I’m sending this out a day early as Paige’s talk is already up, as this is their fall break and she is not teaching. We are doing the second half of last’s week lecture.
After a quick review of Part I, we will study the downfall of Gideon. The passage is Judges 7:8 through 8:28. It is a warning for:
The Dangers of Success
Go to the link below and move the time to 48.50 minutes. In Judges, after a brief review, we will start at Judges 7:9 and go through chapter 8:28.
Paige doesn’t like the phrase “God showed up” because she rightfully objects that He is always there. Yet we often, in our blindness, are unaware of His presence. I also think there are times when, though He is there, He leans down and “kisses” us, as the bride in Song of Songs asks Him to do. That happened to me this week when I was mourning the loss of my husband Steve, who went to be with the Lord 20 years ago, on October 16th, 2004. I “happened” to be studying Deborah, as Paige skipped over her, and came across a verse that was always there but I had not really seen:
May they who love you be like the sun
when it rises in its strength.
Judges 5:31b
I thought about how Steve was like that — the “Son” so filled his heart that His love flowed out of Steve to everyone. Here is a picture of Steve at the orphanage in Thailand, when he was so excited to take Beth, our 12-year-old adoptee, home.
Then I looked up and this was the scene outside my window. Being on this side of the peninsula we see the sun set, but not the sun rise — yet we sometimes see the effects of the sun rising in the east.
I thought about how Steve was like that — you could see the “effects” of the Son in him. And I also simultaneously felt “kissed by the King.” We had a good discussion last week about the fleece and our own Laura asked if it was wrong to look for a confirmation. I do think we are to seek God’s will through His Word, through asking for wisdom, and for sensing His peace. But there are times when He graciously confirms in other ways, as I sensed a confirmation of His love and presence. So Laura, I think it is fine to ask for a confirmation, but to be very aware of the soft voice of His Spirit, for that may be the way He does it.
1. Share a time this week when you were aware of His presence, or when His Word became “radioactive” to you, or when you were acutely aware of His mercy or love.
2. In review, what were some of the ways in chapters 6 and 7 that God reassured Gideon that He was truly with him, therefore it didn’t matter that Gideon was weak? (See Judges 7:2)
3. Read Judges 7:9-17
A. What grabs you, challenges you, or enlightens you from this passage?
B. What was the dream, and how was God encouraging Gideon yet again?
C. Give an example of God’s patience in showing the same truth about His being with you? (I could share, on the 20th anniversary of Steve’s birth into heaven, how God has been a husband to me over and over, though I constantly need the reassurance that He will be!)
D. Listen to Paige up to 52:49 and share what stood out from her teaching.
4. Read Judges 7:16 to the end of the chapter.
A. What stands out and why?
B. What two things were the 300 soldiers given before they marched in? What did Gideon tell them to do? (verses 16-18)
C. When did Gideon and his hundred men choose to go into the camp? (Verse 19)
Tim Keller explains that their enemy was the weakest during the changing of the guard, for one-third of their army would be walking toward the tents, giving those in the tents the mistaken sense that they were part of the encroaching enemy.
D. What else did the Lord do to the enemy according to verse 22?
5. Listen to Paige from minute 53 to minute 57.
A. Paige uses the verbs blew, smashed, cried out, and stood. What is her point?
B. She said the question is never “How strong are we for God” but “How strong is He for us?” What gifts has God given you and what circumstances could you use them in right now, trusting in Him?
C. Since God doesn’t need us to do anything, why does He include us?
D. What else stood out to you from this part of her teaching?
Gideon — Hubris (Judges 8:4 to the end of the chapter)
6. Read Judges 8:4-12
A. How do you see Gideon’s pride and anger in this passage with his own people? (Succoth and Penuel were part of the tribe of Gad)
C. Listen to Paige from 57:44 to 1:00 and share what stands out to you.
7. Read Judges 8:13-21
A. How does Gideon take revenge on his people who didn’t give him bread?
B. Read this one page article from Keller and share your take-a-way from it.
C. In verses 18-21 we learn the Middianites had killed Gideon’s brothers. Keller says this killing was not motivated by a desire to deliver God’s people but by revenge. What does God tell us about revenge in Romans 12:19. Has this verse ever stopped you from repaying evil for evil?
8. Listen to Paige from 1:00 to 1:08
1) In chapters 6 and 7 Gideon was in constant communication with the Lord. Now nothing. Why?
2) Gideon is the only judge to turn his sword upon his own people. What irony does Paige bring out?
3) Why is success so dangerous according to Paige?
4) Why is betrayal from someone who is part of your own family so hurtful?
5) When is your prayer life most desperate? When is it least? What does this teach you?
9. Read Judges 8:22-35.
Keller explains that the “ephod” had two stones in the front: the Urim and Thummim — which were used to receive “yes” or “no” answers from God…Gideon is essentially setting uphis home town as a rival place of worship…Gideon has used God to consolidate his own position, instead of using his position to serve and be used by God.
