The church in Sardis had a reputation of being alive but was dead. The frightening aspect is that they didn’t realize this. As Dr. Campbell says: “Those who have lost their spiritual edge generally do not recognize or acknowledge the severity of their situation.” So God may use severe measures, startling us, like a thief in the night, so that we wake up to the dangerous we are in.
Both Dr. Campbell in Mystery Explained, and Michael Wilcock in his IVP commentary The Message of Revelation, write that while Jesus will come like a thief in the night at the end of time, He will also come like that many times to warn us. He has done it throughout the history of His people. This is a new thought for me, but a good one.
The controversial part of this is that “the thief in the night” has been interpreted to mean that there will a secret return of Jesus which has been called the rapture, for just as a thief comes secretly, so will Jesus. They also believe He will come again where every eye will see Him at the very end of time. Not only is the idea of a rapture controversial, but also when this rapture occurs, if it does, is controversial.
Dr. Campbell doesn’t think there is one shred of evidence for a secret return and that the passage generally used to support that, (1 Thess. 4:13-18) is about the second coming. Those who believe in the secret return say that only believers will hear the trumpet call.
Wherever you stand on this, and true believers who love the Lord stand in many different places, it is not a matter of salvation. But two truths apply, wherever you stand.
1. We are to be ready for His return.
2. We are to be one as Jesus prayed in John 17. That doesn’t mean we have to agree on everything, but we must give grace and love. For that reason, please read and comment on this excellent one-page article from Mark Dever and Justin Taylor:
One of the main applications this week, wherever you stand, is to realize that God may come to us individually or as a body when we need waking up! Paul reminds us of how God sent venomous snakes to the Israelites.
Luke tells us of how God took first the life of Ananias and then the life of his wife Sapphira when they lied about how much money they were giving to the early church.
Florence. Santa Maria del Carmine. Chapelle Brancacci. Fresques “la Vie de Saint Pierre” La distribution des biens à la mort d’Ananie. (Masaccio 1401-1428) Flick’rGod wants a holy people, a holy Church, but sometimes it takes more than one wake-up call for us to hear.
Many of you have heard this wake-up story of mine before, so this is the Reader’s Digest version. I was speaking at retreats nearly every weekend, flying all over the country. I so needed my administrative assistant to handle the myriad of details. My problem, which truly put me into a whirlwind, is that whoever she was (and I had 4 different women in a 10-year-period) would quit and I had to find and train someone new in the midst of a packed schedule. I always thought the problem was her. Each resignation was meant to be a wake-up call, but I finally heard when it happened the fourth time. (CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW?) He got my attention so that I cried out to Him to show me the problem. And He did. In one week He gave me the same message through His Word, His Body, and His Spirit. (The whole story is in my book Idol Lies.)
The problem was me, and my cowardly way of trying to get people to change with side-ways comments. That is not God’s way. When you do something your way instead of God’s way, it often leads to pain, pain that is a gift, like when you touch a hot handle.
God is shocking you to awaken you to the serious danger you are in. Revelation seems less “scary” when you realize the shocking threats come out of love, out of God’s desire to rescue you from great danger!
I repented and asked for forgiveness. But, I couldn’t stop there. As Dr. Campbell says, “Whatever else repentance is, it is always, as in the parable of the prodigal son, a return to God.”
Rembrandt: Return of the ProdigalI had to make a U-Turn and run to God, as the younger son did. Instead of trying to control my administrative assistant “my way” I had to do it “God’s way.” I cried out to Him to give me wisdom, and He did.
If she was doing something I didn’t like, I could either decide it wasn’t a big deal and overlook it in love, or I could sit down with her face to face and speak the truth in love. Those were the only options Scripture gave me.
True repentance makes us overcomers. All of my relationships, including my relationship with my Jesus, are so much better. And what could be sweeter than that?
True repentance is humbling, but then God lifts you up. I remember confessing my manipulative ways to Christy, who was truly a wonderful administrative assistant, but sin, as it does, had blinded me to the blessing she was. I asked her forgiveness for how I had hurt her, how I had dampened the joy she might have had for her first trip abroad when she traveled with me to Germany. She was so gracious, and God has given us such sweet fellowship. She even travels to Wisconsin in the frozen winter to see me!
In addition to having ears to hear this warning as individuals, we must hear it for our local church. Could we be like Sardis, relying on our past reputation rather than seeing vitality in our members? The only hope for a lethargic and dying church is repentance and revival. The message to the church at Ephesus was similar, so again we must Remember, Repent, and Return.
Two completely optional resources. (I do not want to overwhelm you, but some of you may want these — so, remember, completely optional!!!)
1. Optional: Documentary on Sardis from Joseph Stowall
2. Optional: At the end of the week I hope you can listen to this sermon on Sardis from the same church in Vancouver, Canada from whom we heard the 4 minute clips. This is from Pastor Norm Funk.
Sardis Homework Questions:
Sunday: Getting Started
- What stands out to you from the above and why?
- Has God ever jolted you to help you wake up and see your sin? If so, share briefly.
- How do you interpret the phrase “a thief in the night?”
- What stood out to you from the Mark Dever article?
- How do we know, from remembering the church at Smyrna, that suffering may not be connected with sin at all?
Monday: Overview
- Read Revelation 3:1-6 aloud.
- To whom is the letter addressed? (Rev. 3:1)
- How is Jesus described? Why might this description be appropriate to a sleeping church?
- Are they commended for anything? Explain your answer.
- For what are they rebuked?
- How are they to respond to this rebuke?
- Find both the warning and the promise.
- Share anything that becomes “radioactive” to you and explain why.
- In Mystery Explained, read the opening three paragraphs under “The Church at Sardis.” (In kindle stop at 923 at the words “But to the remaining faithful believers…)
- How were the city of Sardis and the church of Sardis alike?
- How does the description of Jesus show what they are lacking?
- Describe the two parts of repentance and give an illustration from your own life.
- What does the phrase “have not soiled their garments” mean?
Tuesday: I Will Come Like A Thief
I see a parallel between the church in Sardis and the Jews who were living in ancient Persia in the time of Esther. Though Mordecai had lived there a long time, no one even knew he was a Jew, for there was little difference between him and the people around him. There is quite a contrast, for example, between Modecai and Daniel. Everyone knew Daniel was a believer, for he had not been assimilated into the culture, even at the risk of his life.
- What awakened Mordecai? (Esther 3:13) and how did he and the Jews respond? (Esther 4:1-3)
- How does Esther respond in Esther 4:15-16? What elements do you see here that can lead to revival?
- What is similar between Christ’s greeting to Ephesus and now, to Sardis? How is the situation in Sardis more serious?
11.. G. K. Beale likens the people in the Church at Sardis to the Jews described in Revelation 2:9. What does Jesus say about them, and what does this mean?
Sometimes the phrase “nominal Christian” is used, meaning “in name only, not in reality.”
- Do the people in the world with whom you work or associate know you are a Christian? Do you think they have sensed love and integrity in you? Have you shared your faith winsomely with them? Explain.
- K. Beale and David Campbell write, concerning Sardis: In order to carry out their call from the risen Lord to proclaim the gospel they need the Spirit’s life-giving power…Their spiritual lethargy likely included not actively witnessing to their faith before the unbelieving culture.
- Guilt is not an effective motivator to get Christians to share their faith, but the power of the Spirit is. I know for me, seeing a life changed by God propels me to keep sharing. What helps you to share boldly?
- What does the word picture “I will come like a thief, and you will not know what time I will come to you” conjure in your mind? Why would Jesus want to startle us so?
Wednesday: I Will Never Blot His Name Out
- In the following verses, the same Greek word (onoma) is used and is translated, name, people, reputation. Find it and tell what you learn about it.
- Rev. 2:17.
- Rev. 3:1
- Rev. 3:5 (used twice)
- Read the rest of Dr. Campbell’s comments about Sardis in Mystery Explained that begin with: “But to the remaining faithful believers” and answer:
- What three promises are given to believers and what does each mean? (Take time with this.)
- When were the names of believers recorded in the Lamb’s Book of Life? What does this mean to you?
- What else stands out to you from Dr. Campbell’s comments and why?
Thursday/Friday Sermon from Norman Funk (Optional but recommended)
- What stands out to you from the sermon by Norm Funk? (see the link in the intro)
- What is your take-a-way this week and why?
I was reflecting again on Mary’s good question – where in Scripture do you see that He may come like a thief in the night repeatedly? I think when He tells Sardis He may come like that He may just be referring to the Second Coming, but since that will be true for those alive at the time, and Sardis obviously had gone to their destiny, it must have meant He would come to shock them as He has done throughout history. Or, perhaps that is what He meant, for all will raised, some for eternal bliss and some for eternal damnation. But I’d love your thoughts on that.
There are no questions, so I used the printable ones.
What stands out to you from the above and why? I was surprised to learn that there are churches which put “non-essentials” in their statements of faith. They can’t possibly list every sinful act or every issue that might have differing views so why pick and choose certain ones?
Has God ever jolted you to help you wake up and see your sin? If so, share briefly. I’ve said it before, one area that has been a jolt for me is in my thought life. It was something that I never thought was that important or was even sinful since I “kept it to myself”. I wasn’t wishing anyone dead or having lustful thoughts about someone so no harm done. What I was doing (and sometimes find myself still doing) is judging people in my mind calling them lazy, idiots, hypocrites, etc. When God opened my eyes to that I was shocked at how quickly and frequently I do it.
How do you interpret the phrase “a thief in the night?” I always have interpreted it as the day and time is unknown and will be surprising when it happens.
Dawn — I’m so thankful that you got in early. I have no idea how the questions disappeared — but I got them back before this is mailed out!
I agree with your interpretation of a thief in the night.
Thanks for being vulnerable about your thought life — I think most struggle there. I have debates in my mind with people I think are wrong when I think I am right. Yikes.
Oh, Dawn! Wow! That was a great comment on God jolting us to wake up to our sin! I can so relate to what you wrote. It is very convicting and I have found myself doing that when I am grumbling about something or someone’s attitude! What a perfect way to start this lesson. I so appreciate your honesty and waking me up to something I often find myself doing. You are a blessing and I will think of this every time I start a whining grumble in my head.
I agree~ “a thief in the night” comes quietly and quickly when we least suspect it.
expect it….is what I meant……
Dawn, I also struggle with my thought life – I think it is one of the greatest struggles we have – what goes on in our minds. I may never say a critical word out loud, but I can be having very critical, judgmental thoughts of another all the while. Thanks for your honesty.
Dawn, judging people in my mind. Ouch! That happens to me frequently as well. It is with much discipline and renewing of my mind with the truth that I correct my line of thinking. Philippians 4:8 is one of my go-to verses when I struggle with my thought life.
1. What stands out to you from the above and why?
That the “thief in the night” does not refer to His 2nd coming. Also, how His “wake up calls” are evidence of His love, to call us to repentance. Whenever God has allowed me to catch one of my kids doing something wrong that they could have easily gotten away with, I tell them it actually gives me hope because I know God must love them so much that He allowed me to find out because He doesn’t want them to be able to continue in deceit or hiding their sin.
2. Has God ever jolted you to help you wake up and see your sin? If so, share briefly.
I appreciated and relate to what Dawn said above, I have been convicted of my critical thoughts of others. I remember once when driving I let another car in ahead of me and then annoyed that they didn’t wave, I thought ‘say thank you!’-immediately I thought of all the innumerable times God could have said that to me.
3. How do you interpret the phrase “a thief in the night?”
I have always thought of it as meaning that we will not know the hour or day, He will come when we do not expect, so be ready. I have never believed in the rapture, so I didn’t imagine Him taking us away, but just that we would not be able to predict His coming.
4. What stood out to you from the Mark Dever article?
The importance of remember what is essential and non-essential doctrine: “Therefore for us to conclude that we must agree upon a certain view of alcohol, or a certain view of schooling, or a certain view of meat sacrificed to idols, or a certain view of the millennium in order to have fellowship together is, I think, not only unnecessary for the body of Christ, but it is therefore both unwarranted and therefore condemned by scripture.”
5. How do we know, from remembering the church at Smyrna, that suffering may not be connected with sin at all?
I am reminded of John 15:2 “Every branch in me that does not bear fruit he takes away, and every branch that does bear fruit he prunes, that it may bear more fruit.” He prunes the ones who actually do bear fruit, the ones abiding in Him. Pruning is painful, , but there is a purpose.
Love what you pulled out from Dever and also your comment that He prunes the fruitful branch!
Lizzy, love this- “Pruning is painful, but there is a purpose.” I have experienced that
Lizzy, I love this: “I tell them it actually gives me hope because I know God must love them so much that He allowed me to find out because He doesn’t want them to be able to continue in deceit or hiding their sin.” A beautiful way to teach your children. Someone once said to me: Jesus loves us as we are, but sees us as He wants us to be. So true.
1. What stands out to you from the above and why?
I agree that whether believers are in two different camps – one that believes in a rapture, and one that does not, it is NOT a question of salvation. I even know that there are some believers who believe that God used evolution as a means in creating the world, and some believe in a literal creation account as in Genesis. Again, I do not believe these differing views are a matter of salvation. The idea that a church, or an individual believer, can believe that they are alive, but are really not, is sobering.
