What enormous work a shepherd must do to care for His sheep! I didn’t know that as the dry summer season approached, he went before them into the high mountain ranges to prepare “a table” for his sheep to graze, pulling out poisonous weeks, clearing water holes, and searching out the best grazing lands. And then he goes back and leads them through dangerous mountain passes to places of safety. This week I want you to consider how He knew the hard things you would face, and how He went before you to prepare you to face them.

I also was struck by his story of greasing the heads of his rams during mating season so they wouldn’t kill each other, but slide off each other, as they knock heads, fighting over the ewes.
It made me think of how judgmental I can be without the help of the Holy Spirit to help me realize why someone might behave the way they do.
I couldn’t find a free picture of Rams butting heads, but here I am with Steve when I was so mad at him for working 90 hours a week during his medical internship. He took me out to dinner to show me love, but I wasn’t having it. When a photographer came over to snap our picture, I refused to smile. The Lord finally brought me to my senses and through the help of friends like Patti, I could see how much Steve needed my support. Oh Lord, help me. I still need so desperately to be anointed with Your oil to give grace to my fellow sojourners.
To prepare your heart, our own musical Nila recommended this by Michael Card:
1. Share a way God has “shepherded” you this week. Here’s some ideas — When His Rod (Word) kept you from sinning; when His Staff (Spirit) led you, comforted you, brought you back into fellowship; when His goodness or mercy followed you…
Monday: You Prepare A Table
2. Read Chapter 9.
A. What stands out from this chapter and why?
B. What does Keller believe David meant by table and why?
C. What does the shepherd do and what does each parallel for our lives in the following:
- Poisonous weeds
- Predators
- Water holes
D. What is our best safeguard against all of the above?
E. What are some ways Christ went ahead before us to prepare us for the storms of life?
Tuesday: You Anoint My Head with Oil
3. Read Chapter 10.
A. What stands out and why?
B. What does the shepherd do about the irritating bugs and parasites? Parallel for us?
C. Share a recent irritation with which the Spirit helped you.
D. Why does the shepherd sometimes grease the whole heads of rams?
E. Share how being anointed with oil has or could help you with the judgment, jealousy, or conflict with another. Be specific. And pray too!
Wednesday: Surely Goodness and Love
4. Read Chapter 11.
A. What stands out and why?
B. How confident do you feel in the love and care of Christ when troubles come? Why?
C. What was his point about the manure?
D. Ask the Lord to search you concerning his questions on page 160 beginning with “Do I leave behind peace?”
Thursday: I Will Dwell in the House of the Lord Forever
5. Read Chapter 12.
A. What stands out and why?
B. How does the word house differ from the word home, which Keller says this actually means. What does the word “home” mean to you?
C. What are some benefits though “on the other side of the fence” see in your life, because you have a Good Shepherd?
Friday: Psalm 23
6. Read the whole psalm again and list any new insights you remember from reading this book.
7. Write a paragraph about the things you want to remember as you travel this journey with your Shepherd.
1. Share a way God has “shepherded” you this week. Here’s some ideas — When His Rod (Word) kept you from sinning; when His Staff (Spirit) led you, comforted you, brought you back into fellowship; when His goodness or mercy followed you…
His goodness and mercy followed me!
I had the opportunity these past 2 days to participate in a free live event/conference sponsored by Small Church Ministry. The topic was “Married to the Pastor”. I saw it promoted on Facebook and felt drawn to it (His spirit leading). I listened to several great speakers and chatted with pastor’s wives all over the US and other countries. The testimonies were heart-rending and comforted me and reminded me that I am not alone in the challenges I face as a small church pastor’s wife. What a refreshment from the Lord!
I have been praying for an opportunity such as this. I participated not knowing what to expect. “Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.”
The Lord’s goodness and mercy followed me, indeed!
Oh Bing, What a wonderful answer to prayer for you to have this God given resource at a time needed to encourage your own heart. ❤️
What a great resouce, Bing — and so glad you went!
So glad you were led to go Bing.
Oh, Bing! What a delightful time! I love how the Holy Spirit drew you to this. What a time of God’s blessings!
Thank you, all! Two pastor’s wives reached out to me, which was an answer to prayer. I specifically asked him for one pastor’s wife to initiate communication after the conference and he answered me with 2!
How very sweet, Bing! You, the one who reaches out to everyone has been blessed by those pastor’s wives reaching out to you. It must feel so good to have those who have walked in your shoes to encourage each other.
Bing, I am so happy to see you getting the support you need from women who are in your shoes!
1. Share a way God has “shepherded” you this week. Here’s some ideas — When His Rod (Word) kept you from sinning; when His Staff (Spirit) led you, comforted you, brought you back into fellowship; when His goodness or mercy followed you…
—This past week at our annual church conference on several occasions the worship team led us in the song “Goodness of God”. Over the last several days phrases from the song have been running through my head over and over. Particularly “All my life You have been faithful”and “His goodness is running after, running after me”.
Last night as I lay in bed considering some struggles I have the song just kept ministering to my heart. This morning I pulled it up on YouTube to listen to it and discovered its theme was taken from Psalm 23:6 that says “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life”. (Yes, I am a little slow on the uptake 🥴) But oh the richness of the reality that God was actually using it all in my life in a very personal way.
I echo what Bing said. “ The Lord’s goodness and mercy follows me indeed!”
this is a link to a beautiful rendition by CeCe Winans
That’s beautiful — so like the Lord to speak to you through Psalm 23 without you first realizing it was Psalm 23!
My husband plays this song all the time in his guitar, I was not aware of the connection either.
I love that song, Bev. We sing it at our church often, but I never realized it was from Psalm 23:6 either! Thank you for the link!
Bev, I love Cece Winans rendition of this song. His goodness is running after me!
That song always puts a little catch in my throat as I sing along. I love to think of the truth of His goodness and His mercy pursuing me. How sweet that your Shepherd met you that way this week.
I cry every time I hear this song….
Thank you Bev for sharing this version of the song. Its beautiful.
1. Share a way God has “shepherded” you this week. Here’s some ideas — When His Rod (Word) kept you from sinning; when His Staff (Spirit) led you, comforted you, brought you back into fellowship; when His goodness or mercy followed you… – His Staff guided me this past week with the words my husband needed to hear. Our household is a bit strained and heavy with emotions out of control with dealing with our 11 yr old grandson. I am able to let Logan have his fits a lot easier than Joe. So when he was reacting in a harsh way, I waited for a bit before I replied back to him, (we were on different levels of the house), by text. I told him he needed to pray about what was happening and how he was feeling and that I was praying for both him and Logan and that was all I could do. The rest was on them. They both became calmer and things have been a little better. Thank you Lord for your covering in our home, please continue to bring peace to all our minds. In your mighty name I pray, amen.
Those prayers are so important and “mood” changing. I love how you turned immediately to the Lord, Julie.
Oh, Julie! That is so good that God has used you to be a peacemaker in your house.
Prayers Julie that His peace continues in your home and spirits.
Julie, what a beautiful testimony and example to me as an older single mom of adopted teens from severe trauma. How often has the Good Shepherd intervened on our behalf and restored peace to often volatile situations. God bless you for caring for Logan. I like to think of it as Jesus literally knocking at the door in the form of a troubled child. “And you took Me in!” “Inasmuch as you have done it to the least of these, you have done it unto Me.” What a privilege to serve our Lord directly when we care for the least of these. Such a good word of testimony from you that also touched my heart. Love and prayers.
Julie, I agree with your prayer” Thank you Lord for your covering in our home, please continue to bring peace to all our minds. In your mighty name I pray, amen.”
Julie, that was such a respectful way to handle it. Pausing to pray now for Logan and your family.
1. The Lord has continued to be kind to me and sustain me through an event that has caused me a great deal of fear and anxiety. Also God by His Spirit enabled me to stay on top (organization and scheduling are not my strength) of prayer requests for different sisters in various struggles this week, and reach out appropriately. I feel like God used me for His kingdom through encouragement this week.
So thankful that you sense the Lord sustaining you in the midst of fear and anxiety. You are a great blessing for those you are encouraging, Tammy!!
Thank you for your kindness. I appreciate your sweet words.
