I’m going to wade briefly into the deep water of the apocalyptic literature of Revelation this week, but just to capture one vision before I turn to the safer water of the gospels.
The Gospel Coalition says this of apocalyptic literature:
Of the many genres of biblical literature, apocalyptic is perhaps the most challenging to understand, due in part to its frequent use of figurative language and its adoption of strange and even bizarre imagery.
Here is the picture from Revelation I’m contemplating with you:
And around the throne, on each side of the throne, are four living creatures, full of eyes in front and behind: the first living creature like a lion, the second living creature like an ox, the third living creature with the face of a man, and the fourth living creature like an eagle in flight.
Realizing the mystery, and the accountability I have as a teacher, the only thing I am quite sure of is this represents the many faces of God’s glory, aspects we can see in the Christmas story. But even teachers that I greatly respect have different takes when it comes to the specifics. Here are three reformed scholars I respect who each interpret a bit differently but agree that they reflect the holiness of God.
When we studied Revelation with David Campbell, he thought “the four faces represented the diverse aspects of creation and God’s Lordship over all.” Certainly true whether that is what the vision means or not.
Don Carson believes these creatures represent different qualities of God:
In the ancient world, the lion then, as now, was the king of the beasts, so God’s throne is royal.
In the ancient world, some gods were pictured as young bullocks. The Egyptian god Apis was pictured as a young bullock simply for its strength. God’s throne is strong.
The face like a man.… Believe it or not, that’s supposed to represent intelligence.
The flying eagle? Probably compassion, care, swiftness, because the kind of birds they have are sort of like a vulture, actually.
The one that made the most sense to me, and is similar to Carson but goes further, is Matthew Henry:
“These seem to signify the ministers of the gospel, not only because of their situation nearer to God, and between Him and the elders or representative of the Christian people, but because they are fewer in number.” He thinks they could represent the four evangelists of the gospel: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
While this makes sense, because this is so mysterious, I am not positive it is right. However, in moving to the safer and clearer ground of the gospels, it is certainly true that we can see:
Matthew stresses to the Jews that Christ is their Messiah, their King (LION);
Mark stresses the servanthood of Christ (OX)
Luke stresses the humanity of Christ (MAN)
John stresses the Divinity of Christ (EAGLE).
Do the gospel writers overlap with these pictures? Yes. But I do see the above emphasis in each. So, this week, we will consider these portraits in the four gospels to help us behold, in a fresh way, the many glories of the Christ of Christmas.
Looking ahead to January. I am praying about doing a simpler version of Paige. I think she is very strong when it comes to Old Testament narrative, and that is where she is going with Daniel 1-7 beginning Jan 10th. My plan, if I can do it, is to summarize her highlights and make optional listening to her. The last time I did Paige here we had a small but rich following. Please pray the Lord will confirm this if it is a good plan or show me how I should go to serve Him and you best.
- What stands out to you from the above and why?
- How have you experienced the presence of God in your life this week?
Monday: Christ the King (Matthew)
We sing Joy to the World during Advent, but it is a song for not the first coming of Christ, when He came as a helpless killable infant, as a lamb, but for His second coming when He returns as King, like a lion, when heaven and earth will sing, when all sorrow, death, and grief will end. How we will sing, sing, sing! Watch this to prepare your heart.
3. It is Matthew who speaks most frequently of the kingdom of heaven through parables and warnings of Jesus. Jesus was not the kind of King the Jews were anticipating, one who would overthrow the Romans, but one, who would rescue them from something much worse.
A. What was it, according to Matthew 1:21?
B. How has Christ rescued you from the penalty of sin?
C. Give one example of how He is also rescuing you from the power of sin.
D. What is one thing you are looking forward to when, in heaven, He delivers you from the presence of sin?
4. It is Matthew who gives the account of the Wisemen. What did they give the baby Jesus according to Matthew 2:11 and what might each of these represent?
5. Matthew is filled with fulfilled prophecies that would be meaningful to the Jews. What prophecy does Matthew quote in Matthew 21:5? How is this a foreshadowing, yet so different than their expectations”? (See Revelation 19:11-16)
6. What might it mean for you to have Jesus be your King all day today?
Tuesday: Christ the Servant (Mark)
Photo by Ana Cernivec
‘ Prepare your heart with this:
7. How does even His birth show His servanthood?
8. Read Mark 10:35-45
A. What was the request of James and John?
B. Have you ever tried to use God for your own purposes?
C. Find the things that Jesus tells them and list them.
9. Read Mark 14:32-36 and describe His servitude.
10. Why might the Lord be stressing this to you today?
Wednesday: Christ as Fully Man
As much as I love Away in a Manger, I don’t agree with the line: “No crying he makes.” I’m sure He cried, wet, and did all the things one fully human would do. I love this one, instead, by Michael Card:
It is Luke alone who writes to the Gentiles, who traces Christ’s genealogy back to Adam, showing his connection with the first man. Luke is my 2nd favorite gospel because he includes so many women’s stories. Women, scholars believe were his primary sources. Without Luke, we would not have the most beautiful Christmas story of all, one that is filled with the story of Elizabeth and Mary and the tender story of God becoming one of us.
11. Read Luke 1:34-35.
A. How did Gabriel answer Mary’s question?
B. Why do you think God did it this way instead of just having Jesus appear on earth?
12. Why does the author of Hebrews tell us that Jesus had to be fully man? (Hebrews 4:14-16)
13. Come to Him now with your needs.
Thursday: Christ as Fully God (John)
Photo on Unsplash by Dicson
Sing this verse to prepare your heart:
Word of the Father, now in flesh appearing
O Come let us adore Him (3x)
Christ, the Lord
John’s Gospel stands apart from the Synoptic Gospels in that his purpose is to clearly show us that Christ is God in human flesh. He begins not with the birth or the beginning of Jesus’ ministry, but like this:
14. As you meditate on the following verses from John’s famous prologue, share any thoughts or praise you have:
A. John 1:1-3
B. John 1:4-5 (Keller says both translations of “not overcome” and “not understood” are right. He substitutes the phrase “not mastered” for each. Share insights from this.
C. John 1:6-9. What did John the Baptist want to make clear?
D. What is amazing about John 1:10?
E. What meditations do you have on John 1:14?
Friday: Carols and Contemplations
15. Challenge: Take just one of the four pictures and see if you can find a carol or hymn that goes with it to share with us. Share your contemplations.
16. What is your take-a-way and why?
Today is our Christmas cantata at church. The kids and I are dancing and singing. Please pray it is well accomplished and meaningful for those watching. If you are so inclined and would like to watch, here is the link.
No new news on Sarah. Up to 4 pints of blood now. 🙏🙏🙏♥️♥️♥️ Thank You Jesus, for helping me trust the doctors.
1. What stands out to you from the above and why?
Back to Revelation! Hard stuff indeed! I vaguely remember these passages. I like the interpretation you are going with because it makes sense to me. However, this is where non-Christians would argue that it’s all a made up thing, don’t you think? It can’t be real because it’s so far fetched.