A. How does Gideon respond when they ask him to rule over them? Yet how do his actions prove otherwise?
B. What does he do with the gold of the spoils and how does it affect Israel?
C. As you look at your life, have you tempted to use God for your own glory rather than serving Him for His glory?
D. What do you learn about Gideon in verse 30?
E. This is the first time the idolatry began before the judge died. How do you see this?
10. Listen to Paige from 1:09 to the end.
A. Whoever saves should rule. Who saved?
B. How has Gideon changed in his relationship with God? How does this impact Israel?
C. Paige says “the real you comes out in times of success.” As you reflect on this, what do you see about yourself?
D. How does the story of the Pharisee and the publican demonstrate how our hearts can get messed up by success?
E. How does she contrast Gideon setting himself up on a throne with what Jesus did to save us?
The essence of sin is us substituting ourselves for God
The essence of salvation is God substituting Himself for us
We assert ourselves against God and put ourselves where only God deserves to be
God sacrifices Himself and puts Himself where we deserve to be
We claim prerogatives which belong to God alone
and God accepts the penalties which belong to us alone.
John Stott
11. Was Gideon a good guy or a bad guy? What do you think and why?
12. What thoughts did she have on eternal security and God’s heart?
13. What is your take-a-way and why?
1. Share a time this week when you were aware of His presence, or when His Word became “radioactive” to you, or when you were acutely aware of His mercy or love. On Monday I got to watch my granddaughters who were out of school I had wondered what I would do with them. They had spent the weekend as a family in Indy doing family friendly things with 2 other families. On Sunday they are going to Disney with other grandparents. I usually go in and pick up the church sanctuary on Monday morning and felt a nudge to suggest that. They reluctantly agreed to go. They really took to the simple tasks we had to do and wanted to make sure we did it right. (They have even asked their mom when they can do it again.) Later they talked to me about other times we had together. I spent the morning thanking God and remembering how my cup overflows.
2. In review, what were some of the ways in chapters 6 and 7 that God reassured Gideon that He was truly with him, therefore it didn’t matter that Gideon was weak? (See Judges 7:2) Angel of Lord called him a mighty warrior. Lord spoke to him and told him he would be with him. Lord patiently waited while Gideon prepared sacrifice. Lord had angel of Lord burn up the sacrifice by touching it with tip of staff. Lord assured him he wouldn’t die. Lord allowed him 2 fleece tests. Lord allowed him to hear Midianites say God had given them into Gideon’s hand
3. Read Judges 7:9-17
A. What grabs you, challenges you, or enlightens you from this passage How huge the encampment of people were – the Midianites, the Amalekites and all the other eastern peoples had settled in as thick as locusts. Particularly when compared to Gideon’s 300 men. ( I don’t know what happens to other people besides Midianites)
B. What was the dream, and how was God encouraging Gideon yet again? A round loaf of barley bread comes into the the camp, strikes a tent and it overturns and collapses. The hearer of the dream interprets that God had given Midianites into Gideon’s hands.
C. Give an example of God’s patience in showing the same truth about His being with you? (I could share, on the 20th anniversary of Steve’s birth into heaven, how God has been a husband to me over and over, though I constantly need the reassurance that He will be!) He doesn’t treat me as my sin deserves. I’ve had some impatient and unkind thoughts about people the past few days. I honked my horn this morning at someone who failed to stop at a stop sign and pulled in front of me. We were both going slow so it didn’t matter and was no big deal. Yet I responded like I had been wronged. What if every time I had a wrong thought or did something wrong or unkind God honked His horn at me. Yikes it would sure make my neighborhood noisy. Instead He quietly reminds me I represent Him in the world and to smile and remember He loves me.
Judy, I smiled when I read this: “What if every time I had a wrong thought or did something wrong or unkind God honked His horn at me. Yikes it would sure make my neighborhood noisy. Instead He quietly reminds me I represent Him in the world and to smile and remember He loves me.”
Judy — that made me smile too. God honking! Help!
Great about your grand-daughters.
😀 Oh my goodness. All the honking would sound like driving in downtown Chicago.
Love your story of how you spent time with your grandchildren and how they enjoyed the simple tasks! We are always trying to figure out how to entertain ours as well and most of the time they just want our attention and to feel included.
What a beautiful picture, Dee. It sure reminds us of eternity and this is not our home.
I am so grateful I have this extra week to join in on this lesson. My granddaughter and her family came from Texas last Wednesday and spent this whole week with us. With two little ones in the house and family gatherings it has been quite a busy time 💕😊
1. Share a time this week when you were aware of His presence, or when His Word became “radioactive” to you, or when you were acutely aware of His mercy or love.
—My son Tyce is finishing up his ministry at our church after 10 years of being the lead pastor. He has two more weeks to preach and then will be done in this place.
He acknowledged in his sermon time that this past week he had begun to grieve over leaving the people that he has been shepherding here. I had sensed when we were together at a couple of family times he was quieter than normal. After the service he and I had a few minutes to interact in the back of the church alone as we talked a bit about what he was experiencing. We both shed some tears as he hugged me close and we verbalized our love for each other. Private moments between us are very rare because we are usually together in family settings and he has five children so it’s a very busy household. I felt it was a special kiss from God I felt very loved in those moments by Tyce as my son and by God as my Father.
Dee, I will pray for you through this weekend on the anniversary of Steve’s home going. May your memories be sweet and the love of God real in your heart and life.
2. In review, what were some of the ways in chapters 6 and 7 that God reassured Gideon that He was truly with him, therefore it didn’t matter that Gideon was weak? (See Judges 7:2)
—God accepted Gideon’s offering of the meat and unleavened cakes on the rock by sending fire to consume them. Then Gideon sought God’s affirmation by laying out a fleece overnight. Once to see of it was dew covered in the morning opposite of the ground and again to see if it was dry in the morning opposite of the ground. Lastly God sent him secretly to the camp of the Midianites to overhear the dream and it’s interpretation that God was going to give him victory.
