When time was running out, Jesus washed His disciples’ feet:
Christ Washing Peter’s Feet by Ford Madox Brown 1857-58Then he predicted his betrayal and gave a morsel of bread to His betrayer. Next, He went out and gave His disciples and us:
A New Commandment
Later, the same John tells us in his 1st letter, it is new, but not new.
What does this riddle mean?
Why is it so very important?
This is from Francis Schaeffer’s The Mark of a Christian.
We cannot expect the world to judge us on doctrine for the world cares nothing about doctrine. But Jesus did give the mark that will arrest the attention of the modern man….What is it? The love that true Christians show for each other and not just for their own party. If we do not love, however, they have the right to assume we are not a Christian. What makes the world sit up and take notice is true love between Christians.
Please watch the following trailer, and if possible, the whole movie sometime in the new two weeks. It’s appropriate for more mature children. Eric Liddell certainly lived out the new commandment, demonstrating the mark of a Christian, and the world sat up and took notice. This is about the latter half of his life. Chariots of Fire is about the first half of his life.
God Hunt Sunday:
1. How did you experience the risenness of Christ this week?
Monday: Washing Feet
2. Read John 13:1-5
A. According to verse 1, what time was it, and what did Jesus intend to show “his own?”
B. According to verse 3, what time was it and what did Jesus do?
3. What did He tell them in John 13:14?
4. Read the following and then share why you think Jesus washed the feet of the future leaders of the Church.
5. There are many leaders on this blog. How might you apply this specifically?
Tuesday: Jesus’ Last Prayer For Us: That the world may know
6. According to John 17:9, for whom is Jesus praying here?
7. Read John 17:20-21
A. Who else is Jesus praying for here according to verse 20?
B. What specifically does He ask and why according to verse 21?
Meditate on the following From Francis Schaeffer:
This does not mean we must agree on everything, but love in everything. If I fail in my love toward my brother, the world will not believe the Father sent the Son, but that Jesus was just a man like us.
I have observed one thing among true Christians in their differences in many countries: What divides and severs true Christian groups and Christians – what leaves a bitterness that can last for twenty, thirty, or forty years (or for fifty or sixty years in a son’s memory) is not the issue of the doctrine or belief which caused the differences in the first place. Invariably it is the lack of love and the bitter things that are said by true Christians in the midst of differences. These stick in the mind like glue. …It is these things that cause the stench that the world can smell in the church of Jesus Christ among those who are really true Christians.
8. Comment on the above. Take it to the Lord in prayer. Share your thoughts.
9. From what you know about Eric Liddell, how did he show this mark to the world? (Feel free to skip if you don’t know much about his life.)
Wednesday: Even as We Are One
Prepare your heart with this:
This prayer of Jesus for us is so deep. It is about loving one another, but it is deeper still. It’s learning how to love as God loves, as the Father loved the Son, as the Son loved the Father — so they were perfectly one. I feel like I’m getting into the 7th heaven and beyond my understanding, but let’s try to plumb the depths together. Jesus talks about the glory God gave to Him and that He has given to us. It makes me think of Lewis’s famous sermon: The Weight of Glory. Jesus had “weight” like no other who walked the earth, yet as we become like Him we too have weight. Kathy and Tim Keller went to listen to a series of young talented preachers. They were very good, but when they left, Kathy said, “Yet they do not have weight.” One of the tests of a good sermon is that it should not be forgettable — fly away because it has no weight. Weight comes with suffering. I believe that as we die to our idols, we become increasingly one with God, and have His weight. Lewis put it this way:
“It is a serious thing to live in a society of possible gods and goddesses, to remember that the dullest most uninteresting person you can talk to may one day be a creature which, if you saw it now, you would be strongly tempted to worship, or else a horror and a corruption such as you now meet, if at all, only in a nightmare.”
10. How might this realization help you to view your brother or sister in Christ?
11. Read John 17:22-23
A. Meditate on verse 22. What thoughts do you have on what this means?
B. Meditate on verse 23. What thoughts do you have on what this means?
12. Jesus repeats these thoughts in the closing of HIs prayer in verse 26. What does He say and what do you think He means?
Thursday: New, Yet Not New
How to understand John’s riddle that this is a new yet not new commandment? I am quite sure he means, in part, that now that we have seen Jesus live out love, we know better how to love. I also think it may mean that now that we understand truly what it means to be adopted into God’s family, we should have a special love for our brothers and sisters. That seems to be echoed in the New Testament. It would be ugly if we just loved them, but we do seem to be called to a special love for one another so that the world may know.
13. What are we told to do in Leviticus 19:18? How can you better live this out?
14. Read 1 John 2:7-8. How do you interpret this riddle?
15. Read 1 John 2:9-11 and find both the warnings and the encouragements.
Friday: How Is It Between Us?
This from Francis Schaeffer:
When we have shown a lack of love toward the other, we are called by God to go and say, “I’m sorry…I really am sorry. If I am not willing to say: “I’m sorry,” when I’ve wronged somebody else – especially when I have not loved him – I have not even started to think about the meaning of a Christian oneness which the world can see. …How often, in the power of the Holy Spirit, have we gone to Christians in our own group and said, “I’m sorry”? How much time have we spent reestablishing contact with those in other groups, saying to them, “I’m sorry for what I’ve done, what I’ve said, or what I’ve written”?
16. We are going to spend all of next week on how to do an effective apology, but this is to whet your taste. Share your thoughts on the above.
17. How does Jesus’ model of foot washing give light to this?
18. Listen to this from Sara Groves and answer: How is it between You and me Lord? And how is this affecting my relationship with others?
19. How would the Lord have you apply this?
God Hunt Sunday:
1. How did you experience the risenness of Christ this week?
Over the past week it has just been a series of little things of seeing and recognizing Jesus in the daily walk. Early in the week we found a buyer for a vehicle we had been trying to sell. In doing so God seems to have opened the door for a friendship and a witness for Himself.
Through reciprocal sharing of yard work we continue to deepen our relationship with our next door neighbors that we so desire to see come to Christ.
Yesterday God put us in a place where we met a young couple for the first time whom we have prayed for over the recent months in our Wednesday night small group.
These are just a few things He orchestrated. His love and his faithfulness to not just come along side us as needed but he is walking along side of us all the time. Better yet He is living in me by the power of his Holy Spirit and continuing to grow me in the knowledge of God my Father and to experience his perfect love. A significant way I have experienced him was in several situations where my husband provokes a deep frustration in me over his indifference to other people’s time (mine in particular) by finishing his own projects first and making us consistently late. It is always a set up for argument and me being very irritated with him. At this point my husband is not going to change his habits but I can change mine. God has been exercising me to back up and be quiet and wait on my husband and to wait with Him. I can’t begin to tell you how hard that can be for me. Practicing love and kindness and letting Jesus replace my ugly feelings and not voicing them to others is huge. But this week I have experienced God’s grace in this and look to him to continue molding my heart out of its selfishness to be more Christlike. What a blessing that we serve a risen Savior!
Bev, I appreciate these words because it is true of me lately:
Practicing love and kindness and letting Jesus replace my ugly feelings and not voicing them to others is huge.
Like you, I am very thankful for God’s work in my life. What a joy it is to know that He is able to change our selfish hearts into one that is more like His Son’s.
Bev, you raise a very valid point with the issue of timeliness. I am the one always late in our family. I haven’t considered how it affects others, much. Thank you for reminding me of this. My “trick”’for myself is to make any appointment 15 minutes earlier than necessary so I am on time. It works for me . My friends would tell me to be somewhere 15 minutes earlier than need be (unbeknownst to me) so I would arrive in time! Hahaha…maybe you should try that with your hubby?
Laura and Bev, I should tell you that Filipino time is weird. In the Philippines, 10:00 is somewhere between 10:01 to 10:59! An ongoing joke among us when we get together is “On time or Filipino time?” LOL and some Filipinos do not own a watch! We do know to be on time for work but when it comes to social gatherings, there is no strict rule-one will see the trickle of people coming and to many Filipinos, it is not a big deal.
I am not making excuses to be late but I know it took me a while to understand why it was important to be on time here in the US. when I first came to the U.S., my parents-in-law were 15-30 minutes early to church and I often wondered why. Even up to this point in time, Richard often has to wait on me. He is a saint of patience.
And in line with our topic for this week, I should be thinking that being on time is a way of loving others well.
I love you Filipinos!!
What a great lesson in your last paragraph, Bev. I need to do this daily. Redirect those negative thoughts ~How I need Jesus to filter my thoughts before they fall off my tongue.
I always hope the people I love will have marriages that are a haven, but I know those who don’t are refined and matured, perhaps more than those of us who have had it easier and with eternity in view, that may be better! I love the way you are responding.
How did you experience the risenness of Christ this week?
First of all, being back here with like minded individuals pondering and studying God’s word together, has been an “oasis in the desert” for me. The nonprofit I work for is not a Christian organization so working with others who aren’t spiritually likeminded can be quite a challenge at times.
Last week I had planned to participate on the blog daily but I was asked if I could work overtime so my plans were changed. When asked to work overtime I remind myself I do my work as unto the Lord but I also have to rest occasionally so I don’t wear myself out. I love serving the individuals in the group home I’m assigned to but I’m often asked to fill in at other group homes. That was the case last week. A worker had quit without notice so I was asked if I wanted to work the night shift 11 pm-9 am. I said yes, of course, because it’s a group home with 6 female individuals who enjoy me coming to help out. What takes me out of my comfort zone there is I have to drive them across town to the DayHab on the main campus. It’s a big responsibility to drive a minibus with 7 individuals-one rider is picked up at her home-so I’m always on high alert as I drive. There are times I am just amazed God trusts me to serve these special individuals. Knowing He created me for this specific purpose in my life gives wind to my sails when I find myself getting a little stressed.
Oh, Tammy! What a testimony-you sure are where God wants you to be! “Knowing He created me for this specific purpose in my life gives wind to my sails when I find myself getting a little stressed.” We do need His wind to our sails once in a while. We serve an audience of One.