2. How have you experienced the presence of God in your life this week?
Well this is really wild, but we chose to wait to tell the kids about Sarah being in the hospital until yesterday afternoon when we went to visit her. We had the dress rehearsal for our cantata and their piano recital, in the morning and it was very busy! During the rehearsal the kids were waiting their turn and they were coloring pages. Grace had a scene with Mary and she had drawn Mary bleeding?! The adult helping was talking to Grace about it and explained that she needed to add an ambulance in the picture (silly). Grace later told me that the reason Mary was bleeding was due to the devil and his fire. I said, “oh, like the teeny tiny nativity dragon?” She replied, “yes.” I just think it’s interesting that she drew that when that is exactly what her mommy is going through, but at the time she didn’t know it. I’m not sure of the significance? But, it is a bit comforting in that maybe all will end up ok with Sarah and her situation. 🤷🏻♀️
Laura — I don’t see the link.
Father I do ask that those in the cantata will sing and dance for your glory and it will draw those watching closer to you. Please continue to be with Sara.
Concerning your question, Laura — apocalyptic literature is strange, even weird as Stuart Briscoe said of Ezekiel — weird and wonderful. I don’t think it is meant for unbelievers but does give us some idea of how much greater God is than we can even imagine.
But we are only looking at one picture and then headed to the gospels for clarity.
Whoops! Forgot the link! Hahaha….
Here it is. It was an absolutely delightful service!
Sarah is coming home tonight! Yay! Thank You Lord!
Praying for Sarah and her dear Mama. Must be so very frightening but glad she was deemed well enough to come home.
Your dance presentation was lovely, Laura. Such graceful dancing.
Continue to pray for healing for Sarah and wisdom for medical team and you and your family.
Thank you Judy. I appreciate the prayers. I hope she continues to be well. I’m kind of nervous about her coming home. I think she ended up having 5 pints of blood transfused. Crazy. 🙏🙏
Laura, glad to hear Sara is coming home. Will watch the link sometime soon! I am sure you did a mighty fine job!
Did enjoy the dancing. So graceful The little ones were adorable A lot of work and thought went into it
Laura, I’m sure the cantata was wonderful. Your whole heart always goes in to your dancing.
I’m not sure what all has happened to Sarah since I’ve not been here in the past, but I will definitely be praying for her to heal in her mind and body and that someone will lead her back to the cross.
Glad she is home now.
Oh, Laura! I just got here and I am reading all of this! Praise God that Sarah is coming home. How I pray that the doctors can figure it all out. It is so interesting about Grace’s artwork. I am so thankful your service went so well. I will continue praying for your family and for a full recovery for Sarah.
Dee, I love Michael Card’s song “What Her Heart Remembered”. Michael Card is one of my favorite singers, but I had never heard that one! I hope you all have a Blessed Christmas and that the Hope and Peace that only Jesus can bring will be evident to each of you this Christmas and in the year to come!
What stands out to you from the above and why?
—I love the encouragement here to take time during this very busy week to look and wonder at the glory of God and in particular Jesus as God. I love it that God gave us four accounts of the Gospel by four different writers with their differing points of view but a shared goal of revealing Jesus. God sort of covered all the bases for us with perspectives for the Jew and the Gentile. From these four writers we see Jesus from Matthew as King. From Mark as a Servant.
From Luke as Son of Man, His humanity and from John as Son of God, his divinity.
This week I don’t want to miss worshipping with wonder.
Thank you Dee for leading us in that goal.
“this week, we will consider these portraits in the four gospels to help us behold, in a fresh way, the many glories of the Christ of Christmas.”
How have you experienced the presence of God in your life this week?
—This past week I have been awake in the wee hours of the night quite a bit and have just gotten up and spent time in the Word and study. Old age discomforts with aches and pains along with a weak bladder interrupt my sleep. 🥴 TMI 😋
I have decided I need to redeem the time when I am awake like that. And most days I can get a nap in.
I especially was blessed by the two sermons by Keller that I listened to in the middle of the night Thursday. No interruptions and a good time to experience God’s presence.
This is so encouraging to me, Bev!
What stands out to you from the above and why? The majestic picture of the 4 living creatures that represent the many faces of God’s glory and that they could represent the 4 evangelists Matthew Mark Luke and John. Find that fascinating. Revelation is challenging for me and I’m reading it this month. I’m glad to have insight into the meaning of this book.
How have you experienced the presence of God in your life this week? I think because of last week’s blog that I’ve slowed and that allowed me to appreciate this season. I had been kind of ho hum. Now I sing in the car and worship as the Christmas songs come on. That slowing allows me to sense His nearness. Yes, will pray for discernment for you, Dee, as to where God is leading about January study.
Thanks, Judy!
Judy, the slowing down for me too was big. I am spending more time in Bible Studies to see who God really is. It has opened my eyes to so many different things now.
What stands out to you from the above and why?
There are different interpretations of the 4 faces depicted in Revelation. The three men you mentioned here, Dee, are ones whose writings sermons, and commentaries I am a little familiar with.
I believe that if I sincerely seek wisdom in understanding God’s Word, He will open my eyes to the truth to the degree that I can have a better understanding of Him, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. And if something remains a mystery to me, I want to surrender that to the Lord. “Like a weaned child with its mother is my soul within me.” I am glad for the opportunity here, though, to be a “Berean”.
How have you experienced the presence of God in your life this week?
I have seen His hand working in the lives of women who are in our small Bible Study groups that have started because of the October luncheon we hosted. Several of us went to the theater for The Chosen Christmas Story: Holy Night this past Wednesday. One of the ladies in the evening Bible Study group invited her mom to go with us. We had dinner at a restaurant, and I enjoyed watching everybody visit with one another. It was a joy to hear later from this mom that she is interested in joining our upcoming January study. “I am spiritually thirsty” is what she wrote in a text to me. I gathered later from a mutual friend that this mom had lost a son many years ago.
This experience reminded me once again that God gifts our labor with fruit that He only can give. It is not about me but all about Him and His wonder-working power. And that Jesus is always full of surprises!
I love this good report, Bing! God is using you and your simple obedience to Him to bring the good news of salvation to these women. God bless you!
So much I want so badly to respond to everything and every thought question you have given to us, Dee! And I so much do not take it for granted all the hard and thoughtful work you put into leading us to Jesus through the study of His Word. God bless you and give you many more years of this good work. I’m hoping this will still be going when I can finally retire because I just have so little time now with the cares of the children and my stressful job. But God knows, and He has been allowing a simple phrase to repeat itself to my heart, overcome so much of the time by the cares of this world and life and feeling there is so much stress and hustle and bustle to even enjoy Christmas this year- but I hear in my heart the simple words, “Come, let us adore Him, Christ the Lord!” And my heart leaps in my chest that I am one that is being called, little insignificant me, to gather around with others at His humble crib, and simply adore the Son of God incarnate.
Miriam — your life is a model to us all. Working with children who have been so neglected is soooo challenging, but you are so faithful.
Miriam, what a blessing you are, God sees and knows what you need. Retirement definitely makes things easier to be able to take time and study. Prayers for you to feel His presence in your life.
Your life, your words and your commitment to Jesus always bless my soul, dear Missy. I love it when you check in and leave such sweet words of wisdom. I pray for you, as you do so much for others. You are such an example of giving your whole self to Jesus and doing it with such grace. Praying for all of you during this Holy Season. I pray that your neighbor family, who suffered the loss of their father, is healing and sensing God’s peace.
3. It is Matthew who speaks most frequently of the kingdom of heaven through parables and warnings of Jesus. Jesus was not the kind of King the Jews were anticipating, one who would overthrow the Romans, but one, who would rescue them from something much worse.
