hold loosely to my thoughts about my situation and hold tightly to the Truth, which is Jesus. I appreciate any prayers toward this end.
Chris, I sense your despair in your words. Praying God to tend to your heart and soul at this very moment. And you can hold tight to the truth and not let the enemy defeat you. May the feeling of shame bow its knees to the working power of the love of Christ for you.
Here is a song that I have shared here before and I believe our other Chris (Swan) loves it too: He will hold me fast by Selah
When I fear my faith will fail, Christ will hold me fastWhen the tempter would prevail, He will hold me fastI could never keep my hold through life’s fearful pathFor my love is often cold; He must hold me fast
He will hold me fast, He will hold me fastFor my Savior loves me so, He will hold me fast
Those He saves are His delight, Christ will hold me fastPrecious in His holy sight, He will hold me fastHe’ll not let my soul be lost; His promises shall lastBought by Him at such a cost, He will hold me fast
He will hold me fast, He will hold me fastFor my Savior loves me so, He will hold me fast
For my life He bled and died, Christ will hold me fastJustice has been satisfied; He will hold me fastRaised with Him to endless life, He will hold me fast’Til our faith is turned to sight, When He comes at last!
Thank you, so much for your sweet prayer and this song. It is perfect. I’ve often felt in the past that my faith was strong and I had answers to so many problems. Today I’m in the place of the songwriter, my faith feels as though it could fail. I have no answers. I keep looking for what God is doing in my life with so many hard things to face. He surely has grown much compassion in my heart. My love has been cold at times. I’m resolved to sit where He has put me and do my best to honor Him in it. Thank you so much,again. I will keep this song close by.
Chris — thanks for sharing so openly.
Father, I do lift up Chris – you see your suffering child, and I ask that You would give her a sense of Your loving presence. I ask this in the name and power of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Thank you Dee, Laura and Patti. I’m encouraged by your prayers. This has been a hard season. Hoping the end is near.
Prayers Chris. You have blessed me over the years with your stories and kind words to others. Peace to you sweet sister. God will hold you, just hang on to His robe.
Dear Chris, I will pray for you right now and in the coming days. Personal pain can run deep and some things cannot be shared. Our Father knows you to the very depths of your being. He loves you deeply. I understand despair and sometimes it can go on for a time. I love what Laura wrote: Hold on to His robe. I wake at night and sometimes feel so overwhelmed and I pray to sense His presence. I will pray that very thing for you. Thank you for sharing your need for prayer. No details needed, for God knows. I pray that you will feel the prayer support of these beautiful women of God. You are loved. He is with you. Praying for you to feel His great love for you.
Oh, Chris! I am shedding tears, feeling with you your pain and despair. While I do not know your circumstances, I do know what it is to be in deep depression. Where there is no light, no hope, where even the pain can be so deep as to be numb. To be there while simultaneously knowing that somewhere above the darkness, God is, but it doesn’t seem to make a difference in the darkness. You also talk about the guilt you feel about not getting above it. I see these as two very different, but interrelated things. Please toss out what I say if the Spirit doesn’t make it ring true in you. I think the guilt is straight from Satan, and in no way from God. And you can speak God’s truth to the lies he is using to beat you down. You are God’s child, washed in His blood and forgiven. God didn’t save you one day and then tell you to manage the rest of life on your own. He continually saves you. So Romans 8, speaking of not being under condemnation, is a place to talk back with. The depression and recovery from trauma is a completely different place. And it is a place where we don’t have to fight our way out of, but instead allow God and Scripture and others to bring truth and healing to us. God often refers to us as a building. When a building suffers serious damage, the repair and rebuilding can be more significant and time consuming than building from scratch. There was a time I complained to God about where I was compared to where I thought I should be, and His reply to me was that I didn’t know what all He needed to do in my restoration. I believe that to be true for you as well. God does want you to come against the lies of Satan. But He also wants you to rest in Him and believe that He will bring you health and wholeness in His timing.
Lord Jesus, You who are the eternal God, gracious and compassionate. Would You please wrap Your loving arms around Chris right now? Let her know that You are for her. Remind her how to lament. Remind her with Scripture verses and songs and whispers in little things, that she is not alone. Bring her hope. Start to melt the frozen place she is in. Give her especially a hug from me….
Chris your post brought tears for me too- I can relate so well to what you’ve shared. I feel so much that I haven’t stewarded my suffering well, sometimes I am afraid that I have deadened parts of me that ought to be alive. I also often sit perched on the edge of depression. I don’t know. I pray often that God will help me think rightly about things. I am glad that Bing shared He Will Hold Me Fast…I believe it is true…I do cling to that
Chris, while I can hardly add to what the others have already said, I have to say I went through a very similar long hard time in my life where I emotionally reacted 100% opposite of what I thought that I would. All I could do was honestly cry out to God with my real feelings since he already knew what I was feeling, but I never allowed myself to say any words of doubt about His goodness or about His allowing this to happen. I did ask for relief from the “despair” (although I always heard that despair was a sign of an unbeliever I don’t have another word for it), but I also prayed for strength to endure it as long as I needed to and being able to use this for His glory.
1. What stands out to you from the above and why? That no matter what our interpretation of Revelation is, ” His Kingdom is coming to earth and He will reign forever and ever. This is what we must hold onto when things get hard!” It sums up our existence and our duty in spreading the gospel.
Yes indeed, Dawn.
I LOVE the compromise Dee! That was clearly from Him, thankyou for being so faithful to seek to please the Lord and not just us! And love this reminder “this is when we need to believe, more than ever, the promise”
I had tried to be present last week but we ended up with a crazy week where I feel like I’ve been on an emotional roller coaster full of u-turns, but have some peace about it all going into next week, so I’m going to try to stay with you all.
And since it’s still today, I have to say one more HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEE! 😉 Love you so!
Lizzy — thank you for being our birthday reminder gal! You amaze me.
Sorry about an emotional roller-coaster week. Glad it has slowed down.
Monday: Actual or Symbolic?
This seems to be the big question that separates the different views here. To me, and I welcome differing views, is that it would inconsistent to switch between a literal and symbolic interpretation of Revelation as we know some numbers and pictures must be symbolic, for there are more than 7 churches, more than 144,000 believers and the Lamb symbolizes Christ, and the New Jerusalem dressed as a bride symbolizes the true Church.
2. Read Revelation 11:1-6
A. What is John told to do in verses 1-2? To measure the temple, the & altar with all it’s worshipers.
B. What will the Gentiles and the Two Witnesses do for 42 months? (verses 2-3) Prophesy clothed in sackcloth.
C. To what are the two witnesses compared in verse 4?They are compared to “the two olive trees” and the two lampstands Zechariah 4:11-14
11 Then I said to him, “What are these two olive trees on the right and the left of the lampstand?” 12 And a second time I answered and said to him, “What are these two branches of the olive trees, which are beside the two golden pipes from which the golden oil[a] is poured out?” 13 He said to me, “Do you not know what these are?” I said, “No, my lord.” 14 Then he said, “These are the two anointed ones who stand by the Lord of the whole earth.”
D. What kind of protection and power will these two witnesses have? (verses 5-6)Fire will come from their mouths to destroy anyone trying to harm them. They will cause drought and plagues and turn water into blood.
3. How have you interpreted all this in the past, if you have?
I have heard this taught as two literal witnesses, I remember one teacher saying that through television the whole world would be able to see them.
First timer here I am newly retired and am enjoying having morning time without having to rush through
Brenda Jean-welcome! So glad you are here with us!
Hi, Brenda Jean! I am newly retired, too! Welcome to the blog!
I replied to the wrong feed so you will see this twice. LOL
Hi Brenda Jean! Glad you have joined us in the best place you could be online! See is a gem 😉.
Welcome Brenda Jean. It is nice to have you here.
Welcome!! Glad to have you here!
1. What stands out to you from the above and why?
I still need to finish listening to last week’s sermon, but I really loved his story about being a young boy and his dad taking him along to work, with his little tool belt (an extension of his dad’s). This study on Revelation has been heavy, often leading to a heavy heart. What is happening in our world seems to confirm that heaviness. We were waiting last week to hear if our son was going to go to Haiti as he’s a military physician and would be sent along with a group of marines to provide them medical care should they need it. Some marines have been sent already to provide security against the gangs that are preventing needed supplies from getting to the people they are intended for. As it turns out, he will not go. I have been watching some interviews with men who served in Afghanistan; some more than one tour of duty, and a common sentiment is, with what’s happening now, they feel a sense of “what was it all for”? They gave and sacrificed so much, saw many of their friends die there, and feel a sense of loss and even bitterness now. The country is right back where it started, and it seems everything that was accomplished has been swept away so quickly.