3. Read Judges 7:9-17
A. What grabs you, challenges you, or enlightens you from this passage?
—God understood the fears of Gideon and reinforced his confidence in God’s plan to rout out the Midianites by having him go down with his servant and overhear the telling of the man’s dream and the interpretation of it which was going to be the victory of Israel.
I am encouraged that when I am afraid that as I seek God’s voice in my life He will send me reassurance of his plan for good in my life. I think of the promise God made to Joshua. “This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.””
Joshua 1:9 NLT
So sweet with your son Tyce! What will he do next? Is a new pastor coming to your church? That is sure to be a bit hard for you.
For the time being our church has an interim pastor coming to fill the pulpit until the search committee finds a new full time pastor. That could be 6 months to a year. Tyce has taken a position as the President of The Berean Fellowship of Churches. His role will be to serve the board of directors and he will be involved teaching and training pastors and church leaders. His gift is teaching. He will also travel once a month to one of the 60 some churches in the Fellowship and speak and encourage in those places. I guess you’d say his role is one of an overseer. Because we are not a large denomination there is not a home office. But he will be moving his family to a different location because he does not want to remain here in our community in order to give the new pastor who comes freedom from being under his shadow of having been the pastor for the last 10 years. Yes it will be hard to see them move. We have greatly enjoy watching his 5 children grow up and being involved with their lives. They plan to stay in Nebraska so instead of 5 blocks away we will probably have them a few hours drive from here.
Bev, the story with your son was such a wonderful kiss from God! I also want to say how wise of your son to move away and give the new pastor freedom. Jim’s father was always very sensitive to pastors when he attended churches after he retired as he didn’t want any special treatment or take away from the their ministry.
Prayers, Bev, for a smooth transition for Tyce and his family and for your church and you and your husband,
Aawww, Bev. It’s such a bittersweet thing for you and your family. Your son, Tyce, sounds like a great son, dad, husband, and pastor! Blessings as he and his family make the move and start his new position.
1. Share a time this week when you were aware of His presence, or when His Word became “radioactive” to you, or when you were acutely aware of His mercy or love.
These verses are still some of my favorites through the years but they came alive once more this week:
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God which passes all understanding shall guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7
There is nothing that I cannot address with God. Small and big things, impossible things, closed doors (a big one this week), heartbreaks, etc. – all of these I can boldly bring to the throne of grace. His peace will stand guard over my heart and mind, knowing He has these things under His control. He is good, and He has inclined His ears to my prayers and will answer them according to His will.
Such a good verse to repeat to our souls!
“There is nothing that I cannot address with God. Small and big things, impossible things, closed doors (a big one this week), heartbreaks, etc. – all of these I can boldly bring to the throne of grace“
So true, Bing.
Love this verse Bing…my prayer everyday for my husband and I.
Thank you for this Bing.
1. Share a time this week when you were aware of His presence, or when His Word became “radioactive” to you, or when you were acutely aware of His mercy or love.
This last Sunday Jim shared his testimony in church on the subject of tithing/giving. He shared how it was important to us to give to God first and then pay the bills, which wasn’t easy but God always provided. When he was speaking I felt so thankful in my heart for God’s faithfulness as what he said brought back memories of really hard times, but God in His great love took care of us and He still does…so many kisses from God!
I love hearing this.
When we were young and struggling financially a nurse asked Steve for support for becoming a missionary and he made a mistake and gave her the balance in our checking account — which was hundreds more than he intended. She told him, with tears, it was what she needed to the penny. So he never told her and somehow God provided. Your father-in-law loved this story.
That is a wonderful story Dee…as Jim always shares what a great laugh Steve had, he had a great and loving heart too❤️
Sharon, what a wonderful testimony you and Jim have. And Dee, I love Steve all the more for this “seeming” oversight. God knew Steve’s heart and used him to bless this nurse. I, too, remember a couple from our church in the Philippines who were struggling financially and the rent was due in a few days at that time and they did not have the money with 5 kids to feed. There was a knock on their door and a friend dropped off a calendar and quickly left. Inside the calendar was an envelope with a letter and the exact amount they needed! A letter that came with it said that God impressed it in this friend’s and her husband’s heart to give them the money!
Great story showing our Father’s concern for details, Bing!
Love this story too Bing…we serve a God who is caring, loving and definitely in the details!
4. Read Judges 7:16 to the end of the chapter.
A. What stands out and why? Gideon told men to symfor the Lord and for Gideon. I have wondered why he included his name in the announcement
B. What two things were the 300 soldiers given before they marched in? What did Gideon tell them to do? (verses 16-18) trumpets and empty jars.
C. When did Gideon and his hundred men choose to go into the camp? (Verse 19) at the beginning of the middle watch just as the guard had changed
Tim Keller explains that their enemy was the weakest during the changing of the guard, for one-third of their army would be walking toward the tents, giving those in the tents the mistaken sense that they were part of the encroaching enemy.
D. What else did the Lord do to the enemy according to verse 22? He caused the men to turn on each other with their swords.