Tammy, you, too? Being organized is not my strength, either. I am quite a spontaneous person but God has been helping me more and more in this area of need. Yes, God is using you for His kingdom through encouragement and your prayers.
Thank you Bing! Its a gift to be spontaneous but also a tendency to overcome! Spiritual disiplines have alwys been an area of weakness for me.
What a sweet blessing to think of encouraging others as a way God shepherded you this week. What selflessness!
Thank you Miriam, To be consistent in any spiritual disipline is the God’s provsion in my life.
Oh the sweetness of encouragement. God bless you Tammy.
Thank you Bev! I appreciate the blessing! May He be a blessing to you this week and continue to surround you with His goodness!
Oh, my goodness. Just as I am doing my lesson, I received a message on Facebook that 3 members of The Nelons were killed in a plane accident, on their way to Seattle. They were going to be a key part of the entertainment on a cruise from Seattle to Alaska. The link that Greg included in his post is : The Goodness of God, the Nelons doing the song Bev just posted by CeCe Winan.
Greg wrote: Please pray for my friends Bill and Gloria Gaither and all who are grieving this tragic loss. At a time like this I’m so glad I’m a part of the family of God! A shared sorrow is half a sorrow!
If you are like most of my FB friends who do not know of The Nelons, here’s a link to them singing one of my favorite worship songs. https://youtu.be/1CiQgCZd2gA?si=ayJYR1c–KO53Uab
Lord, Be with the family and friends of these dear children of yours. Help us to remember what a truly great God you are. How these singers have ministered to so many, in Your Name Lord. Now that see you face to face. We ask for your comfort for all who knew them. Be with those on the cruise and bring many to know You, through the songs and words the Nelon family has shared. In the Name of Jesus.
Such a tragic loss.
It is shocking to our souls when loved ones are taken home suddenly but yet for the believers left behind we recognize it is clearly God who wanted them home now. What deep grief coupled with peace of heart knowing they reached the ultimate destination of being with Jesus and the God they loved and served.
Amen, Bev and Dee. It was a Christian cruise and I heard from a friend that her cousin was the cruise director and with the daughter, when she received the news of her family. So thankful the Lord had prepared this ahead of time for her, so she was surrounded by the support and prayers of the family of God right there. He is the Good Shepherd.
1. Share a way God has “shepherded” you this week. Here’s some ideas — When His Rod (Word) kept you from sinning; when His Staff (Spirit) led you, comforted you, brought you back into fellowship; when His goodness or mercy followed you. God has reminded me that even though I can’t see or touch the vastness of the ocean from my home in Indiana the ocean waves continue and that even though some days this past week I couldn’t feel His Presence, His waves of love continue.
Judy, I love that! “even though some days this past week I couldn’t feel His Presence, His waves of love continue. “
Wow! What an amazing analogy to speak truth to your heart and now to ours! I have always lived on the coast and often think it would feel claustrophobic to live in a landlocked state. But even in Indiana, His ocean waves of love continue pounding the shores of your heart and life. I never thought of it like that before!
Great analogy, Judy.
Amen to the others, Judy. What a wonderful analogy!
Its encouraging to me to hear how God spoke to you in a season of not feeling His presence. Thank you Judy.
1. Share a way God has “shepherded” you this week. Here’s some ideas — When His Rod (Word) kept you from sinning; when His Staff (Spirit) led you, comforted you, brought you back into fellowship; when His goodness or mercy followed you…
I definitely had a moment or two when I said to myself, “…Do not repay evil with evil…” We are being attacked and need prayers.
Laura, Praying for the Good Shepherd’s protection from the attacks and that he will deliver you from the evil one. Asking and trusting Him to be close to you.
Praying for you Laura. It is so hard when we are faced with evil actions, and so thankful you chose prayer. Prayer and faith are truly our most powerful weapons, but sometimes so hard to grasp onto in the moment. Praying for strength and peace in your heart right now.
Monday: You Prepare A Table
2. Read Chapter 9.
A. What stands out from this chapter and why?
—This comment: “He wants our mountaintop times to be tranquil interludes. And they will be if we just have the common sense to stay near Him where He can protect us. Read His Word each day. Spend some time talking to Him. We should give Him opportunity to converse with us by His Spirit as we contemplate His life and work for us as our Shepherd.” The thought that (if we just have the common sense to stay near Him where He can protect us) spoke to me about the importance of walking closely with Jesus. There is a safety with Jesus if we remain close to him. The sheep who wander away from Him or stay out on the edges of the flock were the ones who got picked off easily and were ravaged by the attackers. Even though the conditions around us may get rough and uncomfortable if we are close to Him our enemy cannot have his way with us because of the power of Jesus and his Holy Spirit to calm our hearts and give us strength.
B. What does Keller believe David meant by table and why?
—He thinks David saw it as actually the place of the entire high summer range. I understand this clearly because the small town where I grew up was in a wide valley but just to the east of town the road took you up onto an area that was higher and was called the “East table”. And conversely to the west of town about 5 miles the road went to a fairly steep hill called the “table hill” and you drove up it onto the “West table”. That is where my grandparents lived on the “West table”. They had a farm up there, grew a few crops and also had some pasture land for their cattle.
This has been so enlightening to come to understand just what it means to prepare the table before me.
C. What does the shepherd do and what does each parallel for our lives in the following:
Poisonous weeds
Water holes
—The Shepherd goes ahead of bringing the sheep to the table land and clears away the poisonous weeds. Also he looks for habitat signs of animals that might prey on the sheep and he would hunt them down or go to great pains to trap and remove them. And he makes preparation for clean water to be available by clearing out debris and opening springs to flow freely.
So it is the parallel in the Christian life that Christ as our great and good Shepherd has Himself gone before us and been faced with absolutely everything we might encounter in life and he fully understands us in our need. Therefore He has prepared the Table land and actually taken care of it all.
D. What is our best safeguard against all of the above?
—To stay close to the Shepherd and rest in him being fully in his care and control over our lives.
E. What are some ways Christ went ahead before us to prepare us for the storms of life?
—Keller’s words “This meant laying aside His splendor, His position, His prerogatives as the perfect and faultless One. He knew He would be exposed to terrible privation, to ridicule, to false accusations, to rumor, to gossip, and to malicious charges that branded Him as a glutton, drunkard, friend of sinners, and even an imposter. It entailed losing His reputation. It would involve physical suffering, mental anguish, and spiritual agony.” This all culminated at the Cross where He laid down his life in love to walk with and rescue us. “Oh the depth of the riches of love in Christ Jesus!”.
Amen to this, Bev! This all culminated at the Cross where He laid down his life in love to walk with and rescue us. “Oh the depth of the riches of love in Christ Jesus!”.
. What stands out from this chapter and why?
I love that Keller talks about preparing the “table” land ahead of bringing the sheep up there to graze. He and his children would clear out the poisonous plants, so that there were only healthy grasses for them. He describes how “stealthy” and cunning the cougars are when stalking the sheep. So like the evil one stalks us out. He says how wise it is for us to always walk a little closer to Christ, because this is a place of safety. It is the distant sheep and roamers that are more easily picked off by predators. This is so true of our walk with the Lord.
B. What does Keller believe David meant by table and why?
David may have been referring to the high summer ranges, that needed to be prepared ahead of time by the Shepherd, for the arrival of the flock. They needed salt and minerals to be put in certain spots for the benefit of the sheep. The bedding ground and best meadows for grazing needed to be checked for poisonous weeds. So the table needed to be prepared..
C. What does the shepherd do and what does each parallel for our lives in the following:
Poisonous weeds The Shepherd gets of the noxious weeds.
Predators The Shepherd is attentive and looks out for predators.
Water holes He clears the water holes of debris and makes sure that the springs of fresh water are open.
D. What is our best safeguard against all of the above?
Walking close and daily with Jesus. Our Good Shepherd goes before us in all aspects of life. I need to stay close to Him, stay in communication with Him, and do not stray or be oblivious to my environment. The evil one is cunning and waiting to attack, when and where we are not looking.
