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He Calls You Beautiful

You can link to this page in an e-mail and ask them to watch the above promotional video to interest them in coming to the study. At the bottom of this page are endorsements for He Calls You Beautiful.


You will find here the supplementary songs, videos, etc. suggested in the book. You will

also find six videos we did in the Texas prisons for women studying He Calls You Beautiful. There is not a prison video for every lesson.

These videos were made especially for women in prison, on a shoestring, so they aren’t the high quality of videos for many of Dee’s other books — but they are wonderful in their own way. The women in prison don’t have access to the beauty of nature or music, so we have long musical introductions and endings. Use them as you like, but not miss the first one for Dr. Mike Reeves will truly help the women get their bearings.

Overture: Yes, Jesus Loves Me

The Optional Get-Acquainted Session Resources:

Accompanying Prison Video: Dr. Mike Reeves Orients You to The Song of Songs: 


The Best Song of All (Lesson 1) 

Accompanying Prison Video: I Love Lucy (Lucy’s Testimony on how The Song Impacted her.)


If you did not have a get-acquainted session, be sure to watch Dr. Mike Reeves as well. On their own, participants may want to listen to the audio Bible of Song of Songs.


Poetry to Penetrate Our Hearts (Lesson Two)

Accompanying prison video: Introduction to the Three Love Stages

First Love (And Can It Be?)

Kiss Me (Lesson Three)

Accompanying Prison Video: First Love







Lesson Four: Dark, But Lovely

Dance Scene from Scent of A Woman


This is a song written by Mary Adamson on The Song of Songs:




Lesson Five: The Apple Tree and the Lily



Lesson Six: Come Away, My Love

Please prepare your heart for this lesson with this song from Audrey Assad:

My Interview of 100 Huntley Street


Wilderness Love (Prone To Wander)

Lesson Seven: I Sought the One My Soul Loves

Accompanying Prison Video: Wilderness Love



Vanessa’s Wedding Surprise


Lesson Eight: An Oasis in the Wilderness

Optional message from Tim Keller to listen to at home on sexual intimacy in marriage.

Lesson Nine: The Lukewarm Bride


Invincible Love (It Is Well With My Soul)

Lesson Ten: The Fairest of Ten Thousand

Accompanying Prison Video: Invincible Love




Lesson Eleven: The Dancing Shulammite

Twila Quenzer’s testimony over overcoming depression

Lesson Twelve: The Best is Yet To Come







Dee dedicated He Calls You Beautiful to Linda Strom and her team at Discipleship Unlimited. To give to this effective ministry here is the link:


“Dee Brestin joyfully leads readers through the enigmatic book of Song of Songs, causing our hearts to melt with the beauty of Christ and making us long for more intimacy with Christ.”

author of the Seeing Jesus in the Old Testament Bible study series

“In He Calls You Beautiful, Dee Brestin poignantly weaves together story and biblical truths to illustrate God’s enraptured heart for His people. Several times as I read these pages, it was almost as if His breath was on the back of my neck. I had chills, feeling this nearness that Dee extracts so aptly from the Song of Songs. Just one chapter into this book and I was already making a list of friends with whom to share it. This is an excellent read for the hungry believer.”

author of Every Bitter Thing Is Sweet

“My years of ministry to women struggling with relational and sexual brokenness have shown me how often they find it difficult to understand the depths of Jesus’s tender love for us and how He actually can transform our lives! People all around us have distorted views of sexuality and feel trapped in patterns of disordered desires. Now in He Calls You Beautiful, I have a resource to offer that plumbs the beauty and wonder of intimate love with God, and the glory of His design for sexuality within marriage. I highly commend this book to the single and married, younger and older, because it will guide you through the Song of Solomon, a book often misunderstood or avoided, into the spacious place of intimacy with Christ!”

women’s ministry director at Harvest USA and author of Sexual Sanity for Women

“Dee Brestin’s fine books always strike me as deeply human, personal in the very best sense. This one is supremely so. Dee has done her homework. Taking the Song of Songs as a living picture of an intimate relationship with the Lord Jesus, she traces the relationship from before its beginning to its death-defeating end. Even those Bible students who do not follow all the parallels she sees will be greatly enriched by letting her help them dig into this Old Testament illustration of Christ and His bride, the church.”

professor of homiletics and chair of the department of pastoral theology, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, and author of Relational Preaching: Knowing God, His Word, and Your Hearers

“Every woman’s heart longs for her own personal love story in which she is desired, pursued, and cherished. As I read Dee’s new book, He Calls You Beautiful, I wept again and again at the depth of love God has for me and for you. I underlined whole paragraphs so I could go back and read them again. If you long for your faith to move out of your head and into your heart, savor this book. You will feel undeniably loved.”

Christian counselor, relationship coach, speaker, and author of numerous books including The Emotionally Destructive Marriage

“In “Dee Brestin has a lovely, lyrical writing voice, perfectly suited to the Song of Songs. Verse by verse, she engages each of our five senses to help us truly experience the breathtaking love of God. The resources and questions she offers for Bible studies are exceptional. And her sheer passion for Him captures our hearts and minds until we too are swept up in His divine dance. He Calls You Beautiful is just that—beautiful. I learned so much and loved every word!”

best-selling author of 31 Verses to Write on Your Heart

“Bernard of Clairvaux, one of the most beloved and influential writers of the Middle Ages, believed he could interpret the entire Bible through one book, the Song of Songs. Imagine seeing not the Gospels or Galatians or Romans but the Song of Songs as the best lens for understanding all of God’s heart in all of God’s Word. This seems strange to those of us who might approach this book of the Bible with detached curiosity and lingering questions. Yet drawing on trusted resources and relentlessly pointing her readers back to communion with Christ, Dee Brestin similarly navigates between the false choices of romantic love poem or simple allegory to help readers embrace the modern-day relevance of this ancient song.”

pastor and author of Union with Christ