Unlike the holy Trinity, the unholy Trinity of Satan cannot create, but can only counterfeit the true Trinity in order to bring evil instead of good, and to persecute and deceive believers.
It is helpful in in understanding these “visions of conflict,” to see how the members of the unholy trinity are identified and what they do. The dragon is Satan, who in the 1st verse of Revelation 13 looks out over the sea, over the Gentile world, to see how he can bring harm. He is the counterfeit of God the Father, but instead of creating good, he originates evil.
Dragon Head in AustraliaHis human helpers are the beast of the sea (government) and the beast of the earth (false religion). When they align against believers, we can suspect the dragon behind them. False religion, which includes counterfeit Christianity, is also called the false prophet later in Revelation. Here is one chart to show the unholy Trinity and their roles.
In Revelation 12 we saw the dragon pursuing the woman (Christ and His seed). Now as the visions continue to unfold, we see how the dragon executes his evil plan.
- the dragon (Satan) originates the plan
- the beast from the sea (human governors) execute the plan
- the beast from the land or the false prophet (false religion or the counterfeit church) spreads lies.
We can see this unholy Trinity repeating this pattern throughout history, as early as the Greek leader Antiochus Epiphanes who demanded universal worship of himself and sacrificed a pig on the altar.
But after Christ’s resurrection, the dragon’s rage increases, for he sees his time is short. The pattern keeps repeating both in time and in pockets throughout the world and will continue until Christ’s return.
It helps me to put historical pictures to this, where I suspect, both because of the madness and atrocities, and also because I see the government and the false church aligning, that the dragon is behind it all. These are just three illustrations from the last century.
Nazi Germany: Inspired I believe, by the dragon, Hitler and his leaders got the worship of the people, and also began a false “German Church,” aligning the “beast” and the “false prophet.” (In the biography Bonhoeffer, Eric Metaxis tells how Hitler’s German church proclaimed that the Bible said the Jews were an inferior race and used Jesus’ words against the Pharisees as evidence.) Just as the early Christians thought Nero might be the anti-Christ, many believers during World War II thought Hitler the anti-Christ. Each time they thought that must mean the return of Christ was near, as they didn’t realize this pattern would keep repeating over both time and geography.
The last 60 years in North Korea: Inspired, I believe, by the dragon, the family line of Kim Jong-un demands the worship of North Koreans. Huge pictures of his father and himself are in every home and there are stories of North Koreans risking or even giving their lives to save these portraits in a fire. This false government and religion spreads lies about North Korea being a utopia and Kim Jong-un being a wonderful cherished leader and even of supernatural origin. North Koreans are isolated and lied to without any access to news from the outside world. Christians are particularly persecuted, and Bibles are banned. People are starving, hundreds of thousands are in cruel labor camps, and conditions are primitive. (I recommend Escape from North Korea by Melanie Kirkpatrick.)
The LGBT+ Agenda in the World: Inspired, I believe, by the dragon, governments and deceived and nominal Christians have aligned in an attack against God’s plan for marriage and the family. (I recommend Washed and Waiting by Wesley Hill.) You may think this is a stretch as an example, so feel free to say why!
(I was unable to upload a word document but will keep trying!)
Sunday: Getting Started
Today is the first Sunday in Advent. I pray for us all to stay close to our Lord. J. I. Packer says the Incarntion is the most important truth — for if God became flesh, then the miracles and the resurrection are not hard to believe!
- As you reflect on this Thanksgiving weekend, for what are you particularly thankful in regard to moments with God or with loved ones; anything new God taught you that is helpful, or something else?
- After reading the opening, can you explain the three parts of the unholy trinity, whom they counterfeit, and what they do?
- Comment on the opening and the three examples of “the unholy Trinity” from the last century. Do you agree or disagree and why? Can you give another example of the government and the false church aligning to persecute the true Church, those who are “in Christ?”
Monday: Introducing The Second Vision of Conflict
4. Last week we saw the first vision of conflict in the dragon. Whom does he counterfeit? How is he portrayed in Revelation 13:1 and what do you think this picture communicates?
5. Read Revelation 13:1-10 as an overview of the 2nd member of the unholy Trinity.
A. According to verse 2, where does he come out of and who gives him his power?
B. How do you see him counterfeiting Christ in verse 3?
C. How does the world respond to him according to verse 4?
D. What does he use his mouth for according to verses 5- 6?
E. What power is he given according to verse 7?
F. What are true believers told concerning this in verses 8-10?
Tuesday: Corrupt Government
Prepare your heart today by praising the true Christ, whom the beast of the sea attempts to counterfeit:
6. In Mystery Explained, under “Revelation 13:1-10: SECOND VISION: BEAST FROM THE SEA read up to “John now sees a strange sight.” (Underline or highlight as you read.)
A. What Old Testament prophet first gave us the vision of the four beasts?
B. What do the ten diadems represent?
C. What does Campbell think the blasphemous names represent? Can you think of any world leaders who claim Deity as Christ claimed Deity?
D. How does the false beast corrupt God’s plan for government?
E. Why does Campbell think the horns and diadems show this is not limited to a few leaders?
F. Campbell says that not all governments are evil, but all are influenced by the false beast to persecute believers? Wherever you live, how have you experienced this?
G. How does Campbell contrast the diadems and crowns of Christ and what does this mean?
Wednesday: The Mortal Wound
In this section I kept remembering Paige Brown’s illustration of her bringing her tonsils in a jar to kindergarten show and tell and how the teacher threw up. She was illustrating how the devil thought he had won by inflicting a mortal wound on Jesus, but when He rose from the dead, the devil threw up!
7. Read again Revelation 13:3 and summarize what happens.
8. Read Dr. Campbell under “John now sees a strange sight” up to “the lost multitudes are deceived.”
A. How does Campbell support his belief that the mortal wound was given by the hand of God, rather than Satan?
B. How should this encourage us?
C. When Satan failed with Christ, he went after His followers. Campbell believes the “forty-two months” is symbolic, representing the church age. Satan can attack us physically, but not spiritually. What parallels does Campbell see between the wound that happened to Christ and the wound the beast will inflict on true believers, the Church?
D. Why does Campbell caution against identifying one particular nation or government as this false beast?
There is so much to reflect on in this, and I know every generation has seen governments persecuting the true Church in various ways. I know we cannot know, for example, if Covid is germ warfare from a government, but I do see how Satan has used it to persecute believers, dividing them, diminishing their attendance at church, and discouraging them. And the world thinks they are winning — and soon the church will be no more, that we, indeed, have been dealt a fatal wound! And they cheer!
9. In order to stand firm and be a force for good, instead of helping the counterfeit Trinity:
A. How do you think God would have you respond to believers with whom you disagree on masks or vaccinations?
B. How are you continuing with Christian fellowship despite the obstacles?
C. Why should you not be discouraged?
Thursday: Warfare Continues Under God’s Sovereignty
10. Read on in Mystery Explained from “The Lost Multitudes are Deceived” to “The warfare during the Church age continues…”
A. Who allows the demon to utter blasphemies?
B. How long is he permitted to do this?
11. Read and then summarize Revelation 13:6-8.
12. Read from “The warfare continues” to “Believers are now Exhorted”
A. Who is in control?
B. What do you learn about the “Book of Life?”
Friday: Perseverance of the Saints in Suffering
13. Read Revelation 13:9-10 and summarize it.
14. Continue reading in Mystery Explained up to 13:11-18 Third Vision
A. What shocking pictures are in these verses and what is their purpose?
B. What must we do as we face trial, persecution, and even death?
15. I know this is controversial, but I must ask. If this is all true, what is the danger of the teaching that assumes believers will be spared from all this?
16. What is your take-a-way and why?
Tomorrow The Gospel Coalition airs an Advent Musical Special — last year’s was wonderful!
Sunday: Getting Started
Today is the first Sunday in Advent. I pray for us all to stay close to our Lord. J. I. Packer says the Incarnation is the most important truth — for if God became flesh, then the miracles and the resurrection are not hard to believe!
Yes, Dee, it is my prayer, too for us all to stay close to the Lord. He tabernacles/homesteads in each one of us. Immanuel, God with us!
As you reflect on this Thanksgiving weekend, for what are you particularly thankful in regard to moments with God or with loved ones; anything new God taught you that is helpful, or something else?
Richard and I hosted a Thanksgiving meal for the first time with his 2 sisters and their families. I also drove to my daughter’s house afterward to dog-sit while she made a trip to see a friend. I was exhausted by the end of the day!
I have prayed for an edifying time together. We have not gathered for many years after my in-laws have passed away. I also know that the dynamics of having 14 people in the same house can be draining. Plus, there are some issues that have sprung up between my husband and his sisters which cause tension when they are together.
Nevertheless, I have seen how God worked things out for the good. He gave me peace and grace on how to handle last-minute changes, tact when needed, and a genuine love for my sisters in in-law. I know these would not have been possible without God’s help. And I am grateful.
God has also taught me that as long as we are here on earth, relationships would always require wisdom and grace from Him. And that pain is part of loving others unconditionally. I am learning not to forget the accessibility and the availability of the Holy Spirit to help me in any and every situation. I am also learning to consistently rely on His Word to guide me.
After reading the opening, can you explain the three parts of the unholy trinity, whom they counterfeit, and what they do?
Satan is a counterfeit to God (there is no contest/no comparison as Paige said), but the enemy still has the nerve to do so.
The beast is the counterfeit for Jesus and is the present government structure that executes the plan
The false prophet is the counterfeit of the Holy Spirit the false religion or counterfeit church that spread lies.
What God created and called good, Satan twists and originates evil from it.
Bing, your reflection of Thanksgiving was so inspiring and “only God.” It seems you were very aware and intentional in your actions and that spoke volumes to me as to the beauty of Christ in you. Thank you for sharing!
Amen to all that Sharon wrote. Thank you for these beautiful words.
And an Amen from me too, Bing.
Love your sharing your Thanksgiving Day story, Bing. I love what you wrote about not forgetting about the accessibility and the availability of the Holy Spirit to help us in any and every situation – YES – how often we forget that HE is right there with us to help us.
Thank you so much, ladies. Your affirmation encourages my heart to share. I at times hesitate to share because I have to guard against my idol of approval. I have realized that by sharing, I contribute to the good of the group and the enemy is not going to hang doubts, too-much-introspection, etc. over my head. He is very sneaky.
As you reflect on this Thanksgiving weekend, for what are you particularly thankful in regard to moments with God or with loved ones; anything new God taught you that is helpful, or something else?
This has been an especially difficult weekend with regard to my marriage. The challenge we are faced with is impossible to understand and a solution only something God could provide. I’m grateful that the Lord is humbling & softening my heart. I’m so grateful that my husband and I had long talks while dating about how divorce would not be an option for us. I’m grateful for the truth that nothing is impossible with God. Thankfulness has become something more for me this year than counting my blessings. I’m learning to be thankful in ALL things. That is a hard truth to learn, but seeing the way God can draw me closer to him in times of trial and learning to trust him no matter the circumstances takes courage and deepens my faith.
