1. Share one way the Lord has penetrated your heart or mind so far this Advent — from Keller, from creation, from music, from the family of God… Share — for we are passing your “dish” around the table.
2. From the following passages, when did the plan begin for Jesus to leave Paradise and come to us? And what was the plan?
A. Ephesians 1:4-5
B. Genesis 3:15b
C. As you ponder this, what are your thoughts or questions?
3. Meditate on Philippians 2:5-11
A. What did Jesus give up for us?
B. How does verse 5 say we should apply this? (Look too at verses 3-4) How can you do this during this week? Be specific!
This is my little town of Ephraim, reminding me a bit of the little town of Bethlehem 2,000 years ago. Such an unlikely birthplace for a king.
4. Read Micah 5:2-4 and share what you learn. (This is a near and far prophecy, as is common. God would deliver Israel from the Assyrians by what D. A. Carson calls a “cadre of rulers.” But most of the prophecy is a far prophecy pointing to the deliverance of God’s people through the Messiah.)
5. Read this short devotional and comment:
6. Sing “O Little Town of Bethlehem” (if you need lyrics, get them from a hymnal or online.) What stands out and why?
7. What are your hopes and fears for tomorrow? Give them to the Lord here and we will support you in prayer.
8. Listen to the short testimony from the late R. C. Sproul about his first Christmas as a Christian. Share your comments. Can you identify in any way, even if you came to Christ as a little child, share how it became more meaningful as you matured.
The Day After Christmas: The Now and The Not Yet
I have come to see Christmas as a foretaste of a much great day, a day of great rejoicing! Every Christmas I’ve known has had its disappointments and joys. That’s because it’s just a taste of the real thing, the day when we are together with no more sorrow, tears, or death.
9. Keller tells us that the word that is translated both as not “overcome” and not “understood” in John 1:5 (The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not “overcome or understood” it.) Keller suggests substituting the word “mastered” for that works for both meanings.
A. Did you experience any darkness or disappointment on Christmas Day?
B. Yet how does the light of Christ help you both understand and not be overcome by that disappointment?
I’ve recently become aware of both the singing and writing talent of Andrew Peterson’s daughter Skye, who produced her first album at 14. Here, she is a lead vocalist along with Sandra McCracken. Below find the link to the lyrics.
There’s gonna be a great rejoicing
There’s gonna be a great rejoicing
The troubles of this world
Will wither up and die
That river of tears made by the lonely
Someday will be dry
There’s gonna be a great rejoicing
There’s gonna be a great joy river
There’s gonna be a great joy river
Questions of this world
Someday will be known
Who’s robbing you of peace
And who’s the giver
There’s gonna be a great joy river
Someday you will find me
Guarded in His fortress
Open heart and wings
That never touch the ground
Someday we will gather
In a grand reunion
Debts of this old world
Are nowhere to be found
Nowhere to be found
There’s gonna be a great rejoicing
There’s gonna be a great rejoicing
There’s gonna be a great joy river
There’s gonna be a great rejoicing
There’s gonna be a great rejoicing
There’s gonna be a great rejoicing
The troubles of this world
Will wither up and die
That river of tears made by the lonely
Someday will be dry
There’s gonna be a great rejoicing
There’s gonna be a great joy river
There’s gonna be a great joy river
Questions of this world
Someday will be known
Who’s robbing you of peace
And who’s the giver
There’s gonna be a great joy river
Someday you will find me
Guarded in His fortress
Open heart and wings
That never touch the ground
Someday we will gather
In a grand reunion
Debts of this old world
Are nowhere to be found
Nowhere to be found
There’s gonna be a great rejoicing
There’s gonna be a great rejoicing
There’s gonna be a great joy river
There’s gonna be a great rejoicing
There’s gonna be a great rejoicing
I posted this late on last week’s blog post. Seems to fit here today.
1. Share one way the Lord has penetrated your heart or mind so far this Advent — from Keller, from creation, from music, from the family of God… Share — for we are passing your “dish” around the table.
Christ things have happened at school believe it or not. The “Christians in Action” group, which has been a long-standing club, has gotten back together and are just getting their bearings. I have been an advisor and co-advisor in the past. 12 students came to the informational meeting last week! Clubs must be student led, and this one just hasn’t had the students who wanted to participate until now. I’m also thankful that another younger teacher has agreed to be their advisor. I’m just helping them get started. And, I nearly fell off my chair when I heard “Go Tell it on the Mountain” resonating through the hallways on the morning announcements one day! I’m not sure who was responsible for that, but the senior class president and VP do the morning announcements, so maybe them? It was so cool hearing, “…that Jesus Christ was born.” in my school. Wow!
Oh that is wonderful!!! What a great start to the school day and to our blog.
I love this post.
You are understandably encouraged 🙂
Laura, That is so delightful to hear 💕😊
This is awesome Laura…God is on the move! CIA is a great program.
This is such good news, Laura! God is prompting hearts!
That is a wow experience, Laura! Praise God!
1. Share one way the Lord has penetrated your heart this Advent.
My daughter Annie gave me the Audible book Advent – A Season of Hope by Tish Harrison Warner.
It is an “invitation to pause, to quiet our minds and bodies, to slow down and reflect on gospel hope.”
It has been so helpful in this very way.
We had a chaotic, happy, wonderful children’s Christmas program practice yesterday morning. Thirty children dressed in manger scene attire. As I was accompanying them to “Go Tell it on the Mountain” I was struck by the hope that the truth of the incarnation is being implanted in their tender hearts as they heartily memorize and sing these songs.
And may our hearts be tenderized again by hearing them sing. (For some of us can be prone to cynicism and doubt at times.)
I would have loved to have heard them sing while you accompanied them, I presume on your guitar. Such a blessing, Nila!
1. Share one way the Lord has penetrated your heart or mind so far this Advent — from Keller, from creation, from music, from the family of God… Share — for we are passing your “dish” around the table.
—I have especially enjoyed daily reading and meditating on Paul David Tripp’s Advent devotional called “Come Let Us Adore Him”
A rich comment from this morning’s reading says
“..the past grace of the birth of Jesus guarantees that we will receive the present grace that we daily need and the future grace that is our hope in this life and the one to come.”
I am finding this year during this special season that I am growing in anticipation of what God has for us as we daily walk with Him. Our pastor this morning preached from Luke 1 and talked about Zechariah & Elizabeth. Like Elizabeth I am now a woman advanced in years but nevertheless hope is the theme of what I have in Jesus. He is everything. He is truly all that matters. I do not fear the future because of Him.
We gave everyone in our church that devotional — it is good.
I love your last paragraph.
Thank you for sharing the Paul Tripp quote, Bev. I love your ‘growing in anticipation”. I need to focus on doing that more.
1. Share one way the Lord has penetrated your heart or mind so far this Advent — from Keller, from creation, from music, from the family of God… Share — for we are passing your “dish” around the table.
The praise teams did a Christmas musical special today and one of the songs they sang was Behold Him. It went so well with the studies we’ve been doing here. Especially the question that Dee posted for Friday that Keller asked in the sermon last week, “Are you so distracted you don’t have time to behold Him?” That question really challenged me and listening to the song being sung penetrated my heart…a kiss from the King.
I hope the above link works. If not you can go to YouTube to listen to it.
Oh I hope you all watch the video from Sharon — beautiful imagery with Northern lights — beautiful lyrics like:
He who was before there was light
He who heard humanity’s cry
John Piper says Beholding is Becoming based on a Scripture that I will find! 🙂
Sharon, This is so beautiful. The photography and lyrics speak to the power and glory of God.
I love what you wrote last week about praying scripture. I need to include more scripture in my prayers. My study time has not been as consistent during my move and I miss it.
1. Share one way the Lord has penetrated your heart or mind so far this Advent — from Keller, from creation, from music, from the family of God… Share — for we are passing your “dish” around the table. Last Monday another lady was praying with me and suddenly God’s presence was noticeably with us. I can’t describe. Other lady also sensed it. It was just a place neither of us wanted to leave. His peace and His goodness. We both had time restraints so our time ended but that closeness stayed with me all day. Thinking about it now makes me smile.