2. Has God ever jolted you to help you to help you wake-up and see your sin?
Similar to Dawn’s post above, there was a time when I didn’t know that what went on in my mind was as serious as actions or behaviors. I was engaging in very destructive thoughts, though I didn’t understand it at the time. God did “jolt” me when I went through a time of very real emotional, physical, and mental pain and depression, and one night when I cried out to Him, He very clearly showed me my sin, in the form of asking me a question (not an audible voice, but a very clear question came into my mind). It was then that my eyes were opened to what I was doing, and that it was not harmless.
3. How do you interpret the phrase “a thief in the night”?
I always thought it meant that Jesus will come like a thief in the night at His second coming….that we need to be prepared because we do not know when He will return.
It is sobering that a church or individual can think they are alive but not.
Always appreciate your thoughts, Susan.
Susan, I love your answer to about differing views are not a matter of salvation. I agree with you. Jesus knows our hearts. And sobering about believing we are alive when we are not.
1. What stands out to you from the above and why?
Hmmm…this business of the thief in the night. I read the 1 Thess scripture and do see that it gives a good account of how we may experience God’s return. I can’t misinterpret it; it is plain to me. Now you are saying that I shouldn’t believe that is the way it will happen? I am confused. are you saying that it will happen this way but not “secretly?”
Be gentle with me please….I have never considered these scriptures and it is worrisome to me. Also, I don’t know if I have a good background of the Bible to really understand. I have no preconceived ideas about this topic at all.
2. Has God ever jolted you to help you wake up and see your sin? If so, share briefly.
Oh yes! With me children who were my idols. My world was spiraling down with them. It was a wake up call. He saved me 😉
3. How do you interpret the phrase “a thief in the night?”
This would be a quiet taking of something I have. In the case of God, He will come when I am unaware or not ready. Keep your lamps trimmed and burning….
Laura — it will happen, the debate is over whether this refers to a secret return of Christ before the second coming, or whether it just refers to the second coming. Let me know if this is not clear! I love that you ask questions many are hesitant to ask.
Laura, I just love your honesty. And this is such a safe place to ask questions. Your example is an encouragement for me not to be afraid to ask questions here and also not to give in to my idol of approval.
Sunday: Getting Started
What stands out to you from the above and why?
“Revelation seems less “scary” when you realize the shocking threats come out of love, out of God’s desire to rescue you from great danger!”
This too“
I could either decide it wasn’t a big deal and overlook it in love, or I could sit down with her face to face and speak the truth in love.”
The first stood out because that had hit me during this study, that the warnings are out of love, and the second because I need to grow in the area of speaking truth in love, I avoid saying anything to anyone about anything unpleasant.
Has God ever jolted you to help you wake up and see your sin? If so, share briefly.
Here’s my Readers Digest version 🙂
What came to mind was when you Dee did a women’s seminar at Parkside Church in Bainbrige Ohio years ago. You made us laugh, sharing photos of you frowning. I particularly remember the one you shared of your and Steve and maybe your father standing on a dock, they were smiling, you were not! You told us how disappointed your were in Steves lack of interest in water skiing. You shared how much pressure you had placed on your husband to give you what you can only receive from God, you told us how wonderful Steve had been, and then that you had recently lost him. Oh my… The lord smote my heart that day, I was aware that I too was putting tremendous pressure on my husband who could never be my all in all. I cried then and I am crying now- remembering, this continues to re-orient me.
Thank you for being so vulnerable and honest, and for speaking that day in your grief, it was a costly gift that gave to the Lord that day in speaking before that audience, it truly did change me.
How do you interpret the phrase “a thief in the night?”
Unsure 🙂
What stood out to you from the Mark Dever article?
That in non- essentials we ought to prize unity more than having our stance or opinion come out on top.
Chris, thank you for sharing about Dee’s talk at Parkside Church. Now that I am almost an empty-nester, with only my college age daughter “in and out” of our home, I have found myself looking to my husband to fulfill needs that he cannot. He is still working, and works a lot of hours – way over 40 a week. Though I work a couple of days a week, I am left with a lot of time on my hands, and now my husband has started to return to work, instead of working from home. How I can relate to being the one “not smiling” in the picture!
Awww Chris — you bring back those memories of the childish bride I was! I’m glad it spoke to you, though. We all need so much help!
4. What stood out to you from the Mark Dever article?
No pastor should enforce agreement in his congregation on matters such as having to believe in pre-millenial or millenial theology, or even such issues as one having to abstain from alcohol. Unity is always the highest goal, and we can have unity in the Spirit and still have differing opinions or beliefs about such matters.
5. How do we know, from remembering the church at Smyrna, that suffering may not be connected to sin at all?
The church at Smyrna suffered poverty, persecution, slander, and some were even facing death. Their suffering was not on account of any sinful behavior on their part.
That’s good, Susan. In a church we were in when Sally was little, the pastor had the children make a vow to never take alcohol. But there is a passage in Deut. that allows parents to disavow a rash vow of a child.
2. To whom is the letter addressed? (Rev. 3:1)
to the angel of the church in Sardis
3. How is Jesus described? Why might this description be appropriate to a sleeping church?
Him who has the seven spirits (fullness of the Holy Spirit) of God and the seven stars (angels).
4. Are they commended for anything? Explain your answer.
There are a few who are pure, but most of them are dead. They do “works” but with the wrong motive.
5. For what are they rebuked?
They are spiritually dead but try to appear alive.
6. How are they to respond to this rebuke?
Wake up, strengthen what good remains. Remember the truth they have heard, hold on to it. Repent.
7. Find both the warning and the promise.
Warning-if they do not repent, He will come against them when they do not expect Him.
Promise-The one who conquers will be clothed in white, and his name will not be blot out from the Book of Life. Jesus will give his name before the Father and His angels.
8. Share anything that becomes “radioactive” to you and explain why.
” they will walk with Me in white”- I love that He says we will walk with Him, clothed in white, made pure by His grace, made worthy by His righteousness.
10. How were the city of Sardis and the church of Sardis alike?
The city of Sardis had a illustrious past but was now declining. Similarly the church had a reputation for being alive but was spiritually dead.
11. How does the description of Jesus show what they are lacking?
The 7 spirits represent the Holy Spirit and the 7 stars, their angels—together, the spiritual power that is available to them but they are now lacking.
12. Describe the two parts of repentance and give an illustration from your own life.
A complete turning around of thoughts and behavior and actually moving in the opposite direction. It always includes a turning back to God.
13. What does the phrase “have not soiled their garments” mean?
Those who have not soiled their garments are ones who have not compromised and involved themselves in pagan idolatry and worship.
Please also pray through the sheet with the link above from Trevin Wax for your church.
Dee, I don’t see this sheet. Both links connect me to the sermon.
Sorry, Tiffany — I meant to take it off because I felt like I was overwhelming people, but I missed taking off that sentence. You can find it on The Gospel Coalition website if you are interested.
Sunday: Getting Started
1.What stands out to you from the above and why?
I am always encouraged by your wakeup story, Dee. And am thankful that in so many ways, this blog has provided a wake-up call for me about areas in my life that I kind of just sweep under the rug so that I can just go with the flow or as the problem in Sardis was, to get along.
2.Has God ever jolted you to help you wake up and see your sin? If so, share briefly.
The approval of man has surely been a snare for me in the past. God has used His Word and godly friends to warn me of the consequences of my sin. At one time, He removed me physically from a relationship that I thought would lead to marriage by moving me to another city. I tried to hang on to that relationship which led to a broken heart. Although it was painful to hear my boyfriend tell me he has found somebody else and is to be married to her. I am grateful that God spared me from that relationship and prepared me to meet my wonderful husband.
3.How do you interpret the phrase “a thief in the night?”
A thief in the night is someone coming unannounced or unexpectedly. One never expects a thief to inform his victim before he comes.
4.What stood out to you from the Mark Dever article?
“…But that unity is supposed to be evident as a testimony to the world around us. Therefore, I conclude that we should end our cooperations together with other Christians (whether near-ly in a congregation, or more at length in working together in missions and church planting and evangelism and building up the ministry) only with the greatest of care, lest we rend the body of Christ for whose unity he’s prayed and given himself. Therefore, I conclude that it is sin to divide the body of Christ—to divide the body that he prayed would be united.”
I need to focus on the non-negotiables i.e. the Trinity, the inerrant Word of God, Jesus as the only way, the presence of the Holy Spirit. I smiled when I saw the mention of alcohol. I am a teetotaler primarily because I had a violent reaction to alcohol when I was younger (elementary age) and accidentally drank some spiked punch at a great uncle’s party! Now, don’t you be laughing at me now.
Her daughter and I thought it was just a regular punch, not realizing that it was “for adults only”.
I hope I am not taking this verse out of context but Paul talking to the Corinthians about eating food.
From The Message: Looking at it one way, you could say, “Anything goes. Because of God’s immense generosity and grace, we don’t have to dissect and scrutinize every action to see if it will pass muster.” But the point is not to just get by. We want to live well, but our foremost efforts should be to help others live well.
From NIV: “I have the right to do anything,” you say—but not everything is beneficial. “I have the right to do anything”—but not everything is constructive.
5.How do we know, from remembering the church at Smyrna, that suffering may not be connected with sin at all?
The enemy will use suffering to test us but praise God, it is only temporary, for a designated time (10 days figuratively)
I love your story, Bing. It is a sweet and honest story about the punch. I had a similar experience as a child. 🙂
About your boyfriend~ I think back and I am so thankful that some of my prayers as a young woman were answered with “No” by Jesus. He always has a much better idea!
The verses from The Message and from the NIV both have good perspective. Thank you for sharing. I love: “We want to live well, but our foremost efforts should be to help other live well.” Such a great statement! Also love “I have the right to do anything but not everything is constructive!”
1.What stands out to you from the above and why?
I am always touched by reading your story of you and Christy. Thank you for always being so honest in your sharing. I think it is easy to fall into doing sideways comments and ever since I read your book on Idols and heard you speak on it at the church in North Bend, I have thought much more about my idols and I find myself being reminded more often as they show up. I already touched on this, but that study was life changing.
2. Has God ever jolted you to help you wake up and see your sin? If so, share briefly.
I think God has jolted me more than once! And He has pruned my dead branches and some that I thought produced fruit. I loved what Lizzy said about Him pruning the branches that do produce fruit, that pruning can be painful, but has a purpose. I have found this so true in my life. There are times when God chooses to give us a new path or direction and it can be painful, but looking back it has always been to bring me to a much better path and purpose in life. It has always led me closer to Jesus. I pray more prayers of Thanksgiving and I find that I appreciate and notice small miracles daily!
3. How do you interpret the phrase “a thief in the night? I do feel that God wants us to live in a way that we are prepared to meet Him whenever He comes again or when it is our time to go to meet Him in heaven. My dad and my mother in law both died very suddenly without warning. It was very hard at the time, but I have often thought how thankful I was that they both knew Jesus. I think Christ’s second coming is only known by the Father. I have never tried to speculate on the rapture as it seems to cause division. I think our job is just to be ready. If I can be prepared, it does not matter if there is a rapture or not.
4. What stood out to you from the Mark Dever article? Lizzy covered this so well and I completely agree.
5.How do we know, from remembering the church at Smyrna, that suffering may not be connected with sin at all? The church in Smyrna suffered for living out their faith. Looking back at my notes on Smyrna: Suffering has an order, a loving purpose and the involvement of Jesus. Obey and I will give you the crown of life. It is hard to have this perspective during the midst of suffering!
I still have sideways comments in my mind! But, God helps me see them and stop them. Love you, Patti.
Oh, dear Dee. I do have sideways comments floated up there…but it is you who helped me to realize that! Love you, dear Dee. 🙂
1. What stands out to you from the above and why?
I cringe when I hear “controversial “ because my experience is, avoid that, we don’t read that part of the Bible! That’s why I appreciate you Dee, yes, they may be controversial and we may disagree but it’s still God’s word and I believe the Holy Spirit, if we ask, will give us discernment.2. Has God ever jolted you to help you wake up and see your sin? If so, share briefly.
I wanted to continue saying more in the above answer but realized I needed to continue here. I was raised with differing views in regards to the rapture and millennium than what we will learn here. I knew that others believed differently than I did and it always bothered me about them. I have told people you need to study it more and just felt they weren’t interpreting it correctly. I would take anything else that person had to say about any part the Word with a grain of salt. God jolted me to my sin of having a lack of grace towards others and also awakening me to the essentials and non-essentials of Christianity. I was allowing my strict interpretation of Scripture keep me from extending grace and blinding me to what is really important…salvation. 3. How do you interpret the phrase “a thief in the night?”
We have no idea when a thief may come, so we must be prepared.
I’d like to share a story that relates to this.
When we lived in Africa my Mom overheard our hired gardener talking to a friend about stealing the items in our supply shed. She confronted him and then fired him. My Dad went into action preparing for the possibility and moved all the supplies to another area and put our hired and trusted man, Stefano, who did laundry, in the room where the supplies were. Stefano was from the Tutsi tribe, over 6 feet tall and very intimidating. He slept in that room with a machete…just in case. My Dad who was not a gun man bought firecrackers that sounded like a gun to set off and also slept in a room in the house close to the supply shed with a machete. It was several nights before any action and my Dad was just about to give up thinking they weren’t going to come, but giving it one more night, we all woke up to a blood curdling scream from Stefano. My Dad ran out and started setting of fire crackers and he and Stefano chased the men away with machetes in hand! Thankfully no one was hurt and God’s hand was in all of it.