A. What was it, according to Matthew 1:21?
He will save us from our sins.
B. How has Christ rescued you from the penalty of sin?
He has spoken truth to me. When you know the truth then you can make better choices for your life. By making better choices, you are in agreement with Him and receive eternal life. Thank You Lord Jesus.
C. Give one example of how He is also rescuing you from the power of sin.
My recent determination to get rid of a very strong idol in my life has relieved me from the power of sin. He has been so clear to me! I will not let this strong idol take hold of me ever again.
D. What is one thing you are looking forward to when, in heaven, He delivers you from the presence of sin?
I look forward to the comfort and delight of being with Him!
4. It is Matthew who gives the account of the Wisemen. What did they give the baby Jesus according to Matthew 2:11 and what might each of these represent?
They gave Him gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Well, I believe we have studied this before, however I don’t recall the meanings. All were “fit for a king.” Obviously, gold for wealth. When I looked up frankincense, I found out it was part of the incense that the high priest would use in the temple. The myrrh was the gift reminding us of the sacrifice Jesus made.
What stands out to you from the above and why? – WOW, I’m excited to dig deeper into that scripture and see what exactly is being said. Our Life Group just finished Revelation verse by verse and this will be a great time to see another side of what we learned. This again shows that ALL SCRIPTURE always is pointing to Jesus in some way. LOVE IT!
How have you experienced the presence of God in your life this week? – I still can’t get over how much peace has come to me since we moved. To feel that peace around me and others and the friendliness of people here is such a breath of fresh air. Was I just missing it back in Indiana, or as my friend’s husband says, am I truly in God’s country in Tennessee, hmm!
Monday: Christ the King (Matthew)
3. It is Matthew who speaks most frequently of the kingdom of heaven through parables and warnings of Jesus. Jesus was not the kind of King the Jews were anticipating, one who would overthrow the Romans, but one, who would rescue them from something much worse.
A. What was it, according to Matthew 1:21? – He was to come to save the people from their sins.
B. How has Christ rescued you from the penalty of sin? – How my goodness, His grace and mercy alone have helped me on my journey. He is constantly there beside me to nudge me and guide me. To make my heart, mind and soul long to know Him more deeply. This has made me dig deeper into the Bible and to see just who He is and how I’m to be since I’ve been made in His image. His ultimate sacrifice of placing himself on the cross where I should have been, is how he as rescued me.
C. Give one example of how He is also rescuing you from the power of sin. – I think I’ve answered this a bit in the above question, but I am growing more in that I don’t want to disappoint him in any way, though I still do, I am trying harder each day to honor and please him.
D. What is one thing you are looking forward to when, in heaven, He delivers you from the presence of sin? – To just have freedom from myself, my thoughts and actions. Oh, how I can’t wait to be perfect in all ways.
4. It is Matthew who gives the account of the Wisemen. What did they give the baby Jesus according to Matthew 2:11 and what might each of these represent? – They gave him gold, frankincense and myrrh. Gold would represent royalty, kingship, wealth. The Wisemen knew that Jesus was King of all. Frankincense is a symbol of holiness and righteousness and was symbolic of Jesus’ willingness to become a sacrifice for us as a burnt offering. Myrrh its oil was used as beauty treatments and at times mixed with wine to relieve pain. This was a gift fit for a King and used at the cross while Jesus suffered in pain. These are things I found when researching what these items meant in the Bible and to Jesus himself.
5. Matthew is filled with fulfilled prophecies that would be meaningful to the Jews. What prophecy does Matthew quote in Matthew 21:5? How is this a foreshadowing, yet so different than their expectations”? (See Revelation 19:11-16) – “Say to the Daughter of Zion, ‘See, your king comes to you, gentle and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey.’ ” I think they were expecting someone that would come and ‘takeover’ for them. To fight for them. In Matthew’s quote, it shows some complete opposite of that, so meek and mild. But in Revelation we see the truth, the power that was to come to save the world.
6. What might it mean for you to have Jesus be your King all day today? – He is my King and goes before me, when I allow him to lead. My day would run so much smoother if I hand it over to Jesus each morning and ask him what he would have me do. I tend to hang on to the reigns and want some control still. I need to just give myself and my day to Him.
I had always thought it was mockery that wine and myrrh were offered, but perhaps not. Jesus refused it. I’m pondering that. Thoughts?
Dee I wonder if the refusal was to show us all that Jesus took ALL the pain on the cross for us and didn’t lessen the pain with the myrrh. Maybe by taking the myrrh would have not been the complete sacrifice??
5. Matthew is filled with fulfilled prophecies that would be meaningful to the Jews. What prophecy does Matthew quote in Matthew 21:5? How is this a foreshadowing, yet so different than their expectations”? (See Revelation 19:11-16)
The prophecy said He would be a humble king who rides on a donkey.
The expectation was that He would be riding in on a white horse, to save the day. He would have the armies of heaven with Him. They believed He would strike down the nations.
6. What might it mean for you to have Jesus be your King all day today?
Oh boy! To ask this question on this day! It has been a very emotional day for our family. Our daughter is still sick and ended up back at the ER. Other drama occurred as well. Ugh.
I would love for God to heal our family, both physically and emotionally. That in itself is a tall order. I would like him to give me a decent amount of sleep. I would ask him to save the souls of my children; if He could visit each and press on their hearts.
Oh I’m sorry to hear Sarah is back in the hospital!
Oh, Laura! My heart aches reading that your daughter is back in the ER. I have been and will continue to pray for you and your whole family. No details needed. God knows all of our hearts.
Oh Laura, I’m so sorry for the pain and hurt you all are facing. Praying for all of you and for Sarah and the medical staff who are on her case that they can have the wisdom needed to know how to help her.
Oh, dear! Laura, I hope the doctor finds out what is the matter with Sara. The timing is so close to our Savior’s birthday. But His timing and purposes will prevail and I do pray for the salvation of your children.
Thank you everyone for the prayers. Sarah has a cyst. It is 5cm. Please pray for it to be benign. These do run in our family. 🙏🙏🙏
Prayers it is benign and for peace as you wait to hear.
Thank you Judy. I keep telling her to trust God and not worry. I know she’s a believer, just not a follower 😢.
3. It is Matthew who speaks most frequently of the kingdom of heaven through parables and warnings of Jesus. Jesus was not the kind of King the Jews were anticipating, one who would overthrow the Romans, but one, who would rescue them from something much worse.
A. What was it, according to Matthew 1:21?
He would rescue them from their sins.
B. How has Christ rescued you from the penalty of sin?
He died for me. “I have been made right in God’s sight by the blood of Christ.” Romans 5:9a
C. Give one example of how He is also rescuing you from the power of sin.
In having a critical spirit God is showing me the need to show grace and instead pray for that person. It resets my focus on God and on loving others.
D. What is one thing you are looking forward to when, in heaven, He delivers you from the presence of sin?
Perfect agape love.
4. It is Matthew who gives the account of the Wisemen. What did they give the baby Jesus according to Matthew 2:11 and what might each of these represent?
Gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.
Gold represents royalty, frankincense represents divinity and myrrh represents death.
5. Matthew is filled with fulfilled prophecies that would be meaningful to the Jews. What prophecy does Matthew quote in Matthew 21:5? How is this a foreshadowing, yet so different than their expectations”? (See Revelation 19:11-16)
”Look, your King is coming to you. He is humble, riding on a donkey – riding on a donkey’s colt.”
