This was my favorite (so far) from this series, because it reminds me of what matters most. (“It’s the Heart, Stupid.”) Do we really comprehend God’s love for us? New Christians get a pretty good taste of that love, so it’s encouraging to be around them before they “forget.” Jennifer was a homeless woman who “happened” in on our filming of The Jesus Who Surprises. Please watch and comment.
1. Comment on the above. Does this remind you of a time when God’s love was so real to you? If so, please share.
Livestream Link:
West End has asked me not to post the transcripts.
Causes of the Disease
2. Judges 1-3 shows us the causes of the disease:
A. Why were they afraid, according to Judges 1:19 and what were they forgetting? What was real to them?
B. What answer was God looking for in Joshua 2:2 when He asks, “What is this you have done?”
C. Trace the downward path of God’s people in Judges 2:10-13 and 3:5-6.
3. Paige says that the account of Othniel is like a “practice hand” for how the whole book of Judges is going to go, but it is the only “normal” round.
A. What pattern do you see in Judges 3:7-11?
B. Who was Othniel and why was he a good choice for a judge?
C. What does Cushan-rishathaim mean?
D. How long did deliverance last?
4. In verse 7 it says “they forgot” the Lord. Paige said it wasn’t that they didn’t know the truth, but they weren’t experiencing the reality of the truths. (She referred to Jonathan Edwards and the difference between knowing honey is sweet and tasting it.) Can you explain what he means and how it applies to you?
5. She said married people need to have dates and remember why they fell in love. How does this apply to our relationship with the Lord?
6. Read Revelation 2:2-5 and find three steps for restoring our first love.
Consequences of the Disease
7. Look at verse 7 and find the cause and effect.
8. When we forget the Lord’s love, we run to our destructive idols — though they may be God’s good gifts, but they make lousy Saviors. What did Paige mean when she said “the inclination of our hearts is toward what has become real to us?” Tim Keller talks about our “functional Saviors,” what we are really looking for to feel loved and important. For you, what is your functional Savior, what is most real to you?
9. If we don’t center our heart on the Lord, our hearts harden, and we become controlled by what we actually center it on. How does this speak to you?
10. Read Judges 3:12-15 and describe how the pattern repeats. (What word do you see in verse 12 that indicates a pattern?)
11. What is “the city of Palms” in verse 13, and how does it show the undoing of the conquest?
12. Paige told a story of a friend who made bad choices and felt God had abandoned her. What did Paige tell her?
Misery is not deliverance but if misery pries our hands off our sin, then it might be the beginning of our deliverance.
Ralph Davis
Ehud, the Left-Handed Deliverer
Judges 3:15 literally says that Ehud was “unable to use his right hand.” It is very possible that Ehud’s right hand was paralyzed or disabled in some way.
Tim Keller
13. Read the account of Ehud (Judges 3:12-13)
A. In a few sentences, summarize what happened.
B. What was the significance of Ehud being left-handed? How did it help him his plan to murder the king of Moab? How was this incident so wild and crazy?
C. What spiritual significance do you see to this?
14. There are many things, such as John 1 and The Northern Lights, which we cannot fully comprehend, but we can apprehend them. What did she mean?
15. What does Eglon’s name mean? Point?
16. She mentioned some other wild and crazy things in the Bible, for our God is so very surprising. What comes to your mind?
The God Who Comes Into Our Mess
17. Name some of the ways that Jesus became weak, humbled himself, and did the unexpected things for God to do? What did He do on earth that shows Him truly coming into our mess?
18. There are times we may feel abandoned because God’s ways of healing us can seem so painful — so wild. How must we speak to our souls at those times?
19. Why does God use us who are weak and foolish to do anything? Support your answer scripturally.
20. What analogies did she make between Ehud’s weak right hand and the hands of Jesus at the cross? How are those hands now empowered?
21. Watch the below and share both Paige’s point and your thoughts.
We forget the goodness of God. Our hearts, Tim Keller says, are like buckets of water set outside — and we must, every morning, break the ice that formed overnight by remembering!
22. Therefore, right now remember a few ways the goodness of God was made so real to you in the past and, if possible, recently!
This is a response to Laura’s comment from yesterday on last week’s blog.
Oh Lord, I do pray for the judge to have real discernment and to see how untruthful and unable her daughter is to mother. I cry out for mercy for these children. I also pray for Laura in this stressful time. In Jesus Name
Oh Laura, this breaks my heart. Justice needs to be served in this area for sure. Praying for all of you.
I will continue to pray for you and your family, Laura. I pray that the judges sides with you and your husband. I pray for peace for you with whatever the outcome, knowing that God is in control of this situation.
Oh ladies! As usual you cover me so well. I missed this post and so gratefully receive it now. Thank you. Every moment of yesterday was a shot at me and my husband. Ugh. I am thankful for this blog and all of you. You have taught me so much. From long ago….Joyce, Renee, Jackie (you sent Cooper a baby gift!), Bing (always in touch), Wanda, Anne, Susan, Lizzy, Rebecca, Diane, Liz, Sharon, Julie, Dawn, Cyndi… oh my gosh, so many who have gotten me through, Sharon, Bev, Patti, Tammy, Judy…I’m sorry if I have forgotten you, but you are on my heart. This blog has gotten me through the hardest times. I love each and every one of you. God is with us. He loves us. He knows the victory as we are in the battle. Thank you everyone, for your encouragement and love over the internet. ♥️♥️🙏🙏
Laura, you are loved here and I know I am, too. I thank God for sisters who are ” in the trenches” with me whether here or praying with and for me wherever they are. (I had to look up the phrase and I thought it is so true “To have been through a lot together with someone. Especially through hard times.”) The beauty of Christian sisterhood is manifested in this blog.
Is God’s Love Real to You? Paige on Judges 3 (The Left-Handed Deliverer)
1. Comment on the above. Does this remind you of a time when God’s love was so real to you? If so, please share.
This was so sweet to see and hear Jennifer’s response of coming to Jesus and expressing the love she experienced from the Lord. I think when we stop and let ourselves acknowledge and experience God’s love for us it truly melts our hearts to feel the warmth of his love. Most of the time I am just too preoccupied and busy in my relationship with Him and fail to “abide” quietly and accept the deep love He has for me. Just yesterday I had an hour’s drive to a larger town, (Kearney)for Dee 😊and I spent it in prayer speaking out loud and as I praised and thanked God for my salvation because of his Son Jesus I was brought to tears aware of his deep love for me and the wonder of that truth.
This past week I was absent from the blog because my husband and I spent time in Colorado with my two brothers and sister and all our spouses in the mountains. We live in different states and actually came together to celebrate our mother’s 100th birthday. She passed away early this year in February and would have loved the idea of it. In her late years when we planned a birthday gathering for her she always said “Go ahead and plan it and if I can make it I’ll be there and if not go ahead and celebrate without me.” It was very sweet spending time remembering her and our growing up years together. I am the youngest at 75 so our times are precious at this age.