So too with Revelation. As believers, sometimes we may feel that our efforts to keep going in our faith are like slogging upstream, even futile at times. But we know “what it all is for”. God will restore and make all things new in the end. For the unbeliever, everything they have dedicated their life to will be washed away. It is very hard for me to think about what will happen to those I love who reject God and His ways. My own children. I often blame myself that I failed to “produce” children who love God and want to follow Him, if my own struggles, doubts, and my “Lord, I believe but help my unbelief” times negatively affected them in the development of their faith. I just had a discussion with one of my adult children about who determines what is true, what is good, or evil. They disagree with me that it is God. I said well, then who determines it? Just each person, what they think is right? So then, who says murder is wrong? Maybe one person says it’s wrong, but another feels it’s okay to kill. Who is the authority? I believe only God can say what is right, what is wrong, what is good, what is evil. Yes, as many of you have said here, the world does seem to be winning.
Dee, I appreciate your prayerful deliberation as to how to lead us forward, and I look forward to your questions on Revelation that will be in purple as we study Romans and to see how they tie-in together.
Susan — I hope everyone reads your post!
Wow! Susan! Yes, I hope everyone reads your post. Thank you so much for sharing your deep and meaningful thoughts. It is so heartbreaking to see what has happened in Afghanistan. Our son in law just retired from the Air Force. He was deployed to Iraq several times. The world truly is unraveling…but we do know God is in charge.
I also loved the sermon and took lots of notes, but have not had time to type them into the blog. It was such a sweet story about a father and son; how important that time is when patterns are established with young children. This past week, we had a young man repair and paint some damaged wood on our home. He is from Moldova ( a small country between Romania and Ukraine). Denis came to our home and his father was with him. His father had been mentoring him since Denis was a child. Denis and his family are Christians and I believe they came to our country to avoid religious persecution. It was so much like pastor Matt’s story. I see this same thing in many of the families in our area, who have come to our country from abroad. I totally understand about how our own children, who have grown up with so much in this country, seem confused about right and wrong. So much of society tells them it is a “me me me” world. If you are the center of your world, where is there room for our Savior. I pray for my children and grandchildren to encounter strong Christians in the day to day world. People who will draw them towards the Lord. As parents, we are limited in our influence, even if we raised our kids in the church.
Thank you, Dee, for your prayerful decision on our study. I think it is a very good balance and it will be good to take a breath and review Revelations. It will be nice to study Romans. It is all God’s story to us.
I love what Dawn said too. That no matter what our interpretation of Revelation is, ” His Kingdom is coming to earth and He will reign forever and ever. This is what we must hold onto when things get hard!” It sums up our existence and our duty in spreading the gospel.
I remember the story of the man from Moldova!
Yes, Susan- “So too with Revelation. As believers, sometimes we may feel that our efforts to keep going in our faith are like slogging upstream, even futile at times. But we know “what it all is for”. “
Susan, I appreciate what you have shared. I too feel guilt- shame even when I am with other moms whose adult children are believers. This study has been hard- knowing that my children do not follow Christ. I know I am not the Holy Spirit but I feel like I have failed to do some crucial thing. It is really hard.
Susan, you are so eloquent. I too have times where I can see my failures as a mother, wife and Christian that could have contributed to some of my children and family members’ unbelief, but I know that God is the only one who truly knows who will be saved and who won’t and while we have an ultimate responsibility for all of our actions good and bad, we do not have the ability to keep anyone from Him who is meant to be His. We have to continue in the truth, but recognize that only God has the control.
Dawn–I’ve been following along though not posting my answers this week, but this just spoke to me “we do not have the ability to keep anyone from Him who is meant to be His”
Dawn, yes, Susan so eloquently express my feelings with regard to our daughter. I, too asked myself, where I could have done better in raising her? So, your words here resonated with me. It is all about trusting God- “I know that God is the only one who truly knows who will be saved and who won’t and while we have an ultimate responsibility for all of our actions good and bad, we do not have the ability to keep anyone from Him who is meant to be His.”
2. Read Revelation 11:1-6
A. What is John told to do in verses 1-2?
John was given a reed as a measuring tool and told to go and measure the temple of God and the altar, and to count the worshipers there. He was told not to go out into the outer court, and not to measure it.
B. What will the Gentiles and the Two Witnesses do for 42 months?
The Gentiles will trample on the holy city for 42 months. The two witnesses will prophesy for 1,260 days, and will be clothed in sackcloth.
C. To what are the two witnesses compared in verse 4?
They are compared to the two olive trees and the two lampstands that stand before the Lord.
D. What kind of protection and power will these two witnesses have?
Fire will come from their mouths and devour any enemies who try to harm them. They will also have the power to keep it from raining during the time they are prophesying, and to turn the waters into blood, and to strike the earth with every kind of plague.
3. How have you interpreted all this in the past, if you have?
I have never studied Revelation in-depth before, but have listened at times to sermons on the radio during a series on Revelation. I always thought that these two witnesses were two literal men, possibly like two of the OT prophets who have been sent back to a location in Israel.
4. In Mystery Explained, read everything under The Measuring of the Temple.
A. How do the futurists interpret this passage?
The futurist view interprets this passage as taking place literally in the rebuilt temple in the time immediately before Christ’s return. The worshipers are a remnant of believing Jews, while those in the outer court are unbelieving Jews who will not be protected. Gentiles will attack Jerusalem during a literal 42 month period. I do remember hearing sermons about we need to watch for the temple to be rebuilt in Jerusalem and the resuming of animal sacrifices, as these things will signal the end times.
B. Why does Dr. Campbell think the olive trees and the lampstands support the belief that the temple represents the true church rather than a building?
First, the fact that the witnesses are called lampstands identifies them as the church. Secondly, olive trees and lampstands both allude to the Holy Spirit, who is poured out upon all of God’s people, not just two.
C. What view do you take and why?
I tend to agree with Dr. Campbell, based on the fact that the book of Revelation is mainly symbolic in nature. I agree that it would be problematic to switch back and forth between literal and symbolic as you read the book. On the other hand, would it be impossible for these to be two literal men? I admit that even while reading Campbell’s detailed explanations, it is hard to follow. This is a really hard book to understand, at least for me.
I don’t think it is impossible to switch back and forth — though it does seem most is symbolic. G. K. Beale said to interpret Revelation symbolically unless forced to interpret literally. That usually solves it for me.
5. Read Revelation 11:7-10
A. What does John see happening in this passage?
After the witnesses have finished their testimony, John sees the beast from the Abyss come and attack them, overpowering and killing them. Their bodies lie in the street of the great city for three and a half days, and people from every tribe, language and nation will look at their bodies but refuse to bury them. The inhabitants of the earth will gloat over their dead bodies and celebrate by sending each other gifts, because these two prophets had tormented those who live on the earth.
B. Why might it seem at this point like the world has won?
I sure seem some parallels here with Jesus’ death on the cross. The passage mentions that this great city where these two witnesses are killed as the same place that the Lord was crucified. People looked at Jesus as He was dying and gloated over Him, and some likely even celebrated His death, because He, too, “tormented” some because He upended their ideas of God and religion. It seemed as if those who wanted Jesus dead had won, and here, too, it seems that the world has won, as they see the dead bodies and celebrate being rid of the witnesses.
My first take away is that I really miss the hymns. This hymn has gone through my head all day and night since I first opened the lesson yesterday. I love the truths of Scripture in the form of hymns. They sing to my soul. Even though I cannot sing well, the words and melodies comfort me. I love reading the history of the hymns. It really helps me to focus on the truth: This is my Father’s world. God is the ruler yet. I wish the churches still sang more hymns. The contemporary music is lovely, but the hymns stay in our hearts and minds for years.
I am so happy that you had a wonderful birthday, Dee. You are so loved and you are such a treasure to all who know you. May God continue to bless you through this coming year. Much love to you.
Oh yes, Patti, the hymns sing to my soul,too!
Patti, yes the hymns and the stories behind them!
1. What stands out to you from the above and why?
I am excited to do the Romans study and tie it into Revelation-that is a wonderful compromise God gave you Dee.
It does seem like the world is winning in ways but also becoming more hard hearted, but God is sovereign and will bring in the new heaven and the new earth. Things will get better.
I can’t imagine what the women in Afghanistan are going through right now, and our brothers and sisters who are still there. Yes, we long for Jesus’ return.
2. Read Revelation 11:1-6
A. What is John told to do in verses 1-2? Go and measure the temple of God and the altar and those who worship there. Do not measure the court outside the temple.