After reading the opening, can you explain the three parts of the unholy trinity, whom they counterfeit, and what they do?
Satan/dragon counterfeit of God the Father, originates evil instead of good.
Beast of the sea/government counterfeit of Christ, executes evil instead of good.
Beast of the earth/false religion counterfeit of Holy Spirit , spreads lies.
Comment on the opening and the three examples of “the unholy Trinity” from the last century. Do you agree or disagree and why? Can you give another example of the government and the false church aligning to persecute the true Church, those who are “in Christ. I do agree. The gods of secularism use legislation, education and the marketplace to impose their beliefs on everyone else, including the true church.
Chris, …” but seeing the way God can draw me closer to him in times of trial and learning to trust him no matter the circumstances takes courage and deepens my faith.” Praying for you and your husband as you look to God to find a solution to your marriage challenge. Keep your eyes on the Lord and I pray for His deliverance for your marriage from the onslaught of the enemy. “We do not know what to do but our eyes are upon you.” 2 Chronicles 20:12 “With God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26
I speak Jesus’ name in/for your situation. Here is Charity Gayle’s song, I speak Jesus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcmqSfr1ENY
Your name is power, Your name is healing, Your name is life
Break every stronghold, shine through the shadows, Burn like a fire.
Dear Chris, I am so sorry that you are going through such pain. I will keep praying for you. I agree that nothing is impossible with God. I pray that the Lord will do a magnificent work to heal and grow your relationship into something that is so beautiful, that you and your husband will both know that it has to be of the Lord. It is so hard to see a light in the midst of pain. How I pray for you dear Chris. May you sense His presence with you, as you go through each hour of each day. He loves you so.
Sometimes holidays,when you want such warmth and loving memories, are so hard because they don’t meet those hopes and dreams. Will pray for you too, Chris.
Chris, I am continuing to pray for you and your husband. I’m sorry that it was an especially hard weekend for you. I also pray for others to come alongside of both of you….perhaps a good Christian counselor, pastor, close friends.
1. As you reflect on this Thanksgiving weekend, for what are you particularly thankful in regard to moments with God or with loved ones; anything new God taught you that is helpful, or something else?
In spending time at this blog a song played that I hadn’t heard or sung in ages. I just stopped and started singing and worshiping… I don’t know why other than being overwhelmed with thanks, that I broke down in tears. This is the song…
”Give Thanks”
Give thanks with a grateful heart.
Give thanks to the Holy One.
Give thanks because He’s given Jesus Christ, His Son.
And now let the weak say, “I am strong”
Let the poor say, “I am rich. Because of what the Lord has done for us.
Give thanks!
It is such a simple song but so full of what I’m thankful for.
2. After reading the opening, can you explain the three parts of the unholy trinity, whom they counterfeit, and what they do?
Satan originates the plan and he is a counterfeit of The Father.
The beast from the sea (human governors) executes the plan and is the counterfeit of Christ the Son.
The beast from the land or false prophet (false religion or the counterfeit church) spreads lies and is a counterfeit of the Spirit.
3. Comment on the opening and the three examples of “the unholy Trinity” from the last century. Do you agree or disagree and why? Can you give another example of the government and the false church aligning to persecute the true Church, those who are “in Christ?”
Yes, I do agree. Antiochus IV committed abomination of desolation in Israel. There is much written in Daniel that I know I’d go back and read differently with the idealist view.
I believe Satan is influencing our government, schools and churches with certain teachings to persecute those in Christ.
Thank you for this helpful summary. It makes so much sense.
I think other examples of the dragon’s agenda are the elevation out of proportion of climate change and vegetarianism/veganism. Concern for animals and our planet have become all consuming for some, above the desperate need for people to come to know Jesus and follow him.
So true, Cath. Good to see you here!
Hi, Cath. I am wondering if you can elaborate on what you said about climate change and veganism, “the elevation out of proportion of climate change and vegetarianism/veganism. Concern for animals and our planet have become all consuming for some”. As well, I am wondering about your perspective on how Christians can sympathize with these movements without being consumed by them. As God believers, we have been given responsibility over the earth to care for it. (Genesis 1 & 2) Also eating of animals came after the Fall, though Jesus himself said all food is from God (Mark 7:18,19) and ate meat. I have been mulling over how to best live as a Christian in these times.
Diane and Cath, just my two cents worth. A friend of mine has sent me a link to the “Back to Eden” initiative and when I read articles and watch a few videos, I was fascinated by the work that the founder has done. What I have read makes sense, i.e. compost and non-till. Like you, I have been mulling how to “best live as a Christian in these times.” I visited my friend one time and she was using a machine to cut down old tree limbs to use as part of her compost. I admire her diligence. They have acreage with several animals and fruit trees. And I can tell how different their place is in terms of the quality of the soil.
I agree with Cath-these concerns can surely be consuming for some. I know my friend enjoys what she and her husband are doing. They do not have children which give them time to engage in such laborious tasks.
I periodically follow a guy on Facebook who is all about climate and green initiatives. He forages, does NOT wear shoes, and takes a bath in rivers!
Okay, some rabbit trailing here again! I don’t mean to digress as well.
Hi Diane, I guess I have a problem with “climate change” because it has become a political issue. When big governments begin to be involved in something most know nothing about, I get wary. In fact, I could put CC in as another one of those big lies….executed by the government (as the counterfeit of the beast), with the false witnesses (the perpetuators) of Leonardo Decaprio (big hypocrite), Al Gore, Bill Gates, and all the others who ride around on private airplanes, have 10,000 square ft homes, and want America to give up everything when others will not. Ohhhh don’t get me started! Not that I’m an expert, but I have studied the idea of greenhouse gases (did you know that water vapor is the number 1 GHG?, methane is more potent than CO2….India won’t be getting rid of their cows anytime soon as I see it, or the termite mounds of the world for that matter) and CC for about 30 years now, on my own. I have interviewed professors emeritus, scientists, the co-founder of the weather channel, and looked at data to determine my own ideas, based on evidence. Always follow the money trail….they want ours and need a way to take it; hence the CC drama! When “they” say, “the science is settled” I have a problem; science ISNT settled! That’s what makes it science!
I love planet earth, I do my part, too. I rake leaves, not blow. I drive a hybrid car (electric cars still have to get their electricity from somewhere, which means burning coal here in the NE…renewables are not readily available everywhere, and if everyone is so concerned then why did my state vote down a wonderful hydro-power plant hookup with Canada a few years back? Esthetics. The “look” is the answer!), I recycle (do you know how many do not even do this easy task?) If you use any small engine, then you are contributing (lawn mower, snow mobile, generator, snow blower, etc.) I just want people to do their own research and not just follow, like lemmings, those who have a bigger agenda then the care of our earth! You can care for earth and still go to work and have children, and a home (a life!). Not everyone is able to afford all these fancy new cars, and technology. Renewables are not cheap. If you get rid of fossil fuels then you can kiss most of your life away because it’s all made from them (phone, clothing, anything plastic, make-up, and thousands of other products). There must be a balance between renewables and non-renewables. It’s as simple as that; not one or the other. Also, new technology is coming out…the “new” nuclear is promising. Ok, I’m done 😉.
I always appreciate your perspective, Laura. Yes, we need to be suspicious of all governments and rich celebrities, yet, while we argue, glaciers are melting, the oceans are dying from pollution, forests are being destroyed by fires worldwide, use of toxic chemicals (even in our homes with the cleaners we use) are causing serious health issues in us, our children and grands. It’s a little overwhelming! Yes, we do all need to do our part – recycling, reducing our use of plastic and paper, reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and sometimes greater things than that – because we have been given responsibility as caretakers over all creation by God.
Laura, Thank you for addressing this. We see so much hypocrisy on the West Coast about all of this. They have not taken proper care of the forests and they don’t acknowledge what is causing the fires. I think it is so good to research all the information on climate change, the farmland of the world, who is buying it up and who is attempting to put private farmers out of business. There is so much going on behind the scenes in these areas. We do try to support the local growers here; we drive miles to take used batteries and old Christmas tree lights to places that will dispose of them properly. But the leaders have a double set of values. The lithium batteries in electric cars need proper disposal too. Yes, we all need to do research on this! (rabbit trail here) I totally agree that renewables are not cheap or readily available. There much be a balance……Check sources of information and check out the history of people who are studying population control right now.
Ugh, I shouldn’t answer these types of questions first thing in the morning when I’m barely awake. Sorry for seeming so harsh!
The problem is information really; journalists don’t really understand and the whole story isn’t told. Studying science takes a loonnngggg time. It is not a quick and easy thing at all.
Susan, thanks for the podcast; I will listen.
The forest fires occur because the state(s) like California, don’t allow the under brush burning or clearing out which then allows a build up of potential fuel.
The Arctic AND Antarctic are both growing in size.
I totally agree we need to take care of our Earth, as Christians.
I love this conversation about climate change, and I don’t believe that it has to be a controversy for believers. One of our ministers at church alerted us to this wonderful podcast episode with Katharine Hayhoe, who is a very strong believer AND a highly regarded atmospheric scientist. Her parents taught her from a very young age that being a Christian also meant caring for God’s Creation and for the poor and marginalized who may be disproportionately affected by environmental issues. She inhabits the worlds of evangelical Christianity and science. Why we were talking about this in church was because in our book discussion group we’re reading Keller’s The Reason For God, and he talks a lot about the reasons many give for not believing in God as having to do with science, and the belief that science and faith cannot coexist.
If this link doesn’t work, just google “On Being with Krista Tippett” and look for this podcast episode with Katharine Hayhoe.
Thanks, Susan. I appreciate your input. I’ll listen to the podcast.
Thanks, Susan for the link. I will listen to it as well. Laura’s comments are also very appreciated. like Diane, we also recycle and it is hard, I agree. My husband one time commented how he did not know how long he will continue to do so as we grow older. I do believe we need to take care of the earth as we would be working it when Jesus comes again and the earth is made new! It would be satisfying work then without the curse.
Thank you for this link, Susan! I agree. Being a Christian does mean caring for all of God’s creation and being good stewards. I love the book The Reason for God! One of my favorites.
Susan, I love your new picture!!
Thanks, Laura! It’s an honest picture – taken on Thanksgiving Day this year….the other two were from a few years ago and I know I don’t look that young anymore-:)
Susan, what an enjoyable read of the podcast! I am so thankful for the gift of women like Kara and Katharine! It was a long read but I really enjoyed it and copied some thoughts on paper. “hope does not begin in a place of positive circumstances, and hope is not the guarantee of a positive outcome…”
I’m so glad you liked it, Bing. I subscribe to the On Being podcast, and usually listen each week. Not all of the guests are Christians; some episodes I like, others not so much, but it always makes me think.