As I silently watched and read last week on the blog I was prayerful for the needs of several of you but especially you Laura. I will keep you and your needs daily in prayer.
Also thank you Dee for sharing about Patti’s situation. I had been considering e-mailing you to ask about her knowing from her own comments she was in a transition time of a huge move. Will keep her in prayer as well.
Thank you to the others of you who faithfully shared answers to the study. I look forward to this week’s lesson from Paige.
Your mom sounds like she was a sweetheart!
Dee! I listened to Paige yesterday as I did dishes for our daughter and I am like you! This is my fave so far as well! I cried buckets of tears (maybe becasue I am left handed for the most part lol). Ehud’s story took on a wonderful turn for me. Just have to come in here because I am excited to have listened and will work on this study later when I get home.
yes, prayers for Laura and Patti etc. How blessed I am to be a part of this group and to pray for you all and have you pray for me as well.
So glad you loved it too. I do like when she centers on one instead of a fly over, but I’m learning from all of it.
1. Comment on the above. Does this remind you of a time when God’s love was so real to you? If so, please share. – Oh to be that fresh with the Lord. It’s exciting to see this and that Jennifer’s heart was changed. I was this amazed, awestruck when I first became a Christian. I was so excited to ‘clean house’ to get my life right with the Lord. When I heard Paige talk this week, I thought, I need to get that fresh perspective again. I need to have that daily, and sadly I don’t. There are many times I can remember God’s love being real for me. Providing money when I was down to nothing. Gliding my car to the side to avoid being T-boned in an intersection I was crossing and most of all feeling His presence when I need it the most.
Causes of the Disease
2. Judges 1-3 shows us the causes of the disease:
A. Why were they afraid, according to Judges 1:19 and what were they forgetting? What was real to them? – They knew God was with them, but they could not overtake the inhabitants because they had chariots of iron. They were forgetting to be true to God. Their own control was more real to them than God was to them.
B. What answer was God looking for in Joshua 2:2 when He asks, “What is this you have done?” – he wanted them to see and realize what they had done, he wanted their true repentance and to realize they have forgotten God.
C. Trace the downward path of God’s people in Judges 2:10-13 and 3:5-6. – The new generations of people were not taught about God and all he had done. They only knew what they saw their fathers doing. Living among unbelievers and worshipping the gods they did. They didn’t have a chance to know God themselves because of their fathers.
3. Paige says that the account of Othniel is like a “practice hand” for how the whole book of Judges is going to go, but it is the only “normal” round.
A. What pattern do you see in Judges 3:7-11? – they did what was evil in the sight of the Lord, they forgot the Lord and they serves other gods, Baals and Asheroth.
B. Who was Othniel and why was he a good choice for a judge? – He’s a righteous man, married to an Israelite and the Lord was upon him.
C. What does Cushan-rishathaim mean? – Paige just blew through this pronunciation LOL. It means double wickedness.
D. How long did deliverance last? – 40 years of rest while Othniel was in command.
4. In verse 7 it says “they forgot” the Lord. Paige said it wasn’t that they didn’t know the truth, but they weren’t experiencing the reality of the truths. (She referred to Jonathan Edwards and the difference between knowing honey is sweet and tasting it.) Can you explain what he means and how it applies to you? – You can hear about someone or something and say ok, that sounds like truth. But until you experience those things for yourself, until it becomes personal, you don’t have the full impact of how it affects you. With Hurrican Helene, that came through North Carolina and NE Tennessee, I can see the devastation, and the loss, but I can’t get the full grip of why people are doing what they are. Risking their own life to go out and help. Now if I was in the line of that hurricane, (I’m 40 miles away from the area in NE Tennessee) I would most definitely have a different outlook on it. I would know the impact and loss a lot deeper, and not just be an outsider looking in.
5. She said married people need to have dates and remember why they fell in love. How does this apply to our relationship with the Lord? – If have to get back to our First Love. We need to keep it fresh and new every day. Find a purpose to be excited about God and our relationship and how much he loves us unconditionally. We need to keep ourselves out of the rut, the ho-hum feeling. We can’t let God or His Word get boring.
6. Read Revelation 2:2-5 and find three steps for restoring our first love. – Don’t grow weary, find your First Love again, repent and do the works we first did as believers.
That’s a good analogy with the reality of Hurricane Helene.
Consequences of the Disease
7. Look at verse 7 and find the cause and effect. – They forgot the Lord and did evil in his sight and served other gods, so the anger of the Lord was kindled against Israel. These things were all from inside their hearts and had nothing to do with their consequences. They got so used to doing what they thought was right, they no longer knew what they were doing wrong. Their evil looked good to them.
8. When we forget the Lord’s love, we run to our destructive idols — though they may be God’s good gifts, but they make lousy Saviors. What did Paige mean when she said “the inclination of our hearts is toward what has become real to us?” Tim Keller talks about our “functional Saviors,” what we are really looking for to feel loved and important. For you, what is your functional Savior, what is most real to you? – I think we tend to gravitate toward things that make us feel good. We want simplicity in our lives so whatever makes us feel warm and fuzzy and makes our heart happy, will become real to us and be what we cling to.
9. If we don’t center our heart on the Lord, our hearts harden, and we become controlled by what we actually center it on. How does this speak to you? – It makes me sad to think I don’t always center my heart on the Lord. At times I do get weary and think more about my problem instead of the One that can take my problem away or make it easier to handle.
10. Read Judges 3:12-15 and describe how the pattern repeats. (What word do you see in verse 12 that indicates a pattern?) – The word ‘again’ is repeated many times in this chapter. Over and over they forget about God and all he has done.
11. What is “the city of Palms” in verse 13, and how does it show the undoing of the conquest? – The city of palms is Jericho. God’s favor turned and his promise now lies with Eglon and the people. They have taken Jericho as their headquarters.
12. Paige told a story of a friend who made bad choices and felt God had abandoned her. What did Paige tell her? – She told her friend that God didn’t leave her, he was right there making her miserable. This is a good thing, I think. When we are feeling miserable and think that God has abandoned us, He is making us think of Him again. Our miserable hearts our being turned away from the misery and unhealthy choices back to God.
Misery is not deliverance but if misery pries our hands off our sin, then it might be the beginning of our deliverance-Ralph Davis – I loved this quote. So very true and amazing how God works in our life.
1. Comment on the above. Does this remind you of a time when God’s love was so real to you? If so, please share.
I never get tired of listening to this video of Jennifer. It is very refreshing to see the beauty of her countenance and to hear her testimony. It exudes of Christ’s joy!