4. What stood out to you from the Mark Dever article?
The importance of unity within the body of Christ and not getting caught up in the non-essentials. It doesn’t mean we don’t study the non-essentials, but learn to extend grace and agree to disagree with love.
5. How do we know, from remembering the church at Smyrna, that suffering may not be connected with sin at all?
They didn’t suffer because of any sin but because God allowed Satan to throw them into prison to be tested. “God, who foresaw your tribulation has specially armed you to go through it, not without pain, but without stain.” – C.S. Lewis
Oh my goodness — everybody read Sharon’s story!!!
Sharon – -I have admired you being here when you have grown up with a different interpretation — that helps you bring a richness and a balancing when we need it.
Sharon, I can just visualize Stefano and your Dad with machetes! Something that Filipinos will do, too when their resources are in danger. Sadly, stealing can be commonplace in some parts of my country-it is so sad as I know some do so to buy necessities for their families. It is no reason to steal but desperation can lead people to do something they do not want to do. It breaks my heart.
And I love the quote from C.S. Lewis: “God, who foresaw your tribulation has specially armed you to go through it, not without pain, but without stain.” What a promise that He will keep us and armed us.
Oh Bing, it is so very sad. My parents and other missionaries tried to help those in need when they could, but it could be quite overwhelming.
Yes, indeed, Sharon. I knew that even if I win millions of dollars now, doling out money is not the answer. I can be just a clanging cymbal if my giving is more out of obligation and pride (and inside having a resentful heart). God is our ultimate provider. I long for the day when poverty and everything negative that goes with it is non-existent and our joy is in the Lord.
And this is what you do, Sharon!
The importance of unity within the body of Christ and not getting caught up in the non-essentials. It doesn’t mean we don’t study the non-essentials, but learn to extend grace and agree to disagree with love.
Sharon! Your story was scary!
I love this group because of that wonderful grace that we can share thoughts safely! I love what you just wrote, Dee. Yes, we learn to extend grace and agree to disagree with love.
Great story Sharon! Love the fireworks idea of your dad and your mom having the courage to fire the worker…you go girl!
Thank you Laura, my Mom was a tough one. The thing that surprised the gardener, was my Mom, being raised in Africa, spoke the languages fluently and he had no idea she could understand him.
Now that is funny!
Sharon, your story is a “hair raising” one! How frightening! We’re vacationing now with our family, and our son and his girlfriend who live in Texas were telling us that they won’t go to the beach at South Padre there, because people who go there are told specifically NOT to lock their doors at night, because the people who are coming across the border will break-in if the doors are locked, but if they are left unlocked, they come in while you are sleeping and are very quiet….they are looking for food, mainly, so you will just wake up in the morning and find things gone from the refrigerator or elsewhere in the kitchen.
Oh my, Susan — that is very interesting!
Susan, I had no idea! I don’t think I’d sleep very well.
Sharon, I have been taught a different interpretation as well. But my prayer through this year is for unity in the body of Christ. This ranks first for me. Love what we are all sharing. Thanks
1. What stood out in the introduction and why?
I’ve never heard it said that He comes many times as a thief to warn us. Where do you get that? I looked up the verses in the New Testament that speak of Jesus coming as a thief. In the gospels, Jesus says it twice, once in Matthew and once in Luke. Both times, He seems to be saying that the world won’t see it coming, but His believers need to be ready at any time. In 1 Thess and 2 Peter, the writer refers to it as the Day of the Lord coming like a thief, again with an encouragement to be ready, and the Thess reference goes on to say that believers are not in the dark the way that the world is. In Rev in our passage for this week, Jesus says they have gone to sleep, which seems to me to say they’ve allowed themselves to slip into the dark. Then in 16:15, it says, ‘…I come like a thief! Blessed is he who stays awake and keeps his clothes with him…’, which I would interpret as meaning being clothed with Jesus and the Spirit.
Unity among believers is so important! Long time ago, I heard it said that there are only three essential things we have to agree on. One, that the Bible is the inerrant word of God. Two, Jesus Christ is God, come in the flesh. And three, salvation is through faith in the blood of Jesus shed on the cross for us. We have so many differences among us in culture and background. We can’t let those things keep us from loving the ones we will be sharing eternity with.
2. Has God ever jolted you awake?
He has, more than once. I don’t know that I was asleep as much as clueless, but the result was the same. It became crystal clear that my thoughts, stance, actions, whatever it was… needed to change. Right now, and going forward. In our whitewater time, I looked at it as all my husband’s problem. The counselor even suggested such. But then he said that even so, I was playing a part in our issue and I needed to change. There was also when I was 8 months pregnant with our son, and upset about it. God had lovingly tolerated my complaints for 7 months, but that night His knuckles came down on my head and He said, “That’s enough. I’m sending this child and I don’t want to hear another word about it.” I love being convicted by the Holy Spirit! You come out of it clean and restored and better.
3. The phrase, thief in the night.
My interpretation has always been that Jesus’s return will catch most unaware. It will be so sudden, that whoever you are the moment before is who you will be as it happens. Changing at that moment is not an option. I’m like Sharon, taught the rapture. I’m not sure what I think based on what we are learning from Campbell.
4. Mark Denver.
I agree that separating from others over disagreements should be rare and done cautiously. I kind of feel that way about changing churches as well. I shouldn’t be moving about because I’ve been personally offended or my ears are more tickled elsewhere. Moving should be over something deeper.
Dee, when you said, “The problem was me…”, I have to tell you God confronted me today. I have a wall between me and someone at my church, and a friend asked how I am handling it. I realized the answer is, not Biblically. I need to repent and move toward reconciliation.
5. Suffering and it’s connection to sin. The first thing that came to mind was the disciples asking Jesus about the man born blind. Who sinned, the man or his parents? Jesus said, neither, but it happened so that God’s glory could be displayed. Might our suffering sometimes be the same? Obviously, some suffering is consequence of ours or others specific sin (STD’s come to mind), and some from living in a fallen world (natural disasters). But some is to purify us or equip us for something in the future.
One more thing from the introduction. Churches relying on their past reputation rather than on current vitality. Wow. Yes. Convicting to me personally. It isn’t enough that I can talk about what God did in my past. What am I allowing Him to do today??
Mary — thanks for your vulnerability about your relationship with your friend.
Good to ask, “Where do you get that he comes many times like a thief?” I think the analogy Dr. Campbell and others see is that God’s conviction can surprise us, like a thief surprises us, like you were surprised in your pregnancy. But no, there is not a verse in Scripture that says that.
I agree that coming like a thief means it will be a surprise – but not that it will be quiet and secret, for every eye will see Him, and there will a trumpet blast. I am not sure, other than what we learned from Campbell about the woman’s vision in Scotland and dispensationalism’s roots where the idea of a secret coming before the second coming comes from Scripturally, but would like peoples to weigh in if they see that!
I embraced the idea of a rapture as well, but I do think I was influenced by books, movies, and even songs about it, rather than Scripture.
Dee, I had never heard of the vision of the Scotland woman before we started this study. I would like to take some time to put together scripture that led me to believe in the rapture over the next few days and come back and share it. There is one point I want to make and that is I have never thought that the phrase “like a thief in the night” referred to the rapture. As Mary said above it is connected to the “Day of the Lord,” which is when Christ returns at the end.
That would be so great if you would do that, Sharon — because I respect you so much, as you are both wise and diplomatic. My firstborn son, who is dear, and feels very strongly about the futuristic interpretation, visited me a few weeks ago and wanted me to watch several futuristic movies. One was the old version of A Thief in the Night which he says was influential in his walk with the Lord when he saw it at the age of 10. That movie connects that phrase with the rapture, but no, I think you are absolutely right — scripturally it is connected with the Second Coming. So quite honestly, this is my own reasoning, which may be faulty, on why they named that movie that — it also had a second version and I think it had a big impact on people. In Alisa Childer’s Another Gospel she writes about it too, and why she became uncomfortable with it. Yet I also know many young people came to Christ after seeing it, so I need to be thankful for that. The same with many of the books I now question.
BUT, Revelation is mysterious, and I think we need to hold our opinions with that understanding. But we also do want truth, and anything you have to bring I will so welcome!!!
I am excited to hear what you share, Sharon! I love learning new things. You have had an interesting life!!
I have always thought the references to “like a thief in the night” applied to the second coming, or when we depart this earthly body and meet Jesus. I have never heard of the vision of the Scotland woman before. I have heard many references to the rapture, but never the scripture that puts that together. The Lord has a plan and I want to be ready, whether He takes me at my time or if I am here at the second coming….I want to be ready.
I love what Mary said about believers: “Unity among believers is so important! Long time ago, I heard it said that there are only three essential things we have to agree on. One, that the Bible is the inerrant word of God. Two, Jesus Christ is God, come in the flesh. And three, salvation is through faith in the blood of Jesus shed on the cross for us. We have so many differences among us in culture and background. We can’t let those things keep us from loving the ones we will be sharing eternity with. ” Amen Mary!
4. What stood out to you from the Mark Dever article?
I think what he is trying to say is that we should be one regardless of the issues of the day that some may disagree about? Not sure what I got out of the article….
5. How do we know, from remembering the church at Smyrna, that suffering may not be connected with sin at all?
Smyrna did nothing but good, right? They were still persecuted by the devil though.
Laura — maybe Francis Schaeffer said it better. He said, ten years after a theological disagreement we may not remember the points of the argument but we will remember the tone. Is that at all helpful?
Monday: Overview
6.Read Revelation 3:1-6 aloud.
Trembling here… “your reputation to be alive but you are dead.”
7.To whom is the letter addressed? (Rev. 3:1)
To the angel of the church of Sardis
8.How is Jesus described? Why might this description be appropriate to a sleeping church?
Jesus is the one who holds the seven spirits and seven stars. Seven is the number of perfection and Jesus is stating His authority over everything so they need to wake up and listen to what He has to say?
9.Are they commended for anything? Explain your answer.
Sort of? There is still something in them that has remained.
10. For what are they rebuked?
They are dead and their deeds unfinished. They are “sleepy”.
11. How are they to respond to this rebuke?
12. Find both the warning and the promise.
If they do not wake up, Jesus will come at a time when they do not expect Him to come.
The promise is to those who have not “soiled their clothing” with unrighteousness-that they will be dressed in white and in victory.
Monday: Overview
6. Read Revelation 3:1-6 aloud.
To whom is the letter addressed? (Rev. 3:1)
To the angel of the church at Sardis
B. How is Jesus described?
As him who has the seven spirits of God and the seven stars
Why might this description be appropriate to a sleeping church?
There were not awake they had tuned out the Holy Spirit?
C. Are they commended for anything?
I would say no, they seem to have been doing things that looked good but were not truly goodExplain your answer.
I thought of Kellers frequent emphasis on the motive under the action, we can appear to be doing good works for the Lord but in truth they are about pride or the opinions others have of us. We need to let the gospel change our hearts continually if we are to do anything purely out of love
D. For what are they rebuked?
Incomplete works
E. How are they to respond to this rebuke?
Remember, keep what has been heard and repent
F. Find both the warning and the promise.
Warning – “If you will not wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what hour I will come against you.”
Promise -“The one who conquers will be clothed thus in white garments, and I will never blot his name out of the book of life. I will confess his name before my Father and before his angels.”
G. Share anything that becomes “radioactive” to you and explain why. Two things, the church ‘reputation’ might have seemed really important from an earthly perspective, it gained them nothing before God.
And this:
“ Yet you have still a few names in Sardis, people who have not soiled their garments, and they will walk with me in white, for they are worthy. 5 The one who conquers will be clothed thus in white garments, and I will never blot his name out of the book of life. I will confess his name before my Father and before his angels.”I wondered if these people are those who really understand the gospel, that we are saved by grace. No one has white garments by their own merit, but knowing who we are in him makes us want to not be dead, but connected to him and vital.
I think that makes perfect sense, Chris.
I love your thoughts on this, Chris! I especially love the sentence “No one has white garments by their own merit, but knowing who we are in Him makes us want to not be dead, but connected to Him and vital.” A great explanation! Thank you.
1. Read Revelation 3:1-6 aloud.
2. To whom is the letter addressed?
To the angel of the church in Sardis.
3. How is Jesus described? Why might this description be appropriate to a sleeping church?
Jesus is described as the One who has the sevenfold Spirit of God and the seven stars. In verse 3, Jesus says that He may need to come to them like a thief in the night. To a “sleeping” church, the metaphor of an unexpected visit from a thief would startle them, hopefully awaken them, alert them. It kind of reminds me of an example, say, of a business or store run mainly by the employees, who may be slacking off. But they’re told one day that the owner, or boss, is planning a surprise, unannounced visit – who knows when, and then those employees decide they’d better shape up and be working hard, just in case he would show up.