Comment on the opening and the three examples of “the unholy Trinity” from the last century. Do you agree or disagree and why? Can you give another example of the government and the false church aligning to persecute the true Church, those who are “in Christ?”
I agree. Every generation seems like has its own unholy Trinity.
It seems like since the time sin has come into the world, the enemy has used earthly powers to execute his plans. Since he is a counterfeit, he is twisting and undermining every truth that is in the Word of God and every plan God has for His people.
I think of how our schools have bought into tolerance, inclusion, kindness movement, etc, and how all of these, though inherently good, have expanded to “Do whatever is right in your own eyes.” And churches have followed suit with denominations splitting carrying with it the wreckage of hurting people. And this sounds like a repeat of the moral chaos during the Judges’ times in the OT! Judges 17:5 and 21
John MacArthur, in an article, calls our times, “post-modernism”, the value system ruling this generation and defines truth as a matter of personal perspective. Oh, how we need the wisdom and discernment of God these days!
4. Last week we saw the first vision of conflict in the dragon. Whom does he counterfeit? How is he portrayed in Revelation 13:1 and what do you think this picture communicates?
He counterfeits the Father.
A beast rising up out of the sea. I think it communicates the human governments.
5. Read Revelation 13:1-10 as an overview of the 2nd member of the unholy Trinity.
A. According to verse 2, where does he come out of and who gives him his power?
He comes out of the sea and the dragon gives him his power.
B. How do you see him counterfeiting Christ in verse 3?
The marvel of the miracle.
C. How does the world respond to him according to verse 4?
Worship him.
D. What does he use his mouth for according to verses 5- 6?
To blaspheme God.
E. What power is he given according to verse 7?
Allowance to wave war against God’s holy people and conquer them. Authority to rule over every tribe, people, language and nation.
F. What are true believers told concerning this in verses 8-10?
They won’t worship the beast because their names are written in the Book of Life that belongs to the Lamb before the world was made. They are told to listen and endure persecution patiently and remain faithful.
1. As you reflect on this Thanksgiving weekend, for what are you particularly thankful in regard to moments with God or with loved ones; anything new God taught you that is helpful, or something else?
We had such a quiet Thanksgiving; that was nice! I was thankful that the day didn’t seem to rush by and I relished in the coziness of it. I wasn’t hurried to cook since we prepped a few things the night before. Thank You God, for rest.
2. After reading the opening, can you explain the three parts of the unholy trinity, whom they counterfeit, and what they do?
The dragon is the counterfeit to God…the creator of the lie(s).
The beast is the counterfeit to Christ…the executor of the lie(s).
The false witness(es) is the counterfeit to the Holy Spirit. The perpetuator of the lie(s).
3. Comment on the opening and the three examples of “the unholy Trinity” from the last century. Do you agree or disagree and why? Can you give another example of the government and the false church aligning to persecute the true Church, those who are “in Christ?”
I agree with the examples and can add another:
The lie – “It’s only tissue, not a human,” “My body, my choice.”
The execution of the lie – abortion/Planned Parenthood
The perpetuator(s) of the lie – Margaret Sanger, the government, abortions doctors/nurses.
I really appreciate your comments on this, Laura. You are a powerful force, as a teacher, to stand for truth. I think of you so often and all the things teachers are being pressured to do. I pray for strength and the presence of the Holy Spirit for you and all teachers who are in this battle!
Thank you Patti!
4. Last week we saw the first vision of conflict in the dragon. Whom does he counterfeit? How is he portrayed in Revelation 13:1 and what do you think this picture communicates?
He counterfeits God because he acts as if he is in charge of the situation. He seems to represent a strange being with multiple heads/horns/crowns with defamatory words on them, directed to God. I think it represents the opposite of God, hatefulness and scary stuff.
5. Read Revelation 13:1-10 as an overview of the 2nd member of the unholy Trinity.
A. According to verse 2, where does he come out of and who gives him his power?
He comes from the sea and is given power by the dragon.
B. How do you see him counterfeiting Christ in verse 3?
He has a healed wound that everyone admired him for having.
C. How does the world respond to him according to verse 4?
They worshipped him and the dragon.
D. What does he use his mouth for according to verses 5- 6?
He spoke terrible words against God.
E. What power is he given according to verse 7?
He was allowed to wage war over God’s people and to conquer them. He was allowed to rule all the tribes and land.
F. What are true believers told concerning this in verses 8-10?
We are told to accept the persecution and remain faithful.
Monday: Introducing The Second Vision of Conflict
1. Last week we saw the first vision of conflict in the dragon. Whom does he counterfeit? How is he portrayed in Revelation 13:1 and what do you think this picture communicates?
He counterfeits God. He is portrayed as standing on the shore of the sea. He is standing and scoping the world looking for allies to wreak havoc to the world. And he found it in the “beast”, which symbolizes an earthly power.
This has reminded me of Pharaoh and his army vs. Moses and the people of God at the Red Sea.
5. Read Revelation 13:1-10 as an overview of the 2nd member of the unholy Trinity.
A. According to verse 2, where does he come out of, and who gives him his power?
The beast comes out of the sea and the dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority.
B. How do you see him counterfeiting Christ in verse 3?
He had a fatal wound just like Christ.
My thoughts: Whereas his wounds were healed so he can deceive the people, Christ’s wounds healed us; He healed us from our sins.
C. How does the world respond to him according to verse 4?
He had a following just like Christ had.
Thought: The beast had a following that catered to his pride; Christ’s true following is a result of gratitude to the most humble act of all on the cross.
D. What does he use his mouth for according to verses 5- 6?
Utter proud words and blasphemies; to blaspheme God and slander His name and his dwelling place and those who live in Heaven (angels and those who have gone before us?)
E. What power is he given according to verse 7?
It was given the power to wage war against God’s holy people and to conquer them. And it was given authority over every tribe, people, language, and nation.
F. What are true believers told concerning this in verses 8-10?
True believers whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of life will not worship the beast. This must be why martyrs have died throughout the centuries because they refuse to do anything with the unholy Trinity.
From Bing, interesting thought: True believers whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of life will not worship the beast. This must be why martyrs have died throughout the centuries because they refuse to do anything with the unholy Trinity.
Monday: Introducing The Second Vision of Conflict
4. Last week we saw the first vision of conflict in the dragon. Whom does he counterfeit? God the FatherHow is he portrayed in Revelation 13:1 and what do you think this picture communicates?
As a beast, I think feel like the heads and the horns and the crowns communicate power, but I feel pretty inadequate to speak to what it really is supposed to mean.
5. Read Revelation 13:1-10 as an overview of the 2nd member of the unholy Trinity.
According to verse 2, where does he come out of and who gives him his power?Verse 1 says he comes out of the sea, the dragon gives the beast his power, throne and authority
B. How do you see him counterfeiting Christ in verse 3?
He seems to have conquered death
C. How does the world respond to him according to verse 4?They worship him saying “Who is like the beast, and who can fight against it?”
D. What does he use his mouth for according to verses 5- 6?To utter haughty and blasphemous words
E. What power is he given according to verse 7?
He is given authority, he utters blasphemies, he makes war on the saints and kills them.
F. What are true believers told concerning this in verses 8-10?
That we will be protected in the ultimate sense, we are called to endurance and faith.
Interesting discussions about climate change, vegetarians, and how we should respond.
I’m on the road after a sweet Thanksgiving with 3 of my children and their families – rare for me to see so many.
I love my sisters on the blog and am thankful for you!!!
Have a great time with your family, Dee.
6. In Mystery Explained, under “Revelation 13:1-10: SECOND VISION: BEAST FROM THE SEA read up to “John now sees a strange sight.” (Underline or highlight as you read.)
A. What Old Testament prophet first gave us the vision of the four beasts?
B. What do the ten diadems represent?
The fact that the 10 horns stand for 10 kings.
C. What does Campbell think the blasphemous names represent?
The figure that was allied with Daniel’s 4th beast who speaks arrogant and boastful things against God himself.
Can you think of any world leaders who claim Deity as Christ claimed Deity?
D. How does the false beast corrupt God’s plan for government?
It is given permission from the Dragon to exercise its power to corrupt God’s plan.
E. Why does Campbell think the horns and diadems show this is not limited to a few leaders?
The symbolism of 7 and 10 showing completion and that no particular king or kingdom is in view.
F. Campbell says that not all governments are evil, but all are influenced by the false beast to persecute believers? Wherever you live, how have you experienced this?
G. How does Campbell contrast the diadems and crowns of Christ and what does this mean?
The Beast only has 10 but Christ has many. It means that Christ is the true King of kings and Lord of lords!!
1. I was sure thankful that our son, his wife, and our grandson (who turned one the day after Thanksgiving) were able to be home with us for a couple of days and have Thanksgiving with us. My son and his wife have not been here for a holiday since Christmas 2016, and they moved to Florida due to Adam’s being a resident in Jacksonville, FL for three years and now living in NC, but in the military, he doesn’t always get to take leave. My in-laws finally got to meet the baby after waiting a whole year to do so. Thankful, too, for safe travels for them as they drove here and then back home on Sunday.
I went to church on Sunday, and as I sat and waited for the service to begin, I was looking at the Advent wreath in the front of the church. I was thinking about Advent being a time of waiting for the birth of Christ, and suddenly I thought, “What if He hadn’t come?” Oh, what a terrible thought! But, He did come! And I noticed that the prayer before Communion was different than usual, and after taking Communion, I was just wrecked, and felt so thankful that He chose to come and rescue us! I returned later in the afternoon for a special Advent Lessons and Carols service, which was just beautiful with the organ, choir, singing, and reading of Scripture.
2. The three parts of the unholy trinity and what they counterfeit:
the dragon, or Satan, tries to imitate the Father, and is the originator of plans for evil.
the beast from the sea is Satan’s human helpers, such as human governments (and also dictators, rulers, kings, emperors…) executes Satan’s plans
the beast from the land or the false prophet is the one who spreads the lies.
3. I definitely agree that Satan was behind the likes of Hitler, and I would also add those like Stalin and Mussolini, and Osama bin Laden. The leader of North Korea as well. It is a red flag when you see leaders or rulers being deified by their people. I would think that what has happened in Afghanistan with the takeover by the Taliban is another example, as Christians are and will continue to be persecuted there and women will be horribly oppressed. Where there was freedom being won for women and they were able to go to school and get an education, and hold jobs in the government, all that has been erased and now there is oppression again, and in the name of their religious beliefs.
Susan, It is wonderful that your in-laws were able to meet the baby. So thankful that our kids had safe and uneventful travels! God is so good!
It is so true that there is persecution and oppression in so many parts of the world still, in the name of religion. How we need to continue praying for our Christian brothers and sisters.