The first thing that came to mind and I have shared this here before: I was en route to the Philippines to see my mother hearing that she was very sick I was expecting the worst and I had a respiratory illness that added to my grief. I wasn’t looking forward to a very long flight in a cramped space. When our boarding was announced, I stood up and tearily prayed, “Lord, I need a token of your love for me-surprise me with your goodness.” His goodness came in the form of a ticket to business class instead of the economy ticket we paid for. Long before, Richard and I were looking at the seating assignments online, God knew I needed a sign of his goodness in the land of the living that very night. I couldn’t stop crying silently as I took my seat. The stewardess was insistent that I was in the right cabin. Even though I was still coughing some, I felt God’s warm embrace and a sense of peace that came from knowing He saw me and took care of me far beyond what I had asked or imagined. Dee, your book, The Jesus Who Surprises, brought back this wonderful memory when I did the study with a friend.
Love this story and encouragement, Bing.
What a beautiful example of God’s love, Bing!
1. Comment on the above. Does this remind you of a time when God’s love was so real to you? If so, please share. When I started going to church as a young adult, all of a sudden everything that I was hearing and reading was new and electrifying. It’s hard to explain, but it was like my eyes were opened to what the bible was actually saying and how much God really loves us all!
That was the Spirit who is real!
1. Comment on the above. Does this remind you of a time when God’s love was so real to you? If so, please share.
What stood out to me was the genuine brokenness of Jennifer’s heart and coming to an understanding that Jesus really loved her and she was clinging to that.
Being raised in a Christian home I was always taught that Jesus loved me but it wasn’t until I came to a brokenness in my life (losing our son) did I really understand how much He loved me and how much I needed Him and desired to know Him more.
That’s interesting. Sharon. I sometimes wonder why He lets godly people suffer so, but we all need to press into Him more and understand better the depth of His love. Keller said it made sense he had the cancer he did for God had opened so many doors for him.
Causes of the Disease
2. Judges 1-3 shows us the causes of the disease:
A. Why were they afraid, according to Judges 1:19 and what were they forgetting? What was real to them?
—They were afraid of the inhabitants on the plains because they had chariots of iron even though God had already given them the land. They were forgetting God.
B. What answer was God looking for in Joshua 2:2 when He asks, “What is this you have done?”
—They did not obey God and do as he commanded and it resulted in them forgetting him and not repenting of their selfish sin and unbelief.
C. Trace the downward path of God’s people in Judges 2:10-13 and 3:5-6.
3. Paige says that the account of Othniel is like a “practice hand” for how the whole book of Judges is going to go, but it is the only “normal” round.
A. What pattern do you see in Judges 3:7-11?
—they did what was evil,
forgot God, and served false gods
B. Who was Othniel and why was he a good choice for a judge?
—He was Caleb’s nephew and the Spirit of the Lord was upon him. Being Spirit filled God led him.
C. What does Cushan-rishathaim mean?
—double wickedness
D. How long did deliverance last?
—The land had rest for 40 years.
4. In verse 7 it says “they forgot” the Lord. Paige said it wasn’t that they didn’t know the truth, but they weren’t experiencing the reality of the truths. (She referred to Jonathan Edwards and the difference between knowing honey is sweet and tasting it.) Can you explain what he means and how it applies to you?
—Paige said God is to be “real” to us. God has to be central to us. It is the difference between “head knowledge and heart knowledge. We can know all about honey. What it looks and feels like. Where it comes from and how it is made. But we can only experience it by tasting it.
So it is with God. “Taste and see that the Lord is good. Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in him!”
Psalms 34:8 NLT He only becomes real to me when I meet Him in the Word and in prayer.
5. She said married people need to have dates and remember why they fell in love. How does this apply to our relationship with the Lord?
—I need to spend time alone with Him where my focus is on what He has to say to me as I pray and read the Scriptures. By worshipping him and perhaps with music adds to my relationship with Him.
6. Read Revelation 2:2-5 and find three steps for restoring our first love.
-Turn back to Him and love Him.
-Do the works you first did out of love.
-Repent (from the heart) and turn away from sinning against Him.
1. Comment on the above. Does this remind you of a time when God’s love was so real to you? If so, please share. Loved this lady’s loving and emotional testimony. The scripture came to mind restore to me the joy of my salvation. When I had covid in August I listened to gentle and lowly. Chapter 6 just speaks deeply to ne. I even bought the book and got to chapter 6 this week. It’s about John 6:37 he who comes to me I will never cast out. No matter my mistakes no matter my sin He will never cast me out
Such a good book!
Consequences of the Disease
7. Look at verse 7 and find the cause and effect.
—The Cause:
The Israelites did evil in the Lord’s sight.
—The Effect:
They forgot about the Lord their God, and they served the images of Baal and the Asherah poles.”
8. When we forget the Lord’s love, we run to our destructive idols — though they may be God’s good gifts, but they make lousy Saviors. What did Paige mean when she said “the inclination of our hearts is toward what has become real to us?”
—We gravitate to what we feel is meaningful to our own hearts.
Tim Keller talks about our “functional Saviors,” what we are really looking for to feel loved and important. For you, what is your functional Savior, what is most real to you?
—I think in great measure for me it has to do with what others think of me most importantly my family members and close friends. I recognize that has the danger of becoming an idol of approval but I find encouragement and security in their loving ways. It feels very real when they express their love verbally and through hugs or texts. But I have learned they are gifts in my life from God and that they are all only human and cannot be depended on to satisfy my deepest heart needs. It has been through experiencing God’s love that the rest is brought into balance.
9. If we don’t center our heart on the Lord, our hearts harden, and we become controlled by what we actually center it on. How does this speak to you?
—I recognize I have to be vigilant to guard my heart. Material hings cannot satisfy my heart and even those close to me cannot be responsible for my heart or be the source of my hearts needs. As I said only Jesus can do that.
It reminds me that every morning of every day I need time alone with the Lord to reset my heart and mind.
My verse for the year is
1 John 4:16
”So we have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us. God is love, and whoever abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him.“
I have come to know and believe the love Gods has for me. That is real to me.
10. Read Judges 3:12-15 and describe how the pattern repeats. (What word do you see in verse 12 that indicates a pattern?)
—it always started with the Israelites doing evil in the sight of the Lord and turning away from God. Then God would give them over to being enslaved by another nation until they cried out to God in their misery.
Verse 12 says “Once again the Israelites did evil in the Lord’s sight, and the Lord gave King Eglon of Moab control over Israel because of their evil.”
11. What is “the city of Palms” in verse 13, and how does it show the undoing of the conquest?
—It was Jericho which was the first city given by God to the Israelites after they crossed the Jordon into the Promised Land. They destroyed it and it was not supposed to be rebuilt. Joshua had put a curse on anyone who rebuilt it.
12. Paige told a story of a friend who made bad choices and felt God had abandoned her. What did Paige tell her?
— She said, “oh no. He’s right there making you miserable. That’s what he’s doing. Praise be to God. He is right there making you miserable. He loves us too much to leave us comfortably in our sin.”
Misery is not deliverance but if misery pries our hands off our sin, then it might be the beginning of our deliverance.