4. Are they commended for anything? Explain your answer.
In verse 2, Jesus advises them to strengthen what little remains – which at first, sounds like a commendation, until I read what He says next: “for even what is left is almost dead.” Oh. Not so good. However, in verse 4, Jesus says that there are some in the church who are not practicing evil, and He calls them worthy. So it sound as if there is a small, faithful remnant in this church.
5. For what are they rebuked?
They are rebuked for being “dead”, despite their reputation for being alive. Jesus says that their actions do not meet God’s requirements. They have drifted away from their early beliefs, what they were taught from the beginning.
6. How are they to respond to this rebuke?
They are to “wake up”! They need to become strong again in their faith and walking with God. They must go back to what they heard and believed at first, holding to it firmly. They must repent and turn back to Jesus.
7. Find both the warning and the promise.
The warning – If they do not wake up, Jesus will come suddenly, as a thief.
Promise – All who are victorious and turn away from evil will be clothed in white, and Jesus will never erase their names from the Book of Life. Okay – this made me pause. If you erase something, it means that it was written first. This sounds like a person whose name was written in the Book of Life can have his name erased – lose their salvation? That is frightening.
8. Share anything that becomes “radioactive” to you and explain why.
Just those two little words, “Wake up!” make me pause and take notice. Like if the house was on fire, a loving parent would be telling the children to wake-up and carrying them to safety. It’s a warning, but it is a loving warning. The un-loving thing to do would be to let them go on sleeping. So even Jesus’ warnings are done out of love for us.
9. In Mystery Explained, read the opening three paragraphs under The Church At Sardis.
10. How were the city of Sardis and the church of Sardis alike?
Though once a thriving city, Sardis was a city in decline. So, too, the church of Sardis. Campbell says that some churches are living off their past reservoir of faithfulness and blessings.
11. How does the description of Jesus show what they are lacking?
Christ appears to them holding the seven stars, meaning their representative angels, and holding the seven spirits, representing the fullness of the Holy Spirit, which offers “heavenly support and supernatural power” to the church so that they can experience spiritual renewal. They need to repent and return to Him, and in order to do this they need the power of the Spirit.
12. Describe the two parts of repentance and give an illustration from your own life.
Repentance means a change of mind, so the first part is a turning around of your thoughts and behavior, and then a movement in the opposite direction. In my own life, I know that I have an idol of approval. I work two days a week at the hospital, “PRN” as it’s called. I often get many requests, both from my manager, and from other nurses, to work. There are times when I can accomodate their requests, and other times when I cannot, and some times when I just don’t want to come in that day. But I fear just saying no – I feel I need to give a good reason as to why I can’t work that particular day because I fear loss of approval if I just say the truth, that I can’t or don’t want to. So I have been prone to tell a “little white lie”, making up an excuse. But I know that any kind of lying is not good, so I have been getting better at repenting of lying, and just saying “No, I can’t”, and I don’t need to give an explanation or a reason of any kind.
13. What does the phrase “have not soiled their garments” mean?
Soiling garments refers to some kind of compromise with pagan or idolatrous practices, perhaps to avoid social or economic consequences.
As to 7 — that does sound scary, but if we compare it with the whole of Scripture, we know our names, if truly in there, cannot be erased. So it must be a way of saying the same thing – you can never be erased, you can never be taken out of my hand — but I agree, it is confusing. I don’t know if knowing Greek would help or not! It’s a bit of a “Yes! We have no tomatoes.” “Yes! You can never be erased.” 🙂
1. To whom is the letter addressed? (Rev. 3:1)
To the angel of the church of Sardis.
2. How is Jesus described? Why might this description be appropriate to a sleeping church?
He is described as the one who “has the seven fold spirit and the seven stars.” It might wake them up because the number 7 is perfection?
3. Are they commended for anything?
4. Explain your answer.
Having a “reputation” isn’t usually a good thing. Their reputation is that they “are alive,” but they are not.
5. For what are they rebuked?
They are dead.
6. How are they to respond to this rebuke?
They are to “wake up!” and strengthened anything that remains inside of them.
7. Find both the warning and the promise.
They are to repent and turn back to God. If they don’t, He will come to them suddenly, as a thief in the night.
8. Share anything that becomes “radioactive” to you and explain why.
I guess I find it interesting that they get another chance. God is so good this way, giving us time.
9. In Mystery Explained, read the opening three paragraphs under “The Church at Sardis.” (In kindle stop at 923 at the words “But to the remaining faithful believers…)
10. How were the city of Sardis and the church of Sardis alike?
Both the church and the city had an illustrious past and they were living off those good times. It was how they were know . However inside the walls of each they were lacking. It’s looking good on the outside but the inside is rotten.
11. How does the description of Jesus show what they are lacking?
Seven is the number of perfection. It represents Him. They are lacking Him. The seven fold spirit is also lacking. They are lacking the Holy Spirit as well.
12. Describe the two parts of repentance and give an illustration from your own life.
First is the turning around in both thoughts and behavior, and second is the conscious decision to walk in the opposite direction.
Well, I know there are areas right now that I need to change (ugh), but it’s hard to put my finger on something where I actually followed through with the opposite direction part. So sad. I suppose being stubborn is probably a good example….or maybe the control thing? I have learned that others have good ideas too (hahaha). I haven’t completely turned the opposite direction, but I am SO much better 😉
13. What does the phrase “have not soiled their garments” mean?
Given into themselves and their desires.
I have learned that other people have good ideas too (ha ha ha) Love you, Laura!!!
1. Read Revelation 3:1-6 aloud.
2. To whom is the letter addressed? (Rev. 3:1) To the angel of the church in Sardis.
3. How is Jesus described? The One who has the sevenfold Spirit of God and the seven stars.
Why might this description be appropriate to a sleeping church? The Holy Spirit will come like a thief (not necessarily talking about His coming), suddenly and unexpectedly to His dead and unrepentant church to bring immediate judgement.
4. Are they commended for anything? Yes. Explain your answer. There are some who have not soiled their clothes with evil.
5. For what are they rebuked? Being dead. What they have left is almost dead. Their actions don’t meet the requirements of God
6. How are they to respond to this rebuke? They are to wake up, strengthen what little remains, go back to what they heard and believed at first, hold to it firmly, repent and turn to God again.
7. Find both the warning and the promise. Warning: If they don’t wake up, He’ll come to them suddenly, as unexpected as a thief. Promise: Those who have not soiled their clothes will walk with Me in white, their names never erased from the Book of Life and will be announced before His Father and angels that they are His.
8. Share anything that becomes “radioactive” to you and explain why. I think what stands out to me is that there is no encouragement to stand against persecution. In going back to the church of Smyrna, they were standing strong for the Lord and so it was a threat to Satan. This church poses no threat, they’re dead. They seem to have become “of the world.” That must of been hard for the few that hadn’t soiled their garments with evil!
I like it that He sees individuals among the body who have not soiled their garments, as you saw.
6.In Mystery Explained, read the opening three paragraphs under “The Church at Sardis.” (In kindle stop at 923 at the words “But to the remaining faithful believers…)
7.How were the city of Sardis and the church of Sardis alike?
The city of Sardis was once prosperous but now dying. The church of Sardis has been spiritually prosperous once but now is dying also.
8.How does the description of Jesus show what they are lacking?
There is both heavenly support seven stars representative angels) and supernatural power (seven spirits or the fullness of the Holy Spirit) available for them to experience spiritual renewal.
9.Describe the two parts of repentance and give an illustration from your own life.
a. A change of mind, a turning around of thoughts and behavior
b. A consistent moving in the opposite direction
Illustration: my tendency to be impatient/worrisome with how things are progressing. Truth: Everything is beautiful in His time (Ecc 3:1); Do not be anxious for anything… (Philippians 4:6-7)
Moving towards an attitude of waiting on God and giving thanks.
10. What does the phrase “have not soiled their garments” mean?
These few have not compromised with pagan or idolatrous activity in the community.
Oh Bing, I like your illustration and can definitely relate…”my tendency to be impatient/worrisome with how things are progressing.“. So often I have to slow myself (mind and body) down and just sit quietly before God.
3. Jesus is described as holding both the seven stars and the seven spirits of God. This is appropriate for a sleepy church because they particularly need the power and the presence of Christ in their lives.
4. They are not really commended at all, but are acknowledged as a group who used to have something to be commended for. I wondered what it means when Jesus says He has not found their works complete. Is it a way of saying they started well but needed to go further to get any credit?
5. They are rebuked for a willingness to be considered faithful, alive, but content to be dying.
6. The response they are called to is to remember and repent.
7. Warnings and promises. If they do not wake up and take action, judgement is coming. Those who are responsive will, like victors, walk with Jesus, clothed with Him.
8. On the part about erasing names… could it be that everyone’s name is written in to start with, because Jesus’s sacrifice is sufficient for all, but at our death, if we have not chosen Him, our name is erased? It seems to fit, because those who are clothed in white, which can represent Jesus, are assured their names will stay in the book.
9. From Campbell, the similarities to Ephesus were striking to me. Coming like a thief was threatened to Ephesus, Pergamum, and Thyratira as well as Sardis, and refers not to His final return, but to sudden judgement. Also, the fact that those who are sleeping are unaware of the severity of their situation. May we all develop more spiritual sensitivity!!
10. The city and the church in Sardis, like Ephesus, were in decline both from a geopolitical aspect and spiritually. They were both living off past standing. They are also called to repent, just as Ephesus was.
11. How does the description of Jesus show what they were lacking? Jesus has both the Spirit and the message they need for renewal. They have been ignoring both.
12. The two parts of repentance are acknowledging and returning to God. Like we talked about previously, to submit to God’s sovereignty. In my life, it has looked like agreeing with God that some aspect of me is not in accord with Him, and He is neither the one who changed or the one who needs to change. It has always been me that needed to move.
13. What does ‘soiled their garments’ mean? Campbell says it shows compromise with the world. It always makes me think of getting too close to dirt or grease, and how that soil just seems to jump up and get you. How you have to work at keeping your distance.
Mary — that’s an interesting conjecture on never erased. I have to balance that with Ephesians 1:4. But I admit, it is a puzzling phrase.
This is from Matthew Henry…
I will not blot his name out of the book of life, but will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels. Observe,
Christ has his book of life, a register and roll of all who shall inherit eternal life.
[1.] The book of eternal election.
[2.] The book of remembrance of all those who have lived to God, and have kept up the life and power of godliness in evil times.
(2.) Christ will not blot the names of his chosen and faithful ones out of this book of life; men may be enrolled in the registers of the church, as baptized, as making a profession, as having a name to live, and that name may come to be blotted out of the roll, when it appears that it was but a name, a name to live, without spiritual life; such often lose the very name before they die, they are left of God to blot out their own names by their gross and open wickedness. But the names of those that overcome shall never be blotted out.
(3.) Christ will produce this book of life, and confess the names of the faithful who stand there, before God, and all the angels; he will do this as their Judge, when the books shall be opened; he will do this as their captain and head, leading them with him triumphantly to heaven, presenting them to the Father: Behold me, and the children that thou hast given me. How great will this honour and reward be!
That’s interesting from Matthew Henry. I don’t know what I think about that! Maybe. What do you think?
Dee, I do believe it is the book of the elected and also wonder how many place their salvation in the fact that their name is on a church membership roll. I feel that within the church there is also a mission field. We’re going to be surprised at some of the people we see in heaven but also by those we don’t see!
Sharon- “I feel that within the church there is also a mission field. We’re going to be surprised at some of the people we see in heaven but also by those we don’t see!” I think of Brennan Manning again- his thoughts on how surprised we might be to see some people in heaven. I am not sure, though, if there will be an element of surprise when we get there as everything will be perfect! But I know what you mean.
Mary, that phrase about the book of life was puzzling to me too. I like your logical explanation. I have wondered if it refers to those who continue to reject and defy the warnings of Jesus~ so many times after He has given them so many warnings and chances to repent?… As Lizzy wrote about explaining discipline to her children ~ that God disciplines those He loves because he sees that their sin, not only hurts Him, but it harms them. I looked up discipline in the dictionary and I especially liked this meaning: training that corrects, molds or perfects the mental faculties or moral character. That sounds like the gentle way Jesus corrects us. But, He warns of judgment if they do not wake up. Sounds like they have a lot of apathy in the church.
I love your answer to question 12 too. It is always me that needed to move. I relate. ~
14. What awakened Mordecai? (Esther 3:13) and how did he and the Jews respond? (Esther 4:1-3)
A letter was sent by the king to all the provinces announcing that all Jews would be killed, and their property seized. Mordecai dressed in sack cloth and began to mourn. He wandered the streets of the city wailing. All the Jews fasted, wailed, and weeped.
15. How does Esther respond in Esther 4:15-16? What elements do you see here that can lead to revival?
Esther told the Jews to fast for three days and nights, and she would do the same. At the end of this time she would go see the king and if she perished, well then, she would perish.
An entire group gets together and is for something good, together.
9. In Mystery Explained, read the opening three paragraphs under “The Church at Sardis.” (In kindle stop at 923 at the words “But to the remaining faithful believers…)
10. How were the city of Sardis and the church of Sardis alike? It was a city with an illustrious past-alive, but was now in decline-dying. The church retained a reputation/name of life, while being in truth spiritually dead.
