I knew that the miracles Jesus performed were called “signs” by John, (eleven times!) indicating they didn’t just show His power, but were meant to tell us something about why He came. Though He was a prophet, He was so much more than a prophet. He came, as John said, that we might believe, and that by believing we might have life through His name.
We already saw turning the ceremonial pots of water into wine meant “Out with man’s failed way of making himself clean before God, in with God’s way, of being made clean only through His blood.” Keller also pointed out the significance of the first miracle happening at a wedding by our ultimate bridegroom.
That was an eye-opener for me about fifteen years ago.
But I didn’t really comprehend how this miracle at the pool of Bethsaida was a sign until listening to Keller.
(Archeologists uncovered the 5-sided pool)
The whole miracle, from beginning to end, illustrates our life with God is all of grace.
This is so foreign to the secular ear, and even to our way of thinking. My second son, John, is here with his big family this week. He belongs to a group of philosophical executives in Canada who meet to brainstorm and grow. They read classic books, even C. S. Lewis, though they are not believers for the most part. The last time they met they were sharing what fears they had and how they had overcome them, if they had. John said he shared: “At times I fear appearing before the Judgment Seat of God, but then I remember Christ’s sacrificial atonement in my place paid it all, and that I am completely forgiven.”
He said they stared at him like he was speaking another language. Judgment Seat? Sacrificial atonement?
But then one man, whom John deeply respects, asked, with earnest wonder: “How can you be sure?”
John had “put a stone in his shoe,” causing him to wonder about God, eternity, and himself. May he discover the Savior and His amazing grace!
Click here for the sermon:
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I can’t resist this funny story that pertains to this scriptural section. We have a sign at the top of my driveway announcing our home church, “The Orchard” with John 15:5 on it. My neighbor, whom I doubt knows the Lord, transposed the verse in her mind and it took her instead to this episode. So she thought we were taking crippled people into the water. She invited me to lunch and asked:
“I saw your sign. Tell me about your church.” 🙂
1. What stands out to you from the above and why?
2. How has God shown grace to you recently?
Monday: The Text
3. Read John 5:1-15
A. What stands out to you upon first reading and why?
B. What did the people think was the source of their healing?
C. How long had the man been an invalid? Who approached him and what question was asked?
D. Did Jesus take him into the water? What did he do?
E. What did the Jewish leaders ask the man and why? How did the man respond?
F. Why do you think Jesus sought the man out? What did he tell him?
G. How did the man then respond?
H. Do you see any overarching theme that tells you something vital about the Messiah?
Tuesday: Introduction
Listen up to when Keller begins talking about “The Pool.”
4. What was Keller’s point about someone writing about mountain climbing who had never actually climbed a mountain? How does that relate to how people who have not studied Jesus imagine He is like?
5. C. S. Lewis said: “Christianity is not the sort of thing anyone would have made up”. If man were to make up the founder of a religion, what might he be like?
6. What was the main purpose of John’s signs according to John 20:30-31?
7. Review question: How did the first miracle point to why Jesus came?
Wednesday: The Pool
Listen up to Keller gets to the man “The man is willing to partner with Jesus”
8. Keller says that because there was no historical evidence of a 5 sided pool, people used it as an argument that the Bible wasn’t written by contemporaries of Jesus, or they would have known that 5-sided pools weren’t part of Jesus’ time. What happened that dismantled their case?
9. Keller also said that if Jesus were just a model, (like Odysseus or another fictional her0) it wouldn’t matter if these stories were true or not. What point was he making?
10. The first stage in our relationship with Jesus is that He comes to us. How do you see that in this incident? How as this true in your life?
11. Paul says “no one seeks God.” What did Keller have to say about that? What biblical illustrations did he give about God helping people overcome their fears or opening their hearts?
12. Did you have fears about surrendering to God? Did you fear He was a “happiness killer?” If so, how did He help you overcome your fears?
Thursday: The Man
13. Second stage Keller says is we are willing to “partner” with God. How does this incident show this?
14. Have you tried to use God to get something you really want instead of just wanting God?
15. How does David describe God in Psalm 43:4? Is He that to you yet?
16. Watch the following and share your comments:
Friday: The Sabbath Controversy
Listen to the end.
17. Why does the man acts like he didn’t know who healed him when questioned by the chief priests?
18. What possible explanations does Keller give for Jesus’ words “Stop sinning or something worse might happen?” What are your thoughts?
19. How do you see Jesus pursuing the man twice?
20. How does this incident go against the thought that God saves the worthy?
21. Rabbis said only God could work on the Sabbath. How does this shed light into Jesus response.
22. How did Keller explain the Sabbath rest? Are you experiencing this? If not, why?
23. What’s your take-a-way and why?
1. What stands out to you from the above and why?
—“The whole miracle, from beginning to end, illustrates our life with God is all of grace.”
This comment and the reminder that all of our life is covered by God’s grace. It is a truth of amazing proportion. Nothing that happens in our lives is outside the grace of God. He is large beyond measure and covers everything that concerns us with his grace.
2. How has God shown grace to you recently?
—Some of it is so daily in how He provides for my needs physically, emotionally and spiritually. As I look into the Bible every day to hear his voice for my life he faithfully leads me to whatever truth is needed for myself and for others. I have a close friend going through deep struggles spiritually and God gave me the right scriptures to encourage her with just this past week from Lamentations 3:21-26
“……. I call to mind, and therefore I have hope: The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;
his mercies never come to an end;
they are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.
“The Lord is my portion,” says my soul, “therefore I will hope in him.”
The Lord is good to those who wait for him,to the soul who seeks him.
It is good that one should wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord.”
She takes God’s Word seriously and these scriptures were a help to her heart and mind. God is truly great in his faithfulness.
Such a beautiful and comforting passage to give a friend.
Beautiful passage to give your friend.
1. What stands out to you from the above and why?
The whole miracle, from beginning to end, illustrates our life with God is all of grace. I forget sometimes just how good God is to me It is all about Him and nothing I work for or deserve.
2. How has God shown grace to you recently? I ve been disappointed by not being able to attend a conference and the way my son and wife have handled a situation that affects me. I wonder if I even connect and hear from God. At church service we offer people opportunity to come forward for prayer. A young visitor came and asked me to pray for her so maybe He nudged her to come to me to pray to encourage me.
Good to see that as a mercy, Judy.
1. What stands out to you from the above and why?
I laughed with your story of how your neighbor transposed the verse which led her to question your church…what a wonderful opportunity the Lord gave you!
2. How has God shown grace to you recently?
God has shown me grace in sending the Holy Spirit to help me see that my complaining and grumbling show a lack of trust in Him. His conviction was done with grace as He desires me to grow in Him.
Yes, it was a great opportunity! 🙂
3. Read John 5:1-15
A. What stands out to you upon first reading and why?
I can’t believe the Jewish leaders questioned him about walking and proposed that he shouldn’t be carrying his mat! That’s so funny to me; how they are so concerned with the law of no work on the Sabbath, but unconcerned that a previously lame man would be walking now!
I also don’t remember that he saw Jesus later in the day and conversed with Him. He then goes and tells the leaders in was Jesus. It seems weird to me that that happened. Why was he concerned the leaders know?
B. What did the people think was the source of their healing?
The water in the pool.
C. How long had the man been an invalid? Who approached him and what question was asked?
He was an invalid for 38 years.