Ralph Davis
—I have a 23 year old grandson who has walked away from God since high school. He is very intelligent and is in his last year of college but this fall his circumstances have fallen apart. He has an apartment and got his first car this summer. He doesn’t have any scholarship money this year for tuition and this week he was unexpectedly was let go from his internship job because they don’t have a position with enough work for him and now he is without an income. I would pray that his misery turns him back to God and he would find that God loves him too much to leave him in his sin.
SO GOOD FROM BEV: (I know you will keep this praise in the right perspective 🙂 — I am a left-handed mentor.)
Tim Keller talks about our “functional Saviors,” what we are really looking for to feel loved and important. For you, what is your functional Savior, what is most real to you? —I think in great measure for me it has to do with what others think of me most importantly my family members and close friends. I recognize that has the danger of becoming an idol of approval but I find encouragement and security in their loving ways. It feels very real when they express their love verbally and through hugs or texts. But I have learned they are gifts in my life from God and that they are all only human and cannot be depended on to satisfy my deepest heart needs. It has been through experiencing God’s love that the rest is brought into balance.
Causes of the Disease
2. Judges 1-3 shows us the causes of the disease:
A. Why were they afraid, according to Judges 1:19 and what were they forgetting? What was real to them?
They were afraid of the iron chariots and had forgotten how God had given them victory over their enemies’ weapons of warfare. They were looking at the problems, not at the Provider and their mighty Warrior.
B. What answer was God looking for in Joshua 2:2 when He asks, “What is this you have done?”
For them to acknowledge what they have done. He already knew what was to happen.
C. Trace the downward path of God’s people in Judges 2:10-13 and 3:5-6.
They did evil and served the Baals, They abandoned god and served other gods. They provoked his anger. They intermarried with the people of the land and served their gods.
3. Paige says that the account of Othniel is like a “practice hand” for how the book of Judges will go, but it is the only “normal” round.
A. What pattern do you see in Judges 3:7-11?
God’s people served other gods, they were sold to Cushan and were subject to him for 8 years and they cried out to the Lord and the Lord sent them a deliverer in Othniel.
B. Who was Othniel and why was he a good choice for a judge?
He had the spirit of the Lord within him. He was a righteous man. He was also in the family of Caleb ( as son-in-law and nephew) and married to an Israelite.
C. What does Cushan-rishathaim mean?
It means double wickedness.
D. How long did deliverance last?
40 years and for the lifetime of Othniel. Paige said of this pattern: the good guy (Othniel) beats the bad guy (Cushan), the people are rescued from their misery, and the land has rest. The good guy dies, and the cycle begins again.
4. In verse 7 it says “they forgot” the Lord. Paige said it wasn’t that they didn’t know the truth, but they weren’t experiencing the reality of the truths. (She referred to Jonathan Edwards and the difference between knowing honey is sweet and tasting it.) Can you explain what he means and how it applies to you?
We know it in our heads, but the inclination of our hearts proves otherwise. Like I know that God is my guide, but I can go my merry way and not have a notion of Him guiding me. I can do what I naturally would do and think that god is the One guiding me.
I know that God is good but until I have seen and tasted that He is good like the experience I had on my trip to the Philippines, His goodness is only head knowledge for me. I so pray that every day God’s love for me is real and not just a rational thought.
5. She said married people need to have dates and remember why they fell in love. How does this apply to our relationship with the Lord?
Sitting down with him and asking Him to remind me of His love. Whenever thoughts of doubt, shame, regret, or sin come to us.
Count my blessings; Sing praise to Him; Remember His character, etc.
6. Read Revelation 2:2-5 and find three steps for restoring our first love.
Consider where you have fallen (magnitude of my sin)
Repent (to turn back to God)
Do what you have done before (love God with all of me)
This is the right cycle, to break the downward spiral cycle.
Causes of the Disease
2. Judges 1-3 shows us the causes of the disease:
A. Why were they afraid, according to Judges 1:19 and what were they forgetting?
They we’re afraid if the iron chariots that the inhabitants of the plains had.
What was real to them?
Their fear which caused them to not even try.
B. What answer was God looking for in Judges 2:2 when He asks, “What is this you have done?”
C. Trace the downward path of God’s people in Judges 2:10-13 and 3:5-6.
The generation that arose after the former did not know the LORD or His works.
They did evil in the sight of the LORD and served Baals.
Abandoned the LORD and served other gods.
They lived among the “ites” and they gave their daughters to their sons.
3. Paige says that the account of Othniel is like a “practice hand” for how the whole book of Judges is going to go, but it is the only “normal” round.
A. What pattern do you see in Judges 3:7-11?
They did evil in the sight of the LORD>Forgot the LORD>Served the Baals & Asheroth>The LORD’S anger was kindled against them and He sold them into the hand of the king of Mesopotamia for 80 years>The people cried out to the LORD>The LORD raised up a deliverer>The Spirit of the LORD was upon him>He judged Israel>Went to war against the king>The land had rest 40 years.
B. Who was Othniel and why was he a good choice for a judge?
He was Caleb’s nephew and son-in-law.
He was a righteous man, married to an Israelite women and not married to a Canaanite.
C. What does Cushan-rishathaim mean?
Cushan of the double wickedness.
D. How long did deliverance last?
40 years.
4. In verse 7 it says “they forgot” the Lord. Paige said it wasn’t that they didn’t know the truth, but they weren’t experiencing the reality of the truths. (She referred to Jonathan Edwards and the difference between knowing honey is sweet and tasting it.) Can you explain what he means and how it applies to you?
You can share an experience with another person that was very real to you, but they must experience it for themselves for it to be real to them.
I think for me I believed in God because my parents did, but my relationship didn’t become real until it became my own and I experienced the reality of who God is for myself.
5. She said married people need to have dates and remember why they fell in love. How does this apply to our relationship with the Lord?
We must sit down with the Lord each day and remember who He is and how much He loves us. As Keller says, “we have to constantly smash the ice that’s forming on top” of our hearts.
6. Read Revelation 2:2-5 and find three steps for restoring our first love.
Remember from where you have fallen.
Do the works you did at first.
Your comment about believing because your parents did is why we so pray it will become real to our children. This teaching has made me increase in my prayers for that for my grandchildren — and children. And me!
Amen Dee!!
1. Comment on the above. Does this remind you of a time when God’s love was so real to you? If so, please share.
I think having babies, especially that first one, comes close to Jennifer’s feeling of being so loved by God. I remember my first; holding him close and realizing how special a baby is. I thank God for that precious moment with each of my children.
So true.
2. Judges 1-3 shows us the causes of the disease:
A. Why were they afraid, according to Judges 1:19 and what were they forgetting? What was real to them?
The were afraid of the iron chariots. They were forgetting they had God with them. The people were real to them. They didn’t drive them out.
B. What answer was God looking for in Joshua 2:2 when He asks, “What is this you have done?”
He wanted them to admit they hadn’t followed His directive. They lost their faith in Him.
C. Trace the downward path of God’s people in Judges 2:10-13 and 3:5-6.
The generations that followed left God and worshipped the gods of the people; Baal and Ashtoreth. They intermarried as well.