How sweet Tammy! I’m so glad you feel His presence in your work. Praying for you.
What a beautiful testimony, Tammy. What a huge responsibility. You are such a gift to the sweet people ~ and I love how you lean into Jesus for “the wind in your sails.” What a lovely way statement.
God Hunt Sunday:
1. How did you experience the risenness of Christ this week?
My husband, Richard had a freak accident with his vehicle while he was on his way home yesterday. This vehicle has had 2 run-ins with the deer and now this. The hood unlatched and hit the windshield and cracked it in various places. Thankfully, Richard did not get hurt and made the 10 miles drive back home.
When he told me about it, I felt like a balloon deflating. Another big expense and negative thoughts came rushing in. I was silent for the rest of the night as both of us processed its implications. I had all these what ifs, if onlys. And the more I entertain these thoughts, the angrier I got.
Then the Lord spoke to me through his word in Philippians 4:8. “Whatever is true, noble, right, pure, admirable; whatever is excellent and praiseworthy, think on these things.” I had to take captive every thought that had itself up against God’s counsel and make these thoughts obedient to Christ. I also had to ask myself why I was angry and identify what idol is at work. Comfort and control.
Today’s hymn singing at our church added to my peace and encouragement as we sang hymns like “What a friend we have in Jesus, Jesus is the song, Because He lives, Come thou fount of every blessing, We are an offering, Worthy is the Lamb, etc.”
The last one brought me to a place of surrender-He is seated on the throne. He knew and He sees Richard and me in our circumstances. And He is in control.
So thankful Richard was not hurt! Life can get overwhelming ~ I love your response, going to His Word. How I pray to turn negatives thoughts to Him, daily! Thank you for sharing, Bing.
Philippians 4:8. “Whatever is true, noble, right, pure, admirable; whatever is excellent and praiseworthy, think on these things.” I had to take captive every thought that had itself up against God’s counsel and make these thoughts obedient to Christ.
Bev — not sure why this response landed here, but it did. I always hope the people I love will have marriages that are a haven, but I know those who don’t are refined and matured, perhaps more than those of us who have had it easier and with eternity in view, that may be better! I love the way you are responding.
Bing-you are such a good model for me. I love how you let His WOrd melt your heart, calm you anger, and direct your ways.
Thanks for sharing this Bing. I’m sorry for the burden of life, but grateful that Richard was not hurt and you worked through it so well! You are an excellent role model for the rest of us. Eyes on the prize.
1. How did you experience the risenness of Christ this week?
Oh my goodness! How we have been blessed this week is amazing! We asked God to join us in our vow renewal ceremony for our son and his wife. Our relatives and friends all came and we had the most lovely ceremony. The weather was perfect. I felt like I was in a Hallmark movie…haha! We were working up to the last moment to put it all together and boy was it sweet! So happy and feel like God smiled on us for sure. Thank You Lord Jesus! Time for a rest now before the summer is over for me and we start the grind of the new school year.
Praise You Lord Jesus for your beautiful weekend for Laura! God is so good!!
Laura-I came here just to see your report of how it went! SO thankful for this! Praise Him!
Praise the Lord, Laura! Sweet kisses from our King!
Oh Laura — I’m so thankful!
Laura, What a delight to hear. I had put it on my calendar to pray for you and your “wedding event” on Saturday. So happy for the success God gave you and the joy you experienced.
So thankful for this Blog!
Monday: Washing Feet
2. Read John 13:1-5
A. According to verse 1, what time was it, and what did Jesus intend to show “his own?” It was His time to leave the world and go to His Father. He intended to show his love to the end.
B. According to verse 3, what time was it and what did Jesus do?
It was before the Passover Festival. Jesus washed His disciples’ feet.
3. What did He tell them in John 13:14?
“Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet.
4. Read the following and then share why you think Jesus washed the feet of the future leaders of the Church. “Here, in the foot-washing, He reveals both His person and His work, both His identity and the purpose of His ministry.”
Jesus wants His disciples to learn from Him. To know the very essence of leadership is to serve others in love. The washing of the disciples’ feet is a call to us to follow Jesus’ example.
5. There are many leaders on this blog. How might you apply this specifically?
The last part of verse 1 says, “Having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them to the end.” Serving others may come naturally for me (mercy and serving are my “gifts” according to Briggs and Meyers) but do I serve in love and to the end? I would admit that at times when my service is not appreciated as I thought it should be, I withdraw and would give up. At times, I get tired from the emotional and physical investment in serving others that I just give up and get self-focused. I desire Jesus’ resoluteness.
The song by Steve Green, “Broken and spilled out” comes to mind. These are the words to the last verse:
Broken and spilled out Just for love of you Jesus
My most precious treasure Lavished on Thee
Broken and spilled out And poured at your feet
In sweet abandon Lord let me be spilled out
And used up for Thee.
On a different note, and come to think of it, nobody ever offered to wash Jesus’ feet. Am I willing to have my feet washed by those I serve?
Bing, you serve others so well! What you do for so many, takes a tremendous amount of energy. I love the words to the Steve Green song: Broken and spilled out just for the love of you Jesus. I pray to be that today and with a spirit of joy.
We were blessed to hear one of our former students give the sermon at his church, where he is the youth leader. This very talented young man spoke on Ephesians 6: 10-15 The Armor of God and engaging Spiritual warfare. He gave an excellent sermon directed to young men in his own age group (early 20’s). It was such a huge blessing to all who heard him. He spoke about the many influences in our culture right now that are trying to draw young people away from Christ ~ that truth and commitment is an ongoing struggle. What Christ has done on the Cross is the core part of your personhood. All things are made for His glory and young men need to resist the devil and increase their likeness of Christ. It was such a great message for anyone, but especially for his generation. Such a joy to see this young man on fire for Jesus!
That is exciting, Patti!
Wow-Patti! It is so good to hear about this young man. So many things clamor for our young people’s allegiance. And for us as well.
Patti, What a blessing to see and hear when a younger one steps up for Jesus.
Patti–what an encouraging sermon and so needed. There is such an attack on our youth, thankful for how the Lord has equipped this former student of yours to speak truth.
2. Read John 13:1-5
A. According to verse 1, what time was it, and what did Jesus intend to show “his own?”
It was the Feast of the Passover, it was the hour that Jesus would depart from this world. He was showing His own that He loved them to the end.
B. According to verse 3, what time was it and what did Jesus do?
It was time for Jesus to go back to His Father. Jesus got up from the table and began to wash the feet of His disciples.
3. What did He tell them in John 13:14?
This was a lesson in humility and serving one another. If Jesus, their Lord and Teacher, washed their feet, they should follow His example and humble themselves to wash one another’s feet.
4. Read the following and then share why you think Jesus washed the feet of the future leaders of the Church.
Jesus was setting an example that He desired all to follow. I love the verse about the slave is not greater than the master~ nor is the one who is sent, greater than the one who sent him. Jesus is showing the importance of “otherness”. Put “self” aside and serve others. Jesus emptied Himself in every way for others, in order to draw them to the Father. Jesus lived a life of humility, but still His followers often struggled with their own “greatness”. The blessing and the gift is not in finding our own greatness, but in humbling oneself and serving others ~ that is what draws people to Jesus. (The world already has plenty who desire to be rock stars….but few who are willing to be servants for Jesus.)
God Hunt Sunday:
1. How did you experience the risenness of Christ this week? – Oh my goodness, this was so big for me this week. I am not one who likes to be in front of people, let alone speak in front of people. I’m ok one on one or a quick conversation, but to have to read and speak in front of people is way out of my comfort zone. Our church admin messaged me in the middle of the week asking if we would read the scripture on Sunday, I was thinking oh my, this is scary for me. But we decided to read and to read the scripture for both services. I started praying right away once we agreed to do it and throughout the rest of the week up and through the reading Jesus was with me the whole time. I felt such amazing peace about it and I read without any fear at all. Thank you Jesus!
That is huge, Julie. I’m glad that God gave you peace and relieved your fears.
Wonderful, Julie!
Wow, Julie! such an answer to your specific need!
What a wonderful answer to your prayer, Julie! I love that He gave you perfect peace and took away all fear. Thanking Him for His faithfulness.
Monday: Washing Feet
2. Read John 13:1-5
A. According to verse 1, what time was it, and what did Jesus intend to show “his own?” – It was just before the Passover and Jesus knew the time was near to go to the Father.
B. According to verse 3, what time was it and what did Jesus do? – It was time for Jesus to go back to his Father.
3. What did He tell them in John 13:14? – He told them that since he had washed their feet, they should also wash one another’s feet.
4. Read the following and then share why you think Jesus washed the feet of the future leaders of the Church. – WOW that was really powerful to me. I’ve never seen it put that way before. Again, for me it was read many times before, but never made such an impact as it did today. I think first he was setting an example for what they would need to do once he left them. They would need to become the servant to others so that people could see the true love of Jesus in them. As I was reading, I sensed that he had to take on everything for us including the role of the servant in order to be truly the One that God sent for us to be saved. He couldn’t be higher in status than us if he was to take on our sins for us. He had to be at our level so we could be raised above.
1. How did you experience the risenness of Christ this week? Just simply the spiritual reminder that He is my hope and my help.
2. Read John 13:1-5 A. According to verse 1, what time was it, and what did Jesus intend to show “his own?” His time to depart out of this world to the Father, having loved those who followed Him.
B. According to verse 3, what time was it and what did Jesus do? Time to go back to God, Jesus set aside His outer garments set up a basin and washed His disciples feet.
3. What did He tell them in John 13:14? If I your authority wash your feet, then you all should wash each other’s feet.
4. Read the following and then share why you think Jesus washed the feet of the future leaders of the Church. As the article says its an acting out of who He was, what He was doing, and what He expected them to do.