Jesus approached him and asked if he wanted to be healed.
D. Did Jesus take him into the water? What did he do?
No, he just told him to stand up, pick up his mat and walk.
E. What did the Jewish leaders ask the man and why? How did the man respond?
They asked him who the man was that said to take up his mat and walk was. The man said he didn’t know.
F. Why do you think Jesus sought the man out? What did he tell him?
He wanted him to know that he could be eternally saved by not sinning anymore.
G. How did the man then respond?
He went and told the leaders!
H. Do you see any overarching theme that tells you something vital about the Messiah?
He heals. He is trying to get the people to acknowledge their sin and to give it up. BUT,
It seems that there is a farming theme here, with the land (harvesting) and water…..
I think he was trying to get favor from the leaders.
Yes — interesting they complained about carrying the mat yet wanted to kill Jesus — not worried about breaking that real commandment!
1. What stands out to you from the above and why?
I love the story of your neighbor! Planting seeds.
2. How has God shown grace to you recently?
I had to think about this one. I’m not sure it is what you are looking for though.
We have been struggling with Grace, our 6 year old grand daughter, who is getting very independent. She is a creative, smart little girl. I am at my wits end with her immediately answering “no” to each and every request we have. It is frustrating. She’s also been “sassy.” I believe she really misses school and her friends. She is definitely ready to go back.
I have tried a couple of tactics, one being to give her 25 penny’s each day and take a penny away for each time she back talks, but it hasn’t been that successful. We give stickers when we catch good behaviors and “x” number if stickers equals a treat if some kind. I scheduled a play date with several other moms from the school and we ended up having a pool party at one of the friends. It was really nice! During the pool party, God placed on my heart that I might need to check myself with how I am reacting to Grace’s outbursts. Maybe I should be a bit more calm, loving, reserved, etc. when she is struggling. I don’t know if this is the kind of “grace” you were meaning here? I have tried it, but don’t feel very successful to date. I will continue, but it doesn’t feel like it’s working much.
Hey Laura,
Some empathy here for you with your “sassy” little granddaughter. Our youngest granddaughter Calla Jane just turned 7. They live just 5 blocks from us and so we are together frequently and I watch the kids fairly often as needed. I have noticed recently the same behaviors in her as you describe in Grace. It is always a challenge to figure out what their real need is and how to address it. I think it partly is just the age and I would classify Calla as a smart and creative child as well. I do recognize there is a demand for some attention in her behaviors. I am always amazed that children who want attention will often use negative behaviors to get it. But under it all is a concern for where their hearts are. I pray for Grace and Calla’s hearts and that at an early age they will see their need for Jesus because I realize only He by his Holy Spirit can change that natural sinful little heart. I do think our job is to remain loving in the midst our need to correct their unacceptable behaviors. I think you are on the right track that “grace” applied is the best thing to do because that is what eventually she will remember about how she was treated and how she will learn to practice it herself. But in the meantime we persevere with the little buggers. 💕😊
I do agree our tone is so important in being calm, yet firm. You really have been her mother so I think you have the right to be firm. I know I tried all the reward the good ignore the bad with my firstborn and it didn’t work. I think there must be an immediate consequence for disrespect — I will pray for you to have wisdom.
It is hard to know how to handle sassiness and disrespect. I made the same mistake of ignoring it with my son and he still has a bit of sass. I will pray for Jesus to give you calm, firmness and consistency. It is so hard.
Monday: The Text
3. Read John 5:1-15
A. What stands out to you upon first reading and why?
— Verses 2-3 “Now there is in Jerusalem by the Sheep Gate a pool, in Aramaic called Bethesda, which has five roofed colonnades. In these lay a multitude of invalids blind, lame, and paralyzed.”
Verse 3 tells us the number of needy people was a “multitude “. In other words a huge number of individuals who had serious physical issues were gathered there in one place looking for help and healing.
I can’t help but think of my granddaughter who has spina bifida. If it weren’t for her leg braces she could not walk now at age ten. If we had lived in the at time it would have been a very difficult life for her. Even in the special care she needs she has for her incontinence it is a blessing to be living in today’s world of supplies.
Also if we had lived in those superstitious times we would have wanted any possible cure for her like getting her into the waters.
B. What did the people think was the source of their healing?
—The waters where an angel came and stirred them up.
C. How long had the man been an invalid? Who approached him and what question was asked?
—For 38 years he had been an invalid. Jesus came to him and asked if he wanted to be healed.
D. Did Jesus take him into the water? What did he do?
—No need to put him in the water. Jesus as Creator of all is also the ultimate healer of all.
Jesus just spoke and gave him a command to get up, take his bed and walk.
E. What did the Jewish leaders ask the man and why? How did the man respond?
—They wanted to know Who the man was that said to him “take up your bed and walk”. They considered it unlawful to carry anything on the Sabbath. Initially the healed man had no idea who Jesus was.
F. Why do you think Jesus sought the man out? What did he tell him?
—Good question in light of the fact Jesus slipped away without letting the man know. I assume Jesus wasn’t wanting a confrontation at that time and place with the Jewish Religious Leaders who were opposed to him.
I think Jesus sought him out to make a spiritual point. The man had physical healing but needed spiritual healing as well. That always means turning from sin.
G. How did the man then respond?
—His response seems odd in that he went straight to the religious leaders and told them it was Jesus who healed him knowing by then that they were at odds with Jesus. It doesn’t tell us if the man received Christ for Salvation. And Jesus didn’t tell him to not tell anyone like he does in some in others that he healed. It feels like the man didn’t get it spiritually Who Jesus was. Perhaps later he came to understand but the scripture doesn’t say so even though Jesus gave him a spiritual warning.
H. Do you see any overarching theme that tells you something vital about the Messiah?
—Yes and I think Luke 19:10 sums it up well:
“For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.”
. Read John 5:1-15
A. What stands out to you upon first reading and why? The man was healed at once and there is no mention of thankfulness or rejoicing. I’m wondering if my reaction has been the same at times just taking something for granted and not rejoicing and thanking in the moment
B. What did the people think was the source of their healing? Getting into the pool while the water is stirred up.
C. How long had the man been an invalid? Who approached him and what question was asked? 38 years. Jesus, Do you want to be healed.
D. Did Jesus take him into the water? What did he do? No, He spoke “Get up, take your bed and walk.”
E. What did the Jewish leaders ask the man and why? How did the man respond? Who is this man who said to you get up and walk? The leaders were rule followers and it was the Sabbath. The man didn’t know because Jesus disappeared into the crowd.
F. Why do you think Jesus sought the man out? What did he tell him? He had more to tell him. Maybe Jesus didn’t see a change in the man other than he could walk. See, you are well. Sin no more that more that nothing worse happens.
G. How did the man then respond? The man went away and told the Jews it was Jesus who healed him.
H. Do you see any overarching theme that tells you something vital about the Messiah? That He healed regardless of the recipient’ s response. With your questions, I see that there is no declaration of faith. He also healed regardless of response of the Jewish leaders.
Monday: The Text
3. Read John 5:1-15
A. What stands out to you upon first reading and why?
B. What did the people think was the source of their healing?
Being the first one in the water when an angel of the Lord stirred it up.
C. How long had the man been an invalid? 38 years.
Who approached him and what question was asked? Jesus and He asked him, “do you want to get well?”