B. What will the Gentiles and the Two Witnesses do for 42 months? (verses 2-3) The Gentiles will trample the court outside the temple.
C. To what are the two witnesses compared in verse 4? Olive Trees and Lamp stands
D. What kind of protection and power will these two witnesses have? (verses 5-6) They can consume their foes with fire from their mouth; To stop the rain; turn the waters into blood; to strike the world with any plague of their desire.
3. How have you interpreted all this in the past, if you have? The two witnesses were literally 2 people and the temple was literally a temple. What Dee said in her intro above made sense to me in regard to the literal vs. symbolism. I’ve really begun to re-think my position and consider this. It’s beginning to make more sense than the literal interpretation.
Monday: Actual or Symbolic?
This seems to be the big question that separates the different views here. To me, and I welcome differing views, is that it would inconsistent to switch between a literal and symbolic interpretation of Revelation as we know some numbers and pictures must be symbolic, for there are more than 7 churches, more than 144,000 believers and the Lamb symbolizes Christ, and the New Jerusalem dressed as a bride symbolizes the true Church.
1. Read Revelation 11:1-6
A. What is John told to do in verses 1-2?
Measure the temple of God and the altar with its worshiper but exclude the outer court which is given to the Gentiles.
B. What will the Gentiles and the Two Witnesses do for 42 months? (verses 2-3) The Gentiles will trample on the holy city for 42 months.
The two witnesses will prophesy for 1,260 days, clothed in sackcloth.
To what are the two witnesses compared in verse 4?
2 olive trees and 2 lampstands
C. What kind of protection and power will these two witnesses have? (verses 5-6)
If anyone tries to harm them, fire comes from their mouths and devours their enemies. They have the power to shut up the heavens so that it will not rain during the time they are prophesying, and they have the power to turn the waters into blood and to strike the earth with every kind of plague as often as they want.
How have you interpreted all this in the past, if you have?
I am not sure if I really understood this part in the past.
4. In Mystery Explained, read everything under The Measuring of the Temple.
A. How do the futurists interpret this passage?
The futurist sees this as referring to a rebuilt temple in the days immediately prior to the return of Christ, and the worshipers are a remnant of believing Jews.
Dr. Campbell writes that the measuring is more about the spiritual security God gives to His people-and he links it to the mark placed on the forehead in Ezekiel 9, Zech 1:16, Jeremiah 31:38-40 etc. and then later in Revelation 21, where measuring signifies the security of the new Jerusalem.
B. Why does Dr. Campbell think the olive trees and the lampstands support the belief that the temple represents the true Church rather than a building?
Lampstands are identified as a church in Revelation 1:12-25. Olive trees and lampstands both allude to the Holy Spirit who is poured out upon all God’s people who will then prophesy.
C. What view do you take and why?
I take the view of Dr. Campbell here. I do believe that there would be a remnant of believers among the Jews.
It is hard for me to follow that some Jews are working on building a literal temple now and would be doing animal sacrifices later as one futurist author wrote on a website I checked. For what? Jesus has made the ultimate sacrifice already. My mind is swirling trying to understand this chapter.
Studying the book of Revelation here has really upped my awareness of what has been going on around the world. Suffering/prosecution is intensifying, immorality is on a high, plagues, disasters, earthquakes, etc, and man wanting to be his own god. We see signs of the times though we do not know when the Son of Man will come back for His Beloved. I need to be ready to meet Him anytime and to keep praying for the lost.
To all-the accountability and the faithfulness of everybody to come here as you are and to diligently plug along is one of the reasons why I am committed to doing this study. It has been a mind-stretching, soul-searching, humbling experience for me to dig into such a difficult book. If it were not for your patience and excellent leadership, Dee, and the grace and wisdom I am receiving here from the rest, I would have given up several chapters ago! Thank you!
Your last comment shows why we need the fellowship of believers!
Dear Bing,
How I love all that you wrote! It feels like everything is unraveling and we truly need to stay close to the Lord and in His Word. I so need to be ready to meet Him and to pray for the lost. I am so thankful for all of you ladies who truly love the Lord and live in His Word.
I love this:
Studying the book of Revelation here has really upped my awareness of what has been going on around the world. Suffering/prosecution is intensifying, immorality is on a high, plagues, disasters, earthquakes, etc, and man wanting to be his own god. We see signs of the times though we do not know when the Son of Man will come back for His Beloved. I need to be ready to meet Him anytime and to keep praying for the lost.To all-the accountability and the faithfulness of everybody to come here as you are and to diligently plug along is one of the reasons why I am committed to doing this study. It has been a mind-stretching, soul-searching, humbling experience for me to dig into such a difficult book. If it were not for your patience and excellent leadership, Dee, and the grace and wisdom I am receiving here from the rest, I would have given up several chapters ago! Thank you!
Amen! Thank you Dee. Thank you Bing..
I am not finding the document to print the daily questions?
Thanks Shirley – just put it in.
2. Read Revelation 11:1-6
A. What is John told to do in verses 1-2?
He is told to measure the temple, but not the outer part of the temple.
B. What will the Gentiles and the Two Witnesses do for 42 months? (verses 2-3)
The nations will trample the outer temple. The two witnesses will prophesy for that time.
C. To what are the two witnesses compared in verse 4?
They are compared to olive trees and lamp stands.
D. What kind of protection and power will these two witnesses have? (verses 5-6)
They have fire that flashes from their mouths that will consume their enemies. They can shut the sky to turn off the rain, and turn the rivers and oceans into blood. They can also strike the earth with any plague they wish.
3. How have you interpreted all this in the past, if you have?
I haven’t interpreted this before. I wonder if the olive trees are “peace” (“extend an olive branch”) and the lamp stands the churches again?
4. In Mystery Explained, read everything under The Measuring of the Temple.
A. How do the futurists interpret this passage?
The temple is the one rebuilt after Jesus returns. The worshipers are a remnant of believing Jews.
Hi, Brenda Jean! I am newly retired, too! Welcome to the blog!
B. Why does Dr. Campbell think the olive trees and the lampstands support the belief that the temple represents the true Church rather than a building?
The witness are called lamp stands, which remind us of the 7 churches from the beginning of Revelation. According to Campbell, the olive trees and lamp stands represent the Holy Spirit (not sure I follow this?). The HS will be poured out on all of God’s people. The attack comes to a group, not individuals. The whole world will view the attack, which tells us that it will happen to a world wide church. The witnesses prophesy for 3.5 years, the same amount of time the holy city is “trampled underfoot.”
C. What view do you take and why?
As I read it and study more, I am understanding what he is saying here about the church. Unfortunately, my background with the Bible is not as extensive and I have to “take it on faith” that his correlation is true, as I don’t have the time to research all the back scriptures to which he references. I am leaning toward symbolic for the entire text however. It makes more sense to me that way. It is hard because I am more of a “literal” personality.
Interesting about a more literal personality — and here you are on a blog with a woman who loves the poetic books of the Bible!
Yes, I know 😉. Poetry is hard for me! But, I love rhyming poetry. I guess it’s the musical rhythm to it that I find pleasing. This book is so hard to wrap my head around and I want to quit. But, I know it’s important so I don’t. It’s different with poetry. It’s not important (usually, of course then there’s SOS!) so I just give up.
Laura, I was struck by you saying that you are more of a literal personality. It was like a revelation (smile) to me that here we are, of different backgrounds, placed by God together virtually, and learning to value all our differences and our say on the matter. This blog is such a blessing! I hope your school year is off to a great start!
Bing! Agree about the blog. Thanks for the well wishes for school. The best part of my first day back (yesterday) was that I really don’t have to wear a mask unless I am within 3 feet of another person. I am grateful for that because of a couple of reasons…you can’t teach well with a mask on all day. It is AWFUL. And, between the hot flashes from just being 57 and taking tamoxifen, some days I thought I would die. It was the worst year of my 28 yr teaching career because of that last year. I will be where you are in a couple of years though (with teaching that is).
2. A. John was told to measure the temple, the altar, and count the worshippers without including the outer court.
B. He is told the Gentiles will trample the holy city for 42 months while the 2 witnesses prophesy in sackcloth for 1260 days.
C. The witnesses are compared to the olive trees and lampstands that are in God’s presence.
D. Their protection is the ability to slay with fire from their mouths those who try to harm them. Their power is to control the rain, turn water into blood, and strike the earth with whatever plague they want.
3. In the past I’ve seen this as Elijah and Enoch, the only two throughout history that didn’t die physically, sent specifically at this time to give special warning to non believers.