E. What are some ways Christ went ahead before us to prepare us for the storms of life?
In my life, I think the Lord prepared my heart in a way that surprised even me. He has been faithful in ways I did not expect and it is nothing I could ever plan for. I felt and still often feel, totally lost, yet I feel His comfort and direction. I am praying my way through “Waiting On the Lord” because I do not want to make bad decisions in a panic mode. I truly have to try to plan ahead and at the same time, go one day at a time. It is a time when I have needed to trust the Lord so fully every second of the day. He has brought new ladies into my life, through church and through my previous work at the school. I can see it more clearly looking back at how He had prepared all of this, long before I needed it. He is good and He is faithful. I have some very tough days and I cannot see the future, but I know He is my Shepherd.
I so understand about planning ahead yet not going into a panic mode — and that is what I pray for you, Patti.
I believe God our Father and faithful Shepherd will honor you as you pray your way through waiting on Him. Life is so hard on this earth and as you said “ I cannot see the future, but I know He is my Shepherd.” That statement speaks volumes.
A. What stands out from this chapter and why? The going ahead and preparing a place for the sheep. It’s such a tender picture of what Christ has done for us. He’s paid a tremendous price to go ahead of us to give us freedom and heaven. All in the presence and full view of our enemies because He is the One protecting us and knows we are secure.
B. What does Keller believe David meant by table and why? The high summer range. The shepherd went ahead before taking the sheep to prepare the range. Scouting it out, taking salt and minerals along, finding the best grazing places and removing poisonous plants So to benefit the sheep.
C. What does the shepherd do and what does each parallel for our lives in the following:
Poisonous weeds Shepherd patiently on hands and knees weeds them out. Our Shepherd knows what is ahead for us and intercedes for us.
Predators The shepherd stays alert to danger of predators by watching over them. Our Savior knows every trick of enemy an we need to stay near Him where He can protect by reading His Word and meditating on it and in Him.
Water holes The shepherd cleans out the debris and making repairs as needed. Christ has already gone ahead of us knows our temptations and what suffering is. He is with us during every step. The prospects of our preservation are excellent.
D What is our best safeguard against all of the above? To stay close to the Shepherd in His Word, in worship and in prayer.
E. What are some ways Christ went ahead before us to prepare us for the storms of life?He humbled Himself and left heaven to live among men starting life as a baby. He was obedient and sinless despite temptation and dealing with the wickedness of mankind. Scorn, mockery, betrayal, misunderstanding of who He was and what He came to do, carrying our sin to the cross and dying were part of His life to open the door for believers to eternity with Him. Christ understands us our struggles, our motives, our weaknesses and failures. There is nothing I can experience that He can’t guide me through.
Monday: You Prepare A Table
2. Read Chapter 9.
A. What stands out from this chapter and why? – Nothing we go through is new to God. He has walked our journey before we even started walking. Like my own parents, as I was growing up, they would try and tell me things to avoid because it did not turn out well and didn’t want me to do the same thing and suffer the same consequences. This is what Jesus came to earth for. He did it because he loved us and wanted to protect us from as much harm as possible. He prepared the journey that he hopes we take, but in the end, our choices will determine our walk.
B. What does Keller believe David meant by table and why? – He thinks he may have thought it to be the entire high summer range.
C. What does the shepherd do and what does each parallel for our lives in the following:
Poisonous weeds – the shepherd took days to go over the ground and picked what was poisonous so the sheep could freely eat without harm to themselves. As Christians, we are an inquisitive bunch and will try things even though we know they may not be good for us. But Jesus went before us so we would not harm ourselves, he took on every part of our journey and tries to keep us away from harm.
Predators – The shepherd keeps an alert eye out for any kind of predator that may be lurking and hiding waiting to attack. God is not unaware of the schemes of the enemy, he knows them all in every form that Satan may try to use. If we stay connected to God, he will be with us to fight against these schemes of the enemy. He is our safe place.
Water holes – The shepherd has to clean out the water holes so his sheep can be refreshed without worry of disease. As Christians, God has gone before us, is alert with a watchful eye and knows what we may encounter. He understands us and how we need to ‘taste and see’ for ourselves, whether our actions lead to good or bad, he has compassion for us and will lead us through to the other side.
D. What is our best safeguard against all of the above? – Our best safeguard is to stick close to Jesus, understand His Word and cry out to him for help. He will never leave us, he will never fail us. His love is so strong, that he put himself in our place.
E. What are some ways Christ went ahead before us to prepare us for the storms of life? – He prepared us with His Word, so when the enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy, we have what we need to fight against him. He put himself up on the cross so we could become sinless and have a place in eternity with His Father. He has made his ways known to all of us because of his love for those he created.
A. What stands out from this chapter and why? That our Savior goes before us in every situation and prays for us, that He goes before us and prepares a way through. It stands out because it fives me comfort and especially courage.
B. What does Keller believe David meant by table and why? The mesa’s or the ‘high summer range’. Because high plateaus or mesas translate into table.
C. What does the shepherd do and what does each parallel for our lives in the following:
o Poisonous weeds
o Predators
o Water holes
Jesus goes before us, He prepares the way for us, and He prays for us. He guards us, or goes after the enemy.
D. What is our best safeguard against all of the above? To walk closer to our Lord, through prayer, His word , and worshipping Him.
E. What are some ways Christ went ahead before us to prepare us for the storms of life? He trains us, by allowing lesser nuisances to strengthen and grow us. (Like David fighting lions and bears, before Goliath. He prays for us, Romans 8:34 “Who is to condemn? Christ Jesus is the one who died—more than that, who was raised—who is at the right hand of God, who indeed is interceding for us.” He gives us a way through, an escape, 1 Cor 10;13 13 “No temptation[a] has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted[b] beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted,[c] he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.”
1. Share a way God has “shepherded” you this week.
Looking back on this past week, I believe God “followed” me with His goodness and mercy while I was at work, caring for a couple of my patients in particular. Two patients I cared for twice on two separate days, so was familiar with them and their family. I try to remember to pray before work that I will bring God to my patients in some way or another, in my interactions with them. It was difficult but also a joy to care for one of my patients with advanced dementia, and to see the improvement in her condition in just two days. And, God helped me to encourage one of my patients who received a cancer diagnosis after surgery.
So thankful for how He is using you as a nurse, dear Susan.
What an angel of light you are to your patients, Susan. May God continue to uphold you in your work. Being a nurse is a difficult profession, but you are such a gift to your patients.
Thank you for bringing the light of Christ to your patients, in a hard and difficult place!
I’m thank God, you do this. What a difference you make and I know it’s a tough sometimes unappreciated job.
2. Read Chapter 9.
A. What stands out from this chapter and why?
I thought it was amazing that he could get his kids to pluck poisonous plants from the ground as he told them animal stories! Getting young kids to do anything is so hard.
B. What does Keller believe David meant by table and why?
He thinks he meant a very large piece of flat land; a mesa.
C. What does the shepherd do and what does each parallel for our lives in the following:
Poisonous weeds
He picks them out of the ground.
He waits to kill them or traps them.
Water holes
He cleans them out.
D. What is our best safeguard against all of the above?
Our shepherd is the best defense. He has already gone before us.
E. What are some ways Christ went ahead before us to prepare us for the storms of life?
He was tempted, like we are. He became a man to understand what trials we would have. He knew our sufferings. He endured our struggles in life.
A. What stands out and why? His description of the cup of suffering Christ took for me and the wine of His very own life blood of His own suffering being poured out of His overflowing cup for me. Why what a marvelous gift I’ve been given through Jesus death. No matter what I face He is with me. His life, strength and vitality poured into mine.
B. What does the shepherd do about the irritating bugs and parasites? Parallel for us? He anoints their heads with oil. We must have a continual flow of the Holy Spirit to counteract the ever present aggregations of personality conflicts. We need the mind of Christ in our relationship with others and the Spirit can provide this.
C. Share a recent irritation with which the Spirit helped you. I had a friend tell me that I hurt her feelings because of shutting her out of various situations in my life. I apologized but was left with some uneasiness around her. That unfortunately led me to have questions about her discernment and sincerity in situations. Fortunately during a recent prayer time I realized I was wrong and I need to be careful not to make that type of conclusion. God knows the hearts of people not me.