Love the description of your meaningful church service. Liturgical churches do Advent so beautifully. Luci Shaw said she loves how they appeal to all the senses.
1. As you reflect on this Thanksgiving weekend, for what are you particularly thankful in regard to moments with God or with loved ones; anything new God taught you that is helpful, or something else? We had a quiet, yet lovely Thanksgiving. Our oldest granddaughter, her brother, Scott (by her dad’s first marriage)and her roommate, Katie joined us. We have adopted them into our family and always invite them to family dinners, when they can come. Katie and Scott don’t come from nurturing homes, so it is always very special to have them here. They each brought something delicious to add to our dinner and we had a lovely time together. Katie hugged us and hugged us when they all left. I pray for the Lord to touch their hearts and give them all the desire to know Him. There is so much subtle pressure from the enemy on young people these days. I am so thankful when the kids express the importance of family in their lives. I always pray that we can be a bridge to give them Hope in our Heavenly Father.
2. After reading the opening, can you explain the three parts of the unholy trinity, whom they counterfeit, and what they do? The Dragon is Satan, who originates the plan to draw all of God’s creation away from God. The Beast of the Sea is the governing body or leader/leaders of nations who execute a plan to draw believers and unbelievers to follow the Enemy of God The Beast of the Land is the False prophet, the Counterfeit church who spreads lies and “candy coats” evil. It is an attempt to turn scripture upside down and inside out.
3. Comment on the opening and the three examples of “the unholy Trinity” from the last century. Do you agree or disagree and why? Can you give another example of the government and the false church aligning to persecute the true Church, those who are “in Christ?” I do agree with this. As Bing, Sharon and Laura mentioned, there are so many examples of how “the unholy trinity” repeats itself over and over in history, from the very beginning. If you dare to condemn evil acts, you are the evil one. This has become more rampant and so subtle. We are inundated by government, education, and the media with information and values that are so contrary to scripture. Even the Bible believing churches in our area are being pressured to change their Statements of Faith to embrace these . Thankfully, our church has not done this.
I can only imagine how blessed Katie and her friend were coming into a home with such ambiance, love, and Martha Stewart for the cook.
6. In Mystery Explained, under “Revelation 13:1-10: SECOND VISION: BEAST FROM THE SEA read up to “John now sees a strange sight.” (Underline or highlight as you read.)
A. What Old Testament prophet first gave us the vision of the four beasts?
B. What do the ten diadems represent?
They represent the 10 kings.
C. What does Campbell think the blasphemous names represent? Can you think of any world leaders who claim Deity as Christ claimed Deity?
They are probably the fourth beast of Daniel who blasphemes God. Probably Kim Jong Un from North Korea, Putin from Russia, the Cuban President Castro, China’s Premier Xi, and the former Venezuelan President, Hugo Chavez. Any government that oppresses the church.
D. How does the false beast corrupt God’s plan for government?
The beast, given permission to corrupt, does so at every chance he can by oppressing the church.
E. Why does Campbell think the horns and diadems show this is not limited to a few leaders?
It refers to earthly kings and governments.
F. Campbell says that not all governments are evil, but all are influenced by the false beast to persecute believers? Wherever you live, how have you experienced this?
Yes, all are influenced. Many are being persecuted here in NE because they want a religious exemption from the vaccines (aborted fetal tissue used in development of the mRNA gene therapy shot) and some are being told no or are losing their jobs (private companies are being influenced by the government). That is illegal in America. We are protected by the first amendment of the Constitution (religious freedom). These entities are being sued as we speak!
G. How does Campbell contrast the diadems and crowns of Christ and what does this mean?
Christ has many diadems and crowns whereas the beast has only 10. I had to look up the word diadem (although I know I have sung that in a hymn once or twice 😉). This shows that Christ is the true King of kings, and Lord of lords.
7. Read again Revelation 13:3 and summarize what happens.
One of the heads of the beast seemed to have a mortal wound. The wound healed and everyone marveled as they followed the beast.
8. Read Dr. Campbell under “John now sees a strange sight” up to “the lost multitudes are deceived.”
A. How does Campbell support his belief that the mortal wound was given by the hand of God, rather than Satan?
The Greek word for wound (plege) is the same word translated “plague” 11 times elsewhere in Revelation. A plague always represents the judgement of God. It was a wound inflicted at the time of Christ’s resurrection. Genesis 3:15 says “He (God) shall bruise your (serpents) head.”
B. How should this encourage us?
It encourages me in the fact that God is in control!
C. When Satan failed with Christ, he went after His followers. Campbell believes the “forty-two months” is symbolic, representing the church age. Satan can attack us physically, but not spiritually. What parallels does Campbell see between the wound that happened to Christ and the wound the beast will inflict on true believers, the Church?
I see a lot of parallels between Jesus and the beast but what is common between the wound Jesus received and the wound the beast will inflict on believers is the involvement of agents of human governments.
D. Why does Campbell caution against identifying one particular nation or government as this false beast?
Whenever an evil kingdom arises, the devil is at work in another manifestation of the beast.
9. In order to stand firm and be a force for good, instead of helping the counterfeit Trinity:
A. How do you think God would have you respond to believers with whom you disagree on masks or vaccinations?
I have had many conversations with others who feel/think differently than I do and I respect that. We agree to disagree but yet value each other’s opinions. I think God would want us to handle it with kindness, respect and grace.
B. How are you continuing with Christian fellowship despite the obstacles?
Our church has been having services for the last year…cautiously of course. My husband and I have been involved with a Bible Study group on Zoom and this blog of course.
C. Why should you not be discouraged?
I have a hope, looking forward to glory and knowing God is Sovereign!
That was so interesting, especially in light of Covid’s impact on the church, that the word for wound is plague. Did you think about that?
7. Read again Revelation 13:3 and summarize what happens.
The beast that was rising out of the water had seven heads and on one of them was a wound that was healed. Everyone marveled at that healed wound and at the beast.
8. Read Dr. Campbell under “John now sees a strange sight” up to “the lost multitudes are deceived.”
A. How does Campbell support his belief that the mortal wound was given by the hand of God, rather than Satan?
The word for wounded in Greek means a judgment from God. Genesis 3:15 says that “…He shall bruise your head.” When Christ was resurrected and ascended, the devil was dealt a huge blow, a fatal wound.
B. How should this encourage us?
God is in charge!
C. When Satan failed with Christ, he went after His followers. Campbell believes the “forty-two months” is symbolic, representing the church age. Satan can attack us physically, but not spiritually. What parallels does Campbell see between the wound that happened to Christ and the wound the beast will inflict on true believers, the Church?
Both were slain but lived.
The followers of both have their names on their foreheads.
Both have 10 horns.
Both have authority over all on earth.
Both receive worship over creation.
Both have a final coming.
I’m not sure I am comfortable comparing the beast to Christ. It is making me nervous….
D. Why does Campbell caution against identifying one particular nation or government as this false beast?
Because the devil is behind it himself and can work against any government he chooses.
Your paragraph in the middle of this section made me think about an occurrence that happened last Sunday. It was the “Holiday” parade in our town; the 50th. Our church has a float and we passed out small bags with a candy cane and a paper that had the story of the candy cane. I handed one to a couple of people (teens), and noticed how one teen ran to another showing that there was a paper in the bag. She was excited and said, “Look, did you see the paper inside?!” She was laughing as if to make fun of us giving them the story of how the candy cane represents Jesus. I was sad that she was mocking us. I didn’t share with anyone because I didn’t want to steal their joy of giving the bags.
Wow — sad last story — Satan behind it, I believe.
Laura, how sad indeed about your last story. We had a tract included in the candy bags that we passed out during trick or treat in our neighborhood. We hope that at least some of the kids read it before they gobble their candy loot.
6. In Mystery Explained, under “Revelation 13:1-10: SECOND VISION: BEAST FROM THE SEA read up to “John now sees a strange sight.” (Underline or highlight as you read.)
A. What Old Testament prophet first gave us the vision of the four beasts? Daniel
B. What do the ten diadems represent? That the ten horns represent 10 kings who make false claims to the authority which belongs to Christ.
C. What does Campbell think the blasphemous names represent?Speaking boastful and arrogant things against God
Can you think of any world leaders who claim Deity as Christ claimed Deity?Though it isn’t exactly what was asked, I thought of Henry VIII of England declaring himself the Supreme Head of the Church of England and using the Divine Right of Kings to do whatever he wanted.
D. How does the false beast corrupt God’s plan for government?This I find confusing, the Romans passage says all power is instated by God for our good, The book says that the dragon gives permission to the beast to exercise power which “corrupts God’s intention for the state”I want to think the the dragon would have no ability to give power to the beast if God had not first ordained that that should be what happens. God’s intentions being corrupted sounds like he becomes less than 100% in control. I am feeling bewildered.
E. Why does Campbell think the horns and diadems show this is not limited to a few leaders?He says the symbolic numbers of seven and ten indicate that no particular kingdom is in view
F. Campbell says that not all governments are evil, but all are influenced by the false beast to persecute believers? Wherever you live, how have you experienced this?
I don’t feel much persecution from the government yet, but the stage seems to be being set for that to come. How does Campbell contrast the diadems and crowns of Christ and what does this mean? That Christ has many diadems demonstrates his God given right to rule. The beasts crowns are a counterfeit of Christs authority.
In response to this, Chris: How does the false beast corrupt God’s plan for government?This I find confusing, the Romans passage says all power is instated by God for our good, The book says that the dragon gives permission to the beast to exercise power which “corrupts God’s intention for the state”I want to think the the dragon would have no ability to give power to the beast if God had not first ordained that that should be what happens. God’s intentions being corrupted sounds like he becomes less than 100% in control. I am feeling bewildered.
I think the problem is my question! The beast cannot corrupt God’s plan for government, he can only play into His hands. For as Keller says, God only gives Satan enough rope to hang himself. Though it does not make sense now — one day it will.
Wednesday: The Mortal Wound
In this section I kept remembering Paige Brown’s illustration of her bringing her tonsils in a jar to kindergarten show and tell and how the teacher threw up. She was illustrating how the devil thought he had won by inflicting a mortal wound on Jesus, but when He rose from the dead, the devil threw up!
7. Read again Revelation 13:3 and summarize what happens.The beast is wounded, a wound that should have killed it or appeared to have done so, and then is healed, the people are in awe of this and think the beast is invincible.