4. A. Futurists see a literal rebuilt temple and Jerusalem being attacked for 3.5 years.
B. Campbell sees it symbolically, where measuring really means protecting and the witnesses are the Church. Probably because earlier the lampstands stood for something else, he feels they have to stand for the same thing now.
2. Read Revelation 11:1-6
A. What is John told to do in verses 1-2?
He was told to measure the temple of God and the altar, and count the number of worshipers, but not to measure the outer court.
B. What will the Gentiles and the Two Witnesses do for 42 months? (verses 2-3)
They will trample the holy city and prophesy.
C. To what are the two witnesses compared in verse 4?
Olive trees and lampstands.
D. What kind of protection and power will these two witnesses have? (verses 5-6)
Fire flashes from their mouths and consumes their enemies. Power to shut the sky so rain doesn’t fall as long as they prophesy, turn the rivers and oceans into blood and strike the earth with every kind of plague as often as they wish.
3. How have you interpreted all this in the past, if you have?
John measuring the temple is seen as God’s measuring off Israel for salvation and giving them protection. During the first half of the tribulation this temple will be built under the influence of the Antichrist. Outside the temple which is anything John did not measure and I say that because the brazen altar was just outside the temple and is obviously protected. This unprotected area marked the area where Gentiles were forbidden to go. In New Testament times, the Romans had given the Jews the right to execute any Gentile who went beyond the court, because to do so would defile the temple. (Acts 21:28-29) The outer court or unprotected area is given to the nations to tread under foot for 42 months. These months or 3 1/2 years are talking about the latter part of the tribulation and during that time two witnesses, actual men, will proclaim God’s message of judgement, preaching the gospel so the Jewish remnant can be saved and protected. They are wearing sackcloth to express great sorrow for the unbelieving world and also mourning the desecration of the temple. Two olive trees and two lampstands is a description drawn from Zechariah’s vision and prophecy in 4:1-14. They are identified to be Moses and Elijah because of (1) the miracles they perform, (2) Jewish tradition expected them…Malachi 4:5 predicts Elijah to return and the Jews believed God’s promise to raise up a prophet like Moses (Deuteronomy 18:15, 18), see also John 1:21; 6:14; 7:40. (3) Moses and Elijah appeared with Christ at the transfiguration. (4) Both men exited the earth in unusual ways…Elijah never died as he was taken up in a chariot (2 Kings 2:11-12) and Moses was supernaturally buried by God in a secret location (Deuteronomy 34:5-6; Jude 9). But whoever these two witnesses may be their powers are very similar.
4. In Mystery Explained, read everything under The Measuring of the Temple.
A. How do the futurists interpret this passage?
“See this as referring to a rebuilt temple in the days immediately prior to the return of Christ, and the worshippers are a remnant of believing Jews. Those in the outer court are unbelieving Jews and will not be protected . Gentiles will attach Jerusalem during a literal 42 month period and persecute the remnant.”
B. Why does Dr. Campbell think the olive trees and the lampstands support the belief that the temple represents the true Church rather than a building?
They are called lampstands, which Revelation 1:12-25 clearly identifies as the church. Olive trees and lamptands both allude to the Holy Spirit, who is poured out upon all God’s people (not just 2), who will then prophesy. That the beast will make war with them alluding directly to Daniel 7:21, where a nation is attacked, not isolated individuals. According to verses 9-13 the whole world will witness the defeat of the witnesses, a portrayal of something happening world wide. The witnesses prophesy for 3 1/2 years, the same time the holy city (clearly the church) is trampled underfoot, the woman of 12:6 (also clearly the church) is oppressed, and those dwelling in heaven.
C. What view do you take and why?
Still praying through this.
2. Read Revelation 11:1-6
A. What is John told to do in verses 1-2? Measure the temple
B. What will the Gentiles and the Two Witnesses do for 42 months? (verses 2-3) The Gentiles with trample the Holy City and the 2 witnesses will prophesy.
C. To what are the two witnesses compared in verse 4? The 2 olive trees and the 2 lampstands.
D. What kind of protection and power will these two witnesses have? (verses 5-6) Fire from their mouths and the ability to stop rain.
3. How have you interpreted all this in the past, if you have? I thought that there would be 2 physical beings who would literally stand in Jerusalem and prophesy.
4. In Mystery Explained, read everything under The Measuring of the Temple.
A. How do the futurists interpret this passage? That this is referring to a rebuilt temple in the days immediately prior to the return of Christ and the worshipers are a remnant of believing Jews.
B. Why does Dr. Campbell think the olive trees and the lampstands support the belief that the temple represents the true Church rather than a building? Olive trees and lampstands represent the Holy Spirit which is poured out on all of the church.
C. What view do you take and why? The view that this is taking place right now makes sense to me.
2. Revelation 11:1-6 A. what is John told to do? Measure the temple of God and the altar and count the worshipers.
B. What will the Gentiles and 2 witnesses do for 42 months? The Gentiles will trample on the Holy City; 2 witnesses will prophesy for 1260 days.
C. To what are the 2 witnesses compared? 2 olive trees and 2 lampstands
D. What kind of protection and power will these 2 witnesses have? If anyone tries to harm them fire comes from their mouths and devours their enemies.
3. How have you interpreted this in the past? that these 2 witnesses are individuals, but there are many speculations about this.
4. In Mystery Explained why does Dr. Campbell think the olive trees and the lampstands support the belief
that the temple represents the true Church rather than a building? He believes this must be understood in the same way as the rest of Revelation- figuratively rather than literally. All Christians are part of God’s temple in this present age.
B. What view do you take? I refer to the Commentary I have by Dr. Lehman Strauss that even though this prior sentence is true in this present age (Ephesians 2:21) these verses do not refer to the Church, but this is Jewish worship. It refers specifically to the holy city, Jerusalem. Yes, it is a difficult chapter, requiring much prayer. Zechariah 2, and 14:1-2 I read these both and do not know how it will come to be. However I am trusting God.
Believing Jews(completed Jews) are part of the Church. But perhaps through the chastisement the unbelieving Jews will come to salvation? this is one of the thoughts I ponder.
Yes, Shirley, I think it all comes down to trusting God!
5. Read Revelation 11:7-10
A. What does John see happening in this passage?
The beast rises from the bottomless pit and makes war with the witnesses, conquerors them and kills them. Their dead bodies lie in the street and for 3 1/2 days and some people from different tribes, languages and nations will gaze at their bodies and refuse to bury them. They will rejoice, make merry and exchange presents because these 2 prophets have tormented those who dwell on the earth.
B. Why might it seem at this point like the world has won?
Because the witnesses are dead and the world is rejoicing.
6. Read in Mystery Explained, the paragraph under The Forty-Two Months. Not real sure where this is?
A. When did John see this time beginning in contrast to Daniel?
Daniel saw this time as in the future but for John it had begun, it was initiated by Christ’s death.
B. Why does Dr. Campbell think the numbers in Revelation are symbolic?
C. How does Dr. Campbell see the witnesses of Moses and Elijah linked with the witness of the Church?
The parallelism of these verses to Matthew 24 and Daniel 7 shows that the 2 witnesses are symbolic representatives of the people of God as a whole, for it is the people of God who are referred to in both texts, not certain individuals.
D. Dr. Campbell finds support from verse 8 that the tribulation began after Christ’s death. What is it?
“Where their Lord was crucified.”
E. What is your view and why?
See Monday
e6. Read in Mystery Explained the paragraph under The Forty-Two Months.
A. When did John see this time beginning in contrast to Daniel?
For Daniel, this time (the 42 months) was in the distant future, but for John, he saw it as having begun and continuing until the return of Christ.
B. Why does Dr. Campbell think the numbers in Revelation are symbolic?
He says that if everything else in the vision is symbolic, then the time period must also be symbolic. The 42 months could be significant because there were 42 encampments of the Israelites in the wilderness, there were 42 months of Elijah’s judgment on Israel, and the Israelites spent 42 years in the desert.
C. How does Dr. Campbell see the witnesses of Moses and Elijah linked with the witness of the Church?
The witnesses being identified as Moses and Elijah remind the reader of their ministries to God’s people, and verses in Revelation picture the community of faith battling against Egypt, or as being protected in the wilderness. The situation of the Israelites and of Elijah are illustrations pointing towards the events of the last days, and the 42 months links together Moses, Elijah, and the church.
D. Dr. Campbell finds support from verse 8 that the tribulation began after Christ’s death. What is it?
The phrase in verse 8, “where their Lord was crucified”, Campbell writes, suggests that “the trampling was initiated by Christ’s death in Jerusalem”.