D. Why does the shepherd sometimes grease the whole heads of rams? Because in mating season they can head butt and body collide. With the grease, they glance off each other so that they feel silly. So there is less damage and heat and tension.
E. Share how being anointed with oil has or could help you with the judgment, jealousy, or conflict with another. Be specific. And pray too! The oil of His presence brings peace and a desire to remain close to Him, pleasing Him thus contentment in Him. Lord, help me draw near to You so You draw near to me. I need the wonder and awe of Your presence. Anoint me with Your Spirit causing me to be humble and filled to overflowing with the fruit of the Spirit. Allow me to be content with You and not let thoughts of jealousy or pride keep me from Your comfort and being unloving toward others. In Jesus name.
Judy — this shows so much maturity:
Share a recent irritation with which the Spirit helped you. I had a friend tell me that I hurt her feelings because of shutting her out of various situations in my life. I apologized but was left with some uneasiness around her. That unfortunately led me to have questions about her discernment and sincerity in situations. Fortunately during a recent prayer time I realized I was wrong and I need to be careful not to make that type of conclusion. God knows the hearts of people not me.
“God knows the hearts of people not me.” Judy, Thank you for that valuable reminder.
Amen to Dee and Bev! Such wisdom, Judy: God knows the hearts of people not me.
Tuesday: You Anoint My Head with Oil
3. Read Chapter 10.
A. What stands out and why?
—It’s a bit hard to select something because this chapter was rich with thought and I underlined quite a lot. I was impressed by the fact that he addressed the issue of what we allow into our minds and how we can be affected by media resources. Considering that he wrote this book before 1970 and at that time he said “In our modern era of mass communication, the danger of the “mass mind” grows increasingly grave.” And now over 50 years later that danger has become a stark reality in a multitude of ways even he could not have imagined.
But the important point being the same then as now in that he said “most of our contamination by the world, by sin, by that which would defile and disease us spiritually comes through our minds”. He beautifully goes on to explain that “…the only possible, practical path to attaining such a mind free of the world’s contamination is to be conscious daily, hourly of the purging presence of God’s Holy Spirit, applying Him to my mind”.
B. What does the shepherd do about the irritating bugs and parasites? Parallel for us?
—He made up an ointment as an antidote to the bug problem and applied it repeatedly as needed to keep the pests from infesting the sheep.
This was another part of the chapter that I appreciated as a clear reminder of the importance of the Holy Spirit and my need to as he said have a “…daily anointing of God’s gracious Spirit upon my mind, which produces in my life such personality traits as joy, contentment, love, patience, gentleness, and peace.”
If I will just bring my petty, annoying and irritating problems to Him he will apply the oil of his Holy Spirit to my mind.
C. Share a recent irritation with which the Spirit helped you.
—Frankly, since my husband retired and has his office in our home we are pretty much up close and personal 24/7. The pesky little flies of irritation can start to swarm around and a careless word can bite and sting like a little sweat bee. 🥴And I can be quick to swat it. This season of life has been an exercise in practicing grace toward my husband at times by just keeping my mouth shut. And I have been learning to ask the Lord for wisdom and strength to practice love in how I respond when I don’t always feel like it.
D. Why does the shepherd sometimes grease the whole heads of rams?
—To keep them from injuring themselves and each other during the mating season when they start fighting and butting heads over the ewes.
E. Share how being anointed with oil has or could help you with the judgment, jealousy, or conflict with another. Be specific. And pray too!
—Reading this chapter served as a good reminder to daily be more conscious of coming every morning to the Holy Spirit seeking his soothing oil against those things like judgement, jealousy and conflict that crop up in fresh ways everyday.
I really am looking to the Holy Spirit to quell the irritation and judgement I feel toward the individual who verbally maligned my son. I have not yet but will in the probably near future encounter that person at our church and it will be in incumbent on me to treat them with grace. And I know full well only the Holy Spirit can do that for me. My flesh is unruly and I don’t want to let my heart harden but I want the peace that comes from Him in doing his will and not my own. Oh yes. Prayer has to be my main resource.
I love how you ultimately turn to our Father and prayer in the situations you mentioned, Bev. Words are powerful and I pray daily that I choose them carefully.
So I answered Monday’s questions and for some reason it didn’t post and I lost it, but am learning so much from this. Next time I’ll put it on a Google doc first, just in case. 🙂
This is Rebecca D. The one who relates with Peter and will not capitalize satan’s name. I’m not sure why I do that. 🙂
A. What stands out and why? That its always Him, that rescues us. From our own perverted habits, from our own destructive ways, our own petty strivings, from pests, predators, and storms. Even the ability to choose good, to be obedient, comes from His Spirit.
B. What does the shepherd do about the irritating bugs and parasites? Parallel for us? Places a mixture of oil, sulfur, and tar on the sheep’s face and head. He anoints us with the Holy Spirit.
C. Share a recent irritation with which the Spirit helped you. My Husband, my husband, and my husband, but as often enough happens my irritation revealed more about my character than him. He asked me to do something that was tedious but not hard and it was something he could have done, but I do better, and my irritation came out of probably selfishness, ‘why do I have to do this, why does it become my problem, he won’t even be thankful for it’. I was praying through it, and I didn’t start out well, as I complained, but I ended well, by getting it done and stopping my complaining.
D. Why does the shepherd sometimes grease the whole heads of rams? To keep them from damaging each other in rutting season.
E. Share how being anointed with oil has or could help you with the judgment, jealousy, or conflict with another. Be specific. And pray too! Just this morning I had to pray about a situation where a sister is struggling. I checked in and she wasn’t doing well, I felt anger, and inconvenience because she has not followed through and gotten help as I have encouraged her to do for months, My heart was being judgmental and ungracious. So, I needed the Spirit’s help to get over my assumptions and offer a listening ear, and prayer for her.
A. What stands out and why?
The behavior of the entire flock can be devastating, if just a few of them have an infestation of parasites. It is important to be aware of the first signs of the flies and parasites, in order to treat them immediately….before the entire flock is involved.
B. What does the shepherd do about the irritating bugs and parasites? Parallel for us?
Our lives are filled with irritating issues, daily. Some are expected and ongoing, and some come our of “nowhere”, like misunderstandings in families or snarky responses when we are tired and mentally exhausted. Some are as simple as crazy drivers on the road or rude shoppers. It is so important for me to pray early in the day, every day….giving my day to the Lord. I need to remember to ask for His anointing and presence in whatever I am to encounter that day. I need His anointing daily, before the craziness sets in. How I pray for God to constantly keep my mind in His perspective on this world. Being in the Word of God helps keep my focus on Him and not on things that are out of my control.
C. Share a recent irritation with which the Spirit helped you.
One of the things I have dealt with this past year, in addition to losing my husband and my oldest dog, is that my puppy, now 3 years old, started having seizures. She has been on medications for several months and that has been wonderful….no seizures. Out of nowhere last week, she had a very intense seizure. Then one on Saturday and one while I was at church. I have had so much anxiety about it. Yesterday, I was meeting with a former parent from the school where I worked. She lost her beautiful 24 year old daughter in February of 2023, to a brain aneurism. Well, that quickly changed my perspective! Spending time with this amazing woman of God, woke me up to letting go of most everything and giving it all to God. Her words and her amazing faith were a balm to my soul.
D. Why does the shepherd sometimes grease the whole heads of rams?
To insure protection against scab for the individual sheep, as well as the whole flock.
E. Share how being anointed with oil has or could help you with the judgment, jealousy, or conflict with another. Be specific. And pray too!
What starts as a small irritation can easily turn into a full conflict, if we do not turn to the Lord, His Word, Scripture and prayer. We can see things from a worldly perspective and join the throng of negative minds. I love that Keller included Philippians 4:8. We need to continually focus our minds on the things of God. Judgment, jealousy and gossip can twist things quickly into a very negative situation. We live in contentious times, where every news channel is attempting to tell us how to think.
I need God’s anointing on my mind every moment of the day and I need to see all others as His children, even if we have differing opinions on things of life. I pray daily that with God’s anointing, I will turn my eyes upon Jesus….before I use my tongue. Words are weapons and we need to remember, the better weapons are prayer and faith in God.