8. Read Dr. Campbell under “John now sees a strange sight” up to “the lost multitudes are deceived.”
A. How does Campbell support his belief that the mortal wound was given by the hand of God, rather than Satan? The same word is used for the plagues that God sent as judgement
B. How should this encourage us?That God actually is dealing with evil and the enemy, even when things appear otherwise.
C. When Satan failed with Christ, he went after His followers. Campbell believes the “forty-two months” is symbolic, representing the church age. Satan can attack us physically, but not spiritually. What parallels does Campbell see between the wound that happened to Christ and the wound the beast will inflict on true believers, the Church? I’m sorry wasn’t sure what you wanted us to find with this question. :/
D. Why does Campbell caution against identifying one particular nation or government as this false beast?He asserts that the beast is represented by evil rulers across history, that he is a spiritual being.
On C, I have really been pondering what Campbell said the Greek word wound meant — plague. Since the witnesses are true believers both before and after Christ — they are us — and could it be that the Covid plagues will seem to be a mortal wound to the church but there will be an amazing revival? I know I sound like one of those who always see the end in terms of current happenings — but — could it be? Interested in thoughts from you, Chris, and others!
I prayed at the onset for God to reveal Himself to us….
9. In order to stand firm and be a force for good, instead of helping the counterfeit Trinity:
A. How do you think God would have you respond to believers with whom you disagree on masks or vaccinations?
With grace for sure, if someone sees something differently than I do I may need to consider why they believe what they do. I may not fully grasp the topic at hand, and if they are wrong and I am right, dialoguing respectfully with them may help them consider my point of view.
We have a problem in our culture with know how to treat people with whom we disagree respectfully.
B. How are you continuing with Christian fellowship despite the obstacles?
We are attending church in person, and going to church functions. I was challenged by a friend when we weren’t. It was so easy to decide to stay home and watch the service on tv. The ease of that combined with the trauma our church had been through and my natural introvert tendencies had us staying home out of comfort.I was challenged by my friend to rethink this. I know our pastor is buoyed by in person attendees and we do need to connect face to face with our people, even when it is awkward.
Chris, as a pastor’s wife, I know what you mean by this: ” our pastor is buoyed by in-person attendees and we do need to connect face to face with our people, even when it is awkward.” Our church attendance has never gone back to our usual number except during the three baptisms we had earlier this month. But I am thankful and my husband/pastor and I have committed ourselves to keep giving grace and loving to our congregation no matter what the number is. Surprisingly, and not surprisingly, we have kept our doors open and our budget met. And we are seeing deepening of relationships among those who come regularly. I appreciate the insight on how you feel as an introvert wanting to stay home.
So good from Chris and Bing. So true.
Love the above on responding with grace from Chris. Oh my yes.
Tuesday: Corrupt Government
Prepare your heart today by praising the true Christ, whom the beast of the sea attempts to counterfeit:
I love singing along with this hymn. Thanks, Dee! It has been a while since I have sung all the verses.
6. In Mystery Explained, under “Revelation 13:1-10: SECOND VISION: BEAST FROM THE SEA read up to “John now sees a strange sight.” (Underline or highlight as you read.)
A. What Old Testament prophet first gave us the vision of the four beasts?
B. What do the ten diadems represent?
It stands for 10 kings.
C. What does Campbell think the blasphemous names represent? Can you think of any world leaders who claim Deity as Christ claimed Deity?
The names are connected to the figure allied with Daniel’s 4th beast who speaks boastful and arrogant things against God. They represent a false claim to Christ’s true authority.
I found an interesting Wikipedia article (which I have been told not to use for research as a reliable source) to some historical figures that either considered themselves deities or people called them a deity or were venerated. Some jumped out to me such as Imhotep who was a physician and is part of the health history in nursing that we talk about, Jose Rizal of the Philippines. Those who deified themselves included a Mesopotamian king by the name of Naram-Sin, Antiochus I Theos, Francois Duvalier of Haiti, and then there was Jim Jones.
D. How does the false beast corrupt God’s plan for government?
By exercising the power of the dragon
E. Why does Campbell think the horns and diadems show this is not limited to a few leaders?
They are referred to in Scripture as earthly kingdoms and kings.
F. Campbell says that not all governments are evil, but all are influenced by the false beast to persecute believers? Wherever you live, how have you experienced this?
Many things about Covid have been used by the enemy to cause division and fear among Christians and non-Christians alike in our community. We have lost some members because of it and some of the harshest criticisms we have received have been from fellow Christians.
G. How does Campbell contrast the diadems and crowns of Christ and what does this mean?
The diadems of Christ are many (19:12, 16) and the beast only has 10. Christ is the King of kings and Lord of lords.
Bing — I’ve been praying about how to articulate thoughts on Covid in view of the strong opposing opinions. I think it is the horns of a dilemma — like smuggling Bibles involves deception. On the one horn, there are negative reactions to the vaccine, there are as Laura articulates, possible use of embryos from aborted babies — and then on the other horn, there are many deaths from those who are not vaccinated and the problem of passing the virus to others. I think expressing the two horns is helpful — at least in showing each has a case. I am not sure if it is better to engage or just be silent. It is so sad Christians are at each other’s throats. I keep thinking about Philip Yancey’s quote: Grace is amazing because it’s not natural, but supernatural.
Bing and Dee, I have been praying about this too. There is so much information (and disinformation), changing from moment to moment, about Covid, the vaccines, the masks, and more. I think it is building distrust in the leadership of our states and our country. It is causing division in families and in friendships. I do think it is a bit crazy that they will not let us know what is in the vaccines for 55 years. I don’t think any of us will really understand what is happening, until we look backward in history. I love your Philip Yancey quote, Dee. It is certainly the most strange time in history…in my lifetime.
We cannot wait to get back to live church. I am thankful for the faithful that are still supporting your church, Bing. That is happening at our church too. What the enemy meant for bad is not working for him. Our church is open, but due to my husband’s fragile health, we are still online. I know it is so hard on our pastor and staff to be on a continuous roller coaster. We are staying involved in what we can with helping in donating food etc. and of course, going to online church, but the community is what is being lost for all of us….and more in our area and a few other states. We are focusing on Jesus, and His power of healing, grace and love.
All that said, we are trying to focus on the birth of our Savior; it is He who we depend upon. I will not rob my soul of the joy of this Holy Season, to give Satan any foothold of my mind or heart. A friend recommended a lovely book of Advent readings: Watch for the Light. I want to focus on the gift of Jesus and pray that so many others receive that gift this year. My quote for this year is by Ann Voskamp: Think of Eternity and Live Backwards from That. (think I mentioned that one before)
Amen, Diane!
So good the above from Patti.
Patti, we have some members in the same situation as you and your husband are. And like you, they stay involved. some have expressed their disappointment at not being to be physically present at church but we try to encourage them to do what is best for them. I am thankful for texting, phone calls, and emails to connect with these members. And we do have a small church. I do have to guard my thoughts against a judgmental attitude and just like you said, a focus on Jesus and his power of healing, grace, and love.
I love the quote from Ann. I should use that as an alibi for reading the end of short stories ahead before I start on the first chapter! One of my sisters-in-law thinks I am nuts! LOL I know where I am going (eternity) so I can live preparing for that.
Wednesday: The Mortal Wound
7. Read again Revelation 13:3 and summarize what happens.
One of the heads of the beast looked like it had a mortal wound, but it seemed healed, and people looked at the beast with wonder.
8. Read Dr. Campbell under “John now sees a strange sight” up to “the lost multitudes are deceived.”
A. How does Campbell support his belief that the mortal wound was given by the hand of God, rather than Satan?
The mortal wound was given by God at the time of Jesus’ resurrection. The phrase “ seemed to have a mortal wound” is literally “ seemed as slain” I thought it interesting that the word wound is the same word for plague and represents the judgment of God. Genesis 3: 15 is fulfilled: “He shall bruise your head.” The serpent has already been judged then; I feel like it is a slow death for him and he is trying to include as many people as he can with him. I think it was our Sharon who said that the enemy is like a wounded animal who is striking back venomously. And his time is short which he knows.
B. How should this encourage us? God is sovereign and in control!
C. When Satan failed with Christ, he went after His followers. Campbell believes the “forty-two months” is symbolic, representing the church age. Satan can attack us physically, but not spiritually. What parallels does Campbell see between the wound that happened to Christ and the wound the beast will inflict on true believers, the Church?
The beast will now inflict on true believers because He failed with Christ. And he will use human governments against the kingdom of God.
D. Why does Campbell caution against identifying one particular nation or government as this false beast?
Evil kingdoms are manifestations of the beast with the devil behind them. They will rise during the church age and will permeate all societies.
9. In order to stand firm and be a force for good, instead of helping the counterfeit Trinity:
A. How do you think God would have you respond to believers with whom you disagree on masks or vaccinations?
I go back to what I have learned in our Romans study with Paige. “Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the faith God has distributed to each of you.” Do not be overcome by evil but overcome evil with good. Now is a time to practice the principles of Romans 12!
B. How are you continuing with Christian fellowship despite the obstacles?
Our church is open to anybody who would like to come. I am leading an in-person bible Study group with 11 women. I use the internet and text messaging to connect with fellow Christians. When we are in God’s will, He will direct us to ways that may seem impassable or impossible.
C. Why should you not be discouraged?
God is sovereign and He will protect us if not physically, spiritually for certain. Never has been a better time than nowadays to cling to what hope I profess.
Although the link that Susan (thanks!) sent us was about climate change, I was buoyed by Katharine Hayhoe’s positive, realistic take on the subject matter. Her faith is robust and practical in many ways. I love learning words like “rational hope” putting muscles to our hope and I especially loved this part:
And so, for me, my favorite verse in the bible, that motivates me in my work today, it has nothing to do with creation or nature or anything like that. It is the verse in Timothy where it talks about fear, where it says, “God has not given you a spirit of fear.” So when that fear comes against me, when that fear comes against us, I have a litmus test: that fear is not coming from God. And if it’s not coming from God, why do I want to entertain it? Why do I want to succumb to it? Why do I want to give in to it? Instead, what God has given us, that verse goes on to say, is a spirit of power, which is kind of an old-fashioned word, but in modern parlance, it means to be empowered; to be able to act.
Tippett: Or “agency.” Hayhoe: Yes, agency. Exactly — a spirit of agency. I like that.
Bing, thanks for bringing this out of the podcast’s conversation, and it is so important, because fear tends to paralyze us. I like how she explained the meaning of being given a “spirit of power” – it means to be empowered, to be able to act. When we are fearful and paralyzed, that is not from God. God gives us the ability to be able to take action.
Amen to Susan’s comments! I love your new photo, Susan. 🙂
4. Last week we saw the first vision of conflict in the dragon. Whom does he counterfeit? God the Father How is he portrayed in Revelation 13:1 and what do you think this picture communicates? Standing on the shore of the sea. He seems to be calling the beast from the sea.
5. Read Revelation 13:1-10 as an overview of the 2nd member of the unholy Trinity.
A. According to verse 2, where does he come out of and who gives him his power? He comes from the sea and his power is given to him by the dragon.
B. How do you see him counterfeiting Christ in verse 3? Christ was crucified and miraculously rose from the dead. The beast was wounded in the head and was “miraculously” healed.
