We’re going to have fun this final week Thanksgiving week! For most of us, Thanksgiving occurs close to the time of autumn splendor, filling our hearts with awe.
That is certainly true where I live — here in Door County, Wisconsin. This is the road to the ferry.
Jacob Kiesow Photographer on Unsplash
We’re going to be going slowly through Psalm 104. William Brown writes:
With the exception of Job 38-41, Psalm 104 revels in the wonder of earthly creation to a degree unmatched by any other creation text.”
John Piper explains that God’s creation reveals His character.
In the same way, Luci Shaw said:
God has given us two great books: His Word and His Creation — and they speak of one another.
Years ago I took my second grandchild, Jessamyn, for a hike and asked her to explain how creation reveals God’s character. She was just a pre-teen but did really well. She said the big beautiful trees near the water reminded her that if we stayed close to God like they stayed close to the water we would be beautiful too. She said the reliability of autumn always coming at the same time reminded her of God’s faithfulness, and the waves on Lake Michigan of His mercies coming in one after another.
Now we’ll see how well you do!with Psalm 104!
It’s going to be a great week. We will spill over a few days for we begin an Advent Series next — and I will return to posting on Sunday mornings.
Ask God to help you see His character through His creation.
Thursday: Overview
Prepare your heart with this from Fernando Ortega:
1. Read all of Psalm 104 out loud and share anything that is particularly beautiful to you and why. Then give thanks.
Friday: He Wraps Himself in Light
I am so blessed to have inherited this home from my parents, for so often I look up and my breath catches at the majesty of God, as happened just a few nights ago when I looked up from my reading and saw this. Indeed, as the psalmist says, creation shows the glory of God. Let us meditate on what it means that God wraps himself in light as with a garment.
2. Read Psalm 104:1-2
A. What does verse 2a say?
B. What are some characteristics that light represents in Scripture? If God wraps Himself in these, how might that help you trust Him?
3. As you reflect on last week and the importance of speaking to your soul, how might you speak this truth to her (souls are feminine in Scripture) about a situation that causes you anxiety? Then give thanks.
Saturday: He Rides on the Wings of the Wind
4. Read Psalm 104:3-4.
A. What picture does the psalmist paint?
B. Compare this to Psalm 18:4-10. What similar picture is here?
C. What does this tell you about the character of God? Give thanks.
5. Share a time when God came running to rescue you or a loved one.
God Hunt Sunday
6. How have you seen God at work in your life this week? Give thanks.
Monday: At Your Rebuke the Waters Fled
7. Read Psalm 104:5-9.
A. What picture is painted?
B. Compare this to Job 38:8-11. What is similar?
C. What does this tell you about the character of God? Give thanks!
8. Share a time when you were so thankful for God’s sovereignty.
Tuesday: He Waters the Earth and Its Creatures
9. Read Psalm 104:10-18 as a Lover reads! What pictures stand out to you and why?
10. What does this tell you about the character of God? Give thanks!
11. How has He provided for you recently?
Wednesday: Swarms without Number
Prepare your heart with this old Amy Grant song!
While I’ve never been brave enough to scuba dive, I have been privileged to snorkel in tropical oceans. I love the phrase “swarms without number,” for it truly is astonishing to see the variety, the colors, and the swarms of fish.
Photo by Daniel Cornershi on Unsplash
12. Read Psalm 104:19-28
A. What does verse 19 show about God’s character for which you are thankful?
B. What pictures stand out to you and why?
C. What else does this tell you about the character of God? Give thanks!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Be alert to how God shows up today. Come back and tell us tomorrow.
Friday: I Will Sing to the Lord All My Life
13. How did you see God at work on Thanksgiving Day?
14. Read Psalm 104:29-35 and share what stands out to you about God and why?
15. What will you remember from these 21 days of Thanksgiving?
Happy Thanksgiving Dear Sisters!
I have come to love each of you, and love our bond in Him.
