Revival Through Truth!
I remember how amazed I was the first time I really saw what Paige taught so powerfully this week. It was from a Tim Keller sermon on The Sermon on the Mount. He said he had always thought the two ways of life Jesus talked about in that sermon were the pagan and the believer — but that is not the contrast at all. If you look at the four closing examples in Jesus’ sermon, you’ll see both men assume they are believers, both believe they are saved, but only one is. They are both in church, both professing Him as Lord — but one’s faith is proved true, and the other is proved false. It isn’t that works saved them, but it demonstrated that their faith was genuine, and not just talk. At the time, I shared this new insight with my dear friends Ann and Sylvia, and at first, they were skeptical — but they looked carefully with me at the four illustrations and saw it clearly. We three shared about how Keller had opened our eyes both to idolatry and to this truth. As we were making up a bed, smoothing the sheets, Sylvia looked at me and said: “These truths may be the beginning of revival.” I know they have brought revival to my heart.
Paige says this truth runs all the way through the Bible. And it does! I’ve been pondering Paul Tripp’s comment: “Our ears listen for what our hearts crave.” Could it be that we crave “easy believism,” so that we can continue to live for ourselves and still be saved because of the profession of our lips?
I’m going to start with Jesus’ final example first, for it is the clearest — the clincher! But it is in all four closing illustrations of the Sermon on the Mount. (Paige said this is all over the Bible — but that James, the brother of Jesus, particularly echoes the words of Jesus, and especially the Sermon on the Mount.)
Two Houses
Read Matthew 7:24-27
The foolish man and the wise man both hear Jesus’ words. But only one obeys and he is rescued from the storm of wrath.
Two Professing With Their Mouths
Read Matthew 7:21-23
Both men call Jesus Lord, but only one demonstrates true faith by doing the will of His Father in heaven.
Two Trees
Read Matthew 7:15-20
Both trees look the same in the winter, but when summer comes it is evident, one is living and one is dead.
Two Paths
Read Matthew 7:13-14
There are two paths: but one will lead to destruction and the other to life.
Saturday is my dear friend Ann’s funeral. I am planning to speak at it and show this video from Idol Lies. I’m showing it here, in honor of her. I absolutely know from the fruit in her life, and not just her profession, that her house is on the rock, His wrath has passed over her, and she is forever with the Lord. Click below to see her 1 minute testimony:
Thursday: Introduction
**1. What was Jesus’ repeated point from His closing four illustrations in The Sermon on the Mount? Have you seen this before? Any other comments on the above opening?
*2. Read James 2:14-26 on your own. What is his main point? What parallels do you see with Jesus’ teaching?
3. Listen to Paige’s opening up until she gets to the first point in her outline (Case studies)
A. What stood out to you and why?
*B. Paige has said it is important to know the context and to whom this letter was written. What has he been telling us (previous context) and to whom is it written? Why is this important to interpret this passage correctly?
*C. Paige described our cultural shifts — in parenting, and, in our churches, from thinking works save us to swinging to the other opposite of “just believe,” to just say the prayer and be done! Comments?
Friday: Dead Faith and Demon Faith
Begin listening where she reads the passage. and end when she says “Third case study.”
In your small groups read James 2:14-18
4. Verse 14 is the thesis question for the whole passage. What is it?
Case study 1: Dead faith.
5. The keyword repeated in verses 14 and 16 is “says” or “claims.” What is James’ point?
6. Paige says: This is not new.
A. Do you remember either of her Old Testament illustrations and the point?
B. Do you remember either of her illustrations from Jesus and the point?
C. Then she quoted 1 John 3:7-8. The point? (Can you sing this verse? :-))
**D. Comments on any of the above?
7. Paige says: This is not weird.
A. Her point with the 5 year old who was crying on the way home from church?
B. Her point with the story of the freshman who felt so alone in her faith and yet 90% of the room stood up when asked if they were Christians?
*8. What illustration does James give in verses 2:15-16 and what does he say about this faith in verse 17? Why?
9. Often we do pray for someone’s need without also giving money or some kind of service — is James speaking against this? Why or why not?
Case study 2: Demon faith
10. How do the demons demonstrate correct doctrine and also have emotion? ((2:18-19) So why are they the enemies of God?
11. What was her point with her story from Screwtape Letters?
It doesn’t matter if you possess good theology unless that good theology possesses you. (C. Leslie Mitton)
Saturday: Abraham and Rahab
Begin when she says “Third Case Study” and stop after she goes into the sheep and goats separation teaching.
Read James 2:20-26 and also Genesis 15:1-6
12. In Genesis 15, what promise does Abraham believe and how does God respond? (verse 6)
13. How is Abraham’s faith proved genuine in Genesis 22?
*14. Paige says Abraham’s righteous standing began with faith, not with works. God did not say, after he stayed Abraham’s hand from sacrificing Isaac, “Now you belong to me – but now I know you belong to me.” How do we know Abraham did not have a perfect faith?
**15. Paige points out the verbs of completing, perfecting, and working in this passage. John also uses these words in the letter of 1 John, written to believers, gives us some tests to increase our assurance that our faith is genuine. We are to walk in the light, we are to love our brother, and we are to stand up for the truth of the gospel. Do you see growth in your life in all of these areas? Share one specific example.
16. On your own, read Joshua 2.
A. What does Rahab believe about God according to Joshua 2:8-11?
B. How is her faith proved genuine?
C. How does her life parallel Abraham’s?
**17. Do you remember how the Puritans responded when someone said they had come to faith? Point? Thoughts? When you share the gospel with another, do you help them count the cost?
18. Contrasts (Review James 2:26)
*A. Difference between demons and Abraham? (Think about the word friendship — do you have that?)
B. Difference between well-wishers (James 2:16) with Rahab?
C. What contrast does Jesus give us in Matthew 25:31-46?
Sunday: God Hunt
**19. How have you experienced the presence of God through Paige’s teaching, through an answer to prayer, through unusual timing or circumstances, or through His comfort this week?
Monday: Clarity
Begin after the sheep and goats illustration and end when she says: “James loves the people. He wants to set them straight. It’s not just a warning, it’s a wooing.
20. No contradictions:
**A. Paige certainly makes a thorough case for this being all through Scripture — did any example particularly stand out to you?
*B. How does she show that even James and Paul are not contradictory? What was Tim Keller’s point with needing two eyes? With Paul being an obstetrician and James a pediatrician?
Faith alone saves. The faith that saves is never alone.
(Probably John Calvin)
***21. No Categories of Christians — what was her teaching. This is HUGE!!! Have you been confused by the teaching of categories of Christians? Of needing a second act of grace?
**22. How does she think this error of categories of Christians happened? Thoughts?
I, Dee, heard Tim Keller tell of a woman who said she wasn’t sure if she became a Christian when she said and agreed with the prayer that she was a sinner when she was at a Christian youth camp, or when it dropped to her heart and her life changed later. He said, “I would say the latter.” Thoughts?
**23. Read Luke 8:4-15. Paige tells of teaching this parable and a big line forming afterward. What was her point? Thoughts?
**24. How is your life different because of your faith. (Listen carefully to her quote Kelly)
Tuesday: Wooing into Relationship!
I could tell she was remembering the Bartimeus story from the Read Aloud books. You might enjoy hearing it read:
Listen to the end.
25. First reality. Full point of our faith is that we are justified so that we are made new. What was her point of showing people a birth certificate when they ask about your children?
*26. What does the Lord tell us about what he will do for us in Ezekiel? How could you see that in the story of Bartimaeus?
27. How do you know Jesus has moved in and given you life?
28. I am not familiar with the logic term she used (marismus?) but the definition is “two opposite extremes that are shown to be equal.” How did James do that with Abraham and Rahab?
29. She closed with example of C. S. Lewis marrying Joy twice. Point?
Wednesday: Take-A-Way
**30. Is there anything she shared I missed that you want to comment on?
**31. What is your take-a-way and why?
**1. What was Jesus’ repeated point from His closing four illustrations in The Sermon on the Mount? That you have to both hear and do. Hearing, but not doing will lead to destruction. Have you seen this before? Yes. Any other comments on the above opening? Ann’s video. I hope that her point is an eye opener for the people at her funeral. On a somewhat similar note I have noticed that many people talk about heaven only as finally getting to see their loved ones again and not the ultimate joy of being face to face with our Creator and Savior and spending eternity with Him. Isn’t that a form of idolatry?
*2. Read James 2:14-26 on your own. What is his main point? Faith without works is dead. What parallels do you see with Jesus’ teaching? They are all saying the same thing you must bear fruit which is shown by your works, not faith alone. There seems to be a parallel between not everyone who says Lord, Lord will have eternal life strictly by believing, even the demons believe in God/Jesus.
Good point about heaven and wanting to be with Jesus!
Dawn, love your point in #1. I wonder if those people who can’t wait to see loved ones and not mention seeing Jesus have a true and real relationship with him. I can’t wait to see my loved ones either, and hope they all were received by him, but the ultimate joy would be seeing Jesus face to face.
I can’t wait to ask him questions!! For example, why can’t we remember our time from 0-5 yrs?
Laura, I so much wish I could meet you! Sometimes you crack me up (in a good way) with your candidness! I’m always so glad to read your comments. I never thought about asking Jesus why we don’t remember our life much before age 5!
I often think the same thing, Dawn! Everybody can’t wait to get to Heaven to see their loved ones and no mention of Jesus. I also wonder how people will enjoy Heaven when they have no real enjoyment of Jesus here and now.
1. What was Jesus’ repeated point from His closing four illustrations in The Sermon on the Mount? Have you seen this before? Any other comments on the above opening? We have to believe in Jesus and out of that belief in Him our actions are determined and fruit is born.
*2. Read James 2:14-26 on your own. What is his main point? What parallels do you see with Jesus’ teaching? That are faith needs to result in works Jesus wanted to people to recognize that belief in Him is evidenced by obedience. If we love Him we will obey Him
3. Listen to Paige’s opening up until she gets to the first point in her outline (Case studies)
A. What stood out to you and why?
*B. Paige has said it is important to know the context and to whom this letter was written. What has he been telling us (previous context) and to whom is it written? Why is this important to interpret this passage correctly? To believe and to obey. To believers mostly Jewish To understand we are not saved by good works and being a good person and we are not saved by belief alone We are saved first in our believe in Christ and His justifying work and obedience to do the will of God resulting in fruit that will last
*C. Paige described our cultural shifts — in parenting, and, in our churches, from thinking works save us to swinging to the other opposite of “just believe,” to just say the prayer and be done! Comments? I lived a long time scared of what I heard about the happenings in OT about God and had people around me giving little grace when I made a mistake that it’s been a relief to know a little bit about grace. I don’t know the church in our area that just says pray, believe and be done, but I can see acceptance of what the Bible considers sin in some area churches.
Thursday: Introduction
**1. What was Jesus’ repeated point from His closing four illustrations in The Sermon on the Mount? Have you seen this before? Any other comments on the above opening?
—That both individuals talked about in the parables “assume they are believers, both believe they are saved, but only one is. They are both in church, both professing Him as Lord — but one’s faith is proved true, and the other is proved false”.
—Yes I have seen this before but I didn’t have the clarity of teaching that Keller and Paige bring to this. It is a very hard truth to bear. The reason being that some seemingly very nice people we know in church may not truly know Christ as their Savior. I was first challenged in this thinking by my very close friend Lynda who was a professing atheist before she was born again at age 33. Her life truly went from night to day and when I came to know her she was active in ministry and the church. The gospel had such clarity for her that she made some supposedly “good church people” very uncomfortable. She proved to be a breath of very fresh air for me personally because I was coming off a hard time spiritually and I had asked God for a woman in my life who “really” knew how to pray and he gave me Lynda. She seemed to have a sense that not all church people knew Jesus. I grew up where you didn’t question it if they professed it. She had lived both sides of being a believer and an unbeliever in her adult life and she knew the difference. But as a result she had an unconditional love for everyone and she treated them equally. She truly understood what God could do to save and change an unbeliever. I had way too much partiality in my life.
—The revival comments stood out to me because Lynda and I have prayed together for revival off and on for years. It has been a heart’s desire of mine for many years after reading some books on the great revivals of years past and listening to our dear old Norwegian Pastor over 40 years ago who had a heart for revival talk about it. I’ve always known when a true Holy Spirit Revival happens it gets very convicting of personal sin first.
—What a sweet personal testimony from your friend Ann. Thanks for sharing it. I wondered when her funeral would be and will be much in prayer for you during this time. What great comfort to know she is with Jesus.
It is a hard truth. Especially when you have loved ones who may not have born that much fruit. So, we leave it in His hands. Thanks so for your prayers.