LOve this testimony, Judy.
This gave me goose bumps Judy!
Oh, Judy! Goosebumps for sure! 🙏🙏🙏
2. From the following passages, when did the plan begin for Jesus to leave Paradise and come to us? And what was the plan?
A. Ephesians 1:4-5
Before the world was created He planned to save us. He would send a Savior.
B. Genesis 3:15b
During the creation, the plan is there. Evil would be struck down by the Savior.
C. As you ponder this, what are your thoughts or questions?
Evil surrounds us daily. It can be in our faces. I’m especially sensitive to it right now. I can’t know how to fight it. I trust Him to be there to do it in my place. Yet, it sometimes feels as if I am alone. I am not equipped to fight it alone. When, oh Lord, will You come and save us?
3. Meditate on Philippians 2:5-11
A. What did Jesus give up for us?
He gave up His divine privilege’s for us.
B. How does verse 5 say we should apply this? (Look too at verses 3-4) How can you do this during this week? Be specific!
Funny, I he ave verses 3-4 highlighted in my Bible app.
We are to be like Him. We are to be humble, thinking of others as better than ourselves. Don’t try to impress. Don’t look out for only our interests, rather the interests of others too.
Praying for you with your daughter and family, Laura! He is Immanuel — God with you!
I just realized that I never answered the second part to the question about how to do this during the week. I can definitely try to be humble, not impressing my Swedish company. I do want them to be comfortable though. Trust me. They already know how human we actually are….🥴
1. Share one way the Lord has penetrated your heart or mind so far this Advent — from Keller, from creation, from music, from the family of God… Share — for we are passing your “dish” around the table.
It has been my habit to read the book of Luke in the month of December, a chapter a day. The compassion of Jesus for the multitudes of people again has permeated my heart. As He traveled thru the nation healing and teaching, I imagine what it might have been like to be in His presence, to see, hear, and touch Him. I find myself hoping for a “happy ending,” even though I know Jesus will be betrayed and murdered. How great His love for us, for me! I have read thru chapter 23, and Jesus is lying in the tomb. The life journey of the little babe born in Bethlehem is seemingly over, but tomorrow will be chapter 24, a glorious resurrection! Now THERE’S a happy ending!
Indeed — that is a happy ending! That’s a great habit — to read through Luke in December.
1. Share one way the Lord has penetrated your heart or mind so far this Advent — from Keller, from creation, from music, from the family of God… Share — for we are passing your “dish” around the table. – I think what stuck out to me this year is that we need to be waking up each day with anticipation that Jesus could return today. We need to be looking for him in every part of our day whether it be as we are outside or reading His Word. If we look for him we will find Him and see Him fulfilling his promises that he made to us from the beginning of creation.
2. From the following passages, when did the plan begin for Jesus to leave Paradise and come to us? And what was the plan?
A. Ephesians 1:4-5 – Before the creation of the world we were chosen to be holy and blameless in his sight. We were predestined to be adopted as his children through Jesus Christ
B. Genesis 3:15b – this one isn’t as clear, but it appears that this is from the beginning again and that through the crushing of the serpents head we will be victorious through Jesus.
C. As you ponder this, what are your thoughts or questions? – It is mind blowing that before I was even born, I was chosen. It’s like my life was never my own, but I know I still had choices that were mine and only mine. I didn’t always choose wisely, but because of creation and me being adopted in to Christ, Jesus never left me. He walked beside me to nudge me along.
3. Meditate on Philippians 2:5-11
A. What did Jesus give up for us? – He gave up his heavenly position with God and his life for us.
B. How does verse 5 say we should apply this? (Look too at verses 3-4) How can you do this during this week? Be specific! – My attitude needs to be the same as Jesus’. I should think of others in a loving way and consider their interests as well as my own. Oh man, my attitude has always been my struggle. But I continue to work at being more considerate and appreciative of others thoughts. I can stop, rethink my thoughts before I speak out about anything. This will help me be more considerate of the person in front of me.
Oh man! My attitude has always been my struggle! 🙂
You know what made me think and smile about that, Julie? Instead of using God’s name in vain you used man’s. Quite appropriate for that is where the blame lies. With us.
Christmas Eve: O Little Town
4. Read Micah 5:2-4 and share what you learn. (This is a near and far prophecy, as is common. God would deliver Israel from the Assyrians by what D. A. Carson calls a “cadre of rulers.” But most of the prophecy is a far prophecy pointing to the deliverance of God’s people through the Messiah.)
Bethlehem was tiny in comparison to other towns/cities in Israel, but the great ruler would arise from there. That’s how God works, using the improbable to accomplish His purposes. This ruler is eternal and will stand in the strength of the LORD, in the majesty of the name of the LORD, and shall be great unto the ends of the earth. I see here not only a prophecy for Israel’s Messiah, but also a prophecy for me, the return of Jesus in glory and strength to rule all nations.
5. Read this short devotional and comment:
The author gives voice to all the details that were running thru my mind when I read the passage in Micah. How God delights to use the people and places that the world would discount! His ways are not our ways. I had given no thought before to the hopes, fears, and waiting of the nation of Israel; it was just words to me without emotion. I think of Jews today who are still waiting, having rejected Jesus as their Messiah, I think of all humanity longing for what they don’t really understand, but know that something is missing in their lives. I think of believers longing for the return of Jesus and their heavenly home. Longing, waiting, hoping…
6. Sing “O Little Town of Bethlehem” (if you need lyrics, get them from a hymnal or online.) What stands out and why?
What stood out to me was the relative quiet and unobtrusiveness of the entrance of God into the world. Stillness, dreamless sleep, silent stars, etc., unheralded by man, BUT not by angels. Angels who were watching in wonder, singing praises, and proclaiming the glad tidings! Here, in Bethlehem, is the only answer for the world, Jesus. God is still imparting to human hearts the blessings of heaven, meek souls can still turn to Him, snd Jesus will enter in, Hallelujah!
7. What are your hopes and fears for tomorrow? Give them to the Lord here and we will support you in prayer.
Being older now (69, husband 75) I tend to be fearful of my husband’s death. When those thoughts arise, I try to hand it over to the Lord and trust Him for the future. I hope that my life (actions/words) would be a witness and draw my family to Jesus (children/grandchildren). I hope the love I show them might lead them to consider why I am who I am, because of Jesus.
Wonderful post, Cheryl Ann.
1. Share one way the Lord has penetrated your heart or mind so far this Advent — from Keller, from creation, from music, from the family of God… Share — for we are passing your “dish” around the table. I’ve shared already about the song, “I asked the Lord that I might grow”, and this truly has worked in my heart so much, helping me process grief, but also the study from Hope Out Loud, “Leverage Your Life.” I missed a great opportunity because I was not prepared in the moment (as happens so often), but an in-law of my daughters was picking up granddaughters at my house and she remarked about our sweet Lucy being gone to heaven and looked rather sad (I know she’s facing a tremendous hardship herself), and I said, well, yes, but that’s the way the Lord works in our lives through hard trials, keeping our hearts soft. Her reply was, Well, I guess. She is a woman of faith and I found myself wishing I had found the words in that moment to encourage her, as she left rather sad. I’m hoping to pass along the song to her over the holiday, and some encouraging words.
2. From the following passages, when did the plan begin for Jesus to leave Paradise and come to us? And what was the plan?
A. Ephesians 1:4-5-before the foundations of the world, he chose us in him that we should be blameless before him.
B. Genesis 3:15b-there was to be enmity between the offspring of the snake in the garden and the offspring of Eve, “he shall bruise your head and you shall bruise his heel”
C. As you ponder this, what are your thoughts or questions? I’m just in awe of our Lord, that he has had this incredible plan from the beginning of time. I’m continually more humbled in his plan for me.
3. Meditate on Philippians 2:5-11-
A. What did Jesus give up for us? ”He made himself nothing, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men…” wow.