My exciting news is that the pickleball player God brought to me put her trust in Christ two days ago. Please pray for Kristy — she is precious and says she is giddy with joy. I pray she can find a good church on the island where she winters off S. C. (John’s) and that she will keep this great hunger for Him. I pray that for each of us too. My time with Linda is going well. I travel today to a son in Indiana. Much love to each of you
Happy Thanksgiving Dear Dee and Sweet Sisters!
Praising God for Kristy! So thankful that she has found the joy of Jesus! My prayers continue for your and Linda, dear Dee. Enjoy your time with family in Indiana.
I am so blessed by each one of you on this Blog! Our God is so amazing and I see His hand on all of our lives. How I thank Him for each of you and the impact you each have on my life. May you each enjoy this beautiful day of Praise!!
Happy Thanksgiving Patti. Blessings to you and your family on this day of THANKS!
Thank you, dear Julie! Blessings to you and your family!
Happy Thanksgiving to you dear Sister Patti! I pray that your day was especially blessed with family and friends!
Thank you dear Lydia! I pray that you have a blessed time with your family!
Patti — you have been such a blessing here, and a particular one to me. How thankful I am God brought you across my path when we were so young.
Amen, dear Dee! You have touched my life in so many beautiful ways for so many year. I am so thankful for you!
Dee, this is exciting news! I have friends in SC and the churches there are fantastic! She just needs to get connected. In what city does she live? Want to email me?
Oh Dee what great news to hear this. Prayers for Kristy and your time with Linda. Enjoy your family this Thanksgiving. You are a blessing to us all.
Thank you, Julie. I so appreciate those prayers.
Happy Thanksgiving to you as well, dear Dee. I am so thankful for your dedication to enriching our knowledge of the Lord here in this Bible Study Blog. I too have grown to love and appreciate each one of the sisters who participate…you are all precious and so valuable in God’s great Family! My prayers are spoken on behalf of you every night. God’s blessings dear ones.
Lydia — it has been a joy to have you join us!
Dee, I have never imagined having such sweet communion with people I have not met face to face before (except you! and oh, am so grateful!!!). Thank you for providing the opportunity through your blog. and come to think of it, I believe I have incorporated “opportunity” into my life of ministry. “Give others the opportunity to fellowship, read the Word, etc., and not worry about the results.” The Lord will bring the fruit of my labor prompted by love for Him and His children. Thankful to god for you and the ladies here!
Praise God for Kristy and your time with Linda!
Thursday: Overview
1. Read all of Psalm 104 out loud and share anything that is particularly beautiful to you and why. Then give thanks. – The Lord has planned it all out from the beginning. Where all creation will live and thrive. From his first step on this earth to his last. He has covered us with everything we needed. His creation is a blessing to us all, if we stop and look, we stop and ponder on all we see around us.
Thank you Lord for everything that you created. You have left nothing unturned. Everything we see was placed on this earth by you for us. What beauty is around us. Help me Lord to always see you in everything that is around me. Help me to see the beauty of your glory in it all. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.
Help me to see the beauty of your glory in it all. My prayer, too, Julie.
1. Read all of Psalm 104 out loud and share anything that is particularly beautiful to you and why. Then give thanks. “He makes the clouds His chariot and rides on the wings of the wind.” I love studying the cloud formations and watching the play of light especially at dusk. I can imagine Him riding on the wings of the wind.
Thank-you Lord for creating all this beauty for us to enjoy and care for. Help me to honor You by giving You all the glory for Your Creation.
Friday: He Wraps Himself in Light
2. Read Psalm 104:1-2
A. What does verse 2a say? – “He wraps himself in light as with a garment; he stretched out the heavens like a tent”
B. What are some characteristics that light represents in Scripture? If God wraps Himself in these, how might that help you trust Him? – Light represents Jesus, his guidance along the paths we take. It helps me trust Him because I know that no matter where I’m at he is with me. He walks beside in the good and bad times. His light lets me feel his presence, his arms giving me a hug. It brings me comfort.