Lord, help me to seek You and Your Word above all else. Help me to use Your Words to build relationships, not break them.
It is so true our days are filled with “bugs” and we so need His anointing!
Prayed that prayer for myself. Thank you.
Tuesday: You Anoint My Head with Oil
3. Read Chapter 10.
A. What stands out and why? – It’s a constant watch for the shepherd. He always has to be one step ahead to ensure his sheep our safe. He cannot let his guard down at all. And it’s the same for us as Christians. We have to be aware and vigilant at all times. Any little thing that we allow in to our minds can turn to danger in an instant.
B. What does the shepherd do about the irritating bugs and parasites? Parallel for us? – I don’t remember this from my last time reading, but oh my was it graphic and descriptive. The shepherd will make a mixture of linseed oil, sulfur and tar and place it on the noses and heads of the sheep to help them not suffer the aggravation of the nose flies and other insects that make them go mad to get rid of them. As of Christians, we will have irritating people or circumstances come up in our life and the only way we can handle them with grace and love is to have the anointing of the word of God daily in our minds. We can’t just think it’s a one and done solution, we need constant anointing of all the weapons of God to face what comes our way.
C. Share a recent irritation with which the Spirit helped you. – Oh where do I start? I will say that the day of our church picnic a woman who I know from Bible Study came up while I was trying to handle Logan and started laughing at the situation. My friend Dawn was also there, but I was upset already and she just pushed the button. I looked at her and said, “it’s not funny”. She looked at me and got quiet and said no more. Her and Dawn talked a little bit more while I took Logan to the side to have a talk. She ended up coming back later, I apologized and explained a little more of what was going on. She then understood in more depth what I was trying to handle. The Holy Spirit calmed my spirit and I was able to have a nice conversation with her about the whole thing of what Logan was facing.
D. Why does the shepherd sometimes grease the whole heads of rams? – He does this to keep them safe. They, at time, like to butt heads with other sheep and can put themselves in danger and harm the other sheep as well as themself. It’s the shepherds way of saving his flock and keeping them safe.
E. Share how being anointed with oil has or could help you with the judgment, jealousy, or conflict with another. Be specific. And pray too! – When I daily anoint myself with oil, with God’s Word and have the armor of God upon me, I can handle the unpleasant situations with grace and dignity and not affect showing the glory of God in my life. Others will see something different in me from how others act when these same things come up.
Praying for you with Logan, Julie!
Prayers, Julie for you and your husband for strength, wisdom and peace and that Logan prospers under your loving care.
My heart aches for what you are experiencing with Logan, dear Julie. It is so hard when others don’t know the whole story. I am so thankful that the Holy Spirit calmed your heart. Amen to Judy’s prayer for Logan. He is blessed to have you and your husband.
Thank you Ladies for the prayers. We truly do appreciate them all and I appreciate all of you. You all are a blessing to me and so grateful I can do life with all of you.
Monday: You Prepare A Table
2. Read Chapter 9.
A. What stands out from this chapter and why?
The efforts the shepherd makes to prepare the highlands for his sheep are mind-boggling! And even more so of the Lord’s preparation for a table for me.
B. What does Keller believe David meant by table and why?
He thinks David is referring to the entire high summer range. The high plateaus of the sheep range in the U.S., Southern Europe, and Africa are called tablelands or “Mesas” in Spanish meaning table and so is the African word for table is “mesa”.
C. What does the shepherd do and what does each parallel for our lives in the following:
o Poisonous weeds like the white cammas that the shepherd has to pluck out or the sheep will die from its toxic poisons when eaten. The parallel is for us to sample everything we like even though it is deadly.
o Predators like wolves, coyotes, cougars, and bears. The parallel for us is for our enemy Satan who prowls like a roaring lion ready to pounce on us and we are blindsided by his tactics and fall prey to them.
o Water holes The shepherd has to make sure that these water holes are free of debris, do repairs on what needs to be repaired and clear the overgrowth of grass and brush and weeds. The parallel is that we have a shepherd who has gone before us in every difficulty and pain.
D. What is our best safeguard against all of the above?
To stay near Jesus, He who has gone before us. Read His Word and listen to the Holy Spirit.
E. What are some ways Christ went ahead before us to prepare us for the storms of life?
He came down to earth and lived as a man. He has experienced our struggles and sorrow and was tempted but without sin.
He identifies with us and understands what we are going through.
Tuesday: You Anoint My Head with Oil
3. Read Chapter 10.
A. What stands out and why?
How such a small insect can cause such an aggravation and more seriously, even death.
B. What does the shepherd do about the irritating bugs and parasites? Parallel for us?
He repeatedly applies an ointment composed of linseed oil, sulfur, and tar on the sheep’s head and nose. It is the small petty annoyances that can get to me. I need the gracious anointing of the Holy Spirit to counter the petty things that annoy me.
C. Share a recent irritation with which the Spirit helped you.
There is a certain person in our church who likes to dictate what she thinks Richard and I need to do as a pastor and his wife. This person is short on encouragement but makes plenty of “suggestions”. The Spirit often reminds me of how my love for this person is conditional. I remind myself that Jesus died for this person, too. And that Jesus has been patient with me a gazillion times! and the spirit has also taught me to glean something from this person’s suggestions.
D. Why does the shepherd sometimes grease the whole heads of rams?
During the time of mating, the rams battle for possession of the ewes. So when they crash heads and collide, the lubricant/grease will protect their heads.
E. Share how being anointed with oil has or could help you with the judgment, jealousy, or conflict with another. Be specific. And pray too!
The oil of the Holy Spirit helps the Christian be content in the care of the Good Shepherd. When I am content, I do not need to work toward being the top man/woman. “A quiet restful contentment should be the hallmark of those who call Christ their Master…Wonderfully, my cup, or my lot in life, is a happy one that overflows with benefits of all sorts.” P. 148-149
Last week, I presented at a conference with a colleague on a topic that we wrote a book for. At the same conference were 2 other speakers who wrote a textbook that many in our health science division are using. And they shared they were working on a new one. At the first flicker of jealousy, the Spirit worked in my heart reminding me of who I am in Christ, and I am loved no matter what. The Spirit also gave me such a deep appreciation for the work that these 2 ladies are doing, and I honestly could compliment and thank them in person. I believe that was the work of the anointing oil of the Holy Spirit.
Lord Jesus, you took the cup of wrath that I deserve and as a result of my faith in you as my Savior and Lord, you gave me an overflowing cup of your goodness and everything I need for life and godliness. “You’re all I want, you’re all I ever needed as one song goes, help me know you are near. “The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance. Psalm 16: 6
Loved your honesty and response to the Spirit in your last paragraph.
I love how you turned your heart immediately to Jesus! Thank you for sharing this, Bing. I love the Psalm verses you shared.
I appreciate how you seek the Lord to soften your heart in compassion to the person who has alot of suggestions for you. I respect that you listen to her and glean truth from her suggestions.
A. What stands out and why? This is a beautiful and challenging chapter. I love reading that SURELY goodness and mercy follow me always. It makes me feel safe and oh, so loved. Then it gets to – do I really believe this day in and day out in all circumstances and what then should I do with that goodness. I have my days I can rest in that assurance then those days despite Romans 8:35-39 I can feel I’m on shaky ground. I then fail to pass on the love and grace I receive.
B. How confident do you feel in the love and care of Christ when troubles come? Why? I am confident that love and care is there but then I can have my pity parties. Just this morning I had to ask Him what He wanted me to learn from recent disappointments and listen and sing lots of praise music to bolster that knowledge. There is honey in the Rock.
C. What was his point about the manure? That despite the garbage that can come from my life, I can choose to wallow in that garbage or I can allow the Shepherd to handle and manage the garbage so that I and others benefit.
D. Ask the Lord to search you concerning his questions on page 160 beginning with “Do I leave behind peace?” I pray most days that I take His peace with me and leave it behind. Am I successful every time in any of these questions? Nope. But for the messes I still cause or leave behind, He can show me how to make amends or ask forgiveness. Thankfully He continues to work out sanctification in me and though I’m not all I should be He still works on and in me to make me a better follower. If I look at Jesus as my example I’m only on my way with at least 10,000 miles to go towards His beauty, perfection and goodness, but if I look back on who I was I am 100 miles away from that person. Thank God.