5. There are many leaders on this blog. How might you apply this specifically? Looking forward to how others answer this question. I guess it comes down to what does it look like to humble myself, and do the things that bless, or serve others, things that are not necessarily ‘my job’ or would be considered, not my responsibility because I have earned with age, experience, and God’s provision, a level of respect or responsibility. That line ‘becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.’ Kind of gets me, what obedience is God calling me too, that might mean the death of something I value, or am holding to tightly too. For me that might be connecting again with a specific couple of people that it would be more comfortable to keep my distance, (think gender issue, and purposeful sinning). Last week I had a hard intentional conversation with a loved one, about hard things that I needed to say, that has left me sad and kind of wanting to be a hermit. I need to lament that situation, and move in obedience in other relationships.
May the Lord work through that hard situation, Tammy Jo.
Tammy, yes. “The death of something I value or holding on too tightly.” I also have a tendency to withdraw especially if I have tried many times to reach out and I do not get a response. It helps me to keep in mind that Jesus never turned His back on me when I was not very lovable myself. I do not know where I would be now if He did.
Last week I had a hard intentional conversation with a loved one, about hard things that I needed to say, that has left me sad and kind of wanting to be a hermit.
I can learn from this because I tend to become a hermit rather than have the hard intentional conversations.
2. A It was just before the Feast of Passover-the celebration of remembering the night the death angel had “passed over” the Jewish homes in Egypt that had blood on the doorposts…the night of being set free from the tyranny of Pharaoh after 400 years of being slaves. I imagine Jesus was looking forward to setting mankind free from the tyranny of sin when He died on the cross but this night would be His last with the 12. He knew it was time for him to fulfill the reason for being on this earth and he loved his own to the very end.
2. B It was time for Jesus to go back to God so he gave the disciples one final lesson.
3. He told the disciples they are to serve one another.
4. I think Jesus washed the disciples feet to teach them he wasn’t the Messiah they longed for. Jesus came to free mankind from the tyranny of sin. The disciples wanted to be free from the tyranny of Rome and they imagined Jesus would be a military leader who would free the nation of Israel. Jesus performed the job of a slave. The disciples wanted to sit back and be served by others. All their lives they had seen how the Pharisees and other religious leaders were placed on pedestals and naturally they wanted that kind of power. Since Jesus knew what was in their hearts he had to bring them back to reality and teach them that the true Messiah was a man who came to serve others. He was NOT to be served.
Interesting thought from Tammy — that He washed their feet to show them He wasn’t the kind of Messiah they expected.
Monday: Washing Feet
2. Read John 13:1-5
A. According to verse 1, what time was it, and what did Jesus intend to show “his own?”
—His love for them. Having loved “his own” he loved them to the end.
B. According to verse 3, what time was it and what did Jesus do?
—It was time for him to go back to his Father in Heaven from where he had come. Jesus had been in a place of absolute glory in Heaven in his position as Son in the triune God but he took this last time as the son of man in his humanity on earth and in humility took off his outer garments and took the place of a servant and washed his disciples feet. The magnitude of the difference in Jesus’s position from the glory in Heaven to washing feet on earth is often lost on me in reading this account.
3. What did He tell them in John 13:14?
—“If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet.”
John 13:14 ESV
4. Read the following and then share why you think Jesus washed the feet of the future leaders of the Church.
—I think because he loved them. He acted out his love for them and in doing so was showing them how to really love people when they had just sat there bickering with one another.
I don’t think most of us experience really dirty feet any more or at least not to the degree it was part of their lives and culture. I’m sure it’s rare and I think often this is lost on me as I consider the really “dirty” job that Jesus took on in washing their feet. Last weekend we were in a camp setting and I was wearing my sandals. When we got back to our cabin Saturday evening my feet were black with dirt and grime. It was very dry at camp and pretty dusty in the places we were. It reminded me of my childhood when I spent my summer days going barefoot. At bedtime our feet were black with dirt and grime and Mom made us wash our feet before getting into bed. I can only imagine how the feet of 12 grown men walking dusty roads were very dirty. It would have been a job to wash 2 or three sets of dirty feet let alone 12. And I would think the water in the basin had to be changed several times. It was a lesson in humility for sure of what it means to be a servant. At another level it showed that as my son says “ministry is messy”. And those disciples would be serving the people of the early church and it would get very messy at times and would require a great deal of love. A Christlike love.
5. There are many leaders on this blog. How might you apply this specifically?
—The application is a strong reminder for me to practice love toward God’s people and the world. My feelings often get in the road because of my irritation with the unruly or those soiled by the world. Often people need someone who will apply kindness and grace to their dirty feet so to speak.
Ministry is messy indeed!
Bev, I agree. ministry can be messy.
Great analogies, Bev! I am not a leader, but we all need this: —The application is a strong reminder for me to practice love toward God’s people and the world. My feelings often get in the road because of my irritation with the unruly or those soiled by the world. Often people need someone who will apply kindness and grace to their dirty feet so to speak.
6. According to John 17:9, for whom is Jesus praying here?
For those who God the Father has given Him. At this point, they will be His disciples who truly believe in Him.
7. Read John 17:20-21
A. Who else is Jesus praying for here according to verse 20?
Jesus is not just praying for His disciples but for those who will believe in him through the message of His disciples ( All the generations after them including us and the future generations)
B. What specifically does He ask and why according to verse 21?
That we may be one so that the world will believe that God has sent Jesus
Meditate on the following From Francis Schaeffer:
This does not mean we must agree on everything, but love in everything. If I fail in my love toward my brother, the world will not believe the Father sent the Son, but that Jesus was just a man like us.
I have observed one thing among true Christians in their differences in many countries: What divides and severs true Christian groups and Christians – what leaves a bitterness that can last for twenty, thirty, or forty years (or for fifty or sixty years in a son’s memory) is not the issue of the doctrine or belief which caused the differences in the first place. Invariably it is the lack of love and the bitter things that are said by true Christians in the midst of differences. These stick in the mind like glue. …It is these things that cause the stench that the world can smell in the church of Jesus Christ among those who are really true Christians.
8. Comment on the above. Take it to the Lord in prayer. Share your thoughts.
A group of ladies and myself are preparing for our annual women’s luncheon. We come from different church backgrounds but are united in our vision for unity among believers in our small town. During conversations I have with each one, I have gathered a sincere desire to reach out to women across age and denominational lines and to put feet and hands to serve in love. This will be our 13th year for the event and am very thankful that this seems like the best group of ladies I have worked with so far. God has sovereignly put these ladies together for a purpose. May we be a pleasing aroma to God, and that the world will know that we are Christians by our love. Our event will be on October 9. We would appreciate your prayers.
9. From what you know about Eric Liddell, how did he show this mark to the world? (Feel free to skip if you don’t know much about his life.)
I would like to read more about Eric Liddell to answer this question.
What a beautiful way to demonstrate the love of Jesus, Bing!
May we be a pleasing aroma to God, and that the world will know that we are Christians by our love.
How beautiful, Bing. Prayers for that day!
Thank you, Patti and Dee! We are excited about the luncheon. There is a young mother who is very tech-savvy and has helped us with publicity. Dee, she and I studied your Bible Study on Ruth. Oh, how I love this young friend and her sweet daughter, Ella. Our speaker is a pastor’s wife and another pastor’s wife is helping as well. Such kisses from the King!
6. According to John 17:9, for whom is Jesus praying here?
Jesus is praying for His closest disciples, the eleven disciples, and possibly future believers in Christ.
7. Read John 17:20-21
A. Who else is Jesus praying for here according to verse 20?
Jesus is praying for those who hear the gospel, as his disciples spread the gospel, and future believers who hear it.
B. What specifically does He ask and why according to verse 21?
He asks for unity among believers that the world may believe. He prays that there are no divisions among believers.
1. How did you experience the risenness of Christ this week? Some weeks I really struggle with this question. I don’t want to make more of something than it really was just to have something interesting to share, but then again even the smallest things are worthy of noting and thanksgiving . The thing that I noticed this week is that I have been quicker to redirect my thoughts. Specifically when I spent time with some of my former co-workers. When they were talking about the reoccurring problems in my former work place it’s easy to want to rehash all of the past hurts and dwell negatively on specific people. Even if I’m not saying it, I’m thinking it. I truly want to forgive these people and want to genuinely want the best for them. I’ve been practicing praying for them every time they come to mind, and hoping for a real heart change in this area.
Precious and meaningful Dawn! Worth sharing for sure!!
Dawn, just what Jesus would want us to do: “I truly want to forgive these people and want to genuinely want the best for them. I’ve been practicing praying for them every time they come to mind, and hoping for a real heart change in this area.”
Not minor, Dawn, but major!
6. According to John 17:9 for whom is Jesus praying here?
Jesus is praying for the 11 disciples of God had chosen for him. They had truly believed in Jesus and, unlike Judas Iscariot, would never be lost.
7. Read 17:20-21
A. Who else is Jesus praying for here according to verse 20?
Jesus prayed for the future family of believers.
B. What specifically does He ask and why according to verse 21?
Jesus prayed all would be united with each other so the world would believe God had sent Jesus. Since the world has a self-centered attitude, true Christians are to show their relationship with God the Father and Jesus the Son through unity displayed in relationship with one another.
8. Meditate on following from Francis Schaffer .
I must admit there have been seasons in my life when I was “turned off” spiritually because of unkind actions and comments by those proclaiming to be Christians. Thankfully God has healed those soul wounds. I do not attend church on Sunday because of my work schedule but I have a standing invitation to a non-denominational house church on Thursday evenings. The moment I first walked in the door I knew I was loved and welcomed there. And it didn’t take me long to realize I was among like-minded people. As I listened to them talk I learned they truly love each other and don’t hesitate to meet a need. Recently, I got to hear about a mission trip several members went on to Guatemala. We have much to learn from our brothers and sisters in other countries.