Bev, confrontation for me is hard, and to not see people showing the fruit of the Spirit but yet proclaim they are believers and not hold the accountable would be very hard for me. Like you said, you don’t want to point fingers that them, but I’m thinking if we don’t, we are not doing them justice to strengthen their relationship with Jesus before it’s too late. Something I will have to really prayer about. Thanks for posting that.
Thank you for sharing the story of Lynda, Bev. She knew the difference and had an unconditional love for everyone. What a beautiful life. I pray that your second eye surgery went well.
3. Listen to Paige’s opening up until she gets to the first point in her outline (Case studies)
A. What stood out to you and why? That just because a passage can be read in isolation doesn’t mean that it should be read in isolation. People like to pull out verses as stand alone comments when we should always be comparing scripture to scripture and if there seems to be a contradiction then that should cause us to think more, study more and ask God for wisdom to find what He really means.
*B. Paige has said it is important to know the context and to whom this letter was written. What has he been telling us (previous context) and to whom is it written? That to be a true follower of Christ we need to be doers of the word and not hearers only. He was writing that to his church, his people. Why is this important to interpret this passage correctly? Because it could be interpreted to mean that works are more important than faith.
*C. Paige described our cultural shifts — in parenting, and, in our churches, from thinking works save us to swinging to the other opposite of “just believe,” to just say the prayer and be done! Comments? It is very obvious that we’ve went from an attitude that if you are a real Christian then you have to do this, do that, dress this way, follow these rules (although these churches still exist) to an attitude that it doesn’t matter what you do as long as you believe in Jesus everything will be o.k. Her comments about the parenting is true. I had a cousin who every time her child started talking my cousin would tell everyone to be quiet and listen because her daughter had something to say and that it was important that she be heard. It fell short of teaching her daughter that everyone wants to be heard and it’s rude to interrupt.
One thing that I do know is that these passages weren’t given to us in order for us to look at others and try to determine whether they are really a Christian or not. They were given for our self reflection.
Good point, Dawn!
So important, Dawn! Love : they were given for our self reflection.
Thursday: Introduction
**1. What was Jesus’ repeated point from His closing four illustrations in The Sermon on the Mount? Have you seen this before? Any other comments on the above opening? – I have just gone through a Bible Study with the ladies at church on the Sermon on the Mount, but I have heard these spoken before. I think that Jesus is saying ‘talk is cheap’ It doesn’t matter what are words are if we don’t listen and RECEIVE this teaching, his knowledge and instruction. It’s becoming more clear, that we really need to not just read, absorb, hear and receive it, we need to act on what we received. He wants to see us in action and to put Him first in all things.
*2. Read James 2:14-26 on your own. What is his main point? What parallels do you see with Jesus’ teaching? – Our true faith comes from the works we do for Jesus. Showing love to others, not just in speech but by our actions along with our speech. I think the parallels are that works on their own, without the belief in Jesus’ teachings will not help us when the trials come our way.
3. Listen to Paige’s opening up until she gets to the first point in her outline (Case studies)
A. What stood out to you and why? – a passage can be read in isolation, doesn’t mean it should be read in isolation. In the time this was written there were no breaks, it was one letter.
*B. Paige has said it is important to know the context and to whom this letter was written. What has he been telling us (previous context) and to whom is it written? Why is this important to interpret this passage correctly? – It is being written to believers. We need to understand that and what the context was for them. It’s confronting, convicting and encouraging people who are claiming to belong to Jesus. We can’t just be hearers only, we have to be doers, true religion consists of bridling our tongues and tending to the widow and orphans. We should not prioritize people except those in real need.
*C. Paige described our cultural shifts — in parenting, and, in our churches, from thinking works save us to swinging to the other opposite of “just believe,” to just say the prayer and be done! Comments? – We now live in a kid’s centered world. We should never disappoint them, or it might put them in therapy. The church has also shifted from works to the point where we need to understand works and to just believe. This is not the case. James summarizes the whole scripture. He is urging us on lovingly to maturity to faith and enjoying who we are in the Lord. I truly believe that there are some who think the littlest thing we say in regard to correcting someone is hurtful. We can’t say anything these days without offending someone. I’m not sure where we got off track with this, but we will never agree on everything so wouldn’t this in fact offend someone if I’m told what I believe is wrong. We seem to take things out of context now and are offended too easily. Instead of having an adult conversation, people will quit speaking to you if you don’t agree with them or don’t live like they do. We need to communicate in a loving and understanding way with each other.
Great post, Julie!
Amen to Dee. Great thoughts, Julie!
**1. What was Jesus’ repeated point from His closing four illustrations in The Sermon on the Mount? Have you seen this before? Any other comments on the above opening?
So hard to understand! These parables. I dread them. So, whether one was a believer or one was not? I would never have even thought that because I’m still trying to get the point!
I guess His point is to follow His way and you will be able to enter heaven? What do you mean have I seen this before? Not sure about that question.
*2. Read James 2:14-26 on your own. What is his main point? What parallels do you see with Jesus’ teaching?
To have faith but no actual good “deeds” is not putting faith to use. When you have faith, your actions spill out because of the faith. This is in direct step with what Jesus taught. When you have faith and act upon the faith (build the house on the rock, choose the right path, etc.) you will receive the prize which is heaven.
Laura — your answer to two shows me you understood the four parables in one.
Many people interpret those parables as representing the person who is openly hostile to God and the believer — I think you never heard that interpretation which is why you were confused.
4. Verse 14 is the thesis question for the whole passage. What is it? Can faith without works save a person
Case study 1: Dead faith.
5. The keyword repeated in verses 14 and 16 is “says” or “claims.” What is James’ point? That we can say we have faith but if we don’t act on it we are not demonstrating saving faith
6. Paige says: This is not new.
A. Do you remember either of her Old Testament illustrations and the point? King Saul I desire obedience not sacrifice
B. Do you remember either of her illustrations from Jesus and the point? Not everyone who says Lord Lord will enter heaven but he who does the will of the Father And the fig tree with no fruit He rejected and it died
C. Then she quoted 1 John 3:7-8. The point? (Can you sing this verse? :-)) God is love and he who does not love does not know God
**D. Comments on any of the above?
7. Paige says: This is not weird.
A. Her point with the 5 year old who was crying on the way home from church? The child who lived with them thought he d have to live somewhere else Do those who see us the most and know us the best see that we live a life Modeled by God and Jesus love
B. Her point with the story of the freshman who felt so alone in her faith and yet 90% of the room stood up when asked if they were Christians? She had saw how they lived and talked and acted and couldn’t see their lives acting out faith in God
*8. What illustration does James give in verses 2:15-16 and what does he say about this faith in verse 17? Why? Seeing someone in need and wishing them well without doing anything about their need. Faith without works is dead. Our faith needs to move us to model Jesus.9. Often we do pray for someone’s need without also giving money or some kind of service — is James speaking against this? Why or why not? I think sometimes that is the case we may need to be part of the solution to their situation. God meets people’s needs through people.
ECase study 2: Demon faith
10. How do the demons demonstrate correct doctrine and also have emotion? ((2:18-19) So why are they the enemies of God? Demons understand God is one true God and they shudder at God s power and wisdom. They do not submit to God as God.
11. What was her point with her story from Screwtape Letters? That we fall into devil’s trap if we believe but do nothing to act on our faith
It doesn’t matter if you possess good theology unless that good theology possesses you. (C. Leslie Mitton)
**1. What was Jesus’ repeated point from His closing four illustrations in The Sermon on the Mount? Have you seen this before? Any other comments on the above opening?
If we hear His words and read His words, those words need to be taken into our heart and our mind, then our behavior and actions will demonstrate that we are His. I love Sylvia’s words “These truths may be the beginning of revival.” I know they have brought revival to my heart. It goes back to our heart and our motives. How I pray for my heart revival.
*2. Read James 2:14-26 on your own. What is his main point? What parallels do you see with Jesus’ teaching?
We make decisions in every thought, word and action or interaction daily, as we function in our lives. I don’t see it as a big splashy thing we need to do that may be obvious to the world, but in a moment to moment way of living from my heart. I have to ask my self what path do I take in the way I treat the people I love, the easy people, the hard people, the needy ones, the people I interact with in the store, the restaurant, when I am driving, at work, as I travel. Every little interaction in our lives can have a huge impact on another life. It is an ever flowing, constant path where we need to see with the eyes of Jesus, love with the heart of Jesus, and respond to situations and people with the mercy of Jesus.
3. Listen to Paige’s opening up until she gets to the first point in her outline (Case studies)
A. What stood out to you and why?
If we are truly the children of God, who hold fast to our faith, we are not to make distinctions or partiality. If I am truly a believer, I need to bridle my tongue, make less of myself, have a truly repentant heart and care for the poor and needy.
*B. Paige has said it is important to know the context and to whom this letter was written. What has he been telling us (previous context) and to whom is it written? Why is this important to interpret this passage correctly?
This book is written to believers. James is making it clear to Believers, what they need to hear. It was written when the believers had been scattered by persecution.
*C. Paige described our cultural shifts — in parenting, and, in our churches, from thinking works save us to swinging to the other opposite of “just believe,” to just say the prayer and be done! Comments?
I agree with Paige’s words that this book of James has become most relevant in the past 40 years, as our society has become “kid centric”~ and taken a soft tone toward the importance of God’s word and the values of the Bible. I especially feel that this is true in the Education system, as the values being taught are: if you think this is what you need and who you are then that is truth….a bit scary.
On another note, I pray that the Lord will be very present with you, dear Dee, as you travel to Fargo and speak at the service of your beloved friend, Ann. You, Ann and Sylvia shared such a special friendship, I know that you and Sylvia are suffering a great loss, as is Ann’s family. I pray for God’s anointing on you, as you visit with the family and speak at the service. I pray that your time with Ann’s family and friends will be sweet and filled with joyful and loving memories.
This is how I’ve seen Patti live. She was the first to reach out to me when I was lonely in Seattle!
I have to ask my self what path do I take in the way I treat the people I love, the easy people, the hard people, the needy ones, the people I interact with in the store, the restaurant, when I am driving, at work, as I travel. Every little interaction in our lives can have a huge impact on another life.
What a sweet testimony about Patti! I so much wish I lived closer to her. Her love for Jesus and others is infectious!
Thank you both for your kind words. I have been blessed by the godly women on this blog and the amazing lives you all live for others. How I thank God for each of you and the impact you have had on my life.
Thank you for sharing Ann’s testimony, Dee. I found it so sweet and meaningful. What a precious woman of God.
1. What was Jesus’ repeated point from His closing four illustrations in The Sermon on the Mount? Have you seen this before? Any other comments on the above opening?
There is a narrow gate and a wide gate. A good tree with good fruit and a bad tree with bad fruit. Two kinds of people doing things for God. Two houses built on two kinds of ground. In all of these examples, there is a metaphor describing the one who knows God and the one who does not (but may think he does). I have seen other places in Scripture that are similar, such as when Jesus said these people honor me with their lips but their hearts are far from me (Matt 15:8)
The scary thing about each of these, maybe especially the last example Jesus gives in his sermon, is that it is possible to really believe you know God and are serving Him when in fact, you don’t know Him at all. It is only in the end that their faith is proved genuine or not. Keller believes these passages are not about a pagan and a believer but rather people who believe they are saved. It is unsettling. Even the one who is doing “good” works and producing fruit is shown to not be genuine in the end.
2. Read James 2:14-26 on your own. What is his main point? What parallels do you see with Jesus’ teaching?
The one who claims to have faith but has no concrete actions to back up what he says, like the man who tells a person who he knows doesn’t have any food, clothing, or shelter, to be well and does nothing to help him – he is like the man building his own, comfortable home on shifting sand; he is like a tree with bad fruit, or really, no fruit at all. James talks about the one who believes that there is one God, like it says in the Shema. Maybe he even preaches this truth to others. But will he be like one of those Jesus tells to depart because I never knew you? Abraham carefully “built” his house on the firm foundation of God’s promises, trusting and obeying God and showing his faith in action – he was ready to sacrifice his only son because he believed God’s promise to him of an heir.
3. Listen to Paige’s opening up until she gets to the first point in her outline.
A. What stood out to you and why?
The first thing that stood out was when Paige said she didn’t sleep well the night before speaking. You could see that the gravity of what she had to speak about weighed on her heavily, and she said, “I don’t want to botch this up”. She said that God’s word isn’t a puzzle; even children can understand it. I liked her prayer, and when she prayed that we would have excitement about what it means to be in relationship with God. She said this letter was written to believers, and while this passage we’ll study this week is often looked at by itself, it really shouldn’t be – we need to be mindful of where it fits in the letter.