D. Did Jesus take him into the water? No.
What did he do? Told him, “get up; pick up your pallet and walk.”
E. What did the Jewish leaders ask the man and why? They asked him, “who is the Man who told you, pick up your pallets and walk?” It wasn’t permitted to pick up your pallet on the Sabbath.How did the man respond? The Man who healed me and gave me back my strength told me to pick up my pallet and walk.
F. Why do you think Jesus sought the man out? He was concerned about his soul.
What did he tell him? “See, you are well! Stop sinning or something worse may happen to you.”
G. How did the man then respond?
He went and told the Jews that it was Jesus who healed him.
H. Do you see any overarching theme that tells you something vital about the Messiah?
Not sure.
Tuesday: Introduction
Listen up to when Keller begins talking about “The Pool.”
4. What was Keller’s point about someone writing about mountain climbing who had never actually climbed a mountain?
—Only someone who has actually climbed a mountain can actually understand what it truly is like to climb mountains.
How does that relate to how people who have not studied Jesus imagine He is like?
—Keller makes the point that Jesus was perfect and to even begin to get a perspective on Him as a perfect human being it takes a great deal of reading the New Testament accounts to begin to get a sense of Him and how much bigger he is than the world.
5. C. S. Lewis said: “Christianity is not the sort of thing anyone would have made up”. If man were to make up the founder of a religion, what might he be like?
—It seems to me that all other religions require some kind of works from man. The need to do something to achieve and be accepted and to “practice” the religion. So the Founders of other religions demand some kind of performance from its followers. But to become a Christian is to accept what has been given to us freely by Jesus. He has done all that is required for us to become a child of God and a member of God’s family. Our only part is to bow our knee to Him and by faith embrace what He alone did on the Cross to redeem us from our sin. There is no requirement to “do” anything for Him. It’s all a gift.
6. What was the main purpose of John’s signs according to John 20:30-31?
—“but these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.”
7. Review question: How did the first miracle point to why Jesus came?
—In changing the water to wine Jesus was demonstrating he came to do away with the old religious practices symbolized by the ritual practices of using water for cleansing from sin. (The jars were used by having water in them for the purification rites) And he was implementing the new wine representing his blood as the means for washing away our sin.
—The analogy is the same here with the sign Jesus did at the Pool. Man thought the water could heal but the true healing came from Jesus himself.
Love your parallel with first miracle, Bev.
Amen to Dee. Love your analogies of the miracles, Bev.
4. What was Keller’s point about someone writing about mountain climbing who had never actually climbed a mountain? How does that relate to how people who have not studied Jesus imagine He is like?
You have no idea what it is really like to climb a mountain because you have never done it, never experienced it. Your experienced mountain climber friend reads your book and says you really have it all wrong. You must rewrite. If you have never seen Jesus, or experienced His presence, you truly can’t explain who He is. Once you let it sink in, the perfect human being, you realize no one could He Abe imagined someone like Him. They had to have been there.
5. C. S. Lewis said: “Christianity is not the sort of thing anyone would have made up”. If man were to make up the founder of a religion, what might he be like?
He would be strong, courageous, leading, resilient, brave, determined, etc.
6. What was the main purpose of John’s signs according to John 20:30-31?
So that we would continue to believe so that we would have life by the power of His name.
7. Review question: How did the first miracle point to why Jesus came?
Jesus came to relieve people of the old religious laws and to bring a new vision to them. The water was changed to wine! The finest wine, at that. He is the best. The old passes, the new begins.
Tuesday: Introduction
Listen up to when Keller begins talking about “The Pool.”
4. What was Keller’s point about someone writing about mountain climbing who had never actually climbed a mountain?
A person who writes about mountain climbing without ever doing it can only imagine what it would be like. He could learn so much about it by someone who has actually climbed a mountain.
How does that relate to how people who have not studied Jesus imagine He is like?
People can only imagine that Jesus is perfect but will miss out on really getting to know Him and how wonderful He truly is without studying about Him/reading the gospels.
5. C. S. Lewis said: “Christianity is not the sort of thing anyone would have made up”. If man were to make up the founder of a religion, what might he be like?
He would be a founder that would make rules and regulations you had to follow and you’d have to do them by mere will power. If you failed to do them then you would have to be punished in accordance to how he saw fit. He would want all the glory and to be worshiped.
6. What was the main purpose of John’s signs according to John 20:30-31?
John’s signs were written so that the listener may continue to believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing in Him will have life by the power of His name.
7. Review question: How did the first miracle point to why Jesus came?
The wedding and the wine and the celebration reminded Jesus that in order to get to that place as the Bridegroom with His bride, the church, He would have to go to the cross.
What stands out to you from the above and why? I love what your son John replied to the group. I truly believe “putting a stone in his shoe” caused him to think and I pray that he will continue to wonder and search for Jesus. Amen to “May he discover the Savior and His amazing grace.”
Thanks, Patti. Eager to see you in October!
It will be wonderful!!
3. Read John 5:1-15
A. What stands out to you upon first reading and why? Jesus asks the man if he wishes to be well.
B. What did the people think was the source of their healing? An angel of the Lord would come at certain seasons and stir the water of the pool. They believed the first to step down would be healed.
C. How long had the man been an invalid? Who approached him and what question was asked? He has been ill for 38 years,
D. Did Jesus take him into the water? What did he do? No, Jesus tole him to pick up his pallet and walk.
E. What did the Jewish leaders ask the man and why? How did the man respond? The Jewish leaders admonished the man for carrying his pallet on the Sabbath. (the law). He responded telling them that the man who healed him told him to do that.
F. Why do you think Jesus sought the man out? What did he tell him? Jesus knew the man’s heart and He healed him even though the man did not have faith and did not know He was the Christ, the Son of God. Jesus told him to sin no more. The healing was physical and spiritual.
G. How did the man then respond? The man left and told the Jews it was Jesus who healed him. He must have realized that he was the Messiah.
H. Do you see any overarching theme that tells you something vital about the Messiah? I love the theme that once again, Jesus Is the Water. The healing water was not the pool, but Jesus.
4. What was Keller’s point about someone writing about mountain climbing who had never actually climbed a mountain? How does that relate to how people who have not studied Jesus imagine He is like? You are imagining someone on hearsay, but not with first hand knowledge. It is very difficult to see the true Jesus, without reading or hearing His Words from the Bible. We must read His word over and over and study it, to really know Him in our hearts.
5. C. S. Lewis said: “Christianity is not the sort of thing anyone would have made up”. If man were to make up the founder of a religion, what might he be like? No one could have imagined someone like Jesus, who is perfect. Most founders of religion are more like the Pharisees, with rules that have to be followed; and the leader would not be perfect, because no other leader of a religion is the Son of God.
6. What was the main purpose of John’s signs according to John 20:30-31? The purpose of the signs is so that we may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and believing that we may have life in His name. The Name above all Names.
7. Review question: How did the first miracle point to why Jesus came? Jesus is the true Bridegroom and when He changed the water to wine at the wedding at Cana, it was a reminder that the wine represents the blood He was to shed at Calvary, His sacrifice, to obtain His bride (those who believe in Him). The reason He came.