9. From what you know about Eric Liddell, how did he show this mark to the world?
I remember being fascinated with the words “And all of Scotland mourned” the first time I saw Chariots of Fire. I wondered what sort of man was Eric Liddell that a whole nation would grieve for him. Well, 40 years later I discovered the answer when I came across the book ERIC LIDDELL PURE GOLD by David McCasland at a used book store. The author stated in the prologue “This is the larger story of the man who went the distance in life, and the woman who ran with him in his greatest race.” At the end of the book is a paraphrase of 1st Corinthians 13:4-7 written by Eric Liddell which I perceive to be an excellent answer to Dee’s question.
Love is very patient, very kind.
Love knows neither envy nor jealousy.
Love is not forward or self-assertive;
love is not boastful or conceited.
It gives itself no airs.
Love is never rude, never selfish, never irritated.
Love never broods over wrongs, love thinks no evil.
Love is never glad when others go wrong.
Love finds no pleasure in in injustice,
but rejoices in the truth.
Love is always slow to expose, it knows how to be silent.
Love is always eager to believe the best about a person.
Love is full of hope, full of patient endurance; love never fails.
Oh yes, I remember this too about Liddell’s death: “And all of Scotland mourned”
4. Read the following and then share why you think Jesus washed the feet of the future leaders of the Church. It was two-fold (and probably more) to model what real humility and servant hood is and pointing to the gospel which is what everything in the bible points to. I like the picture that was chosen for this part of the study. You can see the real confusion and distress on the faces of the disciples.
5. There are many leaders on this blog. How might you apply this specifically? While I’m not really a leader in any area, I can apply this in my day to day living. There are lots of tasks at church and work where I have to choose between sitting back and seeing if anyone else is going to do it “for once” or continuing to do it, because it needs done. And remembering that everything that I do should be done for the Lord and not to make me a self proclaimed martyr.
6. According to John 17:9, for whom is Jesus praying here? He is praying for those that God has given to him that are there with him at the present time.
7. Read John 17:20-21
A. Who else is Jesus praying for here according to verse 20? All of the believers in the world.
B. What specifically does He ask and why according to verse 21? That the world can see our togetherness and love for one another.
Meditate on the following From Francis Schaeffer:
This does not mean we must agree on everything, but love in everything. If I fail in my love toward my brother, the world will not believe the Father sent the Son, but that Jesus was just a man like us.
I have observed one thing among true Christians in their differences in many countries: What divides and severs true Christian groups and Christians – what leaves a bitterness that can last for twenty, thirty, or forty years (or for fifty or sixty years in a son’s memory) is not the issue of the doctrine or belief which caused the differences in the first place. Invariably it is the lack of love and the bitter things that are said by true Christians in the midst of differences. These stick in the mind like glue. …It is these things that cause the stench that the world can smell in the church of Jesus Christ among those who are really true Christians.
8. Comment on the above. Take it to the Lord in prayer. Share your thoughts. Having been through a very painful church split, I witnessed firsthand how nasty Christians can be toward one another when they don’t agree on things, it can get pretty ugly and spread to other churches in the community when people choose to change churches. I was really hurt by the number of “friends” I had that would no longer talk to or associate with me and my family over our choice (and at that time everyone had to make a choice, stay, follow the pastor to a new church or change churches altogether). It did not send a good message to anyone involved or observing. My sons who were teenagers at the time still talk about how confusing and discouraging that time of their lives was.
Random added post to this lesson.
I saw this on a facebook post about Elizabeth Elliot and I love it:
“Do everything, anything, however menial, measuring it not by hours or by dollars, but by love.”
– Amy Carmichael
Tuesday: Jesus’ Last Prayer For Us: That the world may know
6. According to John 17:9, for whom is Jesus praying here? – Jesus is praying to the Father for those that were chosen and given to Jesus to teach and instruct, his disciples.
7. Read John 17:20-21
A. Who else is Jesus praying for here according to verse 20? – He is also praying for others that will come to know Him through the disciples, all followers to come.
B. What specifically does He ask and why according to verse 21? – That they would all be as one just like he is with the Father and the Father is in him. He wants this so the world will know that Jesus was sent to us on Earth by the Father.
Meditate on the following From Francis Schaeffer:
This does not mean we must agree on everything, but love in everything. If I fail in my love toward my brother, the world will not believe the Father sent the Son, but that Jesus was just a man like us.
I have observed one thing among true Christians in their differences in many countries: What divides and severs true Christian groups and Christians – what leaves a bitterness that can last for twenty, thirty, or forty years (or for fifty or sixty years in a son’s memory) is not the issue of the doctrine or belief which caused the differences in the first place. Invariably it is the lack of love and the bitter things that are said by true Christians in the midst of differences. These stick in the mind like glue. …It is these things that cause the stench that the world can smell in the church of Jesus Christ among those who are really true Christians.
8. Comment on the above. Take it to the Lord in prayer. Share your thoughts. – I have always said that words are more abusive to me than physical hurts, this is my opinion and not meant to hurt anyone in any way. For me what someone says to me sticks with me more than their actions do. I am much more forgiving to someone that has hurt me in a way that is nonverbal. I feel very attacked when I’m cut down by words of someone else. That is showing disrespect and hurt in so many ways to me. Lord, help me to forgive completely like you have forgiven me. Help me to see where someone is in their walk with you, they may not be mature in their faith at the point of bitterness toward me. I need you to be with me at times of confrontation in love and as instruction. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.
9. From what you know about Eric Liddell, how did he show this mark to the world? (Feel free to skip if you don’t know much about his life.) – I’m not familiar with him to respond on this.
Just the opposite of the old “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me!” So untrue.
It is true, Julie. Words can sometimes be very hard to erase from our minds. We have to choose them so carefully. Such a good point. We cannot put the toothpaste back in the tube.
1. How did you experience the risenness of Christ this week?
God has been so tender with me, patiently working His truth into my heart, assuring me of His love for me. He knows how I best can hear Him and has used those ways—His Word, dear friends, good books, to affirm truth to me and re-direct my thoughts, my path. He has given me hope. I read recently that mourning and wallowing can look very similar but are very different. When we are wallowing, we are afraid to hope because we are afraid of the drop. Mourning is crying out to Him but not being afraid to hope. I was reminded that mourning is good. He reminded me in Psalm 62:8 “pour out your heart before him; God is a refuge for us” that He is asking us, telling us, to pour out our heart to Him. No matter how messy, He wants to hear. And that is where we find our hope. He is near to the brokenhearted—what an amazing Father. Sorry I rambled a bit here.
2. Read John 13:1-5
A. According to verse 1, what time was it, and what did Jesus intend to show “his own?”
It was before the Passover. Jesus showed His love for His own to the end.
B. According to verse 3, what time was it and what did Jesus do?
The time had come for Jesus to return to the Father and Jesus washed their feet.
3. What did He tell them in John 13:14?
We ought to imitate Him by washing one another’s feet.
4. Read the following and then share why you think Jesus washed the feet of the future leaders of the Church.
Jesus is displaying the message of the Gospel. He came from God, He lowered Himself to the depths of our depravity, becoming a slave. He cleanses us from our sin through His death on the Cross and is seated beside the Father.
5. There are many leaders on this blog. How might you apply this specifically?
Having a spirit of humility and service, not looking to bring glory to myself but to honor and esteem others above myself and bring glory to God.
So good to differentiate between wallowing and mourning, dear Lizzy.
Oh, Lizzy. How I love that He wants us to pour our hearts out to Him, no matter how messy. It is good to need the Lord!
2. Read John 13:1-5
A. According to verse 1, what time was it, and what did Jesus intend to show “his own?”
It was Passover. He was showing His love for them.
B. According to verse 3, what time was it and what did Jesus do?
It was dinner time. Jesus knew it was time for Him to be betrayed by Judas. He got up and wrapped a towel around His waist. He knew the devil would come in the form of Judas. He poured water in a basin.
3. What did He tell them in John 13:14?
They should wash each other’s feet as He washed theirs.
4. Read the following and then share why you think Jesus washed the feet of the future leaders of the Church.
I think He was modeling what caring of someone was. Washing feet is an awkward process; I did it for my mom once. I’m not sure why I felt compelled to do it. I was shy and felt funny. She was shy and appreciated it. Surely humbling. To wash someone’s feet is a self-less act. He did it to show that if He could humble Himself, then they could humble themselves. Also, they were fighting about who was the “best” and this act showed they were equally best, to Him and to each other.
Laura-what a sweet gift to your mom to was her feet. Especially with you being a dancer and all the workouts your feet get! Shows you compassion and servant’s heart.
5. There are many leaders on this blog. How might you apply this specifically?
Wow, I never thought of this before….I have the dancers at church…and wouldn’t it be interesting to have a foot washing for them?
That would be great, Laura!
6. According to John 17:9, for whom is Jesus praying here?
He is praying for His followers.
7. Read John 17:20-21
A. Who else is Jesus praying for here according to verse 20?
He is also praying for the disciples, and any of their followers.
B. What specifically does He ask and why according to verse 21?
He asks that they will all be one just as He and the Father are One. He asks so that the world will know He was sent from heaven.
Tuesday: Jesus’ Last Prayer For Us: That the world may know
6. According to John 17:9, for whom is Jesus praying here?
—He is praying for his disciples and the true followers who God had given him in his earthly ministry.
7. Read John 17:20-21
A. Who else is Jesus praying for here according to verse 20?
—He prays for all believers over the course of time who will truly accept and acknowledge Him as their Savior. That includes me and in totality is the Church, his body.
B. What specifically does He ask and why according to verse 21?
—“that they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me.”
John 17:21 ESV
He asks for us to have a oneness of spirit with Him. And as we are bound to Him through the indwelling Holy Spirit we will reflect that oneness to the world around us.
8. Comment on the above. Take it to the Lord in prayer. Share your thoughts.
—“Invariably it is the lack of love and the bitter things that are said by true Christians in the midst of differences. These stick in the mind like glue.” Francis Schaeffer
—Learning to love and practice love in a genuine way is hard and rare in this fallen broken world. To practice love often is revealed in actions first. We live in a culture that uses and misuses the word love often and coarsely. It is tied to sentimentality and feelings. It is most often tied to self.