3. As you reflect on last week and the importance of speaking to your soul, how might you speak this truth to her (souls are feminine in Scripture) about a situation that causes you anxiety? Then give thanks. – Right now my job is very stressful, my boss has been out on FMLA for the last 3 months and before that was on intermittent FMLA but out more than she was in and her boss seems to be trying to take control and change everything that has been working in our department for years. I’m at the end of my time (in March of 2022 I told them I would work another year but from Tennessee) but I don’t think I’m going to make it until March. I am very stressed, depressed and just don’t care anymore about my job. I have to keep telling my soul that God is in control and will guide my way whether I stay until March or leave on 12/23/22 the last day I can work to be paid in this year. I know God guides me on my journeys I just need to keep reminding my self of this.
Praying for you dear Julie, as you deal with your work situation. So hard, praying for the Lord to uphold you and give you direction.
Praying for you, Julie for God to light your way.
Julie, I will pray for you and the job situation. I SO get it.
May He make it clear, Julie!
1. Read all of Psalm 104 out loud and share anything that is particularly beautiful to you and why. Then give thanks.
The imagery of this Psalm is amazing. It is hard to comprehend how immense our God is! I love verses 1-4 and imagining God doing all this! Verse 2-3: “Covering Yourself with light as with a cloak, Stretching out heaven like a tent curtain. He lays the beam of His upper chambers in the waters: He makes the clouds His chariots; He walks upon the wings of the wind;”
Lord You are you magnificent, so amazing! I cannot fathom the power of your Hands! You created this entire universe with Your fingers! How I praise You and glorify Your name! I am so grateful to be a speck in the miraculous creation of Yours! I see You in the rain, the wind, the sun, the seasons, the moon, the stars and the sun! You created all this that we may know You and worship and adore You. And then, You sent Your only Son for the likes of me, who is so unworthy. I am so privileged to be able to know Your beloved Son, Jesus, who is our salvation, our mediator, our forgiveness, are All. I will Praise Your Holy name forever, as long as I have breath.
Patti, beautiful thanksgiving prayer!
Happy Thanksgiving to you, Dee, and all the wonderful ladies here on the blog!
Prepare your heart with this from Fernando Ortega:
I love Fernando Ortega and we just sang one of his songs this past Sunday!
1. Read all of Psalm 104 out loud and share anything that is particularly beautiful to you and why. Then give thanks.
For many reasons, scenes from the countryside and the ocean waters surrounding the Philippines came to mind when I was reading Psalm 104. I can picture the many varieties of plants and trees, the clears waters of some beaches, fish catches in the early dawn, and thousands of bright stars in the sky on dark nights. Missouri, landlocked as it is, has many beautiful sceneries when one takes the road less traveled.
Oh, God, thank you for your wondrous creation! I don’t meditate on them as often as I should. My garden you so lovingly tended this summer showed the magnificence of your hand on the palette! Thank you!
I wished everyone Happy Thanksgiving on last weeks post 🤷🏻♀️ Whoops! Just checking in now. I hope everyone had a nice day 😉
Love to all of you — flying back home to Wisconsin today — would love my planes to be safe and on time! A little weary! 🙂 Tomorrow we begin Advent. Hope to see you all for a wonderful Advent season!
Will be praying Dee for your flight and for the strength you need to get home.
Safety and strength for you, Dee as you fly back home.
1. Read all of Psalm 104 out loud and share anything that is particularly beautiful to you and why. Then give thanks.
“You are dressed in a robe of light. You stretch out the starry curtain of the heavens;”
I love the idea of the starry heavens. The beautiful night sky! Thank You Lord for the beauty of our Earth. Thank You for the night sky, to see things beyond what we know.
2. Read Psalm 104:1-2
A. What does verse 2a say?
“You are dressed in a robe of light. You stretch out the starry curtain of the heavens;”
Psalms 104:2 NLT
B. What are some characteristics that light represents in Scripture? If God wraps Himself in these, how might that help you trust Him?
The light shines in the darkness. People can be dark instead of light. Not sure I understand this part of the question 🤷🏻♀️. Angels are intensely bright, as is God Himself (burning bush). Light glows, it makes everything visible, it brings meaning to the words in scripture, it can penetrate scripture, light is sweet and Jesus is the light of the world.