B. Paige has said it is important to know the context and to whom this letter was written. What has he been telling us (previous context) and to whom is it written? Why is this important to interpret this passage correctly?
It’s important to remember that this is a letter; you can’t really summarize the context of a letter. You must read it. And just because a passage can be read in isolation doesn’t mean it should be read in isolation. The passage we study this week fits in to what we read before, and we need to understand what the original hearers understood by it. This week’s passage is in the middle of a letter, and we need to ask where does it fit in that letter. First, this is a letter to believers; to people who are claiming to belong to Jesus, and James is confronting, convicting, and encouraging them. James moves into telling them that they cannot just be hearers of the word and not doers, that true religion consists of bridling your tongue and taking care of widows and orphans, and remaining unstained from the world. He reminds them that they cannot make distinctions among people, treating them differently. Paige said that when we come to this passage for this week, it’s really not saying anything that James hasn’t already said, but he makes it even clearer because this must be what his people need to hear.
C. Paige described our cultural shifts – in parenting, and in our churches, from thinking works save us to swinging to the other opposite of “just believe”, to just say the prayer and be done! Comments?
Paige makes the comment that we can’t say that James’ letter isn’t relevant to us today, and then she describes the cultural shifts in how we raise children – we live in a kid-centered world. The church has also shifted from the fight against being saved by works to you must understand grace to the point that there is no room anymore for works – just believe. Paige said the Scriptures never say “Just believe”.
I would argue that the church has contributed to child-centered parenting. There are a plethora of parenting books written by Christian authors who propose things like make sure you recognize the importance of things like your children’s birth order in how you parent them; if you have multiple children make sure you take each one out individually to spend one-on-one time with them; make sure you are doing this or that….I read some of those books and listened to radio programs too (Christian ones). The fear was always if I don’t do enough or make my children feel loved, I’m really going to mess them up. I also think that our individualistic culture has influenced the idea in churches that “it’s just me and Jesus”, with the focus being on my “personal relationship with the Lord”.
What good and arresting points you make, Susan. I have to guard against the seemingly innocent practice of making everything about just me and Jesus. It is relieving and refreshing to remember that we are dearly loved individually by our Father but that we are also only a part of His whole story and His big Kingdom picture – that all of our individual stories point to Him and His happy everlasting Kingdom of His happy and blessed followers. Indeed it is all about Him and not about us. And that is freeing! Thank you for bringing this out.
Amen to Missy, Susan. Such good points you always make. An I love your points as well, Missy. Love this: that all of our individual stories point to Him and His happy everlasting Kingdom of His happy and blessed followers. Indeed it is all about Him and not about us. And that is freeing!
Begin listening where she reads the passage, and end where she says “Third case study”.
In your small groups read James 2:14-18.
4. Verse 14 is the thesis question for the whole passage. What is it?
“What good is it if a man claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save him?” Paige said this is not a theological puzzle to be solved, but rather James is pastoring his people as he addresses what might be their implied objections to what he’s already said in his letter.
Case study 1: Dead faith.
5. The keyword repeated in verses 14 and 16 is “says” or “claims”. What is James’ point?
It is useless to say a spiritual blessing over someone yet not do anything. In the same way, it is useless to say that you have faith and not act on it. If our mere words about help are nothing, our mere words about faith are also nothing.
6. Paige says: This is not new.
A. Do you remember either of her Old Testament illustrations and the point?
King Saul brought sacrifices to God, but God rejected them, saying I desire obedience more than your sacrifices. In Isaiah, God says to His people to stop with the sacrifices – they won’t obey Him. God wants us to obey Him more than anything else; don’t just give Him “lip service”.
B. Do you remember either of her illustrations from Jesus and the point?
Jesus said that not everyone who calls out to Him saying “Lord, Lord….” on judgment day will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the Father’s will. Jesus cursed the fig tree when he saw leaves that promised fruit, but there was none. Leaves without fruit and words without action both picture the same thing.
C. Then she quoted 1 John 3:7-8. The point?
God is love, and he who does not love does not know God. Even the apostles continued with the same theme of Jesus’ teaching. It shows that your faith isn’t genuine.
D. Comments on any of the above?
It is helpful to see all of these examples together; they’re really not separate but they all are saying the same thing in so many ways. It also reminds me of one of Paige’s earlier teachings from either last week or the week before, when she said that we think being obedient means: I’m in this Bible study, I’m taking lots of notes. When someone asks us about our spiritual life, we often first reply well, I’m going to church every week, I’m in a Bible study, I read my Bible every day, I pray and have my daily quiet time with God.
7. Paige says: This is not weird.
A. Her point with the 5 year old who was crying on the way home from church?
The child was crying because the pastor said he wanted him to be raised in a godly, Christian home, and the boy cried but I want to stay with y’all! Paige said, we know it’s not about what we SAY.
B. Her point with the story of the freshman who felt so alone in her faith and yet 90% of the room stood up when asked if they were Christians?
Why would she have felt so alone in her faith when 90% of the room stood up? Yet this one freshman felt alone in her faith because she didn’t believe it! We know the difference between what we say and what we do.
8. What illustration does James give in verses 2:15-16 and what does he say about this faith in verse 17? Why?
He gives the example of a brother or sister who lacks clothes and food, and a fellow believer wishes him well, saying keep warm and well fed! In verse 17 James says this faith (by itself) is dead. You didn’t do anything to help! It’s like saying may God go with you instead of may I go with you? Their claims of faith are empty, well-wishing is dead faith.
9. Often we do pray for someone’s need without also giving money or some kind of service – is James speaking against this? Why or why not?
This seems like a trick question…on one hand, it does seem James speaks against this. If we are able to help, we should. Yet it would be impossible to meet the needs of everyone we may know about or even thinking about which charities should I donate to – it’s impossible to cover them all. I think James means if a need is right in front of your face and you are able to help and you don’t but just wish them well, or say I’ll be praying for you, then that’s not faith with action.
The Matthew 25 passage is always unsettling! However, I don’t think it is “Have I done enough?” but perhaps do I believe He loves me and do I love Him? The rest will follow.
And didn’t mean to give you a trick question. But you answered it well. It’s all about the heart. I remember when Wis. sentator Paul Ryan was criticized on the National Day of Prayer and told rather than praying he should be doing something. He said, “Prayer is doing something.”
Oh Dee, I didn’t believe that you devised a trick question….maybe I should have said it’s a tricky question! But a trick question to me is one that doesn’t have just one right answer, and this was a hard one!
This is so good: do I believe He loves me and do I love Him? The rest will follow. and Prayer is doing something!
2. Read James 2:14-26 on your own. What is his main point? What parallels do you see with Jesus’ teaching?
—That faith and works always go together. You just cannot have one with out the other. They are completely intertwined.
Jesus always required a response of some kind of action to those who came to him for healing or with questions.
3. Listen to Paige’s opening up until she gets to the first point in her outline (Case studies)
A. What stood out to you and why?
—Paige said this teaching is perhaps more relevant in the church today in the recent years than it it ever has been since he wrote it. To me that speaks to the timelessness of the Word of God. Our need today is the same as those to whom he was writing this letter. God is still speaking to us through James.
*B. Paige has said it is important to know the context and to whom this letter was written. What has he been telling us (previous context) and to whom is it written? Why is this important to interpret this passage correctly?
—I think it is important because he delves into bringing clarity to the Gospel of Christ. Faith that doesn’t exhibit a full commitment by its actions to Jesus is worthless. Actually he says it is dead.
*C. Paige described our cultural shifts — in parenting, and, in our churches, from thinking works save us to swinging to the other opposite of “just believe,” to just say the prayer and be done! Comments?
—As a result of this easy believism
I think we are reaping a harvest of lost souls and it is heartbreaking to think about. I also think parents often in this culture of idolizing their children and sometimes Christian Children’s programs are often anxious to get them saved and children in wanting to please will pray the prayer. Even though I was uncomfortable with early decisions by many children, my own included, their decisions always have been a test of time.
Several of mine prayed childhood prayers but actually point to a later time where they felt they really understood they were choosing Jesus and making a commitment.
Good point, Bev. I’ve been often concerned about children’s ministries in which I’ve worked because it was incredibly easy to have the whole children’s class raise their hands and pray the sinner’s prayer. Yet, I have known so many children trust in that childhood profession for their salvation even when there was no evidence of the new birth as they got older. I always wanted to see the real thing, even if that meant only one or two or even none made a profession of faith. It is up to us to sow the seed only which we pray will be germinated and watered to real salvation and maturity. I also had this same concern when I went on several medical mission trips to third world countries over the years. Every evening, we would listen to team members tell how many lost souls they had won to Jesus that day. I’m sure some of the professions were genuine, but I feared many people made a quick agreement and profession simply to obtain favor of the rich Americans and free health care they so desperately needed. I’ve never liked that emphasis on numbers instead of real genuine conversions.
I agree. I have always been thankful to the way my sister presented the gospel, asking me to count the cost.
Such excellent points, Bev and Missy. Thank you!
Thank you, Bev and Missy! When Richard was still with the Navigators in the Philippines, we see situations like what you mentioned Missy. ” I’m sure some of the professions were genuine, but I feared many people made a quick agreement and profession simply to obtain favor of the rich Americans and free health care they so desperately needed. I’ve never liked that emphasis on numbers instead of real genuine conversions.”
Thankfully, after many years, we have seen growth among the men and women we discipled closely. Follow-up, I believe is very important. The Navigators had a good way of doing that though I am aware of some students within our network who struggled with their faith. I praise God whenever I see some FB postings of what these men and women are doing with their lives for the gospel. Most of them were very poor while going to college but persevered by the grace of God and are presently in a better place professionally, personally, and spiritually.
Friday: Dead Faith and Demon Faith
Begin listening where she reads the passage. and end when she says “Third case study.”
In your small groups read James 2:14-18
4. Verse 14 is the thesis question for the whole passage. What is it? – “What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him?” God wants to see our faith, not just hide it in our hearts. If we someone struggling to survive, and we wish them well with a spiritual blessing. We need to do more than that.
Case study 1: Dead faith.
5. The keyword repeated in verses 14 and 16 is “says” or “claims.” What is James’ point? – It is useless to say blessings over someone and not do anything. It is the same when we say we have faith, but if we do nothing, the mere words are nothing.
6. Paige says: This is not new.
A. Do you remember either of her Old Testament illustrations and the point? – King Saul, don’t bring the sacrifice, and sing your songs, God desires obedience more than sacrifice.
B. Do you remember either of her illustrations from Jesus and the point? – The fig tree, he curses the fig tree and dies same goes for our words without actions is useless, it produces nothing toward our faith.
C. Then she quoted 1 John 3:7-8. The point? (Can you sing this verse? 🙂 – We should not be deceived by mere words coming from those who appear to be believers, we should see their words of righteousness in action.
**D. Comments on any of the above? – So much great information. I wish these teachings were always available to go back and listen again.
7. Paige says: This is not weird.
A. Her point with the 5 year old who was crying on the way home from church? – It’s not about what we say. We have to live out our words. He knew his parents went to church, but how they acted at home did not mimic that. He saw different parents at home then what they portrayed when at church.
B. Her point with the story of the freshman who felt so alone in her faith and yet 90% of the room stood up when asked if they were Christians? – She did not believe their words because she so no actions of faith from them. Their words are a religious cover for a failure to act.
*8. What illustration does James give in verses 2:15-16 and what does he say about this faith in verse 17? Why? – It’s not possible for true faith to be by itself. Are words alone don’t show anything, our words of faith should also have action behind them, or in front of them.
9. Often we do pray for someone’s need without also giving money or some kind of service — is James speaking against this? Why or why not?
Case study 2: Demon faith
10. How do the demons demonstrate correct doctrine and also have emotion? ((2:18-19) So why are they the enemies of God? – Demons know the power of God and they know it is true and believe. They have sound doctrine, they are orthodox, and more. They are not unmoved by it, they get it. They shudder but are still demons. Demons are not the enemies of God because they do not know him to be God. They will not submit to him.
11. What was her point with her story from Screwtape Letters? – They are trying to keep him from coming to the Lord. To think of anything but the truth of God. It’s fine if he just believes, but giving himself is what they are trying to stop.
It doesn’t matter if you possess good theology unless that good theology possesses you. (C. Leslie Mitton) – Love this quote.
Julie, I, too, so much wish there was more time to listen and glean from Paige’s messages. They are so packed with rich teaching yet there is no time in our busy days to take it all in and take good notes so we can review it later!
YES!!! She goes through it so fast and I know I’m missing something good.
Amen! I keep going back and trying to re-listen to parts….hope I can get through it all by Tuesday!
Dee, thank you for sharing the video from Ann. what a sweet lady! Praying for you and Ann’s family for tomorrow’s service.