B. How does verse 5 say we should apply this? (Look too at verses 3-4) How can you do this during this week? Be specific! We need to look to the interest of others, not just ourselves. Okay. So, I’ve been struggling to invite a friend over for Christmas. There are a lot of details, but I’ll just say, I’m struggling with being selfish. It’s going to take a lot for me to have her and her grandson over, and also, for my family to share our special time with her. But I finally invited her and then, she found herself in the same position with a “special needs” friend, who invited herself to the Christmas service that I had invited her to attend. We had planned to visit after the service for dinner at my house and now she felt the need to reschedule our visit due to her friend. We shall see how it turns out. I’ve offered for them all to come. And isn’t it like the Lord to give me scripture that encourages me to look after their needs, as they are alone at Christmas.
May the Lord’s will be done, Chris. I understand all those feelings!
I appreciate your comments. As it turns out we welcomed them at the church service and will plan another day to visit. Following the Lord’s lead. I love the way he draws us close and directs our steps in the word, but also in creation. Our grandson’s spotted a goose outside their window on Christmas Eve morning. Our family always called Lucy, Lucy Goose. The boys commented to their dad that maybe God was giving them a Christmas reminder of their Lucy Goose. At that moment, the goose started nodding its head! I love their perspective of how God works in our lives.
Chris, Thank you for sharing this story of Lucy Goose. I love how our Mighty God works in such sweet and simple ways. I love that your grandsons saw God giving them this precious Christmas gift. I loved your entire post.
I always so much appreciate your posts, Chris. I just ordered the Bible study you referenced. I also find great help for my soul in that poem, I asked the Lord that I might grow. God be near and dear to you this season.
I took a moment to listen to the music video that Sharon shared with us as Dee recommended. Thank you Sharon. I was greatly blessed by it. So very worshipful and focused on Jesus.
I agree! Beautiful.
4. Read Micah 5:2-4 and share what you learn. (This is a near and far prophecy, as is common. God would deliver Israel from the Assyrians by what D. A. Carson calls a “cadre of rulers.” But most of the prophecy is a far prophecy pointing to the deliverance of God’s people through the Messiah.)
There is a ruler from Israel, and the distant past, who will come and be born from a woman. He will defend His people from enemies. He gets His strength from the Lord. The people will live in peace. He will be honored around the world.
5. Read this short devotional and comment:
Of course, I love the coffee shop description! Hahaha…
Waiting, yes, overlooked, yes, fearful? All of the above right now. Do I feel His presence? Sometimes. Right now, today, not really. Another petition against us filed yesterday. Another arrow shot. I feel like we are perhaps in the wrong, trying to protect the grands. Maybe we need to give in. It is hard. I’ve always said that in my life when things fell into place, they were meant from God. When I struggled and fought, beating my head against the wall then maybe I should have given up. God did not intend for me to take the path I was on. I’m not waiting with much confidence today. I know He is in charge, but I am exhausted and definitely weary.
6. Sing “O Little Town of Bethlehem” (if you need lyrics, get them from a hymnal or online.) What stands out and why?
“How silently, how silentlyThe wondrous gift is given!So God imparts to human heartsThe blessings of His heaven.No ear may hear His coming,But in this world of sin,Where meek souls will receive him still,The dear Christ enters in.”
I like this verse because it reminds me that God left a piece of Himself inside the heart of each person and we can either accept Him, or not. It is a choice. The meek receive Him and He accepts us.
7. What are your hopes and fears for tomorrow? Give them to the Lord here and we will support you in prayer.
Well, as I mentioned above, our daughter continues the fight. It would be nice if she could be more soft in heart, less angry. I would like her to think of her children more than of herself. She continues to blame us and not accept her actions in our situation. Please Lord help her wake up to what she has done and how we have just tried to manage. Help her see that she is being led by an evil man (her husband) and she should run far away from him. He is bad news for her. Thank you all for praying for our family.
Oh, Laura,
I’m praying right now that the Lord touches you this moment with His peace and gives you wisdom. You’ve place your trust in Him and He will guide, I add my prayer to yours for your daughter and her children. Please Lord, invade her heart and open her eyes. Surround Laura with Your love. In Jesus name, amen.
Joining you in this prayer, Cheryl.
Laura, I pray for the lord to pour His peace and presence over you. I am praying that He will penetrate your daughter’s hardened heart and help her to see how important it is for the safety and well being of your grandchildren to be with you and your husband. 2 Corinthians 10:4. ‘For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds.” Praying for the Holy Spirit to be with you and speak to your heart and direct you in the way of the Lord. You are loved. The battle belongs to the Lord.
Father, I do ask that you would take Sarah’s husband out of the picture somehow and work on Sarah’s heart.
Prayers for wisdom and peace for you and that your daughter’s eyes are opened, heart softened and that she turns to you and God for guidance. May your grandchildren thrive in your love and care.
Thank you , everyone, for these prayers.
Praying with you all for Laura and this situation. Much love to you.
5. Read this short devotional and comment:
—This comment stood out to me from the devotional.
“But, because of what happened on a still night in a remote village, you and I never have to fear again. Our truest hope and deepest longing collided with our greatest fear—not just in Bethlehem but in Jesus.”
—I am totally familiar with living in a small village and pretty far from a city of any size. I grew up in a town of around 200 people. You basically knew everyone and now we live in a town of about 3,000 which is still a comparatively small place. When someone even just kind of famous comes to our town it is a big deal but very rarely happens.
So to consider that the God of the Universe chose to be born in a completely obscure place speaks volumes to me personally.
6. Sing “O Little Town of Bethlehem” (if you need lyrics, get them from a hymnal or online.) What stands out and why?
—I particularly love verse 3.
“How silently, how silently
The wondrous Gift is given!
So God imparts to human hearts
The blessings of His heaven
No ear may hear His coming
But in this world of sin
Where meek souls will receive Him still
The dear Christ enters in.
—This world of sin was invaded in a such quiet unassuming way to unassuming people. And He still comes and lives with and among meek souls who will receive Him.
In this world’s eyes I’m someone of no importance or consequence. An obscure person living in an out of the way place. But Jesus chose to come live within me. I’m in awe of that.
7. What are your hopes and fears for tomorrow? Give them to the Lord here and we will support you in prayer.
—Hope will be my word for 2025. It just seems to resonate strongly in my heart. It has nothing to do with what mankind has to offer me. But everything to do with Jesus. My hope of Heaven and my hope of his return for us. A resurrection is coming and I live in anticipation of Him.
My fears if I let them have place have to do with the maladies of old age. They have begun to set in and I am very familiar with them. But Jesus is the answer to my fears and I cling to Him to provide my every need and I am finding he is faithfully walking with me through these things. I do get weary at times but He faithfully renews my soul and spirit. I can sing with strength of heart “Joy to the World!!!”
I love your comparison with your little Nebraska town! 200! The population of Ephraim is 384, but most go away in the winter. I’m the only one on my road of 30 homes!
1. Share one way the Lord has penetrated your heart or mind so far this Advent — from Keller, from creation, from music, from the family of God… Share — for we are passing your “dish” around the table.The Lord has been so good, even as I have floundered through the past 15 months. I have been so blessed by my son in law, Marcus and my new grandson in law, Tony. Both are strong men of God, who read their Bibles daily, take part in Bible studies and live out their faith daily. After losing my husband, these two men of God have demonstrated such love and kindness to me. Tony has the most sincere and beautiful prayers; they always touch my heart. Marcus is at my door, repairing and taking care of any need I have, before I ask. To see strong men who so love the Lord and put Him first in their lives is such a gift and encouragement to my soul. Thank you Lord for these two men of God in my life.
How thankful I am for these men in your life, Patti.
This just makes me cry tears of joy to see how God is taking care of you, dear Patti. He has such a heart for widows and they are practicing pure religion and undefiled in caring for you.
Oh, Patti, what a gift Marcus and Tony are to you. Praise God!
2. From the following passages, when did the plan begin for Jesus to leave Paradise and come to us? And what was the plan?
A. Ephesians 1:4-5
The plan began: Before God made the world. In advance.
The plan: To love and choose us in Christ, to be holy and without fault in His eyes. To adopt us into His own family by bringing us to Himself through Jesus Christ. This is what He wanted to do and it gave Him great pleasure.