8. Keller says that because there was no historical evidence of a 5 sided pool, people used it as an argument that the Bible wasn’t written by contemporaries of Jesus, or they would have known that 5-sided pools weren’t part of Jesus’ time. What happened that dismantled their case? Under a church they found a pool with 2 basins 2 porches at each basin and 1 porch on the ridge between the two basins
9. Keller also said that if Jesus were just a model, (like Odysseus or another fictional her0) it wouldn’t matter if these stories were true or not. What point was he making?that Jesus life was not a blueprint for living so that God would save the worthy. If you conform to the pattern you would be saved so whether or not Jesus lived wouldn’t matter Christian’s aren’t saved by works, we are saved by the free gift of grace. Jesus lived a life I can’t live and died in my place for my sin. If he didn’t live and die there is no amazing grace that I can receive so my salvation is dependent on my behavior and adherence to law.
10. The first stage in our relationship with Jesus is that He comes to us. How do you see that in this incident? How as this true in your life? Jesus went to the ,a laying near pool and asked if he wanted to be healed. I think it’s a miracle I came to faith. Faith on God and prayer were not modeled on my growing up family.
11. Paul says “no one seeks God.” What did Keller have to say about that? What biblical illustrations did he give about God helping people overcome their fears or opening their hearts? No one actually deliberately seeks the true God described in the Bible His utter glory, holiness, and absolute sovereignty causes an allergy to Him because there is a lie within our hearts not to go near God or He’ll destroy our happiness. John 6:44 no one comes to Jesus unless the Father draws him. Acts 16:14 The Lord opened Lydia s heart to respond to Paul s message. 1 John 4:9 we love God because He first loved us, IS 65:24 Before they call I will answer, and while they are speaking I will hear.
12. Did you have fears about surrendering to God? Did you fear He was a “happiness killer?” If so, how did He help you overcome your fears? Yes I had fears. Yes I saw how people lived following rules they didn’t really believe in and didn’t seem to have any fun. I became more miserable and had an aunt and a friend that seemed to find joy in going to church and learning about God I also went to a funeral that scripture was read and hearing it gave me peace.
Love hearing a little of your testimony, Judy.
Wednesday: The Pool
Listen up to Keller gets to the man “The man is willing to partner with Jesus”
8. Keller says that because there was no historical evidence of a 5 sided pool, people used it as an argument that the Bible wasn’t written by contemporaries of Jesus, or they would have known that 5-sided pools weren’t part of Jesus’ time. What happened that dismantled their case?
—As archeologist have excavated the place where the pool was and it revealed that there was a 5 sided pool there buried beneath a church that had been built on top of it. So the Bible is correct about its existence
9. Keller also said that if Jesus were just a model, (like Odysseus or another fictional her0) it wouldn’t matter if these stories were true or not. What point was he making?
—His point in his words is: “Christianity is not at all like the other religions. Jesus says, I come not to call those who think they’re righteous, but only those who know they’re sinners. Paul says in Romans 4 that God saves and justifies the ungodly apart from anything they do. Christianity says salvation is by free grace, wondrous grace, amazing grace, crazy grace, absolute grace. Why? Because Christianity says we’re not saved by our life, we’re saved by his. We’re not saved by our fulfilling the requirements of the law and loving and doing. We’re saved because he has done it all. He has fulfilled all the requirements. He lived the life you should have lived. He died the death we should have died. He did it all in your place. And when I believe in him now, it becomes mine. I receive it as a gift. Do you see? It does matter whether these things happen or not, because if it didn’t happen, you can’t be saved by grace.
10. The first stage in our relationship with Jesus is that He comes to us. How do you see that in this incident?
—The invalid man was not looking for or asking for Jesus. He had no idea about Jesus. Jesus came to him.
How as this true in your life?
—Jesus came to me when I was a child and revealed Himself through what I learned at Sunday School, Church and Bible school. There were definite promptings in my spirit that He was real. But I realize now my understanding was complicated by the thinking that I needed to do something to be saved. Eventually I understood I couldn’t work for it but only needed to believe and trust what Jesus did on the Cross. Over the years I have experienced his coming into my life in times of need and growth. He provided for me even when I wasn’t seeking Him. He has been faithful and full of grace toward me.
11. Paul says “no one seeks God.” What did Keller have to say about that?
—He makes the point that God, The God of the Bible is absolutely sovereign and is perfect in holiness. He is utter glory. In our sinful nature we recoil from and fear this kind of God. Bottom line is that we don’t want to give up our control of our lives. Because we have ingrained into our sinful flesh the lie He will control and take away what we want to satisfy our own selves with. He will be the happiness killer.
This is a deep and powerful point.
“You either are going to try to remake him, or you’re going to try to run from that God……. unless God does something about your blindness, does something about your fearfulness, does something about your denial, unless he penetrates, unless he comes in and starts to take away all that.”
What biblical illustrations did he give about God helping people overcome their fears or opening their hearts?
—“No one can come to me unless the Father draws him. Acts 16:14
—The Lord opened Lydia’s heart to respond to Paul’s message.
—1 John 4:19 we love him only because he first loved us.
—Isaiah 65, verse 24 before they call, I will answer, and while they are speaking, I will hear.
12. Did you have fears about surrendering to God? Did you fear He was a “happiness killer?” If so, how did He help you overcome your fears?
—When I accepted Jesus into my life as a child I wasn’t afraid of Him. I really wanted Him but there was so much I didn’t begin to understand and it was a number of years before I sorted out the true reality of Who God was as Sovereign, Holy and utter Glory. But because I had a lack in my understanding of Him I did at times feel He wasn’t safe because I felt my sin would cause him to punish me. Or that severe testing was necessary to grow me as a Christian and I was afraid of what might happen. Afraid of what He might do in my life. I kind of functioned like the other shoe was going to drop. I needed the balance of understanding his love and grace are constantly in place and He always has my good in mind. That He is absolutely faithful. My fears have been greatly assuaged by the deepening personal relationship I have with him by spending time in his Word and prayer.
Your testimony reminds me of the verse: Perfect love casts out fear.
4. What was Keller’s point about someone writing about mountain climbing who had never actually climbed a mountain? One can only imagine what it would be like, but only people who have actually experienced it can explain it accurately. How does that relate to how people who have not studied Jesus imagine He is like? They think that he is this semi-angelic being with a halo who tells people how they should act.
5. C. S. Lewis said: “Christianity is not the sort of thing anyone would have made up”. If man were to make up the founder of a religion, what might he be like? He would be powerful. Everyone who met him would become awestruck believers. He would be above human frailties.
6. What was the main purpose of John’s signs according to John 20:30-31? To show us that Jesus is the Christ, Son of God.
7. Review question: How did the first miracle point to why Jesus came? It was showing that the old ways of doing things were being replaced by something better.
Wednesday: The Pool
Listen up to Keller gets to the man “The man is willing to partner with Jesus”
8. Keller says that because there was no historical evidence of a 5 sided pool, people used it as an argument that the Bible wasn’t written by contemporaries of Jesus, or they would have known that 5-sided pools weren’t part of Jesus’ time. What happened that dismantled their case?
They discovered a church that had been built on top of the pool to mark it and when they excavated the pool they discovered the pool had two parts, two basins which were divided by a ridge of rock. There were four porches and then a fifth porch on the ridge.
9. Keller also said that if Jesus were just a model, (like Odysseus or another fictional her0) it wouldn’t matter if these stories were true or not. What point was he making?
It wouldn’t matter because there would be no salvation, it would just be another fairy tale. But it does matter if they’re true, “because if it didn’t happen, you can’t be saved by grace.”