Thursday: Introduction
**1. What was Jesus’ repeated point from His closing four illustrations in The Sermon on the Mount? Have you seen this before? Any other comments on the above opening?
Faith is proven by our obedience.
*2. Read James 2:14-26 on your own. What is his main point? What parallels do you see with Jesus’ teaching?
We should not just be hearers of the Word but doers. Our faith is shown by what we do in response to what is before us. Examples given were when we see a brother or sister without clothing and food, what is our response? Abraham and Rahab were credited for what they did because of their faith in God.
3. Listen to Paige’s opening up until she gets to the first point in her outline (Case studies)
A. What stood out to you and why?
James is pastoring his people. He is urging them toward maturity in the Lord. Faith is not just believing. It is also acting on it.
*B. Paige has said it is important to know the context and to whom this letter was written. What has he been telling us (previous context) and to whom is it written? Why is this important to interpret this passage correctly?
This letter was written to believers; people who believe in Jesus and put their faith in Him. Same thing as in Chapter 1. He is responding to implied questions. What is this faith? Can it be by itself?
*C. Paige described our cultural shifts — in parenting, and, in our churches, from thinking works save us to swinging to the other opposite of “just believe,” to just say the prayer and be done! Comments?
My husband and I have also encountered church attendees who say they always believe in God but do not talk about their relationship with Jesus.
Thank you so for your prayers, Bing. I speak around 11:20 central today. It is quite a funeral for she impacted thousands of lives. Begins with a symphony!
I’m praying for you as well.
I know we are all praying for you, Dee. I know this must be a very emotional day and I pray for peace, clarity and anointing from the Holy Spirit. May Ann and her life, that so reflected the love of Jesus, be honored; may hearts be drawn to Jesus.
3. Listen to Paige’s opening up until she gets to the first point in her outline (Case studies)
A. What stood out to you and why?
Faith apart from works is dead. Interesting. I always thought that we are saved by grace. James says we have to have both.He gives examples of Abraham and Rahab. They both had faith and works.
*B. Paige has said it is important to know the context and to whom this letter was written. What has he been telling us (previous context) and to whom is it written? Why is this important to interpret this passage correctly?
He is writing to his parishioners, his flock; the believers. We have to remember that this is a letter written to people. It is an encouragement to them. It didn’t have verses or headings. You can’t just be hearers of the Word, you must be do-ers. True religion means we bridle our tongues. We must attend to widows and orphans most importantly. Remain unstained from the world. You belong to the Lord of Glory. The only way we will stand in the presence of God is through His mercy. He is urging them in maturity in the faith.
*C. Paige described our cultural shifts — in parenting, and, in our churches, from thinking works save us to swinging to the other opposite of “just believe,” to just say the prayer and be done! Comments?
We have such a problem as a society. The children I teach do not realize that life is disappointing sometimes, and they have no idea there are consequences when you make poor choices.
He makes a point that we must have faith that leads to natural “works.”
Laura, I love your answer to *C... It validates what Paige stated about the “kid centric” world and everyone getting the ribbon. You are truly a missionary, being a teacher. And I love this: He makes a point that we must have faith that leads to natural “works.”
Laura — we are saved by faith alone! Yet as Calvin (perhaps) said genuine faith is never alone. It is going to produce works.
Friday: Dead Faith and Demon Faith
4. Verse 14 is the thesis question for the whole passage. What is it?
—“What good is it if someone has said they have faith and they have no deeds coming from that faith? Can that faith save him?
Case study 1: Dead faith.
5. The keyword repeated in verses 14 and 16 is “says” or “claims.” What is James’ point?
—As Paige said they are merely words. They are useless words.
6. Paige says: This is not new.
A. Do you remember either of her Old Testament illustrations and the point?
—God told Saul I don’t want your sacrifices and worship but I want your obedience to do what I say.
God said the same to the people in Isaiah.
B. Do you remember either of her illustrations from Jesus and the point?
— Jesus said “not everyone who “says” Lord , Lord….but he who “does” Their words don’t matter if their hearts are not submitted fully to God and his will.
C. Then she quoted 1 John 3:7-8. The point? (Can you sing this verse? :-))
—Ok it’s 1 John 4 not 3.
Threw me there for a minute. 😊
If we demonstrate our love for others it shows we are born of God because He is love and that will be a fruit in our lives. Our actions will show his love.
Guess I don’t know the song or just can’t remember it.
**D. Comments on any of the above?
7. Paige says: This is not weird.
A. Her point with the 5 year old who was crying on the way home from church?
—It’s not what we say but how we live it out that matters.
B. Her point with the story of the freshman who felt so alone in her faith and yet 90% of the room stood up when asked if they were Christians?
It may have looked like many said they were Christian’s but she wouldn’t believe that by their actions.
*8. What illustration does James give in verses 2:15-16 and what does he say about this faith in verse 17? Why?
—He says if we would encounter the neediest among us and just speak to them telling them it will be ok but then doing nothing to help meet their needs it is making empty claims. The words just become a religious cover for a failure to act.
9. Often we do pray for someone’s need without also giving money or some kind of service — is James speaking against this? Why or why not?
—No I don’t think that is the point. It is a situation of where is your heart? Do you have God’s heart for people in need. That is the test of whether your faith is a genuine faith. If you can meet a physical need you will be the hands and feet of Jesus and do it.
Case study 2: Demon faith
10. How do the demons demonstrate correct doctrine and also have emotion? ((2:18-19) So why are they the enemies of God?
—I liked her comments.
Demons have accurately sound doctrine. They are not atheists. They are not even agnostic. They are orthodox, monotheistic and trinitarians. I was thinking that they actually saw God before they fell with Lucifer.
They are so aware of who God is that they shudder at the thought of his presence.
They are the enemies of God not because they don’t believe he is God but because the refuse to submit to Him.
Bev, my husband and I were watching, and we both were like WOW when she said the Demons are not atheists. That whole section we had eye opening moments.
12. In Genesis 15, what promise does Abraham believe and how does God respond? (verse 6) that Abraham would have a son of his own to be his heir God counted his belief as righteousness
13. How is Abraham’s faith proved genuine in Genesis 22? He was willing to take his son Issac (the heir who was to inherit) to mt Moriah to sacrifice him per God s command
*14. Paige says Abraham’s righteous standing began with faith, not with works. God did not say, after he stayed Abraham’s hand from sacrificing Isaac, “Now you belong to me – but now I know you belong to me.” How do we know Abraham did not have a perfect faith? I know he had obedience and he did tell his servants they would be back but he would lie about his wife being his sister to protect himself
**15. Paige points out the verbs of completing, perfecting, and working in this passage. John also uses these words in the letter of 1 John, written to believers, gives us some tests to increase our assurance that our faith is genuine. We are to walk in the light, we are to love our brother, and we are to stand up for the truth of the gospel. Do you see growth in your life in all of these areas? Share one specific example. I have become involved with a church ministry where we meet with a person and pray with that person to let go of unforgiveness and any ungodly belief that has crept into their life
16. On your own, read Joshua 2.
A. What does Rahab believe about God according to Joshua 2:8-11? The Lord had given Israelites their land and she knew about parting of Red Sea and that heir God was God of heaven and earth
B. How is her faith proved genuine? She acted on what she knew about God
C. How does her life parallel Abraham’s? They both acted on their belief in God and didn’t wait for God to prove Himself
**17. Do you remember how the Puritans responded when someone said they had come to faith? Point? Thoughts? When you share the gospel with another, do you help them count the cost? The response as to whether or not they were now a Christian was we’ll see. They would be a one if they walked it out No I haven’t helped them count the cost. One person I follow up with but was a chance encounter. So I have erred
18. Contrasts (Review James 2:26)
*A. Difference between demons and Abraham? (Think about the word friendship — do you have that?) Demons have belief but no faith Abraham early the next morning got up and saddled his donkeys and set off in obedience Demons have fear Abraham had faith and relationship and Alive towards God 1st commandment Love God
B. Difference between well-wishers (James 2:16) with Rahab? Well wishers have wishes and have dead faith Rahab didn’t just wished them well She hid them and then gave townspeople wrong info to protect them Showing love to neighbor
C. What contrast does Jesus give us in Matthew 25:31-46? Sheep and goats. Sheep gave and visited. Goats did nothing.
10. How do the demons demonstrate correct doctrin and also have emotion? So why are they the enemies of God?
The demons are doctrinally correct in that they believe there is but one God. They are even Trinitarian in their belief, acknowledging Jesus as the Son of God. They show emotion in that they shudder at this! But – they are God’s enemies because they will not submit to Him as God, nor do they love Him as commanded by the Shema.
11. What was her point with her story from Screwtape Letters?
Screwtape, advising his mentee in how to handle their “client”, tells him that it’s okay if he believes – just make sure he doesn’t do anything with that. It’s enough if he believes. Keep him preoccupied with his inner life.
12. In Genesis 15, what promise does Abraham believe and how does God respond? (verse 6)
After telling God that a servant in his household would be his heir since he was childless, God tells Abraham to go outside and look at the stars, and to count them, if they can. God says that an heir will come from Abraham’s own body and that his offspring will be as numerous as the stars. Though he is old and Sarah is past childbearing years, Abraham believes God, and God credits righteousness to Abraham. This is justification by faith. This is the starting point of our faith as well, when we put “immovable roots down into the person and work of Jesus Christ”. But – something always grows from those roots.
13. How is Abraham’s faith proved genuine in Genesis 22?
When God commands Abraham to sacrifice his son, Isaac – his long-awaited, one and only son, Abraham obeys. He has the knife raised and God stays his hand. God does not tell Abraham that now he is righteous before God. He says now I know that you belong to me. This is what proves that you belong to Me, that you did not withhold your son from Me. We’ve been shown dead faith, and demon faith. Abraham shows us doing faith. Faith led to the works.
14. Paige says Abraham’s righteous standing began with faith, not with works. God did not say, after he stayed Abraham’s hand from sacrificing Isaac, “Now you belong to me – but now I know you belong to me.” How do we know Abraham did not have a perfect faith?
Abraham’s faith wasn’t perfect. He didn’t trust God to protect him and Sarah in Egypt, so he lied about Sarah being his sister and not his wife. Yet he had an active and a responsive faith, which proved his faith to be true. My take-away on this is that I don’t have to be anxious and worry about doing everything right because I will mess-up, just like Abraham. God isn’t looking for a perfect each and every time faith, but that I take the faith that I have and act on it. He will grow it in me and fill up what is lacking. I am not the one who can perfect it. Paige said, for example, that God’s love is made perfect in us – not that we make it perfect.
15. Paige points out the verbs of completing, perfecting, and working in this passage. John also uses these words in the letter of 1 John, written to believers, gives us some tests to increase our assurance that our faith is genuine. We are to walk in the light, we are to love our brother, and we are to stand up for the truth of the gospel. Do you see growth in your life in all of these areas? Share one specific example.
I see growth in the area of love, and when it says to love our brother, I don’t take this to mean only people who are believers. When I take care of patients at work, often I do not know their faith. There have been times when a patient can be most unpleasant to the staff. I can find myself grumbling under my breath as I leave their room. To grow in love is to pray for them and to try to put myself in their place, to understand what is making them so angry or unpleasant. I am also working on not complaining about them to my co-workers.
Susan, I love your take-away to #14. We don’t have to be anxious and worry about doing everything right. Thank you Lord!
I’ll bet your teachers all loved you, Susan!
Great points in all your answers, Susan! Really love this: I am not the one who can perfect it. Paige said, for example, that God’s love is made perfect in us – not that we make it perfect.
Susan, I always love the examples of your work as a nurse. I wish you were nearby and you can talk to my kids about compassionate caregiving. I would like to hear from different people not just myself. Especially this: I am also working on not complaining about them to my co-workers. One of my clinical supervisors is such a soul. I am excited to have her on my teaching team in the clinical area!
4. Verse 14 is the thesis question for the whole passage. What is it?
What good is it if someone says they have faith, but they have no good deeds coming from that faith, can the faith save him?
Case study 1: Dead faith.
5. The keyword repeated in verses 14 and 16 is “says” or “claims.” What is James’ point?
Saying you have faith or telling one in need to go in peace and be filled, does no action and carries no deed of serving God through your actions and behavior. There faith is dead. There is no fruit from this tree. God’s meets peoples needs through us and other people, when we our faith becomes action.
6. Paige says: This is not new.
A. Do you remember either of her Old Testament illustrations and the point?
The Lord said to King Saul, ” Don’t bring me your sacrifice, I desire your obedience over sacrifice.” There is no point in bringing our sacrifices to Him, if we will not follow Him and submit to His will.