B. Genesis 3:15b
The plan began: In the garden when man fell.
The plan: Open hostility between Satan and the woman.
C. As you ponder this, what are your thoughts or questions?
I am in awe of His love and what He has done for me…very humbling. I have many questions on the choosing but I have learned to take it in faith.
3. Meditate on Philippians 2:5-11
A. What did Jesus give up for us?
He gave up His divine privileges; He took the humble position of a slave and was born as a human being.
B. How does verse 5 say we should apply this? (Look too at verses 3-4) How can you do this during this week? Be specific!
Have the attitude of Christ, which is being selfless, not trying to impress others, be humble, think of others as better the ourselves, not only looking out for our own interests but taking an interest in others, too.
I can do this by being more intentionally sensitive to those I come in contact with…smiling and being kind to people at the grocery store, family and friends. I do think this takes preparation…being in the word and in prayer. My word for this year is “self-forgetfulness.” I came across an article from Desiring God by Scott Hubbard where he gave an acronym for the word “forget.”
F…Fill your mind with Jesus
O…Obey more than you analyze. Are my thoughts distracting me from more important obedience?
R…Repent and confess quickly
G…Get lost in something good
E…Embrace your God-given callings
T…Thank God always and for everything
Great anocynym, Sharon! I like the Get Lost in Something Good. I’ve been reading good books and it is so good for my soul. Just finished Generous Justice by Keller.
Oh, such a good acronym I desperately need! Going to copy! Thanks so much for sharing it, Sharon!
I loved all of this Christmas week blog, dear Dee. I so much miss being here regularly and in a deeper way. I’m in a phase of my life where all seems chaotic, unplanned, a constant survival mode of an existence as a single mom with a world of complicated difficulties.
There’s a dragon for sure in my Nativity, and he often gets the best of me, and drives me away from the face of my dear Lord Jesus, and into the paralysis of despair. I’ve been reminded, so gently this season, of the Savior who came to a tiny podunk town which, in turn for the awesome privilege, denied Him a place, and then slept quietly through it all as if it did not matter that the King of the Universe had been born there.
I am blessed as I take a few moments to contemplate the unfathomable ways of God, how He chooses to work quietly and slowly without fanfare behind the scenes. When all seemed so hopeless, the Light of Life was that very moment piercing the thick, humanly impenetrable gloom and darkness, and ushering in an everlasting and true hope. And it was not done in the way I would have done it or even imagined it.
“Oh, Little Town of Bethlehem” has always been my favorite carol for the depth of meaning of its words. But, oh, how it came to me with a freshness this year, and brought joy to my sighing heart.
Do it again, Lord Jesus! Pierce the darkness and set me free. Free to love you from the depths of my weary soul. Free to spread Your true Light of love and redemption to others who are ensnared by the dragon. There’s room in my heart for You. Even so come, dearest Jesus!
What a dear post. We love you so, MIssy. You AMAZE me.
Oh Missy, thank you for sharing your heart with such honesty. You have so much on your plate and I know you have had some difficult days this past year. Your post has encouraged my heart today. Thank you dear friend. So good to see you here. Praising God for the greatest gift ever given!Merry Christmas and much love to you and your kids…and the new puppy too!💕🙏🌟
Missy, I echo what Dee said. what a beautiful post! This especially: “When all seemed so hopeless, the Light of Life was that very moment piercing the thick, humanly impenetrable gloom and darkness, and ushering in an everlasting and true hope. And it was not done in the way I would have done it or even imagined it.”
And I share your love for the song, “O Little Town of Bethlehem”. And it is one of the songs we sang yesterday at our Christmas Eve service!
Thank you for these words, Missy. They encourage me.
Loved this Missy . Me too ~
“Do it again, Lord Jesus! Pierce the darkness and set me free. Free to love you from the depths of my weary soul. Free to spread Your true Light of love and redemption to others who are ensnared by the dragon. There’s room in my heart for You. Even so come, dearest Jesus!”
Merry Christmas, everyone! Jesus is born!
8. Listen to the short testimony from the late R. C. Sproul about his first Christmas as a Christian. Share your comments. Can you identify in any way, even if you came to Christ as a little child, share how it became more meaningful as you matured.
I can identify with Sproul about the two separate events revolving around church/nativity and Christmas morning/Santa. One year as a teenager I even played the part of Mary in the church pageant, but there was no real thought behind my portrayal, it was just a part I played. After my conversion, and as I have matured over the past 50 years, my relationship with the Lord has given such a wondrous meaning to the word “Christmas.” Jesus’ birth was just the beginning of something grand, something to be thought about and cherished all year long, not just during the season of advent/Christmas. For it was Christmas that made it possible for me to be reconciled to God. No Christmas, then no redemption-no forgiveness-no salvation-no relationship with the Lord, no LOVE. I’ve come to see that it’s more than a babe lying in a manger, it’s love straight from heaven for me.
Love your whole post, Cheryl!
Amen! Wonderful post!
Cheryl, thanks for what you shared here! “No Christmas, then no redemption-no forgiveness-no salvation-no relationship with the Lord, no LOVE. I’ve come to see that it’s more than a babe lying in a manger, it’s love straight from heaven for me.”
“ Jesus’ birth was just a beginning- love sent straight from Heaven.” I love your post (dish) too!
Great post Cheryl Ann! Just seeing it here. So true.
Just beautiful. Thank you.
Merry Christmas Dear Sisters!
May you experience the love of the Lord and of others today.
Merry Christmas dear Dee and Sisters!! 💕💕🙏🙏 Amen to Dee’s wishes for all, 💕🙏🌟
Merry Christmas, Dee, and to all our dear sisters here!
1. Share one way the Lord has penetrated your heart or mind so far this Advent — from Keller, from creation, from music, from the family of God… Share — for we are passing your “dish” around the table.
From the family of God:
I love our local church-in the 12 years Richard has been our pastor we have weathered challenges and seen God protect the faithful ones and help them persevere. But a few have endeared themselves to us at this season of our lives because of their faithful prayers, unconditional love, and thoughtful generosity. Probably one of the best “world” gifts I have received this year is a package of pecans. Make that 2 from 2 ladies! They remembered that I love to bake with nuts. Those packages reminded me of their thoughtfulness and how their generosity added to my joy of being in the kitchen! “Your love has given me great joy and encouragement because you… have refreshed the hearts of the Lord’s people.” Philemon 1:6
From the Word and music:
“Today, in the town of David, a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. “Luke 2:11
“O Little town of Bethlehem… yet in thy dark street shineth, the everlasting light, The hopes and fears of all the years are met in thee tonight.
O holy Child of Bethlehem Descend to us, we prayCast out our sin and enter in Be born to us todayWe hear the Christmas angels The great glad tidings tellO come to us, abide with us, Our Lord Emmanuel
Christmas celebrates not only the birth of Christ but also the hope of eternity (Easter) because the Messiah has come.
2. From the following passages, when did the plan begin for Jesus to leave Paradise and come to us? And what was the plan?
A. Ephesians 1:4-5
The plan began before the foundation of the world. That we should be adopted (chosen) as sons through Jesus Christ and be holy and blameless
B. Genesis 3:15b
Jesus will suffer because of the enemy, Satan.
C. As you ponder this, what are your thoughts or questions?
Because of God’s love for me, Jesus was willing to take my place and die for me to rescue me from the enemy.
3. Meditate on Philippians 2:5-11
A. What did Jesus give up for us?
He gave up equality with God; He gave up his Godship to be like us in human form.
B. How does verse 5 say we should apply this? (Look too at verses 3-4) How can you do this during this week? Be specific!
Keep in mind the example of Jesus by looking at the interests of others and not just mine. I think it is easier for me to look at others’ interests when I like them. It is harder to look at their interest when they are not seeking God or doing what I think they should do.
I am spending three days with my daughter, and I pray that I will look at her interests and not have an attitude of judgment and criticism. And instead of “burying my head” in work or church-related tasks while with her, I will seek efforts to connect with her.
I also desire to engage people prayerfully. Not to have a “hidden” agenda but to listen and seek God so I can reflect Him in my conversations and actions toward others.