Their expectation was a king coming on a white horse with a sword striking down the nations and ruling with an iron rod. A donkey was considered a poor man’s mode of transportation.
6. What might it mean for you to have Jesus be your King all day today?
It would mean He would have first place in my life…less of me, more of Him.
A. What was it, according to Matthew 1:21? To save us from our sins
B. How has Christ rescued you from the penalty of sin? Because of his sacrifice on the cross, I am no longer condemned to eternal separation from God.
C. Give one example of how He is also rescuing you from the power of sin. I no longer feel the need to beat myself up over my sins, past or present.
D. What is one thing you are looking forward to when, in heaven, He delivers you from the presence of sin? Since we are more sinful than we think and we do and think things that we don’t even realize are sinful, I look forward to being completely free of sin. What a freedom that will be!
4. It is Matthew who gives the account of the Wisemen. What did they give the baby Jesus according to Matthew 2:11 and what might each of these represent? Gold-His royalty, frankincense-worship, myrrh-His death
5. Matthew is filled with fulfilled prophecies that would be meaningful to the Jews. What prophecy does Matthew quote in Matthew 21:5? That he will ride into Jerusalem on the foal of a donkey. How is this a foreshadowing, yet so different than their expectations”? (See Revelation 19:11-16) They were expecting a great warrior to rescue them from Roman rule.
6. What might it mean for you to have Jesus be your King all day today? Whatever things come my way, even though they may not look like what I would want for my day, they are happening through His will and are exactly what is best.
Love that you no longer feel like you need to beat yourself up over sins!
This is so good, Dawn: Whatever things come my way, even though they may not look like what I would want for my day, they are happening through His will and are exactly what is best.
7. How does even His birth show His servanthood?
I suppose being born in a barn, by “normal” parents shows He would serve? Not really sure here.
8. Read Mark 10:35-45
A. What was the request of James and John?
To sit beside Jesus on the throne in heaven.
B. Have you ever tried to use God for your own purposes?
Yes. I suppose I did so when answering the last questions about king for a day. I, as a human thought, “what can a king do for me?” When we pray, sometimes we have the “laundry list;” things we would like Him to accomplish for us.
C. Find the things that Jesus tells them and list them.
They must be willing to drink the cup He would. They must be willing to be “baptized” with suffering as He would be baptized.
He says God has prepared those places.
If they wanted to be first, they must serve others.
I am just going to touch base here. In two days my husband and I are headed for Texas to spend Christmas with our oldest son and his wife. They have 3 married children who live close to them and each of them have 2 little boys. It is a two day drive as it is a 1000 miles from our house to theirs. We are planning to stay through February in hopes of having some quality time with each of them. Our son built a two room guest house on their property so we will be in close proximity but have our own quarters. Before leaving here our schedule has been jam packed with Christmas activities and being with people before we go. So I am into crunch time trying to get everything packed and ready to go. I just simply won’t have time to comment this week but I’ve read the lesson questions all through and will try to stay current with all the comments. The wonder of Christmas has not been lost on me this year. Thanks in great measure to my Advent readings and to this blog. 💕
I read this from Paul David Tripp this morning in my Advent reading from “O Come Let Us Adore Him”.
“To say that you’re a sinner is not just to confess to some wrong behaviors, but also to admit that you have a condition. Sin is a condition of your nature, and because it is, you can’t escape it. You have no ability to run from yourself. The Christmas story confronts us with our inability, because if we had any ability whatsoever to save ourselves from sin, the birth of Jesus would not have been necessary. The Christmas story reminds us that hopelessness is the only doorway to true and eternal hope. It’s only when you give up on you that you seek and celebrate what God, in holy love, offers you in the person and work of his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. It’s true that hope isn’t a thing; it’s a person, and his name is Immanuel. Celebrate hope this Christmas.”
Oh Bev — I pray these will be sweet months with your family. How nice to have a guest house.
Bev, praying for traveling mercies and for a wonderful time with family.
Also, love the quote from Paul David Tripp. Merry Christmas
Bev, sweet travel and time with your son and his family. I love Tripp’s quote as well.
7. How does even His birth show His servanthood?
Born in a stable rather than a palace. Born into a poor family rather than a royal one. Angels appeared to shepherds (considered 2nd class) to announce His birth rather than those of influence.
8. Read Mark 10:35-45
A. What was the request of James and John?
They wanted to sit in the place of honor, one on the right and one on the left side of His glorious throne.
B. Have you ever tried to use God for your own purposes?
C. Find the things that Jesus tells them and list them.
They didn’t know what they were asking.
Were they able to drink from the bitter cup of suffering He was about to drink?
Were they able to be baptized with the baptism of suffering He must be baptized with?
They will indeed drink from His bitter cup and be baptized with His baptism of suffering.
He doesn’t have the right to say who will sit on His right or left.
God has prepared those places for the ones He has chosen.
World rulers and officials flaunt their authority over those under them.
Among the disciples it will be different…whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant and whoever wants to be first must be the slave of everyone else.
Even the Son of Man came NOT to be served but to serve others as to give His life as a ransom for many.
9. Read Mark 14:32-36 and describe His servitude.
He prayed that the cup of suffering would be taken away from Him, BUT YET, wanting His Father’s will to be done not His.
10. Why might the Lord be stressing this to you today?
It’s all about Him and others, not about me and my selfish desires. As the songs goes, “If you wanna to be great in God’s kingdom, learn to be the servant of all.” 🎵🎵
Now, I wonder how many know that song. 🙂 I love your rich heritage, Sharon, even though I tease you.
This made me smile…love you Dee😊
Here’s a link to the song for those who haven’t heard of it,
Thanks Sharon for sharing the link, I never heard this song before.
Sharon, we used to sing that song in the Philippines during our Navigators gathering! Thanks for sharing it-good memories!
1. What stands out to you from the above and why? I love looking through the lens of the Gospels to behold these portraits. I have been praying daily that I can Behold Christ in a new way this year. I love Advent, though this year it is so different, and I am praying that I can continue to Behold Christ and see Him daily. I am praying for you, Dee, as you wait on the Lord to confirm the study starting in January. I know it will be full and rich, honoring and glorifying God. I pray for His direction for Daniel, which seems very timely, or what other idea He may bring to your heart.
2. How have you experienced the presence of God in your life this week? We had a beautiful service at church on Sunday, starting with the Children doing a precious program of Christ’s birth. Our pastor finished a series from Haggai and Malachi and drawing us to Behold and Pay Attention….prepare always for the coming of Christ. He told a beautiful story of a Jewish man, who has been coming to our church with his wife for a long time, yet he did not believe the gospel. Our dear pastor, who serves a huge church, became friends with this man. They would get together for lunch, yet Stan did not budge in his belief. Yet, God and Keith must have touched his heart, because Stan told our pastor last week that he had accepted Jesus into his heart! Whoa! The tears in my heart spilled all over everywhere!
Praise God! I had another sweet Godwink that same day, when I was invited to the Nutcracker, done by a Performing Arts Group. Two sweet teens, who I knew from our school (when they were 4 and 6 yrs old) were in the Ballet. Both had been extremely shy ~especially one, who would barely speak and never smile~ I had not seen them in person in several year. Oh, when I saw the ballet Sunday afternoon! They both had leads in the ballet; they were exquisite, beautiful flowers who had blossomed. When their mom and I spoke after the ballet, we both were in tears, remembering how the Sugar Plum Fairy had barely been able to speak as a little one. Only God!