B. Do you remember either of her illustrations from Jesus and the point?
Not everyone who says Lord, Lord will enter the kingdom, but he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Jesus walks up to the fig tree, but it has no fruit and He curses the fig tree.
If we truly follow the Lord, we will do more than say the Words, we will live out those Words in our behavior. Fancy Words can cover up false sincerity.
His point: Looking Holy with a heart full of emptiness is false faith.
C. Then she quoted 1 John 3:7-8. The point? (Can you sing this verse? :-))
A believer’s life is characterized by love for others. In words and actions.
**D. Comments on any of the above?
7. Paige says: This is not weird.
A. Her point with the 5 year old who was crying on the way home from church?
It makes us think of what our children would say about our home life! We know how claims do not equal our reality.
B. Her point with the story of the freshman who felt so alone in her faith and yet 90% of the room stood up when asked if they were Christians?
She knew that their behavior did not live out what they “said” by standing. We know our claims to do not equal our reality.
*8. What illustration does James give in verses 2:15-16 and what does he say about this faith in verse 17? Why?
God meets the needs of people through other people. Claims of faith are as empty as their claims of well wishing.
9. Often we do pray for someone’s need without also giving money or some kind of service — is James speaking against this? Why or why not?
All needs are not met by money or service. We pray for one another’s health, families, travels. There are many different kinds of action and service, such as a phone call to a friend in need of encouragement, listening to a person who is lonely, ill, bereaved; or a young person slipping between the cracks of life, starting a new career, traveling off to college, a teen or young professional needing prayer for direction, needing prayer in a relationship, a marriage etc. There are so many in need of prayer for many reasons.
Case study 2: Demon faith
10. How do the demons demonstrate correct doctrine and also have emotion? ((2:18-19) So why are they the enemies of God?
Demons shudder because they know the wisdom and power of God and they are no less demons. Demons are not the enemies of God because they do not know Him, they ARE the enemies of God because they will not submit to Him as God.
11. What was her point with her story from Screwtape Letters?
Keep his mind on the inner life; keep his my on himself; keep him from giving himself over to what the Lord says is true.
It doesn’t matter if you possess good theology unless that good theology possesses you. (C. Leslie Mitton)
Patti – your answer to 6B love this…”Fancy Words can cover up false sincerity. His point: Looking Holy with a heart full of emptiness is false faith.”
6 **D. Comments on any of the above? Are you sure that it wasn’t 1 John 4:7-8 and not 1 John 3? I wish I knew what song she was referring to. This cause me to pause and reflect. I pray for people and their situations often, but am I putting action to that prayer?
*8. What illustration does James give in verses 2:15-16 and what does he say about this faith in verse 17? A believer sees another person who is poor, cold and hungry yet they do nothing to help this person’s condition. That is dead faith. Why? Because belief in God is useless if we don’t use it to spur us to helping and serving others.
Yes — sorry Dawn, 1 John 4:7-8
Saturday: Abraham and Rahab
Begin when she says “Third Case Study” and stop after she goes into the sheep and goats separation teaching.
Read James 2:20-26 and also Genesis 15:1-6
12. In Genesis 15, what promise does Abraham believe and how does God respond? (verse 6) – God’s promise to Abraham was that his offspring would be many. Like the stars in the sky that were many, his children would be also. God counted Abraham’s belief as righteous. Our faith puts us in righteous standing with God.
13. How is Abraham’s faith proved genuine in Genesis 22? – Abraham took his only son as God had instructed him to do and to be the burnt offering. But he knew God would provide that offering so Isaac would be spared. His obedience proves that he belongs to God. Faith precedes the works.
*14. Paige says Abraham’s righteous standing began with faith, not with works. God did not say, after he stayed Abraham’s hand from sacrificing Isaac, “Now you belong to me – but now I know you belong to me.” How do we know Abraham did not have a perfect faith? – His continual lies are against him in having a perfect faith, but his faith allows him to be vindicated and have a right standing with God.
**15. Paige points out the verbs of completing, perfecting, and working in this passage. John also uses these words in the letter of 1 John, written to believers, gives us some tests to increase our assurance that our faith is genuine. We are to walk in the light, we are to love our brother, and we are to stand up for the truth of the gospel. Do you see growth in your life in all of these areas? Share one specific example. – My eyes are being open more and more to the true meaning of The Word. I’m seeing more God moments and how his love is unconditional. I’m letting others know what I’ve seen in His Word, and they have gone back to look at it again too.
16. On your own, read Joshua 2.
A. What does Rahab believe about God according to Joshua 2:8-11? – She knows the power of God and her people fear them because of the power put upon them by the Lord. They have heard all that God did for them and their hearts have melted, and no spirit was left in them.
B. How is her faith proved genuine? – she puts her life on the line to save others. She didn’t know what the outcome would be, but her faith was what made the works come. She is honoring the commandment, honor your neighbor as yourself.
C. How does her life parallel Abraham’s? – They both stepped out in faith first, they were obedient to God’s instruction believing the power of the true God, that he would provide a way out for them.
**17. Do you remember how the Puritans responded when someone said they had come to faith? Point? Thoughts? When you share the gospel with another, do you help them count the cost? – They said, “we wait and see” We have to wait and see if someone who commits their life to Christ has the works behind what they say. If they truly gave their lives to Christ and have a relationship with him, the works behind the way we are to live will follow because we do it because we love Jesus enough to follow his instruction. I think it is easier to help a new believer count the cost of their relationship with Jesus because they are on fire and want to do anything to please him. I think as we grow in our relationship, we may forget at times just how much we are loved and become a little stale in our walk.
18. Contrasts (Review James 2:26)
*A. Difference between demons and Abraham? (Think about the word friendship — do you have that?) – Demons have belief but they have no faith, they are dead toward God. Abraham has genuine faith and is made alive in Christ. Abraham has a friendship with God. Demons have a knowledge of fear and only fear.
B. Difference between well-wishers (James 2:16) with Rahab? – Well wishes have wishes that are useless for their neighbor. They are dead toward their neighbor. Rahab was made alive in faith. And it made her alive Godward and manward.
C. What contrast does Jesus give us in Matthew 25:31-46? – Jesus, knows we see the difference. He points out the sheep and the goats and points out what they have done or have not done. We cannot hide from God; we cannot lie to him. He sees all we say, and he sees if we follow our sayings up with actions. If we don’t, we will not be with him.
Interesting about easier to help a new believer count the cost.
The value of doing it beforehand, however, is to avoid “just get my ticket” conversions that are not genuine, though they think they are. Thoughts?
Friday: Dead Faith and Demon Faith
Begin listening where she reads the passage. and end when she says “Third case study.”
In your small groups read James 2:14-18
4. Verse 14 is the thesis question for the whole passage. What is it?
What good is it if someone says claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save them?
Case study 1: Dead faith.
5. The keyword repeated in verses 14 and 16 is “says” or “claims.” What is James’ point?
That we can say or claim that we have faith, but our works do not reflect what we say or claim.
6. Paige says: This is not new.
A. Do you remember either of her Old Testament illustrations and the point?
God to King Saul: I” desire mercy not sacrifice”.
Stop coming to worship and giving your sacrifices.
B. Do you remember either of her illustrations from Jesus and the point?
Not everyone who says Lord, Lord, will enter the kingdom of heaven. He curses the fig tree because it was not producing fruit. Our faith is proven true by our deeds.
C. Then she quoted 1 John 3:7-8. The point? (Can you sing this verse? :-))
Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. I John 4:7-8?
**D. Comments on any of the above?
7. Paige says: This is not weird.
A. Her point with the 5-year-old who was crying on the way home from church?
He was upset and crying. “The pastor wants me to be raised in a wonderful Christian godly home but I want to stay with you all.” I wonder how his parents treated him. It is not only about what you say.
B. Her point with the story of the freshman who felt so alone in her faith and yet 90% of the room stood up when asked if they were Christians?
90% of the freshmen stood up when they were asked to do so if they were Christians. Did she believe it? They stood up but do their lives reflect what they claimed?
Our claims do not equal our reality. She gave a funny illustration about her writing her name with the last name of a boy. She claimed it but that is not her reality.
A religious cover for a failure to act. They say “may God be with you” because they do not want to say “May I go with you”. It is just a wish.
*8. What illustration does James give in verses 2:15-16 and what does he say about this faith in verse 17? Why?
A brother or sister in distress and you just give them a spiritual wish without doing anything. It is dead and useless.
9. Often we do pray for someone’s need without also giving money or some kind of service — is James speaking against this? Why or why not?
God must bring along that particular need to your attention because He knows you can do something about it.But sometimes the best thing we can do is to pray but we have to be open to being used by God to meet a certain need.
Case study 2: Demon faith
10. How do the demons demonstrate correct doctrine and also have emotion? ((2:18-19) So why are they the enemies of God?
They believe that there is one God but they shudder at the knowledge of it. They are not enemies of God because they do not know God but because they will not submit to God.
Satan did not say to Adam and Eve, I don’t think He is a God but rather just don’t obey Him. Don’t do anything that God asks you to do
11. What was her point with her story from Screwtape Letters?
Keep his mind on his inner life. Concerned with what they do. Keep them thinking about nothing about what will happen to him. Let him do anything but act.
It is fine when you just believe; let’s keep it at that. Keep him from what God wants the person to do what is true.
4. Verse 14 is the thesis question for the whole passage. What is it?
Faith and good deeds go together.
Case study 1: Dead faith.
5. The keyword repeated in verses 14 and 16 is “says” or “claims.” What is James’ point?
You can say anything, but it’s the action that counts.
6. Paige says: This is not new.
A. Do you remember either of her Old Testament illustrations and the point?
Saul – don’t bring me your sacrifices and singing your songs. I desire obedience more than that. Isaiah – stop coming to worship, you will not follow my will. The point is you can follow and worship but you must also act.
B. Do you remember either of her illustrations from Jesus and the point?
The fig tree. He cursed it because it had no fruit. Words with no actions are meaningless.
C. Then she quoted 1 John 3:7-8. The point? (Can you sing this verse? :-))
I don’t think I have heard this song.
7. Paige says: This is not weird.
A. Her point with the 5 year old who was crying on the way home from church?
We aren’t authentic when we are in church. We are real when we are at home. What we say and what we do are two different things.
B. Her point with the story of the freshman who felt so alone in her faith and yet 90% of the room stood up when asked if they were Christians?
Were they truly Christians or just putting on an act?
*8. What illustration does James give in verses 2:15-16 and what does he say about this faith in verse 17? Why?
It is not enough to just acknowledge that someone is not well or taken care of. You must help take care of them. Faith without action means death.
9. Often we do pray for someone’s need without also giving money or some kind of service — is James speaking against this? Why or why not?
Case study 2: Demon faith
10. How do the demons demonstrate correct doctrine and also have emotion? ((2:18-19) So why are they the enemies of God?
They understand God is God. They shudder. They will not submit to Him as God.
11. What was her point with her story from Screwtape Letters?
The demon doesn’t say to get him to stop believing in God. Just don’t allow him to act.
It doesn’t matter if you’ll possess good theology unless that good theology possesses you. (C. Leslie Mitton)
**1. What was Jesus’ repeated point from His closing four illustrations in The Sermon on the Mount? Have you seen this before? Any other comments on the above opening? Two houses, two trees, two paths…our choices, affections and works will define our faith. Yes, I have seen this theme before. We can run, but we can’t hide! God sees our hearts…our motives.
*2. Read James 2:14-26 on your own. What is his main point? What parallels do you see with Jesus’ teaching? Faith without works is dead faith. The good tree that produced good fruit and the bad tree that produced bad fruit is a perfect parallel.
3. Listen to Paige’s opening up until she gets to the first point in her outline (Case studies)
A. What stood out to you and why? The shift in todays church and it’s focus on belief and not on works. I have experienced this in some of the churches I have attended in the past 20 years, but not all of them.
*B. Paige has said it is important to know the context and to whom this letter was written. What has he been telling us (previous context) and to whom is it written? Why is this important to interpret this passage correctly? James is writing to Jewish Christians that have been scattered. It is important that we understand it applies to all believers, especially to us. We need to get this right! Faith without works is dead!
*C. Paige described our cultural shifts — in parenting, and, in our churches, from thinking works save us to swinging to the other opposite of “just believe,” to just say the prayer and be done! Comments? Just as repentance requires an action, so does faith require and action. In modern language we say “talks cheap”!
Dear Dee, I have been praying for you and Ann’s family and friends today. Thank-you for sharing the video of her, what a precious woman of God! My word “winsome” fits her well. I am so sorry for your loss. May the Lord bless your time there with her family and bring you all comfort.❤️🙏❤️
12. In Genesis 15, what promise does Abraham believe and how does God respond? (verse 6)
Abraham believes that God will give him an heir. God “…counted him as righteous because of his faith.”