1. Share a time this week when you were aware of His presence, or when His Word became “radioactive” to you, or when you were acutely aware of His mercy or love.
I felt God’s presence when I was (rarely) alone walking. I was praying as I walked. I continued to see a beautiful Monarch butterfly near me. I don’t think it was the same one, and each time I forgot it was there, I would look up and there it would be, flying near me! Not only was its beauty apparent to me, but it “danced” as it flew. I felt His covered-ness over me.
2. In review, what were some of the ways in chapters 6 and 7 that God reassured Gideon that He was truly with him, therefore it didn’t matter that Gideon was weak? (See Judges 7:2)
God sent a prophet. Twice!
The angel of the Lord waited and when Gideon returned He lit the food on fire!
Gideon asks God to “prove” Himself by wetting the fleece. God does it two different ways.
God had him separate the people so he would have an “army” to fight. There were only 300 men, but their strength came from God.
3. Read Judges 7:9-17
A. What grabs you, challenges you, or enlightens you from this passage?
I think I would be terrified if I were Gideon and looked down to see the camels “…like grains of sand…”! I would struggle in my faith at that moment, But then God, in His goodness, gives Gideon the conversation about the dream to help him with confidence.
B. What was the dream, and how was God encouraging Gideon yet again?
A man dreamed a loaf of barley bread (is that significant?) hit his tent and knocked it over. The other man said it could only mean that Gideon had been given authority by God, and would overtake the Midians.
C. Give an example of God’s patience in showing the same truth about His being with you? (I could share, on the 20th anniversary of Steve’s birth into heaven, how God has been a husband to me over and over, though I constantly need the reassurance that He will be!)
I love how you say, “…Steve’s birth into heaven…”! That is such a better way to think of our death.
God has always been my Father, since I lost my earthly father when I was 12. I feel His presence often although I struggle to explain it. I too, need reassurance, Dee!
D. Listen to Paige up to 52:49 and share what stood out from her teaching.
She talks about no one wanting to preach on Judges 8. It’s because Gideon forgets God. He takes matters into his own hands. He kills his own people to get back at them for not helping him by giving his army food.
She mentions the irony here. He has no patience for his own people when they won’t help him. Yet he questions God about everything, and God is so patient with him through it all!
Success is our greatest danger. It feeds our idolatry.
4. Read Judges 7:16 to the end of the chapter.
A. What stands out and why?
The blowing the horns and shouting reminds me of Joshua and Jericho. God uses His ways to conquer problems; ways we can’t fathom.
B. What two things were the 300 soldiers given before they marched in? What did Gideon tell them to do? (verses 16-18)
They were given a rams horn and a torch with a jar. He told them to watch him and wait until they heard him blow the horn and cry out, “For the Lord and Gideon!” Then, he said for them to do the same thing.
C. When did Gideon and his hundred men choose to go into the camp? (Verse 19)
They went in at night.
Tim Keller explains that their enemy was the weakest during the changing of the guard, for one-third of their army would be walking toward the tents, giving those in the tents the mistaken sense that they were part of the encroaching enemy.
D. What else did the Lord do to the enemy according to verse 22?
He caused the men to fight against each other and some were killed. Others ran away.
Laura do you have a court date? Thought we could all pray on that day.
Thank you Dee. We have 2 coming up. Oct. 31 at 9:30 EST and then one in November, near Thanksgiving.
I appreciate prayers. Prayers for softening hearts. Prayers for clear thinking on the parts of the controlling parties (judge, GAL, lawyer). Prayers for the kids. They know things may change and they are anxious in different ways. For Grace it’s self-control. For Cooper it is suppression of feelings. Prayers for the husband to realize he is toxic in this situation and to stop feeding that toxicity to Sarah. Thank for any and all prayers. Jesus knows. I have learned so much in our situation. Thank You for growth Dear Lord. ♥️🙏
Okay — I’ll remind people!
Yes, Dee please remind us. Praying now for wisdom for the controlling parties. Be with Cooper and Grace and bring healing and Your best for them. Make them aware of Your Father and the love grandparents have for them. In Jesus name.
A. Paige uses the verbs blew, smashed, cried out, and stood. What is her point? They had no swords. They just stood. God did everything
B. She said the question is never “How strong are we for God” but “How strong is He for us?” What gifts has God given you and what circumstances could you use them in right now, trusting in Him? To encourage other people. To take the time to encourage the women I come in contact with. It’s easy to assume they are fine because we so frequently say we are fine, but I need to stop and focus on them and be sure that I listen to what they are saying and ask questions.
C. Since God doesn’t need us to do anything, why does He include us? Because He loved us!
D. What else stood out to you from this part of her teaching? When Gideon worshiped the Lord face down when hearing the dream interpretation, this only place this happened in Judges.
Gideon worshipping the Lord like that and trusting him with 300 men must be why he is mentioned in Hebrews for his faith, despite his huge downfall!
6. Read Judges 8:4-12
A. How do you see Gideon’s pride and anger in this passage with his own people? (Succoth and Penuel were part of the tribe of Gad) Gideon asked for bread for his troops, and they responded you don’t have the hands of the kings YET (this could have been a blow to his pride) so why should we? Gideon responded when he had he’d return violently, tear down a tower and tear their flesh with thorns and briers.