10. The first stage in our relationship with Jesus is that He comes to us. How do you see that in this incident? How as this true in your life?
Jesus went to the man and asked him, “Do you want to get well?”
I remember when I asked Jesus into my life, I was young and I didn’t have a full understanding of what exactly that meant but I always knew I was His child. He pursued me even in my rebellion. He had a way of getting my attention and showing me my need to be right with Him. I came to understand His grace through different events in my life and knew I was saved for good works, not by good works…He chose me!
11. Paul says “no one seeks God.” What did Keller have to say about that? What biblical illustrations did he give about God helping people overcome their fears or opening their hearts?
He said that no one is interested in God in general or in spiritual issues. No one actually deliberately seeks the true God as He’s described in the Bible. The lie of Satan…don’t go near God, or He will utterly destroy your happiness. You’ll either try to remake God or try to run from Him unless He does something about your blindness, your fearfulness, your denial, unless He penetrates, comes in and starts to take away all that.
Jesus said in John 6:44, “No on can come to Me unless the Father draws him.”
Luke writes in Acts 16:14, “The Lord opened Lydia’s heart to respond to Paul’s message.
John writes in 1 John 4:19, “We love Him because He first loved us.”
Isaiah 65:24, “before they call I will answer, and while they are speaking, I will hear.”
12. Did you have fears about surrendering to God? Did you fear He was a “happiness killer?” If so, how did He help you overcome your fears?
My fear from surrendering to God came because I was fearful of what He would ask me to do. I didn’t look at it as Him being a “happiness killer,” but rather failing Him and also, of what would others think. I believe that I still have fears at times but when they do come I remember what He has done for me and put my focus on Him through prayer and being in the Word.
Interesting you feared not measuring up. Do you think it was because your parents showed you such a high bar?
I would definitely say that was part of it. I come from a family of missionaries and so I felt I had big shoes to fill. I must say, I put that pressure on myself, they didn’t!
8. Keller says that because there was no historical evidence of a 5 sided pool, people used it as an argument that the Bible wasn’t written by contemporaries of Jesus, or they would have known that 5-sided pools weren’t part of Jesus’ time. What happened that dismantled their case?
They found the pool under a church! It did have 5 porches, although it wasn’t pentagonal shaped. It was (probably) destroyed after Jesus died and the Romans took over the city of Jerusalem. So someone who lived long after Jesus’ death would not have known about the pool. The writer must have been there when it actually was a pool.
9. Keller also said that if Jesus were just a model, (like Odysseus or another fictional hero) it wouldn’t matter if these stories were true or not. What point was he making?
It is important that we know it is the truth because all other religions rely on saving those who are worthy. Christianity relies on us being sinners! Crazy, huh? The fact that Jesus paid the price for us, that we should have paid, and that we are saved by grace, is everything. We are not saved by us checking the boxes of how to live our lives. Only grace. If it didn’t happen (at the pool) then we are not saved by grace. When I believe, then it becomes mine, as a gift.
10. The first stage in our relationship with Jesus is that He comes to us. How do you see that in this incident? How is this true in your life?
He goes to the man to ask if he would like to be well. I’m not sure about how this is true in my life. Maybe the thought that I am missing something if I am away from church for too long? Or, if I skip my quiet time with Him? But, these would be me going to Him, I suppose. But, it’s the nagging bit about the missing that would be “Him” trying to wake me up I think.
11. Paul says “no one seeks God.” What did Keller have to say about that? What biblical illustrations did he give about God helping people overcome their fears or opening their hearts?
He says that no one truly wants the God of the Bible. It would mean we would have to change ourselves. No one seeks out spirituality. I beg to differ here though…I sought out God because I was desperate for someone, something, to help me in the circumstances our family endured with our second oldest when he was a teen. I didn’t care that I was seeking a spiritual fix, I just wanted the pain to end. Several verses are quoted: John 6:44 No one can come to me unless the Father draws him. Acts 16:14 The Lord opened Lydia’s heart to respond to Paul’s message. 1 John 4:19 we love him only because he first loved us.
12. Did you have fears about surrendering to God? Did you fear He was a “happiness killer?” If so, how did He help you overcome your fears?
I probably did when I was a younger person, but not now. Once I truly surrendered to Him, I found the joy and happiness I always wanted in my life. Unfortunately, I fall back into my old ways too quickly and forget Him. Then, it’s difficult to climb back up and remember what it’s like to be in Him again.
Christianity relies on being sinners! 🙂
Thursday: The Man
13. Second stage Keller says is we are willing to “partner” with God. How does this incident show this?
The man looks at Jesus as someone who will partner with him in getting him to the water which he thinks will save him. Keller says the thinking of the man is, “please help me get my salvation.” Not, “You are my salvation.”
14. Have you tried to use God to get something you really want instead of just wanting God?
Yes…too many times.
15. How does David describe God in Psalm 43:4? Is He that to you yet?
The source of all his joy. His exceeding joy.
Is He that to me yet? I think there are times He is but regrettably, not all the time.
16. Watch the following and share your comments:
I watched this before but I see it in a whole new light now. When Jesus says, “you don’t need the water, you only need Me.” Wow!
I loved that line from The Chosen too.
Amen! Love this scene from the Chosen. I pray that this series makes the love and compassion of Jesus clear to many who run from Him.
13. Second stage Keller says is we are willing to “partner” with God. How does this incident show this?
Keller sees the man as agreeing with Jesus, when Jesus asks him if he wants to be well. The man says, I don’t have anyone to put me in the water. Meaning, sure, I’d like someone to help me in the water, because if I had someone I could get well.
14. Have you tried to use God to get something you really want instead of just wanting God?
Yes. I would give anything to have someone else’s body! 😩😔
15. How does David describe God in Psalm 43:4? Is He that to you yet?
Gos is the source of all his joy. Yes, I believe God gives us what we need and for that I am joyful. I apparently don’t need a different body; God knows best.
Thursday: The Man
13. Second stage Keller says is we are willing to “partner” with God. How does this incident show this?
—The invalid man was not looking to Jesus to give him salvation and meet his real need but he was willing to partner “use?” Jesus to help him get in the water so he would get better. His goal was whatever it took to “feel” better and make his life easier.
Keller says we are the same in that we say to Jesus “Yeah, I’ll be happy to help you help me get my salvation.” Instead of saying, “You are my salvation. I’ll be happy to let you help me to get something that makes me feel significance and secure, rather than to say “You are my significance. You are my security.”
14. Have you tried to use God to get something you really want instead of just wanting God?
—Sadly I think I have wanted Jesus more often for my comfort wanting him to heal me or “fix” my problems rather than just wanting his presence and the deep soul satisfaction he brings to my heart even in the midst of hard things that I want to go away. I have a beautiful example in my close friend Lynda who has lived with intense chronic pain for many years. But in her darkest nights of suffering she has testified to me of the presence of Jesus with her in the middle of her pain. In some of those times she has praised him and thanked for his intense physical suffering on the Cross knowing he full well understands her in her pain.
15. How does David describe God in Psalm 43:4? Is He that to you yet?
—“Then I will go to the altar of God, to God my exceeding joy, and I will praise you with the lyre, O God, my God.”