13. How is Abraham’s faith proved genuine in Genesis 22?
He listened to God and took his only son, Isaac, and went to the place he was told to, to sacrifice him.
Sunday / God hunt
As I think over this past week and consider where did God show up I realize it feels like a very ordinary time of life. Winter has set in here with its cold days and nights, lots of snow and bad roads. There seems to be a lot of sickness among our family and friends. My husband is very busy holed up in in his office and I have struggled some with wanting to escape to a warmer place. A bit brighter place with old friends or family. I’m not depressed or anxious but I think my longing really is for my home in Heaven. I want it for my Mom who lingers at 98 years in a care home. She’s ok and she says she is ok but it just doesn’t feel quite right.
I want it for my sick family and friends. That place of health and freedom from pain and disease and the aging process. I want it for this weary world that is so deeply troubled. I sense Creation groaning.
But having expressed those feelings I find God ever faithful to me in his Word everyday and in answering prayer. I don’t really have to look for Him. He is just near bringing me the warmth of his presence reminding me of his love and care.
I found Him again in these scriptures this week that I memorized in 2020.
Psalms 91:1-4 NLT
Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
This I declare about the Lord: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; he is my God, and I trust him.
For he will rescue you from every trap and protect you from deadly disease.
He will cover you with his feathers. He will shelter you with his wings. His faithful promises are your armor and protection.
My heart went out to your mom who says she is okay but doesn’t feel quite right.
Dee, we need the bird picture that Joyce (I think?) shared years ago. Remember? Hiding the babies…
Oh, Bev! I so feel the same way about so much right now. Creation is groaning. Your words so beautifully express my desire to see the Lord’s return. How I wish it would be soon. And Psalm 91 is one of my “go to” Psalms. I pray that your mom will sense the shelter of the Most High, even as she is in the care home. Such a hard time of life.
Thank you Patti for your prayers and sweet understanding.
Bev, I feel your emotion here. Are you on the FB page? If so, there is a video of me dancing Eagles Wings that you might like to view. It should be pinned at the top. Love and hugs ♥️
Thanks Laura, I really minimize my time on FB but I will look for that. 💕
Oh, Bev! you are such a tender soul! “But having expressed those feelings I find God ever faithful to me in his Word everyday and in answering prayer. I don’t really have to look for Him. He is just near bringing me the warmth of his presence reminding me of his love and care.”
Thank you for sharing about your mom and the passage in Psalm 91-I love that, too!
I think of my friend who is in prison and serving 7 more years. Whenever I feel like time just flies by, I know for him, he so desires that he is free right now and wishes his 7 years is up! He came to know the Lord while in prison and is growing in his faith and walk with God. You are right-creation is groaning.
God Hunt Sunday
Never have I experienced a funeral like my friend Ann’s. First, they filled a large church Friday night just to give honor to Ann and tell stories, which were amazing. Oh the lives she touched — they estimated that through the Bible studies, dinners for internationals and for all kinds of people that she hosted with her husband, nearly over 10,000 people had been served. So many came to Christ or grew in their walk. She rescued over 300 babies though a pro-life adoption center. Sooo many stories. Thank you for praying and for praying for me when I spoke. It did go so well because God anointed. And I made a very interesting connection with one of the many well-known people who attended — he gave me a great idea for a new book and so much more. Thank you so for praying. It was so sad yet so joyful, and Sylvia and I are committed to help her family, esp a daughter, get through the icy river of grief. Pray!
Oh, Dee! What a beautiful life Ann lived for the Lord. I pray that any attenders that do not know Jesus, were touched by Ann’s life and all that she and her husband did for others. May the seeds that were planted take root in their hearts. God is so good. I will continue to pray for Ann’s husband and children. Such deep grief to lose a wife and mother all too soon. So good to hear that your talk went well. I am so excited for the connection that inspired an idea for a new book. God is moving in our world and in all of these lives, woven together through the love and life of Ann. Praise Him and Pray! Yes!
What a beautiful way to honor your friend Ann, allowing an evening just to gather and tell the stories of how she was woven into your lives.
Grateful to hear that you sensed God’s anointing as you spoke.
May Ann’s daughter know especially that the Lord holds her broken heart.
Oh Dee, what a honor it must have been for you. God truly does walk along with us when we go where he sends us. Can’t wait for the new book.
I will continue to pray for Ann’s family and especially her daughter as you have asked. Hers is an especially hard grief to bear. As you well know only God can meet her in it but as we pray for her He will. But it is a work of time
Good to hear about the anointing of God on the time surrounding the funeral. And his leading you personally though a new contact and book suggestion. He is always faithful.
Praises to God for answers to prayers for your trip and for Ann’s funeral. I found her obituary online and read a little bit more about her family. What a blessing she has been to so many! And that great idea for another book-that is super! God has perfect timing.
Sunday: God Hunt
**19. How have you experienced the presence of God through Paige’s teaching, through an answer to prayer, through unusual timing or circumstances, or through His comfort this week? – God always seems to know, of course he does, right? At our church we have J Term in January and June and this month we have been hearing about God’s Global Mission and how we all are required to act in some way or another. Along with Paige’s teaching in James, we are all told that we need to act and not just say. At the end of our Pastor’s sermon today he was talking about immigrants and how it should be done legally, there are some that do not follow that, and it is still our actions that matter. We need to pray for the immigrants to come into our country illegally as well as legally. That is our responsibility, just as it is to act toward those in need as told to us in James. I definitely have to get to that point of praying for those who come in illegally. Lord help me get to that point so I’m doing as you instruct us to do.
Julie, meaning no disrespect to your pastor, but coming into the country illegally is breaking a federal law. Even Jesus said to follow the Roman law, right? He told the people to give to Caesar what is Caesars.
“Here, show me the coin used for the tax.” When they handed him a Roman coin, he asked, “Whose picture and title are stamped on it?” “Caesar’s,” they replied. “Well, then,” he said, “give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and give to God what belongs to God.””
Matthew 22:19-21 NLT
Saturday: Abraham and Rahab
12. In Genesis 15, what promise does Abraham believe and how does God respond? (verse 6)
—Abraham believed God and what God said that he would give him an heir. His own son and innumerable offspring.
—God counted his faith as righteousness. He justified Abraham by his faith.
13. How is Abraham’s faith proved genuine in Genesis 22?
—He was willing to sacrifice his on son Isaac as God had instructed him to do. He obeyed God.
*14. Paige says Abraham’s righteous standing began with faith, not with works. God did not say, after he stayed Abraham’s hand from sacrificing Isaac, “Now you belong to me – but now I know you belong to me.” How do we know Abraham did not have a perfect faith?
—He lied about Sarah being his sister instead of his wife and he impregnated his wife’s slave girl to produce an heir trying to help God out instead of trusting God to give him a son with his wife Sarah.
**15. Paige points out the verbs of completing, perfecting, and working in this passage. John also uses these words in the letter of 1 John, written to believers, gives us some tests to increase our assurance that our faith is genuine. We are to walk in the light, we are to love our brother, and we are to stand up for the truth of the gospel. Do you see growth in your life in all of these areas? Share one specific example.
—Yes I have experienced growth but like Abraham I don’t have perfect faith yet.
I believe we see the Light of Christ and live in that light by reading, studying and getting to know his Word the Bible. I have grown in my love of God’s scriptures. Over the years it has become my spiritual food for living. His light shines into my life by the many truths I have learned from it and how it has guided and shaped my thinking and how I live my life. I have come to know him better and love him more.
16. On your own, read Joshua 2.
A. What does Rahab believe about God according to Joshua 2:8-11?
—Rahab said of God
….“I know that the Lord has given you the land ,
…….For we have heard how the Lord dried up the water of the Red Sea before you when you came out of Egypt,
……for the Lord your God, he is God in the heavens above and on the earth beneath.”
B. How is her faith proved genuine?
—She acted on her faith and hid the spies putting herself in danger but as Paige said Rahab believed in God even before she hid the spies. Her actions proved or verified the faith she already had.
C. How does her life parallel Abraham’s?
—She was also given righteousness (justified) by her true faith in God.
**17. Do you remember how the Puritans responded when someone said they had come to faith? Point? Thoughts? When you share the gospel with another, do you help them count the cost?
—They said basically we’ll wait and see. If the faith was true faith in God then the individual professing faith would live it out by their actions.
Interestingly my son in his sermon from Acts this morning made this very point concerning Simon the Magician and the question of whether his faith was real faith. And was he really born again. He was making that same uncomfortable point that not everyone who says they are saved and gets baptized has a true faith. But if they do it will be fleshed out in their life going forward and you will see growth and fruit in their life.
I appreciate this challenge that when sharing Christ with an unbeliever I need to remember there is a cost to becoming a believer and that the call of Jesus is to follow him and that requires sacrifice. A life that submits to Jesus. will never be the same because it will never be their own.
Jesus never ever said just believe.
18. Contrasts (Review James 2:26)
*A. Difference between demons and Abraham?
—Demons are dead to God and have fear of him.
—Abraham was alive to God and had friendship with him.
(Think about the word friendship — do you have that?)
—oh Yes! And it is my most precious relationship in all of life.
B. Difference between well-wishers (James 2:16) with Rahab?
—Well wishers have wishes that are useless to their neighbor. They are dead to their neighbor.
—But Rahab had been made alive. She was alive toward God and alive toward man.
C. What contrast does Jesus give us in Matthew 25:31-46?
—the sheep and the goats.
He will put the sheep (true believers) on his right and commend them for their righteous acts of caring for the needy. Because they did it for Him. They followed him and were obedient to his ways and will inherit eternal life.
He will then turn to the goats (unbelievers) on his left and call them to account for doing nothing. Because they did not follow him and practice an obedience of doing for him they will be condemned.
Played this song on my guitar when I did children’s music in Oregon…one of my favorites!!
I love that song Sharon! I used to lead Children’s Worship years ago, playing my guitar and singing. Such precious memories.❤️🙏❤️
Thank you Lydia! I agree…such precious memories❤️
Such a perfect song for this lesson, Sharon! Love it!
Thank you Patti❤️
Thanks Sharon. Delightful. I had forgotten the song but yes remember it now.
You’re welcome Bev…had to go back in the archive of my memories when Dee asked about the song😊
love this! It has been a while since I heard it so I sang along!
What a cute song Sharon! I have not heard it. I can’t wait to teach it to the kids 😉. Thanks for sharing.
Saturday: Abraham and Rahab
Begin when she says “Third Case Study” and stop after she goes into the sheep and goats separation teaching.
Read James 2:20-26 and also Genesis 15:1-6
12. In Genesis 15, what promise does Abraham believe and how does God respond? (verse 6)
Abraham believed God that his descendants will be as numerous as the stars even though he did not have a son yet and it was credited to him as righteousness.
13. How is Abraham’s faith proved genuine in Genesis 22?
God said Go to Abraham and Abraham went. God asked him to sacrifice his only son, Isaac and he obeyed. A picture of complete belonging.
*14. Paige says Abraham’s righteous standing began with faith, not with works. God did not say, after he stayed Abraham’s hand from sacrificing Isaac, “Now you belong to me – but now I know you belong to me.” How do we know Abraham did not have perfect faith?
He listened to Sarah’s suggestion about taking Hagar so they can have an heir. He also lied several times about Sarah.
**15. Paige points out the verbs of completing, perfecting, and working in this passage. John also uses these words in the letter of 1 John, written to believers, gives us some tests to increase our assurance that our faith is genuine. We are to walk in the light, we are to love our brother, and we are to stand up for the truth of the gospel. Do you see growth in your life in all of these areas? Share one specific example.
I believe I am walking in the light as I seek God daily and be more other-oriented. I go back again to my word, “emptied”. This word continues to challenge me, especially on days I feel overlooked. I know I am loved by God.
Right now, we are seeing a dramatic response in my daughter toward God and His word. During one of her hard days, she texted me and Richard and asked for verses that help us during hard times. I feel like the Lord is giving us an opportunity to share God’s truth, especially with our daughter and immediate family.
Bing, how wonderful your daughter wants to look at Scripture to help her through difficult times!
Oh praise God for your daughters softening heart. God is drawing her in answer to prayer.
Thanks, Bev and Susan. God is wooing her back to Himself. I continue to pray for the complete softening of her heart and for her to find her significance in Him.
16. On your own, read Joshua 2.
A. What does Rahab believe about God according to Joshua 2:8-11?
She believed all of what she heard about the Red Sea drying up and the 2 Amorite kings being destroyed. She also acknowledged that God is the God of heaven above and on the earth below.
B. How is her faith proved genuine?
She declared she knows her belief in God and followed it up by hiding the spies.