Wow Patti your God winks were huge!
Patti! Wow-I would have been in tears, too! God is showering you with His TLC using others to bring you joy and comfort. I love it!
Oh Patti — I love this God Hunt for you, especially at this Christmas. What a difference you and Ron made in so so many young lives.
Thanks too for praying. Am going to do Paige and Daniel but God gave me a lightbulb idea I’ll share Sunday.
Oh, Dee! Am excited to hear about your lightbulb idea! Spring 2024 is going to be busy for me but God is continuing to prompt me to stay here. I just need to pray for what things to say, No” to so I can do so. Today, Saturday, was just a confirmation for me to stay here and give up other things. Paige is a challenge for me mentally but God has always provided for my mind to move from my dialect to English (smile). Others may feel differently due to commitments but I sense God’s leading for me to stay active here.
Tuesday: Christ the Servant (Mark)
7. How does even His birth show His servanthood? – He came to us, knowing his end purpose was to be sacrifice for us. Though he didn’t always like the outcome, he was obedient to the Father and did his will.
8. Read Mark 10:35-45
A. What was the request of James and John? – They wanted to sit at the right and left hand of Jesus
B. Have you ever tried to use God for your own purposes? – I guess when I sit and think about this, I have. When trying to get something across to my kids when they were younger, I would say something like, that’s not what God would like. To try and persuade them to do something right. YIKES! I never realized what I was doing.
C. Find the things that Jesus tells them and list them. – Tells them: “You don’t know what you are asking;” Can they drink the cup or be baptized like him; That the places to his right and left are not for him to appoint, but are places for those who they have been prepared for. Then to the 12 he said: That if they want to be great they must serve the others and whoever wants to be first must be slave to all.
9. Read Mark 14:32-36 and describe His servitude. – He boldly prayed to the Father asking for his end to not have to happen. But knowing his purpose, he was obedient and knew he had to do what he was called to do by the Father.
10. Why might the Lord be stressing this to you today? – I’ve taken many Christian profile tests and my highest counts are always in service or helps. This weekend, we have been asked to serve some less fortunate people a meal so I will be serving them the food and then part of the clean up team after it is all over. There are 16 people already signed up and a possible 21 more that may come. The night should be a true blessing not just to me, but to those being served. Please pray for those who will be coming to feel the presence of God that night and pray for me and the others serving to serve with a grateful heart and a smile on our faces.
Oh I know you will be a blessing but pray they will truly sense the presence of the Lord.
When I take those spiritual gifts tests I recognize the serving questions and don’t check them — I guess that shows I surely don’t have a server’s heart! Lord have mercy.
Dee, you do serve all of us every week that you put these studies out, but I know serving can be demanding as well.
I will pray for those who are fed to feel the joy and presence of God. I pray that this evening will bring joy to the hearts of each of you that is serving. I know your joy in the Lord will be a shining light to all who meet you.
Thank you Patti, that is sweet of you to say.
Prayers as requested. May God bless all of you as you work and may the attendees feel God’s love through your service.
3. It is Matthew who speaks most frequently of the kingdom of heaven through parables and warnings of Jesus. Jesus was not the kind of King the Jews were anticipating, one who would overthrow the Romans, but one, who would rescue them from something much worse.
A. What was it, according to Matthew 1:21?
Jesus will rescue us from our sins (its penalty, power, and presence)
B. How has Christ rescued you from the penalty of sin?
He died on the cross for my sins. He took my place. Therefore, there is no more condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. Romans 8:1
C. Give one example of how He is also rescuing you from the power of sin.
I can give up my idol of approval. It still rears its ugly head, but the Word of God strengthens me not to give in.
D. What is one thing you are looking forward to when, in heaven, He delivers you from the presence of sin?
No more tears, brought about by pain, sorrow, injustices here on earth. His presence is what I look forward to!
1. It is Matthew who gives the account of the Wisemen. What did they give the baby Jesus according to Matthew 2:11 and what might each of these represent?
Gold signifies Jeus royalty, frankincense is for worship, and myrrh for His death
2. Matthew is filled with fulfilled prophecies that would be meaningful to the Jews. What prophecy does Matthew quote in Matthew 21:5? How is this a foreshadowing, yet so different than their expectations”? (See Revelation 19:11-16)
Your king is coming and riding on a foal of a donkey, signifying Christ’s humility as opposed to their expectations of Jesus as coming as a military person who will free them from oppression from Rome. In the Revelation passage, Jesus will come as King of kings and Lord of lords. His coming is not about a political government but a government of righteousness and justice.
5. What might it mean for you to have Jesus be your King all day today?
He rules over how I live my life This means sincerely seeking Him and trusting Him for what the day brings.
This is so good, Bing: He rules over how I live my life This means sincerely seeking Him and trusting Him for what the day brings. I need to do this today.
7. How does even His birth show His servanthood? He came as a helpless infant totally dependent on His parents, probably humble working class.
8. Read Mark 10:35-45
A. What was the request of James and John? That one would sit at Christ’s right hand in glory and the other at His left hand.
B. Have you ever tried to use God for your own purposes? I probably have asked in prayer for things that were for my purposes only I can’t think of anything specific at the moment
C. Find the things that Jesus tells them and list them. 1. Don’t know what you are asking 2. Can you drink the cup I drink or be baptized as I will be baptized. 3. You will drink that cup and be baptized me. 4. Not for me to say. 5. Those places belong to those for whom they have been prepared.
9. Read Mark 14:32-36 and describe His servitude. Delivered to chief priests and teachers of the law, condemned to death, handed over to Gentiles, mocked, spit on, flogged and then killed.
10. Why might the Lord be stressing this to you today? The depth of humility Jesus showed. Sometimes I get impatient with long winded people. I need to sit back and truly listen and not try to interject something or let my thoughts wander.
Your last comment made me smile.
Oh Judy, the last sentence is so me. I tune out…and think, just get to the point already LOL
9. Read Mark 14:32-36 and describe His servitude.
He is serving the Father by His obedience.
10. Why might the Lord be stressing this to you today?
I definitely believe the Lord wants me to be obedient. Especially today, in my family situation. Thank You for Your guidance, Lord.
Sweet Michael Card song, Dee, but I don’t think I can give up Away in the Manger….
No need to. As our worship leader pointed out, I think the point was the still holiness of the night.
3. It is Matthew who speaks most frequently of the kingdom of heaven through parables and warnings of Jesus. Jesus was not the kind of King the Jews were anticipating, one who would overthrow the Romans, but one, who would rescue them from something much worse.
A. What was it, according to Matthew 1:21? He would save His people from their sins.
B. How has Christ rescued you from the penalty of sin? Christ has taken the punishment of death on the cross, the death of a criminal, for all of my sins.
C. Give one example of how He is also rescuing you from the power of sin. He draws me to His Word. He makes me dependent on Him alone. When I am in His Word, He reminds me quickly if I stray. He draws me back when I have disappointed Him. Christ does not stonewall me ~ He has His arms open always when I repent.