Psalm 43:4
It has taken many years but when I quiet myself alone in an awareness of his presence I do find Him to be my comfort and security. When I consciously worship Him with music I experience that deep joy David is talking about. Often now when I sing in church and even at home I love the sense of his being with me. For many years I was so distracted. And I still have to battle distractions but when I enter into worship of Him he is sweet to my soul and so beautiful.
16. Watch the following and share your comments:
—I think the significant part of this clip is when Jesus tells the man you don’t need the pool and it’s water. You just need me.
Appreciate your friend Lynda’s testimony.
8. Keller says that because there was no historical evidence of a 5 sided pool, people used it as an argument that the Bible wasn’t written by contemporaries of Jesus, or they would have known that 5-sided pools weren’t part of Jesus’ time. What happened that dismantled their case? The pool was found under a church that had been built many years ago to mark the location of the pool. The pool was 4-sided, not 5-sided; there was a ridge of rock dividing it into two basins. There was a stoa on each side of the pool and an additional stoa on the ridge that divided the two basins. It did have 5 stoas, as written in the scripture.
9. Keller also said that if Jesus were just a model, (like Odysseus or another fictional hero) it wouldn’t matter if these stories were true or not. What point was he making? If Christianity was like all others religions, it would say “God saves the worthy”. If that was true, it would not make much difference if these stories were true or not. But Jesus saves the unworthy by Grace. The story of Jesus is a blueprint for how we should live, but I certainly have failed that many times. Thankfully, His grace has saved even me, when I strayed from under His wing.
10. The first stage in our relationship with Jesus is that He comes to us. How do you see that in this incident? How as this true in your life? Jesus approaches the man at the pool; He knows all about the man and asks him if he wishes to get well. I grew up as a Christian, trusting Jesus. When I strayed and tried to do life my way, He made it very clear to me that I needed Him in my life. He brought people into my life that made it so clear to me that He was pursuing me back into His arms.
11. Paul says “no one seeks God.” What did Keller have to say about that? What biblical illustrations did he give about God helping people overcome their fears or opening their hearts? No one seeks the true God the way He is described in the Bible. We try to re-make Him or run from Him. He is so utterly Holy, and we get drawn in by the evil one to listen to his lies that God is going to destroy your happiness if you let Him in. He must penetrate my heart to take away my fears.
12. Did you have fears about surrendering to God? Did you fear He was a “happiness killer?” If so, how did He help you overcome your fears. My ways are always such a “crash and burn”, I know that His way was better. I have always felt a heavy darkness if I have turned away from God. It is like a very black hole inside that I cannot describe, but the evil one tries to candy coat things and offers temptations that he makes you believe you deserve. This is a Red flag! So thankful that God has always searched me out, even if it caused me pain, and drawn me back to the safety of the Most High.
I love your clear perspective of the enemy’s ways and outcome.
17. Why does the man acts like he didn’t know who healed him when questioned by the chief priests? Fear of the leaders and maybe he didn’t know for certain.
18. What possible explanations does Keller give for Jesus’ words “Stop sinning or something worse might happen?” What are your thoughts? The cause for not walking may have been his own foolish fault or God wanted him saved and He d cause something else to happen to get the man’s attention back on what really mattered – Jesus and His gift of salvation.
19. How do you see Jesus pursuing the man twice? He went to him at the pool and then later Jesus finds him at the temple. My thoughts had been Jesus was aware the man was was headed in wrong direction.
20. How does this incident go against the thought that God saves the worthy? The man had done nothing for 38 years but lay by the pool. There is no thanks recorded nor does he in his gratitude seek to find out the man who’d healed him. There’s no recorded joy, awe or excitement.
21. Rabbis said only God could work on the Sabbath. How does this shed light into Jesus response. Jesus response “My Father is always at His work to this very day and I too am working.” He is telling them He is God s son and that redemptive and restoring work is what the Sabbath is really about.
22. How did Keller explain the Sabbath rest? Are you experiencing this? If not, why? To rest not only from work but also rest from the deep reason we are working which can be self esteem, our value and worth and to save ourselves instead of relying on our acceptance and righteousness we receive from Christ s work on the cross. I’m trying. Some times it seems like one step forward and two back. I’ve pulled out my statement of worth in God s eyes as His daughter and all I have in Him and am focusing on Zephaniah 3:17
Thank you for sharing this Judy. I so relate. I looked up this great verse! Thank you! “Some times it seems like one step forward and two back. I’ve pulled out my statement of worth in God s eyes as His daughter and all I have in Him and am focusing on Zephaniah 3:17 “
Love that He sings over us!
He takes great delight in all of you!
1. What stands out to you from the above and why?
The expression, “stone in his shoe”. I have not heard of this before. I was reminded by Rebecca Pippert’s gracious way of entering a conversation to cause others to wonder about God and eternity.
2. How has God shown grace to you recently?
I was at a conference/institute for 5 days to help mentor new career-technical educators. This was my 11th year and my last one-probably my best experience with my assigned group and the other teacher mentors. A few friends were praying for me, and I felt like many prayers were answered plus some surprises. Indeed, His favors over the past 11 years with this institute were only by His grace.
A few lines from the song “Grace Alone” brought tears to my eyes:
“Grace alone Which God supplies Strength unknown He will provide
Christ in us, our cornerstone We will go forth in grace alone.
Every soul we long to reach Every heart we hope to teach
Everywhere we share His peace Is only by His grace.
Every loving word we say Every tear we wipe away
Every sorrow turned to praise Is only by His grace.”
I am sure you were a blessing at that conference, Bing.
Thank you, Dee. One of the teachers in my group had a phone call from her mother informing her of the sudden death of an uncle. We were in the middle of a video assignment and she, understandingly, was having a hard time focusing. I was reminded of the lessons I have learned here as I tried to make a decision on the spot on how to handle the situation. I believe God provided insight and guidance on how to proceed. She got through the assignment, and in God’s timing, this was their last, and within the hour we wrapped up the institute! It would have been very difficult for her if she got the news at the beginning.
Thanks for sharing this song. Haven’t heard it in awhile and it is a favorite of mine. 💕
Monday: The Text
3. Read John 5:1-15
A. What stands out to you upon first reading and why?
That Jesus asked the man if he wants to get well. Jesus wants us to be aware of our sickness, both in body and spirit. Do we want what Jesus has to offer to us?
Even though the man did not reply in the affirmative, Jesus healed him. This is grace.
B. What did the people think was the source of their healing?
The stirrings of the water in the pool.
C. How long had the man been an invalid? Who approached him and what question was asked?
He has been an invalid for 38 years. Jesus approached the man and asked him if he wants to get well.
D. Did Jesus take him into the water? What did he do?
No. Jesus just told him to get up and pick up his mat and walk.
E. What did the Jewish leaders ask the man and why? How did the man respond?
The Jewish leaders asked him who told him to pick up his mat and walk. The man did not have any idea about who did so.
F. Why do you think Jesus sought the man out? What did he tell him?
Maybe to give us an example of how we often take the grace of God for granted? Or to let us know that after healing, we still have “work” to do. Romans 5:8 “But God demonstrated His love for us that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” We cheapen the grace of God if we just keep sinning after receiving His grace.
G. How did the man then respond?
He went and told the Jews that it was Jesus who healed him. I wonder now if this man was spiritually healed.
H. Do you see any overarching theme that tells you something vital about the Messiah?
He is no respecter of a person. His grace is offered to all, undeserving as we all are.