Judy, I appreciate these thoughts. “That despite the garbage that can come from my life, I can choose to wallow in that garbage or I can allow the Shepherd to handle and manage the garbage so that I and others benefit.”
Wednesday: Surely Goodness and Love
4. Read Chapter 11.
A. What stands out and why?
—The last paragraphs of the chapter speak to the the ultimate purpose of the Shepherd and his sheep and their special relationship. He writes:
“He looks on my life in tenderness, for He loves me deeply. He sees the long years during which His goodness and mercy have followed me without slackening. He longs to see some measure of that same goodness and mercy not only passed on to others by me but also passed back to Him with joy. He longs for love—my love. And I love Him—only and because He first loved me. Then He is satisfied.”
In one of the studies we did here from Paige Brown it was imbedded in my mind the verse from Hebrews 12:2 “looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.” It is the phrase “who for the joy that was set before him” she emphasized that we were “the joy” set before Him.
He is satisfied when I am satisfied. It is a circle of love that is reciprocal and complete.
B. How confident do you feel in the love and care of Christ when troubles come? Why?
—Having the benefit of age and having been a believer and follower of Jesus for so many years I have known enough troubles and experienced his love and care in those troubles that I can look back to his incredible faithfulness to me. But troubles are never welcome events and always shake us. The important question is what will be my response to them. I find at this time of life I cry out pretty quickly for my Shepherd and Savior to come near me and rescue me.
C. What was his point about the manure?
—The interesting fact I did not know about sheep manure is that it is the best balanced of any produced by domestic livestock. Meaning when used as a fertilizer it brings back the best nutrients to the soil for new growth. Again living in an agricultural place of economy we have some very large cattle producing entities and the removal and distribution of manure from the feedlots to surrounding fields is no small enterprise in and of itself. He explains well with clarity the beauty of the balance of a sheep herd and having fertile healthy land.
D. Ask the Lord to search you concerning his questions on page 160 beginning with “Do I leave behind peace?”
—Very sobering questions.
“Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting!”
Psalm 139:23-24 ESV
Wednesday: Surely Goodness and Love
4. Read Chapter 11.
A. What stands out and why? – The blessings and love we receive from God cannot be held on to. We need to share it with others and show them the love and blessings that we received from God. Our lives need to make others see the love of God.
B. How confident do you feel in the love and care of Christ when troubles come? Why? – I feel very confident in His love and I know how much care he has put in to keep me safe. When troubles come, I’ve prayed, I’ve cried out to God to help me and he always comes through in the way that I need. He’s been there for me multiple times, and because of this I know he will be there for me again and again.
C. What was his point about the manure? – I think what he means is that the sheep will find all the best spots to eat and in turn will be healthy because of it. And the good that goes in their bodies to nourish them, will in turn nourish the land as they eliminate the waste. And the same goes for Christians. If we take in all good things that are from above, there will be no room for things of the world. When we speak, it will be kindness and love because that is what we take in from the Word of God.
D. Ask the Lord to search you concerning his questions on page 160 beginning with “Do I leave behind peace?” – Lord help me see what attitudes and attributes I’m leaving behind. Help me to see the things I do that hurt you which I know then are hurting others. Help me to leave peace, forgiveness, contentment, joy and love behind. I don’t want people to see the chaos, conflict, bitterness or frustration. Let them only see you Lord, no matter what is going on in my life. Please guide me always to the things of above and help me leave behind the nastiness of this world. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.
Wednesday: Surely Goodness and Love
4. Read Chapter 11.
A. What stands out and why?
God’s goodness and mercy that follow us can also benefit others and be a blessing to God-He longs for love, our love, my love.
Here is an old hymn that I remember singing in the Philippines:
“I am satisfied with Jesus, He has done so much for me:He has suffered to redeem me, He has died to set me free.Chorus: I am satisfied, I am satisfied, I am satisfied with Jesus,But the question comes to me, As I think of Calvary,Is my Master satisfied with me?”
Last stanza: When my work on earth is ended, And I cross the mystic sea,Oh, that I could hear Him saying, “I am satisfied with thee.”
B. How confident do you feel in the love and care of Christ when troubles come? Why?
I am becoming more and more confident of God’s love for me when trouble comes. Knowing that He cares deeply for me and all that am concerned about makes me take a pause, recalculate (spiritual GPS=God’s Word) my thinking processes, and see trouble from His perspective. And I take comfort in knowing that He is always with me.
C. What was his point about the manure?
There is nothing ever wasted in God’s economy including manure! Lol, I did not know that sheep’s manure is the best balanced of any produced by domestic stock P. 158 and when scattered throughout the pastureland affords its fertile grounds because the sheep consume a wide variety of herbage. They have left behind something that is beneficial to themselves, others, and the shepherd. For me as a Christian do I leave a blessing and benediction behind me? Oh, wow!
D. Ask the Lord to search you concerning his questions on page 160 beginning with “Do I leave behind peace?”
Lord, I repent of the frustrations, conflicts, and turmoil I have left behind in places where I have been in the past. I ask for your redemptive work in the lives of people that I may have caused hurt and confusion. Today brought word of your goodness and mercy following me though I am undeserving. Because of your great love for me, you have guided me to the right and better path. You have journeyed with me through the valleys and brought me to a place of safety and sweet communion with you. And let it be said of me when my earthly life is over, that I went about doing good. Not to my merit but to your name be the honor and glory
3. Read Chapter 10.
A. What stands out and why?
Firstly, Nila, thank you so much for the absolutely beautiful Michale Card song! I didn’t get to listen until today and because of this wonderful study, it means so much! Made me cry.
I am enjoying the book so much, Dee. It has made me really understand with a perspective that I never had before.
What stands out for me here is the idea that the news media was not giving the true story back in the seventies when he wrote this book, and how that is definitely true today as well! Interesting. I fear for our country, as we are being “taken” by the media. We don’t get the whole picture, only what they want us to see. The fact that Israel is being “questioned” by people, when terrorists are terrorizing, is scary! It is reminiscent of right before WWII. Young people do not know history and are taking the side of terrorist groups! It’s crazy. Socialistic ideas are prowling and our leaders are allowing it to happen. People need to WAKE UP. Okay, I’m done 😉🙏.
B. What does the shepherd do about the irritating bugs and parasites? Parallel for us?
He anoints the sheep’s head and nose with oil. When we are anointed by the Holy Spirit (daily) we are refreshed and protected.
C. Share a recent irritation with which the Spirit helped you.
My husband has taken a second job. It has made my summer all about the grands, by myself. it isn’t easy. Our youngest, who recently came home, has been a blessing to me. He has helped with the kids and made me laugh out loud. He still needs a job, but we are enjoying each other’s company. I am thankful for that.
D. Why does the shepherd sometimes grease the whole heads of rams?
So they don’t hurt each other during mating season. They glance off each other in fights. I thought it was funny how he described the rams feeling silly, or embarrassed when it happened!
E. Share how being anointed with oil has or could help you with the judgment, jealousy, or conflict with another. Be specific. And pray too!
Well, the Holy Spirit reminds me of whom I am, a child of God. My place is to spread the word of Jesus. This is in my actions, my words, my thoughts. When I find myself in a place of judgement, jealousy, or conflict, I can speak to myself and remind myself that I am better than being judgmental, jealous, or in conflict. It happened just today in fact. I had someone say something I felt was rude to me, and I complied with their request and muttered to myself about “that is how I am supposed to act, even if I am annoyed with the request.” Haha. I did it even though I didn’t like it. I justified it to myself with the intervention of the Holy Spirit.
Good for you, Laura!
Thursday: I Will Dwell in the House of the Lord Forever
5. Read Chapter 12.
A. What stands out and why?
—Keller said in our Christian lives when all is said and done on the subject of a successful Christian walk, it can be summed up in one sentence. “Live ever aware of God’s presence.” I think this speaks not to what we do as a Christian but to what we are as a Christian and going back to my son’s point that he has reemphasized in his preaching of living in “dependent intimacy”experiencing Christ’s presence at all times.