3. Paige says that the account of Othniel is like a “practice hand” for how the whole book of Judges is going to go, but it is the only “normal” round.
A. What pattern do you see in Judges 3:7-11?
The people continue to forget God and turn to the people’s gods. The Lord gets angry and allows the Israelites to be taken over by enemies. Then He sends help when they cry out.
B. Who was Othniel and why was he a good choice for a judge?
He was the son of Caleb’s youngest brother. He was a good choice because he kept the peace.
C. What does Cushan-rishathaim mean?
Cushion of the double wickedness.
D. How long did deliverance last?
40 years
Whoops, the last answer should have been 8 not forty…
I think that you’re right, Laura. Captivity was 8 years, deliverance was 40.
I think I was trying to sleep!
2. Judges 1-3 shows us the causes of the disease:
A. Why were they afraid, according to Judges 1:19 and what were they forgetting? What was real to them? They saw the might of the enemies army and forgot all that God had done for them against other strong enemies. The only focused on what was before them.
B. What answer was God looking for in Joshua 2:2 when He asks, “What is this you have done?” (Judges 2:2) Confession and repentance.
C. Trace the downward path of God’s people in Judges 2:10-13 and 3:5-6. The Israelites started worshiping foreign gods and intermarrying with the people of the land.
3. Paige says that the account of Othniel is like a “practice hand” for how the whole book of Judges is going to go, but it is the only “normal” round.
A. What pattern do you see in Judges 3:7-11? The Israelites have turned their backs on God once again and became part of the culture around them.
B. Who was Othniel and why was he a good choice for a judge? He is Calebs’s nephew and son-in-law. He is a follower of God and married to an Israelite woman.
C. What does Cushan-rishathaim mean? Cushion of the double wickedness.
D. How long did deliverance last? 40 years
4. In verse 7 it says “they forgot” the Lord. Paige said it wasn’t that they didn’t know the truth, but they weren’t experiencing the reality of the truths. (She referred to Jonathan Edwards and the difference between knowing honey is sweet and tasting it.) Can you explain what he means and how it applies to you?
In one instance you have the knowledge with no experience, in the other, you have an actual experience. I can have the knowledge that God is real, but do I experience Him?
5. She said married people need to have dates and remember why they fell in love. How does this apply to our relationship with the Lord?
I need to spend time with Him to remember His goodness, His mercy, His love for me.
6. Read Revelation 2:2-5 and find three steps for restoring our first love.
We are to remember, repent, and do the works we did at the beginning to know Him.
4. In verse 7 it says “they forgot” the Lord. Paige said it wasn’t that they didn’t know the truth, but they weren’t experiencing the reality of the truths. (She referred to Jonathan Edwards and the difference between knowing honey is sweet and tasting it.) Can you explain what he means and how it applies to you? It’s pretty much like anything in life, you can read and hear about all kinds of sights and adventures, but until you experience it firsthand, you really don’t know. When I’m in a dark place or going through hard times, I have to remember that I can’t experience God’s goodness and rescue unless I am in the hard place.
Good analogy with traveling.
Consequences of the Disease
7. Look at verse 7 and find the cause and effect.
The cause is, they forgot the LORD.
The effect is, they served the Baals and the Asheroth.
8. When we forget the Lord’s love, we run to our destructive idols — though they may be God’s good gifts, but they make lousy Saviors. What did Paige mean when she said “the inclination of our hearts is toward what has become real to us?”
It’s getting what we want and what is most important to us…centered on self.
Tim Keller talks about our “functional Saviors,” what we are really looking for to feel loved and important. For you, what is your functional Savior, what is most real to you?
Approval, comfort and control…lying under all of these “functional saviors” is self.
9. If we don’t center our heart on the Lord, our hearts harden, and we become controlled by what we actually center it on. How does this speak to you?
It shows me that centering on self rather than making the Lord the center of my heart, there is lack of compassion for others, humility, kindness, forgiveness, grace and love.
Consequences of the Disease
7. Look at verse 7 and find the cause and effect.
8. When we forget the Lord’s love, we run to our destructive idols — though they may be God’s good gifts, but they make lousy Saviors. What did Paige mean when she said “the inclination of our hearts is toward what has become real to us?” Tim Keller talks about our “functional Saviors,” what we are really looking for to feel loved and important. For you, what is your functional Savior, what is most real to you?
For me, it is the idol of approval. When somebody approves of me, then I feel loved and important. The Lord has done a wonderful thing for me in this area and has helped me look to please Him more than anyone in this world. His Word is a constant reminder to stay in, meditate on, and ask God to alert me when my functional saviors are operating. Some days are harder but the misery that comes with these functional saviors has made me realize I don’t have to live in misery and I only have One to honor and please with my life. “Living for Jesus” is a good reminder song.
9. If we don’t center our heart on the Lord, our hearts harden, and we become controlled by what we actually center it on. How does this speak to you?
I think my answer to #8 addresses this question.
10. Read Judges 3:12-15 and describe how the pattern repeats. (What word do you see in verse 12 that indicates a pattern?)
Once again!
11. What is “the city of Palms” in verse 13, and how does it show the undoing of the conquest?
Jericho, the city that was a sign of their conquest is now the headquarters of Eglon, It should not be. That was the place of the defeat of Israel’s enemies and their conquest, and now it is undone and under the power of the enemies. What irony and grief! And yet what compassion from God! I teared up when she gave the example of the kid on the corner and asked what we would do if they were ours. We would be angry at their destitution even when we know it is their undoing that made them so, but because we love them, we will not leave them where they are.
12. Paige told a story of a friend who made bad choices and felt God had abandoned her. What did Paige tell her?
Paige told her that God has always been there for her and allowed her to be miserable so He can awaken her. “God hands them over, yes, but not to destroy them, to awaken them, and yet they are slow to wake up.”
Misery is not deliverance but if misery pries our hands off our sin, then it might be the beginning of our deliverance.
Ralph Davis
10. Read Judges 3:12-15 and describe how the pattern repeats. (What word do you see in verse 12 that indicates a pattern?)
They did evil in the sight of the LORD again… (indicates a pattern).
They served the king of Moab for 18 years.
They cried out to the LORD.
He raised up a deliverer.
11. What is “the city of Palms” in verse 13, and how does it show the undoing of the conquest?
Israel had already conquered it and now Moab possessed it.
12. Paige told a story of a friend who made bad choices and felt God had abandoned her. What did Paige tell her?
”Oh no, He is right there making you miserable.”
Misery is not deliverance but if misery pries our hands off our sin, then it might be the beginning of our deliverance.
Ralph Davis
I love what Paige told her friend — I wonder if I could be so bold!
The God Who Comes Into Our Mess
17. Name some of the ways that Jesus became weak, humbled himself, and did the unexpected things for God to do?
—First of all was that He set his glory aside which was all the glory and perfection of Heaven. And as creator of the universe and He came down to earth and became flesh being born as a weak and dependent baby. Paige said He came as a low one. He came as an outsider. He came to bear our judgement and not to bring it on us.