D. What is one thing you are looking forward to when, in heaven, He delivers you from the presence of sin? His Presence… Just to be in His light worshipping Him, with no sinful thoughts in my heart or mind.
4. It is Matthew who gives the account of the Wisemen. What did they give the baby Jesus according to Matthew 2:11 and what might each of these represent? Some of the references I looked up had great points. Isaiah 60:6~ They are all standard gifts for a King. Gold is practical, from a financial standpoint for Mary and Joseph; Gold represents Divinity in much of the Bible ~ God appearing. Frankincense was used in worship, representing Holiness and it was burned…representing Sacrifice. Christ’s death on the cross. Myrhh was an oil used for embalming and anointing oil. It was a gift at the birth of Jesus and also used after His death on the Cross. Christ is the Anointed One. It could also be mixed with wine, as in the gall they offered Jesus on the cross.
5. Matthew is filled with fulfilled prophecies that would be meaningful to the Jews. What prophecy does Matthew quote in Matthew 21:5? How is this a foreshadowing, yet so different than their expectations”? (See Revelation 19:11-16) Matthew quotes: Zechariah 9:9 They were expecting a King riding a white and powerful horse, clothed in a robe, His head crowned with beautiful gems and a bringing an army that will be justice to the world.
6. What might it mean for you to have Jesus be your King all day today? It might mean that I let go of my expectations and let Him plan and control my day, starting with me giving my heart to Him once again. And I really need to do this right now, as I read this and pray that I will release all of my sorrow, loneliness, fears and dreams and give it all to Him. Lord help me to let go of all that I am clinging to and just relax in the palm of Your hand. Help me to dwell in the Shelter of the Most High and Abide in the Shadow of You, the Almighty.
Amen to your prayer, dear Patti.
Wednesday: Christ as Fully Man
11. Read Luke 2:34-35.
A. How did Gabriel answer Mary’s question? – “This child is destined to cause the falling and rising of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be spoken against, so that the thoughts of many hearts will be revealed. And a sword will pierce your own soul too.”
B. Why do you think God did it this way instead of just having Jesus appear on earth? – Was he more relatable as a human? Also, I think because as a human born to this world, he knew all that we would go through and have a true feeling of what pain and heartache really feels like.
12. Why does the author of Hebrews tell us that Jesus had to be fully man? (Hebrews 4:14-16) – He was fully man to be able to sympathize with us and know how it feels to be tempted, hurting and in pain.
13. Come to Him now with your needs. – Lord, I need you in my head. My thoughts are running wild with frustration, and I keep mumbling and grumbling throughout the day. Cleanse my heart Lord so my thoughts and my words can be pure and pleasing to you and those that they are spoken to. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.
11. Read Luke 2:34-35. I think you meant Luke 1:34-35
A. How did Gabriel answer Mary’s question?
Mary’s question was, “But how can this happen? I am a virgin.”
The answer, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the most high will overshadow you. So the baby will be holy, and He will be called the Son of God.”
B. Why do you think God did it this way instead of just having Jesus appear on earth?
Being born of a virgin proved He was fully man.
12. Why does the author of Hebrews tell us that Jesus had to be fully man? (Hebrews 4:14-16)
So that He would understand our weaknesses, for He faced all of the same testings we do, yet without sin. And therefore we can come boldly to the throne of our gracious God and receive mercy and find grace to help us when we need it most.
13. Come to Him now with your needs.
Lord, I am so thankful that You sent Your only Son to step into history and be born of a virgin. To be fully man so that He understands what it’s like to be tempted, hungry, sad, weak etc. I have many needs that I boldly bring before You…salvation for family members, health issues, financial needs and personal/spiritual needs. Thank You for Your great mercy and extending grace to a sinner like me.
11. Read Luke 2:34-35.
A. How did Gabriel answer Mary’s question? The Holy Spirit will come on you and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the Holy One to be born will be called the Son of God.
B. Why do you think God did it this way instead of just having Jesus appear on earth? People were able to trace His origin to an earthly parent. When they were able to accept He was the Son of God, they knew He was also born of a woman.
12. Why does the author of Hebrews tell us that Jesus had to be fully man? (Hebrews 4:14-16) we have a great high priest who is able to empathize with our weaknesses and though He was tempted He didn’t sin. Thus His sacrifice allows us to approach God’s throne that we will receive mercy and find grace to help us. Also sin came to earth through the man Adam and Jesus lived fully man sinless to allow us to receive God’s mercy.
13. Come to Him now with your needs. Lord, you know I can get frustrated when there is much to do and I seem to be behind on things. Please help me order my time as You see best. Help me just enjoy the grands tomorrow and not stress over things undone or messes we make. Also let me make time to contact people who are struggling right now. Thank you In Jesus name.
Judy I will be praying for you to be ‘a Mary’ and sit and enjoy the day.
Thank you, Julie. It was enjoyable and I treasure the time. Too soon they become to busy for grandma.
I am so happy for you, Judy. It is so good to live in the moment and treasure it without worry and distraction. (I can get in the “Martha” mode, if I am not careful.)
11. Read Luke 1:34-35.
A. How did Gabriel answer Mary’s question? He told her that the Holy Spirit would come upon her and she would conceive.
B. Why do you think God did it this way instead of just having Jesus appear on earth? If he just appeared he wouldn’t have been able to trace his lineage to David. Also he has the whole human experience starting as an unborn child all the way through death.
12. Why does the author of Hebrews tell us that Jesus had to be fully man? (Hebrews 4:14-16) So that he could fully sympathize with our weaknesses because he experienced them, but did not sin.
11. Read Luke 2:34-35.
A. How did Gabriel answer Mary’s question?
Did you mean Simeon? He says her Son will cause problems for some and help others rise. He says God sent Him as a sign. He says she will have her heart pierced.
B. Why do you think God did it this way instead of just having Jesus appear on earth?
So we could relate to Him.
Oh, I meant Luke 1 not 2!
Will fix!
14. As you meditate on the following verses from John’s famous prologue, share any thoughts or praise you have:
A. John 1:1-3
I am amazed that outside of our time Jesus already existed, all things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made. This is mind boggling to me as it’s beyond my comprehension but yet in faith I receive it. I love that John identifies Jesus as the Word, which is Logos in Greek. From the Blue Letter Bible…”In John, Logos denotes the essential Word of God, Jesus Christ, the personal wisdom and power in union with God, His minister in creation and government of the universe, the cause of all the world’s life both physical and ethical, which for procurement of man’s salvation put on human nature in the power of Jesus the Messiah, the second person in the Godhead, and shone forth conspicuously from His words and deeds.”
B. John 1:4-5 (Keller says both translations of “not overcome” and “not understood” are right. He substitutes the phrase “not mastered” for each. Share insights from this.
”In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.“
John 1:4-5 ESV
I like this from F.F. Bruce, “In the first creation, ‘darkness was upon the face of the deep’ (Genesis 1:2) until God called light into being, so the new creation involves the banishing of spiritual darkness by the light which shines in the Word.”
I am thankful that I am no longer in spiritual darkness but have Jesus Christ, who gives me new life and is the light of the world.
C. John 1:6-9. What did John the Baptist want to make clear?
”There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. He came as a witness, to bear witness about the light, that all might believe through Him. The true light, which gives light to everyone, was coming into the world.“
John 1:6-7, 9 ESV
That he was sent to bear witness about Jesus, the true light.