11. How does the description of Jesus show what they are lacking? The heavenly support and supernatural power available to experience spiritual renewal,
12. Describe the two parts of repentance and give an illustration from your own life. 1. A complete turning around of thoughts and behavior. Illustration: When the idol of approval creeps in… 2. A consequent moving in the opposite direction. Illustration: Remembering that what is most important is God’s approval.
13. What does the phrase “have not soiled their garments” mean? It refers to some kind of compromise with pagan or idolatrous practices. Campbell says that for the most part , they had fallen into a stupor of compromise and of fear of the social and economic consequences of a bold witness for Christ.
I usually print out the questions and answer them in print, so I am not one to document my answers here. However, I wanted to say thanks for all of this- the sermons, the articles, the honesty, the insights— all are such a gift to me. I am enjoying this study! I do it at my own pace as I teach other things in my church and that prep demands my attention on some days… so though I am usually behind every one else…I just love the study! Thank u for all your hard work.
Michelle, so glad that you’re a part of this study. And you’re a part of us, even in the background…appreciate your encouragement!
Michelle — thank you — that means a lot. I know we are going to have a smaller and smaller group for it is few who persist in such a long study, so this means a lot to me.
1. In the following verses, the same Greek word (onoma) is used and is translated, name, people, reputation. Find it and tell what you learn about it.
2. Rev. 2:17 The overcomer will be given a white stone with a new name on it that only he knows.
3. Rev. 3:1 He knows their works, that they have a name that they are alive.
4. Rev. 3:5 (used twice) He who overcomes, Christ will not blot out his name from the Book of Life. He will confess his name before His Father and His angels.
How were the city of Sardis and the church of Sardis alike?Both were in decline
B. How does the description of Jesus show what they are lacking?
They need renewal, Jesus holds out and offers the resources needed
C. Describe the two parts of repentance and give an illustration from your own life.
Change of mind and a moving in the opposite direction.
I was challenged by a counselor I was seeing to read the Bible and ask of each text what is God saying about himself. What I realized was that I had no problem believing who God said he was for others, but when it came to believing who he said he was for myself, I had my arms crossed. I was convicted that my vein of unbelief was larger and deeper than I had ever imagined. I don’t want to remain as stubborn as I am inclined to be. My repentance is real, but ongoing. I am seeing and confronting it more and more, and endeavoring to believe God is who he says he is and I am who he says I am.
D. What does the phrase “have not soiled their garments” mean?
I am thinking that those who have not soiled their garments are those who have not deemed what the culture values as more enticing than what being in Christ means to them.
I struggle a bit with the moralistic tone of the letters, but we know we all stumble in many ways. The all of life is repentance piece of the puzzle seems like it must be the center of the idea of what is required.
Everyone please read this from Chris, as guided by a counselor who told her to believe what God said about her:
I had no problem believing who God said he was for others, but when it came to believing who he said he was for myself, I had my arms crossed. I was convicted that my vein of unbelief was larger and deeper than I had ever imagined. I don’t want to remain as stubborn as I am inclined to be. My repentance is real, but ongoing. I am seeing and confronting it more and more, and endeavoring to believe God is who he says he is and I am who he says I am.
This is so powerful. I love this, Chris and Dee. Thank you for highlighting this, Dee. So important for all of us to listen to God’s voice… This study is so excellent… So much in every lesson. Truly, it is a huge blessing to read and listen to the lesson and to read the thoughtful responses. I praise God that we live in a country where we can freely study God’s word. I thank God for you dear Dee and for each of you wonderful women.
8. What awakened Mordecai? (Esther 3:13)
An edict to annihilate the Jews
and how did he and the Jews respond? (Esther 4:1-3)
With mourning , fasting and lamenting9. How does Esther respond in Esther 4:15-16?With fasting, calling other to fast as well and being willing to speak- at the risk of her lifeWhat elements do you see here that can lead to revival?
An awakening, a turning, an awareness of and a reliance on God’s intervention being the only way
10. What is similar between Christ’s greeting to Ephesus and now, to Sardis? How is the situation in Sardis more serious?
They both need to repent and be reconnected with Christ, but Sardis is almost completely dead, pretty scary that they seem to have been unaware of this.
11.. G. K. Beale likens the people in the Church at Sardis to the Jews described in Revelation 2:9. What does Jesus say about them, and what does this mean?
That they claim to be Jews but that they are not. It means their identity is unclear to them-in a seriously negative way.
Sometimes the phrase “nominal Christian” is used, meaning “in name only, not in reality.”
12. Do the people in the world with whom you work or associate know you are a Christian? Do you think they have sensed love and integrity in you? Have you shared your faith winsomely with them? Explain.People at work do know that I am a Christ follower, I shared here recently that I did have a chance to revisit a conversation with a co-worker about the gospel and how being saved means something different than living up to a better moral standard than those around you. I felt grateful for the opportunity and grateful I didn’t chicken out of speaking, she was intrigued and I hope to have more conversation with her.Co-workers who are also believers turn to and confide in me.
G. K. Beale and David Campbell write, concerning Sardis: In order to carry out their call from the risen Lord to proclaim the gospel they need the Spirit’s life-giving power…Their spiritual lethargy likely included not actively witnessing to their faith before the unbelieving culture.
13. Guilt is not an effective motivator to get Christians to share their faith, but the power of the Spirit is. I know for me, seeing a life changed by God propels me to keep sharing. What helps you to share boldly?
I wish I could say that I have ‘shared boldly’ but truly I am just beginning to open my mouth at all. I can say that fear of not having all the answers or being rejected and ridiculed has kept me quiet in the past. I sometimes feel free of those things now.
14. What does the word picture “I will come like a thief, and you will not know what time I will come to you” conjure in your mind? Why would Jesus want to startle us so?
This passage from the Message came to mind:Matthew 26:41 Stay alert; be in prayer so you don’t wander into temptation without even knowing you’re in danger. There is a part of you that is eager, ready for anything in God. But there’s another part that’s as lazy as an old dog sleeping by the fire”
I have thought of the disciples asleep in the garden. We are often lethargic, unaware of what is at stake and what is really going on. Jesus wants us to be aware and ready for battle, not lulled by our culture and cares into a stupor.
You are a beacon of light to those that know you, Chris. I don’t know you in person, but I can tell that you have a heart for the Lord and for others. It does take courage to share boldly in a workplace where you do not know the consequences of your sharing. I pray that you have more opportunities. I also love your quote from Matthew 26:41. So important to stay alert and stay in prayer. Thank you for sharing that.
Exciting about your co-worker!
1. In the following verses, the same Greek word (onoma) is used and is translated, name, people, reputation. Find it and tell what you learn about it.
2. Rev. 2:17 “To him who overcomes, to him I will give hidden manna, and I will give him a white stone, and a new name written on the stone which no one knows but he who receives it.” The name of the victor. The one who overcomes. The white stone: admission to the banquet of Christ.
3 .Rev. 3:1 “I know your deed, that you have a name that you are alive, but your are dead.” Repentance is needed. You had a name and you are living off your reputation, but not living up to your reputation.
4. Rev. 3:5 (used twice) He who overcomes will thus be clothed in white garment (redeemed). I will not erase his name from the book of life, and I will confess his name before my Father and before His angels.
5. Read the rest of Dr. Campbell’s comments about Sardis in Mystery Explained that begin with: “But to the remaining faithful believers” and answer:
6. What three promises are given to believers and what does each mean? (Take time with this.) All of this is very convicting.
Promise 1.) The one who conquers will be clothed thus in white garments=Spiritual Purity. Promise 2.) Christ will never blot his name out of the book of life. According to Campbell this in no way suggests that the names of the saved might possibly be erased. It is an assurance of the opposite. Promise 3.) (Christ) I will confess the faithful believer’s name before my Father and before His angels. Those who confess Christ’s name faithfully regardless of the cost, will have their names honored by Christ.
7.)When were the names of believers recorded in the Lamb’s Book of Life? What does this mean to you? The names in the book of live were recorded there before creation. They cannot be removed. That means I am secure in Christ and I, in my life am to be faithful to Him always. Christ knew my entire life before I was conceived. It means I will not go through judgment.
8.)What else stands out to you from Dr. Campbell’s comments and why? The names of the lost were never written in the book of life, but only in the books of judgment. Does this mean unbelievers or those who fail to profess Christ will have a chance to be in His kingdom, but will need to go through the judgment to get there?
Patti — help me understand your last question. Are you talking about a 2nd chance after death — I doubt it. I think you are asking if they might have a chance as the tribulation increases in intensity? Is that what you are asking?
I guess I am thinking out loud a bit about the different kinds of judgment. I probably sound a bit looney…..:)
I have often wondered if there is a moment before death that a non believer may have an encounter with Christ ~ I know that happened to my father in law two days before he died. He gave his life to Christ ~ the pastor that visited the retirement home he lived in came to see him in the hospital. He had a heart attack while he was under observation in the hospital for a couple days. They expected him to go back to his apartment in a day or two. I don’t know is that is what prompted my father in law to make this commitment, but we were so thrilled. After this, my father in law saw an opening to a large beautiful forest on the wall at the foot of his bed. He was not on any kind of drugs. He asked me what I thought it was and I told him I thought he was getting a glimpse of heaven. He saw this several times. Early the next morning as he was waking up, a doctor was speaking with him and he closed his eyes and went to eternity.
It is a bit confusing ~ I always think of those who have not had the opportunity to hear about Christ and those who lived before Christ. Will their lives be judged….or are their names not in the book of life….. that is one kind of judgment.
And I feel that the Lord coming like a thief in the night, as a kind of judgment as a wake up call.
And the judgment and plagues of Exodus.
Hope this is not a muddle.
Patti, in Romans 1, Paul says no one is without excuse when it comes to their response to God. Since people in the Old Testament were looking forward to some kind of redemption from God but had never heard of Jesus, it isn’t just a knowledge of His name that is essential. It is a trusting in the true God, which Paul points out, everyone has some access to. In another place, he writes that we are judged according to the amount of knowledge we have. It is interesting to me that wherever you go on the globe, they have some inkling of the truth. Not that we can stay home and never tell them, for part of what is given to us is to share what we’ve been given. Sometimes I think our detour into this question is a ploy by Satan to make us doubt God’s goodness and ability to judge rightly.
So, so good…. You are living off your reputation but not up to it. Such a clear statement!
Thank you, Mary! This is an excellent clarification and reminder! Yes, I agree that Satan has many ploys to distract us from God’s goodness. I totally trust God and know that He knows each of our hearts and our motives! Satan is in the business of attempting to confuse people! I appreciate you response to my thoughts, Mary!
Tuesday: I Will Come Like A Thief
I see a parallel between the church in Sardis and the Jews who were living in ancient Persia in the time of Esther. Though Mordecai had lived there a long time, no one even knew he was a Jew, for there was little difference between him and the people around him. There is quite a contrast, for example, between Modecai and Daniel. Everyone knew Daniel was a believer, for he had not been assimilated into the culture, even at the risk of his life.
8.What awakened Mordecai? (Esther 3:13) and how did he and the Jews respond? (Esther 4:1-3)
The edict made by Haman that all Jews will be annihilated.
They fasted, wept, and wailed and put on sackcloth and ashes.
9.How does Esther respond in Esther 4:15-16? What elements do you see here that can lead to revival?
Esther and her attendance fasted for 3 days without eating or drinking along with all the Jews in Susa. Fasting allows one to focus on the matter at hand and to seek guidance as to what to do in dire circumstances. This could be a time for remembering, repenting, and returning to their faith and thus bring about revival.
10. What is similar between Christ’s greeting to Ephesus and now, to Sardis? How is the situation in Sardis more serious?
He knew their works or toil or labor. Sardis is more serious as it is about to die with their compromise and fear of social and economic consequences whereas Ephesus was more navel-gazing and needs to be more outward-looking.
11.. G. K. Beale likens the people in the Church at Sardis to the Jews described in Revelation 2:9. What does Jesus say about them, and what does this mean?
I know your works, tribulation, and poverty (but you are rich); and I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.”
Sometimes the phrase “nominal Christian” is used, meaning “in name only, not in reality.”
A synagogue is a place for worship. Somebody who claims to be a Christian but is not, is of the enemy’s synagogue.
12. Do the people in the world with whom you work or associate know you are a Christian? Do you think they have sensed love and integrity in you? Have you shared your faith winsomely with them? Explain.
I hope so. I am not sure about how winsomely I have shared my faith.
13. K. Beale and David Campbell write, concerning Sardis: In order to carry out their call from the risen Lord to proclaim the gospel they need the Spirit’s life-giving power…Their spiritual lethargy likely included not actively witnessing to their faith before the unbelieving culture.
Guilt is not an effective motivator to get Christians to share their faith, but the power of the Spirit is. I know for me, seeing a life changed by God propels me to keep sharing. What helps you to share boldly?
My heart’s desire is for others to experience the joy I have in Christ while living here on earth and to join me in Heaven one of these days.
14. What does the word picture “I will come like a thief, and you will not know what time I will come to you” conjure in your mind? Why would Jesus want to startle us so?
To jolt us from our stupor and it is always so that we can turn back to Him. He gives more than we are worthy of.