1 Corinthians 13 clarifies what the love of God looks like fleshed out. It refers to what truly loving words look like. When and how they are spoken.
As we I think back over my life unloving and loving words are indelible on my heart and mind.
I am challenged more and more at this age to be more quiet and when I do speak to let it be with a loving heart and attitude.
9. From what you know about Eric Liddell, how did he show this mark to the world? (Feel free to skip if you don’t know much about his life.)
—His commitment to and stand for Christ never wavered. From refusing to run on Sunday in the Olympics to giving up the glory the world would have given him in his ability to run but rather go to a mission field in a very hard and dangerous place he stayed faithful to Jesus and the mission to share and preach Christ. The number of godly men who are the likes of Eric Liddell that this world has seen are very few.
From Bev:
As I think back over my life unloving and loving words are indelible on my heart and mind.
I am challenged more and more at this age to be more quiet and when I do speak to let it be with a loving heart and attitude.
8. How might this realization help you to view your brother or sister in Christ?
Every believer is one with the Trinity and should be one with their brothers and sisters in Christ. I must love them as Jesus loves me. We are all dealing with idols and we can only have the weight of glory if we love one another through our battles. We can win our battles through the binding force of loving one another in and through them. Not sure I fully understood what Lewis is saying here.
A verse comes to mind from Philippians 2. About not looking only at your interests but at the interest of others. And also, Romans 12:3 For by the grace given to me I say to everyone among you not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think with sober judgment, each according to the measure of faith that God has assigned.”
11. Read John 17:22-23
A. Meditate on verse 22. What thoughts do you have on what this means?
We have the same weight of glory that Jesus has received from the Father
B. Meditate on verse 23. What thoughts do you have on what this means?
Because I am united with Christ and He with the Father, we are united as brothers and sisters in them. This unity is supernatural and a distinct character trait of Christians.
12 Jesus repeats these thoughts in the closing of HIs prayer in verse 26. What does He say and what do you think He means?
Jesus has made the Father known to us and he through the Holy Spirit will continue to make Him known to us. We will always have the fellowship of the Trinity as children of God. So, there should be an ongoing fellowship with our brothers and sisters in Christ as well.
From Sinclair Ferguson’s book, Lessons from the Upper Room
“…the unity of disciples is supernatural, patterned after the very being of God. And it is created by the indwelling of the one and the same Holy Spirit in each member of the fellowship.
Christ is all and in all…the fellowship of Christians transcends all natural and social distinctions and divisions. When Christ is all to us and we recognize that He indwells each of us by His Spirit, a bond of fellowship and love is created that is unparalleled in the world.”
Bing, This is gold: Christ is all and in all…the fellowship of Christians transcends all natural and social distinctions and divisions. When Christ is all to us and we recognize that He indwells each of us by His Spirit, a bond of fellowship and love is created that is unparalleled in the world.”
I agree with Patti. So good Bing!
“It is a serious thing to live in a society of possible gods and goddesses, to remember that the dullest most uninteresting person you can talk to may one day be a creature which, if you saw it now, you would be strongly tempted to worship, or else a horror and a corruption such as you now meet, if at all, only in a nightmare.”
10. How might this realization help you to view your brother or sister in Christ?
I found this hymn to be so moving. The depth of God’s love for me, lifts me up to glory, up to Thee. It is so hard to comprehend how Jesus could love me in all my messiness. It is hard to truly comprehend the depth of His love. It helps to pray and mediate on these images of the sea and sky~ It gives a tiny glimpse of what life will be like in eternity, with that pure, deep love. It helps me to know how to pray to see others through the eyes of Jesus, to see in humility and to desire to serve Him through serving His children. The only thing that really counts in the this life is what we do for others in His name.
11. Read John 17:22-23
A. Meditate on verse 22. What thoughts do you have on what this means?
That I may empty my self of any self centered desire for glory for me and only desire to do what gives glory to Jesus. His glory is characterized by humility and serving ~ to be one with Him and to be one with other Christians, I need to be characterized by those same things. There must be a oneness and unity among believers that non-believers can see in order for them to see what Christ’s love is.
B. Meditate on verse 23. What thoughts do you have on what this means?
This is so hard to comprehend ~ My Bible notes speaks of the indwelling of the Son in the believers, and the indwelling of the Father in the Son. Because of the Father’s love indwelling in Jesus, Jesus’ love is able to indwell in our souls.
12. Jesus repeats these thoughts in the closing of HIs prayer in verse 26. What does He say and what do you think He means?
I think He means that as Jesus has made the Father’s name known to us; we are to make the name of Jesus known to others. In evangelism and in our love and behavior.
6. According to John 17:9, for whom is Jesus praying here?
He is praying for the ones God has given to Him.
7. Read John 17:20-21 A. Who else is Jesus praying for here according to verse 20?
For those who will believe in Him in the future
B. What specifically does He ask and why according to verse 21?
“that they may all be one”-for unity among believers and with God. For us to share the same union with one another and with the Father that Christ has.
8. Comment on the above. Take it to the Lord in prayer. Share your thoughts.
Oh my-this is so true. “what leaves a bitterness that can last for twenty, thirty, or forty years…is not the issue of the doctrine or belief which caused the differences in the first place. Invariably it is the lack of love and the bitter things that are said …”
What can start as a single disagreement can quickly turn into an attack of one’s whole character, defending ones self, criticizing the other’s view, and this anger feeds hostility that grows to a blazing fire… the fire dies but all are left burnt, scarred. So often what started it all is not even remembered or able to be articulated, but the wound remains and becomes the wall that keeps us apart.
But we are called to love one another. It should look different, how we deal with disagreements. I remember my favorite counselor years ago, said that one ust be the first to bow down, humble yourself, and admit whatever part you can own. Humility.
With love, we are called to be patient, kind; not envy or boast; not arrogant or rude, not insisting on its own way; not irritable or resentful; not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. (1 Cor. 13)
Love this from Lizzy:
I remember my favorite counselor years ago, said that one ust be the first to bow down, humble yourself, and admit whatever part you can own. Humility.
8. Comment on the above. Take it to the Lord in prayer. Share your thoughts.
I like to debate. Sometimes I get passionate about the topic too. It doesn’t mean I don’t care for the person whom I’m debating. But, I think the other person doesn’t understand that I can love them and still debate an issue. I think of my friend (atheist) who allowed her beautiful daughter to become a boy . I even witnessed to her, saying God made each of us exactly who we are; no mistakes (which was her argument). We are really not friends anymore. I brought medical studies (2) to her showing that it’s best to allow the maturing process to develop on its own (one was a Swedish 30 year study). She wouldn’t listen. It’s because I cared about her and her daughter that I did the things I did, but to her it looked like I was not being a Christian because I disagreed (I think?). I just can’t hang around those who would allow a child to make a life changing decision like that. I didn’t know what was best for myself when I was 14!
Can someone explain this statement to me?
“If I fail in my love toward my brother, the world will not believe the Father sent the Son, but that Jesus was just a man like us.”
I don’t see the connection between my love to others and Jesus being sent to us. So, I’m never allowed to be upset, mad, etc? That isn’t humanly possibly I don’t think?
Laura, You ask such good and hard questions. But your question kind of plays into what I answered to question 11 part B. I said I see this as having a oneness through the Holy Spirit with God my Father and Jesus my Savior that results in a oneness with all other believers. As a result of that oneness the world is shown Christ and God’s love through him to us. But I can’t whip it up in myself. His love and grace will flow to me through Christ if I confess my sin and live a life cleansed and open to Him.
So, no it isn’t humanly possible to to live and love perfectly not getting upset, mad, etc. But because Christ lives in us through the Holy Spirit we are being conformed to his image more and more so that our responses to others are less and less mad and upset and more like him in his grace and patience. That is why he was sent to us to save us and set us free from from ourselves. Our natural sinful state. To fill us with his kind of love. Hope that makes some sense to you.
So sorry about your atheist friend and her devastating choices for her daughter. Because she does not have God in her life she has no proper value system to guide her but is following the world’s way of thinking which leads to destruction of what is good and right. Her greatest need is Jesus.
Thank you for that very clear explanation! I tend to answer the questions without looking at others’ answers so I have to think . I will go back and read your answer to 11B. She definitely needs Jesus!
I truly think you were loving her by sharing the truth with her, Laura. The unloving thing would be not to care.
I think often the hard thing when we are passionate is to also share it in a calm and kind way. Only God can help us with that. So glad Bev helped you. I do love your passion — and God can use that when Spirit controlled!
Laura as I was driving home after work this morning I caught the very end of Gateway to Joy- the late Elizabeth Elliot’s program. As I listened to her statement I couldn’t help but think of you. She stated:
”God can do what we cannot humanly do”
You asked is it humanly possible not to get mad. No actually it’s not. I’ve learned not to be controlled by anger. There are situations where we are to be righteously anger such as the situation with your friend but only God in his mysterious ways can open her eyes to his truth.
Yes! This is good gold ♥️.
Laura, I agree with Dee here in that you were showing love to your friend and her daughter by attempting to speak the truth to her, in love. It was out of your love and concern that you did not remain silent.
Wednesday: Even as We Are One
Thankyou for that incredibly beautiful rendition of “Oh the Deep Deep Love”.
10. How might this realization help you to view your brother or sister in Christ?
—My brothers and sisters in Christ will some day have a glorified body as I will when we are are either changed or resurrected. When Jesus comes again. What a wonderful thought that we will love each other perfectly in that time with no differences what so ever. But even now in our earthly flesh God loves us perfectly and sees us perfect in Christ. He brings his glory into our lives through his salvation and because of the Cross we are perfectly accepted by Him. So if I devalue someone who belongs to Christ I am failing to appreciate who they are and will be in Christ. God is indiscriminate in his love for us and if I am rightly in line with his Spirit like him I will be indiscriminate in my love to others. The beauty of growing closer in a relationship with Jesus is that we then grow closer in our relationship to others who are his and know him as well.