That is so good — to try to enter into the interests of others.
My daughter and I watched the movie, “Wicked” last night and thoroughly enjoyed the music and cinematography. We were both very taken emotionally and discussed several aspects of the movie on our 20-minute drive back to her place. We connected with the songs and were teary with a majority of them. Thank you for your prayers. I am spending one more night with her and will go out for supper tonight and try a Mexican restaurant in KC.
Praying now for the 3 days with your daughter.
Praying for your time with your daughter, Bing. May Jesus be very presence and may your hearts and minds connect in love with no discord. I pray that you will focus on each other, truly hear each other’s words and have pleasant conversations.
Thank you for your prayers. They are being answered. Darkness has not overcome the light of Jesus Christ.
I love that, Bing. His Love and Light always overcome. I know the heart you have for your daughter. Praying.
4. Read Micah 5:2-4 and share what you learn. (This is a near and far prophecy, as is common. God would deliver Israel from the Assyrians by what D. A. Carson calls a “cadre of rulers.” But most of the prophecy is a far prophecy pointing to the deliverance of God’s people through the Messiah.)
History from OT to NT and now is a fulfillment of His plan before time even began. A small town. The virgin birth. A true ruler and a shepherd. A forever security.
5. Read this short devotional and comment:
“But our God specializes in taking the unlikely, obscure, and overlooked and doing great things.”
It would be easy to place my hope in what is tangible -people, things, power, my sense of significance or influence. But I have also found that my weakest, and the smallest of people or things, have made a spiritual impact in my life more than any other great things the world has to offer.
Jesus has changed everything for me. So often, what I think is crazy and impossible is the very thing that God will use in my life and the lives of others.
6. Sing “O Little Town of Bethlehem” (if you need lyrics, get them from a hymnal or online.) What stands out and why?
How silently, how silently The wondrous gift is given!So God imparts to human hearts The blessings of His heaven.No ear may hear His coming, But in this world of sin,Where meek souls will receive him still, The dear Christ enters in.
God comes to us silently without fanfare, just a deep impression that warms the heart and gives peace to our minds and souls. He is the one who imparts; there is nothing we do to earn His blessings. Christ enters into those who humble themselves and receive Him.
7. What are your hopes and fears for tomorrow? Give them to the Lord here and we will support you in prayer.
I am like Bev; the maladies of aging tend to cause fear in my heart. The metaphor of old age in Ecclesiastes 12 brings both a smile (for the humor for me as a nurse) and seriousness (for how to live) to me.
From a website: C.S. Lewis, in his book “The Problem of Pain,” touches on the human experience of aging and suffering, suggesting that these experiences can draw us closer to God and deepen our reliance on Him. Lewis’s reflections align with the message of Ecclesiastes, which calls for a life lived in awareness of our Creator and our ultimate return to Him.
My daughter’s faith is a concern for me, but Scripture is my lifeline for her: “He who has started a good work in you will complete it until the day of Christ Jesus. Philippians 1:6” I long to see her return to God before I pass from this earth.
8. Listen to the short testimony from the late R. C. Sproul about his first Christmas as a Christian. Share your comments. Can you identify in any way, even if you came to Christ as a little child, share how it became more meaningful as you matured.
I can relate to his sharing with wanting a white Christmas when I was growing up never imagining that I would have the experience later when I came to the U.S. as a married woman in 1988. In the Philippines, Christmas Eve was sort of like pageantry although it was of a lesser degree. I remember going to church then and greeting people to have a merry Christmas. I don’t have particular recollections of the first Christmas Eve I attended after I became a Christian at 18 years old.
Although there was always a special warm feeling for us as a family during Christmas, it has been as slow nurturing of the fire of its reality that has been stoked by hard circumstances in my life, faithful ministering and mentoring of mature Christians, and the grace and love of Jesus manifesting Himself in certain periods of my life.
I love everything about this Christmas week study. It feels like the loose ends that have been floating around are coming together joining in the best way possible. To some degree, just like R.C. Sproul, this Christmas season has given me joy that it is like stepping into Heaven! “Experiencing Heaven while still on Earth!” Now, that is something to look forward to in 2025!
Merry Christmas to all my blog sisters!
Merry Christmas sisters! Thank You Jesus for being our Savior. 🙏♥️
8. Listen to the short testimony from the late R. C. Sproul about his first Christmas as a Christian. Share your comments. Can you identify in any way, even if you came to Christ as a little child, share how it became more meaningful as you matured.
I have gone to church my entire life. I went through the motions as Sproul says. It was only when I was desperately hopeless in life that I actually turned and begged God to do something in my life. This was when I was in my 40’s! I had given up on the situation, and the only hope was in Him. I have learned so much since then; He is always with me, He loves me, He guides me, I am not my best me when I am not with Him, and so much more. Thank You Lord Jesus, for giving up all You had to save me.
4. Read Micah 5:2-4 and share what you learn. (This is a near and far prophecy, as is common. God would deliver Israel from the Assyrians by what D. A. Carson calls a “cadre of rulers.” But most of the prophecy is a far prophecy pointing to the deliverance of God’s people through the Messiah.) I love how the Lord uses the little town of Bethlehem for the entrance of the King of Kings. His plans are not what we would expect.
5. Read this short devotional and comment: the author says, “waiting, hope, fear…they go hand in hand.” And because of Jesus, we never have to fear again. So true in an eternal sense and if we keep that perspective, we can be free of fear daily, but the Lord knows we struggle with fear daily and he gives us much scripture saying, “Do not fear…” there are around 365 verses- one for every day of the year.
6. Sing “O Little Town of Bethlehem” (if you need lyrics, get them from a hymnal or online.) What stands out and why? “Yet in thy dark streets shineth thy everlasting light”-we live yet in the dark streets, but we have the everlasting light!
7. What are your hopes and fears for tomorrow? Give them to the Lord here and we will support you in prayer. We have much concern over my DIL soon to be delivered baby. She lost Lucy last year, and we are all a bit fearful of the Lord’s plan for this baby. Lucy was born with much difficulty as her shoulder was stuck. Within 24 hours, it was obvious something was very wrong and she had open heart surgery before she was 4 days old to correct a very rare heart defect, only to die tragically at 6 months old. Yes, we are fearful for what the Lord has planned for this new baby, who is now one day past his due date. We are all clinging to psalm 139 and the plans the Lord has laid forth for his little life.
O Lord, please watch over this baby and have mercy.
Lord God of all heaven and earth, this child is Yours, even in the womb. Father, we ask for your protection of this little one that he may have an easy birth. We pray for the protection and safety of this sweet mother and baby. Lord, give this new little one a perfect delivery and a healthy, strong body and mind. We ask this in the Name of our Savior Jesus Christ. Precious Lord, give Chris and her entire family peace, comfort and hope.
‘Ah Lord God! Behold, You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and by Your outstretched arm! There is nothing too difficult or too wonderful for You— Jeremiah 32:17
I pray for your outstretched arm to care for this baby. May your light shine in the waiting hours for Chris’s son and daughter-in-law. May you be their peace. Let your goodness, grace, and mercy show forth once again!
My heart goes out to you with the loss of baby Lucy and for your understandable concerns for this new grand baby. Psalm 139 holds so much hope for us. May our God comfort and sustain you. (Psalm 139 was such a comfort to me when our little girl had heart surgeries many years ago.)
Merry Christmas. I love being here. There is such genuine heartfelt sharing and growth in the faith, as I don’t see very often.
Dee, I love the setting you have created with us at a table. It creates an intimacy in this space that is really not intimate at all. Thank you.
8. Listen to the short testimony from the late R. C. Sproul about his first Christmas as a Christian. Share your comments. Can you identify in any way, even if you came to Christ as a little child, share how it became more meaningful as you matured. I can see Christ leading me throughout my life, from the time I was small in various events and places, but truly, I made a decision as a teen in high school at a young life camp, to follow the Lord. I can remember looking at everything differently afterwards. I wanted my siblings to know and bought my younger brother his own story bible and tried my best to tell him the gospel. I invited my younger sister to young life meetings. I looked for the Lord’s leading in my life and have tried to follow him ever since.