1. What awakened Mordecai?
I did find that Mordecai had told people he was Jewish – Esther 3:4. Yet he had told Esther to keep that information back, and she went by a secular name. I’m thinking of how some believers in hostile areas keep their conversion under wraps, and how there are differing opinions on whether they should do that or not. Perhaps we need to extend grace to those in situations we aren’t experiencing, and let God be the one to direct them. That isn’t really what you were getting at here, but I just wanted to come at it from a different perspective.
The edict to commit genocide against the Jews was galvanizing for all the Jews. They mourned, fasted and prayed, collectively.
2. Esther and her servants also prayed with fasting, while Esther sought God’s direction and strength for how to approach the king. She accepted that it could lead to her death to even try.
Over the years as I’ve heard people talk about revival and pray for it, I’ve had many reactions. Sometimes we act like revival is all about unbelievers or nominal Christians getting right with the Lord. Often the underlying motive seems to be about redeeming the culture or the government. But once I heard someone say that re-vival means to bring back to life or health, and you can only do that with what already has life. Therefore, revival is not for unbelievers, but for believers. If I am brutally honest, I’m not always sure I want revival. I like choosing my level of commitment and challenge. I’m not wild about being radically committed to lose all control of my life and decisions. I don’t think I’m alone in this. Not that that is any excuse. I just think we are willing to talk about it, and even pray for it amongst our other requests, but we aren’t desperate, like Esther was. Lord, please help me to choose to be desperate for You, not waiting for circumstances to push me there, but willingly awakening to my dying status and wanting Your life.
3. The similarity in Jesus’s greetings to Ephesus and now to Sardis.
The speech is more serious to Sardis because, as Patti said, they are living off their reputation rather than up to it. While Ephesus didn’t have the same fervor of love as at first, Sardis hardly has a heart beat.
11. The Jews in 2:9 are said to be living under a false label. They aren’t God’s chosen people… they belong to Satan. To say you are a Christian but live for yourself is no better than living for Satan, since it pleases him but not God. This is really, really convicting to me. I say I want Jesus, and I believe that is true. But I also see that I want to pick and choose what I let Him touch in me. He is telling me I can’t have it both ways. Either He is Lord, period, or He isn’t my Lord at all.
Just this morning as I was waking up, I looked at the clock and thought, I can sleep longer. He asked me, what if I want you to get up? I realized that I would say yes to Him if I knew His reasons/plans and approved of them. How arrogant and idolatrous! This is how I live as a bondservant of Christ?? Break me, Lord, and make me wholly Yours.
1. Do people around you know you are a Christian? Have they sensed love and integrity in you? Have you shared your faith winsomely with them?
Oh, Dee! God is hammering on me through you today! Yes, people around me know my stance. The ones who are pretty hardened to the gospel describe it as ‘religious’. Some people have said they sense love and integrity. Others just think I’m moral. Shared my faith winsomely? It is that last word that gives me cause to hesitate. I don’t know. When we write our Christmas letter, a lot of thought and prayer goes into it. But I can edit that! What comes out of my mouth while talking to someone often needs some editing! Because I’ve seen so little of what I would call positive fruit from my sharing, I shy more and more away from it.
Someone on this blog, Mary, and I can’t remember who, said our neighbor is whoever is 3 feet in front of us. Of course our neighbors can be across the ocean too, but I think that awareness of being Christ to everyone throughout the day is so helpful. Loving them and praying for an opening to share winsomely. Let’s pray for that for one another!
2. Beale and Campbell say lethargy in Sardis likely included not sharing their faith with unbelievers.
We partner with an organization called Steiger, and their passion is to reach the global youth culture for Jesus. They live a level of commitment I’ve rarely seen. The leaders will frequently pray all night. To spend time with them shines a light on my apathy and makes me want to try harder.
3. What helps you share boldly?
You said guilt is not an effective motivator, and I agree. It only works for an afternoon, at best. Others talk of their love for people, or for the Lord. I confess I don’t have that kind of love. It has only been when God reaches in and gives me His heart for that person that I have the desire at all. So I would say it is when He shares His burden with me that I am emboldened.
4. What does ‘come like a thief’ conjure up in your mind? Why would Jesus want to startle us so?
In my mind, it is so sudden, there is nothing to tell you it’s going to happen, but then it does. It is unsettling if you have to live with it for a negative occurrence, like what Susan was talking about in south Texas. I think of how we felt when we knew that inspectors would be showing up soon. Yuck. But it did have the effect of making you want to work harder and be more careful to do things right. And maybe that is why Jesus says it. It’s really an encouragement to not become lax or complacent, but to be eagerly doing for Him and living with Him.
Mary, I appreciate your honesty to say, “Others talk of their love for people, or for the Lord. I confess I don’t have that kind of love.” I feel the same way. I have a very dear friend, Judy, who will tell you, “I just love people!” And she does. She is one of the most nonjudgmental people I know. A lot of has to do with how she was raised. But she is very outgoing and has no problems about speaking to complete strangers. I am more reserved, and often feel that I don’t have “love” for those I don’t know that well. As at church, when people say we are all “sisters and brothers” in Christ, I often am not feeling the “family vibe”.
In the following verses, the same Greek word (onoma) is used and is translated, name, people, reputation. Find it and tell what you learn about it.
Rev. 2:17. The one who overcomes will be given a new name known only to the one who receives it.
Rev. 3:1 The church in Sardis has a name or reputation for being alive yet they are dead.
Rev. 3:5 (used twice) Again the one who overcomes has his name in the book of life and Jesus will confess his name to the Father.
Read the rest of Dr. Campbell’s comments about Sardis in Mystery Explained that begin with: “But to the remaining faithful believers” and answer:
What three promises are given to believers and what does each mean? (Take time with this.) We will be clothed in white that means we will be pure. Our name will not be blotted out of the book of life, if our name is there it will always be there. Christ will confess our name to the Father, He will be there with us as our advocate assuring that we are truly His.
When were the names of believers recorded in the Lamb’s Book of Life? What does this mean to you? Before the foundations of the earth. That means we are predestined, chosen and can be assured of our salvation.
What else stands out to you from Dr. Campbell’s comments and why? His pointing out that some churches have ceased to be churches and are just religious institutions. I’ve been to some of those places and it is so sad to see people who call themselves Christian simply because they attend church on a regular basis, but have no fruit or any desire to serve Christ.
Wednesday: I Will Never Blot His Name Out
15. In the following verses, the same Greek word (onoma) is used and is translated, name, people, reputation. Find it and tell what you learn about it.
Rev. 2:17.
To the one who conquers I will give some of the hidden manna, and I will give him a white stone, with a new name written on the stone that no one knows except the one who receives it.
B. Rev. 3:1
“‘I know your works. You have the reputation of being alive, but you are dead.
C. Rev. 3:5 (used twice)
The one who conquers will be clothed thus in white garments, and I will never blot his name out of the book of life. I will confess his name before my Father and before his angels.
I guess what I learned about it feels like I want the name that Christ will give me, the reputation I have here, among men matters not at all in the grand scheme of things if I am not joined to Jesus.
16. Read the rest of Dr. Campbell’s comments about Sardis in Mystery Explained that begin with: “But to the remaining faithful believers” and answer:
What three promises are given to believers and what does each mean? (Take time with this.)
We will be clothed in white garmentsOur names will remain in the book of life
Jesus will confess our names before the FatherI found this to expand understanding the word confess:The primary Greek word for “confess” is homologeo which basically means “to say the same thing” and then “agree, admit, acknowledge.” The context must determine the precise nature, emphasis, and meaning of the word. Thus, it can mean to acknowledge sin or to confess or acknowledge someone as something. A similar and somewhat more emphatic word is exomologeo, “promise, consent, admit, confess or acknowledge” and from this, “to praise.”
In Psalm 32:5, the word for confess or acknowledge is yada’, which basically means “to know” or in the hiphil stem, “to make known” as in this context. Another word that looks similar, but is different is yadah, “to give thanks, praise,” and then, “to confess” as in Lev. 5:5 where it is used in the hitpael stem giving it the idea of “confess.” See also 2 Chron. 6:26 where it is used in the sense of “confess God’s name.” Another word is nadad, “to be conspicuous,” but in the hiphil stem it means “to make known, declare, tell.”
B. When were the names of believers recorded in the Lamb’s Book of Life?
Before the beginning of time.
What does this mean to you?
This means I can shut the mouth of the enemy who tells me I am not living up, I am chosen and accepted into the family, I can choose to live in a way that pleases God out of gratitude and not fear and shame.
C. What else stands out to you from Dr. Campbell’s comments and why?
That there is one book of life and multiple books of judgement and that no church can survive when the majority are unbelievers- the church must continually be being reformed.That seems to go hand in hand with “all of life is repentance”
1. What awakened Mordecai and how did he and the Jews respond?
He was awakened by the shocking decree of King Xerxes, stating that all Jews – young and old, women and children, must be killed, slaughtered, and annihilated on a single day. The response by Mordecai was to tear his clothes, put on sackcloth and ashes (clothes of mourning) and go about the city wailing bitterly. He went as far as the palace gate. As the news spread, the Jews fasted, wept, mourned, and also wore clothes of mourning.
2. How does Esther respond in Esther 4:15-16? What elements do you see here that can lead to revival?
Esther asks for the support of the community of Jews in Susa, that they fast for her, for three days. Esther says she will do the same. She planned to then go and see the king, which could mean a death sentence because she could only see him if he asked to see her. Although “personal revival” is often spoken about, I see her the importance of the support of other believers, asking others to pray along with you.
3. What is similar to Christ’s greeting to Ephesus and now, to Sardis? How is the situation in Sardis more serious?
In His greeting to both churches, He says that He holds the seven stars. He says to both, “I know all the things you do….” However, the church in Ephesus is commended for some things they are doing, but the church in Sardis is not. This is more serious, because there’s very little spiritual life left in Sardis.
G.K. Beale likens the people at the Church in Sardis to the Jews described in Revelation 2:9. What does Jesus say about them, and what does this mean? Sometimes the phrase “nominal Christian” is used, meaning “in name only, not in reality”.
In Rev 2:9, Jesus says that the Jews who are slandering the Christians at Smyrna are not really Jews – they are a synagogue of Satan. I am thinking that likewise, in a confrontation with the Pharisees once, Jesus told them that they were not sons of Abraham, but their father was the devil. It means people who believe that they are spiritual, or religious, and may talk about God and quote Bible verses and go to church, but in reality, they do not belong to God. They have not been truly regenerated.
1. Do the people in the world with whom you work or associate know you are a Christian? Do you think they have sensed love and integrity in you? Have you shared your faith winsomely with them? Explain.
No discussions about faith have ever come up with my co-workers, though honestly, when we are working at the hospital, it’s usually so busy, it’s not uncommon for us to say to each other, “I haven’t seen you all day!” If I don’t have time to eat, I don’t have time to talk. I am mostly in my patients’ rooms. Now, sometimes with a patient it has come up, or I have offered to pray with, or for, a patient. Once, one of my patients was facing a second surgery for an infection from the first surgery, and she was so anxious and tearful. I was carrying my pocket cross that day, and I asked her if she’d like to hold it until they took her to the OR. She grabbed it right out of my hand. Also, because I don’t work full-time, I don’t have the relationships with the other nurses like those who work full-time have with one another. I would say that I am well respected by my co-workers and known to be a caring nurse. In my previous job that I had for two years as a home care coordinator, working part-time in a very small office with a group of about seven, we all talked freely about our faith.
2. K. Beale and David Campbell write, concerning Sardis, In order to carry out their call from the risen Lord to proclaim the gospel, they need the Spirit’s life-giving power….their spiritual lethargy likely included not actively witnessing to their faith before the unbelieving culture.
3. Guilt is not an effective motivator to get Christians to share their faith, but the power of the Spirit is. I know for me, seeing a life changed by God propels me to keep sharing. What helps you to share boldly?
I think it may be a bit easier to share or say a word about God to a patient in the hospital, because illness has a way of making a person more open and receptive. Often, patients are anxious and afraid, or even angry about their illness. If I sense an openness, then I can say something. I think I feel a bit frustrated, though, about witnessing in general. I just don’t have what I would say is a “wide circle of influence”. I’m not often in situations where I meet people. I don’t go to the Y, or am involved in community groups. Years ago, I was developing a friendship with my next door neighbor, Lisa, and had asked her to join me at a Bible study. Initially, she was going to go, but then changed her mind. I don’t know if it was her husband who dampened that. When she went back to work full-time, she dropped our friendship and I rarely ever see her – she’s one of those people who stays mostly inside when she’s home.
4. What does the word picture “I will come like a thief, and you will not know what time I will come to you” conjure in your mind? Why would Jesus want to startle us so?
Well, it sure sounds like a warning to me; a warning of coming judgment or unpleasant consequences if they don’t repent. And it will come suddenly or unexpectedly. I am not sure Jesus would give this warning to a person who was doing their best to walk closely with Him.
Two of many things I loved — the story of the patient grabbing the cross you offered and your last sentence.
I have had company this week so I am jumping in and out of this amazing lesson. I loved reading all of your answers, Susan. I know you must touch the lives of many patients in your job. My mom was a nurse and the hospital is a mission field in itself. I love that you shared your pocket cross with the patient. I know that had to be life changing for her. What a blessing you are to so many.