11. Read John 17:22-23w
A. Meditate on verse 22.
What thoughts do you have on what this means?
—I’ve been trying to wrap my mind around this verse and what it really means for us in the here and now. I think the word glory and it’s meaning is pretty much lost on us American Christians in today’s culture. It would seem God and Who he really is is so diminished we lose sight of Him.
I looked in the dictionary and it gets a little bit of a picture but yet in relationship to God and his glory and what part we have in it is hard to grasp. Hard to even visualize in a meaningful way.
I went back and looked at some notes from Paige Brown’s teaching on Romans 8. I remembered she left a strong impression on me about glory and what it is from that teaching. She used the phrase I think from CS Lewis that calls glory “fame with God” and she referred to glory being weighty as Dee mentioned.
Some sound bites from her in this thinking:
As his adopted children we are considered sons. firstborn sons. We get everything that was and is Jesus’s. The glory that God gave him.
We have fellowship in his glory.
We live in the Now and the Not Yet.
Only eternal glory will satisfy us.
Her teaching then progressed into the future glory we will experience.
3 of her points on Romans 8:18 were
Verse 18 Glory is revealed to us. He is going to be revealed to us and fulfill us.
Glory is revealed in us. It is what we will be. Participants in His glory. He is the glorified and the glorifier. Perfectly conformed to the image of his Son. Renewed and restored. Our maximum joy and his maximum glory.
What will be revealed about us. We are in fact the very children of God. We will beautiful like Him. It will be obvious we are His.
From there she went on with the ensuing scripture that teaches the relationship between suffering and glory. The one leads to the other.
But back to John 17 and my thoughts. I have had a taste of God’s glory now because I belong to Jesus and as I grow in him I see more and more of his beauty I long for the day of fulfillment.
B. Meditate on verse 23. What thoughts do you have on what this means?
I see this as having a oneness through the Holy Spirit with God my Father and Jesus my Savior that results in a oneness with all other believers. As a result of that oneness the world is shown Christ and God’s love through him to us. But I can’t whip it up in myself. His love and grace will flow to me through Christ if I confess my sin and live a life cleansed and open to Him.
12. Jesus repeats these thoughts in the closing of HIs prayer in verse 26. What does He say and what do you think He means?
—Jesus completely glorified God and showed his disciples the true and complete nature of God in his love for his Son and he brings that same love into our very lives and by the power of the Holy Spirit Jesus lives in us and loves through us.
“Oh the riches of love in Christ Jesus.”
So glad you too love Paige. That’s what we will be doing in September. She’s doing excerpts from Elijah and Elisha. Hope to have you with us, Bev.
How to understand John’s riddle that this is a new yet not new commandment? I am quite sure he means, in part, that now that we have seen Jesus live out love, we know better how to love. I also think it may mean that now that we understand truly what it means to be adopted into God’s family, we should have a special love for our brothers and sisters. That seems to be echoed in the New Testament. It would be ugly if we just loved them, but we do seem to be called to a special love for one another so that the world may know.
13. What are we told to do in Leviticus 19:18? How can you better live this out?
We are told not to be filled with vengeance nor to bear a grudge against another, but to love our neighbor; Jesus even said to love our enemies. It can be difficult to feel love, if someone hurts you and wrongs you. But I loved Tim Keller’s reminder that Jesus was never offended. This is so easy to say, yet hard to do. When I am hurt or mistreated, my heart sinks and I want healing. I don’t like disunity. I have to go to prayer immediately and ask God to show me my sin and ask Him to forgive me for any hurt I have caused or negatives words spoken. I also have to ask forgiveness of the person I hurt. I think that vengeance and bearing a grudge are like planting a bad seed in my heart and it can grow and destroy my soul. I cannot control how others handle anger against me, but I can control my response.
14. Read 1 John 2:7-8. How do you interpret this riddle?
This is the old commandment, but Jesus came to earth, the Son of God, the Light. He died on the cross taking our sins and darkness on Himself. We need only to believe in Him and to live in and abide in His light. He has given us the Holy Spirit, our helper ~ we are to forgive the sins of others against us, as He forgives our sins.
15. Read 1 John 2:9-11 and find both the warnings and the encouragements.
One who says he is in the Light, but hates his brother and refuses to forgive, in still in the darkness. If you love your brother, you are abiding in the Light. I think abiding in the Light is such a key ~ we must continue to confess our sins, ask forgiveness, forgive one another, read the Word and be in the Word, and pray~ it is easy to fall back into the darkness of the world, if we do not feed upon God’s Word daily and apply it to every situation. He is the conduit that we must live our lives through. Only then, do we reflect His light ~ it is in His power, not our own.
Patti-this word picture is powerful and helps me so much right now ” vengeance and bearing a grudge are like planting a bad seed in my heart and it can grow and destroy my soul. I cannot control how others handle anger against me, but I can control my response.”
Amen to Lizzy’s comment to Patti!
10. How might this realization help you to view your brother or sister in Christ? I need to truly love my brothers and sisters in Christ. The least among us may be the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
11. Read John 17:22-23
A. Meditate on verse 22. What thoughts do you have on what this means? He has given us His glory and the ability to be one, not just with the Christians that we know firsthand, but with all Christians no matter what separates us.
B. Meditate on verse 23. What thoughts do you have on what this means? The world will only be convinced by seeing the love that Christians have for one another. That’s why things like the clip about Eric Liddel are so powerful. He was willing to risk his life and suffer greatly for his fellow Christians.
12. Jesus repeats these thoughts in the closing of His prayer in verse 26. What does He say and what do you think He means? He says that He has made God’s name known to them (that He’s not just some far away God) and will make it known (showing both past and future knowledge) and that God’s love is in Christ and that love is in us. Although the Holy Spirit isn’t mentioned, I think that it is the means by which we become one.
13. What are we told to do in Leviticus 19:18? Not take vengeance, nor hold grudges and to love our neighbors as ourselves. How can you better live this out? By being more mindful of the needs of those around me and to actually do things that will address those needs.
14. Read 1 John 2:7-8. How do you interpret this riddle? That this is an old commandment that was given in the forefathers’ days. That it was pointing toward Christ and yet it is new because it is after His coming. Now the kingdom of darkness is progressing to its end, the Messiah has risen and the Holy Spirit is now within us.
15. Read 1 John 2:9-11 and find both the warnings and the encouragements. The warnings: If you say you are a Christian and yet don’t love your brothers and sisters in Christ, you are still in darkness, spiritually blindfolded. The encouragements: If you love your brothers and sisters in Christ you are walking in the light and you will not stumble.
Dawn — I remember my impression of you in person was that you were quiet and very reserved, yet I see you emerging, like your opening statement about not just being mindful of needs but actually doing something to meet those needs. I see you unfolding like a beautiful flower opening.
10. How might this realization help you to view your brother or sister in Christ?
“Rolling as a mighty ocean in its fullness over me”
A verse Dee first opened my eyes to comes to mind-Job 14:15 “You would long for the work of Your hands”. Our brothers and sisters are the work of God’s hands. It’s a humbling thought for me—to really look at another and imagine His hand hand-crafting the body beside me. We treasure handmade objects, pottery, jewelry…but each person, hand-crafted by God in unique design.
11. Read John 17:22-23 A. Meditate on verse 22. What thoughts do you have on what this means?
Oh this week’s lesson just hit a deeper level for me. I needed this so much! The glory, the weight of who God is, His holiness, His beauty, His perfection-given to Jesus from the Father, and given to me from Jesus?! How can I ever be insecure when I carry the weight of the glory of God? What can anyone do to me?
B. Meditate on verse 23. What thoughts do you have on what this means?
Jesus is in us, and God is in Him. Jesus prays that we would have true unity with one another. This feels hard sometimes. But if we truly grasp the first part, that we have received the glory of the Father, if we could see each other in that light, there is hope for true unity.
12. Jesus repeats these thoughts in the closing of His prayer in verse 26. What does He say and what do you think He means?
He has made God known to us and He will continue to so that the love the Father has for the Son will be in us, and Christ in us.
The evidence that Christ is in us is that we love with the Father’s love. Our love for one another comes from God Himself, it is eternal-focused. Oh how I wish there was a way to permanently have my eyes set on eternity, but I repent and thank Him for His grace and the future grace that one day I will love as He loves, perfectly.
I’m so glad this “weight of glory” is ministering to you after the hard lesson on parting scenes. Dear dear Lizzy.
Lizzy, I love your thought of “each person, hand-crafted by God in unique design.” What a beautiful reminder of how we need to see one another.
Wednesday: Even as We Are One
10. How might this realization help you to view your brother or sister in Christ? – I think we need to all remember that we are all in different spots of our relationship with Jesus. We are not all on the same level and because of this, some have more weight in their knowledge of just who God is and just what all Jesus did for us. The more we grow in His Word, the more weight is upon us. the more we are held accountable. We need to walk along side of each other and at times when needed, reach down and pull them up and don’t let them stay down. Help each other to grow so we can all conquer this world we currently live in together.
11. Read John 17:22-23
A. Meditate on verse 22. What thoughts do you have on what this means? – When I first read it, what came to mind was that Jesus has given us everything we need to be like him. But we have to use those tools. My side note stresses unity. We will never show others the love of Christ if we as Christians and those chosen cannot even agree on the essentials of His Word.
B. Meditate on verse 23. What thoughts do you have on what this means? – The only way the world we live in will know that Jesus is the way is if all of us grow in His Word, to strengthen our knowledge to help bring more people to Christ. To love and forgive others, when they truly don’t deserve it. Unconditional love and forgiveness are what we need to be showing to everyone.