If God is everywhere and is everything, then He surrounds me always. He is with me always. It’s interesting to think of the stars above not being visible in the daylight, but only at night. The light hides them because it’s so bright. It’s as if He is surrounding us but we are unaware of it.
3. As you reflect on last week and the importance of speaking to your soul, how might you speak this truth to her (souls are feminine in Scripture) about a situation that causes you anxiety? Then give thanks.
I am anxious about the soul of our youngest son. He is wrapped up in darkness. As I lay in bed this morning, in his apartment, I am saddened that he has chosen the life he has. I am fearful that he may never turn his life around, that he justifies it even though it is against God.
Oh Lord! You are in control of all situations! This is one where I need You to come and clean up. Oh my soul! You are not alone. He is with you here. He will help me to pray over the rooms of my son before I leave. He will descend on his heart again and remind him of who is in control. Only God. Oh sweet soul, He will bring light to this situation. He will take care of your son. Thank You Lord for always being in our lives. Help us to be aware that You are near and love us.
Oh Laura, I will be praying for your son, for the Lord to reach him in any way that he will be open to and for him to see the way he is travelling. God is powerful and can reach anyone. I will pray for your son to be open to Him.
Laura, praying for your youngest son. For light to penetrate the darkness he is ( and so many of our young people) in. Jesus, hear our prayers.
Saturday: He Rides on the Wings of the Wind
4. Read Psalm 104:3-4.
A. What picture does the psalmist paint? – He makes a way for us to reach him. Everything he has created is in His control.
B. Compare this to Psalm 18:4-10. What similar picture is here? – He mentions the fire and the heavens, and they are obeying him, they are under his control.
C. What does this tell you about the character of God? Give thanks. – God cares for his children and will keep them safe. He will put those that come against us in their place so we can be safe. Thank you Lord for always hearing our cries and taking care of us in every part of our life.
5. Share a time when God came running to rescue you or a loved one. – Oh if I think back to things that have happened in my life and my loved one’s life, he has rescued us from sickness, death and trials. I don’t ‘always realize it at the time, but after reading this Psalm and looking back, God has been in everything we have gone through. Most recently, my best friend, who is like a sister to me, was diagnosed with stage 3 ovarian cancer. I’m walking through this journey with her, but we have seen God in it in so many ways, from the pain in her stomach that she kept pursuing to the opening to have surgery. He is definitely by her side on this journey. Thank you Lord for being with Helen as she walks this path you have her on. We see, you, she feels your presence, your peace and comfort. Continue to be with her until she is healed. In Jesus name I pray amen.
Julie, Helen is blessed to have you as a friend.
4. Read Psalm 104:3-4.
A. What picture does the psalmist paint?
“you lay out the rafters of your home in the rain clouds. You make the clouds your chariot; you ride upon the wings of the wind.”
Psalms 104:3 NLT
“The winds are your messengers; flames of fire are your servants.”
Psalms 104:4 NLT
He gives a picture of Earthly attributes being helpers to spread His Word.
B. Compare this to Psalm 18:4-10. What similar picture is here?
The wind and clouds and earth materials are used to help the Psalmist.
C. What does this tell you about the character of God? Give thanks.
He takes care of us when we ask Him to. He will use anything to save us. Thank You Lord for that! Thank You for using any means necessary to help us from ourselves.
5. Share a time when God came running to rescue you or a loved one.
When Sarah first learned she was pregnant with Cooper, she texted me the information. I was in school, Ugh! I couldn’t really talk to her, and it was a time when I wasn’t used to trusting God. I would usually panic and melt down. I couldn’t do that so I texted back, “do you want help?” I know He brought the peace I needed to get through that moment. Thank You Lord. By the way, she texted back, “I’m sorry.” He is a sweet boy. Thank You Lord, for Cooper!
Laura, so thankful God brought you through that moment. I have similar struggles whenever my daughter calls at what I perceive is not a good time. If I call on the Lord, I would often sense His peace and guidance. Yes, thank you, Lord, for Cooper and for my daughter, Ruth.
Spirit led response to a daughter in need!
4. Read Psalm 104:3-4.
A. What picture does the psalmist paint?
The clouds are God’s chariots, and He rides on the wings of the wind. He makes the wind His messengers and fires His servants.