Regarding Christmas, my parents emphasized Santa and gifts. I didn’t go to church as a child, but started going with my husband when we were dating in high school. Christmas definitely took on new meaning. I longed to emphasize Christ in our Christmas and did so in every way I could find. Today, I still look to make every effort to create traditions around Christ at Christmas and downplay the gift giving.
Amen, Chris, on this loving group of believing women that Dee has brought to this table. What comfort, trust and joy I feel each time I am here and read all of your posts,I also love to focus on the birth of our Savior over the gift giving. Love the traditions that place the focus on Christ.
Yes, Chris! Let Christ be the focus of this Christmas season and beyond.
9. Keller tells us that the word that is translated both as not “overcome” and not “understood” in John 1:5 (The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not “overcome or understood” it.) Keller suggests substituting the word “mastered” for that works for both meanings.
A. Did you experience any darkness or disappointment on Christmas Day? okay. Here we are studying about our faith and Christmas and acknowledging that Christmas is really about the greatest gift, Jesus, and I am feeling a bit disappointed in my husband not getting me a gift. And really it’s not about the gift, but about our relationship. Of course, I know he loves and cares for me and shows it in so many ways, but my heart feels sad an forgotten. Granted he did come to me and admit he hadn’t bought me anything and I let him know I only wanted the new stove I have been needing for 2 years, when he’s up to it, as he has been battling a kidney stone for over a month now. Today is hopefully his final procedure. But I keep thinking,, really? No gift at all? We have a tradition of giving a big gift on Christmas Eve and a smaller gift on Christmas Day. But no gift? The part that feels worse is that he got a big gift and has had to go to the store several times to buy parts to put his gift to use in the shop, but still not anything for me. I’m afraid its a reflection of where our relationship is at this point in life. It feels rather sad.
B. Yet how does the light of Christ help you both understand and not be overcome by that disappointment? In many ways, my husband gives all year as father and husband. This year we are finally doing devotions together on a consistent basis. I would take that over any gift at Christmas. It’s a great start at growing spiritual intimacy in our marriage, which has been lacking from the start. He also has been busy helping two of our children build houses over the last 18 months. He does so much and I can’t find fault. I know he will get to the stove and I know he loves me. Most importantly, I know Christ is my greatest gift and that no one can compare to Him.
I am so glad you shared this, Chris, for I COMPLETELY UNDERSTAND. In thinking about it, it also helped me with a similar dilemma. My daughter and I have worked hard on all the meals and then asked my son and daughter-in-law to clean up as they did no shopping, cooking, or even setting of the table. They said they would, but I woke to half the dishes done and the dirty pots and pans left for me. I needed to say: “Please do the dishes, including the pans so I can wake to a sparkling kitchen.”
So, I was thinking about you, Chris, and how very left-brained men can be. Right-brained people get subtle hints, but it goes right over the heads of left-brainers. We have to be painfully clear with left-brainers with our wants or live with disappointment. When you told him you wanted the stove when he gets around to it, I’m sure he took that literally and decided to get you nothing and do the stove when he gets around to it! How about telling him, either now or next occasion: “I need you to get me something — it doesn’t have to be expensive, but it makes me feel forgotten and unloved when I don’t get anything.”
You helped me this morning. I don’t know whether I will confront my son as the daughter-in-law is involved, but I will be clearer about my wants next time!!!
I so appreciate your sharing.
You are absolutely right! It is so good to think of it in terms of left/right brain. He is always telling me not to be vague, but to be clear and to the point. I have learned my lesson and yet, I’m not left brained. And so I will error again in my communication, but knowing this is so helpful. Thanks for pointing this out and I love your example. Been there, too.
Love your response Chris – -it is such a challenge and we keep learning!
And you too Bing! Interesting on cultures.
Chris, thanks for sharing this with us! And Dee, thanks for what you pointed out in terms of left and right-brained differences. After 36 years of marriage, these differences still befuddled me; it is good to hear that I am not alone as well as to know what I can do differently and intentionally. It is ironic that I teach this in class and have difficulty applying it in my own life! I love your advice to Chris about reframing her words to her husband. I need to do the same. I know part of my problem is shame, fatalistic, and culture-based. Filipinos in general do not want to be disappointed. Praise God that Christianity transcends culture, personality types, and brain-wiring. God enables us beyond what we could ask or imagine.
Thank you for what you shared here. So helpful as I process my own Christmas disappointments. I so appreciate your vulnerability.
I’m so glad I did not say anything about my disappointment to my husband. I’m sure that he would not have understood, as Dee was exactly right in her assessment and next time I will just be more explicit in my communication. To put my dear husband in a better light, you should all know that yesterday I asked if we could stop by our local appliance store on the way to his appointment and we did! I ordered the new stove and he later went to pick up the gas pipe he will need to install when it arrives. I’m happy to have my stove coming and happier to be free of the disappointment I was feeling. ☺️ thank you dear friends
The Day After Christmas: The Now and The Not Yet
I have come to see Christmas as a foretaste of a much great day, a day of great rejoicing! Every Christmas I’ve known has had its disappointments and joys. That’s because it’s just a taste of the real thing, the day when we are together with no more sorrow, tears, or death.
9. Keller tells us that the word that is translated both as not “overcome” and not “understood” in John 1:5 (The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not “overcome or understood” it.) Keller suggests substituting the word “mastered” for that works for both meanings.
A. Did you experience any darkness or disappointment on Christmas Day?
—Yes, one of our grandsons just didn’t show up for Christmas this year and refused to have any communication with his parents. It became worrisome until he at least briefly answered a text from his sister but then he refused to answer a phone call from her. We know he has shut God out of his life and being naturally an introvert he isn’t a strong communicator. But he has always at least come home for the holidays. We worry that he is depressed but we sense a rebellious heart as well.
B. Yet how does the light of Christ help you both understand and not be overcome by that disappointment?
—Christ makes a huge difference in how we handled our deep disappointment. Once we verified he was ok it helped but we moved ahead with our usual big Christmas meal and our son and daughter-in-law had us read a responsive reading from liturgy on feasting. It was a delightful time of blessing around the dinner table. Then we did our traditional fun white elephant exchange and played games that everyone participated in young and old. There was a lot of laughter which was truly a healing effect. Only because of Jesus could we move ahead with rejoicing.
—The song you added by Sandra McCracken and Skye is wonderful and full of hope. Thank you so much for sharing that.
It is good to realize depression can play a part, yet to pray for rebellion too!
A. Did you experience any darkness or disappointment on Christmas Day? Not this year, but I have in the past. I remember my daughter, as a teenager, rejecting a gift that I gave her. I had had a poster framed framed professionally from a trip we had taken together as a family. Her comment was, “That’s your good memory, not mine.” I remember feeling very hurt at the time.
B. Yet how does the light of Christ help you both understand and not be overcome by that disappointment? Isn’t my memory akin to the light of Christ shining forth, His gift, and being rejected by some? He never stops shining, never stops giving, NOTHING prevents or overcomes Him.
Oh, Cheryl! That would hurt my mother’s heart, too. I love your answer to B: “Isn’t my memory akin to the light of Christ shining forth, His gift, and being rejected by some? He never stops shining, never stops giving, NOTHING prevents or overcomes Him.”
Oh my — yes, hopefully your daughter has matured. I love your meditation on it too, as did Bing.
She’s 41 now and very appreciative of anything I do.
A. Did you experience any darkness or disappointment on Christmas Day?
Yes, there was darkness. It started Monday when our daughter, not in her right mind, demanded that because she couldn’t afford to take the trip with us for Christmas that the children shouldn’t go either. Our youngest son couldn’t afford to go either. He was staying home. The judge in our case has given her the idea that she should be exercising her parental rights more. This is fine, but she thinks that means to tell us what we can and can’t do. She doesn’t understand that it means to take care of her kids. So disappointing. So, we ended up leaving without her. The kids are in the middle. More court petitions that I can’t even bear to read because it just heaps more and more negativity on us; how we are terrible people and lies. Then, when we wanted the kids to call and wish them a Merry Christmas, we figured out that she has blocked all our numbers. So, the grands couldn’t talk to them. The kids are not aware of this.