16. Watch the following and share your comments:
Jesus gives the man a kiss on the forehead. So sweet.
At the end, when Peter says, “Because you aren’t coming back here. That life is over. It changes now.” I love it.
17. Why does the man acts like he didn’t know who healed him when questioned by the chief priests?
He doesn’t want to accept the punishment of carrying his mat on the Sabbath. He tells them, “that man told me to do it.”
18. What possible explanations does Keller give for Jesus’ words “Stop sinning or something worse might happen?” What are your thoughts?
He says that maybe something else will happen in his life to throw him off again.
I think He is referring to the prospect of the man or having eternal life.
19. How do you see Jesus pursuing the man twice?
He comes back to the man at the market and speaks to him.
20. How does this incident go against the thought that God saves the worthy?
The man doesn’t even appreciate what Jesus has done for him. He goes to the authorities. Keller gives examples of the biblical characters all flawed. Sarah, Abraham, David, etc. They all struggled. Yet, they were blessed by Him in the end.
21. Rabbis said only God could work on the Sabbath. How does this shed light into Jesus response.
He says, “okay,” meaning, I AM God! Duh….
22. How did Keller explain the Sabbath rest? Are you experiencing this? If not, why?
Its the rest under the physical rest that we need. The head rest. Away from building the self esteem. I love when he says, you say to yourself, “I’m smart, accomplished, I’m making money, and I’m thin.” Hahaha! You need rest from that.
I am getting better at this as I get older. Every year or so I release myself from some internal pressure I have constructed for myself over the years. Getting older, I don’t care as much, so I suppose I am better at the rest under the rest 😉. Who cares if my hair is a bit gray? Is it a problem that I don’t wear make up all summer? No one even notices if my house isn’t exactly perfect. The self- esteem. Ugh.
So good from Laura:
Away from building the self esteem. I love when he says, you say to yourself, “I’m smart, accomplished, I’m making money, and I’m thin.” Hahaha! You need rest from that.
Friday: The Sabbath Controversy
Listen to the end.
17. Why does the man acts like he didn’t know who healed him when questioned by the chief priests?
I don’t think he acts like he didn’t know who healed him, I don’t think he knew, as it says in verse 13, “But the one who was healed did not know who it was, for Jesus had withdrawn…”
18. What possible explanations does Keller give for Jesus’ words “Stop sinning or something worse might happen?” What are your thoughts?
The reason why he was injured was because of some way in which he was living.
If you don’t come to faith now, maybe God will give you something else in your life to finally wake you up.
I like what Keller says Jesus’ whole point was…”I don’t just want to help you in the body. I want you to believe. I want you to be spiritually and completely healed.”
19. How do you see Jesus pursuing the man twice?
He pursued him by the pool and then found him later in the temple to tell him, “See, you have been made well. Sin no more, lest a worse thing come upon you.”
20. How does this incident go against the thought that God saves the worthy?
This man wasn’t looking for Jesus to save him, but the water when it was stirred up. Jesus pursued him not because he deserved to be healed but because of His grace.
21. Rabbis said only God could work on the Sabbath. How does this shed light into Jesus response.
They immediately know that He is saying He is God.
22. How did Keller explain the Sabbath rest? Are you experiencing this? If not, why?
It means being satisfied and at peace just as God was when He rested after the days of creation. It’s not a physical rest. C.S. Lewis quotes from Matthew 11, “Come unto Me, all ye who labor and are heavy laden. I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, (making Jesus the person who you will live for will give you a deep rest. Living for anything else but Jesus will just crush you with restlessness and weariness).” This is what Lewis says Jesus is saying to us, “I am the way, the truth, the life. If anything, whatever is keeping you from God or from Me, whatever it is, throw it away. Come to Me, everyone who’s carrying a heavy load. I am the rest. I am the life. I am your food.”
I do experience this but there are times when circumstances easily rob me of this rest. I have to intentionally take my eyes off self/circumstances and turn them on Jesus..my rest, my life and my food.
From Sharon:
I do experience this but there are times when circumstances easily rob me of this rest. I have to intentionally take my eyes off self/circumstances and turn them on Jesus..my rest, my life and my food.
Tuesday: Introduction
Listen up to when Keller begins talking about “The Pool.”
1. What was Keller’s point about someone writing about mountain climbing who had never actually climbed a mountain? How does that relate to how people who have not studied Jesus imagine He is like?
There is no credibility to what you have to say if you have not experienced mountain climbing and write about it. People who have not studied Jesus would not understand that a perfect human being exists because we are imperfect people. It would take a perfect person to understand a perfect human being.
5. C. S. Lewis said: “Christianity is not the sort of thing anyone would have made up”. If man were to make up the founder of a religion, what might he be like?
Somebody larger than life and somebody who can meet everyone’s needs and that is hard to imagine and make up.
6. What was the main purpose of John’s signs according to John 20:30-31?
I take this to mean Jesus’ signs. These are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in His name.
7. Review question: How did the first miracle point to why Jesus came?
That He is the source of living water-He is the one and only source of satisfaction. Old ways are being replaced with Jesus’ ways.
Wednesday: The Pool
Listen up to Keller gets to the man “The man is willing to partner with Jesus”
8. Keller says that because there was no historical evidence of a 5 sided pool, people used it as an argument that the Bible wasn’t written by contemporaries of Jesus, or they would have known that 5-sided pools weren’t part of Jesus’ time. What happened that dismantled their case?
A pool was discovered during an excavation where a church was built upon.
9. Keller also said that if Jesus were just a model, (like Odysseus or another fictional hero) it wouldn’t matter if these stories were true or not. What point was he making?
The Bible would just be a fairy tale and salvation by grace will not be possible. Jesus tabernacled with human beings and died on the Cross for my sins so that I may have eternal life. All by grace.
10. The first stage in our relationship with Jesus is that He comes to us. How do you see that in this incident? How is this true in your life?
Jesus approached the man and asked him if he wanted to get well. Jesus came to me in the stirring of my heart (not of the water) when I was of elementary age. My parents brought us to church, and it was during a hymn singing that Jesus touched my soul.
11. Paul says “No one seeks God.” What did Keller have to say about that? What biblical illustrations did he give about God helping people overcome their fears or opening their hearts?
“No one seeks God” in the sense that no one seeks God for who He really is.
12. Did you have fears about surrendering to God? Did you fear He was a “happiness killer?” If so, how did He help you overcome your fears?
Yes. Being of retirement age now, I have struggled with priorities in life. Am I doing these things to feel significant? Am I afraid of living an ordinary life during my winter season? Is my happiness built on being significant? Where is my identity?
I often go back to the Scriptures to overcome my fears:
Philippians 1:6 He who began a good work in you will complete it in the day of Christ Jesus.
Galatians 3:26 I am a child of God through faith in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 3:20-21 I am a citizen of heaven.
Ephesians 1:4-6 I have been chosen.
Philippians 2:13 God continually works His purposes in me.
Friday: The Sabbath Controversy
Listen to the end.
17. Why does the man act like he didn’t know who healed him when questioned by the chief priests?
—I am confused by this question that the man was acting like he didn’t know who healed him because verse 13 is after the man had been questioned by the Jewish religious leaders and it says the man did not know who it was that healed him and told him to pick up his bed and walk because Jesus withdrew from him to get away from the crowd. It sounds to me like he honestly didn’t know when they questioned him. But once Jesus revealed himself to the man in the temple he immediately went to the leaders and told them who it was. I can only think he was a very confused man at that point.