C. How does the world respond to him according to verse 4? They were amazed and followed him.
D. What does he use his mouth for according to verses 5- 6? Arrogant words and blasphemies against God, to blaspheme His name and His tabernacle (those who dwell in heaven).
E. What power is he given according to verse 7? To make war with the saints and to overcome them, and authority was given to him over every tribe, people, language, and nation.
F. What are true believers told concerning this in verses 8-10? Those who aren’t listed in the Lamb’s book of life will follow the beast. Christians destined to captivity will be held captive, but we are not to kill anyone for those who violently kill will be violently killed.
6. In Mystery Explained, under “Revelation 13:1-10: SECOND VISION: BEAST FROM THE SEA read up to “John now sees a strange sight.” (Underline or highlight as you read.)
A. What Old Testament prophet first gave us the vision of the four beasts? Daniel
B. What do the ten diadems represent? The ten kings.
C. What does Campbell think the blasphemous names represent? A figure allied with Daniel’s four beasts. Can you think of any world leaders who claim Deity as Christ claimed Deity? Jim Jones and Charles Manson are the ones who come to mind.
D. How does the false beast corrupt God’s plan for government? God meant for our governments to represent Him on the earth.
E. Why does Campbell think the horns and diadems show this is not limited to a few leaders? According to Campbell the numbers 7 and 10 symbolize fullness and completeness and show that no particular king or kingdom is in view, but that the beast represents the evil spirit behind all evil kings and governments throughout history which seek to oppress the church. As to why, I don’t know. Maybe I’m missing something.
F. Campbell says that not all governments are evil, but all are influenced by the false beast to persecute believers. Wherever you live, how have you experienced this? When we are forced by law to service those outside of our beliefs and are prosecuted if we don’t, i.e performing weddings for gay couples or having to pay for abortions labeled as reproductive healthcare.
10. Read on in Mystery Explained from “The Lost Multitudes are Deceived” to “The warfare during the Church age continues…”
A. Who allows the demon to utter blasphemies?
B. How long is he permitted to do this?
42 months
11. Read and then summarize Revelation 13:6-8.
The beast slanders His name and those who dwell in heaven. He’s allowed to wage war against God’s holy people to conquer them and given authority to rule. Those that belong to this world, whose names aren’t written in the Book of Life worship the beast.
12. Read from “The warfare continues” to “Believers are now Exhorted”
A. Who is in control?
B. What do you learn about the “Book of Life?”
It appears 5 other times in Revelation. It’s a record of the saints whose names were entered into the book of God’s eternal kingdom before the foundation of the world. The names of the lost were never entered in this book.
13. Read Revelation 13:9-10 and summarize it.
Anyone with ears should listen and understand.
Anyone destined to prison will go to prison and anyone destined to die by the sword will die by the sword.
Believers must endure persecution patiently and remain faithful.
14. Continue reading in Mystery Explained up to 13:11-18 Third Vision.
A. What shocking pictures are in these verses and what is their purpose?
That believers will suffer at the hands of the Beast as he makes war and tries to conquer them.
Unbelievers will receive God’s judgement, captivity and the sword…those who mock God won’t escape judgement.
It’s like a parable in that it’s to draw believers attention but the hearts of the loss will be further hardened. John is saying wake up believers, quit being complacent and see the threat at hand.
B. What must we do as we face trial, persecution, and even death?
We must persevere in our faith and not give in. “Faith and faithful in Revelation refer either to the faith of Christ or to the faith of the saints in the face of persecution.
15. I know this is controversial, but I must ask. If this is all true, what is the danger of the teaching that assumes believers will be spared from all this?
Wow! Great question! I see the danger of being complacent in our faith, which makes me think of 2 Peter 3:17, 18, “…so be on guard; then you will not be carried away by the errors of these wicked people (scoffers and mockers) and lose your own secure footing. Rather you must grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ…”
I appreciate you so, Sharon.
Sharon, a really good question to ask myself often: “Am I growing in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ?”
Thursday: Warfare Continues Under God’s Sovereignty
10. Read on in Mystery Explained from “The Lost Multitudes are Deceived” to “The warfare during the Church age continues…”
A. Who allows the demon to utter blasphemies?
The book says the devil continues to empower the beast but is ultimately determined by God himself.
B. How long is he permitted to do this?Fourty two months, alluding to the church age.
11. Read and then summarize Revelation 13:6-8.
The beast is given a mouth, it is allowed to say and do what it wants to for a time. The beast is given authority over the whole world and will stand in complete opposition to God and the saints, even saints already in heaven. All who are not in Christ will worship the beast.
I thought of the hymn, This is My Fathers World- though the wrong seems oft so strong God is the ruler yet- that truth is going to have to be clung to tightly.
12. Read from “The warfare continues” to “Believers are now Exhorted”
A. Who is in control?
On earth it will appear that the beast is, but his authority is for a time determined by God, God is in control
B. What do you learn about the “Book of Life?”
That it is mentioned 5 times in Revelation. It refers to a record of the saints that has been in existence before the foundation of the world and that the names of the lost are not in this book.
I earnestly pray that my sons names are in the book.
9. In order to stand firm and be a force for good, instead of helping the counterfeit Trinity:
A. How do you think God would have you respond to believers with whom you disagree on masks or vaccinations?
My mom always said, “if you don’t have anything nice to say, then don’t say anything.” I struggle with this because not saying something sometimes makes one believe that you are in agreement when in fact, you are not.
Back to being an American…if you want to wear a mask and get vaccinated then go for it. Jet don’t push your fear onto those who don’t want to participate in those activities. Also, no judging one way or another.
B. How are you continuing with Christian fellowship despite the obstacles?
My school and church has remained fairly open throughout the entire time. If they are open then I am going. Not interested in staying home to watch a screen. Fellowship doesn’t happen by yourself!
In the beginning, when things were closed, it was difficult and drove me crazy! We had kids running around the table while we were trying to watch, so my husband bought the church a transistor that could broadcast the service (our pastor still preached to a very small group that had no obstacles with coming….we had the kids) to the parking lot. So we would sit in the lot by the playground and let the kids play while we listened. We also had a couple of outdoor services.
C. Why should you not be discouraged?
I am discouraged that I hear people talking about closing things up again. You can’t run a country like that! If you are afraid then stay home. If you are not, then get up and go. Our country is being torn apart by the decisions made by people who don’t really seem to care about the country, or it’s citizens. It has made us divisive and broken families apart. It needs to stop! So I guess the “pat” answer here is to keep focused on God and Godly things, however it is difficult to not be discouraged in this time of upheaval and strife. We went to “Christmas with the Chosen” last night. It was nice to hear Christmas carols and watch the birth of Christ. It got my mind off of the hatred I see in the world for just a few minutes.
Laura — do you recommend Christmas with the Chosen? Was it mostly music from various groups or story?
I would say to go, but know that the first hour is like the Gospel Coalitions Christmas last year. Then, the actual movie drama began and it was so touching that I cried through the entire thing. I do recommend it if you want to be immersed with Christ.
Dee, I have gone to The Chosen with my husband. We loved it! My husband who is a musician appreciated the artistic abilities that were incorporated into the movie. I thought it was very well done. Both Mary and Joseph’s characters-their “love story” brought me to tears.
4. Last week we saw the first vision of conflict in the dragon. Whom does he counterfeit? How is he portrayed in Revelation 13:1 and what do you think this picture communicates?
Last week we saw the dragon standing in front of the woman who was about to give birth, waiting to devour her child. We also saw a war in heaven in which Michael and his angels fought the dragon and his angels, and the dragon was thrown down to the earth. The dragon is Satan, and Satan counterfeits God the Father. In Revelation 13:1, the picture is of the dragon standing on the shore of the sea, and then, a beast comes up out of the sea. I don’t know if I am right, but it gives me the idea that the dragon, or Satan, is “birthing” the beast that comes up out of the sea, a counterfeit of the woman giving birth to a child.
5. Read Revelation 13:1-10 as an overview of the 2nd member of the unholy Trinity.
A. According to verse 2, where does he come out of and who gives him his power?
The 2nd member of the unholy Trinity is the beast who comes out of the sea. He resembles a leopard with feet like those of a bear and a mouth like that of a lion. The dragon gives the beast power, his throne, and great authority.
B. How do you see him counterfeiting Christ in verse 3?
One of the beast’s heads had what appeared to be a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been healed. This counterfeits Jesus’ fatally wounded body, when He died, but was then raised to life. It appeared as if the beast had been miraculously healed of a mortal wound and was able to live. He counterfeits the miracle of the Resurrection.
C. How does the world respond to him according to verse 4?
The whole world is astonished by this miracle and followed the beast. Men worshiped the dragon because he had given authority to the beast, and they also worshiped the beast in amazement, asking “Who is like the beast? Who can make war against him?” They are totally enthralled by him.
D. What does he use his mouth for, according to verses 5-6?
He uses his mouth to speak proud words and blasphemies, and to execute his authority. He blasphemes God, slanders His name and slanders those who live in heaven.
E. What power is he given according to verse 7?
He is given power to make war against the saints and to conquer them. He is given authority over every tribe, people, language, and nation.
F. What are true believers told concerning this in verses 8-10?
All peoples of the earth whose names are not written in the book of life (belonging to the Lamb) will worship the beast. There will be believers who will go into captivity and be killed with the sword. We are called to have patient endurance and faithfulness.
Very interesting interpretation Susan — though it makes more sense with beast from the earth as the counterfeit church — but I can see both.
Dee, in response to this…That was so interesting, especially in light of Covid’s impact on the church, that the word for wound is plague. Did you think about that?
I did not think about that and so glad you brought it to my attention. I wonder for myself how attentive I am to what Satan uses to attack the church or me. I can get so caught up in the political realm and place blame here or there and forget that behind it all a battle is taking place in the spiritual realm. Satan’s physical attacks can throw us off guard, bring discouragement and pull us into relying on self! I am so thankful for my Savior, who’s already the victor…we must keep our lamps lit and keep plenty of oil so we will be prepared. I do praise Him, for my name is written in the Lambs Book of Life and He doesn’t have an eraser!
Thank you Dee for challenging me.
What beautiful points, Sharon! Amen! I love “I do praise Him, for my name is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life and He doesn’t have an eraser!” AMEN!
Thanks, Sharon. I think the damage Covid has done to the church has the fingerprints of Satan: isolating and dividing believers. And yes, lamps lit, plenty of oil so we can overcome both of those!
Lamps lit and plenty of oil! thanks, Sharon!
6. In Mystery Explained, under “Revelation 13:1-10: SECOND VISION: BEAST FROM THE SEA read up to “John now sees a strange sight.” (Underline or highlight as you read.)