B. Yet how does the light of Christ help you both understand and not be overcome by that disappointment?
I’m not sure exactly. We went through the motions of the “normal” Christmas traditions: went to a Christmas Eve service near where we are staying. It was lovely. The music, the lights, the scripture, and free cookies! We had small gifts under a very weak Christmas tree. Seeing the kids and our new family of Swedes open the gifts was nice. Being together with family was nice. The traditions were familiar. Unfortunately, the darkness hovers in the spaces around us. I’m trying to stay focused on what God wants. He is silent right now. I am tired and want to give up. It is hard to be positive with all the mess around you. I’m going through the motions and continuing to reach to Him through prayer and connecting through Bible study.
Oh, Laura. I have been there with our daughter. What I am seeing though is a change in my attitude toward her. There is often an initial tendency to put up a wall between us. Nevertheless, I keep reminding myself to love her unconditionally and that God is at work as He has promised. Praying for the hovering darkness to not master you and that Jesus’ joy would replace it. I also pray that there will be a final resolution to these court proceedings according to God’s will and purposes.
Oh, Laura! How I pray for you, as you navigate through this valley. It is heart breaking. it is so hard to concentrate on anything when you’re going through this kind of stress. I pray for you so often. and praying right now that your daughter will think of what is good for her children. I’m also praying for the judge in this case to have common sense!I am praying this from Isaiah 43: 2 for you.
”When you pass through the waters, I will be with you. and through the rivers, they will not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be scorched nor will the flame burn you.”
Dear Laura, I am so sorry you are going through this. It sounds overwhelming in many ways. I will keep praying that as you seek the Lord’s wisdom and direction, He will give you His peace and guidance. Please remember His Spirit resides within you, and nothing can threat or overcome Him.
Oh Laura — I find it challenging dealing with a depressed son, how much more a mentally challenged daughter. Our hearts and prayers go out to you.
This is so hard. I am grateful for this safe space to share and be honest with each other.
The Lord knows how the darkness can affect us. I’ve been learning this song as a way to turn to Him in the middle of the hard and dark.
The Night Song by City Alight
Some of the lyrics:
All this day Your hand has held me
God of Heaven, by my side
Thank you, Father, for Your goodness
You will hold me through the night
Nila, I love this song as well. Thanks for the reminder. Prayers, Laura for you and your family.
Great song Nila! Thank you for it; I have not heard it before and it gives hope and comfort.
Laura, You have been on my heart knowing this deep struggle you are going through. I pray for you. Waiting on God to move and work is so very hard. I remember one year ago it felt so hopeless in our family but when God moved it was in a very significant way. I know personally having a particular verse of scripture to remember and repeat often in my heartache has often helped me keep faith and carry on when all was bleak. I ask God to give you your own verse from his Word to strengthen and encourage you.
The Day After Christmas: The Now and The Not Yet
I have come to see Christmas as a foretaste of a much great day, a day of great rejoicing! Every Christmas I’ve known has had its disappointments and joys. That’s because it’s just a taste of the real thing, the day when we are together with no more sorrow, tears, or death.
9. Keller tells us that the word that is translated both as not “overcome” and not “understood” in John 1:5 (The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not “overcome or understood” it.) Keller suggests substituting the word “mastered” for that works for both meanings.
The word, “mastered” caught my eye differently. Praise God for this light bulb moment. I think of the verse that is now radioactive to me in a wonderful light! “No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. (not be mastered). But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.” I Corinthians 10:13 For it is God who works in you to do and to will according to his purpose. Philippians 2:13
A. Did you experience any darkness or disappointment on Christmas Day?
I believe any darkness or disappointment I had on Christmas Day springs from my desire for perfection or my desire for control. I remember you, Dee, sharing a song that Tim Keller shared in the past “Is that all there is?” by Peggy Lee. I tend to bargain with God for things or people that I consider would make life complete. But when I do get these to coincide with my wishes, there is still this space that longs to be filled.
B. Yet how does the light of Christ help you both understand and not be overcome by that disappointment?
I am thankful to Jesus for helping me understand through His Word and the ministry of the Holy Spirit and not be overcome by these disappointments The longings for the things of this world are replaced by a longing for my true Home. The feelings of doom and gloom are replaced with hope and anticipation.
I’ve recently become aware of both the singing and writing talent of Andrew Peterson’s daughter Skye, who produced her first album at 14. Here, she is a lead vocalist along with Sandra McCracken. Below find the link to the lyrics.
I love her songs! “Keep the Feast” is another good one of hers.
I listen to that sermon today where Tim Keller quoted Peggy Lee’s song lyric. It’s a really great sermon and I may listen to it again this week.
Yes, Bing – -and I love how Lewis says that longing proves the new world exists!
9. Keller tells us that the word that is translated both as not “overcome” and not “understood” in John 1:5 (The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not “overcome or understood” it.) Keller suggests substituting the word “mastered” for that works for both meanings.
A. Did you experience any darkness or disappointment on Christmas Day? I don’t think I did. I’ve just wanted to get through the holidays, but I sense God has surrounded me with kind people who have prayed and been attentive
B. Yet how does the light of Christ help you both understand and not be overcome by that disappointment? I have to pray and praise and move my focus to Him Today I’ve listened a lot to the song Your Promises by elevation worship. One of the lines is My hope will always be in Your promises to me.
I’ve recently become aware of both the singing and writing talent of Andrew Peterson’s daughter Skye, who produced her first album at 14. Here, she is a lead vocalist along with Sandra McCracken. Below find the link to the lyrics. Beautiful song. Definitely puts things into perspective,
I’m so glad the Lord surrounded you with kind people!
Friday: There’s a Dragon in My Nativity
10. Take one or two of the things you are facing, either personally or for someone you love, and, while remembering you are wearing both the helmet of salvation and the breastplate of righteousness, take the sword of the Spirit (the Word of God), and the shield of faith and pray those fears. I promise I will share as well.
—I shared yesterday about our grandson Ryan. Our hearts are burdened because of him. His mom our daughter Laurie came over to our home Christmas night and she unloaded her heart and her own struggle of feeling like a failure as a mother. We cried with her and prayed for her. When your child hurts you hurt. But my faith in God to work for good in spite of what looks dark is based on his faithfulness of seeing him work in answer to our prayers in times past. Just one year ago it was bleak in our family with our son and daughter-in-law. Yesterday I was reminded of this scripture:
“For since the world began, no ear has heard and no eye has seen a God like you, who works for those who wait for him!”
Isaiah 64:4 NLT
So true about how we are bonded to our children.
11. What is your take-a-way this week and why?
—This week has been honest and thought provoking. I feel that the reality of living in this fallen broken world and the groaning experience that even Creation feels is even highlighted by Christmas. “There’s a Dragon in My Nativity” so to speak. But for God! There is a seed of very real hope imbedded in the manager that grows and enlarges by the presence of Christ in my life from taking time to enter in to the meditations and music and liturgies of Christmas. I gave enjoyed a richness of hope this past month.
Today we will be packing up to leave for Texas and plan to spend the next 3 months living next to our son and daughter in law.
On one hand it is hard to be gone from family and friends here at home but on the other we look forward to some extended time being involved with our son and his wife and our married grandchildren down there. Trusting God to do a good work.
Prayers for safe travels and a rich bonding time with all your family.
10. Take one or two of the things you are facing, either personally or for someone you love, and, while remembering you are wearing both the helmet of salvation and the breastplate of righteousness, take the sword of the Spirit (the Word of God), and the shield of faith and pray those fears. I promise I will share as well.
Dear Lord, in the midst of pain, You bring joy. How does that happen? Although we are suffering, as a family, a reminder of the importance of where our thoughts should be is there. Thank you for Your guidance. Our DIL has asked me for a Bible! I am so happy that she did, and she did it in front of her dad as well. Beautiful.