11. G. K. Beale likens the people in the Church at Sardis to the Jews described in Revelation 2:9. What does Jesus say about them, and what does this mean? Sometimes the phrase “nominal Christian” is used, meaning “in name only, not in reality.”
I don’t see where you are going with 2:9. I think it is the wrong verse.
12. Do the people in the world with whom you work or associate know you are a Christian? Do you think they have sensed love and integrity in you? Have you shared your faith winsomely with them? Explain.
I have a younger friend who lives far from us but posts a lot on Facebook. She was posting recently that she is trying to regain herself that she had lost by focusing on herself. This self-focus sounds good, but without a turning to God as our hope and focus, it is misguided. I have prayed and tried to gently comfort her and suggest she turn her focus to God again. She would probably call herself a Christian but has married someone who was brought up in the Salvation Army and has turned away from the faith. She also has many friends who are not believers. She has been hurt by the church as well. I pray for her and continue to encourage her gently to turn back to God.
Lord, be with Diane’s friend. Give her ears to hear.
Dee and friends, regarding the younger friend who I was asking for prayer for just earlier this week, she has decided to “come out” as bisexual and has said that she and her husband have decided to have a polyamourous marriage, meaning she can have a sexual relationship with girlfriend and he can have a girlfriend too, if he likes. I am so sad, devastated really, and also angry. She is the friend of our daughter who lived in our home for three years post high school when her mom moved out west. She lives in another province now. She was sexually abused as a child but was brought up in an evangelical church. She was taught better. Please pray for me as I seek for God’s wisdom to how to respond to her. She posted all this stuff right on Facebook and then said she did not want to hear any negative comments. Such darkness!
22. What else stands out to you from Dr. Campbell’s comments and why?
Calvin says the church must be continually reformed. Every generation is responsible for keeping its identity with Christ strong. Now that I am of the “senior” generation officially it alarms me that many in my denomination and it seems in much of the church that I see in North America seem to be falling away from the true faith. They are advocating good works but de-emphasizing sound doctrine. They advocate love without truly knowing the God who is the source of love. They are not preaching repentance and obedience to the God of the Bible. I truly am alarmed. They are tolerating many things of secularism – materialism, abortion, euthanasia, LGBTQ+, etc.
5. Read the rest of Dr. Campbell’s comments about Sardis in Mystery Explained that begin with: “But to the remaining faithful believers” and answer:
6. What three promises are given to believers and what does each mean? (Take time with this.)
“All who are victorious will be clothed in white.” God provides the clothing of white (righteousness and purity). Isaiah 64:6 “We are all infected and impure with sin. When we display our righteous deeds, they are nothing but filthy rags…”. Ephesians 2:10 goes 0n to say, “We are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago. “. It’s through Jesus Christ that we are able to do good. Those few that kept their garments from being soiled from evil were awake and aware of this. “I will never erase their names from the Book of Life.” In this book are held all the names of believers, recorded before the foundation of the world. It is an assurance that the name will never be erased. John 10:28,29 “I give them eternal life, and they will never perish. No one can snatch them away from Me, for My Father has given them to Me, and He is more powerful than anyone else. No one can snatch them from the Father’s hand.” “I will announce before My Father and His angels that they are Mine.” Those who confess Christ’s name faithfully, regardless of the cost, will have their names honored by Christ. Matthew 10:32 and Luke 12:8 give this account and deal with the possibility of persecution, and the same possibility is present at Sardis. Will those addressed remain faithful in trial or not.
7. When were the names of believers recorded in the Lamb’s Book of Life? Before the foundation of the world. What does this mean to you? He chose me. Psalm 139:16, “You saw me before I was born. Everyday of my life was recorded in Your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.”
8. What else stands out to you from Dr. Campbell’s comments and why? “Every generation is responsible for keeping its identity with Christ strong, for once it is lost, that church, movement or denomination may be lost forever.” Listening to Christian radio yesterday they spoke of the SBC being non existent in 10 – 15 years. The Episcopalian church, 25 years and many others to follow.
Wow on the SBC — haven’t followed closely — have they compromised on the LGBT issue?
I think right now there’s expected to be a split mainly because of differing opinions on social justice. It breaks my heart because of the poor testimony it presents to the world. I used to wonder what a letter from Paul or John would look like to the churches today but they have written those letters!
Love love love your thoughtful responses, Sharon and the scriptural references! We truly need to stay grounded in His Word. So many churches floating away from the scripture.
1. The Greek word onoma, and how it is used in the following verses.
2. Rev 2:17. Name. Jesus gives believers a new name, that He reveals to each individual on a white stone.
3. Rev 3:1. Reputation. The church in Sardis has a positive one, but Jesus says it is not accurate.
4. Rev 3:5, used twice in this verse. Name. First, believers names will never be removed from the book of life. Second, Jesus will acknowledge or confess the names of believers before the Father and the angels.
5. Campbell’s remaining notes on Sardis.
He talked about the white clothes showing purity. I can’t help thinking about how we can’t make ourselves pure. Rom 13:14 puts it actively, where Paul urges us to put on Jesus as our clothing. It is only in Him that we can be cleansed of our sin.
6. Three promises to believers, and their meaning.
The white robes. I’ve already touched on this, but what it means for me is that Jesus loves me so much that He is willing to share His purity and holiness with me. He is willing to be so close to me that we are together in one set of clothing.
Our name in the book of life. Later on, John says that a search will be made for each one’s name. If it isn’t found in the book of life, that person will suffer eternal death in the lake of fire. I am protected from that. I have so much to praise Him for!
He will confess or acknowledge our name. Someone else spoke of digging deeply into this word, and it even had a component of giving praise or commendation. The idea of Him owning us before the Father comes out in the gospels, but here I am getting the sense of Him introducing us to the Father with pride and joy. Wow!! That He would say, ‘I know you and I claim you,’ how much better could it be?
7. When were the names written down? I gave my own, rather unorthodox, idea on this earlier. And the more I think on that, the more sense it makes to me, that since Jesus’s death was sufficient for all, everyone’s names are there to start with. But if we don’t choose Him for ourselves and turn to Him in repentance before our physical death, then our name gets blotted out.
8. Anything else from Campbell?
The part about Jesus coming to them to show their true identity, and that no church can truly survive once unbelievers have become the majority. That in God’s sight, they have become merely religious institutions. Each generation must keep its identity strong. I know I’ve mentioned before a talk entitled ‘The Three Chairs’, and chronicling in scripture how a generation would have passion for God. Their children would know about God, but only carry on the form of worship. And the third generation would neither know nor care about God.
We do see this denominationally in history, and we see it occurring to churches today. We can agitate for our leadership to be right with God and to lead correctly, but I really think that while we must do everything we can to pass on passion to the next generations, we also need to pray fervently for God to touch them for Himself.
Your last paragraph so good, Mary.
I love all of your insights, Mary! I love the sense of Him introducing us to the Father with pride and joy! That brought tears to my eyes! How blessed we are to know our Lord, who loves us so deeply!
I also love your answer about our names being written down and that since Jesus’s death was sufficient for all, everyone’s names are there to start with…but if we don’t choose Him for ourselves and turn to Him in repentance before our physical death, then our name gets blotted out. You are a blessing!
These are scriptures I was taught in regards to the teaching of the rapture.
John 14:1-3. “Don’t let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and trust also in me.” There is more than enough room in my Father’s home. If this were not so, would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you? When everything is ready, I will come and get you, so that you will always be with me where I am. And you know the way to where I am going.”
This passage doesn’t describe Christ coming to earth with His saints to establish His kingdom (Rev. 19:11-15) but taking believers from earth to live in heaven. There is no judgement of the unsaved described here. He’s coming to gather His own who are alive and raising bodies of those who have died as described in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 and 1 Corinthians 15:51-54. According to 1Thessalonians 4:16 The Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. This is not a trumpet of judgement but rather like a trumpet in Exodus 19:16-19 which called the people out of the camp to meet God. In verse 17, Those that are alive will be “caught up” together with the raised bodies in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air and will always be with the Lord. The word “caught up” (harpzo) means to seize, carry off by snatch out or away. It’s the same word used in Acts 8:39 when Philip was snatched away by the Spirit of the Lord. Also in 2 Corinthians 12:2 when Paul was caught up to the 3rd heaven. In 1 Corinthians 15:51 & 52 it says “we shall not all sleep but we’ll be changed in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye (indicating how quickly it will happen) at the last trumpet.” This refers to the Thessalonians passage as it continues on to say, “for the trumpet will sound and the dead will be raised incorruptible and we shall be changed. I’ll leave verses 53 & 54 for you to read.
Please know that this is a non-essential issue in regards to our salvation.
Thanks so very much for sharing, Sharon. I think the strongest part of this argument is the “caught up” part and likening it to Exodus and Acts passages. It doesn’t seem “secret” as trumpets are blowing, but that may be something the movies and books have added. I can see how this would be the Second Coming too, but I do think you’ve made a strong point and does illustrate why theologians who love the Lord disagree. Thank you! And yes, this is a non-essential issue in regard to our salvation. You are a godly and gracious woman.
Sharon, I appreciate your thoughts and agree that this issue is a non-essential one in regards to our salvation. My husband and I have talked about this and he and I agree on being watchful and faithful to the gospel while we wait for Jesus to come again.
I love this, Sharon. So much to think about! I agree this is a non-essential issue in regards to our salvation. I am going to copy and paste this in a file. Such good references all in one paragraph; I don’t want to forget these. You have a beautiful heart!
Sharon, thank you for posting your Scriptures to back up the teaching of the Rapture. I was taught many of the same ones. I am still unsure where I stand on this issue, but I agree it is a non-essential in regards to our salvation.
Wednesday: I Will Never Blot His Name Out
15. In the following verses, the same Greek word (onoma) is used and is translated, name, people, reputation. Find it and tell what you learn about it.
16. Rev. 2:17.
a white stone with a new name written on it, known only to the one who receives it. Rev. 3:1 reputation; Rev. 3:5 (used twice)…never blot out the name of that person from the book of life,..will acknowledge that name before my Father and his angels.
17. Read the rest of Dr. Campbell’s comments about Sardis in Mystery Explained that begin with: “But to the remaining faithful believers” and answer:
18. What three promises are given to believers and what does each mean? (Take time with this.)
The one who conquers will be clothed in white garments
I will never blot his name out of the book of life
I will confess his name before my Father and before His angels.
19. When were the names of believers recorded in the Lamb’s Book of Life? What does this mean to you?
Their names were recorded before the world’s foundation; before creation.
In God’s sovereignty and to which I want to put my trust in was the book of life made. I am convinced that my name is in that book and I fully trust my loved ones to His sovereign will as well. I know that God is good. His ways are higher than our ways and His thoughts than our thoughts. Isaiah 55:8-9 When I am overcome with anxiety over the uncertainty of the salvation of those I love, I remind myself of God’s sovereignty and goodness.
20. What else stands out to you from Dr. Campbell’s comments and why?
Some who are members of the church were not truly saved…The churches have long lost any Christian identity-merely religious institutions. The church must be continually reformed (Calvin)
Every generation is responsible for keeping its identity with Christ strong for once it is lost, that church, movement, or denomination may be lost forever.
I must take heed of the warnings here and not rest on past laurels. We are in the thick of moving to my husband’s hometown where we pastor a small church. There are expectations for us to do “more” as we will be part of the community and no longer living 50 minutes away.
My prayer is that as we move forward as a church, our mission and ministry efforts are motivated to keep its “identity with Christ strong”.
I have sensed God helping me clarify my dreams and desires. It is painful to see the selfish me but I am grateful that He has been gentle with me along the way.
So good about not resting on past laurels.
Thursday/Friday Sermon from Norman Funk (Optional but recommended)
17. What stands out to you from the sermon by Norm Funk? (see the link in the intro)
a. Sardis was a wealthy city-has gold, known for their garment industry; is in the trade routes; located in fertile land and known for its hot springs. Its people thought it was penetrable but history tells us that they were overrun by enemies. (Joseph Stowell shared this in more details)
b. The people there would understand the word pictures Jesus used.
c. Jesus knows the church and He rules the church.
d. No commendation but rebuke at the outset. “I know your reputation of being alive but you are dead.”
e. Sardis church may be doing some good things, receiving commendation and adulation but they are not good because the people performing them are dead. When we do not have Christ, we are dead.
f. What should Sardis do?
Wake up; Strengthen what remains; Remember; Keep; Repent
g. I know your reputation but I want your heart. He likened them to whitewashed tombs, a heartless church.
h. How does a church die?
Resting on past laurels-good old days
Focuses on social functions rather than spiritual vitality
Social sins but not talking about our own heart sins
Bask in what the city stands for
Domesticated to the culture
Social rejection, persecution, Satan’s synagogue are not mentioned, but Sardis was dead.
i. A remnant has not sunk with the church. They are wearing white which is equated with righteousness. They would have understood this word picture from being a place known for its dye and garment industry.
j. White garments were worn in celebrations like weddings.
k. Jesus will come like a thief and we shouldn’t be found naked but should be clothed in righteousness.