A. What Old Testament prophet first gave us the vision of the four beasts? Daniel saw four beasts. John’s beast is a composite of those four beasts.
B. What do the ten diadems represent? According to Campbell, the ten diadems represent the fact that the ten horns stand for ten kings.
C. What does Campbell think the blasphemous names represent? Can you think of any world leaders who claim Deity as Christ claimed Deity? I don’t know of those who actually said the words, but the list Bing presented is excellent. I also looked at a list of “self acclaimed deities” on wikipedia (though I agree it is not a reliable source of facts) and there was quite a list, several from the 20th century….some self proclaimed and others deified by their followers. One of the areas in which parents need to be very aware of “deities” is in the Music and Entertainment industry today. We are all aware of the subtle push in advertising, in musical lyrics, children’s books, pre-school and elementary school to take away Christian virtues and values and replace them with a new world view is one of the enemies easiest ways to indoctrinate the young generation. Much of this also ties in to the huge crime of traffiking children. I believe the word “traffiking” is described as “modern slavery”. (Rabbit trail)
D. How does the false beast corrupt God’s plan for government? The dragon gives permission to the beast to exercise his power.
E. Why does Campbell think the horns and diadems show this is not limited to a few leaders? Campbell states that the beast represents all forms of human government is shown by the fact that horns and diadems refer in scripture to earthly kings or kingdoms.
F. Campbell says that not all governments are evil, but all are influenced by the false beast to persecute believers? Wherever you live, how have you experienced this? Yes, we have. In every aspect of life in this state, the government is trying to remove Christ and the Christian values from schools, churches, sports, holidays, entertainment.
G. How does Campbell contrast the diadems and crowns of Christ and what does this mean? The beast is a direct counterfeit of Christ, who has seven horns, expressing his true God-given right to worldwide rulership. Both the beast and Christ have diadems; The beast has only ten diadems. Christ, the true King of kings and lord of lord, has many diadems.
You are especially informed to know about music. I can hardly understand the lyrics of rap and rock so often.
No one can, Dee!
Patti, the school district that I have worked for before is having a controversy over the words being used in their latest musical. As a result, the showing got postponed and the notice was sent out just a day before the first showing! Of course, that raised a lot of criticism on social media. I don’t really know the details but this is just one example of the battle for the minds of our younger generation through the music they listen to. and that adults play into the role of being a divisive influence. And the enemy laughs. Although he doesn’t have the last word.
10. Read on in Mystery Explained from “The Lost Multitudes are Deceived” to “The warfare during the Church age continues…”
A. Who allows the demon to utter blasphemies?
God allows the demon to utter blasphemies.
B. How long is he permitted to do this?
Throughout the church age.
11. Read and then summarize Revelation 13:6-8
The beast was allowed to blaspheme God and heaven and all believers. It was allowed to “…make war on the saints and conquer them.” It was given authority over every place on earth, people worshipped it; those not written in the book of life originally.
In this section I kept remembering Paige Brown’s illustration of her bringing her tonsils in a jar to kindergarten show and tell and how the teacher threw up. She was illustrating how the devil thought he had won by inflicting a mortal wound on Jesus, but when He rose from the dead, the devil threw up!
7. Read again Revelation 13:3 and summarize what happens. The beast comes out of the sea; he had seven heads; one of his heads had a fatal wound, which had healed.
8. Read Dr. Campbell under “John now sees a strange sight” up to “the lost multitudes are deceived.”
A. How does Campbell support his belief that the mortal wound was given by the hand of God, rather than Satan? The would on the beast’s head was inflicted by Christ at His resurrection. The wound is fatal because of the resurrection and ascension of Christ. The healing is temporary.
B. How should this encourage us? The beast represents the satanic counterfeit of Christ. The apparent recovery from the wound is temporary; The beast’s power is limited and his days are numbered. The beast may attack and harm physically, but is unable to touch our spiritual security.
C. When Satan failed with Christ, he went after His followers. Campbell believes the “forty-two months” is symbolic, representing the church age. Satan can attack us physically, but not spiritually. What parallels does Campbell see between the wound that happened to Christ and the wound the beast will inflict on true believers, the Church? Both have a final coming, one to eternal destruction and the other to eternal victory. Christ comes as a servant of God, and is used by God to extend His kingdom. The beast can disguise himself as a peacemaker, one who unites, using words that sound good, but they are meant for division and evil. Leaders can be eloquent and charismatic, yet their motives are evil. We need to be in God’s Word so that we can discern the real and the counterfeit.
D. Why does Campbell caution against identifying one particular nation or government as this false beast? The beast is the devil himself. He works though his agents to use human governments, not only one.
There is so much to reflect on in this, and I know every generation has seen governments persecuting the true Church in various ways. I know we cannot know, for example, if Covid is germ warfare from a government, but I do see how Satan has used it to persecute believers, dividing them, diminishing their attendance at church, and discouraging them. And the world thinks they are winning — and soon the church will be no more, that we, indeed, have been dealt a fatal wound! And they cheer!
9. In order to stand firm and be a force for good, instead of helping the counterfeit Trinity:
A. How do you think God would have you respond to believers with whom you disagree on masks or vaccinations? I do not engage in those conversations. I respect the mask mandates where we live. I pray and continue to live under the leadership of our King Jesus and what I believe is right for my health and my life. I know many who differ in their opinions, but I try to continue to build bridges not moats.
B. How are you continuing with Christian fellowship despite the obstacles? Right now we do online church, but we do get together with small groups and interact in whatever way we can. I do believe community is very important and we need to work to keep that aspect of our lives.
C. Why should you not be discouraged? God is Sovereign. He will return. He will protect us spiritually.
So good from Patti to live by in these divisive times:
I know many who differ in their opinions, but I try to continue to build bridges not moats.
12. Read from “The warfare continues” to “Believers are now Exhorted”
A. Who is in control?
God is in control.
B. What do you learn about the “Book of Life?”
Those whose names are written in the Book of Life were written before the world was created.
13. Read Revelation 13:9-10 and summarize it.
This is difficult to understand for me. I think that overall it means that Christians will have physical pain and suffering in their lives.
However, how is it that a Christian would be a person who would die by the sword because he has used the sword and killed another? If you kill someone, you won’t be in heaven anyway, right? The Amplified version said,
“If anyone is destined for captivity, he will go into captivity; if anyone kills with a sword, he must be killed with a sword. Here is [the call for] the patient endurance and the faithfulness of the saints [which is seen in the response of God’s people to difficult times].”
Revelation 13:10 AMP
I suppose reading the other versions it is clearer. If you are to be killed by the sword then it will happen. But, I thought pre-destination only occurred in the dogma of certain churches (Presbyterian)? These verses seem like that God had pre-destined your individual death.
14. Continue reading in Mystery Explained up to 13:11-18 Third Vision
A. What shocking pictures are in these verses and what is their purpose?
wow! The believers will be persecuted (destined for captivity and being slain) but must remain faithful through it all. The scariest part for me is that I struggle to understand the parables! I try though, and continue to study to learn, but is it “all for naught,” because I am already doomed, because I don’t initially “get it?” If you don’t, the verses say “… your heart will be hardened even more.”
B. What must we do as we face trial, persecution, and even death?
Continue to keep faith and believe.
15. I know this is controversial, but I must ask. If this is all true, what is the danger of the teaching that assumes believers will be spared from all this?
Well it isn’t Biblical, is it? It says right here what will happen….
Ohhhhhh Laura — you always make us think, smile, and scratch our heads. Here is my brief response.
I am one of those Presbyterians I’m afraid — but glad you love me anyhow. I would say that both pre-destination and free will are threads in the Bible and one day we will understand how they work together.
The psalmist says God has numbered our days – how does free will work with that? I’m not sure, but I know there is a warning in Ecclesiastes that foolish people may die before their time. There you have the paradox again.
And can murderers go to heaven? Yes, if they are covered in the blood of Christ. Same with people who commit suicide. Though I think this passage is addressed to both believers and unbelievers. The time at the end will be so hard, we are encouraged to endure.
I may have raised more questions than answers!
Laura and Dee, I am here, too. Predestination and free will-that is a mystery I am trusting God for.
I’m not disrespecting Presbyterians; please don’t think I am! I just only know of that denomination who believes in pre-destination. I would like to know if anyone has anything to say about it.
It’s such a big topic, Laura. I would say that most evangelical denominations that are Bible based believed in both predestination and free will, because they are both threaded throughout Scripture. Reformed denominations, such as the churches in the Gospel Coalition, which would include Presbyterian, Baptist, many non-denomination churches, Acts 29 — would all lean more heavily toward predestination, but would say free will is there as well. I know we studied Keller’s sermons on that years ago — it is a hard subject because in our finite minds we cannot reconcile how those two threads work together.
16. What is your take-a-way and why?
Definitely the unholy Trinity. I have never heard this before and it is creepy.
Laura, the unholy Trinity…it is creepy. You make me laugh. But it is true. One can have the creeps just by thinking of it.
Thursday: Warfare Continues Under God’s Sovereignty
10. Read on in Mystery Explained from “The Lost Multitudes are Deceived” to “The warfare during the Church age continues…”
A. Who allows the demon to utter blasphemies?
He is empowered by the devil but allowed by God. This startled me for a few minutes and then realized that we are seeing it and hearing of it right now. People at times are nonchalant about how they treat God and the Holy Trinity. I looked up the meaning of blasphemy: the act or offense of speaking sacrilegiously about God or sacred things; profane talk. I guess I am saying that these words from Revelation are happening right now.
B. How long is he permitted to do this?
42 months
11. Read and then summarize Revelation 13:6-8.
The beast was allowed to blaspheme God and those who are in Heaven. It was also allowed to wage war on the people of God on earth. Those whose names are not written in the Book of Life will worship the beast. All of these will only be for a short time per divine permission.
12. Read from “The warfare continues” to “Believers are now Exhorted”
A. Who is in control?
God is because He is the one who allows things to happen.
B. What do you learn about the “Book of Life?”
It has appeared 5x in Revelation and refers to the record of saints who were entered into the book of God’s eternal kingdom before the foundation of the world. The names of the lost were never entered in this book!
The mysterious ways of God, indeed! Predestined and yet we have free will and have to make the choice. Gratitude overflows to the all-wise, all-knowing God who does whatever pleases Him. Daniel 4:35 “All the peoples of the earth are regarded as nothing.He does as he pleases with the powers of heaven and the peoples of the earth. No one can hold back his hand or say to him: “What have you done?”
Even though at times, my head is screaming, “I do not understand, God?”, my heart and souls say, “Trust the One who loves you more than you know.”
Friday: Perseverance of the Saints in Suffering
13. Read Revelation 13:9-10 and summarize it.
Captivity and death by the sword have already been determined.