For 38 years he is invalid and unable to walk. Then out of the blue so to speak Jesus comes to him and heals him out of all the people there at the pool who want healing and tells him to pick up his bed and walk. Then immediately the religious leaders are accusing him of breaking the law.
18. What possible explanations does Keller give for Jesus’ words “Stop sinning or something worse might happen?” What are your thoughts?
— He suggests that possibly some sinful action caused him to be injured from the way he was living at the time or that Jesus was saying you must come to faith now or God might give you something else in your life to finally wake you up.
I guess we really don’t know but it is apparent Jesus is calling for a spiritual response from the healed man. As Keller says it wasn’t just about a physical healing but to be spiritually healed would bring complete healing.
It would also seem that Jesus was giving the healed man a choice to stick with the Jewish leaders traditions of keeping laws or believe in who Jesus was. We are given no evidence that he made the right choice.
I wonder at that point perhaps it wasn’t about particular sins the man had done but the fact that he was a sinner. Like all of us when Christ comes to us seeking us we are sinners by birth and only Jesus can save us from our lost condition. Our part is to believe in Him. If given opportunity to put our faith in Jesus and receive him and we don’t make that choice then like Jesus was telling the man your life will get worse. Without Jesus lives always go downhill.
19. How do you see Jesus pursuing the man twice?
—Jesus chose the man and came to the him and physically healed him first then came again to the man in the Temple and told him of his need to believe for spiritual healing.
20. How does this incident go against the thought that God saves the worthy?
—This is a reminder that salvation is only by grace. There was nothing in the man to commend himself to God. He was a physically broken sinner at the very bottom of life yet Jesus poured out grace to this man by coming to him healing him physically from an impossible condition and then came to him again and made sure he knew he needed to believe in Jesus to be spiritually healed as well.
21. Rabbis said only God could work on the Sabbath. How does this shed light into Jesus response?
—When Jesus said my Father is working now and I am working too he was asserting his authority as God’s Son to do what ever he wanted to on the Sabbath and that was what they were upset with him and persecuting Jesus for doing. They saw him only as an ordinary man sinning against their laws. They refused to believe Who he was.
22. How did Keller explain the Sabbath rest? Are you experiencing this? If not, why?
—He said Sabbath rest refers to more than just physical restoration. It has to do with being satisfied and at peace in one’s soul. Satisfied in Jesus and at peace with God all because of what Jesus did for us on the Cross dying for our sin and giving us his righteousness so that we are reconciled to God. At peace with God. Jesus alone is our rest, our very life.
Yes I have found my rest in Jesus. And the evidence for me is a deep joy in my soul no matter what life brings because of his presence in my life. I am so very glad and grateful to know Him!!
23. What’s your take-a-way and why?
The wonderful reminder of grace and my salvation. All because of Jesus coming to me and bringing his healing spiritually to my life through his grace.
Thursday: The Man
13. Second stage Keller says is we are willing to “partner” with God. How does this incident show this?
The man picked up his mat and walked just as Jesus told him to do.
14. Have you tried to use God to get something you really want instead of just wanting God?
Oh, many times! He was a means to an end-somebody to help me have my happiness, my sense of identity, etc. Instead of Him being my happiness, my all in all!
15. How does David describe God in Psalm 43:4? Is He that to you yet?
My joy and my delight! Yes, “then I will go the altar of God, to God, my joy and my delight.” I still must watch myself from just enjoying His favor to enjoying Him consistently.
16. Watch the following and share your comments:
This brings tears to my eyes.
a. Jesus saying, Shalom. If I were the man, I would be confused. How could I have shalom when I am here and not able to walk?
b. “Can you take me to the water?” Oh, wow! How often have I asked Jesus to do things my way?
c. “I tried.” Don’t we all try to seek answers elsewhere other than Jesus?
d. This pool means nothing to you, and you know it. Aawww… Jesus speaks the truth in love.
e. You don’t need this pool; you only need me.
f. You are not coming back here; your old life is over. Everything changes now. (Simon) “If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. Old things are passed away, behold new things have come.”
Friday: The Sabbath Controversy
Listen to the end.
17. Why does the man acts like he didn’t know who healed him when questioned by the chief priests?
Perhaps, he did not want to be in trouble with the Jews.
18. What possible explanations does Keller give for Jesus’ words “Stop sinning or something worse might happen?” What are your thoughts?
Keller believes that Jesus wanted to tell the man that He came not only to give him physical healing but also the healing of his soul.
19. How do you see Jesus pursuing the man twice?
He initiated the conversation and then He looked for the man later and had a second conversation with him.
20. How does this incident go against the thought that God saves the worthy?
The man did not ask for Jesus to heal him. The man did not even show gratitude for his healing and pointed to Jesus as somehow the one transgressing the Sabbath law.
21. Rabbis said only God could work on the Sabbath. How does this shed light into Jesus’ response.
Jesus is saying that He and the Father are one. And that He is God.
22. How did Keller explain the Sabbath rest? Are you experiencing this? If not, why?
There is work under the physical work we do-self justification and self-esteem. God wants us to have Him as our Sabbath rest. “He was living the life and doing the work that you and I will do unless we rest in what he has done. He says, because I have fulfilled all righteousness believe in me and you’ll know that God loves you, God accepts you. You are righteous in his sight. And what that does is when you realize because of his work, because he died on the cross, because of his work, I can rest from that work underneath the work.”
This past winter, we did Priscilla Shirer’s bible Study on Sabbath. The study was life-changing for many of us in the study. For me, it reminded me once again, that Sabbath is a time of thankfulness and gratitude. I take away the good that God has pronounced over his work (Genesis) and my work when I do not take time to rest and enjoy Him and His gifts.
The all-day 4-day conference I helped at reminded me of this principle. It would have been easy for me to stay up late and work on grading papers. But whenever I felt like pushing myself, I was reminded of the rest that God wants me to have. I knew He would take care of things for me and He did. There should be a balance between Philippians 4:13 and Matthew 11:28-30.
Bing — good you didn’t work on papers. A friend told me recently that Psalm 46:10 Be still and know that I am God — that the word still in Greek means release — or let it go!
Oh, wow, Dee! release, let it go. I need to put Psalm 46:10 on my calendar!
What’s your take-a-way and why? The deeper look at this passage. I read a passage too often and just take it is. Not much reflection. Thank you so much for this blog, Dee, and for you ladies who participate. I’m starting to slow down and reflect. I also may have a better base to explain what I believe and why. Thank you. Thank you.
Thanks, Judy. It’s good for me too.
23. What’s your take-a-way and why?
I was a little slow on the draw in this study, but I really appreciate what I am learning here. Again, Keller has a different take on this sign; I have seen this scenario as more about Jesus’ healing rather than seeing grace for the unworthy.
I looked up how many times grace was mentioned in the Bible and in the KJV, grace is mentioned 170 times. And the first time it was mentioned was in Genesis 6:8 “But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord”. and in the next verse: “Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked faithfully with God. “
In these verses, we saw the favor of the Lord for a righteous man. And God used Noah’s descendants to populate the earth. God’s ways are indeed higher than our ways.
Thank you, Dee, for this study series. And thank you to all the ladies here.