D. What is amazing about John 1:10?
”He was in the world, and the world was made through him, yet the world did not know him.“
John 1:10 ESV
The world didn’t know Him!
E. What meditations do you have on John 1:14?
”And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.“
John 1:14 ESV
The Incarnate Deity, dwelt or tabernacled among us and His Shekinah glory openly made known. Does it get any better than this? To think that “He emptied Himself, by taking the form of a servant, being in the likeness of men…humbled Himself by becoming obedient (voluntarily) to the point of death, even death on a cross.” (Philippians 2:7-8) He did all that for me and you! I am so thankful for His grace and truth and so humbled as well.
Sharon, I am savoring and saving all the answers you wrote here. I am behind in my questions, but this is all speaking to my heart today. He truly is the Light! I love your thoughts and Praises!
Thursday: Christ as Fully God (John)
14. As you meditate on the following verses from John’s famous prologue, share any thoughts or praise you have:
A. John 1:1-3 – Jesus has been in this world from the very beginning and throughout time glimpses of him can be seen. But these verses have been coming up in a lot of my different studies and readings. Vs 3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. This verse alone should show to everyone that God not a big bang theory created the world and EVERYTHING in it. It’s sad that some still can’t or won’t accept that power and authority God/Jesus had and will continue to have.
B. John 1:4-5 (Keller says both translations of “not overcome” and “not understood” are right. He substitutes the phrase “not mastered” for each. Share insights from this. – My version of the NIV says understood. I really like the “not understood”. It’s what we see in this world today. God/Jesus are so misunderstood. People just can’t grasp something they can’t feel, or touch and it is very sad they can’t. They think their lives that they control is all they need, but in the end, it won’t be enough. Someone said to me once, that when someone comments about not being able to see God, to respond back, you can’t see your brain, but you have one. LOL I’ve never said this back to anyone, but I wonder what kind of response I would get if I ever did.
C. John 1:6-9. What did John the Baptist want to make clear? – He was making sure everyone knew that he was not their messiah. But one more powerful than he was coming to save them and help them to believe in Him.
D. What is amazing about John 1:10? – Jesus was in the world with God from the beginning and they created it all. To see all the beauty that is before us and still not recognize the creator is a huge mystery to me. I just can’t comprehend what or who they think could create something so delicate and intricate as the world we live in. My mind is blown each and every time I see a beautiful sunrise or sunset. To see the mountains outside my windows, or the beauty of the pictures that Dee post of areas around her home is just such awe. I stand and gaze and thank him each time that I was chosen to see it, to understand it and to be His.
E. What meditations do you have on John 1:14? – The Word BECAME flesh. Jesus was always with God, but because of our sinful nature and disobedience to God’s Word, Jesus had to become flesh. He had to transform from being The Word and having a glorious seat with God, to being human so we would have someone in our place to be our mediator with God. He is the only way, and it was the only way for us to continue in this world. If Jesus would not have become flesh, we would not have seen the glory of God. I think the world would have stopped at the flood.
12. Why does the author of Hebrews tell us that Jesus had to be fully man? (Hebrews 4:14-16)
He understands us because He went through human-ness but did not sin.
A. John 1-3. In the beginning. Right from the very start Jesus is God. (Trinity is very complex to me.)B. John 1:4-5 (Keller says both translations of “not overcome” and “not understood” are right. He substitutes the phrase “not mastered” for each. Share insights from this. It is the knowledge that the darkness has not overcome the Light nor will it ever. Jesus reigns!
C. John 1:6-9. What did John the Baptist want to make clear? He was not the light only a witness to the Light
D. What is amazing about John 1:10? Though the world was made through Him, the world didn’t recognize Him.
E. What meditations do you have on John 1:14? Hallelujah! As 1 John says they saw Him, heard Him and touched Him. John had first hand knowledge of what God is like He is full of glory, grace and truth Sometimes OT passages are scary, but this God who came to earth is loving and just and verse 12 tells us through Jesus we have the right to be children of God.
14. As you meditate on the following verses from John’s famous prologue, share any thoughts or praise you have:
A. John 1:1-3
Although I am not much into poetry, I love the hidden message in these passages. Others may not know (as I did not) that the “Word” is Jesus.
This scripture is special to me. Years ago, Dee had us memorize it. As I was memorizing, I was caught by surprise because I was also reading the whole Bible that year. I was in Proverbs at the time. I thought that something was familiar in the John scripture and I realized it was the Proverb I was reading! Proverbs 8.
”“The Lord possessed me at the beginning of his work, the first of his acts of old. Ages ago I was set up, at the first, before the beginning of the earth.“
Proverbs 8:22-23 ESV
My dance partner and I at the time had two very different styles. She was very modern and I was more classical. I got this awesome idea to merge the two scriptures and dance it for the church’s 150th anniversary. I had her choreograph the Proverbs part with a modern look, and I choreographed the John part with a classical ballet look. We had two readers and we intertwined the scriptures. We had about 12 dancers. It ended up being the best thing I have ever done! Unfortunately, I’m not sure I have a “clean” copy of it. I do have a practice copy. I will check and see if I can find it for you to view.
B. John 1:4-5 (Keller says both translations of “not overcome” and “not understood” are right. He substitutes the phrase “not mastered” for each. Share insights from this.
The NLT says it can never be extinguished. I love that. Jesus will always be here with me.
C. John 1:6-9. What did John the Baptist want to make clear?
He diminished his part in the events to come. He was not the light, the light was coming to the world.
D. What is amazing about John 1:10?
He was part of the world, but no one recognized that it was He, the One who made the world, as part of the world.
E. What meditations do you have on John 1:14?
”But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God,“
John 1:12 ESV
Thank You Jesus. Thank You for loving me. I am so glad I am Your child.
Love that you danced to this scripture. How beautiful and fitting. I hope you find a copy of it.
I found it Judy!
Let me know if you have a problem with the link.
15. Challenge: Take just one of the four pictures and see if you can find a carol or hymn that goes with it to share with us. Share your contemplations.
I chose the 2nd verse of Hark The Herald Angels Sing to go with John. I’ve always loved the verse of this song as it speaks of the many aspects of who Christ is in accordance to John 1.
Highest in heaven adored.
Everlasting Lord.
Late in time (I think of those who were waiting for the promised Messiah for so many years…Zechariah & Elizabeth, Simeon & Anna).
Offspring of a virgin’s womb.
Veiled in flesh the Godhead see.
The Incarnate Deity
Pleased with us to dwell in flesh.
Jesus our Emmanuel.
And the chorus…
Glory to the newborn King (reminds me of John 1:14, ”And we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.“)
Hark! the herald angels sing,
“Glory to the newborn King!”
Christ, by highest Heav’n adored;
Christ the everlasting Lord;
Late in time, behold Him come, Offspring of a virgin’s womb.
Veiled in flesh the Godhead see;
Hail th’incarnate Deity,
Pleased with us in flesh to dwell, Jesus our Emmanuel.
Friday: Carols and Contemplations
15. Challenge: Take just one of the four pictures and see if you can find a carol or hymn that goes with it to share with us. Share your contemplations. – I chose Wednesday’s picture I Thirst and found this song that Mark Lowry’s mom Beverly wrote. This link is the two of them singing it. I never heard this song before, but it goes along with this week’s study I think and it tells us again, just how much Jesus gave up for us. He created and provided everything we need to live a life in eternity. His life given up for us, so we would thirst no more.