C. How does her life parallel Abraham’s?
They both believed and did something because of it. They were given righteousness by faith.
**17. Do you remember how the Puritans responded when someone said they had come to faith? Point? Thoughts? When you share the gospel with another, do you help them count the cost?
I get it I believe. Am I a Christian now? They responded, “We will see”. Enthusiastic word responses do not mean genuine faith.
18. Contrasts (Review James 2:26)
*A. Difference between demons and Abraham? (Think about the word friendship — do you have that?)
Demons believe in God but are enemies of God; They operate in fear; Abraham is alive in God and he is called a friend of God.
B. Difference between well-wishers (James 2:16) with Rahab?
Well-wishers just use wishes and are useless to their neighbors whereas Rahab was made alive Godward and manward. Her faith in God was proven true by her action of hiding the spies.
C. What contrast does Jesus give us in Matthew 25:31-46?
Everyone will come before him as He is seated on the judgment seat, and He will separate the sheep and goats. He will bring up how their faith was shown through their works.
Sunday: God Hunt
**19. How have you experienced the presence of God through Paige’s teaching, through an answer to prayer, through unusual timing or circumstances, or through His comfort this week?
I praise God for the clarity with which Paige explained this passage. Much praying is needed for my family and for my church. There are 18 of us (between AM and PM sessions) doing Priscilla Shirer’s Breathe Study. I am just so grateful for the honest sharing among us and the profound personal lessons that each has been sharing. We represent about 6 churches from our county and the bond we have in Christ is very evident even though some didn’t know each other. We had one lady who said she has never been in a Bible Study before!
14. Paige says Abraham’s righteous standing began with faith, not with works. God did not say, after he stayed Abraham’s hand from sacrificing Isaac, “Now you belong to me – but now I know you belong to me.” How do we know Abraham did not have a perfect faith?
He lied about his wife being his sister.
**15. Paige points out the verbs of completing, perfecting, and working in this passage. John also uses these words in the letter of 1 John, written to believers, gives us some tests to increase our assurance that our faith is genuine. We are to walk in the light, we are to love our brother, and we are to stand up for the truth of the gospel. Do you see growth in your life in all of these areas? Share one specific example.
I think I struggle with walking in the light; I am tempted by earthly things. I do believe I love my brother (I have a SIL living with us after he and our daughter have treated us badly). I also believe I am standing for the truth of the Gospel more than I ever have. I am proud to be a Christian.
16. On your own, read Joshua 2.
A. What does Rahab believe about God according to Joshua 2:8-11?
She believes that Hod has given them the land and that He is the supreme being on earth and in heaven.
B. How is her faith proved genuine?
She helps the spies because she believes.
C. How does her life parallel Abraham’s?
They both have ultimate faith AND they do something to show it.
**17. Do you remember how the Puritans responded when someone said they had come to faith? Point? Thoughts? When you share the gospel with another, do you help them count the cost?
I don’t remember this, but I am guessing that they were realistic with the new believers; making sure they knew what they were up against. I would not want to run someone off! I’m not sure what you mean by helping someone to count the cost.
18. Contrasts (Review James 2:26)
*A. Difference between demons and Abraham? (Think about the word friendship — do you have that?)
The demons believe God is God. They just won’t submit to Him as Abraham did.
B. Difference between well-wishers (James 2:16) with Rahab?
Well wishers have faith and speak kind words but do nothing. Rahab had faith and did something.
C. What contrast does Jesus give us in Matthew 25:31-46?
Jesus says that those who enter the kingdom will be the ones who when people are hungry, sick, need clothes, etc., provide for them. These will give food, medicine, and clothes; they will take care of the downtrodden. He says what you do for others you do for Me.
Laura — did you see that Nila posted a link to the song you wanted?
One of our silent readers sent me this good article on the confusion Paige addressed about “two kinds of Christians: carnal and spiritual”
A very good article. Thanks. I see this discussion as important for making a case for the very real need of discipleship of new believers and for them to be in good Bible studies to help them grow. Sadly in our day of quick fixes that can be lost.
Dee, thanks for this article. Sometimes the English verbiage can be confusing to me. Paige explanation of whether I am in Christ or not in Christ is one of my takeaways from this study.
This is an excellent article, Dee. Thank you to the silent reader who sent it. I saved it.
Monday: Clarity
20. No contradictions:
**A. Paige certainly makes a thorough case for this being all through Scripture — did any example particularly stand out to you?
—The fact that the book of James is saturated with the teaching of Jesus more than any other. She said there is a huge overlap in James from the sermon on the mount. There are no contradictions but it lines up completely with what Jesus taught.
*B. How does she show that even James and Paul are not contradictory? What was Tim Keller’s point with needing two eyes? With Paul being an obstetrician and James a pediatrician?
—She says it is important to consider who James and Paul are each writing to and why.
Keller said “we need two eyes for depth perception. We need two angles on the same object to see it for what it is and where it fits.”
(Side note: Being in the recovery process of cataract surgery. This has strong application for me. 😊)
And so it is on the teaching of justification and sanctification by Paul and James. It gives a fullness to the biblical meaning. She said they address different issues for different people for different needs. Paul is dealing with obstetrics on how life begins. James is dealing with pediatrics on how Christian life grows and matures.
***21. No Categories of Christians — what was her teaching. This is HUGE!!! Have you been confused by the teaching of categories of Christians? Of needing a second act of grace?
—I really appreciated her teaching on this subject. When I was young I wrestled with the Lordship argument because I encountered it in a Bible study. And I have wondered at some of the thinking of what a “carnal Christian” is. But Paige brought strong clarity to this and that there is no second work of any kind. She strongly voiced that there are not two kinds of faith and there are only two kinds of people. “Those who are in Christ and those who are not in Christ.” Then at the end of that section of teaching she reiterated it and said it again. “There are only two kinds of people. Those who are in Christ and those who are not in Christ”.
At that point I put it in my notes
AMEN Sister!!! If there were ever a time we needed clarity of teaching about the Gospel and the Christian life it is now in the American society.
**22. How does she think this error of categories of Christians happened? Thoughts?
I, Dee, heard Tim Keller tell of a woman who said she wasn’t sure if she became a Christian when she said and agreed with the prayer that she was a sinner when she was at a Christian youth camp, or when it dropped to her heart and her life changed later. He said, “I would say the latter.” Thoughts?
—Paige feels it came out of the movement by groups in years past wanting to do what I would label cold call evangelism. Basically approaching a stranger and sharing the gospel with them and encouraging them to pray a prayer of commitment to Christ. I am completely familiar with and have been part of such ministry. Those experiences convinced me I didn’t have the “gift” of evangelism. (a whole other discussion) But over time in zeal to evangelize the whole world it became oversimplified and for many discipleship was sorely lacking. I won’t dismiss some genuine conversions that have stood the test of time and there are broader facets to what this has morphed into over time but an easy believeism definitely gained an unhealthy foothold in Christianity as we have become and an increasingly feel good society. These are my thoughts but you can see from my answer above I strongly agree with Paige because I first agree with the teaching from the Bible and she brings it out well. Shows us here how James is bringing us clarity.
**23. Read Luke 8:4-15. Paige tells of teaching this parable and a big line forming afterward. What was her point? Thoughts?
—To me her experience there showed how much convoluted thinking there is about salvation and what it really means to be a Christian. There is no middle ground with Salvation. As the point has already been made there are only two kinds of people. Those who are in Christ and those who are not.
**24. How is your life different because of your faith. (Listen carefully to her quote Kelly)
—Most significantly I recognize my life is not my own. I don’t have liberty to do my own thing or indulge myself as the world touts to us. If I go down those paths I find I have no satisfaction of heart and I am robbed of my peace.
The triune God is the object of my faith. My faith takes me to the very Source of all life and the very purpose and meaning of life. My desires have changed in great measure. I stumble and I fall down at times but He is always there to lift up, pick me up, encourage me and comfort me with His presence. My life is far better because of Him and I am grateful.
I’m sorry I didn’t make a note of that quote and it illudes me right now 🥴
From Bev:
Then at the end of that section of teaching she reiterated it and said it again. “There are only two kinds of people. Those who are in Christ and those who are not in Christ”. At that point I put it in my notes AMEN Sister!!! If there were ever a time we needed clarity of teaching about the Gospel and the Christian life it is now in the American society.
Amen to you Bev and Dee!!
Monday: Clarity
Begin after the sheep and goats illustration and end when she says: “James loves the people. He wants to set them straight. It’s not just a warning, it’s a wooing.
If any would come after me, …follow me.
20. No contradictions:
**A. Paige certainly makes a thorough case for this being all through Scripture — did any example particularly stand out to you?
That James basically has the Sermon on the Mount in his letter. James was able to remind these believers of whatever Jesus said though not with the exact words.
*B. How does she show that even James and Paul are not contradictory? What was Tim Keller’s point with needing two eyes? With Paul being an obstetrician and James a pediatrician?
Paul’s was how you come to Jesus only by faith and James is saying, how you grow in Jesus is evidenced in your works. Keller’s point is that we see something from 2 angles on the same object to see what it is and where it fits. Paul being an obstetrician means the new birth and James being a pediatrician refers to his/her growth. Paul How do we get into the family of God; James How do we live in Christ.
Faith alone saves. The faith that saves is never alone. (Probably John Calvin) True saving faith is never by itself. Love these 2 lines.
***21. No Categories of Christians — what was her teaching. This is HUGE!!! Have you been confused by the teaching of categories of Christians? Of needing a second act of grace?
I guess I have never heard of a second act of grace before. Jesus Christ is Savior and Lord. He is King no matter what. No second blessing. There are only 2 kinds of people in Christ or not in Christ. We either belong to Jesus or we don’t.
**22. How does she think this error of categories of Christians happened? Thoughts?
Somebody asked to pray the sinner’s prayer but then there is no evidence of a life change and was not discipled and asked to count the cost.
I, Dee, heard Tim Keller tell of a woman who said she wasn’t sure if she became a Christian when she said and agreed with the prayer that she was a sinner when she was at a Christian youth camp, or when it dropped to her heart and her life changed later. He said, “I would say the latter.” Thoughts?
I agree. Because this was my experience. My Mom encouraged us to go forward and accept Christ and be baptized when we were in high school. It was just a “tradition” in our extended family. Nobody told me what the cost would be. Although I have great Sunday School teachers, I felt like a moral person trying my best not to fall into a category of any type of sin. It was exhausting and fear-laden. I realized later, I was headed towards being a legalistic, moralistic person rather than a Christian with genuine faith.
**23. Read Luke 8:4-15. Paige tells of teaching this parable and a big line forming afterward. What was her point? Thoughts?
People listening to her teaching were using categories and asking if they can do the bare minimum to get their “ticket” to salvation and Heaven, They are not really interested in changing their lives or being transformed as a result of their newfound faith. We are to examine ourselves if we are in Christ or not.
**24. How is your life different because of your faith. (Listen carefully to her quote Kelly)
Test yourself. He was issuing an invitation, to draw them to fully embrace what is theirs in true faith. I do not remember what Kelly said.
I believe I am really learning to fully embrace who I am in Christ. For example, I have been sick the last 4 days and finally went to the doctor today. I was afraid I had Covid. As I was praying, I remember God’s promises to come to Him and that He will answer when I ask and ask in faith. I felt myself doubting when I was asking Him that may it not be Covid. Then, I realize He is my Father! He will not withhold any good thing from me. And if I did have covid, I can trust my sovereign Father and Creator to take care of me. I had this settled peace in my heart as I went into the doctor’s clinic. I tested negative for the flu and Covid-19! And I have had similar experiences lately and I feel like I am having a spiritual growth spurt in spite of my age in the area of my faith.
The practice of God Hunt has really been helping me. I am seeing Him more and more in me and with me.
“I feel like I am having a spiritual growth spurt in spite of my age in the area of my faith.” : )
**19. How have you experienced the presence of God through Paige’s teaching, through an answer to prayer, through unusual timing or circumstances, or through His comfort this week?
I have lamented about feeling lonely at church lately. Yesterday, as we sang a song (can’t remember what it was) a sweet lady I have done a couple of Bible studies with, reached across the chairs and grabbed my hand! We held hands through the chorus. It was sweet and I felt like I belonged. Thank You Jesus for my friend Bonnie.
What a beautiful encouragement. Love this.
What a sweet and precious moment, Laura. This brings tears to my eyes. It is life changing to have a kind and sincere word, or an outreached hand of love and friendship. A heartwarming moment that will probably solidify a friendship with Bonnie!
Amen — how we should reach out more like this lady did to you.
Laura, so sweet of your friend to reach out to you, literally. I’ve had conversations with people who complain because no one spoke to them at church and my response to them is…did you? I’m an introvert and I have to force myself to greet people and try to be an encourager.