C. Listen to Paige from 57:44 to 1:00 and share what stands out to you. Paige says when Gideon crossed the Jordan he left God’s purposes behind and pursues his own
7. Read Judges 8:13-21
A. How does Gideon take revenge on his people who didn’t give him bread? He caught a young man and found out the names of 77 officials and leaders. He punished them with thorns and briers, tore down the tower of Peniel and killed the men of the town.
B. Read this one page article from Keller and share your take-a-way from it. That we need to be careful when we have success at something, because we can start believing it is us and not the Lord’s work. We can also get messed up we spiritually have earned our salvation, instead of relying upon God and His gift of mercy.
C. In verses 18-21 we learn the Middianites had killed Gideon’s brothers. Keller says this killing was not motivated by a desire to deliver God’s people but by revenge. What does God tell us about revenge in Romans 12:19. Has this verse ever stopped you from repaying evil for evil? Don’t take revenge, allow God’s wrath. It is His to repay and He will avenge. I can’t think of a time.
8. Listen to Paige from 1:00 to 1:08
1) In chapters 6 and 7 Gideon was in constant communication with the Lord. Now nothing. Why? Because he had become confident in himself and wanted the glory for defeating The Midianites.
2) Gideon is the only judge to turn his sword upon his own people. What irony does Paige bring out? Gideon now does have a sword where during the initial defeat he did not. He is now turning his sword on his own people.
3) Why is success so dangerous according to Paige? Because we think success is what we have done and not what God has done. We then want the glory and want to swell with pride at “our” accomplishments.
4) Why is betrayal from someone who is part of your own family so hurtful? Because we love them, because we trusted them and we expected that they would be good to us,,
5) When is your prayer life most desperate? When is it least? What does this teach you? When people I love are hurting. When I can drift along that everything is okay. That prayer is always necessary to keep my proper perspective of who God is and how much I need Him.
Read Judges 8:22-35.
Keller explains that the “ephod” had two stones in the front: the Urim and Thummim — which were used to receive “yes” or “no” answers from God…Gideon is essentially setting uphis home town as a rival place of worship…Gideon has used God to consolidate his own position, instead of using his position to serve and be used by God.
A. How does Gideon respond when they ask him to rule over them? Yet how do his actions prove otherwise? He says he or his son will not rule over them, and that the Lord will. He took plunder from them and made an ephod and placed it in Ophrah and Israel prostituted themselves and worshipped there.
B. What does he do with the gold of the spoils and how does it affect Israel? Makes an Ephod, sets it up in Ophrah and Israel prostituted themselves and worshipped there,
C. As you look at your life, have you tempted to use God for your own glory rather than serving Him for His glory? Because when I see God do something good and has used me it’s easy for me to think it had something to do with me and I’m a good spiritual person. Instead of facing the fact, He was merciful to me and allowed me to participate in what He was working on.
D. What do you learn about Gideon in verse 30? He disobeyed God. He had 70 sons and many wives.
E. This is the first time the idolatry began before the judge died. How do you see this? He set up an ephod that allowed Israel to start worship of God there. The Keller sentence above says used God to consolidate his own position instead of using his position to serve and be used by God.
Good answers, Judy.
5. Listen to Paige from minute 53 to minute 57.
A. Paige uses the verbs blew, smashed, cried out, and stood. What is her point?
The soldiers held things. They did not do anything! God can handle it all without them.
B. She said the question is never “How strong are we for God” but “How strong is He for us?” What gifts has God given you and what circumstances could you use them in right now, trusting in Him?
I am gifted at talking, forgiving, being patient. All apply with our daughter. I can speak kind words. I can forgive and patiently wait.
C. Since God doesn’t need us to do anything, why does He include us?
He loves us!
D. What else stood out to you from this part of her teaching?
I need to pray all the time. Not just when I am in troubled times. Thank You Lord, for loving me.
10. Listen to Paige from 1:09 to the end.
A. Whoever saves should rule. Who saved? God saved them
B. How has Gideon changed in his relationship with God? How does this impact Israel? Gideon was afraid to trust what God had told him. He was uncertain and fearful, threshing wheat in a winepress to keep from the Midianites. He tore down Baal’s altar at night. After the success God gave him, he became prideful and felt deserving of people’s attention and respect. Israel used the ephod he made to worship apart from God’s plan. Per Paige he usurped God’s power and glory and was saying he was the voice of God. Idolatry was sanctioned by Gideon. Hard for Gideon to worship God, but easy to worship self.
C. Paige says “the real you comes out in times of success.” As you reflect on this, what do you see about yourself? Unfortunately, yes I want to think I am “special”. So it can be easy to think if God has used me to do something that it’s about me and not just His goodness and love to use this unclean vessel for His purpose.
D. How does the story of the Pharisee and the publican demonstrate how our hearts can get messed up by success? Pharisee thanked God for his righteousness, but failed to see it was God made him righteous and how great was his need for that gift.
E. How does she contrast Gideon setting himself up on a throne with what Jesus did to save us? Gideon was grasping a glory that was not his. The victory was God’s not his. Jesus left His place in glory. Gideon basically set himself up on a throne. Jesus left His throne for us. Gideon makes himself lord and pretends to be savior.. Jesus humbled Himself as Lord to become our Savior. Jesus humbled Himself to save us. Gideon took the credit of what God had done.