My comments: I think we can find individuals representing the characteristics of the 5 churches (so far) in our churches nowadays. But because Jesus rules the church, no matter what type of church we may be in now, there will always be a remnant of those who have not “stained or soiled” their clothing. Jesus has chosen those whose names will not be blotted out of the Book of Life. God has pursued His people and will bring them victoriously to His fold. Jesus made the way possible.
1. What awakened Mordecai? (Esther 3:13) and how did he and the Jews respond? (Esther 4:1-3)
Letters were sent by couriers to all the king’s provinces with instruction to destroy, to kill, and to annihilate all Jews.
Mordecai tore his clothes and put on sackcloth and ashes…there was great mourning among the Jews, with fasting and weeping and lamenting, and many of them lay in sackcloth and ashes.
2. How does Esther respond in Esther 4:15-16? What elements do you see here that can lead to revival?
Esther told them to tell Mordecai, “Go, gather all the Jews to be found in Susa, and hold a fast on my behalf, and do not eat or drink for three days, night or day. I and my young women will also fast as you do. Then I will go to the king, though it is against the law, and if I perish, I perish.”
Elements that can lead to revival: fasting and praying, submitting to the Lord.
3. What is similar between Christ’s greeting to Ephesus and now, to Sardis? How is the situation in Sardis more serious?
Both are called to repent and remember. Ephesus had lost their first Love, Sardis was spiritually completely dead. Yet there was still hope if they repent.
11. G. K. Beale likens the people in the Church at Sardis to the Jews described in Revelation 2:9. What does Jesus say about them, and what does this mean?
They say they are Jews but are not truly-instead they worship Satan. They call themselves Jews but in their heart they are not true believers.
What is similar between Christ’s greeting to Ephesus and now, to Sardis? How is the situation in Sardis more serious?
They are both addressed by the One with “seven” of something.
They have lost their faith.
They are both told to repent and there will be a reward.
They are both given a directive to listen to the Holy Spirit.
Sardis is dead inside.
G. K. Beale likens the people in the Church at Sardis to the Jews described in Revelation 2:9. What does Jesus say about them, and what does this mean?
He basically called them hypocrites.
Sometimes the phrase “nominal Christian” is used, meaning “in name only, /not in reality.”
Do the people in the world with whom you work or associate know you are a
yes, people know I am a Christian.
Christian? Do you think they have sensed love and integrity in you?
yes and no. If people truly know me then they know my character. It’s when they don’t know me very well that they make assumptions about me. For example, this has come up just this week. Another colleague and I were talking and he told me that a student told him he couldn’t go to Chick-fil-A because they were homophobic. That is not true, of course. However, our society believes that if you are Christian you hate gays. That’s not true. I just disagree with them on the issue of being gay.
Have you shared your faith winsomely with them? Explain.
Yes, in fact I heard the word “Bible” come out of a students mouth yesterday as he was talking to another teacher. I moseyed into the room and said. “did I just hear the word Bible in this room? Probably the greatest love story of all.” The teacher explained that I was religious. I said that I was more spiritual, not into rituals. We chatted a few more minutes and then I left.
I loved your first response when you came into the room, Laura.
1. Sermon notes.
While the stars can be translated as angels, it could also be messengers or leaders. Jesus is the ultimate leader and appointer of the churches.
Sardis was very wealthy in gold (think of the stories of King Midas), the making of cloth and garments, and the dying industry. It was up on a mountain and considered impenetrable; very defendable. It was taken more than once, not so much by military might, by by the laziness and non watchfulness of its people. They also had hot springs, which were thought to bring life and healing.
Jesus used all of this as word pictures for the people of the church there.
He rebuked them. They had a reputation in the city, and maybe even with other churches. Was it because of good works? Jesus says those works are not good in His eyes because they aren’t complete; they aren’t coming from a heart alive to God. We can do things that make people praise us, but have God see it as dead.
How can a church be dead? By pursuing man’s approval rather than God’s. By syncing with the world. We define hypocrisy as saying one thing and then doing what we said shouldn’t be done. Here, it is defined as doing good things very well, but from a wrong heart. God wants our hearts. What is more important to me; commendation from the world? Or commendation from Jesus, even if it comes with the rejection of the world?
Are the people in the church at Sardis believers or not? He says that is the wrong question, because it doesn’t matter whether they are or not. The important thing is the response to the coming commands. If we say ‘no’ to Jesus, we are saying He is not our Lord at all. Our response is what matters. Jesus has five commands.
A. Jesus tells them they need to wake up. It is the same as saying be watchful, which is a major theme in the Bible. God is continually speaking to us, but we are asleep and not listening.
B. He says to strengthen what remains. While there are some good spiritual realities in Sardis, they are like embers dying out.
C. He calls on them to remember. That is like telling yourself the truths of the gospel you already know. Give yourself to them. Immerse yourself in scripture and have it define your life. Don’t let your life define scripture.
D. Keep God’s words. It isn’t enough to read, study, or even memorize it. We need to be doing what we see there.stop being just a label or name. Do what you used to do for and with Jesus. This morning, the Lord was impressing on me that having the intention to stay away from what is wrong isn’t enough. Unless you purpose and act to do good, you will drift into what is wrong.
E. The last thing Jesus commands here is to repent. Why do we resist repentance? We don’t want to be under someone else’s authority. A call to repentance points out that we are wrong. We need to admit it and change. That hurts our pride. People think to repent means you have to wallow in guilt, but repentance is not dependent on our self condemnation. Part of being a growing and maturing person includes a willingness to change your mind when you see you are wrong. The Greek for repent means to think again. For yourself or for others, ask, have you considered the possibility of a different set of presuppositions?
In these letters, Jesus is not writing to individuals, but to churches. While we can take things from it for ourselves, we really have to see it on the church level. Here are his application points for churches:
Don’t rest on the past. Spend more on new things than on celebrating the past. The church should have a current testimony of what God is saying and how they are responding.
Don’t focus on form or function, but rather on spiritual vitality. A concern for social needs without speaking to the sins of that same community can lead to a good reputation. Need to speak to the deepest needs m which is a relationship with Jesus that is changing them from the inside.
To just be comfortable loving your city can lead to a lethargy toward the radical demands of faith. In this passage, there is no mention of them facing persecution or intimidation, yet they are said to be dead. That is SCARY. There is a commendation now for those who are a remnant, who still have character and holiness, who are not syncing to the city. Jesus knows them. He promises they will walk with Him in white. To those in the center of the garment dying industry, this had to mean a lot. White clothes were for celebrations, weddings. They signified purity and holiness. I couldn’t help but think that I shy away from white clothes because they are so hard to keep clean. Who hasn’t bought gray t-shirts for their husband for that very reason? Dying cloth covers up dirt. A life motivated by hope is shaped by the goal we are waiting for. If we don’t respond correctly to Jesus, He will come against us in judgment. Don’t be like those in the past who let their easily defendable city be conquered. We don’t want to be unclothed; to be seen without the righteousness of Jesus covering us. To have our name in the book of life and confessed before God comes from identifying with Jesus now. When He says, hear what the Spirit says, He means to respond correctly. There is grace in this call. Don’t miss it.
Mary, these notes are so good and I love how your wonderful personality comes through. Avoiding white because it gets dirty so easily😃. I avoid white because it makes me look bigger, but the point is our messes and flaws that seem yucky to us are made pure by the blood of Jesus Christ. I so appreciate you on this blog!!
Mary and Sharon — you both make me smile about why you avoid white.
Mary, I, too, like Sharon, appreciate you so much here. I can’t thank you all enough and Dee how this blog keeps on speaking to me, articulating gold nuggets of wisdom that I couldn’t and blessing me so much!
This one resonates with me-” The church should have a current testimony of what God is saying and how they are responding.” One member who left our church with her husband often talked about “the good old days”. I tried not to be super sensitive about it but when they left, it was almost a relief. And I struggled with the latter feeling and asked God to forgive me for feeling unloving. And sadly, she passed away a year later; God gave grace because she was in one of the nursing homes that I took my students to and I was able to care for her one more time before she got moved again. I felt that God gave me a second chance with her.
I understand the relief, Bing. Proverbs says “Cast out the dissenter and you will peace.” Perhaps God took her out.
Thank you, Dee, for the Proverbs verse. Yes, perhaps God took her out for the purpose of not creating a “Sardis-like” atmosphere-her presence was distracting to some I was told. and now that I thought of it, many of our old-timers at church have not said anything alluding to the good old days. Most if not all, have been encouraging for us to move forward and to keep preaching the gospel. And not necessarily to go with the flow. We pray that our church would keep our identity in Christ strong and not be motivated by the approval of man. This is a struggle for me as I often catch myself feeding the idol of man’s approval. Thankfully, I have my husband and a very godly older woman in our church who keep me in check.
19. What is your take-a-way this week and why?
“Every generation is responsible for keeping its identity with Christ strong for once it is lost, that church, movement or denomination may be lost forever.”
I do not want to be judgmental here but am sure burdened by what I see. I am seeing more and more families giving priorities to sports, making their children good “earthly” citizens but not necessarily citizens of heaven.
Even the importance of family has taken priority over spiritual things. Social justice instead of the gospel.
Tim Keller once said, “Inordinate love creates inordinate uncontrollable anguish if anything goes wrong with the objects of our greatest hopes.” Looking for love in all the wrong places as an old song goes.
I pray that we will not forsake our first love but will persevere and not grow weary (Ephesians); be faithful through persecution and know it is just for a time( Smyrna); remain true to His name and not be enticed by the Balaks and Nicolaitans and Jezebels of this world (Pergamum and Thyatira); and to be watchful and not resting on past laurels (Sardis). I needed to summarize what I am learning so far from the different churches as I remember better when I write or type.
Bing, what a great, great way to go through these letters to the churches!! Thank you!
Amen to Mary’s praise!
Thank you Bing, this helped me as I am getting confused with so much to know! I’m feeling like my students all of the sudden; overwhelmed with information. I know it is all important and I’m feeling that I am missing a lot. I also am way far behind this week and realize that I may not catch up….eeekk! Pressure.
Laura, I totally get what you are saying about feeling overwhelmed like our students. Being almost retired (on July 1st officially) has made me realized how much my teaching job consumed my time. there was almost something to do. I am in the process of finishing up June by helping 3 of my students compete at the virtual SkillsUSA Championships. We will know by the 23rd how we did! Then that would be the end of my commitment to school responsibilities. How about you? When does the school year end?
Amen again! Oh, I love this concise summary Bing!! I see the very things you mention about the priorities today!! We so need Jesus to be the center of our lives and our families!
1. In the following verses, the same Greek word (onoma) is used and is translated, name, people, reputation. Find it and tell what you learn about it.
2. Rev 2:17 – this is the verse that speaks about a person being given a white stone with a “new name” on it, a name known only to the one who receives it.
3. Rev 3:1 – here “onoma” is translated “reputation”, when Jesus addresses the church at Sardis, saying that they have a reputation for being alive (they have made a name for themselves, in the past, of being an alive church)
4. Rev 3:5 – “name” is used twice in this verse, when Jesus says He will never blot out the “name” of that person (one who is victorious, worthy) and will also acknowledge that “name” before His Father.
5. Read the rest of Dr. Campbell’s comments about Sardis in Mystery Explained that begin with “But to the remaining faithful believers” and answer:
6. What three promises are given to believers and what does each mean?
They will be clothed in white garments. I believe the key word here is “clothed”, meaning that God is the one who clothes the believer thus. We cannot clothe ourselves in spiritual purity, it is the righteousness that comes down from heaven and we are clothed in it.
Their names will never be blotted out from the book of life. Campbell writes that the names of believers are written in this book before the creation of the world, meaning that God chooses who will be saved before they are born. This is a hard thing to understand, along with verses that talk about God not desiring any to perish. I think there’s a verse in Ezekiel somewhere that says that God doesn’t delight in the wicked perishing, but would rather they would turn and repent.
The third promise is that Jesus will acknowledge the believer’s name before His Father. This means that our names will be honored by Christ. This convicts me….oh, when I talk about someone “behind their back”, I am not honoring their name! Jesus isn’t going to say anything bad about us to the Father.
7. When were the names of believers recorded in the Lamb’s Book of Life? What does this mean to you?
Before the foundations of the world were created. It means that He knew my name before I was born. That is a mystery that is hard to comprehend.
8. What else stands out to you from Dr. Campbell’s comments and why?
Where he talks about the necessity of the church being constantly reformed. I believe that applies to all churches, regardless of denomination. A “denomination” doesn’t give an exemption to that. How easy it is for a church to ride on its history or even the fame of its founders. Campbell says they can become a religious institution; it’s like a shell with nothing in it.
Such a good point under 8, Susan.
Guilt is not an effective motivator to get Christians to share their faith, but the power of the Spirit is. I know for me, seeing a life changed by God propels me to keep sharing. What helps you to share boldly?
I guess that I know we are expected to share so I have learned to just put myself out there and do it. I am (mostly!) a rule follower, especially when the rule makes logical sense. It was awkward the first time but after that not so much (as I shared with the Muslim student the other day).
What does the word picture “I will come like a thief, and you will not know what time I will come to you” conjure in your mind? Why would Jesus want to startle us so?
This is a good question! I see this as you must always be on your toes and ready. I don’t think it’s to startle though, more to not let your guard down. He wants us to not get distracted, to stay on point.