“O Lord, come back to us! How long will you delay? Take pity on your servants! Satisfy us each morning with your unfailing love, so we may sing for joy to the end of our lives. Give us gladness in proportion to our former misery! Replace the evil years with good. Let us, your servants, see you work again; let our children see your glory. And may the Lord our God show us his approval and make our efforts successful. Yes, make our efforts successful!”
Psalms 90:13-17 NLT
Oh Lord I do not understand Your ways. I am lost when it comes to knowing which way to move in this chess game of life. I move the wrong way each time and get myself into trouble. I don’t know the next step, so I lean into You for direction. Silence. It is scary. Please help me understand. Help me know if I/we are making the right choices. It feels uncomfortable, yet, blessings do enter if we are in tune. Thank You for continuing to allow me to praise Your Holy Name with the people who surround me. I am better and better each day with that. Because of my persistence, I do believe there is interest in knowing who You are! Yay! Thank You for being my Savior. You are King. You are in charge, and I am Your humble child. I want to do my best for You. Often I fail and that makes me sad. I am sorry about losing our daughter to evil. I fear for her and pray that she changes her life so she will also be with You in the end. I pray in Your Holy Name. Amen.
Praising God with you, Laura for your daughter-in-law and continued prayers for Sarah.
Prayers for wisdom and strength. Laura
Laura, Your lamentation is beautifully written here. I pray that God will encourage your heart. The passage from Psalm 90 is so good your efforts in prayer will not go unheard by our gracious Father.
Friday: There’s a Dragon in My Nativity
King Herod knew that the Messiah was to be born in Bethlehem because of Micah 5:2. His killing of the babies in Bethlehem is an echo of Pharaoh endeavoring to kill the boy babies born in Egypt. The fight is real. Satan brings much sorrow, yet cannot overcome God’s plan. Just as God rescued Moses to be a deliverer of His people, He rescued Jesus to be a deliverer of His people. How vital it is to realize our fight is not against flesh and blood. Revelation tells us how the old enemy the serpent connived to stop Jesus from growing up and rescuing us. Click below for “There’s a Dragon in My Nativity.”
10. Take one or two of the things you are facing, either personally or for someone you love, and, while remembering you are wearing both the helmet of salvation and the breastplate of righteousness, take the sword of the Spirit (the Word of God), and the shield of faith and pray those fears. I promise I will share as well.
Lord, you know how my beloved Richard and yours, too, is battling diabetes. The medicine he is taking seems to work but erratically. He is your son, saved by the blood of your own Son and righteous before you. Nothing he does or has done is by his merit and I am thankful that is so because he (and I) is a sinner saved by your grace.
In this world, there will always be the ravages of illness brought about by sin. But you said take heart, I have overcome the world. One day, there will be no more sickness or sorrow. I pray in faith that you will help Richard manage this sickness with the help of wise medical counsel. He needs a new doctor; I pray that you will lead him to somebody who he trusts and will heed. Lord, I worry when he does not feel good. He is a very independent man and at times he exasperates me. Left-brained vs. right-brained? I pray when unwanted fears come, that I will put on the shield of faith with confidence that you are fighting this battle for me, for us. That I will pray, with thanksgiving, and will give these concerns (and all) to you Philippians 4:6 and cast them to you because you care for us. I Peter 5: 7 Help me not worry about the tomorrows Matthew 6:33 but seek you first and to come to you when the load or burden feels heavy for yours is light and you will give true rest to my soul Matthew 11:28-29. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Prayers, Bing, for answers that stabilize Richard’s blood sugar in normal range.
Judy, thank you for your prayers for Richard. And for me. I appreciate you!
Judy, please see my response to Laura. Thank you again for your prayers.
I will pray for Richard. Diabetes is tough. My mom and grandma both struggled with type 2. I hope you find a good fit doctor for him.p
Thank you, Laura. I have felt helpless at times even with my nursing background. This morning, God used His Word in Psalm 55:22 to encourage me in answer to all your prayers here:
Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken.
I wanted to understand the word “shaken” and found this from a blog post:
” ‘Cast your burden upon the Lord! He will sustain you. He will never suffer you to be moved. The Hebrew word for “moved” means “to be greatly shaken, to let fall.” So we could say, He will never let us be shaken out of our place of safety and protection. He will never let us fall into a place of hopelessness. We may even feel helpless, but the child of God is never hopeless! “
What wonderful promise when I cast all things on Jesus, small or big things.
So true, Bing.
Good scripture to lean into, Bing.
Bing I too am praying for Richard. I understand the struggle. And I pray for your loving heart to be encouraged.
Thank you, Bev. Please see my response to Laura.
I too agree for God’s choice for a doctor for Richard!
Thank you, Dee. Please see my response to Laura.
10. Take one or two of the things you are facing, either personally or for someone you love, and, while remembering you are wearing both the helmet of salvation and the breastplate of righteousness, take the sword of the Spirit (the Word of God), and the shield of faith and pray those fears. I promise I will share as well. Dear Lord, I thank You that you are the dragonslayer and Healer. Please heal Andy’s cancer. Cut off the blood supply to any cancerous cell and remove it from his body. Give Sherri strength and wisdom as she travels to care for him. For this is an easy thing for You, oh Lord. In Jesus name.
Yes, Lord. Nothing is too difficult for you. Your arm is not too short to save. Praying for Andy as he deals with his cancer and for Sherri as she travels and cares for Andy.
I am praying for Andy and Sherri.
Praying for Andy and Sherri. Trusting God to work on their behalf.
11. What is your take-a-way this week and why?
My takeaway is finding the beauty of Christian sisterhood in this blog. I thank you, Dee, for your faithful leadership and hard work. Your love and encouragement through your words and God’s Word continues to refresh me day by day. I love this week’s study’s reminders of where my hope is found. “He came to seek and to save the lost.” From Incarnation, to His death and burial and to, glory, glory, Hallelujah, Resurrection!
I am sharing this again The God Who Sees by Nicole Mullen
Sorry I missed posting yesterday. We had a crew come in to clear out and repaint a room (my son and two grandkids). They were here early in the morning and worked until about 5pm. Then my other son came, and my daughter, and we had more gift giving. I was very tired that night.
I wanted you to know that I have read all the posts though, and have prayed for each heartfelt cry.
My take a way this week: Once again I’m reminded that only when I’m reading the Bible and meditating on scripture can I truly see the light. The light and love of Jesus is so powerful and CANNOT be overcome. and He came to us as a tiny, helpless infant. What wondrous love!, and He lives IN me!
Thank you, Cheryl Ann, for your prayers. Wow-you sure had a long day on Friday!
10. Take one or two of the things you are facing, either personally or for someone you love, and, while remembering you are wearing both the helmet of salvation and the breastplate of righteousness, take the sword of the Spirit (the Word of God), and the shield of faith and pray those fears. I promise I will share as well. Trauma. The effects are life altering. Praise God, trauma cannot take away salvation (Romans 8.) Praise God, Jesus, paid for all sin. God our father, you have given the Holy Spirit for our counselor. I pray for wisdom as we navigate the effects of trauma both for my adoptive son and a daughter. Fears, anxiety, sleeplessness, neurological disorders, so much Lord-but with you all things are possible. We will lean on your sovereignty in our lives. We trust that all you have in store for us will work for your glory. Help us, Lord, as we muddle through, with our limited ability. It’s only by your strength that we can endure.
Chris, I am praying for you as you navigate the effects of trauma both for your adoptive son and a daughter. God sees and knows and is the One who makes all things possible.
Thank you. Praying for you as well and your husband. Medical difficulties can be so wearisome. May the Lord give you wisdom and strength to persevere.
11. What is your take-a-way this week and why? We have been given the Word, the Holy Spirit and the church to help us through this life and its trials. We need to stay alert to the ways of the enemy and stay in community, serving the body and building others up as well as seeking to share the gospel with the lost at every opportunity. This was the example Jesus gave us on earth and it is evident from those here on this blog that this is still true today. Prayers for all of you this week as we start afresh in our walk today, worshiping our Savior.
Your last line reminds me of Anne of Green Gables, Chris. Each morning is a new day with no mistakes!
Awe. Love Anne of Green Gables.