What did He do on earth that shows Him truly coming into our mess?
—He came and lived among lowly people at a lowly time in History. He touched people physically who were sick and broken messes. He healed them physically and spiritually. He never distanced himself from anyone who was hurting and seeking Him.
18. There are times we may feel abandoned because God’s ways of healing us can seem so painful — so wild. How must we speak to our souls at those times?
— Faith is the word that comes to my mind. Faith is believing and then trusting Him regardless of our circumstances. It is acknowledging He is still God and in control. But our ability to do that in times of trouble does not come from a position of strength on our part. We like the man begging Jesus to heal his son said “Lord, I believe. Help my unbelief.”
19. Why does God use us who are weak and foolish to do anything? Support your answer scripturally.
—So it is only God gets the glory.
1 Corinthians 1:27-29, 30
-“Instead, God chose things the world considers foolish in order to shame those who think they are wise. And he chose things that are powerless to shame those who are powerful.
-God chose things despised by the world, things counted as nothing at all, and used them to bring to nothing what the world considers important.
-As a result, no one can ever boast in the presence of God.
-Therefore, as the Scriptures say, “If you want to boast, boast only about the Lord.””
2 Corinthians 12:9 & 10
-“Each time he said, “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.” So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me.
-That’s why I take pleasure in my weaknesses, and in the insults, hardships, persecutions, and troubles that I suffer for Christ. For when I am weak, then I am strong.”
20. What analogies did she make between Ehud’s weak right hand and the hands of Jesus at the cross?
—Ehud had a weak right hand but Christ as a result of the Cross now has two deformed hands from the nails.
How are those hands now empowered?
—Now those hands are at the mighty right hand of God the Father where he shows them to His Father and I have eternal security that I can not be plucked out of those hands. Because of the Cross and those hands I am secure in the love of those nail scarred hands that took my sin and scars to the Cross. Out of love He bears those scars.
From Bev:
How are those hands now empowered? —Now those hands are at the mighty right hand of God the Father where he shows them to His Father and I have eternal security that I can not be plucked out of those hands. Because of the Cross and those hands I am secure in the love of those nail scarred hands that took my sin and scars to the Cross. Out of love He bears those scars.
Ehud, the Left-Handed Deliverer
Judges 3:15 literally says that Ehud was “unable to use his right hand.” It is very possible that Ehud’s right hand was paralyzed or disabled in some way.
Tim Keller
13. Read the account of Ehud (Judges 3:12-13)
A. In a few sentences, summarize what happened. – The people did evil in the sigh of the Lord again and he made their enemies more powerful than they were. And they were defeated because of their evil ways.
B. What was the significance of Ehud being left-handed? How did it help him his plan to murder the king of Moab? How was this incident so wild and crazy? – Ehud’s weakness of his left-handedness and not having use of his right hand is his strength. People are seeing his weakness and not taking in to account what strength he was forced to gain with his left hand. No one would think he would be strong using his left hand, so the surprise attack was not expected. We need to be aware of those we think are weak, the surprise attack can be deadly.
C. What spiritual significance do you see to this? – God can use us know matter what our disabilities may be. He will provide us with the means we need to do His work.
14. There are many things, such as John 1 and The Northern Lights, which we cannot fully comprehend, but we can apprehend them. What did she mean? – I’ve read and thought about this part and I’m wondering if she means that because God is so much bigger, so much more powerful than we are, our minds aren’t big enough to ever understand what all he can do and accomplish. We know a little bit because we have seen his promises in our life come to pass, but he is just too big for us to really comprehend and understand how vast his power and control are. We will never be able to understand all that God is, our minds aren’t big enough.
15. What does Eglon’s name mean? Point? – I found that it means ‘bull’. The source ( goes on to add…”For the attentive reader it is consequently obvious that, from the very beginning, Ehud’s mission is to kill Eglon the slaughter-ready bull.”
16. She mentioned some other wild and crazy things in the Bible, for our God is so very surprising. What comes to your mind? – I don’t remember this part and really can’t find reference to it in her transcript, but what I think is wild and crazy is how often the Lord continues to save us from ourselves. We cause so much trouble when we try to do things on our own and he is always there cleaning it up. Thank you Jesus!
So much good here, Julie. I like that God can use us no matter our disabilities.
7. Look at verse 7 and find the cause and effect.
Listen to the Spirit and get fruit from the tree of life.
8. When we forget the Lord’s love, we run to our destructive idols — though they may be God’s good gifts, but they make lousy Saviors. What did Paige mean when she said “the inclination of our hearts is toward what has become real to us?” Tim Keller talks about our “functional Saviors,” what we are really looking for to feel loved and important. For you, what is your functional Savior, what is most real to you?
We long for the things right in front of us. Things that are unseen are hard to remember.
Definitely being a slave to my body for dance has been my functional savior. Probably also my kids.
9. If we don’t center our heart on the Lord, our hearts harden, and we become controlled by what we actually center it on. How does this speak to you?
Absolutely! Knowing God reminds me of how I am to treat others with love regardless of how they treat me. Focusing on myself all the time does not reflect His love for others.
10. Read Judges 3:12-15 and describe how the pattern repeats. (What word do you see in verse 12 that indicates a pattern?)
The Israelites do evil and the Lord gives them a king who rules over them who is not an Israelite.
“Once again….”
11. What is “the city of Palms” in verse 13, and how does it show the undoing of the conquest?
Jericho. God helped them conquer Jericho prior to this, but I don’t get how this king occupying Jericho reveals an undoing of sorts?
12. Paige told a story of a friend who made bad choices and felt God had abandoned her. What did Paige tell her?
He hasn’t abandoned you, He is right there making you miserable in your sin. He loves you too much to let you get comfortable in your sin.
Misery is not deliverance but if misery pries our hands off our sin, then it might be the beginning of our deliverance.
Ralph Davis
Ehud, the Left-Handed Deliverer
Judges 3:15 literally says that Ehud was “unable to use his right hand.” It is very possible that Ehud’s right hand was paralyzed or disabled in some way.
Tim Keller
13. Read the account of Ehud (Judges 3:12-23)
A. In a few sentences, summarize what happened.
The Lord raised up Ehud to deliver the Israelites from Moab who was sent to deliver tribute money to King Eglon. He was on his way home from delivering the money and when he reached the stone idols near Gilgal, he turned back. He told Eglon, who was very fat that he had a secret message and Eglon told everyone to leave the room. Ehud walked over to him and as Eglon on rose from his seat, Ehud reached with his left hand , pulled out the dagger strapped to his left thigh and plunged it into the kings belly. The dagger went so deep that it disappeared beneath the king’s fat so Ehud didn’t pull out the dagger and the king’s bowels emptied. Ehud closed and locked the doors of the room and escaped down the latrine.
B. What was the significance of Ehud being left-handed?
He was from the tribe of Benjamin which means “son of the right hand.”