God’s kiss for you through Bonnie!
That’s precious, Laura! Often it’s a gesture like that that impacts our hearts the most!
20. No contradictions:
**A. Paige certainly makes a thorough case for this being all through Scripture — did any example particularly stand out to you?
Jesus says over and over again how we will show our faith through our actions. “A good tree bears good fruit…you will know them by their fruit.” “If you hear my Word and put it into action”….If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself, pick up my cross, and follow Me.”
31. What is your take away and why?
The succinct statement that Paige made:
“Not that we have faith, but that faith has us.”
Because we can get the cart before the horse and think that the works prove ourselves to God rather than our actions being an overflow of response to God for what He has done for us.
So true, Nila. This says it all: Because we can get the cart before the horse and think that the works prove ourselves to God rather than our actions being an overflow of response to God for what He has done for us.
*B. How does she show that even James and Paul are not contradictory?
It’s all about life in Christ. You have to read the entirety of the letters. You have been saved through faith, however, we are God’s workmanship brought to life through Jesus so that we can perform good works!!!
What was Tim Keller’s point with needing two eyes?
Two angles on the same object to see where it fits; a different perspective.
With Paul being an obstetrician and James a pediatrician?
Paul is all about the new Christian (the pregnant woman) and James is about the child (growth in Christ).
Faith alone saves. The faith that saves is never alone.
(Probably John Calvin)
***21. No Categories of Christians — what was her teaching. This is HUGE!!! Have you been confused by the teaching of categories of Christians? Of needing a second act of grace?
There are not two categories of faith
There is not faith that just believes and does not act.
There are not two kinds of faith; there are only two kinds of people. 1) Those who are in Christ 2.) Those who are not in Christ.
There are no distinctions about those who are in Christ.
There is only one kind of faith and that is in Jesus and Jesus always in everything that He is. Her is always Savior He is always Lord.
If you ever truly said “Yes” to Jesus, your life changes or your words were fraudulent. Only one saving faith in Jesus; One kind of faith; it changes our hearts and our behavior or it is non existent in you. No options.
**24. How is your life different because of your faith. (Listen carefully to her quote Kelly)
I pause to think about what I say and what I do because I love Him more than anything or anyone. I do not want to let my Savior down or reflect poorly on Him; I pray that I represent Him well. I respect God’s authority. His will is more important than my will. I am better able to bear up under trials, because He has a higher purpose. I want my values to reflect Jesus. Eternal life is what I am living toward.
And as Paige so often says: It all about the Heart!!
**23. Read Luke 8:4-15. Paige tells of teaching this parable and a big line forming afterward. What was her point? Thoughts?
I have missed a few questions….Paige’s lectures and Dee’s questions are all so excellent and important and I wish we had more time on each lesson. This group of questions reminds me so much of Dee’s Idol Lies book and study. (Which was life changing for me>) So much goes back to keeping my heart good and honest. How I need to constantly make sure the soil in my heart is pure, and free of weeds, selfishness and more and to constantly nurture the fruits of the spirit. There is no growth in the “in between soils”. Idol Lies made it so clear to me that there is no minimum, no idol, no get by in any category ~ I must be completely His and abide in Him every hour and then my life will bear much fruit. As Nila mentioned: the overflow of the love of God in your heart bears out who and whose you are. I pray for this daily. And the video of dear Ann says it so well.
Your wish has come true — another week!
Thank you, Lord!
*19. How have you experienced the presence of God through Paige’s teaching, through an answer to prayer, through unusual timing or circumstances, or through His comfort this week?
I am sorry Dee, to be so behind again! Ugh! I just have to give God the Glory for an answered prayer. Last week my Ladies group at church had the first meeting of the year to plan what our focus would be…I was disappointed that all our efforts, once again, were centered on one lady and her goals. I saw the discouragement on the faces of the other women that came. On Sunday my Pastor’s wife talked to me and said she was convinced from the events of the week (the deaths of 3 unique people in the church family who had lived the challenging lives of disability) she wanted our February focus to be on The Sanctity Human Life! I gave my Pastor a special pro-life DVD I had felt led to buy 8 months ago…never heard any mention of sharing it with the church. I was so disappointed. They let me show 30 minutes of it in Sunday school last Sunday! I know it’s a sensitive subject and many churches choose to remain silent about it. The Lord answered my prayer of “Please open the hearts and minds of Pastor Ed and Janet in regards to life and how precious it is.” To God be the Glory!🙏
Wow, Lydia — wonderful answer to prayer. And yes, will continue to pray. Only God can open hearts and minds.
Amen, Lydia! To God be the Glory! How I pray for many hearts to hear this message.
I, Dee, heard Tim Keller tell of a woman who said she wasn’t sure if she became a Christian when she said and agreed with the prayer that she was a sinner when she was at a Christian youth camp, or when it dropped to her heart and her life changed later. He said, “I would say the latter.” Thoughts?
I understand this, but I don’t think I would discount her original acceptance. I too, accepted God with a youth leader. I didn’t really know Jesus until in my 40’s. I believe we must start somewhere. It is a long process.
**23. Read Luke 8:4-15. Paige tells of teaching this parable and a big line forming afterward. What was her point? Thoughts?
They didn’t understand the rocky soil of the parable. The people all wanted to know what the bare minimum was to being a Christian. Paige said that isn’t a Christian.
I think it is hard to be a Christian. But, I also think it’s joyful too. As I work on this study tonight, I am tired. I need to go to sleep. I won’t wake up in the morning and I will be late to work. I will try so hard to do some sort of Bible study but alas! It won’t be enough and I will feel guilty. I want to be mature in Christ. It is hard. (I answered this last night and only got it submitted tonight! Haha!)
**24. How is your life different because of your faith. (Listen carefully to her quote Kelly)
How am I different because I am a Christian? I am more merciful to people. I know Jesus would want me to be accepting of others, so I try to be that way. I do not worry anymore. I watched my mom die a pauper; she was always taken care of by my brother, his wife, and such. I look forward to heaven and meeting Jesus! But, I also think it will be sad to leave my loved ones. I rally for the babies by making people aware of the heinous abortions in our community, and I pray.
I understand your point, Laura. I think Keller was warning, as James does, that we should not rest upon our profession but make sure it has dropped to our hearts. But, a good point. For some it is more of a process — yet there comes a point when you know it is genuine.
Laura, your answer about accepting Christ as a youth but not knowing Him until your 40’s….Paige did say something and quoting from John Piper about coming to Christ (as your commander) and not fully knowing what He requires, versus coming to Christ with no intention of obeying Him as your Commander. It is confusing. You see people who seem to experience a really huge, dramatic, instantaneous change, while others seem to make slower progress in changing. (I’m in the slow lane).
I think we all differ in our experiences when we come to Jesus. In my life, it has been a relationship with Jesus and He never changes, He never faulters, yet I have to work on my part of the relationship constantly. I need Him every minute, but I often feel that I am not living up to my part of the relationship! I love Ann Voskamp’s books, because she is so real and the thread of real life is woven through her growing faith. I grew up loving God and Jesus, but I think I have had a number of heart revivals….it is always a process, where I think “How come I am just realizing this”! (ouch!)Those aha moments! Susan, I often feel in the slow lane!
Tuesday: Wooing into Relationship!
I could tell she was remembering the Bartimeus story from the Read Aloud books. You might enjoy hearing it read:
James is waking people up from their slumber. Not to convict people but to call them. To draw them to fully embrace what is theirs in their faith.
Listen to the end.
25. First reality. Full point of our faith is that we are justified so that we are made new. What was her point of showing people a birth certificate when they ask about your children?
The legal certificate is not enough. Your children are only “visible” to others through their living and not just through paper. The proof is in the pudding. It is not enough to claim something; you have to have proof.
*26. What does the Lord tell us about what he will do for us in Ezekiel? How could you see that in the story of Bartimaeus? He will give us a new heart that is made of flesh and not of stone. Because of Bartimaeus’ faith ( he acknowledged Jesus as the Son of God and asked for mercy), Jesus healed Him and his fresh new sight only longed for Jesus. He could have wanted to “see” something else, but instead, his love for Jesus gave his heart to be soft towards his Healer. That I would be like Bartimaeus. Jesus has healed me from my sinful sick self. May I have a heart of flesh toward the things of God.
27. How do you know Jesus has moved in and given you life?
I am now seeing a different me. Each day brings a new awareness of His presence and a greater determination to share what I have in Him. You know that verse among the 2 on the road to Emmaus when they said, “Did not our hearts burn within us while he talked to us on the road, while he opened to us the Scriptures?” (Luke 24:32) . This is what I have been experiencing. He has moved in and continues to shine His light inside, exposing areas that need healing for my true wholeness.
28. I am not familiar with the logic term she used (marismus?) but the definition is “two opposite extremes that are shown to be equal.” How did James do that with Abraham and Rahab?
She brought up the differences between the 2; how far apart they were in their social and personal status. Yet, God credited their faith in Him and counted it as righteousness. Their genuine works proved their genuine faith. Their belief puts them in the same place in their faith. Oh, joy! No one is above or below the grace and mercy of God!
29. She closed with example of C. S. Lewis marrying Joy twice. Point?
The first was a civil ceremony because Joy needed a visa to stay in England. But then they fell in love, so they got married a second time and went back together and live in the same home.
It is not enough to just be saved (accept Jesus as Savior so we don’t go to hell). He is also the Lord of our lives. Genuine faith is then proven by the deeds that we do because He has moved into our lives and everything is made new. We prove our love for the Savior and our Lord Jesus Christ through our deeds Godward and manward.
I love your entire post, Bing! So happy that we have an extra week and I can catch up on reading everyone’s posts! Love this: James is waking people up from their slumber. Not to convict people but to call them. To draw them to fully embrace what is theirs in their faith.
*14. Paige says Abraham’s righteous standing began with faith, not with works. God did not say, after he stayed Abraham’s hand from sacrificing Isaac, “Now you belong to me – but now I know you belong to me.” How do we know Abraham did not have a perfect faith? He lied about Sarah being his sister instead of his wife.
**15. Paige points out the verbs of completing, perfecting, and working in this passage. John also uses these words in the letter of 1 John, written to believers, gives us some tests to increase our assurance that our faith is genuine. We are to walk in the light, we are to love our brother, and we are to stand up for the truth of the gospel. Do you see growth in your life in all of these areas? Share one specific example. I am less and less prone to coming to conclusions about what choices some people may have made that caused them to end up in some of their circumstances and focusing more on sympathizing with them and trying to relieve their suffering.
**17. Do you remember how the Puritans responded when someone said they had come to faith? Point? Thoughts? They responded “We’ll see” meaning Christianity isn’t just praying a prayer or just believing. When you share the gospel with another, do you help them count the cost? I haven’t, but I will now.
Dawn, I love what you said here about being less prone to coming to conclusions about the choices some make that have caused their current circumstances, and instead, focusing on trying to relieve their suffering.
Amen to Susan. What a beautiful way to show Jesus to others.
Tuesday: Wooing into Relationship!
I could tell she was remembering the Bartimeus story from the Read Aloud books. You might enjoy hearing it read:
—I was unfamiliar with the Read Aloud books. Dee that was delightful to hear you reading it. 💕
25. First reality. Full point of our faith is that we are justified so that we are made new. What was her point of showing people a birth certificate when they ask about your children?
—If all we ever did when asked about our children was to show their legal status as a live birth it would be meaningless. It is their lives and the stories of their living out who they are that matters.
*26. What does the Lord tell us about what he will do for us in Ezekiel? How could you see that in the story of Bartimaeus?
—He says he will replace our hearts of stone with a new heart of flesh. A living heart.
—Bartimaeus wanted to see and follow Jesus. He was living in darkness but now had the light of life because of Jesus. Jesus gave him a reason to live a new life.
27. How do you know Jesus has moved in and given you life?
—In some ways it is hard to describe because it is something I know in my soul and actually feel in my heart. Being in relationship with him I want more of him and more of his Word in my life. My desires are for spiritually meaningful things and not worldly things.
28. I am not familiar with the logic term she used (marismus?) but the definition is “two opposite extremes that are shown to be equal.” How did James do that with Abraham and Rahab?
—I had not heard of that term either but it was an amazing illustration to consider and ponder of Rahab and Abraham and the huge difference in their positions in life. But they were equal in their faith. They both believed God and lived out their faith.
29. She closed with example of C. S. Lewis marrying Joy twice. Point?
—At first the marriage was just for legal purposes so Joy could get a Visa. But then they developed a love relationship and married a second time and came together and lived out the marriage together as family.
She made an interesting comment in regards to that. “Don’t use Jesus to get a Visa!”