11. Was Gideon a good guy or a bad guy? What do you think and why? Paige says he was a bad guy. Gideon 1.0 or 2.0 was focused on Gideon. I have liked that God was patient with Gideon and allowed his questioning. So though Gideon through God’s help accomplished defeating the Midianites their immediate oppressor, Gideon led them farther away from God which makes him a bad guy.
12. What thoughts did she have on eternal security and God’s heart? That Gideon was God’s guy. We cant earn our salvation or unearn our salvation. God is eternal and His love is the constant God’s love is the infinite constant pi heart and it has to be the only hope we have.
13. What is your take-a-way and why? Judges 6:21 when the angel tip of the staff consumed the sacrifice. That was why Gideon was not consumed. I am not consumed because of the matchless gift Jesus gave me and He was the sacrifice that was consumed.
3. Read Judges 7:9-17
A. What grabs you, challenges you, or enlightens you from this passage?
God’s patience and grace with Gideon, knowing his fears and what Gideon needs to overcome them.
B. What was the dream, and how was God encouraging Gideon yet again?
A loaf of barley rolled into the Midianite camp, hit a tent and knocked it flat.
Gideon was encouraged by the interpretation of the dream being that he was the barley loaf and would have victory over Midian. God encouraged Gideon by allowing him to hear it.
C. Give an example of God’s patience in showing the same truth about His being with you? (I could share, on the 20th anniversary of Steve’s birth into heaven, how God has been a husband to me over and over, though I constantly need the reassurance that He will be!)
I have to be constantly reminded that God is always with me, no matter the circumstances.
D. Listen to Paige up to 52:49 and share what stood out from her teaching.
That Gideon getting on his face to worship God is the only place in the book of Judges that someone does that. As Paige says…”crazy!” But, how often do I get on my face to worship God?
From Sharon: But, how often do I get on my face to worship God?
D. Listen to Paige up to 52:49 and share what stood out from her teaching.
—First it was that in spite of the reluctance and impertinence of Gideon that God never ever reproaches him but rather out if his deep love for Gideon and the Israelites she said God stoops down again and again to reassure Gideon in the midst of Gideon’s resistance to God’s plan. I like it that she said “We don’t need fleeces to discern God’s will we need the means of grace to strengthen us to do it. “
—Secondly her thoughts on how God reveals his power were so good and encouraging reminders. She points out it was all God. 300 men with no weapons in their hands were not an elite fighting force. They represented Israel’s weakness next to a huge army that were too many to count.
I appreciated hearing God does not command us to not fear. He tells us we need not to fear.
—And lastly she talked about No weapons in their hands. God can do the battle without them. God loves them and has given the Midianites into their hands. “The question is never ever ‘Are we being strong for God?’ It is ‘Do we know how strong He is for us?’ ” The whole point is not Who am I in Christ but Who is Christ in me? Start with Who is He. It is about his presence and his power.
This was such good teaching. 💕😊
“The question is never ever ‘Are we being strong for God?’ It is ‘Do we know how strong He is for us?’
4. Read Judges 7:16 to the end of the chapter.
A. What stands out and why?
In their obedience to God, God fought the battle. How many times in my weakness do I try to help God fight my battles rather than being obedient to what He has told me to do and trust in Him.
B. What two things were the 300 soldiers given before they marched in?
A ram’s horn and a clay jar with a torch in it.
What did Gideon tell them to do? (verses 16-18)
He told them to keep their eyes on him and do just as he says…when he and those with him blow the rams’ horns, blow yours too and shout “For the LORD and for Gideon.”
C. When did Gideon and his hundred men choose to go into the camp? (Verse 19)
It was just after midnight, after the changing of the guard, they went to the edge of the camp, not into it.
Tim Keller explains that their enemy was the weakest during the changing of the guard, for one-third of their army would be walking toward the tents, giving those in the tents the mistaken sense that they were part of the encroaching enemy.
D. What else did the Lord do to the enemy according to verse 22?
He cause the warriors to fight against each other with their swords.
5. Listen to Paige from minute 53 to minute 57.
A. Paige uses the verbs blew, smashed, cried out, and stood. What is her point?
They were holding a horn in one hand and a clay jar in the other…all they had to do was blow the horn, smash the clay jar and stand to win the battle. They had no weapons!
B. She said the question is never “How strong are we for God” but “How strong is He for us?” What gifts has God given you and what circumstances could you use them in right now, trusting in Him?
Just this morning I prayed that God would give me courage to use my gift of encouragement. In telling others how much they are loved by God.
C. Since God doesn’t need us to do anything, why does He include us?
Because He loves me.
D. What else stood out to you from this part of her teaching?
That I need to ask who is Christ in me, not who am I in Christ. The whole point is to start with who He is.
That’s interesting that you asked for courage to use your gift of encouragement. That shows me you are quite a shy person, for I think people are so delighted to be encouraged. And interesting God gave a shy person that gift!
6. Read Judges 8:4-12
A. How do you see Gideon’s pride and anger in this passage with his own people? (Succoth and Penuel were part of the tribe of Gad)
He believed he was powerful enough to harm the people.
C. Listen to Paige from 57:44 to 1:00 and share what stands out to you.
My grandma used to say we were “feeling our oats…” or something like that?! In other words we were too proud.
Oh boy, how we forget God in our success. Ouch. Please Lord help me not be this way. Help me remember that it’s You who is in charge, not me.