14. Continue reading in Mystery Explained up to 13:11-18 Third Vision
A. What shocking pictures are in these verses and what is their purpose?
A second beast appears, and it was given power by the first beast to deceive people by what it can do, i.e. the seemingly healing of the mortal wound of the first beast. It was given the power to give breath to the first beast who can speak and have people killed if they do not worship him. People will also be given a mark of 666.
I do not remember where I read this, but that the number 666 is symbolic and not necessarily a number “tattooed” on people. 666 symbolizes the effort of the unholy trinity to counterfeit the perfect number 7 of the Holy Trinity, thus 777 God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I am interested to read Dr. Campbell’s take on the mark of the beast-haven’t gone that far yet)
The second beast also looks like a lamb BUT spoke like a dragon (evil). It infiltrates the church (Important to test the spirit)
B. What must we do as we face trial, persecution, and even death?
To persevere in the faith and to live in eternal hope of the eventual victory that we have in Christ Jesus.
15. I know this is controversial, but I must ask. If this is all true, what is the danger of the teaching that assumes believers will be spared from all this?
We are going to lead people astray to the wellness gospel (you will not get Covid) or to the happiness gospel (if you pray hard enough, try hard enough) you will always be happy. Then are these people up to disillusionment, hopelessness, and despair.
We will be serving the purposes of the enemy if this teaching permeates our lives.
Makes sense that 666 would be the counterfeit of 777.
Wow! What a good point! I never thought of that analogy of the beast’s number a counterfeit of the perfect Trinity number!
9. In order to stand firm and be a force for good, instead of helping the counterfeit Trinity:
A. How do you think God would have you respond to believers with whom you disagree on masks or vaccinations? I think I addressed this in an earlier question. I always try to focus on the things we have in common. I pray for truth to be revealed; I pray for God’s intervention and protection of His people.
B. How are you continuing with Christian fellowship despite the obstacles? Yes! We fellowship in any way we can. Our focus is on our Heavenly Father. I have a number of beautiful Children’s Christmas books and I try to read one every day or two, along with my Advent devotionals. I am concentrating on putting God in my head instead of the news. We have no control over what is happening, we can only control our response to it. I am praying Psalms in the night or getting up and reading them, when my mind starts to fear. He is able! He is God!
C. Why should you not be discouraged? God is Sovereign! His plan will go forth!
Thursday: Warfare Continues Under God’s Sovereignty
10. Read on in Mystery Explained from “The Lost Multitudes are Deceived” to “The warfare during the Church age continues…”
A. Who allows the demon to utter blasphemies? granted permission by God.
B. How long is he permitted to do this? 42 months
16. What is your take-a-way and why?
I must keep reminding myself that there is a spiritual war going on and it will continue till Jesus comes again. But no matter how fierce the battle is, the war continues under God’s sovereignty. And that we are assured victory through Jesus Christ, our Lord, and Savior.
I must equip myself with the armor of God and to continue in fellowship with fellow believers, daily repenting of my sins, always on guard against the enemy, and in much prayer for all the saints. A tall order that needs reliance on the help of the Holy Spirit dwelling in me.
This is so true, Bing! Yes, there is a spiritual war going on and the severity will increase as the time for the return of Jesus draws closer. Your words are perfect. We are assured victory through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. It is so important right now for us to remain strong in the Lord.
I love this: ” I must equip myself with the armor of God and to continue in fellowship with fellow believers, daily repenting of my sins, always on guard against the enemy, and in much prayer for all the saints. A tall order that needs reliance on the help of the Holy Spirit dwelling in me.” Your insights and your words are truth. We need the armor of God and the Holy Spirit dwelling in us daily. You always bless me with your wisdom.
1. As you reflect on this Thanksgiving weekend, for what are you particularly thankful in regard to moments with God or with loved ones; anything new God taught you that is helpful, or something else?
I am thankful for the moments of laughter we shared and how every year we all (30 of us) hold hands (including unbelievers) and form a circle where my brother prays before we eat. How simple that is but I know God is making an impact on hearts!
2. After reading the opening, can you explain the three parts of the unholy trinity, whom they counterfeit, and what they do?
The Dragon is satan.The beast from the sea is human governors and the beast from the land are false prophets. The Dragon counterfeits God and originates the evil plan, the beast from the sea, human governors counterfeit the Holy Spirit and carry out the plan. The false prophets counterfeit the church and spread lies.
3. Comment on the opening and the three examples of “the unholy Trinity” from the last century. Do you agree or disagree and why? Can you give another example of the government and the false church aligning to persecute the true Church, those who are “in Christ?”
Yes I agree with the examples from the last century. I see the pieces being put together now for us to be persecuted in the near future. With LGBTQ and the acceptance by some Christians, and the COVID shot making those who don’t want to take it look like the enemy. I got my shot. I don’t want to be controversial but it is wrong for the government to influence business or even demand them to give their employees the ultimatum of either getting vaccinated or losing their job. That part is scary and indicative of where we are now. Even though I view the vaccine as God in His goodness intervening and helping us, I see how the government could use this to eventually and slowly take control. I’ve heard hateful statements like those who don’t take it should be put in a camp or killed. Forcing someone to put vaccine in their body they don’t want to put in isn’t right. Encouraging someone to get vaccinated because you care about them is another story.
6. In Mystery Explained, under “Revelation 13:1-10: SECOND VISION: BEAST FROM THE SEA read up to “John now sees a strange sight.”
A. What Old Testament prophet first gave us the vision of the four beasts?
Daniel saw a vision of four beasts – one like a lion, one like a bear, one like a leopard with four heads, and one with ten horns. John’s beast in his vision is a composite of Daniel’s four beasts.
B. What do the ten diadems represent?
They represent the fact that the ten horns stand for ten kings.
C. What does Campbell think the blasphemous names represent? Can you think of any world leaders who claim Deity as Christ claimed Deity?
Campbell says that the blasphemous names are connected with Daniel’s fourth beast who speaks boastful and arrogant things against God, and the names also represent a false claim to Christ’s true authority. I know that in history, the emperors of Rome claimed to be gods, and I believe the Egyptian pharaohs did too.
D. How does the false beast corrupt God’s plan for government?
The dragon gives the beast permission to exercise his power, thus corrupting God’s intention for the state. The devil, writes Campbell, is always trying to influence human governments towards doing evil. This evil is demonstrated when governments oppress the church. I would think God’s original plan was for fair and equitable government to allow for the flourishing of all people and for the promotion of good. The false beast does just the opposite.
E. Why does Campbell think the horns and diadems show this is not limited to a few leaders?
Horns and diadems refer in Scripture to earthly kings or kingdoms, and the beast represents all forms of evil human governments.
F. Campbell says that not all governments are evil, but all are influenced by the false beast to persecute believers. Wherever you live, how have you experienced this?
I can’t say I’ve been personally persecuted, but I believe that there have been, and continue to be, some who menace and threaten those who don’t share their opinions or beliefs on the “hot button” issues of our day. When disagreement leads to wanting to harm another individual, I am sure the devil is behind that.
G. How does Campbell contrast the diadems and crowns of Christ and what does this mean?
Both the beast and Christ have diadems, but the beast only has ten. Jesus, the true King, has many diadems.
7. Read again Revelation 13:3 and summarize what happens.
One of the beast’s heads had a mortal wound on it, but it had been healed. All the people marveled at this and followed the beast in awe.
8. Read Dr. Campbell under “John now sees a strange sight” up to “the lost multitudes are deceived”.
A. How does Campbell support his belief that the mortal wound was given by the hand of God rather than Satan?
This really surprised me to learn this! The mortal wound on the beast’s head is from the hand of God, because, Campbell writes, the word for “wound” is the same word translated “plague” elsewhere in Revelation. This word always represents God’s judgment. Campbell says that this wound is the fulfillment of Genesis 3:15, “He shall bruise your head”. The “He” is Christ, and the wound was inflicted when He was raised from the dead. It is a mortal wound because at Christ’s resurrection, the devil received a fatal blow. The “healing” is only temporary.
B. How should this encourage us?
Our enemy is walking around with a fatal wound; his time is limited and so is his power and authority. He is NOT more powerful than God. He cannot avert God’s promises.
C. When Satan failed with Christ, he went after his followers. Campbell believes the “forty-two months” is symbolic, representing the church age. Satan can attack us physically but not spiritually. What parallels does Campbell see between the wound that happened to Christ and the wound the beast will inflict on true believers, the Church?
Jesus is spoken of in Revelation as a Lamb as though it had been slain. The phrase “seemed to have a mortal wound” used to describe the beast’s wound means literally “seemed as slain”. The beast’s miraculous recovery is pictured as a resurrection (“yet he lived”). Both the followers of Christ and of the beast have names inscribed on their foreheads. Both the beast and Christ receive worship from among all peoples of the earth. Both are pictured as having ten horns. Both will have a final coming. While Jesus, God’s servant, works to extend the Kingdom of God, the beast, directed by the devil, works through his agents to use human governments against God’s Kingdom.
D. Why does Campbell caution against identifying one particular nation or government as the false beast?
He says that whenever an evil kingdom rises, the devil is at work in another manifestation of the beast. This happens over and over again, so we can’t pinpoint any one person, government, or political movement and say, “That one is the beast”. I guess this really means that there are many beasts.
9. In order to stand firm and be a force for good, instead of helping the counterfeit Trinity:
A. How do you think God would have you respond to believers with whom you disagree on masks or vaccinations?
Don’t argue. I am a nurse; right now our hospital is in a sort of crisis with the rising numbers of admitted patients with Covid, not enough beds for patients, and now we have acquired one of those refrigerated morgue containers. I must wear a mask at all times at work, and though I’ve been vaccinated, I continue to wear a mask to the store or wherever else I go. I still take the precautions, because I believe it is the right thing to do to help protect others from infection, and I also want to protect myself and my family. Personally, I don’t believe asking people to wear a mask is an infringement on their personal rights. It’s a small thing to do, really, to show concern for your neighbor. I’m so used to wearing one that I forget I am. But, I don’t get into arguments with those who believe otherwise, because I know that there are people now divided due to bitter conflicts, relationships are broken in families and in churches, and the hatred and ill-will seems to continue to grow. I think there are over-arching Scriptures that can help us here, such as when it is up to you, as you can, be at peace with others, and don’t think more highly of yourself than you ought, and don’t let a root of bitterness grow to defile many.
B. How are you continuing with Christian fellowship despite the obstacles?
My church is open, but you sit in every other pew and you’re only supposed to sit with members of your own household. Some wear masks at church while others don’t. They do ask that if you’re unvaccinated that you wear a mask. So I go to church and attend my small group every week.
C. Why should you not be discouraged?
Well, Covid has been and continues to be, discouraging. We have very real staffing shortages at work, and I think a lot of health care workers are just at their limit and have left. I know that God, in the end, overcomes everything, but Covid has sure inflicted a lot of suffering.
So interesting..still studying !