B. How does the word house differ from the word home, which Keller says this actually means. What does the word “home” mean to you?
—House speaks of a specific place or location that has an address where you go to. Home has the connotation of being in a place of comfort. We can feel very much “at home” in someone else’s house because of the kindness and comfort we experience there.
—Most of the time “our” home (since I am married and share my home with my spouse) is a place of comfort and rest and security. But troubles and storms emotional and literal can disrupt the comfort of our home. I think of the old song that says “this world is not my home. I’m only passing through”. I long for the better place that will be my eternal home in the presence of God. Even though I have the Holy Spirit’s presence and know Jesus as my Savior I find I so want to see him face to face and with eyes wide open be truly at home in his presence and done with this fallen broken world.
C. What are some benefits though “on the other side of the fence” see in your life, because you have a Good Shepherd?
—I think of our next door neighbor Dan who is our age, retired and pretty much drinks himself to sleep every night. He is a “good” man by the world’s standard but he is empty. He can literally look over our fence. He speaks very highly of us as his neighbors and I feel he genuinely likes us. He says often what good neighbors we are. We pray much for Dan and his wife Sue and are looking for the right opportunity to introduce them to our Shepherd.
Bev, I will pray with you for Dan and Sue. Lord, break through the shroud that is covering the spiritual eyes of Dan and Sue so they can see you and know you. Help Bev and her husband know how to reach out to them and introduce them to you, our Good Shepherd. I pray for their salvation and for them to be a part of your flock. Break down the walls of resistance to the work of your Spirit and open their eyes to the wonder of your grace and mercy.
I pray in agreement with you Bing. 🙏🙏
Thursday: I Will Dwell in the House of the Lord Forever
5. Read Chapter 12.
A. What stands out and why?
The Lord who is my Shepherd, who has prepared a table for me, also has prepared a house for me where I can dwell with Him forever. And for this earthly meantime. He is ever present with me.
B. How does the word house differ from the word home, which Keller says this actually means. What does the word “home” mean to you?
House may refer to a sanctuary or a church. He also said that the “house” is the family or household or flock of the Good Shepherd. P. 167 Keller said the home is where the sheep go from and back to recounting the full round of the year’s activities for the flock.
Home is where my loved ones are. A place of safety and love and where I can be myself, “let down my hair”, so to stay. I envision my parents and siblings and extended family. I also envision the people in my church where God would take us to at certain points of our lives.
I love his admonition about being proud to belong to Christ, to the family of God.
C. What are some benefits though “on the other side of the fence” see in your life, because you have a Good Shepherd?
His provision for our welfare, the contentment and serenity of our lives. Lord, may I always be ready to share you with others!
A. What stands out and why? That mercy and goodness should pass through me to others, and that even God Himself is blessed by my loving Him.
B. How confident do you feel in the love and care of Christ when troubles come? Why? Ugh. I know how confident I should be, why won’t my heart, my emotional place of dwelling believe, ‘Oh lord You have shown up more times than I am even aware, please forgive my unbelief. Thank you, God, for understanding my frame and my frailties. Help me God to form my belief and anchor it in the truth of your character and not on my experiences. Change me God that I would throw out my idol of fear and repent of worshiping it. Instead Lord that I would cling to you. In Jesus powerful name.
C. What was his point about the manure? Well despite it being manure, it’s the picture of being a conduit of God’s goodness and mercy. That we would not just receive His goodness but pass it on.
D. Ask the Lord to search you concerning his questions on page 160 beginning with “Do I leave behind peace?” This is an area I need to work on in my relationship to my husband. I think too often I hold on to anger and unforgiveness and my attitude can be testy, unpleasant even. It’s not always obvious, but my shortness can be. Oh God help me to be a conduit of your love to my husband. Help me to remember compassion and kindness.
Thanks for being vulnerable — it’s hard, so I agree with your prayer for His power to flow through you, Tammy.
Tammy, yes, praying along with you. I can be testy with my husband, too. lord, help us remember the kindness and compassion we have received from you and extend them to others as well.
Thursday: I Will Dwell in the House of the Lord Forever
5. Read Chapter 12.
A. What stands out and why? – We have all that we need, all year long, for every need that comes up, IF we follow Jesus every day of our life. If we think we can do it without him, all that God has provided will wither away. We will have to cope without him. I definitely don’t want this and not sure how anyone can cope without God in their life.
B. How does the word house differ from the word home, which Keller says this actually means. What does the word “home” mean to you? – I love the distinction of home, not just being a place like house is thought of, but it means family, those around us all year long in the good times and bad. For me, home is where God has put me, around the people he has brought in to my life right now. We live in a state where we have no biological family, but so many great people have been placed by God in my life. My neighbors, the friends at church and those I’ve stepped out of my box to make friends, have all become family and part of the home I’m in right now.
C. What are some benefits though “on the other side of the fence” see in your life, because you have a Good Shepherd? – I have become more content in the blessings that God has provided to me. I can see the bigger picture of where I’m at and feel more at peace because I’m finding my joy comes from the blessings of God and not anything I can do myself.
Friday: Psalm 23
6. Read the whole psalm again and list any new insights you remember from reading this book.
—Now having read this book by Phillip Keller it definitely has broadened my perspective of the deeper meanings with in the phrases and imagery of the 23rd Psalm. This Psalm has its basis in the very practical realities of life. I understand so much better how it portrays the cycle of life in the context of the seasons of one year. The over arching theme relates totally to the Shepherd and his place in the lives of the sheep. It is the Shepherd who in his sovereignty leads, cares for, feeds, protects and satisfies me as his own blood bought sheep
in all aspects of my life all the time for my very own good. He always has my best interests at heart. In everything concerning me it is his presence that is crucial to my wellbeing. It is an amazing thing to be able to declare “The Lord is my Shepherd!”.
Presence. His presence. “In everything concerning me, it is his presence that is crucial to my wellbeing.”
I agree, Bev!
4. Read Chapter 11.
A. What stands out and why?
I can’t lie, this chapter made me sad. I do not believe I leave behind goodness and mercy for the well-being of others. I do have a forgiving nature about me however. That is good.
The other thing that resonates is how sheep are the best livestock to fortify the land on which they live. I think it’s amazing how they can turn a “derelict” land into a beautiful pasture.
B. How confident do you feel in the love and care of Christ when troubles come? Why?
I guess at this point in my life I trust that what happens is taken care of by Him. Now, I try hard to not think too hard about “what ifs.” If something is not working for me then it is not meant to be for me. I need to stop beating my head against the wall and find the way He wants me to have.
C. What was his point about the manure?
It’s what they leave behind that counts in the making of the beautiful land. We too can “leave behind” beauty.
D. Ask the Lord to search you concerning his questions on page 160 beginning with “Do I leave behind peace?”
Lord Jesus, thank You for giving me a forgiving nature. Help me to be kind even when I don’t relate to others. Help me to be gentle in my delivery to people with whom I disagree about hot topics. I know I can be passionate about some things. I know I can be stubborn and unyielding. Teach me to make a point with patience and kindness so I leave behind the beauty of You. In Your Holy Name, Amen.
Laura, I want to do this, too-“I guess at this point in my life I trust that what happens is taken care of by Him. Now, I try hard to not think too hard about “what ifs.”
4. Read Chapter 11.
A. What stands out and why?
This sentence really spoke to me: “With my limited understanding as a finite human being I could not always comprehend HIS management executed in infinite wisdom. ” This is me when I fear and worry. and this is the answer to all my fears: “My trust is in His love for me as His own.”
B. How confident do you feel in the love and care of Christ when troubles come? Why?
I have never ever been truly alone in my life until now. Though I have family, right now I have no one who lives close to me. I am in the process of moving and already tallying up questions and fears. Yet, I pray (and I pray this very Psalm nearly every day) and I know that I am not alone. He is near and He holds my future. He has never let me down, why would He let me down now? He is Trust-worthy!
C. What was his point about the manure?
” When it is scattered efficiently in the pasture, it is an enormous benefit to the soil.” So amazing! God does not waste anything! I have had a similar experience with a product that our local zoo used to put on the market called ” Zoo-doo”. It is excellent for growing beautiful roses!