B. Compare this to Psalm 18:4-10. What similar picture is here?
v.10b He soared on the wings of the wind.
C. What does this tell you about the character of God? Give thanks.
He is powerful and everything He created will do His bidding. When God hears our SOS call, His creation joins in His good work to bring about His presence and help to us. He will come down to us to deliver us. Thank you, God, that your ears are inclined to our voices. And when you come, there is no doubt that it is you who is our helper and deliverer.
5. Share a time when God came running to rescue you or a loved one.
I have 2, one in the recent past and one just last night:
My Mom was placed in the ICU and we thought she was dying then. At one of our video calls when she was better but still in the hospital, Mom told me that during one of her restless nights, she had a dream when Jesus visited her and sat at the side of her bed. He told her that it was not her time yet. She lived for another year. What a precious year that was for all of us since she died in 2020 and Ruth and I couldn’t fly out to be at her funeral.
Our daughter Ruth had an anxiety attack last night while we were getting ready to turn in for the night. She asked if I could lay beside her and rub her back which I did. In the quiet of the night, I called out to God to help us. I did not know what to say to allay her anxieties and I looked for a YouTube song and found Ellie Holcomb’s, I will Carry You. While it was playing, I prayed she wouldn’t ask me to turn it off as she has done before whenever I played Christian music. The lyrics were where she was exactly. After the song, we were both quiet. I got up to head for bed and Ruth Ann said, “I like the music that you just played, Mom” Hallelujah! I gave her Ellie’s name and texted her the link. Little steps, Lord, and I thank you.
Little steps!
6. How have you seen God at work in your life this week? Give thanks.
We have ended our travels tonight (finally!) weary and grumpy. We usually have a “buffer” day to rest before we get back to the grind, however last night we stopped by the Sight and Sound theatre with the kids to see their production of “David.” It put us back getting home, because everyone was trying to get home tonight, and a 5 hour drive became 10 hours. As I reflect on the show, I definitely saw God in the lovely voices, the scripture put to music and words, and the amazing construction (as usual) of the set, including Goliath (!) and his 4 brothers (?). The robotics were over 20 feet tall and massive structures. It was fun to see this show when we are studying the Psalms. A scene at the end was David contemplating the heavens! It included a laser type show of the ocean and stars. Magnificent! Thank You Lord for giving us the beauty of earth and the creativity of humans!
7. Read Psalm 104:5-9.
A. What picture is painted?
God has dominion over the wind, oceans and land.
B. Compare this to Job 38:8-11. What is similar?
God scolds Job and reminds him that He has control over the waters of the Earth.
C. What does this tell you about the character of God? Give thanks!
God is the One in control of all; He is sovereign. Thank You Lord for always being the One in charge! It’s takes the burden off of me and I can be calm.
8. Share a time when you were so thankful for God’s sovereignty.
I guess that every time my adult children would not be in touch, and I might be worried, I thanked God for watching over them. Thank You Lord for that.
9. Read Psalm 104:10-18 as a Lover reads! What pictures stand out to you and why?
The picture that stands out to me is that of the Lord providing for each part of His kingdom. It’s like the domino effect. He puts one thing into place and it provides for the next thing. It’s comforting that when He allows water to gush from the rivers, that plants and animals are fed.
10. What does this tell you about the character of God? Give thanks!
God will provide! He will give us what we need to be well and live well.
11. How has He provided for you recently?
God provides for me daily. We have food, a roof over our heads, hot water, and clothes to wear. We are blessed. He has given us the opportunity to work and earn to be able to survive. We are basically healthy. We are blessed! Thank You Lord for the many blessings in our lives.
12. Read Psalm 104:19-28
A. What does verse 19 show about God’s character for which you are thankful?
He is consistent. That is good!
B. What pictures stand out to you and why?
I guess the people going back to their work struck a nerve. I work a lot. It doesn’t seem to fit the rest of the passage which is about animals and the earth….
C. What else does this tell you about the character of God? Give thanks!
He cares about all things. Thank You Lord!