E. What is your view and why?
I really don’t know! Dr. Campbell’s explanations seem plausible. I am not a scholar of the OT, and it still is beyond my understanding how biblical scholars link all of these things together and come up with an explanation. Most of the NT is so straightforward that it’s hard for me to understand why this particular book is so “wild”.
Your last comment is interesting, Susan. I know! I don’t know which sermon we heard, but he said if you have a God you can completely understand, you aren’t worshipping the real God.
To your E, Susan, I’m guessing it’s to “keep us on our toes!” It reminds me of Job and how Job questions God and God starts to question him on his authority. It just dawned on me…didn’t we learn that Job was really the first book written in the Bible? Wouldn’t that be ironic that it’s the first and Revelation is the last? They are both so strange in their own ways….I never understood why God allowed all that happened to Job happen, and it comes about because of the devil. In Revelation, the devil is working for evil, God isn’t stopping what’s going on, and here we sit wondering why again. In this case it’s more of a why this number and that image. The Bible is amazing really! It never gets old or goes out of style! Every time I read it I learn something new. I just know that what is in it is important and I need to at least consider as much as I can. I may not understand it all and that’s okay. He knows.
Love this, Laura-I may not understand it all and that’s okay. He knows.
5. Read Revelation 11:7-10.
A. What does John see happening in this passage?
The two witnesses are killed by satan.
B. Why might it seem at this point like the world has won?
Because the witnesses are the church and the Holy Spirit. They have (supposedly) succumbed to the devil, so to the world it appears they have been defeated.
6. Read in Mystery Explained, the paragraph under The Forty-Two Months.
A. When did John see this time beginning in contrast to Daniel?
John sees the time as already in progress. Current time. It will continue until Christ returns.
B. Why does Dr. Campbell think the numbers in Revelation are symbolic?
He says that if everything else in the book is symbolic, then so should the numbers be symbolic.
C. How does Dr. Campbell see the witnesses of Moses and Elijah linked with the witness of the Church?
He says the 42 months links Moses and Elijah to Christ and the church. He says this is because of the 42 encampments of children and the 42 months of judgment by Elijah. Also the Israelites wandered for 42 months prior to entering the promised land (two years were spent refusing to enter).
D. Dr. Campbell finds support from verse 8 that the tribulation began after Christ’s death. What is it?
I suppose it’s that the trampling happens in Jerusalem? I don’t see that it (Christ’s death) is the catalyst though 🤷🏻♀️. To me, in each translation I checked (4-5) it just seems to make a reference to the city being where the Lord was murdered.
E. What is your view and why?
I’m not following that Christ’s death began the tribulation. I can agree that the writing is all symbolic (especially since I don’t understand most of the analogies in any literal sense!). I’m also confused as to who the two witnesses are now. I thought they were the church and the Holy Spirit. Now he says they are Moses and Elijah. What is really scary to me is that if they are the church and the HS, I can actually believe this is going on as we speak! The world is crumbling and that includes the church. I guess the hope is that Christ is all I need, no man, no church, nothing on earth. Please Lord come! Our sisters and brothers in Christ are dying right now around the world. Please help the poor people of Afghanistan, any Christian missionaries there, and the Americans stranded.
The persecution was so severe with the early church, that does make sense to me. 11 of the 12 disciples were martyred as well as so many other Christians.
I agree with your prayer for Afghanistan.
I agree with you ladies on Afghanistan. I am very late this week, as we have had company, but I have been praying for Afghanistan and for Susan’s son to be safe wherever he is deployed. I get so overwhelmed by the news, I have not been sleeping well. I am sure you all feel the same. Our prayers do matter.
Oh, Laura, how much we need to pray for the poor people of Afghanistan and all who are there. thank you
Tuesday: The Forty-Two Months
5. Read Revelation 11:7-10.
A. What does John see happening in this passage?
“Now when they have finished their testimony, the beast that comes up from the Abyss will attack them, and overpower and kill them. Their bodies will lie in the public square of the great city—which is figuratively called Sodom and Egypt—where also their Lord was crucified. For three and a half days some from every people, tribe, language, and nation will gaze on their bodies and refuse them burial. The inhabitants of the earth will gloat over them and will celebrate by sending each other gifts because these two prophets had tormented those who live on the earth.”
Such a gruesome picture!
B. Why might it seem at this point like the world has won?
Because their deaths may mean that God did not save them and they accomplished for naught AND the world is celebrating! How so like our present days! When Christians suffer, unbelievers, scoff. And they celebrate the seeming “defeat” of Christians standing for godly principles.
6. Read in Mystery Explained, the paragraph under The Forty-Two Months.
A. When did John see this time beginning in contrast to Daniel?
Daniel prophesied a period of tribulation time, times, and half a time (=three and a half years or 42 months) For Daniel, it was in the distant future but for John it has begun and will proceed throughout the church age until the return of Christ (1:1)
B. Why does Dr. Campbell think the numbers in Revelation are symbolic?
If everything else in the vision is symbolic, so almost must the time period be.
A. How does Dr. Campbell see the witnesses of Moses and Elijah linked with the witness of the Church?
Moses and Elijah were identified as the 2 witnesses (does the fact that these 2 were present in the Transfiguration factor into these?)
42 encampments of the children of Israel in the wilderness (with Moses)
42 months of Elijah’s judgment on Israel
42 years in the desert with 2 of them as time of refusal to enter the Promised Land
The situation of Israel and that of Elijah were prophetic illustrations towards the events of the last days and so link them with the church.
B. Dr. Campbell finds support from verse 8 that the tribulation began after Christ’s death. What is it?
The trampling was initiated by Christ death suggested by the phrase “Where their Lord was crucified” in v. 8.
C. What is your view and why?
Not sure. Dr. Campbell makes plausible sense to me. But I am not a scholar in OT as Susan said as well. My head is still spinning trying to understand the verbiage and all I have been doing is asking God to help me understand. I know my view matters but I rest at peace that whatever it is, it does not change my salvation one iota.
4. Wednesday: The Two Witnesses
This is probably the section that I am bewildered about but I am plugging along!
7. Read again Revelation 11:1-6 and also, in Mystery Explained, everything under “The Two Witnesses” up to “The powers given to the witnesses in verses 5-6”)
A. How are the witnesses protected according to this passage and Dr. Campbell’s first paragraph?
Fire will come out of their mouths and consume their foes.
B. Why does Dr. Campbell believe these two witnesses are the true Church rather than just two individuals? How does he support this from this passage?
The 2 witnesses were called lampstands which are clearly identified as the church. Olive trees and lampstands both allude to the Holy Spirit who is poured out upon all God’s people. The beast will make war on them v. 7 and alludes to Daniel 7:21 where a nation is attacked, not isolated individuals.
A. How does he explain, legally and scripturally, why God would use the number two?
A witness is a legal term in Greek and the number 2 is n OT requirement for determining a legal offense; Jesus sent out disciples in groups of 2 as legal witnesses to the gospel. Two angels bore witness to the resurrection and to Christ return.
The witnesses stand before the Lord in the same way, the actual lampstands stood in the tabernacle and the temple. This signifies that they are spiritually protected. The olive trees came from a vision to Zechariah of 2 olive trees standing before the lampstand in the temple and saw a king and a priest re-establishing a literal temple. In John, he sees a corporate witness of the church identified as kings and priests establishing a spiritual and eternal temple. Zechariah saw an angel measuring Jerusalem and John is given a measuring rod
by an angel signifying the protection by God of his spiritual temple, the church.
8. Read Rev. 11:5-6 again and the rest from Dr. Campbell under “The Two Witnesses” and answer:
A. What does the fire the comes from the mouths of the witnesses represent? The word of God pronouncing God’s judgment on the world’s sins.
B. How can you see verse 6 as identified with Elijah and Moses? (Campbell can help!)
Oh, here is where the Transfiguration is relevant. I now see why it was Moses and Elijah who were with Jesus on the mountain!
Bing — you’ll notice in the sermon he says Revelation 11 is the hardest chapter in the whole book. I think we will be ready for a break!
I noticed that, Dee! Yes, a break will be wonderful!
4. In Mystery Explained, read everything under The Measuring of the Temple. I found this section exceptionally difficult to concentrate on, I read it more than once but still felt unsure that I was taking it in.
A. How do the futurists interpret this passage?
That the two witnesses are literally two men.
B. Why does Dr. Campbell think the olive trees and the lampstands support the belief that the temple represents the true Church rather than a building?Dr. Campbell says the identification of the witnesses with the lamp stands associates them with the church in chapter 1. The olive trees and lamp stands also point yo the Holy Spirit who is poured out on all the church not just two witnesses.