7. Read Judges 8:13-21
A. How does Gideon take revenge on his people who didn’t give him bread?
He punished them with thorns and briers from the woods.
B. Read this one page article from Keller and share your take-a-way from it.
I need to be careful when I am successful. I need to always give the glory to God.
6. Read Judges 8:4-12
A. How do you see Gideon’s pride and anger in this passage with his own people? (Succoth and Penuel were part of the tribe of Gad)
His anger comes out when they don’t want to give him and his warriors food along with the fact that they tell him to catch the kings first and then we’ll feed you. Gideon then tells them what he will do to them after the LORD gives them victory over the kings upon his return.
C. Listen to Paige from 57:44 to 1:00 and share what stands out to you.
The comparison in how God treated Gideon when he doubted to how he treated his own people when they doubted him.
This is convicting…do I extend grace to others as God extends it to me time after time?
7. Read Judges 8:13-21
A. How does Gideon take revenge on his people who didn’t give him bread?
In Succoth, he found out who the leaders were and showed them the kings he’d captured. He then taught them a lesson by punishing them with thorns and briers from the wilderness.
In Peniel, he tore down the tower and killed all the men.
13. What is your take-a-way and why?
I’m sorry I didn’t weigh in on much of this lesson by answered the questions but having a week of house guests just takes its toll on my time. I just simply am feeling my age when it comes to getting things done. But God’s Word is so precious to me and the time I spend in my personal daily Bible reading and prayer serves to refresh my heart.
I finished Paige’s sermon last night and again have learned a number of new insights from her teaching and the challenges are strong to my personal life.
First I have a whole new understanding of who Gideon really was as a person in God’s Word. I pretty much had a Sunday School version of him in my mind. Frankly I don’t remember hearing any specific teaching or preaching about him in many years. And in my reading the Bible through in recent years I wasn’t astute enough to see the depth of his issues. I so appreciate her perspectives.
The huge take away for me is the culmination of Paige’s teaching regarding success and how damaging it is and can be to believers. She actually affirmed for me what I have observed for many many years. It is a
I see where in my copy and pasting from my notes I failed to get the entire copy of what I wrote. Here is the rest of it.
She actually affirmed for me what I have observed for many many years. It is a very rare person who can handle success and I’m not sure anyone in this sinful flesh can do it. It is just simply in mankind to think too highly of ourselves. The selfish bent of the old nature wants to reign over all else. I see more clearly the need to understand and practice repentance often in our lives. I am not much different than the toddler having a screaming fit. And with my 1 year old and 3 year old great grandsons in my house last week I got to observe it quite a bit. But in reality just like them I want what I want when I want it. And I like to have success but Paige in her closing prayer said:
“ Lord I pray that you might give us by Grace by Grace the power to pass the test of success and Lord where we cannot l boldly pray you would take it away. I pray that you would put us in a place that we have to
look to you wherever
that might be Lord I
pray that we would not trust in the things that you have given us I pray that we would not trust in how awesome you’ve made us to be I pray Lord that we would trust in nothing but you and in you alone thank you Lord
for your single-hearted
mission to make us your own and may that be our single-hearted joy.”
It is a bold prayer that asks God to take away success that ultimately would make us selfish and useless to Him.
This is purely speculation but I have wondered if the reason Paige chooses to not let her teaching be promoted has to do with this very thing. She very possibly recognizes her amazing gift as a theologian and bible teacher could put her in the spotlight and take her down a path of great “success”. I love how she gets it that above all things Jesus is all that really matters.
Laura, I keep you in my prayers.
And I remember Patti as well. I look forward to when she can join us again.
Dee, it is a gracious work you do here for us in all your preparation and follow up. God bless you!
Thoughtful answers, Bev. I’m rereading Pearl Buck’s classic The Good Earth and am at the part where success turns him into such a terrible husband to his wonderful yet homely wife.
B. Read this one page article from Keller and share your take-a-way from it.
Success causes us to become dependent upon self, that we are in control and when we fail can be devastating. This not only can happen in a business setting but also in how we view our salvation…we can view our good works as success in our spiritual lives, which causes us to forget that we are saved by grace through faith. Quoting the last paragraph in this article…”We need to remember that we are saved by grace when we fail. But we need to remember it much more when we succeed.”
8. Listen to Paige from 1:00 to 1:08
1) In chapters 6 and 7 Gideon was in constant communication with the Lord. Now nothing. Why?
Gideon is focused on what he deserves. We are now seeing the true Gideon and it’s all about him.
2) Gideon is the only judge to turn his sword upon his own people. What irony does Paige bring out?
Again, God’s extended grace to him when he doubted and he didn’t extend that same grace to his own people.
3) Why is success so dangerous according to Paige?
It feeds our idolatry.
4) Why is betrayal from someone who is part of your own family so hurtful?
It’s so personal.
5) When is your prayer life most desperate?
When I am very needy, things are falling apart and I’m desperate.
When is it least? What does this teach you?
When things are going well.
It teaches me that I need to be in constant prayer, no matter the need or circumstances.
“The things you pray about are the things you trust God to handle. The things you neglect to pray about are the things you trust you can handle on your own.” H.B. Charles Jr.
This last week Jim’s truck started acting up and my thought was, I don’t need to burden God with that as we can handle it. After reading the above quote I did pray and yesterday God gave Jim an idea of what he could do that might fix it. As he went out the door he said to say a prayer to which I responded I already had and he said me too. God answered that prayer.