12. Jesus repeats these thoughts in the closing of HIs prayer in verse 26. What does He say and what do you think He means? – Jesus says that he made God known to us and will continue to do so in order for the love he has to be in us as well. I think he is saying he will not give up on us. He will continue to work in us and with us so all of our idols that are blocking others from seeing Him and know that God sent him will be removed and knocked out of the way. He wants only His love and goodness to be showing in us and nothing else.
Julie, I like your thoughts in answer to question 12. It offers good encouragement. Thanks.
I too love your answer to 12, Julie.
On 11, I think true Christians do agree on the essentials of the gospel but where we fail often is in how we disagree — not showing “His love and goodness,” but getting snarky, sarcastic, or side-ways. (Preaching to myself)
I love this thought, Julie: The more we grow in His Word, the more weight is upon us. the more we are held accountable. We need to walk along side of each other and at times when needed, reach down and pull them up and don’t let them stay down.
Thursday: New, Yet Not New
13. What are we told to do in Leviticus 19:18? How can you better live this out?
“You shall not take vengeance or bear a grudge against the sons of your own people, but you shall love your neighbor as yourself: I am the Lord.” Leviticus 19:18 ESV
—Taking revenge into our own hands and holding grudges is condemned in both the Old and New Testaments so it is not an option for a believer. It is a sin to do so. And people who hold grudges are not happy people. It robs their peace.
The challenge then comes with the instruction to love my neighbor as I do myself. All is well and easy until they have wronged me. Then acting in love is very hard. In fact it goes back to my comments from Yesterday’s lesson and Laura’s very honest question. “Is it humanly possible?”
So how can I better live this out? Frankly I have to hang on to Jesus and keep praying and asking him for that love like he has for everyone. And when I fail I have to come back again and again for his grace and forgiveness to remind me. I am amazed that in the past I have found he has given me love and the ability to act on it to some other Christians that I don’t like very much or at all. And honestly for some very good reasons. So I know it to be a supernatural work of the Holy Spirit. That conforming work of Christ in my life. By His grace there is always hope for the changes needed. My part is to not remain stubborn in my flesh but to submit to Him. But I’m still living in this flesh and it isn’t always easy. But Jesus knows that and provides for it.
14. Read 1 John 2:7-8. How do you interpret this riddle?
—Perhaps it has to do with the fact that the Old Testament instruction was the Law and the commandment which had no power to change a person’s life. Rather like the teaching in Romans the Law pointed out the right way to live but couldn’t make it happen. But when Jesus came he fulfilled the Law and it’s requirements by dying and now through the Holy Spirit He provides the power to do it so it becomes a new commandment so to speak.
15. Read 1 John 2:9-11 and find both the warnings and the encouragements.
—The warnings are if we allow hate in our hearts toward another believer we are living in darkness.
The Message translation says “But whoever hates is still in the dark, stumbles around in the dark, doesn’t know which end is up, blinded by the darkness.” 1 John 2:11 MSG
That’s a sad place to be in.
The encouragement is in verse 10
“Anyone who loves a fellow believer is living in the light and does not cause others to stumble.”
1 John 2:10 NLT
That is a desirable place to be.
Your answer to 14 is interesting. Yes, I think that is part of it. Perhaps also just seeing how He lived on earth. Once I thought it meant loving our brothers and sisters and not just our neighbor, but not sure that is part of it.
13. What are we told to do in Leviticus 19:18? How can you better live this out?
This verse ends with “I am the Lord”. When I remember He is Lord, I know that I do not have the right to hold a grudge, He has saved me from my sin and forgiven me, so how can I not forgive others. It’s hard, I know I naturally want justice, we want someone to pay. I have to remember Someone did pay-for me and my offender. When I act like there is still payment due, I am minimizing the Cross. We can have peace knowing God is the perfect judge and He will bring complete justice.
14. Read 1 John 2:7-8. How do you interpret this riddle?
It is old, because it is rooted in who God is, love. And it is new, because we are able to love because of the Gospel, Christ in us, our new birth in Him, allows us to love one another fully.
15. Read 1 John 2:9-11 and find both the warnings and the encouragements.
Warning-if you hate your brother you are in darkness and do not know where you are going, the darkness has blinded you. It strikes me that to be blind means you cannot see not only in that situation where you hate your brother, but in all of life. Not sure if I can articulate it, but the darkness spreads to all your interactions and life.
Encouragement-If you love your brother, you abide in the light, and in you is no cause for stumbling. Abiding in the light gives an idea of being bathed in His grace. There are disagreements, differences, but you live in the light so there is grace, restoration, hope.
“Abiding in the light gives an idea of being bathed in His grace. There are disagreements, differences, but you live in the light so there is grace, restoration, hope.”
I really appreciate your thoughts on that. You articulated it beautifully.
Amen to Bev’s comments, Lizzy!
11. Read John 17:22-23
A. Meditate on verse 22. What thoughts do you have on what this means?
Jesus wants the disciples (and us!) to experience what He and the Father have; a connection of being one together.
B. Meditate on verse 23. What thoughts do you have on what this means?
Jesus says that He wants the disciples(and us!) to experience perfect unity so the world knows that the Father gave the Son to the world. No doubt. It shows the love for them as being like the love the Father has for the Son.
12. Jesus repeats these thoughts in the closing of HIs prayer in verse 26. What does He say and what do you think He means?
He prays for the disciples (and His followers) to join Him in heaven to see the glory that always was.
Friday: How Is It Between Us?
16. We are going to spend all of next week on how to do an effective apology, but this is to whet your taste. Share your thoughts on the above.
It would seem to me saying “I’m sorry” is kind of rare unless it is something well modeled and rightly applied in a family setting. We live in such a blame shifting society. It’s always the other persons fault. Personal responsibility seems to be faltering among us. But in the Christian community it should not be so.
Schaeffer asks “How often, in the power of the Holy Spirit, have we gone to Christians in our own group and said, “I’m sorry”? “. Specifically he says “in the power of the Holy Spirit”. That challenges and speaks to me to be letting God’s Spirit examine my heart and it’s motives. Sounds like next week could be challenging.
17. How does Jesus’ model of foot washing give light to this?
—It was a picture and example of serving and complete humility on the part of Jesus. Often to say I am sorry requires humility but in doing so it could be a real service to others and bring emotional freedom to all involved.
18. Listen to this from Sara Groves and answer: How is it between You and me Lord? And how is this affecting my relationship with others?
—Such good questions. Setting aside the distractions and evaluating my current relationship with the Lord is of great value. Oh how I need Him all the time in all my coming and going and all my conversations. He is my source and strength to love others well. He is my influencer for good in all things. If I don’t keep it good between us. I lose and so do my relationships with others.
Shame on me if I don’t make him first on my mind. When I wake up in the morning if I don’t go quickly to my quiet time in the Word I find my mind wandering to random thoughts. It feels like such a waste when I do that. And I do it too often. Life with out Him at the center is meaningless.
I love the last verse of the song.
So let the wicked prosper, let the oceans roar,
let the mountains crumble, and fall into the sea.
There’s something more important weighing on my mind.
Lord first of all, how is it between you and me?
You are a blessing here, Bev.
Love this, Bev! Setting aside the distractions and evaluating my current relationship with the Lord is of great value. Oh how I need Him all the time in all my coming and going and all my conversations. He is my source and strength to love others well. He is my influencer for good in all things.
Amen Bev! ” Life without Him at the center is meaningless.” Thank-you so much for taking the time to share your heartfelt thoughts! I will try to get back on track next week with this study.
16. We are going to spend all of next week on how to do an effective apology, but this is to whet your taste. Share your thoughts on the above.
Apologies should be specific and sincere. It should be given with humility. Allow the other person to respond with their feelings. Don’t ask another to apologize for you.
17. How does Jesus’ model of foot washing give light to this?
Jesus was humble in every aspect of His life. It showed how much He cared for His disciples. It was a demonstration of love. Apologies are demonstrations of humility, caring about another’s feelings and showing that person your love.
18. Listen to this from Sara Groves and answer: How is it between You and me Lord? And how is this affecting my relationship with others?
If things are good between Jesus and me, it is easier to keep things good between myself and others.
Words are powerful and they can be healing, wonderful and encouraging. Words are powerful and they can destroy, intimidate and crush. Words last a very long time, so I pray always that I will first go to the Lord and listen to Him, with all my heart, before speaking to another. The most destructive words are not always things we mean, but they are things we feel in the moment. They are often responses to another’s words. My mom was so good at not responding in anger, even when someone said something totally cruel or snarky to her. She would just listen and let the other person say all they wanted to say. I learned from her that there is often more power (and healing) in holding back words than in saying what you were feeling in the moment. Feelings change, it is good to sit back and take a breath, then respond (if necessary)…but it is hard to change the words, once you have said them.
So good from Patti: If things are good between Jesus and me, it is easier to keep things good between myself and others.
Yes Patti, I totally agree. “Feelings change, it is good to sit back and take a breath, then respond ( if necessary)” Such wisdom, thank-you for this reminder…I need this.
16. We are going to spend all of next week on how to do an effective apology, but this is to whet your taste. Share your thoughts on the above.
I’ve been thinking about this. God the Father, Son, and Spirit share perfect unity. We, as God’s children, are to be in union with one another, but we are sinful and the only way we can have this same unity is when we rely on the Cross, the Gospel, to cleanse us and in Christ’s righteousness bestowed to us, we can be one with one another.
So this requires humility, confession, repentance, reliance on Christ alone. An apology must be sincere, and without excuses. I often try to explain my ‘why’…but the best apology is often just a sincere “I’m sorry.”
17. How does Jesus’ model of foot washing give light to this?
Humility. Not trying to cover up my dirt or messiness, laying it before Him in confession, before another in confession. And being willing to meet the other person with their messiness.
It’s interesting timing. A few weeks ago we found out that another teen boy in my son’s youth group had said some very unkind, bully-level things about my son to another kid in the group (a girl and some jealousy involved!). Last night the boys parent asked if he could come over tonight for his son to apologize to my son. My son was very hurt when it happened, but has since dealt with it and we had moved on. But we realize that this other boy needs to be able to do this and we need to welcome him and hope for true restoration. But it’s all messy. It’s washing each other’s feet. You can’t help but share in one another’s mess, and yet that is true unity.