D. Ask the Lord to search you concerning his questions on page 160 beginning with “Do I leave behind peace?”
Oh, how I pray, especially during the days of so much political and spiritual unrest!! Lord, keep me proclaiming Your peace. Help me to bring peace and no discord. Help me to honor you in all I say and do. Please take all bitterness and judgmental thoughts from my heart and turn all conversations to things that are only edifying. Let what I scatter be only words of love and encouragement. Let my legacy be one of love and inspiration. Melt down any hardness or bitter thoughts in my heart. Help me to keep your commandments and impact others with only love. Only with you, can I possibly do that. In the Name above all Name, Jesus, I pray this.
Patti, I love what you shared about the “Zoo-Doo”! Interesting!
Amen to your prayer for me, Patti!
Friday: Psalm 23
6. Read the whole psalm again and list any new insights you remember from reading this book. – I’m grateful for this study Dee and how it dug deeper in to this Psalm and brought so much light to our Shepherd and his love for us. Vs 5 “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.” These are just not words anymore, they are so much more. It shows just how much God loves me. How he shows the enemy the love he has for me. He’s gone before me and prepared my way. He’s lowered himself and removed his splendor so I can have a path that will help me grow. He’s given me everything I need, he teaches me what I need to know to walk through the valleys and how to rejoice and be content in the green pastures. He wants what is best for me and will not leave me alone as the trials come. So much love and peace is found in these 6 verses.
Julie, this is so true! So much love and peace is found in these 6 verses. I feel like I can do this study again and again!
Friday: Psalm 23
6. Read the whole psalm again and list any new insights you remember from reading this book.
I have learned that Psalm 23 had been pretty rote for me. Some parts are in my mind, heart, and soul, others not so much. After doing this here for the second time around (with the first time being 10 years ago!), God’s Word is radioactive again reviving my soul and infusing His power in me to live for His honor and glory. Blessed be His name, indeed! I felt like if I live life believing this psalm with the help of the Holy Spirit, I would be content and at peace. When trouble comes, I know I can go to my Good Shepherd. He is all I ever needed and will need!
A. What stands out and why? The story of the poor mistreated and uncared for sheep, and how the sheep owner slit their throats when the author brought them back. It’s a clear picture of those people in the world who do not have the hope or care of Christ.
B. How does the word house differ from the word home, which Keller says this actually means. What does the word “home” mean to you? That there is a wider meaning, and in light of the sheep, home would reference the ranch. Also it references the flock and shepherd the sheep belong to. That the sheep is so satisfied with its ownership, that it brags of its owners care and provision. House or home means to me to be in His presence, under His covering no longer able to be touched by this world or the enemy. Surrounded by His love and goodness.
C. What are some benefits though “on the other side of the fence” see in your life, because you have a Good Shepherd? Uffdah, Its hard to say what benefits unbelievers in my life see me experiencing. I guess through the years I can think on when neighbors who ( by and large are unbelievers) have reached out. One neighbor did when he felt like he didn’t have a lot of years left, to ask spiritual questions, ‘your husband says you study the bible, I have questions’ or another who when she started to struggle with life, reached out and we started to study the word together. Its hard though to say concretely what they saw about my Savior’s care in my life. I guess though they knew He was in my life and when they sought Him, they knew I knew Him. Ultimately though, perhaps this question is more about if I am praising my Lord and His care to unbelievers, and that seems like it is way to little. Also I wonder if my interactions with my neighbors has become far to complacent. I think it has. God my God, help my heart to be broken for the people who are under the enemy’s horrendous enslavement. Help my heart to be stirred to boldness and intercession for those who don’t know your tender loving care. Forgive me Lord for being complacent.
7. Write a paragraph about the things you want to remember as you travel this journey with your Shepherd.
Bing, I am your Good Shepherd. You will never be in want of anything. Stay with me and my flock. Love the sheep in my flock. Be assured of my presence with you and my provision in the valleys and the mountaintops. My joy awaits you!
I was putting some things away from our trip to the Philippines and found a sheet of paper where I copied the prayers you shared with me before our trip. Oh, what a blessing to have “sheepmates” who are of the same flock and the same Good Shepherd. Thank you so much!
I just want to share what Ann Voskamp shared today in her weekly emails. I believe that this blog has helped me go deeper when I encounter the drag of this world. Thank you, Dee, and all the ladies here.
If you’re tired of the drag of things — go deeper. Go deeper into prayer, deeper into the Word, deeper into silence and solitude and the Spirit, deeper into deeply connecting with God and people.
More depth — less resistance.
7. Write a paragraph about the things you want to remember as you travel this journey with your Shepherd.
—I think as much as anything I want to be fully aware of His presence in my life at all times in all places. I want dependent intimacy to be the pattern of my life in my relationship to Jesus. I dare never forget these deep and wonderful truths in this Psalm relating to my relationship to my Shepherd and his all encompassing care for me.
—This beautiful passage below from Ezekiel was the accompanying scripture reading in my daily devotional. What a timely addition and reminder to me of the 23rd Psalm and what I have learned here.
““For this is what the Sovereign Lord says: I myself will search and find my sheep. I will be like a shepherd looking for his scattered flock. I will find my sheep and rescue them from all the places where they were scattered on that dark and cloudy day. I will bring them back home to their own land of Israel from among the peoples and nations. I will feed them on the mountains of Israel and by the rivers and in all the places where people live. Yes, I will give them good pastureland on the high hills of Israel. There they will lie down in pleasant places and feed in the lush pastures of the hills. I myself will tend my sheep and give them a place to lie down in peace, says the Sovereign Lord. I will search for my lost ones who strayed away, and I will bring them safely home again. I will bandage the injured and strengthen the weak.
Ezekiel 34:11-15 NLT
7. Write a paragraph about the things you want to remember as you travel this journey with your Shepherd. I want to remember the infinite, intimate care of the Good Shepherd. He is preparing the best sustenance, and protecting me from harm, from predators and my own silly mistakes. If I stumble He will turn me over and get me back on my feet. This is something He does day in and day out. He’s asking me to listen for His voice and follow. The rest He is up to Him. He then goes before me scouting out the best places for me eventually leading me to His heavenly home.
5. Read Chapter 12.
A. What stands out and why?
The story about the sheep who wandered into his pasture and he had to put them in a wheel barrow and take them back to his neighbor stands out to me. So sad! Then, the neighbor slit the sheep’s necks! Awful. He talks about Jesus and how the sheep didn’t come through the right “door.” This made me really think hard.
B. How does the word house differ from the word home, which Keller says this actually means. What does the word “home” mean to you?
He says David is not just speaking of the house of worship of the Lord, but rather the entire yearly process of the sheep leaving for the seasons and coming back to the main home.
Home is the place where you are comfortable. It is a place where people love, and take care of each other. It is a place to rest.
C. What are some benefits though “on the other side of the fence” see in your life, because you have a Good Shepherd?
I have a serene, satisfying, radiant life because I have the Lord. I am cared for, and loved. I am never alone. I am calm and confident. Thank You Jesus!
6. Read the whole psalm again and list any new insights you remember from reading this book.
I think this book is a well worth read for anyone who needs reassurance that God loves them. I especially liked that it was written by a real shepherd who correlated the shepherds’s life with being a Christian. Thank you Dee, for giving us this gift!
I think I will remember the care and attention with which the shepherd gave his flock. It was so loving and kind compared to his neighbors flock, who were neglected. I feel sorry for the ones who don’t have what I have in Christ. Where is their hope? Thank You Lord for Your care and attention over little ole me.
6. Read the whole psalm again and list any new insights you remember from reading this book. In Psalm 23 the verses that talk about the Shepherd’s care for His sheep has a new meaning for me because it revealed how much He goes before the sheep and prepare a way for the sheep, from preparation of the fields, to personal care of the sheep and the amount of work and preparation for water.
7. Write a paragraph about the things you want to remember as you travel this journey with your Shepherd.
I want to remember the amount of work the Shepherd puts into the intimate care of His sheep. The amount of preparation, in that, I am not left to my own devices but every avenue of my care is gone over by Him