How sweet to hear about Jim’s truck. That is so good. God truly cares about all the details of our lives. 💕
From Sharon:
When things are going well.It teaches me that I need to be in constant prayer, no matter the need or circumstances.
9. Read Judges 8:22-35.
Keller explains that the “ephod” had two stones in the front: the Urim and Thummim — which were used to receive “yes” or “no” answers from God…Gideon is essentially setting uphis home town as a rival place of worship…Gideon has used God to consolidate his own position, instead of using his position to serve and be used by God.
A. How does Gideon respond when they ask him to rule over them?
I will not rule over you, nor my son. The LORD will rule over you.
Yet how do his actions prove otherwise?
He requests that each of them give him an earring from the plunder they collected from their enemies.
B. What does he do with the gold of the spoils and how does it affect Israel?
He made a sacred ephod and all the Israelites prostitutes themselves by worshiping it.
C. As you look at your life, have you tempted to use God for your own glory rather than serving Him for His glory?
This comes in the form of pious humility for me. When I’m patted on the back for something it can be tempting to say, “I give all the glory to God,” which sounds so humble but within my heart, I take the glory. I’m not saying this is true of everyone who may respond this way, but for me, I must be aware of my motive.
D. What do you learn about Gideon in verse 30?
He had 70 sons for he had many wives.
E. This is the first time the idolatry began before the judge died. How do you see this?
10. Listen to Paige from 1:09 to the end.
A. Whoever saves should rule. Who saved?
God saved, but Gideon thinks he did.
B. How has Gideon changed in his relationship with God? How does this impact Israel?
Instead of being God-absorbed he becomes self-absorbed and it has the same impact on Israel.
C. Paige says “the real you comes out in times of success.” As you reflect on this, what do you see about yourself?
I see selfishness, lack of compassion and love.
D. How does the story of the Pharisee and the publican demonstrate how our hearts can get messed up by success?
Our hearts get messed up when it becomes about what I have done, look at me, rather than what God has done, look at Him.
E. How does she contrast Gideon setting himself up on a throne with what Jesus did to save us?
Gideon substituted himself for God while God substituted Himself for us. Jesus was sacrificed for our sins, a penalty that we deserved.
11. Was Gideon a good guy or a bad guy? What do you think and why?
I think he was a bad guy that God used for good.
12. What thoughts did she have on eternal security and God’s heart?
God’s heart is an infinite constant. From eternity past to eternity future.
13. What is your take-a-way and why?
The importance of obedience and drawing near to God.
Would love prayer for my youngest daughter’s (Annie) husband. He had spine surgery two weeks ago that has become severely infected and is going back in for surgery at 11 A. M. Central time. She was speaking in Albuquerque but caught a midnight flight home. I’m concerned because it is the spine. So thankful for all of you caring sisters. Thanks so much. Dee
Dear Lord,
We come before you as our great Physician and ask for Your healing touch upon Dee’s son-in-law’s back. Please give the doctors wisdom and guide their hands during the surgery. Also, wrap your arms around Annie and the whole family. We pray these things in accordance to Your will and in Your name Jesus, Amen🙏❤️
Lord, I pray for Annie’s husband. Though I am late coming in here, I know you have been handling this situation. Thank you for clearing the infection and please give the doctors the knowledge and wisdom to help take care of this for good.
Praying that all is well with Annie’s husband and the infection. Dear Lord, life is so hard on Earth. Protect us, and male us aware of Your nearness in that protection. Allow the medicine, doctors, nurses and others to heal this man so he may continue to be a blessing to others. In Your Holy Name. Amen.
Thank you all for your prayers. He was a long time in surgery but the doctor said the infection didn’t go to the bone. How I pray that is right and that my son-in-law will rest. Thank you all.
My takeaway:
I am too behind in answering the questions, but I did listen to Paige a few times. The “Hubris” part was very heartbreaking for me. But it was timely, on the heels of a wonderful women’s luncheon that I organized. The post-surveys were positive, and the few suggestions were pretty obvious to me as the event unfolded within 2 hours. God has helped me through the months of planning, mostly on my own, as my main team was beset with illnesses with one receiving a cancer diagnosis. Only God could have done what was accomplished. Listening to Paige and reading the Scripture made me very much aware of guarding my heart against pride and not letting “success” make me forget the Author or Giver of it.
Now, I see trials, hardships, and challenges in a different light. If these could help me hold fast to Jesus and finish my race here on earth well and pleasing to the Lord, so be it. I am beginning to understand why Paul used the word, “delight” in this verse: That is why, for the sake of Christ, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong. 2 Corinthians 12:10
Thank you, Dee, for being so faithful in leading us in these studies.
13. What is your take-a-way and why? This has been a bit of an eye opener for me. It’s so easy for me to fall into the thinking that I worked hard, stayed the course and the Lord is blessing me with a pretty comfortable life. Instead of seeing it for what it really is, that my life and everything in it is in His hands for His purpose, period. It has nothing to do with anything special about me.
While I think that most Christians can grasp the idea of Ephesians 2:8-10, that nothing that they did or can do will earn their salvation and eternal life. I think that they don’t realize that this also applies to His blessing. It is too easy to draw the conclusion that a peaceful, blessed life means that they somehow earned it by their behavior.