Let us know how that goes. I think those are good parents and if the apology is sincere, will help your son’s heart toward him.
Thursday: New, Yet Not New
How to understand John’s riddle that this is a new yet not new commandment? I am quite sure he means, in part, that now that we have seen Jesus live out love, we know better how to love. I also think it may mean that now that we understand truly what it means to be adopted into God’s family, we should have a special love for our brothers and sisters. That seems to be echoed in the New Testament. It would be ugly if we just loved them, but we do seem to be called to a special love for one another so that the world may know.
13. What are we told to do in Leviticus 19:18? How can you better live this out? – We are to not hold a grudge or take revenge against one of our people, but instead love them like we love ourselves.
14. Read 1 John 2:7-8. How do you interpret this riddle? – Well, I think it is saying that if we have been walking with Jesus, we should now know how to show love to each other and how to see each other in the way that Jesus saw us. Our darkness that had been stopping us from growing and hiding just what Jesus has done in our lives has been taken away by Him and others will see what the true love of Jesus looks like.
15. Read 1 John 2:9-11 and find both the warnings and the encouragements. – Warnings are that if we say we are in the light but do not show love to others, we are still in the darkness, but if we say we love others and we truly do love them, we have the light of Jesus in living in us and nothing will be able to make us stumble. It is like we have solidified our life for eternal life with Christ.
I’ve been working overtime again so I haven’t been able to complete the study this week but I do want to share my thoughts on John 17:22. I did a background study on the verse and found an interesting comment on glory.
The author of the article, David Guzik, wrote, “God’s glory is, in some way, the radiance or shining of His presence, His essential nature.”
So my thinking is if God’s essential nature is love then perhaps the glory given to us through Jesus is the ability to love others as God does.
I would appreciate prayers for an individual I assist in the group home. She is currently having a severe medical crisis and we’re hoping she isn’t going to decline. It’s hard seeing her suffer with illness. Thanks
You are a truly loving care giver!
13. What are we told to do in Leviticus 19:18? How can you better live this out?
“‘Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against anyone among your people but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the Lord.
I think for me it is to constantly remind myself to see my brothers and sisters in Christ as fellow heirs in Christ. To be interested in their well-being as we are all journeying to the same destination. To love my neighbor as me means treating them as I would treat myself. Acknowledging that I was made in the image of God, that Jesus made me righteous through His death and later will be brought to glory. And so is and will my brother/sister. I also remind myself of the deep, vast, unmeasured love of Christ for me and I strive to give the same to my brother. He ain’t heavy cause he is my brother. His welfare is my concern, he ain’t heavy, he’s my brother. (some lines to an old song)
I am not sure I will do this perfectly but Jesus will help me love as He loved and loves.
14. Read 1 John 2:7-8. How do you interpret this riddle?
Dear friends, I am not writing you a new command but an old one, which you have had since the beginning. This old command is the message you have heard. Yet I am writing you a new command; its truth is seen in him and in you because the darkness is passing and the true light is already shining.
Loving one another is an old command as we saw it in the Ten Commandments 5-10. Whereas the first 4 have to do with our vertical relationship with God, the rest of it has to do with our horizontal relationship with our neighbor. It was kind of like a check-off list. With Jesus’ birth, death, and resurrection, loving our neighbor is now a heart issue motivated by His example and we let our light shine (not hide under the bushel) “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works,(done in love) and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” Matthew 5:16
15. Read 1 John 2:9-11 and find both the warnings and the encouragements.
Warning: you are still in darkness if you do not love your brother and sister.
Encouragement: Live in the light by loving your brother and sister.
16. We are going to spend all of next week on how to do an effective apology, but this is to whet your taste. Share your thoughts on the above.
I think this is hard to know when to apologize when we don’t know if we have shown a lack of love to a person. I have a very sensitive nature and often must pray to discern if I have offended or not shown love to another. As a pastor’s wife, I have seen my husband’s spirit crushed due to criticisms behind his back. Shouldn’t that person talk to my husband instead of telling somebody else or myself? I feel the burden at times of people expecting us to be there for them, getting their feelings hurt when we “missed” something. Should we be apologizing?
Our Bev said here that ministry is messy. Yes, it is. I sometimes feel like many people expect us to be “perfect” and not have any struggles. Then when we share our struggles, people get uncomfortable. I admit I feel frustrated and discouraged with things like these.
I, nevertheless, need to learn the art of making a sincere apology. I have apologized to people before and I meant it sincerely, but then I am often told it wasn’t a big deal. Or my apologies brushed off.
Interesting enough, one of the things that I have learned while in training to teach my students about dementia is the 5 ways to say I am sorry to a patient when they are in a crisis due to their condition. The main principle is validating their feelings even though to us as caregivers, they might not be “appropriate” or acceptable. This practice often defuses the anger or frustration of both patient and caregiver. Rabbit trail.
17. How does Jesus’ model of foot washing give light to this?
People do not have to be deserving of our sincere love for us to love them.
18. Listen to this from Sara Groves and answer: How is it between You and me Lord? And how is this affecting my relationship with others?
I love Sara’s song. Ultimately, these matters are between God and me. I have to answer to Him and I do need to ask Him daily, how is it between us, Lord? And I believe when we have the right relationship with the Lord, its fruit will flow over to our relationships with others.
Such a good question from a pastor’s wife — would love to hear your thoughts. This was it from Bing:
I feel the burden at times of people expecting us to be there for them, getting their feelings hurt when we “missed” something. Should we be apologizing?
This is a hard one. Over the years people who get their feelings hurt and make it known are often putting unrealistic expectations on others. It’s a rare pastor who ignores the needs of his people. Most often they have not been informed of the need in a timely manner or they would have been there for them. But should there be an apology? It never hurts to give one but in the case of people who complain an apology usually doesn’t appease them. It often seems to be a demand for attention. They are making it about them. I guess in those situations it is best to make an apology and then move on. Don’t get mired down in their whining if that is the case. I feel kind of hard hearted here but I’ve seen this very scenario played out often over the years towards pastors. You just can’t please people all of the time. It isn’t humanly possible. This is where keeping a pure heart before God first of all is so necessary and then let the Holy Spirit lead. We can trust him to lead us to apologize out of a heart of love as needed. Guess we’ll be looking at the how this coming week and trust an answer to Bing’s question will surface.
Bing, I have been a person who felt slighted by a pastor, but to Bev’s point, did he really know? I think in one case he did, it’s just that my husband and I seem “self sufficient” and aren’t as needy as others. Did it hurt, yes, but I recognize there are many who need more attention than I do. I didn’t labor on the point nor did I expect an apology. Move on and realize that pastors are people too; only human.
Laura, thanks for sharing. That is what is different and I think it Christlike of you to not “labor on the point nor did I expect an apology”…to move on and realize pastors are people, too; only human.” to Bev this, too helps- “This is where keeping a pure heart before God first of all is so necessary and then let the Holy Spirit lead. We can trust him to lead us to apologize out of a heart of love as needed.”
I also find that waiting on God and asking Him to lead me/us is important. For me, I have to ask myself if my discomfort is due to my own idol of approval.
Yes! Waiting on Him to guide us most important. ♥️
Such a hard place to be in. I see this could be very confusing for those who think they are being ignored. I see the same thing in another blog I’m following and the comments that some write make me think, really?? It almost appears that they are making the person out to be their idol if their name doesn’t get called, they get all upset. It’s to the point I may not even follow it anymore because their ‘selfishness’ for lack of a better word is making me upset to see it.
”People do not have to be deserving of our sincere love for us to love them.”
Wow Bing, This answer to question 17 is so concise and insightful. Just like we’re are not deserving of what Jesus has done for us “in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us “.
13. What are we told to do in Leviticus 19:18? How can you better live this out?
Do not hold a grudge and seek revenge. Sometimes this is tough! My husband and our oldest are in a real struggle for the past (almost) year now. I wish I could help them understand this law from God. I’m too lazy to “seek revenge!” Hahaha. But, I can also remember things done to me that I have a hard time releasing. Remembering that God said this helps me to remember that I shouldn’t hold a grudge.
14. Read 1 John 2:7-8. How do you interpret this riddle?
I’m not sure I get that it’s a riddle? The message is to love each other as yourselves. Jesus exemplified this and if we are of Him then we will exemplify it as well. We (as He did) exude light, not darkness, and in that light is the love of which He speaks.
15. Read 1 John 2:9-11 and find both the warnings and the encouragements.
If anyone says they are a believer but hates their brother, they are still living in darkness. These people will not know the way to go as they are walking in darkness. The opposite is true also, if you love yourself brother then you are living in the light.
16. We are going to spend all of next week on how to do an effective apology, but this is to whet your taste. Share your thoughts on the above.
What if the person who you have had a disagreement with won’t even acknowledge that you exist anymore? They won’t take your calls, send back your mail, and don’t attend family events? Total cut off. How are you able to apologize then?
19. How would the Lord have you apply this?
Just as I have loved you, you should love each other. John 13:34
Memorize this verse, keep it up and close. It will not be perfect, nor would I be perfect in its practice. But I have One to look to for example. Perhaps, I need a bracelet that says, “How would Jesus love this person?” to remind me!
18. Listen to this from Sara Groves and answer: How is it between You and me Lord? And how is this affecting my relationship with others?
Oh wow! Love this song and I have never heard it before. What a good reminder for me. Even though I have tried to continue my Bible study through the craziness of my house the past few weeks, I have been distracted for sure. I have not been in tune like I usually am. Forgive me Lord. It absolutely affects my relationship with others. For example, the kids usually say a prayer before they eat. Because everything has been so hectic, sometimes we don’t sit down as a family and eat the meal. We sit the kids down and then before you know it they have finished and we never said the prayer. Ugh! Such a simple example, but it affects us all.