Mark Lowry, Beverly Lowry – I Thirst [Live] (youtube.com)
I chose John but it’s from verse 4-5. Which talks of Jesus as the light of all mankind and that the light shines in the darkness. There is light shining in the darkness of the picture. Song if it doesn’t come through is Jesus the Light of the world.
Sharon, we used to sing that song in the Philippines during our Navigators gathering! Thanks for sharing it-good memories! Ugh-got this in the wrong sequence, Sharon!
7. How does even His birth show His servanthood?
He came from a lowly estate born in am anger and to parents who are from a little town and considered simple folks, visited first by a group of shepherds and foreigners from a distant land. No fanfare just like what our famous people now seem to have. If Jesus was born today, His birth would not be on the newspaper’s front page!
8. Read Mark 10:35-45
A. What was the request of James and John?
For one of them to sit at Jesus’ right hand and the other to His left.
B. Have you ever tried to use God for your own purposes?
Oh, yes, many times, and sad to say, I still do sometimes, though, when I do not give much thought and prayer to what is going on.
C. Find the things that Jesus tells them and list them.
They will drink the cup (of suffering) He drinks and be baptized with the baptism Jesus was baptized with (Holy Spirit)
Jesus cannot grant what they asked for because those places have been prepared for somebody else. We might all be surprised who gets to sit at those sides! Not that it would matter when we get to Heaven.
9. Read Mark 14:32-36 and describe His servitude.
He was forsaken by God for my sake.
10. Why might the Lord be stressing this to you today?
Today is already Saturday and I am thinking I am owed some service especially since I have not been feeling too well this past week. There is a tendency for me to be withdrawn and to be selfish when I am not feeling good. And with 2 church services coming up tomorrow, I feel like I will give too much of my energy to others-ugly thoughts. I look to Jesus’ servant attitude and ask for forgiveness for my rotten ones. Am glad I came here today.
Soul, be still, and know that God is God. Be still, my soul.
As much as I love Away in a Manger, I don’t agree with the line: “No crying he makes.” I’m sure He cried, wet, and did all the things one fully human would do. I love this one, instead, by Michael Card:
Thanks for sharing this song, Dee! I love this, too, but did not recognize the title. The video just lent so much meaning to the words of the song.
It is Luke alone who writes to the Gentiles, who traces Christ’s genealogy back to Adam, showing his connection with the first man. Luke is my 2nd favorite gospel because he includes so many women’s stories. Women, scholars believe were his primary sources. Without Luke, we would not have the most beautiful Christmas story of all, one that is filled with the story of Elizabeth and Mary and the tender story of God becoming one of us.
And I love the fact that Luke was a doctor. Maybe he would have been an OB doctor if he had been born during our times! And I love that you brought out the fact, too, that Luke highlighted women. We watched the Chosen Christmas Story; Holy Night. I had a greater appreciation of Mary, the mother of Jesus, and Mary Magdalene.
11. Read Luke 2:34-35.
A. How did Gabriel answer Mary’s question?
The Holy Spirit will come to you and the power of the Most High will overshadow you.
B. Why do you think God did it this way instead of just having Jesus appear on earth?
He would not ever be acquainted with our grief and sorrows of this world.
12. Why does the author of Hebrews tell us that Jesus had to be fully man? (Hebrews 4:14-16)
He can empathize with our weaknesses, tempted in every way, just as we are yet he did not sin. We can come to him with confidence because He understands what we go through.
13. Come to Him now with your needs.
Lord, you know my heart. Just when I think I am doing okay, I realize I am not. Sin so easily entangles, and temptations come in small and big things. I ask that my heart be inclined toward heavenly things, not earthly ones. I need you to be my Wonderful Counselor and my peace and contentment. Help me live out my word, “emptied” and not be self-focused.
15. Challenge: Take just one of the four pictures and see if you can find a carol or hymn that goes with it to share with us. Share your contemplations.
I’m struggling with this one, however I remembered a carol that can rival “Away in the Manger.” It’s called Bring a torch Jeannette Isabella:
Also, maybe “We Three Kings” could be the face of one of the images?
The chorus talks about the light:
O Star of wonder, star of nightStar with royal beauty brightWestward leading, still proceedingGuide us to thy Perfect Light
Maybe the Lion for the royal beauty bright?
Christ as fully God (John)
14. As you meditate on the following verses from John’s famous prologue, share any thoughts or praise you have:
A. John 1:1-3
I praise you, Jesus, that you were in the beginning. And that you are the Word. You speak and things come to be. You are the forever I AM. And in your “foreverness” you have included me!
B. John 1:4-5 (Keller says both translations of “not overcome” and “not understood” are right. He substitutes the phrase “not mastered” for each. Share insights from this.
This was a light (pardon the pun) bulb moment for me today. While on this earth, darkness will always try to overcome God’s light. This should not discourage me; rather, it should strengthen my heart that the light which God gives to me as one of His children will always be there. When I trust in God, this present darkness will NOT master me. Darkness will creep in, but God’s light will continue to reveal that darkness to me and God will give me victory. There is surety in John’s words, “darkness has not overcome it”. It is DONE already. I often think of the construction site sign, “DONE/FINISHED AS PROMISED”!
C. John 1:6-9. What did John the Baptist want to make clear?
John the Baptist acknowledged he is just a witness to the light (Jesus) and he is being used to point others to the true light (Jesus).
D. What is amazing about John 1:10?
Jesus created the world and He came to it in the flesh, but the world did not recognize Him. All things pointed to Jesus as the Messiah but when He came, many did not receive Him.
E. What meditations do you have on John 1:14?
Would I have believed in Jesus when He was here in the flesh? Would I have been one of those who would not have received Him?
Oh, triune God, I praise you, that after thousands of years, I have your inspired written Word so that I can see your glory in the pages of it. Only through your spirit am I able to see you for who you are. The Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last, the Amen!
Friday: Carols and Contemplations
15. Challenge: Take just one of the four pictures and see if you can find a carol or hymn that goes with it to share with us. Share your contemplations.
Many Carols came to mind especially O holy night. But this one was a sudden inspiration: “The Birthday of a King” as I believe it addressed the 4 pictures,
In a little village of Bethlehem, there lay a child one day (His servanthood)
And the sky was bright with a holy light O’er the place where Jesus lay. (His humanity)
Hallelujah, O how the angels sang Hallelujah how it rang
And the sky was bright with a holy light, ‘Twas the birthday of a King. (He is King)
‘Twas a humble birthplace but o how much God gave to us that day (He is fully God)
From the manger bed what a path has led what a perfect holy way.
16. What is your take-a-way and why?
Seeing the gospel from Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John and the 4 pictures of Jesus for the first time. Thank you, Dee, for this wonderful lesson.
Merry Christmas to everybody! May our Immanuel’s presence permeate the Christmas Season for you and yours. He reigns over all our circumstances, the good, the not-so-good, the sad, the joyful. May we remember His “ “Never Stopping, Never Giving Up, Unbreaking, Always and Forever Love (Sally Lloyd-Jones).”
Thank you.l and reminding me of how great a love. Merry Christmas everyone
Merry Christmas everyone! 🎂🎈🎉🎁
So sorry I posted a day late — got confused with traveling. Merry Christmas to you all. I love you.