C. What view do you take and why?I am inclined to Dr Campbell’s view but that said, it seems really far fetched to believe that we have the proper interpretation now in hand…this stuff is mysterious.
Tuesday: The Forty-Two Months
5. Read Revelation 11:7-10.
A. What does John see happening in this passage?The death of the two prophets at the hand of the beast. A terrible gloating over their bodies.
B. Why might it seem at this point like the world has won?
The prophets of God have been silenced, it would appear that they had been wrong.I thought of how people must have felt when Hitler was at the height of his power.
7. Read again Revelation 11:1-6 and also, in Mystery Explained, everything under “The Two Witnesses” up to “The powers given to the witnesses in verses 5-6”)
A. How are the witnesses protected according to this passage and Dr. Campbell’s first paragraph?
Fire pours from their mouths and consumes their foes.
B. Why does Dr. Campbell believe these two witnesses are the true Church rather than just two individuals? How does he support this from this passage? They are portrayed as the lamp stands (how the church is described in first part of Revelation) and the Olive trees (alludes to the Holy Spirit) poured out on all of God’s people, not just 2. The beast making war on them alludes to Daniel 7:21 where a nation is attacked, not isolated individuals. And according to verses 9-13, the whole world will witness the (apparent) defeat of the witnesses. They prophesy 3 1/2 years – the same time the holy city (clearly the church) is trampled underfoot, the woman in 12:6 (also representing the church)is oppressed, and those dwelling in heaven (the deceased saints awaiting the resurrection of 13:6) are blasphemed. Campbell makes a very convincing argument that these two witnesses portray the whole church. It really makes a lot of sense to me in seeing what is unfolding in our world today. Christian’s are hated and sought after and that is only going to get worse.
C. How does he explain, legally and scripturally, why God would use the number two?
Legally in the OT 2 witnesses were required to determine a legal offense. Jesus sent the disciples out in groups of 2 as legal witnesses to the gospel message. Paul used the same method. Two angels witnessed the resurrection.
8. Read Rev. 11:5-6 again and the rest from Dr. Campbell under “The Two Witnesses” and answer:
A. What does the fire the comes from the mouths of the witnesses represent?
It signifies the pronouncing of God’s judgement on the world’s sins.
B. How can you see verse 6 as identified with Elijah and Moses? (Campbell can help!)
Elijah had the power to shut the sky and it didn’t rain for 3 1/2 years. One of the plagues Moses used was turning the waters of the Nile to blood.
C. Dr. Campbell refers to the incident in Luke 9 when the disciples wanted to call down fire on the Samaritans. What parallel does Dr. Campbell see with these witnesses at the end of time?
Just as the disciples were declaring both grace and judgement of God so are the 2 witnesses by declaring the Gospel and the consequences of disobeying it. Neither one used “literal” fire.
D. Does anything else from this section stand out to you? If so, what?
The church is the emphasis of this vision which starts with the resurrection and ends with the Lord’s return.
I thought he made a lot of sense too, Sharon. It certainly does feel like all this is happening. Even secular people are asking what is going on!
9. Watch or listen to the above and share your notes and comments.
This sermon was so powerful and enlightening to my soul, I needed to look up a song and a verse!
Song: Open the eyes of my heart, Lord
Open the eyes of my heart, Lord, I want to see you. To see you high and lifted up, Shining in the light of your glory, Hold out your power and love as we sing Holy, Holy, Holy.
Verse: Open my eyes [to spiritual truth] so that I may behold Wonderful things from Your law. Psalm 119:18
Revelation 11 is not just about judgment but a call to repentance. God wants us to know that we play an important, integral part in the restoration of His kingdom. We have a high calling. The measurements were taken, a wall of fire around her, and I will be the glory in her midst. In Zechariah, He is a wall of fire around –we are totally and completely secure. Not a single one will be lost! We are eternally secure!
The number 42 is symbolic (42 months with the Israelites, 42 months Elijah. And he mentioned 42 generations in Matthew) and represents the fullness of time in redemptive history. It is the time between the resurrection of Christ and now. Darryl Johnson said it is the time between the cross until the city comes down from Heaven.
The church, measured by God and secure in Him, will be invincible and very vulnerable; Christians live like lambs in the midst of wolves. We are called to imitate the King, in the way of the Lamb.
A. Who are we?
v.3 The 2 witnesses are called olive trees and lampstands; It is symbolic, a representation of the church; Legally, 2 witnesses are required when someone is on trial. Jesus is on trial in the eyes of the world. Jesus claims to be God and we are called to be His witnesses. I did not think of the OT and NT people of God as the 2 witnesses!
God’s focus is on repentance and we are witnesses, an embodiment of the love of God.
v.3 We are to prophesy, we declare the Word of God with our lives and with our mouths; clothed in sackcloth representing continual repentance on our part.
Continual repentance is a continual acknowledgment that the gospel is true not only once but it is true today.
v. 4 Oil from olive trees to fill the lamps. Zechariah 4 Our lamps are burning not by might nor by power but by God’s Spirit.
We are spiritually empowered and joyfully repentant prophetic witnesses.
B. Why are we here?
a. Our lives are meant to be poured out; we are meant to die; our brothers and sisters are dying for their witness; bringing good news to unbelievers is a torment; not everyone would love what we would like to say. We will be hated at times for our witness; if our lives are precious to us, we cannot be witnesses for Christ; walk in the way of the Lamb; TO DIE
b. v. 11-12 to imitate Jesus in His resurrection; we will be resurrected physically. TO RISE
Philippians 2:10 every knee will bow, every tongue confesses that Jesus is Lord. He will come not as Lamb but as the Lion of Judah and it will be too late for unbelievers.
C. Where is this all leading?
All leads to the promise of the redemption of all things, the coming kingdom of God. Hallelujah. Come, Lord Jesus!
Conclusion: John 3:16 with additions from Matt:
God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son
God so loved the world that He waits till He comes again
God so love d the world that He has sent us to be the powerful light the world will ever know.
These are wonderful notes, Bing, to a powerful sermon. I love the hymn you picked, Open the eyes of my heart, Lord! I loved
“We are spiritually empowered and joyfully repentant prophetic witnesses.”
Thanks, Shirley! I was so pumped listening to Matt! What he shared made sense to me personally. I just want to trust God to continually open the eyes of my heart. When things are too wonderful or too mysterious for me, I will just say, “I trust you, Lord.” I hope your hands are feeling much better these days?
Loved this from Bing!
God wants us to know that we play an important, integral part in the restoration of His kingdom. We have a high calling. The measurements were taken, a wall of fire around her, and I will be the glory in her midst.
Thank you for the great notes, Bing, and the link to the song. It made my whole week! I loved Matt’s sermon and it really helped me put all of this into perspective. Though the Bible is complicated, God’s truths are simple. I love your words, “when things are too wonderful or too mysterious for me, I will trust you, Lord.” Amen
5. What does John see? When they have finished their testimony the beast will rise from the bottomless pit and will kill them.
B. Why will it seem like the world has won? They are killed and their bodies lie in the street of that great city.
6. In Mystery Explained
John sees this time in contrast to Daniel who prophesied a period of tribulation for 42 months. 42 is a Biblical way of linking Moses, Eljjah and the Church.
B. Campbell sees the numbers as symbolic because he sees everything else in the vision as symbolic.
7. The 2 witnesses are protected; the Church is spiritually protected.
B. Campbell believes it is the Church because they are called lampstands and olive trees and this alludes to the Holy Spirit, poured out on all God’s people.
C. How does he explain the number 2? Because 2 witnesses are required legally and scripturally. 2 witnesses was the Old Testament requirement for determining a legal offense.
8. Fire represents the pronouncement of God’s judgment on the world’s sins.
B. Verse 6 identified Moses and Elijah. The Old Testament expectation was that Moses and Elijah would return in the latter days to restore Israel.
7. Read again Revelation 11:1-6 and also, in Mystery Explained, everything under “The Two Witnesses” up to “The powers given to the witnesses in verses 5-6”)
A. How are the witnesses protected according to this passage and Dr. Campbell’s first paragraph?
They are protected by the spirit of God.
B. Why does Dr. Campbell believe these two witnesses are the true Church rather than just two individuals? How does he support this from this passage?
The lamp stands represent the churches. The olive trees stand before the lamp stands in the temple. John is given the vision of a corporate witness, the church, being established s a spiritual and eternal temple. He is given a measuring rod symbolizing God’s protection over the temple.