How did it help him his plan to murder the king of Moab? How was this incident so wild and crazy?
It made him appear to be weak and therefore wasn’t a threat.
The wild and crazy thing is that God would chose a weak/handicapped man to deliver the people. Paige says, “the whole story is left-handed.”
C. What spiritual significance do you see to this?
The importance of depending on God…when we are weak, He is strong. 2 Corinthians 12:9…”My (God’s) grace is all you need. My (God’s) power works best in weakness. So now I (Paul) am glad about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me.”
14. There are many things, such as John 1 and The Northern Lights, which we cannot fully comprehend, but we can apprehend them. What did she mean?
Comprehending something is getting a grasp of what it means, being able to wrap your head around it, but apprehending something means we can only grasp a little bit of it, can only get a glimmer of it, but never get the whole thing.
15. What does Eglon’s name mean? Point?
It means bull calf, like fattened calf. He become the sacrificial offering.
16. She mentioned some other wild and crazy things in the Bible, for our God is so very surprising. What comes to your mind?
What comes to my mind is David, a young boy slayed a giant when the whole army of Israel were intimidated by Goliath.
It’s hard to think of questions that will challenge Sharon!
Oh my Dee…you challenge me all the time and I love it😊❤️
13. Read the account of Ehud (Judges 3:12-13)
A. In a few sentences, summarize what happened.
Ehud was a man whom God sent to save the Israelites. He strapped a dagger that he made onto his right thigh, visited the king and killed him.
B. What was the significance of Ehud being left-handed? How did it help him his plan to murder the king of Moab? How was this incident so wild and crazy?
He came from the tribe of Benjamin, which means the “son of the right hand.” He was no threat to the Moab king Eglon. No one thought he would be able to do anything to harm the king. There is no logic. He is part of God’s plan.
C. What spiritual significance do you see to this?
God is always in charge. I have a small sticker that says, “The answer is always Jesus.” Here, “The answer is always God.” I cling to Him through it all. I look forward to His solving our family dilemma; to see Him glorified in the end. I love you Lord.
I like that, Laura — the answer is always Jesus. My son was telling me he used to ask Jesus to deliver him from his depression and realized Jesus was the answer.
14. There are many things, such as John 1 and The Northern Lights, which we cannot fully comprehend, but we can apprehend them. What did she mean?
We read or look at pictures and can understand (apprehend) bits, but we can’t grasp the whole thing. To comprehend, we understand fully. Do we need to understand the whole thing? Not really. God will always prevail.
15. What does Eglon’s name mean? Point?
“Fatted calf.” He is the sacrificial offering here. Israel wins.
16. She mentioned some other wild and crazy things in the Bible, for our God is so very surprising. What comes to your mind?
The Virgin conception, Rahab hiding the spies, the raising of Lazarus, I could go on….
21. Watch the below and share both Paige’s point and your thoughts.
—Her point is such an important one that we must never forget the goodness of God in our lives. Over and over the Israelites forgot God. It is about heart memory and going back and remembering the things God has done in my life again and again. Things that are my history of how the Lord loves me. What a blessing to remember and how encouraging to the heart.
The sweetness of the story in the clip that impressed me is that it was the small things Loretta said and did that had captured his heart. He knew her well and loved her for who she was. He had so much heart memory and he didn’t want to forget. God has involved Himself in the details of my life. It is all about a personal relationship with Him because of Jesus and I never dare forget how much He loves me.
22. Therefore, right now remember a few ways the goodness of God was made so real to you in the past and, if possible, recently!
—Most of this last summer my very close friend and sister in Christ Lynda was struggling with very serious health issues. I had expressed my concern that she might not survive but God has been gracious to her and to me. For now her health has stabilized and she is doing better than she has in months. It is a definite answer to prayer. Just this past week she confirmed to me she is encouraged that God has given her a reprieve of more time. She is an amazing prayer warrior with a strong testimony for Christ. I’m blessed to have her in my life.
The God Who Comes Into Our Mess
17. Name some of the ways that Jesus became weak, humbled himself, and did the unexpected things for God to do? What did He do on earth that shows Him truly coming into our mess? – He came as the low one, as the outsider. He was our left-handed redeeming savior. He put on our mess and became our sin to win us to him. This was so powerful to hear, and a bigger picture comes into my mind now of all Jesus did for me and for all sinners.
18. There are times we may feel abandoned because God’s ways of healing us can seem so painful — so wild. How must we speak to our souls at those times? – We need to have a vivid picture of Jesus carrying our sins and remember that he died for us on the cross. No pain is worse than His was when he died on the cross for us, for our mess. He promises to be with us and to never leave us, so that is what we need to hang on to. His pain and suffering was overwhelming and His love for us will never die.
19. Why does God use us who are weak and foolish to do anything? Support your answer scripturally. – He wants to show that his authority and power are bigger than anything that comes. He wants to show that he can equip any of us to do His work. People are not expecting the lowly and weak to accomplish anything, but God’s plan is to use who he knows has the right heart. I Cor 1:27 “But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong;”
20. What analogies did she make between Ehud’s weak right hand and the hands of Jesus at the cross? How are those hands now empowered? – Ehud was disabled in his right hand, Jesus became disabled for us, because of us. Ehud was a warrior, Jesus was a warrior and our savior. Ehud went after the enemy and killed him, Jesus saved the enemy, us, and became the enemy, became our sin and died.
21. Watch the below and share both Paige’s point and your thoughts. – Oh wow, to see to type this out now. I’ve never seen that commercial before. Our minds may fade away, but our hearts deepest memories will always be with us, I think. Things will come to us that we thought we forgot, but it comes to the surface when we need it. We need to constantly be reminded of what God has done for us throughout our years, through the trials of life and the only way we can never forget is to always be in the Word and see the reminders and see His promises. To make a list of all the blessings we’ve been given so it will always be with us has to start with us writing them down. We can’t rely on technology to help us, but when the blessings of God are embedded in our hearts, they will always be with us.
We forget the goodness of God. Our hearts, Tim Keller says, are like buckets of water set outside — and we must, every morning, break the ice that formed overnight by remembering! – This is so good. If we don’t replenish our hearts and soul with things from above, we will be like dry bones.
22. Therefore, right now remember a few ways the goodness of God was made so real to you in the past and, if possible, recently! – Oh God has been so good, he provided money when I was to my last dime. He kept my son Kyle safe from harm while serving in Afghanistan. He has prospered all of our boys with good jobs and great families. He provided a wonderful new home to me and Joe in Tennessee and placed us in an amazing area with great neighbors. And most recently…a friend from church who is a traveling labor and delivery nurse lost her wallet. She has been graciously loading up her truck with supplies for the hurricane victims here in Tennessee and needed it bad. She reached out on Facebook for prayers so she could continue with helping others. I put a prayer out there on her page and when she got done reading it, she found her wallet. God is so good in the big and small, but we need to be looking with eyes wide open to see his goodness all around us.