C. How does he explain, legally and scripturally, why God would use the number two?
The OT describes that two were needed for any legal offense. Jesus sent the disciples out in pairs; Paul s as well. Two angels witnessed the resurrection and Christ’s ascension into heaven.
8. Read Rev. 11:5-6 again and the rest from Dr. Campbell under “The Two Witnesses” and answer:
A. What does the fire the comes from the mouths of the witnesses represent?
It is God’s judgment on the world sin.
B. How can you see verse 6 as identified with Elijah and Moses? (Campbell can help!)
This is hard for me. He says they link the text together. Moses and Elijah are to help restore the kingdom in the latter days. Moses represents the law and Elijah the prophets. Elijah had a power to withhold the rain and Moses to make the water turn to blood.
Thursday/Friday Sermon
This chapter is the 2nd interlude in the book. Chapter 7 being the first.
God is calling the people to repentance. We need to return back to our creator and let Him redeem us and our world…this is the only way to have peace, security and abundant life we’re chasing.
God wants us to see our part in this book, the restoration of all things.
3 questions..
1. Who are we
2. Why are we here
3. Where is this all leading.
Verses 1&2
There are almost 500 references to the OT in this book.
Measuring the temple refers to Zechariah 2. John is playing the part of the guy measuring. No measurements given because God is reassuring His church that He is a wall of fire all around them. His church is secured by the blood of the Lamb and eternally secure. Chapter 7 is the exact same thing.
Outer court trampled by the nations for 42 months.
Numbers in Revelation are symbolic. 42 would of been significant to John. Leviticus 33…42 is the number of stages in Israel’s journey from Egypt to the promised land. 1 Kings…the amount of time Elijah stopped the rain when he called the nation to repentance. Matt. 1…genealogy is 3 sets of 14 which equals 42 up to Jesus. He leaves names out to make it 42 cause he was trying to show ancient Israel that Jesus’s birth marked the end of time waiting for the Messiah. 42 gave the fullness of time in any redemptive history. It represents the period of time we live in, from the cross to when Jesus comes down out of heaven.
1260 days, 3 1/2 years, times times and 1/2 times and 42 months are all intertwined and represent the same amount of time.
The outer court of the temple (the church) will be trampled on by the nations for 42 months tells us that the church, though measured by God, and ultimately secured will be under increasing pressure and persecution until the day that Jesus Christ returns. The church is invincible but very vulnerable… for 42 months Christians will live like lambs in the midst of wolves. We’re called to imitate the King not retaliate.
1. Who are we? Verse 3,4
A. We’re witnesses and Jesus is on trial in the eyes of the world because He came and claimed the solution to our systemic brokenness. To live as Jesus witness is to love as the embodiment of the love of God.
B. We lead lives of continued repentance. There is misunderstanding of what repentance is. We think it’s something that we do for God instead of something God does for us. When we do that we see repentance as nothing other than failure. If we have to continue to repent than it’s not working. We beat ourselves up and with will power it can go on for years but it always leads to the same place – spiritual burn-out. Biblical repentance isn’t primarily what we do for God, it’s what He’s done for us. It’s a gift we’ve been given thru the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. It’s continual acknowledgment that the gospel is true. Ongoing continual repentance acknowledges that the gospel isn’t just true once, the gospel isn’t true before, the gospel is true today. The gospel isn’t that we needed the blood of the Lamb to cover us way back then, it’s for every day, every moment for as long as we have breath. Baptism like repentance is not what we primarily do for God, it’s what God has done for us. Nothing displays the gospel more than broken men and women, running back to God, knowing that God loves us in spite of our mess.
If you want to become more Christ-like and killing sin is to fall more deeply in love with the God who loves us in spite of our behavior. Sin only dies when we have more joy in our repentance than in the fleeting pleasure of sin.
Get accustomed to inexhaustible forgiveness and grace.
C. The Holy Spirit is the source of our power to do the above (verse 4). Why the point of what Elijah and Moses did…God was validating the words of His witness and setting His people free from slavery enslaving them. Today, God’s Spirit is accomplishing the exact same thing thru the church.
2. Why are we here? 7-10
A. We are here to die. We can’t be good witnesses until we realize that not everyone will love what we have to say. We simply cannot grasp the promises of God as long as our lives are the most precious thing to us. We are called by the power of the Spirit to pour out our lives until there is nothing left.
B. We are here to rise. We will be resurrected to a new body. There is coming a day when everyone will see Jesus for who He is…Phil.2
3. Where is this all leading?
The consumption of God’s kingdom.
Look, see, that God is a consuming fire all around us, He’s made us to be His witness and given us purpose that will reverberate throughout all eternity. God has sent us into the world in our weakness, to be light.
Come Lord Jesus !
What an interesting post from Sharon — would love comments.
I loved this: If you want to become more Christ-like and killing sin is to fall more deeply in love with the God who loves us in spite of our behavior. Sin only dies when we have more joy in our repentance than in the fleeting pleasure of sin.
I sure heard that same thing in the sermon!! It looks to me like a radical redefining of the word repentance. Instead of my thinking it is about my promising to do better, it is a returning to how I can’t do better and I need Him moment by moment.
Dee, this really struck me from his sermon. I will admit I have never looked at repentance in the way he described it. I always thought it was my part to do and never thought of what God has done for me. I just figured when I asked for forgiveness that repentance was up to me. Mary, you hit it on the nail….” Instead of my thinking it is about my promising to do better, it is a returning to how I can’t do better and I need Him moment by moment”.
That is very freeing and I continue to learn and try to wrap my head around it.
Sharon and Mary B, yes, the redefining of repentance is very freeing. The promise to do better seems so discouraging because I know I am just going to sin again. But to return to knowing that I can’t do any better and I need Him moment by moment leads to trusting He is true to His promise in I John 1:9 and to believe the last part of the verse that I have been cleansed and forgiven.
This is such a wonderful discussion — I hope everyone reads it. Shows the power of this iron sharpening fellowship.
Dee and Sharon, on your post (is this what you want us to comment on, Dee?) If you want to become more Christ-like and killing sin is to fall more deeply in love with the God who loves us in spite of our behavior. Sin only dies when we have more joy in our repentance than in the fleeting pleasure of sin.
I have a new friend that I am prayer walking with. This morning we talked about confession and repentance and trusting His Word in I John 1:9. She said one time she asked God to cleanse her heart of sins that she was not aware of. God spoke to her in a dream about her sins! And then when she woke up, she thanked God because what He revealed never entered her mind! I was looking at her face and she was radiant while telling me. And I thought what Sharon said her is exactly true with her experience. That very sin died and she was really joyfully repenting of it because now the unrecognized sin was seen as sin and slain at the cross! Can’t express it very well…maybe I am out of context or on a rabbit trail here.
You are right on, Bing! How special your friend shared this.
No rabbit hole Bing…that story about your friend fits so well with what Matt said! The verse 1John 1:9 is perfect here…a promise to cling to. Thank you!
As Dee said..iron sharpening iron! I have to say who’d of thought this chapter would spur such a conversation? God is amazing.
Dee, Sharon, Bing and Mary~ I love this iron sharpening iron~ I love seeing repentance this way. It makes so much sense. When my eyes are fixed on Jesus, and His gift to us, His powerful, unconditional love, I have such joy and the sin in my heart is replaced with my joy in Him. His love conquers all. I don’t know if that makes sense, but darkness cannot survive in His light. I visualize the sun (and the Son)coming up in the morning and chasing the darkness away. I love the story of your new friend, Bing, and her dream.
My daughter and I were discussing this earlier this week and she has such trouble forgiving herself for past sins. I hope I can clearly relate these ideas to her. You all have blessed me beyond measure. I love the rabbit trails.
Yes, Patti! That does make sense-light chasing the darkness away. Like you, I have been waking up earlier than usual. I used to resent those early mornings, now I know God has been waking me up. So, I just say, “What’s up, Lord?” (Smile) Or like Matthew from The Chosen when Jesus woke Him up: “Rabbi, what is it?” If He brings country/people to mind, like Afghanistan or Haiti, etc. I just pray until I fall asleep again or get up and read my Bible or a Christian book.
Thanks for the awesome notes Sharon!! I got that we repent and we spread the Word. It is what we were made to do. God loves us unconditionally.
Love these!
“Sin only dies when we have more joy in our repentance than in the fleeting pleasure of sin.”
“We simply cannot grasp the promises of God as long as our lives are the most precious thing to us.”
5. A. John sees the beast coming out of the abyss and killing the witnesses. So, referring to how Campbell interprets this, how can Satan kill the Holy Spirit?