This has been such a great study, but this week has been my favorite so far. So much to learn from this week. I’m grateful to you Dee and for Kathy doing the transcripts. What a blessing you both are to my growing in Christ.
I’m so sorry to tell you that West End has asked me not to post Paige’s transcripts. I am so sorry for I know how helpful that is. But I need to respect their request. We don’t know why she does it, but she must have a good reason and it is her perogative.
I am so sorry to hear that. The transcripts have been a great help to go back to when answering questions and wanting to go back and clarify some of her points and for references to the passage of scripture. I find it hard to take notes while she talks. When you started posting the transcripts I just assumed you had been given permission. I’m not sure she understands her wider audience. She is a strong personality so I’m sure she has definite reasons and we certainly have to respect that.
I understand, but as Julie has pointed out there is a transcript on YouTube you can refer to as long as the sermon is up.
Oh, too bad….I will do what I can, but I struggle with getting it all done. The transcripts surely help!
The God Who Comes Into Our Mess
17. Name some of the ways that Jesus became weak, humbled himself, and did the unexpected things for God to do? What did He do on earth that shows Him truly coming into our mess?
He came in the flesh, as a low one , an outsider, touched lepers, had prostitutes snotting and crying all over His feet and wiping Him and people demon possessed running to Him
18. There are times we may feel abandoned because God’s ways of healing us can seem so painful — so wild. How must we speak to our souls at those times?
I remember who the Lord is and what He has done for me…He’s never left or forsaken me, He is faithful, He died for me and He loves me so much.
19. Why does God use us who are weak and foolish to do anything? Support your answer scripturally.
See my answer to #13C
20. What analogies did she make between Ehud’s weak right hand and the hands of Jesus at the cross? How are those hands now empowered?
Both the hands of Jesus were both eternally deformed.
He is now sitting at the right hand of God showing Him His hands. The hands that promise nothing can snatch me out of His hands. Those hands were nailed to the cross for me and He will forever bear those scars because He loves me.
Ehud, the Left-Handed Deliverer
13. Read the account of Ehud (Judges 3:12-13)
A. In a few sentences, summarize what happened.
B. What was the significance of Ehud being left-handed? How did it help him his plan to murder the king of Moab? How was this incident so wild and crazy?
He had the blade strapped to his right thigh and he was able to grab it with his left hand. It is wild and crazy because Ehud probably was the last person, they thought could kill the king of Moab. I did not know that Benjamin means the son of the right hand! Ehud was left-handed and the son of the right hand. He is seen as weak. He was the no-threat man. Eglon’s security detail were all outside, but they were no help to Eglon.
C. What spiritual significance do you see to this?
God can use the least of all people to bring about His purposes. We may feel small or insignificant, but God can use us. “There are no limits to the resources and the plans and the purposes of Almighty God.”
14. There are many things, such as John 1 and The Northern Lights, which we cannot fully comprehend, but we can apprehend them. What did she mean?
If we comprehend something, we can wrap our minds completely around it, which means that thing can’t be any bigger than my mind because my mind’s got to be bigger and be able to wrap around it. Apprehension means just getting a bit of something.“When we look at the Lord’s methods, it’s an apprehension of his loving presence and his promises in our lives. It is never a total comprehension. God is nothing like their idols, nothing like their false gods with the limited means and the limited areas of influence. I mean, it’s the left-handedness. It’s the unexpectedness. It’s the upside-downness where his glory and his power shine more brightly… “
15. What does Eglon’s name mean? Point?
Eglon’s name means bull calf, the fatted calf. He was the offering.
16. She mentioned some other wild and crazy things in the Bible, for our God is so very surprising. What comes to your mind?
The passage from I Corinthians: God uses the not-so-wise, not powerful, not of noble birth, and the foolish to shame the wise, the weak, the low, and despised things.
In modern times: I think of Joni Erickson Tada, as somebody with quadriplegia, God has used Joni to champion the cause of those who are weak. Mother Teresa, was small but mighty in her care for the poor. Children-how their faith can shame us adults. Rahab, Ruth, Gideon, the 12 disciples, Mary, the mother of Jesus-so many more!
So many good examples, Bing – -and Joni is a great one!
The God Who Comes Into Our Mess
17. Name some of the ways that Jesus became weak, humbled himself, and did the unexpected things for God to do? What did He do on earth that shows Him truly coming into our mess?
He came to earth as a man; cried, got tired, got betrayed, despised, abandoned, beaten, and died on the cross. He came as us, the lowest of us.
18. There are times we may feel abandoned because God’s ways of healing us can seem so painful — so wild. How must we speak to our souls at those times?
God will never leave me. He is determined to redeem however big my messes are.
19. Why does God use us who are weak and foolish to do anything? Support your answer scripturally.
So we cannot boast. I Corinthians 1:17
To show God’s grace and strength “But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore, I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.” 2 Corinthians 12:9, 10
20. What analogies did she make between Ehud’s weak right hand and the hands of Jesus at the cross? How are those hands now empowered?
God used Ehud despite his limitations but he was still a temporary “savior”. The hands of Jesus at the cross were deformed, to human eyes, they were bound and limited, but those nail-scarred hands were empowered to bring about my salvation and my secure position in His kingdom. And He is my forever Savior. No one can snatch me out of those loving hands.
21. Watch the below and share both Paige’s point and your thoughts.
The Google commercial talks about a husband who lost his wife and instructed Google to remember things for him about his wife. And to remind him of those. We have the Word of God to remember who He is and what He has done not only in our lives but in those who came before us who lived in faith and trust in God. History is important so we do not forget.
We forget the goodness of God. Our hearts, Tim Keller says, are like buckets of water set outside — and we must, every morning, break the ice that formed overnight by remembering!
22. Therefore, right now remember a few ways the goodness of God was made so real to you in the past and, if possible, recently!
I like the practice of a God Hunt that you introduced us to, Dee. And I have been doing “One Thousand Gifts” by Ann Voskamp again this year. As a teacher, I know that the more senses we use to learn old and new materials, the more we retain them. Reading out loud, writing, visualizing, and acting it out (Twila and Laura) are all layers of good memory!
I also have started Scripture writing, and in the process, have deeper meditation times than I ever have before! Writing passages conjure light bulb moments and serve as a springboard for remembering the faithfulness of God.
I used to make an excuse of “I am getting older” to not put effort in these disciplines but am and yes, it needs harder work, but through the grace of God, I have been able to do these things,
I think a greater appreciation for these disciplines is one of the few ways I remember the goodness of God. He wants me to have a closer walk with Him and He is using them to do so. Tim Keller is right! I need to break the ice that has formed in my heart every day. Good reason for Quiet Times in the morning.
From Bing:
I think a greater appreciation for these disciplines is one of the few ways I remember the goodness of God. He wants me to have a closer walk with Him and He is using them to do so. Tim Keller is right! I need to break the ice that has formed in my heart every day. Good reason for Quiet Times in the morning.