B. If the church truly is wiped out at this point, all who have chafed at the call of God through His people would be relieved to no longer have anyone pointing out sin to them.
6. A. According to Campbell, John sees the time frame starting at Jesus’s death and continuing until His return.
B. Campbell feels this number is symbolic to match his view of the rest as being symbolic.
C. The witness of Moses and Elijah is linked to the witness of Jesus in seeing Moses’s time with the children of Israel in the desert and Elijah’s control of rain, and the 14 generations leading up to Jesus as parallel symbolisms. Right?
D. Campbell quotes ‘where their Lord was crucified’ as proof for the start of the tribulation being then.
E. I react to this the same way I imagine those who take this view reacting to a literal interpretation – how do you get that? It is really hard to understand. I’m sorry, Dee. I just keep struggling. I don’t see a symbolic reading as being any simpler or more intuitive. They are just different. I see some areas where one way makes more sense, and then in another place the other seems right. I am VERY committed to letting God sort it out for me!
7. A. The witnesses are protected by the fire that comes from their mouths. So, their words. Though the protection is spiritual and not physical. And evidently, the killing of those who oppose them is also symbolic.
C. The Old Testament was clear, and the New Testament agrees with it, that nothing could be verified by less than 2-3 witnesses. Campbell points to the angels in Luke and John as proof. But both Matthew and Mark have only one.
9. Sermon notes.
The first thing in this chapter is John being told to measure the temple and count the people in the temple. Campbell says this is showing protection of the church and God’s people. Could it not be a ‘measuring’ them for their right to be there? A kind of evaluation? Just wondering.
Matt said that everything here is warning us that all of earth is in need of God. God wants us to see our past written out here. He said there are three questions asked and answered in the chapter.
1. Who are we? We read of measuring and counting, but no numbers are given. The point is that God will we a wall of fire around His people, despite what it looks like or feels like to us. None will be lost, even though the outer court is trampled. The 42 is recalling both the time and the stops of Israel in the wilderness, the time Elijah withheld rain and Jesus’s genealogy to say that the end of waiting is coming. All the ways of saying it are the same and have the same meaning. The Church is measured and protected by God under increasing pressure and persecution until Jesus returns. We are both invincible and vulnerable; we are lambs among wolves. We are witnesses to and for God through all this. The time witnesses are needed is during a court trial, and these many years Jesus has been on trial for claiming to be God. (Makes me think of Isaiah 43:1-12, and especially 10&12, where God says we are witnesses for Him to the world that He is God.) We are called to be the embodiment of His love. Witnesses in sackcloth, because we are continually repenting. Not meaning things we do for God in an effort to show how sorry we are for our failure, because that is really penance, and leads to burn out. Repentance is really agreeing with Him about what He has done for us; that the gospel is true every day. It is not our holiness, but His continual cleansing of us. The only way we change is to fall more deeply in love with Jesus. We need to find more joy in repentance than in continuing to sin. (Sounds like the power of an expulsive love!) The source of our joy, power and more is purely by the Holy Spirit. We can’t make it happen. But we can lean more and more on Him.
2. Why are we here? Our lives should look like a drink offering, being poured out every day to the point of death. It is an irony that bringing love and good news to the world provokes hatred. We need to get comfortable with that truth. If our own lives are too precious to us, we can’t see what God is saying here. Our lives need to imitate Jesus in His death and then in His resurrection.
3. Where is all this leading? The 7th trumpet is the ending, the climax of the story. Our falling short and needing to continually and joyfully repent is what we are called for, so raise your eyes and see your redemption coming closer.
Mary — never apologize for disagreeing. I love your commitment to letting God sort it out for you.
Mary B, I, too agree with Dee. “I love your commitment to letting God sort it out for you.” Oh, to humbly let God sort it out for me when I disagree with somebody else! The principle is similar to what Jesus said in the parable of the tares in Matthew 13:24-30 Let both grow together until the harvest, and at the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, “First gather together the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them, but gather the wheat into my barn.” v.30 The “wheat of truth” will always win. Disagreements with the “negotiable” stuff of life will not matter when we get to heaven because Jesus will always have the final say!
I love that you are such a critical thinker. It is good to be analytical. I always find your comments very thought provoking. It is a very difficult chapter for me. I pray the Lord will give me insights into His Word.
9. What is your take-a-way and why?
Matt Menzel’s sermon stood out for me, especially because I desperately want to know what part I have in the restoration of God’s kingdom. We are spiritually empowered and joyfully repentant prophetic witnesses. This puts to death the idols of performance (we are spiritually empowered) and comfort (joyfully repentant) and significance (prophetic witnesses-this is our role no matter where we are in the seasons of life). We have a high calling as Matt said in his sermon.
The theme of this chapter…We are spiritually empowered and joyfully repentant prophetic witnesses.
I’m so glad for the different aspects that each of us see or should I say God shows us!!!
10. What is your take-a-way and why?
You may think I’m crazy but I like this view in the fact that I am a part of Revelation. I have many friends with the futurist view who are saying, “things are getting worse and I’m sure glad I won’t be around when the end takes place.” My experience for myself and my thinking for them is, it’s ok to just sit back cause I’m going to be ok. BUT, reading this awesome book with the idealist view has put within me an urgency for unbelievers and their salvation and as I have said before has increased my prayer life! Yes, there are so many difficult things in Revelation to sort out and understand, but as I have always told myself, God is sovereign and therefore take in faith those things I just can’t explain. If we think we know it all and are dogmatic about it, where is the sackcloth we’re to be clothed with? Grace, I find myself having more grace !! None of you really know me, but that is a big change for me.
Dee, thank you for modeling grace♥️
Oh, Sharon! This is exactly how this study is reshaping…and re-sharpening my views of Revelation. I don’t think you are crazy at all! No matter, when or how it all takes place, it is showing me the importance and urgency of knowing that, as Christians, we have a role….as you stated:
reading this awesome book with the idealist view has put within me an urgency for unbelievers and their salvation and as I have said before has increased my prayer life!
Yes, Amen to: Dee, thank you for modeling grace!
Patti — it has been so fun to have my lifelong friend here. We were practically babies when I moved to Seattle and you took me under your wing.
😊. I’m so glad you’re here…it is a wonderful thing to be brought together through the ministry of Dee. And you and I are on opposite coasts!!
Sharon — I respected you before we began, but I respect you even more now. You bring so much to this group. It has had the same impact on me.
I don’t think you’re crazy, Sharon, I think you have an open, teachable heart! And I like how this study has impacted you to increase your prayer life!
Thank you Susan, that means so much!
7. Read again Revelation 7:1-6 and also, in Mystery Explained, everything under The Two Witnesses up to “The powers given to the witnesses in verses 5-6.”
A. How are the witnesses protected according to this passage and Dr. Campbell’s first paragraph?
The passage says that fire comes from their mouths and devours their enemies. They also have the power to cause drought, turn waters into blood, and strike the earth with plagues. Campbell writes that the measuring of verse 1 is talking about the spiritual protection of God’s people, and the purpose of this protection is to protect the witness of the church throughout the church age. He writes that these two witnesses are not individual people, but are to be identified with the church as it bears witness. This spiritual protection involves God’s people being tested by suffering, but God will strengthen them so that they remain faithful witnesses.
B. Why does Dr. Campbell believe these two witnesses are the true church rather than just two individuals? How does he support this from this passage?
Campbell says that one reason is that these two witnesses are referred to as “lampstands”, which Rev 1:12-25 identifies as the church. “Olive trees and lampstands” also allude to the Holy Spirit, Who is poured out upon all of God’s people, not just two. In verse 7, it says that the beast will make war on them, which references Daniel 7:21 where an entire nation is attacked, not two individuals. In verses 9-13, it says that the whole world will witness the apparent defeat of the witnesses, and this can only be understood as a portrayal of something happening to the worldwide church.
C. How does he explain, legally and scripturally, why God would use the number two?
The word witness can also be seen as testimony, and are legal terms. Two witnesses were required for determining a legal offense. This is why Jesus sent out the disciples in groups of two, and why two angels bore witness to the resurrection.
Susan, I need to remember this every day! ” This spiritual protection involves God’s people being tested by suffering, but God will strengthen them so that they remain faithful witnesses.” I remember the song that Dee shared with us several weeks ago as sung by Steve Green. “Oh may all who come behind us find us faithful, May the fire of our devotion light their way, May the footprints that we leave Lead them to be believe, And the lives we live, Inspire them to obey.”
Susan, I always appreciate your notes. Realizing this is us and not just two men makes this so relevant to us every day!